Newberry Library

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The Newberry was founded on July 1, 1887 and opened for business on September 6 of that year. The Newberry’s establishment came about because of a contingent provision in the will of Chicago businessman Walter L. Newberry (1804-68), which left what later amounted to approximately $2.2 million for the foundation of a “free, public” library on the north side of the Chicago River, if his two children died without issue. After the deaths of Mr. Newberry’s daughters and then, in 1885, of his widow, the trustees of his estate, Eliphalet W. Blatchford and William H. Bradley, with the counsel of Chicago business and cultural leaders, moved to establish the library as a research and reference institution. In 1887-88 it was located at 90 La Salle Street, in 1889-90 at 338 Ontario Street, and in 1890-93 at the northwest corner of State and Oak Streets. The Newberry was officially incorporated under a new provision of Illinois state law in 1892.

The trustees immediately hired the Newberry’s first librarian, William Frederick Poole, who had been serving for some years as the first librarian of the Chicago Public Library. Under Poole’s leadership, the Newberry purchased 25,000 books in its first year and a half, and had a collection numbering 120,000 volumes and 44,000 pamphlets by the end of his tenure as librarian in 1894. Among these volumes were the rare European materials of the Pio Resse and Henry Probasco Collections, the first major en bloc acquisitions, but they also included American journals for readers interested in mechanics, chemistry, electricity, and engineering.

In 1889 the trustees acquired property on West Walton Place to build a permanent home for the Newberry. The site was chosen because of its “highest usefulness to the greatest number,” with good sunlight and access to public transportation prominently in mind. Poole and the architect hired to design the library building, the young Henry Ives Cobb, disagreed vigorously about the arrangement of the interior spaces. Poole’s vision won out, and as a consequence the new structure contained smaller reading rooms with specific collections in close proximity to library staff possessing relevant expertise, and did not include a central bookstack. Cobb’s Romanesque exterior was built of pink granite from Branford, Connecticut. The new building opened in November 1893.

For two years before the “Cobb Building” opened, the Newberry was already deeply involved in educational programs for the public, especially as part of the relatively new university extension system. Public exhibitions began in 1896 and became frequent from 1909. In 1897, the Newberry began to focus its collection building on the humanities, as the result of an agreement that divided library specialization with the Chicago Public Library and the new John Crerar Library. After the turn of the century, the Newberry began to add important humanities collections acquired en bloc by purchase, such as the Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte Collection, and by gift, including the Edward E. Ayer and John M. Wing Collections. The combination of gifts and purchases has been central to the Newberry collecting process ever since.

The addition of a bookstack tower in 1982 provided environmentally secure conditions for the collections and enabled the Cobb Building to be refitted for staff activities and to provide a wider array of public programming, which soon followed. Fellowships for advanced research and scholarly conferences were introduced in the 1940s and gradually became a major feature of the Newberry in the 1960s and 1970s. Four research centers – focusing on the History of Cartography, American Indian and Indigenous Studies, the Renaissance, and American History and Culture – came into existence in the 1970s, with the goal of stimulating disciplinary and inter-disciplinary scholarship. Semester-long undergraduate seminars began in concert with Midwest liberal arts colleges in 1965, and later with Chicago universities.

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. [Map of distances in the Trinity River region between Dallas and Magnolia, Texas]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, John, 1800-1859. Account of his journey from Los Angeles to Monterrey during the Mexican War : typescript, [ca. 1925]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Royal Ballet, 1957-1969. Volume #4 [videorecording] : (Noctambules - Swan Lake). Newberry Library
creatorOf Gerstenberg, Alice. Alice Gerstenberg papers, 1903-1971. Newberry Library
creatorOf T. A. Plano del distrito de Tulancingo en el estado de Mexico / copiado en Abril de 1843 por T.A. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Letters : to Mariano Otero, Mexico, 1848 July 31-1850 May 1 (bulk 1848). Newberry Library
creatorOf Gagnon, Philéas, 1854-1915. Letter and tracings : Saint-Roch de Québec, to J.C. Pilling, Esq., [Washington, D.C.], 1888 Dec. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beauharnois, Charles de la Boische, marquis de. Carte contenant les nouvelles decouvertes de l'ouest en Canada : mers, rivieres, lacs, et nations qui y habitant en l'ann[ee] 1737. Newberry Library
creatorOf Madre de Dios, Juan de la, 1616-1685. Letter of recommendation on behalf of Francisco de Montemayor y Mancilla, 1665 June 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio, d. 1625. General history of the deeds of the Castilians in the islands and continent of the (western) ocean / written by Antonio de Herrera, chronicler-in-chief to His Majesty for the Indies and his chronicler for Castille. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Philip III). Royal cédula ordering tighter controls on the use of substitutes for professors at the university in Mexico City 1599 Aug. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wellington, J. W. J.W. "Duke" Wellington slide collection, [ca. 1950]-1975. Newberry Library
creatorOf A.C. McClurg Bookstore. Records, 1965-1983. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Veüe et perspective du Fort Royal de la Martinique et d'une partie des côtes de la ditte isle. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dati, Gregorio, 1362-1436. [La sfera], [ca. 1425]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Constitución de 1837. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548. Report of a council meeting of bishops and priests in Mexico City to discuss their ministry to the Indians 1539 April 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sinclair, Patrick, d. 1820. Order to Capt. Charles Langlade : [Michilimackinac, 1780]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Riordan, D. M. (Denis Matthew), 1848-1928. Report : Navajo Agency, Fort Defiance, Ariz., 1883 Aug. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blatchford, Mary Emily, 1834-1921. Howe-Barnard family papers, 1826-1999, bulk 1880-1940. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beauvilliers, sieur de, d. 1730. Carte depuis la Riviere des Hommes jusqua'a la petite Baye des Rochers, Coste de Labrador ; Carte de puis la Riviere des Equimaux jusqu'a la pointe de Belsamont / Beauilliers ingenieur ordre. du Roy en 1715. Newberry Library
creatorOf Willard, L. S. (Lot Sabine), fl. 1862-1865. L.S. Willard letters, 1862-1864. Newberry Library
creatorOf Romero, Bernardo, fl. 1597-1598. Brevis posteriorum analiticor[um] Aristotelis resolutio [1598]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Montero Ríos, Eugenio, 1832-1914. Consulta sobre el Colegio-Universidad de Santo Tomás de Manila, y dictamen emitido por los Sres. Montero Rios, Gamazo y Maura. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alger, Abby Langdon. Letter : Boston, to J.W. Powell, Washington, D.C., [1885] May 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Board of Trade. Plantation reports, 1717-1722. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Army. Military Division of the Missouri. Fort Selden, N.M. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. Alaska papers [microform] Washington Library Network
creatorOf Talotuskee, Cherokee Indian. Know all men by these presents that we Talotuskee, Colomiskee, and Nelly of the Cherokee Nation of Indians ... do ordain, nominate, constitute, and appoint Gideon Morgan of the county of McMinn in the state of Tennessee our true and lawful attorney ..., 1825 Nov. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez y Ulloa, Antonio. Plano de la ciudad de S[a]n Salvador. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a royal decree of Jan. 31, 1855 and a royal order of June 30, 1855 concerning approval and payment of unbudgeted expenditures by government treasury and accounting offices in the Philippines, [ca. 1855]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Cronica semi-historia [!] de Filipinas y en especial de las Yslas Bisayas desde 1877 á 1887. Newberry Library
creatorOf López, Agustín. Reconocimiento de víveres para Balabac y Cochinchina, 1858 March 4-1859 Jan. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dinsmore, Silas. Silas Dinsmore papers, 1794-1796. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stigler, Elisa. Elisa Stigler Papers, 1930-1983. Newberry Library
creatorOf Terrero y Perinat, Emilio, 1827-1892. Croquis á vista y por referencia del curso inferior del Rio Grande de la Isla de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf St. Michael's College (Tenbury, England). Library. [Italian arias and cantatas] [microform]. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Belmar, Francisco, b. 1859?. Letters : Oaxaca, to James C. Pilling, Washington [D.C.], 1891 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Weinberg, Arthur, 1915-1989. Arthur and Lila Weinberg papers, 1950-1988. Newberry Library
creatorOf Scott, Jonathan, fl. 1757. Account : South Carolina, to 39 Tommy Hawks with pipes for the Cherokee Indians, 1757 Feb. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. Hojas de servicio de los empleados en el Ministerio de Ultramar, 1865 Sept. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bowe, Augustine Joseph, 1892-1966. Augustine J. Bowe papers, 1890-1966, bulk 1940-1966. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bunch, Alma, 1891-1986. Alma Bunch papers, 1980-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. [Vocabulario de la lengua cakchiquel]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Rudolph, Alexander J. (Alexander Joseph), d. 1917. Papers, 1903-1917. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Miscellaneous ballet companies, 1937-1981. Volume #4 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shillaber, John. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to Mrs. [Phoebe Ann] Rush, Phil[adelphia, Pa.], 1849 Mar. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bartholomew, John. Letter : Valley, [Pa.?], to Mrs. Eliza Hodgdon, Philadelphia, [Pa.], 1793 July 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Invasión nuestra en Joló. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lykins, W. H. R. Letter : Kansas City, Mo., to the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology [John Wesley Powell], Washington, D.C., 1889 July 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Encina, Pedro. Copies of letters regarding pension and tax matters of Pedro Encina, [ca. 1856]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809. Order : St. Louis, to the President and Directors of the Bank of the Ut. States, 1808 Apr. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Griffith, James Shores, 1891-1971. James Shores Griffith papers, 1882-1971 (bulk 1912-1969) Newberry Library
creatorOf Boturini Benaducci, Lorenzo, 1702-1751. Nican y cuiliuhtica yninxi tlapoval catca mexica ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Atkinson, Henry, 1782-1842. Letter ; Louisville, Ky., to W.S. Hamilton, St. Francesville, La., 1825 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1763-1771 : Penn). Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Sir William Johnson, 1765 May 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Aria 'Conservati fedele' : soprano 2 violini viola e basso / di Wolfgango Mozart. Harvard University, Loeb Music Library
creatorOf Latimer, W. D. [Civil War diary], 1865 May 6-July 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Oakley, Horace Sweeney, 1861-1929. Horace Sweeney Oakley papers, 1881-1929. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilbor, John B. Cashbook : Huron, [Ohio], 1837 June 1 - Aug. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lavradio, Luís de Almeida Soares Portugal Alarcão Eça e Melo, Marquês do, 1727-1790. Portarias do expediente do governo do ilustrisimo, e excelentisimo s[e]n[o]r D. Luiz de Almeyda Soares, Portugal, Esa Alarcàm, Sylva, Mascarenhas, Marquez do Lavradio, V. Rey e Capitam General de Mar, e Terra do Estado do Brazil : ano de MDCC[LXXI-MDCCLXXIV]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Niffenegger, Audrey. Audrey Niffenegger papers, 1990- Newberry Library
creatorOf Kirkland, Joseph, 1770-1844. Draft (financial) : Whitestown, N.Y., to Thomas Eddy, New York, N.Y., 1804 May 10. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Personnel Office. Telephone directory lists, 1961-1992. Newberry Library
creatorOf Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. Puerto de Valdivia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry Library. [Book of Esther]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Council. Proceedings : at a meeting of the Commiss[ione]rs for the Indian Affairs at the Council Chamber in Boston, 1734 Aug. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. Sermon del gran patriarcha San Joseph, padre putativo de Christo Señor Nuestro, digníssimo esposo de María Santíssima Señora Nuestra, y soverano Sr. Mío. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788. Diario de la ruta y operaciones que yo el infraescripto capitan de cavalleria deel real presidio de Tubac en la prova. de Sonora practico en solicitud de abrir comunicasion de d[ic]ha prova. ala California setemptrional por los rios Gila y Colorado : acuia expedicion soi comisionado por el ex[celentísi]mo señor thente. general don Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursua, virrey governador y capitan general de la Nueba España como consta de su superior orden de diez y siete de septiembre de mill setecientos setenta y tres años. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Situations plan der Ruinen einer alten Mexicanichen Stadt bekannt unter dem Namen von los Edificios de la Quemada / aufgenommen in Gemeinschaft mit Hr. Jos: Burkart 1830, und durch speciaellere Vermessungen & Untersuchungen ergänzt in den Jahren 1833 & 1834 von C. de Berghes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Moses. To the hon[o]red Court sitting in Charlestowne : petition, 1684 June 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mansfield, Jared, 1759-1830. Letter : Cincinnati, [Ohio], to Joseph Larwell [i.e. Larwill], Zanesville, [Ohio], 1812 Jan. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gibbons, William, 1726-1800. Order : to Thomas Rosberg, 1759 Oct. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gray, Edwin, b. 1743. Dr. the Nottoway Indians in acct. with Henry Taylor, John Thomas Blow, Thomas Blunt, & Edwin Gray, their trustees : account, 1774 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to W[illia]m Colbreath, Herkimer County, [N.Y.], 1792 Aug. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hayden, Hannah, d. 1823. Hannah Hayden letters, 1806-1866. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Theatre, 1940-1957. Volume 2 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1833-1868 : Isabella II). Copies of royal orders pertaining to military jurisdiction and regulations, [ca. 1835]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Willis, William, 1794-1870. Letter : Portland, [Me.], [not before 1840], Oct. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. Letter : [San Xavier del Bac?], to Padre Guardián Diego Jiménez, [Querétaro, Mexico?], [ca. 1776]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eyre, William, fl. 1755. [Plan of Crown Point]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz (Totonicapán, Guatemala). Ordenanzas de la Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz de San Miguel de Totonicapán. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copies of royal orders pertaining to requests by treasury officials in the Philippines for supplementary credits to cover budget deficits 1859-1861. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gibson, John, 1740-1822. Letter and payment order, 1772-1781. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry Library. [Book of Esther]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tupper, Martin Farquhar, 1810-1889. Letter : Albury, Surrey, Eng., to Daniel Webster, [Washington, D.C.], 1851 Dec. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Book relative to Indian affairs journals to treaties, 1791-1794. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rawson, Grindal, 1659-1715. Letter : Mendon, Mass., to Welstead Meritt, Boston, [Mass.], 1712/13 Feb. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Villa Abrille, Faustino. Letter : Davao, to L.D., Manila, describing an expedition to Lake Buluan, 1878 April 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Carte de Saint Avgustine dans l'isle de Saint Laurent. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guichart de Kersident, Vincent Fleuri, d. 1793. 20 dimanche après la pentecoste : sur le bon usage des maladies. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bravo, Antonio. Cuestiones gramaticales : sus contestaciones. Newberry Library
creatorOf Browne, Francis F. (Francis Fisher), 1843-1913. Francis Fisher Browne papers, [ca. 1860]-1949, (bulk 1873-1915). Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. New York City Ballet, 1947-1971. Volume #2 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrientos Lomelín, Pedro de, d. 1658. Certificado de relaciones de los s[eño]res don Garci Tello de Sandoval corregidor de la ciudad de México y doña Isavel Tello de Portugal su muger : que a virtud de mandato certificó don Francisco Carrillo en Mexico 19 de noviembre de 1654. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ayer, Edward Everett, 1841-1927,. [Book of Esther]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dill Pickle Club (Chicago, Ill.). Dill Pickle Club records, 1906-1941, bulk 1915-1935. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bliss, J. J. Map showing the present Colville Indian Reservation and the proposed addition of the Colville Valley W.T. / J.J. Bliss, Portland, Og. del. 1876. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Miscellaneous ballet companies, 1937-1981. Volume #1 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Pendleton, Brian, ca. 1599-1681. Know all men by these presents that wee Captaine Bryan Pendleton, Captaine Richard Waldren & Mr John Seely being agents for the Widdow Ebet Wootten ... : deed, 1656 Jan. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rizzo, Matt, 1913-1987. Matt Rizzo papers, ca. 1940s-2002. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, J. N. (John N.). Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to Elizabeth Parker, Boston, Mass., 1838 Dec. 3, [ca. 1921]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chaussegros de Léry, Gaspard-Joseph, 1682-1756. Plan de la uille de Montreal en Canada, Nouuelle France dans l'Amerique septentrionale / fait a Quebec ce 20 Octobre 1724 par Chaussegros de Lery. Newberry Library
creatorOf Biencourt, Charles de, baron de Saint-Just, 1591 or 2-1623. [Pouvoir donnée au Sieur Franc̨ois de Vaux d'administrer certaines propriétés : Paris?] [1610?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. [Mexican choir books], [between 1600 and 1799?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Plan du Fort des Yachoux, concession de Mgr. le Duc de Belle Isle et associez. Detruit 1729. Newberry Library
creatorOf Getty, Henry H., fl. 1855-1912. A collection of articles by different authors on the discovery of America centuries before the expedition of Christopher Columbus / formed and translated from French and also transcribed from English by Henry H. Getty, [1912]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Robertson, B. H. (Beverly Holcombe), 1827-1910. Letter : Fort Conrad, N.M., to "Col.", 1853 Feb. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Itinerario de Digos al fuerte de Mailad. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820. Mason County state of Kentucky : the deposition of Daniel Boon [sic], 1799 Mar. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Carte du Fort Rozalie des Natches franc̦ois avec ses dependances et village des sauvages. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mendoza, Juan de, 1539-1619. Flos sanctorum : ó vidas de santos en lengua kachiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von, 1782-1867. Letter : Neuwied [Germany], to Mr. H.E. Lloyd, 1841 Feb. 7. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Reader Services Dept. Personal papers, 1867-1935. Newberry Library
creatorOf La Corne, Luc de, 1711-1784. Letter : Montréal, to John Hawks, Deerfield, New England [i.e. Mass.], 1749 Oct. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bogaert, Léon. Letter : Paris, to [J.A. Robertson], 1903 Mar. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Descripción historica y politica de las Islas Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wood, Joseph Warren, fl. 1849-1854. Diary, 1849 April 9-1854 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cabredo, Rodrigo de, 1560-1618. Annual reports of the Jesuits in New Spain for 1615-1617 1616 May 1-[1618]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. Revolución contra el emperador de China. Newberry Library
creatorOf Biblioteca Nacional (Peru),. Relación delo subcedido enesta provincia de piru. Newberry Library
creatorOf Elgueta, Manuel García, b. 1846. Borrador para la formación del vocabulario de lengua kiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Veüe du port de Louis-Bourg dans l'Isle Royalle. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Junta de Reales Almonedas. Notifications of and agendas for meetings of the Junta de Reales Almonedas to auction government contracts : Manila, to the fiscal, [Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui], 1867 July 19-Sept. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Winsor, Justin, 1831-1897. Letter : Cambridge, Mass., to Henry Harrisse, Paris, France, 1891 Oct. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. Documents pertaining to the appointment of Juan Bruno Tello de Guzmán as governor of the province of Yucatán 1682 May 15-1683 July 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Taviran en el brazo s[ud] del Rio Grande de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gus, fl. 1878-1885. [Letter] : Fort Benton, Mont. Terr., to Mrs. Wm. Larzalere, Minneapolis, Kansas, 1885 Aug. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Littlefield Ballet, 1936-1941 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Huggins, E. L. (Eli Lundy), 1842-1929. Letter : Chicago, Ill., to Edward E. Ayer, 1899 Dec. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hazen, William Babcock, 1830-1887. Letter and order : Medicine Creek, I[ndian] T[erritory], 1865 Feb. 1-5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Picolo, Francesco Maria, 1654-1729. Copia de una carta que el P[adre] Francisco María Piccolo misionero de California escribió al P[adre] Juan Manuel de Bassaldua Rector del Colegio de Raum su fecha en Santa Rosalia a 10 de Enero del año de 1717. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nuñez, Juan. Sermones de doctrina en lengua chiapaneca / compuestos por el R.P. Fr. Juan Nuñez, dominico, recogidos en la familia del Sr. D. Esteban Nucamendi, gobernador que fue de Acalá de Chiapas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. [Sketches (Newberry)] [microform]. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Perishable Press Limited. Collection of assorted Bill Anthony stamping dies, 1964-1986. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. Copia â la letra del informe, que en fha de 10 de diciembre de 1773, embio el R.P. Pro. Presidte. Fr. Franco. Paloù desde el Rl. Presidio de Monte Rei, al Exmô. Sor. Virrey Bucareli, dando noticia del estado de aquellas misiones. 1773. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eyre, William, fl. 1755. Plan of Fort Edward. Newberry Library
creatorOf Territory of Orleans. Superior Court. Indictment : of Joseph Solis by the grand jurors, 1809 Dec. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Request for service records of officials serving as promotores fiscales in the alcaldía mayor of Cebu, 1865 Sept. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Joliet, Louis, 1645-1700. Affidavit concerning his purchase of two properties for Sieurs de Villeroy and de Vitré, 1685 Feb. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833. Letter : Blandford, [Eng.], to Lord Melville, 1804 Sept. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Comisión permanente de censura. Correspondence concerning activities of the commission on censorship, 1866 June 2-28. Newberry Library
creatorOf St. John, Nathan, 1692-1749. Know all men by these presents that I Nathan Saintjohn of Ridgefield ... for and upon consideration of five acres of land granted to me by ye proprietors of Ridgefield : deed, 1721/22 Feb. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jacket, John,. Words to the Ganoda chant of the "Little Water Society" Niga niga ah / written by John Jacket, direct descendant of Red Jacket, [between 1849 and 1870]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colquhoun, Alexander, Lieut. Albany Fort or Fort Frederick on a scale of 20 feet to an inch. Newberry Library
creatorOf Castillejo, Clemente. Frases en lengua zotzil : fragmentos / por el R.P.D. Clemente Castillejo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boyd, Robert K., 1845?-. Robert Knowles Boyd letters : Eau Claire, Wis., to Edith M. Smith, Aurora, Ill., 1925-1927. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cotton, Josiah, 1680-1756. Indian sermon / by Josiah Cotton. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jennings, Samuel C. Diary : Moravia, N.Y., to Calif., Mar. 19 - [Dec.?], 1849, 1871. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1756-1759 : Denny). Report : Philadelphia, to the Governor of Pennsylvania [William Denny], 1757 Jan. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Croghan, George, d. 1782. George Croghan letters, 1763-1770. Newberry Library
creatorOf Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. Letter : San Xavier del Bac, to Juan Bautista de Anssa, 1768 July 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez y Ulloa, Antonio. Map topografico del partido de Cojutepeque. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry Library Associates. Sixth annual meeting. Transcript. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cresap, Mary. Letter : to Col. John B. Howard, Near Joppa Cross Roads, Baltimore County, Md., [178-]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kentucky Board of War. Letter : Danville, [Ky.], to the commanding officer of Mason County, [Ky.], 1791 July 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Carte de la suite de Sumatra et d'une partie de l'isle de Iava. Newberry Library
creatorOf Torres y Vargas, Diego de, 17th cent. Reports on the history, organization, and status of various Catholic dioceses of New Spain and Peru 1620-1649. Newberry Library
creatorOf Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936. Harriet Monroe memorabilia, 1891. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Journals : England and Mexico, 1825-1837. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Papers, 1827-1853 (bulk 1827-1832). Newberry Library
creatorOf Stone, Melville Elijah, 1848-1929. Melville E. Stone papers, 1815-1954, bulk 1890-1929. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Veüe de la ville de Quebec en Canada, Nouuelle France, capitale de l'Amerique septentrionale : avec eveché du St. Siege, veüe du côté du nord ou de la Riuiere de Saint Charles. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Digos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nah, José María. [Chilam Balam de Nah]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saz, Antonio del, fl. 1662. [Sermones y marial en la lengua quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hancock, Winfield Scott, 1824-1886. Letter : Headquarters Department of the Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kas., to General Duncan S. Walker, Washington, D.C., 1867 Aug. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rojas y Orneta, Ramón de, d. 1799. Copies of documents pertaining to the disposition of the estate of Lt. Col. Dr. Ramón de Rojas of La Paz, Bolivia, 1806 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Memoranda and papers, 1866 Jan. 9-1867 Dec. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sánchez de la Baquera, Juan. Modo breve de aprender á ler, escrevir, pronunciar, y ablar el idioma othomi : en el qual se cōtiene su ortographia, arte, y modo de conjugar, i un confecionario con examen de conciencia / dispuesto por Juan Sanchez de la Baquera, español natural y vezino de el pueblo de Tula, quien reberente lo dedica a los dulcicimos nombres de Jesus, Maria, y Joseph. Newberry Library
creatorOf Menard and Valle (Firm). Letter : Kaskaskia [Ill.] to Mr. Ramsay Crooks, St. Louis, 1822 July 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860. Letter : Tampa Bay, [Fla.], to C.C. Clay, Governor of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1836 Nov. 17. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Business Office. Accounting records, 1892-1920. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blumentritt, Ferdinand, 1853-1913. Eine Entdeckung (Fund). Newberry Library
creatorOf San Buenaventura, Francisco Hermosa de. Letter : Convento de Santa Ana, Manila, to the Duquesa de Uceda and the Condesa de Aguilar, [Madrid, Spain], containing news from the Philippines, 1770 Dec. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vives, Juan Bautista, 1545-1632. Letter : Rome, to the Patriarca de las Indias, [Madrid?], 1607 Jan. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry Library. Photographs, 1861-[ongoing] (bulk 1890-[ongoing]). Newberry Library
creatorOf Parish, Martha Ellen Luey. Parish family papers, 1884-1896. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ríos, Melchior de los. Letter : Mexico City, to D. Xptoval de Cardenas, Palma, 1618 Oct. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, William, 1770-1838. Letters : St. Louis, [Mo.], to Col. J[osiah] Snelling, St. Peters and Fort St. Anthony, [Minn.], 1823-1825. Newberry Library
creatorOf Doty, James Duane, 1799-1865. Letter : Astor, [Wisc.], to J[a]q[ues] Porlier Jr., 1836 Feb. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lardner, Ring, 1885-1933. Ring Lardner papers, 1805-2003, bulk 1885-1987. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Special Collections Section. Vault circulation register, 1921-1930. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Carte du voyage de Mr. de Waldeck en 1832 : de la barre de Tabasco ou Grijalva, par rivières et par terre jusqu'aux ruines de Palenqué. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Facilities Management Department. Records, 1981-1987. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Attorney General's Office. Before the Commissioners of the Land Office of the state of New York in the matter of the memorial of the Cayuga Nation of Indians : report, 1906 Mar. [29] / respectfully submitted Julius Mayer, attorney general. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Diocese of Nueva Segovia (Philippines). Bishop (1604-1613 : Soria). License issued by the bishop of Nueva Segovia authorizing Dominicans to evangelize the province and valley of Ituy, 1609 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. An hytorical [sic] [acco]unt of the doing[s] & sufferings of [the] Christian Indians in New England, in the yeares 1675: 1676/1677 / impartialy drawne by one wel aquainted with that affayre and presented unto the Right Honble the Corporation residing in London appointed by the Kings most exelent matie for promoting the gospel among the Indians in America. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rice, Wallace, 1859-1939. Wallace Rice papers, 1779-1939, (bulk 1885-1935). Newberry Library
creatorOf Steel, Henry. Letter : Lukfatu Chahta Yakne and Eagle Town, [Indian Territory], to Robert Steel, Abington, Pa., 1836 Mar. 22-29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Volcius, Vicentius Demetrius, fl. 1563-1607. [Manuscript portolan chart of the Mediterranean and Black Seas] / Vincus Demetrei [Volcius Rachuseus] fecit in terra Liburni 1595. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. [Doctrina cristiana y arte en Cakchiquel]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pimentel, Juan Antonio. Documents pertaining to legal and personal matters of Juan Antonio Pimentel 1688 Nov. 16-1689 June 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning protests by Indians against the construction of two churches in Zacatlán 1750 Oct. 20-1753 March 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Homer. [Papyrus fragment]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Enos Brown & Co. Enos Brown & Co. records, 1867-1894, bulk 1867-1876. Newberry Library
creatorOf Yell, Archibald, 1797 or 9-1847. Letter : Executive Department, Little Rock Ark's, to Major Genl. Scott, 1843 Oct. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perkins, Joshua Newton, 1804-1876. Letters regarding the Illinois Central Railroad Company : Chicago and Bourbonnais, Ill., 1853 Jan. 9-1929 Jan. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pozarenco, Juan. Vocabulario de la lengua c̦oque. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Board of Trustees. Committee on Books. Records, 1892-1967. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barnes, Bessie. Bessie Barnes papers, 1918-1992. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zazuler, Leah. Memoriam [manuscript] / Leah Zazuler, poet ; Gail Vick Barnhardt, artist. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pickens, Andrew, 1729-1817. Letter : Long Cane, [S.C.], to Elijah Clark[e], in Gen. Wayne's camps near Savannah, [Ga.], 1782 Apr. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Diaz de la Vega, Joseph. Establecimiento y progresos delas misiones de la antigua California : y Memorias piadosas de la nacion indiana. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilbert, Geo. Palestine / Geo. Gilbert, fecit. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents pertaining to the Hacienda de Santa Inés, property of the Jesuits of the Colegio de Tepotztlán 1567-1745. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Conservation Dept. Environmental monitoring documents, 1960-1982 (bulk 1975-1982.) Newberry Library
creatorOf Stoner, Nicholas, b. 1762. Know all men by these presents that I Nicholas Stoner of the town of Johnstown county of Montgomery and state of New York, a Revolutionary pensioner, do hereby constitute and appoint Colo Ebenezer Irving of the city of New York my true and lawful attorney ... : power of attorney, 1825 Sept. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chaussegros de Léry, Gaspard-Joseph, 1682-1756. Plan du Fort Frontenac ou Cataracouy. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1833-1868 : Isabella II). Real orden no. 362 de 18 de abril de 1857 : mandando se dicten las disposiciones oportunas para que se proceda inmediatamente a preparar los trabajos necesarios para la redacción de los presupuestos, que han de regir desde 1 ̊de enero a 31 de diciembre de 1859. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador-General (1862-1865 : Echagüe). Copy of a royal order concerning compensation of Marceliano Hidalgo, 1864 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Doxtater, Mary. On the first of June next ensuing I promise to pay to John Tayler six dollars ... : promissory note : Albany, [N.Y.], 1823 Mar. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley). By His Excellency William Shirley Esqr. captain general and governour in cheif [sic] in and over His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : a declaration of war against the Cape Sables & St. John's Indians, 1744 Oct. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clarina, Eyre Massey, Baron, 1719-1804. Letter : Quebec, to Sir William [Johnson], 1767 Aug. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents concerning the encomiendas of Margarita de Legaspi and her sister Teresa Garcés in the pueblos of Izmiquilpa and Zumpango, 1589 April 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Diseño de las distancias y situacion de las ciudades, villas, pueblos y presidios, que recorren los correos de la administracion principal de Chihuahua y hasta donde forma facturas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beristáin de Souza, José Mariano, 1756-1817. Copies of documents relating to a debate over the legitimacy of a ritual dance performed by the Mexican Indians before a statue of Saint Gonc̜alo de Amarante in Mexico City [18--]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Business Office. Time books, 1893-1910. Newberry Library
creatorOf Georgia. Governor (1827-1829 : Forsyth). State of Georgia, by his excellency John Forsyth, Governor : land grant, 1828 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf McCormick, Chauncey, 1884-1954. Chauncey McCormick papers, 1887-1955. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eayrs, George Washington, 1775-1855. Letters of George W. Eayrs, 1813-1815 : San Diego, California : typescript, [ca. 1910]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mershon, Katharane Edson. Katharane Edson Mershon papers, 1895-1986. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969. Floyd Dell papers, 1908-1969. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Copy of legal documents pertaining to church-state conflicts in the administration of the Santa Cruzada in the Philippines, 1667 July 25-26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía de S.M. Drafts and notes on judicial matters of the Audiencia of Manila 1837 Oct. 13-1868 Jan. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Royko, Mike, 1932-1997. Mike Royko papers, 1934-1997, bulk 1962-1997. Newberry Library
creatorOf Karl W. Hiersemann (Firm). Vocabulario hispano-hyaqui. Newberry Library
creatorOf Winters, Helen Steele, 1912-1999. Steele-Winters family papers, 1860-2009, bulk 1900-1970. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Carte de la Mer des Indes avec les parties des jsles d'Aracan, Pegu, Bengala, Orixa et Tenasserin. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Beschreibung der Ueberreste Aztekischer Niederlassungen auf ihrer Wanderung nach dem Thale von Mexico durch den gegenwärtigen Freistaat von Zacatecas : nach örtlichen Forschungen und Vermessungen zusammengestellt und durch das in Aztekischer Bilderschrift in Museum zu Mexico vorhandene Manuscript erläutert / von Carl de Berghes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beede, A. McG. (Aaron McGaffey), 1859-1934. Western Sioux cosmology and "Letting go of the ghost" / by A. McG. Beede ; original document in the North Dakota Historical Museum, [1919 Aug. 26]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Whiley, R. C., fl. 1803. License : [Fort] Michilimackinac [Mich.], to all whom it may conscern, 1803 June 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Debo, Angie, 1890-1988. Angie Debo correspondence, 1975-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Allaneguí, Miguel de. Documents pertaining to the transfer of the encomienda of Batangas to Captain Salvador Paez de Ledesma, 1720 June 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Dirección General de Rentas. Instruccion gral. de rentas rles. de 1816. Newberry Library
creatorOf Melvin, Eleazar, fl. 1725. Account : of Capt. Lovewell's fight at Pigwacket, 1725 May 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Schieffelin, Jacob, 1757-1835. Memorandum : Philadelphia, to Colonel [Samuel] Hodgdon, 1799 Jan. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Howard, Alan, 1930-. Alan Howard papers, 1924-2002, bulk 1980-2002. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, 1938-1962. Volume 8 [videorecording] : Swan lake - The warrior ; including informal portraits. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. New York City Ballet, 1947-1971. Volume #3 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calhoun, Lucy Monroe, 1865-1950. Lucy Monroe Calhoun papers, 1909-1923. Newberry Library
creatorOf Standage, Henry, 1818-1899. Journal of Henry Standage from July 19th 1846 to July 19th 1847, Sabbath, [between 1900 and 1911]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning the construction of a permanent church in Plan del Río in the diocese of Puebla, Mexico 1788 Aug. 20-1794 July 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Albert. Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to "Dear Mother," [Groton, Mass.], [ca. 1921] Newberry Library
creatorOf León, Diego de. [Zakicoxol : baile de la conquista en lengua quiché]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Order Section. Booklists, 1899-1967. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Theatre, 1940-1957. Volume 2 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Huske, Ellis, 1700-1755. Letter : London, to Oliver Noyes, Hull, Yorkshire, 1746 Jan. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blair, John. Dr. the United States in account with John Blair Cr. : account, [between 1812 and 1815]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Bocabulario de lengua quiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cochrane, Gavin. Treatise on the Indians of North America : written in the year 1764, 1764. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dean, Lucretia Mason. Dean family papers, 1779-1893. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. William Bollaert's pencil sketches of Texas [graphic], 1836-[1844] Newberry Library
creatorOf Mosher, John. Know all men by these presents that wee John Mosher & James Mosher both of the Town of Darthmouth [i.e. Dartmouth] ... being sons of Hugh Mosher ... : deed, 1714 June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf McNulty, James Madison. Letter and history : [Santa Fe, N.M.?], to Brig Gen. W.A. Hammond, Washington, D.C., [1863?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kitchell, Iva, 1908-1983. Iva Kitchell papers, 1926-1984, bulk 1926-1958. Newberry Library
creatorOf Liberman, M. M. (Myron Mandell). M. M. Liberman papers, 1953-1974. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. Account by Father Morfi of his expedition to the Provincias Internas 1777 Aug. 4-1778 Nov. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dawson, Mitchell, 1890-1956. Mitchell Dawson papers, 1810-1988. Newberry Library
creatorOf España, Bernabé. Letters concerning misconduct of Luis Oraa, military governor of Cavite, 1865 Nov. 8-16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marsh, Marshall S. 1856-1925. Marsh-Roberts-Mack family papers, 1706-1984, bulk 1850-1950. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). [Black Horse ledger], [ca. 1877-1879]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guido, Pedro. Copia del escripto presentado a esta R[eal] A[udiencia] en 26 de mayo de [17]72. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. Everett family papers, 1794-1949, bulk 1838-1927. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Libungan en el brazo n[orte] del Rio de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Carte du Cap Franc̜ois de Saint Domingue, de l'isle de Cuba, de la Jamaique avec le Canal de Bahama, l'entrée du fleuve St. Louis, et le pays de la Louisiane et les isles adjacentes, le tout depuis 16 degres de latitude jusqu'a trente six. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nieto, Ladislao. Mindanao : páginas sueltas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. Letters, 1775 Aug. 18-1776 July 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf González, José María. Documents concerning the proposal to establish a Capuchin convent in Dolores 1809 Jan. 21-1810 April 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. Petition : [San Felipe del Real, Mexico?], to Charles III, [1777 Oct. 26?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Binder, Carroll, 1896-1956. Carroll Binder papers, 1910-1967, bulk 1920-1955. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eaton, N. A. A. Letter : Wolf Creek, Sierra Co., Cal[if.], to Lute [Eaton], 1855 Dec. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez Flores, Juan. Pruebas de la genealogía y limpieza de el maestro fr. Jno. de Tapia de la orden de S. Augustin, natural de Toledo. Comisso. de los frayles de Filipinas para Calificador, 1624 Feb. 26-1626 Sept. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Diocese of Chiapas (Mexico). Bishop (1769-1774 : García de Vargas). Relacion de los pueblos que comprehende el obispado de Chiapa : numero de gente que tiene cada uno de todas edades y castas, su caracter è inclinaciones, frutos y cosechas que cultivan, curatos que hay en el y ministros que los administran, remitida por el obispo de dicha diocesis el año de 1774. Newberry Library
creatorOf Magalona, Praxedes. Letters : Molo and Jaro, Philippines, to Juan Bautista Guidi, 1903 Jan. 12-Feb. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carballo Nuñez de Castro, Joseph Ignacio. Sermons and other documents in Spanish, Tagalog, and Latin, 1770-1821. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calle, de la, Sieur, fl. 1670-1674. Relation du S. de la Calle : sur ce qui s'est passé a l'attaque du Fort Royal de la Martinique par la flote de Ruiter, [1674?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Legoff, Laurent, 1840-1932. Letter : Montréal, to James C. Pilling, Esq., Washington, D.C., 1889 Sept. 4. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Office of the President and Librarian. Organizational charts, 1964-[ongoing] Newberry Library
creatorOf Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. Recommendations of Father Morfi concerning pacification and settlement of New Mexico [between 1776 and 1778]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Solano, Félix, fl. 1578. [Vocabulario en lengua castellana y guatemalteca que se llama Cak chi quel chi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Fuerte de Digos, en el seno de Casiláran. Newberry Library
referencedIn Clark, Margaret E., 1893-1990. Papers, 1933-1990. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Carte du Pouldu avec ses environs et la côte de la mer : ou on y voit la disposition de nos batteries, et corps de garde, avec l'endroit ou les Anglois, ont faits leur descente, le premier octobre mil sept cent quarente six, dans l'esperance ou ils estoient de se rendre maistres de l'Orient et par cette conqueste, s'emparer de la Bretagne ; mais ou ils ont perdûs leurs peines. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fuller, Henry Blake, 1857-1929. Henry Blake Fuller papers, 1874-1940, bulk 1874-1929. Newberry Library
creatorOf Norris, Hoke, 1913-1977. Hoke Norris papers 1934-1977, bulk 1956-1977. Newberry Library
creatorOf Haliburton, R. G. (Robert Grant), 1831-1901. Letters, 1884-1889. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peyssonnel, Jean-André, 1694-1759. Carte nouvelle des royaumes de Tunis et d'Alger / fait sur les lieux par le Sr. de Peyssonnel, docteur en medicine, correspondant de Lacd. des Sciences. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Instructions and orders to the alcalde mayor of Manila from the secretary of the Audiencia 1860 March 28-1862 April 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thompson, Richard W. (Richard Wigginton), 1809-1900. Memorandum : Washington, [D.C.], 1852 July 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lizaula, José María Silverio, b. 1806. Documents to support the claim of José María Lizaula to a pension granted to the heirs of the Emperor Moctezuma 1531-1885. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry Library. Libro de salmos, himnos, magnificas, missas i otros oficios. University of Michigan
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Correspondence pertaining to tax delinquency in Caramoan 1862 Dec. 21-1863 Dec. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Curtis, Edward W. Edward W. Curtis letters, 1855-1865, bulk 1863. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Captain General (1844-1849 : Clavería). Classified letters : Manila, to the alcalde mayor 1 ̊of the province of Tondo [Pedro Encina], 1849 Feb. 12. Newberry Library
referencedIn Terkel, Studs, 1912-2008,. Studs Terkel interview, [videorecording], 1990s. Media Burn Independent Video Archive
creatorOf Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872,. Copies of documents relating to the ecclesiastical history of Mexico for the years 1614-1773. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vera, Honorato de. Da. Ynés Cuello de Garza y el príncipe Nicanor / por Honorato de Vera. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lafuente, Casímiro. Carta e ynforme sobre el ympuesto de carruajes, carros y caballos / que el Padre Cura Fr. Casímiro Lafuente, parroco de Santa Barbara provincia de Pangasinan dirige al Señor Alcalde mayor de dicha provincia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. Letter : [Washington, D.C.], to Hon. R. McClellan[d], [Washington, D.C.], 1853 Apr. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martines, Joan, 1556-1590. [Manuscript portolan chart of South America]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Miscellaneous ballet companies, 1937-1981. Volume #5 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Leeds, M. H., Captain, fl. 1849-1850. Log book of the schooner "Frances Helen" : from Philadelphia, Pa. to San Francisco, Cal. : October 24, 1849 to March 29, 1850 : typescript, [ca. 1900?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Logan, James, 1674-1751. Letters, 1704-1729. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catlin, George, 1796-1872. George Catlin lithographs and painting of North American Indians [graphic], [ca. 1840-1844] Newberry Library
creatorOf Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875,. This mss. book consists of many important letters relating to the Spanish conquest in America / copied from the Colección de Muñoz in the Royal Library at Madrid, AH. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lombardo, Natal. Arte de la lengua teguima llamada vulgarmte. opata / trabajo del P. Natal Lonbardo de la Compañía de Jhs. Misionero de mas de 24 años. Newberry Library
creatorOf Messler, Abraham, 1800-1882. The Indians of the Raritan, [ca. 1840]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Reed, Earl H. (Earl Howell), 1863-1931. Letter : Chicago, Ill., to Julia Cooley [Altrocchi], Harbert, Berrien Co., Mich., 1919 July 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Devin, Valentin. Carte de l'entrée de la Baye de Saint Louis : nommée par les espagnols St. Bernard ou l'on a marqué exactement la quantité de pieds d'eau que l'on y trouue, et la route que l'on doit tenir pour y entrer / Levée par Devin au mois d'octobre, 1720. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perry, Henry. Henry Perry letters, 1849-1850. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tapia Zenteno, Carlos de. Noticia de la lengua Huasteca. Newberry Library
creatorOf Todd, Charles Stewart, 1791-1871. Letter : Chillicothe, [Mo.], to Gov. [Isaac] Shelby, 1815 Mar. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shabni, ca. 1775-1859. Deed of conveyance : this indenture, made this first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five between Shab-eh-nay, a chief of the United Bands of Chippewas, Ottawas & Pattawatamis [sic] ... and A[n]sel A. Gates ... 1845 Dec. 1-5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Baptista, Juan, d. 1702. Copy of the will of Juan Baptista, [ca. 1727]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hansen, Harry, 1884-1977. Harry Hansen papers 1900-1970. Newberry Library
creatorOf Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897. Memoirs of a life from my notebook and journal : with additions and relections, 1867. Newberry Library
creatorOf Retana, W. E. (Wenceslao Emilio), 1862-1924. Apuntes históricos, geográficos y estadísticos de la provincia de Batangas y breve estudio etnográfico acerca de sus habitantes / por W.E. Retana, 1885-1887. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Documents, 1746-1751. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catlin, George, 1796-1872. Letters, 1827-[1870]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Apostol, Ana. Relación delos meritos, y servicios Ded[o]n. Juan Francisco Solano : hechos a S[u]. M[agestad]. desde el año de 1753, en que fue empleado al uso y exercicio de ellos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Midwest Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Morse-Keith family papers, 1833-1938, bulk 1864-1872. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chicago Area Labor History Group. Chicago Area Labor History Group records, 1982-1991. Chicago History Museum
creatorOf Eastman, Mary H. (Mary Henderson), 1818-1887. The prophet of the sun : a romance of history / by Mary H. Eastman. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Real Audiencia (Mexico City). Documents pertaining to cases heard in the Real Audiencia of Mexico 1663-1722. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leandro de Viana, Franco. Judicial opinions concerning cases before the fiscal, Francisco Leandro de Viana, [ca. 1767] Feb. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bourdas, Albert. Letter : Plouer [France], to Edmond Le Nétrel, 1858 Oct. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hart, Philip, 1914-2000. Philip Hart papers, 1973-1974. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. Letter : Col: Schuyler['s, New York], to Davenport Williams, Longmeadow, Mass., 1756 Sept. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Belden, Josiah, 1815-1892. Letters : Monterey and Santa Cruz, Calif., to Mrs. Eliza M. Bowers, Upper Middletown, Conn., 1841-1845. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morvillo, Anthony. Letter : St. Joseph's Mission, Lewiston, Idaho, to James C. Pilling, Washington, D.C., 1888 Oct. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Dirección general de administración local. Reglamento para el servicio personal en el Archipielago. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry Library. [Sixteenth century Italian madrigals and motets] [microform]. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Read, Georgia Willis. Papers of Georgia Willis Read, 1849-1951 (bulk 1932-1951) Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
creatorOf Stevens, Ashton. Ashton Stevens papers 1850-1952, bulk 1920-1940. Newberry Library
creatorOf Oliva, Joannes, fl. 1589-1650. [Manuscript portolan atlas of the Mediterranean Sea] / Iouanne Oliua é Iouan Batta Cauallini in Liuorno, año 1636. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Legal documents from Cacalchén, Mexico, 1646-1826. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Jonas [i.e. Jonah] Thompson, Bristol, [Eng.], 1757 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ashley, Joseph, 1709-1797. Letter : Fort Dummer, [Vt.], to Jonathan Ashley, Deerfield, [Mass.], 1746 June 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ann Barzel papers, 1912-2005. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kelly, James, 1962-. James Kelly Choreography Project memorabilia, 1993-1997. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hanks, Jane Richardson, 1908-. Jane Richardson Hanks Kiowa papers, 1935-1968 bulk 1935-1940. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Real Hacienda de Filipinas. Resumen del presupuesto general de valores de las rentas y gramos : que se administran por dicha Contaduría. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956. Letter : Smithsonian Institution, Washington, to [Edward E.] Ayer, [Chicago, Ill.], 1901 Sept. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gurko, Miriam. Miriam Gurko - Floyd Dell papers, 1958-1968. Newberry Library
creatorOf González, Joseph, 1704-1762. Letter : Busay, Philippines, to Fr. Manuel deel Río, 1739 Sept. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Strong, Walter Ansel, 1883-1931. Walter Ansel Strong papers, 1847-2008, bulk 1912-1931. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Croquis de "Taviran." Newberry Library
creatorOf Remy, Jules, 1826-1893. Vocabulaire Havaiien-Français. Newberry Library
creatorOf Asumpción, Diego de la, d. 1690. Obras predicables en idioma tagalog / por Fr. Diego de la Asumpcion de la Orden Seraphica. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letter : War Dept., Washington, [D.C.], to Brvt. Brig. General E.A. Hitchcock, Comm. Pacific Division, 1851 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gastaldi, Giacomo, ca. 1500-ca. 1565. [World map]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rizal, José, 1861-1896. Letters : to Dr. A.B. Meyer, Dresden, 1888 Dec. 6-1895 March 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wright, Paul Randall, 1876-1965. Paul Randall Wright papers, 1899-1965. Newberry Library
creatorOf Iragorri, Juan Francisco, 1728-1783. [Vocabulario y notas gramaticales]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berendt, C. Hermann (Carl Hermann), 1817-1878. Calendario de los indios de Guatemala : 1685 : Cakchiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Theatre, 1940-1957. Volume 3 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Kendall, Milo, 1819-1905. Milo Kendall papers, 1798-1905, bulk 1845-1906. Newberry Library
creatorOf Devin, Valentin. Carte de la coste de la Louisiane, depuis la Baye de St. Bernard jusqu'a celle de Saint Joseph : ou tous les ports, rades, et bons mouillages sont exactement marquez avec les sondes, et la profondeur des terres jusqu'au dessus des Natchez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saavedra y Meneses, Aureliano. Report recommending the establishment of a commission to prepare a hydrographic survey of the Philippine archipelago, 1854 March 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf L'Hermite, Jacques, 1670-1725. Carte de la Baye des Chaleurs / Chirsisest. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Vocabulario mazateco-castellano]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Denney, Louis. Petition : to the Honorable the Legislature of the state of New York in Senate and Assembly convened, 1802 Mar. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. Letter : Santa Fe, to Juan Agustín Morfi, 1778 April 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coram, Thomas, 1668?-1751. Letter : London, to the Hon[ora]ble the Society for Propagating of Gosple [sic] among the Indians in New England, 1745 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ara, Domingo de. Egregium opus fratris Dominici Dehara : de comparacionibus & similtudinibus. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pinilla, Joseph. Letter : to Senor dn. Melchor de Peramas, [1773]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mamangquat. To all people to whom these presents shall come : I Mamangquat cosin of Magmaseckemock only native Indian owner of a certain tract & parcell of land ... : land grant, 1710 Aug. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Financial accounts of Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui relating to reimbursement of job-related expenses 1859 June 6-1863 May 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Oliver Wolcott letters, 1795-1800. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, 1938-1962. Volume 7 [videorecording] : Sailor dance - Strange sarabande. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Bermen de la Martinière, Claude, 1636-1719. Papers concerning titles of nobility of the Bermen family : Québec, 1717-1753. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, frey, 1717-1779. Documents concerning a dispute between the bishop of Puebla and the dean and chapter of the cathedral over their respective powers and responsibilities 1774 June 18-1775 April 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, Cándido. Complaint brought by Cándido García against the parish priest of San Felipe Neri, 1888 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Finance and Administration Division. Financial services records, 1887-[ongoing] Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Special Collections Section. Graff Catalogue working papers, 1959-1969. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. Arte de la lengua matlaltzinga / compuesto por n[uest]ro P[adre] Maestro Fray Diego Basalenque de la Orden de nuestro Padre Sant Augustin y Padre de esta provincia de Michuacan de Sant Nicolas de Tolentino : anno de el S[eñ]or de 1640. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Theatre, 1940-1957. Volume 7 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Magruder, Allan Bowie, 1775-1822. Letter : Opelousas, [La.], to Dear Sir, 1806 Mar. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Robert J. Casey papers, 1907-1964. Newberry Library
creatorOf Raster, Hermann, 1827-1891. Hermann Raster papers, 1849-1940, bulk 1860-1891. Newberry Library
creatorOf France. Conseil d'Etat. Extrait des registres du Con[se]il d'Etat : sur la requeste presentée au Roy etant en son Conseil par Claude François Bidal, chevalier marquis d'Asfeld, chevalier de la Toison d'Or, commandeur de l'Ordre de Saint Louis, lieutenant general des armées de Sa Majesté, gouverneur du Chateau Trompilli, et directeur general des fortiffications de France, 1724 Dec. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santa Barbara Mission. Collection of photostatic reproductions of letters concerning the California missions, 1768 Sept. 14-1844 Oct. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Richard, Edouard, 1844-1904. Letter : Ottawa [Ont.], 56 rue Albert, to Mademoiselle [Agnes C. Laut?], 1903 March 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ohio Company (1786-1796). Ohio Company records, 1787-1800, bulk 1787-1793. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines Ministerio Público. Draft of a recommendation concerning legal malpractice by Leopoldo Pacheco, 1866 March 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625. Description of the islands and continents of the ocean which are called the West Indies / by Antonio de Herrera, chronicler-in-chief of the Indies and chronicler of Castille. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Capitanía General. Estado Mayor. Letter concerning petition of Fermín González for retirement benefits, [1866?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. Diario para los puertos de Sn. Diego y Monte Rey por tierra, que para maior honrra y gloria de Dios, y conversion de los infieles a nra. sta. fee catholica emprehendio dho. R.P. Presidte. Fr. Junipero Serra desde su mision, y real presidio de Na. Sa. del Loreto en la California : (despues de aver visitado las misiones del sur; y alli concurrido y communicado largamte. sobre esta expedicion con el Illusmo. Sr. Dn. Joseph de Galvez del Consejo y Camara de su Magd., visitadr. gral. de esta Nueva España y principal director y commandante de estas conquistas) dia 28 de marzo, 3o. dia de Pascua de Resurección del año de 1769. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Theatre, 1940-1957. Volume 7 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893. Letters : Boston, [Mass.], 1879-1892. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parish, Jasper, 1767-1836. Letter : Canandaigua, [N.Y.], to Morris F. [i.e. S.] Miller, Utica, [N.Y.], 1819 June 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spiegel, Andrew G. Andrew G. Spiegel memorabilia, 1961-1989. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810. Letter : Boston, [Mass.], to His Excellency the Governour [John Hancock, Boston, Mass.], 1788 Mar. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Commissioners of Indian Affairs. Resolution, 1789 Feb. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marquette, Jacques, 1637-1675. Recit des voyages et des découuertes du P. Jacques Marquette de la Compagnie de Jesus, en l'année 1673 et aux suivantes, [1674 Oct. 25-ca. 1678]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Holmes, William Henry, 1846-1933. Letter : Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, to My dear Mr. [E.A.] Burbank, 1908 Sept. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Carte du Port au Prince : situé dans la Partie de l'Oüest, entre les quartiers du Cul de Sacq, du Troubourdet et à pres de 7 lieües a nord de Leoganne, et une et demy au sud du Cul de Sacq ; Plan de la ville et forts St. Domingve. Newberry Library
creatorOf Germanistic Society of Chicago. Germanistic Society of Chicago records, 1907-1915. Newberry Library
creatorOf Riveiro, Tomás. Explicación de la doctrina christiana en lengua quiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shirley, William, 1694-1771. Letters, 1755-1756. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cartes Marines Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Plan de l'isle Ste. Lucie ou Ste. Alousie. Newberry Library
creatorOf Purdy, James H. New Mexico land grant papers, 1813-1891 (bulk 1885-1886). Newberry Library
creatorOf Oveno y Rabago, Joseph de. Certified copy of a letter of recommendation from the Inquisitor General in Madrid to the tribunal of the Inquisition in Mexico concerning the appointment of Francisco Viana as adviser to the tribunal 1770 May 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blaney, William. The province of Massachusetts Bay to Wm Blaney dr : to bording & tacking care of Robt. Bozard from March ye 23d to July ye 6th ... : bill, [1768?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf McGaffey, Ernest, b. 1861. Ernest McGaffey letters and poems, 1939. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sylva e Faria, Antonio da. Instrucção ceremonial para a solemnissima função de Baptismo do Serenissimo Principe Primogenito da Serenissima Senhora D. Maria, Princeza do Brasil, N. Senhora, e do Serenissimo Senhor Infante D. Pedro : cujo feliz nascimento proximamente esperâmos : sendo seos Padrinhos El Rey e a Rainha, seos Avós, Nossos Senhores, feita em Agosto de 1761. Newberry Library
creatorOf LeMoyne, John V., 1828-1918. John V. LeMoyne papers, 1851-1889, bulk 1852-1875. Newberry Library
creatorOf Canto, Ernesto do, 1831-1900. Letter : Ile St. Michel [São Miguel Island (Azores)], to Henry Harrisse [in Paris?], 1884 March 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carochi, Horacio, d. 1662. [Camino del cielo]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Borja, Antonio de. Documents concerning visits in 1698 to parishes in Tabuco and Balayan by archbishop Diego Camacho, 1699. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dixon, Joseph Kossuth. Letter : Philadelphia, Pa., to Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill., 1914 Feb. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 1779-1813. Letter : Sacketts Harbor, [N.Y.], to Major General Henry Dearborn, Albany, [N.Y.], 1813 Apr. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Scammell, Alexander, 1747-1781. Letter : Ti[conderoga, N.Y.], to Ebenezer Thompson, Exeter or Durham, [N.H.], 1777 June 27. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Serials Section. Records, 1888-1930. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents pertaining to property in Teocaltitlán and San Pedro de Calimaya, 1678-1781. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Copy of a merced to Dr. Antonio de Morga for 500 ducats, with confirmation of payment, 1604 Jan. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Elgueta, Manuel García, b. 1846. [Vocabulario] mam i español. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Special Collections Section. Map correspondence, 1971-1982. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. A journal of the House of Representatives of His Majesties province of New Hampshire in New England, began and held at Portsmouth ..., 1740 July 23-Aug. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lopes, Sebastião. [Manuscript portolan atlas of the world]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Mémoire de Lxx Dxx officier ingénieur, contenant les evenements qui se sont passés à la Louisiane depuis 1715 jusqu'à present : ainsi que ses remarques sur les moeurs, usages, et forces des diverses nations de l'Amerique Septentrionale et de ses productions. Newberry Library
creatorOf Devergés, Bernard. Plan du fort de l'isle de la Balise : ou l'on à marqué tres éxactement les ouvrages qui sont faits ex ceux qui restent à faire, par des coulers differentes, avec une explication de la solidité de sont terrein, et de chaque chose, par lettres alphabetiques et chiffres, et relatif au procés verbal qui en à èté fait pour la seconde fois en consequence. Newberry Library
creatorOf Willard, Jonathan. The province dr to Jona[than] Willard by order of the selectmen ... : Sheffield, [Mass.], 1756 Oct. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dow, Dorothy, 1903-1989. Dorothy Dow papers, 1920-1988. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newton, A. Edward (Alfred Edward), 1864-1940. A. Edward Newton letters, 1928-1937. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Eleazar, 1688-1742. Letter : Mansf. [Mansfield, Conn.], Dear Brother [Stephen Williams], 1734 Feb. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie, 1903-1988. Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin papers, 1934-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Simerwell, Robert, 1786-1868,. [Catechisms and hymns in the Potawatomi language]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lovely, William L. Letter : Tellico, [Tenn.], to Col. David Henley, Knoxville, [Tenn.], 1796 Apr. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ade, George, 1866-1944. George Ade papers, 1871-1970. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hind, Henry Youle, 1823-1908,. Letter from a Montagnais Indian : to the Hudson's Bay Company Post, Mingan [Québec], 1861. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dufrost de La Jemerais, Christophe, 1708-1736. Carte d'une partie du Lac Superior : avec la decouverte de la riviere depuis le grand portage A jusqu'a la barriere B ... / dressée par Mr. de la Jemeraye. Newberry Library
creatorOf Auditorium Theater (Chicago, Ill.). Auditorium Theater programs, 1888-1938. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boturini Benaducci, Lorenzo, 1702-1751. [Calendario de Michoacán]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leonard, Charles S., b. 1835. Charles S. Leonard papers, 1862-1897. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, 1938-1962. Volume 4 [videorecording] : Le beau Danube - Nocturne. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Philippines. Ministerio Público. Legal opinion concerning appeals by four public officials accused of fraud, [1867?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kilby, Thomas, 1699-1746. Rec[eive]d into His Majesties stores of provisions for this garrison of Mr. Jacob Sheafe commissary to the province of New Hampshire the several provisions hereafter mentioned ... : Louisbourg, [N.S.], receipt, 1746 May 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1771-1779 : Bucareli y Ursúa). Letter : Mexico City, to Conde de Regla, 1774 December 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Les filles malicieuses [microform]. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
creatorOf La Fort, Abram, ca. 1794-1848. Great Father, your children the Onondagas have sent me to you and they ask you to open your ears to me and hear the talk which they have sent by me to you ... : Albany, [N.Y.], speech, 1844 Apr. 4. Newberry Library
referencedIn Whistler, George William, Report to Count Kleinmichel on gauge of track to be used in the St. Petersburg and Moscow Railroad, 1842, 1944 Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
creatorOf Mattison, Ray H., 1903-1980,. Records of the Creek Trading House letter book, 1795-1816, [ca. 1940]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1734-1740 : Vizarrón y Eguiarreta). Real provisión concerning the establishment of a Jesuit college in Santa Fe Real y Minas de Guanajuato 1734 Nov. 15-1735 Feb. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rizal, José, 1861-1896. Agenda de bufete o libro de memoria : diario para 1884 con noticias y guia de Madrid. Newberry Library
creatorOf Penn, William, 1644-1718. This indenture made the six and twentieth day of October ... between William Penn of Worminghurst ... and William Jenkins of the towne of Tenby ..., 1681 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Esclavos del Sacramento. Constituciones de la mui ilustre Archicofradía del Santisimo Sacramento y Caridád : fundada con autoridád apostolica en esta santa iglesia metropolitana de México. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tello y Portugal, Isabel. Power of attorney granted to Juan and Francisco Llorente : Mexico City, 1662 Nov. 16. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Board of Trustees. Building Committee. Records, 1892-1893. Newberry Library
creatorOf Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908. Letter : Georgetown, D.C., to [Catharine Eliot Norton], 1862 Feb. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ilustre, Benito. Copies of unpublished chronicles of the Ilocos provinces and the Ilocos town of Candon, 1911 Dec. 7-14. Newberry Library
referencedIn Watson, Elmo Scott, 1892-1951. Elmo Scott Watson collection of photographs, 1875-1936. Newberry Library
creatorOf Copway, George, 1818-1863?. Letters, 1847-1858. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vendryes, B. (Barthélémy). Papers concerning claims made by the heirs of Elie Allard for the payment of indemnities for property in the former French colony of Saint-Domingue 1785-1844, (bulk 1826-1834). Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Opinion of the state's attorney regarding home detention and local supervision of convicts [not before July 1861]. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. General Land Office. Deeds : the United States of America, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting, 1846-1848. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875,. [Map of unidentified place, probably in central Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. Vocabulario de la lengua castellana, buelto en la matlaltzinga / por n[uest]ro P[adre] M[aestro] Fr[ay] Diego Basalenque Padre de esta provincia de Michuacan de San Nicolas de Tolentino, de la Orden de n[uest]ro P[adre] San Augustin, compuesto por S.P. anno de 1642 y trasladado anno de 1644 en esta villa de Charo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ingalls, George W., b. 1838. True stories of Indians, wild and civilized / told by George W. Ingalls ... ; written by Vernille DeWitt-Warr ; pen & ink sketches by Ralph du Maurier : beautifully illustrated. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Documents pertaining to the Xiu family of Yucatán, Mexico, 1608 Feb.-1817 Oct 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kimball, Solon Toothaker. Solon Toothaker Kimball papers, 1902-1981. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dunn, Jacob Piatt, 1855-1924. Letters : Indianapolis, Ind., to Edward Everett Ayer, [Chicago, Ill.], 1913 Feb. 7-12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barbolano, Hieronymo, 16th cent. Universala charta da navigatione de Fra Hieronymo Barbolano in Venetia mdxxv. Newberry Library
referencedIn Andreas, Brian. Mostly true / author Brian Andreas ; artist Rosie Kelly. Newberry Library
creatorOf Elorriaga, Miguel de. Letters : Manila, [Philippines], to Marcelo Angelita, [Mexico?], 1712 July 22-1714 July 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Doctrina christiana en la lengua utlateca, alias quiché : del uso de Fr. Jossef Anto. Sanchez Viscayno : año de 1790. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chavez family. Chavez family papers 1704-1929 (bulk 1830-1929). Newberry Library
creatorOf Perlas, Conde de. Report : Granada, to King Philip IV, 1622 June 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Long, Larry, 1937-2010. Ruth Page Nutcracker papers, 1965-1997. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Office of the Vice President. Records, 1951-1984. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ruette d'Auteuil de Monceaux, François-Madeleine-Fortuné, 1657-1737. Proces verbal d'assemblée des trois estats habitans ce pays qui depute Mrs. D'Auteuil, Juchereau et Pacaud sur le castor : Québec, 1699 Oct. 3. Newberry Library
referencedIn Nease, F. W.,. Checklist of newspaper holdings at the Newberry Library / compiled by F.W. Nease (December 1966) ; edited by P. Vukosavich (August 1979). Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Juzgado de Manila. Promotoría Fiscal. Letter : to the alcalde mayor 1° de Manila, 1861 Aug. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hatch, Edward, 1832-1889. Edward Hatch letters, 1867-1870. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harigonio, Bona, Fra, 16th cent. Figura totius orbe thexora universale de Fra Bona Harigonio in Venetia año nativitate domine mcccccix de luio. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. Warrant : to the Constable of Chelmsford [Mass.], 1669 May 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. Letters 1774-1777 (bulk 1774-1775) Newberry Library
creatorOf Friend, Robert, fl. 1711-1739. [Chart of the East Indies, South China Sea, Indonesia, and Malaysia] / made by Robert Friend, hydrographer in Shafts Court over against ye East India House in leaden Hall Street, London. Newberry Library
creatorOf Walter, Richard, 1716?-1785. [Partial copy of A Chart of the channel in the Phillippine Islands through which the Manila galeon passes together with the adjacent islands] / M.F.K. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Joffrey Ballet (City Center), 1967-1980. Volume #2 [videorecording] : (Kettentanz - Romeo & Juliet). Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1584-1590 : Vera). License to establish the Convento de Santo Domingo de María in Manila, 1587 Aug. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lawrence, Thomas, 1689-1754. Letters : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Messrs. Storke & Gainsborough, [London, Eng.?], 1736/37 Mar. 20-1737 May 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrientos, Luis. Doctrina en lengua chiapaneca. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Tribunal especial de las ordenes. Suscrición para aliviar las desgracias causadas por el terremoto de Manila, 1863 Sept. 17-1864 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copies of a royal order of Oct. 3, 1857 : concerning the implementation of new government accounting procedures in the Philippines, [1858]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mello, Duarte José de. Petitions concerning business and family matters of Duarte José de Mello 1816-[1845?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anderson, William P. Letter : Nashville, [Tenn.], to George W. Campbell, Washington City, 1809 Jan. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. Modern dance, 1938-1977. Volume #1 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875. Indian incidents, [between 1873 and 1875] / in the handwriting of the late Sam[ue]l G. Drake, Indian historian & antiquary ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Otazu, Lorenzo, 1759-1824. Diary 1795 Nov. 11-1804 Sept. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morán, Francisco, fl. 1625. Arte en lengua cholti que quiere decir lengua de milperos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1619-1629 : García Serrano). License from the archbishop of Manila authorizing Dominicans from the convent of Santo Rosario to evangelize the province of Ituy, 1625 April 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Contaduría General de Rentas Estancadas. Refutación al proyecto del contador mayor de Filipinas D. Luis Estrada sobre redución [!] de Mindanao y Yoló referente á rentas de tabacos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barnes, Edward A., b. 1842. Edward A. Barnes papers, 1865-1893. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Business Office. Records, 1887-[ongoing] Newberry Library
creatorOf Whiteman, Ira M., 1871-1944. Ira M. Whiteman collection of photographs and military paraphernalia, 1898-1899. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Facilities Management Department. Facilities Manager and Chief Security Officer administrative files, 1981-1987. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. Letter : Montreal, to Monsr. L'anglade, 1763 July 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. A map exhibiting the track of the merchant ship Rattler on a voyage to the Pacific Oceans & return to England, A.D. 1793, 1794 / Colnett del. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morgan, George, 1743-1810. Letter : Baltimore, [Md.], to John Hancock, [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1777 Jan. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Melero, Felix. Copies of parish records from Boac, Philippines, 1888 June 6-1896 Aug. 25. Newberry Library
referencedIn Ayer, Edward Everett, 1841-1927. Papers, 1842-1934 (bulk 1880-1934). Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Tumbao en el vértice del delta del rio grande de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catlin, George, 1796-1872. Souvenir of the North American Indians as they were in the middle of the 19th century [graphic], 1852 [i.e. between 1852 and ca. 1860]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Newberry Library. Special Collections Section. Modern Manuscripts Collection correspondence, 1945-1969. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zárate Salmerón, Gerónimo. Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el nuevo Mexico se han visto, y sabido assi por Mar como por tierra desde el año de 1538 hasta el de 1626 / por el Padre Geronimo de Zarate Salmeron Predicador dela Orden de los menores de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio: Dirigidas a Nro. Rmo. Pe. Fr. Franco. de Apodaca Padre de la Provincia de Cantabria, y Comisario General de todas las de esta Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Croquis del terreno donde está situado "Tamontaca." Newberry Library
creatorOf Valenciano, Antonio. Relación de los srres. que tienen carroages habitantes en esta ciudad de Nueva Caseres, 1863 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guzmán, Pantaleón de, 1652?-ca. 1708. Libro yntitulado Compendio de nombres en lengua cakchiquel : y significados de verbos por ymperativo y aculativos reciprocos en doce tratados / por el Pe. Predicadr. F. Pantaleon de Guzman; cura doctrinero por el real patronato deesta doctrina y curato de Santa Maria de Jesus Pache; en veinte dias del mes de octubre, de mil setecientos y quatro años. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Continental Congress. Treaty proceedings : Easton, Pa., 1777 Jan. 30-Feb. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Goodspeed, Edgar J. (Edgar Johnson), 1871-1962,. [Papyrus fragment of private accounts]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brommel, Bernard J., 1930-. Bernard J. Brommel-Eugene V. Debs papers, 1886-2003. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Office of Indian Affairs. St. Louis Superintendency. William Clark, superintendent of Indian affairs, to all whom it may concern : whereas Pratte, Chouteau & Co. having applied for a license to trade for one year ... : license, 1836 Apr. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hill, Robert C. Letter : Camp in Rush Valley, Utah Territory, to Col. D. Ruggles, 1859 June 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gascoigne, Stephen. Whāmē mēäurnmē tāmäsh : John 3 ch.: 16 vr., Genesis 1 ch., Mark 1 ch. to 5 ch. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio, 1737-1799. Memoria sobre la naturaleza, cultivo, y beneficio de la grana ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). [Map of irrigated lands adjacent to the Hacienda de Sant Inés (Mexico)]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Slonimsky, Marion, 1876-1926. Marion Cummings papers, 1900-1956. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lardizábal, Vicente de. Letters and promissory note : Idiazabal, Spain, to Martín Antonio de Huici, 1795 Feb. 12. Newberry Library