creatorOf |
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. Benjamin Franklin letters to Sir Joseph Banks, 1783.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLIII (ff. 397). Apr.-Dec. 1798.Thomas Lack, Secretary to the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade: Letters to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: circ. 1793-1806.includes:ff. 1, 2, 8,53,150, 170, 199, 203, 210, 263, 304 b, 368 John de Blaquière, Li...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814. Letters, 1800 May 29-30, London, to Sir Joseph Banks, London.
Dartmouth College Library |
creatorOf |
PLANS of forts in France, Switzerland, Denmark, and Germany, viz.: Ancenis, Blavet, Brisac, Dole, Fécamp, S. Caterine, S. Martin, Vic, Moyen Vic, Uzéz, Lucerne, S. Gallon, Freyberg, Hermasteine [Ehrenbreitstein], Mentz, Ripen, and Schweidnitz. Paper;..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Selection of material from the Banks Papers (microfilm), 1781-1793
The Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies at Rhodes House |
referencedIn |
(XV. ff. 321). Jan.-Sept. 1782.George Aust, Under Secretary: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1789.includes:ff. 3, 41 Mary Darcy, wife of Robert, 6th Earl of Holdernesse: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1782-1784. ff. 5, 17, 31, 33, 47, 71...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Blagden, Charles, Sir, 1748-1820. [Letter] 1811 Oct. 1, Cheltenham [to] Countess Rumford, London / C. Blagden.
Dartmouth College Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. [A collection of papers relating mainly to scientific and learned societies, lectures and books, compiled by Sir Joseph Banks.
The City of London Corporation, Corporation of London Libraries |
referencedIn |
37951. MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters, etc., 1611-1909
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. xi. (ff. 512). Aug.-Oct. 1786.Joseph Matthias Gérard the de Rayneval, French diplomatist: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1786-1800.Trade and Commerce: Correspondence nd papers relating to a commercial treaty between France and England: 1786-...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Voyage en Angleterre, 1785 April 3-May 27, 1785 April 3 - 1785 May 27
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Turner, Charles, 1774-1857,. [The Dilettanti Society] [graphic] / Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxt. ; Turner sculp.
Boston Athenaeum |
creatorOf |
Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle Upon Tyne. Letters [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. [Notes, lists, journal extracts and letters relating to Banks] / Sir Joseph Banks.
Natural History Museum |
referencedIn |
O'Brian, Patrick, 1914-2000. Papers, ca. 1970-1994.
Indiana University |
referencedIn |
Shebbeare, J., fl. 1792,. Autograph letters signed from J. Shebbeare, London, to Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove, near Hounslow [manuscript], 1792.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. CCXXXIV (ff. 442). 1797, 1798.includes:ff. 3, 97, 172, 192, 323, 375, 379, 383, 387, 391 Matthew Boulton, engineer: Correspondence and papers rel. to the copper coinage: 1787-circ. 1799, n.d. f. 7 Samuel Thornton, Director of the Bank of Englan..., 1797-1798
British Library |
referencedIn |
Materials for a biography, [ca. 1946-1962], of David Hosack, Circa 1946-1962
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Collection of letters of Sir Joseph Banks : Soho Square [London] 1783 Sept. 6 - 1814 May 30.
University of California, Los Angeles |
referencedIn |
Vol. V. (ff. 525). 1808-1810.includes:f. 2 John Weyland: Letter to A. Young: 1808. f. 6 Richard Valpy, DD: Letters to A. Young: 1781-1815. f. 8 Sylvester Douglas, Baron Glenbervie: Letter to A. Young: 1808. ff. 9, 23, 319, 349, 355 John Christian ..., 1808-1810
British Library |
creatorOf |
Sir Joseph Banks papers, 1763-1830
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph Sir, 1743-1820. [Sir Joseph Banks : Australian and New Zealand Art Files].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
MAPS of Russia and Poland. Paper ro1ls; XVIIIth cent. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Fabbroni, Giovanni Valentino Mattia, 1752-1822. Papers, ca. 1770s-1875.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. III. (ff. 528). 1798-1802.includes:f. 1 Charles Hare: Letter to A. Young: 1798. f. 3 Richard Valpy, DD: Letters to A. Young: 1781-1815. f. 5 George Rose, PC; MP: Correspondence with A. Young: 1785-1816. ff. 6, 59, 145, 147, 193, 234, 437, 441..., 1798-1802
British Library |
referencedIn |
Giovanni Valentino Mattia Fabbroni papers, ca. 1770s-1875, Circa 1770-1875
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829. Correspondence, 1803-1822.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
). MISCELLANEOUS papers. Paper ; ff. 178. Folio., 16th century-20th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letter [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Courtenay, John, 1738-1816. Book and letter [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Banks, Sarah Sophia, 1744-1818. Sir Joseph Banks's fishery book of the River Witham in Lincolnshire, 1784-1800.
Yale Center for British Art |
referencedIn |
vol. iv (ff. 369). 1816-1835.Charles François Dumouriez, French general: Political correspondence with N. Vansittart, enclosing copies of his letters to the Duke of Wellington and others: 1806, 1812-1820.Henry Beeke, DD; Professor of Modern History, ..., 1816-1835
British Library |
referencedIn |
Glasse, George Henry, 1761-1809. Correspondence, 1757-1808 (bulk: 1778-1808)
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Cases and opinions of counsel, 1728-1780.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Hutchinson, James, 1752-1793. Papers, 1771-1928.
American Philosophical Society Library |
creatorOf |
COLLECTIONs relating to Lincolnshire, viz.:-1. Collections relating to Lincoln Cathedral, beginning with a list of Bishops and a list of parish churches in the city collected in 1644 " by the industrey of Robert Sandford." f. 2. This article (which ..., 17th century-18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. ii. ; 1787-1847 :-. The names of the writers of the more important letters are-[Frederick North, Lord] North; London, 2 Feb. 1787, f. 3. [John Hussey Delaval Lord] Delaval; London, 19 July, 1787, f. 11. [William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, Duke o..., 1787-1847
British Library |
creatorOf |
WARREN DAWSON PAPERS. Vol. XLI. Correspondence and papers of Sir Joseph Banks; 1727-1820. Provenance as given by Dawson in his catalogue, Add. 56311, item 45, is as follows: ff. 23-27 were purchased at Sotheby's 3 Aug. 1934, lot 1052 (part); f. 42 wa..., 1727-1820
British Library |
referencedIn |
Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826. John Pinkerton letters, 1775 Dec 14-1815 Jan 31.
Yale University, Lewis Walpole Library |
referencedIn |
VOL. I.: John Phipps; Gibraltar, 12 Sept. 1757, 20 June, 1760, 4 Aug. 1766, ff. 3, 9, 24. Juan de la Rosa; Gibraltar, 20 Nov. 1757. Span. f. 5. John Pulley Edwards; St. Elizabeth's, Appleton, 31 Aug. 1758, f. 7. [Colonel] G. de Monroy; Lyistadt, 10 A...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXXVI (ff. 366). Jan.-Nov. 1790.includes:f. 1 Lemuel Goodrich, of Leicester: Letter to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1790. f. 2 John Pownall, Commissioner of Excise, etc: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1762-1790. ff. 3, 115, 134,...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Franklin-Bache Papers, 1707-1799
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Flaxman, John, 1755-1826. Portrait medallion of Joseph Banks, ca. 1785 [realia] / John Flaxman.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. Letter, 1818 February 3, Soho Square, to [Mr. Ticknor, n.p.].
Dartmouth College Library |
creatorOf |
MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1699-1965. Paper and (f. 52) vellum; ff. 66. Folio. A. Two letters of John Edward Masefield, O.M., to the Keeper of the Department of Printed Books, British Museum, relating to a portrait of J. M. Synge; 2, 9 Jan. 19..., 1699-1965
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Papers [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
WARREN DAWSON PAPERS. Vol. XLIII. Collection of papers, mainly relating to the pedigree of the Banks family; 1781-1814, n.d. Partly autograph. Partly printed. W.D.47. Dawson's bookplate, f. i. Vellum (f. 1) and paper; ff. ii+118+(7*, 9*, 61*). Conten..., 1700-1814
British Library |
creatorOf |
PAPERS relating to official business in the British Museum, formerly in the possession of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart.; 1755-1796. Among them are letters of Rodolph Valltravers, F.R.S., 1790 (f.10), and John Pinkerton, 1795 (ff. 18, 22), applying for appo..., 1755-1796
British Library |
referencedIn |
ELLIS PAPERS. Vol. I. General correspondence of Sir Henry Ellis; 1795-1866. The letters are mainly concerned with Museum affairs, excepting one group (ff. 18-24) which refer to his unavailing efforts, in 1811-1812, to be elected Director of the Socie..., 1795-1866
British Library |
creatorOf |
American Philosophical Society Library. Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection. 1668-1983.
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Some hints respecting the proper mode of inuring tender plants to our climate.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. LXXXVII (ff. 423). 16 Mar.-9 May, 1819.includes:f. 1 John Delaval Carpenter, 4th Earl of Tyrconnel: Letter to the 2nd Earl of. Liverpool: 1819. f. 5 William Van Mildert, Bishop of Llandaff 1819 and (1826) of Durham: Correspondence with the 2nd ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Papers.
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries |
referencedIn |
(XXI. ff. 343). Jan. 1787-Jan. 1790.includes:f. 1 Henry Pelham: Letter to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1787. ff. 3, 146, 239, 301 Colonel Thomas Pownall, MP; Governor of Massachusetts and S Carolina: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1789. ff. 5-1...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXXII. (ff. 279). April 1782-Dec. 1793.William Windham, Secretary of State, etc: General political correspondence: 1782-1810.includes:f. 1 Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham; Prime Minister: Letter to, from W.Windham: 1782.f....
British Library |
referencedIn |
[Fragment of a ?petition], [ca. 1789-1790].
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
Newberry, Francis, 1743-1818. Autograph letter signed : St. Pauls, to Sir Joseph Banks, 1791 Nov. 4.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
CHARTS and maps made during voyages of discovery in the South Pacific Ocean by Samuel Wallis, commander of the "Dolphin," in 1767; Lieut. James Cook, commander of the "Endeavour," in 1769 and 1770; and Matthew Flinders, second lieut., and George Bass..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. VI. (ff. 580). 1811-1813.John Sinclair, of Ulbster, 1st Baronet 1786; President of the Board of Agriculture: Letters to A. Young: 1787-1819.includes:f. 3 Henry Thornton: Letter to A. Young: 1811. ff. 4-44, 475 Charlotte Barrett: Letters to A. Y..., 1811-1813
British Library |
creatorOf |
Hunter, John, 1728-1793. Letter : London, to Sir Joseph Banks, London, 1782 Feb 2.
Yale University, Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library |
referencedIn |
Jean André DeLuc papers, 1746-1847
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Vol. I.includes:ff. 5-207 passim, 253, 280, 341 Reverend David Love, senior: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1787-1807. ff. 23, 136, 144 Alexander Stenhouse, Dr: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1788-1807. ff. 49-55 Charles Taylor: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1789. ff...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835. Papers, 1746-1900
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Chalmers, George, 1742-1825. George Chalmers manuscript material : 1 item, 1806
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. [Correspondence] [microform] / Sir Joseph Banks.
National Library of New Zealand |
creatorOf |
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804. Dr. Joseph Priestley: a collection of autograph letters, portraits, etc.
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries |
referencedIn |
Portrait file: Guide.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper; ff. 121. British Library arrangement. A. Correspondence of Captain W. H. O'Shea, M.P., husband of Kitty O'Shea; 1882-1885. Partly copies. Presented, with Add. Ch. 75998, by Mrs Caroline A. Wright, 25 Jan. 1982..., 1698-1940
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. IV. (ff. 561). 1830-June, 1831.includes:ff. 1, 3, 7, 10, 42, 86, 390 Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury: Correspondence, etc., with C. Babbage: 1829-1857, n.d. ff. 5, 14, 23, 28, 357 Reverend Thomas John Hussey, astronomer: Letter t..., 1830-1831
British Library |
creatorOf |
Eccles, Mary Hyde,. Donald Hyde and Mary Hyde Eccles autograph collection, 1505-1957 (inclusive), 1702-1854 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Rennie, John, 1761-1821. Autograph letter signed : London, to Sir Joseph Banks, 1802 Dec. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
VOL. II. Williams; 2 Jul. 1803, f. 18; P Colquhoun; 3 Jul. 1803, f. 19; Robert Sewell; 5 Jul. 1803, f. 22; M Franks; 5 Aug. 1803, f. 24; James Stephen; 6 Aug. 1803, f. 26; Robert Milligan; 9 Aug. 1803, f. 30; G. W. Jordan; 10 Aug. 1803, f. 32; Willia..., 1803-1815
British Library |
referencedIn |
Francis, John, 1915-. Sir Joseph Banks : a key figure in establising the merino in England and Australia / John Francis.
University of Queensland, UQ Library |
creatorOf |
Great Britain. Home Office. Records of the Home Office relating to British activities in northwestern North America [manuscript], 1791-1901.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library |
referencedIn |
American Philosophical Society Archives. Record Group IIa, 1743-1806
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
ORIGINAL letters addressed to John Douglas, D.D., afterwards Bishop successively of Carlisle and Salisbury, chiefly relative to the publication of the journals of Captain Cook's second and third voyages, 1776-1784. Among the writers are:-[Captain] Ja..., 1776-1784
British Library |
referencedIn |
WINDHAM PAPERS. Vol. XIII. (ff. 189). Correspondence of W. Windham with the following:-1. Francis Maseres, chiefly on mathematical subjects; 20 June 1791-8 July 1805. ff. 1-34. 2. Thomas Mudge, jun., Count Brühl, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir George Shuckb..., 1791-1812
British Library |
referencedIn |
(ff. 236). Vol. viii. 1790-1802.includes:ff. 5, 57, 148, 168, 181, 205, 213 James Lee: Letters to J. Wilkes: 1781-1797. ff. 6, 8, 12, 19, 20, 25 William Holwell, Prebendary of Exeter: Letters to J. Wilkes: 1789-1790. ff. 7, 160, 167 William Woodfal..., 1790-1802
British Library |
referencedIn |
George Chalmers manuscript material : 1 item, 1806
The New York Public Library. Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle. |
referencedIn |
Luc, J. A. de (Jean André), 1727-1817. Jean André DeLuc papers, 1746-1847 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
MISCELLANEOUS original letters, many of which relate to literary and scientific matters, with a few papers, etc.; 1690-1873. The names of all the writers are given in the index. Included are:-Sir Robert Southwell [Secretary of State for Ireland] to ..., 1690-1873
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Jonathan. Models, machines & instruments made use of by Mr Banks in his course of lectures : manuscript, 1790.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Joseph Banks collection, [1808]
Scott Polar Research Institute |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXIX (ff. 368). Mar. 1782-Dec. 1785.John Robinson, Secretary to the Treasury: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1761-1802.includes:f. 1 Pennel Phippard: Letter to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1782. f. 5 Wilmot Vaughan, Viscount Lisbu...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLI (ff. 385). 16 Aug. 1794-19 Dec. 1795.includes:ff. 1, 18, 83, 107, 109, 126, 312 George Chalmers, Scottish antiquary: Correspondence with the lst Earl of Liverpool: 1786-1807, n.d. ff. 3, 10, 25, 32, 95, 98, 111 Sir Stephen Cottrell, Clerk t...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. LII (ff. 318). May, 1804-Feb. 1806.includes:f. 1 Henry Watkin Williams-Wynn, GCH 1831; diplomatist: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1804. f. 8 St Martin de Front, Count; Sardinian Minister to England: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool:...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Hunter, John, 1737-1821. Letter : Sydney, N.S.W. to Sir Joseph Banks.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Caley, George, 1770-1829. Letters [microform].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Sir Joseph Banks: Journals, 1767-1768
Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives |
creatorOf |
FAIR COPY of the two first-articles in the preceding volume, compared with the original and corrected by Mr. Taylor and Mr. Chace, 13 Aug 1724; with a table of contents. Paper; xviiith cent. Small Quarto. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Correspondence, 1786-1815.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
CORRESPONDENCE and papers relating to the statue of Sir Joseph Banks, executed by Francis Chantrey, and placed in the hall of the British Museum; comprising letters of subscribers and others, and the minutes, accounts, and other papers of the committ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
"ADVERSARIA or Collections for an History of the City of Lincoln": being collections from chronicles, the city archives, and other printed and MS. sources, by [Matthias ?] Symson, Senior Vicar of Lincoln Cathedral; 1737. The MS. afterwards belonged t..., 1737
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. I. (ff. 501). 1743-1789.includes:f. 1 Martin Foukes: Letter to Kennon: 1743. f. 3 Samuel Johnson, LLD; lexicographer: Letter to Dr. Taylor: 1752.: Copy. f. 5 John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute; Prime Minister: Letter to Lord 1761. f. 6 Philip Dorm..., 1743-1789
British Library |
referencedIn |
Dawson, Warren R. (Warren Royal), 1888-1968. Catalogue and note concerning the sale of part of the library of Sir Joseph Banks [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Giovanni Valentino Mattia Fabbroni papers, ca. 1770s-1875, Circa 1770-1875
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Pages from a letter book belonging to Sir Joseph Banks, [ca. 1743-1820]
The Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies at Rhodes House |
creatorOf |
MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1566-1961, n.d. Paper and vellum; ff. 200. British Library arrangement. A. Letter from Thomas James Wise, in the hand of his wife Louise Wise, to William O. Raymond Esq., of Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec, ..., 1566-1961
British Library |
referencedIn |
William Temple Franklin Papers, 1775-1819
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Fleming, James. Letter [manuscript] : St. George's Field, to Sir Joseph Banks.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. CCXXXV (ft. 288). 1799-1805.includes:ff. 1-138 passim, 257 Abraham Robertson, astronomer and mathematician: Correspondence with the lst Earl of Liverpool, with calculations rel. to coin and bullion: 1798-1805. ff. 3, 34, 51, 71, 240, 242, 264,..., 1799-1805
British Library |
referencedIn |
Horatio Nelson correspondence with Lady Emma Hamilton and others, 1760-1869.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Wilks, Matthew. Letter [manuscript] : Hoxton, to Rev. Dr. Haweis.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXXI (ff. 375). Sept.-Nov. 1786.includes:f. 1 Admiral Philip Affleck, glass manufacturer: Letters to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1786-1788. ff. 2, 66 James Macpherson, Translator of Ossian, afterwards Agent for the Nawab of Arcot, and MP for Ca...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letter to [?]. Spring Grove. 1786 Jun. 2.
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Signature of Sir Joseph Banks [manuscript], 1803.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
(XVI. ff. 321). Oct. 1782-July, 1783.includes:ff. 1, 9, 18, 45, 54, 71, 126, 127, 134, 145, 148-150, 167, 168, 172, 237, 253, 274, 281, 285, 294, 296, 311 George Aust, Under Secretary: Letters to the 2nd Lord Hardwicke: 1778-1789. ff. 2, 220, 222, 2...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. CCXXXIII (ff. 378). 1789-1796.includes:ff. 1, 3, 5, 13-17, 31, 35, 37,118, 124, 120, 266 Matthew Boulton, engineer: Correspondence and papers rel. to the copper coinage: 1787-circ. 1799, n.d. f. 7 William Baillie, Commissioner of Stamps: Corre..., 1789-1796
British Library |
referencedIn |
Thornton, William, 1759-1828. Papers, [ca. 1741-1804].
American Philosophical Society Library |
creatorOf |
JOURNAL of Archibald Menzies, Surgeon, R.N., employed as botanist in the voyage of discovery round the world in the ship "Discovery," under Captain George Vancouver; Dec. 1790-16 Feb. 1794. The voyage was not completed till the year 1795 ; this journ...
British Library |
referencedIn |
CATALOGUES of the Library and collection of prints belonging to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., P.R.S., partly arranged under subjects. In the handwriting of his sister, Sarah Sophia Banks. Transferred from the Department of Printed Books.Paper; ff. 154. xv..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
WILDE PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 48). Miscellaneous autograph letters of distinguished persons, addressed chiefly to Wilde or to other members of his family, including his brother-in-law, Col. Sir Augustus Frederick D'Este, son of the Duke of Sussex, by wh..., 1751-1851
British Library |
creatorOf |
Sir Joseph Banks letters, 1802, 1803, 1804
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph Sir, 1743-1820. [Vocabularies of the languages of Tahiti, Princes Island, Sulu, New Holland (i.e. Australia), Samarang, Savi, etc.], ca. 1780.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Fuller, B. A. G., 1879-1956. Autograph collection, 1620-1920
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. Xl (ff. 177). Letters of C. G. Woide: Frederic, Count of Anhalt-Fothergill. Preceded (ff. 1-5) by an account of Woide by his daughter, copied in 1929 by his descendant, A. M. Goodhart, a collection of papers (ff. 6-40b) relating to Woide's caree...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Kippis, Andrew, 1725-1795. The life of Captain James Cook (with five letters tipped in) [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
William Thornton papers, [ca. 1741-1804], Circa 1741-1804
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. Autograph letter signed : Soho Square [London], to an unidentified recipient, 1817 Sept. 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
Vol. CXXI (ff. 268). 23 July, 1787-31 Jan. 1799.includes:ff. 1, 31, 51, 232 Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool: Correspondence with Marquis Cornwallis: 1779-1798.: Copies (except the first). ff. 1, 31, 51, 232 Charles Cornwallis, Viscount Brom...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Correia da Serra, José Francisco, 1750-1823. Letters, 1810-1823.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. LVI (ff. 242). 1815.includes:ff. 1, 3 Count Nikolai Petrovich Pahlen: Correspondence with Prince Lieven: 1815-1820.: Fr. f. 6 John Freeman-Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale; Lord Chancellor of Ireland: Letter to Prince Lieven: 1815. f. 8 Edward Scott..., 1815
British Library |
creatorOf |
Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, Earl of, 1727-1808. Autograph letter signed : to Sir Joseph Banks.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
DRAWINGS, in Indian ink, of headlands, bays, islands, etc., by A. Buchan, draughtsman to Alr. Banks, in Capt. J. Cook's first voyage, 1768-1770. Large Folio. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., in 1832. [15,507.], 1768-1770
British Library |
referencedIn |
ORIGINAL papers and letters, chiefly addressed to the family of Slade; 1783-1862. The writers are:-Sir Joseph Banks, Pres. Roy. Soc.; London, 2 Jan. 1808, 5 Mar. 1809, ff. 29, 30. François Marquis de Barthélemy, member of the Directory; Paris, 14 May..., 1783-1862
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. xxiii. (ff. 453). Nov.-Dec. 1790.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1793.includes:f. 4 Princes of Orange: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1790-1793.: Fr. ff. 7, 58, 308, 34...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLVII (ff. 372). 1802-1807.includes:ff. 1-270 passim Frederick William Hervey, 5th Earl of Bristol; 1st Marquess of Bristol: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1801-1803. ff. 3, 5, 30, 67, 153, 171, 227, 238 Sylvester Douglas, Baron..., 1802-1807
British Library |
referencedIn |
Giovanni Valentino Mattia Fabbroni papers, ca. 1770s-1875, Circa 1770-1875
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802. [Letter], [17]82 Mar. 17, Radburn [to] Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London / E. Darwin.
American Museum of Natural History |
referencedIn |
Charles Willson Peale letterbooks, 1767-1827, 1767-1827
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813. Copies of letters received, 1763-73.
Churchill County Museum |
creatorOf |
[Sir Joseph Banks : Australian Art and Artists file].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Cunningham, Allan, 1791-1839. Letter [manuscript] : Crepang Bay, Timor, to Sir Joseph Banks.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Two Discoures on Metals by John Woodward, M.D., with autograph additions and corrections, viz.:-1. "An Account of ye Ores of Metalls: and of the manner in which they ly in ye earth. With a Representation of ye Natural Structure and Fabrick of the Ter..., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Barnard, Edward, fl. 1783-1813. Silver kettle and spirit lamp given by Queen Charlotte to Sir Joseph Banks [realia] / Rebecca Emes [and] Edward Barnard.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
TARGET-CARDS, being the archery scores pricked on cards, properly coloured, of Sir Joseph Banks and his friends; 1793-1807. The names and other details are in the hand of Miss Sarah Sophia Banks. Paper; ff. 42, 45. 4 ¾ in. x 3 in., 1793-1807
British Library |
creatorOf |
Flinders, Matthew, 1774-1814. Letter [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. II.includes:f. 355 Sir Joseph Banks, Baronet; PRS: Letters to G. Chalmers, and others: 1782-1818., 1777-1832
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. LXVI (ff. 376). Nov. 1813-14 Jan. 1814.includes:f. 1 Susanna Colleton, wife of Sir J N Colleton: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1813. f. 3 Lieutenant Thomas Edward Knight, RN: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1813. ff. 5, 2...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Poem [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Banks papers [microfilm] / microfilmed by the Public Library of New South Wales.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letters [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS and papers with fragments of vellum MSS., etc; 13th cent.-1877. Presente by Dr. J. C. Mullerr. Vellum and paper; ff. 174. Folio., 13th century-19th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Veasey, James Alexander. General Historical Manuscripts, Documents, and Photographs 1500-1980.
The University of Tulsa, McFarlin Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXXIV (ff. 348). Apr. 1788-Jan.1789.John Reeves, formerly Chief Justice of Newfoundland: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1787-1802.includes:f. i Captain Elliot Salter, RN: Letter to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1788. f. 3 Cheshire:...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Blagden, Charles, Sir, 1748-1820. Letters from Sir Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks, 1776-1780.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827. Letterbooks, 1767-1827.
American Philosophical Society Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. A journal of a voyage up Great Britain's west coast and to Iceland [manuscript].
McGill University Library |
referencedIn |
Osborne, W. A. (William Alexander), b. 1873. Papers of William Alexander Osborne [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
FORTY-ONE original letters from Sir William Hamilton, English Minister at tho Court of Naples, to Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, G.C.B., President of the Royal Society on scientific matters, chiefly with regard to Volcanoes and on the establishment in Na...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Amherst, Elizabeth, 1739 or 40-1830,. Autograph letter signed from Baroness Elizabeth (Cary) Pitt Amherst to Mrs. Garrick [manuscript], [1814] June 3 Friday.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
creatorOf |
King, Robert J., 1947-. Papers of Robert J. King [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. xxiv. (ff. 478). Jan.-12 Feb. 1791.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1793.Sistova, Turkey: Negotiations at: 1791.includes:ff. 2, 33, 70, 102, 125, 146, 171, 185, 218, 234, 263...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Copy of the journal of a voyage from Batavia, in the East Indies, for the discovery of the unknown South land, by Abel Jansen Tasman, with sketches of the coast and peoples
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. IV. (ff. 505). 1803-1807.includes:ff. 1, 59, 76, 160, 247,465, 469, 485 Augustus Henry Fitz Roy, 3rd Duke of Grafton: Letters to A. Young: 1765-1808. f. 5 William Stanistreet: Letter to A. Young: 1803. ff. 7, 35, 69 Reverend Thomas Scott: Lett..., 1803-1807
British Library |
creatorOf |
Vol. XXXVII (ff. 239). Oct. 1813-1817.includes:ff. 3, 52 Lieutenant-General Terence O'Loghlin: Letters to Sir J. W. Gordon: 1813-1814. f. 11 Major-General Sir Denis Pack, KCB: Letter to Sir J. W. Gordon: 1813. ff. 16-218b passim Field-Marshal Sir Sta...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. LX (ff. 367). Aug.-21 Oct. 1812.includes:ff. 1, 3 Marcus Crosbie: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-1819. f. 4 Robert John Harper, Clerk of the Duchy of Lancaster Court: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1807-1823...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Blaxland, Gregory, 1778-1853. Letter of Gregory Blaxland : Brush Farm, N.S.W. to Sir Joseph Banks [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
TREATISE on Falconry, by Joanne Pietro Bellbasso, of Vigevano, in fourteen books; dat. 17 July, 1510. Ital. Paper; with a painting of a hawking scene, and coloured borders and initials. On f. 12 are the arms of Guillaume, Seigneur de Montmorency, Cha...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letter [manuscript] : to Edward King, John Street, Bedford Row.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon de, 1721-1794. Voyage en Angleterre, 1785 April 3-May 27.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. II. (ff. 350). 1803-March 1810.includes:ff. 1, 19, 21, 23, 75, 349 John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden: Correspondence with Lord Wellesley: 1796-1833. ff. 3, 11, 202 Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth; Prime Minister: Correspondence wit...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822. Letters by Sir William Herschel, 1777-1807.
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens |
referencedIn |
Album [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. V (ff. 276). 20 Feb. 1772-23 Dec. 1799, n.d.includes:f. 1 b Wool: Breviate for a Bill for encouragement of wearing wool: 17th cent.f. 7 Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool: Letter to Col. A. St Leger: 1779.: Extract.ff. 10, 12, 13, 17, ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letters [microform].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. Sir Joseph Banks papers, 1766-1820 (inclusive), [microform].
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXX (ff. 384). Jan.-Aug. 1786.includes:ff. 4, 14 M. Tilson, wife of John Tilson: Correspondence with the lst Earl of Liverpool: 1776-1786. ff. 5, 115, 330 Henry Standish, Deputy Clerk of the Pells in Ireland: Correspondence with the lst Earl of...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Steevens, George, 1736-1800,. Letters to and from George Steevens [manuscript], 1763-1799.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. CCLXXXIII (ff. 347). 1791-1800.includes:f. 1 Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford: Letter to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1791. ff. 2, 8 Robert Banks Jenkinson, Baron Hawkesbury; 2nd Earl of Liverpool; Prime Minister: Correspondence with his father ..., 1791-1800
British Library |
creatorOf |
Letter to Sir Joseph Banks and instructions to Captain W. Wilson [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Hunter, John, 1728-1793. Letter : London, to Sir Joseph Banks, London, 1782 Feb 2.
Yale University, Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library |
referencedIn |
Young, Edward. Letter [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
LETTERS addressed to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., P.R.S., chiefly on Botany and other subjects of Natural History and Science, many of them written from foreign parts; 1765-1821. With a few drafts of replies. The names of the writers are given in the Ind...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Abel Jansen Tasman's journal, translated from the original Dutch by Charles Godfrey Woide, 1776
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLVI (ff. 357). 1801.includes:ff. 1, 151, 238, 277 George Chalmers, Scottish antiquary: Correspondence with the lst Earl of Liverpool: 1786-1807, n.d. ff. 3, 60 Charles Philippe Simon de Montboissier-Beaufort-Canillac, Baron; afterwards Comte, ..., 1801
British Library |
creatorOf |
DRAWINGS, partly colored, illustrative of Sir Joseph Banks's voyage to the Hebrides, Orkneys, and Iceland, in 1772, by John F. Alilier, J. Clevelly, jun., and James Miller. 4 Vols. Large Folio. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. [15,509-15,512]., 1772
British Library |
referencedIn |
Herman W. Liebert manuscript collection, 1604-1987
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
WARREN DAWSON PAPERS. Vol. XL. Notebook of Sir Joseph Banks containing observations on natural history, commerce, mining, etc.; 1767-1768, n.d. Autograph. Most of the notes, which contain some dated entries, were made during Banks' tour of the West C..., 1767-1768
British Library |
creatorOf |
Sir Joseph Banks papers, 1766-1820 (bulk), 1766-1820
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Correspondence [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
ORIGINAL letters, addressed to Edmond Malone, on the subject of the monument to Dr. Johnson, to be erected in St. Paul's Cathedral, and the inscription written for it by Dr. Parr; 1791-1795. The writers are: 1. [Sir] Jos[eph] Banks [Bart.]; Soho Squa..., 1791-1795
British Library |
referencedIn |
CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF SIR JOSEPH BANKS, Bart., P.R.S., mainly relating to his estate at Revesby, co. Lincoln, and the surrounding district; 16 Apr. 1790-10 Oct. 1812, n.d. Some copies and autogr. drafts of letters from him are included. Names ...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. I (ff. 241). (1) Notes and papers collected by William Lee of Totteridge Park, grandfather of John Lee, during his travels, 1752-1753, in France (ff. 1-19b), Italy (ff. 20-49b) and Germany (ff. 50-62). Partly French, Italian and German and incl..., 1752-1839
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. CCLVII (ff. 347). 1609-1789.includes:ff. 1-23, 31, 49, 51 Stockbridge, Hampshire: Papers rel. to: 1609-1773. f. 2 b Sir Richard Gifford: Patent to, of the stewardship of Stockbridge manor: 1609.: Copy. f. 5 b Roger Hide: Patent to, of the stew..., 1609-1789
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph Sir, 1743-1820. [Letter] to the Count Lauraguais / [Jos. Banks].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
DRAWINGS, in Indian ink, illustrative of Capt. Cook's first voyage, 1768 -1770, chiefly relating to Otaheite and New Zealand, by A. Buchan, John F. Miller, and others. Large Folio. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. [15,508.], 1768-1770
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. 11. (ff. 467). 1790-1797.includes:f. 1 Arthur Young, agriculturalist: Letters to his daughter Mary: 1787-1790. ff. 3, 17, 31-63, 72, 99, 139, 153, 184, 198, 245, 247, 290, 336, 354, 363, 409 John Symonds, Professor of Modern History at Cambridg..., 1790-1797
British Library |
creatorOf |
Shebbeare, J., fl. 1792,. Autograph letters signed from J. Shebbeare, London, to Sir Joseph Banks, Spring Grove, near Hounslow [manuscript], 1792.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
creatorOf |
MISCELLANEOUS maps and plans. Paper rolls; XVII-XIXth centt. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., 17th century-19th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Letters and documents, 1787-1888.
American Philosophical Society Library |
creatorOf |
"The, Gouldesmytthes Storehouse, wherein is laide vpp many hidden secretes of ingenious mistery, compiled, made, and drawen into this Methode by H. G., Cittizen and Gouldsmith of London, Anno salutis 1606." In two books; the first treating of weights..., 1606
British Library |
referencedIn |
Robbins, Christine Chapman,. Materials for a biography, [ca. 1946-1962], of David Hosack.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Cook, James, 1728-1779. Family papers [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
American Philosophical Society Library. Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection. 1668-1983.
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Vol. CXXII (ff. i +211). 6 Feb. 1799-2 Feb. 1806. Folio and quarto.includes:f. 1 b Reverend Thomas Maurice, of the British Museum: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1796-1802. f. 1 b Reverend James Hodgson, Master of Whitgift's Hospital...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Cox, Edward King, 1829-1883. Papers.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
The Papers of William Clift, 1780-1849
Royal College of Surgeons of England, London |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1767-1791.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Lady Hester Stanhope letters and portrait, 1808-1839
Pennsylvania State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Autograph of Sir Joseph Banks [manuscript], 1803.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. V, ff. 291, A-E.includes:f. 1 Andrew Leith Adams, FRS: Letter to [ ?T. R. Jones]: 1864. f. 3 William Grylls Adams, Professor of Natural Philosophy, King's College, London: Letter to [?T. R. Jones]: 1875. ff. 5, 7 Jacob Georg Agardh, Swedish natu...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Papers : letters from Sir Charles Blagden 1818-1819.
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
referencedIn |
Giambatista Beccaria Papers, 1766-1780
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Sir Joseph Banks papers, 1763-1830 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Papers, 1766-1820 (bulk).
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
1. LETTERS, of Sir Horace Mann, British Envoy at Florence, to Sir William Hamilton; 1765-1786. f. 1. 2. Letters of Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society, to the same; 1777-1798. f. 125. Paper; ff. 161. Quarto.includes:ff. 1-123 Sir Horac..., 1765-1798
British Library |
referencedIn |
Peale-Sellers family collection, 1686-1963
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
vol. II., ff. 406, 1813-1825.includes:f. 1 Robert Purdie: Letter to R. Brown: 1813. ff. 3,11,23,27,83,85,89,105,138 George Caley, Botanist in Australia: Letters to R. Brown: 1811-1820. ff. 5, 9, 26 Dr Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer, Director of..., 1813-1825
British Library |
referencedIn |
James Hutchinson papers, 1771-1928, 1771-1928
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
(XXVI. ff. 300). 17 Feb.-31 May, 1783.William Fraser, Under Secretary of State: Letters to Sir R. M. Keith: 1774-1789.includes:f. 1 General Louis Anthonie Cock van Oyen: Letters to Sir R. M. Keith: 1782-1783.: Fr. ff. 2, 98, 170 Andrew Berkeley Drum...
British Library |
referencedIn |
William Thornton Papers, 1741-1865
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF SIR JOSEPH BANKS, Bart., P.R.S, partly in the hand of his sister, Sarah Sophia Banks; 1777-1820. Partly French. Partly printed. The present correspondence was not used by W. R. Dawson for his calendar of The Banks Letters..., 1777-1820
British Library |
referencedIn |
Correia da Serra, José Francisco, 1750-1823. Papers, 1772-1827
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Boswell's Life of Johnson : including Boswell's Journal of a tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a journey into North Wales, edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1464-1897 (inclusive), 1724-1874 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
LETTERS of various persons, principally addressed to Viscount Valentia, with a few drafts of letters of Lord Valentia; 1804-1830. The names of the writers are as follows:-Lieut. A. Maxfield, f. 3; Viscount Valentia, ff. 4, 98, 141, 372; Henry Salt, f..., 1804-1830
British Library |
referencedIn |
Blagden, Charles, Sir, 1748-1820. Sir Charles Blagden papers, 1616-1861 (bulk 1770-1800).
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
HAMILTON AND GREVILLE PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 294). Correspondence and papers of Sir W. Hamilton, C. F. Greville and R. F. Greville with miscellaneous accompts of the first two, 4 Jan. 1790 -4 Dec. 1808. Several letters from C[harles] I[gnatius] Latrobe...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Letters of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., collected and edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1413-1900 (inclusive), 1775-1839 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. xiii. (ff. 487). Febr.-May, 1787.includes:ff. 5, 47, 65, 93, 140, 203, 236, 322, 350, 471 Sir Morton Frederick Eden, 1st Baron Henley: Correspondence with his brother, Lord Auckland: 1772-1814. ff. 7, 19, 22, 62, 89, 138, 158, 162, 181, 185, 23...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen letters and documents, 1787-1888, 1787-1888
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letter [manuscript] : Rio de Janiero, to Lord Sandwich.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Selected art related letters from the George M. Conarroe Autograph Collection
Archives of American Art |
creatorOf |
"Correspondence", 1785-1809
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letter, [1790?], to M. Jeaurat.
Dartmouth College Library |
referencedIn |
Eg. 3009. MISCELLANEOUS letters and papers, viz., 1530-1875
British Library |
creatorOf |
Boswell, James, 1740-1795. Notebook : manuscript, [ca. 1785]
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. II.includes:f. 5 Reverend Gilbert Buchanan: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1786-1812. ff. 7, 14 Samuel Purkis: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1798-1799. f. 8 Campbell, Captain: Letter to G. Chalmers: 1799. f. 11 W-Budge: Letter to G. Chalmers: 1799. f. 1...
British Library |
creatorOf |
WARREN DAWSON PAPERS. Vol. XLII. Correspondence and papers of Sir Joseph Banks; 1773-1814, n.d. Partly autograph, partly copies made by Dawson. Many dates assigned in this section are derived from Dawson's catalogue entry, Add. 56311, item 46. The or..., 1773-1937
British Library |
creatorOf |
Troil, Uno von, 1746-1803. A vocabulary of the Islandic language / collected by M. Von Troil for Sr. Joseph Banks [manuscript].
King's College London |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. Newfoundland manuscript [manuscript] / Sir Joseph Banks.
McGill University Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XC (ff. 377). Aug.-24 Sept. 1819.includes:f. 1 Charles Powell Leslie, MP for county Monaghan: Letter to Sir B. Bloomfield: 1819. f. 5 George IV of England: Correspondence of the Princess of Wales with G. Canning: 1814, 1819.: Copies. f.5 Georg...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. Sir Joseph Banks papers, 1763-1830 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph Sir, 1743-1820. [Letter] 1788 Feb. 18, Soho Square [to an un-named Lord] [manuscript] / Js. [Joseph] Banks.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
James Hutchinson papers, 1771-1928, 1771-1928
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835. Papers, 1746-1900.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. CCXXXII (ff. 393). Mid. 18th cent.-1788.includes:f. 14 Fountaine Cook, Solicitor to the Mint: Observations on the accompts of' 1754. f. 24 Paul Elers, of Bourton Place, county Oxfordshire: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1763-177...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Papers [Brabourne Collection] [microform].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Scoresby, William, 1789-1857. Letter, 1829 October 10, Liverpool, to Dawson Turner.
Dartmouth College Library |
creatorOf |
Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814. Letters.
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries |
creatorOf |
Sir Humphry Davy correspondence, 1803-1822, 1803-1822
American Philosophical Society |
referencedIn |
Sir Charles Blagden papers, 1616-1861, 1770-1800
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
GENEALOGY of the Counts of Nassau; from 682 to 1724. Germ. Paper roll. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., 18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. I (ff. 129), 1446-1864
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letter to Lord Morton [manuscript] : Rio de Janerio, to Sir Joseph Banks.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Veasey, James Alexander. General Historical Manuscripts, Documents, and Photographs 1500-1980.
The University of Tulsa, McFarlin Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XCIV (ff. 391). 10 Feb.-Mar. 1820.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:f. 1 Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1808-1826. f....
British Library |
referencedIn |
Fabbroni, Giovanni Valentino Mattia, 1752-1822. Correspondence, 1775-1863.
American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library |
creatorOf |
Gore, John, 1772-1836. Letter [manuscript] : Ramillies Torbay, to Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London, 1798 Nov. 8.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Miscellaneous papers, viz.1. " Fürstliche Mindische Cantzeley und Berichts Ordnung": a copy of the Chancery regulations of Christian, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Bishop of Minden, apparently made from the edition printed at Rinteln, 1628 [Dept. o..., 17th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Steevens, George, 1736-1800,. Letters to and from George Steevens [manuscript], 1763-1799.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
PEDIGREES and arms of Lincolnshire families, compiled from the Visitations of 1592 and 1634; with letter from John Charles Brooke, Somerset Herald, to Sir J. Banks; 6 Apr. 1792. Paper. Folio. [Add. 17,506.], 1592-1792
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. CXX (ff. 183). 10 Nov 1781-31 July, 1787.Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1779-1794.includes:f. 1 Montague Cribb, widow of Major R Cribb: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1781. f. ...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Edward Piggott letterbook, 1802-1806, 1802-1806
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Marsden, Samuel, 1765-1838. Letter : to Joseph Banks.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Maskelyne, Nevil, 1732-1811. Papers of Nevil Maskelyne, 1771-1809.
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Edward Smith scrapbook relating to William Cobbett, Thomas Paine, and Sir Joseph Banks, 1877-1911, n.d
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Donald Hyde and Mary Hyde Eccles Autograph Collection, 1505-1957 (inclusive), 1702-1854 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. I., ff. 371, 1760-1812.New Holland: Letters and papers of a scientific expedition to: 1800-1806.includes:ff. 1, 2 Carl Linnaeus, Swedish botanist: Letters to D. Solander: 1760, 1762.: Swed. f. 4 Jean Strange: Letter to -: 1773.: Fr. f. 5 Johan..., 1760-1812
British Library |
creatorOf |
Sir Joseph Banks papers., 1788
British Library |
creatorOf |
Vaidy, Jean Vincent Franc̜ois, 1776-1830. Letter.
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLII (ff. 414). Jan. 1796-Mar. 1798.Thomas Lack, Secretary to the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade: Letters to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: circ. 1793-1806.includes:f. 3 Charles Lowndes, senior, Corn Inspector at Liverpool: Letters to the...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780. Journals of the travels of Jonathan Carver in the year 1766 and 1767, [1766 May 20-1768 July 21].
Newberry Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXXIX (ff. 396). Aug. 1792-Mar. 1793.includes:ff. 1, 5 Mark Gregory, MP: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1781-1792. ff. 6, 147 Sir Stephen Cottrell, Clerk to the Council: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1765-1804. ...
British Library |
referencedIn |
An Annotated Calendar of the Letters of Charles Darwin in the Library of the American Philosophical Society, 1799-1882
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Correspondence concerning Iceland [microform] : written to Sir Joseph Banks.
University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System |
creatorOf |
Waterson, Edward. Letter from Edward Waterson [manuscript] : Sleeford, to Sir Joseph Banks, Soho Square, London.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
British Library |
creatorOf |
Solander, Daniel Charles, 1733-1782. Letters [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Autograph File, B, ca.1500-1982
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
MAPS and plans of various; parts of France, Holland, and Germany. Paper rolls; XVIIth and XVIIIth centt. Bequeathed by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., 17th century-18th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. xlvi. (ff. 612). Sept. 1806-1809.William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland: Miscellaneous private correspondence: 1806-1814.includes:ff. 1, 199-209, 492, 533 Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland: Letters to Lord Auckland: 1806-1809. ff. 3, 245, ...
British Library |
referencedIn |
HAMILTON AND GREVILLE PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 109). Correspondence and papers of the Hon. Robert Fulke Greville (1751-1824), brother of C. F. Greville, relating mainly to agricultural matters; 6 Apr. 1785-10 Feb. 1808. The correspondents include Sir Jos...
British Library |
creatorOf |
G. Miscellaneous papers of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., President of the Royal Society: (1) Articles of agreement made between Sir George Fane, John Alford, John Porter and others, Committee for the Level of Wittersham [co. Kent], and Sir Edward Hales, B..., 1631-1842
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Papers of Sir Joseph Banks [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
José Francisco Correia da Serra letters, 1810-1823, 1810-1823
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
Ashurst, William Henry, Sir, 1725-1807. Cases and opinions of counsel, ca. 1758-1780.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Piggott, Edward, fl. 1758-1807. Letterbook, 1802-1806.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLIV (ff. 356). 1799.includes:ff. 1, 94, 96 Sir Joseph Banks, Baronet; PRS: Correspondence the 1st Earl of Liverpool, etc.: 1784-1804. f. 2 Edward Bancroft, MD; FRS: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1799. f. 4 John Ireland, Vicar..., 1799
British Library |
referencedIn |
Van der Sprenkel, Otto B. (Otto Berkelbach). Papers of Otto Van der Sprenkel [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
LETTERS of Sir Charles Blagden, M.D., to Sir Joseph Banks; 13 Aug. 1786-28 Dec. 1802. Paper; ff. 219. Quarto.
British Library |
referencedIn |
CORRESPONDENCE Of distinguished botanists, chiefly French and English, consisting for the most part of letters from Philip Barker Webb to H. B. A. Moquin-Tandon, and from others to the same and to Webb; 1784-1860. The names of all the writers are giv..., 1784-1860
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. xiii. (IF. 498). 14 Aug. 1803-1826.includes:ff. 1, 54, 77, 92, 127, 158, 162, 168, 243-253 William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Chichester: 1801 -1812. f. 3 Damian: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Chichester: 1803.: Fr. ff. ...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. Letter [manuscript] : to Sir Joseph Banks.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to Evan Nepean, [n.d.].
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Joseph Banks Correspondence, 1783-1808
University of California, Los Angeles. Library. Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library History and Special Collections Division |
creatorOf |
Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822. Papers.
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries |
referencedIn |
Beccaria, Giambatista, 1716-1781. Papers, 1766-1779.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XLV (ff. 276). 1800.includes:f. 1 Archibald Macdonald, 1st Baronet 1813; Chief Baron of the Exchequer 1793: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1780-1800. f. 3 John Freeman Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale; Lord Chancellor of Ireland: Co..., 1800
British Library |
referencedIn |
.WEST PAPEPS. Vol. XVIII. (ff. 133). A few lists of armour, books, antiquities and works of art, followed (f. 29) by miscellaneous prose pieces and (f. 45) by miscellaneous and translations in Greek, Latin and English; 16th-19th centt. Included are.:..., 16th century-19th century
British Library |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Letters and papers [manuscript].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Vol. xlii. (ff. 511). Aug. 1794-May, 1796.includes:ff. 1, 17, 32: 34, 154, 161, 191, 502 John Craufurd: Letters to Lord Auckland: 1793. ff. 5, 10, 15, 485 Alexander Wedderburn, Baron Loughborough; 1st Earl of Rosslyn: Correspondence with Lord Auckla...
British Library |
creatorOf |
Leycester, Robert. Electricity [and] magnetism.
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries |
referencedIn |
Vol. III.includes:ff. 5, 17 Reverend William Bryce: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1807-1808. ff. 19, 21 Robert Muter, DD: Letters to G. Chalmers: 1805-1808. f. 23 George Frederick Beltz, Lancaster Herald: Letter to G. Chalmers: 1808. ff. 27, 119 Patrick...
British Library |
referencedIn |
Vol. XXXV (ff. 367). Feb.-Dec. 1789.John Reeves, formerly Chief Justice of Newfoundland: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1787-1802.John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1786-1794....
British Library |
referencedIn |
ICELANDIC PRINTING45712. 'CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF ICELANDIC BOOKS presented by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. Also of the Books printed in Iceland which are preserved in the "King's Library". With a chronological list of Printers in Iceland', by Thom..., approximately 1870
British Library |
referencedIn |
Scoresby, William, 1760-1829. Letter: to Joseph Banks /by William Scoresby, 1817 Oct 2.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
ORIGINAL letters addressed chiefly to Aylmer Bourke Lambert, author of "A Description of the Genus Pinus," 1803, etc., by men of science and others; 1757-1808. The names of the writers will appear in the Index. Paper. At f. 1 is a note of purchase in..., 1757-1842
British Library |
referencedIn |
Gray, Jane Lathrop Loring, 1821-1909. Collection of botanists' autographs and biographies, 183-189 (inclusive.
Harvard University, Botany Libraries |
referencedIn |
Cunningham, Allan, 1791-1839. Papers [microform].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780. Letter: to Mr. Banks /by Jonathan Carver, 1778 Aug 13.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
Reichel, T. [A series of 11 coloured drawings of Indian plants and insects in various stages of existence, executed by Baron T. Reichel at Madras in 1786-87, with two autograph letters of the Baroness to Sir Joseph Banks annexed].
American Museum of Natural History |
creatorOf |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820. Correspondence [microform].
Libraries Australia |
referencedIn |
Letters from Sir Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks, 1776-1780
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |