Sarton, George, 1884-1956
Variant namesHistorian of science, George Alfred Leon Sarton was born on August 31, 1884, in Ghent, Belgium. He studied the natural sciences at the University of Ghent, and received his D.Sc. in 1911. Escaping to England before World War I, Sarton then came to the United States in 1915. After spending some time in lecturing positions, Sarton came to Harvard University in 1920, was made a full professor there in 1940 and retired in 1951 when he was made professor emeritus. He was founder of the journals, Isis and Osiris, and author of numerous books on the history of science. He married Eleanor Mabel Elwes on June 22, 1911, and had one daughter, May, in May 1912.
From the description of George Sarton papers, 1890-1949 (inclusive). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 702168743
Role | Title | Holding Repository |
Relation | Name | |
associatedWith | Abbie, Andrew Arthur, 1905-1976 | person |
correspondedWith | Abbot, Charles Greeley, 1872- | person |
correspondedWith | Abbott, Wilbur Cortez, 1869-1947 | person |
correspondedWith | Abdul Rahim, M. Kamil. | person |
correspondedWith | Abel, Gustave, 1866- | person |
correspondedWith | Aberhalden, Emil, 1877- | person |
correspondedWith | Abou-Rjaily, M. S. | person |
correspondedWith | Abraham Shalom Yahuda | person |
associatedWith | Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Acker, G. van. | person |
associatedWith | A. C. Klebs. | person |
associatedWith | Adams, Charles C. | person |
correspondedWith | Adams, Charles Christopher, 1873- | person |
correspondedWith | Adams, Frank Dawson, 1859-1942 | person |
correspondedWith | Adams, Harriet Dyer. | person |
correspondedWith | Adelson, Edward T. | person |
correspondedWith | Adivar, Abdülhak Adnan, 1882-1955 | person |
correspondedWith | Adivar, Abdülhak Rdnan, 1882-1955 | person |
correspondedWith | Adivar, Halide Edib, 1885-1964 | person |
correspondedWith | Adler, Cyrus, 1863-1940 | person |
associatedWith | A. Eustace Haydn | person |
correspondedWith | A. E. Waller | person |
associatedWith | Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873 | person |
correspondedWith | Aguirre y Lecube, José Antonio de, 1904- | person |
correspondedWith | Aharoni, Jochanan. | person |
associatedWith | A. Heyting. | person |
correspondedWith | Akademiia nauk | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Alba, K. | person |
correspondedWith | Albert Chatelet | person |
correspondedWith | Albert I, King of the Belgians, 1875-1934 | person |
associatedWith | Albert Schweitzer | person |
correspondedWith | Alcan, Félix, publishers. | person |
correspondedWith | Aldo Mieli. | person |
correspondedWith | Aldrich, Rhoda Truax. | person |
correspondedWith | Alekseev, Vasilii Mikhailovich, 1881-1951 | person |
correspondedWith | Alexander, Elizabeth H. | person |
correspondedWith | Alexander, E. M. M. | person |
correspondedWith | Alexander, E. M. M., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Alexander Koyré | person |
correspondedWith | Alexander, Lily. | person |
correspondedWith | Alexander Pogo. | person |
associatedWith | Alexandre Koyré. | person |
correspondedWith | Allen, Edwin Brown, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Allen, Elsa Guerdrum. | person |
correspondedWith | Allen, Francis Henry, 1866- | person |
correspondedWith | Almeida e Vasconcellos, Fernando de. | person |
correspondedWith | Alter, Wiktor, 1890-1942 | person |
correspondedWith | Ambrose, Warren Arthur, 1914- | person |
correspondedWith | American association of university women. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | American geographical society of New York. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | American Philosophical Society. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, recipient. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Anastos, Milton Vasil, 1909- | person |
correspondedWith | Anawati, Marcel M. | person |
correspondedWith | Anawati, R. P., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Andersen, Hendrik Christian, 1872- | person |
correspondedWith | Anderson, Edgar, 1897- | person |
correspondedWith | Anderson, Eugene Newton. | person |
correspondedWith | Andorkó, Kálmán. | person |
correspondedWith | Andorkó, Kálmán, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa, 1887- | person |
correspondedWith | Andriankos, Tryphon K. | person |
correspondedWith | Angell, Sir Norman, 1874- | person |
correspondedWith | Anis, Frayha. | person |
correspondedWith | Anker, Jean, 1892-1957 | person |
associatedWith | Anne Thérèse Denhodt? | person |
correspondedWith | Anseele, Edouard. | person |
correspondedWith | Anshen, Ruth Nanda. | person |
correspondedWith | Anthony, Katherine, 1877- | person |
correspondedWith | Antonius, George, 1892-1942 | person |
correspondedWith | Appel, Doris. | person |
correspondedWith | Appelton club. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Arber, Agnes (Robertson) 1879-1960 | person |
correspondedWith | Arber, Muriel A. | person |
correspondedWith | Archambeau, Emma d'. | person |
correspondedWith | Archibald, Raymond Clare, 1875-1955 | person |
correspondedWith | Arens, Franz, 1880- | person |
correspondedWith | Argentina. Ministerio de educación. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Arlene Bauer | person |
correspondedWith | Arnold Reymond | person |
correspondedWith | Arrhenius, Svante, 1859-1927 | person |
correspondedWith | Arthur Jeffery | person |
correspondedWith | Asín Palacios, Miguel, 1871-1944 | person |
associatedWith | Askenasy, Hans, 1930- | person |
correspondedWith | Audisio, Gabriel. | person |
correspondedWith | Aulie, Richard P. | person |
associatedWith | Aydin Mehmed Sayili. | person |
correspondedWith | Ayer, James Bourne, 1882- | person |
correspondedWith | Ayer, James Bourne, 1888- | person |
correspondedWith | Ayer, James R. | person |
correspondedWith | Bacon, Arthur A. | person |
correspondedWith | Baehr, Karl. | person |
correspondedWith | Baekeland, C. Brooks. | person |
correspondedWith | Baekeland, Céline. | person |
correspondedWith | Baekeland, Céline, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Baekeland, George. | person |
correspondedWith | Baekeland, Leo Hendrik, 1863-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra, 1898-1956 | person |
correspondedWith | Bagrow, Leo, 1881-1957 | person |
correspondedWith | Bainton, Roland Herbert, 1894- | person |
correspondedWith | Baird, John Wallace, 1869-1919 | person |
correspondedWith | Baldensperger, Fernand, 1871- | person |
correspondedWith | Ballantine, Edward, 1886- | person |
correspondedWith | Bancroft, Wilder Dwight, 1867- | person |
correspondedWith | Baneth, David Hartwig, 1893- | person |
associatedWith | Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820 | person |
correspondedWith | Banville, Théodore de, 1823-1891 | person |
correspondedWith | Barani, Syed Hasan. | person |
associatedWith | Barber, Bernard. | person |
associatedWith | Barber, Bernard. | person |
correspondedWith | Barber, Bernard, 1918- | person |
associatedWith | Barber, David S. | person |
correspondedWith | Barber, George G. | person |
correspondedWith | Barber, George G., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Barbour, Nevill, 1895- | person |
correspondedWith | Barbour, Thomas, 1884-1946 | person |
correspondedWith | Barrett, Douglas E. | person |
correspondedWith | Barry, Frederick. | person |
correspondedWith | Barry, Frederick, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bartlett, Joseph Gardner, 1872-1927 | person |
correspondedWith | Barus, Carl, 1856- | person |
correspondedWith | Bary, Anne Selleslags de. | person |
correspondedWith | Basanovitch, Hélène. | person |
correspondedWith | Bateson, William, 1861-1926 | person |
correspondedWith | Bauer, Arlene. | person |
correspondedWith | Bayer, Raymond, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Bay, Jens Christian, 1871-1962 | person |
correspondedWith | Bayon, H. P. | person |
associatedWith | Bayṭār, Abū Bakr ibn Mundhir, 1309 or 10-1340 or 41. | person |
correspondedWith | Beatty, Lewis B. | person |
correspondedWith | Beatty, Lewis B., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Beaujeu, Jean. | person |
correspondedWith | Beaujouan, Guy. | person |
correspondedWith | Beaujouan, Guy, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Beebe, Charles William, 1877- | person |
correspondedWith | Belknap, Juliet R. | person |
associatedWith | Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922, | person |
correspondedWith | Belleudy, Jules, 1855- | person |
correspondedWith | Beltrami, Luca, 1854-1933 | person |
correspondedWith | Beltrán, Enrique. | person |
correspondedWith | Beltrán, Juan Ramón. | person |
correspondedWith | Bender, Georg. | person |
correspondedWith | Benedict, Francis Gano, 1870-1957 | person |
correspondedWith | Benes, Edvard, 1884-1948 | person |
correspondedWith | Beneviste, Emile, 1902- | person |
correspondedWith | Benoit-Lévy, Jean Albert, 1888- | person |
correspondedWith | Bentley, Harold Woodmansee, 1899- | person |
associatedWith | Benton, William, 1900-1973 | person |
correspondedWith | Bequaert, Joseph Charles, 1886- | person |
correspondedWith | Berghe, Louis van den. | person |
correspondedWith | Bergmans, Simone. | person |
correspondedWith | Bergmans, Simone, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941 | person |
associatedWith | Berliner, Emile, 1851-1929, | person |
correspondedWith | Berlin: Preussische staatsbibliothek. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Bernard, Henri, S. J. | person |
correspondedWith | Bernard, Henri, S. J., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bernard Robbins | person |
correspondedWith | Berr, Henri, 1863-1954 | person |
correspondedWith | Berridge, William Arthur, 1893- | person |
correspondedWith | Berseques, Laure de. | person |
correspondedWith | Bessel Hagen, Friedrich. | person |
correspondedWith | Besterman, Theodore, 1904- | person |
correspondedWith | Bévenot, Hugh Gaston, 1891-1936 | person |
correspondedWith | Biagi, Guido, 1855-1925 | person |
correspondedWith | Biblioteka Kommunstikoi Akademiipri Tsik | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Bichowski, Francis Russell, 1889- | person |
correspondedWith | Bickel, Karl August, 1882- | person |
correspondedWith | Bidez, Joseph, 1867-1945 | person |
correspondedWith | Bigelow, Robert Payne, 1863- | person |
correspondedWith | Bigourdan, Guillaume, 1851-1932 | person |
correspondedWith | Binford, Jessie F. | person |
correspondedWith | Bing, Gertrud. | person |
correspondedWith | Bing, Gertrud, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Birge, John Kingsley, 1888-1952 | person |
correspondedWith | Birkenmajer, Aleksander. | person |
correspondedWith | Birkenmajer, Aleksander, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Birkhoff, George David, 1884-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Birknoff, George David, 1884-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Bishop, Morris, 1893- | person |
correspondedWith | Bixler, Julius Seelye, 1894- | person |
correspondedWith | Black, Caroline Anna. | person |
correspondedWith | Black, Caroline Anna, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Black, George Fraser, 1866- | person |
correspondedWith | Blackman, Winifred Susan. | person |
correspondedWith | Black, Robert Lovell. | person |
correspondedWith | Blagden, Charles Otto, 1864- | person |
correspondedWith | Blake, Peter, 1920- | person |
correspondedWith | Blake, Robert Fierpont, 1886-1950 | person |
correspondedWith | Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874- | person |
correspondedWith | Blaringham, Jeannet. | person |
correspondedWith | Blaringham, Louis, 1878- | person |
correspondedWith | Blickensderfer, Joseph Patrick. | person |
correspondedWith | Bliss, George I., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bliss, Henry Evelyn, 1870- | person |
correspondedWith | Bliss, Leslie Edgar. | person |
correspondedWith | Bliss, Leslie Edgar, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bliss, Raymond W. | person |
correspondedWith | Bliss, Raymond W., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Blitz, Julien Paul. | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Arnost. | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Arnost, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Emanuel H. | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Ernst, 1885- | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Maks Abramovitch, 1882-1941 | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Max. | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Max, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bloch, Therese. | person |
correspondedWith | Blöndal, Sigfús, 1874-1950 | person |
correspondedWith | Blüh, Otto. | person |
correspondedWith | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | person |
correspondedWith | Boas, Marie, 1919- | person |
correspondedWith | Bock, Kenneth Elliott, 1916- | person |
correspondedWith | Bockstaele, P. | person |
correspondedWith | Bockstaele, P., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bodde, Derk, 1909- | person |
correspondedWith | Bode, Boyd Henry, 1873- | person |
correspondedWith | Bodenheimer, Friedrich Simon, 1897- | person |
correspondedWith | Boenheim, . | person |
correspondedWith | Boffito, Guiseppe, 1869- | person |
correspondedWith | Bogert, Marston Taylor, 1868- | person |
correspondedWith | Boggs, Samuel Whittemore, 1889- | person |
correspondedWith | Bok, Bart Jan, 1906. - | person |
correspondedWith | Böker, Robert. | person |
correspondedWith | Boker, Robert, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bologa, Valeriu L. | person |
correspondedWith | Bonjean, François Joseph, 1884- | person |
correspondedWith | Bonner, John Tyler, 1920- | person |
correspondedWith | Bopp, Karl. | person |
correspondedWith | Boring, Edwin Garrigues, 1886- | person |
correspondedWith | Borren, Charles van den, 1874- | person |
correspondedWith | Bortolotti, Ettore, 1866- | person |
correspondedWith | Bosanquet, Bernard, 1848-1923 | person |
correspondedWith | Bosmans, Henri. | person |
correspondedWith | Bosmans, Henri, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bothmer, Bernard V. | person |
correspondedWith | Bounoure, Louis, 1885- | person |
correspondedWith | Bouny-Tordeur, Vera. | person |
correspondedWith | Bouny-Tordeur, Vera, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Bousias, Basil Nicholas Hellenagoras. | person |
correspondedWith | Bouton, Mary. | person |
correspondedWith | Boutroux, Pierre, 1880-1922 | person |
correspondedWith | Bouyges, Maurice, d. 1951 | person |
correspondedWith | Bowie, William, 1872- | person |
correspondedWith | Bowles, Chester, 1901. | person |
correspondedWith | Bowles, Gordon Townsend. | person |
correspondedWith | Bowman, Isaiah, 1878-1950 | person |
correspondedWith | Boyer, Carl Benjamin, 1906- | person |
correspondedWith | Boynton, Mary (Fuertes) 1908- | person |
correspondedWith | Braden, Spruille, 1894- | person |
correspondedWith | Bradley, Lyman R. | person |
correspondedWith | Bradner, Leicester, 1899- | person |
correspondedWith | Brand, Joseph. | person |
correspondedWith | Brasch, Frederick Edward, 1875- | person |
correspondedWith | Braun, Jakob. | person |
correspondedWith | Braziller, George. | person |
correspondedWith | Breasted, Charles, 1897- | person |
correspondedWith | Breasted, James Henry, 1865-1935 | person |
correspondedWith | Breasted, James Henry, 1908- | person |
correspondedWith | Brett, George Sidney, 1879-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Brett, Marion G. | person |
correspondedWith | Brewster, Dorothy, 1883- | person |
correspondedWith | Brewster, Edwin Tenney, 1866- | person |
correspondedWith | Bridge, John. | person |
correspondedWith | Bridges, Robert, 1858-1941 | person |
correspondedWith | Bridgman, Percy Williams, 1882-1961 | person |
associatedWith | Briffault, Robert | person |
correspondedWith | Brigham, Gertrude Richardson. | person |
correspondedWith | Brinton, Crane, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Brockway, Wallace, 1905- | person |
correspondedWith | Brodetsky, Selig, 1888-1954 | person |
correspondedWith | Broglie, Louis, prince de, 1892- | person |
correspondedWith | Bromfield, Louis, 1896-1956 | person |
correspondedWith | Brouckere, Louis de, 1870-1951 | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Arthur Charles Lewis, 1869- | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Bernice Veazey. | person |
correspondedWith | Browne, Charles Albert, 1870-1947 | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Ernest William, 1866- | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Harcourt. | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Harcourt, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Harold Chapman, 1879-1943 | person |
correspondedWith | Brown, Louise Fargo. | person |
correspondedWith | Bruhl, Adrien. | person |
correspondedWith | Brunet, Pierre, 1893- | person |
correspondedWith | Brunschvicg, Léon, 1869-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Brunschvicg, Robert, 1901- | person |
correspondedWith | Bruns, Gerda, 1905- | person |
correspondedWith | Bryce, James Bryce, viscount, 1838-1922 | person |
correspondedWith | Buckmaster, Henrietta, pseud., 1909- | person |
correspondedWith | Buck, Paul Herman, 1899- | person |
correspondedWith | Buck, Pearl (Sydenstricker) 1892- | person |
associatedWith | Buhler, Charlotte, 1983-1974 | person |
correspondedWith | Bühler, Curt Ferdinand, 1905- | person |
associatedWith | Bullitt, Dorothy Stimson, 1892-1989, | person |
correspondedWith | Bullitt, William Marshall, 1873-1957 | person |
correspondedWith | Bunker, Frank Forest, 1873- | person |
correspondedWith | Burali-Forti, Caesare, 1861- | person |
correspondedWith | Burchard, John Ely, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Burdell, Edwin Sharp, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Burhoe, Ralph W., 1911- | person |
correspondedWith | Burke, Thomas. | person |
correspondedWith | Burkill, Isaac Henry, 1870- | person |
correspondedWith | Burney, Syed Hasan. | person |
correspondedWith | Burnhoe, Ralph W. 1911- | person |
correspondedWith | Burn, Sir Richard, 1871- | person |
correspondedWith | Burr, Alex C. | person |
correspondedWith | Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 | person |
correspondedWith | Burt, Sir Cyril, 1883- | person |
correspondedWith | Bury, John Bagnell, 1861-1927 | person |
correspondedWith | Bush, Vannevar, 1890- | person |
correspondedWith | Butler, Francis Herbert Culverhouse. | person |
correspondedWith | Butler, Francis Herbert Culverhouse, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Butterfield, Herbert, 1901- | person |
correspondedWith | Byrne, Paul M. | person |
correspondedWith | Byrne, Paul M., recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Cabot, Richard Clarke, 1868-1939 | person |
correspondedWith | Cahen, Claude. | person |
correspondedWith | Cahen, Claude, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Cahill, B. J. S. | person |
correspondedWith | Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930 | person |
correspondedWith | Cajot, Felix. | person |
correspondedWith | Caley, Earle Radcliffe, 1900- | person |
correspondedWith | Calhoun, Arthur Wallace, 1885- | person |
correspondedWith | Callier, André. | person |
correspondedWith | Callisen, Sterling Adolph. | person |
correspondedWith | Calverley, Edwin Eliot, 1882- | person |
correspondedWith | Calverley, Edwin Elliot, 1882- | person |
correspondedWith | Cambridge university press. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Cambridge university press, recipient. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Campbell, Anna Montgomery, 1888- | person |
correspondedWith | Campbell, Charles Macfie, 1876-1943 | person |
correspondedWith | Campbell, Charles Macfie, Jr. | person |
correspondedWith | Campbell, Norman Robert, 1880- | person |
correspondedWith | Camp, Burton Howard, 1880- | person |
correspondedWith | Camp, Edith. | person |
correspondedWith | Candolle, Casimir de, 1836-1918 | person |
correspondedWith | Cannon, Cornelia (James) 1876- | person |
correspondedWith | Cannon, Walter Bradford, 1871-1945 | person |
correspondedWith | Cantillon, Arthur. | person |
correspondedWith | Cantor, Moritz, 1829-1920 | person |
correspondedWith | Capart, Jean, 1877-1947 | person |
correspondedWith | Carathéodory, Constantin, 1873-1950 | person |
correspondedWith | Carces, Paul, 1852-1919 | person |
correspondedWith | Carl Benjamin Boyer | person |
associatedWith | Carl Peter Thunberg, 1743-1828 | person |
associatedWith | Carl Stephenson | person |
correspondedWith | Carmichael, Leonard, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Carmody, Francis James, 1907- | person |
correspondedWith | Carnap, Rudolf, 1891- | person |
correspondedWith | Carnegie institution | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Carnegie institution of Washington. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Carpani, Enrico G. | person |
associatedWith | Carpenter, Edmund, 1922-2011 | person |
correspondedWith | Carpenter, Rhys, 1889- | person |
correspondedWith | Carra de Vaux, Bernard, baron, 1867- | person |
correspondedWith | Carrel, Alexis, 1873-1944 | person |
associatedWith | Carroll V. Newsom. | person |
correspondedWith | Carruccio, Ettore. | person |
correspondedWith | Carter, Morris. | person |
correspondedWith | Cartier, E. de. | person |
correspondedWith | Castell, Alburey, 1904- | person |
correspondedWith | Castiglioni, Arturo. | person |
correspondedWith | Castiglioni, Arturo, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Caswell, John Edwards. | person |
correspondedWith | Caswell, John Edwards, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Caullery, Maurici, 1868- | person |
associatedWith | Celia Lesser Jaffe | person |
associatedWith | Celso Fernández López. | person |
correspondedWith | Ceunis, Gerard. | person |
correspondedWith | Chabanier, Eugéne. | person |
correspondedWith | Chadwell, Harris Marshall. | person |
correspondedWith | Chalmers, Gordon Keith, 1904- | person |
correspondedWith | Chambers, Raymond Wilson, 1874-1942 | person |
correspondedWith | Chang, T'ien-tsê. | person |
correspondedWith | Chang, T'ien-tsê, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Chang, Tzu-kung, 1905- | person |
correspondedWith | Chan, Margery May. | person |
associatedWith | Chao, Yuen Ren, 1892-1982. | person |
correspondedWith | Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933 | person |
correspondedWith | Charles B. Fahs | person |
associatedWith | Charles R. Watson | person |
correspondedWith | Charles Singer | person |
correspondedWith | Chase, George Henry, 1874-1952 | person |
correspondedWith | Chase, Lew Allen. | person |
correspondedWith | Chase, Mary Ellen, 1887- | person |
correspondedWith | Chatelet, Albert, 1883-1960 | person |
correspondedWith | Chatley, Herbert. | person |
correspondedWith | Chaudhuri, Nirad C., 1897- | person |
associatedWith | Chauncey D. Leake. | person |
correspondedWith | Chen, Yü-Gwan, 1893- | person |
correspondedWith | Cheyney, Edward Potts, 1861-1947 | person |
correspondedWith | Chicago. University. Press. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Chicago. University. Press, recipient. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Chichakli, Tawfig, d. 1940 | person |
correspondedWith | Childe, Vere Gordon, 1892-1957 | person |
correspondedWith | Child, James Mark. | person |
correspondedWith | Chinard, Gilbert, 1881- | person |
correspondedWith | Chipman, Robert A. | person |
correspondedWith | Chittenden, Arthur S. | person |
correspondedWith | Chiu, Alfred Kaiming, 1898- | person |
correspondedWith | Choate, Joseph Hodges, 1832-1917 | person |
correspondedWith | Choynowski, Mieczyslaw. | person |
correspondedWith | Choynowski, Mieczyslaw, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Christian, Schuyler Medlock. | person |
correspondedWith | Christ-Janer, Albert, 1910- | person |
correspondedWith | Christy, Arthur, 1899- | person |
correspondedWith | Chrow, Laurence B. | person |
correspondedWith | Chubb, Percival, 1860- | person |
correspondedWith | Chu, Co-Ching. | person |
correspondedWith | Chu, Co-Ching, recipient. | person |
correspondedWith | Churchill Alfred Vance, 1354- | person |
correspondedWith | Church William S. | person |
correspondedWith | Cinis, Philip H. | person |
correspondedWith | Clagett, Marshall, 1916- | person |
correspondedWith | Clapp. Frederick Mortimer, 1879-1944 | person |
correspondedWith | Clapp, Verner Narsen, 1901- | person |
correspondedWith | Clapp, Verner Warren, 1901- | person |
correspondedWith | Claras, Henry N. | person |
associatedWith | Clare A. Haskins. | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Coarles Upson, 1875- | person |
correspondedWith | Clarke, Frank Wigglesvorth, 1847-1931 | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Grenville, 1882- | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Harry Hayden, 1901- | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Joseph T. | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Sue Ainslee. | person |
correspondedWith | Clark Tirzah. | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Walter Eugene, 1881-1960 | person |
associatedWith | Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros, (Wilfrid Edward Le Gros), 1895-1971 | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, William Bullock, 1860-1917 | person |
associatedWith | Claude K. Deischer. | person |
correspondedWith | Claxton, Philander Priestley, 1862- | person |
correspondedWith | Cleland, Ralph Erskine. | person |
correspondedWith | Clemen, Rudolf Alexander, 1893- | person |
correspondedWith | Clements, Frederick Edward, 1874-1945 | person |
associatedWith | Closset, Marie, 1875- | person |
correspondedWith | Cloud, Dudley H. | person |
associatedWith | C. M. Campbell. | person |
correspondedWith | Cohen, Frances. | person |
correspondedWith | Cohen, I. Bernard, 1914- | person |
correspondedWith |