Communist party of the United States of America

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The Communist party of the United States is a left-wing Marxist party dedicated to revolutionary socialism and, until the anti-Communist Soviet revolution of 1991, to support of the Communist party of the USSR. With the establishment of the Communist International (COMINTERN) in Moscow in 1919, new Communist parties were founded in many countries including the United States. There have been many name changes and ideological shifts in the party over the years. Beginning in 1956, there was an ideological split over de-Stalinization and the Hungarian Revolution.

From the guide to the Communist Party of the United States of America records, circa 1956-1960, (University of Washington Libraries Special Collections)

The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) was founded in 1919 by members of the left wing of the Socialist Party USA. The CPUSA played an important role in the labor movement, particularly in the building of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, in struggles for civil rights for African Americans, while its cultural initiatives attracted a number of prominent artists and intellectuals, and its struggles to attain and maintain its legality were an important chapter in the history of U.S. civil liberties. The Central Control Commission (which later, i.e., ca. the 1940s became the Central Review Commission) of the Communist Party was responsible for internal Party discipline of both individuals and Party units.

From the description of Communist Party of the United States of America records. Central Control Commission records, [ca.1929-1953] [microform]. (New York University). WorldCat record id: 477173738

The Communist Party of the United States of America (Communist Party USA), formed in 1919 to advance socialism in the United States.

From the description of Communist Party of the United States of America pamphlet collection, 1919-1973. (Pennsylvania State University Libraries). WorldCat record id: 460950098

The Communist Party, USA was founded in 1919 by members of the left wing of the Socialist Party USA. The CPUSA played an important role in the labor movement, particularly in building the Congress of Industrial Organizations in the 1930s-1940s, and in struggles for civil rights for African Americans. The Party's cultural initiatives in the 1930s attracted a number of prominent artists and intellectuals, and its struggles to attain and maintain its legality were an important chapter in the history of U.S. civil liberties. Though the importance of the CPUSA declined after the 1950s, the Party remained active in the areas of anti-imperialism, civil rights, labor, peace, and women's rights.

From the guide to the Communist Party of the United States of America Audio Collection, Bulk, 1965-1989, 1920s - 1999, (Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive)

The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), a Marxist-Leninist party aligned with the Soviet Union, was founded in 1919 in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution by the left wing members of the Socialist Party USA. These split into two groups, with each holding founding conventions in Chicago in September 1919: one which established the Communist Labor Party, and a second which established the Communist Party of America. In a 1920 Joint Unity Convention, a minority faction of the Communist Party of America merged with the Communist Labor Party to become the United Communist Party. Under the strong recommendation of the Communist International (Comintern), the UCP ultimately joined the remaining members of the Communist Party of America in May 1921. At this point, the Party existed largely in an underground, clandestine manner. In December 1921, it formed the Workers Party of America to serve as its legal arm with the purpose of securing its right to a legal and open existence; the WPA in 1922 became the Workers (Communist) Party of America, the recognized U.S. affiliate of the Comintern. The Party established its newspaper, the Daily Worker, in 1924 as a means to communicate with membership and a larger left wing audience about the Party’s policies and positions on a wide range of current events, with an emphasis on labor issues and social justice. By 1927, the Party had moved its headquarters to New York City. In 1929, it officially declared its name as the Communist Party of the United States of America, and had an affiliated youth group, the Young Communist League.

The CPUSA’s highest governing body is its National Convention, which meets every few years to decide basic policy questions. The day to day leadership of the party is directed by about a dozen members of the Political Bureau or Political Committee and members from various national commissions. Between conventions, policy is set by a National Committee that consists of full time cadre, leading activists, public notables, and party officers. Between National Committee meetings, policy is set by the Central Committee. Due to a decline in Party membership, the Central and National Committees and their functions were merged into one body during the late 1980s; this body is now called the National Committee. At the regional level, the Party is divided into districts, which may be comprised of several states. Each district is made up of local clubs which form the most basic unit of the Party; in the early days of the Party, clubs were referred to as cells. Clubs are based on place of work (shop club) or on residence (neighborhood club).

As the prospect of imminent revolution in the United States faded, the Party focused on working within existing labor organizations, a tactic known as “boring from within”, under the leadership of labor organizer William Z. Foster. It also began the process of “Bolshevization,” in which the Party’s language-based federations were reorganized into shop and neighborhood-based Party units. During the 1920s, much of the Party’s energy was consumed by factional struggles between various left and right groups; these struggles mirrored events occurring in the international Communist movement, like the 1928 expulsion of Leon Trotsky’s sympathizers. A political left turn in that year initiated the so-called Third Period (1928-1934) of Communism, in which the Party sharply attacked moderate socialist groups as “social fascists,” and sought to form its own revolutionary trade unions rather than work within existing labor unions. This tactic, known as dual unionism, was not successful on its own terms, but it helped build a cadre of organizers who went on to play important roles in the development of the CIO. This was also the period during which the CPUSA developed a new stance on the status of black Americans, recognizing their oppression based on their nationality in addition to their class. This decision drew significant support among African and Caribbean American leftists. Beginning in 1928, the CPUSA ran candidates for president and vice president, including an African American vice presidential candidate, James W. Ford, in 1932. In 1930, the Party established the International Workers Order, a fraternal organization organized around ethnicity, which eventually grew to approximately a quarter million members. The largest single section was the Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order, a reflection of the fact that Jews were the largest ethnic group within the CPUSA.

The onset of the Great Depression led to an upsurge in Party activity, as members increased efforts to organize labor and rallied as advocates for the unemployed. The Party was also instrumental in the defense of political prisoners. Through the International Labor Defense, a legal defense organization affiliated with the CPUSA, Communist attorneys contributed to the defense of the Scottsboro Boys, nine young black men accused of rape. This period also saw the rise to leadership of Earl Browder, who was General Secretary of the Party from 1930-1945.

By 1935, the triumph of fascism in Germany led the Communist movement to embrace Popular Front politics. Communists began collaborating not only with socialists, but with liberals on anti-fascist and reformist goals. The CPUSA endorsed the New Deal, though it voiced many criticisms of the program. It also coined the slogan “Communism is Twentieth Century Americanism,” in an attempt to emphasize that the organization reflected the best traditions of progressive American history. With the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1935, hundreds of veteran Communist labor organizers helped organize millions of workers, and emerged as the leadership of the United Electrical Workers, the National Maritime Union, and several smaller unions. They were also an integral part of a progressive coalition heading the United Automobile Workers. In the South, the Party was committed to ending legal segregation and ensuring equal voting rights for minorities; through the Southern Negro Youth Congress in the 1930s and 1940s, the CPUSA worked to mobilize students, farmers, and industrial workers to overturn segregation laws and to build support for anti-lynching legislation. The Party was also a leading force in the American Student Union. By the summer of 1939, the Party had nearly 60,000 members and many more sympathizers, garnering a certain degree of respectability as a part of the left wing of the New Deal.

During the late 1930s and coinciding with the American-Soviet wartime alliance, the Communist Party had some significant electoral successes. As a result of proportional representation, two Communists were elected in the 1940s to the New York City Council, one on the Communist Party ticket and one on the American Labor Party ticket. Communists also allied with Minnesota’s Farmer-Labor Party and were sometimes instrumental in the selection and election of progressive Democratic Party candidates.

In August 1939, just before the outbreak of World War II, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a non-aggression pact committing to cease anti-fascist action. During the years of the non-aggression pact, membership declined sharply, and the Party lost substatncial influence among popular front organizations.

However, with the entry of the Soviet Union into the war in 1941, the Party abruptly returned to its Popular Front anti-fascist politics and recovered much of its influence. It reached its peak membership of about 80,000 during WWII. In its eagerness to be seen as part of the patriotic war effort, the Party had even tacitly endorsed the internment of Japanese Americans. Party General Secretary Earl Browder put forth the view that the postwar period could feature a continued U.S.-Soviet alliance, an expansion of the New Deal, and the indefinite postponement of the struggle for socialism. This proposal was reflected in the 1944 name change of the Party to the Communist Political Association. However, the onset of the Cold War undermined such hopes. By the end of 1945, the Party had reverted to its former name, deposing Earl Browder in favor of William Z. Foster, one of Browder’s main critics. The postwar economic boom, along with the rising tide of anti-communism, further weakened the appeal of the CPUSA.

In 1947, the Truman administration instituted a loyalty oath program for Federal employees and began background investigations on persons deemed suspect of holding party membership in organizations that advocated violent and anti-democratic programs. That same year, the U.S. Attorney General compiled a list of organizations considered to be subversive. The CPUSA backed independent candidate Henry Wallace during the 1948 Presidential election; it also sought continued good relations with the USSR and opposed Truman’s Cold War foreign policies. During this period, anti-communist measures accelerated. In 1949, the CIO expelled eleven unions deemed to be Communist dominated, and the top twelve leaders of the CPUSA were indicted and subsequently convicted under the Smith Act. Smith Act prosecutions of additional leading Communists followed the conviction of the initial group. Based in part on these measures, the House Committee on Un-American Activities held extensive hearings at which witnesses were expected to name political associates or face contempt charges unless they invoked the Fifth Amendment. The entertainment industry compiled its own list of suspected subversives, who were then denied employment. In 1950, the Subversive Activities Control Act was passed over President Harry Truman’s veto. It required Communist organizations to register with the United States Attorney General and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate persons suspected of engaging in subversive activities or otherwise promoting the establishment of a “totalitarian dictatorship.” This act decimated the full range of the Party’s Popular Front organizations. At the state level, there were analogous laws, prosecutions, and hearings.

Fearing the onset of a fascist dictatorship, the Party sent most of its leadership underground, further weakening the organization. The worst of the anti-communist fervor began to recede after the 1954 censure of Senator Eugene McCarthy and some favorable Supreme Court rulings. However, in 1956 the Communist Party was devastated by Soviet Premier Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” which acknowledged that crimes had been committed under the regime of Stalin. The Party, which had already lost three-quarters of its membership, suffered further losses, and went through a two-year internal crisis. This resulted in the 1958 defeat and resignation of the social democratic reform-minded elements within the Party. By 1959, when Gus Hall became General Secretary, the membership was less than 5,000.

During the 1960s and 1970s, the role of women and African Americans in the leadership of the Party increased notably. Children of Communists or former Communists made up a significant component of the young white civil rights workers who traveled to the South in the early and mid 1960s. Bettina Aptheker, daughter of the well-known Communist historian Herbert Aptheker, was a leading activist in the Free Speech Movement at the University of California at Berkeley. Charlene Mitchell, an African American, was the Party’s 1968 presidential candidate; Angela Davis, also African American, ran for Vice-President on the Communist Party ticket in 1980 and 1984. The Party’s National Chair was occupied by African American Henry Winston from 1966-1986. After his death, African American Jarvis Tyner, former head of the New York State District, stepped into the position, then renamed Executive Vice-Chair.

The CPUSA experienced some growth during the social movements of the 1960s and 1970s, despite its sometimes ambivalent relationship to the culture and politics of the New Left. The CPUSA’s daily newspaper, the Daily Worker, was revived as the Daily World in 1967; it reported on the rebirth of the civil rights movement, and later, the anti-Vietnam movement and the growing black nationalist movement. In New York City, the Metropolitan Council on Housing, an old left Popular Front organization, grew to become one of the leading tenants’ rights organizations in the city, with its own publication and radio program. Throughout the country, individual Communist activists were elected to local public offices, although none on the Communist Party ballot. The Party also continued its labor activism, establishing Trade Unionists for Action and Democracy, and playing a crucial role in the affairs of Local 1199, which represented hospital workers in the New York City area. It maintained an active opposition caucus within the American Federation of Teachers, opposing the policies of AFT president Albert Shanker.

In the 1980s, the Party continued to promote international peace efforts; working through the U.S. Peace Council, the CPUSA focused on nuclear disarmament and opposed Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars," program. They also directed more energy to attracting and recruiting a younger generation of activists with the decision to revive an official youth affiliate. The Party’s youth organization had undergone several incarnations throughout the century-from the W.E.B. Du Bois Clubs to the Young Workers Liberation League. By the early 1980s, it was reinstated under its original name, the Young Communist League.

Parallel to the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev, the Party experienced the growth of a reform tendency in the latter 1980s. Many of these reformists left after their political defeat at the 1991 Party convention; they went on to form the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Despite a severe drop in membership, the CPUSA remained active during the 1990s, maintaining its focus on advocating for the working class, working towards equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities and women, and promoting international peace. With the rise of environmentalism in the 1980s and 1990s, the CPUSA joined in global efforts to protect the environment. Still based in New York City, the CPUSA continues to work on behalf of oppressed communities and advocate progressive social change.

From the guide to the Communist Party of the United States of America Records, Bulk, 1950-1990, 1892-2009, (Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive)

The Daily Worker traces its origins to the Communist Labor Party, founded in Chicago in 1919, and its newspaper the Toiler . When the Communist Labor Party merged with the Workers Party in 1921 the Toiler became the weekly paper The Worker . On January 13, 1924 it changed its name to the Daily Worker . It continued to be published in Chicago until 1927, when the Communist Party moved to New York City. As the official organ of the Communist Party, USA, the Daily Worker's editorial positions reflected the policies of the Communist Party. At the same time the paper also attempted to speak to the broad left-wing community in the United States that included labor, civil rights, and peace activists, with stories covering a wide range of events, organizations and individuals in the United States and around the world. As a daily newspaper, it covered the major stories of the twentieth century. However, there was always an emphasis on radical social movements, social and economic conditions particularly in working class and minority communities, poverty, labor struggles, racial discrimination, right wing extremism with an emphasis on fascist and Nazi movements, and of course the Soviet Union and the world-wide Communist movement.

After the Communist Party moved its operations to New York City the Daily Worker became one of the most influential papers on the American Left. In the late 1920s its circulation was estimated at 17,000 and at its peak in the late 1930s it may have been as high as 35,000.

In October 1935 the Daily Worker began to publish a Sunday edition, later known as the Sunday Worker. That same year, it also added comic strips such as Louis Furstadt's Little Lefty, a countercultural retort to the mainstream press' Little Orphan Annie . In 1938 it added a women's page edited by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Over the years, the paper would publish the work of many notable graphic artists and cartoonists, including prominent figures such as Fred Ellis, who also contributed artwork The New Majority, The Liberator and The Labor Herald ; radical illustrator and muralist Hugo Gellert; painter, journalist and cartoonist Robert Minor; and Ollie Harrington, an African American cartoonist who lived in exile in East Germany for much of his life.

In the mid-1930s the Daily Worker established a sports page that combined extensive sports coverage with incisive social criticism. Sports page editor Lester Rodney led the campaign for the desegregation of professional sports in the United States, particularly baseball. Featuring regular articles on the accomplishments of African American athletes, such as Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis, the Daily Worker made the case that all sports would benefit from integration. As part of this campaign it sponsored a basketball team made up of Harlem's top high school players and persuaded a black professional football team to play a benefit game to raise funds for the paper.

With their leadership role in the Southern Negro Youth Congress, the Communist Party and the Daily Worker played a central role in the early civil rights movement and the anti-lynching campaigns of the 1930s and 1940s, including the campaign to free the Scottsboro Boys, the Angelo Herndon trial, and the work of the International Labor Defense. The Daily Worker denounced the Jim Crow laws of the Southern United States, focusing its coverage on violence directed against the black community and on the emerging struggles to end segregation and racial intimidation.

The Daily Worker's coverage of the unemployment marches in the early years of the Great Depression and the fight for social security and unemployment insurance made it one of the most influential papers on the American Left. Its coverage of the labor battles of the 1930s shaped the way many Americans thought about organized labor. Its reporters and photographers captured the struggles textile workers in Gastonia, North Carolina in 1929; Illinois miners in 1930; California lettuce workers and Flint, Michigan autoworkers in 1931; coal miners in Harlan County, West Virginia ("Bloody Harlan") and teamsters in Minneapolis in 1934. During these years, the paper also documented the impact of the Great Depression on American working people, with stories on housing conditions in Harlem, Hunger Marches and unemployed movement organizing across the country, the campaign for social security, the "Don't Buy Where You Can't Work Campaign," and mobilizations for improved housing. The paper was noted for its investigative reporting about slum housing and block busting in Harlem. Civil rights was an important part of the Daily Worker's agenda and the paper covered most of the major lynching cases of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. The campaign to free the Scottsboro Boys was on its front pages for nearly seven years.

The news coverage in the Daily Worker almost always reflected Communist Party policies. During the Trade Union Educational League years of the 1920s this meant support for revolutionary unionism. During the Popular Front years the paper was a leading voice for industrial unionism and the Congress for Industrial Organizations.

As the organ for the Communist Party, USA the Daily Worker provided extensive coverage about the international Communist movement. For the Communist Party the Soviet Union was the center of the world's revolutionary movement. The Daily Worker's coverage of Soviet life, foreign, and domestic policies reflected an uncritical perspective on the Soviet system, as it celebrated life in what it called the "Socialist" countries. These stories often highlighted the miracles of Soviet economic development and ethnic harmony under Socialism. This internationalist perspective often resulted in extensive coverage of the struggles for declonialization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America which were largely invisible in the mainstream press. The Daily Worker often focused on revolutionary nationalism in its various forms from Pan Africanism to the self determination struggles in the Middle East.

With the ascendancy of Adolph Hitler, the fight against Nazism and fascism moved to the center of the Communist Party's agenda in the late 1930s. It reported on Nazi atrocities, and the rising tide of anti-Semitism. In 1936 the Daily Worker sent teams of photographers and reporters to Spain, as it tried to rally the American people to support the Spanish Republic in its brutal civil war with the Falange of General Francisco Franco. These teams returned with images and stories depicting the lives of ordinary Spanish people resisting fascism, the relationship between the Republican army and the International Brigades, and the impact of the fascist bombing in cities such as Guernica.

With the fall of Spain and the signing of the 1939 Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, the CPUSA aligned itself with the new course in Soviet foreign policy, as World War II became an "imperialist war." Between September 1939 and June 1941, the Daily Worker refocused on the domestic scene and the peace movement as a way of trying to divert attention from the Soviet Union's pact with Germany. The paper highlighted campaigns for union rights, job security, and civil liberties.

When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June of 1941, the Daily Worker's interpretation of the war changed dramatically. The message, as depicted in the articles and photography of the Daily Worker, became World War II as an epic struggle against the Nazis, the role of the Soviet Union as the major battlefield of the war, and the impact of the German invasion on Russia's civilian population. On the cultural front, the paper documented the relationship between politics, folk music and folk dance, covering individuals such as Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Leadbelly, Sophie Maslow and Martha Graham.

However, the post-war period saw the rise of McCarthyism and the Communist Party under relentless attack. As a result, the Daily Worker experienced a dramatic decrease in circulation and the paper's financial health, always tenuous at best, took a decided turn for the worse. The daily paper closed in January 1958 during the period when the Communist Party was forced to go underground as a result of the repression of the Red Scare. In 1960 it resumed publication as a weekly under the name of The Worker and, although it began biweekly publication several years later, it never again achieved the level of popularity or circulation it enjoyed in the 1930s and 1940s.

In 1967 the paper, now renamed the Daily World, resumed daily publication. It reported on the rebirth of the civil rights movement, including sit-ins, voter registration campaigns and the Freedom Rides, following figures including Martin Luther King, Jr, Ralph Abernathy, Rosa Parks and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. In the late 1960s and 1970s, as the CPUSA aligned itself with the anti-Vietnam War movement and Black Nationalist movements including the Black Panthers, the paper covered important events of that period, including the Soledad Brothers trial, the subsequent arrest and imprisonment of Angela Davis, demonstrations against the war in Vietnam – including massive Moratorium Day demonstrations – on college campuses in New York City and across the country, and the Black Panther Breakfast Program in Harlem.

In 1986 the paper merged with the CPUSA's West Coast weekly, the People's World . The newly formed People's Daily World was published from 1987 until 1991, when daily publication was abandoned in favor of a weekly edition, renamed the People's Weekly World . During this period the paper focused heavily on labor union activity, particularly in cities like Detroit and Chicago, as well as the growing anti-globalization movement.

Shifting its operations back to Chicago between 2001 and 2002, the paper changed its name to the People's World in 2009. In 2010, the paper ceased print publication and became an electronic, online-only, publication.

From the guide to the The, Daily Worker, and, The Daily World, Photographs Collection, Bulk, 1930-1990, 1920-2001, (Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive)

The Daily Worker, the official organ of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), traces its origins back to the Communist Labor Party, founded in Chicago in 1919. The Communist Labor Party’s paper was known as the Toiler . When the Communist Labor Party and the Workers Party merged in 1921, the Toiler became the weekly paper The Worker . Two years later, the paper changed its name to the Daily Worker . As a daily newspaper, the Daily Worker covered the major stories of the 20th century, while at the same time speaking to the left-wing sector of the American population, which included labor, civil rights, and peace activists. The newspaper emphasized radical social movements, labor struggles, racial discrimination, right wing extremism, the Soviet Union, and the world-wide Communist movement.

The CPUSA grew under increasing attack following WWII. The rise of McCarthyism and the Red Scare eventually forced the Party to go underground, and in 1958, the Daily Worker shut down operation. In 1960, it resumed bi-weekly publication as The Worker, but never achieved the level of popularity it had in the 1930s and 1940s.

In 1967, the paper now known as the Daily World, again became a daily. It reported on the civil rights movement, including sit-ins, voter registration campaigns and the Freedom Rides. In the late 1960s and into the early 1970s, the Daily World aligned itself with the anti-Vietnam War and black nationalist movements.

In 1986 the paper merged with the CPUSA's West Coast weekly, the People's World . The newly formed People's Daily World was published from 1987 until 1991, when daily publication was abandoned in favor of a weekly edition, renamed the People's Weekly World . During this period the paper focused heavily on labor union activity, particularly in cities like Detroit and Chicago, as well as the growing anti-globalization movement.

Shifting its operations back to Chicago between 2001 and 2002, the paper changed its name to the People's World in 2009. In 2010, the paper ceased print publication and became an electronic, online-only, publication.

Specific artists represented in the Daily Worker/ Daily World Cartoon Collection include: Fred Ellis, Ollie Harrington, Hugo Gellert, Norman Goldberg, Kinkaid, and James Erickson (Eric), among numerous others.

From the guide to the The, Daily Worker, and, Daily World, Cartoon Collection, Bulk, 1940-1980, 1928-2002, (Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive)

The Daily Worker traces its origins to the Communist Labor Party, founded in Chicago in 1919, and its newspaper the Toiler . When the Communist Labor Party merged with the Workers Party in 1921 the Toiler became the weekly paper The Worker . On January 13, 1924 it changed its name to the Daily Worker . It continued to be published in Chicago until 1927, when the Communist Party moved to New York City. As the official organ of the Communist Party, USA, the Daily Worker's editorial positions reflected the policies of the Communist Party. At the same time the paper also attempted to speak to the broad left-wing community in the United States that included labor, civil rights, and peace activists, with stories covering a wide range of events, organizations and individuals in the United States and around the world. As a daily newspaper, it covered the major stories of the twentieth century. However, there was always an emphasis on radical social movements, social and economic conditions particularly in working class and minority communities, poverty, labor struggles, racial discrimination, right wing extremism with an emphasis on fascist and Nazi movements, and of course the Soviet Union and the world-wide Communist movement.

After the Communist Party moved its operations to New York City the Daily Worker became one of the most influential papers on the American Left. In the late 1920s its circulation was estimated at 17,000 and at its peak in the late 1930s it may have been as high as 35,000.

In October 1935 the Daily Worker began to publish a Sunday edition, later known as the Sunday Worker. That same year, it also added comic strips such as Louis Furstadt's Little Lefty, a countercultural retort to the mainstream press' Little Orphan Annie . In 1938 it added a women's page edited by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Over the years, the paper would publish the work of many notable graphic artists and cartoonists, including prominent figures such as Fred Ellis, who also contributed artwork The New Majority, The Liberator and The Labor Herald ; radical illustrator and muralist Hugo Gellert; painter, journalist and cartoonist Robert Minor; and Ollie Harrington, an African American cartoonist who lived in exile in East Germany for much of his life.

In the mid-1930s the Daily Worker established a sports page that combined extensive sports coverage with incisive social criticism. Sports page editor Lester Rodney led the campaign for the desegregation of professional sports in the United States, particularly baseball. Featuring regular articles on the accomplishments of African American athletes, such as Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis, the Daily Worker made the case that all sports would benefit from integration. As part of this campaign it sponsored a basketball team made up of Harlem's top high school players and persuaded a black professional football team to play a benefit game to raise funds for the paper.

With their leadership role in the Southern Negro Youth Congress, the Communist Party and the Daily Worker played a central role in the early civil rights movement and the anti-lynching campaigns of the 1930s and 1940s, including the campaign to free the Scottsboro Boys, the Angelo Herndon trial, and the work of the International Labor Defense. The Daily Worker denounced the Jim Crow laws of the Southern United States, focusing its coverage on violence directed against the black community and on the emerging struggles to end segregation and racial intimidation.

The Daily Worker's coverage of the unemployment marches in the early years of the Great Depression and the fight for social security and unemployment insurance made it one of the most influential papers on the American Left. Its coverage of the labor battles of the 1930s shaped the way many Americans thought about organized labor. Its reporters and photographers captured the struggles textile workers in Gastonia, North Carolina in 1929; Illinois miners in 1930; California lettuce workers and Flint, Michigan autoworkers in 1931; coal miners in Harlan County, West Virginia ("Bloody Harlan") and teamsters in Minneapolis in 1934. During these years, the paper also documented the impact of the Great Depression on American working people, with stories on housing conditions in Harlem, Hunger Marches and unemployed movement organizing across the country, the campaign for social security, the "Don't Buy Where You Can't Work Campaign," and mobilizations for improved housing. The paper was noted for its investigative reporting about slum housing and block busting in Harlem. Civil rights was an important part of the Daily Worker's agenda and the paper covered most of the major lynching cases of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. The campaign to free the Scottsboro Boys was on its front pages for nearly seven years.

The news coverage in the Daily Worker almost always reflected Communist Party policies. During the Trade Union Educational League years of the 1920s this meant support for revolutionary unionism. During the Popular Front years the paper was a leading voice for industrial unionism and the Congress for Industrial Organizations.

As the organ for the Communist Party, USA the Daily Worker provided extensive coverage about the international Communist movement. For the Communist Party the Soviet Union was the center of the world's revolutionary movement. The Daily Worker's coverage of Soviet life, foreign, and domestic policies reflected an uncritical perspective on the Soviet system, as it celebrated life in what it called the "Socialist" countries. These stories often highlighted the miracles of Soviet economic development and ethnic harmony under Socialism. This internationalist perspective often resulted in extensive coverage of the struggles for declonialization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America which were largely invisible in the mainstream press. The Daily Worker often focused on revolutionary nationalism in its various forms from Pan Africanism to the self determination struggles in the Middle East.

With the ascendancy of Adolph Hitler, the fight against Nazism and fascism moved to the center of the Communist Party's agenda in the late 1930s. It reported on Nazi atrocities, and the rising tide of anti-Semitism. In 1936 the Daily Worker sent teams of photographers and reporters to Spain, as it tried to rally the American people to support the Spanish Republic in its brutal civil war with the Falange of General Francisco Franco. These teams returned with images and stories depicting the lives of ordinary Spanish people resisting fascism, the relationship between the Republican army and the International Brigades, and the impact of the fascist bombing in cities such as Guernica.

With the fall of Spain and the signing of the 1939 Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, the CPUSA aligned itself with the new course in Soviet foreign policy, as World War II became an "imperialist war." Between September 1939 and June 1941, the Daily Worker refocused on the domestic scene and the peace movement as a way of trying to divert attention from the Soviet Union's pact with Germany. The paper highlighted campaigns for union rights, job security, and civil liberties.

When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June of 1941, the Daily Worker's interpretation of the war changed dramatically. The message, as depicted in the articles and photography of the Daily Worker, became World War II as an epic struggle against the Nazis, the role of the Soviet Union as the major battlefield of the war, and the impact of the German invasion on Russia's civilian population. On the cultural front, the paper documented the relationship between politics, folk music and folk dance, covering individuals such as Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Leadbelly, Sophie Maslow and Martha Graham.

However, the post-war period saw the rise of McCarthyism and the Communist Party under relentless attack. As a result, the Daily Worker experienced a dramatic decrease in circulation and the paper's financial health, always tenuous at best, took a decided turn for the worse. The daily paper closed in January 1958 during the period when the Communist Party was forced to go underground as a result of the repression of the Red Scare. In 1960 it resumed publication as a weekly under the name of The Worker and, although it began biweekly publication several years later, it never again achieved the level of popularity or circulation it enjoyed in the 1930s and 1940s.

In 1967 the paper, now renamed the Daily World, resumed daily publication. It reported on the rebirth of the civil rights movement, including sit-ins, voter registration campaigns and the Freedom Rides, following figures including Martin Luther King, Jr, Ralph Abernathy, Rosa Parks and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. In the late 1960s and 1970s, as the CPUSA aligned itself with the anti-Vietnam War movement and Black Nationalist movements including the Black Panthers, the paper covered important events of that period, including the Soledad Brothers trial, the subsequent arrest and imprisonment of Angela Davis, demonstrations against the war in Vietnam – including massive Moratorium Day demonstrations – on college campuses in New York City and across the country, and the Black Panther Breakfast Program in Harlem.

In 1986 the paper merged with the CPUSA's West Coast weekly, the People's World . The newly formed People's Daily World was published from 1987 until 1991, when daily publication was abandoned in favor of a weekly edition, renamed the People's Weekly World . During this period the paper focused heavily on labor union activity, particularly in cities like Detroit and Chicago, as well as the growing anti-globalization movement.

Shifting its operations back to Chicago between 2001 and 2002, the paper changed its name to the People's World in 2009. In 2010, the paper ceased print publication and became an electronic, online-only, publication.

From the guide to the The, Daily Worker, and, The Daily World, Negatives Collection, Bulk, 1968-1990, 1930-2001, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Brown, Archie, 1911-1990. Papers, 1935-2002 (bulk 1936-1946, 1960-1997). Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Guide to the Archie Brown Papers, 1935-2002 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America issuances, 1938-1991 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Guide to the Daily Worker and Daily World Negatives Collection, 1930-2001 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Freda Casso Papers and Photographs, 1937-1952 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Colón, Clara, 1908-1970. Papers, 1932-1970; bulk: 1950-1970. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Remington, William Walter, b. 1917. William Walter Remington papers, 1926-1949. Library of Congress
referencedIn United Progressive Democratic Club records, 1919-2004 Center for Brooklyn History (2020-)
referencedIn Musmanno, Michael Angelo,. Illegalization of the Communist Party 1927-1968. Duquesne University Library, Gumberg Library
referencedIn Foreman, Carl. Reminiscences of Carl Foreman : oral history, 1959. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the David Lesser Manuscript, 1983 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Labor Research Association Records, 1914-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Daniel Nilva Negatives, 1934-1975 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Sam Adams Darcy Papers, 1924-1985 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the James E. Jackson and Esther Cooper Jackson Papers, 1917-2018 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Morris Childs materials on loan from the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation, 1924-1988 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace
referencedIn Guide to the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers, 1896-1964 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Gilbert, Viola D. William A. Gilbert papers : correspondence and papers, 1923-1969. University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Alex Bittelman Papers, 1931-1972 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Southern Negro Youth Congress FBI Files, 1940-1981, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn International Labor Defense records, 1926-1946 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Tamiment Library Web Archive (Labor and the Left): Communism, Socialism, Trotskyism, 2007- Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Colón, Jesús, 1901-. Papers, 1901-1974; bulk: 1920-1970. Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos
referencedIn Kling, Jack, 1911-1990. Jack and Sue Kling papers, 1926-1991 (bulk 1978-1991). Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Egri Lajos Papers, 1917-1967 University of Minnesota Libraries. Immigration History Research Center [ihrc]
referencedIn Rose Pastor Stokes papers, 1900-1993 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Socialist Party (U.S.). Socialist Party of America papers, 1897-1964 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Guide to the S.R. Slavson Papers, 1905-1981 New York University. Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Morris Schappes Papers, 1911-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Hermina Dumont Huiswoud Papers and Photographs, 1890-1996 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Edward K. Barsky Papers, 1936-1970 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Browder, Earl, 1891-1973. Browder pamphlets. Michigan State University Libraries, Main Library
referencedIn Illinois. State Board of Elections. Third and independent parties nominating petitions, 1976-1980. Illinois State Archive
referencedIn Duggan, Robert. A Collection of material about the Communist Party in the United States and Southern California, 1952-1971. University of California, Los Angeles
referencedIn Guide to the Grace and Max Granich Papers and Photographs, 1920s-1998 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Rovere, Richard Halworth, 1915-1979. Richard Halworth Rovere papers, 1926-1981. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives,. Tamiment Library general photograph collection [graphic]. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Jacob Andrew Zumoff processed volume : The Communist Party of the United States and the Communist International, 1919-1929, 2003 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America : [papers]. Michigan State University Libraries, Main Library
referencedIn Guide to the Daniel Bell Research Files on U.S. Communism, Socialism, and the Labor Movement, 1886-1980 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives Button and Pin Collection, circa 1930-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Sophia Smith Collection. Communism Collection, 1916-1970 (bulk 1935-1960). Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn Young Communist League of the United States issuances, 1921-1949 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf College of Charleston. Library. College of Charleston Library Vertical File on the Communist Party of the United States of America, 1973-1979. College of Charleston, Marlene and Nathan Addlestone Library
referencedIn Paul Crouch Papers, 1925-1958 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Vern Smith, collector. Industrial Workers of the World files, 1916-1935 [bulk 1924-1925]. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Labor Research Association Records, 1914-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Diamond, Sigmund. Reminiscences of Sigmund Diamond : oral history, 1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn California Peace Officers' Association. Crime Prevention Committee. Sub-Committee on Subversive Activities. The communist situation in California : typescript, 1937. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Gorczyca, Bernard, 1900-1989. Papers of Bernard Gorczyca, 1940-2006. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn Joseph Barnes Papers, 1923-1970 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Guide to the Francis Franklin Papers, 1920-1985 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Alfred and Hortense Wagenknecht and Helen and Carl Winter Family Papers, circa 1890-2002 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Max Bedacht Autobiographical Typescript: On the Path of Life: Memoirs of Your Father, 1967 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Transport Workers Union of America. Scrapbooks [microform], 1933-1949. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Farmers National Committee for Action (U.S.). Farmers' National Weekly newspaper issues, 1933-1936. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Albert Afterman Collection on Local 10 Elections, 1929-1974 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Communist Party of the United States of America records. Central Control Commission records, [ca.1929-1953] [microform]. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Guide to the Socialist Party (U.S.) Correspondence, 1902-1947 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Photographs, 1895-1967 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Benjamin, Herbert, 1900-1983. Reminiscences of Herbert Benjamin : oral history, 1977. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf DeGregory, Hugo, 1914-. Papers, 1949-1966. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn James B. and John J. McNamara Papers, 1905-1961, 1905-1961 University of Cincinnati, Archives and Rare Books Library
referencedIn Maltz, Albert, 1908-1985. Reminiscences of Albert Maltz : oral history, 1982. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Oral History of the American Left Collection, 1940-2011 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Transport Workers Union of America Records, 1911-2007 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Warren K. Billings Papers, 1899-1973, (bulk 1920-1939) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Guide to the John Pittman Papers, circa 1880s-1987 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Crouch, Paul, 1903-. Paul Crouch papers, 1925-1958. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Ramp, Floyd Cleveland, 1882-1984. Papers, 1874-1973. University of Oregon Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Alger Hiss Family Papers, 1892-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Davis, Benjamin J. (Benjamin Jefferson), 1903-1964. Benjamin J. Davis papers, 1949-1964. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Guide to the Transport Workers Union of America Records, 1911-2007 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn John Reed Club. John Reed Club : manuscript worksheet 1935 manuscript. The University of Tulsa, McFarlin Library
referencedIn Sparrow, Ray, 1915-1985. Papers, 1915-1985. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Smith, Vern, 1892-. Vern Smith files on the Industrial Workers of the World, 1916-1935, bulk 1924-1925. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Foster, William Z., 1881-1961. Papers, 1922-1961. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn Smith, Randall B., 1916-1989,. Randall B. Smith collection of Spanish Civil War materials. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Guide to the Nelson Frank Papers, 1888-1971 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn League of American Writers. League of American Writers archives, circa 1935-1942. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Strong, Edward E., 1914-1957. Papers, 1924-1956 (bulk 1937-1956). Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
referencedIn Weinberger, Andrew D. To the United Nations Administrative Tribunal. Ruth Elizabeth Crawford, appellant, against the Secretary-General : Brief for appellant Ruth Elizabeth Crawford. / Andrew D. Weinberger, attorney for the appellant, ... Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Jay Lovestone Papers, 1906-1989 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Aptheker, Herbert, 1915-2003. Herbert Aptheker papers, 1842-2005, (bulk 1934-2002). Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Moore, Audley, 1898-. Reminiscences of Audley Moore (Queen Mother Moore) : oral history, 1978. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Sherwood, Marika. Claudia Jones research collection, 1935-1998. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn McKinney, Ernest Rice, 1886-1984. Reminiscences of Ernest Rice McKinney : oral history, 1961. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn William Winch Bilderback :The American Communist Party and World War II, 1973 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Overgaard, Anders, 1895-1973. Autobiography, 1969 or 70. Library of Congress
referencedIn Guide to the Gil Green Papers, 1925-1993 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Agitation Committee of Upper Michigan. Finnish American labor and political organizations collection, 1890s-1990s. Finnish American Historical Archive and Museum
referencedIn Petersen, E. Letter, 1930 Aug. 18, Kansas City, Mo. to Comrade Dietriech [i.e. Dietrich?]. Denver Public Library, Central Library
referencedIn Guide to the Karl Ichiro Akiya Papers, 1921-2002 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Charney, George B., 1905- . Autobiography [microform], 1968. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Carey, James B. Reminiscences of James Barron Carey : oral history, 1958. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Hay, Harry. Reminiscences of Harry Hay : oral history, 1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Richard Winger "Communist Party Candidates for Public Office, 1921 to 1986" Manuscript, 1988 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Max Bedacht Autobiographical Typescript: On the Path of Life: Memoirs of Your Father, 1967 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Political Newspapers Collection, 1953-1994, bulk 1969-1992 California State University, Dominguez Hills Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Davis, Angela Y. (Angela Yvonne), 1944-. Angela Y. Davis collection 1970-1984. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Simon W. and Sophie Gerson Papers, 1925-2001 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Barron Papers, 1927-1996 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Pearson, Beatrice, 1902-. The autobiography of a communist : [manuscript], 1982. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Guide to the Communist Party of the United States of America Oral History Collection, 1962 - 1992 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the William Francis Dunne Papers, 1914-1951 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Bridges, Harry, 1901-. Deportation hearing transcripts and records, 1939-1943. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Overgaard, Anders, 1895-1973. Autobiography of Anders Overgaard, 1969 or 70. Library of Congress
referencedIn Guide to the William A. Reuben Papers, 1923-2003 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the John Pittman Papers, circa 1880s-1987 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn West, James. Papers, 1954-1994. Rutgers University
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Newspaper, ca. 1972. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Study and discussion guide for training of U.S. Communists [...], [1947-1948?]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Marion S. Kinney papers, circa 1940-1981 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Houseman, John. Reminiscences of John Houseman : oral history, 1974. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Finkelstein, Sidney Walter, 1909-1974. Sidney Finkelstein papers, 1914-1974. University of Massachusetts Amherst, W.E.B. Du Bois Library
referencedIn Guide to the Committees of Correspondence (U.S) Records, 1991-1997 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Lovestone, Jay. Jay Lovestone papers, 1904-1989. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Kenneth Neill Cameron Papers, 1910-1992 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Dollinger, Genora Johnson. Individual labor activists. California State University, Long Beach
referencedIn Guide to the John Lowenthal Papers, 1934-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Forbes, A. Edward (Adolph Edward), 1907-. Collection of A. Edward Forbes, 1921-1972. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn Guide to the Papers of Joseph Dallet, Jr., 1926-1946 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Sender Garlin Letters to Gil Green, 1980-1987, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Padmore, George, 1903-1959. George Padmore collection, 1933-1945. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Guide to the Daily Worker and Daily World Photographs Collection, 1920-2001 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Mary Metlay Kaufman Papers MS 300., 1917 - 1994, 1946-1986 Sophia Smith Collection
referencedIn Lambert, Louise Todd,. Louise Todd Lambert oral history, 1958-1976 1976. California historical society
referencedIn Robert Duggan Communist Party Collection, 1952-1971 University of California, Los Angeles. Library Special Collections.
referencedIn Guide to the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Papers, 1896-1964 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Zumoff, Jacob Andrew. The Communist Party of the United States and the Communist International, 1919-1929 : processed, 2003 / by Jacob Andrew Zumoff. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Alex Bittelman Papers, 1931-1972 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Margolis, Benjamin. Law and social conscience : oral history transcript / Ben Margolis. Interviewed by Michael S. Balter ; completed under the auspices of the Oral History Program, University of California, Los Angeles, 1987. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Cramer, Robley D., 1884-1966. Robley Cramer and family papers, 1687-1973. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Zweig, Martha,. Political Newspapers Collection California State University, Dominguez Hills, CSUDH
referencedIn Communist International instructions, 1921-1922 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Gannett, Betty. Papers, 1929-1970. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Ida Guggenheimer papers, 1944-1953 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Benjamin J. Davis papers, 1949-1964 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Barron, John, 1930-. John Barron papers, 1927-1996. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Tamiment Library Web Archive (Labor and the Left): Communism, Socialism, Trotskyism, 2007- Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Bertram David Wolfe papers, 1903-1999 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Hudson, Hosea. Hosea Hudson Papers, 1941-1980 (bulk 1952-1958). New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Ganley, Nat, 1903-1969. Ganley-Wellman papers, 1945-1953. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Sandy, George, 1907-. George Sandy memoirs : and supplementary material relating to the Communist Party : oral history transcript / as told to Ted Tarail, 1992. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Dewald, Everett A. Everett A. Dewald papers, 20 September 1944-11 January 1946. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
Harold Pritchett papers, 1937-1971, 1940 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn International Labor Defense records, 1926-1946. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Keller, Abraham C.,. Oral history interview with Abraham C. Keller, Jan. 19, 1989. University of Washington. Libraries
referencedIn Manchanda, Claudia,. Claudia Jones Memorial collection, 1935-1998. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Gitlow, Benjamin, 1891-1965. Papers, 1910-1968. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library
referencedIn Guide to the Hermina Dumont Huiswoud Papers and Photographs, 1890-1996 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Church League of America Collection of the Research Files of Counterattack, the Wackenhut Corporation, and Karl Baarslag, 1928-1973 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Corey, Lewis. Papers, ca.1910-1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Study and discussion guide for training of U.S. Communists [...], 1947-1948? New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Guide to the Charles S. Zimmerman Papers, 1920s-1930s, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Sherman, Benjamin, 1896-. Interview, 1982-1983. Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies Library
referencedIn Joseph Barnes Papers, 1923-1970 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Stokes, Rose Pastor, 1879-1933. Rose Pastor Stokes papers, 1900-1993 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Minnesota Historical Society. Minnesota Radicalism Project. Radicalism Project records, 1985-1989. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940. Letters to Sara Weber, 1933-1940. Houghton Library
referencedIn Farmer-Labor Party (Mich.). Farmer-Labor Party papers, 1934-1937. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. Local 278 Records MS 252., 1942-1984 Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Robert Minor Photographs, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Lewis Corey Papers, ca.1910-1953. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Abraham C. Keller oral history interview, 1989 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Clayton Van Lydegraf papers, 1944-1991 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Papers, 1890-1976. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Harry Haywood Papers, 1928-1985 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library Poster and Broadside Collection, 1904-1991 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Farm Holiday Association Project : oral history, 1960-1961. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the David Lesser Manuscript, 1983 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Martin Friedman Papers, 1931-1966 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Liggett Family Papers, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Farmers' National Weekly newspaper issues, 1933-1936 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Robley Cramer and family papers., 1687-1973. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Haywood, Harry, 1898-1985. Harry Haywood papers, 1928-1985. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Guide to the Sidney Jonas Papers, 1934-1938 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Walter Lowenfels letters to Allen De Loach, 1965-1970, 1968-1970 University of Delaware Library - Special Collections
referencedIn Patterson, William L. (William Lorenzo), 1890-1980. William Lorenzo Patterson papers, 1919-1979 (bulk, mid-1950s-1979). Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
referencedIn Guide to the Committees of Correspondence (U.S) Records, 1991-1997 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Robin Kelley Hammer and Hoe Oral History Collection, 1986-1989 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Harris, Lement, 1904-. Papers of Lement Harris, 1919-1992. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Alden Whitman papers, 1935-1986 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Ella Reeve Bloor Papers MS 19., 1890-1979, 1910-1940 Sophia Smith Collection
referencedIn Guide to the S.R. Slavson Papers, 1905-1981 New York University. Archives
referencedIn Peña, Olga, 1925-. Oral history interview with Olga Peña, 1997 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Guide to the Ernie Lazar FBI FOIA Files on Anti-Communism and Right Wing Movements, 1934-1986, 2011 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives Printed Ephemera Collection on the Communist Party of the United States of America, 1918-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the James E. Jackson and Esther Cooper Jackson Photographs Collection, 1910-1995 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Catalogue I of the Regional Oral History Office, 1954-1979 Bancroft Library
referencedIn Guide to the Edith Chevat Papers, 1930-1952 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Louise Todd Lambert oral history, 1958-1976, 1976 California historical society
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives Moving Images Collection, 1920-1969 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Randall B. Smith collection of Spanish Civil War materials New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Timpson, Anne Burlak. Anne Burlak Timpson Papers, 1886-2003 (bulk 1912-2003). Smith College, Neilson Library
creatorOf Romski Collection of Communist Party and Leftist Publications, 1835-1991 (bulk, 1930-1954). University of Massachusetts at Boston, Healey Library
referencedIn Egri, Lajos, 1888-1967. Papers, 1917-1967. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn Guide to the Martin Friedman Papers, 1931-1966 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Theodore Draper Papers, 1912-1966 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Green, Gil, 1906-1997. Gil Green papers, ca. 1947-1986. Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Boone Family. Boone Family papers, 1920-2004. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Thella W. Brock papers, 1943-2004 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Guide to the Virginia Gardner Papers, 1913-1990 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Amberson, William Ruthrauff, b. 1894. William Ruthrauff Amberson papers, 1919-1968; 1971 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Draper, Theodore, 1912-2006. Theodore Draper research files, 1919-1970. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
creatorOf Gundlach, Ralph H. (Ralph Harrelson), 1902-1978. Ralph H. Gundlach papers 1918-1974 bulk 1936-1974). University of Washington. Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Sam Adams Darcy Papers, 1924-1985 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Clara and Richard Fraser papers, 1905-1949, 1970 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Angela Davis Academic Freedom Case & Trial and Defense Movement, 1969-1972 Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research.
referencedIn Hosea Hudson Papers, 1941-1980, 1952-1958 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Guide to the B. D. Amis Papers, 1930-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Charles Rivers Photographs and Scrapbooks, 1921-1989 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Radical Pamphlets Collection, 1899-1973 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
referencedIn Jaffe, Philip J. (Philip Jacob), 1895-1980. Philip J. Jaffe papers, 1920-1980. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Steve Nelson Papers, 1937-1991 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Sandra Gordon Patrinos Papers, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Dennis, Eugene. Eugene and Peggy Dennis papers, 1923-1989. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Kailin, Clarence, 1914- ,. Oral history interview with Clarence Kailin [sound recording], 1994 Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center
referencedIn Guide to the Nelson Frank Papers, 1888-1971 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Stokes, Rose Pastor, 1879-1933. Rose Pastor Stokes papers, 1900-1993 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Lightfoot, Claude M., 1910-1991. Claude M. Lightfoot papers, 1955-1991. Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Hathaway, Clarence A. ca. 1894-1963. Clarence A. Hathaway papers, 1928-1940. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn White, David, 1917-. Reminiscences of David White: oral history, 1986. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Sparks, Nemmy, 1899-1973. Nemmy Sparks papers, 1942-1973, (bulk 1955-1973). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Angela Davis Academic Freedom Case & Trial and Defense Movement, 1969-1972 Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research.
referencedIn Peter Patrick Mendelsohn papers, 1937-1959 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Whitman, Alden. Alden Whitman papers, 1935-1986. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Columbia University Oral History Collection. Collection. 1952-1960. Tulane University, Amistad Research Center
referencedIn Josephine Fowler papers, 1883-2005 University of California, Los Angeles. Library Special Collections.
referencedIn Darcy, Samuel, 1905-. Oral history interviews with Samuel Adams Darcy, 1970 September 18 and 1971 March 23. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Terry Pettus papers, 1927-1984 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Guide to the Alex Bittelman Papers, 1931-1972 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Hawkins, Oscar F. (Oscar Ferdinand), 1872-1964. Oscar F. Hawkins and family papers, 1888-1963. Minnesota Historical Society Library
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Communist Party of the United States of America pamphlet collection, 1919-1973. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Papers of Joseph Dallet, Jr., 1926-1946 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Bill Andrews Editorial Cartoons and Papers, 1941-2011 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Isserman, Maurice. Which side were you on? : the American Communist Party during the Second World War : interview transcripts and summaries, 1977-1978. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Jerome, V. J. (Victor Jeremy), 1896-1965. Victor Jeremy Jerome papers, 1923-1967 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Broadsides and pamphlets distributed at Sather Gate, University of California : 1935-1950. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Bert, Erik, 1904-1981. Papers, 1918-1979. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Max Shachtman Papers, 1917-1969 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Richard Winger "Communist Party Candidates for Public Office, 1921 to 1986" Manuscript, 1988 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Jackson, James E., 1914-2007. James E. Jackson writings, 1935-1985. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Torrez, Lorenzo. Lorenzo Torrez papers, 1959-2000. New Mexico State University
referencedIn Guide to the Committees of Correspondence (U.S) Records, 1991-1997 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library Newspapers, 1873-2014 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Bloor, Ella Reeve, 1862-1951. Papers, 1890-1973. Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn Radicalism Project records., 1985-1993. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Guide to the Max Shachtman Photographs, 1910s-1996 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Communism, Socialism, and Left-Wing Politics Collection MS 452., 1891-1998 Sophia Smith Collection
referencedIn Guide to the American Veterans Committee: FOIA Files, 1940s-1950s Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Dunne, William F. Papers, 1914-1951. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Deportation Hearing Transcripts and Records, 1939-1941 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Claudia Jones Memorial collection, 1935-1998 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Venturing outside the ivory tower : the political autobiography of a college professor : typescript, circa 1999. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Donner, Frank J. Frank J. Donner papers, 1897-1992 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Dunne, William F. Papers, 1914-1981 (bulk 1918-1946). Butte-Silver Bow Public Archives
referencedIn Laura M. Ross Papers MS 515., 1876-2003, 1970-1990 Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
referencedIn Taylor, Charles E., 1884-1967. Reminiscences of Charles E. Taylor : oral history, 1965. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Alfred F. Young Papers, 1930s-1960s Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the John Albok Negatives, 1933-1968 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Photographs, 1895-1967 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Sennett, William, 1914-. Reminiscences of William Sennett : oral history, 1982. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the John Lowenthal Papers, 1934-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Emspak, Frank, 1943- . Papers, 1973. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Guide to the Marilyn Albert Communist Party of the United States of America Papers, 1947-1992 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Papers of Jacob (Jack) Shafran, 1937-1938 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Glenn Jenkins Papers, 1970-1980 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Communist International. Communist International instructions, 1921-1922. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Edward K. Barsky Papers, 1936-1970 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Brock, Thella W. (Thella Wilson),. Thella W. Brock papers. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Haywood, Harry, 1898-1985. Harry Haywood papers, 1948-1981. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Dennis, Eugene, 1905-1961. Eugene and Peggy Dennis papers, 1923-1982. Wisconsin historical society
referencedIn West, Mollie Lieber, 1916-. Mollie Lieber West papers, 1916-2006. Cudahy Library
referencedIn Perry, Pettis. Destroy the virus of white chauvinism / by Pettis Perry. University of Kansas Archives / MSS / Rare Books, Kenneth Spencer Research Library
referencedIn Pettis Perry papers, 1942-1967 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
creatorOf Guide to the Daily Worker and Daily World Cartoon Collection, 1928-2002 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Church League of America Collection of the Research Files of Counterattack, the Wackenhut Corporation, and Karl Baarslag, 1928-1973 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Zilsel, Paul Rudolph, 1923-. Oral history interview with Paul Rudolph Zilsel, 1988 March 21 and 26. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Browder, Earl, 1891-1973. [A collection of printed material pertaining to Earl Browder]. New-York Historical Society
referencedIn Stanford communist newspaper issues, 1949 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Arnold Johnson Papers, 1926-1989 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Schappes, Morris U. (Morris Urman), 1907-. Reminiscences of Morris U. Schappes : oral history, 1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Clyde W. Deal papers, 1934-1978 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Communist Party of the United States of America issuances, 1938-1991. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Kramer, Leon, 1889-1962. Leon Kramer papers, 1874-1964. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Max Shachtman Papers, 1917-1969 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Scales, Junius. Reminiscences of Junius Scales : oral history, 1988. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Cheuse, Alan. Papers of Alan Cheuse [manuscript], 1983, 2004-2005. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Papers, 1939-1982. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Guide to the Simon W. and Sophie Gerson Papers, 1925-2001 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Wolfe, Bertram David, 1896-1977. Bertram David Wolfe papers, 1903-1999. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Alger Hiss Family Papers, 1892-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the New Yorkers at Work Oral History Collection, 1979-2000 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Alger Hiss Family Papers, 1892-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Farquharson, Mary U. Mary U. Farquharson papers, 1875-1982. University of Washington. Libraries
referencedIn White, Geoffrey, 1927-. Geoffrey White papers, 1931-1986. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Peter Martin and Roberta Bobba Materials on Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, 1856-1964 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn William W. Weinstone Papers, 1898-1985, (bulk 1937-1985) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Bittelman, Alex, 1890-1982. Things I have learned, Autobiographical typescript, 1963. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Guide to the Arnold Johnson Papers, 1926-1989 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Guide to the Communist Party of the United States of America Records, 1892-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Richard Wormser interviews, 1980-1981 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn George E. Rennar papers, 1933-1972 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Guide to the Papers of Jacob (Jack) Shafran, 1937-1938 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Shannon, David A., 1920-1991. Papers, 1955-1958. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Browder, Earl, 1891-1973. Reminiscences of Earl Browder : oral history, 1964. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Chescheir, George. Report on the observation of Dreiser Investigating Committee in Harlan and Bell Counties : 1931 Nov. 5-1931 Nov. 10. Kentucky Historical Society, Martin F. Schmidt Research Library
referencedIn Theoharis, Athan G.,. FBI Investigation and Surveillance Records, 1919-[ongoning]. Marquette University Raynor Memorial Library, John P. Raynor Library
creatorOf Hall, Gordon,. Communist Political Parties Printed Propaganda, [ca. 1950-1990]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Guide to the National Lawyers Guild Records, 1921-2014 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library Poster and Broadside Collection, 1904-1991 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Shaw, Henry F., Jr. Harry F. Shaw, Jr. papers, 1965-1973. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn [Pamphlets on communism in the United States] [microform]. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Guide to the Labor Research Association Records, 1914-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Muriel Draper Papers., 1881-1977, 1925-1950 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Guide to the Max Gordon: Communist Party, USA Crisis of 1956-1958: Internal Documents Collection, circa 1956-1958 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Earl and Sylvia Price Papers, 1940s-1970s Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Harold Pritchett papers, 1937-1971, 1940 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Wormser, Richard, 1908-1977,. Richard Wormser interviews, 1980-1981. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Daniel French Papers, 1947-1997 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Jenkins, David, 1914-1993. The union movement, the California Labor School, and San Francisco politics, 1926-1988 : oral history transcript / David Jenkins ; with introductions by Robert Schrank and Joseph L. Alioto ; interviews conducted by Lisa Rubens in 1987 and 1988. Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1993. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the James S. Allen Papers, 1920-1994 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Guide to the Reference Center for Marxist Studies Pamphlet Collection, 1900-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the William Francis Dunne Papers, 1914-1951 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn [Radical and labor pamphlets collection, 1896-1967]. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Guide to the Audley Moore: FOIA File (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation), 1940s-1960s, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Thomas J. Dodd Papers, undated, 1919-1971. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Marshall, George, 1904-2000. George Marshall papers, 1933-1955. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Peace Officers' Association of the State of California Crime Prevention Committee, Sub-Committee on Subversive Activities typescript : The communist situation in California, 1937 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Wolfe, Katherine R. Index to the Newspapers of the American Communist Party : microfilm published by University Publications of America, 1990 / Index produced by Katherine R. Wolfe. Wesleyan University, Olin Library
referencedIn Saul, George James, 1897-1967. George James Saul "The making of a rebel in America : an unfinished autobiography". Draft, 1969. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Earl Browder Papers, 1879-1990 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Gladstein, Richard, 1908-ca. 1981. Interviews with Richard Gladstein and Benjamin Dreyfus : oral history transcript / tape recorded interview conducted 1978-1979 by Stanley I. Kutler for the Regional Oral History Office, the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., 1978-1979 : and related material, 1978-1979. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Draper, Theodore, 1912-2006. Theodore Draper papers, 1912-1966. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Herbert Benjamin Papers, 1915-2004, (bulk 1923-1982) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Printed ephemera of African American political activism and arts, circa 1913-1990, 1963-1976 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America Audio Collection, Bulk, 1965-1989, 1920s - 1999 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Arnold Johnson Papers, 1926-1989 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf [Collection of material relating to application for membership in the Communist Party of the United States of America]. New-York Historical Society
referencedIn Samuel K. Davis papers, 1919-1980. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Stanford communist newspaper issues, 1949. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Leon Trotsky exile papers, 1929-1940. Houghton Library
referencedIn Shachtman, Max, 1903-1972. Reminiscences of Max Shachtman : oral history, 1963. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Robert Houghwout Jackson Papers, 1816-1983, (bulk 1934-1954) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Communist International. Negro Commission. Documents from the Comintern Archives on African Americans, 1919-1929 New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Guide to the Clarina Michelson Papers, 1926-1979 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Socialist Workers' Party records, 1943-1950. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1931-1945. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Sidney Finkelstein Papers MS 128., 1914-1974 Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
referencedIn Englewood (N.J.). Board of Education. Englewood, N.J., school board controversy collection, 1946-1952. Bureau of National Affairs Library
referencedIn Davis, Samuel K., 1899-1968. Samuel K. Davis papers, 1919-1980. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Civil Rights Congress records, 1946-1955. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Michigan. Dept. of Attorney General. Administrative Division. Records of the Office of Attorney General, Administrative Division, [1913-1958]. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Morris Childs Papers, 1938-1995 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Grace and Max Granich Papers and Photographs, 1920s-1998 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Cannon, James Patrick, 1890-1974. Papers, 1919-1975. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Colón, Clara 1908-1970. Papers, 1932-1970 ; bulk: 1950-1970. Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos
referencedIn Guide to the Max Bedacht Autobiographical Typescript: On the Path of Life: Memoirs of Your Father, 1967 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the James E. Jackson and Esther Cooper Jackson Papers, 1917-2018 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Jay Schaffner Papers, 1950-2010 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the William A. Price Papers, 1930-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the James S. Allen Papers, 1920-1994 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Gil Green Papers, 1925-1993 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Fowler, Josephine. Papers, 1883-2005. University of California, Los Angeles
referencedIn Guide to the Daniel Nilva Papers, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Bloor, Ella Reeve, 1862-1951. Ella Reeve Bloor Papers, 1890-1979 (bulk 1910-1940). Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn Howard "Stretch" Johnson Papers, 1923-2011, [Bulk Dates: 1980-2000]. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn International Ladies Garment Workers Union. Charles S. Zimmerman papers, 1919-1958 [bulk 1920-1945]. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Colón, Jesús, 1901-1974. Papers, 1901-1974; bulk: 1920-1970. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Karl G. Yoneda Papers, 1928-1989 University of California, Los Angeles. Library Special Collections.
referencedIn Perry, Pettis. Pettis Perry papers, 1942-1967. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Geoffrey White Papers, 1939-1965 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Guide to the Kenneth Neill Cameron Papers, 1910-1992 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Herbert A. Philbrick Papers, 1849-1997, (bulk 1940-1993) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn American Civil Liberties Union. Radical pamphlets collection, 1899-1973. University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Minor, Robert, 1884-1952. Rober Minor papers, 1907-1952. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Guide to the Investigation Files of the Rapp-Coudert Committee, 1919-1953 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America. Communist Party pamphlets, leaflets, periodicals and notes, 1949-1951. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Bridges, Harry, 1901-1990. Deportation hearing transcripts and records, 1939-1943. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
referencedIn Israel and Sadie Amter Autobiographical Typescript, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Rogers, Walter. Walter and Elizabeth Rogers papers, 1939-1974. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Guide to the Clarina Michelson Papers, 1926-1979 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Charles Wesley Ervin collection, 1927-1973 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Klehr, Harvey. Harvey Klehr papers, 1901-1977. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Rusinack, Kelly Elaine. Baseball on the radical agenda : typescript, 1996, March : the Daily and Sunday worker on the desegregation of Major League Baseball, 1933 to 1947 / by Kelly Elaine Rusinack. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
referencedIn Childs, Morris, 1902-1991. Morris Childs papers, 1924-1995. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Guide to the Virginia Gardner Papers, 1913-1990 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Van Sickle, Leftist Pamphlet Collection, 1900-1993 Special Collections and University Archives, University of Central Florida Libraries,
referencedIn Guide to the Reference Center for Marxist Studies Pamphlet Collection, 1900-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Communist Party of the United States of America records, circa 1956-1960 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Guide to the Daniel Nilva Negatives, 1934-1975 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Guide to the New Yorkers at Work Oral History Collection, 1979-2000 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Seligman, William, 1900-. For an independent trade union movement : oral history transcript / William Seligman; interviewed by Michael Furmanovsky, Oral History Program, University of California, Los Angeles, 1987. UC Berkeley Libraries
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith 1199, National Health and Human Service Employees Union.. corporateBody
associatedWith Aaron, Hank person
associatedWith Abel, I. W. person
associatedWith Abernathy, Ralph, 1926-1990 person
associatedWith Abortion - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Abourezk, James person
associatedWith Abrams, Robert person
associatedWith Abt, John person
associatedWith Abzug, Bella S., 1920-1998 person
associatedWith Abzug, Bella - Willie McGee Case person
associatedWith Acosta, Jerry person
associatedWith Acosta, Roberto person
associatedWith Acuff, Stewart person
associatedWith Adamic, Louis person
associatedWith Adams, Alva Blanchard person
associatedWith Adams, Henry L. person
associatedWith Adams, Janus person
associatedWith Adams, Samuel person
associatedWith Advance Youth Organization corporateBody
associatedWith Adzhubei, Alexsei person
associatedWith AFL-CIO. corporateBody
associatedWith African American Cases - Gilbert, Leon person
associatedWith African American Cases - Griffith, Michael person
associatedWith African American Cases - McDuffie, Arthur person
associatedWith African American Cases - Seraw, Mulugeta person
associatedWith African American Cases - Tibbs, Delbert L. person
associatedWith African Americans - New York - New York - Harlem person
associatedWith African National Congress. corporateBody
associatedWith Afro-Latin Veterans Association corporateBody
associatedWith Afterman, Albert. person
associatedWith Agnew, Spiro person
associatedWith Agnos, Art person
associatedWith Agostinho Neto, Antonio person
associatedWith Aguinaldo, Emilio person
associatedWith Ahmad, Eqbal person
associatedWith Aidit, D. N. person
associatedWith Aini, Sadriddin person
associatedWith Aini, Sandriddin person
associatedWith Ain, Judith person
associatedWith Aitmatov, Chinghiz person
associatedWith Aitmatov, Chingiz person
associatedWith Akiya, Karl Ichiro, 1909-2001 person
associatedWith Al-Amin, Jalil person
associatedWith Al-Amin, Jamil (H. Rap Brown) person
associatedWith Alarcon, Evelina person
associatedWith Alarcón, Ricardo person
associatedWith Alarcón, Richard person
associatedWith Albano, Debbie person
associatedWith Albano, Terrie person
associatedWith Albert, Marilyn person
associatedWith Albertson, Bill person
associatedWith Albertson, William, 1910- person
associatedWith Albok, John, 1894-1982. person
associatedWith Aldridge, James person
associatedWith Aldrin, Buzz person
associatedWith Aleksandrov, Grigoriĭ Vasilevich person
associatedWith Alexander, Avery person
associatedWith Alexander, Donald C. person
associatedWith Alexander, Franklin person
associatedWith Alexander, Kendra person
associatedWith Alexander, Lamar person
associatedWith Alger Hiss family. person
associatedWith Ali, Muhammad person
associatedWith Ali, Muhammad, 1942- person
associatedWith Ali, Muhammad - in Soviet Union person
associatedWith Ali, Muhammad - With Others person
associatedWith Alla, Khage Ben person
associatedWith Allan, William person
associatedWith Allende Gossens, Salvador person
associatedWith Allende Gossens, Salvador, 1908-1973 person
associatedWith Allende Gossens, Salvador - in Cuba person
associatedWith Allen, Donna person
associatedWith Allen, James S. person
associatedWith Allen, James S. person
associatedWith Allen, Woody person
associatedWith Allon, Yigal person
associatedWith Almberg, Mark person
associatedWith Almeida, Juan person
associatedWith Alston, Chris person
associatedWith Alvarez, Anita person
associatedWith Alvarez, Everett person
associatedWith Alvarez, Everett, Jr. person
associatedWith Alvarez, Jose Alberto person
associatedWith Ambatielos, Tony person
associatedWith Amberson, William Ruthrauff, b. 1894. person
associatedWith America First Committee corporateBody
associatedWith American Business Consultants. corporateBody
associatedWith American Civil Liberties Union. corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Labor. corporateBody
associatedWith American Independent Party corporateBody
associatedWith American Indian Movement corporateBody
associatedWith American League Against War and Fascism corporateBody
associatedWith American Legion corporateBody
associatedWith American Medical Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Medical Association - Demonstrations against corporateBody
associatedWith American Party corporateBody
associatedWith American Student Union (ASU) corporateBody
associatedWith American Telephone and Telegraph corporateBody
associatedWith American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) corporateBody
associatedWith Amis, B. D., b. 1896 person
associatedWith Amter, I. (Israel), b. 1881. person
associatedWith Amter, Sadie person
associatedWith Amundsen, Roald person
associatedWith Ana, Marcos person
associatedWith Andersen, Hans Christian person
associatedWith Anderson, Bernard Hartwell Stepbuddy person
associatedWith Anderson, Marian person
associatedWith Anderson, Osborne P. (Osborne Perry) person
associatedWith Anderson, Paul person
associatedWith Anderson, Robert Bernerd person
associatedWith Anderson, Warren M. person
associatedWith Andreotti, Giulio person
associatedWith Andrews, Benny person
associatedWith Andrews, Bill person
associatedWith Andrews, Bill, 1937- person
associatedWith Andropov, Yuri person
associatedWith Andropov, Yuri - Funeral person
associatedWith Andrus, Cecil D. person
associatedWith Anne, Princes Royal, daughter of Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain person
associatedWith Antal, Lou person
associatedWith Anthony, Lewis M. person
associatedWith Anthony, Susan B. person
associatedWith Anthony, Wendell person
associatedWith Antonini, Luigi person
associatedWith Antonov, Sergei person
associatedWith A&P - Demonstrations against Job Discrimination corporateBody
associatedWith Aptheker, Bettina. person
associatedWith Aptheker, Herbert, 1915-2003. person
associatedWith Aptheker, Herbert - Congressional Campaign person
associatedWith Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco person
associatedWith Aquino, Corazon Conjuango person
associatedWith Arafat, Fathi person
associatedWith Arafat, Yasir person
associatedWith Arafat, Yasir, 1929-2004 person
associatedWith Arafat, Yasir - With Others person
associatedWith Aragon, Louis person
associatedWith Arbatov, Georgi person
associatedWith Arenales Catalan, Emilio person
associatedWith Argan, Giulio Carlo person
associatedWith Argan, Giulio Carter person
associatedWith Arias Sanchez, Oscar person
associatedWith Arietta, Michael person
associatedWith Aristide, Jean-Bertrand person
associatedWith Armey, Richard K. person
associatedWith Armstrong, James person
associatedWith Armstrong, Neil person
associatedWith Armstrong, Neil A. person
associatedWith Arnason, Richard E. person
associatedWith Arria, Diego person
associatedWith Arroyo, Eliseo person
associatedWith Artukovic, Andrija person
associatedWith Asch, Sholem person
associatedWith Ashe, Tom person
associatedWith Ashford, Evelyn person
associatedWith Asner, Ed person
associatedWith Asner, Edward person
associatedWith Assad, Hafez person
associatedWith Ataturk, Kemal person
associatedWith Atchuthan, Madhavan person
associatedWith Atherton, Alfred L. person
associatedWith Attucks, Crispus person
associatedWith Ayala, Alma person
associatedWith Baarslag, Karl, 1900-1984 person
associatedWith Babadzhanova, L. person
associatedWith Babbitt, Bruce person
associatedWith Bachrach, Marion person
associatedWith Bachtell, John person
associatedWith Backe, John D. person
associatedWith Badillo, Herman person
associatedWith Baez, Joan person
associatedWith Bagaze, Gean person
associatedWith Baidukov, G. (Georgii) person
associatedWith Bailey, John M. person
associatedWith Bailey, John M. (John Moran) person
associatedWith Baillergeon, Ed person
associatedWith Bains, Jim person
associatedWith Baker, Howard person
associatedWith Baker, Howard H. person
associatedWith Baker, Howard H. (Howard Henry) person
associatedWith Bakhor Folk Dance Ensemble corporateBody
associatedWith Bakke, Allan - Demonstrations about person
associatedWith Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich person
associatedWith Balaguer, Joaquin person
associatedWith Balanchine, George person
associatedWith Balanoff, James person
associatedWith Bales, Joe person
associatedWith Ball, George Wildman person
associatedWith Ball, Lucille person
associatedWith Balsam, Martin person
associatedWith Bancroft, Anne person
associatedWith Band, The (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Banks, Dennis person
associatedWith Banks, John person
associatedWith Banky, Suzy person
associatedWith Banzer Suarez, Hugo person
associatedWith Baraka, Amiri person
associatedWith Barasch, David person
associatedWith Barbaro, Frank person
associatedWith Barbirek, Frantisek person
associatedWith Barbusse, Henri person
associatedWith Barker, Bernard person
associatedWith Barkley, Alben William person
associatedWith Barnard, Christiaan person
associatedWith Barnes, Joseph, 1907-1970. person
associatedWith Barnett, James person
associatedWith Baron, Rose person
associatedWith Barrett, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Barron, John, 1930- person
associatedWith Barry, Francis person
associatedWith Barry, Marion person
associatedWith Barsky, Edward K., 1895-1975. person
associatedWith Barthwell, Akosua person
associatedWith Bartok, Bela person
associatedWith Barton, Charles person
associatedWith Baruch, Bernard M. (Bernard Mannes) person
associatedWith Basie, Count person
associatedWith Bassett, Grace person
associatedWith Bassett, Ted person
associatedWith Bates, Ralph person
associatedWith Bates, Ralph (writer) person
associatedWith Bates, Tom person
associatedWith Batista y Zaldívar, Fulgencio person
associatedWith Batista y Zalvidar, Fulgencio person
associatedWith Baucus, Max person
associatedWith Bayh, Birch person
associatedWith Beal, Fred person
associatedWith Beame, Abraham person
associatedWith Beame, Abraham - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Bean, Alan person
associatedWith Beatles (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Beatty, Warren person
associatedWith Bechetti, Arnold person
associatedWith Bechtel, Marilyn person
associatedWith Becker, George person
associatedWith Becker, Maurice - Art of person
associatedWith Becker, Norma person
associatedWith Beckwith, Byron de la person
associatedWith Bedacht, Max, 1883-1972. person
associatedWith Begin, Menachem person
associatedWith Belafonte, Harry person
associatedWith Beliakov, A. V. (Aleksandr Vasilevich) person
associatedWith Bell, Alexander Graham person
associatedWith Bellamy, Carol person
associatedWith Bell, Daniel, 1919- person
associatedWith Bell, Derrick A. person
associatedWith Bellecourt, Clyde person
associatedWith Bellecourt, Vernon person
associatedWith Bell, James person
associatedWith Bell, Jim person
associatedWith Bell, Jim (labor leader) person
associatedWith Bell, Pat person
associatedWith Belyakov, Alexander V. person
associatedWith Belyayev, Pavel person
associatedWith Ben Bella, Ahmed person
associatedWith Benedict, Jane person
associatedWith Benes, Edvard person
associatedWith Ben Gurion, David person
associatedWith Benjamin, Herbert, 1900-1983. person
associatedWith Bennett, Charles E. person
associatedWith Benson, George person
associatedWith Bentsen, Lloyd person
associatedWith Beotegui, Pedro Perez person
associatedWith Beregovoi, Georgii Timofeevich person
associatedWith Bergeron, Andre person
associatedWith Bergland, Robert person
associatedWith Beriia, L. P. person
associatedWith Berle, Milton person
associatedWith Berlinguer, Enrico person
associatedWith Berlin, Irving person
associatedWith Bernal, J. D. (John D.) person
associatedWith Bernard, Godwin A. person
associatedWith Bernardi, Herschel person
associatedWith Bernard, John T. person
associatedWith Bernard, John T. (John Toussaint) person
associatedWith Bernhardt, Debra E. person
associatedWith Berrigan, Daniel person
associatedWith Berrigan, Philip person
associatedWith Berry, Abner person
associatedWith Bert, Erik person
associatedWith Bert, Erik, 1904-1981. person
associatedWith Bessmertnova, Natalia person
associatedWith Betancourt Agramonte, Ana Maria person
associatedWith Bhutto, Benazir person
associatedWith Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali person
associatedWith Biaggi, Mario person
associatedWith Bible, Alan person
associatedWith Biden, Joseph R. person
associatedWith Bieber, Owen person
associatedWith Bikel, Theodore person
associatedWith Biko, Steve person
associatedWith Bilak, Vasil person
associatedWith Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore person
associatedWith Bilderback, William Winch, 1937- person
associatedWith Billings, Warren K., 1893-1972. person
associatedWith Bingham, Jonathan B. person
associatedWith Binkley, W. G. person
associatedWith Bird, Joan person
associatedWith Biryukova, Alexandra person
associatedWith Bishop, Maurice person
associatedWith Bittelman, Alex, 1890-1982. person
associatedWith Black, Carolyn person
associatedWith Black Panther Party. corporateBody
associatedWith Black Panthers corporateBody
associatedWith Blades, Ruben person
associatedWith Blagonravov, A. A. (Anatoli Arkadevich) person
associatedWith Blaiberg, Philip person
associatedWith Blaiberg, Phillip person
associatedWith Blake, Eugene Carson person
associatedWith Blanchard, James J. person
associatedWith Blank, Arthur person
associatedWith Blauer, Harold person
associatedWith Blaylock, Kenneth person
associatedWith Bley, Roy H. person
associatedWith Bloch, Emanuel H. person
associatedWith Bloice, Carl person
associatedWith Bloom, Ella Reeve person
associatedWith Bloor, Ella Reeve, 1862-1951 person
associatedWith Bloor, Ella Reeve - Funeral person
associatedWith Bloor, Ella Reeve - With Anita Whitney person
associatedWith Bloor, Ella Reeve - With Others person
associatedWith Blue Grass Association (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Bluestone, Irving person
associatedWith Bobb, John, Jr. person
associatedWith Boesak, Allan Aubrey person
associatedWith Bogart, Humphrey person
associatedWith Bogary, Humphrey person
associatedWith Boggs, Hale person
associatedWith Bok, Derek Curtis person
associatedWith Bond, Julian person
associatedWith Bonosky, Phillip person
associatedWith Boone, Charles person
associatedWith Boone Family. person
associatedWith Boone, Pat person
associatedWith Boosalis, Helen person
associatedWith Booth, William person
associatedWith Boren, David person
associatedWith Bork, R. H. (Robert Heron) person
associatedWith Bork, R. H. (Robert Heron) - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Bork, Robert H. person
associatedWith Borman, Frank person
associatedWith Boro, Harold person
associatedWith Borovik, Genrikh Aviezerovich person
associatedWith Bortz, Ed person
associatedWith Bosch, Orlando Avila person
associatedWith Bosley, Freeman, Jr. person
associatedWith Bostick Bruce person
associatedWith Boston, Cynthia person
associatedWith Botha, P. W. (Pieter Willem) person
associatedWith Bottcher, Herman person
associatedWith Boulier, Jean person
associatedWith Boumediene, Houari person
associatedWith Boumediene, Houari - in Cuba person
associatedWith Boupacha, Djamila person
associatedWith Bowles, Billy person
associatedWith Bowman, Jesse person
associatedWith Boxer, Barbara person
associatedWith Boyer, Ernest L. person
associatedWith Boyle, William Anthony person
associatedWith Braden, Anne person
associatedWith Braden, Carl person
associatedWith Bradley, Bill person
associatedWith Bradley, Omar Nelson person
associatedWith Bradley, Thomas person
associatedWith Braithwaite, Hilton person
associatedWith Braithwaite, Hilton - Photos by person
associatedWith Brakefield, William person
associatedWith Bramblett, Earl R. person
associatedWith Branch, William McKinley person
associatedWith Brando, Marlon person
associatedWith Brandt, Joseph person
associatedWith Brandt, Joseph, 1909-1997 person
associatedWith Brandt, Willy person
associatedWith Bray, Gary person
associatedWith Bread and Puppet Theater corporateBody
associatedWith Breaux, John person
associatedWith Breaux, John B. person
associatedWith Brecht, Bertolt person
associatedWith Brecht, Bertolt - Plays of person
associatedWith Bremer, Arthur H. person
associatedWith Brennan, Peter J. person
associatedWith Breytenbach, Breyten person
associatedWith Brezhnev, Leonid person
associatedWith Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich person
associatedWith Brezhnev, Leonid Il'ich, 1906-1982 person
associatedWith Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich - With Others person
associatedWith Brezhnev, Leonid - With Others person
associatedWith Brice, Bruce A. person
associatedWith Bridges, Harry person
associatedWith Bridges, Harry, 1901-1990. person
associatedWith Brigham, James W. person
associatedWith Britt, Harry person
associatedWith Brock, Thella W. (Thella Wilson), person
associatedWith Brodsky, Joseph person
associatedWith Brody, Mark person
associatedWith Bron, Sol D. person
associatedWith Brooke, Edward person
associatedWith Brooke, Edward William person
associatedWith Brophy, John person
associatedWith Brosio, Manlio person
associatedWith Brosnan, John F. person
associatedWith Broun, Heywood person
associatedWith Browder, Earl, 1891-1973. person
associatedWith Brown, Archie person
associatedWith Brown, Archie, 1911-1990. person
associatedWith Browne, Jackson person
associatedWith Brown, Elaine person
associatedWith Brown, Freda person
associatedWith Brown, George S. person
associatedWith Brown, Gregory person
associatedWith Brown, Harold person
associatedWith Brown, Hayward person
associatedWith Brown, John person
associatedWith Brown, Lawrence person
associatedWith Brown, Lee person
associatedWith Brown, Lee (New York City Police Commissioner) person
associatedWith Brownlee, Richard person
associatedWith Brown, Lillie person
associatedWith Brown, Ron person
associatedWith Brown, Willie, Jr. person
associatedWith Broyhill, James T. person
associatedWith Brundage, Avery person
associatedWith Bruno, Joseph L. person
associatedWith Bryant, Anita person
associatedWith Bryant, Connie person
associatedWith Brydges, Earl William person
associatedWith Brzezinski, Zbigniew person
associatedWith Buckley, James Lane person
associatedWith Buckley, William F., Jr. person
associatedWith Budenz, Louis F. (Louis Francis) person
associatedWith Buff, I. E. person
associatedWith Buford, Dan person
associatedWith Bukharin, N. I. person
associatedWith Bukovskii, Vladimir Konstantinovich person
associatedWith Bullins, Ed person
associatedWith Bumpers, Betty person
associatedWith Bunker, Ellsworth person
associatedWith Burchett, Wilfred G. person
associatedWith Burger, Warren E. person
associatedWith Burnham, Louis person
associatedWith Burns, Arthur F. (Arthur Frank) person
associatedWith Burroughs, Charles person
associatedWith Burroughs, William S. person
associatedWith Burton, Richard person
associatedWith Bush, George person
associatedWith Bush, George - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Bush, George W. (George Walker) person
associatedWith Bush, Neil person
associatedWith Bussi de Allende, Hortensia person
associatedWith Butler, George Lee person
associatedWith Butler, Jim person
associatedWith Butler, Josephine person
associatedWith Butler, Smedley D. person
associatedWith Buttons, Red person
associatedWith Byard, Carol person
associatedWith Bykovskii, V. F. (Valerii Federovich) person
associatedWith Bykowski, Edward person
associatedWith Byrd, Robert C. person
associatedWith Byrne, Jane person
associatedWith Caballero Perez, Diane person
associatedWith Cacchione, Peter V. person
associatedWith Cachin, Marcel person
associatedWith Cadogan, Alexander, Sir person
associatedWith Caesar, Sid person
associatedWith Cagan, Steve person
associatedWith Cain, Lee person
associatedWith Caldera, Rafael person
associatedWith Caldicott, Helen person
associatedWith Califano, Joseph A., Jr. person
associatedWith California Peace Officers' Association. Crime Prevention Committee. Sub-Committee on Subversive Activities. corporateBody
associatedWith California State University, Dominguez Hills corporateBody
associatedWith California Women Political Leaders Oral History Project (Bancroft Library). corporateBody
associatedWith Callahan, William person
associatedWith Callahan, William R. person
associatedWith Calley, William Laws person
associatedWith Camarata, Pete person
associatedWith Cameron, Kenneth Neill person
associatedWith Cameron, Kenneth Neill. person
associatedWith Camp, Carter person
associatedWith Cann, Margaret person
associatedWith Cannon, James Patrick, 1890-1974. person
associatedWith Capa, Robert person
associatedWith Capper, Arthur person
associatedWith Cardenal, Ernesto person
associatedWith Cardinale, Claudia person
associatedWith Carey, Hugh person
associatedWith Carey, Hugh L. - With Others person
associatedWith Carey, James B. person
associatedWith Carey, James B. person
associatedWith Carlos, Juan person
associatedWith Carlson, Evans Fordyce person
associatedWith Carlsson, Ingvar person
associatedWith Carlucci, Frank Charles person
associatedWith Carmichael, Hoagy person
associatedWith Carney, William H. person
associatedWith Carnivale, Anthony person
associatedWith Carnovsky, Morris person
associatedWith Caroll, Diahann person
associatedWith Carr, Charlotte E. person
associatedWith Carrero Blanco, Luis person
associatedWith Carroll, Diahann person
associatedWith Carter, Amy person
associatedWith Carter, Billy person
associatedWith Carter, Edward C. person
associatedWith Carter, Edward C. (Edward Clark) person
associatedWith Carter, Jimmy person
associatedWith Carter, Jimmy, 1924- person
associatedWith Carter, Jimmy - After Elections - With Others person
associatedWith Carter, Jimmy - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Carter, Jimmy - With Other person
associatedWith Carter, Jimmy - With Others person
associatedWith Carter, Robert Lee person
associatedWith Carter, Rubin person
associatedWith Carver, George Washington person
associatedWith Casey, Robert P. person
associatedWith Casso, Freda. person
associatedWith Castiella, Fernando Maria person
associatedWith Castiglione, Vincent person
associatedWith Castillo, Martin person
associatedWith Castro, Fidel, 1926- person
associatedWith Castro, Fidel - in Africa person
associatedWith Castro, Fidel - in Chile person
associatedWith Castro, Fidel - in Soviet Union person
associatedWith Castro, Fidel - in Yugoslavia person
associatedWith Castro, Fidel - With Americans and in United States person
associatedWith Castro, Raul H. person
associatedWith Castro Ruz, Raúl person
associatedWith Cate, William B. person
associatedWith Catlett, Elizabeth - Art of person
associatedWith Catt, Carrie Chapman person
associatedWith Cavanagh, Jerome P. person
associatedWith Cayton, Revels person
associatedWith Ceaucescu, Nicolae person
associatedWith Ceauscescu, Nicolae person
associatedWith Ceausescu, Nicolae person
associatedWith Central Intelligence Agency corporateBody
associatedWith Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) corporateBody
associatedWith Cernik, Oldrich person
associatedWith Chai, Tse-ming person
associatedWith Chaliapina, Lidia person
associatedWith Chaliapin, Fyodor Ivanovich person
associatedWith Chamberlain, Nevill person
associatedWith Chamberlain, Neville person
associatedWith Chandler, Jeff (actor) person
associatedWith Chandra, Romesh person
associatedWith Chaney, Ben person
associatedWith Chaney, James Earl person
associatedWith Chaney, James Earl - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Chapaev, Vasilii Ivanovich person
associatedWith Chaplin, Carl person
associatedWith Chaplin, Charlie person
associatedWith Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977 person
associatedWith Chaplin, Charlie - in The Great Dictator person
associatedWith Chapman, Frank person
associatedWith Chappell, William V. person
associatedWith Charles, Prince of Wales person
associatedWith Charney, George B., 1905- . person
associatedWith Charney, George Blake person
associatedWith Chavez, Cesar, 1927-1993 person
associatedWith Chávez, Fernando person
associatedWith Chavez, Fernando person
associatedWith Chavez, Richard person
associatedWith Chavis, Ben person
associatedWith Chavis, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Chayefsky, Paddy person
associatedWith Chekov, Anton person
associatedWith Cheliotes, Arthur person
associatedWith Cher person
associatedWith Cherkasov, Nikolai Konstantinovich person
associatedWith Chescheir, George. person
associatedWith Chesman, Naomi person
associatedWith Cheuse, Alan. person
associatedWith Chevalier, Maurice person
associatedWith Chevat, Edith person
associatedWith Chevigny, Paul person
associatedWith Chicaco 7 corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Teachers Union corporateBody
associatedWith Chichester-Clark, James person
associatedWith Chikane, Frank person
associatedWith Childs, Morris, 1902-1991. person
associatedWith Chiles, Lawton person
associatedWith Chisholm, Shirley, 1924-2005 person
associatedWith Chkalov, Igor person
associatedWith Chkalov, Igor Valerevich person
associatedWith Chkalov, Valery person
associatedWith Chosa, Mike person
associatedWith Choudhury, Humayan Rasheed person
associatedWith Choudhury, Humayun Rasheed person
associatedWith Chrysler Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Chuikov, V. I. (Vasilii Ivanovich) person
associatedWith Chun, Doo-Hwan person
associatedWith Church, Frank person
associatedWith Churchill, Winston person
associatedWith Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 person
associatedWith Churchill, Winston - in World War II person
associatedWith Church League of America corporateBody
associatedWith Church, Sam person
associatedWith Ciano, Galeazzo, conte person
associatedWith Cienfuegos, Camilo person
associatedWith Cinamon, Morris person
associatedWith Cinque person
associatedWith Cintron, Federico person
associatedWith Cisse, Jeanne Martin person
associatedWith Civil Rights Congress (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Claiborne, Bob person
associatedWith Clancy, Rita person
associatedWith Clark, Bennett Champ person
associatedWith Clark, Diane person
associatedWith Clark, John person
associatedWith Clark, Lenard person
associatedWith Clark, Ramsey person
associatedWith Clay, Rudy person
associatedWith Cleaver, Eldridge person
associatedWith Clemente, Roberto person
associatedWith Cleveland, Grover person
associatedWith Cliburn, Van person
associatedWith Clinton, Bill person
associatedWith Coalition for Economic Justice corporateBody
associatedWith Coalition for Labor Union Women corporateBody
associatedWith Coalition of Black Trade Unionists corporateBody
associatedWith Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) corporateBody
associatedWith Coalition of Labor Union Women corporateBody
associatedWith Coca Cola corporateBody
associatedWith Coca, Imogene person
associatedWith Cochran, Buddy person
associatedWith Coffin, William Sloane person
associatedWith Cohn, Roy M. person
associatedWith Cole, Edward M. person
associatedWith Cole, Natalie person
associatedWith Coleridge, Samuel Taylor person
associatedWith Coll, Alfredo person
associatedWith College of Charleston. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Collet, Miranda person
associatedWith Collins, Cardiss person
associatedWith Collins, Charles A. person
associatedWith Collins, John person
associatedWith Collins, Leroy person
associatedWith Colodny, Robert person
associatedWith Colombo, Emilio person
associatedWith Colón, Clara, 1908-1970. person
associatedWith Colon, Jesus person
associatedWith Colón, Jesús, 1901- person
associatedWith Colón, Jesús, 1901-1974. person
associatedWith Coltrane, Alice person
associatedWith Columbia University Oral History Collection. corporateBody
associatedWith Committee of Correspondence (Musical group) corporateBody
correspondedWith Committees of Correspondence (U.S.). corporateBody
associatedWith Communist International. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist International. Negro Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the Soviet Union. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America (Calif.). corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Central Control Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Central Review Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America - Demonstrations by corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. History Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America (Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Maritime Section. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America (Mich.). corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. National Labor Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Negro Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America (New York). corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Southern California District. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America (Wash.). State Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Waterfront Section. corporateBody
associatedWith Companys y Jover, Luis person
associatedWith Congressional Black Caucus corporateBody
associatedWith Congressional Black Caucus (United States) corporateBody
associatedWith Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.). corporateBody
associatedWith Connery, Sean person
associatedWith Connolly, Harold person
associatedWith Connolly, James person
associatedWith Conrad, Charles Pete person
associatedWith Conroy, Jack person
associatedWith Consolidated Edison, Inc. (Con Ed) corporateBody
associatedWith Conyers, John, 1929- person
associatedWith Cooke, Marvel person
associatedWith Cook, Frederick Albert person
associatedWith Cooley, Denton A. person
associatedWith Coon, Eugene person
associatedWith Cooper, James Fenimore person
associatedWith Copland, Aaron person
associatedWith Cordier, Andrew W. person
associatedWith Corea, Yanira person
associatedWith Corey, Lewis. person
associatedWith Corey, Lewis. person
associatedWith Cormier, Steve person
associatedWith Cornford, John person
associatedWith Corona, Humberto Noe person
associatedWith Corvalan, Luis person
associatedWith Cosby, Bill person
associatedWith Costello, Roselio person
associatedWith Cotrell, Stan person
associatedWith Cottom, Carolyn person
associatedWith Cotton, Eugenie person
associatedWith Cotton, M., Mrs. person
associatedWith Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward) person
associatedWith Council for Interracial Books corporateBody
associatedWith Council for Mutual Economic Assistance corporateBody
associatedWith Counts, Gus person
associatedWith Counts, J. Curtis person
associatedWith Cousteau, Jacques person
associatedWith Cowley, Malcolm, 1898-1989. person
associatedWith Cox, Don person
associatedWith Cox, Edward Finch person
associatedWith Cramer, Robley D., 1884-1966. person
associatedWith Cranston, Alan person
associatedWith Crockett, George W., Jr. person
associatedWith Cronkite, Walter person
associatedWith Crouch, Paul, 1903- person
associatedWith Csatorday, Karoly person
associatedWith Cucci, Anthony person
associatedWith Cuesta, Jose Enamorado person
associatedWith Cumming, William person
associatedWith Cunard, Nancy person
associatedWith Cunhal, Alvaro person
associatedWith Cunningham, Sarah person
associatedWith Cuomo, Mario Matthew person
associatedWith Curran, Joseph Edwin person
associatedWith Curtice, Harlow Herbert person
associatedWith Curtis, Edward S. - Photographs by person
associatedWith Cushing, Richard person
associatedWith Custer, George A. (George Armstrong) person
associatedWith Cuthbert, Robert person
associatedWith Dadoo, Yusuf Mohamed person
associatedWith Daily Worker (New York). corporateBody
associatedWith Daily World (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Daley, Richard person
associatedWith Daley, Richard J. person
associatedWith Dallet, Joe, 1907-1937. person
associatedWith D'Amato, Alfonse person
associatedWith D'Amboise, Jacques person
associatedWith Dang, Quang Minh person
associatedWith Đang, Quang Minh person
associatedWith Daniel, Aubrey person
associatedWith Darcy, Samuel, 1905- person
associatedWith Darrow, Clarence person
associatedWith Darwin, Charles person
associatedWith Da Silva, Howard person
associatedWith Daughtry, Herbert person
associatedWith Daves, Larry person
associatedWith Davidow, Mike person
associatedWith Davidson, Jo person
associatedWith Davies, Joseph Edward person
associatedWith Davis, Angela person
associatedWith Davis, Angela - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Davis, Angela - in the German Democratic Republic person
associatedWith Davis, Angela - Photos by person
associatedWith Davis, Angela Y. person
associatedWith Davis, Angela Y. 1944- person
associatedWith Davis, Angela Y. - Communist Party of the United States - Election Campaigns person
associatedWith Davis, Angela Y. - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Davis, Angela Y. - in German Democratic Republic person
associatedWith Davis, Angela Y. - in Soviet Union person
associatedWith Davis, Ben person
associatedWith Davis, Benjamin person
associatedWith Davis, Benjamin J. person
associatedWith Davis, Benjamin J. (Benjamin Jefferson), 1903-1964. person
associatedWith Davis, Benjamin J. (Benjamin Jefferson) - With Others person
associatedWith Davis, Benjamin O., Sr. person
associatedWith Davis, Benjamin - With Others person
associatedWith Davis, Bette person
associatedWith Davis, Leon person
associatedWith Davis, Marvin person
associatedWith Davis, Nelson person
associatedWith Davis, Ossie person
associatedWith Davis, Reginald person
associatedWith Davis, Rennie person
associatedWith Davis, Robert Courtney person
associatedWith Davis, Salleye person
associatedWith Davis, Sallye person
associatedWith Davis, Samuel K., 1899-1968 person
associatedWith Davis, Samuel K., 1899-1968. corporateBody
associatedWith Davis, William H. person
associatedWith Davis, William Red person
associatedWith Dayan, Moshe person
associatedWith Deal, Clyde W. person
associatedWith Dean, Amy person
associatedWith DeBakey, Michael E. person
associatedWith Debs, Eugene V. (Eugene Victor), 1855-1926 person
associatedWith DeCarolis, Michael A. person
associatedWith De Carvalho, Otelo Saraiva person
associatedWith DeConcini, Dennis person
associatedWith Dee, Ruby person
associatedWith DeGaulle, Charles person
associatedWith DeGregory, Anthony person
associatedWith DeGregory, Hugo, 1914- person
associatedWith De Jesus, Edgar person
associatedWith Delacroix, Eugene person
associatedWith Delaney, Hubert T. person
associatedWith DeLappe, Pele person
associatedWith De Las Casas, Bartolome person
associatedWith Del Corso, S. T. person
associatedWith Delgadillo, Jose Hernandez person
associatedWith Dellinger, David T., 1915-2004 person
associatedWith Dellums, Ron person
associatedWith Dellums, Ronald V. person
associatedWith DeLuise, Dom person
associatedWith DeLury, Bernard E. person
associatedWith DeMaio, Dennis person
associatedWith Dempsey, Jack person
associatedWith Deng, Xiaoping person
associatedWith Deng, Xioaping person
associatedWith Denmark, James person
associatedWith Dennis, C. L. person
associatedWith Dennis, Eugene. person
associatedWith Dennis, Eugene, 1905-1961. person
associatedWith Dennis, Thomas person
associatedWith Denver, John person
associatedWith De Palencia, Isabel person
associatedWith De Roos, John G. person
associatedWith Desai, Morarji person
associatedWith De Sica, Vittorio person
associatedWith Desmond, John E. person
associatedWith Deukmejian, George person
associatedWith Deutsch, Albert person
associatedWith Devlin, Bernadette person
associatedWith Dewald, Everett A. person
associatedWith Dewey, Thomas E. person
associatedWith Diallo, Abdoulaye person
associatedWith Diamond, Sigmund. person
associatedWith Diaz, Jose person
associatedWith Dickens, Hazel person
associatedWith Dickerson, Angie person
associatedWith Dickson, R. person
associatedWith Diego, Felipe de person
associatedWith Diernes, Gene person
associatedWith Diez, Barbarito person
associatedWith Diller, Phyllis person
associatedWith DiMaggio, Joe person
associatedWith Dimitrov, Georgi person
associatedWith Dimitrov, Georgi - Reichtags Fire Trial person
associatedWith Dimitrov, Georgi - Riechstag Fire Trial person
associatedWith Dinh, Ba Thi person
associatedWith Dinkins, David person
associatedWith Dirksen, Everett person
associatedWith Diskin, Bernice person
associatedWith Diskin, Lou person
associatedWith Diskin, Louis person
associatedWith Distributive, Processing, and Office Workers of America. District 65. corporateBody
associatedWith Dix, Dorothea Lynde person
associatedWith Dixon, Alan J. person
associatedWith Dlamini, Zenani Mandela person
associatedWith Dnipro Dancers corporateBody
associatedWith Dobrovolsky, Georgi person
associatedWith Dobrynin, Anatoliy Fedorovich person
associatedWith Doby, Larry person
associatedWith Dodd, Bella Visono person
associatedWith Dodd, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1907-1971 person
associatedWith Dodd, William E. person
associatedWith Dole, Robert J. person
associatedWith Dollfuss, Engelbert person
associatedWith Donahue, Phil person
associatedWith Donaldson, Ivanhoe person
associatedWith Donawa, Arnold person
associatedWith Dong, Pham Van person
associatedWith Donner, Frank J. person
associatedWith Dorticos, Osvaldo Torrado person
associatedWith Dorticos Torrado, Osvaldo person
associatedWith Dostoyevsky, Fyodor person
associatedWith Douglas, Helen Gahagan person
associatedWith Douglas, Scott person
associatedWith Douglass, Frederick person
associatedWith Doumani, Osama person
associatedWith Dovzhenko, Oleksandr Petrovych person
associatedWith Dow Chemical Company corporateBody
associatedWith Doyle, Bernadette person
associatedWith Draper, Muriel person
associatedWith Draper, Muriel, b. 1886. person
associatedWith Draper, Paul person
associatedWith Draper, Theodore, 1912-2006. person
associatedWith Driesen, Dan person
associatedWith Duarte, Roberto Lizano person
associatedWith Dubček, Alexander person
associatedWith Dubcek, Alexander person
associatedWith Dubin, Etheline person
associatedWith Dubinin, Iurii Vladimirovich person
associatedWith Dubois, Shirley Graham person
associatedWith Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963 person
associatedWith Duclos, Jacques person
associatedWith Duffey, Joseph D. (Joseph Daniel) person
associatedWith Duggan, Robert. person
associatedWith Duggan, Robert D. person
associatedWith Dukakis, Michael person
associatedWith Dukakis, Michael S. person
associatedWith Dukakis, Michael S. - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Dukes, Hazel person
associatedWith Dulles, Eleanor person
associatedWith Dulles, John Foster person
associatedWith Dunaway, Faye person
associatedWith Dunbar, Paul Laurence person
associatedWith Duncan, Isadora person
associatedWith Dunlop, John T. person
associatedWith Dunne, William person
associatedWith Dunne, William F. person
associatedWith Dunne, William F. person
associatedWith Dunne, William Francis, 1887-1953 person
associatedWith Dunn, James C. person
associatedWith Du Pont, Jim person
associatedWith Durham, Douglas person
associatedWith Durruti, Buenaventura person
associatedWith Dvorak, Antonin person
associatedWith Dylan, Bob person
associatedWith Dymally, Mervyn person
associatedWith Eagleton, Thomas F. person
associatedWith Earle, Genevieve B. person
associatedWith Earth First (organization) corporateBody
associatedWith Easterling, Barbara person
associatedWith East, John P. person
associatedWith Eaton, Cyrus person
associatedWith Eaton, Cyrus Stephen person
associatedWith Eban, Abba Solomon person
associatedWith Eboue, Felix person
associatedWith Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard) person
associatedWith Ecevit, Bulent person
associatedWith Echeverria, Luis person
associatedWith Edelman, Marian Wright person
associatedWith Edelman, Peter B. person
associatedWith Edelstam, Harold person
associatedWith Edgar, Bob person
associatedWith Edwards, George C. (George Clifton) person
associatedWith Effinger, Virgil F. person
associatedWith Egri, Lajos, 1888-1967. person
associatedWith Ehrenbourg, Ilya person
associatedWith Ehrlich, Wolf person
associatedWith Eielson, Jorge Eduardo person
associatedWith Einstein, Albert person
associatedWith Eisenhower, David person
associatedWith Eisenhower, Dwight person
associatedWith Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David) person
associatedWith Eisenhower, John person
associatedWith Eisenhower, Milton Stover person
associatedWith Eisenhower, Susan person
associatedWith Eisenscherr, Sigmund person
associatedWith Eisenstein, Sergei person
associatedWith Eisler, Gerhard person
associatedWith Eisler, Gerhart person
associatedWith Eisler, Gerhart - Demonstrations about person
associatedWith Ekins, Robert person
associatedWith Eliseyev, Alexei person
associatedWith El-Kony, Mohammed Awad person
associatedWith Ellis, Fred person
associatedWith Ellis, Fred, 1885-1965 person
associatedWith Ellis, Fred - Art of person
associatedWith Ellis, Pat person
associatedWith Ellsberg, Daniel person
associatedWith Emmet, Robert person
associatedWith Emspak, Frank, 1943- . person
associatedWith Emspak, Julius person
associatedWith Enamorado Cuesta, Jose person
associatedWith Encina, Dionisio person
associatedWith Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company corporateBody
associatedWith Engdahl, J. Louis person
associatedWith Erhard, Ludwig person
associatedWith Erickson, James person
associatedWith Ervin, Charles Wesley, collector. person
associatedWith Espin Guillois, Vilma person
associatedWith Espy, Mike person
associatedWith Estrada, Eddie person
associatedWith Evanoff, Al person
associatedWith Evans, Daniel J. person
associatedWith Evans, Fred person
associatedWith Evans, H. W. person
associatedWith Evans, John person
associatedWith Evans, Timothy C. person
associatedWith Eve, Arthur person
associatedWith Eve, Arthur O. (Arthur Owen) person
associatedWith Evers, Charles person
associatedWith Evers, Medgar person
associatedWith Fadeechev, Nikolai Borisovich person
associatedWith Fadeev, Aleksandr person
associatedWith Fahmy, Ismail person
associatedWith Fairbanks, Douglas person
associatedWith Fairchild, Morgan person
associatedWith Falk, Peter person
associatedWith Falwell, Jerry person
associatedWith Fanfani, Amintore person
associatedWith Fanntroy, Walter person
associatedWith Farina, Jaime Lavin person
associatedWith Farley, James A. person
associatedWith Farmer, James person
associatedWith Farmer-Labor Party (Mich.) corporateBody
associatedWith Farmers' National Weekly. corporateBody
associatedWith Farquharson, Mary U. person
associatedWith Farrakhan, Louis person
associatedWith Farrell, Herman person
associatedWith Fasanella, Ralph person
associatedWith Fast, Howard person
associatedWith Fath (Al Fatah) corporateBody
associatedWith Faubus, Orville Eugene person
associatedWith Faulkner, Stanley person
associatedWith Fauntroy, Walter E. person
associatedWith Favorsky, Vladimir person
associatedWith Fawzi, Mahmoud person
associatedWith Fax, Elton C. person
associatedWith Federation of Cuban Women corporateBody
associatedWith Fedorenko, Nikolai Trofimovich person
associatedWith Feeney, Anne person
associatedWith Feerick, John D person
associatedWith Fefer, Itzik person
associatedWith Feffer, Itzik person
associatedWith Feinstein, Dianne person
associatedWith Feliciano, Carlos person
associatedWith Feoktistov, Konstantin person
associatedWith Ferber, Mike person
associatedWith Ferguson, Herman Benjamin person
associatedWith Ferlinghetti, Lawrence person
associatedWith Fernandez, Efrain person
associatedWith Ferraro, Geraldine person
associatedWith Ferrer, Fernando person
associatedWith Ferrer, Jose person
associatedWith Fiers, Alan Dale, Jr. person
associatedWith Fighting American Nationalists corporateBody
associatedWith Fighting American Nationalists (FAN) corporateBody
associatedWith Figueroa Cordero, Andres person
associatedWith Figueroa, Luis person
associatedWith Films - History person
associatedWith Films - Union Maids person
associatedWith Finch, Eletha Barrett person
associatedWith Finch, Peter person
associatedWith Finch, Robert person
associatedWith Finkelstein, Sidney Walter, 1909-1974 person
associatedWith Finley, Bill person
associatedWith Finnegan, James person
associatedWith Firestone, Bernard J. person
associatedWith Fischer, Bobby person
associatedWith Fishman, Joelle person
associatedWith Fitgerald, Ella person
associatedWith Fitzgerald, Ella person
associatedWith Fitzsimmons, Frank person
associatedWith Flagg, James Montgomery person
associatedWith Flick, Friedrich person
associatedWith Flores Magon, Ricardo person
associatedWith Florin, Peter person
associatedWith Flory, Ishmael person
associatedWith Flynn, Elizabeth G. person
associatedWith Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley person
associatedWith Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley. person
associatedWith Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley. person
associatedWith Flynn, Raymond L. person
associatedWith Fonda, Henry person
associatedWith Fonda, Jane person
associatedWith Foner, Henry person
associatedWith Foner, Moe person
associatedWith Foner, Philip Seldon person
associatedWith Foner, Philip Sheldon person
associatedWith Fontanne, Lynn person
associatedWith Fonteyn, Margot person
associatedWith Foolkiller Cultural Center and Organization corporateBody
associatedWith Forbes, A. Edward (Adolph Edward), 1907- person
associatedWith Forbes, George Lawrence person
associatedWith Forbes, Henry person
associatedWith Forca, Carlos person
associatedWith Ford, Betty person
associatedWith Ford, Gerald - in South Korea person
associatedWith Ford, Gerald R. - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Ford, Gerald R. - in China person
associatedWith Ford, Henry person
associatedWith Ford, Henry, Jr. person
associatedWith Ford, James - Election Campaigns person
associatedWith Ford, James W. person
associatedWith Ford, James W., 1893-1957 person
associatedWith Ford, James W. - in Spain person
associatedWith Ford, James - With Others person
associatedWith Ford, Joudon person
associatedWith Ford Motor Company corporateBody
associatedWith Foreign Minsters Conference of Nonaligned Countries corporateBody
associatedWith Foreman, Carl. person
associatedWith Forman, James person
associatedWith Foster, William Z. person
associatedWith Foster, William Z., 1881-1961. person
associatedWith Foster, William Z. - Communist Party of the United States of America Activities person
associatedWith Foster, William Z. - in 1919 Steel Strike person
associatedWith Fowler, Josephine person
associatedWith Fowler, Josephine. person
associatedWith Fowler, Wyche person
associatedWith Fox, Ralph person
associatedWith Foye, Hope person
associatedWith Franco, Francisco person
associatedWith Franco, Francisco - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Franco y Martinez-Bordiu, Francisco person
associatedWith Frankensteen, Richard person
associatedWith Frankfeld, Philip person
associatedWith Frankfeld, Philip. person
associatedWith Frank, Leo person
associatedWith Franklin, Benjamin person
associatedWith Franklin, Francis. person
associatedWith Frank, Nelson 1906-1974. person
associatedWith Fraser, Donald McKay person
associatedWith Fraser, Douglas person
associatedWith Fraser, Douglas A. person
associatedWith Frazier, Howard person
associatedWith Freedom and Peace Party corporateBody
associatedWith French, Daniel, 1908- person
associatedWith Friedlander, Miriam person
associatedWith Friedman, Martin, 1914-1966. person
associatedWith Friedman, Samuel person
associatedWith Froemke, Mark person
associatedWith Froines, John R. person
associatedWith Fromme, Lynette Alice person
associatedWith Fromme, Lynn Alice person
associatedWith Frost, Robert person
associatedWith Frunze, Mikhail person
associatedWith Frunze, M. V. (Mikhail Vasilevich) person
associatedWith Fucik, Julius person
associatedWith Fuentes, Carlos person
associatedWith Fuentes, Luis person
associatedWith Fugmann, Michael person
associatedWith Fukuda, Takeo person
associatedWith Fulbright, J. William (James William) person
associatedWith Funston, Frederick person
associatedWith Futrell, Mary person
associatedWith Fyodorov, A. person
associatedWith Fyodorova, Victoria person
associatedWith Gabow, Frances person
associatedWith Gaganova, Valentina person
associatedWith Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich, 1934-1968 person
associatedWith Galamison, Milton A. (Milton Arthur) person
associatedWith Galbraith, John Kenneth person
associatedWith Gale, Robert person
associatedWith Gallagher, Buell G. person
associatedWith Gallagher, William person
associatedWith Gallo, John person
associatedWith Gallup, George Horace person
associatedWith Gammage, Jonny person
associatedWith Gammon, Reginald person
associatedWith Gandhi, Indira person
associatedWith Gandhi, Rajiv person
correspondedWith Ganley, Nat, 1903-1969. person
associatedWith Gannett, Betty. person
associatedWith Garaudy, Roger person
associatedWith Garcia, David person
associatedWith Garcia-Inchaustegui, Mario person
associatedWith Garcia, Jesus person
associatedWith Garcia Marquez, Gabriel person
associatedWith Garcia, Marshall person
associatedWith Garcia, Rafael Rivera person
associatedWith Garcia, Robert person
associatedWith Gardiner, Robert person
associatedWith Gardner, John W. (John William) person
associatedWith Gardner, Virginia. person
associatedWith Gardner, Virginia. Friend and lover. person
associatedWith Garelik, Sanford D. person
associatedWith Garlin, Sender person
associatedWith Garry, Charles R. person
associatedWith Garvey, Ed person
associatedWith Garvin, Victoria person
associatedWith Gatch, Donald person
associatedWith Gates, Daryl F. person
associatedWith Gates, John person
associatedWith Gates, John, 1913- person
associatedWith Gates, Robert Michael person
associatedWith Gaulle, Charles de person
associatedWith Gebert, Boleslaw person
associatedWith Gehrig, Lou person
associatedWith Geiger, Keith person
associatedWith Geisel, Ernesto person
associatedWith Gellert, Hugo person
associatedWith Gellert, Hugo, 1892-1985 person
associatedWith Gellert, Hugo - Art of person
associatedWith Genda, Minoru person
associatedWith Geneen, Harold person
associatedWith General Electric corporateBody
associatedWith General Motors corporateBody
associatedWith Geogradze, M. P. person
associatedWith Gerasimov, Sergei person
associatedWith Gerena-Rochet, Milagros person
associatedWith Gerges, Abe person
associatedWith Gerity, Patrick person
associatedWith Gershwin, George person
associatedWith Gerson, Simon person
associatedWith Gerson, Simon W. person
associatedWith Gerstenberg, Richard C. person
associatedWith Gibbon, Donald person
associatedWith Giboyeaux, Benigno person
associatedWith Gibson, Kenneth A. person
associatedWith Gibson, William person
associatedWith Gierek, Edward person
associatedWith Gignoux, Edward person
associatedWith Gilbert, Ronnie person
associatedWith Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck) person
associatedWith Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron person
associatedWith Gillespie, Dizzy person
associatedWith Gilligan, John J. person
associatedWith Gilmore, Gary person
associatedWith Gilmore, Peter person
associatedWith Gingrich, Newt person
associatedWith Ginsberg, Allen person
associatedWith Ginsburg, Allen person
associatedWith Giocondo, Mike person
associatedWith Giovannitti, Arturo person
associatedWith Giovanoni, Richard person
associatedWith Giri, V. V. (Varahagiri Venkata) person
associatedWith Gitlow, Benjamin, 1891-1965. person
associatedWith Glatowski, Alvin person
associatedWith Gleason, Jackie person
associatedWith Gleason, Thomas W. person
associatedWith Glenn, Elizabeth. person
associatedWith Glenn, John person
associatedWith Glezos, Manoles person
associatedWith Glick, John Theodore person
associatedWith Glick, Mike person
associatedWith Glick, Ted person
associatedWith Glover, Danny person
associatedWith Godard, Justin person
associatedWith Goebbels, Josef person
associatedWith Goebbels, Joseph person
associatedWith Goering, Hermann person
associatedWith Goetz, Bernard Hugo person
associatedWith Goetz, Bernhard Hugo person
associatedWith Goff, Irving person
associatedWith Gold, Ben person
associatedWith Goldberg, Arthur person
associatedWith Goldberg, Howard person
associatedWith Goldberg, Norman person
associatedWith Goldberg, Whoopi person
associatedWith Goldblatt, Louis person
associatedWith Golden, Yvonne person
associatedWith Goldin, Harrison person
associatedWith Goldman, Edwin Franko person
associatedWith Goldman, Emma person
associatedWith Goldmark, Charles person
associatedWith Gold, Michael person
associatedWith Gold, Michael, 1893-1967 person
associatedWith Goldovskaia, Marina Evseevna person
associatedWith Goldsmith, Judy person
associatedWith Goldwater, Barry person
associatedWith Goldwater, Barry M. person
associatedWith Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris) person
associatedWith Goldway, David person
associatedWith Goluboff, Grisha person
associatedWith Gomes, Francisco de Costa person
associatedWith Gompers, Samuel person
associatedWith Gomulka, Wladyslaw person
associatedWith Goncalves, Vasco person
associatedWith Gonen, Benjamin person
associatedWith Gonzalez, Elian person
associatedWith Gonzalez, Henry B. person
associatedWith Gonzalez, Jim person
associatedWith Gonzalez, Juan person
associatedWith Gonzalez, Rodolfo Corky person
associatedWith Goodell, Charles person
associatedWith Goodell, Charles E. person
associatedWith Goode, W. Wilson person
associatedWith Goodman, Andrew person
associatedWith Goodman, Benny person
associatedWith Goodman, Debbie person
associatedWith Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1931- person
associatedWith Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich - in New York City person
associatedWith Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich - Summit Meetings with George Bush person
associatedWith Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich - Summit Meetings with Ronald Reagan person
associatedWith Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich - With Others person
associatedWith Gorbachev, Mikhail - With Others person
associatedWith Gorczyca, Bernard, 1900-1989. person
associatedWith Gordimer, Nadine person
associatedWith Gordon, David person
associatedWith Gordon, Max, 1920-1990 person
associatedWith Gore, Al person
associatedWith Goring, Hermann person
associatedWith Gorky, Maksim person
associatedWith Gorky, Maksim - Plays of person
associatedWith Gorman, Patrick Emmet person
associatedWith Gorman, Paul person
associatedWith Gorman, R. C. person
associatedWith Gossett, Louis person
associatedWith Gotbaum, Victor person
associatedWith Gottlieb, Harry person
associatedWith Gottwald, Klement person
associatedWith Gould, Warren person
associatedWith Gowon, Yakubu person
associatedWith Graham, Billy person
associatedWith Granich, Grace person
associatedWith Granich, Grace, 1895-1971. person
associatedWith Granich, Max, 1896-1987 person
associatedWith Grant, Cary person
associatedWith Graves, Carol person
associatedWith Graves, Earl G. person
associatedWith Gray, John person
associatedWith Gray, Louis Patrick person
associatedWith Gray Panthers corporateBody
associatedWith Green, Abner person
associatedWith Green, Edith person
associatedWith Green, Gil, 1906-1997. person
associatedWith Green, Jake person
associatedWith Greenleaf, Richard person
associatedWith Green, Mark person
associatedWith Green Party corporateBody
associatedWith Green, Percy person
associatedWith Green, Roger person
associatedWith Green, Roger L. (Roger Leon) person
associatedWith Greenspan, Alan person
associatedWith Greenstein, Joe person
associatedWith Gregory, Dick person
associatedWith Gregory, George person
associatedWith Gribben, Billy person
associatedWith Griffin, Robert P. person
associatedWith Griffith, D. W. person
associatedWith Griffith Joyner, Florence Delorez person
associatedWith Griffiths, D. W. person
associatedWith Griffiths, Gordon, 1914- person
associatedWith Grimau Garcia, Juian person
associatedWith Grissom, Virgil I. person
associatedWith Grizodubova, Valentina Stepanovna person
associatedWith Gromov, Mikhail person
associatedWith Gromyko, Andrei person
associatedWith Gromyko, Andreĭ Andreevich, 1909-198 person
associatedWith Gropper, William person
associatedWith Gropper, William - Art of person
associatedWith Grosz, George person
associatedWith Grosz, Karoly person
associatedWith Groves, Leslie R. person
associatedWith Gruening, Ernest person
associatedWith Guardian Angels (organization) corporateBody
associatedWith Gudex, Bill person
associatedWith Guevara, Ernesto person
associatedWith Guffey, Joseph F. person
associatedWith Guggenheimer, Ida, 1866-1959 person
associatedWith Guillén, Nicolás person
associatedWith Guillen, Nicolas person
associatedWith Guimaraes, Ulysses person
associatedWith Guinan, Matthew K. person
associatedWith Guinier, Ewart person
associatedWith Guiteras y Holmes, Antonio person
associatedWith Gulfcoast Pulpwood Association corporateBody
associatedWith Gulf Oil Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Gulledge, Eugene A. person
associatedWith Gumbleton, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Gundlach, Ralph H. (Ralph Harrelson), 1902-1978. person
associatedWith Guthrie, Woody person
associatedWith Gutierrez, Jose Angel person
associatedWith Guzman, Antonio person
associatedWith Haack, Robert W. person
associatedWith Habash, Jurj person
associatedWith Hackman, Gene person
associatedWith Hagler, Marvin person
associatedWith Hague, Frank person
associatedWith Haig, Alexander Meigs person
associatedWith Haig, Alexander Meigs - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia person
associatedWith Haldeman, H. R. (Harry R.) person
associatedWith Haley, Alex person
associatedWith Haley, Harold person
associatedWith Halfkenny, Polly person
associatedWith Hall, Gus person
associatedWith Hall, Gus. person
associatedWith Hall, Gus - in German Democratic Republic person
associatedWith Hall, Gus - in Hungary person
associatedWith Hall, Gus - in Ohio person
associatedWith Hall, Gus - in Soviet Union person
associatedWith Hall, Gus - in the Soviet Union person
associatedWith Hall, Gus - with Others person
associatedWith Hallinan, Vincent person
associatedWith Hallinan, Vivian person
associatedWith Hall, Marcia person
associatedWith Halonen, Oiva person
associatedWith Hamadallah, Farouk Osman person
associatedWith Hamer, Fannie Lou person
associatedWith Hamilton, Lyman C. person
associatedWith Hammer, Armand person
associatedWith Hammett, Dashiell person
associatedWith Hampton, Bill person
associatedWith Hampton, Carl person
associatedWith Hampton, Fred person
associatedWith Hampton, Isador person
associatedWith Handcox, John person
associatedWith Handy, W. C. person
associatedWith Hanga, Lily person
associatedWith Hanga, Yelena person
associatedWith Hani, Chris person
associatedWith Hanley, Joe person
associatedWith Hannah, John A. person
associatedWith Hansberry, Lorraine person
associatedWith Harkin, Tom person
associatedWith Harriman, Leslie O. person
associatedWith Harriman, W. Averell person
associatedWith Harrington, Oliver W. (Oliver Wendell), 1912-1995 person
associatedWith Harrington, Ollie - Art of person
associatedWith Harris, David person
associatedWith Harris, Lement, 1904- person
associatedWith Harrison, George person
associatedWith Harris, Patricia person
associatedWith Harris, Patricia R. person
associatedWith Harry Renton Bridges 1901-1990 person
associatedWith Hartnett, Al person
associatedWith Hart, Philip person
associatedWith Hart, William Surrey person
associatedWith Hasenfus, Eugene person
associatedWith Hassan II, King of Morocco person
associatedWith Hatcher, Richard person
associatedWith Hatcher, Richard G. person
associatedWith Hatch, Orrin person
associatedWith Hatfield, Mark O. person
associatedWith Hathaway, C. A. person
associatedWith Hathaway, Clarence, 1892- person
associatedWith Hathaway, Clarence A. ca. 1894-1963. person
associatedWith Hauge, Gabriel person
associatedWith Haughton, Daniel J. person
associatedWith Ha, Van Lau person
associatedWith Havens, Richie person
associatedWith Hawk, David person
associatedWith Hawkins, A. S. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Augustus F. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Coleman person
associatedWith Hawkins, Edwin R. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Oscar F. (Oscar Ferdinand), 1872-1964. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Paula person
associatedWith Hawn, Goldie person
associatedWith Hayakawa, S. I. person
associatedWith Hayakawa, S. I. (Samuel Ichiye) person
associatedWith Hayden, Thomas person
associatedWith Hayden, Tom person
associatedWith Hayes, Charles Arthur person
associatedWith Hay, Harry. person
associatedWith Haywood, Harry, 1898- person
associatedWith Haywood, Harry, 1898-1985. person
associatedWith Haywood, William person
associatedWith Hazners, Vilis person
associatedWith Headley, Amelia person
associatedWith Head, Nathan person
associatedWith Healey, Dorothy person
associatedWith Hearst, George person
associatedWith Hearst, Patricia person
associatedWith Hearst, Randolph person
associatedWith Hearst, Randolph A. person
associatedWith Hearst, William Randolph person
associatedWith Hebbeler, James person
associatedWith Hechtman, Fannie person
associatedWith Hedgeman, Anna Arnold person
associatedWith Heflin, Howell person
associatedWith Hefner, Hugh person
associatedWith Height, Dorothy person
associatedWith Heller, A. A. person
associatedWith Hellman, Lillian person
associatedWith Helms, Jesse person
associatedWith Hemingway, Ernest person
associatedWith Henderson, Erma person
associatedWith Henderson, Jennifer person
associatedWith Hendley, Charles J. person
associatedWith Hendryx, Nona person
associatedWith Henning, Georgia person
associatedWith Henning, John person
associatedWith Henning, John F. person
associatedWith Henry, Aaron person
associatedWith Hepburn, Katherine person
associatedWith Herman, Tony person
associatedWith Herran, Pedro Alcantara person
associatedWith Herrera Campins, Luis person
associatedWith Hersey, John person
associatedWith Hershey, Lewis Blaine person
associatedWith Hersh, Seymour M. person
associatedWith Herve, Pierre person
associatedWith Herwig, Barbara Lynn person
associatedWith Hesburgh, Theodore Martin person
associatedWith Hess, Rudolf person
associatedWith Hess, Rudolph person
associatedWith Heusinger, Adolf person
associatedWith Hickel, Walter J. person
associatedWith Hicks, Larry person
associatedWith Hicks, Louis Day person
associatedWith Hightower, Jim person
associatedWith Hikmet, Nazim person
associatedWith Hill, Anita person
associatedWith Hill, Avis person
associatedWith Hill, Charles Andrew person
associatedWith Hilliard, David person
associatedWith Hill, Joe person
associatedWith Hillman, Sidney person
associatedWith Hills, Dennis Cecil person
associatedWith Hill, Stanley person
associatedWith Hinds, Lennox S. person
associatedWith Hine, Lewis Wickes person
associatedWith Hiss, Alger person
associatedWith Hiss, Alger. person
associatedWith Hitler, Adolf person
associatedWith Hitler, Adolf - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Ho, Chi Minh person
associatedWith Ho, Chi Minh, 1890-1969 person
associatedWith Hoffa, James person
associatedWith Hoffa, James R. person
associatedWith Hoffa, James R. (James Riddle) person
associatedWith Hoffer, Eric person
associatedWith Hoffman, Abbie person
associatedWith Hoffman, Dustin person
associatedWith Holahan, Ellen person
associatedWith Holland, Jerome H. person
associatedWith Holliday, Judy person
associatedWith Hollings, Ernest F. person
associatedWith Holm, Celeste person
associatedWith Holmes, Larry person
associatedWith Holmes, Oliver Wendell person
associatedWith Holtzman, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Ho, Lung person
associatedWith Homar, Lorenzo person
associatedWith Homer, Winslow person
associatedWith Honecker, Erich person
associatedWith Honey, Frank person
associatedWith Hooks, Benjamin person
associatedWith Hooks, Benjamin L. person
associatedWith Hoover, Herbert, Sr. person
associatedWith Hoover, J. Edgar, (John Edgar), 1895-1972 person
associatedWith Hope, Bob person
associatedWith Hopkins, Linda person
associatedWith Horne, Lena person
associatedWith Horn, Zoia person
associatedWith Hostos, Eugenio Maria de person
associatedWith House, Gloria person
associatedWith Houseman, John. person
associatedWith Houston, Cisco person
associatedWith Hove, Bryon person
associatedWith Howard, Daniel person
associatedWith Hua, Guofeng person
associatedWith Huang, Hua person
associatedWith Hubbard, Al person
associatedWith Hucles, Hank person
associatedWith Hudson, Hosea. person
associatedWith Huerta, Dolores, 1930- person
associatedWith Hughes, Hildur Josephine person
associatedWith Hughes, Howard person
associatedWith Hughes, Langston person
associatedWith Hughes, Manuel person
associatedWith Hughes, Richard J. person
associatedWith Hugo, Victor person
associatedWith Huiswoud, Hermina Dumont person
associatedWith Huiswoud, Hermina Dumont, 1905-1998. person
associatedWith Hull, Cordell person
associatedWith Humphrey, Hubert person
associatedWith Humphrey, Hubert H. person
associatedWith Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978 person
associatedWith Hu, Nim person
associatedWith Hunton, Alpaheus person
associatedWith Hunton, Alphonsus person
associatedWith Hunton, Dorothy person
associatedWith Huper, Leonor person
associatedWith Hurst, Fanny person
associatedWith Husák, Gustáv person
associatedWith Husak, Gustav person
associatedWith Hussain, Nouri person
associatedWith Husseini, Faisal person
associatedWith Hussein, King of Jordan person
associatedWith Hutchins, Grace person
associatedWith Hutchinson, Barbara person
associatedWith Huynh, Tan Phat person
associatedWith Hyler, Joseph person
associatedWith Hyndman, Katherine person
associatedWith Hynes, S. W. person
associatedWith Hyun, David person
associatedWith Iacocca, Lee person
associatedWith Iacocca, Lee A. person
associatedWith Iacocca, Lee H. person
associatedWith Ibarra, Feliz Vega person
associatedWith Ibárruri, Dolores person
associatedWith Ibarruri, Dolores person
associatedWith Ibarruri, Ruben Ruiz person
associatedWith Ibrahim, Abdullah person
associatedWith Ibrahim, Mohsen person
associatedWith Idelson, Chuck person
associatedWith Ifshin, David person
associatedWith Illinois Bureau of Investigation corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois. State Board of Elections. corporateBody
associatedWith Imperial Food Products corporateBody
associatedWith Ingrao, Pietro person
associatedWith Innis, Roy person
associatedWith Inouye, Daniel K. person
associatedWith International Chamber of Commerce corporateBody
associatedWith International Labor Defense. corporateBody
associatedWith International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. corporateBody
associatedWith International Monetary Fund corporateBody
associatedWith International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War corporateBody
associatedWith International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War corporateBody
associatedWith International Publishers person
associatedWith International Publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. Local 278 corporateBody
associatedWith International Union of Students. Congress (2nd : Prague, 1950) corporateBody
associatedWith International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. District 65. corporateBody
associatedWith International Union, United Automobile Workers of America (CIO). corporateBody
associatedWith International Workers Order corporateBody
associatedWith International Workers School. corporateBody
associatedWith Irvis, K. Leroy person
associatedWith Isaacson, Leo person
associatedWith Isaacs, Stanley M. person
associatedWith Isacson, Leo person
associatedWith Isserman, Abraham person
associatedWith Isserman, Maurice. person
associatedWith Ivens, Joris person
associatedWith Iverson, Stanley O. person
associatedWith Ivory, Marcellus person
associatedWith Jackalone, Frank person
associatedWith Jackson, Ada person
associatedWith Jackson, Blyden person
associatedWith Jackson, Esther Cooper person
associatedWith Jackson, Gloria person
associatedWith Jackson, Henry person
associatedWith Jackson, Henry M. person
associatedWith Jackson, Henry M. (Henry Martin) person
associatedWith Jackson, James person
associatedWith Jackson, James E. person
associatedWith Jackson, James E., 1914-2007. person
associatedWith Jackson, Jesse person
associatedWith Jackson, Jesse, 1941- person
associatedWith Jackson, Jesse - Presidential Election Campaign person
associatedWith Jackson, Johnnie person
associatedWith Jackson, Mahalia person
associatedWith Jackson, Michael person
associatedWith Jackson, Robert Houghwout, 1892-1954. person
associatedWith Jaffe, Philip J. (Philip Jacob), 1895-1980. person
associatedWith Jagan, Cheddi person
associatedWith Jagger, Bianca person
associatedWith Jakulowski, Wanda person
associatedWith Jambul person
associatedWith James, Sharpe person
associatedWith Jara, Joan person
associatedWith Jarring, Gunnar person
associatedWith Jarvis, Howard person
associatedWith Javits, Jacob person
associatedWith Javits, Jacob K. person
associatedWith Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel) person
associatedWith Jayewardene, J. R. person
associatedWith Jefferson School of Social Science (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Jefferson, Thomas person
associatedWith Jenkins, David, 1914-1993. person
associatedWith Jenkins, Glenn person
associatedWith Jerome, V. J. (Victor Jeremy), 1896-1965. person
associatedWith Jesus Christ person
associatedWith Jewish Defense League. corporateBody
associatedWith Jiang, Qing person
associatedWith Jimenez, Jose Cha Cha person
associatedWith John, Adam person
associatedWith Johnjulio, Ray person
associatedWith John, King of England person
associatedWith John Paul II, Pope person
associatedWith John, Phillip person
associatedWith John Reed Club corporateBody
associatedWith Johnson, Arnold person
associatedWith Johnson, Arnold 1904-1989. Arnold Samuel. person
associatedWith Johnson, Arnold (Arnold Samuel), 1904-1989 person
associatedWith Johnson, Arnold Samuel, 1904-1989. person
associatedWith Johnson, Beatrice Siskind person
associatedWith Johnson, David person
associatedWith Johnson, Geraldine person
associatedWith Johnson, Hewlett, 1874-1966 person
associatedWith Johnson, Howard E. person
associatedWith Johnson, James person
associatedWith Johnson, James Alexander person
associatedWith Johnson, Leif person
associatedWith Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 person
associatedWith Johnson, Marie person
associatedWith Johnson, Oakley C. person
associatedWith Johnson, Oakley Calvin, 1890-1974. person
associatedWith Johnson, Ted person
associatedWith Johnson, Walter person
associatedWith Johnston, Bennett person
associatedWith Johnstone, Jack person
associatedWith Johnston, Jack person
associatedWith Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Joint Anti-Fascists Refugee Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Joliot-Curie, Frederic person
associatedWith Joliot-Curie, Irene person
associatedWith Jonas, Franz person
associatedWith Jonas, Sidney. person
associatedWith Jones, Claudia, 1915-1964 person
associatedWith Jones, James Earl person
associatedWith Jones, Jim person
associatedWith Jones, John Paul person
associatedWith Jones, Kenneth person
associatedWith Jones, LeRoy J. person
associatedWith Jones, Norman E. person
associatedWith Jones, Quincy person
associatedWith Jones, Tahan person
associatedWith Jordan, Barbara person
associatedWith Jordan, Fania person
associatedWith Jordan, Fania Davis person
associatedWith Jordan, Katie person
associatedWith Jordan, Vernon E. person
associatedWith Jorden, William person
associatedWith Jorden, William J. person
associatedWith Joseph, Cliff person
associatedWith Joseph, Nez Perce Chief person
associatedWith Joseph, Seymour person
associatedWith Joynt, Joseph person
associatedWith Juan Carlos de Borbon person
associatedWith Juan Carlos I, King of Spain person
associatedWith Juan Carlos of Borbon person
associatedWith Judd, Orrin B. person
associatedWith Julia, Raul person
associatedWith Kahane, Meir person
associatedWith Kahn, Albert Eugene person
associatedWith Kailin, Clarence, 1914- , person
associatedWith Kalb, Phyllis person
associatedWith Kalish, Donald person
associatedWith Kamel, Mohammed person
associatedWith Kamil, Muhammad Ibrahim person
associatedWith Kaminska, Ida person
associatedWith Kampelman, Max person
associatedWith Kania, Stanislaw person
associatedWith Kappler, Herbert person
associatedWith Karim, Mostai person
associatedWith Karim, Mustai person
associatedWith Karmen, Roman person
associatedWith Karpov, Anatoly person
associatedWith Kassan person
associatedWith Katovis, Stephen - Funeral of person
associatedWith Kaufman, Bel person
associatedWith Kaufman, David person
associatedWith Kaufman, Mary Metlay, 1912-1995 person
associatedWith Kaufman, Michael person
associatedWith Kaufman, Mindy person
associatedWith Kaufman, Wally person
associatedWith Kaunda, Kenneth person
associatedWith Kavanaugh, Abel person
associatedWith Kavanaugh, Abel Larry person
associatedWith Kaye, Danny person
associatedWith Kaye, Herb person
associatedWith Keenan, Daniel person
associatedWith Kee, Salaria person
associatedWith Kekkonen, Urho person
associatedWith Keller, Abraham C., person
associatedWith Keller, Charles person
associatedWith Keller, Charles - Art of person
associatedWith Keller, Helen person
associatedWith Kelley, Robin D. G. person
associatedWith Kelly, Colin Purdie person
associatedWith Kelly, Edna F. person
associatedWith Kemp, Jack person
associatedWith Kendall, Donald M. person
associatedWith Kennedy, David Matthew person
associatedWith Kennedy, Edward person
associatedWith Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009 person
associatedWith Kennedy, Jane person
associatedWith Kennedy, John F. person
associatedWith Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) person
associatedWith Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 person
associatedWith Kennedy, Joseph person
associatedWith Kennedy, Joseph, III person
associatedWith Kennedy, Joseph P. (Joseph Patrick), III person
associatedWith Kennedy, Kerry person
associatedWith Kennedy, Reid W. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Rory person
associatedWith Kent, Rockwell person
associatedWith Kent, Rockwell - Art of person
associatedWith Kenyon, Dorothy, 1888-1972 person
associatedWith Kerekes, Gabriel T. person
associatedWith Kerensky, Aleksandr Fyodorovich person
associatedWith Kerley, Gilliam person
associatedWith Kernaghan, Charles person
associatedWith Kerr, Richard person
associatedWith Kerry, John person
associatedWith Kessler, Heinz person
associatedWith Kessler, Shelley person
associatedWith Kgositsile, Keorapetse person
associatedWith Khachatourian, Aram person
associatedWith Khalid, Ibn Abd Al-Azis person
associatedWith Khalid, King of Saudi Arabia person
associatedWith Khatchatourian, Aram person
associatedWith Kheel, Theodore Woodrow person
associatedWith Khieu Samphan person
associatedWith Khomeini, Ruhollah person
associatedWith Khomeni, Ruhollah person
associatedWith Khrennikov, Tikhon person
associatedWith Khrunov, Evgenii Vasilevich person
associatedWith Khruschev, Nikita person
associatedWith Khruschev, Nikita Sergeevich person
associatedWith Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894-1971 person
associatedWith Kiesinger, Kurt Georg person
associatedWith Kiesinger, Kurt George person
associatedWith Kiger, Pete person
associatedWith Killea, Lucy Lytle person
associatedWith Killian, Robert K. person
associatedWith Kim, Dae Jung person
associatedWith Kim, Il-song person
associatedWith Kim, Nellie person
associatedWith King, Coretta Scott person
associatedWith King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006 person
associatedWith King, Martin Luther - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith King, Martin Luther, III person
associatedWith King, Martin Luther, Jr. person
associatedWith King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 person
associatedWith King, Mel person
associatedWith Kinney, Marion S. person
associatedWith Kinnock, Neil Gordon person
associatedWith Kirk, Claude person
associatedWith Kirk, Grayson person
associatedWith Kirkland, Lane person
associatedWith Kirkpatrick, Frederick Douglass person
associatedWith Kissinger, Henry person
associatedWith Kissinger, Henry, 1923- person
associatedWith Kissinger, Henry - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Kistler, Elmer person
associatedWith Kitt, Eartha person
associatedWith Kivitt, Ted person
associatedWith Klehr, Harvey. person
associatedWith Kling, Jack, 1911-1990. person
associatedWith Klonsky, Michael person
associatedWith Klonsky, Mike person
associatedWith Klychev, Izzat Nazarovich person
associatedWith Knight, Hal person
associatedWith Kochar, Vagan person
associatedWith Koch, Ed, 1924- person
associatedWith Koch, Ed - as New York City Mayor person
associatedWith Koch, Edward person
associatedWith Koch, Howard person
associatedWith Koch, Ilse person
associatedWith Kodaly, Zoltan person
associatedWith Kodama, Yoshio person
associatedWith Koen, Charles person
associatedWith Kohler, Foy D. person
associatedWith Kolarov, Vassil person
associatedWith Komarov, Vladimir person
associatedWith Komarov, Vladimir Mikhailovich person
associatedWith Komarov, V. L. (Vladimir Leontevich) person
associatedWith Komisaruk, Katya person
associatedWith Kondrashin, Kirill person
associatedWith Konev, I. S. person
associatedWith Konev, I. S. (Ivan Stepanovich) person
associatedWith Konev, Ivan S. person
associatedWith Koppel, Anci person
associatedWith Korbut, Olga person
associatedWith Korniĭchuk, Oleksandr person
associatedWith Korolyev, Sergei Pavlovich person
associatedWith Kosciuszko, Tadeusz person
associatedWith Kosmodemianskaia, Zoia person
associatedWith Kosygin, Alex person
associatedWith Kosygin, Alexei person
associatedWith Kosygin, Alexei Nikolayevich person
associatedWith Kosygin, Alexsey Nikolayevich person
associatedWith Kovalevskaia, S. V. person
associatedWith Kovpak, S. A. person
associatedWith Kragen, Ken person
associatedWith Kragen, Kenneth person
associatedWith Kramer, Leon, 1889-1962. person
associatedWith Kramer, Stanley person
associatedWith Krchmarek, Anthony person
associatedWith Krenz, Egon person
associatedWith Kreps, Juanita Morris person
associatedWith Kretchmer, Jerome person
associatedWith Kristofferson, Kris person
associatedWith Kroc, Ray person
associatedWith Kroll, Fred J. person
associatedWith Kruckman, Herb person
associatedWith Krumbein, Charles person
associatedWith Krupp, Alfred person
associatedWith Krupsak, Mary Anne person
associatedWith Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna person
associatedWith Krushchev, Nikita Sergeevich person
associatedWith Kryzak, Rose person
associatedWith Kryzicki, Leo person
associatedWith Kubrick, Stanley person
associatedWith Kucinich, Dennis person
associatedWith Kudirka, Simas person
associatedWith Kuhn, Fritz person
associatedWith Kuhn, Fritz (Fritz Julius) person
associatedWith Kuhn, Maggie person
associatedWith Ku Klux Klan corporateBody
associatedWith Kukryniksy person
associatedWith Kunin, Madeleine person
associatedWith Kunnes, Rick person
associatedWith Kunstler, William person
associatedWith Kunstler, William M. person
associatedWith Kurchatov, Igor person
associatedWith Kutlu, H. (Haydar) person
associatedWith Kuznetsov, N. G. person
associatedWith Kuznetzov, A. person
associatedWith Labor Coalition on Public Utilities corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - American Federation of Teachers corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and Station Employees corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - International Longshore and Warehouse Union person
associatedWith Labor Organizations - National Association of Broadcasting Employees and Technicians corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - National Maritime Union corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - Teachers College Employees Association corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Organizations - United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) - Strikes - Pittston Coal Group person
associatedWith Labor Research Association (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Unions - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Unions - National Maritime Union corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Unions - Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Unions - United Farm Workers corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Youth League corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Youth League. National Convention (1st : New York, 1950) corporateBody
associatedWith La Farge, Peter person
associatedWith Lafayette, James Armistead person
associatedWith LaFollette, Robert M., Sr. person
associatedWith La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947 person
associatedWith La Guardia, Fiorello H. - With Soviet Citizens person
associatedWith La Guardia, Fiorello - with Soviet Citizens person
associatedWith Laird, Melvin R. person
associatedWith Lambert, Louise Todd, person
associatedWith Lambert, Louise Todd. person
associatedWith Lampell, Millard person
associatedWith Lance, Bert person
associatedWith Lander, Olga person
associatedWith Landsmark, Theodore C. person
associatedWith Lane, Mark person
associatedWith Lange, Jessica person
associatedWith Langer, Morris person
associatedWith Lannon, Al person
associatedWith Lara, Patricia person
associatedWith Lardner, Ring, Jr. person
associatedWith La Rocque, Gene R. person
associatedWith Lasser, David person
associatedWith Latin American Defense Organization (LADO) corporateBody
associatedWith La Touche, John person
associatedWith LaTouche, John person
associatedWith Laurel and Hardy corporateBody
associatedWith Lautenberg, Frank person
associatedWith Lautner, John, 1902- person
associatedWith Lavelle, John D. person
associatedWith Lawrence, Josh person
associatedWith Lawrenson, Jack person
associatedWith Lawson, John Howard person
associatedWith League of American Writers. corporateBody
associatedWith Leahy, Patrick person
associatedWith LeBlanc, Judith person
associatedWith Lebrecht, Hans person
associatedWith Le, Duan person
associatedWith Le, Duc Tho person
associatedWith Lee, Bill Lam person
associatedWith Lee, Bill Lann person
associatedWith Lee, Canada person
associatedWith Lee, Gypsy Rose person
associatedWith Lee, Spike person
associatedWith Lefcourt, Gerald B. person
associatedWith Lehman, Herbert person
associatedWith Leider, Ben person
associatedWith Leland, Mickey person
associatedWith Lenin, V. I. person
associatedWith Lenin, Vladimir person
associatedWith Lenin, Vladimir Ilich person
associatedWith Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich, 1870-1924 person
associatedWith Lenin, Vladimir Ilich - Monuments and Memorials person
associatedWith Lennon, John person
associatedWith Leone, Giovanni person
associatedWith Leonov, A. A. person
associatedWith Leonov, A. A. (Alekseĭ Arkhipovich) person
associatedWith Leonov, A. A. (Aleksei Arkhipovich) person
associatedWith Leonov, Alexei person
associatedWith Leonov, Alexi person
associatedWith Le, Phuong person
associatedWith Lesser, David, ca. 1910- person
associatedWith Le Sueur, Meridel person
associatedWith Letelier, Orlando person
associatedWith Levine, Ben person
associatedWith Levine, Louis L. person
associatedWith Levin, Meyer person
associatedWith Levitt, Arthur person
associatedWith Lev, Ray person
associatedWith Levy, Howard person
associatedWith Levy, Howard B. person
associatedWith Lewis, Jerry person
associatedWith Lewis, John person
associatedWith Lewis, John L. person
associatedWith Lewis, John L. (John Llewellyn), 1880-1969 person
associatedWith Lewis, John Llewellyn person
associatedWith Lewis, Meriwether person
associatedWith Lexinste, Cajuste person
associatedWith Liberace person
associatedWith Liberman, Eusei person
associatedWith Licht, Mary person
associatedWith Licht, Mary person
associatedWith Liebknecht, Karl Paul August Friedrich person
associatedWith Lightfoot, Claude person
associatedWith Lightfoot, Claude M., 1910-1991. person
associatedWith Lima, Albert J. person
associatedWith Limon, Jose person
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham person
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham - With Others person
associatedWith Lindbergh, Charles person
associatedWith Lindbergh, Charles A. person
associatedWith Linder, Benjamin person
associatedWith Linder, Benjamin Ernest person
associatedWith Linder, Harold F. person
associatedWith Lindsay, John V. (John Vliet) person
associatedWith Linen, James person
associatedWith Liotta, Domingo person
associatedWith Lipschutz, Peggy person
associatedWith Lipschutz, Peggy - Art of person
associatedWith Lister, Enrique person
associatedWith Liteky, Charles person
associatedWith Litton Industries - Demonstrations against corporateBody
associatedWith Litvinoff, Maxim person
associatedWith Litvinov, Maxim person
associatedWith Liu, Liangmo person
associatedWith Liu, Shaoji person
associatedWith Liuzzo, Viola person
associatedWith Liuzzo, Viola Gregg person
associatedWith Livingston, David person
associatedWith Livingston family family
associatedWith Lockheed Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Lockman, Ronald person
associatedWith Lockshin, Arnold person
associatedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot person
associatedWith Loeh, Kenneth person
associatedWith Logans, Bart person
associatedWith Lohr, George person
associatedWith Lomax, Alan person
associatedWith London, Jack person
associatedWith Long, Dick person
associatedWith Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth person
associatedWith Longo, Luigi person
associatedWith Long, Russell B. person
associatedWith Lon Nol person
associatedWith Lopez, Cassie person
associatedWith Lopez, Juan person
associatedWith Loren, Sophia person
associatedWith Lorenzo, Frank person
associatedWith Louganis, Greg person
associatedWith Louis, Joe person
associatedWith Lourenco, Antonio Dias person
associatedWith Lovell, James A. person
associatedWith Lovell, Jim person
associatedWith Love, Nat person
associatedWith Lovestone, Jay. person
associatedWith Love, Vaughn person
associatedWith Lovtzova, Lydomila person
associatedWith Lowenfels, Walter person
associatedWith Lowenfels, Walter, 1897-1976 person
associatedWith Lowenstein, Allard person
associatedWith Lowenthal, John person
associatedWith Lowenthal, John person
associatedWith Lowery, Joseph person
associatedWith Lowery, Joseph (Joseph E.) person
associatedWith Lozano, Rudy person
associatedWith Lozowick, Louis person
associatedWith Lubbe, Marinus van der person
associatedWith Lubke, Heinrich person
associatedWith Lucas, Charles P. person
associatedWith Luce, Charles F. (Charles Franklin) person
associatedWith Luce, Donald person
associatedWith Lucey, Patrick J. person
associatedWith Luciano, Felipe person
associatedWith Lucy, Autherine person
associatedWith Lucy, William person
associatedWith Lumer, Hyman person
associatedWith Lumpkin, Frank person
associatedWith Lumumba, Patrice person
associatedWith Lunacharsky, Anatoly person
associatedWith Lunacharsky, Anatoly Vasilievich person
associatedWith Lundborg, Louis B. person
associatedWith Lunt, Alfred person
associatedWith Luxemburg, Rosa person
associatedWith Lu, Xuan person
associatedWith Lynch, Helen person
associatedWith Mabry, Ruby person
associatedWith MacCrate, Robert person
associatedWith MacDonald, Peter person
associatedWith Machado, Mike person
associatedWith Machel, Samora person
associatedWith Machnovetski, Isaac person
associatedWith MacIntosh, Thomas person
associatedWith Mack, Ginger person
associatedWith MacLaine, Shirley person
associatedWith MacMahon, Douglas person
associatedWith MacSwiney, Terence J. person
associatedWith Maddox, Lester person
associatedWith Mafole, Tebogo person
associatedWith Magana, Manuel person
associatedWith Magee, Ruchell person
associatedWith Magnuson, Warren Grant person
associatedWith Mahaffey, Maryann person
associatedWith Mahjub, Abd al-Khaliq person
associatedWith Mahler, Lucy person
associatedWith Mahler, Lucy - Art of person
associatedWith Maier, Henry W. person
associatedWith Maikovskis, Boleslavs person
associatedWith Makarios III, Archbishop of Cyprus person
associatedWith Makarova, Natalia person
associatedWith Makeba, Miriam person
associatedWith Maki, Alan person
associatedWith Malik, Adam person
associatedWith Malik, Jacob person
associatedWith Malmierca, Isidoro person
associatedWith Malone, Maud person
associatedWith Malraux, Andre person
associatedWith Maltz, Albert, 1908-1985. person
associatedWith Manchanda, Claudia person
associatedWith Manchanda, Claudia, person
associatedWith Mandela, Nelson person
associatedWith Mandela, Nelson, 1918- person
associatedWith Mandela, Nelson - in the United States person
associatedWith Mandela, Nelson - in United States person
associatedWith Mandela, Winnie person
associatedWith Mangaoang, Baba Jeanne person
associatedWith Manley, Michael person
associatedWith Mann, Ed person
associatedWith Mann, Eric person
associatedWith Mann, Thomas person
associatedWith Mann, Tom person
associatedWith Mansfield, Mike person
associatedWith Mao, Tse-Tung person
associatedWith Mao, Zedong person
associatedWith Marasco, Robert Francis person
associatedWith Marcantonio, Vito, 1902-1954 person
associatedWith Marcantonio, Vito - With Others person
associatedWith Marcantonio, Vito - With Unemployed person
associatedWith Marcantoni, Vito person
associatedWith Marcantoni, Vito - With Others person
associatedWith Marcantoni, Vito - With Unemployed Workers person
associatedWith Marchais, Georges person
associatedWith March, Fredric person
associatedWith Marcin, Joe person
associatedWith Marcos, Ferdinand person
associatedWith Marcos, Imelda Romualdez person
associatedWith Marder, Al person
associatedWith Margolis, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Mari Bras, Juan person
associatedWith Marie Antoinette, Queen, consort of Louis XVI, King of France person
associatedWith Marinello, Juan person
associatedWith Marín, Gladys person
associatedWith Marin, Gladys person
associatedWith Marin, Luis Munoz person
associatedWith Maritime Committee for a Communist Party. corporateBody
associatedWith Markey, Edward J. person
associatedWith Markman, Marvin person
associatedWith Markoff, Abraham person
associatedWith Marmol, Miguel person
associatedWith Marshall, George, 1904-2000. person
associatedWith Marshall, Paul person
associatedWith Marshall, Ray person
associatedWith Marshall, Scott person
associatedWith Marshall, William person
associatedWith Martinez, Matthew person
associatedWith Martin, Homer person
associatedWith Martinson, Peter person
associatedWith Marty, Andre person
associatedWith Marx, Karl person
associatedWith Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 person
associatedWith Masai, Raymond person
associatedWith Masefield, John person
associatedWith Masina, Giulietta person
associatedWith Masolov, Gheorghi person
associatedWith Mason, Hilda person
associatedWith Massell, Sam person
associatedWith Massera, Jose Luis person
associatedWith Massey, John Clayton person
associatedWith Masso, Clara Bodian person
associatedWith Mastroianni, Marcello person
associatedWith Mather, Cotton person
associatedWith Matles, James person
associatedWith Matusow, Harvey person
associatedWith Maul, Grace. person
associatedWith Maxey, Carl person
associatedWith Maxwell, Elsa person
associatedWith Maxwell, Robert person
associatedWith Maynard, Valerie person
associatedWith Mberi, Antar S. K. person
associatedWith Mboya, Tom person
associatedWith McAfee, Rodger person
associatedWith McAliskey, Bernadette Devlin person
associatedWith McAlister, Elizabeth person
associatedWith McBride, Lloyd person
associatedWith McCantz, Ronald person
associatedWith McCarthy, Eugene person
associatedWith McCarthy, Eugene J., 1916-2005 person
associatedWith McCarthy, Eugene - With Others person
associatedWith McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957 person
associatedWith McCarthy, William F. person
associatedWith McCartney, Paul person
associatedWith McCoy, Rhody person
associatedWith McDonald, George person
associatedWith McEntee, Gerald W. person
associatedWith McEwen, Robert D. person
associatedWith McGeoch, Brian - Art of person
associatedWith McGovern, George person
associatedWith McGrath, Thomas person
associatedWith McKay, Mary Jeanne person
associatedWith McKie, William person
associatedWith McKinney, Cynthia person
associatedWith McKinney, Ernest Rice, 1886-1984. person
associatedWith McLaughlin, Brian M. person
associatedWith McLaughlin, Janice person
associatedWith McLaughlin, Neil person
associatedWith McMahon, John person
associatedWith McNamara, James B. (James Barnabas), 1882-1941 and McNamara, John J., 1876-1941 person
associatedWith McNichols, Stephen person
associatedWith McPhaul, Arthur person
associatedWith McQueen, Butterfly person
associatedWith McTernan, C. person
associatedWith Means, Russell person
associatedWith Meany, George, 1894-1980 person
associatedWith Meany, George - With Others person
associatedWith Mecham, Evan person
associatedWith Medina, Jose person
associatedWith Medinz, Bertha person
associatedWith Meeropol, Michael person
associatedWith Meeropol, Robert person
associatedWith Meese, Edwin person
associatedWith Mega, Christopher J. person
associatedWith Mehrtens, William O. person
associatedWith Meir, Golda person
associatedWith Melish, John Howard person
associatedWith Melish, William Howard person
associatedWith Mella, Julio Antonio person
associatedWith Mendelsohn, Peter Patrick person
associatedWith Menéndez, Jesús person
associatedWith Mengistu, Haile Mariam person
associatedWith Merali, Shaheen person
associatedWith Mercadel, Kevin person
associatedWith Mercouri, Melina person
associatedWith Meredith, Burgess person
associatedWith Meresev, Alexei Petrovich person
associatedWith Meretskov, K. A. person
associatedWith Messinger, Ruth person
associatedWith Messinger, Ruth W. person
associatedWith Metesky, George person
associatedWith Metropolitan Council on Housing corporateBody
associatedWith Metropolitan Transit Authority corporateBody
associatedWith Metzenbaum, Howard M. person
associatedWith Metzger, Tom person
associatedWith Mexican-American Political Association corporateBody
associatedWith Meyers, George person
associatedWith Meyers, George A. person
associatedWith Meyerson, Michael person
associatedWith Meyner, Robert person
associatedWith Meyner, Robert B. person
associatedWith Mica, Dan person
associatedWith Michelangelo Buonarroti person
associatedWith Michelman, William person
associatedWith Michelson, Clarina, b. 1892. person
associatedWith Michigan. Dept. of Attorney General. Administrative Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Michoels, Solomon person
associatedWith Middle East person
associatedWith Midwest Labor Institute for Social Studies corporateBody
associatedWith Mijoma, Sam person
associatedWith Mikhoels, Solomon Mikhailovich person
associatedWith Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw person
associatedWith Mikulski, Barbara person
associatedWith Mikva, Abner person
associatedWith Milgram, Sarah person
associatedWith Miller, Arnold person
associatedWith Miller, Arthur person
associatedWith Miller, Cheryl person
associatedWith Miller, George person
associatedWith Miller, G. William person
associatedWith Miller, Joyce person
associatedWith Miller, Lenore person
associatedWith Milligan, Thomas person
associatedWith Millikan, Robert person
associatedWith Milliken, William G. person
associatedWith Mills, Sid person
associatedWith Mincey, Pamela person
associatedWith Minerich, Tony person
associatedWith Mines and Mining person
associatedWith Minh, Duong Van person
associatedWith Minnelli, Liza person
associatedWith Minnesota Historical Society. Minnesota Radicalism Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Minor, Robert, 1884-1952. person
associatedWith Minor, Robert - Art of person
associatedWith Minor, Robert - With Others person
associatedWith Missick, Victoria person
associatedWith Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party corporateBody
associatedWith Mitchell, Arthur person
associatedWith Mitchell, Charlene person
associatedWith Mitchell, Charlene, 1930- person
associatedWith Mitchell, Charlene - Election Campaign person
associatedWith Mitchell, Clarence, III person
associatedWith Mitchell, George J. person
associatedWith Mitchell, John person
associatedWith Mitchell, Parren person
associatedWith Mitchell, Sheila person
associatedWith Mitchell, Timothy person
associatedWith Mitterand, Francois person
associatedWith Mitterrand, François person
associatedWith Mix, Tom person
associatedWith Miyamoto, Kenji person
associatedWith Miyazawa, Kichi person
associatedWith Mobutu, Sese Seko person
associatedWith Modesto, Juan person
associatedWith Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran person
associatedWith Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Moiseev, Igor person
associatedWith Moiseyev, Igor person
associatedWith Mola, Emilio person
associatedWith Molina, Bea person
associatedWith Molly Maguires corporateBody
associatedWith Mondale, Walter F. person
associatedWith Monroe, Marilyn person
associatedWith Montand, Yves person
associatedWith Monteiro, Tony person
associatedWith Mooney, Thomas J., 1882-1942 person
associatedWith Mooney, Thomas J. - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Mooney, Tom - With Others person
associatedWith Mooney, Walter J. person
associatedWith Moon, Sun Myung person
associatedWith Moore, Audley person
associatedWith Moore, Audley, 1898- person
associatedWith Moore, Howard person
associatedWith Moore, Michael person
associatedWith Moore, Sarah Jane person
associatedWith Moores, Dick person
associatedWith Mora, Dennis person
associatedWith Mora, Elena person
associatedWith Morales Bermudez Cerrutti, Francisco person
associatedWith Moreau, Alberto person
associatedWith Morford, Richard person
associatedWith Morgan, George person
associatedWith Morgan, John person
associatedWith Morgenthau, Henry person
associatedWith Morgenthau, Robert M. person
associatedWith Morley, Eugene - Art of person
associatedWith Morley, Karen person
associatedWith Moro, Aldo person
associatedWith Moroze, Lewis person
associatedWith Morris, Dinah person
associatedWith Morris, George person
associatedWith Morris, Leslie person
associatedWith Morrison, Sid person
associatedWith Morse, Linda person
associatedWith Morse, Wayne person
associatedWith Morse, Wayne L. person
associatedWith Morton, Rogers C. B. (Rogers Clark Ballard) person
associatedWith Morton, Thruston B. (Thruston Ballard) person
associatedWith Mosbacher, Robert person
associatedWith Moses (Biblical leader) person
associatedWith Mostel, Zero person
associatedWith Mott, Lucretia person
associatedWith Moultrie, Mary person
associatedWith Moynihan, Daniel person
associatedWith Moynihan, Daniel P person
associatedWith Moynihan, Daniel P. (Daniel Patrick) person
associatedWith Moynihan, Daniel - With Others person
associatedWith Mubarak, Hosni person
associatedWith Mueller, John person
associatedWith Mugabe, Robert person
associatedWith Muhammad, Ali Nasir person
associatedWith Mukherjee, Parabi person
associatedWith Mukhina, Vera Ignatevna person
associatedWith Mulele, Pierre person
associatedWith Mulzac, Hugh person
associatedWith Mundt, Karl E. (Karl Earl) person
associatedWith Munoz, Gabriel person
associatedWith Munoz Marin, Luis person
associatedWith Murdoch, Rupert person
associatedWith Murphy, Audie person
associatedWith Murphy, Evelyn person
associatedWith Murphy, George person
associatedWith Murphy, George B. person
associatedWith Murphy, Maximo person
associatedWith Murphy, Patrick V. person
associatedWith Murray, George person
associatedWith Murray, Linda person
associatedWith Murray, Philip person
associatedWith Muskie, Edmund person
associatedWith Muskie, Edmund S. person
associatedWith Muslimov, Shirali person
associatedWith Musmanno, Michael Angelo, person
associatedWith Mussolini, Benito person
associatedWith Mussolini, Vittorio person
associatedWith Muste, Abraham John person
associatedWith Muzorewa, Abel Tendekayi person
associatedWith Myers, Beth person
associatedWith Myerscough, Tom person
associatedWith Myers, Frederick person
associatedWith Myers, Frederick N. person
associatedWith Myers, Isaac person
associatedWith Nader, Ralph person
associatedWith Nagin, Richard David person
associatedWith Nagin, Rick person
associatedWith Naidoo, Indres person
associatedWith Naidoo, Mooroogiah person
associatedWith Nakasone, Yasuhiro person
associatedWith Napier, Sam person
associatedWith Narciso, Filipina Bobadilla person
associatedWith Narváez, Juanita person
associatedWith Nasser, Gamal Abdel person
associatedWith Nasution, Abdul Haris person
associatedWith National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression corporateBody
associatedWith National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression corporateBody
associatedWith National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. corporateBody
associatedWith National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) corporateBody
associatedWith National Caucus of Labor Committees corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference for New Politics corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference of Black Mayors corporateBody
associatedWith National Economic Growth and Reconstruction Organization (NEGRO) corporateBody
associatedWith National Labor Relations Board corporateBody
associatedWith National Lawyers Guild. corporateBody
associatedWith National Negro Labor Council corporateBody
associatedWith National Organization for Women corporateBody
associatedWith National Rainbow Coalition corporateBody
associatedWith National Rank and File Conference corporateBody
associatedWith National Renaissance Party corporateBody
associatedWith National Rennaissance Party corporateBody
associatedWith National Socialist White People's Party corporateBody
associatedWith National States Rights Party corporateBody
associatedWith National Tenants Organization corporateBody
associatedWith National Urban League corporateBody
associatedWith National Welfar Rights Organization corporateBody
associatedWith National Youth Alliance corporateBody
associatedWith Naude, Beyers person
associatedWith Navarro, Fernanda person
associatedWith Nazim Hikmet person
associatedWith Ndlovu, Callistus Phios person
associatedWith Nearing, Scott person
associatedWith Neel, Alice person
associatedWith Neel, Alice - Art of person
associatedWith Negrin, Juan person
associatedWith Nehru, Jawaharlal person
associatedWith Nelson, Kenneth L. person
associatedWith Nelson, Lonnie person
associatedWith Nelson, Mandela - in United States person
associatedWith Nelson, Steve person
associatedWith Nelson, Steve, 1903- person
associatedWith Nelson, Willie person
associatedWith Nemikin, Raisa person
associatedWith Nenni, Pietro person
associatedWith Neruda, Pablo person
associatedWith Neto, Agostinho person
associatedWith Neto, Antonio person
associatedWith Neuberger, Samuel A. person
associatedWith Neurath, Konstantin, Freiherr von person
associatedWith Newcomb, Ken person
associatedWith Newell, Amy person
associatedWith Newhouse, Richard person
associatedWith Newman, Grace Mora person
associatedWith Newman, Paul person
associatedWith Newport, Eugene person
associatedWith New Song Quintet (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith New Song Trio (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Newton, Herbert person
associatedWith Newton, Huey person
associatedWith Newton, Huey P. person
associatedWith New York (State). Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate the Educational System of the State of New York. corporateBody
associatedWith Ngo, Dinh Nhu person
associatedWith Ngouabi, Marien person
associatedWith Nguyen, Cao Ky person
associatedWith Nguyen, Duy Trinh person
associatedWith Nguyen, Luong Bang person
associatedWith Nguyen, Ngoc Loan person
associatedWith Nguyen, Thi Binh person
associatedWith Nguyễn, Tiến Hùng person
associatedWith Nguyen, Van Thieu person
associatedWith Nguyen, Xuon Phong person
associatedWith Ngyuen, Van Hieu person
associatedWith Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia person
associatedWith Nichols, John person
associatedWith Nickey, Robert A. person
associatedWith Nicols, Carl person
associatedWith Niebuhr, Reinhold person
associatedWith Nikolaev, A. G. (Andrian Grigorevich) person
associatedWith Nikolaev, A. G. (Andriian Grigorevich) - Wedding of person
associatedWith Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna person
associatedWith Nikolayev, Andrian person
associatedWith Nikolayev, Andrian G. - Wedding of person
associatedWith Nikolayeva, Valentina Tereshkova person
associatedWith Nilva, Daniel. person
associatedWith Nims, Jerry person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard - in China person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard - in Europe person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard M. person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard M. - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard M. - in Europe person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous) - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Nkomo, Joshua person
associatedWith Norodom Sihanouk, Prince person
associatedWith North, Augusta Strong person
associatedWith North, Joe person
associatedWith North, Joseph person
associatedWith North, Joseph. person
associatedWith Nosaka, Sanzo person
associatedWith Noscov, V. person
associatedWith Noskov, V. person
associatedWith Nujoma, Sam person
associatedWith Null, Victory person
associatedWith Numayri, Jafa Muhammad person
associatedWith Numayri, Jafar Muhammad person
associatedWith Nunn, Sam person
associatedWith Nureyev, Rudolf person
associatedWith Nureyev, Rudolph person
associatedWith Nyden, Linda person
associatedWith Nyerere, Julius K. person
associatedWith Nyerere, Julius K. (Julius Kambarage) person
associatedWith Nzo, Alfred person
associatedWith Oakes, Richard person
associatedWith Obansanjo, Olusegun person
associatedWith Obasanjo, Olusegun person
associatedWith Obote, Milton person
associatedWith Obraztsov, S. V. person
associatedWith Obrazt︠s︡ov, S. V. (Sergeĭ Vladimirovich) person
associatedWith O'Brien, Lawrence person
associatedWith O'Connor, Frank person
associatedWith O'Connor, Frank D. person
associatedWith O'Connor, Jack M. person
associatedWith O'Deh, Alex person
associatedWith Odetta person
associatedWith O'Dwyer, Paul person
associatedWith O'Dwyer, William person
associatedWith O'Flanagan, Michael person
associatedWith O'Higgins, Pablo person
associatedWith Ohira, Masayosha person
associatedWith Ohrenstein, Manfred person
associatedWith Oistrakh, David person
associatedWith Ojeda, Felix person
associatedWith Okhlopkov, Nikolai Pavlovich person
associatedWith Olgin, Moissaye J. person
associatedWith Oliver, C. Herbert person
associatedWith Olivier, Laurence person
associatedWith Olivo, Olivia person
associatedWith Olmos, Edward James person
associatedWith Onassis, Jacqueline person
associatedWith Onda, Andrew person
associatedWith O'Neill, Eugene person
associatedWith O'Neill, John person
associatedWith O'Neill, Thomas person
associatedWith O'Neill, Tip person
associatedWith O'Neill, William A. person
associatedWith Ono, Yoko person
associatedWith Opletal, Jan person
associatedWith Oppenheimer, Katherine P. (Katherine Puening) person
associatedWith Organization of African Unity corporateBody
associatedWith Organization of American States corporateBody
associatedWith Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries corporateBody
associatedWith Orlov, Yuri person
associatedWith Orozco, Jose Clemente person
associatedWith Orr, David Duvall person
associatedWith Ortega, Daniel person
associatedWith Ortiz, Angel person
associatedWith Ortiz, Juan person
associatedWith Osceola, Seminole chief person
associatedWith Oswald, Marguerite person
associatedWith Overgaard, Anders, 1895-1973. person
associatedWith Overton, William R. person
associatedWith Owen, David person
associatedWith Owens, Major person
associatedWith Packwood, Robert person
associatedWith Padmore, George, 1903-1959. person
associatedWith Page, Leon person
associatedWith Pagett, Nicola person
associatedWith Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza person
associatedWith Paige, Satchel person
associatedWith Paine, Thomas O. person
associatedWith Paisley, Ian, Jr. person
associatedWith Palestine Liberation Organization corporateBody
associatedWith Palestinian Liberation Organization corporateBody
associatedWith Palme, Olof person
associatedWith Palmer, Alice person
associatedWith Palmer, Bruce person
associatedWith Palmer, Edward person
associatedWith Panaghoulis, Alexandros person
associatedWith Pankey, Aubrey person
associatedWith Papadopoulis, George person
associatedWith Papadopoulos, George person
associatedWith Papandreou, Andreas person
associatedWith Papp, Joseph person
associatedWith Parenti, Michael person
associatedWith Park, Chung Hee person
associatedWith Parker, Charlie person
associatedWith Parker, Dorothy person
associatedWith Parker, Robert person
associatedWith Parker, Sharon person
associatedWith Parks, Rosa person
associatedWith Parra, Angel person
associatedWith Parra, Isabel person
associatedWith Parra, Violeta person
associatedWith Parrish, Richard person
associatedWith Parsons, Lucy person
associatedWith Pass, Joseph. person
associatedWith Patch, Alexander McCarrell person
associatedWith Paterson, Basil person
associatedWith Paterson, David person
associatedWith Patler, John person
associatedWith Patman, Wright person
associatedWith Patrinos, Sandra Gordon, 1941-2000 person
associatedWith Patsaev, Victor Ivanovich person
associatedWith Patterson, James person
associatedWith Patterson, Louise person
associatedWith Patterson, Louise Thompson person
associatedWith Patterson, Mary Lou person
associatedWith Patterson, William L. - Genocide Demonstrations person
associatedWith Patterson, William L. (William Lorenzo), 1890-1980. person
associatedWith Pauker, Loretta person
associatedWith Paul, Alice person
associatedWith Pauling, Linus person
associatedWith Paulus, Friedrich von person
associatedWith Paul VI, Pope person
associatedWith Pavlichenko, Liudmila Mikhailovna person
associatedWith Paycheck, Johnny person
associatedWith Paz, Suni person
associatedWith Peace Officers' Association of the State of California. Crime Prevention Committee. Sub-Committee on Subversive Activities. corporateBody
associatedWith Peake, Jim person
associatedWith Pearson, Beatrice, 1902- person
associatedWith Peary, Robert person
associatedWith Peck, Gregory person
associatedWith Peck, Sidney person
associatedWith Peers, William R. person
associatedWith Pelletreau, Robert H. person
associatedWith Pell, Herbert Claibourne person
associatedWith Peltier, Leonard F. person
associatedWith Peña, Lázaro person
associatedWith Pena, Lazaro person
associatedWith Peña, Olga, 1925- person
associatedWith Pendergrass, Teddy person
associatedWith Peng, Dehuai person
associatedWith Penniman, Elisha person
associatedWith Pennypacker, Anna person
associatedWith People's Daily World corporateBody
associatedWith People's Daily World (newspaper) corporateBody
associatedWith People's Daily World (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith People's Weekly World corporateBody
associatedWith People's Weekly World (newspaper) corporateBody
associatedWith People's weekly world (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Pepper, Claude - With Others person
associatedWith Pereda, Juan person
associatedWith Pereira, Carmen person
associatedWith Pereira, Frederico person
associatedWith Peres, Shimon person
associatedWith Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier person
associatedWith Perez de Cuellar, Javier person
associatedWith Perez Esquivel, Adolfo person
associatedWith Perez, Jaime person
associatedWith Perez, Sam person
associatedWith Peri, Gabriel person
associatedWith Perlin, Marshall person
associatedWith Perlo, Ellen person
associatedWith Perlo, Victor person
associatedWith Perlo, Victor. person
associatedWith Perón, Juan Domingo person
associatedWith Perry, Pettis person
associatedWith Perry, Pettis. person
associatedWith Persia, Juan person
associatedWith Peter, Janos person
associatedWith Petersen, E. person
associatedWith Peterson, Basil person
associatedWith Peterson, Esther Eggertsen person
associatedWith Peterson, Maggie person
associatedWith Petrosky, Stella person
associatedWith Pettus, Ken person
associatedWith Pettus, Terry, 1904- person
associatedWith Pham, Van Dong person
associatedWith Philbin, Regis person
associatedWith Philbrick, Herbert A. (Herbert Arthur), 1915-1993. person
associatedWith Philip, Cyril person
associatedWith Phillips, Channing E. person
associatedWith Phillips, Lou Diamond person
associatedWith Picasso, Pablo person
associatedWith Piccolo, Josephine person
associatedWith Pickford, Mary person
associatedWith Pieck, Wilhelm person
associatedWith Pietri, Nilsa person
associatedWith Pinochet, Agusto person
associatedWith Pinochet Ugarte, Agusto person
associatedWith Pinochet Ugarte, Augusto person
associatedWith Piratin, Phil person
associatedWith Pirinski, Georgi person
associatedWith Pirinsky, George person
associatedWith Pittman, Carol person
associatedWith Pittman, John. person
associatedWith Pittman, John. person
associatedWith Pittman, Margrit person
associatedWith Platt, David person
associatedWith Plisetskaia, Maiia Mikhailovna person
associatedWith Plisetskaia, Maya Mikhailovna person
associatedWith Podgornyi, Nikolai person
associatedWith Podgornyĭ, Nikolaĭ Viktorovich person
associatedWith Podgorny, Nikolai person
associatedWith Poindexter, David R. person
associatedWith Poitier, Sidney person
associatedWith Pokryshkin, Oleksandr person
associatedWith Police Brutality person
associatedWith Political Affairs Magazine (New York, NY). corporateBody
associatedWith Polonsky, Bessie person
associatedWith Pompidou, Georges person
associatedWith Ponomarev, B. N. person
associatedWith Ponomarev, B. N. (Boris Nikolaevich) person
associatedWith Ponomarev, Boris, Nikolayevich person
associatedWith Ponsolle, Constance person
associatedWith Pope Paul VI person
associatedWith Popovich, Pavel person
associatedWith Popov, Oleg person
associatedWith Porter, William person
associatedWith Posey, Buford person
associatedWith Potash, Irving person
associatedWith Potash, Irving - With Others person
associatedWith Pottier, Eugene person
associatedWith Powell, Adam Clayton person
associatedWith Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908-1972 person
associatedWith Powell, John (FBI agent) person
associatedWith Powell, John Wesley person
associatedWith Powell, Larry Clayton person
associatedWith Powell, Lewis F. person
associatedWith Powell, Marvin person
associatedWith Powers, Francis Gary person
associatedWith Pozner, Vladimir person
associatedWith Prado, Francisco person
associatedWith Pratt & Whitney Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Prchlik, Vaclav person
associatedWith Price, Earl person
associatedWith Price, William Addison, 1915-2009 person
associatedWith Priest, Roger person
associatedWith Pritchett, Harold, 1904- person
associatedWith Procaccino, Mario person
associatedWith Proctor, Roscoe person
associatedWith Progressive Party (United States) corporateBody
associatedWith Prokofiev, Sergei person
associatedWith Provenzano, Madeleine person
associatedWith Pucinski, Roman person
associatedWith Puebla, Carlos person
associatedWith Pukhova, Zoya person
associatedWith Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich person
associatedWith Qaddafi, Muammar person
associatedWith Quezon, Manuel Luis person
associatedWith Quill, Michael person
associatedWith Quill, Mike person
associatedWith Rademacher, James person
associatedWith Rader, Norma person
associatedWith Ragsdale, Diane person
associatedWith Rajeswara Rao, C. person
associatedWith Raleigh, Walter person
associatedWith Ramos, Carol person
associatedWith Ramos, Jose Martin person
associatedWith Ramos, Maria person
associatedWith Ramp, Floyd Cleveland, 1882-1984. person
associatedWith Rand, Esther T. person
associatedWith Randolph, A. Philip person
associatedWith Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip) person
associatedWith Randolph, John person
associatedWith Rangel, Charles person
associatedWith Rangel, Charles B. person
associatedWith Rapacki, Adam person
associatedWith Raphael - Art of person
associatedWith Rapoport, Nathan person
associatedWith Raskova, M. person
associatedWith Rather, Dan person
associatedWith Rauh, Joseph L. person
associatedWith Ravitch, Richard person
associatedWith Rayford, Norman person
associatedWith Raymond, Harry person
associatedWith Rayner, A. A. person
associatedWith Reagan, Ronald person
associatedWith Reagan, Ronald - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Reagan, Ronald - Presidential Administration Officials person
associatedWith Reasoner, Harry person
associatedWith Redgrave, Lynn person
associatedWith Redgrave, Vanessa person
associatedWith Reece, Florence person
associatedWith Reed, Ferdinanda person
associatedWith Reed, John person
associatedWith Reed, Mary person
associatedWith Reed, Stanley Forman person
associatedWith Reed, Willard person
associatedWith Rees, Thomas M. person
associatedWith Reeve, Carl person
associatedWith Reeve, Christopher person
associatedWith Reeves, Jeff person
associatedWith Reference Center for Marxist Studies. corporateBody
associatedWith Refregier, Anton - Art of person
associatedWith Regan, Donald T. person
associatedWith Rehnquist, William H. person
associatedWith Reisman, Philip person
associatedWith Reisman, Philip - Art of person
associatedWith Reiter, Sidney person
associatedWith Remington, Frederic person
associatedWith Remington, William Walter, b. 1917. person
associatedWith Rennar, George E. person
associatedWith Repin, Ilia Efimovich person
associatedWith Reserve Officers Training Corps - Demonstrations against corporateBody
associatedWith Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) corporateBody
associatedWith Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union. Local 1199 Drug, Hospital, and Health Care Employees Union (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Reuben, William A. person
associatedWith Reuther, Walter person
associatedWith Revels, Hiram R. person
associatedWith Revere, Paul person
associatedWith Reyes, Manolo J. person
associatedWith Reynolds, Barbara person
associatedWith Rheault, Robert B. person
associatedWith Rhodes-Eltayeb, Maryamu person
associatedWith Rhodes, James A. person
associatedWith Rhodes, Joseph person
associatedWith Richards, Ann person
associatedWith Richardson, David P. person
associatedWith Richie, Lionel person
associatedWith Ridenhour, Ron person
associatedWith Riefenstahl, Leni person
associatedWith Rieser, Leonard person
associatedWith Riles, Wilson C. person
associatedWith Ristorucci, Jose person
associatedWith Ristorucci, Roque person
associatedWith Rivera Collado, Carlos person
associatedWith Rivera, Dennis person
associatedWith Rivera, Diego person
associatedWith Rivera, Hector person
associatedWith Rivera, Juan Santos person
associatedWith Rivera, Librado person
associatedWith Rivers, Charles, ca. 1905-1993. person
associatedWith Rivers, L. Mendel person
associatedWith Rivers, Mendel L. person
associatedWith Rivlin, Alice M. person
associatedWith Roach, Hal person
associatedWith Roa, Paul person
associatedWith Robaina, Roberto person
associatedWith Robards, Jason person
associatedWith Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Roberto, Holden person
associatedWith Roberts, Bettye person
associatedWith Roberts, Joe person
associatedWith Roberts, Lillian person
associatedWith Robertson, Pat person
associatedWith Robertson, William Dean person
associatedWith Robeson, Eslanda Goode person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul, 1898-1976 person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - Civil Rights Movement person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - Communist Party of the United States of America person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - Funeral person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - in Ballad for Americans person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - in German Democratic Republic person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - in Othello person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - in Soviet Union person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - in Spain and with Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul, Jr. person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - Peace Movement person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - Peekskill Riots person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - with Entertainers person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - with Politicians person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul - with Trade Unionists person
associatedWith Robinson, Bill person
associatedWith Robinson, Cleveland person
associatedWith Robinson, Cleveland L. person
associatedWith Robinson, Dorothy person
associatedWith Robinson, Earl person
associatedWith Robinson, Frank person
associatedWith Robinson, Isaiah person
associatedWith Robinson, Jackie person
associatedWith Robinson, Randall person
associatedWith Robinson, Reid person
associatedWith Robinson, Robert (engineer) person
associatedWith Roca, Blas person
associatedWith Roca Calderío, Blas person
associatedWith Rochester, Anna person
associatedWith Rochet, Waldeck person
associatedWith Rockefeller, David person
associatedWith Rockefeller, John D., IV person
associatedWith Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), Jr. person
associatedWith Rockefeller, Laurence person
associatedWith Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979 person
associatedWith Rockefeller, Nelson - With Others person
associatedWith Rock, John S. person
associatedWith Rocks, Francis R. person
associatedWith Rockwood, Lawrence person
associatedWith Roderick, David person
associatedWith Rodgers, Richard person
associatedWith Rodino, Peter W. person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Arturo person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Demetrio person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Luis person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Pedro person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Silvio person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Sixto Alvelo person
associatedWith Rodriguez, Veronica person
associatedWith Rogers, Harold Steven person
associatedWith Rogers, Neal person
associatedWith Rogers, Walter. person
associatedWith Rogers, Will person
associatedWith Rogers, William P. person
associatedWith Rogovin, Mark person
associatedWith Rohatyn, Felix person
associatedWith Rohatyn, Felix G. person
associatedWith Rokossovskii, Konstantin Konstantinovich person
associatedWith Rolland, Romain person
associatedWith Rolle, Esther person
associatedWith Romero-Barcelo, Carlos person
associatedWith Romero, Oscar person
associatedWith Romerstein, Herbert person
associatedWith Rommel, Erwin person
associatedWith Romney, George person
associatedWith Romney, George W. person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano) - Casablanca Conference person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Theodore person
associatedWith Rose, Alex person
associatedWith Rose, Billy person
associatedWith Rosenberg Case person
associatedWith Rosenberg, Julius person
associatedWith Rosen, Max person
associatedWith Rosen, Pauline person
associatedWith Rosenthal, Benjamin person
associatedWith Rossi, Angelo J. person
associatedWith Ross, Laura person
associatedWith Rostropovich, Mstislav person
associatedWith Roumain, Jacques person
associatedWith Rovere, Richard Halworth, 1915-1979. person
associatedWith Rowe, Gary person
associatedWith Rozhdestvenskii, Robert person
associatedWith Rozov, Viktor person
associatedWith Rubens, Peter Paul person
associatedWith Rubenstein, Anton person
associatedWith Rubin, Daniel person
associatedWith Rubin, Jerry person
associatedWith Ruby, Jack person
associatedWith Ruiz, Raul person
associatedWith Rummel, John person
associatedWith Rumsfeld, Donald person
associatedWith Rush, Bobby person
associatedWith Rusinack, Kelly Elaine. person
associatedWith Rusk, Dean person
associatedWith Russell, Bertrand person
associatedWith Russell, Margaret person
associatedWith Russo, Anthony person
associatedWith Rustin, Bayard person
associatedWith Ruthenberg, Charles E. (Charles Emil), 1882-1927 person
associatedWith Ryan, Frank person
associatedWith Ryan, Robert person
associatedWith Ryan, William F. person
associatedWith Rydell, Roy person
associatedWith Rykov, A. I. person
associatedWith Sabah al-Salim Al-Sabah, Amir of Kuwait person
associatedWith Sabin, Albert B. person
associatedWith Sacco and Vanzetti Trial - Demonstrations for Defendants  person
associatedWith Sacher, Harry person
associatedWith Sadat, Anwar person
associatedWith Sadat, Anwar - in Israel person
associatedWith Sadat, Anwar - In Israel - 1977 person
associatedWith Sadat, Anwar - in Israel - Demonstrations about person
associatedWith Sadlowski, Ed person
associatedWith Sadlowski, Edward person
associatedWith Sadowski, Anne person
associatedWith Saffer, Pamela person
associatedWith Sagan, Carl person
associatedWith Said, Edward W. person
associatedWith Saillant, Louis person
associatedWith Sakharov, Andrei person
associatedWith Salameh, Abu Hassan person
associatedWith Salem, Peter person
associatedWith Salem, Sabah al person
associatedWith Salinger, Pierre person
associatedWith Samas, David person
associatedWith Sanchez, Alicia person
associatedWith Sanchez, Pepe and Flora person
associatedWith Sandburg, Carl person
associatedWith Sanders, Beulah person
associatedWith Sand, George person
associatedWith Sands, Diana person
associatedWith Sandy, George, 1907- person
associatedWith Sanjabi, Karim person
associatedWith Sanlei, Joe person
associatedWith Santamaria, Haydee person
associatedWith Santamaria, Mongo person
associatedWith Santana, Carlos person
associatedWith Saragat, Giuseppe person
associatedWith Sargin, N. person
associatedWith Sarnoff, David person
associatedWith Sato, Eisaku person
associatedWith Sats, Nataliia Ilinichna person
associatedWith Saul, George James, 1897-1967. person
associatedWith Saunders, Raymond person
associatedWith Savage, Augusta person
associatedWith Savage, Augustus person
associatedWith Savicheva, Tatiana Nikolaevna person
associatedWith Savio, Mario person
associatedWith Savitskaya, Svetlana person
associatedWith Savola, Matt person
associatedWith Sawyer, Eugene person
associatedWith Scales, Junius. person
associatedWith Scargill, Arthur person
associatedWith Schacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeley person
associatedWith Schaffner, Jay person
associatedWith Schappes, Morris U. person
associatedWith Schappes, Morris U. (Morris Urman), 1907- person
associatedWith Scheel, Walter person
associatedWith Schirra, Wally person
associatedWith Schlafly, Phyllis person
associatedWith Schlesinger, James R. person
associatedWith Schmidt, Helmut person
associatedWith Schmidt, Otto person
associatedWith Schmitz, Hermann person
associatedWith Schmoke, Kurt L. person
associatedWith Schneiderman, William. person
associatedWith Schouwen, Bautista van person
associatedWith Schreiber, Judith - Art of person
associatedWith Schroeder, Patricia person
associatedWith Schuetz, Klaus person
associatedWith Schulman, Saul person
associatedWith Schultze, Charles person
associatedWith Schulze, Charles person
associatedWith Schumer, Charles E. person
associatedWith Schuster, Joseph person
associatedWith Schwarz, Fred person
associatedWith Schweiker, Richard S. (Richard Schultz) person
associatedWith Schwerner, Nathan person
associatedWith Scoblick, Anthony person
associatedWith Scondras, David person
associatedWith Scopes, John person
associatedWith Scott, Lois person
associatedWith Scott, Marjorie person
associatedWith Scott, Robert Walter person
associatedWith Scott, Stuart Nash person
associatedWith Scruggs, Earl person
associatedWith Seaborg, Glenn Theodore person
associatedWith Seaga, Edward person
associatedWith Seale, Bobby person
associatedWith Sears and Roebuck corporateBody
associatedWith Sechaba Singers corporateBody
associatedWith Seeger, Pete person
associatedWith Seghers, Anna person
associatedWith Selassie, Haile person
associatedWith Selden, David person
associatedWith Seligman, William, 1900- person
associatedWith Sellins, Fannie person
associatedWith Selsam, Howard person
associatedWith Sembene, Ousmane person
associatedWith Semenov, V. S. person
associatedWith Semmelweis, Ignac Fulop person
associatedWith Senaga, Kamejiro person
associatedWith Sennett, William, 1914- person
associatedWith Serrano, Jose person
associatedWith Seryogin, Vladimir person
associatedWith Sessions, William person
associatedWith Shachtman, Max, 1903-1972. person
associatedWith Shafran, Jack. person
associatedWith Shafran, Jacob (Jack) person
associatedWith Shahn, Ben - Art of person
associatedWith Shaka, Bassam person
associatedWith Shakespeare, William person
associatedWith Shakur, Afeni person
associatedWith Shamir, Itzhak person
associatedWith Shamir, Yitzhak person
associatedWith Shanker, Albert person
associatedWith Shannon, David A., 1920-1991. person
associatedWith Shapiro, Peter person
associatedWith Shapley, Harlow person
associatedWith Sharpe, Nate person
associatedWith Sharp, Malcolm person
associatedWith Sharpton, Al person
associatedWith Shatalov, Vladimir person
associatedWith Shatalov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich person
associatedWith Shaw, Bernard person
associatedWith Shaw, Henry F., Jr. person
associatedWith Shaw, Julius A. person
associatedWith Shcharansky, Anatoly person
associatedWith Shea, H. James person
associatedWith Sheen, Martin person
associatedWith Sheikh, Shafi Ahmed El person
associatedWith Shepard, Alan B. person
associatedWith Shepherd, Cybill person
associatedWith Sherman, Benjamin, 1896- person
associatedWith Sherwood, Marika. person
associatedWith Shevardnadze, Eduard person
associatedWith Shevardnadze, Eduard Amvrosievich person
associatedWith Shevchenko, Taras person
associatedWith Shields, Art person
associatedWith Shields, Art, 1888- person
associatedWith Shinnick, Phillip A. person
associatedWith Shirek, Maudelle person
associatedWith Shmidt, Otto Iulevich person
associatedWith Sholem Aleichem person
associatedWith Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich person
associatedWith Sholokov, Mikhail person
associatedWith Shostakovich, Dmitri person
associatedWith Shostakovitch, Dmitri person
associatedWith Shriver, Sargent person
associatedWith Shultz, George person
associatedWith Shvernik, Nikolai person
associatedWith Shvernik, N. M. person
associatedWith Shvernik, N. M. (Nikolai Mikhailovich) person
associatedWith Siders, Fred person
associatedWith Siegal, Mike person
associatedWith Sihanouk, Norodom person
associatedWith Silber, Irwin person
associatedWith Sills, Beverly person
associatedWith Silvera, Chris person
associatedWith Simmons, Louise person
associatedWith Simmons, Norman person
associatedWith Simmons, Richard person
associatedWith Simms, Harry person
associatedWith Simon, Alvin person
associatedWith Simon and Garfunkel (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich person
associatedWith Simonov, Konstatin Mikhailovich person
associatedWith Simon, Paul (politician) person
associatedWith Simon, Paul (Senator) person
associatedWith Simon, William E. person
associatedWith Simpson, Dick person
associatedWith Sinatra, Frank person
associatedWith Singlaub, John K. person
associatedWith Siqueiros, David Alfaro person
associatedWith Siqueiros, David Alfaro - Art of person
associatedWith Siquieros, David Alfaro person
associatedWith Sisson, John Heffron person
associatedWith Sithole, Ndabaningi person
associatedWith Skelton, Red person
associatedWith Skousen, W. Cleon (Willard Cleon) person
associatedWith Slavson, S. R. (Samuel Richard), 1891- person
associatedWith Slay, Alton D. person
associatedWith Slovo, Joe person
associatedWith Slovo, Shawn person
associatedWith Smalls, Robert person
associatedWith Smeal, Eleanor person
associatedWith Smetana, Bedrich person
associatedWith Smith, Alfred E. person
associatedWith Smith, Betty person
associatedWith Smith, Billy Dean person
associatedWith Smith, Ferdinand person
associatedWith Smith, Gerald L. K. person
associatedWith Smith, Gerard C. person
associatedWith Smith, Ian person
associatedWith Smith, Ian Douglas person
associatedWith Smith, Jacob H. person
associatedWith Smith, Jessica person
associatedWith Smith, John person
associatedWith Smith, Moranda person
associatedWith Smith, Randall B., 1916-1989 person
associatedWith Smith, Randall B., 1916-1989, person
associatedWith Smith, Samantha person
associatedWith Smith, Vern, 1892- person
associatedWith Smith, Wayne L. person
associatedWith Smothers Brothers corporateBody
associatedWith Smoyer, Albert person
associatedWith Smrkovsky, Josef person
associatedWith Smrkovsky, Joseph person
associatedWith Snyder, Mitch person
associatedWith Soares, Mario person
associatedWith Sobell, Helen person
associatedWith Sobell, Morton person
associatedWith Sobukwe, Robert Mangaliso person
associatedWith Socialist Party (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Socialist Scholars Conference. corporateBody
associatedWith Socialist Workers Party. corporateBody
associatedWith Socrates person
associatedWith Soglin, Paul person
associatedWith Solarz, Stephen person
associatedWith Solarz, Stephen J. person
associatedWith Solzhenitsyn, Alexander person
associatedWith Somerton, Wilbur H. person
associatedWith Somoza, Anastasio person
associatedWith Sondergaard, Gale person
associatedWith Song, Qingling person
associatedWith Sonoda, Sunao person
associatedWith Sorensen, Theodore C. person
associatedWith Souphanouvong, Prince person
associatedWith South African Freedom Singers corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Christian Leadership Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Souvanna Phouma, Prince of Laos person
associatedWith Soviet Union - Cities - Volgograd person
associatedWith Soviet Union - Exhibits - in United States person
associatedWith Soviet Union - Foreign Relations - United States person
associatedWith Soviet Union - World War II - European Front person
associatedWith Soyer, Raphael person
associatedWith Spahr, Charles E. person
associatedWith Spanknoebel, Heinz person
associatedWith Sparks, Nemmy, 1899-1973. person
associatedWith Sparrow, Ray, 1915-1985. person
associatedWith Spassky, Boris Vasilyevich person
associatedWith Specter, Arlen person
associatedWith Spector, Daniel person
associatedWith Speer, Albert person
associatedWith Speer, Edgar B. person
associatedWith Speidel, Hans person
associatedWith Spektor, Charles person
associatedWith Spinola, Antonio de person
associatedWith Spock, Benjamin person
associatedWith Spray, Selwyn person
associatedWith Springer, Axel person
associatedWith Springsteen, Bruce person
associatedWith Sramek, Jan person
associatedWith Sri Lanka person
associatedWith Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953 person
associatedWith Stallone, Sylvester person
associatedWith Stander, Lionel person
associatedWith Stanford communist. corporateBody
associatedWith Stanislavsky, Konstantin person
associatedWith Stanley, William person
associatedWith Stans, Maurice person
associatedWith Stans, Maurice H. person
associatedWith Stanton, Elizabeth Cady person
associatedWith Stapleton, Maureen person
associatedWith Stapp, Andrew person
associatedWith Stark, Walter person
associatedWith Starr, Ringo person
associatedWith Stasova, Helen Dmitrievna person
associatedWith Stauffer, Merv person
associatedWith St. Clair, James D. person
associatedWith Stedman, Seymour person
associatedWith Steele, James person
associatedWith Steiger, Rod person
associatedWith Steinem, Gloria person
associatedWith Steiner, Rolf person
associatedWith Steingut, Stanley person
associatedWith Steinmetz, Charles person
associatedWith Stennis, John person
associatedWith Stennis, John C. person
associatedWith Stepp, Marc person
associatedWith Sterling, Lee person
associatedWith Stern, Isaac person
associatedWith Stevens, Jose person
associatedWith Stevenson, Adlai E., II person
associatedWith Stevens, Theodore F. person
associatedWith Steward, Susan McKinney person
associatedWith Stewart, Donald Ogden person
associatedWith Stewart, Waldaba person
associatedWith Stockholm Peace Appeal person
associatedWith Stockwell, John person
associatedWith Stodghill, William person
associatedWith Stoichev, Vladimir person
associatedWith Stokes, Carl B person
associatedWith Stokes, Lena person
associatedWith Stokes, Louis person
associatedWith Stokes, Rose Pastor, 1879-1933. person
associatedWith Stone, Lucy person
associatedWith Stone, W. Clement person
associatedWith Storey, Rasheed person
associatedWith Stout, Juanita Kidd person
associatedWith Straight, Beatrice person
associatedWith Strand, Paul person
associatedWith Stratton, William person
associatedWith Straus, Leon person
associatedWith Strauss, Annette person
associatedWith Strauss, Robert S. person
associatedWith Streeter, Allan person
associatedWith Streisand, Barbra person
associatedWith Stringfellow, William person
associatedWith Stripling, Robert E. person
associatedWith Strong, Edward person
associatedWith Strong, Edward E., 1914-1957. person
associatedWith Struck, Susan R. person
associatedWith Struik, Dirk person
associatedWith Students for a Democratic Society corporateBody
associatedWith Suharto, President person
associatedWith Sulaiman, Jose person
associatedWith Sullivan, Arthur person
associatedWith Sullivan, Joseph person
associatedWith Sullivan, Tom person
associatedWith Supremes (musical group) corporateBody
associatedWith Susini, Pierre person
associatedWith Sutherland, George person
associatedWith Sutton, Crystal Lee person
associatedWith Sutton, Percy E. person
associatedWith Sverdlov, Yakov person
associatedWith Svoboda, Ludvik person
associatedWith Sweeney, John person
associatedWith Sweeney, John J. person
associatedWith Sweeney, John M. person
associatedWith Swerdlove, Leon person
associatedWith Swinton, Pat person
associatedWith Swit, Loretta person
associatedWith Symbionese Liberation Army corporateBody
associatedWith Symington, James W. (James Wadsworth) person
associatedWith Symphonic Voices of Sugar Hill corporateBody
associatedWith Tabio, Fernando Alvarez person
associatedWith Taft, Charles P. person
associatedWith Taft, Robert, Jr. person
associatedWith Talmadge, Herman person
associatedWith Tambo, Oliver person
associatedWith Tamiment Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, corporateBody
associatedWith Tamiris, Helen person
associatedWith Tanner, Henry Ossawa person
associatedWith Tarasov, Michael person
associatedWith Tarr, Curtis W. person
associatedWith Taylor, Charles E., 1884-1967. person
associatedWith Taylor, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Taylor, Glenn person
associatedWith Taylor, Sid person
associatedWith Taylor, William C. person
associatedWith Tchaikovsky, Peter I. person
associatedWith Teixeira, Edward person
associatedWith Teixiera, Edward person
associatedWith Teng Hsiao-Ping person
associatedWith Tepper-Martin, Alice person
associatedWith Terkel, Studs person
associatedWith Terrell, Ernie person
associatedWith Terry, Charles L. person
associatedWith Terzi, Zehdi Labib person
associatedWith Thalmann, Ernst person
associatedWith Thalmann, Ernst - Demonstrations for person
associatedWith Thang, Ton Duc person
associatedWith Thant Myint-U person
associatedWith Thatcher, Margaret person
associatedWith Theodorakis, Mikis person
associatedWith Theodore, Rene person
associatedWith Theoharis, Athan G., person
associatedWith Thi, Dinh Ba person
associatedWith Thigpenn, Anthony person
associatedWith Thomas, Clarence person
associatedWith Thomas, Elbert D. person
associatedWith Thomas, J. Parnell (John Parnell) person
associatedWith Thomas, Maxine person
associatedWith Thomas, Norman person
associatedWith Thomas, Pete person
associatedWith Thomas, R. J. person
associatedWith Thomas, Rolland J. person
associatedWith Thompson, Robert person
associatedWith Thompson, Robert George, 1915-1966 person
associatedWith Thoreau, Henry David person
associatedWith Thorez, Maurice person
associatedWith Thurmond, Strom person
associatedWith Tibbets, Paul W. person
associatedWith Tikhonov, Nikolai person
associatedWith Timpson, Anne Burlak person
associatedWith Timpson, Anne Burlak. person
associatedWith Tisa, John person
associatedWith Tito, Josip Broz person
associatedWith Titov, Gherman person
associatedWith Titov, G. S. person
associatedWith Titov, G. S. (German Stepanovich) person
associatedWith Tobey, Charles person
associatedWith Tobey, Charles W. person
associatedWith Toivo, Toivo Hermann ja person
associatedWith Tokuda, Kyuichi person
associatedWith Tolstoy, Leo person
associatedWith Tolstoy, Leo, graf person
associatedWith Toman, Frantisek person
associatedWith Ton, Duc Thang person
associatedWith Toney, Anthony person
associatedWith Tongyai, Tommy person
associatedWith Toohey, Pat person
associatedWith Tormey, Betty Gannet person
associatedWith Tormey, Betty Gannett person
associatedWith Tormey, Jim person
associatedWith Torres, Esteban person
associatedWith Torres G., Juan Jose person
associatedWith Torres, Jose person
associatedWith Torrez, Lorenzo person
associatedWith Torrez, Lorenzo. person
associatedWith Torrez, Zoilo person
associatedWith Torrijos, Omar person
associatedWith Toubi, Tewfik person
associatedWith Tower, John G. person
associatedWith Townsend, Francis E. person
associatedWith Trachtenberg, Alexander person
associatedWith Trachtenberg, Alexander, 1884-1966 person
associatedWith Trade Union Educational League corporateBody
associatedWith Train, Russell E. person
associatedWith Tran, Buu Kiem person
associatedWith Transport Workers Union of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Tran, Van Don person
associatedWith Travers, Mary person
associatedWith Travis, Maurice person
associatedWith Travis, Robert person
associatedWith Travis, Robert C. person
associatedWith Tresca, Carlo person
associatedWith Trimm, Steven person
correspondedWith Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940 person
associatedWith Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940. person
associatedWith Trowbridge, Carolyn person
associatedWith Troyanovsky, Alexander person
associatedWith Troy, George person
associatedWith Trudeau, Pierre person
associatedWith Trudeau, Pierre Elliott person
associatedWith Trudell, John person
associatedWith Truman, Harry person
associatedWith Truman, Harry S. person
associatedWith Trumbo, Dalton person
associatedWith Trumka, Richard person
associatedWith Trumka, Richard L. person
associatedWith Truth, Sojourner person
associatedWith Tsedenbal, IUmzhagiin person
associatedWith Tsedenbal, Yumjaagiin person
associatedWith Tsendenbal, IUmzhagiin person
associatedWith Tsendenbal, Yumjaagiin person
associatedWith Tshombe, Moise person
associatedWith Tubman, Harriet person
associatedWith Tung, C. Y. person
associatedWith Tunney, John V. person
associatedWith Tupolev, Andrei person
associatedWith Turischeva, Liudmila person
associatedWith Turischeva, Liudmila Ivanovna person
associatedWith Turishcheva, Liudmila Ivanovna person
associatedWith Turishchevna, Liudmila person
associatedWith Turner, Benjamin person
associatedWith Turner, Benjamin Sterling person
associatedWith Turner, Carl C. person
associatedWith Turner, James person
associatedWith Turner, Nat person
associatedWith Turner, Stansfield person
associatedWith Turner, Ted person
associatedWith Tutu, Desmond person
associatedWith Tvardovsky, Alexander person
associatedWith Twain, Mark person
associatedWith Tydings, Joseph person
associatedWith Tydings, Joseph D. person
associatedWith Tyner, Jarvis. person
associatedWith Tyner, Jarvis - With Others person
associatedWith Tyner, McCoy person
associatedWith Tynes, George W. person
associatedWith Tyson, Cicely person
associatedWith Udall, Morris person
associatedWith Ueberroth, Peter person
associatedWith Ulbricht, Walter person
associatedWith Ungo, Guillermo M. person
associatedWith United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. corporateBody
associatedWith United Nations corporateBody
associatedWith United Negro and Allied Veterans of America corporateBody
associatedWith United Progressive Democratic Club of the 47th Assembly District (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Air Force. Office of Special Investigations. corporateBody
associatedWith United States Bureau of Engraving corporateBody
associatedWith United States Congress corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Internal Security Act of 1950. corporateBody
associatedWith United States Peace Council corporateBody
associatedWith United States Steel Company corporateBody
associatedWith United States Steel Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Subversive Activities Control Board. corporateBody
associatedWith United Steelworkers of America. corporateBody
associatedWith United Tenants Association. Ad Hoc Committee for Low-Rent Housing. corporateBody
associatedWith United Tenants Association/Mutual Housing Association-Housing Development Fund Corporation, Inc. (UTA/MHA-HDFC, Inc.). corporateBody
associatedWith University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Unruh, Jesse M. person
associatedWith Untermeyer, Louis person
associatedWith Upshaw, Gene person
associatedWith Urey, Harold person
associatedWith Urey, Harold C. person
associatedWith Usery, Wilfred person
associatedWith Usry, James person
associatedWith Ustinov, Aleksandr Vasilevich person
associatedWith Ustinov, Peter person
associatedWith U Thant person
associatedWith Valdez, Luis person
associatedWith Valente, Girolamo person
associatedWith Van Arsdale, Harry person
associatedWith Vance, Cyrus person
associatedWith Vance, Cyrus R. person
associatedWith Vance, Robert person
associatedWith Vando, Emeli Luz person
associatedWith Van Lydegraf, Clayton person
associatedWith Vann, James person
associatedWith Vanover, Irene person
associatedWith Van Sickle person
associatedWith Vasilevsky, Alexander Mikhailovich person
associatedWith Vasilev, Vladimir Viktorovich person
associatedWith Veksler, V. I. person
associatedWith Velasquez, Baldemar person
associatedWith Velazquez, Nydia person
associatedWith Velez, Tony person
associatedWith Velez, Tony - Photos by person
associatedWith Vellasco, Pete person
associatedWith Vereiskii, Orest person
associatedWith Vergelis, Arn person
associatedWith Verity, Calvin William person
associatedWith Verity, William person
associatedWith Vermeer, Johannes person
associatedWith Vessey, John William person
associatedWith Veterans Committee Against Discrimination corporateBody
associatedWith Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. corporateBody
associatedWith Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade - in Later Years  person
associatedWith Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade - in Spain corporateBody
associatedWith Vidali, Vittorio person
associatedWith Videla, Jorge Rafael person
associatedWith Vietnam Veterans Against the War corporateBody
associatedWith Viglietti, Daniel person
associatedWith Vilella, Edward person
associatedWith Villa, Pancho person
associatedWith Vilner, Meir person
associatedWith Vilnis. corporateBody
associatedWith Voight, Jon person
associatedWith Volkovs, Vladislavs person
associatedWith Volochenko, Ivan person
associatedWith Voloshen, Nathan person
associatedWith Volynov, Boris Valentinovich person
associatedWith Vo, Nguyen Giap person
associatedWith Vonnegut, Kurt person
associatedWith Vorster, M. J. person
associatedWith Vorster, M. John person
associatedWith Vo Thi, Lien person
associatedWith Voynich, E. L. person
associatedWith Voznesenskii, Andrei person
associatedWith Vyshinsky, Andrei person
associatedWith Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich person
associatedWith Wackenhut Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith Wagenknecht, Alfred person
associatedWith Wages, Robert E. person
associatedWith Wagner, Robert F., Jr. person
associatedWith Waitz, Grete person
associatedWith Waldheim, Kurt person
associatedWith Waldie, Jerome R. person
associatedWith Walker, Alice person
associatedWith Walker, Daniel person
associatedWith Walker, Edwin person
associatedWith Walker, Lucius person
associatedWith Walker, Nancy person
associatedWith Wallace, George person
associatedWith Wallace, George C. person
associatedWith Wallace, Henry person
associatedWith Wallace, Henry A. person
associatedWith Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965 person
associatedWith Wallace, Mike person
associatedWith Waller, Fats person
associatedWith Walsh, David J. person
associatedWith Walsh, Frank P. person
associatedWith Walsh, Lawrence E. person
associatedWith Walt Disney Company corporateBody
associatedWith Walus, Frank person
associatedWith Wanrow, Yvonne person
associatedWith Ward, Lynde person
associatedWith Ware, Harold person
associatedWith Warnke, Paul person
associatedWith Warnke, Paul C. person
associatedWith Warren, Earl person
associatedWith Washington, George person
associatedWith Washington, Harold person
associatedWith Washington, Walter person
associatedWith Waters, Maxine person
associatedWith Watson, Morris person
associatedWith Waubanascum, John person
associatedWith Weathermen - Explosion and Fire at 18 West 11th Street corporateBody
associatedWith Webb, Robert person
associatedWith Webb, Sam person
associatedWith Webb, Sidney person
associatedWith W. E. B Du Bois Clubs corporateBody
associatedWith W.E.B. Du Bois Clubs of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Weber, Brian - Demonstrations against person
associatedWith Webster, William person
associatedWith Weicker, Lowell person
associatedWith Weinberger, Andrew D. person
associatedWith Weinberger, Caspar W. person
associatedWith Weinert, Erich person
associatedWith Weinstein, Matt person
associatedWith Weinstock, Louis person
associatedWith Weinstock, Louis, 1903-1994 person
associatedWith Weinstone, William W. (William Wolf), 1897-1985. person
associatedWith Weintraub, Mark person
associatedWith Weiss, Cora person
associatedWith Weizsacker, Richard, Freiherr von person
associatedWith Welch, Robert person
associatedWith Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington person
associatedWith Welles, Orson person
associatedWith Wells, H. G. person
associatedWith Welskopf, Elizabeth Charlotte person
associatedWith Weltfish, Gene person
associatedWith Wenderoth, Joseph person
associatedWith West, James. person
associatedWith West, James, 1914-2005 person
associatedWith West, Mae person
associatedWith West, Mollie Lieber, 1916- person
associatedWith Wheatley, Phyllis person
associatedWith Wheeler, Anita person
associatedWith Wheeler, Tim person
associatedWith Wheeler, Truman person
associatedWith White, Charles person
associatedWith White Confederacy corporateBody
associatedWith White, David, 1917- person
associatedWith White, Eliot person
associatedWith White, Geoffrey person
associatedWith White, Geoffrey, 1927- person
associatedWith Whitehead, Fred person
associatedWith Whitehorn, Evelyn person
associatedWith White, Josh person
associatedWith White, Kevin person
associatedWith White, Kevin H. person
associatedWith White, Michael person
associatedWith White, Michael R. person
associatedWith White, Pearl person
associatedWith White, Robert I. person
associatedWith White, Robert S. person
associatedWith White, Walter Francis person
associatedWith Whitman, Alden. person
associatedWith Whitman, Walt person
associatedWith Wiedemann, Fritz person
associatedWith Wiedner, Barbara person
associatedWith Wiggins, Cynthia person
associatedWith Wiggins, J. Russell person
associatedWith Wilder, L. Douglas person
associatedWith Wiley, George person
associatedWith Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany person
associatedWith Wilkerson, Doxey Alphonso person
associatedWith Wilkinson, Frank person
associatedWith Wilkinson, Jeff person
associatedWith Wilkins, Roger person
associatedWith Wilkins, Roy person
associatedWith Williams, Clarence (actor) person
associatedWith Williams, Claude person
associatedWith Williams, Frances person
associatedWith Williams, Hosea person
associatedWith Williams, Lynn R. person
associatedWith Williamson, John person
associatedWith Williams, Robin person
associatedWith Williams, Shirlee person
associatedWith Willson, S. Brian person
associatedWith Wilson, Dagmar person
associatedWith Wilson, Dick person
associatedWith Wilson, Earl person
associatedWith Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972. person
associatedWith Wilson, Forrest person
associatedWith Wilson, Harold person
associatedWith Wilson, Kathy person
associatedWith Wilson, Laval person
associatedWith Wilson, Mary person
associatedWith Wilson, Woodrow person
associatedWith Winebrenner, Denise person
associatedWith Winfield, Paul person
associatedWith Winger, Richard person
associatedWith Winger, Richard. person
associatedWith Winkler, Henry person
associatedWith Winpisinger, William W. person
associatedWith Winston, Henry, 1911-1986. person
associatedWith Winston, Henry - Angela Davis Case person
associatedWith Winston, Henry - in Soviet Union person
associatedWith Winston, Henry - Proletarian Internationalism person
associatedWith Winston, Henry - with Family person
associatedWith Winston, Henry - With Others person
associatedWith Winston, Henry - With Youth person
associatedWith Winter, Carl person
associatedWith Winter, Carl. person
associatedWith Winter, Carl, 1906-1991 person
associatedWith Winter, Helen person
associatedWith Winter, Helen, 1908-2001 person
associatedWith Winters, David person
associatedWith Wiseman, Sam person
associatedWith Wise, Stephen S. person
associatedWith Wofford, Harris person
associatedWith Wojcik, John person
associatedWith Wolchok, Samuel person
associatedWith Wolfe, Bertram David, 1896-1977. person
associatedWith Wolfe, Katherine R. person
associatedWith Wolff, Lester person
associatedWith Wolff, Milton person
associatedWith Wolker, Jiri person
associatedWith Wolniak, Zygfrzd person
associatedWith Women for Racial and Economic Equality corporateBody
associatedWith Women - National Organization for Women corporateBody
associatedWith Women's International Democratic Federation corporateBody
associatedWith Women's International League for Peace and Freedom corporateBody
associatedWith Women Strike for Peace corporateBody
associatedWith Wonder, Stevie person
associatedWith Woodbury, Marda Liggett person
associatedWith Woodcock, Leonard person
associatedWith Woodcock, Leonard - With Others person
associatedWith Wood, Grant person
associatedWith Wood, Natalie person
associatedWith Wood, Roberta person
associatedWith Woodrow, Wilson person
associatedWith Woodward, Joanne person
associatedWith Workers - African American - Women person
associatedWith Worker's Alliance corporateBody
associatedWith Workers Alliance of Greater New York corporateBody
associatedWith World Congress of Women corporateBody
associatedWith World Federation of Democratic Youth. Congress (2nd : Budapest, 1949) corporateBody
associatedWith World Peace Council corporateBody
associatedWith Wormser, Richard, 1908-1977, person
associatedWith Wormser, Richard, interviewer person
associatedWith Worthington, William person
associatedWith Wortis, Rose person
associatedWith Wright, Jim person
associatedWith Wright, Orville person
associatedWith Wright, Richard person
associatedWith Wynne, Milton person
associatedWith Xuan Thuy person
associatedWith Yablonski, Joseph A. person
associatedWith Yablonsky, Joseph A. - Killers of person
associatedWith Yager, Paul person
associatedWith Yang, Hucheng person
associatedWith Yard, Molly person
associatedWith Yates, James person
associatedWith Yeatman, John person
associatedWith Yengibarov, Leonid person
associatedWith Yergan, Max person
associatedWith Yevtushenko, Yevgeny person
associatedWith Yoneda, Elaine Black person
associatedWith Yoneda, Karl G., 1906- person
associatedWith York, Michael person
associatedWith Yorty, Sam person
associatedWith Yorty, Samuel person
associatedWith Young, Alfred person
associatedWith Young, Andrew person
associatedWith Young, Art person
associatedWith Young, Coleman person
associatedWith Young Communist League corporateBody
associatedWith Young Communist League of the United States. corporateBody
associatedWith Young Communist League of the U.S. corporateBody
associatedWith Young Lords corporateBody
associatedWith Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) corporateBody
associatedWith Young, Otis person
associatedWith Young Pioneers corporateBody
associatedWith Young, Ron person
associatedWith Young Workers Liberation League. corporateBody
associatedWith Youth Revival for Survival Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Yutkevich, Sergei person
associatedWith Zagarell, Mike person
associatedWith Zakaria, Ibrahim person
associatedWith Zalka, Mate person
associatedWith Zamiatin, Leonid Mitrofanovich person
associatedWith Zapata, Emiliano person
associatedWith Zaretzki, Joseph person
associatedWith Zayyad, Tawfiq person
associatedWith Zenger, John Peter person
associatedWith Zhou, Enlai person
associatedWith Zhukov, Georgi person
associatedWith Zhukov, Georgii Konstantinovich person
associatedWith Zhukov, Georgii Konstatinovich person
associatedWith Zhuzhoma, Nikolai person
associatedWith Zilsel, Paul Rudolph, 1923- person
associatedWith Zimmerman, Charles S., 1896-1983 person
associatedWith Zioncheck, Marion A. person
associatedWith Zitron, Celia Lewis person
associatedWith Zola, Emile person
associatedWith Zorina, Vera person
associatedWith Zumoff, Jacob Andrew person
associatedWith Zumoff, Jacob Andrew. person
associatedWith Zweig, Martha person
associatedWith Zweig, Martha, person
associatedWith Zwick, Charles person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Germany (East) |v Pictorial works.
Harlem (New York, N.Y.)
Communist countries |x Tours.
New York (N.Y.) |v Pictorial works.
Communist countries.
Spain |x History |y Civil War, 1936-1939 |x International brigades.
Chile |x History |y 1970-1973.
Soviet Union |x Foreign relations |z United States.
Spain |x History |y Civil War, 1936-1939 |v Pictorial works.
United States
New York (N.Y.) |v Pictorial works.
United States
Soviet Union |x History.
Soviet Union |x Politics and government.
United States
United States
Spain |x History |y Civil War, 1936-1939.
United States
New York (N.Y.) |x History |y 20th century.
New York (N.Y.) |x Officials and employees |v Portraits.
United States
Soviet Union |v Pictorial works.
China |x Politics and government.
Russia |x History |y 20th century.
Publishers and publishing
African American communists
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans and labor unions
African Americans in the performing arts
Anti-communist movements
Antinuclear movement
Anti-war demonstrations
Anti-war demonstrations
Political campaigns
Political campaigns
Caricatures and cartoons
Political cartoons
Civil rights
Civil rights
Civil rights demonstrations
Civil rights movements
Cold War
Universities and colleges
Communism and art
Communism and culture
Communism and education
Communism and literature
Communism and music
Communism History 20th century
Communist education
Communist trials
Espionage, Soviet
International relations
Jewish communists
Jewish radicals
Journalism, Communist
Labor leaders
Labor leaders
Labor movement
Labor movement
Labor unions
Labor unions
Labor unions
Labor unions
Labor unions and communism
Labor unions and communism
Labor unions and communism
Labor unions and communism
Libraries and communism
May Day (Labor holiday)
May Day (Labor holiday)
Mexican Americans
New Left
Newspaper publishing
New York (N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.)
Party discipline
Peace movements
Peace movements
Political activists
Political ballads and songs
Political prisoners
Popular fronts
Press, Communist
Race discrimination
Scottsboro Trial, Scottsboro, Ala., 1931
Social classes
Socialism and education
Socialism and youth
Socialist parties
Social justice
Strikes and lockouts
Strikes and lockouts
Student movements
Subversive activities
Trials (Political crimes and offenses)
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
Washington (State)
Women and communism
Women communists
Women socialists
Women's rights
Women's rights
Working class
Working class
World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945
Youth movements

Corporate Body

Active 1919

Active 1973

Spanish; Castilian,




Ark ID: w6r31rnp

SNAC ID: 85291236