United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation

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The FBI established this classification when it assumed responsibility for ascertaining the protection capabilities and weaknesses of defense plants. Each plant survey was a separate case file, with the survey, supplemental surveys, and all communications dealing with a plant insofar as plant protection was concerned, filed together. On June 1, 1941, and January 5, 1942, the Navy and Army, respectively, assumed responsibility for surveying defense plants in which they had interests. Thereafter, FBI involvement in plant surveys was minimal. Initially the surveys were very detailed, with descriptive and quantitative data on all aspects of the plants being surveyed. By 1941 the surveys contained less detail on the overall operations of the plants surveyed with more emphasis on those aspects the surveyor believed constituted weaknesses in the plant protective system. Early in 1945 the Bureau began undertaking supplemental surveys to ascertain whether recommendations made during earlier surveys had been implemented and to include changes in the plants due to their expanded activities or size. This classification is obsolete.

From the description of Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 99. Plant Protection Survey. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 122456569

Mildred McAdory, known as Mildred Edelman, was apparently a member of the Communist Party, USA who was active in the Southern Negro Youth Congress. In 1943 she was arrested for violating segregation ordinances on a Birmingham, Alabama city bus.

From the guide to the Mildred McAdory FBI Files, 1940s-ca.1960, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Al Lannon (1907-1969), born Albert Vetere, was an Italian American Communist and a leading figure in the Communist Party USA's orgainizing and labor union activism involving merchant mariners and stevedores, from 1930 through 1955, when he was convicted under the Smith Act (1940), of advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, and served a year in prison. As an organizer for the Waterfront Sections of both the CPUSA, and for the New York State CP, he was one of the founders of the National Maritime Union, which represented merchant mariners on the East and Gulf coasts, and on the Great Lakes. He also led an ultimately unsuccessful drive to organize stevedores in the same area. From 1943-45 he was District Organizer of the Party's Maryland-Washington, DC district. In 1957 he moved to San Francisco, California, and remained a rank and file Communist activist, along with his wife Elva, until his death.

From the guide to the Al Lannon FBI Files, 1930s-1960s, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Material requested of the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act by Tom Knudson, staff writer for the Sacramento Bee, who did an article "The FBI targets a literary icon, " Sunday, July 3, 1994.

From the description of Declassified FBI files for Bernard De Voto, 1948-1949. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 754863220

A branch of the United States Dept. of Justice.

From the description of Files, 1969-1972 (inclusive). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 232006996

Between 1961 and 1963, federal agents began wire tapping conversations between Angelo DeCarlo and his mob associates. These wire taps revealed corruption among law enforcement, prominent businessmen and state officials, including New Jersey U.S. Congressman Peter Rodino, Newark Mayor Hugh Addonizio and influential Hudson County politician John J. Kenny.

From the description of Angelo DeCarlo Tape transcripts, 1962-1965. (Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library). WorldCat record id: 652479911

Joshua B. Freeman is a historian whose research focuses on U.S. labor history and the U.S. in the twentieth century. Freeman obtained a bachelor's degree from Harvard University in 1970 and went on to earn a master's degree in 1976 and a Ph.D. in 1983, both from Rutgers University. He is the author of In Transit: The Transport Workers Union in New York City, 1933-1966, which details the formation and development of the TWU, with particular emphasis on the role of Communists and veterans of the Irish Republican Army. He also wrote Working-Class New York: Life and Labor Since World War II and co-authored Who Built America? Working People and the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture, and Society Vol. II . In 1987 he was appointed an assistant professor at Columbia University, and became an associate professor in 1991. Freeman is currently a professor at Queens College, City University of New York. He serves on the editorial board of the journal International Labor and Working-Class History and is a consulting editor for the New Labor Forum .

From the guide to the Joshua B. Freeman Research Files on the Transport Workers Union of America, Bulk, 1940-1952, 1940s-1996, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Camp Midvale was a recreation camp built in the 1920s by The Nature Friends of America (NFA) and owned by the Labor Lyceum (a progressive workers educational organization). NFA's goals were to provide workers with affordable outdoor recreation and to preserve wildlife. NFA was placed on the Attorney General's list of "subversive organizations" in 1947, and in 1968 Camp Midvale was given to the Ethical Culture Society in the hope that it would be preserved as an ecological retreat.

From the guide to the Camp Midvale/Nature Friends of America: FOIA Files, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Born in 1904 to working class parents in Detroit, Ralph Bunche graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1927 and Harvard Graduate School in 1928. Bunche taught in the Department of Political Science at Howard University in Washington, D.C., worked with the Carnergie Corporation and the Department of State before joining the Permanent Secretariat of the United Nations in 1948. Investigations of Bunche's activities were conducted under the Hatch Act in 1940-42 and the Loyalty Act in 1953-54. During the 1930s and 1940s, he was associated with various organizations on the Attorney General's list of subversive organizations, among them the National Negro Congress which he co-founded, and was designated for custodial detention in the event of a national emergency by the FBI in 1941. He was cleared by the International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board in 1954.

From the description of Ralph Bunche FBI file, 1940-1963. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 603596301

PM (1940-48) was a progressive New York City daily tabloid format newspaper that supported the extension of the New Deal and good relations with the Soviet Union, and opposed U.S. foreign policy and the rise of the Cold War and of domestic anti-communism. PM (the name stood for Picture Magazine), borrowed many elements from weekly newsmagazines, and it accepted no advertising in an attempt to be free of pressure from business interests. PM was published by Ralph Ingersoll and financed by the Chicago millionaire Marshall Field III. Circulation averaged at 165,000, less than the 225,000 it would need to break even. Notable contributors included Heywood Broun, McGeorge Bundy, Erskine Caldwell, Malcolm Cowley, Ben Hecht, Ernest Hemingway, Penn Kimball, Eugene Lyons, Tip O'Neill, Saul K. Padover, Dorothy Parker, Ben Stolberg, I.F. Stone, James Thurber, James Wechsler, and cartoonist Theodore Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss).

From the guide to the PM, : FBI Files, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the dissapearance of Amelia Earhart, 1937-1947, 1967, the activities of the National Organization for Women, 1969-1975, and Eleanor Flexner, 1944-1959.

From the description of Files, 1937-1975 (inclusive). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122413602

Walter Scott Neff was a psychologist and author of several books, including Work and Human Behavior, and was also head of the American Peace Mobilization, a Communist-associated organization, founded in 1940.

From the guide to the Walter Scott Neff FOIA Files, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Established in 1908, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is the principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Justice.

From the description of Security file on J. Robert Oppenheimer [microform], 1947-1964. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79756872

Senator Burton K. Wheeler (1882-1975) began his law career in Butte, and served as U.S. Attorney for Montana from 1913 to 1918 prior to his election to the U.S. Senate in 1922. His first action in the Senate was to begin investigations of corruption in the Dept. of Justice which resulted in the resignation of the head of the Bureau of Investigation. Within six months the Bureau of Investigation, seeking revenge, attempted to frame the senator. The case resulted in Wheeler being acquitted and becoming a national political figure, which standing was increased in 1924 when he ran for vice-president on the Progressive Party presidential ticket. Wheeler is remembered as one of the most powerful senators in Washington D.C. in the 1930s. Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Committee and of the Indian Affairs Committee, he personally influenced such key New Deal legislation as the Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935 and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (the Wheeler-Howard Act). In 1937 he successfully led the opposition to Pres. Roosevelt's attempt to pack the Supreme Court with justices of his own political persuasion. Throughout his years of service he was consistently opposed to war, and so supported neutrality legislation in the 1930s, spoke out against peacetime conscription in 1940 and 1941, and fought against the Lend-Lease aid to Britain in 1941. After the U.S. decided to enter the war, however, Wheeler gave his full support to the effort.

From the description of Burton K. Wheeler files, 1924-1945. (Montana State University Bozeman Library). WorldCat record id: 70925419

Audley (Queen Mother) Moore, an African American black nationalist and communist, was borh in 1898 in New Iberia, Louisiana, in 1891. In 1919 she joined Marcus Garvey’s black nationalist movement, and in the 1920s, moved to New York City to work in Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association. In 1936 she joined the Communist Party, was active in its Harlem section, becoming its secretary in 1941, and in 1942, secretary of the New York State Party organization. In the late 1940s she began to assert the African American national question within the Party, and left the Party in 1950. In the 1950s she founded the Universal Association of Ethiopian Women, in 1959 tutored the young Malcolm X, in 1963 she established a Reparations Committee to advocate compensatory payment to descendants of slaves, and in 1968 participated in the declaration of the Republic of New Africa and initiated its statement of independence.

From the guide to the Audley Moore: FOIA File (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation), 1940s-1960s, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Huey Pierce Long was born on August 30, 1893, in Winnfield, La. He briefly attended the University of Oklahoma School of Law in Norman, Okla., and later Tulane University Law School in New Orleans, La. He practiced law in Winnfield and later in Shreveport, La. Long was a member of the Louisiana Railroad Commission (later the Louisiana Public Service Commission) (1918-1928), governor of Louisiana (1928-1932), and U.S. senator from Louisiana (1932-1935). Charismatic and immensely popular for his social reform programs, Long was accused by his opponents of dictatorial tendencies for his near-total control of the state government. He was shot on September 8, 1935, at the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge and died two days later at the age of 42.

From the description of Huey P. Long files, 1932-1969 (bulk 1934-1939). (Louisiana State University). WorldCat record id: 196451981

Jack Bjoze was a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War. He was subsequently the executive secretary of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB) in the early 1940s. He also served in the U. S. Army during the Second World War.

From the guide to the Jack Bjoze: Freedom of Information Act Files, Bulk, 1944-1959, circa 1944-2009, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

During the 1980s, Samuel Gruber, a former attorney for the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), provided the union with the financial support to file a Freedom of Information Act request. In this request, the union sought the release of all declassified files pertaining to the UE and its leadership. Another former UE legal counsel, Marshall Perlin, managed this request. After several appeals, the UE finally won its request and acquired copies of the federal government's files on the union and its members. The union soon discovered that much of the released information was redacted so heavily that the files were often unintelligible. This caused Perlin to once again appeal to the courts. In 1998, the Samuel Gruber Education Project donated approximately 35 cubic feet of released information contained in 90,000 pages of FBI files on the union to the University of Pittsburghs archives. In 1999 the group donated additional information to the archives. Other materials were sent directly to the archives by the government agencies as the copying was completed.

From the description of Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), 1940-1985. (University of Pittsburgh). WorldCat record id: 301734079

In 1963 the FBI sent several agents to St. Augustine, Florida, to monitor the rapidly increasing racial tension there. Local civil rights leaders were demonstrating for the desegregation of all of St. Augustine's public facilities and were being met with hostile resistance from local white officials, business owners, and law enforcement officers. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference became involved in an effort to bring national media attention to the injustices in St. Augustine. Citing a hostile racial climate, King and other civil rights leaders compared the situation in St. Augustine to other hotbeds for racial tension in the South like Albany, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama.

From the description of Federal Bureau of Investigation St. Augustine Surveillance Files, 1963-1967. (University of Florida). WorldCat record id: 30485677

The West Indies National Council (WINC), formerly West Indian National Emergency Committee was founded in June 1940 by Wilfred Adolphus Domingo. Its broad objective was to lend support to the British West Indian territories' efforts to gain "self determination, self government" and prevent United States intervention in the islands' democratic processes. The WINC directorate included W.A. Domingo, Hope R. Stevens, Charles Petioni, H.P. Osborne, Richard B. Moore, Arthur King, Ivy Bailey Essien and Amy Ashwood Garvey. Because of their nationalist ideologies, association with radical or liberal organizations and their anti-colonialist political position, the FBI closely scrutinized the WINC for their alleged "subversive activities in the West Indies."

From the description of West Indies National Council collection, 1922-1926. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 122570577

Federal agency charged with investigating domestic threats to national security.

From the description of Declassified FBI files for Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1942-1967. (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison). WorldCat record id: 122364662

Vito Marcantonio (1902-1954), who received his law degree from New York University in 1931, was an American Labor Party leader and U.S. Congressmen representing East Harlem, New York, 1935-1937 (as a Republican), and 1939-1951 (American Labor Party), who was also known for generally being politically close to the Communist Party (he opposed U.S. entry into the Korean War), and as an advocate for the rights of Italian Americans, Puerto Ricans, and African Americans.

From the guide to the Vito Marcantonio FOIA Files, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Ermie Lazar is an independent scholar of U.S. right wing movements and anti-communism. Over the past decades he has obtained numerous FBI files under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

From the guide to the Ernie Lazar FBI FOIA Files on Anti-Communism and Right Wing Movements, 1934-1986, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Founded in 1937 by Max Yergan and Paul Robeson, the Council on African Affairs (CAA) was an independent, non-profit organization "dedicated to serving the interests of the peoples of Africa" and had a self-described unique "full-time and year-round job of providing Americans with the truth about Africa." This was achieved through the monthly "Spotlight on Africa" newsletter and other publications. The Council's other major function was to act as the channel of concrete assistance from Americans to Africans, sending money to aid the South African people's struggle against Malan's apartheid government.

From the description of Council on African Affairs/Freedom of Information Act collection, 1949-1972 (bulk 1952-1954) (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 668455300

Unclaimed stolen photographs and manuscript materials recoved by the FBI.

From the description of Stolen property from libraries : Federal Bureau of Investigation case, 1862-1956 [manuscript] (Denver Public Library). WorldCat record id: 743097324

From the description of Stolen property from libraries : Federal Bureau of Investigation case, 1862-1956 [manuscript] (Denver Public Library). WorldCat record id: 743100797

Senator Burton K. Wheeler (1882-1975) began his law career in Butte, and served as U.S. Attorney for Montana from 1913 to 1918 prior to his election to the U.S. Senate in 1922. His first action in the senate was to begin investigations of corruption in the Department of Justice which resulted in the resignation of the head of the Bureau of Investigation. Within six months, the Bureau of Investigation, seeking revenge, attempted to frame the senator. The case resulted in Wheeler being acquitted and becoming a national political figure, which standing was increased in 1924 when he ran for vice-president on the Progressive Party presidential ticket. Wheeler is remembered as one of the most powerful senators in Washington D.C. in the 1930s. Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Committee and of the Indian Affairs Committee, he personally influenced such key New Deal legislation as the Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935 and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (the Wheeler-Howard Act). In 1937, he successfully led the opposition to President Roosevelt's attempt to pack the Supreme Court with justices of his own political persuasion. Throughout his years of service he was consistently opposed to war, and so supported neutrality legislation in the 1930s, spoke out against peacetime conscription in 1940 and 1941, and fought against the Lend-Lease aid to Britain in 1941. After the United States decided to enter the war, however, Wheeler gave his full support to the effort.

From the guide to the Burton K. Wheeler Files, 1924-1945, (Montana State University-Bozeman Library, Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections)

In 1963 the FBI sent several agents to St. Augustine, Florida, to monitor the rapidly increasing racial tension there. Local civil rights leaders were demonstrating for the desegregation of all of St. Augustine's public facilities and were being met with hostile resistance from local white officials, business owners, and law enforcement officers. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference became involved in an effort to bring national media attention to the injustices in St. Augustine. Citing a hostile racial climate, King and other civil rights leaders compared the situation in St. Augustine to other hotbeds for racial tension in the South like Albany, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama.

St. Augustine became an important battleground for civil rights. The exposure of racial inequality in the oldest city in the United States proved to be an effective way of drawing national attention to segregation in Florida's tourist oriented economy. Demonstrations in St. Augustine took place as debate over the Civil Rights Act raged in Washington, D.C.

For more information on the topic see: David R. Colburn, Racial Change and Community Crisis: St. Augustine, Florida, 1877-1980, Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1991. Also: David J. Garrow, Centers of the Southern Struggle: FBI Files on Montgomery, Albany, St. Augustine, Selma, and Memphis, Frederick, Md.: University Publications of America, 1988.

From the guide to the Federal Bureau of Investigation St. Augustine Surveillance Files, 1963-1967, (Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida)

The Southern Negro Youth Congress (1937-1949) was formed in 1937 in Richmond, Virginia by young African American communists and other young people. Prominent figures included James Jackson, Helen Gray, Esther Cooper, and Edward Strong. In 1939 the SNYC moved their headquarters from Richmond Birmingham. The SNYC had the support of prominent black adult leaders including Mary McCloud Bethune, Paul Robeson, Charlotte Hawkins Brown, A. Philip Randolph, and W.E.B. DuBois. Officers were elected to one year terms while the adult advisory board raised funds and offered advice.

The SNYC helped black tobacco workers organize a union in Richmond and it also organized anti-lynching campaigns across the South. Over the next twelve years SNYC formed chapters in ten southern states with a total membership of 11,000 at its peak. Over those years the organization encouraged southern blacks to join the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), helped register voters, and during World War II they testified before the Fair Employment Practices Committee describing employment discrimination in the South. SNYC members also sponsored the Caravan Puppeteers, a political puppet show, to explain how rural blacks could secure the right to vote, and published a newsletter Cavalcade .

Their activities also gained the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Tthe SNYC influenced a generation of African Americans, including Sallye Bell Davis (the mother of Angela Davis) and Julian Bond, Sr., to become political activists. The SNYC disbanded in 1949 as the political climate of the Cold War became increasingly hostile to radicalism.

From the guide to the Southern Negro Youth Congress: FBI Files, 1940-1981, undated, (Tamiment Library / Wagner Archives)

Gerhart Eisler (1897-1968) was a journalist and prominent communist activist in Austria, Germany, the United States, and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). Born in Leipzig, Gerhard Eisler grew up in Vienna. He served in the First World War and returned from the Front radicalized. In 1918, with his sister, Ruth Fischer, and his brother, the leftist composer Hans Eisler, he was among the founders of the Austrian Communist Party. In 1920 or 1921 he moved to Germany and joined the German Communist Party (KPD). From 1929 to 1931 he was a liaison between the Communist International (Comintern) and the Communist Parties in China, and then from 1933 to 1935 its liason to the United States. The Comintern then sent Eisler to Spain during the Spanish Civil War to head a radio station broadcasting antifascist programming and publish a newspaper for volunteers serving in the International Brigades. From Spain he went to Paris and wrote articles for KPD publications to be distributed clandestinely in Nazi Germany. In 1939 he was interned by French authorities. After more than a year of imprisonment an offer of asylum to Spanish Civil War veterans by the Mexican government allowed him to be released and depart France. In 1941, Eisler and his companion, Brunhilde Rothstein (who later became his third wife), were on their way to Mexico when the ship on which they were traveling was torpedoed and British authorities interned them in Trinidad for some weeks. They were then allowed to continue to New York, but upon arrival were detained. Although granted transit privileges, they were not actually allowed to resume their trip, but were forced to stay on Ellis Island, as in the face of the advancing World War, the United States government had issued an order forbidding Germans or Austrians transit or exit visas to Latin American countries. After a determined campaign of several months by their friends, they were granted permission to enter the United States.

In the U.S. the Eislers lived in New York City and Gerhart Eisler worked as a journalist and helped found the anti-Nazi newspaper, The German-American . In 1946, as Eisler prepared to return to Germany, he was publicly accused of being an agent of the Soviet Union and his permission to leave the United States was rescinded. He and his wife and friends were subjected to intense surveillance by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal agencies, and in February 1947 he was arrested for misrepresenting his Communist Party affiliation on his immigration application. Several days later he was summoned to testify at a hearing of the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). There he refused to be sworn in without first reading a statement and was charged with contempt of Congress. One of the witnesses at the hearing testifying against him was his sister, Ruth Fischer (the two had been estranged since 1933), who had become fiercely anti-Communist. Eisler was tried in two separate trials for both charges, and lost both. He was sentenced to one to three years in prison, but released on bond, while his cases were on appeal (the Supreme Court had agreed to consider his contempt charge). Shortly thereafter he was arrested by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in connection with deportation proceedings and held on Ellis Island for three months and was only released when he went on a hunger strike, putting him in the position of having the U.S. government attempting both to deport and detain him simultaneously. Eisler’s case became a celebrated one, for both the American right (an American Cold War film, I Was a Communist for the FBI, featured an actor portraying Eisler as a leading character, a villainous foreigner secretly heading the American Communist Party) as well as the left.

In May 1949, Eisler escaped by stowing away on a Polish liner bound for London. Once in England, although initially detained by the authorities, the British government allowed him to leave a month later. Eisler flew to the German Democratic Republic, where he joined his brother, Hans (who had been deported from the U.S. a year earlier also after refusing to cooperate with HUAC). Eisler remained in East Germany the rest of his life, continuing to work in radio and as a journalist.

From the guide to the Gerhart Eisler FOIA Files, Bulk, 1947-1951, circa 1941-1968, (Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive)

Born in Minden, Germany, on July 8, 1858, the anthropologist Franz Boas was the son of the merchant Meier Boas and his wife, Sophie Meyer. Raised in the radical and tradition of German Judaism, Franz's youth was steeped in politically liberal beliefs and a largely secular outlook that he carried with him from university through his emigration to the United States.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bonn, Boas studied physics and geography before completing a doctorate in physical geography at Kiel in 1881. Intending on testing then-current theories of environmental determinism, he signed on to an anthropological expedition to Baffin Island in 1883-1884, expecting that he would document the close adaptative fit of Central Eskimo cultures to their extreme climate. His experiences in the arctic, however, led him to the contrary conclusion: that social traditions, not environmental, exerted a dominant influence over human societies, and from this point onward, he was led to pursue the cultural over than physical dimensions of humanity.

Although he returned to Berlin after the expedition, Boas emigrated to the United States in 1885 to assume an editorial position with the journal Science, hoping to use it as a stepping-stone to an academic appointment. In 1886, he embarked upon a second major field excursion into what would become his most famous ethnographic project, working among the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Indians of the Northwest Coast, after which he secured his first academic position in 1889, at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. After three years at Clark and a failed appointment at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1892 (during which he played a part in organizing the anthropological exhibits for the Columbian World's Fair), Boas moved to New York City.

The restless activity of Boas's early years slowed in New York. Hired by the American Museum of Natural History (1895-1905), which became the recipient of the amazingly rich anthropological collections he accumulated on the Northwest Coast, Boas began to teach classes at Columbia University in 1896, where three years later he was appointed Professor of Anthropology. For the next 37 years, Boas ruled the anthropological roost at Columbia, accruing unprecedented power in his discipline, wielding grants, recommendations, and appointments with remarkable dexterity, and collecting about him a remarkable group of younger scholars as students and colleagues.

Distancing himself from some of the main currents of contemporary anthropological thought in the United States, and particularly from the evolutionist assumptions that riddled the discipline, Boas championed an anthropology that viewed human cultures as shaped more by historical "tradition" than biological propensity. Claiming to resist any overarching, synthetic theories of human relations, and particularly evolutionary theories of sociocultural development, Boas laid the theoretical groundwork for what became modern cultural relativism. In the process, he helped to clarify the demarcation between the concepts of culture and race and its expression in the divergence of the four fields in anthropology -- linguistics, ethnography, physical anthropology, and archaeology.

Boas's relatively few forays into physical anthropology included a pioneering anthropometric study in 1910-1911, demonstrating that the alleged mental and physical inferiority of immigrants disappeared statistically by the second generation. Opposed to immigration quotas and disdainful of the claims to science used to justify them, Boas was a consistent, strident opponent of racial determinism in intellect or behavior. A committed, politically active Socialist, he was frequently an outspoken critic of American policy. During the First World War, he spoke out against the treatment of German Americans and "enemy aliens" -- to the point of putting himself at risk -- and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany proved an even greater crusade. Despite his age, Boas took an active role in the anti-fascist struggle in the United States and was involved with numerous committees to assist refugee scholars. He was equally ardent in his efforts to criticize racial and ethnic bigotry in the United States.

As a mentor, Boas had a reputation of being directive, at times overbearing, and at the same time of doing too little to prepare his students for the rigors of fieldwork. The extraordinary number of students coming out of Columbia under his care, however, has arguably done as much to extend the Boasian approach than Boas's own writing. Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Elsie Clews Parsons, Alfred Kroeber, Frank Speck, Edward Sapir, Zora Neale Hurston, Ella Deloria, Melville Herskovits, Leslie Spier, Paul Radin, and Ashley Montagu are all students of Boas. Many continued in the same intellectual stream, some diverged, yet all bore traces of Boas's influence. He left a mark as well on the institutions of the discipline, as one of the founders of the American Anthropological Association and of the International Journal of American Linguistics .

From the guide to the Boas Family Papers, 1862-1942, (American Philosophical Society)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Durr family. Papers, 1868-1968. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Morris Childs materials on loan from the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation, 1924-1988 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace
referencedIn Committee for Public Justice (U.S.). FBI Conference papers, 1971. Princeton University Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 194. Hobbs Act - Corruption of Public Officials. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Graham, Fred P. Fred P. Graham papers, 1947-1983. Library of Congress
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 167. Destruction of Interstate Property. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 90. Irregularities in Federal Penal Insitutions. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Guide to the Alan Silver Papers, 1934-1987 Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Cameron, Rondo E. Rondo E. Cameron papers , 1951-1993 Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept. Papers pertaining to Gilbert Bland [manuscript], 1995. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 79. Missing Persons. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 98. Sabotage. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 159. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 198. Crime on Indian Reservation. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 88. Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 25. Selective Service Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Priest, George Madison, 1873-1947. George Madison Priest papers, 1917-1941. Princeton University Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 94. Research Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Michael Z. Kislo Notebooks MS 246., 1954-1974 Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Council on African Affairs/Freedom of Information Act collection, 1949-1972 (bulk 1952-1954) New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 165. Interstate Transportation of Wagering Information. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 144. Interstate Transportation of Lottery Tickets. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 178. Interstate Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 143. Interstate Transportation of Gambling Devices. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Finzel, Roger A. American Indian Movement papers, 1965-1995 (bulk 1973-1979). University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923. Papers, 1921-1939. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 89. Assaulting or Killing a Federal Officer. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Newspaper clippings : FBI, 1987,1992. Temple University, Blockson Afro-American History Collection
referencedIn Ferry, W. H. (Wilbur Hugh), 1910-. Wilbur Hugh Ferry papers, 1962-1964. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Howard S. Liebengood Papers, 1950-1982, (bulk 1973-1981) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 5. Income Tax. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Liebengood, Howard S. (Howard Scholey), 1942-. Papers, 1950-1982 (bulk 1973-1981). Library of Congress
referencedIn World War posters, 1914-1945 Claremont Colleges.Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library.
creatorOf Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972. Correspondence with Johan Thorsten Sellin, 1931-1961. University of Pennsylvania Library
creatorOf Gerhart Eisler FOIA Files, Bulk, 1947-1951, circa 1941-1968 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Offices Case Files. Part D: Classification 6. Interstate Transportation of Strike Breakers. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Anthony Lake Papers, 1916-2003, (bulk 1963-1997) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Sutton, John Wesley, 1897-1978. John Wesley Sutton collection, 1931-1977 (bulk 1976-1977). Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
referencedIn Williams, John R. John R. Williams papers, 1966-1977 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Overstreet, H. A. (Harry Allen), 1875-1970. Papers, 1894-1985. Indiana University
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part B: Classification 17. Fraud Against the government - Veternas Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 20. Federal Grain Standards Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Guide to the Walton R. Johnson Papers, 1949-2001, bulk 1995-1999 Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn St. Paul gangster history research collection., 1981-1995. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headuqarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 75. Bondsmen and Sureties. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Alan H. Belmont typescript : As I recall it! incidents in the life of a G-man, undated Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. West Indies National Council collection, 1922-1926. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Durkan, Frank, 1930-2006. Frank Durkan Papers 1970-1990. Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 130. Armed Forces Security Agency Applicants. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Robert E. Robideau American Indian Movement Papers, 1974-2007 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files: Part B: Department of Energy Employees; Nuclear Regulatory Employees; Atomic Energy Applicant/Employees. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn United States. Fedreal Bureau of Investigation. Communist Infiltration of the SCLC and J. Edgar Hoover's official and confidential file on Martin Luther King, Jr. [microform] : FBI investigation files, 1957-1973. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 160. Federal Train Wreck Statute. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 1. FBI National Academy. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Horace Mann Bond Papers, 1830-1979, 1926-1972 Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 24. Profiteering. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Goode, Bill. Papers, 1941-1947. Wayne State University
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 73. Application for Pardon. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Belmont, Alan H. As I recall it! incidents in the life of a G-man : typescript, n.d. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Theoharis, Athan G.,. FBI Investigation and Surveillance Records, 1919-[ongoning]. Marquette University Raynor Memorial Library, John P. Raynor Library
referencedIn Maccabee, Paul, 1955-. St. Paul gangster history research collection, 1981-1995. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Todd Whitney-Greyson vs. John Senders and Ann Crichton-Harris collection, 1995. Maine Historical Society Library
creatorOf Fine, Fred M., 1914-2004. Fred M. Fine papers, 1944-1993. Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Cunningham, Kathleen, researcher. [Research collection on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy] 1963-1999. University of South Florida, USF Library
referencedIn Liberation News Service (New York, N.Y.). Records, 1968-1981. Temple University Libraries, Paley Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 11. Tax (other than income). National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 162. Interstate Gambling Activities. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Guide to the Sean Prendiville Papers, 1818-1997 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 145. Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter; Broadcasting Obscene Language. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Minnesota. Attorney General. Douglas Head files, 1961-1969. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Mardian, Robert Charles, 1923-2006. Robert Charles Mardian papers, 1957-1995. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Gravely, William, 1939-. Will Gravely collection - Willie Earle investigation, 1947-2001 (bulk 1947) Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn Reid, Thelma Mae Meek, 1904-1988,. Thelma Mae Meek Reid interview, 1981 Jan. 14. Museum of the Great Plains
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: "0" files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Oscar Shaftel Papers, 1940s-1990s Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Marshall, George, 1904-2000. George Marshall papers, 1933-1955. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 104. Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Gordon Kahl wanted poster, 1983. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Reies Tijerina Papers, 1888-2003, 1963-1978 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
referencedIn Katharine Amend Kellock Papers, 1924-1969 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 120. Federal Tort Claims Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 177. Discrimination in Housing. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Bob Brown oral history project, 2005-2010 University of Montana--Missoula Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 72. Obstruction of Criminal Investigations. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Donner, Frank J. Frank J. Donner papers, 1897-1992 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Mitgang, Herbert. Herbert Mitgang papers, 1929-1995. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 157. Extremist Matters; Civil Unrest. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 7. Kidnapping. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Sullivan, William C. Marxism-Leninism (Communism) : typescript, 1949. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Harris, Louis, C., 1912-1978. Louis C. Harris papers, 1938-1978.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Orval Eugene Faubus files, Federal Bureau of Investigation : investigative reports, 1954-1969. University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1939. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Zamora, Aguinaldo,. Oral history interview with Aguinaldo Zamora, 1998 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
creatorOf Maryland Manuscripts Collection, 1664-1981, 1664-1981 University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 176. Antiriot Laws. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Robideau, Robert E. Robert E. Robideau American Indian Movement papers, 1974-2007. University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Childs, Morris, 1902-1991. Morris Childs papers, 1924-1995. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn King, Jeffery S., 1940-. Jeffery King crime files, 1933-1996 1933-1936. American University, American University Library; Bender Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 150. Harboring of Federal Fugitives. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 197. Civil Actions or Claims Against the Government. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Jefferson County (Ala.). Sheriff's Dept. FBI rap sheet, 1935-[ongoing]. Alabama Department of Archives and History
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Frederick W. Burgess FBI files, 1937-1938. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 140. Security of Government Employees; Executive Order 10450. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 213. Fraud Against the Government - Department of Education. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 155. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn American Civil Liberties Union of Washington records, circa 1942-1996 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
creatorOf Federal Bureau of Investigation St. Augustine Surveillance Files, 1963-1967 Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
referencedIn Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee records., 1966-1990 . Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 161. Special Inquiries Requested by the White House, Congressional Committees, and Other Government Agencies. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Wyly, Percy, II. FBI memoradum on Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, bank robberies, July 26, 1946. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 78. Illegal Use of Government Transportation Requests. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 141. False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Burton K. Wheeler Files, 1924-1945 MSU-Bozeman Library, Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections
referencedIn Campos, Marc,. Oral history interview with Marc Campos, 1996 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
creatorOf Vito Marcantonio FOIA Files, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 18. May Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Schaffer, Alan,. Alan Schaffer Collection of F.B.I. files relating to the lynching of Willie Earle, 1947-1988, (bulk 1947). Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
creatorOf Joshua B. Freeman Research Files on the Transport Workers Union of America, Bulk, 1940-1952, 1940s-1996, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Gregory Freeman Stone collection on the Robert F. Kennedy assassination, Bulk, 1968-1991, 1944-1991 USC Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Morris Childs Papers, 1938-1995 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Guide to the Audley Moore: FOIA File (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation), 1940s-1960s, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 211. Ethics in Government act of 1978 (Title VI). National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Camp Midvale/Nature Friends of America: FOIA Files, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 74. Perjury. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn McKnight, Robert H., Jr.,. Robert H. McKnight Jr. oral history interview, 1978 Aug. 22. Georgia State University
referencedIn De Rochemont, Louis, 1899-1978. Louis De Rochemont papers, 1899-2004. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 80. Laboratory Research Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Fred L. Crawford papers, 1925-1953 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Schapiro, Meyer, 1904-1996. Meyer Schapiro Correspondence with Whittaker Chambers and James Thomas Farrell, 1923-1991. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn William H. Webster speeches, 1983-1985 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Miullo, Nat J., 1957-,. Oral history interview with Nat (Nathaniel) J. Miullo, [videorecording] / interviewed and filmed by Hannah Nordhaus, 2005. Boulder Public Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 166. Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Zippert, John, 1945-. John Zippert oral history interview, 1998. Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
referencedIn Forni, Mary. Papers, 1944-1950. Historical Society of the Town of Hancock, Maine
referencedIn Richard De Gennaro records, 1987-1990 The New York Public Library. New York Public Library Archives.
referencedIn Perlin, Marshall, 1920-1998. Perlin Papers, (1932-1953). Columbia University Law School, Diamond Law Library, Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 186. Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Klein, Nicholas. The million dollar hotel : screenplay / by Nicholas Klein ; based on a story by Bono and Nicholas Klein. Broken Bow Public Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 153. Automobile Information Disclosure Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Series 1, Subseries 1, Sub-subseries 1. Leon Davis interviews Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Bryce, Jelly, 1906-1974. D.A. "Jelly" Bryce photograph collection, 1930-1940. Museum of the Great Plains
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 109. Foreign Political Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Slater, Gerald. Gerald Slater papers, 1971. University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries
creatorOf Security file on J. Robert Oppenheimer [microform], 1947-1964. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
creatorOf Kennedy, John Thomas, 1885-1969. John Thomas Kennedy papers, 1904-1969. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 172. Sports Bribery. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Guide to the Southern Negro Youth Congress FBI Files, 1940-1981, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 85. Home Owners Loan Corporation. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 91. Bank Robbery. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Wallace, Tom, 1874-1961. Tom Wallace papers, 1925-1960. The Filson Historical Society
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 26. Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles; Interstate Transportation of Stolen Aircraft. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn James Alport Donovan, Jr. papers, 1926-1981 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Declassified FBI files for Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya, 1942-1967. Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 125. Railway Labor Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 65. Administrative Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Nicosia, Gerald. Home to War/Vietnam Veterans Archive, 1960s-2000s University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Benjamin, Gilbert G. The Gilbert G. Benjamin collection on subversive activities. California State University, Northridge
referencedIn New York Public Library. Central Administration. Director's Office. Richard De Gennaro records, 1987-1990. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn MacDonald, Bert. Papers of Bert MacDonald, 1935-1950. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
creatorOf PM, : FBI Files, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 16. Violation Federal Injunction. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Thella W. Brock papers, 1943-2004 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 196. Fraud by Wire. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 101. Hatch Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 93. Ascertaining Financial Ability. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 70. Crime on Government Reservation. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Ruuttila, Julia, 1907-1991. Julia Ruuttila Papers, 1878-2004 (bulk 1935-1970). Oregon Historical Society Research Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Legal Attache Case Files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Burton K. Wheeler files, 1924-1945. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Purvis, Joseph D. Joseph D. Purvis interview transcript, September 18, 2002 / conducted by Marvin Goss, Rosemary Carter and Frank Fortune.. Georgia Southern University
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 152. Switchblade Knife Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 169. Hydraulic Brake Fluid Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Anderson, Robert L., 1944-. American Indian Movement papers, 1973-1996. University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Korder, Howard. Bad apple : [screenplay] / by Howard Korder. Ohio University, Alden Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 191. False Identity Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Federal Bureau of Investigation miscellaneous records, 1929-1972 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Biography -- Sessions, William S. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 164. Crime Aboard Aircraft. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 187. Privacy Act - Criminal Violations. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 149. Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Anthony Lake Papers, 1916-2003, (bulk 1963-1997) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Angelo DeCarlo Tape transcripts, 1962-1965. Newark Public Library, Main Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Subject Request Disposal. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 189. Equal Credit Opportunity. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Biberman, H. J. (Herbert J.). Herbert Biberman and Gale Sondergaard papers, 1908-1981. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Barrett, Leslie. Leslie Barrett correspondence and ephemera, 1942-1996. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Garvey, Amy Jacques. Amy Garvey memorial collection on Marcus Garvey, 1776-1971. John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library. Special Collections & Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. B.K. Wheeler investigation files, 1924-1945. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Huey P. Long files, 1932-1969 (bulk 1934-1939). Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 202. Foreign Counterintelligence Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Sellers, Cleveland, 1944-. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr. papers, 1934-2003 (bulk 1960-1980). College of Charleston, Marlene and Nathan Addlestone Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 102. Voorhis Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 67. Personnel Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Daniel Schorr Papers, 1922-2006, (bulk 1943-2006) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 115. Bond Default; Bail Jumper. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Moore Family Papers, 1968-1988 California Historical Society, North Baker Library
creatorOf Wentzell, Alice S. The making of a congresswoman: The biography of Florence Prag Kahn and related material, 1983-1984. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 64. Foreign Miscellaneous. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 142. Illegal Use of Railroad Pass. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Home to War/Vietnam Veterans Archive 2008-224; 2008-277; 2009-103; 2009-190., 1960s-2000s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), 1940-1985. University of Pittsburgh
creatorOf Mildred McAdory FBI Files, 1940s-ca.1960 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Robert Manning papers, 1938-1993. Houghton Library
referencedIn Baxandall, Rosalyn Fraad, 1939-. Reformers and radicals. California State University, Long Beach
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 8. Migratory Bird Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Emerson, Thomas I. (Thomas Irwin), 1907-1991. Thomas Irwin Emerson papers, 1933-1988 (inclusive), 1946-1976 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Ivan Greenberg FBI Research Files on Labor and Radicalism, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Williams, Gerald O.,. Collected papers of Gerald O. Williams, 1867-1983. Alaska State Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 100. Domestic Security. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. F.B.I. file of Lewis F. Powell, Jr., 1964-1988. The Library at Washington and Lee University School of Law, Law Library
referencedIn Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Freedom of Information Act Files, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 103. Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Wilson, H. H. (H. Hubert). H. H Wilson papers, 1938-1979. Princeton University Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 127. Sensitivie Positions in the U.S. Government. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Auxiliary Office Case Files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Walter Bergman, Freedom Rider collection, 1984 University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Library Wilcox Collection, Kansas Collection
referencedIn Caldwell, Arthur Brann, 1906-1987. Arthur Brann Caldwell papers, 1912-1975 University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, University Libraries
referencedIn Kurt E. Reinsberg Collection, undated, 1987-2002 Leo Baeck Institute Archives
creatorOf Boulder Daily Camera. Adolph Coors III murder case printed materials. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Workers Alliance of America. Records of the Workers Alliance of America, 1935-1998. University of Pittsburgh
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 111. Foreign Social Conditions. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 105. Foreign Counterintelligence Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authroties for Field Office Case Files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Vrooman, Robert Schuyler. Robert S. Vrooman collection pertaining to Wen Ho Lee and Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1986-2007 (bulk, 1995-2004) University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Schweinhaut, Henry Albert, 1902-. Report to the attorney general concerning investigation of arrests and subsequent procedure in Detroit Spanish Recruiting cases, 1940. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Guide to the Ernie Lazar FBI FOIA Files on Anti-Communism and Right Wing Movements, 1934-1986, 2011 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 23. Prohibition. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Peoples Temple records, 1922-1984 California historical society
referencedIn Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. United States Federal Bureau of Investigation files, 1939-1950. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Larson, Charles. The FBI. Slow march up a steep hill / by Charles Larson. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 13. Miscellaneous. Section 125, National Defense Act; Prostitution. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Moore Family Papers, 1968-1988 California Historical Society, North Baker Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 110. Foreign Economic Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Government -- FBI. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Office of Origin Case Files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Kislo, Michael Z., 1896-1978. Michael Z. Kislo notebooks, 1954-1974. University of Massachusetts Amherst, W.E.B. Du Bois Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 9. Extortion. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Committee In Solidarity With the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Dallas Office Records 2007-20. N/A., 1968-1990 (bulk: 1980-1988) Benson Latin American Collection, General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin
referencedIn Gus T. Jones typescript : The Nazi failure in Mexico, 1944 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Leslie Barrett correspondence and ephemera, 1942-1996 The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
referencedIn Elfbrandt, Vernon. Elfbrandt vs. Russell loyalty oath case papers, 1948-1996 (bulk 1961-1966). Arizona Historical Society, Southern Arizona Division
referencedIn National Maritime Union. William Standard. General counsel's files, 1937-1949. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Herbert Mitgang papers, 1929-1995 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Frank Durkan Papers, 1970-1990 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Walker, Kenneth. Papers, 1939-1946. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Albert, Judith Clavir, 1943-. Stew Albert and Judy Gumbo Albert papers, 1938-2006 (bulk 1980-2005). University of Michigan
referencedIn Pranke, Richard N., 1911-. Pranke family genealogical and related papers, 1957-1993. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Assante, Katherine Anne. Katherine Anne Assante collected papers, 2009- Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC
referencedIn Slater, Gerald. Gerald Slater papers, 1971. University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries
referencedIn Standard, William L. National Maritime Union, general counsel's files, 1937-1949. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Pennington, Lee Roberts, 1894-1974. Lee Roberts Pennington papers, 1918-1974. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 19. Censorship Matter. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Julia Ruuttila Papers, 1878-2004, 1935-1970 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee records, 1966-1990 (bulk 1973-1976). Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Philip J. Klass Collection, 1948-2000 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI file on Elijah Muhammad, 1953-1975 [microform]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 173. Civil Rights Act of 1964. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Gillespie, Robert (Robert Gill), 1903-. Interview with the honorable Robert Gillespie : chief justice, Mississippi Supreme Court / interviewer: Orley B. Caudill. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
referencedIn Neighborhood Organized Workers (NOW). FBI files, 1968-1971. University of South Alabama, Marx Library
referencedIn Scholarly Resources, inc. Scholarly Resources, inc. FBI file on John L. Lewis. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Milton Caniff Collection, 1805-2007, 1910-1988 The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
referencedIn McNamara, Francis J. Francis J. McNamara papers, 1928-1997. George Mason University, Fenwick Library
referencedIn Fabian, Robert A. FBI collection of Peoples Temple papers from Jonestown, Guyana : photocopies, 1972-1978. California historical society
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 123. Special Inquiry, State Department, Voice of America. (0Bsolete). National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI. Records, 1971. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Boulder Daily Camera. Crimes (Boulder, Colo.) printed materials. Boulder Public Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 22. National Motor Vehicle Traffic Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 97. Foreign Agents Registration Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 86. Fraud Against the Government-Small Business Administration. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Guide to the Communist Party of the United States of America Records, 1892-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept. Papers pertaining to Gilbert Bland [manuscript], 1995. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 71. Bills of Lading Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Exceptional Case Files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Keen, Mike. Papers, 1933-1997 Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
referencedIn Midwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (Chicago, Ill.). Midwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (Chicago, Ill.) records, 1940-1960. Chicago History Museum
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 112. Labor Management Relations Act, 1947. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 154. Interstate Transportation of Unsafe Refrigerators. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Leland Stowe papers, 1926-1990 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Dean, Kenneth, 1935-. An oral history with Mr. Kenneth Dean, 1997 Oct. 30. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
referencedIn Purvis, Melvin Horace, 1903-. Melvin Horace Purvis papers, 1934 July 30-1943 Aug. 20. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Solberg, Carl, 1915-. Research files on Hubert Humphrey, 1979-1985. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Louis De Rochemont papers, 1899-2004 Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Mabie, Janet. Papers, 1935. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Controlled Substances Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Little Rock Central High integration crisis, Federal Bureau of Investigation records, 1957 University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, University Libraries
referencedIn Silver, Alan, 1914-1988. Alan Silver Papers, 1934-1987. Rutgers University
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 156. Employment Retirement Income Security Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 92. Anti-Racheteering. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Department of Energy, Criminal. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Bernd, Joseph L. Joseph L. Bernd collection of Federal Bureau of Investigation records on the 1946 Georgia election, 1946. Georgia Historical Society
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Files concerning the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Stowe, Leland, 1899-. Leland Stowe papers, 1929-1988. Newberry Library
referencedIn Katharine Amend Kellock Papers, 1924-1969 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Charns, Alexander, 1956-. Alexander Charns papers, 1930s-1990s [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 138. Loyalty of Employees of the United Natins and Other Public International Organizations. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Guide to the Daily Worker and Daily World Photographs Collection, 1920-2001 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 182. Illegal Gambling Business. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Peoples Temple. Peoples Temple records, 1922-1984. California historical society
referencedIn Robert S. Vrooman collection pertaining to Wen Ho Lee and Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1986-2007, 1995-2004 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 180. Desecration of the Flag. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. San Francisco chronicle copy of FBI file on Alan MacGregor Cranston, 2003. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 87. Interstate Transporation of Stolen Property. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 28. Copyright Matter. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Joseph A. Yablonski Legal Case Collection, 1923-1978, (bulk 1970-1977) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ezra Pound file, 1945-1958. University of Idaho Library
creatorOf Vernon Torrence Collection National Museum of American History (U.S.). Archives Center
referencedIn Webster, William H. William H. Webster speeches, 1983-1985. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Jones, Gus T. The Nazi failure in Mexico : typescript, 1944. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn McGaughey, Emmett C. Emmett C. McGaughey papers, 1959-1998. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. File relating to the trial of Ezra Pound for treason, 1943-1958. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1902-1993 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Lerner, Eugene, collector. The Josephine Baker collection, 1926-2001 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Akron Beacon Journal Kent State Shootings collection, 1969-1983 (bulk 1970). Kent State University
referencedIn Branch, Taylor. Taylor Branch papers, 1865-2009 (bulk 1958-2009). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Solowey, Fred J. Forer and Rein research collection, 1941-2002. Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 183. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 68. Alaskan Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 195. Hobbs Act - Labor Related. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ernest Hemingway file, 1942-1974. Boise State University, Albertsons Library
referencedIn University of Southern Mississippi. FBI files : Grenada, Mississippi public school riots, 1966-1967. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. United States, Federal Bureau of Investigation file relating to the trial of Ezra Pound for treason, 1943-1958. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 208. Fraud Against the Government - General Services Administration. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 171. Notor Vehicle Seat Belt Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Klehr, Harvey. Harvey Klehr papers, 1901-1977. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI documents on Thomas Wolfe, 1936-1947. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Wilcox, Laird M. [Walter Bergman, Freedom Rider collection] University of Kansas Archives / MSS / Rare Books, Kenneth Spencer Research Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI, Committee for Public Justice, 1970-1977 [microform]. University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
creatorOf Green, Gil, 1906-1997. Gil Green papers, ca. 1947-1986. Chicago History Museum
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 131. Admiralty Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Kroncke, Francis Xavier, 1944-. Francis X. Kroncke papers, 1971-1972. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 2. Neutrality Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 82. War Risk Insurance. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Guide to the Lewis M. Herrmann Papers, 1922-1967, bulk 1950-1965 Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Sheldon Ross Gallery records Archives of American Art
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part D: Classification 27. Patent Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn William C. Sullivan typescript : Marxism-Leninism (Communism), 1949 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984 [electronic resource]. University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
referencedIn Hines, Barbara, 1947-. Hines, Barbara, Papers, 1972-1974 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Villanueva - Anderson, Gloria, 1935-. Oral history interview with Gloria Villanueva-Anderson, 2004 April 19. University of North Texas Library, UNT
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 188. Crime Resistance. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Stolen property from libraries : Federal Bureau of Investigation case, 1862-1956 [manuscript] Denver Public Library, Central Library
referencedIn Stuart, Jeb. Going west : [screenplay] / by Jeb Stuart. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Stephan, John J., collector. John J. Stephan collection, 1932-1978. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Szasz, Ferenc Morton, 1940-2010. Papers, 1950-1987. University of New Mexico-Main Campus
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 175. Assaulting the President. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Savio, Mario. Mario Savio correspondence : Mississippi, to Cheri Stevenson, Berkeley, Calif. : ALS, 1964. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Nikopoulos, Konstantina H. W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963), Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968) and the FBI's historic abuse of the civil rights of two leaders of the civil rights movement / Konstantine H. Nikopoulos. University of Houston, Clear Lake, Alfred R. Neumann Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Federal Regulation Lobbying Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn George Lardner Papers, 1923-1997, (bulk 1965-1995) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Kotz, Nick. Papers, 1935-2004. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Investigation miscellaneous records, 1929-1972. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Lawton (Okla.). Police Dept. Records, 1950-1955. Museum of the Great Plains
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 12. Narcotics. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Rosenfeld, Seth. The FBI, UC Berkeley and the Freedom of Information Act [sound recording] / Seth Rosenfeld, 2002 September 19. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Barron, John, 1930-. John Barron papers, 1927-1996. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 113. Foreign Military and Naval Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Brock, Thella W. (Thella Wilson),. Thella W. Brock papers. Harold B. Lee Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headuqarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 84. Reconstruction Finance Corportation Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Shenkar, George, 1924-. George Shenkar papers, 1947-1981, (bulk 1947-1968). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 137. Criminal Informants. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn United States. District Court (Minnesota : 3rd Division). Transcript, trial of Evelyn Frechette, et al., 1934 May 15-22. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Villarreal Ramírez, Norma,. Oral history interview with Norma Villarreal Ramírez, July 5, 1996 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn White, Jennifer,. The White collection of materials relating to recent United States political affairs, 1963-1977. University of Wisconsin--Stevens Point
referencedIn Schwabacher Family, Wuerzburg, 1746-1985, bulk 1914-1960s Leo Baeck Institute.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. [Letter] 1944, December 13, Washington, D.C. [to] Gustaf Stromberg, Pasadena, Calif. / J.E. Hoover. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Correspondence with Johan Thorsten Sellin, 1968. University of Pennsylvania Library
creatorOf Guide to the Audley Moore: FOIA File (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation), 1940s-1960s, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 121. Loyalty of Government Employees. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Day, Jared N., 1963-. Jared Day collection on Nathan W. Shefferman, 1950s-1999. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn Freedom Rides Freedom of Information Act Files, 1961-1963, 1971-1977. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn FBI Oral Histories Collection 2006-2009. Syracuse University
referencedIn Fellner, Michael. Papers, 1959-1983. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 204. Federal Revenue Sharing Grants. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 209. Fraud Against the Government - Department of Health and Human Services. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Peirce, Ruth Thompson, 1911-1994. Papers, 1902-1993 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Dukes, William F., 1927-2003. Dukes (William F.) FBI scrapbook, 1964-1967, undated. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
creatorOf American-Soviet Medical Society. American-Soviet Medical Society records, 1942-1987 (bulk 1943-1948). National Library of Medicine
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 146. Interstate Transportation of Prison-Made Goods. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Lawler, John Edward, 1908-1982. John Edward Lawler papers, 1937-1974 Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU Libraries
referencedIn Stowe, Leland, 1899-. Leland Stowe papers, ca. 1926-1990. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Malcolm X surveillance files, 1953-1971 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Roger A. Finzel American Indian Movement Papers, 1965-1995 (bulk 1973-1979) The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 206. Fraud Against the Government - Dept of Defense. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 124. Security Informants. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Lowenthal, Max. Max Lowenthal papers, 1855-1970. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn DeSanto, Jerry. Jerry Desanto Research Collection (1924-1985). Montana Historical Society Library
referencedIn Biography -- Salinas, Raul. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ralph Bunche FBI file, 1940-1963. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 65. Espionage. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America. Research Dept. Collection of United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America on federal agencies and hearings, 1934-1975. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn Max Lowenthal papers, 1855-1975 University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc]
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Alaskan Matters Case Files, 1930-1959. OCLC Western Training, W7L
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 21. Food and Durgs. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn McKinney, Benjamin, 1883-1971. McKinney papers, 1812-1967 (bulk 1908-1967). Arizona Historical Society, Southern Arizona Division
referencedIn National Committee Against Repressive Legislation. Records, 1948-2003. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 124. European Recovery Program. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 210. Fraud Against the Government - Department of Labor. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights. Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights and related organizational records, 1940-1986. Chicago History Museum
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 3. Overthrow or Destruction of the Government. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 192. Hobbs Act - Financial Institution. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 179. Extortionate Credit Transactions. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 14. Sedition. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn United States. Dept. of the Army. General Staff. Military Intelligence Division. U.S. military intelligence reports: surveillance of radicals in the United States, 1917-1941 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Dolan, Henry P. Reminiscences of Henry P. Dolan : oral history, 1962. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Highlander Folk School: FBI file, 1936-1972. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Greensboro Civil Rights Fund. Greensboro Civil Rights Fund records, 1971-1987. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Investigation St. Augustine Surveillance Files, 1963-1967. University of Florida
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 96. Alien Applicant. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 168. Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Richmond, Lou (Llewellyn C.),. Oral history interview with Lou Richmond, [videorecording] / interviewed and filmed by Hannah Nordhaus, 2004. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Lee Roberts Pennington papers, 1918-1974 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Golden, Patricia A. TWA Flight 800, 1996 July 17 undated. United States Coast Guard, Historian's Office
referencedIn Lens, Sidney. Sidney Lens papers, 1910-1986. Chicago History Museum
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI Identification Order No. 1233, 16 October 1934. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn FBI file on Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers, 1966-1978. Cornell University Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Investigation collection of Peoples Temple papers : from Jonestown, Guyana, 1931-1978 (bulk 1977-1978). California historical society
referencedIn Curtis MacDougall (1903-1985) Papers, 1940-1992 Northwestern University Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 132. Special Inquiry, Office of Defense Mobilization. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Wilbur Hugh Ferry Papers, 1962-1964 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn Emmett C. McGaughey papers, 1959-1998 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Bugas, John S. (John Stephen), 1908-. John S. Bugas papers, 1930-1960. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Stolen property from libraries : Federal Bureau of Investigation case, 1862-1956 [manuscript] Denver Public Library, Central Library
referencedIn Dukes, William F., 1927-. Interview with Mr. William F. Dukes : native Mississippian, lawyer and former FBI agent / interviewer: Orley B. Caudill. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
referencedIn New Directions Publishing records Houghton Library
referencedIn Stone, Gregory, 1949-. Gregory Freeman Stone collection on the Robert F. Kennedy assassination, 1944-1991 (bulk 1968-1991). University of Southern California, USC Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 114. Alien Property Custodian Matter. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Declassified FBI files for Bernard De Voto, 1948-1949. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 29. Bank Fraud and Embezzlement. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 151. Civil Service Commission. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Richard A. Marquise Collection 2004-2010. Syracuse University
referencedIn Bowen, Roger W., 1947-. Roger Bowen fonds. University of British Columbia Library
referencedIn Fuller, Jack. Jack Fuller papers, 1954-2005. Newberry Library
referencedIn Murry R. Nelson writings, 1978-1991 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Williams, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1925-1996. Robert Franklin Williams collection 2000. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 69. Contempt of Court. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Jack Bjoze: Freedom of Information Act Files, Bulk, 1944-1959, circa 1944-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Nelson, Murry R. Murry R. Nelson writings, 1978-1991. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 205. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 174. Explosives and Incendiary Devices; Bomb Threats. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Swenson, J. Douglas. J. Douglas Swenson papers. 1905-2000. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 158. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Johnson, Walton R. The Walton R. Johnson papers, 1949-2001 ; 1995-1999 (bulk). Rutgers University
referencedIn Robert C. Mardian Papers, 1957-1995 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case File. Part D: Classification 10. Red Cross Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: Cases Requiring Prolonged Retention. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Clayton Van Lydegraf papers, 1944-1991 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 107. Denaturalization Proceedings. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classificaiton 163. Foreign Police Cooperation. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Papers, 1881-1961. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn FBI files on Sacco and Vazetti, 1920-1927. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Ottenberg, Miriam, 1914-1983. Papers, 1931-1982. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940. Marcus Garvey: FBI investigation file, 1921-1964 (inclusive), 1921-1926 (bulk), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Harder, George, 1925-. Reminiscences of George Harder : oral history, 1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Nelson, Robert M. Jr, 1941-,. Oral history interview with Robert M. Nelson, Jr., [electronic resource] / interviewed by Dorothy D. Ciarlo, 2010. Boulder Public Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 136. American Legion Contact Program. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 181. Consumer Credit Protection Act. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 76. Excaped Federal Prisoners. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 203. Oreign counterintelligence Matters - All Other Countries. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn DeArmand, Frances Ullmann, 1904-1984. Papers, 1901-1985 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 184. Police Killings. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 126. National Security Resources Board. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Hines, Barbara, Papers 94-368., 1972-1974 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Herbert A. Philbrick Papers, 1849-1997, (bulk 1940-1993) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 200. Foreign Counterintelligence Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Files, 1937-1975 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 147. Fraud Against the Government. Department of Housing and Urban Development Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn American-Soviet Medical Society Records, 1942-1987 (bulk 1943-1948) History of Medicine Division. National Library of Medicine
referencedIn Sigmund Diamond Papers, [ca. 1950]-1990 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn John J. Walsh Papers, 1933-2004, (bulk 1944-2000) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Guide to the Dorothy Gallagher Research Files on Carlo Tresca, 1917-1988 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Freedom of Information Act files, 1921-1959. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Investigation file on William Veeck : typescript, [1947-1960]. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
referencedIn John R. Williams papers, 1966-1977 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI file on the Muslim Mosque, Inc. 1964-1968 [microform]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 135. Protection of Strategic Air Command Bases of the U.S. Air Force (PROSAB). National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 81. Gold Hoarding. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Barron Papers, 1927-1996 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972. Letters, 1935-1959. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 108. Foreign Travel Control. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Biography -- Perez, Mat. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 148 Interstate Transportation of Fireworks. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 139 Interception of Communications. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 214. Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act. Army and Navy Club
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 170. Extremist Informants. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Laura Gray Political Cartoons, 1944-1957 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Ferenc M. Szasz Papers, 1894-2005, 1942-1999 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
referencedIn Robert L. Anderson American Indian Movement Papers, 1973-2009, 1973-2009 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 133. National Science Foundation. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI file on the Muslim Mosque, Inc. 1964-1968 [microform]. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Saxon, George, 1927-. An oral history with Mr. George Saxon / interviewer: Reid Derr. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 83. Court Claims. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Black Panther Party FBI file, 1967-1969. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 77. Applicants (Special Inquiry, Department and Other Government Agencies except those having special classification.). National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. General Disposition Authorities for Field Office Case Files. Part C: "00" Files. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Benjamin Harris papers, 1979-1997 Center for the History of Psychology
creatorOf Boas Family Papers, 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Cheryl James Defense Committee. Cheryl James Defense Committee records [manuscript], 1971-1973. Oregon Historical Society Research Library
creatorOf Wall, John E., 1931-2007. John E. Wall Legal Papers : pertaining to the trial of Dr. Benjamin Spock and others, 1943-1972, bulk 1967-1968. Boston College. John J. Burns Library
referencedIn Crawford, Fred L., 1888-1957. Fred L. Crawford papers, 1925-1953. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Cooper, Courtney Ryley, 1886-1940. Courtney Ryley Cooper papers, 1915-1969. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 99. Plant Protection Survey. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Garrow, David J., 1953-. Freedom of Information Act materials on the Civil Rights movement, 1958-1969. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case File. Part B: Classification 201. Foreign Counterintelligence Matters. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Stephan, Alexander, 1946-. Alexander Stephan collection of FBI files on German intellectuals in US exile. 1940-2007 Ohio State University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 95. Laboratory Cases. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Applicant Intelligence Agency. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Papers on the FBI investigation of the Lemuel A. Penn murder, 1964-1967. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Files, 1969-1972 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn De León, Nephtalí, 1945-. Oral history interview with Nephtalí De León, 1999 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Diamond, Sigmund. Reminiscences of Sigmund Diamond : oral history, 1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Tennessee. Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Records, 1967-1993 1976-1987. Tennessee State Library & Archives, TSLA
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 199. Foreign Counterintelligence - Terrorism. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Biography -- Jones, Gus T. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
referencedIn Hoerr, John P., 1930-. John P. Hoerr oral history collection, 1914-2004. University of Pittsburgh
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. [Federal surveillance of radicals in Vermont], 1919-1920. Vermont Historical Society
referencedIn Lipsky, Jon S., 1954-,. Oral history interview with Jon S. Lipsky, [videorecording] / interviewed and filmed by Dorothy D. Ciarlo, 2005. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Dan Siminoski collection on Federal Bureau of Investigation surveillance of gays and lesbians, 1953-2001, (bulk 1953-1986) ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives.
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Field Office Case Files. Part D: Classification 15. Theft from Interstate Shipment. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Illinois. Governor (1917-1921 : Lowden). Frank Orren Lowden correspondence, 1917-1921. Illinois State Archive
creatorOf Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978. FBI files relating to Hubert H. Humphrey, 1947, 1949, 1984. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 129. Evacuation Claims. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Black Panther Party FBI file, 1967-1969 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 193. Hobbs Act - Commercial Institutions. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Walter Scott Neff FOIA Files, undated Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. Martin Luther King, Jr., FBI file, 1958-1977 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classification for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 128. International Development Program. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disposition Authorities for Individual Classifications for Headquarters Case Files. Part B: Classification 207. Fraud Against the Government - Environmental Protection Agency. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Rivele, Stephen J., 1949-. Killer spy : (the Aldrich Ames Story) ; [screenplay] / by Stephen J. Rivele and Christopher Wilkinson. University of Missouri-Kansas City, Miller Nichols Library; Health Sciences Library; Dental Library
creatorOf Al Lannon FBI Files, 1930s-1960s Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn James Alport Donovan, Jr. papers, 1926-1981 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Addonizio, Hugh J., 1914-1981. person
associatedWith American Bar Association. corporateBody
associatedWith American Civil Liberties Union of Washington corporateBody
associatedWith American Labor Party. corporateBody
associatedWith American Labor Party of the State of New York. corporateBody
associatedWith American Peace Mobilization. corporateBody
associatedWith American Red Cross. corporateBody
associatedWith American-Soviet Medical Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Anaconda Company. Montana Mining Division corporateBody
associatedWith Anderson, Robert L., 1944- person
associatedWith Assante, Katherine Anne. person
associatedWith Barrett, Leslie person
associatedWith Barrett, Leslie. person
associatedWith Barron, John, 1930- person
associatedWith Barry, Walter. person
associatedWith Belmont, Alan H. person
associatedWith Belmont, Alan H. person
associatedWith Benjamin, Gilbert G. person
associatedWith Bennett, Gwendolyn, 1902-1981. person
associatedWith Bernd, Joseph L. person
associatedWith Biberman, H. J. (Herbert J.) person
associatedWith Bjoze, Jack person
associatedWith Black Panther Party. corporateBody
associatedWith Blazek, Doris D. person
associatedWith Boas, Ernst P., (Ernst Philip), 1891-1955 person
associatedWith Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. person
associatedWith Bond, Horace Mann, 1904-1972 person
associatedWith Boulder Daily Camera. corporateBody
associatedWith Boulder Daily Camera. corporateBody
associatedWith Bowen, Roger W., 1947- person
associatedWith Branch, Taylor. person
associatedWith Brantley, Dwight. person
associatedWith Brock, Thella W. (Thella Wilson), person
associatedWith Brown, Bob, 1947 Dec. 11-, interviewer person
associatedWith Bryce, Jelly, 1906-1974. person
associatedWith Bugas, John S. (John Stephen), 1908- person
associatedWith Bunche, Ralph J. 1904-1971. person
associatedWith Burgess, Frederick W., d. 1937. person
associatedWith Caldwell, Arthur Brann, 1906-1987. person
associatedWith Cameron, Rondo E. person
associatedWith Camp Midvale (Ringwood, N.J.). corporateBody
associatedWith Campos, Marc, person
associatedWith Carey, James B. person
associatedWith Carroll, Peter N. person
associatedWith Central High School (Little Rock, Ark.) corporateBody
associatedWith Charns, Alexander, 1956- person
associatedWith Cheryl James Defense Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights. corporateBody
associatedWith Childs, Morris, 1902-1991. person
associatedWith Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. corporateBody
associatedWith Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI. corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia University. corporateBody
associatedWith Committee for Public Justice (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Committee In Solidarity With the People of El Salvador corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America (New York). corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. Waterfront Section. corporateBody
associatedWith Cooper, Courtney Ryley, 1886-1940. person
associatedWith Corrigan, Francis P., 1881- person
associatedWith Council on African Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith Counts, George S. 1889-1974. person
associatedWith Crawford, Fred L., 1888-1957. person
associatedWith Cunningham, Kathleen, researcher. person
associatedWith Daunt, Jerome J. person
associatedWith Davis, David. person
associatedWith Day, Jared N., 1963- person
associatedWith Dean, Kenneth, 1935- person
associatedWith DeArmand, Frances Ullmann, 1904-1984. person
associatedWith DeCarlo, Angelo. person
associatedWith De León, Nephtalí, 1945- person
associatedWith DeMaio, Ernest. person
associatedWith De Rochemont, Louis, 1899-1978. person
associatedWith DeSanto, Jerry. person
associatedWith De Voto, Bernard Augustine, 1897-1955. person
associatedWith Dewey, John, 1859-1952. person
associatedWith Diamond, Sigmund. person
associatedWith Dolan, Henry P. person
associatedWith Domingo, W. A. 1889-1968. person
associatedWith Donner, Frank J. person
associatedWith Donovan, James Alport, 1916-1980. person
associatedWith Du Bois, W. E. B. 1868-1963. person
associatedWith Dukes, William F., 1927- person
associatedWith Dukes, William F., 1927-2003. person
associatedWith Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969. person
associatedWith Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959. person
associatedWith Dunham, Roger. person
associatedWith Durkan, Frank, 1930-2006. person
associatedWith Durr family. family
associatedWith Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937. person
associatedWith Eisler, Gerhart person
associatedWith Eisler, Hanns, 1898-1962 person
associatedWith Elfbrandt, Vernon. person
associatedWith Elijah Muhammad, 1897-1975. person
associatedWith Emerson, Thomas I. (Thomas Irwin), 1907-1991. person
associatedWith Emspak, Julius, 1904-1962. person
associatedWith Fabian, Robert A. person
associatedWith Fabian, Robert H. person
associatedWith Fellner, Michael. person
associatedWith Ferry, W. H. (Wilbur Hugh), 1910- person
associatedWith Fine, Fred M., 1914-2004. person
associatedWith Finzel, Roger A. person
associatedWith Finzel, Roger A. person
associatedWith Fischer, Ruth, 1895- person
associatedWith Fitzgerald, Albert J. person
associatedWith Flexner, Eleanor, 1908-1995. person
associatedWith Forni, Mary. person
associatedWith Freeman, Joshua Benjamin person
associatedWith Fuhrman, Timothy J., person
associatedWith Fuller, Jack. person
associatedWith Gallagher, Dorothy. person
associatedWith Garrow, David J., 1953- person
associatedWith Garvey, Amy Jacques. person
associatedWith Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940. person
associatedWith Gillespie, Robert (Robert Gill), 1903- person
associatedWith Golden, Patricia A. person
associatedWith Goode, Bill. person
associatedWith Graham, Fred P. person
associatedWith Gravely, William, 1939- person
associatedWith Gray, Laura. person
associatedWith Greenberg, Ivan, 1962- person
associatedWith Green, Gil, 1906-1997. person
associatedWith Greensboro Civil Rights Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith Gruber, Samuel. person
associatedWith Harder, George, 1925- person
associatedWith Harris, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Harris, Louis, C., 1912-1978. person
associatedWith Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961. person
associatedWith Herrmann, Lewis M. person
associatedWith Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tenn.) corporateBody
associatedWith Highlander Research and Education Center (Knoxville, Tenn.) corporateBody
associatedWith Hines, Barbara, 1947- person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Hoerr, John P., 1930- person
associatedWith Hoover, J. Edgar 1895-1972. person
associatedWith Howard University corporateBody
associatedWith Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978. person
associatedWith Hunton, Alphaeus, 1903-1970. person
associatedWith Hupman, Ernest. person
associatedWith Hupman, Pearl. person
associatedWith Illinois. Governor (1917-1921 : Lowden) corporateBody
associatedWith Independent Socialist League. corporateBody
associatedWith International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. corporateBody
associatedWith International Longshoremen's Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Jackson, Esther Cooper person
associatedWith Jackson, James E., 1914-2007 person
associatedWith Jackson, Jesse, 1941- person
associatedWith Jandreau, Leo. person
associatedWith Jefferson County (Ala.). Sheriff's Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Johnson, Walton R. person
associatedWith Jones, Gus T. person
associatedWith Jones, Gus T. person
associatedWith Jones, Jim, 1931-1978. person
associatedWith Keen, Mike Forrest person
associatedWith Kellock, Katharine Amend, b. 1892. person
associatedWith Kennedy, John Thomas, 1885-1969. person
associatedWith Kenny, John J. person
investigatorOf King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006 person
associatedWith King, Jeffery S., 1940- person
associatedWith King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. person
associatedWith Kislo, Michael Z., 1896-1978 person
associatedWith Klass, Philip J. person
associatedWith Klehr, Harvey. person
associatedWith Klein, Nicholas. person
associatedWith Knight, Errol Lorne, 1893-1923. person
associatedWith Knudson, Tom. person
associatedWith Korder, Howard. person
associatedWith Kotz, Nick. person
associatedWith Kroncke, Francis Xavier, 1944- person
associatedWith Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) corporateBody
associatedWith Labor Lyceum (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Lake, Anthony. person
associatedWith Lake, Anthony. person
associatedWith Lannon, Al, 1907-1969 person
associatedWith Lannon, Albert Vetere, 1938- person
associatedWith Lannon, Elva Elizabeth person
associatedWith Lanset, Andy person
associatedWith Lardner, George. person
associatedWith Lardner, George. person
associatedWith Lawler, John Edward, 1908-1982. person
associatedWith Lawton (Okla.). Police Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Lazar, Ernie person
associatedWith Leche, Richard W. 1898-1965. person
associatedWith Lee, Canada. person
associatedWith Lens, Sidney person
associatedWith Lenya, Lotte, 1898-1981. person
associatedWith Lerner, Eugene, collector. person
associatedWith Liberation News Service (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Liebengood, Howard S. (Howard Scholey), 1942- person
associatedWith Lipsky, Jon S., 1954-, person
associatedWith Liuzzo, Viola, 1925-1965 person
associatedWith Long, Earl Kemp, 1895-1960. person
associatedWith Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935. person
associatedWith Louisiana. National Guard corporateBody
associatedWith Lowenthal, Max person
associatedWith Lowenthal, Max. person
associatedWith Mabie, Janet. person
associatedWith Maccabee, Paul, 1955-. person
associatedWith MacDonald, Bert. person
correspondedWith MacDougall, Curtis Daniel, 1903- person
associatedWith Maestri, Robert Sidney, 1899-1974. person
associatedWith Manley, Michael, 1924- person
associatedWith Manning, Robert, 1919- person
associatedWith Marcantonio, Vito, 1902-1954 person
associatedWith Mardian, Robert Charles, 1923-2006. person
associatedWith Mardian, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1923- person
associatedWith Markland, Lemuel. person
associatedWith Marshall, George, 1904-2000. person
associatedWith Marshall, Thurgood, 1908-1993 person
associatedWith Matles, James J. person
associatedWith McAdory, Mildred person
associatedWith McGaughey, Emmett C. person
associatedWith McGaughey, Emmett C. person
associatedWith McKay, Claude, 1890-1948. person
associatedWith McKinney, Benjamin, 1883-1971. person
associatedWith McKnight, Robert H., Jr., person
associatedWith McNamara, Francis J. person
associatedWith Metropolitan Music School (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Midwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (Chicago, Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith Milton Caniff person
associatedWith Minnesota. Attorney General. corporateBody
associatedWith Mitgang, Herbert person
associatedWith Mitgang, Herbert. person
associatedWith Miullo, Nat J., 1957-, person
associatedWith Moore, Audley, 1898- person
associatedWith Moore family. family
associatedWith Moore Family family
associatedWith Moorish Science Temple of America corporateBody
associatedWith Muslim Mosque, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith National Association for the Advancement of Colored People corporateBody
associatedWith National Committee Against Repressive Legislation. corporateBody
associatedWith National Maritime Union of America. corporateBody
associatedWith National Negro Congress (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith National Organization for Women. corporateBody
associatedWith National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. corporateBody
associatedWith Nature Friends of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Neff, Walter S. (Walter Scott), 1910-1997 person
associatedWith Neighborhood Organized Workers (NOW) corporateBody
associatedWith Nelson, John. person
associatedWith Nelson, Murry R. person
associatedWith Nelson, Murry R. person
associatedWith Nelson, Robert M. Jr, 1941-, person
associatedWith Newark Public Library. New Jersey Reference Division corporateBody
correspondedWith New Directions Publishing Corp. corporateBody
associatedWith New Orleans (La.). City Council. corporateBody
associatedWith New York Public Library. Central Administration. Director's Office corporateBody
associatedWith New York Public Library. Central Administration. Director's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Nichols, Kenneth D. 1907- person
associatedWith Nicosia, Gerald person
associatedWith Nicosia, Gerald person
associatedWith Nikopoulos, Konstantina H. person
associatedWith Nixon, Russ. person
associatedWith Noe, James A. person
associatedWith Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967. person
associatedWith Organization of Afro-American Unity corporateBody
associatedWith Ottenberg, Miriam, 1914-1983. person
associatedWith Overstreet, H. A. (Harry Allen), 1875-1970. person
associatedWith Peirce, Ruth Thompson, 1911-1994. person
associatedWith Pennington, Lee Roberts, 1894-1974. person
associatedWith Penn, Lemuel person
associatedWith Peoples Temple. corporateBody
associatedWith Perlin, Marshall, 1920-1998. person
associatedWith Petioni, Charles Augustin, 1885-1951. person
associatedWith Philbrick, Herbert A. (Herbert Arthur), 1915-1993. person
associatedWith PM (New York, N.Y. : Daily). corporateBody
associatedWith Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972. person
associatedWith Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908-1972 person
associatedWith Powell, Lewis F., 1907-1998. person
associatedWith Pranke, Richard N., 1911-. person
associatedWith Prendiville, Sean. person
associatedWith Priest, George Madison, 1873-1947. person
associatedWith Purvis, Joseph D. person
associatedWith Purvis, Melvin Horace, 1903- person
associatedWith Quinn, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Randolph, A. Philip 1889-1979 person
associatedWith Reavis, Dick J. person
associatedWith Reid, Thelma Mae Meek, 1904-1988, person
associatedWith Reinsberg, Kurt E. person
associatedWith Republic of New Africa (Organization). corporateBody
associatedWith Richmond, Lou (Llewellyn C.), person
associatedWith Riskin, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Rivele, Stephen J., 1949- person
associatedWith Rivers, Charles. person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul. person
associatedWith Robeson, Paul, 1898-1976 person
associatedWith Robideau, Robert E. person
associatedWith Robideau, Robert E. person
associatedWith Robinson, Thomas H. person
associatedWith Rodino, Peter W. person
associatedWith Rogge, O. John 1903- person
associatedWith Rosenberg, Ethel, 1915-1953 person
associatedWith Rosenberg, Julius, 1918-1953 person
associatedWith Rosenfeld, Seth. person
associatedWith Rugg, Harold Ordway, 1886-1960. person
associatedWith RUTH (THOMPSON) PEIRCE, 1911-1994 person
associatedWith Ruuttila, Julia, 1907-1991. person
associatedWith Ryan, Leo J. person
associatedWith Savage, Augusta, 1892-1962. person
associatedWith Savio, Mario. person
associatedWith Saxon, George, 1927- person
associatedWith Schaffer, Alan, person
associatedWith Schapiro, Meyer, 1904-1996. person
associatedWith Scholarly Resources Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Schorr, Daniel, 1916-2010. person
associatedWith Schrecker, Ellen person
associatedWith Schwabacher, Aenne person
associatedWith Schwabacher, Benno person
associatedWith Schweinhaut, Henry Albert, 1902- person
associatedWith Scribner, David. person
associatedWith Scribner, Sylvia. person
associatedWith Sellers, Cleveland, 1944- person
associatedWith Sentner, William. person
associatedWith Shaftel, Oscar, 1912-2000 person
associatedWith Sheldon Ross Gallery. corporateBody
correspondedWith Shenkar, George, 1924- person
associatedWith Shushan, Abraham Lazar, 1894-1966. person
associatedWith Silver, Alan person
associatedWith Silver, Alan, 1914-1988. person
associatedWith Siminoski, Dan, 1947- person
associatedWith Slater, Gerald person
associatedWith Slater, Gerald. person
associatedWith Slobe, Laura, 1909-1958 person
associatedWith Socialist Party (U.S.). corporateBody
associatedWith Socialist Workers Party. corporateBody
associatedWith Sokolsky, George E. (George Ephraim), 1893-1962 person
associatedWith Solberg, Carl, 1915- person
associatedWith Solowey, Fred J. person
associatedWith Southern Christian Leadership Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Negro Youth Congress. corporateBody
associatedWith Standard, William L. person
associatedWith Standard, William L. person
associatedWith Stephan, Alexander, 1946- person
associatedWith Stephan, John J., collector. person
associatedWith Stevens, Hope R. person
associatedWith Stoll, Alice Speed, 1906-1996. person
associatedWith Stone, Gregory, 1949- person
associatedWith Stone, I. F. 1907-1989. person
associatedWith Stone, I. F. (Isidor F.), 1907- person
associatedWith Stowe, Leland, 1899- person
associatedWith Strauss, Lewis L. person
associatedWith Stromberg, Gustaf. person
associatedWith Struck, Arthur. person
associatedWith Stuart, Jeb. person
associatedWith Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Sullivan, William C. person
associatedWith Sullivan, William C. person
associatedWith Sutton, John Wesley, 1897-1978. person
associatedWith Swenson, J. Douglas. person
associatedWith Szasz, Ferenc Morton, 1940-2010. person
correspondedWith Tennessee. Alcoholic Beverage Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Theoharis, Athan G., person
associatedWith Tijerina, Reies person
associatedWith Transport Workers Union of America. corporateBody
associatedWith United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America corporateBody
associatedWith United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America. Research Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Congress. Senate. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of Justice. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Army. General Staff. Military Intelligence Division. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept of the Interior. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. District Court (Minnesota : 3rd Division). corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Fedreal Bureau of Investigation. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Supreme Court corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Relocation Authority. corporateBody
associatedWith Universal Association of Ethiopian Women. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Van Lydegraf, Clayton person
associatedWith Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. corporateBody
associatedWith Villanueva - Anderson, Gloria, 1935- person
associatedWith Villarreal Ramírez, Norma, person
associatedWith Vrooman, Robert Schuyler person
associatedWith Vrooman, Robert Schuyler. person
associatedWith Walker, Kenneth. person
associatedWith Wallace, Tom, 1874-1961. person
associatedWith Wall, John E., 1931-2007. person
associatedWith Walsh, John J. (John Joseph), 1916- person
associatedWith Webster, William H. person
associatedWith Webster, William H. person
associatedWith Weill, Kurt, 1900-1950. person
associatedWith Weiss, Seymour, 1896-1969. person
associatedWith Wentzell, Alice S. person
associatedWith West Indies National Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Wheeler, Burton K. 1882-1975. person
associatedWith White, Jennifer, person
associatedWith Wilcox, Laird M. person
associatedWith Wilkins, Roy, 1901-1981 person
associatedWith Williams, Gerald O., person
associatedWith Williams, John R. person
associatedWith Williams, John R. person
associatedWith Williams, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1925-1996. person
associatedWith Wilson, H. H. (H. Hubert) person
associatedWith Wolfe, Thomas, 1900-1938. person
associatedWith Workers Alliance of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Wyly, Percy, II person
associatedWith X, Malcolm, 1925-1965 person
associatedWith Yergan, Max, 1892-1975. person
associatedWith Young, Ruth. person
associatedWith Zamora, Aguinaldo, person
associatedWith Zippert, John, 1945- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (State)--New York
Arkansas--Little Rock
Saint Augustine (Fla.)
United States
United States
United States
Harlem (New York, N.Y.)
United States
United States
East Harlem (New York, N.Y.)
Florida--Saint Augustine
New Jersey
New Orleans (La.)
United States
United States
United States
New Jersey--Newark
Louisiana--New Orleans
United States
Germany |x History |y 1918-1933.
United States
United States
Saint Augustine (Fla.)
United States
American literature
African American college teachers
African American communists
African American intellectuals
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
American newspapers
Poets, American
Poets, American
Anti-communist movements
Anti-communist movements
Anti-communist movements
Black Muslims
Black Muslims
Black Muslims
Black nationalism
Black nationalism
Civil procedure
Civil rights
Civil rights
Civil rights
Communism and intellectuals
Communism in education
Communists, Germany
Contested elections
Copper mines and mining
Criminal investigation
Domestic intelligence
Electric industry workers
FBI Academy
Governmental investigations
Government information
Grand juries
Indians of North America
Intelligence service
Intelligence service
Internal security
Internal security
Internal security
Italian American Communists
Italian Americans
Japanese Americans
Jewish scientists
Jonestown Mass Suicide, Jonestown, Guyana, 1978
Labor unions
Labor unions
Labor unions and communism
Labor unions and communism
Law enforcement
Martial law
Merchant mariners
Merchant mariners
Missing persons
Nuclear weapons
Nuclear weapons
Organized crime
Peace movements
Political corruption
Political parties
Political refugees
Reparations for historical injustices
Right and left (Political science)
School integration
Scientists, Refugee
Security clearances
Socialist parties
States' rights (American politics)
Subversive activities
Subversive activities
Subversive activities United States
Tax evasion
Transport workers
Trials (Treason)
Voting registers
West Indian Americans
Women communists
Working class
World War, 1939-1945
Intelligence officers
Voting registrars

Corporate Body



Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6mw65wc

Ark ID: w6mw65wc

SNAC ID: 30579193