Palfrey family.

Hide Profile

The central figure in this collection, John Gorham Palfrey (1796-1881), was a Unitarian minister, professor, editor of the North American Review, congressman from Massachusetts (1847-1849), postmaster of Boston (1861-1867), and historian, best known for his multi-volume History of New England. His grandfather William Palfrey (1741-1780) was a business partner of John Hancock and Pay Master General of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. His father John Palfrey (1768-1843) was a merchant in Boston and later owned a plantation in Attakapas, La. John Gorham Palfrey's son, John Carver Palfrey (1833-1906) was a military engineer during the Civil War and was later an officer in the textile manufacturing business. His daughter Sarah Hammond Palfrey (1823-1914) was a novelist and poet.

From the guide to the Palfrey family papers, 1713-1915., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Palfrey family papers, 1713-1915 Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Aaron Buck person
correspondedWith Abbot, Benjamin, 1762-1849 person
correspondedWith Abbot, Edwin Hale, 1834-1927 person
correspondedWith Abbot, Ezra, 1819-1884 person
correspondedWith Abbott, Edward, 1841-1908 person
associatedWith Abraham Lincoln person
correspondedWith Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth, 1st bart, 1815-1900 person
correspondedWith Adams, Abigail B. person
correspondedWith Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927 person
correspondedWith Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 person
correspondedWith Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 person
correspondedWith Adams, Edwin Goodhue, 1821-1877 person
correspondedWith Adams, George, 1807- person
correspondedWith Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 person
correspondedWith Adams, Henry S. person
correspondedWith Adams, John Calvin, 1810-1885 person
correspondedWith Adams, John Quincy, 1825-1881 person
correspondedWith Adams, John Quincy, pres. U. S., 1767-1848 person
correspondedWith Adams, Marian (Hooper) 1843-1885 person
correspondedWith Adams, Robert. person
correspondedWith Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 person
correspondedWith Adams, Seth. person
associatedWith Adeline Matilda Barnard person
correspondedWith Aden, A. A. person
associatedWith Adino Bulfinch person
correspondedWith Agassiz, Alexander, 1835-1910 person
associatedWith A. H. Everett person
correspondedWith Airlie, lord. person
correspondedWith Akerman, John Yonge, 1806-1873 person
correspondedWith Alcock, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Alden, James, 1810-1877 person
associatedWith Aldiboronto. person
associatedWith Alexandre Vattemare person
correspondedWith Alexandro. person
associatedWith Alfieri, Vittorio, 1749-1803 person
correspondedWith Allen, Charles, 1827-1913 person
correspondedWith Allen, George, 1792-1883 person
correspondedWith Allen, Joseph, 1790-1873 person
correspondedWith Allen, Waters. person
correspondedWith Allibone, Samuel Austin, 1816-1889 person
correspondedWith Almira (Hammond) Green person
correspondedWith Althorp, John Poyntz, viscount. person
associatedWith A. Macgeorge. person
correspondedWith American Antiquarian Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Historical Society, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Ammen. person
correspondedWith Amory, A. M. person
correspondedWith Amory, Charles. person
correspondedWith Amory, N. person
correspondedWith Amory, Thomas Coffin, 1812-1889 person
correspondedWith Amory, W. person
associatedWith Amos A. Lawrence person
correspondedWith Andrew, John Albion, 1818-1867 person
correspondedWith Andrew Johnson person
correspondedWith Andrews, Samuel O. person
correspondedWith Anthony Grayson person
correspondedWith Anthony, Henry Bowen, 1815-1884 person
correspondedWith Anti-Slavery Standard, the Editor, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Appleton, Frank Parker, 1822- person
correspondedWith Appleton Howe person
correspondedWith Appleton, John. person
correspondedWith Appleton, John James. person
correspondedWith Appleton, Mrs Nathan. person
correspondedWith Appleton, Nathan, 1779-1861 person
correspondedWith Appleton, Nathaniel, 1693-1784 person
correspondedWith Appleton, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Apthorp, Mr person
correspondedWith Argyll, Elizabeth, duchess of. person
correspondedWith Argyll, Elizabeth, Duchess of, recipient. person
correspondedWith Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of, 1823-1900 person
correspondedWith Armitage, James. person
correspondedWith Armstrong, A. person
correspondedWith Armstrong, George. person
correspondedWith Arnold, Isaac Newton, 1815-1884 person
correspondedWith Arnold, James, 1781-1868 person
associatedWith Artemis Ward person
correspondedWith Arthur T. Whiting person
correspondedWith Asboth, Alexander Sandor, 1811-1868 person
correspondedWith Ashburton, William Bingham Baring, 2nd baron, 1799-1864 person
correspondedWith Ashmun, George, 1804-1870 person
correspondedWith Ashworth, Henry, 1794-1880 person
correspondedWith Aspinwell, Thomas, 1786-1876 person
correspondedWith Athanaeum Club of London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Attorney General of the U.S., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Audebert, John. person
associatedWith Audebert, Moses. person
correspondedWith Audebert, Philip. person
correspondedWith Audebert, Philip, recipient. person
correspondedWith Aulick, J. H. person
correspondedWith Auselier, A. person
correspondedWith Austin, James Trecothick, 1784-1870 person
correspondedWith Babbidge, Charles. person
correspondedWith Bache, Alexander Dallas, 1806-1867 person
correspondedWith Bacon, Ebenezer. person
correspondedWith Bacon, Ebenezer, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bacon, Francis. person
correspondedWith Bacon, Francis, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bacon, George A. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Gameliel, 1807-1859 person
correspondedWith Bailey, John, 1786-1835 person
correspondedWith Bailey, Mrs M. L. person
correspondedWith Bailey Mrs M. L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Bailey, W. person
correspondedWith Bainbridge, William, 1774-1833 person
correspondedWith Baker, Isaac L. person
correspondedWith Bakewell, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Balch, Francis Vergnies. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Ballou, Adin, 1803-1890 person
correspondedWith Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 person
correspondedWith Bancroft, Phillip P. person
correspondedWith Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894 person
correspondedWith Bant, William. person
correspondedWith Barbour, John N. person
correspondedWith Barclay, Thomas, 1753-1830 person
correspondedWith Baring Brothers. person
correspondedWith Barlow, Francis Channing, 1834-1896 person
correspondedWith Barlow, Mrs A. C. person
correspondedWith Barnard, Henry, 1811-1900 person
correspondedWith Barrell, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Barrell, Joseph, recipient. person
correspondedWith Barrett, Samuel, 1795-1866 person
correspondedWith Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886 person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Louisa C. person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Mary? person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Sidney, 1799-1899 person
correspondedWith Bartlett, W. F. person
correspondedWith Bartol, Cyrus Augustus, 1813-1900 person
correspondedWith Bassett, William. person
associatedWith Bates, Andrew Tucker, 1839-1895 person
correspondedWith Bates, Joshua, 1776-1854 person
associatedWith Baxter, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Bayard, John Bubenheim, 1738-1807 person
correspondedWith Beck, Charles, 1798-1866 person
correspondedWith Beckwith, Edward G. person
correspondedWith Beckwith, George Cone, 1800-1870 person
correspondedWith Bedlow, William. person
correspondedWith Bedlow, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 person
correspondedWith Belknap, A. E. person
correspondedWith Belloe, Mrs B. N. (Parkes) person
correspondedWith Bellows, Henry Whitney, 1814-1882 person
correspondedWith Bell, Samuel Dana, 1798-1868 person
correspondedWith Benjamin Clarke person
correspondedWith Benjamin Harrison. person
correspondedWith Benjamin Helle. person
correspondedWith Benjamin, Park, 1809-1864 person
correspondedWith Bennock, Francis, 1812-1890 person
correspondedWith Bentley, Richard, 1794-1871 person
correspondedWith Bernard, Sir Francis, 1712? -1779 person
correspondedWith Bethune, George. person
correspondedWith Bicker, Martin. person
correspondedWith Bigelow, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Bigelow, Daniel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bigelow, George Tyler, 1810-1878 person
correspondedWith Bigelow, J. person
correspondedWith Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879 person
correspondedWith Bigelow, John Prescott, 1793-1865 person
correspondedWith Bird, Francis William, 1809-1894 person
correspondedWith Blagdon, George Washington, 1802-1884 person
correspondedWith Blair, Montgomery, 1813-1883 person
correspondedWith Blake, Kitty. person
correspondedWith Blakely, Josiah. person
correspondedWith Blanchard, Joshua. person
correspondedWith Blanchard, Joshua Pollard, 1782-1868 person
correspondedWith Blanc, Jules A. person
correspondedWith Blanc, Maria (Palfrey) person
correspondedWith Blanc, Maria (Palfrey), recipient. person
correspondedWith Blane, Mary Gorham (Palfrey). person
correspondedWith Bliss, Daniel, 1740-1806 person
correspondedWith Blodget, William. person
correspondedWith Blowers, Sampson Salter, 1742-1842 person
correspondedWith Boetefeur, Peter. person
correspondedWith Bolles, John Augustus, 1809-1879 person
correspondedWith Boltwood, Lucius Manlius, 1792-1872 person
correspondedWith Bond, Ana S. person
correspondedWith Bond, George, 1788-1842 person
correspondedWith Bond, George William. person
correspondedWith Bond, George William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bond Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Bond, William Cranch, 1789-1859 person
correspondedWith Borden, James. person
correspondedWith Bordman, Mary (Bates) person
associatedWith Boston Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Association of Unitarian Churches corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Athenaeum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston, Citizens of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston, Comittee of Merchants of. corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Daily Advertiser. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Sunday school society corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Whig convention of 1848 corporateBody
correspondedWith Bouchette, Robert Shore Milnes, 1805-1879 person
correspondedWith Boudinot, Elias, 1740-1821 person
correspondedWith Bouman, Charles. person
correspondedWith Bourne , recipient. person
correspondedWith Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 person
correspondedWith Boutwell, George Sewall, 1818-1905 person
correspondedWith Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, 1808-1892 person
correspondedWith Bowditch, Jonathan Ingersoll. person
correspondedWith Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll, 1805-1861 person
correspondedWith Bowditch, William Ingersoll, 1819-1909 person
correspondedWith Bowdoin, James. person
correspondedWith Bowen, Charles. person
correspondedWith Bowen, Charles, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bowen, Francis, 1811-1890 person
correspondedWith Bowes, William. person
correspondedWith Bowles, L. C. person
correspondedWith Bowles, Samuel, 1826-1878 person
correspondedWith Bowman, Phineas. person
associatedWith Boyd, Ebenezer person
correspondedWith Boyd, George. person
correspondedWith Boyd, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Boyle, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Boynton, G. W. person
correspondedWith Boynton, G. W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Bradbury, Theophilus, 1739-1803 person
correspondedWith Bradford, Alden, 1765-1843 person
correspondedWith Bradford, Gameliel, 1763-1824 person
correspondedWith Bradford, William John Alden, 1791-1858 person
correspondedWith Bradshaw, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Brashear, Thomas B. person
correspondedWith Brastow, George O. person
correspondedWith Brattle Street Church, Society of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brattle Street Church, Society of, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Brattle Street Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Braxton, Carter, 1736-1797 person
correspondedWith Brazer, John, 1787-1846 person
correspondedWith Brenton, Samuel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brent, William L. person
correspondedWith Brewer, Hannah H. person
correspondedWith Brewer, Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brewer, William C. person
correspondedWith Brewster, Sir David, 1781-1868 person
correspondedWith Briant, Paul. person
correspondedWith Brickman, William. person
correspondedWith Briggs, Charles. person
correspondedWith Briggs, George Nixon, 1796-1861 person
correspondedWith Brigham, Albert S. person
correspondedWith Brigham, William, 1806-1869 person
correspondedWith Brimmer, Martin. person
correspondedWith Brimmer, Martin, recipient. person
correspondedWith British and Foreign Unitarian Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith British and Foreign Unitarian Association, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith British Museum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brodhead, John Romeyn, 1814-1873 person
correspondedWith Bronson, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Charles, 1795-1872 person
correspondedWith Brooks, Charles Timothy, 1813-1883 person
correspondedWith Brooks, Edward. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Edward, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Ellen. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Gorham. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Brooks Mrs E. person
correspondedWith Brooks Mrs , Recipient. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Peter Chardon, 1767-1849 person
correspondedWith Brooks, Phillips, bp., 1835-1893 person
correspondedWith Brooks, Sidney, 1813-1887 person
correspondedWith Brooks, William G. person
correspondedWith Broome, John. person
correspondedWith Broome, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Broome, Samuel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brougham, Henry, Baron Brougham and Vaux, 1778-1868 person
correspondedWith Browne, A. G. person
correspondedWith Browning Mrs person
correspondedWith Brown, James, 1766-1835 person
correspondedWith Brown, J. W. person
correspondedWith Brown, Martha (Griffith) -1906. person
correspondedWith Brown, Martha (Griffith) -1906, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brown-Séguard, C. E. person
correspondedWith Brownson, John. person
correspondedWith Bruce, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Bruce, John, 1802-1869 person
correspondedWith Buckingham, Edgar. person
correspondedWith Buckingham, Joseph Tinker, 1779-1861 person
correspondedWith Buckminster, Eliza. person
correspondedWith Buckminster, Joseph Stevens, 1784-1812 person
correspondedWith Buckminster, Lucy M. person
correspondedWith Buckminster, M. L. person
correspondedWith Bulfinch, Charles, 1763-1844 person
correspondedWith Bulfinch, Thomas, 1796-1867 person
correspondedWith Bullard, Henry Adams, 1781-1851 person
correspondedWith Bullard, Louisa M. person
associatedWith Bunker Hill Monument, society for. corporateBody
correspondedWith Burchell, Eleazer. person
correspondedWith Burges, Tristam, 1770-1853 person
correspondedWith Burlingame, Anson, 1820-1870 person
correspondedWith Burnham person
correspondedWith Burnop, Nany W. person
correspondedWith Burrall, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Burrall, Jonathan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Burrell, N. Palfrey. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, George. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, John H. person
correspondedWith Burr, Thaddeus. person
correspondedWith Burt, William L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Bush, Nathan. person
correspondedWith Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893 person
correspondedWith Butler, Fanny. person
correspondedWith Butler, R. person
correspondedWith Byrd, Otway. person
correspondedWith Cabot, Francis, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cabot, Lessie. person
correspondedWith Cabot, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Caldwell, Mary. person
correspondedWith Caldwell, Mary, recipient. person
associatedWith Caleb Loring person
correspondedWith Cambridge Humane Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge, the Selectmen of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889 person
correspondedWith Campbell, Donald. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Lord Walter. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Lord Walter, recipient. person
correspondedWith Candler, John. person
correspondedWith Cape Cod Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Capt Church. person
associatedWith Capt John Hawkins. person
correspondedWith Carey, John. person
correspondedWith Carleton, Hiram. person
correspondedWith Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard 7th earl of, 1802-1864 person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Lant, 1780-1840 person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Richard. person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Russell Lant, 1816- person
correspondedWith Carpenter, William Benjamin, 1813-1885 person
correspondedWith Carter, Robert, 1819-1879 person
correspondedWith Cary, Helen M. person
correspondedWith Cary Mrs person
correspondedWith Cary Mrs M. P. person
correspondedWith Cary Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Cary, Thomas Greaves, 1791-1859 person
correspondedWith Casey, Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Catherine (Eliot) Norton person
correspondedWith Catherine (Hammond) Gibson person
correspondedWith Catlin, George, 1796-1872 person
correspondedWith Cavendish, Lord Edward. person
correspondedWith Cazneau, Andrew, 1733-1790? person
correspondedWith Cazneau, Isaac, 1697-1774 person
correspondedWith Cazneau, William. person
correspondedWith Ceras, Hilary. person
correspondedWith Ceras, Hilary, recipient. person
correspondedWith Chandler, John L. person
correspondedWith Chandler, Peleg Whitman, 1816-1889 person
correspondedWith Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1840 person
correspondedWith Channing, William Franzis, 1820-1884 person
correspondedWith Channing, William Henry, 1810-1884 person
correspondedWith Chapman, D. R. person
correspondedWith Chapman, Frances R. W. person
correspondedWith Chapman, John Grant, 1798-1856 person
correspondedWith Chapman, Mrs A. M. person
associatedWith Charles Augustus Davis person
correspondedWith Charles Bowen person
correspondedWith Charles Deane person
associatedWith Charles Folsom person
associatedWith Charles Francis Adams. person
correspondedWith Charles Hammond person
associatedWith Charles H. Renton person
correspondedWith Charles Lee person
correspondedWith Charles S. Stewart person
correspondedWith Charles Sumner person
associatedWith Charles Sumner's person
correspondedWith Charles W. Welsh person
correspondedWith Charlotte Gray (Brooks) Everett person
correspondedWith Charlton, John Usher. person
correspondedWith Chase, C. H. person
correspondedWith Chase, George Bigelow, 1835-1902 person
correspondedWith Chase, Philander, 1775-1852 person
correspondedWith Chase, Salmon Fortland, 1808-1873 person
correspondedWith Chase, William Leverett. person
correspondedWith Chauncy, Nathaniel, 1789-1865 person
associatedWith Cheekley, Samuel, 1696-1769 person
correspondedWith Chenevièere, Jean Jacques (Caton) person
correspondedWith Chew person
correspondedWith Child, Francis James, 1825-1896 person
correspondedWith Child, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880 person
correspondedWith Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859 person
correspondedWith Christensen, Christen T. person
correspondedWith Claflin, William, 1818-1905 person
correspondedWith Clapp, Ebenezer. person
correspondedWith Clapp, Otis. person
correspondedWith Clapp, William Warland, 1826-1891 person
correspondedWith Clara J. G. P. 's former slave person
correspondedWith Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th earl of, 1800-1870 person
correspondedWith Clark and Nightingale, recipient. person
correspondedWith Clarke, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Clarke, Bishop, recipient. person
correspondedWith Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888 person
correspondedWith Clarke, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Clarke, Waters. person
correspondedWith Clarke, William. person
correspondedWith Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903 person
correspondedWith Cleaveland, Nehemiah, 1796-1877 person
correspondedWith Clement, Henry. person
correspondedWith Cleveland, Henry Russell, -1843. person
associatedWith Clinton, George person
correspondedWith Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861 person
correspondedWith Cobb, J. person
correspondedWith Cobb, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Cochin, Augustin, 1823-1872 person
correspondedWith Cocke, John. person
correspondedWith Cocke, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Codman, Charles R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Colburn, Jeremiah, 1815-1891 person
correspondedWith Cole, Hannah (Palfrey) 1751- person
correspondedWith Cole, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Cole, Jonathan, recipient. person
associatedWith College Chapel corporateBody
correspondedWith Col Meade person
correspondedWith Col Ritchie person
associatedWith Col. William Palfrey person
correspondedWith Commercial Review of the South & West, the editor. corporateBody
correspondedWith Commissioner of Accounts for the Continental Army at, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee for the Free Soil Party corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee of Merchants of Philadelphia corporateBody
associatedWith Commonwealth of Massachusetts corporateBody
correspondedWith Commonwealth, the Editor, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Comstock, Cyrus Ballou, 1831-1910 person
correspondedWith Cone, Spencer Wallace, 1819-1888 person
correspondedWith Conrad, A. T. person
correspondedWith Constable, Archibald, 1774-1827 person
associatedWith Constant Freeman. person
associatedWith Continental Army. corporateBody
associatedWith Continental Congress. corporateBody
correspondedWith Continental Magazine, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cooke, Josiah Parsons, 1827-1894 person
correspondedWith Cooley, D. N. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, H. J. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Joseph L. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Joseph L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Samuel F. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson, 1831-1920 person
correspondedWith Cooper Mr , recipient. person
correspondedWith Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 person
correspondedWith Coquerel, Charles, 1797-1851 person
correspondedWith Cotter, D. P. person
correspondedWith Cowley, Charles, 1832-1908 person
correspondedWith Cox, Nathaniel. person
correspondedWith Cox, William Hayward. person
correspondedWith Crofts, George. person
correspondedWith Crosby Mrs H. V. R. person
correspondedWith Crowninshield, Fanny C. person
correspondedWith Crowninshield, F. B. person
correspondedWith Crowninshield, F. B., recipient. person
correspondedWith Cruger and Mallard, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cruger, Henry, 1739-1827 person
correspondedWith Cruger, Henry, jr. person
correspondedWith Cruger, John, 1709-1791 person
correspondedWith Cuenot, John. person
correspondedWith Cullum, George Washington, 1809-1892 person
correspondedWith Curry, James. person
correspondedWith Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 person
correspondedWith Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879 person
correspondedWith Cushing, Levi, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cushing, Luther Stearns, 1803-1856 person
correspondedWith Cushing, Mary. person
correspondedWith Cushing, Miss person
correspondedWith Cushing Mr person
correspondedWith Cushing Mrs H. person
correspondedWith Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876 person
correspondedWith Cutter, Charles Ammi, 1837-1903 person
correspondedWith Dale, William C. person
correspondedWith Dale, William F. person
correspondedWith Dale, William J. person
correspondedWith Dallam, Richard. person
correspondedWith Dallas, George Mifflin, 1792-1864 person
correspondedWith Dall, Caroline (Healey) 1822-1912 person
correspondedWith Dall, Charles Henry Appleton, 1816-1886 person
correspondedWith Dalton, Charles Henry, 1826-1908 person
correspondedWith Damsmore, E. ?, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dana, Charles Anderson, 1819-1897 person
correspondedWith Dana, Richard Henry, 1787-1879 person
correspondedWith Dana, Richard Henry, 1851-1931 person
correspondedWith Daniel Bigelow. person
associatedWith Daniel Greenleaf Ingraham person
correspondedWith Darragh, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Davenport, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Davidson. person
associatedWith David Wilmot. person
correspondedWith Davies, C. S. person
correspondedWith Davies, William. person
correspondedWith Davis, Charles G. person
correspondedWith Davis, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Davis, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Davis, Frederic H. person
correspondedWith Davis, John, 1761-1847 person
correspondedWith Davis Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith Davis, Samuel, 1765-1829 person
correspondedWith Davis, Solomon. person
correspondedWith Dawes, Helen. person
correspondedWith Dawes, Henry Laurens, 1816-1903 person
correspondedWith Dawes Judge person
correspondedWith Dawes, William. person
associatedWith Deane, Charles person
correspondedWith Deane, Charles, 1813-1889 person
correspondedWith Deane, Richardson. person
correspondedWith Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell, 1783-1851 person
correspondedWith Dearborn Mrs S. Bowdoin. person
correspondedWith Dearborn Mrs S. Bowdoin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Declouet, M. person
correspondedWith De Costa, Benjamin Franklin, 1831-1904 person
correspondedWith Degen, C. F. person
correspondedWith Delafield, Richard, 1798-1873 person
correspondedWith Delf, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Denham, Edward. person
correspondedWith Denison, John Evelyn, viscount Ossington, 1800-1873 person
correspondedWith Dennie, William. person
correspondedWith Dennison, William, 1815-1882 person
correspondedWith Derbess, Baptiste. person
correspondedWith Derby, Elias Hasket, 1766-1826 person
correspondedWith Dermott, Laurence, 1720-1791 person
correspondedWith Deshon, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Devens, Samuel A. person
correspondedWith Dewey, Orville, 1794-1882 person
correspondedWith Dexter, Franklin, 1793-1857 person
correspondedWith Dexter, Henry Martyn, 1821-1890 person
correspondedWith Dexter, J. C. A. person
correspondedWith Dexter, Orrando Perry, 1854-1903 person
correspondedWith Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 person
correspondedWith Dillon, J. H. person
correspondedWith Dimick, Justin. person
correspondedWith Dimick, Justin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887 person
correspondedWith Dix, Helen Pelham. person
correspondedWith Dix, John Adams, 1798-1879 person
correspondedWith Dixon, Elmer. person
correspondedWith Dixon, James, 1814-1873 person
correspondedWith Dixwell, Epes Sargent, 1807-1899 person
correspondedWith Dix, William Giles, -1898. person
correspondedWith Doane, Elisha, -1848. person
correspondedWith Doane, Isaiah. person
correspondedWith Dobie, William M. person
correspondedWith Dodge, George. person
correspondedWith Doo, Charles. person
correspondedWith Dorr, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith Downer, Silas, 1729-1785 person
correspondedWith Downes, Shubach. person
associatedWith D. P. King person
correspondedWith Drake, Samuel Adams, 1833-1905 person
correspondedWith Draper, James S. person
correspondedWith Draper, S., jr., recipient. person
associatedWith Dr. Emmett person
correspondedWith Drew, T., recipient. person
correspondedWith Driver, Stephen William. person
correspondedWith Duane, James, 1733-1797 person
associatedWith Dubius person
correspondedWith Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, marquis of, 1826-1902 person
correspondedWith Duhamel, G. person
correspondedWith Duker, P. G. person
correspondedWith Dunbar, Archibald. person
correspondedWith Dunbar, Charles Franklin, 1830-1900 person
correspondedWith Duncan, Garnett, -1875. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Henry, 1774-1846 person
correspondedWith Duncan, Jane. person
correspondedWith Duncan, John. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Robert. person
correspondedWith Dunn, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Dunn, William. person
correspondedWith Dwight, Elizabeth Amelia (White), 1809- person
correspondedWith Dwight, Mary L. person
correspondedWith Dwight, M. N. person
correspondedWith Earle, William B. person
correspondedWith Eastin, Ransom. person
correspondedWith Eastin, W. B. person
correspondedWith Eaton, H. W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Eaton Mrs C. G. person
correspondedWith Eaton Mrs C. G., recipient. person
associatedWith Ebenezer Hallit. person
correspondedWith Eckley, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Ecles, Henry Herbert, 1849- person
associatedWith Edmund Quincy. person
associatedWith Edward E. Hale person
correspondedWith Edward Everett person
correspondedWith Edward Langworthy. person
correspondedWith Edward Paine. person
associatedWith Edward Palfrey person
correspondedWith Edward Robinson person
correspondedWith Edward Rolland person
correspondedWith Edwards, J. L. person
correspondedWith Edwards, T. O. person
correspondedWith Edward Wigglesworth person
correspondedWith Edwin Vose Sumner person
correspondedWith Elder person
correspondedWith Eldredge, Elnathan. person
correspondedWith Elgin, James Bruce, 8th earl of, 1811-1863 person
correspondedWith Elias Boudinot person
correspondedWith Elias Phinney person
correspondedWith Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926 person
correspondedWith Eliot, Ellen P. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Grace H. person
correspondedWith Eliot, J. F. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Mary. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Samuel, 1739-1820 person
correspondedWith Eliot, Samuel, 1821-1898 person
correspondedWith Eliot, Samuel Atkins, 1798-1862 person
correspondedWith Eliot, William Greenleaf, 1811-1887 person
correspondedWith Eliot, William Harvard, 1796-1831 person
associatedWith Elizabeth Torrey. person
correspondedWith Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, 1st earl of, 1800-1857 person
correspondedWith Ellice, Edward, 1781-1863 person
correspondedWith Elliott, B. person
correspondedWith Elliott, George H. person
correspondedWith Ellis, George Edward, 1814-1894 person
correspondedWith Ellis, Rufus, 1819-1885 person
correspondedWith Ellsworth, Emry. person
correspondedWith Elwyn, John L. person
correspondedWith Emerson, George Barrell, 1797-1881 person
correspondedWith Emerson, Moses. person
correspondedWith Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 person
correspondedWith Emery, Frederick A. person
correspondedWith Emily Parker person
correspondedWith Emmons, William, 1792- person
correspondedWith Endicott, Charles Moses, 1793-1863 person
correspondedWith Endicott, William P. person
associatedWith English, George Bethune, 1787-1828 person
correspondedWith Entler, George R. person
associatedWith E. R. Hoar person
associatedWith E. Shippen. person
correspondedWith Estes Howe person
correspondedWith Eustis, George, 1796-1858 person
correspondedWith Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901 person
correspondedWith Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847 person
correspondedWith Everett, Charles, 1785-1851 person
correspondedWith Everett, Charlotte Gray (Brooks) person
correspondedWith Everett, Charlotte Gray (Brooks), recipient. person
correspondedWith Everett, Eben. person
correspondedWith Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 person
correspondedWith Everett, Helen C. person
correspondedWith Everett, Oliver, recipient. person
correspondedWith Everett, William, 1839-1910 person
associatedWith E. Worthen James person
correspondedWith Ex-Andersonville, pseud. person
associatedWith Exeter Academy corporateBody
correspondedWith Exeter Reunion Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Ezekiel Price. person
correspondedWith Fairbanks, H. P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Fales, Mary Ann. person
correspondedWith Farley, Charles Andrews, -1887. person
correspondedWith Farrar, Adam Storey, 1826-1905 person
correspondedWith Farrar, Eliza Ware(Rotch) 1791-1870 person
correspondedWith Farrar, John, 1779-1853 person
correspondedWith Faucon, Edward H. person
correspondedWith Faucon, Edward H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Faucon, Nicolas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Faulkner. person
correspondedWith Fay, Artemis. person
correspondedWith Fayerweather, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Fay, Maria D. person
correspondedWith Fay, Theodore Sedgwick, 1807-1898 person
correspondedWith F. B. Crowninshield person
associatedWith F. C. Gray person
correspondedWith Fearing, A. C. jr. person
correspondedWith Felt, Joseph Barlow, 1789-1869 person
correspondedWith Felton, Cornelius Conway, 1807-1862 person
correspondedWith Felton, Daniel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Felton, Mary L. person
correspondedWith Felton, Mary L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Felton, Samuel Morse, 1809-1889 person
correspondedWith Fennessee, Richard. person
correspondedWith Fessenden, William Pitt, 1806-1869 person
correspondedWith Field, John W. person
correspondedWith Fields, James Thomas, 1816-1881 person
correspondedWith Finnie, William. person
correspondedWith Finnie, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fisher, George Park, 1827-1909 person
correspondedWith Fisk, A. and S., and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fiske, Willard, 1831-1904 person
correspondedWith Fitch, Jeremiah, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Alice. person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Desmond, 1846-1926 person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, J. R. person
correspondedWith Fleet, John. person
correspondedWith Flower person
correspondedWith Folger, William Coleman, 1806-1892 person
correspondedWith Follen, Charles. person
correspondedWith Folsom, Charles, 1794-1872 person
correspondedWith Folsom, George, 1802-1869 person
correspondedWith Foote, Henry Wilder, 1838-1879 person
correspondedWith Forbes, J. M. person
correspondedWith Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941 person
associatedWith Forman's person
correspondedWith Forry, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Foster, Dwight, 1828-1884 person
correspondedWith Foster, William person
correspondedWith Foster, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Francesca person
associatedWith Francis Bartlett person
associatedWith Francis C. Lowell. person
correspondedWith Francis, Convers, 1795-1863 person
correspondedWith Francis, George C., recipient. person
associatedWith Francis William Bird. person
associatedWith Francis William Pitt Greenwood. person
correspondedWith Franklin, Samuel Rhoades, 1825-1909 person
correspondedWith Frank Parker person
correspondedWith Frazer, Elisabeth. person
correspondedWith Frazer, John. person
correspondedWith Frazer, John G. person
correspondedWith Frazer, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Free Democratic State Convention, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Freeman, Constant. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Constant, recipient. person
correspondedWith Freeman, James, 1759-1835 person
correspondedWith Freeman, Nehemiah. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Philip, jr. person
correspondedWith Free Soil Party, committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Free Soil Party, committee for the 4th Congressional District, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Free Soil Party Convention, committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Free Soil Party Convention of Suffolk County, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Free, Soil Party of Waltham, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Free Soil Party of Worcester, committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Frémont, Jessie (Benton) 1824-1902 person
correspondedWith French Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Fromentin, Eligius, -1822. person
correspondedWith Frontbeck, John. person
correspondedWith Frost, George W. person
correspondedWith Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon, 1793-1870 person
correspondedWith Frothingham, Richard, 1812-1880 person
correspondedWith Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896 person
correspondedWith Galloway, Samuel, 1811-1872 person
correspondedWith Galton, Sir Douglas Strutt, 1822-1899 person
correspondedWith Gannett, Ezra. person
correspondedWith Gannett, Ezra, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gansnor, J. ?, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gardiner, Robert Hallowell, 1782-1864 person
correspondedWith Gardiner, William Howard, 1796-1882 person
correspondedWith Gardner, G. H. person
correspondedWith Garnwell, W. person
correspondedWith Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879 person
correspondedWith Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 person
correspondedWith Gault. person
correspondedWith Gay, Ebenezer, 1766-1845 person
associatedWith General Grant person
correspondedWith Gen. Palfrey person
associatedWith George Bancroft person
correspondedWith George Bond person
correspondedWith George Dodge person
correspondedWith George Dodge, jr. person
associatedWith George Gracie person
correspondedWith George Hayley person
correspondedWith George Henry Eimbeke person
associatedWith George Nichols. person
correspondedWith George Peacock. person
correspondedWith George Rome. person
correspondedWith George Sullivan person
associatedWith George Ticknor person
correspondedWith George Washington person
associatedWith George W. Coffin person
correspondedWith Georgianna a cousin of J. G. P. person
correspondedWith Gerard, James Watson, 1794-1874 person
correspondedWith Gerard Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Gerrish, Benjamin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814 person
correspondedWith Gerry, Elbridge, 1791-1883 person
correspondedWith Gibbes, Alston. person
correspondedWith Gibbs, William, 1785- person
correspondedWith Gibson, Catherine (Hammond) 1804-1888 person
associatedWith Gibson, John person
correspondedWith Gibson, John Gardiner. person
correspondedWith Gibson, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gibson, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Giddings, Joshua Reed, 1795-1864 person
correspondedWith Giddings Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Giffen, Adam. person
correspondedWith Giffen, Adam, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gill, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1831-1908 person
correspondedWith Gilman, Samuel, 1791-1858 person
correspondedWith Gilpin, Henry Dilworth, 1801-1860 person
correspondedWith Glover, Nathaniel. person
correspondedWith Godfrey. person
correspondedWith Godrrey, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Goodell, Abner Cheney, 1831-1914 person
correspondedWith Goodrich, J. E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Gorham, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Gorham, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Gorham, George Cornelius, 1787-1857 person
correspondedWith Gorham, John, 1783-1829 person
correspondedWith Gorham, Stephen. person
correspondedWith Gorham, Sturgis, 1742-1795 person
correspondedWith Goss, E. H. ? person
correspondedWith Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 1787-1859 person
correspondedWith Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 1824-1896 person
correspondedWith Gracie, George. person
correspondedWith Gracie, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Granger, Gordon. person
correspondedWith Grant, Moses, 1785-1861 person
correspondedWith Grattan, Thomas Colley, 1792-1864 person
correspondedWith Graves, Richard, 1763-1829 person
correspondedWith Gray, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 person
correspondedWith Gray, Francis Colley, 1790-1856 person
correspondedWith Gray, Frederick Turell, 1804-1855 person
correspondedWith Gray, Horace, 1828-1902 person
correspondedWith Gray, John. person
correspondedWith Gray, John Chipman, 1793-1881 person
correspondedWith Gray, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gray Mrs John Chipman, recipient. person
correspondedWith Greble, Sarah B. F. person
correspondedWith Green, Almira (Hammond) 1809-1847 person
correspondedWith Greene, Charles H. ? person
correspondedWith Greene, Gardiner, -ca. 1832, recipient. person
associatedWith Greene, George. person
correspondedWith Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786 person
correspondedWith Green, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Greenleaf, James. person
correspondedWith Greenleaf, Simon. person
correspondedWith Greenleaf, Simon, 1783-1853 person
correspondedWith Green, Mr person
correspondedWith Greenough, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Green, Walter. person
correspondedWith Green, Walter Cooper. person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Augustus. person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Francis William Pitt, 1797-1843 person
correspondedWith Greig, William. person
associatedWith Grinnell, Joseph person
correspondedWith Grinnell, Joseph, 1788-1885 person
correspondedWith Grosvenor, Sarah E. person
correspondedWith Grote, Mrs N. person
correspondedWith G. S. Hillard person
correspondedWith Guernsey, Sary Ellen. person
correspondedWith Guild, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Guild, Charles Eliot, 1827-1905 person
correspondedWith Guild, Eliza L. person
correspondedWith Guild, Eliza L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872 person
correspondedWith Guyot, Arnold, 1807-1884 person
correspondedWith Hale, Charles, 1831-1882 person
correspondedWith Hale, Committee for the Hale Dinner, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 person
correspondedWith Hale, Horatio Emmons, 1817-1896 person
correspondedWith Hale, John Parker, 1806-1873 person
correspondedWith Hale, Nathan, 1784-1863 person
associatedWith Hale, Nathan, 1794-1863 person
correspondedWith Hale, Sarah Preston (Everett) person
correspondedWith Hale, Sarah Preston (Everett), recipient. person
correspondedWith Hall, Charles Cuthbert, 1852-1908 person
correspondedWith Hall, E. B. person
correspondedWith Hall, F. H. person
correspondedWith Hall, John. person
correspondedWith Hall, Jonathan Prescott, 1796-1862 person
correspondedWith Hallowell, Anna (Davis) 1838- person
correspondedWith Hallowell, Morris L. person
associatedWith Hallowell Mr examinee. person
correspondedWith Hallowell, NorwoodPenrose, 1839-1914 person
correspondedWith Hall, Walker person
correspondedWith Haly, A. P. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Charles, 1796-1864 person
correspondedWith Hammond, John Lucas, 1795-1846 person
correspondedWith Hammond, Mary G. person
correspondedWith Hammond Mr. person
correspondedWith Hammond Mrs Mary C. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Samuel, 1767-1838 person
correspondedWith Hammond, Samuel, 1801-1834 person
correspondedWith Hammond, Sarah, 1803-1820 person
correspondedWith Hammond, Sarah (Dawes) 1768-1859 person
correspondedWith Hammond, Suzan Clarke (Greene), recipient. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Suzannah Clarke (Greene) person
correspondedWith Hammond, William Dawes, 1806-1835 person
correspondedWith Hancock, Charles Lowell, -1890. person
correspondedWith Hancock, Ebenezer, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hancock, John, 1737-1793 person
correspondedWith Hannah Dawes (Hammond) Russell person
associatedWith Hannah Palfrey. person
correspondedWith Hannah Russell person
correspondedWith Hannah Russelll Palfrey person
correspondedWith Hannah Russell Palfrey person
correspondedWith Harding, H. R. person
correspondedWith Hare, Esther. person
correspondedWith Hare Mrs Julius, recipient. person
correspondedWith Harkin, Barnett. person
correspondedWith Harlan, James, 1820-1899 person
correspondedWith Harmon, Charlotte (Gorham) 1786-1821? person
correspondedWith Harmon, Chatlotte (Gorham) 1786-1821? person
correspondedWith Harmon, Thomas L. person
correspondedWith Harmon, Thomas L. of Boston? recipient. person
correspondedWith Harmon, Thomas L. of Louisiana recipient. person
associatedWith Harper's School library committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Barnard person
correspondedWith Harrison, Barnard and Spragg, recipient. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Benjamin, 1726? -1791 person
correspondedWith Harrison, Benjamin, jr. person
correspondedWith Harrison Mrs person
correspondedWith Harrison, Robert H. person
correspondedWith Harris, Samuel L. person
correspondedWith Harris, Thaddeus William, 1795-1856 person
associatedWith Harvard College corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College, Class Fund, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College, Corporation of corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College, Corporation of, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard College, president and professors of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College, President, Professors and Tutors of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College, Treasurer of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College, Treasurer of, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Divinity School corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Divinity School, Committee of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Divinity School, graduating class of 1838, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Divinity School, graduating class of 1839. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Divinity School, graduating class of 1840. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Divinity School, graduation class of 1838. corporateBody
correspondedWith Haskell, Daniel Noyes, 1818-1874 person
correspondedWith Hasseltine Mrs R. W. person
correspondedWith Hassett, Simon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hastings, Jonathan, jr. person
correspondedWith Hastings, Jonathan, jr., recipient. person
correspondedWith Hasty Pudding Club of Harvard, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hatch Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Haupers, Messrs. ?, recipient. person
correspondedWith Haven, Samuel Foster, 1806-1881 person
correspondedWith Havens, Jeremiah, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 person
correspondedWith Hayden person
correspondedWith Hayes, Augustus Allen, 1806-1882 person
correspondedWith Hayley and Hopkins, recipient person
correspondedWith Hayley, George. person
correspondedWith Hayley, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hazard, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Heard Mr & Mrs person
correspondedWith Heard, Sir Isaac, 1730-1822 person
correspondedWith Heary William Palfrey person
correspondedWith Heath, William, 1737-1814 person
correspondedWith Hedge, Frederick Henry, 1805-1890 person
correspondedWith Helle, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Henry Clay. person
correspondedWith Henry Cruger person
correspondedWith Henry Davis person
correspondedWith Henry Gardner. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Henry Ware jr. person
correspondedWith Henry William Palfrey. person
associatedWith Henry W. Longfellow person
correspondedWith Henshaw, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Henshaw, Samuel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Herbert, Auberon, 1838-1906 person
correspondedWith Herford, Kate. person
correspondedWith Herrick, Edward Claudius, 1811-1862 person
correspondedWith Hershon, Bertha. person
correspondedWith Hervey, Mary. person
correspondedWith Heywood, James, 1810-1897 person
correspondedWith Heywood, John Healy, 1818-1880 person
correspondedWith Hickling, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Higginson, Edward, 1807-1880 person
correspondedWith Higginson, Francis J. person
correspondedWith Higginson, Louisa. person
correspondedWith Higginson, Stephen, 1743-1828 person
correspondedWith Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911 person
correspondedWith Higginson, Wendell, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hillard, George Stillman, 1808-1879 person
correspondedWith Hillegas, Michael, 1729-1804 person
correspondedWith Hillhouse, James Abraham, 1789-1841 person
correspondedWith Hill, John. person
correspondedWith Hill, Thomas, 1818-1891 person
correspondedWith Hinckley, William. person
correspondedWith Hinckley, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hinds, Asher Crosby, 1863-1919 person
correspondedWith Hoadley, Charles, J. person
correspondedWith Hoadly, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood, 1816-1895 person
correspondedWith Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904 person
correspondedWith Hoar, Samuel, 1778-1856 person
correspondedWith Hobhouse, Edmund, bp., 1817-1904 person
correspondedWith Hodges, Richard Manning, 1794-1878 person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Gertrude. person
correspondedWith Holbrooke, Marion Marshall. person
correspondedWith Holden, Abel. person
correspondedWith Holgate, Asa H. person
correspondedWith Holland, Frederick West, 1811-1895 person
correspondedWith Holland, H. T. person
correspondedWith Holland, H. T., recipient. person
correspondedWith Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 1819-1881 person
correspondedWith Hollyday, Clement. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Abiel, 1763-1837 person
correspondedWith Holmes, Isaac Edward, 1796-1867 person
correspondedWith Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894 person
correspondedWith Holt, William. person
correspondedWith Holt, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Homans, Felicia. person
correspondedWith Homans, John. person
correspondedWith Homer, Mr person
correspondedWith Hooker, John, 1816-1901 person
correspondedWith Hooper, Samuel, 1808-1875 person
correspondedWith Hoosac Tunnel, Committee for, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Erastus. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Erastus, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Esek, 1718-1802 person
correspondedWith Hopkins, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Samuel, 1807-1887 person
correspondedWith Hoppin, H. P. person
correspondedWith Horford, E. N. person
correspondedWith Horne, Susan. person
correspondedWith Hough, Franklin Benjamin, 1822-1885 person
correspondedWith Houghton, John. person
correspondedWith Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st baron, 1809-1885 person
associatedWith House of Representatives corporateBody
associatedWith House of Representatives of the State of Massachusetts Bay corporateBody
correspondedWith Houston, David C. person
correspondedWith Hovey and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Howard, A. G. person
correspondedWith Howard, Charles. person
correspondedWith Howe, Estes. person
correspondedWith Howe, Estes, recipient. person
correspondedWith Howe, George, 1802-1883 person
correspondedWith Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910 person
correspondedWith Howells Mrs . person
correspondedWith Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920 person
correspondedWith Howe, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Howe, Samuel Gridley, 1801-1876 person
associatedWith H. Tucker. person
correspondedWith Hudson, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Hudson, Jonathan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Christopher, 1786-1849 person
correspondedWith Hughes, Hugh. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Hugh Randolph person
correspondedWith Hugh Wilson person
correspondedWith Huidekoper, Frederic, 1817-1892 person
correspondedWith Hunter, Joseph, 1783-1861 person
correspondedWith Hunter, W. person
correspondedWith Hunter, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Huntington, Ebenezer, 1754-1834 person
correspondedWith Huntington, Frederic Dan., bp., 1819-1904 person
correspondedWith Huntington, Samuel, 1731-1796 person
correspondedWith Hurlbut, William Henry, 1827-1895 person
correspondedWith Hutchings, Hubert. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, P. R. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Shrimpton. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, William. person
correspondedWith H. W. Lanier person
correspondedWith Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 1782-1862 person
correspondedWith Ingersoll, John. person
correspondedWith Ingham, Robert. person
correspondedWith Ingraham, Daniel Greenleaf. person
associatedWith Ingraham, Frederick W. person
correspondedWith Ingram, Robert H. W. person
correspondedWith Investment Trust Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Irwin, Richard Bache. person
associatedWith Isaac Motte person
associatedWith Israel Putnam. person
associatedWith Jack Downing, Davis's person
correspondedWith Jackson, James, 1757-1806 person
correspondedWith Jackson, James, 1777-1867 person
correspondedWith Jackson, William, 1783-1855 person
correspondedWith Jacob Mohler person
correspondedWith Jacobus Vanzandr person
associatedWith J. A. Lowell person
associatedWith James Buchanan person
correspondedWith James Buchanen. person
correspondedWith James H. Shepherd person
correspondedWith James Kelley person
associatedWith James Maury person
correspondedWith James Monroe person
correspondedWith James Nixon. person
associatedWith James Parke. person
correspondedWith James Swan. person
associatedWith James T. Austin. person
correspondedWith James, W. Gordon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Jared Sparks person
correspondedWith Jarvis, Edward, 1803-1884 person
associatedWith J. A. Underwood. person
correspondedWith Jay, John, 1817-1894 person
correspondedWith Jay, William, 1789-1858 person
associatedWith J. C. Palfrey. person
correspondedWith Jean Louis Lefebvre de Cheverus person
correspondedWith Jefferds, J. A. person
associatedWith Jefferson, Thomas, pres. U. S., 1743-1826 person
associatedWith Jeffries, John person
correspondedWith Jeffries, John, 1796-1876 person
correspondedWith Jellinck, Edward L. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Robert. person
correspondedWith Jennison, Timothy L. person
associatedWith Jesse Hite person
associatedWith J. G. P. person
associatedWith J. G. Palfrey. person
associatedWith John Avery person
correspondedWith John Bainbridge person
associatedWith John Berry. person
associatedWith John C. Gray person
correspondedWith John D. Kurtz person
correspondedWith John Edloe. person
correspondedWith John Evelyn Denison person
associatedWith John Fleeming person
correspondedWith John Gardiner Gibson person
correspondedWith John Gorham person
correspondedWith John Gorham Palfrey; 1843-1845 person
associatedWith John G. Palfrey person
correspondedWith John Grassi person
correspondedWith John Gray person
associatedWith John Hill. person
correspondedWith John Hodihon person
correspondedWith John Leache person
associatedWith John Lowell person
correspondedWith John Lucas Hammond person
correspondedWith John Palfrey. person
correspondedWith John Pierce. person
correspondedWith John Pownall person
correspondedWith John Quincy Adams person
correspondedWith John Rand person
correspondedWith John R. Livingston. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Alonzo F. person
correspondedWith Johnson, E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Henry. person
associatedWith John Speed. person
correspondedWith Johnston, James. person
correspondedWith John Wilkes person
correspondedWith Jolf, R. person
correspondedWith Jonathan Cole person
correspondedWith Jonathan Trumbull. person
correspondedWith Jones, Anna P. person
correspondedWith Jones, Anna P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Jones, E. F. person
associatedWith Joseph Greenleaf. person
associatedWith Joseph H. Choate. person
correspondedWith Joseph May person
correspondedWith Joseph Parkes person
associatedWith Joseph Willard. person
correspondedWith Joshua Bates person
correspondedWith Jowett, Benjamin, 1817-1893 person
associatedWith J. R. Giddings person
correspondedWith Judd, Sylvester, 1813-1853 person
correspondedWith Judkins, Eliza M. person
correspondedWith Julia Lovett person
correspondedWith Julia Palfrey person
correspondedWith Kasson, John Adam, 1822-1910 person
correspondedWith Keefe, Duke. person
correspondedWith Kelso, R. M. person
correspondedWith Kendall, James, 1769-1859 person
correspondedWith Kendrick, John, ca. 1740-1794 person
correspondedWith Kenrick, John, 1788-1877 person
correspondedWith Kent, William, 1802-1861 person
correspondedWith Kenyon, John, 1784-1856 person
correspondedWith Keyes, Edward L. person
correspondedWith Keyes, John Shepard, 1821- person
correspondedWith Kidder, Nathaniel. person
associatedWith Kieffer. person
correspondedWith Kildare, marchioness of. person
correspondedWith Kimball, Edmund, jr. person
correspondedWith King, Daniel Putnam, 1801-1850 person
correspondedWith King, David, 1806-1883 person
correspondedWith Kingsley, Rose. person
correspondedWith King, Valentine. person
correspondedWith Kinnicutt, Thomas, 1800-1858 person
correspondedWith Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury) 1801-1864 person
correspondedWith Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840 person
correspondedWith Knies, M. person
correspondedWith Knox, Henry, 1750-1806 person
correspondedWith Kohl, Johann Georg, 1808-1878 person
correspondedWith Kuhn, Louisa C. person
correspondedWith Kurtz, John D. 1822-1877 person
correspondedWith Labarthe, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Labouchère, Lady Mary. person
correspondedWith Laboulaye, Edouard de, 1811-1883 person
correspondedWith Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Matier, marquis de, 1757-1834 person
correspondedWith La Luzerne, César Guillaume de, Cardinal, 1738-1821 person
correspondedWith Lane Miss person
correspondedWith Langdon, John, 1741-1819 person
correspondedWith Langdon, Richard. person
correspondedWith Langel, Elisabeth Bates. person
correspondedWith Langworthy, Edward, ca. 1738-1802 person
correspondedWith la Signora L. person
correspondedWith la Signorina Russell person
correspondedWith la Signorina Whitewell person
correspondedWith Laugel, Elisabeth Bates. person
correspondedWith Laura H. Wirt person
correspondedWith Laurens, Henry, 1724-1792 person
associatedWith Lawrence, Abbott person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855 person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Amos, 1786-1852 person
correspondedWith Lawrence, N. person
correspondedWith Leavitt, Joshua, 1794-1873 person
correspondedWith Ledyard, Lambertus Wolters. person
correspondedWith Lee, Charles, 1731-1782 person
correspondedWith Lee, Eliza (Buckminster) 1794-1864 person
correspondedWith Lee, Henry, 1817-1898 person
correspondedWith Lee, Raymond. person
correspondedWith Lee, Suzannah (Palfrey) 1767- person
correspondedWith Lee, Thomas Amory, 1889- person
correspondedWith Lee, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Lee, William person
correspondedWith Lee, William, 1772-1840 person
correspondedWith Lee, William, 1841- person
correspondedWith Lee, William B. person
correspondedWith Legaré, Mr . person
correspondedWith Lewis, Francis, 1713-1803 person
correspondedWith Lewis, John. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Jonathan Clarke. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Philip. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Seth. person
correspondedWith Lewis Tappan person
associatedWith Liberty Bell. corporateBody
correspondedWith Liberty Party of Charlestown and Somerville, committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Liberty Party, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Library of Congress. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872 person
correspondedWith Light, George Washington, 1809-1868 person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Abraham, pres. U. S., 1809-1865 person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Calvin, 1799-1881 person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Levi, 1782-1868 person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1818-1882 person
correspondedWith Little, Brown and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Little, Brown and Co., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Littlefield, W. person
correspondedWith Livermore, Edward M. person
correspondedWith Livermore, George, 1809-1865 person
correspondedWith Livingston, John R. person
correspondedWith Lloyd, J. person
correspondedWith L., M., recipient. person
associatedWith Lodge, Giles person
correspondedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924 person
correspondedWith Long, Alanson. person
correspondedWith Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 person
correspondedWith Longman, Thomas, 1730-1797 person
correspondedWith Lopez, Aaron, 1731-1782 person
correspondedWith Lorenzo Thomas person
correspondedWith Loring, Caleb William. person
correspondedWith Loring, Charles Greely, 1794-1867 person
correspondedWith Loring, Edward. person
correspondedWith Loring, Edward, recipient. person
correspondedWith Loring, Ellis Gray, 1803-1858 person
correspondedWith Loring, Henry. person
correspondedWith Loring, Henry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Loring, Joshua. person
correspondedWith Loring, Joshua, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lorne, marquess of. person
correspondedWith Lorne, marquess of, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland, 1804-1886 person
correspondedWith Lott, Abram, recipient. person
correspondedWith Louisa (Bartlett) Palfrey person
correspondedWith Louisiana, Congress of the State of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lovell, Helen. person
correspondedWith Lovell, James, 1737-1814 person
correspondedWith Lovell, Joseph, 1788-1836 person
correspondedWith Lovell, Mansfield, 1822-1884 person
correspondedWith Lovering, Joseph, 1813-1892 person
correspondedWith Lovering, W. person
correspondedWith Lovett, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Lowe, Charles, 1828-1874 person
correspondedWith Lowell, A. Lawrence. person
correspondedWith Lowell, Anna Cabot, b. 1811- person
correspondedWith Lowell, Charles, 1782-1861 person
correspondedWith Lowell, Charles Russell, 1809-1870 person
correspondedWith Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891 person
associatedWith Lowell, John, 1743-1802 person
correspondedWith Lowell, John, 1769-1840 person
correspondedWith Lowell, John, 1799-1836 person
correspondedWith Lowell, John Amory, 1798-1881 person
correspondedWith Lowell Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith Lowell, Sarah C. person
correspondedWith Lowell, Sarah P. person
correspondedWith Lowther, Isabella L. H. person
associatedWith Loyal Legion corporateBody
correspondedWith Lugner, Eloise E. person
correspondedWith Lunt, George, 1803-1885 person
correspondedWith Lutterloh, H. E. person
correspondedWith Lyell, Sir Charles, 1st bart., 1797-1875 person
correspondedWith Lyman, Joseph, 1812-1871 person
correspondedWith Lyman, Mrs person
correspondedWith Lyman, Samuel F. person
correspondedWith Lyman, Theodore, 1833-1897 person
correspondedWith Macarty, William. person
correspondedWith MacDonald and Sons. person
correspondedWith MacKenzie, Alexander Slidell, 1803-1848 person
correspondedWith Mackintosh, Mary. person
correspondedWith Mackintosh, Robert James, 1806- person
correspondedWith Macready Mr person
correspondedWith Macy, George N. person
correspondedWith Madden, Sir Frederic, 1801-1873 person
correspondedWith Madge, Thomas, 1786-1870 person
correspondedWith Madison, James, pres. U. S., 1751-1836 person
correspondedWith Mahan, Dennis Hart, 1802-1871 person
correspondedWith Mahom, William person
correspondedWith Mail, the Editor of the, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Major, Richard Henry, 1818-1891 person
correspondedWith Mallard, recipient. person
associatedWith Mann, Horace person
correspondedWith Mann, Horace, 1796-1859 person
correspondedWith Manning, Robert, 1784-1842 person
correspondedWith Mann, J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Mann Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Marble, Arthur D. person
correspondedWith Marlborough Committee, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Marshall, Amos. person
correspondedWith Martin Brimmer. person
correspondedWith Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876 person
correspondedWith Mary Ann (Hammond) Palfrey person
associatedWith Mary C. Sparks person
correspondedWith Mary Parker person
associatedWith Mary Russell. person
associatedWith Mary Sturgis (Gorham) Palfrey. person
correspondedWith Mason, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Mason, William Powell, 1791-1867 person
associatedWith Massachusetts Colony House of Representatives. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts Freemasons. corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts Historical Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts Historical Society, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts House of Representatives corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts, Secretary of the Commonwealth of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts, Senate of the Commonwealth of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Matlitz, baroness, recipient. person
correspondedWith May, Joseph, 1760-1841 person
correspondedWith Mayo, Simion. person
correspondedWith May, Samuel, 1810-1899 person
correspondedWith May, Samuel Joseph, 1797-1871 person
associatedWith M. Blanc - Librarian person
correspondedWith McAlester, Miles D. person
correspondedWith McBean, James. person
correspondedWith McCall, J. person
correspondedWith McCarthy, Edward Dorr, 1839-1895 person
correspondedWith McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 person
correspondedWith McClellan, George William, recipient. person
correspondedWith McDougall, Alexander, recipient. person
correspondedWith McElroy, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith McElroy, Robert. person
correspondedWith McGinnis, James. person
correspondedWith McGrew, J. M., recipient. person
correspondedWith McIntosh, Lachlan, 1725-1806 person
correspondedWith McIntyer, Neal. person
correspondedWith McKenzie, Alexander, 1830-1914 person
correspondedWith McLean, John, 1785-1861 person
correspondedWith McLean Mrs person
correspondedWith McLellan, George William. person
correspondedWith McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857 person
correspondedWith McWillie, Jane S. person
associatedWith Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Association corporateBody
associatedWith Mein, John, defendant. person
associatedWith Memorial Hall corporateBody
correspondedWith Mercer, Charles Fenton, 1778-1858 person
correspondedWith Merivale, Herman, 1806-1874 person
correspondedWith Messrs. Loring, Gardiner person
correspondedWith Messrs. Smith person
correspondedWith Metropolitan Railroad, the President, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Meyander ? person
correspondedWith M., Helen. person
correspondedWith Mifflin, Thomas, 1744-1800 person
correspondedWith Miles, Henry Adolphus, 1809-1895 person
associatedWith Military Historical Society of Massachusetts corporateBody
correspondedWith Miller, James. person
correspondedWith Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 person
correspondedWith Mills, J. K. person
correspondedWith Milman, Henry Hart, 1791-1868 person
associatedWith Milton Academy. corporateBody
correspondedWith Miss Felton person
correspondedWith Miss Hedge person
correspondedWith Miss Palfrey person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Donald Grant, 1822-1908 person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Walter, 1826-1908 person
correspondedWith Modgen, John. person
correspondedWith Mohl, Mary (Clarke) 1793-1883 person
correspondedWith Molesworth, Mrs C. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, James E. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, W. W. person
correspondedWith Moody, Joshua. person
correspondedWith Moody, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Moon, B. P. person
associatedWith Morehead, Mrs person
correspondedWith Morris, Robert, 1734-1806 person
correspondedWith Morse, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Morse, Crosby Hunnewell. person
correspondedWith Morse, Isaac Edward, 1809-1866 person
correspondedWith Moses Hazen person
correspondedWith Motley, John Lothrop, 1814-1877 person
correspondedWith Moulton, Gotham. person
correspondedWith Moylan, Stephan, 1737-1811 person
correspondedWith Mr Abbot person
associatedWith Mr Buckminster person
correspondedWith Mr Colter person
correspondedWith Mr Goodman person
correspondedWith Mr Hale person
correspondedWith Mr Hillard person
correspondedWith Mr Huntington person
correspondedWith Mr Lincoln person
associatedWith Mr Palfrey's person
correspondedWith Mr Parker person
associatedWith Mrs Abbott Laurence person
associatedWith Mrs A. H. Everett person
associatedWith Mrs Caleb Loring person
associatedWith Mrs David L. Child person
associatedWith Mrs Eliot. person
associatedWith Mrs E. Tuckerman. person
correspondedWith Mrs Gray person
correspondedWith Mrs H. G. Payson person
associatedWith Mrs J. B. Davis person
associatedWith Mrs J. G. Palfrey person
associatedWith Mrs John Pierpont person
correspondedWith Mrs John Quincy Adams person
associatedWith Mrs. Lowell's person
associatedWith Mrs Nathan Hale person
correspondedWith Mrs. Palfrey. person
correspondedWith Mrs Pickering person
associatedWith Mrs Salisbury person
associatedWith Mrs Sarah J. Hale person
correspondedWith Mrs Storer person
correspondedWith Mrs Story person
correspondedWith Mudge, C. W. ? person
correspondedWith Mullett, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Mumford, Thomas James, 1826-1877 person
correspondedWith Mure, Margaret M. person
correspondedWith Murray, Sir John Archibald, lord, 1779-1859 person
associatedWith Nathan Hale person
correspondedWith Nathaniel Carter person
correspondedWith Nathaniel P. Russell person
correspondedWith Neele, Frederic M. person
associatedWith Nehemiah Freeman person
correspondedWith Neill, Edward Duffield, 1823-1893 person
correspondedWith Nell, William Cooper, 1816-1874 person
correspondedWith Newell Mr recipient. person
correspondedWith Newell, William, 1804-1881 person
correspondedWith New Jersey Historical Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Newton, Edward A., 1785-1862 person
correspondedWith Newton, Suzan C. person
correspondedWith New York Historical Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Historical Society, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nichols, Andrew, 1785-1853 person
correspondedWith Nichols, George, 1778-1865 person
correspondedWith Nicholson, Samuel, 1743-1811 person
correspondedWith Nichols, Thomas G. person
correspondedWith Nickerson, Sereno Dwight, 1823-1909 person
correspondedWith Nicola, Lewis, 1717-1807 person
correspondedWith Nightingale, W. E. person
correspondedWith Ninian Buckney person
correspondedWith Nixon, James. person
correspondedWith Nixon, James, recipient. person
associatedWith North American Review. corporateBody
correspondedWith North American Review, stockholders of. corporateBody
correspondedWith North American Review, stockholders of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Northern Antiquarians, Royal Society of. corporateBody
correspondedWith Norton, Andrews, 1786-1853 person
correspondedWith Norton, Catherine (Eliot) 1793-1879 person
correspondedWith Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908 person
correspondedWith Norton, Grace, 1834-1926 person
correspondedWith Norton, Jane. person
correspondedWith Norton Margaret person
correspondedWith Norton, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Nourse, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Nourse, Joseph, recipient. person
correspondedWith Noyes, George Rapall, 1798-1868 person
associatedWith Noyes's person
correspondedWith Nugent, H. P. person
correspondedWith Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nunan, P. J. person
correspondedWith Ogden, Abram. person
correspondedWith Ogden, Samuel, 1746-1810 person
correspondedWith Oliver, George S. J. person
correspondedWith Oliver, William. person
associatedWith OliverWolcott. person
correspondedWith Olmsted, Denison, 1791-1859 person
correspondedWith Opelousas, Louisiana State Bank at, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Oregon and Nebraska, committee on, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Osborne, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Osgood, Robert N. person
correspondedWith Osgood, Samuel, 1812-1880 person
correspondedWith Oswald, Eleazer. person
correspondedWith Otis, Amos, 1801-1875 person
correspondedWith Otis, Broaders and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Otis, Broaders and Co., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Otis, Eliza Henderson (Bordman) 1796-1873 person
correspondedWith Otis, Harrison Gray, 1765-1848 person
correspondedWith Otis, Horatio Nelson. person
correspondedWith Otis, James. person
correspondedWith Otis, Mary. person
correspondedWith Otis, William Foster, 1801-1858 person
correspondedWith Owen, John. person
correspondedWith Packard, Alpheus Spring, 1798-1884 person
correspondedWith Padelford, Seth, -1878. person
correspondedWith Paige, Lucius Robinson, 1802-1896 person
correspondedWith Paine, William Cushing. person
correspondedWith Palfray, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Adelaide Eliza (Payson). person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Cazneau. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Cornelia Barnard. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Edward, 1799-1817 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 1831-1889 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, George. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, George, 1802-1824 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Hannah G. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Hannah Russell, 1825-1905 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Henry William. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Henry William, 1798-1866 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Hersey G. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, H. G. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, J. G. P. 's children collectively, recipient. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, John, 1748- person
correspondedWith Palfrey, John, 1768-1843 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, John Carver, 1833-1906 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Julia F. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Louisa. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Louisa (Bartlett). person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Lydia. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Mary Ann (Hammond) 1800-1897 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Mary Gorham, 1838- person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Mary Sturgis (Gorham) 1772-1803 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, May.. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Robert B. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Rosamonde. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Sarah Hammond, 1823-1914 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, Suzannah (Cazneau) 1740? -1793 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, William. person
associatedWith Palfrey, William, 1682-1766 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, William, 1741-1781 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, William, 1765-1820 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Palfrey, William Taylor, 1800-1868 person
correspondedWith Palfrey, William Taylor, ca. 1829- person
correspondedWith Palgrave, Sir Francis, 1788-1861 person
correspondedWith Palmer, James S., -1867. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Joseph, 1796-1871 person
correspondedWith Paris person
correspondedWith Parke, James, baron Wenseydale, 1782-1868 person
correspondedWith Parke, James, baron Wensleydale, 1782-1868 person
correspondedWith Parker, C. H. person
correspondedWith Parker, Emily. person
correspondedWith Parker, Henry T. person
correspondedWith Parker, Isaac, 1768-1830 person
correspondedWith Parker, Mary, and Son, recipient. person
correspondedWith Parker Mrs L. D. person
correspondedWith Parker, S. A. person
correspondedWith Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860 person
correspondedWith Parker, William. person
correspondedWith Parkes, Joseph, 1796-1865 person
correspondedWith Parkes, Mrs E. R. person
correspondedWith Parkes Mrs E. R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Parkman, Francis, 1788-1852 person
correspondedWith Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 person
correspondedWith Parkman, John. person
correspondedWith Parrott, J. A. person
correspondedWith Parry, Edward, bp. of Dover, 1830-1890 person
correspondedWith Parry, Matilda. person
correspondedWith Parsons, Bessie. person
associatedWith Parsons, Theophilus person
correspondedWith Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882 person
correspondedWith Patch, Franklin. person
correspondedWith Patrick, Lewis S. person
correspondedWith Patrick Ward person
associatedWith Patriotic Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Patterson, James Willis, 1823-1893 person
correspondedWith Patterson, J. H. person
correspondedWith Paulding, William Irving, 1825? -1890 person
associatedWith Paul Revere. person
correspondedWith Paymaster General U.S. Army, Department of the Gulf recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Payne, Eloïse Richards. person
correspondedWith Payne, John Howard, 1791-1852 person
correspondedWith Payne MrsA. E. person
correspondedWith Payne, Thatcher T. person
correspondedWith Payne, Thatcher T., recipient. person
correspondedWith Payne, William. person
correspondedWith Payson, Adelaide E. person
correspondedWith Payson, Eloïse. person
correspondedWith Payson, Eloise, recipient. person
correspondedWith Payson, H. G. person
correspondedWith Peabody, Andrew Preston, 1811-1893 person
correspondedWith Peabody, C. E. person
correspondedWith Peabody, Ephraim, 1807-1856 person
correspondedWith Peabody, William Bourn Oliver, 1799-1847 person
correspondedWith Peacock, George. person
correspondedWith Peacock, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860 person
correspondedWith Pearson, J. B. person
correspondedWith Pearson, J. Green. person
correspondedWith Peirce, Benjamin, 1809-1880 person
correspondedWith Peirce, Cyrus, 1790-1860 person
correspondedWith Peirce, Emily Osgood. person
correspondedWith Peirson, Abigail L. person
correspondedWith Peirson, Charles Lawrence, 1834- person
correspondedWith Peirson, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Penny, Timothy. person
associatedWith Penny, Timothy, petitioner. person
correspondedWith Penny, Timothy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Percival, John, 1779-1862 person
correspondedWith Perkins, Mrs B. C. person
correspondedWith Perkins, S. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Perry, John. person
correspondedWith Perry, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Peters, Richard, 1744-1828 person
correspondedWith Phelps, John Wolcott, 1813-1885 person
correspondedWith Philadelphia Clay Dinner, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Philadelphia Liberty Party. corporateBody
correspondedWith Philip Freeman, jr. person
correspondedWith Phillipps, Sir Thomas, bart., 1792-1872 person
correspondedWith Phillips, Edward. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Emily. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Emily, recipient. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Martha. person
correspondedWith Phillips Mrs person
correspondedWith Phillips, Sampson and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Phillips, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Stephen Clarendon, 1801-1857 person
correspondedWith Phillips, Stephen H. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884 person
associatedWith Phillips, Willard person
correspondedWith Phillips, Willard, 1784-1873 person
correspondedWith Phinney, Elias, 1780-1849 person
correspondedWith Phinney, Sylvanus Bourne, 1808- person
correspondedWith Phippen, George D. person
correspondedWith Pickard, Mark. person
correspondedWith Pickard, Mark, recipient. person
correspondedWith Pickens, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Pickering, John, 1777-1846 person
correspondedWith Pickering, L. L. person
correspondedWith Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829 person
correspondedWith Pickman, B. T. person
correspondedWith Pickman, William. person
correspondedWith Pierce, Edward Lillie, 1829-1897 person
correspondedWith Pierce, John, 1745? -1808 person
correspondedWith Pierce, John, 1773-1849 person
correspondedWith Pike, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Pike, James Shepherd, 1811-1882 person
correspondedWith Pilsey, G. H. ? person
correspondedWith Plumb, C. M. and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Plumb, C. M. and Co., recipient. person
correspondedWith Plunkett, Charles H. person
correspondedWith P., O. person
correspondedWith Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851 person
correspondedWith Polanen, Rogier Gerard van, ca. 1750- person
correspondedWith Pollard, Jonathan. person
associatedWith Polly Gorham. person
correspondedWith Polock, Myer. person
correspondedWith Poole, Fitch, 1803-1873 person
correspondedWith Poole, William Frederick, 1821-1894 person
correspondedWith Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-1887 person
correspondedWith Pope, Thomas B. person
correspondedWith Pope, Thomas B., recipient. person
correspondedWith Porcellian Club of Harvard. corporateBody
correspondedWith Porter, Alexander, 1785-1844 person
correspondedWith Portsmouth, E. person
correspondedWith Posey, Lloyd. person
correspondedWith Posey, Thomas, 1750-1818 person
correspondedWith Post Master General, recipient. person
correspondedWith Post Master of San Francisco, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith P. O. Thacher person
correspondedWith Potts, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Potts, Joseph, recipient. person
correspondedWith Powell, Leven. person
correspondedWith Powell, Leven, recipient. person
correspondedWith Powell, Will. person
correspondedWith Powell, William G. person
correspondedWith Powell, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Poyen, Charles. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Anne. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Mary. person
correspondedWith Pratt Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith Pratt Mrs person
correspondedWith Preble, Suzan Z., recipient. person
correspondedWith Prescott, Benjamin Franklin. person
correspondedWith Prescott Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 person
correspondedWith Preston, H. N. person
correspondedWith Prichard, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Pritchard, Lucy. person
correspondedWith Prowell, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Prowell, Joseph, recipient. person
correspondedWith P. Stephens person
correspondedWith Public Record Office in London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pulaskey, Francis ? person
correspondedWith Pulsifer, David, 1802-1894 person
correspondedWith Putnam, Alfred Porter, 1827-1906 person
correspondedWith Putnam, George, 1807-1878 person
correspondedWith Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872 person
correspondedWith Putnam, Israel, 1718-1790 person
correspondedWith Putnam, Samuel, 1768-1853 person
correspondedWith Putnam, Sarah (Gool) 1772-1862 person
correspondedWith Pynchon, George. person
correspondedWith Quincy, Edmund, 1808-1877 person
correspondedWith Quincy, John W. person
correspondedWith Quincy, John W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Quincy, Josiah, 1744-1775 person
correspondedWith Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864 person
correspondedWith Quincy, Josiah, 1802-1882 person
correspondedWith Quincy, Josiah Phillips, 1829-1910 person
correspondedWith Quint, Alonzo Hall, 1828-1896 person
correspondedWith Rail Road Committee of the General Court, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rail Road Convention of St. Louis, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Randall, Alexander Williams, 1819-1872 person
correspondedWith Rand, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Rand, John person
correspondedWith Randolph, F. T. person
correspondedWith Randolph, J. person
correspondedWith Rantoul, Robert, 1805-1852 person
correspondedWith Rapalje, Stephen person
correspondedWith Ravesirs, Virginia ? person
correspondedWith Ravy. person
correspondedWith Reed, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Reed, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Reed, Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rees, David. person
correspondedWith Reeve, William. person
correspondedWith Reeve, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Reform Club of London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Reid Mrs E. J. person
correspondedWith Relf, Richard. person
correspondedWith Remsen, Henry. person
correspondedWith Remsen, Henry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rennells, John L. person
correspondedWith Rev. Dr. Frothingham person
correspondedWith Revere, John. person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Joseph Jones, 1822-1899 person
correspondedWith Rice, Henry. person
correspondedWith Rice, Henry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rice, Louisa. person
correspondedWith Rice, Sophia. person
associatedWith Richard H. Dana, jr. person
associatedWith Richard Lee person
correspondedWith Richard Peters. person
correspondedWith Richardson, James. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Richardson, William Adams, 1821-1896 person
correspondedWith Richmond, Christopher. person
correspondedWith Ridley, Edward. person
correspondedWith Ripley, George, 1802-1880 person
correspondedWith Ritchie, Harrison. person
associatedWith R. M. Hodges person
correspondedWith Robbins, Chandler, 1810-1882 person
correspondedWith Robert Jenkins. person
associatedWith Robert R. Livingston person
correspondedWith Roberts, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 person
correspondedWith Robertson, Isaac W. person
associatedWith Robert Southey person
correspondedWith Roberts, R. Biddle. person
associatedWith Robert Yates. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Henry Crabb, 1775-1867 person
correspondedWith Robinson, J. R. person
correspondedWith Robinson, William Stevens, 1818-1876 person
correspondedWith Rogers, Ebenezer, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Henry B. person
correspondedWith Rogers, William Sanford, 1786-1872 person
correspondedWith Rome, George. person
correspondedWith Rome, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ronor Mrs person
correspondedWith Root, David, 1791-1873 person
correspondedWith Rosecrans, William Starke, 1819-1898 person
correspondedWith Rossignac, J. person
correspondedWith Ruggles, George D. person
correspondedWith Russell, Adeline. person
correspondedWith Russell, Archibald. person
correspondedWith Russell, Hannah Dawes (Hammond) 1797-1885 person
correspondedWith Russell, James. person
correspondedWith Russell, James, recipient. person
correspondedWith Russell, Mary. person
correspondedWith Russell, Nathaniel P. person
correspondedWith Russell, Nathaniel P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Russell, Samuel Hammond. person
correspondedWith Russell, Samuel Hammond, recipient. person
correspondedWith Russell, William. person
correspondedWith Russell, William Shaw, 1792-1863 person
correspondedWith Rutledge, George, and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sabine, Lorenzo, 1803-1877 person
correspondedWith S., A. G. person
correspondedWith Sainsbury, William Noel, 1825-1895 person
correspondedWith Salamons, David. person
correspondedWith Salisbury, Ann, recipient. person
correspondedWith Salisbury, D. W. person
correspondedWith Salisbury, D. W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Salisbury, Stephen, 1798-1884 person
correspondedWith Salisbury, Stephen, 1835-1905 person
correspondedWith Saltonstall, Leverett, 1783-1845 person
correspondedWith Saltonstall Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Samson, John G. person
correspondedWith Samuel Adams person
associatedWith Samuel A. Eliot person
associatedWith Samuel A. Green. person
correspondedWith Samuel Dexter person
associatedWith Samuel G. Howe person
correspondedWith Samuel Hammod person
correspondedWith Samuel Hammond person
associatedWith Samuel H. Parsons person
associatedWith Samuel Miller person
correspondedWith Samuel Williams. person
correspondedWith Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917 person
correspondedWith Sanderson, John P. person
correspondedWith Sarah (Dawes) Hammond person
correspondedWith Sarah Hammond & Mary Gorham Palfrey person
correspondedWith Sarah Hamond Palfrey person
correspondedWith Sarah Springer person
correspondedWith Sargent, Charles Sprague, 1841-1927 person
correspondedWith Sargent, Daniel, and Co., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sargent, John T. person
correspondedWith Savage, James, 1784-1873 person
correspondedWith Sawyer, Joseph, 1823-1901 person
correspondedWith Sayward, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Sayward, Jonathan, recipient. person
associatedWith S. Bartlett. person
correspondedWith Schenk person
correspondedWith Schleidon, Rudolf, 1815-1895 person
correspondedWith Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864 person
correspondedWith Scott, Charles, ca. 1739-1813 person
correspondedWith Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866 person
correspondedWith Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902 person
associatedWith S. D. Hubbard. person
correspondedWith Sears, David, 1787-1871 person
correspondedWith Sears, Edmund Hamilton, 1810-1876 person
correspondedWith Sears, Ellen Bacon, 1832-1897 person
correspondedWith Sears Miss adressee. person
correspondedWith Sedgwick, John, 1813-1864 person
correspondedWith Seldon, Joseph, recipient. person
correspondedWith Selina McAdam person
correspondedWith Senior, Nassau William, 1790-1864 person
correspondedWith S., E. W. person
correspondedWith Sewall, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Sewall, Henry Devereux. person
correspondedWith Sewall, Samuel, 1785-1868 person
correspondedWith Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872 person
correspondedWith Sewell, Samuel Edmund. person
correspondedWith Seymour, J. B. person
correspondedWith Shaftsbury, Antony Ashley Cooper, 7th earl of, 1801-1886 person
correspondedWith Shannon, R. Cutts. person
correspondedWith Shattuck, Frederick B. person
correspondedWith Shattuck, George Cheyne, 1813-1893 person
correspondedWith Shattuck, Lemuel, 1793-1859 person
correspondedWith Shaw, Charles Justin. person
correspondedWith Shaw, John H. person
correspondedWith Shaw, John H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861 person
correspondedWith Shaw, Robert Gould, 1776-1853 person
correspondedWith Shaw, Sarah Blake (Sturgis) -1902. person
correspondedWith Shaw, S. P. person
correspondedWith Sheafe, Henry. person
correspondedWith Sheafe, Henry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sheffield, Edward Lyulph Stanley, 4th baron, 1839- person
correspondedWith Shepard, Henry C. person
correspondedWith Shepard, Henry C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Shepherd, Henry. person
correspondedWith Shepherd, James H. person
correspondedWith Shepherd, R. D. person
correspondedWith Shepherd, R. D., recipient. person
correspondedWith Sherwin, Thomas, 1799-1869 person
correspondedWith Shimmin, Charles Franklin. person
correspondedWith Shimmin, Mary H. person
correspondedWith Shimmin Mrs person
correspondedWith Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet, 1810-1874 person
correspondedWith Shute person
correspondedWith Sibley, John Langdon, 1804-1885 person
correspondedWith Silliman, Benjamin, 1779-1864 person
correspondedWith Silliman, Benjamin Douglas, 1805-1901 person
correspondedWith Silsbee Mr , recipient. person
correspondedWith Silsbee, Nathaniel. person
correspondedWith Silsbee, William. person
correspondedWith Simmons, George Frederic, 1814-1855 person
correspondedWith Simmons, William. person
correspondedWith Simon, Edward. person
correspondedWith Simons, M. Laird. person
correspondedWith Simpson, William. person
correspondedWith Simsen, J. person
associatedWith Sir Francis Bernard. person
correspondedWith Smalley, Henry A. person
correspondedWith Smalley Mrs Frank. person
correspondedWith Smart, H. M., recipient. person
correspondedWith Smart, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Smith, Capt person
correspondedWith Smith, Egbert C. person
correspondedWith Smith, Elder and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910 person
correspondedWith Smith, J. S. Kirby. person
correspondedWith Smith, L. J. person
correspondedWith Smith, Ralph Dunning, 1804-1874 person
correspondedWith Smith, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, S. person
correspondedWith Smith, Samuel, 1836-1906 person
correspondedWith Smith, Samuel, and Sons, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, T. C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Snelling, N. G. person
correspondedWith Snow, Charles Henry Boylston, 1822-1875 person
associatedWith Soley. person
correspondedWith Sons of Liberty. corporateBody
correspondedWith Soule, Gideon Lane, 1796-1879 person
correspondedWith Southey, Robert, 1774-1843 person
correspondedWith Sparhawk, Nathaniel. person
correspondedWith Sparks, Florence. person
correspondedWith Sparks, Florence A. person
correspondedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 person
correspondedWith Sparks, Lizzie W. person
correspondedWith Sparks, Mary Crowninshield (Silsbee) 1809-1887 person
correspondedWith Sparks, William Eliot person
correspondedWith Spaulding, Lewis. person
correspondedWith Sprague, Frank W. person
correspondedWith Springfield, Republican. person
correspondedWith Stackpole, J. J. person
correspondedWith Stackpole, J. J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Stanley Mr , recipient. person
correspondedWith Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869 person
correspondedWith Stearns, W. G. person
correspondedWith Stebbins, Rufus Phineas, 1810-1885 person
correspondedWith Stevens, Henry, 1819-1886 person
correspondedWith Stevenson, William. person
correspondedWith Steward, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Stone, Charles Pomeroy, 1824-1887 person
correspondedWith Stone, Edwin Martin, 1805-1883 person
correspondedWith Storrow, Ann Gillam, 1784- person
correspondedWith Storrow, James Jackson, 1837-1897 person
correspondedWith Story, Joseph, 1779-1845 person
correspondedWith Story, William Westmore, 1819-1895 person
correspondedWith Stoughton, Edwin Wallace, 1818-1882 person
correspondedWith Stowe, Calvin Ellis, 1802-1886 person
correspondedWith Stowe, Harriet (Beecher) 1811-1896 person
correspondedWith Sturch Miss M. M. person
correspondedWith Sturgis, Josiah. person
correspondedWith Sturgis, Russell. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, George, 1771-1838 person
correspondedWith Sullivan, John, 1740-1795 person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Richard, 1779-1861 person
correspondedWith Summerhayes Sergeant person
associatedWith Sumner, Charles person
correspondedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 person
correspondedWith Sumner, Edwin Vose, 1797-1863 person
correspondedWith Sumner, Eliza. person
correspondedWith Sumner, George, 1817-1863 person
correspondedWith Sumner, William Hyslop, 1780-1861 person
correspondedWith Surgeon in charge of the General Hospital, Franklin, Md., recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Susannah Cazneau person
correspondedWith Sutherland, A. S. person
correspondedWith Sutherland, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana Leveson-Gower, duchess of, 1806-1868 person
correspondedWith Sutton, John. person
correspondedWith Sutton, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Suzannah (Cazneau) Palfrey person
correspondedWith Suzannah Clarke (Greene) Hammond person
associatedWith Suzannah (Palfrey) Lee. person
associatedWith Suzan Sturgis person
correspondedWith Swan, James person
correspondedWith Swan, James, 1754-1831 person
correspondedWith Synge, William Webb Follett, 1826-1891 person
correspondedWith Tagart, Edward, 1804-1858 person
correspondedWith Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1754-1835 person
correspondedWith Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873 person
correspondedWith Tayler, John James, 1797-1869 person
correspondedWith Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Henry. person
correspondedWith Taylor, John. person
correspondedWith Taylor, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Taylor, John W., 1784-1854 person
correspondedWith Taylor, recipient. person
correspondedWith Taylor, William. person
correspondedWith Taylor, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Temple, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Templeton and Stewart, recipient. person
correspondedWith Tennent, William, 1705-1777 person
correspondedWith Tenney, William Cutter. person
correspondedWith Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron, 1809-1892 person
correspondedWith Thacher, George M. person
correspondedWith Thacher, James, 1754-1844 person
correspondedWith Thacher, J. S. B. person
correspondedWith Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge, 1776-1843 person
correspondedWith Thacher Prof. , recipient. person
correspondedWith Thacher, Samuel C. person
correspondedWith Thacher, William S. person
correspondedWith Thaxter, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Thayer, Augusta B. person
correspondedWith Thayer, C. A. person
correspondedWith Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 person
correspondedWith Thayer, William N. person
associatedWith The Harvard Divinity School corporateBody
correspondedWith the Misses Palfrey person
associatedWith The Norfolk County American. corporateBody
associatedWith Theodore Roosevelt. person
correspondedWith the Palfrey family person
correspondedWith Thomas Barclay. person
associatedWith Thomas Baxter, jr. person
associatedWith Thomas Brewer person
correspondedWith Thomas, Charles Grandison, -1879. person
correspondedWith Thomas Jefferson person
correspondedWith Thomas Law person
associatedWith Thomas L. Harmon. person
correspondedWith Thomas Michell person
correspondedWith Thomas Smith. person
correspondedWith Thomas Strettle person
correspondedWith Thompson, A. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Abraham Rand, -1866, recipient. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Benjamin, 1798-1852 person
associatedWith Thompson, Charles person
correspondedWith Thompson, Henry R. person
correspondedWith Thompson, James William, 1805-1881 person
correspondedWith Thompson, William, 1736-1781 person
correspondedWith Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 person
correspondedWith Thorndike, I., Jr. person
correspondedWith Thorndike, J. Lothrop. person
correspondedWith Thuring, S. C. person
correspondedWith Ticknor and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ticknor, Anna, E. person
correspondedWith Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 person
correspondedWith Tilghman, Tench, 1744-1786 person
correspondedWith Tirel person
correspondedWith Torrey, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Torrey, Henry Warren, 1814-1893 person
correspondedWith Torrey, Maria O. person
correspondedWith Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864 person
correspondedWith Townsend, Edward Davis, 1817-1893 person
correspondedWith Treasury, Board of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Treasury Department of the U.S.A., Office of the Auditor. corporateBody
correspondedWith Treasury Department of the U.S.A., Office of the Auditor, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Treasury Department of the U.S.A., Office of the Comptroller. corporateBody
correspondedWith Treasury Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Treasury, Office of the Auditor. corporateBody
associatedWith Treasury Office of the United States. corporateBody
correspondedWith Trebell, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Treville, Chevalier de. person
correspondedWith Troup, Robert, 1757-1832 person
correspondedWith Trowbridge, William Petit, 1828-1892 person
correspondedWith Trumbull, James Hammond, 1821-1897 person
correspondedWith Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809 person
correspondedWith Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896 person
correspondedWith Trundy and Stevens. person
correspondedWith Tuck, Amos, 1810-1879 person
correspondedWith Tuckerman, Joseph, 1778-1840 person
correspondedWith Tucker, Samuel, 1747-1833 person
correspondedWith Tudor, William, 1779-1830 person
correspondedWith Tufts Mr , recipient. person
correspondedWith Turner, John Eliot. person
correspondedWith Twiggs, Priscilla Dexter. person
associatedWith Tyng, Edward, 1683-1755 person
correspondedWith Ulrich Moller person
correspondedWith Underwood, J. H. person
correspondedWith Unidentified recipients. person
associatedWith Unitarian church corporateBody
correspondedWith Unitarian Convention Committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Unitarian Festival Committee, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith United States House of Representatives corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Military Academy, Library of. corporateBody
associatedWith University Chapel corporateBody
correspondedWith Upham, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Upham, Charles Wentworth, 1802-1875 person
correspondedWith Valette Mme de La. person
correspondedWith Van der Poel, H. G. person
correspondedWith Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835 person
correspondedWith Vaughan, John Champion. person
correspondedWith Verney, Frances Parthenope (Nightingale) Lady, 1819-1890 person
correspondedWith Verney, Frederic W. person
correspondedWith Verney, Sir Harry, 2nd bart., 1801-1894 person
correspondedWith Verret, Louis. person
correspondedWith Verriest, Hugo, 1840-1922 person
correspondedWith V., H. person
associatedWith Vigenère table. person
correspondedWith Vinton, Samuel Finley, 1792-1862 person
correspondedWith Visinier, C. F. person
correspondedWith Visinier, C. F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Vosburgh, Harmen. person
correspondedWith Vose, Isaac D. person
correspondedWith Vottemore, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, Alexander, 1806-1898 person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, H. H. person
correspondedWith Wainright, H. C. and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Walch, Bigelow and Co., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Walker, Amasa, 1799-1875 person
correspondedWith Walker, Duncan S. person
correspondedWith Walker, Henry, and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Walker, James, 1794-1874 person
correspondedWith Walker, Mary. person
correspondedWith Walley, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Walsh, Edith van Wormer. person
associatedWith Walter Green. person
correspondedWith Walton. person
correspondedWith Ward, Samuel Gray. person
correspondedWith Ward, Thomas Wren, 1786-1858 person
correspondedWith Ward, William, jr. person
correspondedWith Ware, Charles, E. person
correspondedWith Ware Dr , recipient. person
correspondedWith Ware, Henry, 1764-1845 person
correspondedWith Ware, Henry, 1764-1846 person
correspondedWith Ware, Henry, 1794-1843 person
correspondedWith Ware, John, 1795-1864 person
correspondedWith Ware, Mary Lovell (Pickard) 1798-1849 person
correspondedWith Ware, William, 1797-1852 person
correspondedWith Ware, William Robert, 1832-1915 person
correspondedWith Warner, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Warren, C. H. person
correspondedWith Warren, Henry. person
correspondedWith Warren, James, 1726-1808 person
correspondedWith Warren, John Collins, 1778-1856 person
correspondedWith Warren, Jonathan Mason, 1811-1867 person
correspondedWith Warren, Pelham, recipient. person
correspondedWith Warren, Samuel, 1807-1877 person
correspondedWith Washburn, Emory, 1800-1877 person
correspondedWith Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859-1915 person
correspondedWith Washington, George, pres. U. S., 1732-1799 person
correspondedWith Waterston, Robert Cassie, 1812-1893 person
correspondedWith Watreman, Abram. person
correspondedWith Watson, John Lee, 1797-1884 person
correspondedWith Watson, Josiah. person
associatedWith Watson's person
correspondedWith Watts, Thomas, 1811-1869 person
correspondedWith Waugh, Lucie A. person
correspondedWith Way, Albert, 1805-1874 person
correspondedWith Wayland, Francis, 1796-1865 person
associatedWith W., E. person
correspondedWith Webb, Bernard. person
associatedWith Webber, Samuel, 1797-1880 person
associatedWith Webster, Daniel person
correspondedWith Webster, Daniel, 1782-1857 person
correspondedWith Webster, John White, 1793-1850 person
correspondedWith Weld, Anne. person
correspondedWith Weld, Charles Richard, 1813-1869 person
correspondedWith Weld, Stephen Minot, 1806-1867 person
correspondedWith Welles, and Chinn. person
correspondedWith Welles and Chinn, recipient. person
correspondedWith Welles and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Welles, John and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wells, Mary L. person
correspondedWith Welsh, Charles N. person
correspondedWith Welsh, Miss H. person
correspondedWith Wentworth, John, 1737-1820 person
correspondedWith Weston, Anne Warren. person
correspondedWith Weston, Emma. person
correspondedWith Wetherell, J. G. person
correspondedWith W. G. Stearns person
correspondedWith Wheaton Miss J. B. person
correspondedWith Wheaton, Robert, -1851. person
correspondedWith Wheedon, George. person
correspondedWith Wheelwright, John. person
correspondedWith Wheelwright, Nat. person
correspondedWith Whetten, Alice. person
correspondedWith Whewell, William, 1794-1866 person
correspondedWith Whig Party, Auburn Convention, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whig Party, Cleveland Convention, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Whig party of Massachusetts corporateBody
correspondedWith Whig Party of Northborough. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whig Party of Northborough, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whig Party, Worcester Convention, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whig State Committee, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whipper, W. J. person
correspondedWith Whipple, Joseph. person
correspondedWith White, Daniel Appleton, 1776-1861 person
correspondedWith White, W. A. person
correspondedWith White, William Orne, 1821-1911 person
correspondedWith Whiting, Henry. person
correspondedWith Whitman, D. C. person
correspondedWith Whitman, D. C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Whitman, Edmund Burke, 1812-1883 person
correspondedWith Whitman, Jason, 1799-1848 person
correspondedWith Whitney, Adeline Dutton (Train) 1824-1906 person
correspondedWith Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 person
correspondedWith Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877 person
correspondedWith Wilkes, John, 1727-1797 person
correspondedWith Willard, John. person
correspondedWith Willard, Joseph, 1798-1865 person
associatedWith Willard Phillips. person
correspondedWith William Dawes person
correspondedWith William Dennie person
correspondedWith William Dennison person
correspondedWith William Finnie person
correspondedWith William Foster person
correspondedWith William Holt. person
correspondedWith William Hutchinson. person
correspondedWith William J. Andrews person
associatedWith William Jones's person
correspondedWith William Lee person
associatedWith William Palfrey. person
associatedWith William Palfrey's person
correspondedWith William Petty, 1st marquis of Lansdowne person
correspondedWith Williams, B. person
correspondedWith Williams College, the President of, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Elijah. person
correspondedWith Williams, Elijah, recipient. person
correspondedWith Williams, Emily. person
correspondedWith Williams, George F. person
correspondedWith Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827 person
associatedWith William Smallwood person
correspondedWith Williams, Moses. person
correspondedWith Williams, Moses, recipient. person
correspondedWith Williams, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Williams, Samuel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Williams, Seth, 1822-1866 person
correspondedWith William Taylor person
correspondedWith William Taylor Palfrey person
correspondedWith William Tudor person
correspondedWith Willing and Taylor, recipient. person
correspondedWith Willington, Conn., Chairman of the Selectmen of, recipient. person
correspondedWith Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 person
correspondedWith Wills Hill, 1st marquis of Downshire person
correspondedWith Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875 person
correspondedWith Wilson, Hugh. person
associatedWith Wilson, James person
correspondedWith Wilson, John, and Son. person
correspondedWith Wilson Mr person
associatedWith Winfield Scott. person
correspondedWith Winslow, John, 1825-1898 person
correspondedWith Winsor, Ann Bent. person
correspondedWith Winsor, Ann Bent, recipient. person
correspondedWith Winsor, Rufus H. person
associatedWith Winthrop, Francis William, 1799-1819 person
correspondedWith Winthrop Mr and Mrs person
correspondedWith Winthrop Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Winthrop, Robert Charles, 1809-1894 person
correspondedWith Wirt, William, 1772-1834 person
correspondedWith Wisconsin State Historical Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wolcott, Harriet F. person
correspondedWith Wolcott Mr & Mrs , recipient. person
correspondedWith Wood, John person
correspondedWith Woodlin, Caroline P. person
correspondedWith Woodlin, William P. person
correspondedWith Woodman, Cyrus, 1814-1889 person
correspondedWith Woods, John. person
correspondedWith Woolsey, Melancthon L. person
correspondedWith Woolsey, Theodore Dwight, 1801-1889 person
associatedWith Wooton, William. person
correspondedWith Worcester, J. G. person
correspondedWith Worcester, Noah, 1758-1837 person
correspondedWith Worcester, Samuel Melancthon, 1801-1866 person
correspondedWith Worthington, Arther G. person
associatedWith W. Phillips person
correspondedWith Wren, Woodson. person
correspondedWith Wright, Mrs C. person
correspondedWith Wyeth, Nathaniel Jarvis, 1802-1856 person
correspondedWith Wyman, Jeffries, 1814-1874 person
correspondedWith Wyman, Morrill, 1812-1903 person
correspondedWith Yale School of Fine Arts, committe for, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yates, James, 1789-1871 person
correspondedWith Yeaton, Hopby. person
correspondedWith York. person
correspondedWith Young, Alexander, 1800-1854 person
correspondedWith Young, Edward James, 1829-1906 person
correspondedWith Young, John. person
correspondedWith Zsabie, Gabriel. person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6q67mn1

SNAC ID: 2553793