creatorOf |
Peacemaker Movement. Peacemaker Movement collection, 1948-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Brite, Mary D (1867-1952). Collection, [1950?]-1952.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fund for Peace. Collection, 1970-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Olmsted, Allen S. (Allen Seymour), 1888-1977. Allen S. Olmsted papers, 1898-1978.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kaufman, Abraham. Abraham Kaufman papers, 1942-1997
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Congrés national de la paix. Collection, 1903-1926.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Cartel international de la paix. Collection, 1946-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Friendshipment (Campaign). Friendshipment-Bach Mai Hospital Relief Fund records, 1975-1978.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Philadelphia Youth Council to Oppose Conscription. Collection, 1947-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia Women's Peace Encampment. Records, 1983-1988.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Boulding, Kenneth E. (Kenneth Ewart), 1910-1993. Collection, 1938-1977 1960-1977 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Neutral Conference Committee. Collection, 1916-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Committee for Peaceful Alternatives. Collection, 1950-1952.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Federal Union (U.S.). Collection, 1939-1950, 1939-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Eirene (Organization). Collection, 1960-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Shelley, Rebecca, 1887-1984. Collection, 1914-1981.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Veterans Federation. Collection, 1952-1954.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Sangnier, Marc, 1873-1950. Collection, 1910-1932.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Americans Committed to World Responsibility. Americans Committed to World Responsibility collected records, 1960-1961.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Jewish Peace Fellowship (U.S.). Collection, 1942-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizens for Participation in Political Action (Mass.). Collection, 1972-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Biosophical Institute. Collection, 1924-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Clamshell Alliance. Collection, 1974-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Bollens, Jack, 1928-2009. Jack Bollens papers, 1958-1981.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Oakley, Violet, 1874-1961. Collection, 1933-1979 1933-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Prisoner Visitation and Support. Prisoner Visitation and Support records, 1952-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pickard, Bertram, 1892-1973. Collected papers of Bertram Pickard and Irene Pickard, 1918-1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Thomas, Edward, 1877-. Collected papers of Edward Thomas and Margaret Loring Thomas, 1917-1952, 1919-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Dieudonné, Marcel. Collection, 1946-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994. Collection, 1957-1987, 1961-1979.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Dana, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1881-1950. Papers, 1914-1950 [microform].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
International Seminars on Training for Nonviolent Action (Waltham, Mass.). Collection, 1976-1984.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Platform for Peace (Organization). Collection, 1960-1964.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Catholic Worker Movement. Catholic Worker Movement collection, 1936-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Delaware County Pledge of Resistance (Organization). Delaware County Pledge of Resistance records, 1986-2008.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hague Appeal for Peace. Hague Appeal for Peace records, 1997-2004.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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League of Nations Association (U.S.). League of Nations Association (U.S.) collected records, 1916, 1922-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Chance, Harold. Collection, 1943-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Families of Resisters for Amnesty. Collection, 1973-1974.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Peace Bureau. Collected records, 1889-[ongoing] 1900-1948 (bulk)
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Intercollegiate Peace Association. Collection, 1906-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Veterans for Peace, Inc. Veterans for Peace, Inc. records, 1985-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Association for Peace Education. Collection, 1923-1925.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Sayre, Kathleen Whitaker. Collection, 1914-1961.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Snyder, Edward F. Edward F. Snyder papers, 1950-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Indochina Peace Campaign (Organization : U.S.). Collection, 1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pax Christi USA. Records, 1973-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Friedman, Louis A., 1934-. Louis Friedman papers, 1973-2003.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Stanley Foundation. Collection, 1960-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Solenberger, Edith R. (Edith Reeves), 1886-1976. Collection, 1910-1979, (bulk) 1925-1979.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Berrigan, Daniel. Daniel Berrigan and Philip Berrigan collected papers, 1964-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Browne, Robert S. Collection, 1962-1968, 1971, 1975.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Andresen, Bent, 1908-1991. Collection, 1928-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Harbottle, Michael,. Mary Jo and Walter Uphoff collected papers, 1934-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Giles, Kenneth, 1949-. Ken Giles papers, 1973-1990.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Union of Democratic Control. Collection, 1915-1966.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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League for Non-Violent Civil Disobedience against Military Segregation. Collection, 1947-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Student Service. Collection, 1936-1943.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Federation Against War. Collection, 1921.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
referencedIn |
Brinton, Ellen Starr, 1886-1954. Papers, 1895-1980 1933-1954.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
American Women for Peace. Collection, 1950-1953.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Catchpool, Corder, 1883-1952. Collection, 1914-1952.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Bofman, Albert. Collection, 1943-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Los Angeles Committee to Postpone Action on Peacetime Conscription. Collection, 1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Friends Washington Peace Headquarters (Organization). Collection, 1916.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Catholic Association for International Peace (U.S.). Collection, 1927-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom collection (Swarthmore College Peace Collection accession), 1915-2000.
University of Colorado, Boulder |
creatorOf |
Michigan Labor Committee Against Peace-Time Conscription. Collection, 1945-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Educators for Social Responsibility (U.S.). Records, 1983-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fellowship House (Philadelphia, Pa.). Collection, 1947-1967, 1947-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
World University Roundtable. Collection, 1948-1960.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wales, Julia Grace (b. 1881). Collection, 1914-1940, 1914-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1885-. Collection, 1929-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Peace Association. Collection, 1915-1964, 1941-1960.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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MCC U.S. Peace Section. Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section [and] U.S. Peace Section collected records, 1942-1999.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Foley, Michael S. Michael S. Foley collection, 1965-2001.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Practicial Peace League. Collection, 1908.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizen Soldier (Organization). Collection, 1976-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Weekly Vigil for Peace. Collection, 1966-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Defense Committee (New York, N.Y.). Collection, 1969-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Society for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes. Collection, 1910-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Harper, Robin M., 1928-. Robin Harper papers, 1957-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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1960 Campaign for Disarmament. Collection, 1960-1961.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pennsylvania Peace Society (1866-1928). Records, 1866-1928 (bulk 1893-1928).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (U.S.). National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee records, 1980-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
War Resisters' International. Records, 1921- (bulk) 1923-1949, 1960-1976.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Council on Religion and International Affairs. Collection, 1961-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Syracuse Peace Council. Collection, 1938-[ongoing], 1969-1989.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizens Conference on International Economic Union (Organization). Collection, 1943-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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SHAD Alliance. Records, 1978-1983.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wisbech Local Peace Association. Records, 1880-1931.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kepler, Roy C. Papers, 1940-1985.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Norman R. Morrison Memorial Fund. Norman R. Morrison Memorial Fund records, 1965-1968.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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War Tax Resisters' Penalty Fund. Records, 1981-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizen Exchange Council (N.Y.). Collection, 1962-1990.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Elston, Gerhard. Papers, 1849-1992.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Alliance universelle des femmes pour la paix par l'education. Collection, 1896-1909.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia War Tax Resistance (Organization). Records, 1970-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Cincinnati Peace League. Collection, 1925-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Babb, Nancy J. (Nancy Jones), 1884-1948. Nancy J. Babb collected papers, 1921-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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League of Nations Union. League of Nations Union collected records, 1915-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United States Institute of Peace. Collection, 1984-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. U.S. Section. WILPF, U.S. Section, 1919-1959 [microform].
Mount Saint Vincent University Library, Mount Library |
creatorOf |
Wisconsin Peace Society. Collection, 1912-1937, 1917-1920.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Committee for a Quaker Peace Witness. Collection, 1960-1961.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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O'Hare, Kate Richards, 1877-1948. Collection, 1918-1921.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Freund-Hoppe, Martha. Collection, 1914-1918.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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League to Enforce Peace (U.S.). Collection, 1915-1921.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Ferber, Michael. Collection, 1967-1969.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Peace Action Coalition. Collection, 1970-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Physicians for Social Responsibility (U.S.). Records, 1962-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Union for Concerted Peace Efforts. Collection, 1938-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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1967 Committee to End the Draft on or before June 30, 1967. Collection, 1965-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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League for Independent Political Action. Collection, 1930-1932.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kusman, Helen. Collection, 1972-1982.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee for Non-violent Revolution (U.S.). Collection, 1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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McConnell, John, 1915-. Papers, 1950-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia Women for Peace. Collection, 1951-1954.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Order of the Golden Rule. Collection, 1916-1925.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Park, Alice Locke. Collection, 1913-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Peace and Arbitration League. Collection, 1909-1914.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Blanchard, Joshua P. (Joshua Pollard), 1782-1868. Collection, 1819-1868.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lakey, George. Collection, 1974-1984.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swarthmore College. Peace Collection. Society of Friends collected peace materials, 1827-1976.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Turn Toward Peace (Organization). Turn Toward Peace records, 1961-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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October 6 Witness. October 6 Witness records, 1983-1984.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Inter-Parliamentary Union. Collection, 1889-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Colcord, Samuel, 1849-1938. Collection, 1920-1931.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Collection, 1958-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Quaker United Nations Office. Collection, 1970-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lunde, Erling H. Collection, 1918-1976, 1918-1920.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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US Peace Council. Records, 1979-1992.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Association of Christian Scientists. Collection, 1936-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Common Ground (Organization : Baton Rouge, La.). Common Ground records, 1982-2006.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Professionals' Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control. Records, 1984-1989.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Clark, Sheldon D. Collection, 1960-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Winsor, Mary, 1869-1956. Collection, 1906-1951, 1922-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
New York Workshop in Nonviolence. New York Workshop in Nonviolence collection, 1965-1969.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Church Peace Mission (U.S.). Records, 1950-1967, bulk 1959-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Mobilization for Survival (Organization). Collection, 1977-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Untide Press. Collection, 1943-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Organization of Mothers of All Nations, Inc. Collection, 1950-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Collection, 1969-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hess, Regina M. Collection, 1944-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Evansville Peace Council. Evansville Peace Council collection, 1940-1943.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Intercollegiate Disarmament Council. Collection, 1931-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Coalition to Stop Funding the War. Collection, 1973-1976.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Bromley, Marion, d. 1996. Papers of Marion Bromley and Ernest Bromley, 1945-1995.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Vietnam Resource Center. Collection, 1972-1974.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Society for Social Responsibility in Science. Collection, 1949-1976.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Emergency Anti-War Committee (Chicago, Ill.). Collection, 1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Committee for Political Prisoners. Collection, 1927-1935.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Stöcker, Helene, 1869-1943. Papers, 1897-1989 1913-1943 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Committee for Amnesty for All Objectors to War and Conscription. Collection, 1945-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American League for Peace and Democracy. Collection, 1933-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace House (New York, N.Y.). Collection, 1923-1946, 1935-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Finch, Henry Le Roy. Papers, 1940-1969, 1990.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Comité international de coordination et d'information pour l'aide à l'Espagne républicaine. Comité international de coordination et d'information pour l'aide à l'Espagne républicaine collection, 1936-1937.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
McReynolds, David. David McReynolds papers, 1943-1978.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches. Collection, 1914-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Day, Dorothy, 1897-1980. Dorothy Day collected papers, 1915-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Campaign to Stop Government Spying (U.S.). Collection, 1976-1978.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National Action/Research on the Military-Industrial Complex. National Action/Research on the Military-Industrial Complex records, 1969-1988.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Exploratory Project on the Conditions of Peace (U.S.). Records, 1985-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Joint Amnesty Committee. Collection, 1922-1923.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Midwest Committee for Military Counseling. Records, 1977-1995.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee of Red Cross Societies. Collection, 1919-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lobby for Peace (Northern California). Collection, 1960-1963.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National League of Women Voters (U.S.). Dept. of International Cooperation to Prevent War. Collection, 1919-[ongoing], 1920-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Wardlaw, Ada. Collection, 1937-1963.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee (U.S.). Collection, 1958-[ongoing] 1958-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Bailey, Hannah J. (Hannah Johnston), 1839-1923. Papers, 1858-1923.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Latin America Working Group (Washington, D.C.). Records, 1983-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United Nations Council of Philadelphia. Collection, 1945-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee on Drafting Youth. Collection, 1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
American Civil Liberties Union. Collection, 1917-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Champney, Horace. Horace Champney papers, 1906-1990, bulk 1958-1979.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National World Court Committee. Collection, 1925-1935.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Suttner, Bertha von, 1843-1914. Bertha von Suttner collected papers, 1881-1917, 1993-1995.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Brandywine Peace Community. Records, 1976-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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League for Democratic Control (U.S.). Collection, 1917-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Veterans Committee. Collection, 1947-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Committee on Militarism in Education (U.S.). Records, 1925-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Fellowship of Reconciliation (Great Britain). Collection, 1915-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958. The papers of Hannah Clothier Hull, 1889-1958 [microform]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Center for Economic Conversion (Calif.). Center for Economic Conversion records, 1975-2000.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Wentworth, Lydia G., b. 1858. Papers, 1902-1947 1918-1947 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
International Peace Research Association. Collection, 1963-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Information Center (New York, N.Y.). Collection, 1950-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Helen Hoy Greeley Collected Papers, 1927-1935
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Association to Abolish War. Collection 1915-1927.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Tryon, James L. (James Libby), b. 1864. Collection, 1912-1916.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
League for Permanent Peace. Collection, 1918-1920.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New Hampshire Peace Union. Collection, 1935-1938.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Serviceman's Link to Peace. Collection, 1968-1969.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fellowship of Reconciliation Collected Records
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Central American Historical Institute. Records, 1980-1993.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America collection, 1908-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Friends Witness for World Order. Collection, 1962.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Baker, Elizabeth Newlin, ca. 1880-1972. Elizabeth Baker propaganda collection, 1930-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Fellowship of Peace (Meadville, Pa.). Collection, 1931-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War (U.S.). Collection, 1924-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Delaware County Peace Action. Collection, 1967-1975.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Organization of American Women for Strict Neutrality. Collection, 1915-1915.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Pitter, Přemysl, 1895-1976. Collection, 1931-1954.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Ahimsa Farm. Collection, 1940-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Friends Service Committee. Civilian Public Service. Records, 1940-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Association of University Women. Collection, 1921-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Peace Action for Franklin County. Peace Action for Franklin County collection, 1936-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Arbitration Crusade. Collection, 1926-1927.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Cronbach, Abraham, 1882-1965. Collection, 1930-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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McKeesport League of Peace. Collection, 1921.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Interorganization Council on Disarmament. Collection, 1931-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pacific Counseling Service. Collection, 1969-1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Churchmen's Committee for a Christian Peace. Collection, 1941-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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McDougall, Jerome. Collection, 1924-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
SCI International Voluntary Service (U.S.). Records, 1954-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Intercollegiate Council on International Cooperation. Collection, 1934-1935.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Morrison, Norman R., 1933-1965. Norman R. Morrison collection, 1965-1968, 1985
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund. Collection, 1955-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Allen, William Charles, 1857-1938. William Charles Allen collection, 1895-1937 1913-1937.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Onderdonk, Francis Skillman, 1893-. Collection, 1937-1957.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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No-Conscription Fellowship. Collection, 1914-1920.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Public Action Committee on Legislation Affecting International Peace. Collection, 1936-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Witness for Peace (Organization). Records, 1985-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Filene, E. A. (Edward Albert), 1860-1937. Collection, 1924-1929.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Massachusetts Joint Committee for a League of Free Nations. Collection, 1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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People's Lobby. Collection, 1928-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Worldwide Peace Day Foundation. Collection, 1963-1979.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Children's Plea for Peace (Organization). Collection, 1950-1962, 1960-1962.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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War Resisters League. Records, 1923-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pugwash Conferences on Science & World Affairs. Collection, 1957-1983.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies (Mass.). Records, 1986-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee of Liaison with Families of Servicemen Detained in North Vietnam,. Committee of Liaison with Families of Servicemen Detained in North Vietnam records.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Break with Conscription Committee. Collection, 1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Atlanta Sanctuary Committee. Records, 1985-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace. Collection, 1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swarthmore College. Peace Collection. Peace Collection ephemera [electronic resource] : Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Comité pour le désarmament nucléaire en Europe. Collection, 1983-1984.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Woman's Peace Party. Collected records of the Woman's Peace Party, 1914-1920 [microform].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Wilson, Alexander C. Alexander Wilson and Edith J. Wilson collected papers, 1916-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Marsalka, Milada. Papers, 1965-1998.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Theis, Édouard, 1899-. Édouard Theis collected papers, 1947-1964.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Woman's Pro-League Council. Collection, 1922-1923.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987. Collection, 1947-1987.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pacifist Research Bureau. Collection, 1941-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Flower City Conspiracy (Organization). Collection, 1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Christian Arbitration and Peace Society. Collection, 1886-1895.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Willoughby, George, pacifist. George Willoughby and Lillian Willoughby papers, 1931-2010.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Union des femmes françaises. Collection, 1952-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Children's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Records, 1980-1983.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kantor, William Marx. Collection, 1917-1980, 1917-1920.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Research in International Economics of Disarmament and Arms Control. Collection, 1960-1967.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Children's Peace Petition Committee. Collection, [1916?]-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Strong, Anna Louise, 1885-1970. Collection, 1910-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Foulk, Theodore. Collection, 1917-1932.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Spencer, Anna Garlin, 1851-1931. Papers, 1830-1931.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Elkinton, Joseph, 1859-1920. Elkinton Family Doukhobor collected papers, 1884-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Baptist Peace Fellowship. Baptist Peace Fellowship collected records, 1940-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Congrès démocratique international pour la paix. Collection, 1921-1936.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Access (Organization : Washington, D.C.). Records, 1984-1998.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fast for Peace Committee (U.S.). Collection, 1950-1951
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Binford, Raymond (1876- ). Collection, 1941-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Jane Addams Peace School. Collection, 1939-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American League to Limit Armaments. Collection, 1914-1915.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Committee on American Japanese Relations (U.S.). Collection, 1914-1926.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Council of American-Soviet Friendship (U.S.). Collection, 1943-1987 1949-1963 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Development Placement Association (New York, N.Y.). International Development Placement Association collection, 1953.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Interracial Peace Committee. Collection, [1920s?] 1928.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Roodenko, Igal. Papers, 1935-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Movement for a New Society. Records, 1971-1988.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lynd, Alice. Alice Niles Lynd and Staughton Lynd papers, 1965-1995.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Williams, Waldo, 1904-1971. Waldo Williams collected papers, 1942-1998.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Peace Council. World Peace Council collected records, 1949-1996.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Campaign for a Democratic Foreign Policy. Collection, 1975-1976.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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NGO Committee on Disarmament. Records, 1973-1986.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wieck, David Thoreau, 1921-. Collection, 1942-1969, 1943-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Golden Rule Foundation. Collection, 1935-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace and International Relations Committee. Friends Peace and International Relations Committee collected materials, 1890-1976.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Collection, 1966-1975.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Alix, Gabriel. Collection, 1948-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Mennonite Central Committee. Mennonite Central Committee collected records, 1940-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fair Housing Council of Suburban Philadelphia. Records, 1956-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Circulating Library of Students' Peace Posters. National Circulating Library of Students' Peace Posters collection, 1936-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Marcucci, Edmondo. Collected papers, 1940-1959.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Foundation. Collection, 1923-1937.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Communauté de l'Arche. Collection, 1960-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Rhode Island Peace Society. Collection, 1819-1844.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Commission on the Coordination of Efforts for Peace. Collection, 1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wayne State University. Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. Center for Peace and Conflict Studies collection, 1966-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Gage-Colby, Ruth. Collection, 1951-1985.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Research Exchange on the Prevention of War. Collection, 1952-1956.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pacem in Terris Institute. Collection, 1966-1968.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Mid-West Council on International Relations. Collection, 1926-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Delaware Draft Counseling & Education Service, Inc.. Delaware Draft Counseling & Education Service, Inc. records, 1966-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lentz, Robert W. Collection, 1974-2001.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Sheridan, Diana Brown, 1940-. Diana Brown Sheridan collected materials, 1984-1987.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Weston-Super-Mare Peace Society. Weston-Super-Mare Peace Society collected records, 1910-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hunt, Gaillard T., 1939-. Gaillard T. Hunt papers, 1969-1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies (U.S.). Collection, 1940-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Passy, Frédéric, 1822-1912. Collection, 1863-1912.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Grünen (Political party). Collection, 1982-1989.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Gold Star Parents for Amnesty (U.S.). Collection, 1974-1977.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Forum (Montgomery County, Pa.). Collection, 1981-1993.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia Peace Council (1937-ca. 1943). Collected records, 1937-1943.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Woods, Dorothea E. Papers, 1965-2000.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Peace Federation. Collection, 1915.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Schumacher, Charles, 1919-. Charles Schumacher papers, 1930-2003.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United Peace Chest of Philadelphia. Records, 1935-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New Hampshire Peace Society. Collection, 1912-1932.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Reynolds, Reginald, 1905-1958. Reginald Reynolds collected papers, 1930-1958.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United Student Peace Committee. Collection, 1936-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee of Responsibility to Save War-Burned and War-Injured Vietnamese Children (U.S.). Records, 1966-1978 bulk 1968-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Commission to Study the Organization of Peace. Collection, 1938-1955 1938-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swomley, John M., 1915-. John M. Swomley papers, 1940-2002.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Peace Broadcasting Foundation. Collection, 1960-1974.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Collegiate Anti-Militarism League. Collection, 1915-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Catholic Peace Fellowship. Collection, 1962-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Coalition. American Coalition collection, 1939-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Paul, Alice, 1885-1977. Collection, 1907-1992.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Gandhian Foundation (U.S.). Gandhian Foundation records, 1958-2000.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Walk for Peace (Project). Collection, 1958.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Puidoux Theological Conferences. Collection, 1955-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Palestine Human Rights Campaign. Collection, 1977-1982.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Military and Draft Information Center (Philadelphia, Pa.). Collection, 1968-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swanwick, Helena M. (Helena Maria), 1864-1939. Collection, 1907-1938.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Civilian Public Service Union. Records, 1944-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizens' Keep America Out of War Committee. Collection, 1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Mayer, Philip Frederick. Collection, 1954-1967, 1954-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Union internationale des pacifistes patriotes. Collection, 1930-1935.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizens' Committee to Abolish School Shelter Drills. Collection, 1963.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Gottlieb, Edward P. Papers, 1940-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Emergency Foreign Policy Conference (Organization). Collection, 1924-1926.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Center for War/Peace Studies (New York, N.Y.). Collection, 1966-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Woman's Peace Party. Woman's Peace Party, 1914-1920 [microform].
Mount Saint Vincent University Library, Mount Library |
creatorOf |
New Society Publishers. Philadelphia Office. Records, 1990-1996.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons. Collection, 1946-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Children's Crusade for Peace. Collection, 1915.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Labour Organisation. Collection, 1919-1941, 1998.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace and Disarmament Committee of the Women's International Organisations. Peace and Disarmament Committee of the Women's International Organisations collected records, 1931-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Stern, Lee, 1915-1992. Lee Stern papers, 1942-1992.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931. Collection, 1898-1931.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Association française pour la société des nations. Collection, 1918-1935.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Unitarian Pacifist Fellowship. Collection, 1942-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee for Amnesty for All Objectors to War and Conscription. Philadelphia Committee. Collection, 1946-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fair Lawn Committee for Peace in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Collection, 1967-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia Peace Council (1925-ca. 1932). Philadelphia Peace Council collected records, 1924-1931.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New York Bureau of Legal Advice. Collection, 1917-1920.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Morgan, Angela. Collection, 1915-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Embassies of Reconciliation (Organization). Collection, 1936-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Conciliation internationale. Collection, 1907-1914.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Walker, Charles C. Collection, 1957-1983.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Resistance (Organization : Berkeley, Calif.). Collection, 1967-1968.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Délégation permanente des sociétés françaises de la paix. Collection, 1923-1931.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Committee on the Churches and the Moral Aims of the War (U.S.). Collection, 1917-1918.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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NOMOR, Committee for a Nuclear Overkill Moratorium. Records, 1976-1986.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swarthmore College. Peace Collection. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom staff and officers [electronic resource].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Society of Juridica. Collection, 1940-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association. Collection, 1928-1964.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Nebraska Peace Council. Collection, 1936-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918. Collection, 1913-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Association of the Friends of Peace. Collection, 1913.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Women's Peace Union. U.S. Branch. Records, 1921-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Pacifica Center. Collection, 1942-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New England Political Action for Peace. Collection, 1960-1971, 1962-1971.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lucis Trust. Collection, 1922-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hiroshima Peace Pilgrimage. Collection, 1962.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Anti-Imperialist League (Boston, Mass.). Collection, 1898-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Smith, Roland Frederick, 1917-. Roland F. Smith papers, 1939-1946, 1981.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Veterans for Peace in Vietnam (Chicago, Ill.). Veterans for Peace in Vietnam collection, 1965-1980, 1968-1975.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Delaware Peace Society. Collection, 1895-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Christian Women's Peace Movement. Collection, 1915.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.). Collection, 1960-1961.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879. Papers, 1840-1965 1841-1878 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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People for Peace. Collection, 1970-1975.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Intercollegiate Christian Council. Collection, 1939-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Garden (Organization). Collection, 1951-1963.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Institute for Policy Studies. Collection, 1962-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Agape Foundation. Agape Foundation records, 1970-2002.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Reynolds, Barbara (Barbara Leonard). Collection, 1948-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
referencedIn |
Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961. Emily Greene Balch papers, 1842-1979 1875-1961 (bulk)
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swarthmore Pacifist Forum. Collection, 1952-1953.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New York Teachers' Anti-War Committee. Collection, 1934.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Massachusetts League for Peace Action. Collection, 1933-1934.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New History Society. Collection, 1930-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Action (Organization). Records, 1986-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia Peace Center. Collection, 1962-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Massachusetts Committee of 1000. Collection, 1944-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Constitution and Parliament Association. Collection, 1947-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression. Collection, 1938-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Walkabout Peace and Justice. Records, 1981-1987.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Chase, Mary N. Collection, 1916-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wisbech Local Peace Association. Records, 1880-1931 [microform].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Koinonia Partners. Collection, 1942-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Without War Council. Collection, 1964-1987
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Chatfield, Charles, 1934-. Charles Chatfield papers, 1958-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Council of Northeast Philadelphia. Collection, 1935-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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East and West Association (U.S.). Collection, 1941-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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SOA Watch (Organization). SOA Watch records, 2001-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Muzumdar, Haridas Thakordas. Collection, 1920-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Shay, Kevin J., 1959-. Records, 1983-2000.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Interorganization Council in Geneva. Collection, 1932-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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No Foreign War Campaign Steering Committee. Collection, 1938-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Carner, Lucy Perkins, b. 1886. Papers, 1953-1977.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Warbasse, James Peter, 1866-1957. Collection, 1914-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wilhelm, Jayne Tuttle. Collection, 1934-1978.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Win the Peace Now Committee. Collection, 1942-1943.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Michigan Council for World Peace. Collection, 1924.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Strong, Sydney, 1860-1938. Papers, 1890-1938.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Richardson, Hugh, 1864-1936. Papers, 1905-1934.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Martin Luther King, Jr. School of Social Change. Collection, 1964-1968.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Christian Peace League. Collection, 1915.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Alternatives to Violence Project. Alternatives to Violence Project records, 1982-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Akron Council for Peace Action. Collection, 1936-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. Collection, 1968-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New Swarthmoor Community. Records, 1969-1996.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Council of Jewish Women. Collection, 1929-1959 1929-1940 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee for World Development and World Disarmament. Committee for World Development and World Disarmament records, 1950-1970.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kelsey, Mary. Collection, 1914-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund (U.S.). Records, 1971-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Friends National Peace Committee (U.S.). Collection, 1915-1918.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Alaskans for World Peace. Alaskans for World Peace records, 1979-1986.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Weiss, Cora, 1934-. Cora Weiss papers, 1960-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Mears, Helen. Papers, 1861-1863, 1935, 1938, 1943-1955, 1961 1935-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Emergency Peace Federation (U.S.). Collection, 1914-1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Arbitration League of the United States of America. Collection, 1882-1884.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Dana, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1881-1950. Papers, 1914-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Joint Peace Board. Collection, 1944-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Man, Albon. Papers, 1943-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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A.J. Muste Memorial Institute. Collection, 1974-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Urie, Caroline F. Collection, 1930-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Chicago Area Draft Resisters. Collection, 1966.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Brainerd, Heloise, 1881-1969. Collection, 1900-1971.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Alexander, Howard W. (Howard Wright), 1911-1985,. Civilian Public Service personal papers and collected materials, 1940- 1941-1945 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Jack, Homer Alexander. Papers, 1930-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Fried, Alfred H. (Alfred Hermann), 1864-1921. Alfred H. Fried collected papers, 1895-1918.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Hetzel, Theodore Brinton, 1906-1990. Collection, 1966-1990.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Washington Pacifist Fellowship. Collection, 1943-1970. 1947-1964.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American People's Mobilization. Collection, 1940-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Plainfield Council for World Fellowship. Collection, 1938-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New Jersey Council Against Conscription. New Jersey Council Against Conscription collection, 1945-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Friends of the Middle East. American Friends of the Middle East collected records, 1953-1975.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Madison Peace Center. Collection, 1954-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International World Peace Day Committee. Collection, 1948-1983, 1948-1969.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Bloomstein, Charles. Collection, 1938-2002.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
International Peace Campaign. Rassemblement universel pour la paix/International Peace Campaign collection, 1936-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Meals for Millions Foundation. Collection, 1946-1958.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fellowship of Conscientious Objectors. Fellowship of Conscientious Objectors collected records, 1941-1942.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Buffalo Peace and Arbitration Society. Collection, 1911-1916.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Students for Democratic Action. Collection, 1948-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National Student Committee on Disarmament. Collection, 1930-1932.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Peace Conversion Campaign. Collection, 1974-1977.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Comité d'action pour le désarmement universel. Collection, 1932.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Giacchino, Anthony. Anthony Giacchino papers, 1970-2004.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Women's Committee for World Disarmament. Collection, 1921-1922.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Universities Committee on Post-War International Problems. Collection, 1943-1945.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee for Democratic Control. Collection, 1917.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Frank, Libby. Libby Frank and Morton Frank collected papers, 1966-2000.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wayne State University. Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. Collection, 1977-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Ladd, William, 1778-1841. Collection, 1814-1954, 1814-1841.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Groupement pacifiste international. Collection, 1938-1938.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World Association of Mothers for Peace. Collection, 1946-1950.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Gundry, Ronald E. Papers, 1919-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Clearing House for Limitation of Armaments. Collection, 1921-1921.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Morgan, Laura Puffer, 1874-1962. Laura Puffer Morgan collection, 1926-1962.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Fellowship for a Christian Social Order. Collection, 1921-1927.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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GWEN Project (U.S.). Records, 1985-1994.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Abdoo, Jayma A., 1951-2006. Jayma Abdoo collected papers, 1971-1977.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Soule, Carl D. Collection, 1968-1978.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Committee for Non-Violent Integration. Collection, 1956.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Rhoads, Grace Evans, 1900-. Collection, 1929-1953.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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McDowell, Mary S. Mary Stone McDowell collection, 1914, 1918, 1945-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Oberlin Peace Society. Collection, 1930-1936, 1935-1936.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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College Peace Union. Collection, 1960.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lester, Muriel, 1883-1968. Collected papers, 1926-1968.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Church Peace Union. Collection, 1915-1961.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Union pacifiste de France. Collection, 1975-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Massachusetts Federation of Churches. Collection, 1915-1926.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Drevet, Camille. Collection, 1930-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kelsey, Kate. Collection, 1914-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Servicemen's Union. Collection, 1969-1971.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Centre syndical d'action contre la guerre. Collection, 1938-1938.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Philadelphia Area Alliance for Central America. Records, 1984-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United Pacifists of West Chester and Vicinity. Collection, 1952-1971.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Council for Limitation of Armaments. Collection, 1921-1922.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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General Committee on the Limitation of Armament. Collection, 1921.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Rhode Island Council for Peace Action. Collection, 1936-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Richardson, Channing B. (Channing Bulfinch), 1917-. Collection, 1968-1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Kay Camp papers, 1955-2006
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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International Friendship League (U.S.). Collection, 1943-1963, 1950-1954.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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No More War Movement. No More War Movement collected records, 1922-1936.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Taylor, Fred Walter, 1848-1919. Collection, 1916-1935, 1916-1918.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964. Collection, 1917-1964.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Lloyd, Lola Maverick, 1875-1944. Collection, 1915-1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Rogerenes. Collection, 1817-1945, 1840-1940.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Negotiation Now! (Organization). Records, 1968-1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
referencedIn |
Frost, J. William (Jerry William). Papers, 1973-2004.
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College |
creatorOf |
Peace Films Foundation. Collection, 1932-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Emergency Anti-War Committee (New York, N.Y.). Collection, 1935.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Price, Charles C. (Charles Coale), 1913-2001. Papers, 1960-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Heroes Memorial Society. Collection, 1926-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Dear, John, 1959-. Papers, 1979-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Media Area Committee for the United Nations. Collection, 1955-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948. Mahatma Gandhi papers 1927-1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Comité d'entente des grandes association internationales. Collection, 1936-1936.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Student Committee for the Limitation of Armaments. Collection, 1921-1922.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Association for the United Nations. Collection, 1945-1964.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Council for Correspondence (New York, N.Y.). Collection, 1960-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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World's Court League. Collection, 1915-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
International Peace Walk. Records, 1986-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United Nations Association of the United States of America. Collection, 1964-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hughan, Jessie Wallace, 1875-1955. Collection, 1905-1955.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Unitarian Universalist Peace Network. Unitarian Universalist Peace Network records, 1983-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Miles, Ward C., 1922-. Ward Miles and Alice Calder Miles collected papers, 1944-1948, 2007.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Non-Partisan Committee for Permanent Peace. Collection, 1944.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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American Faculty Council for the Gradualist Way to Peace. Collection, 1962-1965.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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CarEth Foundation. Records, 1985-[ongoing].
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Nelson, Wallace F. Wally and Juanita Nelson collection, 1941-1960, 1941-1946.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Peace Links. Peace Links collected records, ca. 1985-1988
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland records, 1945-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Chicago Committee to Oppose Peacetime Conscription. Collection, 1945-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Flushing Peace Society. Flushing Peace Society collection, 1923-1944, 1923-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Miller, Joseph, 1912-1997. Papers, 1960-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Experiment in International Living. Collection, 1932-1991, 1978-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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New Commonwealth (Organization). American Section. Records, 1937-1938.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Cheyenne Appeal. Collection, 1958-1959.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Liberty Defense Union. Collection, 1918-1919.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hutchinson, Dorothy H. (Dorothy Hewitt), 1905-1984. Papers, 1942-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Enzer, Erica. Collection, 1931-1998.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Women Strike for Peace. Records, 1961- 1962-1973 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Rand, Doug (Douglas R.), 1954-2000. Doug Rand papers, 1984-1998.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Resist Conscription Committee. Collection, 1948.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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America First Committee. Collection, 1940-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Girardin, Georges. Collection, 1947-1949.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Washington Peace Center (Washington, D.C.). Collection, 1968-[ongoing]
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Swarthmore Students for Disarmament. Collection, 1957-1962.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Wiser, Alice. Records, 1976-1991.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Emergency Peace Committee. Emergency Peace Committee collection, 1931-1933.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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National Action Group. Collection, 1969-1972.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Hámori, Laszlo, 1911-. Collection, 1944-1947.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Peace Research Lab (Saint Louis, Mo.). Collection, 1950-1980.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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A Quaker Action Group. A Quaker Action Group records, 1965-1973.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Australia Freedom League. Collection, 1913-1914.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Eichel family. Collection, 1916-
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
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Quidde, Ludwig, 1858-1941. Collected papers of Ludwig Quidde, 1881-1941.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
National Committee for the War Referendum. Collection, 1937-1939.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Sayre, John Nevin, 1884-1977. Papers, 1885-1982 1922-1967 (bulk).
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
referencedIn |
Hannah Clothier Hull Papers
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |
creatorOf |
Americans for Peace (Organization). Collection, 1942-1951.
Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC |