Gold, Julius, 1884-1969

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Gold was born on Feb. 18, 1884 in St. Joseph, MO; became a musicologist and teacher; attended Chicago Musical College; taught music theory and composition at Drake Univ. (1910-14), lectured at Stanford Univ., and served as professor of counterpoint and composition at Dominican College, San Rafael, CA (1930-34); later lived in Los Angeles, where he died on May 29, 1969.

From the description of Papers, 1906-1960. (University of California, Los Angeles). WorldCat record id: 41578759

Julius Gold, teacher and musicologist; born Feb. 18, 1884, in St. Joseph, Mo., died Jan. 29, 1969, in California.

From the description of Julius Gold collection, 1858-1924 (bulk 1920-1955). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 70984264

From the description of Julius Gold collection, 1858-1924 (bulk 1920-1955). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 658833448

Biographical Sketch

  • 1884 February 18: Born in St. Joseph, Missouri, of Russian-Polish parentage
  • 1891: Family moves to San Francisco
  • 1897: Studies violin with Sir Henry Heyman and Henry Holmes
  • 1900 - 1905 : Studies violin with Bernhard Listemann and Emile Sauret at the Chicago Musical College
  • 1905 - 1910 : Studies history and theory of music with Bernhard Ziehn
  • 1910 - 1914 : Professor of music at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa
  • 1914: Returns to San Francisco; plays violin with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra until his resignation in 1937
  • 1922: Plays violin with the San Francisco Opera Association until his resignation in 1937
  • 1931 Summer: Holds a lectureship at Stanford University: The Foundations of Music Art
  • 1931 - 35 : Professor of counterpoint and composition at Dominican College in San Rafael, California
  • 1937 - : Private teaching and research
  • 1969 January 29: Dies in California

From the guide to the Julius Gold Collection, 1858-1924, (bulk 1920-1955), (Music Division Library of Congress)

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adler, Clarence person
correspondedWith Allen, James Turney person
correspondedWith Allen, Warren person
correspondedWith American Musicological Society corporateBody
correspondedWith American Operatic Laboratory, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Apel, Willi person
associatedWith Art Publication Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Bacon, Ernst person
correspondedWith Barker, Orville W. person
correspondedWith Barrymore, Lionel person
correspondedWith Barthelson, Joyce person
correspondedWith Bates, A. Cyril person
correspondedWith Berger, Isador person
correspondedWith Beverly Hills Unified School District corporateBody
correspondedWith Blake, J. P. person
correspondedWith Blom, Eric person
correspondedWith Blume, Friedrich person
correspondedWith Boguslawski, Moissaye person
correspondedWith Borowski, Felix person
correspondedWith Bowhay, Arnold person
correspondedWith Breeze, Louisa person
correspondedWith Brune, Adolf person
correspondedWith Bukofzer, Manfred person
correspondedWith California Council for Adult Education corporateBody
correspondedWith California Institute of Technology corporateBody
correspondedWith Calvocoressi, M. D. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Henry person
correspondedWith Cantor, Eddie person
correspondedWith Carnegie Corporation of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Carnegie Institution of Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Carpenter, John Alden, 1876-1951 person
correspondedWith Cecil B. DeMille Productions Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cesana, Bruno person
correspondedWith Cesana, Otto person
associatedWith C. F. W. Siegel corporateBody
correspondedWith Chicago Symphony Orchestra corporateBody
correspondedWith Chicago Tribune corporateBody
correspondedWith Christensen, Dan person
correspondedWith City of Philadelphia corporateBody
correspondedWith Clark, William Andrews, Jr. person
correspondedWith Coleman, Corinne person
correspondedWith Colles, H. C. person
correspondedWith Copley, Frank person
correspondedWith Cowper, Holmes person
correspondedWith Craft, Robert person
associatedWith D. Appleton & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Deutsch, Monroe person
correspondedWith Downes, Olin person
correspondedWith Drake University corporateBody
associatedWith Edition Musicus corporateBody
correspondedWith Edmund, Sister person
correspondedWith Edmunds, John person
correspondedWith Einstein, Alfred person
correspondedWith Elko (Nevada) Independent corporateBody
correspondedWith Elson, Louis C. person
correspondedWith Encyclopaedia Britannica corporateBody
correspondedWith Engel, Carl person
correspondedWith Engel, Gabriel person
associatedWith Everest, C. person
correspondedWith Federal Music Project corporateBody
correspondedWith Ferguson, Allyn person
correspondedWith Firestone, Nathan person
correspondedWith Fisk Teachers Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Ford Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Foster Hall Collection corporateBody
correspondedWith Fragale, Frank, 1894-1955 person
correspondedWith Freer, Eleanor Everest person
correspondedWith Frost, Robert person
correspondedWith Fulton, Muriel person
correspondedWith Ganz, Rudolph person
correspondedWith Garrett, Jack person
correspondedWith Gehrkens, Karl W. person
correspondedWith George Pepperdine College corporateBody
correspondedWith Gillingham, Harry person
correspondedWith Godowsky, Leopold person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Albert person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Maurice person
correspondedWith Gold, Glen person
correspondedWith Gold, Jacob person
correspondedWith Gold, Janet Hale person
correspondedWith Gold, Leon person
correspondedWith Gold, Nathan person
correspondedWith Granat, Frank person
associatedWith Grant, John [Fionn] person
correspondedWith Groshong, James W. person
correspondedWith Guggenheim Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Gunn, Glenn Dillard person
correspondedWith Hartford, Huntington person
correspondedWith Haydon, Glen person
correspondedWith Hayes, Jack person
correspondedWith Heller, Helen R. person
correspondedWith Hersholt, Jean person
correspondedWith Herst, Jerome P. person
correspondedWith Hertz, Alfred person
correspondedWith Heyman, Henry person
correspondedWith Hibberd, Lloyd person
correspondedWith Hill, William G. person
correspondedWith Hinrichsen, Max person
correspondedWith Hirsch, Paul person
correspondedWith Hofmann, Josef person
correspondedWith Holmes, Henry person
correspondedWith Hughes, Dom Anselm person
correspondedWith Hurbert, Stanley person
correspondedWith Immaculate Heart College corporateBody
correspondedWith Irvine, Demar B. person
associatedWith Isaacson, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Jeppesen, Knud person
correspondedWith Jonás, Alberto person
correspondedWith Journal of Music Theory corporateBody
correspondedWith Juilliard School of Music corporateBody
correspondedWith Kansas City Conservatory of Music corporateBody
correspondedWith Kelley, Mrs. Edgar Stillman person
correspondedWith Kimbell, Ray person
correspondedWith Kleffman, Ervin H. person
correspondedWith Kohanovich, Lydia person
correspondedWith Krohn, Ernst C. person
correspondedWith Kurth, Ernst person
correspondedWith Lait, Jack person
correspondedWith Lang, Paul Henry person
correspondedWith Larew, Walter person
correspondedWith Leach, Rowland person
associatedWith Lee & Walker corporateBody
correspondedWith Leichentritt, Hugo person
correspondedWith Leo, Brother person
correspondedWith Liebling, Leonard person
correspondedWith Lilienthal, Jesse person
correspondedWith Lilienthal, T. person
correspondedWith Los Angeles City College corporateBody
correspondedWith Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Lowinsky, Edward E. person
correspondedWith Loyola University corporateBody
correspondedWith Luening, E. G. person
correspondedWith Macmillan Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Mason, Daniel Gregory person
correspondedWith Mason, Redfern person
correspondedWith Mathesius, Ebba person
correspondedWith McEwen, John B. person
correspondedWith Mendel, Arthur person
correspondedWith Merton, Felice person
correspondedWith Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures corporateBody
associatedWith Middelschulte, Wilhelm person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Edward R. person
associatedWith Moldenhauer, Hans, collector. person
correspondedWith Monteux, Pierre person
correspondedWith Moore, Douglas person
correspondedWith Morosco, Anthan person
correspondedWith Moser, Hans Joachim person
correspondedWith Moser, Hans Joachim, 1889-1967 person
correspondedWith Mount Saint Mary's College corporateBody
correspondedWith Musical Courier corporateBody
correspondedWith Musical News corporateBody
correspondedWith Music Library Association corporateBody
correspondedWith National Institute of Music and Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Nettl, Paul person
correspondedWith Ocnoff, Edward person
associatedWith Offner, Herbert person
correspondedWith Olesen, Edith person
correspondedWith Olson, Claire C. person
correspondedWith Orriss, Herbert F. person
associatedWith Otterstrom, Thorwald person
correspondedWith Otterström, Thorwald person
correspondedWith Paramount Pictures Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith Parlow, Kathleen person
correspondedWith Parsons, Louella O. person
correspondedWith Paterson, John A. person
correspondedWith Patterson, Frank person
correspondedWith Persinger, Louis person
correspondedWith Piston, Walter person
correspondedWith Pratt, Waldo Selden person
correspondedWith Purves-Smith, Claude person
correspondedWith Reese, Gustav person
correspondedWith Regnery, Henry person
correspondedWith Remy, Alfred person
correspondedWith Ross, Anabel person
correspondedWith Rowher, Jens person
correspondedWith Rozsa, Miklos person
correspondedWith Rubsamen, Walter person
correspondedWith Russell, John person
correspondedWith Russell, Rita person
correspondedWith Sachs, Curt person
correspondedWith San Francisco Chronicle corporateBody
correspondedWith San Francisco State Teachers College corporateBody
correspondedWith San Francisco Symphony Orchestra corporateBody
correspondedWith San Jose State College corporateBody
correspondedWith Sargeant, Winthrop, 1903-1986 person
correspondedWith Sarton, George person
correspondedWith Saunders, Richard person
correspondedWith Scanlon, John Thomas person
correspondedWith Schaeffer, Myron person
correspondedWith Schmulian, S. E. person
correspondedWith Scholes, Percy person
correspondedWith Sharp, Florence person
correspondedWith Shaw, George Bernard person
correspondedWith Silverman, Sol person
correspondedWith Sister M. Dominic person
correspondedWith Slonimsky, Nicolas person
correspondedWith Sol Lesser Productions, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sonneck, Oscar G. person
correspondedWith Sorabji, Kaikhosru S. person
correspondedWith Stanford University corporateBody
correspondedWith St. Edmunds, John person
correspondedWith Stern, Isaac person
correspondedWith Stern, Isaac, 1920-2001 person
correspondedWith St. John's College corporateBody
correspondedWith Stock, Frederick A. person
correspondedWith Swain, Arthur B. person
correspondedWith Szigeti, Wanda person
correspondedWith Teschan, Elsa H. person
correspondedWith Tobin, Richard M. person
correspondedWith Torossian, Berdsch person
correspondedWith Universal-International Pictures corporateBody
correspondedWith University of California, Berkeley corporateBody
correspondedWith University of California, Los Angeles corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Chicago corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Colorado corporateBody
correspondedWith University of San Francisco corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Saskatchewan corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Southern California corporateBody
correspondedWith Upton, George P. person
correspondedWith Vincent, John person
correspondedWith Wagner, Peter person
correspondedWith Walter, Bruno person
correspondedWith Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Weber, Julius Rehn person
correspondedWith Weil, Jennifer person
correspondedWith Werner, Eric person
correspondedWith West, James person
correspondedWith Who's Who in Music corporateBody
correspondedWith Willson, Meredith person
correspondedWith Willson, Meredith, 1902-1984 person
correspondedWith Work Projects Administration corporateBody
correspondedWith Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield person
correspondedWith Ziehn, Bernhard person
associatedWith Ziehn, Bernhard, 1845-1912 person
correspondedWith Ziehn, Emma person
correspondedWith Ziehn, Robert person
correspondedWith Zubryn, Emil person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Music teachers
Music theory


Birth 1884-02-18

Death 1969



Ark ID: w62r4rtd

SNAC ID: 58531217