United States. Department of Agriculture

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The United States Department of Agriculture was established in 1862 by President Abraham Lincoln and was elevated to a Cabinet level organization by President Grover Cleveland in 1889. The Department of Agriculture assists farmers and producers of food as well as creating policies and programs related to food distribution and nutrition information. The United States Department of Agriculture controls a number of regional offices through out the continential United States and its territories.
Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Dale E. Sayers Papers, 1953-2006 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Historical Records Survey. Kentucky. Survey of federal archives project material, 1936-1941. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
referencedIn Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-. Papers, 1945-1948. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Knapp, Bradford, 1870-1938. Papers, 1891-1940. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
creatorOf MS 11519, Benson, Ezra Taft 1899-1994. Ezra T. Benson files circa 1936-1968 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Stannard, Lewis J. (Lewis Judson), 1918-. Papers, 1948-1976. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Stigler, William Grady, 1891-1952. Congressional Papers, 1934-1952, bulk 1944-1952. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
referencedIn New York State College of Agriculture. Department of Plant Breeding. Dept. of Plant Breeding records, 1906-1970. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Papers, [ca. 1903]-1967. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Erosion history data compiled 1936-1944: State of Washington. University of Washington. Libraries
creatorOf Zintheo, Clarence. Papers, 1903-1905. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Gottwald, John, b. 1905. Papers, 1958-1976. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn King, F. H. (Franklin Hiram), 1848-1911. Papers, 1883-1929. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Waters, Herbert J., 1912-. Papers, 1949-1953. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Longwood Gardens, Inc. Office of Director. Records, 1955-1979. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Stickney, Charles William, 1896-1982. Charles William Stickney papers, 1935-1990. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Wallace, Daniel Alden, 1878-1954. Papers of Daniel A. Wallace, 1905-1954. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Connecticut River watershed survey report, 1950. University of Massachusetts Amherst, W.E.B. Du Bois Library
referencedIn Mehl, Joseph Martin, b. 1886. Papers, 1905-1974. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Newsom, Herschel D., 1905-1970. Reminiscences of Herschel D. Newsom : oral history, 1968. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Clemson University. Office of the President. Robert C. Edwards presidential records Correspondence. 1930-1970, 1966-1979. Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn Tony R. Mollhagen Papers, U 296. 1., 1835-2000 Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University
creatorOf Yeutter, Clayton K., 1930-. [1990 Farm Bill letters] / Clayton Yeutter. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Shaw, Harry B., fl. 1889-1935. The Harry B. Shaw papers, 1889-1935. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
referencedIn North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. North Carolina State University, North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Associate Dean and Director records, 1878-2002 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
creatorOf Kadderly, Wallace Ladue, 1892-. Agriculture photograph collection, [ca. 1890-ca. 1970] (bulk [ca. 1910]-1945). Oregon State University Libraries
creatorOf White, Orland E. (Orland Emile), 1885-1972. Papers of Orland E. White [manuscript], 1903-1968. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Edward J. Thye papers., 1938-1959. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Peden, Preston E., 1914-1985. Congressional papers, 1946-1949. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
referencedIn Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. Foreign Affairs Oral History Program. Frontline Diplomacy: the U.S. Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection, 1986-1998 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Hauge, Gabriel, 1914-1981. Reminiscences of Gabriel Hauge : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Forest Service. Research compilation file, 1897-1923; Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska. 1949 [microform]. University of Washington. Libraries
referencedIn Stewart, B. A. (Bobby Alton), 1932-. Agricultural oral history interview with B.A. Stewart / with the direction of Irvin M. May, Jr. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn American Philosophical Society Archives. Record Group IIj, 1898-1988 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn United States. Forest Service. Southwestern Region. History of the Forest Service in the Southwest Photograph Collection [Picture]. University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Inventory of the Samuel Erson Asbury Papers Texas MSS 00044., 1872-1960 Cushing Memorial Library,
referencedIn Bergland, Robert, 1928-. Reminiscences of Robert Bergland : oral history, 1982. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Bankhead, William Brockman, 1874-1940. Papers, 1875-1952 and n.d. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Oregon. State Dept. of Agriculture Administration. Agriculture in the classroom committee minutes 1983-present. Oregon State Archives
creatorOf Vrooman, Carl Schurz, 1872-1966. Papers, 1870-1976. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Knudson, James K. (James Kaiser), 1906-1963. Papers, 1930-1963. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn William Jacob Robbins papers, 1896-1974, 1896-1974 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Montana State College. Office of the President. Alfred Atkinson correspondence files, 1914-1940. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Mayne, Wiley, 1917-. Papers of Wiley Mayne, 1966-1974. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Conservation. Contour lake maps on aperture cards, 1930s-1970. [microform]. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn North Carolina State University Wood Products Extension Records, 1955 - 2002 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Young, James A. (James Albert), 1937-. James A. Young papers, 1902-1984. Nevada State Historical Society
referencedIn Le Duc, William Gates, 1823-1917. Recollections of a Quartermaster 1911. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Brill, Gerow D., 1864-1931. Gerow D. Brill papers, 1884-1924. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Charles E. Palm papers, 1956-1986. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Butz, Earl L. (Earl Lauer), 1909-2008. Reminiscences of Earl Lauer Butz : oral history, 1968. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Stigler, William Grady, 1891-1952. Congressional papers, 1934-1952. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
referencedIn Appleby, Paul Henson, 1891-1963. The reminiscences of Paul Henson Appleby, 1952-1953 (inclusive) [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Paul, Allen B., 1917-. Papers, 1965-1984. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Huffman, Roy E. (Roy Elwood). Roy E. Huffman papers, 1923-1990. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn National Agricultural Publications, 1917-1990 Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
referencedIn Schoening, Harry W. (Harry William), b. 1886. Harry W. Schoening papers. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Proceedings, 1933-1936. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Dr. George F. Knowlton photograph collection, 1935-1955, 1940-1950 Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives
referencedIn Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922. Papers of the Barringer family [manuscript], 1828-1963. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Snyder, Stephen J.,. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Act litigation files, 1979-1982. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Papers, 1923-1960, 1923-1952 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Ezekiel, Mordecai, 1899-1974. Reminiscences of Mordecai Joseph Brill Ezekiel : oral history, 1956. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn President's Secretary's File (Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration) Collection, 1933-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
referencedIn Dewey, Lyster H. (Lyster Hoxie), 1865-1944. USDA fiber collection, 1902-1982. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Burritt, M. C. (Maurice Chase). Maurice C. Burritt papers, 1832-1959. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Northern Nut Growers Association records, 1892-1948. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Naval stores collection, 1903-1974. Georgia Historical Society
referencedIn Alice Catherine Evans papers, 1908-1965. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937. Papers 1888-1937. Wildlife Conservation Society Library, Bronx Zoo Library
referencedIn Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. Official file, 1933-1945. Denver art museum
creatorOf University of California (1868-1952). Division of Soil Technology. Modoc County, California, natural land type map : (compiled from soil survey of Alturas area) / from material based on field soil surveys by Division of Soil Technology, University of California ; and United States Dept. of Agriculture. California Digital Library
referencedIn Rominger, Richard Elmer, 1927-. Richard Elmer Rominger papers, 1977-2000. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
referencedIn Historical Records Survey. Kentucky. Survey of federal archives publications, 1938-1941. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
referencedIn Teague, Charles Collins, 1873-. St. Francis Dam Disaster Papers, 1928-1929. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
creatorOf Friends of the Land (Ohio). Records. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Charles E. Little Papers, 1975-1990 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. [Addresses, statements and remarks published by the United States Department of Agriculture] University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Parisius, Herbert W., 1895-. Reminiscences of Herbert W. Parisius : oral history, 1954. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn John Clyde Marquis papers, 1904-1960 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Price, Harold L. (Harold Lee). Harold L. Price papers, 1935-1972. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Nelson, Edward William, 1855-1934. Edward William Nelson papers, 1903-1963 (bulk 1916-1934). UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. [Department of Agriculture pamphlets]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn North Carolina State University. Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Resources. North Carolina State University, College of Natural Resources, Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Resources records, 1926-2008 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Norris E. Dodd papers, 1900-1968 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924. Papers, 1904-1930. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Milton Caniff Collection, 1805-2007, 1910-1988 The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
referencedIn Tony R. Mollhagen Papers, U 296. 1., 1835-2000 Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University
referencedIn Coya Knutson papers., 1930-1999 (bulk 1954-1958). Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry records, 1842-1994. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Hovey, Charles Smith, Papers, 1854-1895 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Harlan, Jack R. (Jack Rodney). Jack R. and Harry V. Harlan papers, 1905-1985. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf Oregon State University. Agricultural Engineering Dept. Agricultural Engineering Department motion picture films 1947-1968. Oregon State University Libraries
creatorOf Cameron, Ralph H. (Ralph Henry), b. 1863. Papers of Ralph H. Cameron, 1902-1922. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Anderson, W.E., 1909-1994. W.E. Anderson papers, 1930-1980 Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Dabney, Charles William, 1855-1945. Charles William Dabney papers, 1715-1945. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. Commodity distribution charts, 1956-1965. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
referencedIn Kelly, Charles Scott, 1899-1987. Legal files relating to antitrust actions against cooperatives, 1971-1973. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Winter, Milo, 1888-1956. [Culinary ephemera : cleaning, heating, sewing]. Box 366. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Allard, H. A. (Harry Ardell), 1880-1963. H. A. Allard papers, 1880-1953 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Vogel, Sarah. Sarah Vogel papers, 1973-1992. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn American Philosophical Society Archives. Record Group IIi, 1897 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Edgett-Burnham Company records, 1854-1930. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Hardy, John Ira. [Papers]. American Textile History Museum Library
creatorOf Institute of Social and Religious Research. Appalachian Religion Survey Records 1931-1933. Berea College, Hutchins Library
referencedIn Joseph Sanford Wade Papers, 1898-1955 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Paarlberg, Don, 1911-2006. Reminiscences of Don Paarlberg : oral history, 1968. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn W. Keith Kennedy papers, 1971-1978. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Floyd B. McKissick Papers, 1940s-1980s University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
creatorOf Hovland, Alice Mary, 1908-1995. Papers of Alice Mary Hovland, 1924-1971. Museum of Women's History
referencedIn United States. National War Labor Board (1942-1945). United States. National War Labor Board (1942-1945). Series 1, Subseries 3. Electrical Transcription Manufacturers vs. American Federation of Musicians : reports and documents, 1944. Cornell University Library
referencedIn University of Connecticut, Legal and Legislative Records., 1881-1982. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf Claiborne, Robert Watson, 1888-1966. Papers of Robert Watson Claiborne [manuscript], 1934-1966. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Kammlade, William Garfield, 1892-1988. Papers, 1972. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Arnold Krochmal Papers, 1939 - 1978 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Office of the Director of Research records, 1939-1967. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Bledsoe, Sam. Reminiscences of Samuel B. Bledsoe : oral history, 1954. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Cornell University. Office of Investments. Cornell University Office of Investments records, [ca.1865]-1943. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Harmond, Jesse E. (Jesse Edward), 1906-. Oregon fiber flax collection, 1940-1969 (bulk 1944-1956). Oregon State University Libraries
referencedIn Agricultural Engineering Department Motion Picture Films, 1947-1968 Oregon State University Archives
referencedIn Research Triangle Foundation Records, 1955-1999 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Rosas, Rey,. Oral history interview with Rey Rosas, 1998 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. [Reports of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1877-1893 relating to China and the Chinese.]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn McCaw, Arthur B. (Arthur Burgess), 1905-1985. Arthur B. McCaw papers, 1952-1983. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Tolley, H. R. (Howard Ross), 1889-1958. Reminiscences of Howard Ross Tolley : oral history, 1954. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Wilson, James, 1835-1920. Papers, 1887-1976. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Latta, Frank Forrest, 1892-. Frank F. Latta Collection: Skyfarming, 1802-1982 (bulk) 1860-1975. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture glass slide and related materials collection. 1900-1914. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn MS 8568, Benson, Ezra Taft 1899-1994. Ezra Taft Benson Department of Agriculture papers 1953-1961 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Edgett-Burnham Company. Edgett-Burnham Company records, 1854-1930. Cornell University Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Letters and documents concerning Charles Mayer Wetherill, 1862-1864. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Sower, Abraham M., 1878-1957. Papers of Abraham M. Sower, 1866-1927. Nevada State Historical Society
creatorOf Ford, R. E. (Forester). Colorado State University Extension Foresters annual reports, 1941-1960. Denver Public Library, Central Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Montana agricultural statistics press releases, 1920-1982. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Luft, Herbert. Herbert Luft papers essays manuscripts shortwave transcriptions. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
referencedIn Aloysius I. Mudd collection, 1800-1919 The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
referencedIn Scherer, James A. B. (James Augustin Brown), 1870-1944. Papers of James Augustin Brown Scherer, 1916-1943 (bulk 1916-1918) Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Schuette, Henry A. 1885-. General files, 1917-1975. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Grain Terminal Association (Minn.). Corporate records, 1923-1991 (bulk 1938-1976). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Papers, [ca. 1905-1934] New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Alice C. Evans Papers, 1923-1975 History of Medicine Division. National Library of Medicine
referencedIn North Carolina State University, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Expired Project Files, 1966-1997 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Swingle, Walter T. (Walter Tennyson), 1871-1952. United States Department of Agriculture Date Station collection. University of California, Riverside, UCR
referencedIn Joel E. Fletcher Photograph Collection, 1935-1965 Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives
referencedIn Brandt, Karl, 1899-1975. Reminiscences of Karl Brandt : oral history, 1970. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Butler, George D., 1916-. Papers, 1924-1971 (bulk 1930-1950). Arizona State University Libraries
creatorOf Jonas, Clara E. [Culinary ephemera : kitchen planning]. Box 370. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Papers, 1888-1937. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Wolf, Robert, 1920-2005,. Robert Wolf interview, 1989 Apr. 25. University of Montana, Mansfield Library
referencedIn Babbel, Frederick W., 1915-. Reminiscences of Frederick W. Babbel : oral history, 1975. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Rusk, Jeremiah McLain, 1830-1893. Post-Civil War portrait photographs of Jeremiah M. Rusk [picture] ca. 1885-1887. Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center
referencedIn Swanson, E. R. (Earl Raymond), 1921-. Papers, 1939-1991. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Shields, Robert Hazen, 1905-. Reminiscences of Robert Hazen Shields : oral history, 1954. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Crow, Charles B. (Charles Brandon), 1897-1955. Papers, 1920-1949. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Thackrey, J. Franklin (John Franklin), 1910-1990. J. Franklin Thackrey papers, 1935-1981. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Alabama. Dept. of Agriculture and Industries. Commissioner of Agriculture's administrative files, 1887-1989. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Hamilton, Carl. Reminiscences of Carl Hamilton : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Orange County aerial photograph collection, Bulk, 1953, 1947-1965 University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
creatorOf Connecticut River Watershed Survey Report MS 67., 1950 Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
referencedIn McKinley, Charles, 1889-1970. Charles McKinley papers, 1930-1968. University of Oregon Libraries
referencedIn Sullivan, Leonor K. Leonor K. Sullivan papers, member of the House of Representatives from the third district of Missouri, 1952-1976. Saint Louis University Law Library
referencedIn G. W. Barber Papers, 1926-1948 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Clemson University. College of Agricultural Sciences. College of Agriculture records : Office of the Dean, 1953-1990. Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn Donald E. Moreland papers, 1948 - 2000 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Carl Bert Albert Congressional papers, 1910-1998, bulk 1946-1998. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
creatorOf Sheldon Museum. Farm survey project, 1987-1988. Sheldon Museum Research Center
referencedIn Le Duc, William Gates, 1823-1917. William G. Le Duc and family papers, 1760-1967 (bulk 1858-1976). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Bennett, Hugh H. (Hugh Hammond), 1881-1960. Hugh H. Bennett papers, 1923-1956 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Departmentof Plant Pathology. Dept. of Plant Pathology records, 1913-1983. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Tilsen, Kenneth E., 1927-. Kenneth E. Tilsen papers, 1964-circa 2010. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn William B. Provine collection of evolutionary biology reprints, 20th century. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Barnett, Claude, 1889-1967. Claude A. Barnett papers, 1918-1967 (bulk 1928-1963). Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Barnett, Clay C., 1895-. Papers, 1937-1961. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Griffin, Edward Lawrence, 1889-. Edward Lawrence Griffin [sound recording] : an oral history / interviewed by Adelynne H. Whitaker, Jan. 31, 1973. National Library of Medicine
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Autograph letter signed : [Washington, D.C.], to [Charles P.?] Lyman, 1881 Apr. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Horace Capron Papers, 1834-1961, (bulk 1871-1875) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Clague, Ewan, 1896-1987. Reminiscences of Ewan Clague : oral history, 1958. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Clemson University. Dept. of Textile Research. Textile Research Department Director's files, 1940-1980, (bulk 1955-1965). Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Letters, 1939-1940, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn World War posters, 1914-1945 Claremont Colleges.Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library.
referencedIn Palm, Charles Edmund, 1911-1996. Charles E. Palm papers, 1956-1986. Cornell University Library
referencedIn MS 15446, Anderson, Minnie Evaline Egan 1896-1985. Minnie E. Egan Anderson papers 1946-1981 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn John Sylvester Fischer papers, 1907-1980 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Charles Albert Browne Papers, 1783-1947, (bulk 1909-1945) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Collection, 1970- Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies Library
creatorOf Ontario Agricultural College. President. (1928-1947 : Christie). Certificate From the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Recognition of Services As Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, 1919. University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library
referencedIn Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965. Papers, 1910-1988. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Wooten, H. H. (Hugh Hill), 1894-. H. H. Wooten papers, 1929-1942 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Smith, J. Russell (Joseph Russell), 1874-1966. Papers, [ca. 1888]-1966. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn O'Donnell, I. D. (Ignatius Daniel), 1860-1948. I.D. O'Donnell papers, 1884-1947. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Robert S. Fletcher Papers, 1928-1949 Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Arthur B. McCaw papers, 1952-1983 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Ralston, W. R. W.R. Ralston papers relating to California agriculture, ca. 1929-1944. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Dickson, James E. (James Ervin), ca. 1887-1970. James E. Dickson papers, 1919-1944. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Department of Agriculture. Correspondence with Edgar Fahs Smith, 1908. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Unitarian Service Committee. Administrative Records, 1948-1953 Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn Morris, Toby. Congressional papers, 1946-1960. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
creatorOf Schury, Ben J. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schury collection, 1886-1939. Frankenmuth Historical Association
referencedIn Dabbs, Eugene Whitefield, 1864-1933. Eugene Whitefield Dabbs papers, 1773-1949. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Wickard, Claude R. (Claude Raymond), 1893-1967. Reminiscences of Claude Raymond Wickard : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. [Culinary ephemera : U.S. government documents - 1950-1969]. Box 299. William L. Clements Library
creatorOf Halloran, Arthur F. Papers, 1892-1985. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn The Steven Zahniser Collection on Latin American Agricultural Economy 2006-07. N/A., 1938-1993 Benson Latin American Collection, General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin
referencedIn United States. National Recovery Administration. The tobacco study, 1936, [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Evans, Rudolph Martin, 1890-1956. Reminiscences of Rudolph Martin Evans : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Collection of Aerial Photographs, 1935-2001 Western Washington University Heritage Resources
referencedIn Frederick Gardner Cottrell Papers, 1896-1951, (bulk 1907-1940) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Wessling, Hannah L. [Culinary ephemera : government documents - 1917-1949]. Box 298. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Taylor, Henry C. (Henry Charles), 1873-1969. Reminiscences of Henry Charles Taylor : oral history, 1952. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn American Medical Association. Dept. of Investigation. Records. Wigmore, Ann-Wilkens, J.K. (inclusive), 1911-1973. American Medical Association,James S. Todd Memorial Library
referencedIn Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916. Papers, 1860-1924. [microfilm]. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Northern Nut Growers Association. Northern Nut Growers Association records, 1892-1948. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Munroe, Henry Smith, 1850-1933. Correspondence, 1855-1899. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Bean, Louis H. (Louis Hyman), 1896-1994. The reminiscences of Louis H. Bean [microform]. University of Houston, Clear Lake, Alfred R. Neumann Library
referencedIn Baldwin, Calvin Benham, 1902-1975. Papers of C.B. Baldwin, 1933-1975. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Wilson, M. L. (Milburn Lincoln), 1885-1969. Reminiscences of Milburn Lincoln Wilson : oral history, 1956. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Kenneth E. Tilsen papers., 1964-circa 2010. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Thom, Charles, 1872-1956. Charles Thom papers 1913-1955. New York Botanical Garden, The LuEsther T. Mertz Library
referencedIn Voices from the Food Revolution: People Who Changed The Way Americans Eat, An oral history project conducted by Judith Weinraub, 2009-2011 Fales Library & Special Collections
referencedIn Davidson, J. Brownlee (Jay Brownlee), 1880-1957. Papers, 1907-1964. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn McCune, Wesley, 1918-. Papers of Wesley McCune, 1942-1989. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Frederick L. Wellman Papers, 1915 - 1981 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Fischer, John Sylvester, 1910-1978. John Sylvester Fischer papers, 1907-1980 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Hostetler, Earl Henry, 1890-1968. Earl Henry Hostetler papers, 1915-1968 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Patton, James G., 1902-. Reminiscences of James G. Patton : oral history, 1979. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Wilson, M. L. (Milburn Lincoln), 1885-1969. M.L. Wilson collection, 1935-1960. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. [Culinary ephemera : U.S. government documents - 1970-]. Box 300. William L. Clements Library
creatorOf Lutes, Della T. (Della Thompson), b. 1872. [Culinary ephemera : canning]. Box 131. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Watts, John C. (John Clarence), 1902-1971. John C. Watts papers, 1948-1971, 1951-1971 (bulk dates). University of Kentucky Libraries
referencedIn Ezra A. Carman papers, 1827-1934, 1880-1900 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn North Carolina State University, College of Natural Resources, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources Records, 1926-2010 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Appleby, Paul H. (Paul Henson), 1891-1963. The reminiscences of Paul H. Appleby [microform]. University of Houston, Clear Lake, Alfred R. Neumann Library
referencedIn Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. Subunit history. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
referencedIn Scott, Alma, b. 1892. Alma Scott papers, 1876-1974. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn LeCron, James D., 1885-1961. Reminiscences of James D. LeCron : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Wetherill, Charles Mayer, 1825-1871. Papers : mostly pertaining to chemistry, 1837-1886. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn President's Secretary's File (Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration) Collection, 1933-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
referencedIn North Carolina State University, College of Natural Resources, Accreditation Records, 1958-1977 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Freeman, Orville L. Orville L. Freeman papers, [ca. 1903]-1919, 1941-2003 (bulk 1946-1998). Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Hovey, Charles Smith, b. ca. 1820. Hovey, Charles Smith, Papers, 1854-1895 University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Haubenstricker, Ivan,. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haubenstricker books collection, 1919-1959. Frankenmuth Historical Association
referencedIn Los Ybanez (Tex.) Records, 1941-1985. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
referencedIn Orville L. Freeman papers., [ca. 1903]-1919, 1941-2003 (bulk 1946-1998). Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Raymond F. Roth Papers, 1936-1977, (bulk 1940-1966) University of California, Davis. General Library. . Dept. of Special Collections
referencedIn John D. Stark papers, 1949-1978 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Minnesota. Division of Forestry. Watershed project files, [1953]-[1975] (bulk 1956-1970). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Brannan, Charles F. (Charles Franklin), 1903-1992. Reminiscences of Charles Franklin Brannan : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Oregon Fiber Flax Collection, 1940-1969, 1944-1956 Oregon State University Libraries University Archives
referencedIn Job Corps (U.S.). Subject Files of Otis A. Singletary, (a series), 1964-65. Denver art museum
referencedIn Merle T. Jenkins Papers, 1913-1974, 1913-1958 Oregon State University Libraries University Archives
referencedIn American Philosophical Society Archives. Record Group IIh, 1892-1896 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Stark, John. Papers of John Stark, 1949-1978. Harold B. Lee Library
creatorOf Spaeth, J. Nelson (John Nelson), 1896-1982. Papers, 1939-1960. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965. Henry Agard Wallace papers, 1888-1966 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
creatorOf Co-Operative Union of Ontario Collection. U.S. publications concerning co-operatives, 1950-1981. University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library
creatorOf Sullivan, William N., 1908-1979. Papers, 1945-1978. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Darrow, Wayne, 1894-. Papers, 1936-1972. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn New York State College of Agriculture. Office of the Director of Research. Office of the Director of Research records, 1939-1962. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Campbell, Ed Hoyt, 1882-1969. Papers of Ed Hoyt Campbell, 1911, 1924-1933. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dept. of Plant Pathology records, 1913-1983. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Stuckey, Jasper L. (Jasper Leonidas), 1891-1979. Jasper Leonidas Stuckey papers, 1924-1979 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
creatorOf Utah State University. Sevier River Basin : reports and bibliography. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Jenkins, Merle T. Merle T. Jenkins papers, 1913-1974 (bulk 1913-1958). Oregon State University Libraries
referencedIn The Nation, records, 1879-1974 (inclusive), 1920-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Roth, Raymond F. Raymond F. Roth papers, 1936-1977, bulk 1940-1966. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
referencedIn Bessey, Charles E. (Charles Edwin). Papers of Charles E. Bessey, 1865-1915. Library of Congress
referencedIn Stine, O. C. (Oscar Clemen), 1884-1974. Reminiscences of Oscar Clemen Stine : oral history, 1952. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Jeanes, Allene Rosalind, 1906-. Papers, 1948-1995. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Benson, Ezra Taft. Ezra Taft Benson letter to Margaret Pitzer, 1953. Harold B. Lee Library
creatorOf Galloway, B. T. Beverly Thomas Galloway papers, 1891-1933. National Agricultural Library, NAL
creatorOf Perkins, Reuben W. (Reuben Winchester), 1828-1877. Reuben W. Perkins scrapbook, 1868-ca. 1913. Nevada State Historical Society
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Division of American Missions. Dept. of Church in Town and Country. Correspondence Files, 1945-1966. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Morrill, Chester, 1885-. Reminiscences of Chester Morrill : oral history, 1952. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf [United States. Department of Agriculture : pamphlets.]. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
referencedIn Sayers, Dale E. (Dale Edward), 1943-2004. Dale E. Sayers papers, 1959-2004 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Rowe, George Frederick, 1910- . Papers, 1932-1963. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Placer County (Calif.). Farm Bureau. Irrigation map of southern and western Placer County showing cultivated and wooded areas, present canals and proposed future canals / J. Barieau, engineer ; prepared for Placer County Farm Bureau ; and Irrigation Investigations of U.S. Dep't. of Agriculture ; California State Dep't. of Engineering ; and University of California. Water Resources Collections and Archives
creatorOf United States. National Resources Committee. Envelope of various documents on drainage basin problems and programs, Central Valley, Central California Coast / prepared for the National Resources Committee. Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn Gordon S. Barrett papers, 1913-1957, 1933-1954 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
creatorOf Weber, Vin. Congressional files and related papers, 1950-1995 (bulk 1990-1992). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Charles McKinley papers, 1930-1968 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Sanders, C. E. (Charles E.). Papers, 1955-1976. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
referencedIn Langston University. Presidents Office records, 1962-1993. Langston University Library, G. Lamar Harrison Library
referencedIn Valdez, Guadalupe,. Oral history interview with Guadalupe Valdez, 2006 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Steele Ranch. Steele Ranch records, 1855-1973. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Killin family. Killin family papers [manuscript], 1873-1910. Oregon Historical Society Research Library
creatorOf Pratt, Eleanor, 1925-. Eleanor Pratt collection, 1950-1991 (bulk 1961-1972). National Food Service Management Institute, University of Mississippi
referencedIn Bergland, Bob Selmer, 1928-. Bob Bergland papers, 1971-1983. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Cooper, Roswell D., 1877-1954. Roswell D. Cooper, Sr. papers, 1916-1954. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. Official file, 1933-1945. Denver art museum
referencedIn Bob Bergland papers., 1971-1983. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Willits, Edwin, 1830-1906. Edwin Willits papers, 1889-1893. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. USDA and National Cancer Institute (NCI) Plant Collections records, 1959-1980. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Thom, Charles, 1872-1956. Charles Thom papers, 1913-1955. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Records, 1933-1942. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn J. B. Matthews Papers, 1862-1986 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Ezekiel, Mordecai, 1899-1974. The reminiscences of Mordecai Joseph Brill Ezekiel, 1957 [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn New York State College of Agriculture. Office of the Director of Research. Office of the Director of Research records, 1939-1967. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Dale E. Sayers Papers, 1953-2006 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Cromartie, A. D. A.D. Cromartie [sound recording] : an oral history / interviewed by Adelynne H. Whitaker, Mar. 26, 1973. National Library of Medicine
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Montana agricultural statistics press releases, 1920-1982. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Bean, Louis H. (Louis Hyman), 1896-1994. The reminiscences of Louis H. Bean, 1952, [microform]. Yale University Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. [Collection of publications published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture] <1929>-<1934>. Stanford University Lane Medical Library
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Jobs and Training. Office of Job Service and Unemployment Insurance Operations. Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET) Program files, 1982-1988. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Tugwell, Rexford G. (Rexford Guy), 1891-1979. Reminiscences of Rexford Guy Tugwell: oral history, 1950. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Office of the Associate Dean and Director Records, 1878-2003 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Congressional Files and Related Papers., 1950-1995 (bulk 1990-1992). Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Kennedy, Wilbert Keith, 1919-. W. Keith Kennedy papers, 1971-1978. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Contour lake maps on aperture cards [microform]., 1930s-1970. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Ruhl, Harry D. Ottawa County, soil map, 1922. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf McCook, Henry. Scrapbook of seals and stamps, 1847-1922. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Willard Loomis Devereaux papers, 1874-1899. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry records, 1842-1994. Cornell University Library
referencedIn North Carolina State University. College of Natural Resources. North Carolina State University, College of Natural Resources accreditation reports, 1958-1977 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Minnesota War History Committee. Collected research materials, [1940s]. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Go Forth and Serve: African American Land Grant Colleges Audiovisual Collection National Museum of American History (U.S.). Archives Center
referencedIn Daughter to father letter, 1912 July 11. Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
referencedIn North Carolina Agricultural Research Service Miscellaneous Records, 1889-1989 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Vincent Family Papers 1934; 1935; 1965; 73-160., 1852-1959 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Russell, Paul George, 1889-1959. Paul George Russell papers : manuscripts 1908-1959. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Remsen, Ira, 1846-1927. Ira Remsen papers, 1868-1938. Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library
creatorOf Carman, Ezra Ayers, 1834-1909. Ezra Ayers Carman papers, 1828-1934, bulk (1861-1909). New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Collection of Aerial Photographs, 1935-2001 Western Washington University Heritage Resources
referencedIn Hughes, Earl Mulford, 1907-. Papers, 1948-1986. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Bankhead, John Hollis, 1872-1946. Papers, 1880-1947 and n.d. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Houston, David Franklin, 1866-1940. David Franklin Houston papers, 1891-1930 (inclusive), 1913-1921 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Master sample of agriculture. Zone 3, 1938-1944. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Scott, Charles F., b. 1860. Charles F. Scott papers, 1883-1938. Kansas State Historical Society
creatorOf C.A.V. Barker Collection (University of Guelph). The cattle grubs or ox warbles, their biologies and suggestions for control / by F.C. Bishop [et al.]. University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library
creatorOf United States. National Resources Committee. Envelope containing documents on drainage basin reports and minutes of committee meetings for northern California. Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn Map collection, 1868-1956, 1901-1929 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Watt Family. Papers, 1839-1967. Auburn University.
referencedIn Mitchell, Henry B. (Henry Bass), 1855-1938. Henry B. Mitchell family papers, 1871-1960 (bulk 1877-1891). Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Fischer, John Sylvester, 1910-1978. John Sylvester Fischer papers, 1907-1980 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Food pamphlet collection, 1931-1968, n.d. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Clemson University. Office of the President. Enoch Walter Sikes presidential records. 1932-1941. 1932-1941. Correspondence. Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn McNair, James Birtley, 1889-1967. Papers of James Birtley McNair, 1901-1964 (bulk 1915-1964). Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
creatorOf Flanagan, Thelma. Thelma G. Flanagan papers, 1929-1990 (bulk 1942-1978). National Food Service Management Institute, University of Mississippi
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. U.S.D.A. aerial photographs, 1959-1981. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn F. Lamson-Scribner Papers, 1885-1938 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Frick, Elaine. Elaine Frick papers 1986-2002. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Tony R. Mollhagen Papers, U 296. 1., 1835-2000 Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University
referencedIn Evans, Alice Catherine, 1881-1975. Alice Catherine Evans papers, 1923-1975. National Library of Medicine
creatorOf Kirkpatrick, Jay. Jay Kirkpatrick collection, 1911-1981. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn Thye, Edward John, 1896-. Edward J. Thye papers, 1938-1959. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Knowlton, George F. Dr. George F. Knowlton photograph collection, 1935-1955 (bulk 1940-1950). Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Gerow D. Brill papers, 1884-1924. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Colorado. Game and Fish Dept. Colorado fish and game printed materials 1925-1961. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Committee for Environmental Information, 1972-1973 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Maurice C. Burritt papers, 1832-1959. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Wellman, Frederick L. Frederick L. Wellman papers, 1915-1981 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
creatorOf Colbert, Claudette. [Culinary ephemera : meats and eggs]. Box 264. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Progressive Farmers' Club (Baldwin County, Ga.). Progressive Farmers' Club records, 1927-[ongoing]. Georgia College & State University, GC&SU Library
referencedIn United States Plant Introduction Garden. Papers. California State University, Chico, Chico State
referencedIn McGrath, J. E. Area of swamp & salt marsh lands along the Atlantic coast from Maine to Georgia / by J.E. McGrath. United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
referencedIn Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916. Papers, 1860-1924. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Capron, Horace, 1804-1885. Papers [microform], 1832-1952. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Hays, W. M. (Willet Martin), 1859-1916. Papers, 1887-1929. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Elliot Brown Grover reports and patent, 1928 - 1943 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn T. Swann Harding Papers, 1918-1963 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Roget, Einar L. Papers, 1964-1979. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Moreland, Donald E., 1919-. Donald E. Moreland papers, 1948-2000 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Evans, Alice Catherine, 1881-1975. Alice Catherine Evans papers, 1908-1965. Cornell University Library
referencedIn American Medical Association. Dept. of Investigation. Records. Agmel-Agriculture, Dept. of (inclusive), 1910-1968. American Medical Association,James S. Todd Memorial Library
referencedIn Jacobsen, Jacob Christian, 1911-. Jacob Christian Jacobsen writings, [ca.1970-1978]. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Pacific Northwest Promotional Brochures Collection, 1885-2005 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Dickson, James E. (James Ervin), ca. 1887-1970. James E. Dickson papers, 1919-1944. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. U.S. Department of Agriculture oral history, 1993-2000 : manuscripts, 1993-2000. National Agricultural Library, NAL
referencedIn Elizabeth Clark Rosenthal Collection University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Emergency flood report, December 1938, Southern California / by Flood Control Committee, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn James Dix Schuyler papers, 1886-1912, 1896-1907 Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn McCormick, Clarence J. (Clarence James), 1902-1983. Papers, 1950-1952. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Davis, John William, 1916-1992. John W. Davis Papers, Series XI : Rivers, Harbors, and Watersheds, 1963-1970.
referencedIn Papers, 1911-1979. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Dept. of Plant Breeding records, 1906-1970. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Link, Arthur A. Arthur Link congressional records, 1970-1972. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Meredith, Edwin Thomas, 1876-1928. Papers of Edwin T. Meredith, 1898-1949 [microform]. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Knutson, Cornelia Gjesdal, 1912-. Coya Knutson papers, 1952-1980 (bulk 1954-1958). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Frederick L. Wellman Papers, 1915 - 1981 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Papers, 1929-1998 (Inclusive) Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine
referencedIn Claude Barnett and the Associated Negro Press, 1976-1977 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Bacon, Lois Bigelow, 1904-1986. Lois Bigelow Bacon papers, 1872-1982; bulk: 1927-1945. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn William Marion Jardine Papers, 1908-1955 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Earl Hoyt Bell Papers 1934-1960. Syracuse University
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Agriculture. Minnesota Agricultural Mobilization Committee minutes, 1951 Jul.-1953 Jul. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Corporate records., 1923-1991 (bulk 1938-1976). Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Lockwood, Dimon, 1888-1970. [Papers]. American Textile History Museum Library
creatorOf Placer County (Calif.). Farm Bureau. Irrigation map of southern and western Placer County showing cultivated and wooded areas, present canals and proposed future canals / J. Barieau, engineer ; prepared for Placer County Farm Bureau ; and Irrigation Investigations of U.S. Dep't. of Agriculture ; California State Dep't. of Engineering ; and University of California. Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn Consumers' Research, Inc. Government agencies general files, 1920-1981. Rutgers University
referencedIn Paul Webb Collection, 1953-1993, 1972-1984 Wright State University, Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Cuningham, Alexander, d. ca. 1850. Alexander Cuningham papers, 1740-1918; (bulk 1825-1859). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Cummings, Walter C. Letters, 1882-1956. Alabama Department of Archives and History
creatorOf American Association for the Advancement of Atheism. General brochure and pamphlet collection, 1921-ongoing (bulk 1948-1967) The Henry Ford, Benson Ford Research Center
referencedIn Michigan Historical Records Survey records, 1936-1942 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924. Papers, 1904-1930. [microform]. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf L.S. Heath & Sons. Records, 1917-1969 (bulk 1917-1921, 1936-1943). Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Bean, Louis H. (Louis Hyman), 1896-1994. Reminiscences of Louis Hyman Bean : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Weber, Ludwig, 1909-1991. Weber/Grueber family papers, 1900-1972. Frankenmuth Historical Association
referencedIn Papers of U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman [collection] : 1995-2000. Wichita State University, Ablah Library
referencedIn Park Poultry Producers Association Records, 1923-1941 MSU-Bozeman Library, Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections
creatorOf Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. Program outlay reports, 1966-1975. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
creatorOf Allison, Bob. [Culinary ephemera : non-edible mixed - oversize]. Box 436. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Bennett, Hugh H. (Hugh Hammond), 1881-1960. Hugh Bennett papers 1921-1959 [manuscript]. Denver Public Library, Central Library
referencedIn Ezra A. Carman papers, 1827-1934, 1880-1900 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965. Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace : oral history, 1951. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Havira, Barbara Speas,. [Barbara Speas Havira Collection, 1980-1987]. Western Michigan University, Dwight B. Waldo Library
referencedIn Dairymen's League Cooperative Association records, 1916-1961. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Hush, Homer. Hush, Homer papers, 1935-1968. State Historical Society of Iowa, Library
creatorOf Clark, Roy, 1933-. Papers of Roy Clark [manuscript], 1935-1949. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Alexander "Bud" Gavitt, Jr. Papers, undated, 1920-2005 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture aerial photographs of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties, Oregon, 1972-1994 (bulk 1994). Oregon State University Libraries
referencedIn Cain, Harry P. (Harry Pulliam), 1906-1979. Harry P. Cain papers, 1945-1950 (bulk 1948-1949). Washington State Historical Society
creatorOf Pawnee Business Council. Reading file, 1991. Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
referencedIn President's Office Records of John M. Bloss, 1892-1897 Oregon State University LibrariesSpecial Collections & University Archives Research Center
referencedIn Bledsoe, Sam. The reminiscences of Samuel B. Bledsoe [microform]. University of Houston, Clear Lake, Alfred R. Neumann Library
creatorOf Baker, Raymond F., 1906-1999. Papers, 1927-1977 (bulk 1927-1967). Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Benson, Ezra Taft. Reminiscences of Ezra Taft Benson : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Maurice Hugh Farrier Papers, 1876-1991 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn History of the Forest Service in the Southwest Photograph Collection, 1930-1960 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
referencedIn Hughes, Thomas R., 1925-. Thomas R. Hughes papers, 1960-1968. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Greenshields, Elco L. (Elco Lanier), 1911-1989. Elco L. Greenshields papers, 1925-1989. Herbert Hoover Library
referencedIn Harding, T. Swann (Thomas Swann), 1890-. Thomas Swann Harding : manuscripts, 1943-1949. National Agricultural Library, NAL
creatorOf United States Department of Agriculture Glass Slide and Related Materials Collection, 1900-1914 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives.
referencedIn Tapp, Jesse W. (Jesse Washington), b. 1898. Reminiscences of Jesse Washington Tapp : oral history, 1953. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture, Oxford Tobacco Research Laboratory Collection [graphic]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Bond, T. E.,. UCD Emeriti Association oral history interview with Theodore E. Bond, May 12, 2003 [videorecording]. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
referencedIn Farm Family Decision Making Project oral histories and records, 1966-1982. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Textiles Marketing Publications Collection, 1883-1979 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Papers, 1922-1987, 1933-1987 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Frank F. Marshall papers, 1914 University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc]
referencedIn Rogers, Warren Lee, 1912-1992. Papers of Warren Lee Rogers, 1912-1992. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Bretton Woods Company. Mt. Pleasant/Bretton Woods Company records, 1889-1936. New Hampshire Historical Society Library
referencedIn Harvard Botanical Museum 16mm Film Collection, ca. 1943-1978 : Guide. Harvard Film Archive, Fine Arts Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Avery, William Cushman, 1831-1844. Papers, 1852-1893. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Oklahoma Association of Retired Employees. OKASCOE, 1959-1989 : 30 years and counting / assembled by OKARE. Allen County Public Library, ACPL
referencedIn Hall, Jay Markham, 1918-. Oral history, 1992. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Meredith, Edwin Thomas, 1876-1928. Papers of Edwin T. Meredith, 1898-1949. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Martin, Ovid A., 1904-1979. Papers, 1920-1979. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Hudson Cotton Company collection, 1903-1920. Arizona State University Libraries
referencedIn Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. Commodity distribution cards, 1959-1965 (bulk 1960-1965). Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
referencedIn Erwin F. Smith Papers, 1876-1927, (bulk 1920-1927) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Schroeder, Glenn W., b. 1891. Papers, 1911-1915. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Meyer, Frank Nicholas. Letters of Frank N. Meyer, 1902-[1918]. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
referencedIn Morse, True Delbert, 1896-. Reminiscences of True Delbert Morse : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Ellis, R. E., 1881-1949. R.E. Ellis papers, 1942-1943. University of Tennessee Martin, Paul Meek Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. USDA Staff directories collection, 1932-1998. National Agricultural Library, NAL
creatorOf United States Dept. of Agriculture Aerial Photographs of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties, Oregon, 1972-1994, 1994 Oregon State University Libraries University Archives
creatorOf Curry, J. L. M. (Jabez Lamar Monroe), 1825-1903. Pamphlet collection, 1788-1902. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn United States. Office of Economic Opportunity. Office of the Director. Program Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Director for Civil Rights, (a series). 1964-67. Denver art museum
creatorOf Brannan, Charles F. (Charles Franklin), 1903-1992. Papers, 1933-1991 (bulk 1944-1953). Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Consumers' Research, Inc. Government general files--Food and Drug Administration laws and legislation, 1907-1980. Rutgers University
referencedIn Jump, William Ashby. William Ashby Jump : papers, 1938-1949. National Agricultural Library, NAL
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Preliminary examination report, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Valleys : Upper Sacramento River / Flood Control Field Coordinating Committees #18 and 20. Water Resources Collections and Archives
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Aerial photographs of Virginia counties, 1936-1937, 1957-1959. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Park Poultry Producers Association. Park Poutry Producers Association records, 1923-1941. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Bentley, W. D. (Walter Dimmitt), 1856-1930. Papers, ca. 1909-1920. Oklahoma State University Library, Edmon Low Library
referencedIn Earl Henry Hostetler Papers, 1915-1968 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Conservation. Photographs relating to soil and water conservation, 1926-1957 (bulk 1936-1940). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture weather map, 1898 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Dairymen's League Cooperative Association. Dairymen's League Cooperative Association records, 1916-1961. Cornell University Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Orange County aerial photograph collection, 1947 - 1965, 1953 - 1953 University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
referencedIn Steuk Family Collection, 1906-1950 Sandusky Library
referencedIn Wilson, M. L. (Milburn Lincoln), 1885-1969. M.L. Wilson papers, 1913-1970. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Allin, Bushrod W. (Bushrod Warren), 1889-1968. Papers, 1932-1968. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Johnson, Lloyd E., 1938-. An interview with Lloyd Johnson / Lloyd Johnson ; Michael Maniscalco, interviewer. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Kiefer, Charles F. Papers, 1940-1976. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn B. B. Sugg Papers, 1948-1972 East Carolina University. J.Y. Joyner Library
referencedIn Rusk, Jeremiah McLain, 1830-1893. Jeremiah Rusk papers, 1862-1898. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Gay, Edward J. (Edward James), 1878-1952. Edward J. Gay III congressional file, 1888-1921 (bulk 1918-1921). Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Records of Soil Surveys, 1978-1984. Harvard University, Botany Libraries
referencedIn MS 25519, Shurtleff, Miller Francis 1913-. Miller F. Shurtleff interviews and mission papers 1968-1992 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Farm Family Decision Making Project. Farm Family Decision Making Project oral histories and records, 1966-1982. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Cannon Family Papers, circa 1839-1951 North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service miscellaneous records, 1889-1989 [manuscript] North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Atkins, Irvin Milburn, 1904-. Oral history interview with Irvin M. Atkins, 1986 March 14. University of North Texas Library, UNT
referencedIn Vincent family. Vincent Family papers, 1852-1959 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Carl Schurz Vrooman papers, 1872-1975 (bulk 1890-1975) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Conclusions and recommendations of the experts in charge of irrigation investigations in California. Water Resources Collections and Archives
referencedIn Krochmal, Arnold, 1919-. Arnold Krochmal papers, 1939-1978 [manuscript]. North Carolina State University, NCSU Libraries
referencedIn Isabella County (Mich.) Aerial Photographs, 1950-1969. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Dodd, Norris E., b. 1879. Norris E. Dodd papers, 1900-1968. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Miller, R.N. Facts concerning Snohomish County dairying / R.N. Miller, A.Z. Smith, Donald G. Saunders. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn Griesbach, Robert James. Stereo cards of USDA buildings and grounds in Washington D.C. [picture], 1870-1930. National Agricultural Library, NAL
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Aero Service Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith Alabama. Dept. of Agriculture and Industries. corporateBody
associatedWith Albert, Carl Bert, 1908-2000. person
associatedWith Allard, H. A. (Harry Ardell), 1880-1963. person
associatedWith Allin, Bushrod W. (Bushrod Warren), 1889-1968. person
associatedWith American Medical Association. Dept. of Investigation. corporateBody
associatedWith American Medical Association. Dept. of Investigation. corporateBody
associatedWith American Philosophical Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895- person
associatedWith Anderson, Minnie Evaline Egan 1896-1985 person
associatedWith Anderson, W.E., 1909-1994 person
associatedWith Appleby, Paul Henson, 1891-1963. person
associatedWith Arnold Arboretum. corporateBody
associatedWith Asbury, Samuel E. (Samuel Erson), 1872-1962 person
associatedWith Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. Foreign Affairs Oral History Program. corporateBody
associatedWith Atkins, Irvin Milburn, 1904- person
associatedWith Avery, William Cushman, 1831-1844. person
associatedWith Babbel, Frederick W., 1915- person
associatedWith Bacon, Lois Bigelow, 1904-1986. person
associatedWith Baker, Raymond F., 1906-1999. person
associatedWith Baldwin, Calvin Benham, 1902-1975. person
associatedWith Bankhead, John Hollis, 1872-1946. person
associatedWith Bankhead, William Brockman, 1874-1940. person
associatedWith Barber, G. W. (George W.) person
associatedWith Barnett, Claude, 1889-1967. person
associatedWith Barnett, Clay C., 1895- person
associatedWith Barrett, Gordon S. person
associatedWith Bean, Louis H. (Louis Hyman), 1896-1994. person
associatedWith Bennett, Hugh H. (Hugh Hammond), 1881-1960. person
correspondedWith Benson, Ezra Taft. person
associatedWith Bentley, W. D. (Walter Dimmitt), 1856-1930. person
associatedWith Bergland, Robert, 1928- person
associatedWith Bessey, Charles E. (Charles Edwin), 1845-1915. person
associatedWith Bledsoe, Sam. person
associatedWith Bond, T. E., person
associatedWith Brandt, Karl, 1899-1975. person
associatedWith Brannan, Charles F. (Charles Franklin), 1903-1992. person
associatedWith Bretton Woods Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Brill, Gerow D., 1864-1931. person
associatedWith Brooklyn Botanic Garden. corporateBody
employerOf Brown, Dee, 1908-2002 person
associatedWith Browne, Charles Albert, 1870-1947 person
associatedWith Burlington Textiles Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Burritt, M. C. (Maurice Chase) person
associatedWith Butler, George D., 1916- person
associatedWith Butz, Earl L. (Earl Lauer), 1909-2008. person
associatedWith Cain, Harry P. (Harry Pulliam), 1906-1979. person
associatedWith Cameron, Ralph H. (Ralph Henry), b. 1863. person
associatedWith Campbell, Ed Hoyt, 1882-1969. person
associatedWith Cannon family family
associatedWith Capron, Horace, 1804-1885. person
associatedWith Carman, Ezra Ayers, 1834-1909. person
associatedWith C.A.V. Barker Collection (University of Guelph) corporateBody
associatedWith Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). Advisory Council to the Director. corporateBody
associatedWith Clague, Ewan, 1896-1987. person
associatedWith Claiborne, Robert Watson, 1888-1966. person
associatedWith Clark, Roy, 1933- person
associatedWith Clemson University. College of Agricultural Sciences. corporateBody
associatedWith Clemson University. Dept. of Textile Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Clemson University. Office of the President. corporateBody
associatedWith Clemson University. Office of the President. corporateBody
associatedWith Colorado. Game and Fish Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Consumers' Research, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Co-Operative Union of Ontario Collection. corporateBody
associatedWith Cooper, Roswell D., 1877-1954. person
associatedWith Cornell University. Office of Investments. corporateBody
associatedWith Cottrell, Frederick Gardner, 1877-1948. person
associatedWith Crampton, C. A. person
associatedWith Cromartie, A. D. person
associatedWith Crow, Charles B. (Charles Brandon), 1897-1955. person
associatedWith Cummings, Walter C. person
associatedWith Cuningham, Alexander, d. ca. 1850. person
associatedWith Curry, J. L. M. (Jabez Lamar Monroe), 1825-1903. person
associatedWith Dabbs, Eugene Whitefield, 1864-1933. person
associatedWith Dabney, Charles William, 1855-1945. person
associatedWith Dairymen's League Cooperative Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Darrow, Wayne, 1894- person
associatedWith Davidson, J. Brownlee (Jay Brownlee), 1880-1957. person
associatedWith Davis, John William, 1916-1992. person
associatedWith Devereaux, Willard Loomis. person
correspondedWith Dickson, James E. (James Ervin), ca. 1887-1970. person
associatedWith Dodd, Norris E., b. 1879. person
associatedWith Edgett-Burnham Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Edgett-Burnham Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Ellis, R. E., 1881-1949. person
associatedWith Espy, Mike, 1953- person
associatedWith Evans, Alice Catherine, 1881-1975. person
associatedWith Evans, Rudolph Martin, 1890-1956. person
associatedWith Ezekiel, Mordecai, 1899-1974. person
associatedWith Farm Family Decision Making Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Farrier, Maurice H. person
associatedWith Fischer, John Sylvester, 1910-1978. person
associatedWith Flanagan, Thelma. person
associatedWith Fletcher, Joel Eugene person
associatedWith Fletcher, Robert S., 1900-1959 person
associatedWith Freeman, Orville L. person
associatedWith Freeman, Orville L. person
associatedWith Frick, Elaine. person
associatedWith Friends of the Land (Ohio) corporateBody
associatedWith Galloway, B. T. person
associatedWith Gavitt, Alexander, Jr. person
associatedWith Gay, Edward J. (Edward James), 1878-1952. person
associatedWith Gerow D., Brill 1864-1931. person
associatedWith Glickman, Dan person
associatedWith Gottwald, John, b. 1905. person
associatedWith Grain Terminal Association (Minn.) corporateBody
associatedWith Greenshields, Elco L. (Elco Lanier), 1911-1989. person
associatedWith Griffin, Edward Lawrence, 1889- person
associatedWith Grover, Elliot B. (Elliot Brown), 1906-1997 person
associatedWith Hall, Jay Markham, 1918- person
associatedWith Halloran, Arthur F. person
associatedWith Hamilton, Carl. person
associatedWith Harding, T. Swann (Thomas Swann), 1890- person
associatedWith Hardy, John Ira. person
associatedWith Harlan, Jack R. (Jack Rodney) person
associatedWith Haubenstricker, Ivan, person
associatedWith Hauge, Gabriel, 1914-1981. person
associatedWith Havira, Barbara Speas, person
associatedWith Hays, W. M. (Willet Martin), 1859-1916. person
associatedWith Historical Records Survey. Kentucky. corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey. Kentucky. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937. person
associatedWith Hoskins, Nancy Arthur person
associatedWith Hostetler, Earl Henry, 1890-1968. person
associatedWith Houston, David Franklin, 1866-1940. person
associatedWith Hovey, Charles Smith, b. ca. 1820 person
associatedWith Hovey, Charles Smith, b. ca. 1820 person
associatedWith Hovland, Alice Mary, 1908-1995. person
associatedWith Huffman, Roy E. (Roy Elwood) person
associatedWith Hughes, Earl Mulford, 1907- person
associatedWith Hughes, Thomas R., 1925- person
associatedWith Hush, Homer. person
associatedWith Indiana University Center for the Study of History and Memory corporateBody
associatedWith Institute of Social and Religious Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Jacobsen, Jacob Christian, 1911- person
associatedWith Jardine, William Marion, 1879-1955. person
associatedWith Jeanes, Allene Rosalind, 1906- person
associatedWith Jenkins, Merle T. person
associatedWith Jenkins, Merle T. person
associatedWith Job Corps (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Johnson, Lloyd E., 1938- person
associatedWith Jump, William Ashby. person
associatedWith Kammlade, William Garfield, 1892-1988. person
associatedWith Kelly, Charles Scott, 1899-1987. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Wilbert Keith, 1919- person
associatedWith Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. corporateBody
associatedWith Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. corporateBody
associatedWith Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. corporateBody
associatedWith Kentucky. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Commodity Distribution. corporateBody
associatedWith Kiefer, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Killin family. family
associatedWith King, F. H. (Franklin Hiram), 1848-1911. person
associatedWith Kirkpatrick, Jay. person
associatedWith Knapp, Bradford, 1870-1938. person
associatedWith Knowlton, George F. person
associatedWith Knudson, James K. (James Kaiser), 1906-1963. person
associatedWith Knutson, Cornelia Gjesdal, 1912- person
associatedWith Krochmal, Arnold, 1919- person
associatedWith Lamson-Scribner, F. person
associatedWith Lamson-Scribner, F. person
associatedWith Langston University. corporateBody
associatedWith Latta, Frank Forrest, 1892- person
associatedWith LeCron, James D., 1885-1961. person
associatedWith Le Duc, William Gates, 1823-1917 person
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. person
associatedWith Link, Arthur A. person
associatedWith Little, Charles E. person
associatedWith Lockwood, Dimon, 1888-1970. person
associatedWith Longwood Gardens, Inc. Office of Director. corporateBody
associatedWith L.S. Heath & Sons. corporateBody
associatedWith Luft, Herbert. person
associatedWith Lyman, Charles P. 1846-1918, person
associatedWith Marquand, Eleanor Cross, 1873-1949. person
associatedWith Marquis, John Clyde, 1881-1965 person
associatedWith Marshall, Frank F. person
associatedWith Martin, Ovid A., 1904-1979. person
associatedWith Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-1966 person
associatedWith Maurice C.(Maurice Chase), Burritt 1883-1959. person
associatedWith Mayne, Wiley, 1917- person
associatedWith McCaw, Arthur B. (Arthur Burgess), 1905-1985. person
associatedWith McCook, Henry. person
associatedWith McCormick, Clarence J. (Clarence James), 1902-1983. person
associatedWith McCrindle, Joseph F., person
associatedWith McCune, Wesley, 1918- person
correspondedWith McGrath, J. E. person
associatedWith McKinley, Charles person
associatedWith McKinley, Charles, 1889-1970. person
correspondedWith McKissick, Floyd B. (Floyd Bixler), 1922- person
associatedWith McNair, James Birtley, 1889-1967. person
associatedWith Means, Gardiner C. (Gardiner Coit), 1896-1988. person
associatedWith Mehl, Joseph Martin, b. 1886. person
associatedWith Meredith, Edwin Thomas, 1876-1928. person
associatedWith Meyer, Frank Nicholas. person
associatedWith Michigan Historical Records Survey corporateBody
associatedWith Miller, R.N. person
associatedWith Milton Caniff person
associatedWith Minnesota. Department of Conservation. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Agriculture. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Conservation. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Conservation. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Jobs and Training. Office of Job Service and Unemployment Insurance Operations. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Division of Forestry. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota War History Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Mitchell, Henry B. (Henry Bass), 1855-1938. person
associatedWith Mollhagen, T. R. (Tony Ray) person
associatedWith Mollhagen, T. R. (Tony Ray) person
associatedWith Mollhagen, T. R. (Tony Ray) person
associatedWith Montana State College. Office of the President. corporateBody
associatedWith Moreland, Donald E., 1919- person
associatedWith Morrill, Chester, 1885- person
associatedWith Morris, Toby. person
associatedWith Morse, True Delbert, 1896- person
associatedWith Mudd, Aloysius I. (Aloysius Ignatius), 1844- person
associatedWith Munroe, Henry Smith, 1850-1933. person
associatedWith National Aerial Photography Program (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith National Emergency Council (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry. corporateBody
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Division of American Missions. Dept. of Church in Town and Country. corporateBody
associatedWith Nation (New York, N.Y. : 1865). corporateBody
associatedWith Nelson, Edward William, 1855-1934. person
associatedWith Newsom, Herschel D., 1905-1970. person
associatedWith Newton, Isaac, 1800-1867. person
associatedWith New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Departmentof Plant Pathology. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dept. of Plant Pathology. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State College of Agriculture. Department of Plant Breeding. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State College of Agriculture.Dept. of Plant Breeding. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State College of Agriculture. Office of the Director of Research. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State College of Agriculture. Office of the Director of Research. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State University. College of Natural Resources. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State University. Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Resources. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State University. Extension Wood Products Section. corporateBody
associatedWith Northern Nut Growers Association. corporateBody
associatedWith O'Donnell, I. D. (Ignatius Daniel), 1860-1948. person
associatedWith Online Archive of California. corporateBody
associatedWith Ontario Agricultural College. President. (1928-1947 : Christie) corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon State Agricultural College. Office of the President. corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon. State Dept. of Agriculture Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon State University. Agricultural Engineering Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon State University. Agricultural Engineering Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Paarlberg, Don, 1911-2006. person
associatedWith Palm, Charles E. person
associatedWith Palm, Charles Edmund, 1911-1996. person
associatedWith Parisius, Herbert W., 1895- person
associatedWith Park Poultry Producers Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Patton, James G., 1902- person
associatedWith Paul, Allen B., 1917- person
associatedWith Pawnee Business Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Peden, Preston E., 1914-1985. person
associatedWith Perkins, Reuben W. (Reuben Winchester), 1828-1877. person
associatedWith Placer County (Calif.). Farm Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Placer County (Calif.). Farm Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Pratt, Eleanor, 1925- person
associatedWith Price, Harold L. (Harold Lee) person
associatedWith Progressive Farmers' Club (Baldwin County, Ga.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Provine, William B. person
associatedWith Ralston, W. R. person
associatedWith Randolph, Theron G. person
associatedWith Remsen, Ira, 1846-1927. person
associatedWith Research Trianlge Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Robbins, William Jacob, 1890-1978 person
correspondedWith Rogers, Warren Lee, 1912-1992. person
associatedWith Roget, Einar L. person
associatedWith Rominger, Richard Elmer, 1927- person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. person
associatedWith Rosas, Rey, person
associatedWith Roth, Raymond F. person
associatedWith Roth, Raymond F. person
associatedWith Rowe, George Frederick, 1910- . person
associatedWith Rusk, Jeremiah McLain, 1830-1893. person
associatedWith Russell, Paul George, 1889-1959. person
associatedWith Sanders, C. E. (Charles E.) person
associatedWith Sayers, Dale E. (Dale Edward), 1943-2004. person
associatedWith Scherer, James A. B. (James Augustin Brown), 1870-1944. person
associatedWith Schoening, Harry W. (Harry William), b. 1886. person
associatedWith Schroeder, Glenn W., b. 1891. person
associatedWith Schuette, Henry A. 1885- person
associatedWith Schury, Ben J. person
associatedWith Schuyler, James D. 1848-1912. person
associatedWith Scott, Alma, b. 1892. person
associatedWith Scott, Charles F., b. 1860. person
associatedWith Shaw, Harry B., fl. 1889-1935. person
associatedWith Sheldon Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith Shepard, Charles U. person
associatedWith Shields, Robert Hazen, 1905- person
associatedWith Shurtleff, Miller Francis 1913- person
associatedWith Smith, Erwin F. (Erwin Frink), 1854-1927. person
associatedWith Smith, J. Russell (Joseph Russell), 1874-1966. person
associatedWith Snyder, Stephen J., person
associatedWith Sower, Abraham M., 1878-1957. person
associatedWith Spaeth, J. Nelson (John Nelson), 1896-1982. person
associatedWith Stannard, Lewis J. (Lewis Judson), 1918- person
associatedWith Stark, John. person
associatedWith Stark, John D. person
associatedWith Steele Ranch. corporateBody
associatedWith Steuk Family family
associatedWith Stewart, B. A. (Bobby Alton), 1932- person
associatedWith Stewart, F. L. person
associatedWith Stickney, Charles William, 1896-1982. person
associatedWith Stigler, William Grady, 1891-1952. person
associatedWith Stine, O. C. (Oscar Clemen), 1884-1974. person
associatedWith Stuckey, Jasper L. (Jasper Leonidas), 1891-1979. person
associatedWith Sugg, B. B. (Benjamin Bruce), 1884-1975. person
associatedWith Sullivan, Leonor K. person
associatedWith Sullivan, William N., 1908-1979. person
associatedWith Swanson, E. R. (Earl Raymond), 1921- person
associatedWith Tapp, Jesse W. (Jesse Washington), b. 1898. person
associatedWith Taylor, Henry C. (Henry Charles), 1873-1969. person
associatedWith Thackrey, J. Franklin (John Franklin), 1910-1990. person
associatedWith Thom, Charles, 1872-1956. person
associatedWith Thye, Edward John, 1896-. person
associatedWith Tilsen, Kenneth E., 1927- person
associatedWith Tolley, H. R. (Howard Ross), 1889-1958. person
associatedWith Tugwell, Rexford G. (Rexford Guy), 1891-1979. person
associatedWith Unitarian Service Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Agricultural Research Service corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Gardens and Grounds. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Farm Service Agency. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Forest Service. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Forest Service. Southwestern Region. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. National Recovery Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. National War Labor Board (1942-1945) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Economic Opportunity. Office of the Director. corporateBody
associatedWith United States Plant Introduction Garden. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Soil Conservation Service. corporateBody
associatedWith University of California (1868-1952). Division of Soil Technology. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Connecticut. corporateBody
associatedWith Valdez, Guadalupe, person
associatedWith Vincent family. family
associatedWith Vincent Family family
associatedWith Vogel, Sarah. person
associatedWith Vrooman, Carl Schurz, 1872-1966. person
associatedWith Wade, Joseph Sanford, b. 1880. person
associatedWith Wallace, Daniel Alden, 1878-1954. person
associatedWith Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916. person
associatedWith Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965. person
associatedWith Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924. person
associatedWith Waters, Herbert J., 1912- person
associatedWith Watt Family. family
associatedWith Watts, John C. (John Clarence), 1902-1971. person
associatedWith Webb, Paul person
associatedWith Weber, Ludwig, 1909-1991. person
associatedWith Weber, Vin. person
associatedWith Weber, Vin (John Vincent). person
associatedWith Wellman, Frederick L. person
associatedWith Wellman, Frederick Lovejoy, 1897- person
associatedWith Wetherill, Charles Mayer, 1825-1871. person
associatedWith White, Orland E. (Orland Emile), 1885-1972. person
associatedWith Wickard, Claude R. (Claude Raymond), 1893-1967. person
associatedWith Willits, Edwin, 1830-1906. person
associatedWith Wilson, James, 1835-1920. person
associatedWith Wilson, M. L. (Milburn Lincoln), 1885-1969. person
associatedWith Wolf, Robert, 1920-2005, person
associatedWith Wooten, H. H. (Hugh Hill), 1894- person
associatedWith Yeutter, Clayton K., 1930- person
associatedWith Young, James A. (James Albert), 1937- person
associatedWith Zahniser, Steven person
associatedWith Zintheo, Clarence. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Washington, D. C. DC US
United States 00 US
Aerial photography in land use
Agriculture and state
Cabinet officers
Forest influences
Government publicity
Groundwater flow
Groundwater flow
Lantern slides
Medicinal plants
Rural areas
Soil surveys
Water rights

Corporate Body





Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6p66cd9

Ark ID: w6p66cd9

SNAC ID: 84706179