In 1931, the faculty of the University of Connecticut voted to offer comprehensive examinations in most degree programs to graduating seniors, and outgrowth of a report to the Committee on the Study of Honors (11/6/1930). The departments reported the results of the examinations and their recommendations to the Registrar and the Committees on Scholastic Standing and Degrees with Distinction. Degrees would then be awarded without distinction, with distinction or with highest distinction. The program was administered and coordinated by the Registrar's Office in conjunction with the two faculty committees mentioned. It is unclear as to whether the Committee on Degrees with Distinction was independent or associated with the Provost's Office and/or the Faculty Senate. The Committee on Scholastic Standing was, and still is, a permanent committee of the Faculty Senate.
From the description of University of Connecticut, Committee on Degrees with Distinction records, 1930-1948. (University of Connecticut). WorldCat record id: 122938834
The University of Connecticut administered a series of surveys to students during their senior year at the institution to solicit opinions. The surveys were conducted between 1969 and 1975 and covered topics such as courses, faculty, Greek life, living arrangements and campus facilities.
From the description of University of Connecticut, Senior Survey records, 1969-1975. (University of Connecticut). WorldCat record id: 775363967
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Senior Survey Records, 1969-1975, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
The Centennial Coordinating Committee was responsible for the extensive planning of the university of Connecticut's centennial celebration. The official observance of its 100th anniversary began 23 September 1980. William C. Orr served as chairman of the committee from its inception in 1979 to a successful conclusion at the Ninety-Eighth Annual Commencement, 24 May 1981.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Centennial Coordinating Committee Records., undated, 1964-1981., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center .)
The Center for Black Studies was established 1 July 1969. Its purpose was to identify "areas of study not presently covered by existing courses related to black studies, interdepartmental liaison in the encouragement of the design of extra-curricular seminars to stimulate an increased degree of familiarity with the literature concerning the black experience, and stimulating the design of colloquia to facilitate both faculty and study research related to the black experience." [3 October 1969 Memorandum]
From the guide to the Center for Black Studies Records., 1969-1980., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
The collection documents the competitive activities of University faculty, staff, students and their associated departments and divisions. The awards represent primarily athletic competitions but there are a few that were received by the Poultry related departments in the early to mid twentieth century.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Trophies Collection, undated, 1909-2008, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
Established in the Office of Public Information as the Office of Sports Information, the responsibilities were transferred to the Division of Athletics in the 1970s.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Athletic Communications Office Records, undated, 1894-2010, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
George Alan Works assumed the presidency of Connecticut Agricultural College in 1929 after a distinguished career at the University of Chicago . In his inaugural speech, President Works called for the improvement of the college's programs in liberal arts and the natural sciences, as well as in agriculture and mechanic arts. When the obstacles to his ambitious plans for the development of the college appeared to be too formidable, Works resigned his position after one year in order to accept another position at Chicago. The most important achievement of his administration was the accreditation of the college in 1930.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [George A. Works, 1929-1930]., undated, 1926-1930., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
The books fall into three categories: farmers, storekeepers and businesses. Individuals or companies include: Benjamin Brown, Marshall J. Collins, John Fitch, Charles Harding, Edmund Howe, E. Lathrop, B. Lathrop, Daniel M. Lester, James Lincoln, Collins and Company, Edward Dakin, Lucius Gurley, William Runkle, William B. Morgan, Duckworth's, Bank of Commerce and Willimantic Linen Company . Unidentified materials include a journal from a store on a wharf and a tanner together in one volume, the journal of a gristmill and the account book of a general store in Mansfield Center, CT .
From the guide to the Account Books Collection, 1774-1892, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
As Connecticut's state university and land-grant college, the University of Connecticut's history, which began in 1881, has largely been shaped by its relationships with the state and federal governments. This collection is intended to bring together the state and federal legislation and the judicial cases, which have defined those relationships, along with contemporary discussions of these matters.
From the description of University of Connecticut legal and legislative records, 1881-1982. (University of Connecticut). WorldCat record id: 45967202
Benjamin Franklin Koons studied at Oberlin College, the Sheffield Scientific School and received his doctorate from Yale University . Appointed professor of Natural History in 1881. Koons succeed Dr. Armsby, acting principal, who had served as principal following Solomon Mead 's retirement. B. F. Koons became principal of the Storrs Agricultual School at the beginning of the winter term of 1883. Under Koons' administration the Storrs Agricultural School became a co-educational college, his title was also changed from principal to president during the transition from Storrs Agricultural School to Storrs Agricultural College (1893). Professor Koons returned to teaching after serving as President until his death on 18 December 1903.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [Benjamin F. Koons, 1883-1898]., 1885-1898., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
Appointed principal and professor of agriculture at the August 1881 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Solomon Mead of New Haven is described as a “practical farmer and gardener”. He oversaw the first two years of the Storrs Agricultural School, enrolling six students for the class of 1883 and eighteen for the class of 1884. He retired in 1883 and was succeeded by Dr. Armsby on an acting basis until the appointment of Benjamin F. Koons at the beginning of the winter term 1883.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [Solomon Mead, 1881-1882]., 1882., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
The Center for Contemporary African Studies at the University of Conneccticut was established in 1991. It offered formal programs of graduate studies, encouraged research on Africa, fostered student and faculty exchanges with African universities, organized a speakers' program and a film series, sponsored visiting scholars, and offered information on Africa-related activities and resources to the wider community. The Center drew its faculty from departments throughout the university, ranging from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the School of Education, and the School of Medicine. The Center for Contemporary African Studies was phased out in 2009. Although there have been discussions since then about how to preserve options for maintaining some of its functions, no successor center or program has emerged to date.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Center for Contemporary African Studies Records, 1990-2005, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
The University Senate is a legislative body responsible for establishing minimum rules and general regulations pertaining to all undergraduate schools and colleges. The Senate also is responsible for establishing general educational policy in areas not reserved to the Board of Trustees, to the administration, or to the several faculties. The Curricula and Courses Committee, a committee of the University Senate, was established in 1929.
Prior to the establishment of the University Senate, the faculty of the institution met regularly to establish and review policy, discuss issues and provide goverance for the campus academic operations.
Current information on the University Senate and its committees can be found on its website .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, University Senate Records., undated, 1893-2000., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.)
The Center was established as the Oral History Project in 1968, and began to expand in the late seventies in response to a growing professional interest in this research technique. It was designated a Center by the University's Board of Trustees in 1981, and continues to increase both the number of research projects coming under its umbrella and the services it provides.
Center-based activities have been supported by funding from such agencies as the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Connecticut Humanities Council and the U.S. Office of Education, as well as by private sources and the University of Connecticut .
Publications originating from the Center include: Mills and Meadows: A Pictorial History of Northeastern Connecticut, From the Old Country: An Oral History of European Migration to America, Connecticut Workers and Technological Change, and Witnesses to Nuremberg: American Participants at the War Crime Trials .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Center for Oral History Interviews Collection, undated, 1967-2008., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
The Loeb Awards for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism were established in 1957 by Gerald M. Loeb, author of The Battle for Investment Survival and a senior partner with E.F. Hutton and Company .
The Loeb Awards were designed to reward authors whose writings in business and finance report explain the mechanics, strengths, problems, and values of American capitalism and enterprise. The Advisory Board of the Loeb Awards at the University of Connecticut sought those meritorious journalistic contributions which combined superior writing, clarity, accuracy, and analysis of subjects of import to the growth and development of the American enterprise system.
The Loeb Awards Advisory Board appointed two panels of judges, one for newspaper awards and one for magazine awards. The judges represented the fields of journalism, business, and education. Upon their recommendation, the Trustees of the University of Connecticut made the final selection of winners. During his tenure as President of the University of Connecticut, Homer D. Babbidge, Jr. served as Chairman of the Loeb Awards Advisory Board . Other members of the board included Governor John Dempsey, Gerald M. Loeb, and Robert O. Harvey, Dean of the School of Business Administration at the University of Connecticut .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Loeb Awards for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism Records., 1957-1961., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
George W. Flint was born 2 March 1844 in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia . He graduated from Bates College in 1871 and had been connected with educational institutions in New Hampshire and Maine before coming to Connecticut . Prior to becoming president of the Storrs Agricultural College, Flint was associated with the Collinsville, CT, schools.
Flint's tenure marks one of the most controversial in the history of the institution. Difficulties with the faculty, the Grange and agricultural societies and public opinion all combined to force Flint's resignation in 1901.
[A detailed description of the period can be found in The Connecticut Agricultural College beginning on page 98, Dodd Call no. S537.C88 S8 1931.]
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [George W. Flint, 1898-1901]., 1900., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
Diaries dating from the 19th century provide information on mid-century farm life, social activities, local travel and education at a one room school. Two “thoughts diaries” of the same period give one man's views on Christianity, human nature and slavery. Travel journals from the later part of the century describe trips through European countries; these also contain information on transportation and lodging.
Those dating from the 20th century reveal much about the life of a Connecticut female artist and her thoughts and feelings concerning World War II. Also included is the 1943 diary of a University of Connecticut coed ( Ann T. Winchester ) and the 1902 diary of a Hartford store employee ( Phineas Gofriels ).
From the guide to the Diaries Collection., 11851-1943., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
In 1931, the faculty of the University of Connecticut voted to offer comprehensive examinations in most degree programs to graduating seniors, and outgrowth of a report to the Committee on the Study of Honors (11/6/1930). The departments reported the results of the examinations and their recommendations to the Registrar and the Committees on Scholastic Standing and Degrees with Distinction. Degrees would then be awarded without distinction, with distinction or with highest distinction.
The program was administered and coordinated by the Registrar's Office in conjunction with the two faculty committees mentioned. It is unclear as to whether the Committee on Degrees with Distinction was independent or associated with the Provost's Office and/or the Faculty Senate. The Committee on Scholastic Standing was, and still is, a permanent committee of the Faculty Senate .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Committee on Degrees with Distinction Records., 1930-1948., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.)
Rufus Whittaker Stimson was born 20 February 1868 on a farm near Palmer, MA . He attended Colby College in Maine and studied philosophy at Harvard University (A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896) and divinity at Yale Divinity School (B.D., 1897). Hired by the Connecticut Agricultural College as a professor of English, ethics and public speaking in 1897, Stimson was appointed president pro tempore in October 1901. He was made president within the year, replacing the controversial George W. Flint .
During his administration, the enrollment at the College grew from 18 to 125 regular students and twenty-five short term students. Under his administration, the summer school was established, a new dormitory constructed, the horticulture building and greenhouses begun and appropriations from the state increased.
Stimson resigned in 1908 to become the director of Smith Agricultural School in Northampton, MA . In 1911, he became the state supervisor of agricultural education for Massachusetts, a position he held until his retirement in 1938. In 1939, at the age of 71, “Stimson received an appointment as a Research Specialist in Agricultural Education in the U.S. Office of Education for the purpose of writing a history of agricultural education.” [Moore, 1988]
Rufus Stimson died 1 May 1947.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [Rufus W. Stimson, 1901-1908]., undated, 1899-1908., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
The "Peoples of Connecticut" Project was begun in 1974 under a grant from the Ethnic Heritage Program, Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now Health and Human Services ). The goal of this program was to increase awareness, within Connecticut secondary schools, of different ethnic groups. Using curriculum guides and other instructional materials, the project endeavored to provide teaching and learning tools for discovering the cultural diversity of Connecticut's residents.
The Project is divided into three distinct parts. Dr. Frank Stone, School of Education, is primarily responsible for the publication of the curriculum guides. Dr. Bruce Stave, History Department, is responsible for the oral histories, and Dr. William D'Antonio, Sociology Department, and Fred Grupp (Administrative Assistant for the project) have been in charge of collecting research materials and for some demographic mapping. By 1978, seven curriculum guides were published in pilot editions. These guides focuses on the Armenians, Irish, Italians, Jews, Puerto Ricans, Poles and Scots/Scots- Irish.
Responsibility for the papers that are now collectively labeled "The Peoples of Connecticut Project" comes from several sources. Because the project was actually split into three distinct parts, the papers themselves came from different places before they were combined to form this collection. Dr. Frank Stone was responsible for the publishing of the curriculum guides and his files. Dr. Bruce Stave was responsible for the oral histories, which are now available through the Center for Oral History Catalog of Interviews. The remaining materials were collected by Dr. William D'Antonio and Mr. Fred Grupp .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Peoples of Connecticut Project Records., 1897-1980., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)
Opened in December of 1955, Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts is the largest college-based presenting program in New England . Each season, Jorgensen events attract more than 70,000 students, faculty and staff from the University of Connecticut, as well as residents from Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island . Jorgensen presents 25-30 nationally and internationally acclaimed artists and ensembles annually, ranging from classical music to world music and dance, classical and contemporary dance, comedy, family programming and contemporary entertainment.
Additional information is available on the Center's website .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts Records, 1977-1979, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
On January 17, 1994, the University of Connecticut began operating a University-wide online public information system known as UCINFO . UCINFO was the result of a cooperative effort by the University Computer Center and the Homer Babbidge Library, and aided through the support from the University Computing Committee. UCINFO provided public information about UConn for use by the UConn community, as well as the public seeking information about the university.
UCINFO was a university initiative to provide online public information, and was designed to make a broad range of information about UConn activities, events, and programs readily accessible to the public. The information came from a number of sources, to include UConn press releases, the student union master calendar of events, and academic and administrative departments. It was a mainframe-based system with two major components: HUSKY MOLE and HUSKY GOPHER.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Computing Committee Records, 1993-1996, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
As Connecticut 's state university and its land-grant college, the University of Connecticut 's history has largely been shaped by its relationships with the state and federal governments. The present collection is intended to bring together the state and federal legislation and the judicial cases, which have defined those relationships, together with contemporary discussions of these matters.
The records from the 1880s and 1890s reflect the young institution's struggle to establish itself in the first years after its founding in 1881. In 1886-1887, it had to withstand a legal challenge to the validity of the Storrs brothers' gift to the state of the land on which the school was built. As this dispute was being settled, controversy was already brewing over the disposition of the state's federal land grant. Powerful agricultural interests in the state were dissatisfied with the use of being made of the federal finds by Yale's Sheffield Scientific School, which had been designated as Connecticut's land-grant institution after the passage of the first Morrill Act of 1862, and sought to have the funds transferred to the Storrs School. The celebrated “Yale vs. Storrs” controversy was ultimately resolved by the passage of Public Act 67 of 1893, which established Storrs Agricultural College and opened the way for the subsequent transfer of the land grant to Storrs. Yale replied by bringing a suit against the state. When the courts failed to decide the case conclusively, a commission was created which awarded damages to Yale for the loss of the federal monies and, in effect, confirmed the status of the S.A.C. as Connecticut 's land-grant college.
A succession of federal grants strengthened and broadened the mandates received by the state in the original land-grant legislation. The second Morrill Act of 1890 directed federal resources toward the “more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts” which were established under the act of 1862. Other legislation, such as the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, defined the work of the land-grant colleges in such areas as agricultural extension work. Summaries of this important legislation are contained in the publications “Federal Laws, Regulations, and Rulings Affecting Land-grant Colleges,” contained herein.
Having secured the claim to the federal grants, the college at Storrs still faced a protracted struggle to obtain adequate financial support from a recalcitrant state legislature. Records in this collection such as an essay by college trustee W. E. Simonds and the text of a legislative hearing in 1903 point up the difficulties experienced by Storrs Agricultural College and, from 1899, Connecticut Agricultural College, in its relations with the state during this formative period.
The passage of an act changing the name of Connecticut Agricultural College to Connecticut College in 1933 was a signal of the legislative support and public acceptance that the college had at last won by this time. Six years later the legislators voted to change its name again to the University of Connecticut, thus recognizing in law the growth achieved by the college during these years. The 1939 act represented the culmination of a long process, begun by the act of 1893, in which the small agricultural school became Connecticut 's state university.
Revisions of the state's general statutes in 1945 and in 1958 have further defined the legal status, functions, and authority of the University and its officers and staff.
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Legal and Legislative Records., 1881-1982., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center .)
The University of Connecticut Health Center is a vibrant organization composed of the School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, John Dempsey Hospital, the UConn Medical Group and University Dentists. Founded in 1961, the Health Center pursues a mission of providing outstanding health care education in an environment of exemplary patient care, research and public service. The Health Center's main campus is situated on 162 acres of wooded hilltop in the beautiful, historic community of Farmington. From this vantage point, the skyline of Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, can be seen about eight miles to the east. The University's main campus is in Storrs, about 30 miles east of Hartford. With approximately 3,900 employees, the Health Center is Farmington's largest employer and an important contributor to the local and regional economy.
Health Care Services
Through John Dempsey Hospital (204 general acute care beds and 20 nursery beds), the Health Center provides specialized and routine inpatient and outpatient services. John Dempsey Hospital has long been regarded as the premier facility in the region for neonatal intensive care and high-risk maternity. It is also widely recognized for its comprehensive cardiovascular, cancer and musculoskeletal services. Additionally, John Dempsey Hospital is home to the only Emergency Department in Connecticut's fast-growing Farmington Valley.
In June 2004, John Dempsey Hospital was awarded a prestigious silver Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Innovation Prize for its volunteer staff support of American Red Cross blood drives. Since 1987, the Connecticut Quality Improvement Awards have recognized Connecticut organizations that excel in managing quality improvement for success and growth.
Also offered are a wide range of ambulatory and primary care services on the Health Center campus in Farmington and in physician offices conveniently located in West Hartford, Simsbury and East Hartford. The UConn Medical Group is the largest medical practice in Greater Hartford, offering patients access to health care services from more than 350 Health Center physicians in more than 50 specialties.
Educational Programs
Dedicated to providing broad educational opportunities in the biomedical sciences, the Health Center offers degree programs in medicine (M.D.), dental medicine (D.M.D.), and biomedical science (Ph.D.); master's degree programs in public health and dental science; postdoctoral fellowships; residency programs providing specialty training for newly graduated physicians and dentists; and continuing education programs for practicing health care professionals. Combined degree programs, such as the M.D./Ph.D., D.M.D./Ph.D., Dental Clinical Specialty/Ph.D. and M.D./M.P.H. are also offered.
The UConn Health Center is the only academic health center in the nation where a medical school was founded concurrently with a dental school. As the schools took shape during the 1960s, their planners took advantage of their simultaneous evolution to forge strong links between them. Most notably, medical and dental students share an essentially common curriculum during the first two years of their four-year degree programs. During this period they study the basic medical sciences together. This experience provides UConn's dental students with an especially strong foundation in the biomedical sciences that undergird the dental profession. Reflecting its close ties to medicine, the dental school awards its graduates the D.M.D. - doctor of dental medicine.
Each year in Farmington, about 320 students work toward their medical doctor's degree and 160 toward their doctor of medical dentistry degree. Admission to each school is highly competitive, but both schools offer preferential consideration to qualified Connecticut residents in their admissions policies. School of Dental Medicine students have a long history of outstanding performance on the National Boards, ranking first among the country's 55 dental schools on these examinations in 2001 and again in 2003. In the years since the Health Center graduated its first students in 1972, 1,459 men and women have received their D.M.D. degree; 3,061 their M.D. degree.
Through a variety of residency programs, the School of Medicine provides postgraduate training for more than 550 newly graduated M.D.s each year. These physicians come from all over the country to acquire advanced skills in fields such as the surgical specialties, internal medicine, and primary care. Some of the residency training occurs on the Health Center's main campus, but much of it takes place in community hospitals in Greater Hartford - thus extending the Health Center's influence far beyond Farmington.
Research Programs
Since the Health Center's inception, its administration and faculty have been committed to maintaining high-quality research programs as part of the institution's fabric. This commitment has enabled the Health Center to recruit distinguished researchers with expertise in neuroscience, molecular biology, molecular pharmacology, biochemistry, cell physiology, toxicology, and endocrinology, among other fields. The Alcohol Research Center, is one of only 14 such federally supported centers in the nation; the Connecticut Clinical Chemosensory Research Center, one of five.
Clinical research is facilitated by the Lowell Weicker General Clinical Research Center and the Clinical Trials Unit. Intellectual endeavors of all kinds are supported by the Lyman Maynard Stowe Library .
Connecticut Health
UConn Health Center faculty, staff, residents, and students, participate in a variety of joint efforts to address public health and community health needs of citizens throughout our state. Under the umbrella of Connecticut Health, hundreds of projects have been developed in collaboration with other state agencies, city and town governments, community based organizations and the public to serve the poor and uninsured by providing better medical care, health education, and research.
Connecticut Health also strives to build and enhance relationships with the state legislature to bring health-conscious legislation, improved health care and a better quality of life to all our citizens. The development of new initiatives, projects and proposals are supported by Connecticut Health staff through brainstorming, data gathering, grant writing, and relationship building.
Our Campus
Construction of the Health Center's main campus began in 1966. The main complex occupies a prominent hilltop overlooking an interstate highway (I-84). This massive, circular building originally contained about 1.2 million square feet, seven miles of corridors, and 2,000 rooms. Its first major addition, the Andrew J. Canzonetti, MD Building, was dedicated in 1994. It added 94,000 square feet next to John Dempsey Hospital. The Health Center's Academic Research Building was opened in 1999. The impressive 11-story structure provides 170,000 square feet of state-of-the-art laboratory space.
Construction of a new 4-story, 99,000 square-foot musculoskeletal research and outpatient surgery facility began in late 2003, with completion and occupancy expected in early 2005. All told, the Health Center campus consists of 35 buildings totaling over 2 million square feet.
Additional information about the Health Center Campus is available on its website .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Health Center Records, undated, 1921-2012, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
In April 1881, the Connecticut General Assembly established the Storrs Agricultural School after accepting a gift of 170 acres of land, several frame buildings, and money from Charles and Augustus Storrs . The School opened on 28 September 1881, with twelve students in the first class. Before the turn of the century there were two name changes ( Storrs Agricultural College 1893, Connecticut Agricultural College 1899). In 1933, two years after the institution celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, it became Connecticut State College, a name more in keeping with its steady advances and broadened mission. Six years later, in 1939, the General Assembly designated the institution the University of Connecticut, an acknowledgment of the institution's developing importance to the State in graduate and professional education, research and public service.
As the University grew, so did its needs for an on-campus fire department. In the early years of the University, help for fire-related emergencies came from the surrounding towns. During the period of this collection of record log books, the University of Connecticut’s Fire Department was its own entity, answering calls for campus-related emergencies and concerns.
Specific information about the Department can be found on their website .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Fire Department Records, 1950-1972, (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)
The Office of the Registrar compiles information about undergraduate courses and programs. The staff registers students, creates and maintains their records, provides certified documents, issues transcripts, processes grades, monitors NCAA student athletes' academic progress, and audits degrees.
Services also include course record management, classroom assignment, final exam scheduling, academic and administrative policiy monitoring, and information dissemination. Detailed information regarding the Registrar's Office location and services is available on their webpage .
From the guide to the University of Connecticut, Registrar's Office Records., 1881-1997., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center)
Role | Title | Holding Repository |
Relation | Name | |
associatedWith | Abbie Storrs Olds | person |
associatedWith | Abe Ribicoff | person |
associatedWith | Abraham Feldman | person |
associatedWith | Abraham Flaks | person |
associatedWith | Abramson, Harold J. | person |
associatedWith | Adeline Pappas | person |
associatedWith | Adrien Laramee | person |
correspondedWith | AFL-CIO Connecticut State Labor Council. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Agnes Vincent | person |
associatedWith | Agricultural colleges—United States—History. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | A. J. Dyos | person |
associatedWith | Alan Abelson | person |
associatedWith | Alan Artibise | person |
associatedWith | Alan Hotchkiss | person |
associatedWith | Al Baviello | person |
associatedWith | Albert Boyle | person |
associatedWith | Albert Cretella | person |
associatedWith | Albert DiLella | person |
associatedWith | Albert Harrison | person |
associatedWith | Albert J. Robinson | person |
associatedWith | Albert N. Jorgensen | person |
associatedWith | Albert O. Montambault | person |
associatedWith | Albert Perrocco | person |
associatedWith | Albert Waugh | person |
associatedWith | Al Carilli | person |
associatedWith | Alda Phaneuf | person |
associatedWith | Aldorigo Scopino | person |
associatedWith | Aldo Salerno | person |
associatedWith | Alexander O. Stanley | person |
associatedWith | Alexander Roesell | person |
associatedWith | Alfred Baker Lewis | person |
associatedWith | Alfred Tong | person |
associatedWith | Alice Ahern | person |
associatedWith | Alice Emmons Parmelee | person |
associatedWith | Alice Gibbons | person |
associatedWith | Alice Hoffman | person |
associatedWith | Alice Koski | person |
associatedWith | Alice Meyers | person |
associatedWith | Alice Muirhead | person |
associatedWith | Alice Stabile | person |
associatedWith | Alice St. Louis | person |
associatedWith | Alison Barbour Fox | person |
associatedWith | Allan Bossoli | person |
associatedWith | Allen Hutchinson | person |
associatedWith | Allen, Irving L., 1931- | person |
associatedWith | Allen, Irving Lewis. | person |
associatedWith | Allen Sandberg | person |
associatedWith | Alonzo Grace | person |
associatedWith | Al Phillips | person |
associatedWith | Alton P. Adrich | person |
associatedWith | Alvin Liberman | person |
associatedWith | Alvin R. Goodin | person |
associatedWith | Amadeo Michael Aiello | person |
associatedWith | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | corporateBody |
associatedWith | American Association of University Professors. University of Connecticut Chapter. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | American Association of University Women, Connecticut Division. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Amos Taylor | person |
associatedWith | Amy Garfinkle | person |
associatedWith | Anderson, Charles. | person |
associatedWith | Anderson, Charles. | person |
associatedWith | Andre Schenker | person |
associatedWith | Andrew Carey, III | person |
associatedWith | Andrew H. Souerwine | person |
associatedWith | Andy Logan | person |
associatedWith | Angelina Scarpetti | person |
associatedWith | Angelo Pezze | person |
associatedWith | Angelo Sagnella | person |
associatedWith | Anna C. Murphy | person |
associatedWith | Ann Anderson | person |
associatedWith | Anna Sangailo | person |
associatedWith | Ann Baker | person |
associatedWith | Ann Buell | person |
associatedWith | Ann Dandrow | person |
associatedWith | Anne Dalton | person |
associatedWith | Ann J. Curry | person |
associatedWith | Ann Struzenski | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 1 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 10 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 11 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 2 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 4 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 5 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 6 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 7 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 8 | person |
associatedWith | Anonymous Worker 9 | person |
associatedWith | Anthony GolasCheney Mills | person |
associatedWith | Anthony Keller | person |
associatedWith | Anthony Piscetello | person |
associatedWith | Anthony Salafia | person |
associatedWith | Anthony S. Avallone | person |
associatedWith | Anthony Sutcliff | person |
associatedWith | Anthony Tapogna | person |
associatedWith | Antoinette Sicignamo | person |
associatedWith | Antoinette Vecchio | person |
associatedWith | Antonina Uccello | person |
associatedWith | Antonio Buccino | person |
associatedWith | Antonio Parisi | person |
associatedWith | Antonio Peracchio | person |
associatedWith | Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Archives & Special Collections staff Collector. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Arnold Carlson | person |
associatedWith | Arnold Kleinschmidt | person |
associatedWith | Arnold Orza | person |
associatedWith | Art Gutierrez | person |
associatedWith | Arthur Cockayne | person |
associatedWith | Arthur Frechette | person |
associatedWith | Arthur Johnson | person |
associatedWith | Arthur Lumsden | person |
associatedWith | Arthur Schmid | person |
associatedWith | Asa Briggs | person |
associatedWith | Attilio Frassinelli | person |
associatedWith | Atwood Collins | person |
associatedWith | August Pampel | person |
associatedWith | Augustus Brundage | person |
associatedWith | A. W. Illing | person |
associatedWith | Babette Lapides Koch | person |
correspondedWith | Badolato, Dominic J. | person |
associatedWith | Baldwin, Peter. | person |
associatedWith | Baldwin, Peter Collector. | person |
associatedWith | Bank of Commerce | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Barbara Cervera | person |
associatedWith | Barbara F. Palmer | person |
associatedWith | Barnard College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Barry M. Bloom | person |
associatedWith | Bartholemew Guida | person |
associatedWith | Beatrice Kneeland | person |
associatedWith | Beattie, Ann. | person |
associatedWith | Beck, Audrey Phillips, 1931-1983 | person |
associatedWith | Belden, Robert F. | person |
associatedWith | Belden, Robert F. | person |
associatedWith | Bellingham, Bruce. | person |
associatedWith | Benjamin Brown | person |
associatedWith | Benjamin Ferencz | person |
associatedWith | Benjamin Kaplan | person |
associatedWith | Benjamin West | person |
associatedWith | Ben Shifman | person |
associatedWith | Benson, Susan Porter, 1943-2005 | person |
associatedWith | Benton, William, 1900-1973 | person |
associatedWith | Bernard McKinnon | person |
associatedWith | Bernard Wilbur | person |
associatedWith | Bernice Norwood Napper | person |
associatedWith | Bernice Resnick Sandler | person |
associatedWith | Bernice Sclafani | person |
associatedWith | Bertolette, Peter B., 1953- | person |
associatedWith | Bertram Weston | person |
associatedWith | Bertram Wilson | person |
associatedWith | Betty Gardner | person |
associatedWith | Betty Ladd | person |
associatedWith | Betty Lukasiewski | person |
associatedWith | Betty Roper | person |
associatedWith | Bill Clark | person |
associatedWith | Bill Dunn | person |
associatedWith | Black, Robert. | person |
associatedWith | Black, Robert. | person |
associatedWith | Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954. | person |
associatedWith | B. Lathrop | person |
associatedWith | Blejwas, Stanislaus A. | person |
associatedWith | Blume, Daniel | person |
associatedWith | Boardman F. Lockwood | person |
associatedWith | Bob Conrad | person |
associatedWith | Bob Farrar | person |
associatedWith | Boston University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Brandeis University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Brian J. L. Berry | person |
associatedWith | Brian Walsh | person |
associatedWith | Brohinsky, Scott | person |
associatedWith | Bruce Blawie | person |
associatedWith | Bruce Fraser | person |
associatedWith | Bruce Gilber | person |
associatedWith | Bruce M. Stave | person |
associatedWith | Bruce Stave | person |
associatedWith | Brundage, Augustus Jackson, b. 1890. | person |
associatedWith | Bryant Andrews | person |
associatedWith | B. T. Galloway | person |
associatedWith | Buchholz, J. T., (John Theodore), 1888-1951 | person |
correspondedWith | Buckingham, S. McLean | person |
correspondedWith | Buckley, John | person |
associatedWith | Burdette, Barbara. | person |
associatedWith | Burke, Fred | person |
associatedWith | Burton Carlow | person |
associatedWith | Bush, Vannevar, 1890-1974 | person |
associatedWith | Butler, Francelia, 1913-1998. | person |
correspondedWith | C.A.C. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Calderone, Mary Steichen, 1904-1998 | person |
associatedWith | Cambon, Glauco. | person |
associatedWith | Cameron, Donald W. | person |
associatedWith | Cameron, Donald W. | person |
associatedWith | Camille Forman | person |
associatedWith | Campbell, Barbara. | person |
associatedWith | Campbell, Daniel R. | person |
associatedWith | Campbell, Daniel R. | person |
associatedWith | Camp, Wendell Holmes, 1904-1963 | person |
correspondedWith | Capen, E. W. | person |
associatedWith | Capobianco, Gennaro. | person |
associatedWith | Capra, Paul, 1939- | person |
associatedWith | Carl Candels | person |
associatedWith | Carl J. Ricci | person |
associatedWith | Carl Malmberg | person |
associatedWith | Carlson, Eric W. | person |
associatedWith | Carmelo Brutto | person |
associatedWith | Carmine Polo | person |
associatedWith | Caroline San Angelo | person |
associatedWith | Carol J. Loomis | person |
associatedWith | Carol Nichols | person |
associatedWith | Carol Vinick | person |
associatedWith | Carolyn Renshaw Chernak | person |
associatedWith | Carolyn Widmer | person |
associatedWith | Carstensen, Fred. | person |
associatedWith | Carstensen, Fred V., 1944- | person |
associatedWith | Catherine G. Roraback | person |
associatedWith | Catherine Shea | person |
associatedWith | Cathy Smith | person |
associatedWith | Cazel, Fred A. | person |
associatedWith | Cazenave, Noel A., 1948- | person |
associatedWith | Celeste Roy Bucko | person |
associatedWith | Celia Duhan Rostow | person |
associatedWith | Centennial Celebration committee, formation of | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Center for Oral History. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Chadwick-Healy Publishing | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Charles Albert Dowd | person |
associatedWith | Charles Andreuk | person |
associatedWith | Charles A. Owen, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Charles Burstone | person |
associatedWith | Charles Chen | person |
associatedWith | Charles Cole | person |
associatedWith | Charles Connerly | person |
associatedWith | Charles Ducey | person |
associatedWith | Charles English | person |
associatedWith | Charles E. Silberman | person |
associatedWith | Charles Harding | person |
associatedWith | Charles Hill | person |
associatedWith | Charles Jerge | person |
associatedWith | Charles Knybel | person |
associatedWith | Charles Lanham | person |
associatedWith | Charles Macknik | person |
associatedWith | Charles Nyack | person |
associatedWith | Charles Owen | person |
associatedWith | Charles S. House | person |
associatedWith | Charles Theriault | person |
associatedWith | Charles Tilton, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Charles Tilton, Sr. | person |
associatedWith | Charles Yeremian | person |
associatedWith | Charlotte Dutch Fultz | person |
associatedWith | Chase Going Woodhouse | person |
associatedWith | Chester Woodford | person |
associatedWith | Christina Kirk | person |
associatedWith | Christine Archambault | person |
associatedWith | Christine Luddy | person |
associatedWith | Christine Lyman | person |
associatedWith | Christopher Dodd | person |
associatedWith | Chris Welles | person |
associatedWith | Chuck White | person |
associatedWith | Claire Hatfield | person |
associatedWith | Claire Leonardi | person |
associatedWith | Clair Elston | person |
associatedWith | Claire Pluff | person |
associatedWith | Clair Gardner | person |
associatedWith | Clara Melia | person |
associatedWith | Clark, Hugh, 1914-2005. | person |
correspondedWith | Clark, Hugh (collector). | person |
associatedWith | Clark Strickland | person |
associatedWith | Clayton Lathrop | person |
associatedWith | Cleland, Ralph E., (Ralph Erskine), 1892-1971 | person |
associatedWith | Clement Bouchard | person |
associatedWith | Clem Morgello | person |
associatedWith | Clifford Cheney | person |
associatedWith | Clyde Trudeau | person |
associatedWith | College presidents-Connecticut. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | College presidents—Connecticut. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Collins and Company | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Collins, Edward R. | person |
associatedWith | Collins, Eli Ives. | person |
associatedWith | Commission for Higher Education | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Commission on University Governance. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Connecticut Agricultural College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Connecticut Association of Directors of Health | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Connecticut Bankers Association | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Connecticut Daily Campus. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Connecticut Employees Union Independent. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Connecticut Historical Society. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Connecticut Humanities Council | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Connecticut State College. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Constance Morrissette | person |
associatedWith | Cosmo Castaldi | person |
associatedWith | Craig Wallace | person |
associatedWith | Curt Beck | person |
associatedWith | Cynthia Murray Burr | person |
associatedWith | Cynthia Purdie | person |
associatedWith | Cyril Depot | person |
associatedWith | Dana L. Kline | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Ethier | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Friedenberg | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Gallagher | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Graf | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Inouye | person |
associatedWith | Daniel J. Miglio | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Maldanado | person |
associatedWith | Daniel M. Friedenberg | person |
associatedWith | Daniel M. Lester | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Morin | person |
associatedWith | Daniel Schwartz | person |
associatedWith | Dan Kiley | person |
associatedWith | Dan Manley | person |
associatedWith | Dan Martin | person |
associatedWith | Dan W. Lufkin | person |
associatedWith | Darden Chambliss | person |
associatedWith | Daryl Perch | person |
associatedWith | Dashefsky, Arnold. | person |
associatedWith | Dave Hannon | person |
associatedWith | Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 | person |
associatedWith | Dave Tolzmann | person |
associatedWith | Dave Tomm | person |
associatedWith | David Bournival | person |
associatedWith | David Downs | person |
associatedWith | David Kahn | person |
associatedWith | David Ogle | person |
associatedWith | David Pearson | person |
associatedWith | David R. Francis | person |
associatedWith | David R. Jones | person |
associatedWith | David Schwitzer | person |
associatedWith | David Steinberg | person |
associatedWith | David Thorns | person |
associatedWith | Davis, Bradley M., (Bradley Moore), b. 1871 | person |
associatedWith | Debbie Breault | person |
associatedWith | DeForest, John L. Collector. | person |
associatedWith | Delia Griffin | person |
associatedWith | Delores Hammon | person |
associatedWith | Denise Merrill | person |
associatedWith | Dennis McNeil | person |
associatedWith | Dennis Moore | person |
associatedWith | dePaola, Tomie. | person |
associatedWith | Department of Higher Education | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Diane Gould Neumann | person |
associatedWith | Dodd, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1907-1971 | person |
associatedWith | Dolly Powers | person |
associatedWith | Donald B. Engley | person |
associatedWith | Donald Conlon | person |
associatedWith | Donald I. Rogers | person |
associatedWith | Donald Kingsley | person |
associatedWith | Donald Simmons | person |
associatedWith | Donna McKinney | person |
associatedWith | Donna McLaughlin | person |
associatedWith | Don Smyth | person |
associatedWith | Dora Epstein | person |
associatedWith | Doris Hall McBee | person |
associatedWith | Doris McBee | person |
correspondedWith | Dorn, Edward. | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Armstead | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Bailey | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Goodman | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Goodwin | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Koopman | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Miller | person |
associatedWith | Dorothy Pietrallo | person |
associatedWith | Douglas College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Douglas T. Cheney | person |
associatedWith | Doug Webster | person |
associatedWith | Drexel A. Sprecher | person |
associatedWith | Dr. James S. Peters II | person |
associatedWith | Eastern College Athletic Conference | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Eaton, Edwin C. | person |
associatedWith | E. B. Weiss | person |
associatedWith | E. Davenport | person |
associatedWith | Edith Valet Cook | person |
associatedWith | Edmund A. Moore | person |
associatedWith | Edmund Howe | person |
associatedWith | Edmund Markiewicz | person |
associatedWith | Edna Mary Purtell | person |
associatedWith | Ed Purcell | person |
associatedWith | Edson M. Bailey | person |
associatedWith | Education, Higher—Law and legislation—United States. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Edward Dakin | person |
associatedWith | Edward D. Seger | person |
associatedWith | Edward Gant | person |
associatedWith | Edward Hanna | person |
associatedWith | Edward Landeau | person |
associatedWith | Edward Lapointe | person |
associatedWith | Edward Marcus | person |
associatedWith | Edward O'Rilley | person |
associatedWith | Edward Patterson | person |
associatedWith | Edward Reardon | person |
associatedWith | Edward T. Townsend | person |
associatedWith | Edward V. Gant | person |
associatedWith | Edwin A. Rettig | person |
associatedWith | Edwina Whitney | person |
associatedWith | Edwin L. Dale, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Elaine Hammers | person |
associatedWith | Eleanor Arnold | person |
associatedWith | Eleanor H. Little | person |
associatedWith | Eleanor Wilbur | person |
associatedWith | Elia Caterino | person |
associatedWith | Elie Wiesel | person |
associatedWith | Eli Freedman | person |
associatedWith | Elinor Wilber | person |
associatedWith | Elizabeth Abbe | person |
associatedWith | Elizabeth Cady Stanton | person |
associatedWith | Elizabeth Chase | person |
associatedWith | Elizabeth Rablen | person |
associatedWith | Elizabeth Whitbeck | person |
associatedWith | Elizabeth Williams | person |
associatedWith | Eliza Hazel | person |
associatedWith | Ella Grasso | person |
associatedWith | Ellen Paullin | person |
associatedWith | Elliot Wolk | person |
correspondedWith | Ellis, B. W. | person |
associatedWith | Ellsworth Brown | person |
associatedWith | Ellsworth Grant | person |
associatedWith | Elmer Tuttle | person |
associatedWith | Elsie Hill | person |
associatedWith | Elsie Sweeney | person |
associatedWith | Embardo, Ellen E. | person |
associatedWith | Emil Mulnite | person |
associatedWith | Emily Cheney Neville | person |
associatedWith | Emily Noel | person |
associatedWith | Emily Sophie Brown | person |
associatedWith | Emmanuel Bolduc | person |
associatedWith | English Department | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Enoch Pelton | person |
associatedWith | Ephraim A. Lewis | person |
associatedWith | Ernest Abate | person |
associatedWith | Ernest DeMaio | person |
associatedWith | Ernest Haveman | person |
associatedWith | Ernest Linders | person |
associatedWith | Ernest Randazzo | person |
associatedWith | Ernie Wheeler | person |
associatedWith | Erwin Griswold | person |
associatedWith | Esther H. Weiss | person |
associatedWith | Esther M. Phelps | person |
associatedWith | Esther Tracey | person |
associatedWith | Ethel Sharasheff | person |
associatedWith | Ethel Stauffer | person |
associatedWith | Ethnic Heritage Studies Program (U.S.) | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Eugene St. Pierre | person |
associatedWith | Eunice Kelly | person |
associatedWith | Everett Kennedy | person |
associatedWith | Fairbanks, F. A. | person |
associatedWith | Faith Wittig | person |
associatedWith | Fannie Lacobelle | person |
associatedWith | Fanny Raptopoulos | person |
associatedWith | Favretti, Rudy. | person |
associatedWith | Favretti, Rudy J. | person |
associatedWith | Feng-Cheng Bo | person |
associatedWith | Fenn, Horace, 1833-1922. | person |
associatedWith | Field, Harriet Kingsbury | person |
associatedWith | Filomena Farr | person |
associatedWith | Finis Engleman | person |
associatedWith | Flint, George W. | person |
associatedWith | Florence Howe | person |
associatedWith | Floyd Shumway | person |
associatedWith | Flynn, John E., (John Edward), 1897-1965 | person |
associatedWith | Fox, Karla | person |
associatedWith | Francelia Butler | person |
associatedWith | Frances A. Hoxie | person |
associatedWith | Frances Cavallaro | person |
associatedWith | Frances Funk | person |
associatedWith | Frances Tedford | person |
associatedWith | Francis Braceland | person |
associatedWith | Francis B. Yates | person |
associatedWith | Francisco Echevaria | person |
associatedWith | Francis Collins | person |
associatedWith | Francis Juras | person |
associatedWith | Francois Bedarida | person |
associatedWith | Francsco Chipelo | person |
associatedWith | Fran Gordon | person |
associatedWith | Frank Avallone | person |
associatedWith | Frank Connolly | person |
associatedWith | Frank Connor | person |
associatedWith | Frank C. Robinson | person |
associatedWith | Frank E. Wollanstock | person |
associatedWith | Frank Gorman | person |
associatedWith | Frank H. Weir | person |
associatedWith | Frank Jewell | person |
associatedWith | Frank Joy | person |
associatedWith | Frank Laraia | person |
associatedWith | Franklin E. Johnson | person |
associatedWith | Franklin Farrel III | person |
associatedWith | Franklin Foote | person |
associatedWith | Franklin Miroff | person |
associatedWith | Frank Stamler | person |
associatedWith | Frank Waddell | person |
associatedWith | Fred Cazel | person |
associatedWith | Fred Copeland | person |
associatedWith | Freddi Hoffman | person |
associatedWith | Fred Drosehn | person |
associatedWith | Frederick Choromanski | person |
associatedWith | Fred E. Thrall | person |
associatedWith | Fred Seeman | person |
associatedWith | French, Mildred P., 1891- | person |
associatedWith | Gabriel, George Henry | person |
associatedWith | Gabriel Kosa | person |
associatedWith | Gail Costa Gregoire | person |
associatedWith | Gail Shea | person |
associatedWith | Gail Smith | person |
associatedWith | Gary Allen Weller | person |
associatedWith | Gavitt, Alexander, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Gaylord, Donald Clifton, 1902-1986. | person |
associatedWith | Gaylord, Margaret R. | person |
associatedWith | G. Davison | person |
associatedWith | Geer, Elihu | person |
correspondedWith | Gejdenson, Sam. | person |
associatedWith | Gennaro J. Capobianco | person |
associatedWith | George Arris | person |
associatedWith | George A. Scott | person |
associatedWith | George Baumann | person |
associatedWith | George Beeny | person |
associatedWith | George B. Keely | person |
associatedWith | George Brandon Saul | person |
associatedWith | George Brooks | person |
associatedWith | George DiScala, Sr. | person |
associatedWith | George Graeber | person |
associatedWith | George Green | person |
associatedWith | George H. Lamson | person |
associatedWith | George Krevit | person |
associatedWith | George McClay | person |
associatedWith | George M. Fukui | person |
associatedWith | George Opalenik | person |
associatedWith | George Ribak | person |
associatedWith | George T. Sanders | person |
associatedWith | George W. Chaput | person |
associatedWith | Georgia Engram | person |
associatedWith | Gerald F. Forde | person |
associatedWith | Geraldine Novotny | person |
associatedWith | Gerald Lemay | person |
associatedWith | Gerald W. Minikowski | person |
associatedWith | Gerry Gumprecht | person |
associatedWith | Gertrude Ferencz | person |
associatedWith | Gertrude Golden | person |
associatedWith | G. Fox & Co. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | G. Fox & Company | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Gilbert, Albert C. | person |
associatedWith | Gilbert Burck | person |
associatedWith | Gilbert H. Clee | person |
associatedWith | Gilbert, Ralph D. | person |
associatedWith | Gilbert Stelter | person |
associatedWith | Giovanni Favretti | person |
associatedWith | Giselle Therrieult | person |
associatedWith | Gladys Fallon | person |
associatedWith | Gladys Felton | person |
associatedWith | Glenda Copes Reed | person |
associatedWith | Glenn Ramsey | person |
associatedWith | Goethe Institute | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Gold, T. S. | person |
associatedWith | Goodwin, Dorothy C. | person |
associatedWith | Gould, Sally Innis. | person |
associatedWith | Grace Dunn Price | person |
correspondedWith | Greene, Arthur F. | person |
associatedWith | Greene, John C. | person |
associatedWith | Green, Ezra M. | person |
associatedWith | Greg Stoltz | person |
associatedWith | G. Stafford Torrey | person |
associatedWith | Guan Wei-Bin | person |
associatedWith | Guido Giorgetti | person |
correspondedWith | Gumbart, Edward H. | person |
associatedWith | Gumersindo Del Rio | person |
associatedWith | Gurney Breckerfield | person |
associatedWith | Haddassah Rosensaft | person |
associatedWith | Haggerty, William J. | person |
associatedWith | Hall, Charles Gardner, 1889-1969. | person |
correspondedWith | Hall, Edward F. | person |
associatedWith | Handicapped Homemaker Project. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Hannah Cheney Williams | person |
associatedWith | Hans Bodenheimer | person |
associatedWith | Harlan DonCarlos | person |
associatedWith | Harold Burson | person |
associatedWith | Harold Chucker | person |
associatedWith | Harold Crane | person |
associatedWith | Harold Heffron | person |
associatedWith | Harriet B. Dzicek | person |
associatedWith | Harriet Goldring | person |
associatedWith | Harry Black | person |
associatedWith | Harry Edelson | person |
associatedWith | Harry Fiss | person |
associatedWith | Harry Gee | person |
associatedWith | Harry Marks | person |
associatedWith | Harry Pregozen | person |
associatedWith | Harry Siebert | person |
associatedWith | Harry Thies | person |
associatedWith | Hartford Foundation for Public Giving | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Hartley, Harry J. | person |
associatedWith | Harvey Moger | person |
associatedWith | Hayden Griswold | person |
associatedWith | Hazel Jacoby | person |
associatedWith | Hazel Thrall Sullivan | person |
associatedWith | Helen A. Green | person |
associatedWith | Helen Binney Kitchel | person |
associatedWith | Helen Brill | person |
associatedWith | Helen Carrano | person |
associatedWith | Helen Conlin | person |
associatedWith | Helen Farley | person |
associatedWith | Helen Kenney | person |
associatedWith | Helen Kopman | person |
associatedWith | Helen Pritchard | person |
associatedWith | Helen Randall | person |
correspondedWith | Hendrickson, C. I. | person |
associatedWith | Henry Costello | person |
associatedWith | Henry Drobiarz | person |
associatedWith | Henry J. Madamba | person |
associatedWith | Henry King | person |
associatedWith | Henry Levy | person |
associatedWith | Henry Szydlo | person |
associatedWith | Henry Wallich | person |
associatedWith | Herbert Bengston | person |
associatedWith | Herbert Wechsler | person |
associatedWith | Herman Kuiken | person |
associatedWith | Hilda Crosby Standish | person |
associatedWith | Hillard Bloom | person |
associatedWith | Hill, Evan | person |
associatedWith | Hill, John, G. | person |
associatedWith | Hobart Rowen | person |
correspondedWith | Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 | person |
correspondedWith | Hollister, S. P. | person |
associatedWith | Holly Gantner | person |
associatedWith | Holly Izard | person |
associatedWith | Homer Babbidge | person |
associatedWith | Homer D. Babbidge Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Hook, James W. (James William), 1884-1957. | person |
associatedWith | Horace Bushnell | person |
associatedWith | Horace Learned | person |
correspondedWith | Hough, Clifford E. | person |
associatedWith | Hou Ren-Zhi | person |
associatedWith | Howard Bailit | person |
associatedWith | Howard Gilman | person |
associatedWith | Howard Hoemann | person |
associatedWith | Howard K. Smith | person |
associatedWith | Howard Roberts | person |
associatedWith | Hugh Clark | person |
associatedWith | Hugh R. McEvers | person |
associatedWith | Hugh S. Campbell | person |
associatedWith | Hugh Ward | person |
associatedWith | Hyde, James Hazen, 1876-1959 | person |
associatedWith | Ida Ostrinsky | person |
associatedWith | Ignazio Ottone | person |
associatedWith | Ihrke, Walter R. | person |
associatedWith | Ingrid Bronner | person |
associatedWith | Ingrid Hammarstrom | person |
associatedWith | Institute of Tianjin | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 91 (Hartford, Conn.). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge 707 (Middletown, Conn.) | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Ira Hiscock | person |
associatedWith | Ira Neimark | person |
associatedWith | Irene Riley | person |
associatedWith | Irma Harrison | person |
associatedWith | Irma Sobol | person |
associatedWith | Irving Goldschneider | person |
associatedWith | Isabel Curtin Rylander | person |
associatedWith | Isabella Anderson | person |
associatedWith | Isabella Pioppi | person |
associatedWith | Isabelle Moran | person |
associatedWith | Isaiah Spector | person |
associatedWith | Isidore Geeter | person |
associatedWith | Isidore Greengrass | person |
associatedWith | Ivan Tetreault | person |
associatedWith | Jack Bergen | person |
associatedWith | Jack Blechner | person |
associatedWith | Jack Goldring | person |
associatedWith | Jackie Cocco | person |
associatedWith | Jackie Coco | person |
associatedWith | Jackie Durrel | person |
associatedWith | Jackie Durrell | person |
associatedWith | Jack Leeraar | person |
associatedWith | Jack Litter | person |
associatedWith | Jacob Biber | person |
associatedWith | Jacob Kunin | person |
associatedWith | J. A. Livingston | person |
associatedWith | James Axon | person |
associatedWith | James Cullen | person |
associatedWith | James Curry | person |
associatedWith | James Droney | person |
associatedWith | James Dubois | person |
associatedWith | James E. Brennan | person |
associatedWith | James Farrell | person |
associatedWith | James F. English | person |
associatedWith | James F. Kendall | person |
associatedWith | James Fleming | person |
associatedWith | James Fontanna | person |
associatedWith | James Gilbert | person |
associatedWith | James Harkins | person |
associatedWith | James H. Barnett, 1906- | person |
associatedWith | James Lee | person |
associatedWith | James Lincoln | person |
associatedWith | James MacGregor Burns | person |
associatedWith | James M. Brodowski, Sr. | person |
associatedWith | James O'Rourke | person |
associatedWith | James Patrick | person |
associatedWith | James P. Gannon | person |
associatedWith | James Reardon | person |
associatedWith | James Stanley Owens | person |
associatedWith | James Tierney | person |
associatedWith | James T. McLaughlin | person |
associatedWith | James Walker | person |
associatedWith | Jan Carville | person |
associatedWith | Jan Dovenitz | person |
associatedWith | Jane Barstow | person |
associatedWith | Jane Chapaitis | person |
associatedWith | Janice Breer | person |
associatedWith | Janice Harman | person |
associatedWith | Janice Sargent | person |
associatedWith | Jay Edgerton | person |
associatedWith | Jay Lichtenbaum | person |
correspondedWith | J.C. Deagan, Inc. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | J. C. Lyon | person |
associatedWith | Jean Handley | person |
associatedWith | Jeanne Garvey | person |
associatedWith | Jennie Martucci | person |
associatedWith | Jennifer Foo | person |
associatedWith | Jenny Garvey | person |
associatedWith | Jerauld Manter | person |
associatedWith | Jerry Driscoll | person |
associatedWith | J. E. Sheperd | person |
associatedWith | Jesse Brainard | person |
associatedWith | Jessie M. Johnson | person |
associatedWith | Jim Moore | person |
associatedWith | Jim Nakano | person |
associatedWith | Joan Geetter | person |
associatedWith | Joan Rosenbaum | person |
associatedWith | Joan Sienkiewicz | person |
associatedWith | Jodi Rell | person |
associatedWith | Joe Berger | person |
associatedWith | Joe Pacheco | person |
associatedWith | Joe Rak | person |
associatedWith | Joe Rourke | person |
associatedWith | Johansen, Elaine. | person |
associatedWith | Johansen, Elaine. | person |
associatedWith | John A. Conway | person |
associatedWith | John Adams | person |
associatedWith | John A. Johnston | person |
associatedWith | John Alsop | person |
associatedWith | John A. Prestbo | person |
associatedWith | John Begley | person |
associatedWith | John Brooks | person |
associatedWith | John Chamberlain | person |
associatedWith | John Charles Wagner | person |
associatedWith | John Clemente | person |
associatedWith | John Cunningham | person |
associatedWith | John D. Dingell, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | John DelVecchio | person |
associatedWith | John Dempsey | person |
associatedWith | John DiBiaggio | person |
associatedWith | John Driggs | person |
associatedWith | John Driscoll | person |
associatedWith | John Druge | person |
associatedWith | John Fitch | person |
associatedWith | John Fitzgerald | person |
associatedWith | John F. Laurence | person |
associatedWith | John F. Lyons | person |
associatedWith | John F. Sutherland | person |
associatedWith | John Harrity | person |
associatedWith | John Hutchinson | person |
associatedWith | John Ives | person |
associatedWith | John Kasparian | person |
associatedWith | John K. Jessup | person |
associatedWith | John Kluck | person |
associatedWith | John LaBelle | person |
associatedWith | John L. Fletcher | person |
associatedWith | John Maughan | person |
associatedWith | John M. K. Davis | person |
associatedWith | John P. Cheney, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | John Pontillo | person |
associatedWith | John P. Shenton | person |
associatedWith | John P. Wodarski | person |
associatedWith | John Robinson | person |
associatedWith | John S. Oles | person |
associatedWith | Johnson, Nancy Lee, 1935- | person |
associatedWith | John Sutherland | person |
correspondedWith | John Taylor and Co. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | John Tierney | person |
associatedWith | John Una Kernan | person |
associatedWith | John W. Churila | person |
associatedWith | Jones, Clyde. | person |
associatedWith | Jon Jennings | person |
associatedWith | Jorgensen Auditorium. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | J. Orlean Christian | person |
associatedWith | Joseph A. Livingston | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Aloysius Pramer | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Biancanelli | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Cannata | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Chesery | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Dulka | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Frasca | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Goodrich | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Handley | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Heaphy | person |
associatedWith | Josephine Carlozzi | person |
associatedWith | Josephine E. Bryant | person |
associatedWith | Josephine LaMantia | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Kornfeld | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Leary | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Maier | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Nathanson | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Nerden | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Otfinoski | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Palumbo | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Rourke | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Sartor | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Shepard | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Soifer | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Sposato | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Tine | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Tirinzoni | person |
associatedWith | Joseph Vitkus | person |
associatedWith | Joyce Carilli | person |
associatedWith | Joyce Pendery | person |
associatedWith | Juanita Thornton | person |
associatedWith | Judith Bridges | person |
associatedWith | Judith Lohman | person |
associatedWith | Judith Soucie | person |
associatedWith | Judy Halvorson | person |
associatedWith | Judy Wallace | person |
associatedWith | Jules Barbaret | person |
associatedWith | Julian Rotter | person |
associatedWith | Julie Belaga | person |
associatedWith | Julie Henry | person |
associatedWith | Julienne O'Connor | person |
associatedWith | Julius Rytman | person |
associatedWith | Kathleen Lowney | person |
associatedWith | Kathleen O'Donovan | person |
associatedWith | Kathryn Carey | person |
associatedWith | Katya Williamson | person |
associatedWith | Kay Kiyokawa | person |
associatedWith | Kendra Dowd Adams | person |
associatedWith | Kennelly, Barabara B. | person |
associatedWith | Kenneth DeWitt Roberts | person |
associatedWith | Kenneth Jackson | person |
associatedWith | Kenneth Wilson | person |
associatedWith | Kevin Dowling | person |
associatedWith | Kevin Sullivan | person |
associatedWith | Keyes, Wilma. | person |
associatedWith | Khairallah, Edward A. | person |
associatedWith | Khairallah, Edward A. | person |
associatedWith | Kimberly Kwort | person |
associatedWith | Koons, Benjamin Franklin. | person |
associatedWith | Kris Hansen | person |
associatedWith | Kurt Appel | person |
correspondedWith | Ladd, Everett Carll. | person |
correspondedWith | Ladd, Everett Carll, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Lapuk, Marvin | person |
associatedWith | Larry Edwards | person |
associatedWith | Larry Hill | person |
associatedWith | Laura Belle McCoy | person |
associatedWith | Laura Belle Reed McCoy | person |
associatedWith | Laurier F. Demars | person |
associatedWith | Lawrence Bourland | person |
associatedWith | Lawrence Delafose | person |
associatedWith | Lawrence J. Ackerman | person |
associatedWith | Lawrence Knowlton | person |
correspondedWith | Leavenworth, Alden. | person |
correspondedWith | Leavenworth, Donald. | person |
correspondedWith | Leavenworth, Robert. | person |
associatedWith | Lee Gertsch | person |
associatedWith | Lee M. Cohn | person |
associatedWith | Lee Scarpetti | person |
associatedWith | Lee Silberman | person |
associatedWith | Leland B. DuVall | person |
associatedWith | L. Ellsworth Stoughton | person |
associatedWith | Lenore Cavallero | person |
associatedWith | Leo LaForge | person |
associatedWith | Leona DeLude | person |
associatedWith | Leonard B. Hough | person |
associatedWith | Leonard Eccelente | person |
associatedWith | Leonard Eccellente | person |
associatedWith | Leonard Silk | person |
associatedWith | Leonard S. Silk | person |
associatedWith | Leon Thorp | person |
associatedWith | Leopold Gerechter | person |
correspondedWith | Leroy, Harwood P. | person |
associatedWith | Les Barber | person |
associatedWith | Leslie Frank | person |
associatedWith | Leslie Gould | person |
associatedWith | Leslie Kilmartin | person |
associatedWith | Lester Cutler | person |
associatedWith | Levin, Harry, 1912-1994 | person |
associatedWith | Lewis B. Rome | person |
associatedWith | Lewis Fox | person |
associatedWith | Li Cheng Zuo | person |
associatedWith | Liese Himmel | person |
associatedWith | Lil Despathy | person |
associatedWith | Lillian J. Gustafson | person |
associatedWith | Linda Buchanan | person |
associatedWith | Lisbeth Dizney | person |
associatedWith | Lisbeth H. Dizney | person |
associatedWith | Loeb, Gerald M. | person |
associatedWith | Lois Barrett | person |
associatedWith | Lorraine Glynn | person |
associatedWith | Lorraine Rovero | person |
associatedWith | Louis Bednarz | person |
associatedWith | Louis Blecharczyk | person |
associatedWith | Louise Bailey | person |
associatedWith | Louise DeLauro | person |
associatedWith | Louise Gaggianesi | person |
associatedWith | Louis Gerson | person |
associatedWith | Louis Goodwin | person |
associatedWith | Louis Labanara | person |
associatedWith | Louis Olsson | person |
associatedWith | Louis Perez Cordero | person |
associatedWith | Louis Sidoli | person |
associatedWith | Lou Kiefer | person |
correspondedWith | Lowrie, Charles N. | person |
associatedWith | Lucinda Hill | person |
associatedWith | Lucius Gurley | person |
associatedWith | Lucy Richardson | person |
associatedWith | Ludwig Hansen | person |
associatedWith | Luigi Pola | person |
associatedWith | Madelyn M. DeMatteo | person |
associatedWith | Maker, David. | person |
associatedWith | Malcolm Edmonds | person |
associatedWith | Malcolm Wilson | person |
associatedWith | Maloney, Francis Thomas, 1894-1945. | person |
associatedWith | Manchester Community College Institute of Local History | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Manchester, H. G. | person |
associatedWith | Manfred A. Isserman | person |
associatedWith | Mania Blank | person |
associatedWith | Manter, Jerauld A. | person |
associatedWith | Marcia Kovachs | person |
associatedWith | Margaret Costa | person |
correspondedWith | Margaret Dunkle | person |
associatedWith | Margaret Hemphill | person |
associatedWith | Margaret Nordhoff Morrison | person |
associatedWith | Margaret Olmstead | person |
associatedWith | Margaret Schleminger | person |
associatedWith | Margaret Zygmunt | person |
associatedWith | Maria Frasca | person |
associatedWith | Maria Miro Johnson | person |
associatedWith | Marian Y. Biglow | person |
associatedWith | Maria Teresa Lombardi | person |
associatedWith | Marilyn Figueroa | person |
associatedWith | Marilyn Waniek | person |
associatedWith | Marina Rivera | person |
associatedWith | Marion Morra | person |
associatedWith | Marion Pardus | person |
associatedWith | Mark Bishop | person |
associatedWith | Mark Rayel | person |
associatedWith | Marks, Harry J. | person |
associatedWith | Marks, Harry J. | person |
associatedWith | Marshall J. Collins | person |
associatedWith | Marsh Russo | person |
associatedWith | Martha Klein | person |
associatedWith | Martin Greenberg | person |
associatedWith | Martin Poulin | person |
associatedWith | Marvin Miller | person |
associatedWith | Mary Alexander | person |
associatedWith | Mary and Olga Anastasio | person |
associatedWith | Mary Barry | person |
associatedWith | Mary Benoit | person |
associatedWith | Mary C. Dannaher | person |
associatedWith | Mary Ciarlegio | person |
associatedWith | Mary Costello Stuart | person |
associatedWith | Mary DellaFera | person |
associatedWith | Mary Dwyer | person |
associatedWith | Mary Eberle | person |
associatedWith | Mary Healy | person |
associatedWith | Mary Kay Schnare | person |
associatedWith | Mary Magner | person |
associatedWith | Mary Maiorani | person |
associatedWith | Mary McFarland Handley | person |
associatedWith | Mary Mecagni | person |
associatedWith | Mary Merritt | person |
associatedWith | Mary Risy | person |
associatedWith | Mary Salerno | person |
associatedWith | Mary Tafuto | person |
associatedWith | Mason, Eva Belle. | person |
associatedWith | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Massachusetts Normal Art School | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Matteo Avella | person |
associatedWith | Matthew Bates | person |
associatedWith | Matthew Magda | person |
associatedWith | Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-1966 | person |
associatedWith | Mat Ways | person |
associatedWith | Maura McGuire | person |
associatedWith | Maureen Danehy | person |
associatedWith | Maurice Barbaret | person |
associatedWith | Maurice Bicknell | person |
associatedWith | Maurice Rondeau | person |
associatedWith | Max Ferguson | person |
associatedWith | Max Neutze | person |
associatedWith | Max Ways | person |
associatedWith | Maxwell Lear | person |
associatedWith | May, Elizabeth Eckhardt, 1899- | person |
associatedWith | McKain, David W. | person |
correspondedWith | McShane Bell Foundry, Co. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Melancthon W. Jacobus | person |
correspondedWith | Meneely and Company | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Merlin Bishop | person |
associatedWith | Michael Broderick | person |
associatedWith | Michael Chaney | person |
associatedWith | Michael D. Foglio | person |
associatedWith | Michael Frisch | person |
associatedWith | Michael Laurence | person |
associatedWith | Michael Lepter | person |
associatedWith | Michael Liucci | person |
associatedWith | Michael Perrotti | person |
associatedWith | Michael Russo | person |
associatedWith | Michael Steinberg | person |
associatedWith | Michael Vernovai | person |
associatedWith | Michel Bilger | person |
associatedWith | Michele Palmer | person |
associatedWith | Mildred Insogna | person |
associatedWith | Miles Fairburn | person |
associatedWith | Miles, Garry A., 1901- | person |
associatedWith | Millicent B. Smith | person |
associatedWith | Milton Friedman | person |
associatedWith | Mindy Weisel | person |
associatedWith | Minne Jackson | person |
associatedWith | Minnie Gershman | person |
associatedWith | Mollie Gordon | person |
associatedWith | Montana State University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Moo Soo Hwang | person |
associatedWith | Morico, Lawrence F. | person |
associatedWith | Morico, Lawrence F. | person |
associatedWith | Morris Cavalieri | person |
associatedWith | Morton C. Paulson | person |
associatedWith | Morton Tenzer | person |
associatedWith | Moses Neiditz | person |
associatedWith | Moss, Alfred E. | person |
associatedWith | Moss, Alfred E. | person |
associatedWith | Mrs. Eva Hudak | person |
associatedWith | Murray J. Rossant | person |
associatedWith | Nancy Carnegie Rockefeller | person |
associatedWith | Nancy Horner | person |
associatedWith | Naran Setty | person |
associatedWith | Nate White | person |
associatedWith | Nathan G. Agostinelli | person |
associatedWith | National Endowment for the Humanities | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Neil H. Beaulieu | person |
associatedWith | Nelson Cruikshank | person |
associatedWith | Nelson H. Cruikshank | person |
associatedWith | Nelson, Marilyn. | person |
associatedWith | Nicholas Molodovsky | person |
associatedWith | Nicholas W. Fenney | person |
associatedWith | Nicolas Pelliccio | person |
associatedWith | Norman Hall | person |
associatedWith | Norman Thomas | person |
associatedWith | Norris Lyle | person |
associatedWith | Northeastern University | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | O'Brien, John Francis. | person |
associatedWith | Office for Affirmative Action. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Olcott, J. B. | person |
associatedWith | Oliver Butterworth | person |
associatedWith | Omar Allvord | person |
associatedWith | Orr, William C. | person |
associatedWith | Oscar Reese Family | person |
associatedWith | Ottairio Candelori | person |
associatedWith | Owens, Claire Myers | person |
associatedWith | Palmer S. McGee | person |
associatedWith | Pamela Bates | person |
associatedWith | Pamela Sawyer | person |
associatedWith | Pasquale Poletti | person |
associatedWith | Pat Carter | person |
associatedWith | Paterson, Thomas G. | person |
associatedWith | Patricia Hughes | person |
associatedWith | Patricia McGuire | person |
associatedWith | Patricia Shontz | person |
associatedWith | Patrick Hayes | person |
associatedWith | Patrick J. O'Carroll | person |
associatedWith | Paul Alcorn | person |
associatedWith | Paul Curry | person |
associatedWith | Paul DiLella | person |
associatedWith | Paul Dunn | person |
associatedWith | Paul E. Steiger | person |
associatedWith | Paul Goodin | person |
associatedWith | Paul Goodwin | person |
associatedWith | Paul Greenspan | person |
associatedWith | Pauline Hutchinson | person |
associatedWith | Pauline Marie Girard | person |
associatedWith | Pauline Novak | person |
associatedWith | Paul Koda | person |
associatedWith | Paul Mullen | person |
associatedWith | Paul Polivy | person |
associatedWith | Paul Samuelson | person |
associatedWith | P. Dennis Smith | person |
associatedWith | Percy Maxim Lee | person |
correspondedWith | Perry, Delbert K. | person |
associatedWith | Perry, James R. | person |
associatedWith | Peter Baldwin | person |
associatedWith | Peter DeCarli | person |
associatedWith | Peter Fisher | person |
associatedWith | Peter Halvorson | person |
associatedWith | Peter Laudano | person |
associatedWith | Peter Libassi | person |
associatedWith | Peter McFadden | person |
associatedWith | Peter O. Kliem | person |
associatedWith | Peter P. Gabriel | person |
associatedWith | Peter S. Nagan | person |
associatedWith | Peter Spearritt | person |
associatedWith | Phi Kappa Phi. Connecticut Chapter (University of Connecticut) | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Philip Bellico | person |
associatedWith | Philip Breer | person |
associatedWith | Philip E. Austin | person |
associatedWith | Philip Johnson | person |
associatedWith | Philip Morse | person |
associatedWith | Philip Paolella | person |
associatedWith | Philip Thorneycroft Teuscher | person |
associatedWith | Philip Witham | person |
associatedWith | Phil Jacklin | person |
associatedWith | Phillips Academy | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Phillip Wheeler | person |
associatedWith | Pierpont, Arthur J. | person |
associatedWith | Pierpont, Arthur J., 1876-1912. | person |
associatedWith | Polytechnic Institute of New York | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Potterton, Barbara Isham | person |
associatedWith | Priscilla Doyle | person |
associatedWith | Project on the Status and Education of Women (Association of American Colleges) | person |
associatedWith | P. Roy Brammel | person |
associatedWith | Pura Velis | person |
associatedWith | Qi Wenying | person |
associatedWith | Ralph. H. Lundberg | person |
associatedWith | Ralph Pascale | person |
associatedWith | Raoul Berger | person |
associatedWith | Raymond Baldwin | person |
associatedWith | Raymond Douyard | person |
associatedWith | Raymond Gregoire | person |
associatedWith | Raymond I. Longley | person |
associatedWith | Raymond J. McMahon, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Raymond Olds | person |
associatedWith | R. Bruce Watkins | person |
associatedWith | Rebecca Lobo | person |
associatedWith | Rebecca Norcom | person |
associatedWith | Rena Koopman | person |
associatedWith | Renato Ricciuti | person |
associatedWith | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Rhoda Durkan | person |
associatedWith | Rhoda Jenkins | person |
associatedWith | Richard A. Nenneman | person |
associatedWith | Richard Austin Smith | person |
associatedWith | Richard Benoit | person |
associatedWith | Richard Breault | person |
associatedWith | Richard Brooks | person |
associatedWith | Richard Cromie | person |
associatedWith | Richard E. Kyte | person |
associatedWith | Richard E. Rustin | person |
associatedWith | Richard Keller | person |
associatedWith | Richard Lallier | person |
associatedWith | Richard Larkin | person |
associatedWith | Richard Lewis | person |
associatedWith | Richard Newfield | person |
associatedWith | Richard North | person |
associatedWith | Richard Palmer | person |
associatedWith | Richard Schneller | person |
associatedWith | Richard S. Eckstrom | person |
associatedWith | Richard Smith | person |
associatedWith | Rich Thomas | person |
associatedWith | Rita Botwinick | person |
associatedWith | Robbins, Laroy T. | person |
associatedWith | Robbins, William Jacob, 1890-1978 | person |
associatedWith | Roberta Bynes | person |
associatedWith | Robert Archambault | person |
associatedWith | Robert Asher | person |
associatedWith | Robert Belden | person |
associatedWith | Robert Butler | person |
associatedWith | Robert Cairns | person |
associatedWith | Robert Claus | person |
associatedWith | Robert DeCarlo | person |
associatedWith | Robert Dillion | person |
associatedWith | Robert D. Leavenworth | person |
associatedWith | Robert E. Bedingfield | person |
associatedWith | Robert E. Nichols | person |
associatedWith | Robert Farr | person |
associatedWith | Robert Fitch | person |
associatedWith | Robert Genuario | person |
associatedWith | Robert Giaimo | person |
correspondedWith | Robert G. Mead, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Robert H. Grills | person |
associatedWith | Robert J. Patterson | person |
associatedWith | Robert Keller | person |
associatedWith | Robert King | person |
associatedWith | Robert Labanara | person |
associatedWith | Robert L. Edwards | person |
associatedWith | Robert Louis Ventulette, Sr. | person |
associatedWith | Robert McMahon | person |
associatedWith | Robert Ryan | person |
associatedWith | Robert Sanville | person |
associatedWith | Robert Walsh | person |
associatedWith | Robert Ward | person |
associatedWith | Robert W Murray, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Robert Young | person |
associatedWith | Roger Babineau | person |
associatedWith | Rogers, Alfred | person |
associatedWith | Rohrbach, John | person |
associatedWith | Roman Luftglas | person |
associatedWith | Ronald R. Chaput | person |
associatedWith | Ronnie Levine | person |
associatedWith | Ron Schurin | person |
associatedWith | Rose Dunham | person |
associatedWith | Rose Fowler | person |
associatedWith | Rosemary Nardi | person |
associatedWith | Rose Servidone | person |
associatedWith | Roslyn Blawie | person |
associatedWith | Roslyn Kornfeld | person |
associatedWith | Ross M. Robertson | person |
associatedWith | Rubins, Edward J. | person |
associatedWith | Rudolph Haffner | person |
associatedWith | Russell Baril | person |
associatedWith | Russell Kennedy | person |
associatedWith | Russell Sullivan | person |
associatedWith | Russell W. Brown | person |
associatedWith | Rutgers University. Department of Athletics. Centennial Football Game Committee | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Rutgers University. Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Ruth Fahrbach | person |
associatedWith | Ruth French | person |
associatedWith | Ruth Hill | person |
associatedWith | Ruth H. Klemens | person |
associatedWith | Ruth Knight | person |
associatedWith | Ruth Mcintyre Dadourian | person |
associatedWith | Ruth Reichel | person |
associatedWith | Ruth Smith | person |
associatedWith | Sallie Russell | person |
associatedWith | Sam Bass Warner, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Samuel B. Bromley | person |
associatedWith | Samuel Brownell | person |
associatedWith | Samuel Edward Warren | person |
associatedWith | Samuel Pierson Palmer | person |
associatedWith | Samuel Richter | person |
associatedWith | Sam Wheeler | person |
associatedWith | Sandford Brown | person |
associatedWith | Sando Bologna | person |
associatedWith | Sandra Astor Stave | person |
associatedWith | Sandy Grange | person |
associatedWith | Sarah Matters | person |
associatedWith | Sarino Matera | person |
associatedWith | Satoshi Oishi | person |
associatedWith | Saul Nesselroth | person |
associatedWith | Sayers, Dale E. (Dale Edward), 1943-2004 | person |
associatedWith | Schaefer, Carl W. (Carl Walter) | person |
associatedWith | Schorr, William M. collector. | person |
associatedWith | Schreiber, Frances F. | person |
associatedWith | Seckerson, H. A. (Howard Arnold), b. 1877. | person |
associatedWith | Seelye, Catherine. | person |
associatedWith | Sepho Alvarez | person |
associatedWith | Seymour Peyser | person |
associatedWith | S. G. Checkland | person |
associatedWith | Sharon Fowler | person |
associatedWith | Shea, George. | person |
associatedWith | Sheckley, Barry | person |
associatedWith | Shepherd Holcombe | person |
associatedWith | Sherwin Cooperstein | person |
associatedWith | Shippee, Lester E. 1894-1988. | person |
associatedWith | Shirley Koplowitz | person |
associatedWith | Shiro Aisawa | person |
associatedWith | Shull, George Harrison, 1874-1954 | person |
associatedWith | Sidney Fish | person |
associatedWith | Sigrid Schultz | person |
associatedWith | Simonds, W. E. | person |
associatedWith | Simon Konover | person |
associatedWith | Simon Rosenthal | person |
associatedWith | Sinnott, Edmund W. (Edmund Ware), 1888-1958 | person |
associatedWith | Slater, James | person |
correspondedWith | Slate, W. L. | person |
associatedWith | Slominski, Lynda. | person |
associatedWith | Smith, Edwin | person |
associatedWith | Smith, Edwin Oscar. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Smith, Marjorie | person |
correspondedWith | Snow, Walter. | person |
associatedWith | Sobek, Joseph. | person |
associatedWith | Sondra Stave | person |
associatedWith | Sonny Googins | person |
associatedWith | Sonya Googins | person |
associatedWith | Southern New England Telephone Company. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | Soyinka, Wole. | person |
associatedWith | Stallman, R. W. (Robert Wooster), 1911-1982. | person |
associatedWith | Stanley Israelite | person |
associatedWith | Stanley M. Lucas | person |
associatedWith | Stanley Waldron | person |
associatedWith | Stanton, Daniel | person |
associatedWith | Stanton, G. V. | person |
associatedWith | State of Connecticut | corporateBody |
associatedWith | State universities and colleges—Connecticut—History. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | State universities and colleges—United States—History. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Stemmons, Walter, b. 1884 | person |
associatedWith | Stephanie Kamenski | person |
associatedWith | Stephen A. Flis | person |
associatedWith | Stephen Showers | person |
associatedWith | Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Stern, Milton R. | person |
associatedWith | Stimson, Rufus Whittaker, 1868-1947 | person |
associatedWith | Stone, Frank. | person |
associatedWith | Stone, Frank A. | person |
associatedWith | Stone, Lois Greene. | person |
associatedWith | Stone, Louis Greene | person |
associatedWith | Storrs Agricultural College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Storrs Agricultural School | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Storrs Family collector. | person |
associatedWith | Storrs School Literary Society. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Sumner A. Dole | person |
associatedWith | Susan Barret | person |
associatedWith | Susan Barrett | person |
associatedWith | Susan Bysiewicz | person |
associatedWith | Susan Smith | person |
associatedWith | Susan Weldon | person |
associatedWith | Suzan Bibisi | person |
associatedWith | Sylvia Zeldis | person |
associatedWith | Tait Trussel | person |
associatedWith | Talmadge, Daniel W. | person |
associatedWith | T. A. Wise | person |
associatedWith | Teale, Edwin Way, 1899- | person |
associatedWith | Teddy Newlands | person |
associatedWith | Ted Edgerton | person |
associatedWith | Telephone Worker 1 | person |
associatedWith | Telephone Worker 2 | person |
associatedWith | Telephone Worker 3 | person |
associatedWith | Telephone Worker 4 | person |
associatedWith | Telephone Worker 5 | person |
associatedWith | Tenzer, Morton | person |
associatedWith | Teresa Falcigno | person |
associatedWith | Teresa West | person |
associatedWith | Terry Gomez | person |
associatedWith | Thad McGrady | person |
associatedWith | Thayer, Addison P. | person |
associatedWith | Thea Coburn | person |
associatedWith | The Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund | corporateBody |
associatedWith | The Brookside Fund | corporateBody |
associatedWith | The Connecticut Historical Society | corporateBody |
associatedWith | The Maple Tree Fund | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Theodore Gold | person |
associatedWith | Theophil Mierzwinski | person |
associatedWith | The Prospect Fund | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Theresa Deshefy-Longhi | person |
associatedWith | Theresa Giorgio | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Beardsley | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Bender | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Boyle | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Cordner | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Dillon | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Draper | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Durkin | person |
associatedWith | Thomas G. Coppinger | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Healy | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Holzer | person |
associatedWith | Thomasina Clemons | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Keyes | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Kugelman | person |
associatedWith | Thomas, L. Eugene, 1932- | person |
associatedWith | Thomas O'Brien | person |
associatedWith | Thomas O'Neill | person |
associatedWith | Thomas R. Bodine | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Ritter | person |
associatedWith | Thomas W. Bush | person |
associatedWith | Tom Ritter | person |
associatedWith | Tom Stannage | person |
associatedWith | Tony DiBenedetto | person |
associatedWith | Tony Pelosi | person |
associatedWith | Toshie Hawasaki Kato | person |
associatedWith | Trecker, Harleigh B. | person |
associatedWith | Truda Kaschmann | person |
associatedWith | United States Department of Agriculture | corporateBody |
associatedWith | United States Department of Education | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Universities and colleges—Accreditation. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Universities and colleges—Administration. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Universities and colleges—Connecticut—Law and legislation. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Chicago | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Administration. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Admissions Office. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut, Agricultural Economics Department | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut Alumni Association | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Animal Science Department. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Athletic Communications Office. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut at Waterbury. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Bacteriology Dept. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Board of Trustees. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Building Names Committee. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Centennial Coordinating Committee. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut, Child Development Laboratories. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Commencement Committee. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Commission on University Governance. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Committee of Five. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Computer Center. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | University of Connecticut, Cooperative Extension Service. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | University of Connecticut, Cooperative Extension System. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Dept. of History. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut Health Center. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut—History. | corporateBody |
correspondedWith | University of Connecticut Hospital Board of Trustees | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. International Studies Committee. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office for Affirmative Action Programs. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of Public Infomation | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of Public Information. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the President. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the Provost. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the Registrar. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Organization of Graduate Student Action. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut Presidents. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut—Presidents. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut-Presidents-Interviews. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. President's Office. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. School of Allied Health. | person |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. School of Business. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. School of Business Administration. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. School of Law. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Undergraduate Student Government. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. University of Connecticut Libraries. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. University Senate. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Vice President & Chief Financial Officer.. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Connecticut. Women's Studies Program. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Delaware | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Michigan | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Mississippi | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Missouri | corporateBody |
associatedWith | University of Washington | corporateBody |
associatedWith | U.S. Bureau of Education | corporateBody |
associatedWith | U.S. Supreme Court | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Vanderbilt University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Vassar College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Vera Bobrek | person |
associatedWith | Vida McLevy Parsons | person |
associatedWith | Vincent Connellan | person |
associatedWith | Vincent Kling | person |
associatedWith | Violet Cheesman | person |
associatedWith | Virginia Diehl | person |
associatedWith | Virginia Fleury | person |
associatedWith | Virginia House | person |
associatedWith | Virginia L. Blood | person |
associatedWith | Vivian Ferguson | person |
associatedWith | Vivian Putnam | person |
associatedWith | Vladka Meed | person |
associatedWith | Waksman, Selman A., (Selman Abraham), 1888-1973 | person |
associatedWith | Walker, Dean | person |
associatedWith | Wallace Henry Bell, Jr. | person |
associatedWith | Wallace Moreland | person |
associatedWith | Walter Monteith | person |
associatedWith | Walter Tisdale | person |
associatedWith | Walter Wardwell | person |
associatedWith | Wardwell, Walter I. | person |
associatedWith | Waring, Charles E. | person |
associatedWith | Waring, Charles E. | person |
associatedWith | Warner, Rex, 1905-1986. | person |
associatedWith | Warren, Edward S. | person |
associatedWith | Waugh, Albert E. (Albert Edmund), 1902-1985. | person |
associatedWith | Weibust, Patricia Snyder. | person |
associatedWith | Wentworth Phillips | person |
associatedWith | Werner Renberg | person |
associatedWith | Wesley Lewis | person |
associatedWith | W. Gina | person |
associatedWith | Whaples, Beatrice Child Healey | person |
associatedWith | Whaples, Randolph W. | person |
associatedWith | Whaples, Randolph W. | person |
associatedWith | W. Harrison Carter | person |
associatedWith | Wheaton College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Whetten, Nathan L. (Nathan Laselle), 1900- | person |
associatedWith | Wiggins, Carol A. | person |
associatedWith | Wilbert Snow | person |
associatedWith | Wilbur Cohen | person |
associatedWith | Wilfred B. Young | person |
associatedWith | William Benton Museum of Art | corporateBody |
associatedWith | William Bill Rosen | person |
associatedWith | William B. Morgan | person |
associatedWith | William Bossoli | person |
associatedWith | William Bray | person |
associatedWith | William Carey | person |
associatedWith | William Ciaurro | person |
associatedWith | William Csere | person |
associatedWith | William Cunha | person |
associatedWith | William Curley | person |
associatedWith | William Curtiss | person |
associatedWith | William Dyson | person |
associatedWith | William E. Buckley | person |
associatedWith | William Fisher | person |
associatedWith | William Fleeson | person |
associatedWith | William Glenny | person |
associatedWith | William Gomez | person |
associatedWith | William Hubbard | person |
associatedWith | William Jackson | person |
associatedWith | William J. Sanders | person |
associatedWith | William L. Slate | person |
associatedWith | William Marsh Rice University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | William Miller | person |
associatedWith | William O'Connor | person |
associatedWith | William Otfinoski | person |
associatedWith | William Rudis | person |
associatedWith | William Runkle | person |
associatedWith | William Smith | person |
associatedWith | William T. Fisher | person |
associatedWith | William V. D'Antonio | person |
associatedWith | William Yonush | person |
associatedWith | Willimantic Linen Company | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Wilson, Edwin Bidwell, 1879-1964 | person |
associatedWith | Winchester, Ann T. | person |
associatedWith | Windham Textile and History Museum | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Winterthur Library | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Wolk, E. S. | person |
associatedWith | Wollman, Solomon. | person |
associatedWith | Wollman, Solomon. | person |
associatedWith | Woodhouse, Chase Going. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Woodmansee, Stanley D. | person |
associatedWith | Works, George A. (George Alan), 1877-1957 | person |
associatedWith | Wright, Dick collector. | person |
associatedWith | Wu Liang-Yong | person |
associatedWith | Xu Xueqiang | person |
associatedWith | Yale College | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Yale University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Yang Li Wen | person |
associatedWith | Yang Sheng-Mao | person |
associatedWith | Zelig Schwitzer | person |
associatedWith | Zenon S. Malinowski | person |
associatedWith | Zhang Bo | person |
associatedWith | Zhang Ji Qian | person |
associatedWith | Zhang Zhi-Hong | person |
associatedWith | Zhou Lei | person |
associatedWith | Zigmond, Maurice L. | person |
associatedWith | Zilsel, Paul Rudolph, 1923- | person |
associatedWith | Ziner, Feenie. | person |
Place Name | Admin Code | Country | |
Hartford (Conn.) | |||
Storrs, Conn. | |||
Storrs (Conn.) | |||
Connecticut | |||
New Haven (Conn.) | |||
Storrs (Conn.) | |||
Storrs (Conn.) | |||
Farmington, Conn. | |||
Bridgeport (Conn.) | |||
United States | |||
Storrs (Conn.) | |||
Storrs, Conn. | |||
Connecticut | |||
Storrs (Conn.) | |||
Connecticut |
Subject |
Academic health centers |
African Americans |
African Americans |
Agricultural colleges |
Agricultural colleges |
Agriculture |
Archives |
Archives (institutions) |
Armenian Americans |
Art |
Blacks |
Bloomsbury (Conn.)-Business, industries, and trades |
Brooklyn (Conn.)-Agriculture |
Business |
Capitalism |
College presidents |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
College teachers |
Connecticut |
Connecticut |
Connecticut |
Connecticut |
Connecticut |
Degrees, Academic |
Degrees, Academic |
Dental health education |
Dry-goods |
Education, Higher Law and legislation |
Medical education |
Educators |
Ethnic groups |
Farms |
Finance |
Financial records |
General stores |
Holocaust survivors |
Irish Americans |
Italian Americans |
Jews |
John Dempsey Hospital |
Journalism |
Labor |
Linen industry |
Middletown (Conn.)-Business, industries, and trades |
Multicultural education |
Oral history |
Polish Americans |
Politicians |
Puerto Ricans |
Scots |
Scottish Americans |
State universities and colleges |
Storrs (Conn.) |
Textile industry |
Textile workers |
University Archives |
University of Connecticut |
University of Connecticut |
University of Connecticut |
University of Connecticut |
University of Connecticut |
University of Connecticut |
University of Connecticut Centennial, 1980-1981 |
University of Connecticut. Health Center |
University of Connecticut. Office of the President |
University of Connecticut. School of Dental Medicine |
University of Connecticut. School of Medicine |
University of Connecticut. University Senate |
Voyages and travels |
Willimantic (Conn.)-Business, industries, and trades |
Occupation |
Administrators |
Educators |
Institutional committee |
Institution of Higher Education |
Librarians |
Universities |
Activity |
Title | Relation Count |
Corporate Body
Active 1977
Active 1987