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The AFL and CIO merged in 1955 as an umbrella organization for skilled trade and industrial unions. Its regional office in Baltimore represented worker interests against this railroad merger.

From the description of AFL-CIO response to merger of Pennsylvania and New York Central railroads, 1962-1963. (Pennsylvania State University Libraries). WorldCat record id: 238572652

Created by merger of American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1955.

From the description of Records, 1932-1980. (Nogales-Santa Cruz County Public Library). WorldCat record id: 28416895

The AFL-CIO was formed in 1955 by the merger of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). In 1886, the AFL became the successor to the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions. It emphasized the organization of skilled workers into craft unions and through political involvement secured members higher wages, shorter hours, workmen's compensation, and laws against child labor. The CIO began as a minority faction of the AFL in the 1930s advocating the organization of workers on an industry-wide basis. Its Political Action Committee urged its membership into more active political participation.

From the description of AFL-CIO records, 1946-1985. (Pennsylvania State University Libraries). WorldCat record id: 181353697

Against a background of rapid rail expansion, begun in the late 1800's, organized railway labor appeared and began to flourish throughout the first decades of the 20th Century. This expansion

was facilitated in 1908 by the formation of the Railway Employees' Department (RED) of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) - a cooperative effort on the part of seven national shop craft unions, the Brotherhood of Carmen of America; International Association of Machinists; International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers; International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders and Helpers of America; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Brotherhood of Firemen, Oilers Helpers, Roundhouse and Railway Shop Laborers; and Sheet Metal Workers International Association. Materials relating to the International Association of Machinists, and the Brotherhood of Carmen of America predominate.

RED bargained with the Railroad Carriers for these skilled trade employes on a wide range of activities affecting almost every aspect of their social and economic status as employees. RED was active as in organizing, collective bargaining, legislation, apprentice training, political lobbying (especially the encouragement of active involvement of rank and file in political activities), and the protection of job opportunities of these railroad workers. The RED endeavored to guarantee every member representation, to preserve craft autonomy, and to provide for joint federated action through unity of purpose and increased economic strength.

From the guide to the AFL-CIO. Railway Employees' Department. Records, 1917-1970, (Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn AFL-CIO. Working Women's Department. AFL-CIO. Working Women's Department. "Working Women Want Equal Pay" Posters. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Williams, John F., 1909-. John F. Williams papers, 1938-1968, bulk 1950-1968. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Molisani, E. Howard, 1911-1987. Order Sons of Italy in America Collection, 1920-1987. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn Southern Folklife Collection song folios, circa 1882-1983. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Social Democrats, USA Records, 1937-1994, (Bulk 1970-1994) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Records, 1932-1980. Northern Arizona University, Cline Library
creatorOf Minneapolis Federation of Teachers. Federation records, 1918-1993 (bulk 1943-1990). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn John Brophy, 1883-1963. The John Brophy papers. Catholic University of America
referencedIn Dallas AFL-CIO Council. Records, 1959-1974 (bulk 1970-1973). University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Texas State CIO Council. Records, 1937-1957. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO response to merger of Pennsylvania and New York Central railroads, 1962-1963. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1942-1981 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Zucker, Paul B., 1924-1967. Papers, 1952-1967. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Ralph J. Pancallo Papers., undated, 1882-1984. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Order Sons of Italy in America Collection, 1920-1987 University of Minnesota Libraries. Immigration History Research Center [ihrc]
referencedIn AFL-CIO. Atlanta Labor Council. Atlanta Labor Council records, 1971-1985. Georgia State University
referencedIn American Federation of Hosiery Workers. Records, 1922-1965. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn ILGWU. Local 89. Luigi Antonini correspondence, 1919-1968 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Brombart, David, 1933-. David Brombart papers, 1915-2009. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Edelman, John W., 1893-1971. Reminiscences of John W. Edelman : oral history, 1957. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Massachusetts AFL-CIO Records MS 369., 1908-2009 Special Collections and University Archives, W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts Amherst
referencedIn Dingwell, Robert E., 1922-. Robert E. Dingwell papers, 1950-1968. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn ILGWU. Paintings, photographs, and memorabilia Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. ILGWU. Local 89. Luigi Antonini correspondence, 1919-1968. Cornell University Library
referencedIn ILGWU. Local 155 records, 1933-1995 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Records Relating to Labor and Minorities, 1954 - 1968 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Knoxville-Oak Ridge Area Central Labor Council. Knoxville-Oak Ridge Area Central Labor Council records 1942-1970. Georgia State University
referencedIn Wallig, Gregory W. Papers [microform], 1952-1974. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Thomas J. Dodd Papers, undated, 1919-1971. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn North Carolina Federation of Teachers. North Carolina Federation of Teachers records, 1970-1995. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.). Political Action Committee. Congress of Industrial Organizations Political Action Committee records, 1943-1960. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn National Association of Manufacturers (U.S.). Vada Horsch historical collection, 1915-1962. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Andreĭ Sakharov papers, 1852-2002 (inclusive), 1960-1990 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Carey, James B. Reminiscences of James Barron Carey : oral history, 1958. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Gallagher, Jesse L., 1909-1980. Papers, 1943-1974. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 749 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Region 3. UAW Region 3 records, 1950-1971, (bulk 1964-1968). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn President's Daily Diary. 11/22/1963 - 1/20/1969. President's Daily Diary. 11/22/1963 - 1/20/1969. President's Daily Diary Entry, August 3, 1964 Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
referencedIn Russell, Steve, and Mobley, Donna, 1941-1994. Russell, Steve, and Mobley, Donna, Papers, 1959-1992 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Hargis, Billy James, 1925-. Billy James Hargis papers 1916-2004 University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, University Libraries
referencedIn Ola Delight Cook papers, 1900-1958 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
creatorOf Fort Madison Trades and Labor Assembly. Fort Madison Trades and Labor Assembly records, 1956-1982. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn Scott, Howard. Howard Scott labor ephemera collection, 1894-2004. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn Ramsay, John, 1902-. John Ramsay papers, 1928-1979. Georgia State University
referencedIn AFL-CIO Printed Ephemera Collection, Bulk, 1955-2000, 1949-2007 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Basso, Joseph, 1899-. Joseph Basso papers, 1927-1968, (bulk 1935-1964). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Proposals of AFL-CIO and other Unions Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Guide to the Josephine Colby Papers, 1912-1933 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn David Brombart papers, 1917-2009 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Giles, J. W., (James William), 1925-. J.W. Giles papers, 1978-1979. Georgia State University
referencedIn Retail Clerks International Union. Local 789 (Saint Paul, Minn.). Local 2 records, 1936-1963. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library Newspapers, 1873-2014 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Great Falls Newspaper Guild Records, 1934-1993 University of Montana--Missoula Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Ellickson, Katherine Pollak, 1905-1996,. Oral history interviews with Katherine Pollak Ellickson, 1974, Dec. 15. ; 1976, Jan. 10. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Region no. 17. Records, 1955-1972. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Sherwood, Lillian, 1913-. Lillian Sherwood papers, 1938-1966, (bulk 1950-1057). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Nellie Fox papers, 1940-1987 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge 707 Records., undated, 1952-2002. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Green, Archie. Archie Green papers, 1944-2009. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 748 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Preiss, Joan Papert. Joan Preiss papers, 1970-2006. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Stahl, Ben, 1915-1998. Ben Stahl papers, 1937-1985. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
creatorOf Kress, Melville L. Papers, 1947-1981. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Robert R. Simmons Papers., undated, 1991-2006. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Googe, George Logan, 1900-1961. George L. Googe papers, 1946-1961. Georgia State University
referencedIn Roscoe Pound Papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Philadelphia Typographical Union 2 (Pa.). Philadelphia Typographical Union 2 records, 1850-1967. Historical Society of Pennsylvania
referencedIn Cole, David Lawrence, 1902-1977. David Lawrence Cole series 7. Speeches, writings and lecture materials, 1949-1972, bulk 1949-1969. Cornell University Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Troy Area Labor Council (N.Y.). Troy Area Labor Council (N.Y.), AFL-CIO records, 1942-1989. University at Albany, University Libraries
referencedIn Dallas AFL-CIO Council Records AR5., 1891-1970, 1951-1970 Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Internal Disputes Plan. Decisions of the Impartial Umpire, 1964-1976. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 626 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Oregon. Office of the Governor. Proclamations 1975-1978. Oregon State Archives
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 155 (New York, N.Y.). ILGWU. Local 155 recordss, 1933-1995. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. White House telephone tape number 43 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Oregon. Office of the Governor. Press release index 1975-1978. Oregon State Archives
referencedIn Connecticut State Labor Council, AFL-CIO Records, undated, 1909-1991. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Assistant President. ILGWU. Gus Tyler papers, 1956-1996. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Montana State AFL-CIO. Montana State AFL-CIO records, 1895-1979, bulk 1895-1967. Montana Historical Society Library
referencedIn Guide to the Lewis M. Herrmann Papers, 1922-1967, bulk 1950-1965 Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Fred Cazel Papers, undated, 1939-1992. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf American Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union. Local No. 147. AFL-CIO (Springfield, Ill.). Records, 1915-1969. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Jessup, David. David Jessup papers, circa 1970-1996. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (University of Michigan-Wayne State University). Unionism in the Automobile Industry Project. Unionism in the Automobile Industry Project interviews, 1959-1963. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn McPeak, Carl A. (Carl Austin), 1905-1970. Papers, 1941-1970. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Montoya, Alfredo Chavez. Alfredo Chavez Montoya papers, 1930-1995 (bulk 1950-1980) University of New Mexico-Main Campus
referencedIn Douglas project : oral history, 1973-1978. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Gerald J. O'Donnell papers., 1921-1985. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Memos: Presidential [1-2] Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers. Records, 1933-1982 (bulk 1949-1976). Rutgers University
referencedIn Cook, Ola Delight (Lloyd), 1880-1958. Ola Delight Cook papers [manuscript], 1900-1958. Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Martínez, Jaime, 1946-. Oral history interview with Jaime Martínez, 1997 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO records, 1946-1985. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Holleran, Susan E., 1941-. Susan E. Holleran papers, 1979-1988, (bulk 1982-1988). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Communications Workers of America Records: Addendum, Bulk, 1970-1995, 1939-1998, (Bulk 1970-1995) Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Economic History of Indiana in the Twentieth Century, 1976-1980 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Du Pont, Ethel Bidermann, 1896-1980. Ethel Bidermann Du Pont : papers, 1914-1980. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn United Textile Workers of America. Southern Region. Area A. Southern Region, Area A records, 1956-1975. Georgia State University
referencedIn Perkins, Willie Perry. Oral history, 1986-1987. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn A. H. Raskin Papers, 1940-1994 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Rabin, Jack, 1945-. Jack Rabin collection on Alabama civil rights and southern activists, 1941-2004 (bulk 1956-1974). Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Powell, Daniel Augustus, 1911-1983. Daniel Augustus Powell papers, 1945-1983 (1950-1981). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Maine State Federated Labor Council. Biennial Convention (6th). Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Convention of the Maine State Federated Labor Council, 1966 June 22-24. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Selected union contracts, 1891-1942. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Ketchum, Gary, 1924-. Oral history interview with Gary Ketchum in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1982 Oct. 06 [microform] / conducted by Merle O. Davis. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn Meeting Notes Files. 1981 - 1981. Meeting Notes Files Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 622 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 750 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Archives Union File, 1892-2004. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn AFL-CIO Western Kentucky Area Council. Western Kentucky Area Council records, 1957-1970. Murray State University, Waterfield Library
referencedIn ILGWU. Local 105 records, 1939-1970. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 293 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 62 (New York, N.Y.). ILGWU. Local 62 correspondence, 1913-1976. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Don Eklund papers, 1851-1990, 1973-1990 Western Washington University Heritage Resources
referencedIn United Paperworkers International Union. United Papermakers International Union records, 1906-1984. Georgia State University
referencedIn Levinson, Edward, 1901-1945. Edward Levinson papers, 1910-1945. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
creatorOf Burlington Trades and Labor Assembly. Burlington Trades and Labor Assembly records, 1942-1981. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn Marion County AFL-CIO Council (Ohio). Minute book, 1957-1959. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. ACWA's Jacob Potofsky Records from the President's Office. 1941-1977. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Mississippi AFL-CIO. Mississippi AFL-CIO, Congress of Industrial Organization and AFL-CIO files, 1952-1985. Georgia State University
referencedIn Pressman, Lee, 1906-. Reminiscences of Lee Pressman : oral history, 1958. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Stone, M. Hedley, 1897-1970. Reminiscences of M. Hedley Stone : oral history, 1969. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Southeast Women's Employment Coalition Records, (bulk, 1868-1991, 1981-1990) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Tom Downs papers, 1947-2007 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn North Dakota AFL-CIO. North Dakota AFL-CIO records, 1911-1982. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Dallas AFL-CIO Council Records AR273., 1969-1978, 1974-1978 Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Library
referencedIn Labor Collection, 1872-1988 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Guide to the Sol Stetin Papers, 1935-1992, bulk 1972-1989 Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Texas AFL-CIO. Correspondence with AFL-CIO national headquarters, 1952-1972. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Southern Regional Council. Labor Education Program files, 1948-1973. Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 105 (New York, N.Y.). ILGWU. Local 105 records, 1939-1970. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Charlotte Gray Collection, 1941-1970 Wright State University, Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Greater Hartford Labor Council, AFL-CIO Records., undated, 1947-1982. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Wilberforce University. Wilberforce University records, 1855-2005. Wilberforce University, Stokes Library
referencedIn Brophy, John, 1883-1963. Reminiscences of John Brophy : oral history, 1955. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Connecticut Citizens Action Group Records., undated, 1964-2002 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. President's Office. ILGWU. Louis Stulberg correspondence, 1945-1977. Cornell University Library
referencedIn International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. President's Office. IUE Executive Board files, Carey era, 1949-1965. Rutgers University
referencedIn Evans, Sara M. (Sara Margaret), 1943-. Sara M. Evans papers, 1959-2005. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Kellman, Peter, 1946-. Labor papers 1984-1996. Raymond H. Fogler Library
referencedIn Hutcheson, Rick [1-11] Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn University and College Labor Education Association. University and College Labor Education Association records, 1955-1989. Georgia State University
referencedIn Textile Workers Union of America. South Region Records, 1947-1981 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Fox, Nellie. Nellie Fox papers [manuscript], 1940-1987. Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. President's Office. Records, ca. 1938-1965, bulk 1949-1965 Rutgers University
referencedIn Philip Taft records, 1840-1976., 1840-1976 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. ILGWU. Memorabilia. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Jeffrey, Mildred, 1911-2004. Papers, 1944-1974. Wayne State University
referencedIn Page, Al,. Oral history interviews with Al Page and others, 1972. Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, Maine Folklife Center
referencedIn OMB (Office of Management and Budget) [1-6] Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Oregon. Office of the Governor. Management council records 1976-1979. Oregon State Archives
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. International Relations Dept. ILGWU. International Relations Department records, 1968-1995. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Inter-University Labor Education Committee. Series 2, Subseries 2. Correspondence of labor members of the Board of Directors, 1953-1957. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Mazey, Emil, 1913-1983. Papers, 1933-1981. Wayne State University
referencedIn FIRST UNION MAN ON THE MOON National Archives at College Park
creatorOf International Woodworkers of America. Records, 1936-1987. University of Oregon Libraries
referencedIn McCreedy, Herbert T., 1901-1971. Papers, 1934-1956. Wayne State University
creatorOf Chicago Union Label and Service Trades Council. Chicago Union Label and Service Trades Council records, 1907-1979. Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Sheffield, Horace,. Oral history interview with Horace Sheffield, 1968. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge 91 Records., undated, 1937-1983 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn National Institute of Labor Education. Series 3. Inter-organizational files, 1957-1971. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Dallas AFL-CIO Council. Records, 1969-1978 (bulk, 1974-1978). University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) National Office Records, Bulk, 1952-1985, 1930-1990, bulk 1952-1985 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Jacobs, Joseph, 1908-. Joseph Jacobs oral history interview, 1991 Mar. 6. Georgia State University
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 295 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn AFL-CIO. Civil Rights Dept. AFL-CIO Southern Area Civil Rights Department records, 1962-1988. Georgia State University
referencedIn Department of Labor [1-4] Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Ross, Fred, 1910-. Fred Ross papers, ca. 1910-1992. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Morgan, Edward P., 1910-1993. Papers, 1923-1986. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [John T. Casteen III, 1985-1989], 1981-1990. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf AFL-CIO. [Constitutions, agreements, etc.] Wisconsin historical society
referencedIn Connecticut Employees Union Independent. Connecticut Employees Union Independent records, 1937-1985. University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library
referencedIn Barber, Harry T., 1917-1973. Harry T. Barber papers, 1966-1973. Georgia State University
referencedIn Communications Workers of America, Local 1153 Records, Bulk, 1976-1987, 1944-1998, (Bulk 1976-1987) Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Records of the Council of Economic Advisers (Carter Administration). 1976 - 1981. Charles L. Schultze's Subject Files. 1977 - 1981. Memos to President, 11/78-12/78 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn 11/10/77 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn International Ladies Garment Workers Union. Louis Stulberg, President. Correspondence, 1945-1977 [bulk 1966-1975]. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
creatorOf International Association of Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Ironworkers. Local 172 (Columbus, Ohio). Records 1933-1979. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Communications Workers of America. Communications Workers of America records, 1919-1989 (bulk 1947-1989). Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Oregon. Office of the Governor. Press releases 1974-1977. Oregon State Archives
creatorOf Illinois State AFL-CIO. Records, 1935-1965. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 623 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Rochester and Vicinity Labor Council. Rochester, New York and Vicinity Labor Council, AFL-CIO. Photographs, 1986-2004. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Whiting, Indiana: Generational Memory, 1991-1993 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn United Steelworkers of America. United Steelworkers of America labor clippings files, 1941-1968. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn American Federation of Government Employees Collection, 1959 - 1959 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn 6/28/78 - Not Submitted, CF O/A 548 Jimmy Carter Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Railway Employees' Department. Records, 1917-1970 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn ILGWU. Local 62 correspondence, 1913-1976 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn O'Neal, Frederick, 1905-1992. Frederick O'Neal papers, 1914-2001 (bulk ca. 1940-1991). New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Moser Smith, Millie (Mildred), 1919-. Oral history interview with Millie Moser Smith, 21 Feb. 2003. California State University, Northridge
creatorOf Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council. Chicago Federation of Labor records, ca. 1890-1983. Chicago History Museum
referencedIn National Association of Manufacturers (U.S.). Records, 1895-1990 (bulk 1930-1976). Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Cabinet Room tape number 54 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Pollock, Samuel, 1909-. Samuel Pollock papers, 1927-1958, (bulk 1958). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 621 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Union labor pamphlet collection. University of Montana, Mansfield Library
referencedIn Kahn, Alfred [1-5] Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), New York Local Office Records, 1948-1993 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (University of Michigan-Wayne State University).Unionism in the Automobile Industry Project, 1959-1963 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Indiana Labor History Project, 1996 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Communications Workers of America, Local 1153 Records, Bulk, 1976-1987, 1944-1999 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council records, 1892-1985. San Diego State University Library, SDSU Library and Information Access
referencedIn Labor (1-2) Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Mazey, Emil, 1913-1983. Emil L. Mazey papers, 1933-1981. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Communist Party of the United States of America Audio Collection, Bulk, 1965-1989, 1920s - 1999 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf Milgram, Morris 1916, Morris Milgram papers 1923-1994, undated Historical Society of Pennsylvania
referencedIn Hayes, Albert J. (Albert John), 1900-1981. Reminiscences of Albert John Hayes : oral history, 1957. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Strachan, D. Alan (Douglas Alan), 1903-. D. Alan Strachan papers, 1940-1977, (bulk 1947-1973). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Beirne, Joseph A., 1911-. Reminiscences of Joseph Anthony Beirne : oral history, 1957. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn ILGWU. Gus Tyler papers, 1952-1980 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Elmo Roper Papers., 1909-1972 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Labor Collection, 1872-1988 Oregon Historical Society Research Library
referencedIn Rosales, Rosa,. Oral history interview with Rosa Rosales, 1997 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Daniel, Franz E., 1904-1976. Franz E. Daniel papers, 1890-1976, (bulk 1936-1948, 1963-1976). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. Series 6, Subseries 3. Abe Raskin interview, 1977. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Daniel Yankelovich Papers., 1937-1994 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Cole, David Lawrence, 1902-1977. Cole, David Lawrence. Series 1. Correspondence, 1946-1977. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Guide to the Reference Center for Marxist Studies Pamphlet Collection, 1900-2004 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Meany, George, 1894-1980. AFL-CIO convention keynote speech [sound recording], 1957. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Assistant President. ILGWU. Gus Tyler papers, 1952-1980. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Shelton, Cecil, 1945-. An oral history with Mr. Cecil Shelton / interviewer: Orley B. Caudill. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
referencedIn Robert N. Giaimo Papers., undated, 1956-1981. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. President's Office. AFL-CIO and Industrial Union Department files of President James B. Carey, 1952-1965 (bulk 1956-1965). Rutgers University
referencedIn Larkin, Dale,. Dale K. Larkin collection, 1959-1985 (bulk 1975-1985). East Tennessee State University, TET
referencedIn Heliker, George. Union contracts pamphlet collection. University of Montana, Mansfield Library
referencedIn AFSCME. Office of the president collection, 1927-1962. Wayne State University
creatorOf Columbus-Franklin County AFL-CIO. Records. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Herman Wolf Papers, undated, 1926-1981. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn University of Connecticut, Vice President for Academic Affairs Office Records [Anthony DiBenedetto and Julius A. Elias, 1981-1988], undated, 1960-1991. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (University of Michigan-Wayne State University). Unionism in the Automobile Industry Project. Unionism in the Automobile Industry Project interviews, 1959-1963. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Goldberg, Harry. Harry Goldberg photographs, ca. 1950-1973. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Alfredo Chavez Montoya Papers, 1930-1995, 1950-1980 The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
referencedIn O'Donnell, Gerald J. Gerald J. O'Donnell papers, 1921-1985. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Flannery, Harry W., 1900-1975. Papers, 1927-1968. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Audrey Beck Papers Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Dominic J. Badolato Papers, undated, 1918-2003 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America. Printing Specialties and Paper Products Union Local 527 (Atlanta, Ga.). Printing Specialties and Paper Products Union Local 527 (Atlanta, Ga.) records, 1946-1972. Georgia State University
referencedIn Guide to Sam Reiss 1975 Retrospective Exhibit, 1948-1975 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Cole, David L. (David Lawrence), 1902-1978. Decisions, 1957-1962. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Legislative Records Related to Labor and the Government, 1955 - 1968 John F. Kennedy Library
referencedIn White House Central Files (Johnson Administration). 11/22/1963 - 1/20/1969. White House Subject Files on Labor Management Relations Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
creatorOf United Steelworkers of America, Education Department records, 1924-1995 Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Inter-University Labor Education Committee. Inter-University Labor Education Committee. Series 3, Subseries 1. General office files, 1952-1957. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Tri City Trades and Labor Council (Granite City, Ill.). Records, 1900-1972. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 621 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn AFL-CIO. "Work in Progress". Faxes. 1996-2002. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Oregon. Office of the Governor. Administrative correspondence 1975-1978. Oregon State Archives
referencedIn Larsen, Paul M., 1925-. Larsen, Paul papers, 1947-1986. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn EPG: Wages & Prices [1-2] Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Lipton, Howard. Papers, 1956-1971. Wayne State University
referencedIn General Files, ca. 1965 - ca. 1968 Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
referencedIn Washington State Federation of Labor records, circa 1901-1967 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Graham Arthur Barden Papers, 1934-1960 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Evans, Roy R., 1925-. Oral history interview with Roy R. Evans, 1980 May 16. University of North Texas Library, UNT
referencedIn Ellickson, Katherine Pollak, 1905-1996. Reminiscences of Katherine Ellickson : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Staff Secretary. 1976 - 1981. Presidential Files. 1977 - 1981. 3/1/78 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Saul Mills Papers, 1935-1989 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Maine State Federated Labor Council. Records, 1914-1967. Raymond H. Fogler Library
referencedIn Foner, Moe, 1915-. Reminiscences of Moe Foner: oral history, 1986. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn New York State United Teachers. New York State United Teachers. Presidents files. Cornell University Library
referencedIn 76739503 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Usery, W. J., 1923-. W.J. Usery, Jr. oral history collection [sound recording] 1990, Mar. 15 [Tape 21]. Georgia State University
referencedIn Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters' meetings [sound recording]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn J. B. Matthews Papers, 1862-1986 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn United Furniture Workers of America. United Furniture Workers of America records, 1943-1973. Georgia State University
referencedIn National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees. Series 1, Subseries 1, Sub-subseries 9. Ted Mitchell interviews, 1975-1976. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Minnesota Federation of Teachers. Henry Winkels files, 1953-1983. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
contributorOf NOTRE SYNDICAT United States. National Archives and Records Administration
referencedIn Cruikshank, Nelson H. Nelson H. Cruikshank papers, 1927-1989. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 935 Richard Nixon Library
creatorOf Moser Smith, Millie (Mildred), 1919-. Millie Moser Smith Papers, 1971-2002. California State University, Northridge
referencedIn ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board records, 1926-1973 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Barton, Sam Beal. Oral history interview with Sam Barton, 1977 April 15 and 1979 November 30. University of North Texas Library, UNT
referencedIn Greater Glens Falls Central Labor Council (N.Y.). Greater Glens Falls (N.Y.) Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO records, 1959-1990. University at Albany, University Libraries
referencedIn Curran, Joseph, 1906-1981. Reminiscences of Joseph Curran : oral history, 1964. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Henry C. Wahl Correspondence, 1948-1970 Bancroft Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 620 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. Jack Sheinkman. Additional books, memorabilia, and files. Cornell University Library
referencedIn United Farm Workers. Clippings from first convention, 1973. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Meeting: with President 1/22/78-12/20/79 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Kirkland, Lane, 1922 - 1999. Lane Kirkland vertical files collection, 1960-1999. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn ILGWU. International Relations Department records, 1968-1995 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Cruikshank, Nelson H. Reminiscences of Nelson Hale Cruikshank : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Larsen, Paul M., 1925-. Oral history interview with Paul M. Larsen in Waterloo, Iowa, 1981 July 15 [microform] / conducted by Merle O. Davis. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library Newspapers, 1873-2014 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
creatorOf AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO Sub-Committee to clarify language of section 3, Article XXI of Constitution. Transcript, April 20, 1964. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Eckhardt (Robert C. ) Papers, 1931-1992 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Potofsky, Jacob S. (Jacob Samuel), 1894-1979. Reminiscences of Jacob Samuel Potofsky : oral history, 1964. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Castillo, Leonel (Leonel J.),. Oral history interview with Leonel Castillo, 1996 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Papers, 1884-1998 (inclusive), 1929-1988 (bulk) Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Frederick O'Neal papers, 1914-2001, ca. 1940-1991 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. White House telephone tape number 27 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Kemp, Maida Springer, 1910-. Oral history interview with Maida Springer Kemp, 1977. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Order Sons of Italy in America. Guglielmo Marconi Lodge No. 1140 (Clarksburg, W.V.). Records, 1923-1968. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn Cope (AFL-CIO) Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Connecticut Employees Union Independent Records., 1937-1985. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Read, Harry Cyril, 1892-1957. The Harry Cyril Read papers. Catholic University of America
referencedIn Welsh, Edward K., 1902-1979. Papers, 1937-1974. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Robinson, Archie. Archie Robinson papers, 1927-1980. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Eugene St. Pierre Papers., 1933-1974. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Meeting: Inflation Breakfast, 6/5/80 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Wharton School. Industrial Research Unit. Records, 1941-2001 (bulk, 1968-1988). Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Schorr, Lisbeth Bamberger. Reminiscences of Lisbeth Bamberger Schorr and Leonard Lesser : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Kimmel, Elizabeth,. Oral history interview with Kimmel, Elizabeth, 1979. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 294 Richard Nixon Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Region 1. Office of the Regional Director. Records, 1952-1981 (bulk 1957-1974) Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. Records, 1907,1917,1934-2000. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn United Steelworkers of America. Vice President's Office. United Steelworkers of America, Vice President's Office records, 1937-1969. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
creatorOf Peick, Doris Ann, 1933-. Peick, Doris Ann papers, 1963-1976. Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn New York State United Teachers. New York State United Teachers. Vice President's Office files. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Weaver, George L-P, 1912-. Reminiscences of George L-P Weaver : oral history, 1981. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Dallas AFL-CIO Council. Records, 1891-1970 (bulk, 1951-1970). University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn O'Hara, George, 1908-. Papers, 1940,1947,1950,1953-1973 (bulk 1953-1973). Iowa State Historical Society
referencedIn Dwight D. Eisenhower Library Oral History Collection. 1962 - 1998. Oral History Transcripts. 1962 - 1998. Oral History Interview with J. Bill Becker Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn American Newspaper Guild. American Newspaper Guild records, 1933-1969. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. President's Office. Records, 1933-1965 (bulk 1949-1965). Rutgers University
referencedIn Ching, Cyrus S. (Cyrus Stuart), 1876-1967. Reminiscences of Cyrus Stuart Ching : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Association of Minnesota Division of Lands and Forestry Employees. Association records, 1938-1977. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Central Labor Union of Minneapolis and Hennepin County. Central Labor Union records, 1912-1962 (bulk 1940s-1950s). Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFLCIO) Records, 1955 - 1968 John F. Kennedy Library
editorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. White House telephone tape number 15 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Communications Workers of America. Communications Workers of America records. Addendum, 1939-1998 (bulk 1970-1995). Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn United Steelworkers of America. President's Office. United Steelworkers of America, President's Office records, 1916-1980. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Mississippi AFL-CIO correspondence, 1959-1986. Georgia State University
referencedIn Cole, David Lawrence, 1902-1977. David Lawrence Cole. Series 5. AFL-CIO Internal Disputes Plan cases, 1954-1976. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Crank, Sujette,. Sujette Crank oral history interview, 1993 Apr. 12. Georgia State University
referencedIn Association records., 1938-2010. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn John and Constantine Poulos Papers, Bulk, 1940-1950, circa 1921-1978, (Bulk 1940-1950) Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Jay Lovestone Papers, 1906-1989 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Lovestone, Jay. Jay Lovestone papers, 1904-1989. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn International Ladies Garment Workers Union. Charles S. Zimmerman papers, 1919-1958 [bulk 1920-1945]. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Records of the Council of Economic Advisers (Carter Administration). 1976 - 1981. Charles L. Schultze's Subject Files. 1977 - 1981. Memos to President, 1/78-2/78 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn Edward K. Welsh Papers, Bulk, 1960-1969, circa 1930-1974 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Poulos, John, 1911-1980. Greek and Greek-American radicalism collection, [ca. 1921-1978] (bulk 1940-1950). Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Knight, Thomas, Sr., 1920-. An oral history with Mr. Thomas Knight, Sr. / interviewer: Charles Bolton. University of Southern Mississippi, Regional Campus, Joseph Anderson Cook Library
referencedIn Papers, 1927-1964. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn University of Connecticut, Labor Education Center Records., undated, 1948-1970. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Arroyo, Luis. Furniture workers. California State University, Long Beach
referencedIn Generations of Auto Workers: Anderson, Indiana, 1930-1982 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn United States political campaign materials collection, 1840-2000 and undated. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Communications Workers of America Records, Bulk, 1947-1989, 1911-1994, (Bulk 1947-1989) Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Myers, Robert J. (Robert Julius), 1912-2010. Reminiscences of Robert J. Myers :koral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Serafino Romualdi papers, 1936-1967 [bulk 1946-1966]. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Leo Goodman Papers, 1913-1982, (bulk 1937-1970) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Russell, Steve, and Mobley, Donna, Papers 94-040; 94-211; 94-259; 95-001; 95-020., 1959-1992 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Stamey, E. Leon. E. Leon Stamey papers, 1945-1973. Georgia State University
referencedIn Lorain City Federation of Labor (Lorain, Ohio). Records, 1932-1961 / Lorain City Federation of Labor. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Kittitas County Central Labor Council Records, 1939-1998 Central Washington University Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Tallahassee Labor Temple (Tallahassee, Fla.). Tallahassee Labor Temple (Tallahassee, Fla.) records, 1955-1971. Georgia State University
referencedIn Shirley Quill Transport Workers Union of America Photographs, Bulk, 1941-1966, 1913-1997 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. ILGWU. Paintings, photographs, and memorabilia, 1952-1979. Cornell University Library
creatorOf AFL-CIO. Capsule histories of Minnesota labor unions, 1933-1967. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn ILGWU. Gus Tyler papers, 1956-1996 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (University of Michigan--Wayne State University). Program on Women and Work. Transcripts of oral history project, 1970-1978 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Collection, 1891-1989, [bulk 1935-1989]. Georgia State University
referencedIn Arthur J. Goldberg Papers, 1793-1990, (bulk 1941-1985) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Economic Development in Indiana, 1996-1997 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Mills, Saul, 1910-1988. Papers, 1935-1989. Churchill County Museum
referencedIn Guide to the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives Button and Pin Collection, circa 1930-2009 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Inter-University Labor Education Committee. Series 2, Subseries 4. Correspondence on regional conferences, 1955-1957. Cornell University Library
referencedIn ILGWU. Local 22. Charles S. Zimmerman photographs, 1930-1959 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn AFL-CIO Speech, 4/75-10/76 Jimmy Carter Library
referencedIn AFL-CIO. Civil Rights Dept. Southern Region records, 1963-1972. Georgia State University
referencedIn Peterson, Esther, 1906-1997. Papers: Series I-IV, 1884-1998 (inclusive), 1929-1998 (bulk). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Antonia Bohan 1995 AFL-CIO Convention Delegate collection, 1995-1996 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 512 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Downs, Tom, 1916-. Tom Downs papers, 1947-1965 and 1995. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn ACWA's Jacob Potofsky Records from the President's Office, 1941-1977 Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Fernbach, Frank, 1911-1984. Frank Fernbach papers, circa 1930-circa 1981. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Order Sons of Italy in America. Guglielmo Marconi Lodge No. 1140 Records, 1923-1968 University of Minnesota Libraries. Immigration History Research Center [ihrc]
creatorOf Brewery Workers Local Union No. 77, AFL-CIO (Peoria, Ill.). Records, 1945-1976 (bulk 1968-1976) Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Merlin D. Bishop Papers., undated, 1924-1975. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Dockter, Wallace J. Wallace J. Dockter papers, 1957-1994. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Kircher, William L. William L. Kircher papers, 1959-1973, (bulk 1965-1952). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Savannah Trades and Labor Assembly (Savannah, Ga.). Savannah Trades and Labor Assembly (Savannah, Ga.) records, 1946-1970. Georgia State University
referencedIn AFL-CIO Council of Jacksonville (Jacksonville, Fla.). AFL-CIO Council of Jacksonville (Jacksonville, Fla.) records, 1956-1973. Georgia State University
referencedIn International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. New York Cloak Joint Board. ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board records, 1926-1973. Cornell University Library
referencedIn National Campaign for Agricultural Democracy (U.S.). National Campaign for Agricultural Democracy records, 1967-1970. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Southington Lodge 1746A Records, undated, 1964-1989. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Usery, W. J., 1923-. W.J. Usery, Jr. oral history collection [sound recording] 1987,Aug. 26 [Tape 15]. Georgia State University
referencedIn Oregon. Office of the Governor. Affirmative action case files 1974-1979. Oregon State Archives
referencedIn Remembering Indiana in the Twentieth Century, 1995-1996 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Romualdi, Serafino, 1900-1967. Series 2. Correspondence in Italian, 1943-1961. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Novik, Morris S., 1903-. Papers, 1950-1969. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Kraus, Henry, 1905-. Henry Kraus papers, 1926-1960, (bulk 1935-1944). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Sollie, Violet Johnson, 1907-. Violet Johnson and Allen N. Sollie papers, 1925-1989. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Region 8. UAW region 8 records, 1941-1970, (bulk 1952-1968). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Advisory Opinions, 1960 - 1974 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Groenert, Roy, 1913-. Roy Groenert papers, 1941-1973. Georgia State University
referencedIn David-Friedman, Ellen. Ellen David Friedman papers, 1980-1990. Vermont Historical Society
referencedIn Kemp, Maida Springer, 1910-. Papers, 1942-1981 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Relation Name
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Atlanta Labor Council. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Civil Rights Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Civil Rights Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Committee on Political Education. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO Connecticut State Labor Council. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO Council of Jacksonville (Jacksonville, Fla.) corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Executive Council corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Region 1. Office of the Regional Director. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Region no. 17. corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Troy Area Labor Council (N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO Western Kentucky Area Council corporateBody
associatedWith AFL-CIO. Working Women's Department. corporateBody
associatedWith AFSCME corporateBody
associatedWith AFSCME. corporateBody
associatedWith Air Line Pilots Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Aluminum Workers International Union corporateBody
associatedWith Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America. Division 1223. corporateBody
associatedWith Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. corporateBody
associatedWith Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America corporateBody
associatedWith Amalgamated Transit Union. corporateBody
associatedWith American Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union. corporateBody
associatedWith American Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union. Local No. 147. AFL-CIO (Springfield, Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Government Employees corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Hosiery Workers. corporateBody
isSuccessorOf American Federation of Labor. corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Railway Employees' Department. corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Technical Engineers corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Television and Radio Artists corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. corporateBody
associatedWith American Newspaper Guild. corporateBody
associatedWith American Train Dispatchers Association corporateBody
associatedWith Arizona State AFL-CIO. corporateBody
associatedWith Association of Minnesota Division of Lands and Forestry Employees. corporateBody
associatedWith Aten, Fred N. person
correspondedWith Badolato, Dominic J. person
associatedWith Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Barber, Harry T., 1917-1973. person
associatedWith Barden, Graham Arthur, 1896-1967 person
associatedWith Barton, Sam Beal. person
correspondedWith Basso, Joseph, 1899- person
associatedWith Beck, Audrey Phillips, 1931-1983 person
associatedWith Becker, J. Bill (Jerome Bill), 1924-1997 person
associatedWith Beirne, Joseph A., 1911- person
associatedWith Bishop, Merlin D. person
associatedWith Bohan, Antonia K person
associatedWith BRAC corporateBody
associatedWith Brewery Workers Local Union No. 77, AFL-CIO (Peoria, Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith Bricklayers, Masons, and Plasterers International Union of America corporateBody
associatedWith Brombart, David, 1933- person
associatedWith Brophy, John, 1883-1963. person
associatedWith Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America corporateBody
associatedWith Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters corporateBody
associatedWith Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. corporateBody
associatedWith Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America corporateBody
associatedWith Brotherhood Railway Carmen of the United States and Canada corporateBody
associatedWith Building and Construction Trades Council (Kansas City, Mo.) corporateBody
associatedWith Burlington Trades and Labor Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith Carey, James B. person
associatedWith Castillo, Leonel (Leonel J.), person
associatedWith Cazel, Fred A. person
associatedWith Central Labor Union of Minneapolis and Hennepin County. corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Union Label and Service Trades Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Child Workers in Asia corporateBody
associatedWith Ching, Cyrus S. (Cyrus Stuart), 1876-1967. person
associatedWith Colby, Josephine. person
associatedWith Cole, David L. (David Lawrence), 1902-1978 person
associatedWith Cole, David L. (David Lawrence), 1902-1978. person
associatedWith Columbus-Franklin County AFL-CIO. corporateBody
associatedWith Communications Workers of America corporateBody
associatedWith Communications Workers of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Communications Workers of America. Local 1153 (Valhalla, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America. corporateBody
isSuccessorOf Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.). Political Action Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Connecticut Citizens Action Group. corporateBody
associatedWith Connecticut Employees Union Independent. corporateBody
associatedWith Cook, Ola Delight (Lloyd), 1880-1958. person
associatedWith Coopers' International Union of North America corporateBody
associatedWith Crank, Sujette, person
associatedWith Cruikshank, Nelson H. person
associatedWith Curran, Joseph, 1906-1981. person
correspondedWith Dallas AFL-CIO Council.