Boas, Franz, 1858-1942

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Born in Minden, Germany, on July 8, 1858, the anthropologist Franz Boas was the son of the merchant Meier Boas and his wife, Sophie Meyer. Raised in the radical and tradition of German Judaism, Franz's youth was steeped in politically liberal beliefs and a largely secular outlook that he carried with him from university through his emigration to the United States.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bonn, Boas studied physics and geography before completing a doctorate in physical geography at Kiel in 1881. Intending on testing then-current theories of environmental determinism, he signed on to an anthropological expedition to Baffin Island in 1883-1884, expecting that he would document the close adaptative fit of Central Eskimo cultures to their extreme climate. His experiences in the arctic, however, led him to the contrary conclusion: that social traditions, not environmental, exerted a dominant influence over human societies, and from this point onward, he was led to pursue the cultural over than physical dimensions of humanity.

Although he returned to Berlin after the expedition, Boas emigrated to the United States in 1885 to assume an editorial position with the journal Science, hoping to use it as a stepping-stone to an academic appointment. In 1886, he embarked upon a second major field excursion into what would become his most famous ethnographic project, working among the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Indians of the Northwest Coast, after which he secured his first academic position in 1889, at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. After three years at Clark and a failed appointment at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1892 (during which he played a part in organizing the anthropological exhibits for the Columbian World's Fair), Boas moved to New York City.

The restless activity of Boas's early years slowed in New York. Hired by the American Museum of Natural History (1895-1905), which became the recipient of the amazingly rich anthropological collections he accumulated on the Northwest Coast, Boas began to teach classes at Columbia University in 1896, where three years later he was appointed Professor of Anthropology. For the next 37 years, Boas ruled the anthropological roost at Columbia, accruing unprecedented power in his discipline, wielding grants, recommendations, and appointments with remarkable dexterity, and collecting about him a remarkable group of younger scholars as students and colleagues.

Distancing himself from some of the main currents of contemporary anthropological thought in the United States, and particularly from the evolutionist assumptions that riddled the discipline, Boas championed an anthropology that viewed human cultures as shaped more by historical "tradition" than biological propensity. Claiming to resist any overarching, synthetic theories of human relations, and particularly evolutionary theories of sociocultural development, Boas laid the theoretical groundwork for what became modern cultural relativism. In the process, he helped to clarify the demarcation between the concepts of culture and race and its expression in the divergence of the four fields in anthropology -- linguistics, ethnography, physical anthropology, and archaeology.

Boas's relatively few forays into physical anthropology included a pioneering anthropometric study in 1910-1911, demonstrating that the alleged mental and physical inferiority of immigrants disappeared statistically by the second generation. Opposed to immigration quotas and disdainful of the claims to science used to justify them, Boas was a consistent, strident opponent of racial determinism in intellect or behavior. A committed, politically active Socialist, he was frequently an outspoken critic of American policy. During the First World War, he spoke out against the treatment of German Americans and "enemy aliens" -- to the point of putting himself at risk -- and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany proved an even greater crusade. Despite his age, Boas took an active role in the anti-fascist struggle in the United States and was involved with numerous committees to assist refugee scholars. He was equally ardent in his efforts to criticize racial and ethnic bigotry in the United States.

As a mentor, Boas had a reputation of being directive, at times overbearing, and at the same time of doing too little to prepare his students for the rigors of fieldwork. The extraordinary number of students coming out of Columbia under his care, however, has arguably done as much to extend the Boasian approach than Boas's own writing. Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Elsie Clews Parsons, Alfred Kroeber, Frank Speck, Edward Sapir, Zora Neale Hurston, Ella Deloria, Melville Herskovits, Leslie Spier, Paul Radin, and Ashley Montagu are all students of Boas. Many continued in the same intellectual stream, some diverged, yet all bore traces of Boas's influence. He left a mark as well on the institutions of the discipline, as one of the founders of the American Anthropological Association and of the International Journal of American Linguistics .

From the guide to the Boas-Rukeyser Collection, 1869-1940, (American Philosophical Society)

Born in Minden, Germany, on July 8, 1858, the anthropologist Franz Boas was the son of the merchant Meier Boas and his wife, Sophie Meyer. Raised in the radical and tradition of German Judaism, Franz's youth was steeped in politically liberal beliefs and a largely secular outlook that he carried with him from university through his emigration to the United States.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bonn, Boas studied physics and geography before completing a doctorate in physical geography at Kiel in 1881. Intending on testing then-current theories of environmental determinism, he signed on to an anthropological expedition to Baffin Island in 1883-1884, expecting that he would document the close adaptative fit of Central Eskimo cultures to their extreme climate. His experiences in the arctic, however, led him to the contrary conclusion: that social traditions, not environmental, exerted a dominant influence over human societies, and from this point onward, he was led to pursue the cultural over than physical dimensions of humanity.

Although he returned to Berlin after the expedition, Boas emigrated to the United States in 1885 to assume an editorial position with the journal Science, hoping to use it as a stepping-stone to an academic appointment. In 1886, he embarked upon a second major field excursion into what would become his most famous ethnographic project, working among the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Indians of the Northwest Coast, after which he secured his first academic position in 1889, at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. After three years at Clark and a failed appointment at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1892 (during which he played a part in organizing the anthropological exhibits for the Columbian World's Fair), Boas moved to New York City.

The restless activity of Boas's early years slowed in New York. Hired by the American Museum of Natural History (1895-1905), which became the recipient of the amazingly rich anthropological collections he accumulated on the Northwest Coast, Boas began to teach classes at Columbia University in 1896, where three years later he was appointed Professor of Anthropology. For the next 37 years, Boas ruled the anthropological roost at Columbia, accruing unprecedented power in his discipline, wielding grants, recommendations, and appointments with remarkable dexterity, and collecting about him a remarkable group of younger scholars as students and colleagues.

Distancing himself from some of the main currents of contemporary anthropological thought in the United States, and particularly from the evolutionist assumptions that riddled the discipline, Boas championed an anthropology that viewed human cultures as shaped more by historical "tradition" than biological propensity. Claiming to resist any overarching, synthetic theories of human relations, and particularly evolutionary theories of sociocultural development, Boas laid the theoretical groundwork for what became modern cultural relativism. In the process, he helped to clarify the demarcation between the concepts of culture and race and its expression in the divergence of the four fields in anthropology -- linguistics, ethnography, physical anthropology, and archaeology.

Boas's relatively few forays into physical anthropology included a pioneering anthropometric study in 1910-1911, demonstrating that the alleged mental and physical inferiority of immigrants disappeared statistically by the second generation. Opposed to immigration quotas and disdainful of the claims to science used to justify them, Boas was a consistent, strident opponent of racial determinism in intellect or behavior. A committed, politically active Socialist, he was frequently an outspoken critic of American policy. During the First World War, he spoke out against the treatment of German Americans and "enemy aliens" -- to the point of putting himself at risk -- and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany proved an even greater crusade. Despite his age, Boas took an active role in the anti-fascist struggle in the United States and was involved with numerous committees to assist refugee scholars. He was equally ardent in his efforts to criticize racial and ethnic bigotry in the United States.

As a mentor, Boas had a reputation of being directive, at times overbearing, and at the same time of doing too little to prepare his students for the rigors of fieldwork. The extraordinary number of students coming out of Columbia under his care, however, has arguably done as much to extend the Boasian approach than Boas's own writing. Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Elsie Clews Parsons, Alfred Kroeber, Frank Speck, Edward Sapir, Zora Neale Hurston, Ella Deloria, Melville Herskovits, Leslie Spier, Paul Radin, and Ashley Montagu are all students of Boas. Many continued in the same intellectual stream, some diverged, yet all bore traces of Boas's influence. He left a mark as well on the institutions of the discipline, as one of the founders of the American Anthropological Association and of the International Journal of American Linguistics .

From the guide to the Field notebooks and anthropometric data, ca. 1883-1912, (American Philosophical Society)

Born in Minden, Germany, on July 8, 1858, the anthropologist Franz Boas was the son of the merchant Meier Boas and his wife, Sophie Meyer. Raised in the radical and tradition of German Judaism, Franz's youth was steeped in politically liberal beliefs and a largely secular outlook that he carried with him from university through his emigration to the United States.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bonn, Boas studied physics and geography before completing a doctorate in physical geography at Kiel in 1881. Intending on testing then-current theories of environmental determinism, he signed on to an anthropological expedition to Baffin Island in 1883-1884, expecting that he would document the close adaptative fit of Central Eskimo cultures to their extreme climate. His experiences in the arctic, however, led him to the contrary conclusion: that social traditions, not environmental, exerted a dominant influence over human societies, and from this point onward, he was led to pursue the cultural over than physical dimensions of humanity.

Although he returned to Berlin after the expedition, Boas emigrated to the United States in 1885 to assume an editorial position with the journal Science, hoping to use it as a stepping-stone to an academic appointment. In 1886, he embarked upon a second major field excursion into what would become his most famous ethnographic project, working among the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Indians of the Northwest Coast, after which he secured his first academic position in 1889, at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. After three years at Clark and a failed appointment at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1892 (during which he played a part in organizing the anthropological exhibits for the Columbian World's Fair), Boas moved to New York City.

The restless activity of Boas's early years slowed in New York. Hired by the American Museum of Natural History (1895-1905), which became the recipient of the amazingly rich anthropological collections he accumulated on the Northwest Coast, Boas began to teach classes at Columbia University in 1896, where three years later he was appointed Professor of Anthropology. For the next 37 years, Boas ruled the anthropological roost at Columbia, accruing unprecedented power in his discipline, wielding grants, recommendations, and appointments with remarkable dexterity, and collecting about him a remarkable group of younger scholars as students and colleagues.

Distancing himself from some of the main currents of contemporary anthropological thought in the United States, and particularly from the evolutionist assumptions that riddled the discipline, Boas championed an anthropology that viewed human cultures as shaped more by historical "tradition" than biological propensity. Claiming to resist any overarching, synthetic theories of human relations, and particularly evolutionary theories of sociocultural development, Boas laid the theoretical groundwork for what became modern cultural relativism. In the process, he helped to clarify the demarcation between the concepts of culture and race and its expression in the divergence of the four fields in anthropology -- linguistics, ethnography, physical anthropology, and archaeology.

Boas's relatively few forays into physical anthropology included a pioneering anthropometric study in 1910-1911, demonstrating that the alleged mental and physical inferiority of immigrants disappeared statistically by the second generation. Opposed to immigration quotas and disdainful of the claims to science used to justify them, Boas was a consistent, strident opponent of racial determinism in intellect or behavior. A committed, politically active Socialist, he was frequently an outspoken critic of American policy. During the First World War, he spoke out against the treatment of German Americans and "enemy aliens" -- to the point of putting himself at risk -- and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany proved an even greater crusade. Despite his age, Boas took an active role in the anti-fascist struggle in the United States and was involved with numerous committees to assist refugee scholars. He was equally ardent in his efforts to criticize racial and ethnic bigotry in the United States.

As a mentor, Boas had a reputation of being directive, at times overbearing, and at the same time of doing too little to prepare his students for the rigors of fieldwork. The extraordinary number of students coming out of Columbia under his care, however, has arguably done as much to extend the Boasian approach than Boas's own writing. Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Elsie Clews Parsons, Alfred Kroeber, Frank Speck, Edward Sapir, Zora Neale Hurston, Ella Deloria, Melville Herskovits, Leslie Spier, Paul Radin, and Ashley Montagu are all students of Boas. Many continued in the same intellectual stream, some diverged, yet all bore traces of Boas's influence. He left a mark as well on the institutions of the discipline, as one of the founders of the American Anthropological Association and of the International Journal of American Linguistics .

From the guide to the Franz Boas Papers, 1862-1942, (American Philosophical Society)

Born in Minden, Germany, on July 8, 1858, the anthropologist Franz Boas was the son of the merchant Meier Boas and his wife, Sophie Meyer. Raised in the radical and tradition of German Judaism, Franz's youth was steeped in politically liberal beliefs and a largely secular outlook that he carried with him from university through his emigration to the United States.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bonn, Boas studied physics and geography before completing a doctorate in physical geography at Kiel in 1881. Intending on testing then-current theories of environmental determinism, he signed on to an anthropological expedition to Baffin Island in 1883-1884, expecting that he would document the close adaptative fit of Central Eskimo cultures to their extreme climate. His experiences in the arctic, however, led him to the contrary conclusion: that social traditions, not environmental, exerted a dominant influence over human societies, and from this point onward, he was led to pursue the cultural over than physical dimensions of humanity.

Although he returned to Berlin after the expedition, Boas emigrated to the United States in 1885 to assume an editorial position with the journal Science, hoping to use it as a stepping-stone to an academic appointment. In 1886, he embarked upon a second major field excursion into what would become his most famous ethnographic project, working among the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Indians of the Northwest Coast, after which he secured his first academic position in 1889, at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. After three years at Clark and a failed appointment at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1892 (during which he played a part in organizing the anthropological exhibits for the Columbian World's Fair), Boas moved to New York City.

The restless activity of Boas's early years slowed in New York. Hired by the American Museum of Natural History (1895-1905), which became the recipient of the amazingly rich anthropological collections he accumulated on the Northwest Coast, Boas began to teach classes at Columbia University in 1896, where three years later he was appointed Professor of Anthropology. For the next 37 years, Boas ruled the anthropological roost at Columbia, accruing unprecedented power in his discipline, wielding grants, recommendations, and appointments with remarkable dexterity, and collecting about him a remarkable group of younger scholars as students and colleagues.

Distancing himself from some of the main currents of contemporary anthropological thought in the United States, and particularly from the evolutionist assumptions that riddled the discipline, Boas championed an anthropology that viewed human cultures as shaped more by historical "tradition" than biological propensity. Claiming to resist any overarching, synthetic theories of human relations, and particularly evolutionary theories of sociocultural development, Boas laid the theoretical groundwork for what became modern cultural relativism. In the process, he helped to clarify the demarcation between the concepts of culture and race and its expression in the divergence of the four fields in anthropology -- linguistics, ethnography, physical anthropology, and archaeology.

Boas's relatively few forays into physical anthropology included a pioneering anthropometric study in 1910-1911, demonstrating that the alleged mental and physical inferiority of immigrants disappeared statistically by the second generation. Opposed to immigration quotas and disdainful of the claims to science used to justify them, Boas was a consistent, strident opponent of racial determinism in intellect or behavior. A committed, politically active Socialist, he was frequently an outspoken critic of American policy. During the First World War, he spoke out against the treatment of German Americans and "enemy aliens" -- to the point of putting himself at risk -- and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany proved an even greater crusade. Despite his age, Boas took an active role in the anti-fascist struggle in the United States and was involved with numerous committees to assist refugee scholars. He was equally ardent in his efforts to criticize racial and ethnic bigotry in the United States.

As a mentor, Boas had a reputation of being directive, at times overbearing, and at the same time of doing too little to prepare his students for the rigors of fieldwork. The extraordinary number of students coming out of Columbia under his care, however, has arguably done as much to extend the Boasian approach than Boas's own writing. Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Elsie Clews Parsons, Alfred Kroeber, Frank Speck, Edward Sapir, Zora Neale Hurston, Ella Deloria, Melville Herskovits, Leslie Spier, Paul Radin, and Ashley Montagu are all students of Boas. Many continued in the same intellectual stream, some diverged, yet all bore traces of Boas's influence. He left a mark as well on the institutions of the discipline, as one of the founders of the American Anthropological Association and of the International Journal of American Linguistics .

From the guide to the Boas Family Papers, 1862-1942, (American Philosophical Society)

Born in Minden, Germany, on July 8, 1858, the anthropologist Franz Boas was the son of the merchant Meier Boas and his wife, Sophie Meyer. Raised in the radical and tradition of German Judaism, Franz's youth was steeped in politically liberal beliefs and a largely secular outlook that he carried with him from university through his emigration to the United States.

At the universities of Heidelberg and Bonn, Boas studied physics and geography before completing a doctorate in physical geography at Kiel in 1881. Intending on testing then-current theories of environmental determinism, he signed on to an anthropological expedition to Baffin Island in 1883-1884, expecting that he would document the close adaptative fit of Central Eskimo cultures to their extreme climate. His experiences in the arctic, however, led him to the contrary conclusion: that social traditions, not environmental, exerted a dominant influence over human societies, and from this point onward, he was led to pursue the cultural over than physical dimensions of humanity.

Although he returned to Berlin after the expedition, Boas emigrated to the United States in 1885 to assume an editorial position with the journal Science, hoping to use it as a stepping-stone to an academic appointment. In 1886, he embarked upon a second major field excursion into what would become his most famous ethnographic project, working among the Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Indians of the Northwest Coast, after which he secured his first academic position in 1889, at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. After three years at Clark and a failed appointment at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1892 (during which he played a part in organizing the anthropological exhibits for the Columbian World's Fair), Boas moved to New York City.

The restless activity of Boas's early years slowed in New York. Hired by the American Museum of Natural History (1895-1905), which became the recipient of the amazingly rich anthropological collections he accumulated on the Northwest Coast, Boas began to teach classes at Columbia University in 1896, where three years later he was appointed Professor of Anthropology. For the next 37 years, Boas ruled the anthropological roost at Columbia, accruing unprecedented power in his discipline, wielding grants, recommendations, and appointments with remarkable dexterity, and collecting about him a remarkable group of younger scholars as students and colleagues.

Distancing himself from some of the main currents of contemporary anthropological thought in the United States, and particularly from the evolutionist assumptions that riddled the discipline, Boas championed an anthropology that viewed human cultures as shaped more by historical "tradition" than biological propensity. Claiming to resist any overarching, synthetic theories of human relations, and particularly evolutionary theories of sociocultural development, Boas laid the theoretical groundwork for what became modern cultural relativism. In the process, he helped to clarify the demarcation between the concepts of culture and race and its expression in the divergence of the four fields in anthropology -- linguistics, ethnography, physical anthropology, and archaeology.

Boas's relatively few forays into physical anthropology included a pioneering anthropometric study in 1910-1911, demonstrating that the alleged mental and physical inferiority of immigrants disappeared statistically by the second generation. Opposed to immigration quotas and disdainful of the claims to science used to justify them, Boas was a consistent, strident opponent of racial determinism in intellect or behavior. A committed, politically active Socialist, he was frequently an outspoken critic of American policy. During the First World War, he spoke out against the treatment of German Americans and "enemy aliens" -- to the point of putting himself at risk -- and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany proved an even greater crusade. Despite his age, Boas took an active role in the anti-fascist struggle in the United States and was involved with numerous committees to assist refugee scholars. He was equally ardent in his efforts to criticize racial and ethnic bigotry in the United States.

As a mentor, Boas had a reputation of being directive, at times overbearing, and at the same time of doing too little to prepare his students for the rigors of fieldwork. The extraordinary number of students coming out of Columbia under his care, however, has arguably done as much to extend the Boasian approach than Boas's own writing. Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Elsie Clews Parsons, Alfred Kroeber, Frank Speck, Edward Sapir, Zora Neale Hurston, Ella Deloria, Melville Herskovits, Leslie Spier, Paul Radin, and Ashley Montagu are all students of Boas. Many continued in the same intellectual stream, some diverged, yet all bore traces of Boas's influence. He left a mark as well on the institutions of the discipline, as one of the founders of the American Anthropological Association and of the International Journal of American Linguistics .

From the guide to the Franz Boas Professional Papers, Circa 1860-1942, (American Philosophical Society)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn The Nation, records, 1879-1974 (inclusive), 1920-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Eastman, Max Forrester, 1883-1969. Eastman mss. 1892-1968 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (H), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Muriel Rukeyser Papers, 1844-1986, (bulk 1930-1979) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Chinook grammar notebook [microform]. Oregon State University Libraries
referencedIn Oswald Garrison Villard papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Frank G. Speck papers, 1903-1950 American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Boas, Franziska, 1902-1988. Reminiscences of Franziska Boas : oral history, 1972. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn George G. Heye autograph collection, 1886-1928 Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Boas-Rukeyser Collection, 1869-1940 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Starr, Frederick, 1858-1933. Papers, 1868-1935 (inclusive), 1892-1923 (bulk). University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence, 1862-1942. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Harrison, Ross G. (Ross Granville), 1870-1959. Ross Granville Harrison papers, 1820-1975 (inclusive), 1889-1959 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Leslie A. White Papers, 1921-1974 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn George G. Heye autograph collection, 1886-1928 Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Frans M. Olbrechts papers, ca. 1910-1930, on the Iroquois Indians, Circa 1910-1930 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn John Alden Mason papers, 1911-1967 American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Anthropometric data, 1891-1942. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (L), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Field notebooks and physical anthropological data, 1889-1897, n.d. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Hoebel, E. Adamson (Edward Adamson), 1906-. Papers, 1925-1993. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Herskovits, Melville J. (Melville Jean), 1895-1963. Melville Herskovits Papers, 1906-1963. Northwestern University
creatorOf Franz Boas Professional Papers, Circa 1860-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn James McKeen Cattell Papers, 1835-1948, (bulk 1896-1948) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Century Company records New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson), 1904-1971. Ralph Bunche papers, 1922-1988. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Bergmann, M. (Max), 1886-1944. Papers, [ca. 1930]-1945. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence to Daniel Garrison Brinton, 1894-1898. University of Pennsylvania Library
referencedIn Council for Research in the Humanities. Council for Research in the Humanities Records, 1926-1968 [Bulk dates: 1926-1936; 1966-1968]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Wissler, Clark, 1870-1947. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1903-1931 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Nootka ethnographic and linguistic materials, [ca. 1900-1920]. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Baffin Land; geographical results of an exploratory journey made in the years 1883 and 1884. National Geographic Society Library
creatorOf Bray, William C. (William Crowell), 1879-1946. William C. Bray papers, 1890-1945. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (R), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Emergency Society for German & Austrian Science and Art. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1925. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn John Alden Mason papers, 1904-1967 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (S), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn William Shedrick Willis papers, [ca. 1940-1983], Circa 1940-1983 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Manny, Frank Addison, 1868-1954. Papers, 1890-1955 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Willis, William Shedrick, 1921-1983. Papers, [ca. 1940-1983]. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn American Council of Learned Societies. Correspondence, 1926-1927. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1881-1964. Correspondence and compositions, 1870-1963 Houghton Library
referencedIn Center, Ellen, d. 1959. Tillamook Indians / Ellen Center correspondence file, 1930-1955 Boise State University, Albertsons Library
referencedIn Records of the Edwin Berry Burgum Academic Freedom Case., 1934-1961 New York University. Archives
referencedIn Lotte Urbach Collection, 1901-1954 Leo Baeck Institute Archives
referencedIn General correspondence files, [ca. 1887]-1966. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Department of Anthropology Records, 1930-1985. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1884-1942. Bronislaw Malinowski papers, 1869-1946 (inclusive), 1914-1939 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn IU Folklore Institute, 1987 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Harrison, Ross G. (Ross Granville), 1870-1959. Ross Granville Harrison papers, 1820-1975 (inclusive), 1889-1959 (bulk). Yale University Library
creatorOf Stirling, Matthew Williams, 1896-1975. Linguistic material for Nass River Tsimshian [microform], 1893-1940. Washington Library Network
referencedIn Immigration Restriction League (U.S.) records, 1893-1921 Houghton Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1939. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Nootka ethnographic and linguistic materials, [ca. 1900-1920], Circa 1900-1920 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Papers. Matlazinca linguistics ... [microform], 1904-1940. Washington Library Network
creatorOf Dixon, Roland Burrage, 1875-1934. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1902-1934 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (W-Z), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Jochelson, Waldemar, 1855-1937. Collection, 1899-1979 (bulk 1899-1942). American Museum of Natural History
referencedIn Records, 1897-1905. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Olbrechts, Frans M., 1899-1958. Papers, ca. 1910-1930, on the Iroquois Indians. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence with Van Wyck Brooks, 1938-1940. University of Pennsylvania Library
creatorOf Goldenweiser, Alexander, 1880-1940. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1907-1927 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
creatorOf Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960. A.L. Kroeber papers, 1869-1972. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Columbia University. University Archives. Columbiana Manuscripts, 1572-1986 [Bulk Dates: 1850-1920]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Ashley Montagu papers, 1927-1999, 1927-1999 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (I-K), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Bingham family papers Yale University Library
referencedIn American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society [ACLS Collection], 1853, 1882-1959 American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Dance and music in the life of the Northwest Coast Indians of North America, by Franz Boas. [19] p. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Manny, Frank Addison, 1868-1954. Frank Addison Manny papers, 1890-1955. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn William B. Provine collection of evolutionary biology reprints, 20th century. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960. A.L. Kroeber papers, 1869-1972. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Culin, Stewart, 1858-1929. Culin Archival Collection Series 7: Games 1871-1927. Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
referencedIn Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941. Papers, [ca. 1882]-1978. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Boas, Ernst Philip, Dr. 1891-1955. Reprints of Ernst Boas articles, 1900-1951. New York Academy of Medicine
creatorOf Smith, Erminnie Adele Platt, 1836-1886. [Peabody Museum director records, Frederic W. Putnam (1839-1915), 1870-1923]. Harvard University, Tozzer Library
creatorOf American Museum of Natural History. Expedition to China (1901-1904). Correspondence, 1900-1904, (bulk 1901-1904). American Museum of Natural History
referencedIn Ruth Fulton Benedict papers, 1905-1948. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf William King Gregory papers, 1889-1948 (bulk 1906-1948) American Museum of Natural History
referencedIn Learned Hand papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf White, Leslie A., 1900-1975. Leslie A. White papers, 1921-1974. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Garfield, Viola Edmundson, 1899-1983. Viola Edmundson Garfield papers, 1927-1978 (bulk 1935-1978). University of Washington. Libraries
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (A), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Alice Henson Ernst papers, 1900-1976 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Tozzer, Alfred M. (Alfred Marston), 1877-1954. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1907-1934 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
creatorOf Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Inc. Records, bulk 1927-1934. Hampshire College, Harold F. Johnson Library
referencedIn Open Court Publishing Company. Open Court Publishing Company records, 1886-1998, (bulk 1887-1920). Southern Illinois University, Morris Library
creatorOf Franz Boas correspondence, 1885-1909, 1885-1909 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Adams, Inez (Dorothy Inez), 1904-1967. Inez Adams papers. 1914-1967. Tulane University, Amistad Research Center
creatorOf Fawcett, James Waldo, b. 1893. Correspondence of James Waldo Fawcett [manuscript], 1925-1928. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1939-1941. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1875-1941. Papers, 1835-1944. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Franziska Boas Collection, 1920-1988 Library of Congress. Music Division
referencedIn Prints Collection, 1500-2000 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Sheldon Glueck papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (T-V), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Indian myths and legends from the North Pacific Coast of America, n.d. American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Reminiscences of Franziska Boas : oral history, 1972, 1972 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Biography: Melvyn Douglas, 1972-1980 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Columbiana Manuscripts, 1572-1986, [Bulk Dates: 1850-1920]. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers, 1878-1943 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection, 1960-present American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Anshen, Ruth Nanda. Ruth Nanda Anshen papers, 1938-1986. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Correspondence, 1900-1904. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Records, 1900-1912. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn United States anthropological photograph, 1893. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Dorfman, Joseph, 1904-1991. Joseph Dorfman papers, 1890-1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Kirchwey, Freda, 1893-1976. Papers, 1871-1972 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Frank G. Speck papers, 1903-1950 American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Herskovits, Melville J. (Melville Jean), 1895-1963. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1925-1934 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Radin, Paul, 1883-1959. Papers, 1727, 1824-1825, 1827-1991, undated bulk 1835-1903. Marquette University Raynor Memorial Library, John P. Raynor Library
referencedIn Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974. Papers, [ca. 1920]-1974. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf United States Federal Bureau of Investigation files, 1939-1950, 1939-1950 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Bingham family papers Yale University Library
referencedIn George Sarton additional papers, 1901-1956 Houghton Library
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (N-Q), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Shoshone : based on a manuscript by Harry Hull St. Clair and on personal investigations / by Franz Boas. University of Kansas, KU Library
referencedIn Viola Edmundson Garfield papers, 1927-1978, 1935-1978 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
referencedIn Jewish Theological Seminary of America. General Files. Records, 1902-1972. 1940-1972 (bulk). Ocean County College Library, OCC Library
referencedIn Boas-Rukeyser Collection, 1869-1940. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Margaret Mead Papers and the South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996, (bulk 1911-1978) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf American Council of Learned Societies correspondence, 1926-1927, 1926-1927 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs. Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1914-1996. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Jones, William, 1871-1909. Ojibwa ethnographic and linguistic field notes, 1903-1905. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Pamphlets collection, 1919-1983 (bulk 1938-1946). Holocaust Center of Northern California, Holocaust Library and Research Center
referencedIn Ojibwa ethnographic and linguistic field notes, 1903-1905, 1903-1905 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Sadie P. Delaney papers, 1921-1958 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers, 1892-1981 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Lexicon of Alaska native languages [microform], 1894-1954. Washington Library Network
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence with Wanda Gág, 1941. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950. [Wabanaki Indians : material from collections at the American Philosophical Society] Raymond H. Fogler Library
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (C), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn American Museum of Natural History. Dept. of Anthropology. Correspondence files, [ca. 1895]-1980. American Museum of Natural History. Department of Anthropology
referencedIn Boas, Franziska. Reminiscences of Franziska Boas : oral history, 1972. Nolan, Norton & Company, Incorporated
creatorOf New York World's Fair (1939-1940). New York World's Fair 1939-1940 records, 1935-1945, bulk (1939-1940). New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (D), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society, 1882-1958 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Franziska Boas Collection, 1920-1988 Library of Congress. Music Division
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Collected papers / F. Boas. Clark University, Robert Hutchings Goddard Library
creatorOf Max Bergmann papers, [ca. 1930]-1945, 1930-1945 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn J. B. Matthews Papers, 1862-1986 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Elsie Clews Parsons papers, 1880-1980 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Ralph Bunche papers, 1922-1988 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
referencedIn Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Inc. Records MG2., 1927-1934 Hampshire College Archives
referencedIn William Beynon Papers, Bulk, 1933-1937, 1933-1969 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1931-1941. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974. Papers, 1892-1981. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Marshall, George, 1904-2000. George Marshall papers, 1933-1955. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Kirchwey, Freda. Papers, 1871-1972 (inclusive), 1937-1971 (bulk) [microform]. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn American Philosophical Society Archives. Record Group IIh, 1892-1896 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Starr, Frederick. Papers, 1868-1935 Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
creatorOf Sadie P. Delaney papers, 1921-1958. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Bell, Robert, 1841-1917. Correspondence, 1874-1908. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Correspondence, 1885-1909. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Putnam, Frederic Ward, 1839-1915. Papers, 1807-1971 (bulk: 1855-1935) Peabody Museum Archives, Harvard University
creatorOf Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960. A.L. Kroeber papers, 1869-1972. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Cora Alice Du Bois papers, 1869-1988 (inclusive), 1912-1985 (bulk) Tozzer Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion. Records. 1939-1977. 1940-1968. Ocean County College Library, OCC Library
referencedIn Harvey Pitkin Papers, 1884-1968 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Pearl, Raymond, 1879-1940. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1917-1935 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn L. C. Dunn Papers, ca. 1920-1974 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Fawcett, James Waldo. Correspondence of James Waldo Fawcett, 1925-1928. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1884-1942. Bronislaw Malinowski papers, 1869-1946 (inclusive), 1914-1939 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Alfred Vincent Kidder Papers, 1926-1935 School for Advanced Research
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Papers, ca. 1860s-1942. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn W J McGee Papers, 1880-1916, (bulk 1885-1905) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Boas Family Papers, 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Robert Bell correspondence, 1874-1908, 1874-1908 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Papers, 1905-1948. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (B), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Henry Herbert Donaldson diaries and papers, 1869-1938, 1869-1938 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Alfred Vincent Kidder papers, 1920-1962 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Arthur Twining Hadley, president of Yale University, records, 1899-1921 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Franz Boas diary, 1890, 1890 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Council for Research in the Social Sciences. Council for Research in the Social Sciences records, 1922-1970 [Bulk dates: 1925-1968]. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Roscoe Pound Papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn E. Adamson Hoebel Papers, 1925-1993 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (M), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Edwin Berry Burgum academic freedom case records, 1934-1961. Churchill County Museum
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers, 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Tate, Henry W. American Indian tales [microform], [190-?] / written by a Tsimshian Indian ; assembled by Franz Boas. Washington Library Network
referencedIn Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Library. Biography file--general, 1876-1984, 1930-1984 (bulk) Huntington Free Library
creatorOf Comer, George, 1858-1937. [Journals and notebooks] [microform]. American Museum of Natural History
creatorOf Field notebooks and anthropometric data, ca. 1883-1912 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn An Anthropologist at work: writings of Ruth Benedict / by Margaret Mead, n.d. American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Ruth Nanda Anshen Papers, 1938-1986. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. United States Federal Bureau of Investigation files, 1939-1950. American Philosophical Society Library
creatorOf Franz Boas Papers: Inventory (E-G), 1862-1942 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Papers, 1895-1955, 1942-1955 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1903-1934 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
creatorOf Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939. Correspondence with Franz Boas, 1905-1934 [microform]. Iowa State University, Parks Library
referencedIn Donaldson, Henry Herbert, 1857-1938. Diaries and papers, 1869-1938. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Henry Allen Moe Papers, 1920-1975 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn James Angell MacLachlan Papers, 1925-1960 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Culin, Stewart, 1858-1929. Culin Archival Collection Series 9: Brinton memorial 1875-1902 1899-1902 (bulk). Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Oral history interview with Stuyvesant Van Veen Archives of American Art
Relation Name
associatedWith Abbie, Andrew Arthur, 1905-1976 person
associatedWith Adams, Inez (Dorothy Inez), 1904-1967. person
associatedWith Allen, J. A., (Joel Asaph), 1838-1921 person
associatedWith American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. corporateBody
associatedWith American Council of Learned Societies. corporateBody
associatedWith American Council of Learned Societies. Committee on Native American corporateBody
associatedWith American Council of Learned Societies. Committee on Native American Languages. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. Dept. of Anthropology. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. Dept. of Anthropology. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. Dept. of Vertebrate Paleontology. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. East Asiatic Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. East Asiatic Research Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith American Museum of Natural History. Expedition to China (1901-1904) corporateBody
associatedWith American Philosophical Society. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Andrews, H. A. person
associatedWith Angulo, Jaime de. person
associatedWith Anshen, Ruth Nanda. person
associatedWith Anshen, Ruth Nanda. person
associatedWith Armstrong, E. C., (Edward Cooke), 1871-1944 person
associatedWith Askenasy, Hans, 1930- person
associatedWith Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887 person
associatedWith Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse person
associatedWith Bass, Lawrence W., (Lawrence Wade), 1898- person
associatedWith Baur, Georg person
associatedWith Beadle, George Wells, 1903-1989 person
associatedWith Becker and Maass person
associatedWith Beckwith, Martha Warren, 1871-1959. person
associatedWith Bell, Robert, 1841-1917. person
associatedWith Benedict, Ruth, 1887-1848 person
associatedWith Benedict, Ruth, 1887-1948. person
associatedWith Benedict, Stanley Rossiter person
associatedWith Benton, William, 1900-1973 person
associatedWith Bergmann, M. (Max), 1886-1944. person
associatedWith Bertz, Dietrich person
associatedWith Beynon, William, 1888-1958 person
associatedWith Bien, Julius, 1826-1909 person
associatedWith Bingham family. family
associatedWith Bingham family. family
associatedWith Bingham family. family
associatedWith Birch, William Russell, 1755-1834 person
associatedWith Bishop, Giles person
associatedWith Bloomfield, Leonard, 1887-1949 person
associatedWith Boas, Ernst Philip, 1891-1955. person
associatedWith Boas, Franziska. person
associatedWith Boas, Franziska, 1902-1988. person
associatedWith Boas, Marie Anna Ernestina Krackowizer, 1861-1929. person
associatedWith Boaz family. family
associatedWith Bodmer, Karl, 1809-1893 person
associatedWith Bogardus, A. person
associatedWith Bogoras, Waldemar, 1865-1936. person
associatedWith Bowditch, Charles P. (Charles Pickering), 1842-1921. person
associatedWith Bray, William C. (William Crowell), 1879-1946. person
associatedWith Briffault, Robert person
associatedWith Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 1837-1899 person
associatedWith Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1859-1934. person
associatedWith Bryan, R. W., (Ronald W.) person
associatedWith Buhler, Charlotte, 1983-1974 person
associatedWith Bumpus, Hermon Carey, 1862-1943. person
associatedWith Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson), 1904-1971. person
associatedWith Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947. person
associatedWith Cajetan, L. person
associatedWith Carnegie Corporation of New York corporateBody
associatedWith Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith Carpenter, Edmund, 1922-2011 person
associatedWith Cartozian, Tatos person
associatedWith Cartozian, Tatos. person
associatedWith Cattell, Jacques, 1902-1960 person
associatedWith Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944. person
associatedWith Center, Ellen, d. 1959. person
correspondedWith Century Company corporateBody
associatedWith Champion, Martha. person
associatedWith Chávez, Ezequiel Adeodato, 1868-1946. person
associatedWith Chow, Yucho person
associatedWith Clarke, Hans Thacher, 1887-1972 person
associatedWith Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros, (Wilfrid Edward Le Gros), 1895-1971 person
associatedWith Cohn, Alfred E., (Alfred Einstein), 1879-1957 person
associatedWith Cole, John R. person
employeeOf Columbia University corporateBody
employeeOf Columbia University. Department of Anthropology. corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia University. Oral History Research Office . corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia University. University Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Comer, George, 1858-1937. person
associatedWith Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion. corporateBody
associatedWith Coues, Elliott, 1842-1899 person
associatedWith Council for Research in the Humanities. corporateBody
associatedWith Council for Research in the Social Sciences. corporateBody
associatedWith Crane, M. E. person
associatedWith Culin, Stewart, 1858-1929. person
associatedWith Dakin, H. D., (Henry Drysdale), 1880-1952 person
associatedWith Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882 person
associatedWith Delaney, Sadie P., 1889-1958. person
correspondedWith Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935 person
associatedWith Deloria, Ella Cara. person
associatedWith Dixon, Roland Burrage, 1875-1934. person
associatedWith Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 person
associatedWith Donaldson, Henry Herbert, 1857-1938. person
associatedWith Dorfman, Joseph, 1904-1991. person
associatedWith Dorsey, James Owen person
associatedWith Du Bois, Cora Alice, 1903- person
associatedWith Dubos, René J. (René Jules), 1901- person
associatedWith Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974. person
associatedWith Eastman, Max, 1883-1969 person
associatedWith Eastman, Seth, 1808-1875 person
associatedWith Efron, David person
associatedWith Efron, David. person
associatedWith Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 person
associatedWith Eisler, Riane Tennenhaus person
associatedWith Elkin, A. P. (Adolphus Peter), 1891-1979 person
associatedWith Emergency Society for German & Austrian Science and Art. corporateBody
associatedWith Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Engerrand, George C., 1877-1961. person
correspondedWith Ernst, Alice Henson, 1880-1980 person
associatedWith Evans, Bergen, 1904-1978 person
associatedWith Fackenthal, Frank Diehl, 1883-1968. person
associatedWith Fawcett, James Waldo, b. 1893. person
associatedWith Fechner, Wilh. person
associatedWith Flexner, Simon, 1863-1946 person
associatedWith Fortune, Reo, 1903-1979. person
associatedWith Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim, 1883-1930. person
associatedWith Franchtenberg, Leo Joachim, 1883-1930 person
associatedWith FREDA KIRCHWEY, 1893-1976 person
correspondedWith Frederic Ward Putnam, 1813-1915 person
associatedWith Freeman, Derek person
associatedWith Fromm, Erich, 1900-1980 person
correspondedWith Garfield, Viola Edmundson, 1899-1983. person
associatedWith Geological Survey of Canada. corporateBody
associatedWith George G.(George Gustav), Heye 1874-1957. person
associatedWith Germanistic Society of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Glueck, Sheldon, 1896- person
associatedWith Goddard, Pliny Earle, 1869-1928. person
associatedWith Goldenweiser, Alexander, 1880-1940. person
associatedWith Goldstein, Emma person
associatedWith Goldstein, Marcus Solomon person
associatedWith Gordon, George Byron, 1911- person
associatedWith Gould, Stephen Jay person
associatedWith Gregory, William K. (William King), 1876-1970. person
associatedWith Gunther, Carl person
associatedWith György, Paul, b. 1893 person
associatedWith Haack, Friedrich person
associatedWith Haeberlin, Herman Karl, b. 1890. person
associatedWith Hale, Horatio, 1817-1896 person
associatedWith Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974. person
associatedWith Hand, Learned, 1872-1961 person
associatedWith Harrison, Ross G. (Ross Granville), 1870-1959. person
associatedWith Haskins, Charles Homer, 1870-1937 person
associatedWith Heliotype Co. person
associatedWith Hering, Ernst person
associatedWith Herskovits, Melville J. (Melville Jean), 1895-1963. person
associatedWith Hewitt, Joseph William, 1875-1938 person
associatedWith Heye, George G. (George Gustav), 1874-1957. person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956. person
associatedWith Hoebel, E. Adamson (Edward Adamson), 1906- person
associatedWith Holmes, William Henry, 1846-1933. person
associatedWith Hrdlička, Aleš, 1869-1943. person
associatedWith Hulsenbeck, J. person
associatedWith Hunt, George person
associatedWith Hunt, George. person
correspondedWith Immigration Restriction League (U.S.). corporateBody
associatedWith Indiana University Center for the Study of History and Memory corporateBody
associatedWith International Congress of Americanists. corporateBody
associatedWith Isbister, William person
associatedWith Jacobs, Melville, 1902-1971 person
associatedWith James, William person
associatedWith Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1903) corporateBody
associatedWith Jewish Theological Seminary of America. General Files. corporateBody
associatedWith Jochelson, Waldemar, 1855-1937. person
associatedWith Jones, William, 1871-1909. person
associatedWith Keat, Roland G. person
associatedWith Keith, Arthur, Sir, 1866-1955 person
associatedWith Keppel, Frederick P. (Frederick Paul), 1875-1943. person
associatedWith Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 1885-1963 person
associatedWith Kirchwey, Freda. person
associatedWith Kluckhohn, Clyde, 1905-1960 person
associatedWith Korber v. Freytag person
associatedWith Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960. person
associatedWith La Barre, Weston, 1911-1996 person
associatedWith Landsteiner, Karl, 1868-1943 person
associatedWith Langmuir, Irving, 1881-1957 person
associatedWith Laufer, Berthold, 1874-1934. person
associatedWith Laufs, Toni person
associatedWith Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879-1966 person
associatedWith Le Moine, J. M., Sir, (James MacPherson), 1825-1912 person
associatedWith Lester, Robert M., (Robert MacDonald), 1889-1969 person
associatedWith Li, Fang-kuei, 1902- person
associatedWith Loewi, Otto, 1873-1961 person
associatedWith Lowie, Robert Harry, 1883-1957. person
associatedWith MacInnes, Duncan Arthur, 1885-1965 person
associatedWith MacLachlan, James Angell, 1891- person
associatedWith Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1884-1942. person
associatedWith Manny, Frank Addison, 1868-1954. person
associatedWith Marshall, George, 1904-2000. person
associatedWith Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967. person
associatedWith Matson, Floyd W. person
associatedWith Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-1966 person
associatedWith McGee, W. J., 1853-1912. person
associatedWith McLuhan, Marshall, 1911-1980 person
associatedWith McQuown, Norman A. person
associatedWith Meade, Margaret, 1901-1978 person
associatedWith Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978. person
associatedWith Michelson, Truman, 1879-1938. person
associatedWith Miner, Roy Waldo, 1875-1955. person
associatedWith Mintzer, William A. person
associatedWith Moe, Henry Allen, 1894-1975. person
associatedWith Montagu, Ashley, 1905-1999 person
associatedWith Morice, A. G., (Adrien Gabriel), 1859-1938 person
associatedWith Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Naegeli person
associatedWith National Anthropological Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith National Emergency Conference. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nation (New York, N.Y. : 1865). corporateBody
associatedWith New York University. corporateBody
associatedWith New York World's Fair (1939-1940) corporateBody
associatedWith Northrop, John Howard, 1891-1987 person
associatedWith Nuttall, Zelia person
associatedWith Oakley, Kenneth Page, 1911 person
associatedWith Olbrechts, Frans M., 1899-1958. person
associatedWith Oldfather, William Abbott, 1880-1945 person
correspondedWith Open Court Publishing Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Osterhout, W. J. V., (Winthrop John Van Leuven), 1871-1964 person
associatedWith Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1875-1941. person
associatedWith Pearl, Raymond, 1879-1940. person
correspondedWith Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1881- person
associatedWith Petitot, Emile Fortune Stanislas, 1838-1917 person
associatedWith Pilling, James Constantine, 1846-1895 person
associatedWith Pitkin, Harvey person
correspondedWith Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964 person
correspondedWith Provine, William B. person
associatedWith Radin, Paul, 1883-1959. person
associatedWith Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955. person
associatedWith Rice, F. H. person
associatedWith Robbins, William Jacob, 1890-1978 person
associatedWith Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Rockwood, J. R. person
associatedWith Rous, Peyton, 1879-1970 person
associatedWith Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. person
associatedWith Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939. person
associatedWith Sargent, H. E. person
associatedWith Sargent, H. E. person
correspondedWith Sarton, George, 1884-1956 person
associatedWith Schmidt and Wegener person
associatedWith Seler, Eduard, 1849-1922. person
associatedWith Smith person
associatedWith Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, 1889-1968 person
associatedWith Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950. person
associatedWith Starr, Frederick, 1858-1933. person
associatedWith Steinen, Karl von den, 1855-1929. person
associatedWith Stucken, Ferd. person
associatedWith Sturtevant, Edgar H., (Edgar Howard), 1875-1952 person
associatedWith Susman, Amelia L. person
associatedWith Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958. person
associatedWith Sweers, M. person
associatedWith Tate, Henry W. person
associatedWith Teit, James Alexander, 1864-1922. person
associatedWith Tozzer, Alfred M. (Alfred Marston), 1877-1954. person
associatedWith Tylor, Edward Burnett person
associatedWith Uber, Fred Murray, 1905- person
associatedWith United States. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. corporateBody
alumnusOrAlumnaOf Universität Kiel corporateBody
associatedWith Urbach, Lotte, 1906- person
associatedWith Urey, Harold Clayton, 1893-1981 person
associatedWith Van Slyke, Donald Dexter, 1883-1971 person
associatedWith Van Veen, Stuyvesant person
associatedWith Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949. person
associatedWith Waksman, Selman A., (Selman Abraham), 1888-1973 person
associatedWith Weaver, Warren, 1894-1978 person
associatedWith Weike, Wilhelm. person
associatedWith Wenzel, Theodor person
associatedWith West, Benjamin, 1730-1813 person
associatedWith White, Leslie A., 1900-1975. person
associatedWith Wilkins, Lieutenant person
associatedWith Willcox, Walter Francis, 1861-1964 person
associatedWith Willis, William Shedrick, 1921-1983. person
associatedWith Wissler, Clark, 1870-1947. person
associatedWith Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene, 1867-1940. person
associatedWith World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago) corporateBody
associatedWith Yale University. President's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Yerkes, Robert Mearns, 1876-1956 person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York NY US
Baffin Island 14 CA
Minden 07 DE
New York NY US
Academic freedom
African Americans
Anthropological linguistics
Anthropology, ethnography, fieldwork
Physical anthropology
Physical anthropology
Arctic Indians
Authors and publishers
Biology, genetics, eugenics
Jewish children
Chinook language
Communism and social sciences
Communism and social sciences
Communist parties
Communist parties
German Americans
Indians of Mexico
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indigenous peoples
Indigenous peoples
Jewish scientists
Kwakiutl Indians
Kwakiutl language
Native American lore & legends
Northwest Coast Indians
Political refugees
Political refugees
Race, race relations, racism
Race relations
Scientific expeditions
Scientific expeditions
Scientists, Refugee
Shoshoni language
Social conditions, social advocacy, social reform
Social inequality
Social sciences
Tlingit Indians
College teachers
Indians of North America
Museum curators


Birth 1858-07-09

Death 1942-12-21



Spanish; Castilian,




Ark ID: w6039fsz

SNAC ID: 84246539