Bache, Alexander Dallas

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Epithet: American scientist

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000566.0x00029f

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Vol. XIII. (ff. 659). June, 1847-Dec. 1851. British Library
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Personal papers, 1808-1866 Houghton Library
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Letterbooks, 1789-1866 Houghton Library
referencedIn Vol. X. (ff. 696). Oct. 1838-Dec. 1841.includes:f. 1 Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, 1st Baronet: Letters to C. Babbage: 1834-1861. ff. 3, 115, 534 Robert Vaughan Richards, barrister: Letters to C. Babbage: 1831-1841. ff. 5, 389 Julius Jeffreys: Lett... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XI. (ff. 499). 1812-1843.includes:ff. 1, 71 William Somerville, MD; FRS: Letters to C. Babbage: 1833-1842, n.d. f. 3 Bryan Donkin, junior, engineer: Correspondence with C. Babbage: 1841-1864. ff. 4, 26, 227 Fortunato Prandi: Correspondence wit..., 1812-1843 British Library
creatorOf Bache, George M., 1840-1896. George Mifflin Bache papers, 1838-1899 1863-1873. Navy Department Library, Naval History & Heritage Command
referencedIn Vol. XVI. (ff. 507). May, 1856-Mar. 1860.includes:f. 1 Comte Jean Gilbert Victor Fialin de Persigny,; French Ambassador in London: Letter to C. Babbage: 1856. f. 2 Michel Chasles, mathematician: Letters to C. Babbage: 1855, 1856.: Fr. f. 3 André M... British Library
referencedIn Vol. IX. (ff. 578). 1837-Sept. 1838.includes:f. 1 Sir James South, astronomer: Correspondence with C. Babbage: 1821-1866, n.d. ff. 3, 23, 543, 545, 560 George Peacock, Dean of Ely: Letters to C. Babbage: 1816-1850. ff. 6, 7 A. G. Pond, wife of J Po..., 1837-1838 British Library
referencedIn Edward Everett Collection, 1811-1864 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871. Correspondence. Vol. XIV, 1852-Sept. 1854. British Library
referencedIn Thomas Addis Emmet collection, 1483-1876 (bulk:1700-1800) New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn E.G. Squier papers, 1809-1888 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbe, Cleveland corporateBody
correspondedWith Abbot, George J. person
correspondedWith Abert, Charles person
correspondedWith Abert, Constantia person
correspondedWith Abert, John James person
associatedWith Adams, John Quincy person
correspondedWith Agassiz, Alexander person
correspondedWith Agassiz, Louis person
associatedWith Airy, George Biddell person
correspondedWith Alden, E. G. person
associatedWith Alden, Lieutenant person
associatedWith Alden, Mr. person
associatedWith Alexander, Barton Stone person
correspondedWith Alexander, J. L. person
correspondedWith Alexander, John H. person
correspondedWith Alexander, Stephen person
correspondedWith Allen, W. H. person
associatedWith Alter, Joseph Henry person
associatedWith American Association For Education corporateBody
correspondedWith American Association For The Advancement Of Science corporateBody
correspondedWith American Philosophical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Andrews, Solomon person
associatedWith Arago, Dominique Francois Jean person
correspondedWith Arey, Henry W. person
associatedWith Astor, William B. person
associatedWith Astronomical Journal corporateBody
correspondedWith Atkinson, George C. person
correspondedWith Babbage, Charles person
correspondedWith Babcock, E. person
correspondedWith Bache, Alexander Dallas person
associatedWith Bache, Franklin person
associatedWith Bache, George M., 1840-1896. person
correspondedWith Bache, Nancy (Mrs. A. D.) person
correspondedWith Bache, R. M. person
correspondedWith Bache, Sophia Burrell Dallas (Mrs. Richard) person
correspondedWith Backus, Truman J. person
associatedWith Badger, George E. person
associatedWith Bailey, Edmund person
correspondedWith Bailey, Jacob Whitman person
associatedWith Bailey, W. H. person
correspondedWith Baily, Francis person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Barclay, James J. person
correspondedWith Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter person
correspondedWith Barnard, Henry person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Jonathan R. person
associatedWith Bartlett, Mr. person
associatedWith Bartlett, W. H. C. person
associatedWith Bassnett, Thomas person
associatedWith Batchelder, John M. person
correspondedWith Beaufort, Francis (Sir) person
correspondedWith Beck, T. Romeyn person
associatedWith Bell, John person
associatedWith Benham, General person
associatedWith Benton, Thomas Hart person
correspondedWith Biddle, James S. person
associatedWith Biddle, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Blackwell, Ann person
correspondedWith Blake, George S. person
associatedWith Bledsoe, Albert Taylor person
associatedWith Blodget, Lorin person
correspondedWith Blunt, Edmund person
correspondedWith Blunt, George William person
correspondedWith Bolta, Anna person
correspondedWith Bond, George P. person
correspondedWith Bonnycastle, A. M. (Mrs. Charles) person
associatedWith Bonnycastle, C. person
associatedWith Booth, John Wilkes person
associatedWith Bowditch corporateBody
correspondedWith Bowditch, J. I. person
correspondedWith Bowen & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Bowen, Francis person
correspondedWith Boyden, Uriah A. person
correspondedWith Boye, M. H. person
associatedWith Bradley, W. A. (Postmaster) person
correspondedWith Brewer, Thomas M., Dr. person
correspondedWith Brewster, David, Sir person
correspondedWith Brisbane, Abbott Hall person
correspondedWith Brodhead, J. R. person
correspondedWith Browning, O. H. person
associatedWith Brown, Solomon G. person
associatedWith Brunet, H. M. person
correspondedWith Bryan, G. M. person
correspondedWith Bryan, P. O. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, James person
associatedWith Butterfield, Daniel person
associatedWith Calderon De La Barca, Angel (Spanish Minister) corporateBody
associatedWith Calhoun, John C. person
associatedWith California corporateBody
associatedWith Cameron, Gilbert person
associatedWith Campbell, Archibald person
correspondedWith Canby, E. R. S. person
associatedWith Capitol Building corporateBody
associatedWith Carnahan, James person
associatedWith Carpenter, Philip Pearsall person
correspondedWith Carroll, Anne E. person
correspondedWith Case, Leonard person
associatedWith Cass, General person
correspondedWith Cassin, John person
associatedWith Cassin, John, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Cass, Lewis person
correspondedWith Caswell, Alexis person
associatedWith Cavendish corporateBody
correspondedWith Chase, Salmon Portland person
correspondedWith Chauvenet, William person
associatedWith Choate, Rufus person
associatedWith Christie, Mr. person
correspondedWith Chubbuck, F. E. R., Prof. person
correspondedWith Clarke, Matthew St. Clair person
correspondedWith Clayton, John M. person
correspondedWith Cobb, Howell person
correspondedWith Coffin, James Henry person
correspondedWith Cogswell, Joseph G. person
correspondedWith Colburn, Joshua Oakes person
correspondedWith Colburn, Mr. person
correspondedWith Collins, T. K. person
correspondedWith Columbian Association Of Teachers, D. C. person
correspondedWith Colwell, S. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Peter person
correspondedWith Cooper, W. W. person
correspondedWith Coquerel, Charles person
associatedWith Corcoran And Riggs corporateBody
associatedWith Corcoran, William Wilson person
associatedWith Corning, Erastus person
correspondedWith Corwin, Thomas person
correspondedWith Cotting, B. E. person
correspondedWith Courtenay, Edward H. person
associatedWith Cram, Thomas Jefferson (Capt.) person
associatedWith Cresson, Ezra T. person
correspondedWith Cresson, John C. person
associatedWith Crystal Palace corporateBody
correspondedWith Cummings, Alexander, + Green person
associatedWith Cushing, Caleb person
associatedWith Cuyler, Theodore person
associatedWith Dallas, George Mifflin person
associatedWith Dallas, William person
correspondedWith Dana, James Dwight person
associatedWith Daniell, John F. person
associatedWith Darwin, Charles person
correspondedWith Davies, Charles person
correspondedWith Davis, Charles Henry person
associatedWith Davis, Col. person
correspondedWith Davis, George L. L. person
correspondedWith Davis, Jefferson person
correspondedWith Dean, George W. person
correspondedWith Dearborn, Henry A. (General) person
correspondedWith Dearne, C. person
associatedWith Delafield, Richard person
associatedWith Delancey, Bishop person
associatedWith Delarue, W. person
correspondedWith Deloutte, J. A. person
correspondedWith Dennis, William C. person
correspondedWith Dix, Dorothea Lynde person
associatedWith Douglass, Frederick person
associatedWith Douglas, Stephen Arnold person
correspondedWith Dow, J. E. person
associatedWith Downing, Andrew J. person
correspondedWith Draper, John W. person
associatedWith Dudley, Blandina person
associatedWith Dudley Observatory corporateBody
associatedWith Dudley Observatory Board Of Trustees corporateBody
associatedWith Dudley Observatory Scientific Council corporateBody
associatedWith Duke Of Wellington corporateBody
correspondedWith Dunglison, Robley person
correspondedWith Duperrey, L. I. person
correspondedWith Duponceau, P. S. person
correspondedWith Dupont, Henry Algernon (Colonel) person
correspondedWith Dupont, Samuel Francis person
correspondedWith Dupont, Sophie Madeleine person
correspondedWith Easter, John D. person
associatedWith Elgin, James Bruce (Lord) person
associatedWith Eliot, Charles W. person
associatedWith Ellet, Charles, Jr. person
associatedWith Elliott, Lt. person
associatedWith Elliott, Mr. person
associatedWith Emmet, Thomas Addis person
correspondedWith Emory, Major person
associatedWith Emory, William Hemsley person
associatedWith English, C. G. person
correspondedWith Espy, James P. person
associatedWith Espy, Margaret (Mrs. James P.) person
associatedWith Ettingshausen, Andreas Von person
correspondedWith Evans, C. E. (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Evans, Dr. person
correspondedWith Everett, Edward person
associatedWith Everett, Mr. person
associatedWith Ewald, Dr. (Gotha) person
associatedWith Ewbank, Thomas person
correspondedWith Faraday, Michael person
associatedWith Fauntleroy, Mr. person
associatedWith Felton, C. C. person
associatedWith Ferguson, James person
correspondedWith Ferguson, John person
associatedWith Ferguson, Mr. person
associatedWith Fessenden, William Pitt person
associatedWith Field, Cyrus W. person
associatedWith Fillmore, Millard person
associatedWith Fish, Hamilton person
correspondedWith Fiske, Daniel Willard person
associatedWith Fisk, Professor (Fish?) person
associatedWith Floyd, John B. person
correspondedWith Forbes, James David person
associatedWith Force, Peter person
correspondedWith Foreman, Edward (Dr.) person
associatedWith Forshey, C. G. person
correspondedWith Forsin, Mr. person
correspondedWith Foster, John person
correspondedWith Foster, John Wells person
correspondedWith Foulke, W. Parker person
correspondedWith Fox, Gustavus Vasa person
correspondedWith Fraley, Frederick person
associatedWith Franklin, Benjamin person
associatedWith Franklin, John, Sir person
correspondedWith Frazer, John Fries person
associatedWith Frazer, Professor person
associatedWith Fremont, John Charles person
correspondedWith French, B. B. person
correspondedWith French, Benjamin F. person
associatedWith French, John H. person
associatedWith Froude, James A. person
associatedWith Gagiello, Mr. person
associatedWith Gale, Leonard D. person
associatedWith Gardner, Dr. person
correspondedWith Gardner, John M. person
correspondedWith Gaut?, Jonathan E. person
associatedWith Gay Lussac, Joseph Louis person
correspondedWith Genth, Frederick Augustus person
correspondedWith Gibbes, Lewis R. person
associatedWith Gibbon, Dr. person
associatedWith Gibbon, Lardner person
correspondedWith Gibbons, Alfred M. person
correspondedWith Gibbs, George person
associatedWith Gibbs, Mr. person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Wolcott person
correspondedWith Gibson, George person
associatedWith Gilbert, S. A. person
correspondedWith Gilliss, James Melville person
associatedWith Gilpin, Miss person
correspondedWith Girard, Charles Frederick person
associatedWith Girard College corporateBody
correspondedWith Glenville, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Gould, Benjamin Apthorp person
correspondedWith Gould, S. C. person
associatedWith Government Hospital For The Insane (St. Eliz.) corporateBody
associatedWith Graham, William Alexander person
associatedWith Grant, Robert (Prof.) person
associatedWith Grant, Ulysses S. person
correspondedWith Gray, Asa person
associatedWith Green, James person
associatedWith Green, Mr. person
associatedWith Greenwell, W. E. person
correspondedWith Guillemand, J. person
correspondedWith Guyot, Arnold person
correspondedWith Habel, Dr. person
correspondedWith Hagedorn, C. F. person
correspondedWith Hagedorn, D. F. person
correspondedWith Hain, Samuel person
correspondedWith Haldeman, Samuel Stehman person
associatedWith Hale, John P. person
correspondedWith Hall, Basil, (Capt.) person
correspondedWith Hall, Charles Francis person
correspondedWith Hall, James person
correspondedWith Hallowell, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Hamilton, William person
correspondedWith Hamilton, William, Sir person
correspondedWith Hamlin, A. Z.? person
associatedWith Hammond, W. A. person
associatedWith Harding, Mr. (Philadelphia) person
correspondedWith Hare, Robert person
associatedWith Harrison, A. M. person
correspondedWith Harrisse, Henry person
associatedWith Harris, W. S. person
correspondedWith Hart, Charles Henry person
correspondedWith Harvard College Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard College Observatory corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard College Overseers corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvey, William Henry person
associatedWith Hassler, Ferdinand R. person
associatedWith Hawley, Gideon person
correspondedWith Hawley, H. Q. person
associatedWith Hawley, H. T. person
associatedWith Hawley, Mr. person
correspondedWith Hayes, Isaac Israel person
correspondedWith Hazard, Sam person
correspondedWith Heberton, Edward P. person
correspondedWith Henry, Harriet Alexander (Henry's Wife) person
associatedWith Henry, Helen Louisa (Henry's Daughter) person
associatedWith Henry, James (Henry's Brother) person
correspondedWith Henry, James, Jr. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Henry, Mary Anna (Henry's Daughter) person
correspondedWith Henry, Morton P. person
correspondedWith Henry, William Alexander (Henry's Son) person
associatedWith Herschel, John, Sir person
correspondedWith Hilgard, Julius Erasmus person
associatedWith Hill, Mr. person
associatedWith Hill, Rev. Thomas person
correspondedWith Hillyer, Junius person
associatedWith Hincks, Dr. person
correspondedWith Hodge, Charles person
associatedWith Hodge, Mr. person
correspondedWith Hodge, William L. person
correspondedWith Hoek, M. person
associatedWith Holmes, Isaac Edward person
associatedWith Holmes, Mr. person
associatedWith Hooper, Samuel person
correspondedWith Hopkins, W. F. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, William Rogers person
correspondedWith Horner, J. person
correspondedWith Horsford, Eben N. person
associatedWith Hough, William J. person
associatedWith Houston, Felix (General) person
correspondedWith Howard, W. A. person
correspondedWith Howell, Robert person
correspondedWith Hubbard, J. S. person
correspondedWith Huff, J. W. person
associatedWith Hulsse, Professor (Dresden) person
correspondedWith Humboldt, F. W. H. Alexander Von person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Chauncy person
correspondedWith Humphreys, A. A. (General) person
correspondedWith Hunt, E. B. person
associatedWith Hunter, General person
associatedWith Hunt, Freeman person
correspondedWith Hun, Thomas (Dr.) person
associatedWith Huntington, Daniel person
associatedWith Hunt, Lt. person
associatedWith Ingalls, James M. person
associatedWith Jackson, Andrew person
correspondedWith Jackson, Charles T. person
associatedWith Jackson, Dr. person
associatedWith Jackson, Isaac person
correspondedWith Jackson, Isaac W. person
associatedWith James, Henry, Sr. person
associatedWith Japan corporateBody
associatedWith Japanese Embassy corporateBody
associatedWith Jenkins, Thornton A. person
correspondedWith Jennings, S. K., Jr. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Jewett, Charles Coffin person
correspondedWith Job, Thomas person
associatedWith Johnson, Andrew person
associatedWith Johnson, Lorenzo person
associatedWith Johnson, Mr. person
correspondedWith Jones, T. P. person
associatedWith Kane, Col. person
associatedWith Kane, Elisha Kent person
correspondedWith Kane, John Kintzing person
associatedWith Kellam, G. A. (B. A.?) person
correspondedWith Kellan, O. A. person
associatedWith Kendall, Amos person
associatedWith Kennedy, John Pendleton person
associatedWith King, Charles person
correspondedWith Kirkpatrick, James A. person
associatedWith Kirkpatrick, Professor person
correspondedWith Klipstein, Louis Frederick person
associatedWith Kohl, George person
associatedWith Lacroix corporateBody
associatedWith Lambdin, Mr. person
associatedWith Lane, J. C. person
correspondedWith Lane, J. H. person
associatedWith Lane, Mr. person
correspondedWith Langdon, William Chauncey person
correspondedWith Lanman, Charles person
correspondedWith Lapham, Increase Allen person
associatedWith Lawrence, Abbott person
associatedWith Lawrence, George N. person
correspondedWith Lea & Blanchard corporateBody
correspondedWith Leconte, John person
correspondedWith Leconte, John Lawrence person
correspondedWith Leconte, Joseph person
associatedWith Lefferts, Mr. person
correspondedWith Lefroy, J. H. person
associatedWith Lenthall, John person
correspondedWith Lesley, Joseph person
correspondedWith Lesley, J. Peter person
correspondedWith Levison, W. Goold person
correspondedWith Lieber, Francis person
correspondedWith Litton, A. person
correspondedWith Littrow, Carl L. Van person
associatedWith Livingston, Robert R. person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Humphrey person
correspondedWith Locke, John person
correspondedWith Lockwood, Rembrandt person
correspondedWith Loomis, Elias person
correspondedWith Lowells, Robert person
associatedWith Ludlow, John person
associatedWith Lyell, Charles, Sir person
associatedWith Lyell, Mr. person
associatedWith Maclean, John (1800 1886) person
correspondedWith Madeira & Cabada corporateBody
associatedWith Mantell, Gideon Algernon person
associatedWith Marcy, William L. person
correspondedWith Markoe, Francis, Jr. person
associatedWith Marsh, Alfred person
associatedWith Marsh, George Perkins person
associatedWith Mason, Charles person
associatedWith Masonic University Of Tennessee corporateBody
associatedWith Mason, Mr. person
correspondedWith Mauran, J. person
correspondedWith Maury, Matthew F. person
correspondedWith Mcblain, Charles H. person
associatedWith Mcclelland, Robert person
associatedWith Mcclellan, George Brinton person
associatedWith Mcculloch, Hugh person
associatedWith Mcculloch, Mr. person
correspondedWith Mcculloh, Richard Sears person
associatedWith Mcdougall, James A. person
correspondedWith Mckee, John H. person
associatedWith Mcknight, Robert person
associatedWith Mcmillan, Dr. person
correspondedWith Mcmurtrie, Falkner person
associatedWith Mcnab, Jonathan person
associatedWith Meacham, James person
correspondedWith Meade, George Gordon person
associatedWith Mechanics Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Mechan, John person
correspondedWith Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham person
correspondedWith Meredith, W. M. person
correspondedWith Meriwether, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Merriam, E. person
correspondedWith Merriwether, Charles person
associatedWith Mills, Clark person
associatedWith Mitchell, H. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, J. K. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Maria person
associatedWith Mitchel, Ormsby Mcknight person
correspondedWith Moesta, Charles (Dr.) person
associatedWith Moneypenny, George W. person
associatedWith Morgan, Lewis Henry person
correspondedWith Morris, Charles person
associatedWith Morris, Commodore person
correspondedWith Morse, Samuel F. B. person
associatedWith Moss, C. B. person
associatedWith Museum Of Comparative Zoology corporateBody
correspondedWith National Academy Of Sciences corporateBody
correspondedWith National Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Nautical Almanac corporateBody
associatedWith Navy Department corporateBody
correspondedWith Newton, H. A. person
correspondedWith Nichol, J. P. person
associatedWith Nicholl, Henry person
correspondedWith Nichols, Julius (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Nicholson, Walter L. person
correspondedWith Nicholson, W. L. person
associatedWith Ohm, Georg Simon person
correspondedWith Olcott, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Ord, George person
correspondedWith Owen, David Dale person
correspondedWith Owen, Robert Dale person
correspondedWith Page, Charles Grafton person
associatedWith Paine, Henry M. person
correspondedWith Palmer?, W. R. person
correspondedWith Parker, J. D. person
associatedWith Parkes, Mr. person
associatedWith Paterson, John person
correspondedWith Patterson, Carlile Pollock person
associatedWith Patterson, Mr. person
correspondedWith Patterson, Robert M. person
associatedWith Peale, Rembrandt corporateBody
correspondedWith Peale, Titian Ramsay person
correspondedWith Pearce, James Alfred (Sen.) person
associatedWith Peclet, J. C. E. person
correspondedWith Peirce, Benjamin person
associatedWith Peirce, Charles Sanders (See Dab) person
correspondedWith Peirce, Sarah H. M. person
correspondedWith Pennybacker, Isaac S. person
associatedWith Peters, Christian H. F. (Prof.) person
correspondedWith Petzholdt, Alexander person
correspondedWith Philips, R. C. person
correspondedWith Phillips, John person
associatedWith Phillips, Professor person
associatedWith Pickering, Charles person
correspondedWith Poe, O. M. (General) person
associatedWith Polk, Leonidas (Bishop) person
correspondedWith Poole, Edward person
associatedWith Porter, David Dixon person
correspondedWith Porter, J. M. person
correspondedWith Potter, Alonzo person
associatedWith Pott, Mr. person
associatedWith Pouillet, C. S. M. person
correspondedWith Pourtales, Louis Francois De (Count) corporateBody
correspondedWith Prichard, John E. person
correspondedWith Princeton University corporateBody
associatedWith Pruyn, Samuel person
associatedWith Putnam, George P. person
associatedWith Quackenbush, George S. person
correspondedWith Quetelet, A. person
associatedWith Randall, John person
correspondedWith Raymond, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Redfield, William C. person
associatedWith Reed, Mr. person
associatedWith Renwick, James, Jr. person
correspondedWith Renwick, James, Sr. person
correspondedWith Reynolds, J. B. person
correspondedWith Rhees, William J. person
correspondedWith Rice, M. T. person
correspondedWith Richards, Benjamin Wood person
correspondedWith Riddell, Charles James Buchanan person
correspondedWith Ripley, George person
correspondedWith Roberts, Edward person
correspondedWith Robinson, A. person
correspondedWith Rockwell, A. P. (Prof.) person
associatedWith Rodgers, Capt. person
associatedWith Rodgers, John person
correspondedWith Rogers, Fairman person
associatedWith Rogers, Henry Darwin person
correspondedWith Rogers, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Rogers, James B. person
associatedWith Rogers, Mr. person
correspondedWith Rogers, William Barton person
associatedWith Rood, O. N. person
associatedWith Royal Geographical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Royal Irish Academy corporateBody
correspondedWith Royal Society Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Roy, J. P. person
correspondedWith Ruggles, S. B. person
associatedWith Rush, Richard person
correspondedWith Sabine, Edward person
associatedWith Sampson, Rev. person
correspondedWith Saward, George person
associatedWith Sawyer, Edward person
associatedWith Saxton, Joseph person
correspondedWith Schaeffer, George C. person
associatedWith Schaeffer, Professor person
correspondedWith Schleiden, Rudolph person
correspondedWith Schofield, John M. person
correspondedWith Schott, Charles Anthony person
correspondedWith Seaton, William Winston person
associatedWith Secchi, Angelo person
correspondedWith Secretary For Colonial Affairs corporateBody
associatedWith Semple, M., Dr. person
correspondedWith Seward, William Henry person
correspondedWith Shepherd, J. Avery person
correspondedWith Sherman, W. T. person
associatedWith Sherman, W. T. (Gen.) person
associatedWith Shubrick, William B. person
correspondedWith Shumard, B. F. person
associatedWith Siljestrom, P. A. person
correspondedWith Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. person
correspondedWith Silliman, Benjamin, Sr. person
correspondedWith Simpson, E. person
associatedWith Smallwood, Charles (Dr.) person
associatedWith Smith, Aug. W. person
correspondedWith Smith, Daniel B. person
correspondedWith Smith, J. L. person
correspondedWith Smith, John Lawrence person
associatedWith Smith, M. L. (Capt.) person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution Board Of Regents corporateBody
associatedWith Smithson, James person
correspondedWith Smith, T. L. person
correspondedWith Smith, T. Thistlethwaite person
correspondedWith Smith, William Prescott person
associatedWith Smythe, William James, Captain person
associatedWith Societe De Geographie corporateBody
associatedWith Sonntag, August person
associatedWith South, James (Sir) person
correspondedWith Sparks, Jared person
associatedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 person
correspondedWith Speed, John J., Jr. person
correspondedWith Spencer, John Canfield person
correspondedWith Spofford, Ainsworth Rand person
correspondedWith Squier, Ephraim George person
correspondedWith Stabler, Edward person
associatedWith Stanton, Edwin Mcmasters person
correspondedWith Star Glass Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Steuart, George H. person
correspondedWith Steuart, George W. person
correspondedWith Stevelly, John person
associatedWith Stevens, Edwin A. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Henry person
correspondedWith Stevens, Isaac I. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Oliver person
associatedWith Stevens, Thaddeus person
associatedWith Stewart, John C. person
associatedWith Stockton, R. F. person
associatedWith Straite, Mr. person
correspondedWith Strong, George Templeton person
correspondedWith Stuart, Alexander H. H. person
associatedWith Sturgeon, William person
correspondedWith Sumner, Charles person
associatedWith Taney, Roger Brooke person
associatedWith Taylor, Mr. person
associatedWith Thilorier, A. person
correspondedWith Thompson, P. person
correspondedWith Tockman, G. person
associatedWith Toronto Observatory corporateBody
correspondedWith Torrey, John person
associatedWith Totten, Joseph Gilbert person
correspondedWith Tourtales, L. F. person
correspondedWith Trowbridge, W. P. person
correspondedWith Tuckerman, Edward person
associatedWith Turner, Professor person
correspondedWith Twining, Alexander C. person
associatedWith Tyler, Samuel person
correspondedWith Tyrrell, Alfred person
correspondedWith Tyson, Bryan person
correspondedWith Tyson, Job Roberts person
correspondedWith Tyson, Philip T. person
correspondedWith Tyssowski, John person
correspondedWith United States Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith University Of Pennsylvania corporateBody
associatedWith University Of The South corporateBody
associatedWith Upham, C. W. person
associatedWith Vail, Alfred person
correspondedWith Varnum, Joseph B., Jr. person
correspondedWith Vaughan, John person
correspondedWith Vaughan, Petty person
correspondedWith Vaughan, William person
associatedWith Venable, Charles S. person
associatedWith Vinton corporateBody
associatedWith Vogt, Mr. (Norway) person
associatedWith Walden, C. C. person
correspondedWith Walker, Carroll person
correspondedWith Walker, James person
associatedWith Walker, Mr. person
associatedWith Walker, Mrs. (A. D. Bache's Sister) person
correspondedWith Walker, R. J. person
correspondedWith Walker, Sears C. person
associatedWith Wallace, H. B. person
associatedWith Walsh, Mr. person
correspondedWith Walter, Thomas U. person
associatedWith Warden, David Bailie person
associatedWith Warner, Hiram, Judge person
associatedWith Warner, William, Rev. person
correspondedWith Warren, William J. person
correspondedWith Washburn, Emory person
correspondedWith Washington Philosophical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Weed, Thurlow corporateBody
correspondedWith Welles, Gideon person
associatedWith Wells, Mr. person
associatedWith West, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Wetherill, Charles Mayer person
associatedWith Wharton, T. I. person
associatedWith Wheatstone, Charles person
correspondedWith Wheeler, George Montague person
correspondedWith Wheeler, R. F. person
associatedWith Wheeler, R. T. person
correspondedWith Whewell, William person
correspondedWith White, E. B. person
correspondedWith White, Julius Bache person
associatedWith White, Mr. person
correspondedWith Whiting, William B. person
associatedWith Whitney, Josiah Dwight person
correspondedWith Wiley + Putnam corporateBody
associatedWith Wilkes, Charles person
correspondedWith Williams, J. L. person
correspondedWith Wilson, H. person
associatedWith Winans, J. J. (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Winlock, Joseph person
associatedWith Wood, Thomas Waterman person
associatedWith Wurdemann, Gustavus person
associatedWith Wurtz, Henry person
associatedWith Wyman, Jeffries person
correspondedWith Wyrick, D. person
correspondedWith Xantus, Janos person
correspondedWith Yandell, L. P. person
correspondedWith Young, Aaron person
associatedWith Young, Mcclintock person
associatedWith Young, Mr. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Tahiti, Pacific Ocean
Albany, New York
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Assoc. For The Advancement Of Science (+ Aagn Etc.)
American Journal Of Science (Silliman's)
American Philosophical Society
Americans On Europe
Applications for positions
Applied Science, General
British Association For The Advancement Of Science
Civil engineering
Civil war
Department Of Agriculture
District of columbia
Dudley Observatory
Economics (Economic Conditions)
Electrical Discharge
Electric charge
Electric currents
Electricity, Static
Steam engines
Ethnology Archaeology Anthropology
Europeans On America
Exchanges Of Publications
Fine Arts
Forces, Conservation And Correlation
Franklin Institute
Henry Family
Henry, Joseph, Personality, Etc
Henry, Joseph, Teaching
Internal improvements
Lectures, Popular
Light House Board
Magnetism, Terrestrial
Matter, Structure Of
National Academy of Sciences
National Institute
National Museum
Natural history
Naval Observatory
Patent Office
Permanent (Naval) Commission
Physical geography
Poles And Polarity
President Of United States
Princeton (College Of New Jersey)
Quackery Or Pseudo Science
Recommendations For Positions
Royal Institution
Royal Society
Saturday Club (Informal Washington Club)
Science In America
Science In Europe
Scientific Method
Scientific organizations
Scientific publications
Smithsonian Art Gallery
Smithsonian Board Of Regents
Smithsonian Building
Smithsonian Endowment
Smithsonian Exchange
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Library
Smithsonian Publications
Smithsonian Weather Service
Surveys And Explorations, General
Treasury Department
University Of New York
University of Pennsylvania
West Point
Wilkes Expedition


Active 1838

Active 1899

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6vj02d9

SNAC ID: 40268294