Leconte, John Lawrence

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Bibliotheque Publique + Universitaire, Geneve. Archives De Saussure.
referencedIn University Of North Carolina, Univ. Libraries, Ms. Dept.. Southern Historical Coll.: Jos. Leconte Pap.
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Administration Other Files.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Columbia University Libraries, Rare Book & Ms. Lib.. Columbia University Mss. 1655 1893 (X973 C72 F).
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. John Fries Frazer Papers.
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Spencer F. Baird Papers (Mc 2000.11).
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Rg 192: Commissary General Of Subsistence.
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections.
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. Aps Archives.
referencedIn Louisiana State University Libraries. Thomas M. Vincent Family Papers (Mss. 3116).
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 32: Office Of The Secretary, Unbound Miscellane.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 52: Assistant Secretary, Incoming Correspondenc.
referencedIn Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867. Alexander Dallas Bache Papers, 1821-1869 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Stanford University Libraries. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. John L. Leconte Papers.
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Mcgill University Archives. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees Papers, 1744-1907 The Huntington Library
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Nas Bound Material.
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Trent Collection.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Alexander, John H. person
correspondedWith Andrews, W. V. person
correspondedWith Bache, Alexander Dallas person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter person
associatedWith Binney, W. G. person
correspondedWith Bristow, Benjamin Helm person
associatedWith Bulard, C. person
correspondedWith Burnam, C. F. person
associatedWith Capron, Horace (General) person
correspondedWith Cardwell, J. R. person
correspondedWith Cassin, John person
associatedWith Collins, T. K. person
correspondedWith Cresson, Ezra T. person
associatedWith Cresson, Professor person
associatedWith Crotch, G. R. person
correspondedWith Dawson, John William person
associatedWith Department Of Agriculture corporateBody
associatedWith Duval, P. S. person
correspondedWith Emory, William Hemsley person
associatedWith Flugel, Felix person
correspondedWith Frazer, John Fries person
correspondedWith Fuller, A. N. person
associatedWith Genth, Frederick Augustus person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Wolcott person
correspondedWith Gilman, Daniel C. person
correspondedWith Girard, C. person
correspondedWith Girard, Charles Frederick person
correspondedWith Gould, Benjamin Apthorp person
correspondedWith Guyot, Arnold person
correspondedWith Haldeman, Samuel Stehman person
correspondedWith Hamilton, C. A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Hartman, W. D. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Waterhouse person
correspondedWith Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Henshaw, S. person
correspondedWith Heysinger, David person
correspondedWith Hilgard, Julius Erasmus person
correspondedWith Huff, J. W. person
associatedWith Hunt, Thomas Sterry person
associatedWith Jayne, Horace F. person
associatedWith Jewett, Charles Coffin person
associatedWith Kemp, W. M. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Larnaudie, F. person
associatedWith Lea, Isaac person
associatedWith Leconte, John person
associatedWith Le Duc, William Gates person
correspondedWith Leidy, Joseph person
correspondedWith Lesley, J. Peter person
associatedWith Lick Observatory corporateBody
correspondedWith Lippincott, J. S. person
correspondedWith Martin, J. person
correspondedWith Maynard, C. J. person
associatedWith Mitchell, S. W. person
correspondedWith Monks, S. P. person
correspondedWith Murray, Andrew person
correspondedWith Newberry, John Strong person
correspondedWith Newton, A. person
associatedWith Ostensacken, C. R. Von (Baron) person
correspondedWith Otis, James person
associatedWith Parry, Charles C. person
associatedWith Patterson, Joseph person
correspondedWith Peabody, E. H. person
associatedWith Peirce, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Price, H. B. person
correspondedWith Rhees, William J. person
correspondedWith Rich, Harvey J. person
correspondedWith Riley, Charles V. person
correspondedWith Ritchie, Alexander L. person
associatedWith Rogers, Fairman person
associatedWith Rogers, Robert Empie person
correspondedWith Salle, A. J. person
correspondedWith Sampson, F. A. person
correspondedWith Saussure, Henri person
associatedWith Say, Thomas person
associatedWith Schaeffer, George C. person
associatedWith Schurz, C. person
correspondedWith Scudder, Samuel Hubbard person
correspondedWith Sheriff, F. A. person
associatedWith Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. person
correspondedWith Sleeper, Frank S. person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Snyder, Howard A. person
correspondedWith Spera, W. H. person
associatedWith St. Clair corporateBody
associatedWith Stuart, Alexander H. H. person
correspondedWith Tenney, Amos B. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Torrey, John person
correspondedWith Ulke, Henry person
associatedWith Ulke, Mr. person
correspondedWith University Of California corporateBody
associatedWith Watson, James C. person
associatedWith Watts, Frederick person
correspondedWith Westcott, O. S. person
correspondedWith West, W. S. person
associatedWith Whitney, Josiah Dwight person
associatedWith Wilkes, Charles person
correspondedWith Woodward, Joseph Janvier person
associatedWith Zimmerman, C. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Zoological Society Of Philadelphia corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Scientific publications



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