Emergency committee in aid of displaced foreign scholars

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The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars was formed in New York City in 1933 by American academicians for the purpose of employing refugee German scholars in American institutions.

Many of these refugee scholars were Jews displaced by the National Socialist government. The Committee disbanded in 1945.

From the description of Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars records, 1927-1949 (bulk 1933-1945). (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 122571141

The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars was formed in New York City in 1933 for the purpose of employing refugee German scholars in American institutions. Many of the refugee scholars were Jews displaced by the National Socialist government. The Committee came into existence through the efforts of a small group of academics and philanthropists in New York City. In May of 1933, Alfred E. Cohn, Bernard Flexner, and Fred M. Stein contacted Stephen Duggan, the director of the Institute of International Education, to discuss the possibility of creating an organization to assist German scholars fleeing to the United States. These four men formed the organizing committee that became the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars. Felix Warburg and Alan Gregg served as advisors to the organizers and helped gain support from other refugee and philanthropic organizations. Livingston Farrand became Chairman of the Committee; Stephen Duggan became its Secretary, and after the death of Farrand, its Chairman; and Fred M. Stein became its Treasurer. Edward R. Murrow served as Assistant Secretary until 1935, followed by John H. Whyte (1935-1937), Betty Drury (1937-1944) and finally, by Francis Fenton Park (1945). Professor Nelson P. Meade and Professor L.C. Dunn were added to Messers. Farrand, Stein and Duggan to form an Executive Committee.

The Committee was in operation for twelve years and served to raise funds on behalf of refugee scholars. Relief was not made directly to the scholars, rather, funds were made available through a program of grants-in-aid to colleges, universities, and other institutions and later through fellowships that served mainly artists and writers. These funds were provided mainly through foundations, although many individuals did make significant contributions.

In 1938, as Nazi aggression spread throughout Europe, the Committee broadened the scope of its mission to include refugee scholars from all countries overrun by the Nazi armies. The Committee changed its name to the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars, in order to reflect this new mission.

Over the course of twelve years, the Committee provided grants for 335 scholars and assisted many others through references to other assistance organizations. The Committee disbanded in 1945.

Sources Duggan, Stephen and Betty Drury. The Rescue of Science and Learning. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1948.

From the guide to the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars records, 1927-1949, 1933-1945, (The New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division.)

German-born dance critic and historian Artur Ferdinand Michel (1883-1946) was a journalist and scholar who immigrated to the United States after the Nazi rise to power, settling in New York, where he became a reviewer for the German-language newspaper Aufbau and wrote articles that appeared in Dance Magazine and other publications. Born in Barmen, Germany, Michel attended universities in Tübingen and Berlin, and received his doctorate from the Universität Jena. He originally studied language and literature, but later became interested in theater and dance. Michel pursued a career in journalism, working for two newspapers, Magdeburgische Zeitung (1913-1915) and Deutsche allgemeine Zeitung (1920-1922), primarily as an art, book, and theater reviewer, but after becoming an editor and critic for Berlin's Vossische Zeitung (1922-1934), he extended his coverage to dance as well, documenting the vibrant German dance scene. According to his curriculum vitae, Michel estimated that he had published more than one thousand articles in newspapers, periodicals, and books by the early 1940s. In addition to his newspaper work and interest in contemporary dance, Michel traveled extensively in Europe between 1920 and 1936, studying art, folk dance, and ballet history in France, Italy, and Austria. He also lived and worked for almost a year in Portugal and Spain, filing a series of cultural reports for German newspapers from 1927-1928.

Michel sought to leave Germany during the mid-1930s, and with the assistance of relatives in New York, he had obtained a landing permit for Cuba by late 1938, intending to stay in Havana until he could be admitted to the United States under its immigration quota. Michel arrived in New York in June 1941 and soon found work writing dance and theater reviews for Aufbau, which served the city's German Jewish population. Through his position on the newspaper, and as a result of reconnecting with fellow émigrés, such as Hanya Holm, he was able to familiarize himself with many developments in American dance. In late 1942, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars awarded Michel a twelve-month fellowship to complete work on a book, Der Tanz auf der Bühne: Geschichte des Theatertanzes seit der Renaissance ( History of the Theatre Dance from the Renaissance to the Present Day ), that he had begun in Germany. He hoped that the book (which he envisioned as a text book of sorts) would help him to secure lecture work and a teaching position. Although he initially was unsuccessful in finding a publisher for the finished work, Michel, who had been instrumental in organizing an American effort to honor Mary Wigman on her sixtieth birthday, seemed well on his way to establishing himself within the American dance community before his sudden death in 1946.

From the guide to the Artur Michel papers, 1832-1987, 1920-1946, (The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Ullmann, Ludwig, 1887-. Correspondence with Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel, 1942-1948. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Ehrenstein, Albert, 1886-1950. Correspondence with Alma Mahler, Franz Werfel, and Adolf Klarmann, ca. 1913-1964. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars. Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars records. 1927-1949. New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Fritz Reiche Collection, 1928-2005, bulk 1939-1969 Leo Baeck Institute.
referencedIn Organization collection, 1915-1953. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Michel, Artur. Artur Michel papers, 1832-1987 (bulk 1920-1946) New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars. Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars records, 1927-1949 (bulk 1933-1945). New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Artur Michel papers, 1832-1987, 1920-1946 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Ruth Fischer papers, 1925-1961 (inclusive) 1940-1961 (bulk) Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abel, Emil person
associatedWith Abeles, Paul person
associatedWith Abraham, Adolfine person
associatedWith Abraham, Hans A. person
associatedWith Abraham, Hans F. person
associatedWith Abraham, Leon J. person
associatedWith Abraham, Martin person
associatedWith Abrahamson, Albert person
associatedWith Abrahamson, Ernst person
associatedWith Abrahamson, Hans person
associatedWith Abramowitsch, Marc person
associatedWith Academic Assistance Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz person
associatedWith Adam, Leonhard person
associatedWith Adamov, Arthur person
associatedWith Adler, Arno person
associatedWith Adler, Erich person
associatedWith Adler, Erwin person
associatedWith Adler, Franz person
associatedWith Adler, Friedrich person
associatedWith Adler, Georg person
associatedWith Adler, Hans person
associatedWith Adler, Hugo person
associatedWith Adler, Jacob person
associatedWith Adler, Karl person
associatedWith Adler, Klara person
associatedWith Adler, Max person
associatedWith Adolf, Helene person
associatedWith Adorno, Theodor W. person
associatedWith Afanasiev, N. N. person
associatedWith Aftalion, Albert person
associatedWith Agafonov, V. V. person
associatedWith Aghib Levi D'Ancona, Flora person
associatedWith Aglion, Raoul person
associatedWith Ahrendt, Richard person
associatedWith Ajo, Enrica person
associatedWith Akzin, Benjamin person
associatedWith Albeck, Chanoch / Hanokh person
associatedWith Albers, Anni person
associatedWith Albers, Josef person
associatedWith Albornoz, Claudio Sanchez person
associatedWith Albrecht, Maximilian person
associatedWith Aldanov, Iswolsky person
associatedWith Alewyn, Richard person
associatedWith Alexander, Ernst person
associatedWith Alexander, Ferdinand person
associatedWith Alexander, Paul person
associatedWith Alexander, Paul Julius person
associatedWith Alexich, George Maria von person
associatedWith Allers, Rudolf person
associatedWith Allina, Franz Karl person
associatedWith Allina, Heinrich person
associatedWith Alsberg, Paul person
associatedWith Altaner, Berthold person
associatedWith Alter, George person
associatedWith Alt, Franz person
associatedWith Altman, Eva person
associatedWith Altmann, Berthold person
associatedWith Altmann, John person
associatedWith Altmann, Siegfried person
associatedWith Altschul, Eugen person
associatedWith Amann, Paul person
associatedWith Ameln, Conrad person
associatedWith American Christian Committee for Refugees, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith American Friends Service Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Ancel, Jacques person
associatedWith Ancel, Marc person
associatedWith Andersen, Irmagard person
associatedWith Anders, Günther person
associatedWith Angyal, Andras person
associatedWith Anigstein, Ludwik person
associatedWith Anker, Alfons person
associatedWith Anker, Heinrich person
associatedWith Anrod, Charles W. person
associatedWith Ansbacher, F. person
associatedWith Anschuetz, Gerhardt person
associatedWith Anspach, Rosa person
associatedWith Ansprenger, Aloys person
associatedWith Anstreicher, Kurt person
associatedWith Antal, Friedrich person
associatedWith Apelbaum, Willi person
associatedWith Apelt, Friedrich person
associatedWith Apelt, Willbalt person
associatedWith Apel, Willi person
associatedWith Apolant, Hilde H. person
associatedWith Appel, Herbert H. K. A. person
correspondedWith Appleget, Thomas Baird person
associatedWith Archenhold, Günter person
associatedWith Arctowski, Henryk person
associatedWith Arendt, Hannah person
associatedWith Arendt, Herbert person
associatedWith Arens, Franz person
associatedWith Argelander, Annelies person
associatedWith Argentina, 1888-1936 person
associatedWith Aris, Reinhold person
associatedWith Arminski, Herman person
associatedWith Arndt, Fritz person
associatedWith Arndt, Reinhold person
associatedWith Arnheim, Rudolf person
associatedWith Arnsdorff, Ursula person
associatedWith Aron, Erich person
associatedWith Aron, Françoise person
associatedWith Aron, Hans person
associatedWith Aron, Max person
associatedWith Aron, Ruth person
associatedWith Aronson, Naoum person
associatedWith Artom, Camillo person
associatedWith Artune, F. Schwarz person
associatedWith Arvidson, Stellan person
associatedWith Arys, Renhold person
associatedWith Arzt, Leopold person
associatedWith Ascarelli, Tullio person
associatedWith Aschaffenburg, Gustav person
associatedWith Aschaffenburg, Rudolf person
associatedWith Asch, Berta person
associatedWith Aschenbrenner, Rudolf person
associatedWith Ascher, Anita person
associatedWith Aschheim-Baruchson, Lydia person
associatedWith Aschheim, Selmar person
associatedWith Ascoli, Alberto person
associatedWith Ascoli, G. person
associatedWith Ascoli, Max person
associatedWith Asensio, Manuel person
associatedWith Askenasy, Paul person
associatedWith Aster, Ernst von person
associatedWith Aubel, Eugène person
associatedWith Auber, Ludwig person
associatedWith Aubin, Gustav person
associatedWith Audubert, René person
associatedWith Auerbach, Alfred person
associatedWith Auerbach, Erich person
associatedWith Auerbach, W. person
associatedWith Auernheimer, Raoul person
associatedWith Aufhäuser, David person
associatedWith Aufricht, Hans person
associatedWith Augenfeld, Felix person
associatedWith Auger, Pierre person
associatedWith Auxentieff, Nicolai Dmitrivich person
associatedWith Avel, Marcel person
associatedWith Averardi, Franco Bruno person
associatedWith Avietenaite, Madeleine person
correspondedWith Aydelotte, Frank person
associatedWith Baade, Fritz person
associatedWith Bab, Hans person
associatedWith Bab, Herbert J. G. person
associatedWith Babinger, Franz person
associatedWith Bab, Julius person
associatedWith Bach, Hans Israel person
associatedWith Bachhofer, Ludwig person
associatedWith Bach-Michael, Suse person
associatedWith Baczewski, Alexander person
associatedWith Badt, B. person
associatedWith Baerensprung, H. W. person
associatedWith Baer, Kathi person
associatedWith Baer, Kurt Stefan person
associatedWith Baer, Marcel de person
associatedWith Baer, Reinhold person
associatedWith Baerwald, Hans person
associatedWith Baerwald, Hans Georg person
associatedWith Baer, Werner person
associatedWith Baer, Yitzhak person
associatedWith Baginsky, Paul Ben person
associatedWith Baier, Aenne person
associatedWith Baird, Alexander person
associatedWith Bak, Adolf person
associatedWith Balet, Leo person
associatedWith Ball, Erna person
associatedWith Balling, Franz X. Z. person
associatedWith Balling, Maria Louisa person
associatedWith Ball, Kurt person
associatedWith Ballon, Hedda person
associatedWith Balogh, Elemér person
associatedWith Bamberger, Seligmann Baer person
associatedWith Banse, Ewald person
associatedWith Barail, Louis person
associatedWith Barasch, Irene person
associatedWith Barb, Alphons Augustinus person
associatedWith Barer, Anna person
associatedWith Bär, Franz person
associatedWith Barger, George person
associatedWith Bargmann, Valentine person
associatedWith Barkan, Georg person
associatedWith Bar, Nelli person
associatedWith Barocas, Vinicio person
associatedWith Baron, Hans person
associatedWith Barschak, Erna person
associatedWith Barschak, Lotte person
associatedWith Barschall, Hermann person
associatedWith Barth, Karl person
associatedWith Bartók, Béla person
associatedWith Baruch, Bernard person
associatedWith Baruch, Gerth-Wolfgang person
associatedWith Baruch, Willy person
associatedWith Baruzi, Jean person
associatedWith Basanoff, Vsevolod person
associatedWith Basch, Alfred person
associatedWith Basch, Antony person
associatedWith Basedow, Frederic person
associatedWith Bassani, Eugenia person
associatedWith Bass, Robert person
associatedWith Báti, László person
associatedWith Battaillon, Marcel person
associatedWith Batzner, Ludwig person
associatedWith Bauch, P. person
associatedWith Bauer, Edmond person
associatedWith Bauer, Felix person
associatedWith Bauer, Henri François person
associatedWith Bauer, Hugo person
associatedWith Bauer, Richard person
associatedWith Bauer, Robert Albert person
associatedWith Bauer, Theodore Th. person
associatedWith Bauer, Wilhelm person
associatedWith Bauer, Willy person
associatedWith Baule, Bernhard person
associatedWith Baumann, Kurt person
associatedWith Bäumer, Gertrud person
associatedWith Baumgardt, David person
associatedWith Baumgardt, Ernst person
associatedWith Baumgartel, Elise J. person
associatedWith Baumgärtel, Traugott person
associatedWith Baumgartner, Wilhelm person
associatedWith Baum, Julius person
associatedWith Baum, Ludwig person
associatedWith Baum, Marie person
associatedWith Baur, Franz person
associatedWith Baykoff, Alexander M. person
associatedWith Bazin, Marcel person
associatedWith Bechhold, Heinrich person
associatedWith Beck, Alfons Clemens Maria person
associatedWith Beckerath, Herbert von person
associatedWith Becker, August person
associatedWith Becker, G. person
associatedWith Becker, Hans person
associatedWith Becker, Julius person
associatedWith Beck, Fritz person
associatedWith Beck, Guido person
associatedWith Becking, Lawrence person
associatedWith Beck, Maximilian person
associatedWith Beck, Vera Fischerova person
associatedWith Beck, Walter person
associatedWith Beckwith, W. Hunter person
associatedWith Beer, Arthur person
associatedWith Beer, Ferdinand Pierre person
associatedWith Beer, Fritz person
associatedWith Beer, Gustav person
associatedWith Beer-Hofmann, Richard person
associatedWith Beer, Peter person
associatedWith Beger, Walter person
associatedWith Behrend, Felix person
associatedWith Behrendt, Eduard person
associatedWith Behrendt, Hans person
associatedWith Behrendt, Richard Fritz person
associatedWith Behrendt, Walter Curt person
associatedWith Beigel, Hugo G. person
associatedWith Beimler, Johann person
associatedWith Bein, Alex person
associatedWith Beiser, Arthur person
associatedWith Bekier, Edward person
associatedWith Bekker, Herbert G. person
associatedWith Bekker, Konrad person
associatedWith Bekker, Paul person
associatedWith Belimbau, Annamaria person
associatedWith Belime-Coueroy, André person
associatedWith Benario, Leo person
associatedWith Benatt, Alfred person
associatedWith Benda, Clemens Ernst person
associatedWith Benda, Robert person
associatedWith Bendemann, Margarete von person
associatedWith Bendien, John person
associatedWith Benedek, Therese person
associatedWith Benedetti, A. person
associatedWith Benedetti, Sergio de person
associatedWith Benedikt, Elliot T. person
associatedWith Benedikt, Ernst person
associatedWith Benedikt, Francis person
associatedWith Benedikt, Tiberio person
associatedWith Benesch, Otto person
associatedWith Benfey, Renate person
associatedWith Bénichou, Paul person
associatedWith Benisovitch, Michel person
associatedWith Benjamin, Erich person
associatedWith Benjamin, W. person
associatedWith Bennedik, Frank person
associatedWith Benoit, Jacques person
associatedWith Benoit-Lévy, Jean person
associatedWith Benrubi, Isaak person
associatedWith Benton, Irene Sanya person
associatedWith Bentwich, Norman, 1883-1971. person
associatedWith Beran, Hugo person
associatedWith Beran, Marianne person
associatedWith Beran, Oscar person
associatedWith Berczeller, Arpad person
associatedWith Berczeller, Ladislaus person
associatedWith Berdiaev, Nikolai person
associatedWith Berend, Eduard person
associatedWith Berendsohn, Rolf person
associatedWith Berendsohn, Walter Arthur person
associatedWith Berent, Margarete person
associatedWith Bergauer, Ernest A. person
associatedWith Bergel, Alice person
associatedWith Bergel, Franz person
associatedWith Bergel, Kurt person
associatedWith Bergel, Lienhard person
associatedWith Berger, Adolf person
associatedWith Berger, Anna H. person
associatedWith Berger, Erich person
associatedWith Berger, Georg person
associatedWith Berger, Klaus person
associatedWith Berger, Peter person
associatedWith Berger, Rudolf person
associatedWith Berger-Voesendorf, Alfred Viktor person
associatedWith Berger, W. person
associatedWith Berger, Walter person
associatedWith Bergh, Simon van den person
associatedWith Berg, Kurt N. person
associatedWith Bergmann, Anna person
associatedWith Bergmann, Arthur person
associatedWith Bergmann, Ernst David person
associatedWith Bergmann, Ernst Walter person
associatedWith Bergmann, Gustav person
associatedWith Bergmann, Max person
associatedWith Bergmann, Peter Gabriel person
associatedWith Bergmann, Stefan person
associatedWith Bergmann, Walter person
associatedWith Bergson, Curt person
associatedWith Bergson, Egon person
associatedWith Bergson, Henri person
associatedWith Bergsträsser, Arnold person
associatedWith Bergsträsser, Ludwig person
associatedWith Bergsträsser, Martin person
associatedWith Berg, Wolfgang Friedrich person
associatedWith Berl, Ernst person
associatedWith Berliner, Rudolf person
associatedWith Berl, Walter George person
associatedWith Berman, Johann person
associatedWith Bernas, Ginette person
associatedWith Bernath, Louis person
associatedWith Bernays, Paul person
associatedWith Berney, Arnold person
associatedWith Bernhard, Georg person
associatedWith Bernhard, Rudolf Karl person
associatedWith Bernhaut, Roman person
associatedWith Bernheimer, Richard person
associatedWith Bernheim, Manfred person
associatedWith Bernstein, Felix person
associatedWith Bernstein, Fritz person
associatedWith Bernstein, Grete person
associatedWith Bernstein, Rudolf person
associatedWith Bernstein, Ulrich person
associatedWith Bernt, Hans H. Atkinson person
associatedWith Berolzheimer, Josef person
associatedWith Bers, Lipman person
associatedWith Berstein, S. person
associatedWith Bersu, Gerhard person
associatedWith Bertalanffy, Ludwig von person
associatedWith Bertheim, Curt S. person
associatedWith Berthold, M. person
associatedWith Berveiller, Michel person
associatedWith Berwin, Beate person
associatedWith Beschoren, Bernhard person
associatedWith Bethe, Hans Albrecht person
associatedWith Beth, Erich W. person
associatedWith Beth, Karl person
associatedWith Beth, Marianne person
associatedWith Bettelheim, Bruno person
associatedWith Bettelheim, Ernst person
associatedWith Bettelheim, Max G. person
associatedWith Bettmann, Ernst person
associatedWith Bettmann, Otto person
associatedWith Beutler, Ernst person
associatedWith Beutler, Hans person
associatedWith Beyer, Charles J. person
associatedWith Beyer, Emil person
associatedWith Beyer, Richard person
associatedWith Beyer, Ruth person
associatedWith Bezdek, Vladimír person
associatedWith Biancalani-Schapira, Giselda person
associatedWith Bickerman, Elias Joseph person
associatedWith Bidal-Baudier, Marie-Louise person
associatedWith Bieber, Hanna person
associatedWith Bieber, Hugo person
associatedWith Bieber, Kurt person
associatedWith Bieber, Margarete person
associatedWith Biedermann, M. M. person
associatedWith Biel, Egon Vitalis person
associatedWith Bieler, Ludwig person
associatedWith Biel, Erwin Reinhold person
associatedWith Bielschowsky, Alfred A. person
associatedWith Bielschowsky, Franz person
associatedWith Bielschowsky, Max person
associatedWith Bielschowsky, Ulrich Eduard person
associatedWith Bielski, Hilda person
associatedWith Bien, Ernst person
associatedWith Bienert, Gerda person
associatedWith Bier, Justus person
associatedWith Biese, Walter person
associatedWith Bihl, Josef Konrad Ludwig person
associatedWith Bikerman, Jacob Joseph person
associatedWith Binner, Walther person
associatedWith Birch, Leo person
associatedWith Birkenmajer, Józef person
associatedWith Birnbaum, Bruno person
associatedWith Birnbaum, Karl person
associatedWith Birnbaum, Salomo A. person
associatedWith Birnbaum, William Z. person
associatedWith Birnbaum, Zygmund William person
associatedWith Birstein, Vera person
associatedWith Biržiška, Vaclovas person
associatedWith Bischitzky, Fritz Leopold person
associatedWith Blach, Friedrich person
associatedWith Blandon, Richard R. person
associatedWith Blankenstein, A. person
associatedWith Blank, Fritz person
associatedWith Blaschko, Hermann person
associatedWith Blattberg, Wolf person
associatedWith Blau, Albert person
associatedWith Blau, Bernhard person
associatedWith Blau, Marietta person
associatedWith Blaustein, Arthur person
associatedWith Blauth, Heinrich person
associatedWith Blessing, Georg person
associatedWith Blinoff, Marthe person
associatedWith Blitz-Bennitt, Hans person
associatedWith Bloch, Alfred person
associatedWith Bloch, Alfred N. person
associatedWith Bloch, Brunhilde person
associatedWith Bloch, Curt F. person
associatedWith Bloch, Dorothy person
associatedWith Bloch, Ernst person
associatedWith Bloch, Felix person
associatedWith Bloch, Gérald person
associatedWith Bloch, Herbert person
associatedWith Bloch, Hugo person
associatedWith Bloch, Käthe person
associatedWith Bloch, Konrad Emil person
associatedWith Bloch, Kurt person
associatedWith Bloch, L. person
associatedWith Blochmann, Elisabeth person
associatedWith Bloch, Marc Léopold Benjamin person
associatedWith Bloch, Robert H. person
associatedWith Bloch, Simon Jakob person
associatedWith Bloch, Werner person
associatedWith Block, Frederick person
associatedWith Blondeel, Edouard person
associatedWith Blossfeld, Willy person
associatedWith Blühdorn, Kurt person
associatedWith Bluhm, Agnes person
associatedWith Bluhm, Rose person
associatedWith Blüh, Otto person
associatedWith Bluman, Ernst person
associatedWith Blum-Bergmann, Ottilie person
associatedWith Blume, Bernhard person
associatedWith Blume, Carola person
associatedWith Blumenfeld, Walter person
associatedWith Blumenthal, A. O. person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Bernhard person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Ferdinand person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Franz person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Herman person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Hermann person
associatedWith Blumenthal-Knoll, Samson person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Otto person
associatedWith Blumenthal, Willy person
associatedWith Blum, Victor person
associatedWith Bobek, Felix person
associatedWith Bobek, Hans person
associatedWith Bochner, Salomon person
associatedWith Bock, Georg person
associatedWith Bodenheimer, Hector person
associatedWith Bodenheimer, Wolf person
associatedWith Bodenstein, Dietrich person
associatedWith Bodky, Erwin person
associatedWith Boehme, Traugott person
associatedWith Boehm, Werner W. person
associatedWith Boenheim, Curt person
associatedWith Boernstein, Walter person
associatedWith Bohnstedt, Werner A. person
associatedWith Bohr, Nils person
associatedWith Bolander, Karl S. person
associatedWith Bolgar, Hedda person
associatedWith Bonaventura, Enzo Joseph person
associatedWith Bondi, Alfred person
associatedWith Bondi, Jonas person
associatedWith Bondy, Curt person
associatedWith Bondy, Emilie person
associatedWith Bondy, Ernst person
associatedWith Bondy, H. Fritz person
associatedWith Bondy, J. A. person
associatedWith Bondy, Otto person
associatedWith Bondy, Wolfgang person
associatedWith Bonfante, Julian Hugo person
associatedWith Bonhoeffer, Karl Friedrich person
associatedWith Bonn, Moritz Julius person
associatedWith Bonward, H. von person
associatedWith Borchardt, Curt person
associatedWith Borchardt, Helena person
associatedWith Borchardt, Hermann person
associatedWith Borchardt, Moritz person
associatedWith Borel, Emile person
associatedWith Borghi, Alma person
associatedWith Borghi, Lamberto person
associatedWith Borinski, Fritz person
associatedWith Borinski, Ludwig person
associatedWith Borkenau, Franz person
associatedWith Born, Max person
associatedWith Bornstein, Emil von person
associatedWith Born, Wolfgang person
associatedWith Borochowicz, Elly Bruecker person
associatedWith Borowy, Waclaw person
associatedWith Bosch, Clemens person
associatedWith Bosch, Heinrich W. C. person
associatedWith Bosse, Käthe person
associatedWith Bothmer, Bernard V. person
associatedWith Botsiber, Georg person
associatedWith Bounine, Ivan person
associatedWith Bourquin, Maurice person
associatedWith Bouryanine, Igor person
associatedWith Bouscharain, Pierre person
associatedWith Bousquet, Georges person
associatedWith Boveri, Robert M. person
associatedWith Bowinkel, Attilio person
associatedWith Boyazoglu, Alexander J. person
associatedWith Boyedon, Oscar Hugh de person
associatedWith Boye, Erich person
associatedWith Boynet, Emma person
associatedWith Bozzol, Joseph A. person
associatedWith Bracken, Helmut von person
associatedWith Bramsted, Ernest Kohn person
associatedWith Brand, Charlotte person
associatedWith Brand, Irwin person
associatedWith Brand, Max person
associatedWith Brandner, Marie person
associatedWith Brändström, Elsa person
associatedWith Brandt, Arthur person
associatedWith Brand, Theodor von person
associatedWith Brandt, Karl person
associatedWith Brandt, Klaus Erich person
associatedWith Brandt, Walter person
associatedWith Brann, Gunther person
associatedWith Brann, Hedwig person
associatedWith Brann, Helmut person
associatedWith Brann, Henry Walter person
associatedWith Branton, Peter Dmitri person
associatedWith Brasch, Arno person
associatedWith Brasch, Hans D. person
associatedWith Brassloff, Friedrich person
associatedWith Brassloff, Stephan person
associatedWith Brauch, Arthur person
associatedWith Brauer, Alfred Theodore person
associatedWith Brauer, Max person
associatedWith Brauer, Richard person
associatedWith <