Modigliani, Franco.

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From the description of Franco Modigliani papers, 1936-2005 and n.d. (bulk 1970s-2003) (Duke University Library). WorldCat record id: 62256414

  • 1918 June 18: Born in Rome, Italy
  • circa 1935: Entered the University of Rome (Law)
  • 1938: Emigrated to Paris, France
  • 1939 May: Married Serena Calabi
  • 1939: Returned to Rome and received the Juris Doctorate, University of Rome
  • 1939 Aug.: Emigrated to the United States
  • 1939: Awarded free tuition fellowship by the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science of the New School for Social Research (Fall)
  • 1942: Instructor in Economics and Statistics, New Jersey College of Women
  • 1942 - 1944 : Instructor, Associate in Economics and Statistics, Bard College
  • 1943 - 1944 : Lecturer in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, New School for Social Research
  • 1944: Publication of his first article: "Liquidity Preference and the Theory of Interest and Money," Econometrica, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1944
  • 1944: Doctor of Social Science, New School for Social Research, New York
  • 1945 - 1948 : Research Associate and Chief Statistician, Institute of World Affairs, New School for Social Research, New York
  • 1946 - 1948 : Assistant Professor of Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, New School for Social Research, New York
  • 1948: Awarded the Political Economy Fellowship of the University of Chicago
  • 1949 - 1954 : Research Consultant, Cowles Commission for Research in Economics, University of Chicago
  • 1949: Associate Professor of Economics, University of Illinois
  • 1950 - 1952 : Professor of Economics, University of Illinois
  • 1952 - 1960 : Professor of Economics and Industrial Administration, Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon University)
  • 1953: Published with H. Neisser National Incomes and International Trade, University of Illinois Press, Chicago
  • 1955: Fulbright Lecturer, Universities of Rome and Palermo, Italy
  • 1957 - 1958 : Visiting Professor of Economics, Harvard University
  • 1958: Publication of "New Developments on the Oligopoly Front," Journal of Political Economy, vol. 66, June 1958
  • 1958: Published with M. H. Miller "The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment," American Economic Review, vol. 48, June 1958
  • 1960 - 1961 : Visiting Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 1960 - 1962 : Professor of Economics, Northwestern University
  • 1962 - 2003 : Professor of Economics and Finance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 1962: Elected President of the Econometric Society
  • 1963: Publication with Albert K. Ando of "The 'Life Cycle' Hypothesis of Saving: Aggregate Implications and Tests," American Economic Review, vol. 53, March 1963.
  • 1969 - 1973 : Member, Comitato per le Scienze Politiche e Sociali (COSPOS), representing SSRC
  • 1970 - 1988 : Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 1974 - 2003 : Member, Consiglio Italiano per le Scienze Sociali
  • 1975 - 1976 : President-Elect and President of the American Economic Association
  • 1985: Awarded Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science
  • 1987: Published The European Economic Recovery - A Need for New Policies?
  • 1988 - 2003 : Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2001: Published memoirs, Adventures of an Economist (first published in Italian)
  • 2003 Sept. 25: Died in Boston at age 85
  • 2004: Posthumous publication with Arun Muralidhar of Rethinking Pension Reform

From the guide to the Franco Modigliani Papers, 1936-2005 and undated, bulk 1970s-2003, (David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Milgram, Morris 1916, Morris Milgram papers 1923-1994, undated Historical Society of Pennsylvania
creatorOf Modigliani, Franco. Franco Modigliani papers, 1936-2005 and n.d. (bulk 1970s-2003) Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars. Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars records. 1927-1949. New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Miller, Merton H. Papers, 1941-2002 Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
referencedIn Miller, Merton H. Merton H. Miller papers, 1941-2002 (inclusive). University of Chicago Library
referencedIn John Ptak Computer Science Book Collection, 1891-1987 (bulk 1940-1965) North Carolina State University. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Franco Modigliani Papers, 1936-2005 and undated, bulk 1970s-2003 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Don Patinkin Papers, 1870-1995 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith A. Ando person
associatedWith A. Auerbach person
correspondedWith Abramovitz, Moses person
correspondedWith Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei corporateBody
associatedWith A. Dean person
associatedWith Advisory Committee on Monetary Statistics corporateBody
associatedWith A. Fazio person
associatedWith A. J. Brown person
associatedWith Albert Ando person
associatedWith Alex Cukerman person
correspondedWith Allais, Maurice person
associatedWith A. Mason person
correspondedWith Ambrosetti Studio corporateBody
associatedWith American Finance Association corporateBody
associatedWith A. Modigliani person
correspondedWith and CIEPLAN Centro de Estudios de Planificacion Nacional corporateBody
associatedWith Andersen, Lepnall person
associatedWith Ando, A. person
correspondedWith Ando, Albert person
associatedWith Ando, Albert. person
associatedWith André Modigliani person
correspondedWith Arcelli, Mario person
correspondedWith Argandoa, Antonio person
correspondedWith Ariel, Robert person
associatedWith Arlie Sterling person
correspondedWith Arrow, Kenneth J. person
associatedWith A. Sinai person
correspondedWith Askari, Hossein person
correspondedWith Aspe, Pedro person
correspondedWith Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts corporateBody
correspondedWith Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts AICUM corporateBody
correspondedWith Associazione per il Progresso Economico corporateBody
associatedWith A. Sterling person
associatedWith Athanasios Koilakos person
correspondedWith Bach, G. Lee and Bill Cooper person
correspondedWith Baffi, Pablo person
correspondedWith Baldassarri, Mario person
associatedWith Baldassarri, Mario, 1946- person
correspondedWith Balderstone, Fred person
correspondedWith Banca Commerciale Italiana corporateBody
correspondedWith Banca d'Italia corporateBody
correspondedWith Banca Intesa corporateBody
correspondedWith Banca Popolare di Bergamo corporateBody
correspondedWith Banco di Roma corporateBody
associatedWith Bank for International Settlements corporateBody
associatedWith Bank of Italy corporateBody
correspondedWith Baquerizo, Roldolfo, Jr. person
correspondedWith Barbone, Lucy person
correspondedWith Bard College corporateBody
correspondedWith Barucci, Piero (Siena, Italy) person
correspondedWith Baz, Jamil person
correspondedWith Bentolila, Samuel person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Peter person
associatedWith B. Friedman person
correspondedWith Bhagwati, Jagdish person
correspondedWith Bischoff, Charles W. person
associatedWith Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) Division of Federal Reserve Bank Operations. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boateng, Ras A. person
correspondedWith Bomski, Tadeusz person
correspondedWith Bordogna, Lorenzo person
associatedWith Bossons, John D., 1936- person
associatedWith Boston Federal corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Federal Reserve Board corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Lyric Opera Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Brandeis University corporateBody
correspondedWith Bresciani, Turroni person
correspondedWith Brigham Young University corporateBody
correspondedWith Brookings Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Brumber person
correspondedWith Brumberg, Richard and Carl Christ person
correspondedWith Bruni, Franco person
correspondedWith Brunner, Karl person
correspondedWith Brynjolfsson, John person
correspondedWith Calabresi, Gian Franco person
correspondedWith Cao, Larry Shi person
correspondedWith Caporale, Rocco person
correspondedWith Capponi, Giampiero person
correspondedWith Carnegie Bosch Institute Advisory Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Cassa Marca corporateBody
correspondedWith Castiglionesi, Fabio person
associatedWith C. Bischoll person
correspondedWith Center for Economic Research corporateBody
correspondedWith Center for European Policy Studies: Macroeconomic Group corporateBody
correspondedWith Center for European Studies: Harvard corporateBody
correspondedWith Centro Studi di Politica Economica corporateBody
correspondedWith Ceprini, Luisa person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Edward person
associatedWith C. H. Baum person
correspondedWith Cherian, Matthew person
correspondedWith Chernoff, Herman (Statistics Center) person
associatedWith C. Holt person
correspondedWith Class Editori corporateBody
correspondedWith Clumenti, Domenico person
correspondedWith Cohn, Richard person
correspondedWith Colombo, Umberto person
correspondedWith Committee on Developing American Capitalism corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on Visual Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori corporateBody
correspondedWith Consiglio Italiano per le Scienze Sociali corporateBody
correspondedWith Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian version of the National Science Foundation) corporateBody
correspondedWith Contini, Bruno person
correspondedWith Council of Economic Advisers corporateBody
correspondedWith Cox, Donald person
correspondedWith Cozzi, Terenzio person
associatedWith C. Steindel person
correspondedWith Daum, Audrey person
correspondedWith Davidson, Paul person
associatedWith D. Brombaugh person
associatedWith D. Cohen person
associatedWith D. De La Torre Ungarte person
associatedWith D. DiPasquale person
correspondedWith De Boissieu, Christian person
correspondedWith Debreu, Gerard person
correspondedWith de Menil, George person
correspondedWith de Quinto, Javier person
associatedWith D. Holland person
correspondedWith Diamond, Peter person
correspondedWith Dino De Poli person
associatedWith D. Jaffee person
associatedWith D. Lessard person
correspondedWith Domar, Evsey D. person
associatedWith Don Patinkin person
correspondedWith Drèze, Jacques person
associatedWith Drèze, Jacques H. person
correspondedWith Eastern Economic Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Eberstadt, Walter person
correspondedWith Econometric Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Economic Policy Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Economists Against the Arms Race corporateBody
correspondedWith Edwards, Jack person
correspondedWith Einaudi Editore corporateBody
correspondedWith Eisner, Robert person
correspondedWith Eliasson, Gunnar person
correspondedWith Elsevier Science corporateBody
associatedWith Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars corporateBody
associatedWith E. Tarantelli person
correspondedWith European Economic Association corporateBody
associatedWith Ezio Tarantelli person
correspondedWith Fabozzi, Frank person
associatedWith Fama, Eugene person
correspondedWith Fanjul, Oscar person
correspondedWith Fazio, Antonio person
associatedWith F. Cotula person
associatedWith F. de Leeuw person
associatedWith Federal Reserve Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Reserve Board corporateBody
correspondedWith Feiwel, George person
associatedWith F. Fabozzi person
associatedWith F. Giavazzi person
correspondedWith Fitoussi, Jean-Paul person
associatedWith F. Modigliani person
correspondedWith Forsyth, Douglas person
correspondedWith Foxley, Alejandro person
associatedWith F. Padoa-Schioppa person
correspondedWith Francesco, Franco person
correspondedWith Frank Raines person
correspondedWith Franz, Juergen person
associatedWith Frederic?) Mishkin person
correspondedWith Friedman, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Friedman, Milton person
associatedWith F. Steindl person
correspondedWith Gallegati, Mauro person
correspondedWith Gasparini, Innocenzo person
correspondedWith Gates, Jeff person
correspondedWith Giavazzi, Francesco person
correspondedWith Gillies, Grazia person
associatedWith Giorgio La Malfa person
correspondedWith Giovannini, Albert person
correspondedWith Gorga, Carmine person
associatedWith Goss, Stephen person
associatedWith G. P. Galli person
associatedWith G. Pogue person
correspondedWith Grunberg, Emile person
correspondedWith Gruppo Esponenti Italiani corporateBody
associatedWith Hahn person
correspondedWith Hall, Bob person
correspondedWith Harnett, William J. person
correspondedWith Hart, Albert person
associatedWith H. Askari person
correspondedWith Heflebower, Richard person
correspondedWith Henin, P. Y. person
correspondedWith Hickman, Bert person
associatedWith H. Jacoby person
correspondedWith Horioka, Charles person
correspondedWith Horn and Company corporateBody
associatedWith H. Shapiro person
correspondedWith Hsu, Michelle person
correspondedWith Hurd, Michael person
correspondedWith Indian Institute of Finances corporateBody
correspondedWith Ingrao, Bruna person
correspondedWith Institute for International Economics corporateBody
correspondedWith Institute for Social Research corporateBody
correspondedWith International Association of Financial Engineers corporateBody
correspondedWith International Center for Advanced Economic Research corporateBody
associatedWith International Economic Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith International Monetary Fund corporateBody
correspondedWith International Network for Economic Method corporateBody
correspondedWith Invernizzi, Emanuele person
correspondedWith Istituto Italiano Di Credito Fondiano corporateBody
correspondedWith Istituto per l'Assistenza allo Sviluppo del Mezzogiorno corporateBody
associatedWith Jacob Marschak person
correspondedWith Jacques Drèze person
associatedWith Jagdish Bhagwati person
associatedWith James Tobin person
correspondedWith Jappelli, Tullio person
correspondedWith Jaszi, George person
associatedWith J. Barthand person
associatedWith J. Drze person
associatedWith J. H. Ciccolo person
correspondedWith Jimenez, Josephine person
correspondedWith Jin, Zhongxia person
associatedWith J. Kearl person
associatedWith J. Makin person
correspondedWith Jorgensen, Dale and Barbara Fraumeni person
correspondedWith Jozzo, Alfonso person
associatedWith J. P. Cooper person
associatedWith J-P. Fitoussi person
associatedWith Kenneth Arrow person
correspondedWith Kisselgoff, Avram person
correspondedWith Klein, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Koopmans, Tjalling person
correspondedWith Kotlikoff, Laurence person
correspondedWith Kouri, Pentti (obsolete) person
associatedWith Kourmandi's person
associatedWith K. Rosen person
correspondedWith Kuh, Edwin person
correspondedWith Kuznets, Simon person
correspondedWith La Malfa, Giorgio person
correspondedWith Layard, Richard person
associatedWith L. Buttiglione person
associatedWith Leah Modigliani person
correspondedWith Leijonhufvud, Axel person
correspondedWith Leontief, Wassily person
correspondedWith Lerner, Abba person
correspondedWith Levi-Montalcini, Rita person
correspondedWith Levy Economics Institute corporateBody
associatedWith L. Kotlikoff person
correspondedWith Lombardi, Alessandro person
correspondedWith L. Papademos person
associatedWith L. Summers person
correspondedWith Lubell, Harold person
associatedWith Lucio Izzo person
correspondedWith Lundberg, Gertrud person
correspondedWith Lybeck, Johan person
correspondedWith Lybeck, Johann person
associatedWith Malinvaud person
associatedWith Mario Baldassarri person
correspondedWith Marschak, Jacob person
correspondedWith Mason, Andrew person
correspondedWith Massachusetts Congressional Delegation corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Economics. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mayer, Thomas person
correspondedWith M. Baldassarri person
associatedWith M. Ceprini person
associatedWith M. Durand person
correspondedWith Mediocredito Centrale corporateBody
correspondedWith Menges, Dr. person
associatedWith Merton Miller person
associatedWith M. Feldstein person
associatedWith M. Ferri person
associatedWith M. Gibson person
associatedWith Milgram, Morris 1916- person
associatedWith Miller, Merton H. person
associatedWith Miller, Merton H. person
associatedWith MIT corporateBody
correspondedWith MIT Industrial Liaison Program corporateBody
associatedWith M. Keran person
associatedWith M. Norman person
correspondedWith Modigliana town person
correspondedWith Modigliani, Andr person
correspondedWith Modigliani, Leah person
associatedWith Modigliani, Serena. person
associatedWith Modigliani, Sergio person
correspondedWith Monti, Mario person
correspondedWith Morgan, Guaranty person
correspondedWith Moynihan, Patrick person
associatedWith M. Pagano person
associatedWith M. Scholes person
correspondedWith Muralidhar, Arun person
correspondedWith Musumeci, Giuseppe person
correspondedWith Nasrallah, May person
correspondedWith National Academy of Science corporateBody
correspondedWith National Academy of Science, clipping of MIT faculty awarded membership corporateBody
associatedWith National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) corporateBody
correspondedWith National Science Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith National Science Foundation (U.S.) corporateBody
correspondedWith New Jersey College for Women corporateBody
correspondedWith Nihon Keizai Shimbun person
correspondedWith Noera, Mario person
associatedWith N. Rossi person
associatedWith NSF corporateBody
associatedWith Owens, Jim person
correspondedWith Owers, Jim person
correspondedWith Padoa-Schioppa, Fiorella person
correspondedWith Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso person
correspondedWith Pagano, Marco person
associatedWith Paolo Sylos Labini person
correspondedWith Papademos, Lucas person
correspondedWith Pasinetti, Luigi person
correspondedWith Patinkin, Don person
associatedWith Paul Davidson person
associatedWith Paul Samuelson person
correspondedWith Pavesi, Alberto (Instituto di Credito Fondiario delle Venezie) person
associatedWith P. Bernstein person
correspondedWith Perotti, Enrico person
associatedWith Peter Diamond person
associatedWith Peter Kenen person
associatedWith P. Healy person
correspondedWith Picker, Hans person
correspondedWith Pierides, Ioannis person
associatedWith P. Kouri person
correspondedWith Pogue, Gerry person
correspondedWith Porterba, James person
associatedWith Ptak, John F. person
correspondedWith RAI Corporation Italian Radio TV System corporateBody
associatedWith R. Cohen person
correspondedWith R. Cohn person
correspondedWith Ren, Huaixiu person
associatedWith R. Heilbroner person
associatedWith R. Hill person
correspondedWith Rie, Daniel person
associatedWith Robert Hall person
associatedWith Robert Merton person
associatedWith Robert Shiller person
associatedWith Robert Solow person
correspondedWith ROCHE Hoffman-La Roche, Inc. agreement corporateBody
correspondedWith Romero-Maura, Joaquin person
correspondedWith Rousselot, John H. person
associatedWith R. Rasche person
associatedWith R. Shiller person
associatedWith R. Solow person
correspondedWith R. Sutch person
correspondedWith Salvemini, Gaetano person
associatedWith Samuelson, Paul A. (Paul Anthony), 1915-2009. person
correspondedWith Sato, Ryuzo person
correspondedWith Schultze, Charles person
correspondedWith Schumpeter, Joseph person
associatedWith Schwartz person
correspondedWith Serena Modigliani person
associatedWith S. Fischer person
associatedWith S. Fisher person
correspondedWith Shapiro, Eli person
correspondedWith Shiskin, Julius person
correspondedWith Showalter, Mark person
associatedWith S. Hymans person
associatedWith Sidney Weintraub person
correspondedWith Simha, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Simon, Herbert person
correspondedWith Sinclair, Peter person
correspondedWith S. L. Cao person
correspondedWith Sloan Business and Public Policy Group corporateBody
correspondedWith Sloan School of Management, MIT corporateBody
correspondedWith Solow, Robert person
correspondedWith Sonnino, Edward person
correspondedWith Soros, George person
correspondedWith Spilimbergo, Antonio person
correspondedWith Spingardi, Tomaso person
correspondedWith Sterling, Arlie person
correspondedWith Stigler, George person
correspondedWith St. John's University corporateBody
correspondedWith Summer Institute for International Cooperation (Jan Tinbergen) corporateBody
correspondedWith Sylos Labini, Paolo person
correspondedWith Szeg, Giorgio person
correspondedWith Tantazzi, Angelo person
correspondedWith Taylor, John person
correspondedWith Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund TIAA-CREF corporateBody
correspondedWith Tel-Aviv International School of Management TISOM, International Academic Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Tellez, Luis person
correspondedWith Thieme, Christopher person
correspondedWith Tintner, Gerhard person
associatedWith T. Jappelli person
associatedWith T. Juster person
correspondedWith Tobin, James person
associatedWith Tobin, James, 1918-2002. person
associatedWith Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa person
associatedWith T. Padoa-Schioppa person
correspondedWith Trezza, Bruno person
associatedWith Tullio Jappelli person
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Treasury. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Reserve Board. corporateBody
correspondedWith Universidade Nova de Lisboa corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Islamabad corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia corporateBody
correspondedWith Velsquez, Jose person
correspondedWith Vigorelli, Giuseppe person
correspondedWith Visentini, Bruno person
correspondedWith Vitagliano, Francis person
correspondedWith Weintraub, Sidney person
correspondedWith Worms, Andreas person
correspondedWith Wurzburger, Ben person
associatedWith W. Weber person
correspondedWith Yamashita, Hiroaki person
correspondedWith Yashiro, Hiroko person
associatedWith Yeager person
correspondedWith Young, Warren person
correspondedWith Zironi, Alberto person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
European Economic Community countries
Economic history 20th century
Economic stabilization
Fiscal policy
Inflation (Finance)
Interest rates
International finance
Monetary policy
Pension trusts
Savings accounts
Social security


Birth 1918-06-18

Death 2003-09-25





Ark ID: w6kp8ht0

SNAC ID: 36070333