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Information: The first column shows data points from Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872 in red. The third column shows data points from Halleck, H. L. in blue. Any data they share in common is displayed as purple boxes in the middle "Shared" column.
Name Entries
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, H. L.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Computed Name Heading
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Surname :
Forename :
Henry Wager
- Name Entry
- Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
- Name Entry
- Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
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Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
Halleck, Henry, 1815-1872
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Surname :
Forename :
Date :
- Name Entry
- Halleck, Henry, 1815-1872
- Name Entry
- Halleck, Henry, 1815-1872
Halleck, H. L.
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Halleck, H. L.
- Name Entry
- Halleck, H. L.
- Name Entry
- Halleck, H. L.
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
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- Male
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- Exist Dates
- Exist Dates
- Exist Dates
Halleck was born on a farm in Westernville, Oneida County, New York, third child of 14 of Joseph Halleck, a lieutenant who served in the War of 1812, and Catherine Wager Halleck. Young Henry detested the thought of an agricultural life and ran away from home at an early age to be raised by an uncle, David Wager of Utica. He attended Hudson Academy and Union College, then the United States Military Academy. He became a favorite of military theorist Dennis Hart Mahan and was allowed to teach classes while still a cadet. He graduated in 1839, third in his class of 31 cadets, as a second lieutenant of engineers. After spending a few years improving the defenses of New York Harbor, he wrote a report for the United States Senate on seacoast defenses, Report on the Means of National Defence, which pleased General Winfield Scott, who rewarded Halleck with a trip to Europe in 1844 to study European fortifications and the French military. Returning home a first lieutenant, Halleck gave a series of twelve lectures at the Lowell Institute in Boston that were subsequently published in 1846 as Elements of Military Art and Science. His work, one of the first expressions of American military professionalism, was well received by his colleagues and was considered one of the definitive tactical treatises used by officers in the coming Civil War. His scholarly pursuits earned him the (later derogatory) nickname "Old Brains."
During the Mexican–American War, Halleck was assigned to duty in California. During his seven-month journey on the transport USS Lexington around Cape Horn, assigned as aide-de-camp to Commodore William Shubrick, he translated Henri Jomini's Vie politique et militaire de Napoleon, which further enhanced his reputation for scholarship. He spent several months in California constructing fortifications, then was first exposed to combat on November 11, 1847, during Shubrick's capture of the port of Mazatlán; Lt. Halleck served as lieutenant governor of the occupied city. He was awarded a brevet promotion to captain in 1847 for his "gallant and meritorious service" in California and Mexico. (He would later be appointed captain in the regular army on July 1, 1853.) He was transferred north to serve under General Bennet Riley, the governor general of the California Territory. Halleck was soon appointed military secretary of state, a position which made him the governor's representative at the 1849 convention in Monterey where the California state constitution was written. Halleck became one of the principal authors of the document. The California State Military Museum writes that Halleck "was [at the convention] and in a lone measure its brains because he had given more studious thought to the subject than any other, and General Riley had instructed him to help frame the new constitution." He was nominated during the convention to be one of two men to represent the new state in the United States Senate, but received only enough votes for third place. During his political activities, he found time to join a law firm in San Francisco, Halleck, Peachy & Billings, which became so successful that he resigned his commission in 1854. The following year, he married Elizabeth Hamilton, granddaughter of Alexander Hamilton and sister of Union general Schuyler Hamilton. Their only child, Henry Wager Halleck, Jr., was born in 1856, and died in 1882.
Halleck became a wealthy man as a lawyer and land speculator, and a noted collector of "Californiana." He obtained thousands of pages of official documents on the Spanish missions and colonization of California, which were copied and are now maintained by the Bancroft Library of the University of California, the originals having been destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire. He built the Montgomery Block, San Francisco's first fireproof building, home to lawyers, businessmen, and later, the city's Bohemian writers and newspapers. He was a director of the Almaden Quicksilver (mercury) Company in San Jose, president of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, a builder in Monterey, and owner of the 30,000 acre (120 km²) Rancho Nicasio in Marin County, California. But he remained involved in military affairs and by early 1861 he was a major general of the California Militia.
As the Civil War began, Halleck was nominally a Democrat and was sympathetic to the South, but he had a strong belief in the value of the Union. His reputation as a military scholar and an urgent recommendation from Winfield Scott earned him the rank of major general in the regular army, effective August 19, 1861, making him the fourth most senior general (after Scott, George B. McClellan, and John C. Frémont). He was assigned to command the Department of the Missouri, replacing Frémont in St. Louis on November 9, and his talent for administration quickly sorted out the chaos of fraud and disorder left by his predecessor. He set to work on the "twin goals of expanding his command and making sure that no blame of any sort fell on him."
Historian Kendall Gott described Halleck as a department commander:
Although he had impressive credentials, Henry Halleck was not an easy man to work for. The nature of his job and his personality often provoked antagonism, hatred, and contempt. Halleck's strengths were organizing, coordinating, planning, and managing. He could also advise and suggest, and he sometimes ordered subordinates where and when to make a move, but he never was comfortable doing it himself. Halleck seldom worked openly, and as a department commander, he was always at headquarters, separated and aloof from the men. His decisions were the result of neither snap judgments nor friendly discussion, but calculated thinking. He was also prone to violent hatred and never cultivated close relationships. Overall, he generated no love, confidence, or respect.
— Kendall D. Gott, Where the South Lost the War
Halleck established an uncomfortable relationship with the man who would become his most successful subordinate and future commander, Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. The pugnacious Grant had just completed the minor, but bloody, Battle of Belmont and had ambitious plans for amphibious operations on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Halleck, by nature a cautious general, but also judging that Grant's reputation for alcoholism in the prewar period made him unreliable, rejected Grant's plans. However, under pressure from President Lincoln to take offensive action, Halleck reconsidered and Grant conducted operations with naval and land forces against Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862, capturing both, along with 14,000 Confederates.
Grant had delivered the first significant Union victory of the war. Halleck obtained a promotion for him to major general of volunteers, along with some other generals in his department, and used the victory as an opportunity to request overall command in the Western Theater, which he currently shared with Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, but which was not granted. He briefly relieved Grant of field command of a newly ordered expedition up the Tennessee River after Grant met Buell in Nashville, citing rumors of renewed alcoholism, but soon restored Grant to field command (pressure by Lincoln and the War Department may have been a factor in this about-face). Explaining the reinstatement to Grant, Halleck portrayed it as his effort to correct an injustice, not revealing to Grant that the injustice had originated with him. When Grant wrote to Halleck suggesting "I must have enemies between you and myself," Halleck replied, "You are mistaken. There is no enemy between you and me."
Halleck's department performed well in early 1862, driving the Confederates from the state of Missouri and advancing into Arkansas. They held all of West Tennessee and half of Middle Tennessee. Grant, not yet aware of the political maneuvering behind his back, regarded Halleck as "one of the greatest men of the age" and Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman described him as the "directing genius" of the events that had given the Union cause such a "tremendous lift" in the previous months. This performance can be attributed to Halleck's strategy, administrative skills, and his good management of resources, and to the excellent execution by his subordinates—Grant, Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis at Pea Ridge, and Maj. Gen. John Pope at Island Number 10. Military historians disagree about Halleck's personal role in providing these victories. Some offer him the credit based on his overall command of the department; others, particularly those viewing his career through the lens of later events, believe that his subordinates were the primary factor.
On March 11, 1862, Halleck's command was enlarged to include Ohio and Kansas, along with Buell's Army of the Ohio, and was renamed the Department of the Mississippi. Grant's Army of the Tennessee was attacked on April 6 at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, in the Battle of Shiloh. With reinforcements from Buell, on April 7 Grant managed to repulse the Confederate Army under Generals Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard, but at high cost in casualties. Pursuant to an earlier plan, Halleck arrived to take personal command of his massive army in the field for the first time. Grant was under public attack over the slaughter at Shiloh, and Halleck replaced Grant as a wing commander and assigned him instead to serve as second-in-command of the entire 100,000 man force, a job which Grant complained was a censure and akin to an arrest. Halleck proceeded to conduct operations against Beauregard's army in Corinth, Mississippi, called the Siege of Corinth because Halleck's army, twice the size of Beauregard's, moved so cautiously and stopped daily to erect elaborate field fortifications; Beauregard eventually abandoned Corinth without a fight.
In the aftermath of the failed Peninsula Campaign in Virginia, President Lincoln summoned Halleck to the East to become General-in-Chief of all the Union armies, as of July 23, 1862. Lincoln hoped that Halleck could prod his subordinate generals into taking more coordinated, aggressive actions across all of the theaters of war, but he was quickly disappointed, and was quoted as regarding him as "little more than a first rate clerk." Grant replaced Halleck in command of most forces in the West, but Buell's Army of the Ohio was separated and Buell reported directly to Halleck, as a peer of Grant. Halleck began transferring divisions from Grant to Buell; by September, four divisions had moved, leaving Grant with 46,000 men.
In Washington, Halleck continued to excel at administrative issues and facilitated the training, equipping, and deployment of thousands of Union soldiers over vast areas. He was unsuccessful, however, as a commander of the field armies or as a grand strategist. His cold, abrasive personality alienated his subordinates; one observer described him as a "cold, calculating owl." Historian Steven E. Woodworth wrote, "Beneath the ponderous dome of his high forehead, the General would gaze goggle-eyed at those who spoke to him, reflecting long before answering and simultaneously rubbing both elbows all the while, leading one observer to quip that "the great intelligence he was reputed to possess must be located in his elbows." This disposition also made him unpopular with the Union press corps, who criticized him frequently.
Halleck, more a bureaucrat than a soldier, was able to impose little discipline or direction on his field commanders. Strong personalities such as George B. McClellan, John Pope, and Ambrose Burnside routinely ignored his advice and instructions. A telling example of his lack of control was during the Northern Virginia Campaign of 1862, when Halleck was unable to motivate McClellan to reinforce Pope in a timely manner, contributing to the Union defeat at the Second Battle of Bull Run. It was from this incident that Halleck fell from grace. Abraham Lincoln said that he had given Halleck full power and responsibility as general in chief. "He ran it on that basis till Pope's defeat; but ever since that event he has shrunk from responsibility whenever it was possible."
In Halleck's defense, his subordinate commanders in the Eastern Theater, whom he did not select, were reluctant to move against General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia. Many of his generals in the West, other than Grant, also lacked aggressiveness. And despite Lincoln's pledge to give the general in chief full control, both he and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton micromanaged many aspects of the military strategy of the nation. Halleck wrote to Sherman, "I am simply a military advisor of the Secretary of War and the President, and must obey and carry out what they decide upon, whether I concur in their decisions or not. As a good soldier I obey the orders of my superiors. If I disagree with them I say so, but when they decide, is my duty faithfully to carry out their decision."
On March 12, 1864, after Ulysses S. Grant, Halleck's former subordinate in the West, was promoted to lieutenant general and general in chief, Halleck was relegated to chief of staff, responsible for the administration of the vast U.S. armies. Grant and the War Department took special care to let Halleck down gently. Their orders stated that Halleck had been relieved as general in chief "at his own request."
Now that there was an aggressive general in the field, Halleck's administrative capabilities complemented Grant nicely and they worked well together. Throughout the arduous Overland Campaign and Richmond-Petersburg Campaign of 1864, Halleck saw to it that Grant was properly supplied, equipped, and reinforced on a scale that wore down the Confederates. He agreed with Grant and Sherman on the implementation of a hard war toward the Southern economy and endorsed both Sherman's March to the Sea and Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's destruction of the Shenandoah Valley. However, the 1864 Red River Campaign, a doomed attempt to occupy Eastern Texas, had been advocated by Halleck, over the objections of Nathaniel P. Banks, who commanded the operation. When the campaign failed, Halleck claimed to Grant that it had been Banks' idea in the first place, not his - an example of Halleck's habit of deflecting blame.
Still, his contributions to military theory are credited with encouraging a new spirit of professionalism in the army.
After Grant forced Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, Halleck was assigned to command the Military Division of the James, headquartered at Richmond. He was present at Lincoln's death and a pall-bearer at Lincoln's funeral. He lost his friendship with General William T. Sherman when he quarreled with him over Sherman's tendency to be lenient toward former Confederates. In August 1865 he was transferred to the Division of the Pacific in California, essentially in military exile. While holding this command he accompanied photographer Eadweard Muybridge to the newly purchased Russian America. He and Senator Charles Sumner are credited with applying the name "Alaska" to that region. In March 1869, he was assigned to command the Military Division of the South, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky.
Henry Halleck became ill in early 1872 and his condition was diagnosed as edema caused by liver disease. He died at his post in Louisville. He is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery, in Brooklyn, New York, and is commemorated by a street named for him in San Francisco and a statue in Golden Gate Park. He left no memoirs for posterity and apparently destroyed his private correspondence and memoranda. His estate at his death showed a net value of $474,773.16 ($10,132,450.52 in 2019 dollars). His widow, Elizabeth, married Col. George Washington Cullum in 1875. Cullum had served as Halleck's chief of staff in the Western Theater and then on his staff in Washington.
- BiogHist
- BiogHist
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- Same-As Relation
- article for Henry Halleck, viewed July 2, 2020
<p>Halleck was born on a farm in Westernville, Oneida County, New York, third child of 14 of Joseph Halleck, a lieutenant who served in the War of 1812, and Catherine Wager Halleck. Young Henry detested the thought of an agricultural life and ran away from home at an early age to be raised by an uncle, David Wager of Utica. He attended Hudson Academy and Union College, then the United States Military Academy. He became a favorite of military theorist Dennis Hart Mahan and was allowed to teach classes while still a cadet. He graduated in 1839, third in his class of 31 cadets, as a second lieutenant of engineers. After spending a few years improving the defenses of New York Harbor, he wrote a report for the United States Senate on seacoast defenses, Report on the Means of National Defence, which pleased General Winfield Scott, who rewarded Halleck with a trip to Europe in 1844 to study European fortifications and the French military. Returning home a first lieutenant, Halleck gave a series of twelve lectures at the Lowell Institute in Boston that were subsequently published in 1846 as Elements of Military Art and Science. His work, one of the first expressions of American military professionalism, was well received by his colleagues and was considered one of the definitive tactical treatises used by officers in the coming Civil War. His scholarly pursuits earned him the (later derogatory) nickname "Old Brains."</p> <p>During the Mexican–American War, Halleck was assigned to duty in California. During his seven-month journey on the transport USS Lexington around Cape Horn, assigned as aide-de-camp to Commodore William Shubrick, he translated Henri Jomini's Vie politique et militaire de Napoleon, which further enhanced his reputation for scholarship. He spent several months in California constructing fortifications, then was first exposed to combat on November 11, 1847, during Shubrick's capture of the port of Mazatlán; Lt. Halleck served as lieutenant governor of the occupied city. He was awarded a brevet promotion to captain in 1847 for his "gallant and meritorious service" in California and Mexico. (He would later be appointed captain in the regular army on July 1, 1853.) He was transferred north to serve under General Bennet Riley, the governor general of the California Territory. Halleck was soon appointed military secretary of state, a position which made him the governor's representative at the 1849 convention in Monterey where the California state constitution was written. Halleck became one of the principal authors of the document. The California State Military Museum writes that Halleck "was [at the convention] and in a lone measure its brains because he had given more studious thought to the subject than any other, and General Riley had instructed him to help frame the new constitution." He was nominated during the convention to be one of two men to represent the new state in the United States Senate, but received only enough votes for third place. During his political activities, he found time to join a law firm in San Francisco, Halleck, Peachy & Billings, which became so successful that he resigned his commission in 1854. The following year, he married Elizabeth Hamilton, granddaughter of Alexander Hamilton and sister of Union general Schuyler Hamilton. Their only child, Henry Wager Halleck, Jr., was born in 1856, and died in 1882.</p> <p>Halleck became a wealthy man as a lawyer and land speculator, and a noted collector of "Californiana." He obtained thousands of pages of official documents on the Spanish missions and colonization of California, which were copied and are now maintained by the Bancroft Library of the University of California, the originals having been destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire. He built the Montgomery Block, San Francisco's first fireproof building, home to lawyers, businessmen, and later, the city's Bohemian writers and newspapers. He was a director of the Almaden Quicksilver (mercury) Company in San Jose, president of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, a builder in Monterey, and owner of the 30,000 acre (120 km²) Rancho Nicasio in Marin County, California. But he remained involved in military affairs and by early 1861 he was a major general of the California Militia.</p> <p>As the Civil War began, Halleck was nominally a Democrat and was sympathetic to the South, but he had a strong belief in the value of the Union. His reputation as a military scholar and an urgent recommendation from Winfield Scott earned him the rank of major general in the regular army, effective August 19, 1861, making him the fourth most senior general (after Scott, George B. McClellan, and John C. Frémont). He was assigned to command the Department of the Missouri, replacing Frémont in St. Louis on November 9, and his talent for administration quickly sorted out the chaos of fraud and disorder left by his predecessor. He set to work on the "twin goals of expanding his command and making sure that no blame of any sort fell on him."</p> <p>Historian Kendall Gott described Halleck as a department commander:</p> <p>Although he had impressive credentials, Henry Halleck was not an easy man to work for. The nature of his job and his personality often provoked antagonism, hatred, and contempt. Halleck's strengths were organizing, coordinating, planning, and managing. He could also advise and suggest, and he sometimes ordered subordinates where and when to make a move, but he never was comfortable doing it himself. Halleck seldom worked openly, and as a department commander, he was always at headquarters, separated and aloof from the men. His decisions were the result of neither snap judgments nor friendly discussion, but calculated thinking. He was also prone to violent hatred and never cultivated close relationships. Overall, he generated no love, confidence, or respect.</p> <p>— Kendall D. Gott, Where the South Lost the War</p> <p>Halleck established an uncomfortable relationship with the man who would become his most successful subordinate and future commander, Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. The pugnacious Grant had just completed the minor, but bloody, Battle of Belmont and had ambitious plans for amphibious operations on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Halleck, by nature a cautious general, but also judging that Grant's reputation for alcoholism in the prewar period made him unreliable, rejected Grant's plans. However, under pressure from President Lincoln to take offensive action, Halleck reconsidered and Grant conducted operations with naval and land forces against Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862, capturing both, along with 14,000 Confederates.</p> <p>Grant had delivered the first significant Union victory of the war. Halleck obtained a promotion for him to major general of volunteers, along with some other generals in his department, and used the victory as an opportunity to request overall command in the Western Theater, which he currently shared with Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, but which was not granted. He briefly relieved Grant of field command of a newly ordered expedition up the Tennessee River after Grant met Buell in Nashville, citing rumors of renewed alcoholism, but soon restored Grant to field command (pressure by Lincoln and the War Department may have been a factor in this about-face). Explaining the reinstatement to Grant, Halleck portrayed it as his effort to correct an injustice, not revealing to Grant that the injustice had originated with him. When Grant wrote to Halleck suggesting "I must have enemies between you and myself," Halleck replied, "You are mistaken. There is no enemy between you and me."</p> <p>Halleck's department performed well in early 1862, driving the Confederates from the state of Missouri and advancing into Arkansas. They held all of West Tennessee and half of Middle Tennessee. Grant, not yet aware of the political maneuvering behind his back, regarded Halleck as "one of the greatest men of the age" and Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman described him as the "directing genius" of the events that had given the Union cause such a "tremendous lift" in the previous months. This performance can be attributed to Halleck's strategy, administrative skills, and his good management of resources, and to the excellent execution by his subordinates—Grant, Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis at Pea Ridge, and Maj. Gen. John Pope at Island Number 10. Military historians disagree about Halleck's personal role in providing these victories. Some offer him the credit based on his overall command of the department; others, particularly those viewing his career through the lens of later events, believe that his subordinates were the primary factor.</p> <p>On March 11, 1862, Halleck's command was enlarged to include Ohio and Kansas, along with Buell's Army of the Ohio, and was renamed the Department of the Mississippi. Grant's Army of the Tennessee was attacked on April 6 at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, in the Battle of Shiloh. With reinforcements from Buell, on April 7 Grant managed to repulse the Confederate Army under Generals Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard, but at high cost in casualties. Pursuant to an earlier plan, Halleck arrived to take personal command of his massive army in the field for the first time. Grant was under public attack over the slaughter at Shiloh, and Halleck replaced Grant as a wing commander and assigned him instead to serve as second-in-command of the entire 100,000 man force, a job which Grant complained was a censure and akin to an arrest. Halleck proceeded to conduct operations against Beauregard's army in Corinth, Mississippi, called the Siege of Corinth because Halleck's army, twice the size of Beauregard's, moved so cautiously and stopped daily to erect elaborate field fortifications; Beauregard eventually abandoned Corinth without a fight.</p> <p>In the aftermath of the failed Peninsula Campaign in Virginia, President Lincoln summoned Halleck to the East to become General-in-Chief of all the Union armies, as of July 23, 1862. Lincoln hoped that Halleck could prod his subordinate generals into taking more coordinated, aggressive actions across all of the theaters of war, but he was quickly disappointed, and was quoted as regarding him as "little more than a first rate clerk." Grant replaced Halleck in command of most forces in the West, but Buell's Army of the Ohio was separated and Buell reported directly to Halleck, as a peer of Grant. Halleck began transferring divisions from Grant to Buell; by September, four divisions had moved, leaving Grant with 46,000 men.</p> <p>In Washington, Halleck continued to excel at administrative issues and facilitated the training, equipping, and deployment of thousands of Union soldiers over vast areas. He was unsuccessful, however, as a commander of the field armies or as a grand strategist. His cold, abrasive personality alienated his subordinates; one observer described him as a "cold, calculating owl." Historian Steven E. Woodworth wrote, "Beneath the ponderous dome of his high forehead, the General would gaze goggle-eyed at those who spoke to him, reflecting long before answering and simultaneously rubbing both elbows all the while, leading one observer to quip that "the great intelligence he was reputed to possess must be located in his elbows." This disposition also made him unpopular with the Union press corps, who criticized him frequently.</p> <p>Halleck, more a bureaucrat than a soldier, was able to impose little discipline or direction on his field commanders. Strong personalities such as George B. McClellan, John Pope, and Ambrose Burnside routinely ignored his advice and instructions. A telling example of his lack of control was during the Northern Virginia Campaign of 1862, when Halleck was unable to motivate McClellan to reinforce Pope in a timely manner, contributing to the Union defeat at the Second Battle of Bull Run. It was from this incident that Halleck fell from grace. Abraham Lincoln said that he had given Halleck full power and responsibility as general in chief. "He ran it on that basis till Pope's defeat; but ever since that event he has shrunk from responsibility whenever it was possible."</p> <p>In Halleck's defense, his subordinate commanders in the Eastern Theater, whom he did not select, were reluctant to move against General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia. Many of his generals in the West, other than Grant, also lacked aggressiveness. And despite Lincoln's pledge to give the general in chief full control, both he and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton micromanaged many aspects of the military strategy of the nation. Halleck wrote to Sherman, "I am simply a military advisor of the Secretary of War and the President, and must obey and carry out what they decide upon, whether I concur in their decisions or not. As a good soldier I obey the orders of my superiors. If I disagree with them I say so, but when they decide, is my duty faithfully to carry out their decision."</p> <p>On March 12, 1864, after Ulysses S. Grant, Halleck's former subordinate in the West, was promoted to lieutenant general and general in chief, Halleck was relegated to chief of staff, responsible for the administration of the vast U.S. armies. Grant and the War Department took special care to let Halleck down gently. Their orders stated that Halleck had been relieved as general in chief "at his own request."</p> <p>Now that there was an aggressive general in the field, Halleck's administrative capabilities complemented Grant nicely and they worked well together. Throughout the arduous Overland Campaign and Richmond-Petersburg Campaign of 1864, Halleck saw to it that Grant was properly supplied, equipped, and reinforced on a scale that wore down the Confederates. He agreed with Grant and Sherman on the implementation of a hard war toward the Southern economy and endorsed both Sherman's March to the Sea and Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's destruction of the Shenandoah Valley. However, the 1864 Red River Campaign, a doomed attempt to occupy Eastern Texas, had been advocated by Halleck, over the objections of Nathaniel P. Banks, who commanded the operation. When the campaign failed, Halleck claimed to Grant that it had been Banks' idea in the first place, not his - an example of Halleck's habit of deflecting blame.</p> <p>Still, his contributions to military theory are credited with encouraging a new spirit of professionalism in the army.</p> <p>After Grant forced Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, Halleck was assigned to command the Military Division of the James, headquartered at Richmond. He was present at Lincoln's death and a pall-bearer at Lincoln's funeral. He lost his friendship with General William T. Sherman when he quarreled with him over Sherman's tendency to be lenient toward former Confederates. In August 1865 he was transferred to the Division of the Pacific in California, essentially in military exile. While holding this command he accompanied photographer Eadweard Muybridge to the newly purchased Russian America. He and Senator Charles Sumner are credited with applying the name "Alaska" to that region. In March 1869, he was assigned to command the Military Division of the South, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky.</p> <p>Henry Halleck became ill in early 1872 and his condition was diagnosed as edema caused by liver disease. He died at his post in Louisville. He is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery, in Brooklyn, New York, and is commemorated by a street named for him in San Francisco and a statue in Golden Gate Park. He left no memoirs for posterity and apparently destroyed his private correspondence and memoranda. His estate at his death showed a net value of $474,773.16 ($10,132,450.52 in 2019 dollars). His widow, Elizabeth, married Col. George Washington Cullum in 1875. Cullum had served as Halleck's chief of staff in the Western Theater and then on his staff in Washington.</p>
- Source
- Source
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1862.
Chapin, Augusta. Papers, 1862.
Papers, 1862.
Diary (114 p.) of a single woman and printed leaflet. The volume includes generally brief entries for the entire year concerning Chapin's daily activities as a schoolteacher, including comments about salary, travel, church and domestic activities, and her frequent fatigue and illness. Scattered comments mention Civil War battles and officers, including Gen. H.W. Halleck. The leaflet, entitled "Grand Chapin Gathering at Springfield, Mass., September 17, 1862," contains a short family history and a list of the Committee of Arrangements, including E.H. Chapin.
ArchivalResource: 2 items. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Chapin, Augusta. Papers, 1862.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862.
Kent, Levi E. Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862.
Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862.
The journal of Levi E. Kent, of the 4th Rhode Island Infantry, Company F., provides an account of his regiment's movements, battles, pastimes, entertainments, and lifestyle.
ArchivalResource: 1 v. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Kent, Levi E. Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Letter signed. Informs Halleck that arrangements have been made to supply all the horses necessary for the Division of the Mississippi.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948 Series: Telegrams Sent and Received By The War Department Central Telegraph Office., 1861 - 1882 Item: Telegram from Major General George McClellan to General Major Henry W. Halleck Regarding General Robert E. Lee's Special Order No. 191, the Lost Order, 9/13/1862
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948
Series: Telegrams Sent and Received By The War Department Central Telegraph Office., 1861 - 1882
Item: Telegram from Major General George McClellan to General Major Henry W. Halleck Regarding General Robert E. Lee's Special Order No. 191, the Lost Order, 9/13/1862
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948
Series: Telegrams Sent and Received By The War Department Central Telegraph Office., 1861 - 1882
Item: Telegram from Major General George McClellan to General Major Henry W. Halleck Regarding General Robert E. Lee's Special Order No. 191, the Lost Order, 9/13/1862
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : St Louis, [Mo.], to Major Gen[eral H.W.] Halleck, 1862 Mar. 13.
Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899. Letter : St Louis, [Mo.], to Major Gen[eral H.W.] Halleck, 1862 Mar. 13.
Letter : St Louis, [Mo.], to Major Gen[eral H.W.] Halleck, 1862 Mar. 13.
Advises Halleck that the men of the 11th Illinois Cavalry have not been paid.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 25 cm. View
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- Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899. Letter : St Louis, [Mo.], to Major Gen[eral H.W.] Halleck, 1862 Mar. 13.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters to and about Henry S. Hewitt, 1862-1872.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters to and about Henry S. Hewitt, 1862-1872.
Letters to and about Henry S. Hewitt, 1862-1872.
The collection consists of letters by Grant, three written to Henry S. Hewitt, a Civil War surgeon in the United States Army, and two written about him addressed to other generals. The letters to Hewitt discuss both the doctor's medical duties, such as writing battle reports, and personal matters, such as Grant's assistance in securing an appointment to West Point for Hewitt's son. The letters about Hewitt, one to General Henry W. Halleck and one to "Dear General," vouch for the doctor's character, skills, and abilities.
ArchivalResource: 1 reel : positive ; 35 mm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters to and about Henry S. Hewitt, 1862-1872.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889. Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Autograph letter signed. Refers to Colonel Patton at Fort Nelson. Potters also writes that there is no reason to believe that loyal Tennesseans are suffering in prison.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889. Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Correspondence of Charles Tenney with Adelaide Case, 1861-1863.
Tenney, Charles, fl. 1861-1863. Correspondence of Charles Tenney with Adelaide Case, 1861-1863.
Correspondence of Charles Tenney with Adelaide Case, 1861-1863.
Tenney writes to Case of Mecca, Ohio, concerning the campaigns and battles in which he participated. On a personal level the letters reflect the growing romance between Tenney and Case. Several of the letters are written on patriotic stationary. Letters from 1861 describe life in camp, Abraham Sanders Piatt's Zouaves, the hanging of a saloon keeper in Charleston, He mentions the removal of Frémont and the military maneuvers of Generals McClellan, Halleck and Rosecrans. Letters from January through June, 1862 describe camp life including a Washington's birthday celebration, troop movement through the the Shenandoah Valley, the retreat from Romney, the battle of Kernstown. There are mentions of Generals Lander, Shields, Geary, and Tyler. Letters from July through December, 1862, describe camp life, winter accomodations, marches and the battles of Cedar Mountain, Antietam, and South Mountain There are mentions of Generals McClellan, Stevens, Kearney, Greene, Burnside and Pope and thoughts on U.S. and Ohio politics including the gubernatorial campaign of Vallandigham. A small sketch of his camp is included. With the letters are three photographs and a journal kept from January to May, 1862 which contains drawings, quotations and poetry as well as accounts of troop movements. Letters from Adelaide G. Case to Tenney gives news of family and friends in Mecca, Ohio, including her brother Hal, who is also in the service. She describes school teaching in East Claridon, Ohio; war work; ans opinions of battles and generals. There is a brief mention of the Knights of the Golden Circle in Mecca.
ArchivalResource: 150 (ca.) items. View
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- Tenney, Charles, fl. 1861-1863. Correspondence of Charles Tenney with Adelaide Case, 1861-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Letter signed. Comments on four recommendations made by General Barry.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Records, 1842-1862.
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm). Records, 1842-1862.
Records, 1842-1862.
Collection contains correspondence, mainly relating to land litigation of Halleck, Peachy & Billings, with documents and diseños (originals, copies, and translations) used in the settlement of the claims. Also contains papers in various legal cases, some concerning ships, Chinese immigration and the San Francisco funding bill, as well as a few accounts and some tax records. Includes files on the settlement of the William Alexander Leidesdorff and Joseph L. Folsom estates. Contains a small group of correspondence and papers relating to Henry Wager Halleck's military career, 1847-56, and manuscript drafts and notes for his History of California.
ArchivalResource: 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.)1 carton (1 linear ft.) View
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- Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm). Records, 1842-1862.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1847-1880.
Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. Papers, 1847-1880.
Papers, 1847-1880.
Civil War correspondence; personal and military correspondence after the war, particularly with veterans; letters and resolutions (1879-1880) on Davis's death; and Davis's account (1866) of his military service. Correspondents include John C. Frémont, Henry W. Halleck, Thomas J. Henley, Alexander C. McClurg, John Pope, and William T. Sherman.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. Papers, 1847-1880.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Ambrose Everett Burnsides, Falmouth, Va., 1863 Jan. 7.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Ambrose Everett Burnsides, Falmouth, Va., 1863 Jan. 7.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Ambrose Everett Burnsides, Falmouth, Va., 1863 Jan. 7.
Photostat of a copy of a letter sent to Burnside. Reviews strategies to engage Lee's army across the Rappahannock near Fredericksburg. Original copy included Abraham Lincoln's signed endorsement.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (6 p.) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Ambrose Everett Burnsides, Falmouth, Va., 1863 Jan. 7.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886. Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Letter signed. Refers to recruiting troops to fight in the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.). View
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- Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886. Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter to Capt. G. W. Cullum. New York, NY. 1846 Jan. 20.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wagner), 1815-1872. Letter to Capt. G. W. Cullum. New York, NY. 1846 Jan. 20.
Letter to Capt. G. W. Cullum. New York, NY. 1846 Jan. 20.
Concerning Swift's progress to Washington; and commenting on several military incidents and matters, and on the love affair they saw in the war; with reference to his reading and a proposed hunting trip with Cullum.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (3 p.) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wagner), 1815-1872. Letter to Capt. G. W. Cullum. New York, NY. 1846 Jan. 20.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers of Francis Lieber, 1815-1888; (bulk 1835-1872).
Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. Papers of Francis Lieber, 1815-1888; (bulk 1835-1872).
Papers of Francis Lieber, 1815-1888; (bulk 1835-1872).
Lieber's correspondence, notes and other manuscripts and published materials accumulated in the preparation of his works cover his political and academic career; his studies of political science, including political theory, constitutional history, political economy, and international law, philosophy and history of civilization, penology, including his association with the prison reform movement; education, particularly administration of the University of South Carolina, Girard College, Columbia University, and Harvard University.
ArchivalResource: Approx. 6,000 pieces.67 boxes. View
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- Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. Papers of Francis Lieber, 1815-1888; (bulk 1835-1872).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984 Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889 File Unit: 1865 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. P1594
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1865 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. P1594
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1865 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. P1594
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1843-1969 (bulk 1843-1908)
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Papers, 1843-1969 (bulk 1843-1908)
Papers, 1843-1969 (bulk 1843-1908)
ArchivalResource: 50,000 items. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Papers, 1843-1969 (bulk 1843-1908)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers relating to Baja California, 1847 Sept. 27-Dec. 4.
Pineda, Manuel. Papers relating to Baja California, 1847 Sept. 27-Dec. 4.
Papers relating to Baja California, 1847 Sept. 27-Dec. 4.
Signed originals, copies, and drafts relating to Baja California in 1847 and primarily to the war between Mexico and the United States. Deal with military needs and maneuvers, war-time legislation, the meritorious conduct of various officers, the treachery of Francisco Palacios Miranda, former political head of Baja California, and similar matters. Consist primarily of correspondence and proclamations from Manuel Pineda of the Comandancia General de la Baja California, from Antonio Campuzano of the Comandancia General de Sonora, and from José Matías Moreno and Mauricio Castro, officials in the territorial government of Baja California. Written in Baja California and Sonora, with pencilled annotations ascribed to General Henry Wager Halleck. One folder contains brief notes by Halleck on the economics and geography of Baja California.
ArchivalResource: Originals : 13 folders ; 22-55 cm.Copies : partial microfilm reel (55 exposures) negative (Rich. 416:18) and positive. View
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- Pineda, Manuel. Papers relating to Baja California, 1847 Sept. 27-Dec. 4.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Frederick Billings legal journal and miscellaneous papers, 1850-1869.
Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890. Frederick Billings legal journal and miscellaneous papers, 1850-1869.
Frederick Billings legal journal and miscellaneous papers, 1850-1869.
Journal (1857-1869) containing dated entries relating to legal cases, presumably handled by Billings for his firm; together with an attorney's license (1850) issued to Billings, two land indentures for real estate in Sacramento and San Francisco (1854, 1863), and a one-page letter (1857) from Billings to Francis W. Page. The first land indenture is for land sold by Lafayette Maynard to Billings, Archibald Peachy, and Page. The second indenture is for land sold to Billings by William F. Herrick and Ferdinand Wassauet.
ArchivalResource: 1 folder (0.2 linear ft.) View
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- Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890. Frederick Billings legal journal and miscellaneous papers, 1850-1869.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: to Archibald Campbell / by H. W. Halleck 1867 Oct 15.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter: to Archibald Campbell / by H. W. Halleck 1867 Oct 15.
Letter: to Archibald Campbell / by H. W. Halleck 1867 Oct 15.
On the San Juan boundary dispute and the annexation of British Columbia. Mounted in folder with engraved portrait of H. W. Halleck.
ArchivalResource: 3 p.; 20 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter: to Archibald Campbell / by H. W. Halleck 1867 Oct 15.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Miguel Avila papers, 1849.
Avila, Miguel, 1796-1874. Miguel Avila papers, 1849.
Miguel Avila papers, 1849.
Mainly public notices as alcalde of San Luis Obispo. Include papers relating to the trial of the Indian Ildefonso, witnessed by José Mariano Bonilla and Inocente García, and letters from H.W. Halleck.
ArchivalResource: 7 folders in portfolio. View
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- Avila, Miguel, 1796-1874. Miguel Avila papers, 1849.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1862.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters, 1862.
Letters, 1862.
Letters written by Grant, July 25, 1862 and H.W. Halleck, August 9, 1862, and February 18, 1862 recommendation signed by Grant, Richard Yates, O.M. Hatch and Jesse K. Dubois concern the promotion and later discharge of William W. Leland. Includes note signed by Abraham Lincoln, March 7, 1862.
ArchivalResource: 3 items. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters, 1862.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1860-1863.
Sargent, John. Letters, 1860-1863.
Letters, 1860-1863.
Letters to his brother Dan. One letter prior to the war tells of attending a Republican rally in Decatur where in a parade the Wide Awakes rode horseback and all the women were in uniform. His war letters describe camp life, Alexandria, Va., his opinion of some military leaders and gives much discussion and speculation on the war. Dec. 1861 he writes that ex-Gov. Woods visited the camp and said he would ask Gov. Yates for better barracks, "but I guess he was denied." In May 1863 after a "slaughter" he writes that "Hooker is the best man to run a butcher shop." Frequent mentions of and his opinions on McClellan, Hooker and Burnside. Writes of the dissension between "secesh" and union in Alexandria, describes the town and attending Christ Church "where Washington attended". He discusses the skirmishes and battles involved in and the news about the men, illness, their feelings, and daily activities.
ArchivalResource: 22 items. View
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- Sargent, John. Letters, 1860-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1812-1865.
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865. Papers, 1812-1865.
Papers, 1812-1865.
The Samuel Francis Du Pont Papers include correspondence with more than 1,500 individuals. There is a good deal of official and semi-official correspondence describing naval practices and policies as well as Du Pont's career. Of particular interest are letters from British diplomats and naval officers during the 1840s and 50s describing the operations of the British Navy. Letters received from William B. Reed, American minister to China, document the negotiations leading up to the Treaty of Tientsin which opened up China to western trade. Letters from American missionaries Samuel Wells and William and Edward Syle describe the missionary movement in China and efforts to eradicate the opium trade. The files also contain correspondence reflecting Du Pont's role in the Naval Efficiency Board and the reform movement which sought to modernize the navy as it moved into the age of steam.
ArchivalResource: 50 linear ft. View
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- Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865. Papers, 1812-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Autograph File, H
Autograph File, H
Autograph File, H
The Autograph File is an alphabetically arranged collection of single letters, manuscripts, and drawings received from various sources at various times. Additions continue to be made.
ArchivalResource: 11 linear feet (22 boxes) View
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- Autograph File, H, 1584-1988.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
TLS [7], 1964-1967 : Gettysburg, PA, Indio, CA, and Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., to Stephen E. Ambrose, Baltimore, MD.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969. TLS [7], 1964-1967 : Gettysburg, PA, Indio, CA, and Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., to Stephen E. Ambrose, Baltimore, MD.
TLS [7], 1964-1967 : Gettysburg, PA, Indio, CA, and Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., to Stephen E. Ambrose, Baltimore, MD.
Written to Ambrose, who was Associate Editor of the Eisenhower Papers, Eisenhower discusses such varied subjects as Civil War generals, a proposed military biography of Eisenhower by Ambrose, FDR and the Soviets during WWII, and a manuscript called "Eisenhower and Berlin, 1945". The typed document signed by Eisenhower is the foreword to Ambrose's book "Duty, Honor, Country" about West Point Military Academy.
ArchivalResource: 9 p. ; 26 x 18 cm. (6 1 p. letters and 1 3 p. DS) View
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- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969. TLS [7], 1964-1967 : Gettysburg, PA, Indio, CA, and Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., to Stephen E. Ambrose, Baltimore, MD.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Note : n.p., to unknown person, n.p., [186-?].
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Note : n.p., to unknown person, n.p., [186-?].
Note : n.p., to unknown person, n.p., [186-?].
Autograph note signed. Refers to General Curtis who "has not asked for reinforcements." Halleck also writes that applications for reinforcements "are chronic."
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Note : n.p., to unknown person, n.p., [186-?].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Pope, John, 1822-1892. Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Autograph letter signed. Writes of the importance of having paymasters stationed with the army.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Pope, John, 1822-1892. Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985 Series: Letters, Telegrams, and Endorsements Received from or through the Chief of Staff, Major General Henry Halleck, and Replies Sent, 4/1864 - 4/1866
Record Group 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985
Series: Letters, Telegrams, and Endorsements Received from or through the Chief of Staff, Major General Henry Halleck, and Replies Sent, 4/1864 - 4/1866
Record Group 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985
Series: Letters, Telegrams, and Endorsements Received from or through the Chief of Staff, Major General Henry Halleck, and Replies Sent, 4/1864 - 4/1866
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Map of a reconnoissance from the Big Bend of the Truckee River : Nevada, to Ruby City, Idaho / made by Bvt. Lieut. Col. R.S. Williamson, U.S.A., Major of Engineers ; assisted by 1st. Lieut. W.H. Heuer, Corps of Engineers ; by direction of Major General H.W. Halleck, Commanding Division of the Pacific ; G.F. Allardt, draughtsman. 1866.
Williamson, R. S. (Robert Stockton), 1824-1882. Map of a reconnoissance from the Big Bend of the Truckee River : Nevada, to Ruby City, Idaho / made by Bvt. Lieut. Col. R.S. Williamson, U.S.A., Major of Engineers ; assisted by 1st. Lieut. W.H. Heuer, Corps of Engineers ; by direction of Major General H.W. Halleck, Commanding Division of the Pacific ; G.F. Allardt, draughtsman.
Map of a reconnoissance from the Big Bend of the Truckee River : Nevada, to Ruby City, Idaho / made by Bvt. Lieut. Col. R.S. Williamson, U.S.A., Major of Engineers ; assisted by 1st. Lieut. W.H. Heuer, Corps of Engineers ; by direction of Major General H.W. Halleck, Commanding Division of the Pacific ; G.F. Allardt, draughtsman. 1866.
ArchivalResource: 1 map : ms. View
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- Williamson, R. S. (Robert Stockton), 1824-1882. Map of a reconnoissance from the Big Bend of the Truckee River : Nevada, to Ruby City, Idaho / made by Bvt. Lieut. Col. R.S. Williamson, U.S.A., Major of Engineers ; assisted by 1st. Lieut. W.H. Heuer, Corps of Engineers ; by direction of Major General H.W. Halleck, Commanding Division of the Pacific ; G.F. Allardt, draughtsman.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: Washington, [D.C.], to C[atharinus] P. Buckingham, 1862 Dec. 22.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter: Washington, [D.C.], to C[atharinus] P. Buckingham, 1862 Dec. 22.
Letter: Washington, [D.C.], to C[atharinus] P. Buckingham, 1862 Dec. 22.
Refutes statements concerning Halleck and George McClellan attributed to Dr. Metcalfe.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (3 p.); 26 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter: Washington, [D.C.], to C[atharinus] P. Buckingham, 1862 Dec. 22.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
[Letters sent and received, with other records of the Office of the Military Governor, Arkansas, John S. Phelps] [microform] 1862-1863.
Arkansas. Military Governor (1862-1863 : Phelps). [Letters sent and received, with other records of the Office of the Military Governor, Arkansas, John S. Phelps] [microform] 1862-1863.
[Letters sent and received, with other records of the Office of the Military Governor, Arkansas, John S. Phelps] [microform] 1862-1863.
Letters and other records of the military governship of Arkansas appear to be transcribed in a paged ledger book.
ArchivalResource: 1 v. View
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- Arkansas. Military Governor (1862-1863 : Phelps). [Letters sent and received, with other records of the Office of the Military Governor, Arkansas, John S. Phelps] [microform] 1862-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1799-1908 (bulk 1836-1908).
Parsons, Lewis B. (Lewis Baldwin), 1818-1907. Papers, 1799-1908 (bulk 1836-1908).
Papers, 1799-1908 (bulk 1836-1908).
Correspondence, reports, orders, affidavits, certificates, telegraphs, abstracts, tables, travel journals, and land and financial records. Documents Parsons's role in supervising rail and river transportation during the Civil War. Pilot associations and strikes and the ownership, value, use, and destruction of steamboats are recorded. Major correspondents include Robert Allen, John Murray Corse, Samuel R. Curtis, David Davis, U.S. Grant, W.D. Griswold, Henry W. Halleck, George F. Hoar, W.S. Holman, Gustave Koerner, Abraham Lincoln, John A. McClernand, James McPherson, Montgomery C. Meigs, William R. Morrison, John M. Palmer, Sarah E. Parsons, David D. Porter, J.F. Quimby, William T. Sherman, William K. Strong, Adlai E. Stevenson I, Lyman Trumbull, and John H. Oberly.
ArchivalResource: 18.33 linear ft. (40 boxes) View
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- Parsons, Lewis B. (Lewis Baldwin), 1818-1907. Papers, 1799-1908 (bulk 1836-1908).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1864 July 16, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1864 July 16, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1864 July 16, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Orders two corps to return from pursuing Early in the Shenandoah Valley so that Grant can use them at Petersburg; believes that Washington is safe from attack.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1864 July 16, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: Boston, [Mass.], to [H.W.] Halleck, 1863 Sept. 26.
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. Letter: Boston, [Mass.], to [H.W.] Halleck, 1863 Sept. 26.
Letter: Boston, [Mass.], to [H.W.] Halleck, 1863 Sept. 26.
Requests information concerning battle of Gettysburg to to use in preparation for his address at the Gettysburg cemetery dedication given prior to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.); 18 cm. View
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- Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. Letter: Boston, [Mass.], to [H.W.] Halleck, 1863 Sept. 26.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Letters Received, 1863 - 1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Received, 1863 - 1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Received, 1863 - 1865
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter signed : Folly Island, SC, to Major General H.W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 2.
Gordon, George Henry, 1823-1886. Letter signed : Folly Island, SC, to Major General H.W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 2.
Letter signed : Folly Island, SC, to Major General H.W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 2.
Describing the insufficient numbers of men in his division and asking that it be returned to the Army of the Potomac.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; (8vo) View
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- Gordon, George Henry, 1823-1886. Letter signed : Folly Island, SC, to Major General H.W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 2.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1817 - 1947 Series: Lists of Men Detailed for Duty on Transports at Seminary Hospital in Georgetown, and at General Henry Halleck's Headquarters, 1864 - 1865
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1817 - 1947
Series: Lists of Men Detailed for Duty on Transports at Seminary Hospital in Georgetown, and at General Henry Halleck's Headquarters, 1864 - 1865
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1817 - 1947
Series: Lists of Men Detailed for Duty on Transports at Seminary Hospital in Georgetown, and at General Henry Halleck's Headquarters, 1864 - 1865
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy & Billings Records, 1842-1862
Halleck, Peachy & Billings Records, 1842-1862
Halleck, Peachy & Billings Records, 1842-1862
Halleck, Peachy & Billings was one of the leading San Francisco law firms in the settlement of titles to Mexican land grants. The firm was dissolved in 1861. The collection contains correspondence, mainly relating to land litigation of Halleck, Peachy & Billings, with documents and diseños (originals, copies, and translations) used in the settlement of the claims. Also contains papers in various legal cases, some concerning ships, Chinese immigration and the San Francisco funding bill, as well as a few accounts and some tax records.
ArchivalResource: 7 boxes (3.5 linear ft.); 1 carton (1 linear ft.) View
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- Halleck, Peachy & Billings Records, 1842-1862
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893. Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Autograph letter signed. By order of Henry Wager Halleck, Kelton asks if certain regiments may be assigned "as requested." Banks's response is on the verso.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.). View
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- Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893. Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to Major General Banks, 1862 Oct. 14.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to Major General Banks, 1862 Oct. 14.
Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to Major General Banks, 1862 Oct. 14.
Giving instructions for the protection of Washington in case of an enemy raid.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) ; (8vo) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to Major General Banks, 1862 Oct. 14.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
George Brinton McClellan Papers 1783-1898 (bulk 1850-1885)
George Brinton McClellan Papers, 1783-1898, (bulk 1850-1885)
George Brinton McClellan Papers 1783-1898 (bulk 1850-1885)
Army officer and governor of New Jersey. Correspondence, diaries, military papers, memoranda, telegrams, notes, writings, printed copies of speeches, articles, and books relating primarily to McClellan's Civil War service, particularly the Yorktown and Maryland campaigns.
ArchivalResource: 33,000 items; 199 containers plus 3 oversize; 82 microfilm reels View
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- McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885. George Brinton McClellan papers, 1783-1898 (bulk 1850-1885).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Registers of Letters Received by General Henry W. Halleck and Endorsements Sent, 8/1862 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Registers of Letters Received by General Henry W. Halleck and Endorsements Sent, 8/1862 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Registers of Letters Received by General Henry W. Halleck and Endorsements Sent, 8/1862 - 4/1865
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Daniel Read Larned Papers 1861-1865
Daniel Read Larned Papers, 1861-1865
Daniel Read Larned Papers 1861-1865
Army officer and private secretary to General Ambrose Everett Burnside. Correspondence and other material concerning campaigns by the Union Army in North Carolina and Virginia and Burnside’s relationship with other generals.
ArchivalResource: 1,100 items; 5 containers; 2 linear feet View
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- Larned, Daniel Read. Daniel Read Larned papers, 1861-1878.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Franz Sigel Papers 1806-1930 (Bulk 1848-1880)
Franz Sigel Papers, 1806-1930 (Bulk 1848-1880)
Franz Sigel Papers 1806-1930 (Bulk 1848-1880)
Franz Sigel was a German American general during the American Civil War who was enormously popular with German immigrants. His papers include correspondence, including correspondence from President Abraham Lincoln; military materials, which includes battle orders and maps; and other personal writings and ephemera. Many of the materials in this collection are in German.
ArchivalResource: 3.2 Linear feet; (8 boxes, 1 oversize) View
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- Franz Sigel Papers, 1806-1930 (Bulk 1848-1880)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Iowa City, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 21.
Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894. Letter : Iowa City, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 21.
Letter : Iowa City, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 21.
Autograph letter signed. Concerns the delay in releasing Iowa troops from captivity following the Battle of Donelson.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.). View
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- Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894. Letter : Iowa City, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 21.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Haynes, John L. Papers 1846-1945
Haynes, John L. Papers 86-9., 1846-1945
Haynes, John L. Papers 1846-1945
Correspondence, census report,memoranda, program, certificate, clippings, telegram, licenses, poem, petition,photographs, maps, and broadside of John L. Haynes, publisher, soldier, legislator,and attorney.
ArchivalResource: View
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- Haynes, John L. Papers 86-9., 1846-1945
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1862.
Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 1824-1888. Letters, 1862.
Letters, 1862.
Four letters to General Halleck re: her husband and her brother, Charlie. Letter, Feb. 1862, asks Halleck's opinion of her husband's mental status in light of newspaper article questioning it. Letter, Feb. 16, 1862, expresses reassurance from his letter and his "testimony against those who have combined to injure my husband." Letter, March 19, 1862, states her husband is better since reaching Savannah, flatters Halleck's leadership and requests that her brother's regiment be transferred to her husband's command. Letter, June 2, 1862, pleading for her brother's transfer.
ArchivalResource: 4 items. View
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- Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 1824-1888. Letters, 1862.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Name and Subject Indexes to Correspondence of General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 - 1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Name and Subject Indexes to Correspondence of General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 - 1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Name and Subject Indexes to Correspondence of General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 - 1865
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1846-1848, 1852-1854.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Papers, 1846-1848, 1852-1854.
Papers, 1846-1848, 1852-1854.
A memorandum and correspondence of the soldier, politician, and businessman. In the memorandum Halleck describes his service during the Mexican War, 1845-1848, first as an engineer of Pacific coast military operations, and then as a soldier in military excursions in Lower California and to Texas, and in naval expeditions along the California coast.
ArchivalResource: 2 reels of microfilm (35mm) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Papers, 1846-1848, 1852-1854.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Collection SCHND: John J. Schneider Collection, 1775 - 1870 Series: Historical Documents, 1970 - 1970 Item: Letter from Major General George McClellan to Major General Henry Halleck
Collection SCHND: John J. Schneider Collection, 1775 - 1870
Series: Historical Documents, 1970 - 1970
Item: Letter from Major General George McClellan to Major General Henry Halleck
Collection SCHND: John J. Schneider Collection, 1775 - 1870
Series: Historical Documents, 1970 - 1970
Item: Letter from Major General George McClellan to Major General Henry Halleck
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Autograph letter signed. Refers to placing a regiment at Annapolis.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Fragments of autograph notes signed, [ca. 1862-1864].
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Fragments of autograph notes signed, [ca. 1862-1864].
Fragments of autograph notes signed, [ca. 1862-1864].
ArchivalResource: 17 items. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Fragments of autograph notes signed, [ca. 1862-1864].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
California history, 1846-1849 clippings 1846-2004.
Monterey Public Library. California History Room. California history, 1846-1849 clippings 1846-2004.
California history, 1846-1849 clippings 1846-2004.
ArchivalResource: 2 folders. View
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- Monterey Public Library. California History Room. California history, 1846-1849 clippings 1846-2004.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS : Washington, D.C., to Henry W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 24.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. ALS : Washington, D.C., to Henry W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 24.
ALS : Washington, D.C., to Henry W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 24.
Reviews the latest intelligence on Confederate troop movements and suggests that if Halleck has no plan, the Army of the Potomac should attack Lee and try to break the railroad at Lynchburg.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) ; 25 cm. View
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- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. ALS : Washington, D.C., to Henry W. Halleck, 1863 Oct. 24.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Ashbel Woodward biography collection, undated.
Woodward, Ashbel, 1804-1885. Ashbel Woodward biography collection, undated.
Ashbel Woodward biography collection, undated.
A collection of biographies of Civil War officers written and compiled by Ashbel Woodward of Hartford, Connecticut.
ArchivalResource: 0.5 linear foot (53 biographies). View
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- Woodward, Ashbel, 1804-1885. Ashbel Woodward biography collection, undated.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters. 1852-1865.
Draper, A. A., Mrs., fl. 1830-1865. Letters.
Letters. 1852-1865.
Southern loyalist. Letter to Mrs. Draper from Col. Robert E. Lee, 21 Dec. 1852, regarding her son's academic difficulties at West Point; 17 July 1854, letter from H.W. Halleck to Col. Robert E. Lee regarding an exhibit at Crystal Palace; 14 Jan. 1865, letter from William T. Sherman deploring the fact that there is a war between the states; 2 letters from George H. Thomas, 4 Mar. 1865 and 22 Mar. 1865.
ArchivalResource: 5 items. View
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- Draper, A. A., Mrs., fl. 1830-1865. Letters.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1865 Jan. 23, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 23, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1865 Jan. 23, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Concerns preparation of troops under Meagher and Schofield to be sent to join Sherman.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 23, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers 1846-1866
Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers, 1846-1866
Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers 1846-1866
The collection contains correspondence between Gen. S. R. Curtis and his family while in military service or on engineering jobs, his official correspondence with copies of orders, telegrams, and other military papers while serving in the Mexican and Civil Wars, as Indian Commissioner to make treaties with the Sioux in Montana and Dakota and while working on the Union Pacific Railroad. Family letters also record Samuel Stephen Curtis's experiences prospecting in California, 1858-60.
ArchivalResource: Total Boxes: 2; Linear Feet: 1 View
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- Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers, 1846-1866
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900. Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
Letter signed. McClernand informs Major General Halleck that he has completed his assignment in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa and is now ready to take command of the Mississippi expedition.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900. Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers. 1840-1885.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Papers.
Papers. 1840-1885.
General, U.S. Army. President, U.S., 1869-1877. Letter to cousin Mckinstry Griffith telling of cadet life at West Point, 1840; typed transcripts of letters to John Lowe relating Mexican War anecdotes; letter, 26 August 1861, stating that troops are recruiting more volunteers; 16 February 1862, note to General S.B. Buckner demanding unconditional surrender; letter, Oct. 1863, memorandum regarding the treatment of civilians and their property; letter, 27 January 1864, from Abraham Lincoln; letter, 30 April 1864, to Meade regarding fresh horses; note, 4 April 1864, granting Maryland troops furlough; note to Sherman instructing him to destroy the railroad as far east of Knoxville as possible; letter, 6 May 1865, to Maj. General Halleck suggesting amnesty for General R.E. Lee; 2 letters, 1865, to General Thomas regarding troop movements and instructions on surrender of Confederate troops in Alabama and Tennessee. Letter, 22 January 1866, to Sheridan requesting names of Generals to be retained on active service; letter, 7 May 1866, to John Pope instructing him how to deal with the post trader; 16 May 1866, letter of introduction for G.A. Custer; 8 January 1877, to W.T. Sherman, advice regarding retirement of professor H.L. Kendrick; letter, 6 March [18]77 to J.M. Schofield accepting an invitation to visit West Point remarking, "I always enjoy a visit to the old Academy now that the Supt. & Instructors have lost the power they used to have of "bulldozing" me."; notes from his sick bed, June-July 1885, to Bishop John Newman; note, 3 July 1885, to his doctor; funeral memorabilia.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Papers.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Juan Murrieta diaries, record books, and family materials, c.1848-1990 (bulk 1848-1934)
Murrieta, Juan. Juan Murrieta diaries, record books, and family materials, c.1848-1990 (bulk 1848-1934)
Juan Murrieta diaries, record books, and family materials, c.1848-1990 (bulk 1848-1934)
Collection of items related to Juan Murrieta and the Houghton and Donner families, predominantly covering the years from 1848 to 1934. Includes seven diaries and record books (most in Spanish) kept by Juan Murrieta between 1858 and 1934, and which include references to his bank accounts at California Bank, First National Bank, and Security Trust and Savings Bank, as well as listings of accounts kept for his children Henry (1931), Lita (1931), and A.J. (1922-1926). Other personal items belonging to Murrieta include his 1868 United States citizenship certificate, his 1868 renouncement of allegiance to the Queen of Spain, and his 1926 United States passport, as well as a 1983 letter from Sherman Block to Mrs. William R. Smith regarding Murrieta's time with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (including 2 photographs). Also included are a variety of items related to Sherman Otis Houghton and Eliza Poor Donner Houghton, the parents of Murrieta's daughter Lita's husband Sherman Jr. Sherman Houghton items include two letters from Henry Wagner Halleck (1861, regarding land in San Jose and the Donner Grant), a printed argument with map regarding the acquisition of land in California by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company (1876), miscellaneous notes on court cases, and a list of Houghton's military, judicial, and military appointments. Eliza Donner Houghton items include a letter from Eliza to Major Edwin A. Sherman (1910, regarding James Reed, the Donner Party, land in San Jose, and Eliza's friendships with William T. Sherman, John A. Sutter, and Jessie Benton Fremont), a letter from Robert A. Poppe (1912, including photographs of the "Sonoma House"), and a copy of the certificate of her marriage to Houghton. Other items include a general letter to stockholders of the Union Oil Company of California (1932), a letter from Richard Barnes Mason to Roger Jones (typescript, 1848, regarding the successes of the Tenth Military Department), a letter from Jonathan Drake Stevenson to Mason (typescript, 1848, regarding his shock at the disbanding of the First Regiment of New York Volunteers and complaints against Mormons and Indians), a photograph of the Murrieta Rancho (c.1885), a photograph of a Southern Pacific Railroad car decorated for the arrival of President Benjamin Harrison (1891), a plat map of the Pauba Rancho (1858-1859), and a Donner Party scrapbook which includes items on the Pioneer Monument at Donner Lake, Georgia A. Donner (Mrs. Babcock), C.T. Stanton, W.C. and Mary Graves, the Breen family, and various newspaper clippings on the Donner Party.
ArchivalResource: 27 items.3 boxes. View
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- Murrieta, Juan. Juan Murrieta diaries, record books, and family materials, c.1848-1990 (bulk 1848-1934)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers and photographs, 1862-1909.
Shipman, Steven Vaughn, 1825-1905. Papers and photographs, 1862-1909.
Papers and photographs, 1862-1909.
Papers of Steven V. Shipman, a Madison, Wis. soldier, who served in the Civil War as a Captain with Companies G and E of the First Wisconsin Cavalry.
ArchivalResource: Papers 0.2 linear ft. (1 archives box and 2 oversized folders) and.Photographs 0.1 linear ft. (2 folders) View
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- Shipman, Steven Vaughn, 1825-1905. Papers and photographs, 1862-1909.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
S. Griswold Flagg collection 1825-1938
S. Griswold Flagg collection, 1825-1938
S. Griswold Flagg collection 1825-1938
Materials relating to the Civil War including correspondence of military leaders on both sides, military documents, commissions, orders, inventories and administrative records, and private correspondence of important figures in the war. There are also letters from soldiers in the field and citizens viewing the progress of the war. In addition there are many autographs and memorabilia including Confederate war bonds, patriotic stationery and about a dozen photographs. In all some 120 names are represented.
ArchivalResource: 3.5 linear feet (2 boxes, 1 folio) View
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- S. Griswold Flagg collection, 1825-1938
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985 Series: Name and Subject Indexes to Letters, Telegrams, and Endorsements Received from or through the Chief of Staff, Major General Henry Halleck, and Replies Sent, 4/1864 - 4/1866
Record Group 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985
Series: Name and Subject Indexes to Letters, Telegrams, and Endorsements Received from or through the Chief of Staff, Major General Henry Halleck, and Replies Sent, 4/1864 - 4/1866
Record Group 92: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774 - 1985
Series: Name and Subject Indexes to Letters, Telegrams, and Endorsements Received from or through the Chief of Staff, Major General Henry Halleck, and Replies Sent, 4/1864 - 4/1866
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Recollections of the Civil War, 1861-66, 1884-1891.
Levering, John, 1826-. Recollections of the Civil War, 1861-66, 1884-1891.
Recollections of the Civil War, 1861-66, 1884-1891.
Begin with the account of war work in Lafayette, Ind., his efforts as special agent to supply state troops with needed field equipment and his appointment as quartermaster and ordinance officer under Joseph Reynolds. Describe the Cheat Mountain campaign, an investigation for General Rosecrans of corruption in the western supply systems, the march to stop Morgan's third raid, Chickamauga, and the occupations of New Orleans, La., and Little Rock, Ark. Also describe his journey with Bureau of Indian Affairs special agent Egbert T. Smith to Indian territory to evaluate the situation of the Five Civilized tribes after the war. Conclude with discussion of the Union Army's potential and drawbacks, a sketch of Reynolds' life, more details about Cheat Mountain, and a discussion of the problems of the post war Indian territory. Of interest are descriptions of the death of John Augustine Washington, the Antietam battlefield, an inspection of Mississippi River fortifications, Mardi Gras and All Soul's Day in New Orleans, the reaction in Little Rock to Appomattox and Lincoln's assassination, and his comments on African-American and Cherokee troops, slaves of Cherokees, and the inhabitants of Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, and the Indian territiory. Include copies of letters from Simon Cameron, Henry Halleck, Rutherford Hayes, Henry Smith Lane, Robert E. Lee, Godlove Orth, Joseph Reynolds, William Rosecrans, and William Sherman. Also contain copies of correspondence re the Cheat Mountain campaign collected by Levering for an 1889 address, including correspondence with William Henry Fitzhugh and Joseph Keifer.
ArchivalResource: 2 items. View
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- Levering, John, 1826-. Recollections of the Civil War, 1861-66, 1884-1891.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Notebook relating to California land claims : San Francisco : ms., [ca. 1854-1861].
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Notebook relating to California land claims : San Francisco : ms., [ca. 1854-1861].
Notebook relating to California land claims : San Francisco : ms., [ca. 1854-1861].
Contains names of ranchos and claimants; partially in the hand of Henry Wager Halleck.
ArchivalResource: [78] p. ; 15 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Notebook relating to California land claims : San Francisco : ms., [ca. 1854-1861].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Peter H. Burnett papers, 1849-1885
Peter H. Burnett papers, 1849-1885
Peter H. Burnett papers, 1849-1885
ArchivalResource: Number of containers: 1 box and 1 oversize folder View
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- Peter H. Burnett papers, 1849-1885
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to [Abraham Lincoln], 1863 Jan. 1.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to [Abraham Lincoln], 1863 Jan. 1.
Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to [Abraham Lincoln], 1863 Jan. 1.
Discusses lack of confidence in General Halleck and offers his own resignation.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to [Abraham Lincoln], 1863 Jan. 1.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Edwin M. Stanton registers and papers, 1861-1868.
Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869. Edwin M. Stanton registers and papers, 1861-1868.
Edwin M. Stanton registers and papers, 1861-1868.
Registers record the dates, correspondents, contents, and resolutions reached on business referred to in the correspondence received by Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Volume I contains entries for March-Dec. 1864, v. II contains March 1-Aug.1, 1866 and v. III contains May 31-Aug.25, 1866. Papers consist of a permit allowing Stanton to visit a prisoner confined in Washington (1861), a letter of introduction to Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase; official memoranda and notes sent to Stanton by President Johnson, (1867, n.d.), and autographs of Johnson, Stanton, and Generals Henry W. Halleck and William T. Sherman (n.d.). Papers also include an engraving of Edwin Stanton, newspapers containing articles on the assassination of President Lincoln (April 16-18, May 6, 1865), and admittance cards to the U. S. Senate gallery for the impeachment hearings (1868),
ArchivalResource: 22 items.3 v. View
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- Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869. Edwin M. Stanton registers and papers, 1861-1868.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters: to Henry Wager Halleck, 1862-1865.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters: to Henry Wager Halleck, 1862-1865.
Letters: to Henry Wager Halleck, 1862-1865.
Civil War correspondence includes operations at Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1862-1863, and Virginia, 1864. Includes letters to J.C. Kelton, Lorenzo Thomas and Ambrose Burnside.
ArchivalResource: 21 items. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters: to Henry Wager Halleck, 1862-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
J.L. Folsom-William A. Leidesdorff estate papers, 1850-1861.
Folsom, J. L. (Joseph Libbey), 1817-1855. J.L. Folsom-William A. Leidesdorff estate papers, 1850-1861.
J.L. Folsom-William A. Leidesdorff estate papers, 1850-1861.
Consists of the legal correspondence of J.L. Folsom and his San Francisco lawyers, H.W. Halleck, A.C. Peachy and P. Warren Van Winkle, regarding Folsom's San Francisco tenants and properties. Also contains letters from Folsom's New York lawyers, Snydum, Reed & Co., regarding Folsom's acquisition of William A. Leidesdorff's property from his mother, Anna Maria Sparks. After Folsom's death, Halleck, Peachy, and Van Winkle became his estate's executors, and continued Folsom's legal correspondence. Also includes a statement "In the matter of the Estate of J.L. Folsom", a bill remitted by Folsom, and leases signed by Folsom. Finally, there is one deed signed by Jacob C. Biedermann.
ArchivalResource: Originals: 1 box (.2 linear ft.)Copies : 1 microfilm reel (168 frames) : negative (BNEG Box 2885) and positive. View
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- Folsom, J. L. (Joseph Libbey), 1817-1855. J.L. Folsom-William A. Leidesdorff estate papers, 1850-1861.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Franz Sigel papers, 1806-1901 (bulk 1860-1862).
Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902. Franz Sigel papers, 1806-1901 (bulk 1860-1862).
Franz Sigel papers, 1806-1901 (bulk 1860-1862).
Papers, 1806-1901 (bulk 1860-1862). Correspondence, muster rolls, military documents, diagrams and notes on the organization of armies, as well as some papers in German belonging to his father, Franz Moritz Sigel, and some papers pertaining to Sigel's stay in St. Louis prior to the Civil War. The collection includes correspondence with Abraham Lincoln, generals John Charles Fremont, Henry Wager Halleck, Max Weber, Ambrose E. Burnside, Adolph Von Steinwehr, Nathaniel Prentiss Banks, John Pope, Julius Stahel, Samuel Ryan Curtis, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, and other high ranking officers, politicians, and officials, as well as his wife, Elise D. Sigel, Carl Schurz, Dr. Rudolph Dulon (Sigel's father in law), L.P. di Cesnola, Heinrich Windwart of Baltimore, F. Giesecke of St. Louis, Caspar Butz of Chicago, and many other German friends.
ArchivalResource: 3.2 linear feet (8 boxes) View
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- Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902. Franz Sigel papers, 1806-1901 (bulk 1860-1862).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bernal family papers, 1849-c.1896.
Bernal family. Bernal family papers, 1849-c.1896.
Bernal family papers, 1849-c.1896.
The chronologically-arranged documents demonstrate the range of legal, financial and real estate-related transactions initiated by or concerning the Bernal family and their associates. Included in this series are legal contracts, mortgages, leases, title deeds, promissory notes, tax receipts, and general accounting records. The series also includes personal and business letters to and by the Bernal family members and their associates. Two portraits comprise their own series. Both portraits were taken by San Francisco-based photographers, Charles Lake Cramer and George Daniels Morse, sometime during the last thirty years of the 19th century. Finally, ephemera are contained in the last folder of the collection. Subjects include H. W. Halleck, Joseph Mora Moss, real property in California, San Francisco, San Mateo County and Livermore, California.
ArchivalResource: 67 items.1 box. View
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- Bernal family. Bernal family papers, 1849-c.1896.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Correspondence : with Jefferson Davis, 1862-1865.
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870. Correspondence : with Jefferson Davis, 1862-1865.
Correspondence : with Jefferson Davis, 1862-1865.
This is a collection of the confidential dispatches written by General Robert E. Lee to President Jefferson Davis during 1862-1865. Many items were included in Douglas S. Freeman's LEE'S CONFIDENTIAL DISPATCHES TO DAVIS, 1862-1865, and/or Clifford Dowdey and Louis H. Manarin's THE WARTIME PAPERS OF R.E. LEE. Several letters are from Lee to individuals other than Davis.
ArchivalResource: Letters: 309 p.Photocopies: 67 prints. View
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- Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870. Correspondence : with Jefferson Davis, 1862-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Sketch from the life of Major General Henry Wager Halleck : ms., [ca. 1880].
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918. Sketch from the life of Major General Henry Wager Halleck : ms., [ca. 1880].
Sketch from the life of Major General Henry Wager Halleck : ms., [ca. 1880].
ArchivalResource: Originals : 13 leaves ; 22 cm.Copies : partial microfilm reel (13 exposures) : negative (Rich. 93:6) and positive. View
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- Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918. Sketch from the life of Major General Henry Wager Halleck : ms., [ca. 1880].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: St. Louis, [Mo.], to G[eorge] W. Cullum, Cairo, [Ill.], [18]62 Feb. 14.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1882. Letter: St. Louis, [Mo.], to G[eorge] W. Cullum, Cairo, [Ill.], [18]62 Feb. 14.
Letter: St. Louis, [Mo.], to G[eorge] W. Cullum, Cairo, [Ill.], [18]62 Feb. 14.
Assignments for W. T. Sherman and U. S. Grant; other instructions.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.); 21 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1882. Letter: St. Louis, [Mo.], to G[eorge] W. Cullum, Cairo, [Ill.], [18]62 Feb. 14.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
William G. Dana papers, 1825-1858.
Dana, William Goodwin, 1797-1858. William G. Dana papers, 1825-1858.
William G. Dana papers, 1825-1858.
7 letters and 7 items, including a letter from his sister, Adeline. Other letters from prominent Californians discuss topics such as land, livestock, family, court cases. Two letters are addressed to Dana's son, Carlos. Also included is a deed to lots in San Luis Obispo and miscellaneous receipts for goods and services.
ArchivalResource: 1 box (.2 linear feet) View
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- Dana, William Goodwin, 1797-1858. William G. Dana papers, 1825-1858.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Concerns troop movements and travel plans for the Hampton Roads Peace Conference.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) in album ; 34 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter to J. Wilcoxson, 1857 March 24, San Francisco, California.
Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895. Letter to J. Wilcoxson, 1857 March 24, San Francisco, California.
Letter to J. Wilcoxson, 1857 March 24, San Francisco, California.
This letter refers to the land-grant litigation taking place in California during the late 1850s. Crosby refers to John A. Sutter, Henry Wager Halleck, and John Bidwell in his letter.
ArchivalResource: 1 item.1 page.25 cm. View
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- Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895. Letter to J. Wilcoxson, 1857 March 24, San Francisco, California.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers of John McAllister Schofield, 1837-1906 (bulk 1862-1895).
Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906. Papers of John McAllister Schofield, 1837-1906 (bulk 1862-1895).
Papers of John McAllister Schofield, 1837-1906 (bulk 1862-1895).
Correspondence, diary (1863), journals (1876-1891), military papers (special field orders, telegrams, and endorsements), memoranda, reports, despatches, financial records, court-martial papers, mss. and notes of speeches, articles and a memoir, maps, memorabilia, and printed material. Pertains chiefly to field operations in Missouri where Schofield commanded the "Army of the Frontier" and later the Dept. of the Missouri; operations of the Dept. and Army of the Ohio in Sherman's Atlanta campaign; Union victories at Franklin and Nashville, Tenn.; Schofield's service in 1865-1866 as confidential agent of the State Dept. to persuade French officials to recall forces of Maxmilian in Mexico; Reconstruction in Virginia under Schofield (1866-1868); and Andrew Johnson's fight with Congress. Nearly half of the collection concerns Schofield's service as commander of the Depts. of Missouri (1869-1870) and of the Pacific (1870-1876); as Superintendent of the Military Academy (1876-1881); and as commander of the Military Divisions of the Gulf, the Pacific, the Missouri, and Atlantic (1881-1888). Many papers relate to his command of the Army (1888-1895). Subjects mentioned in the postwar period are Indian affairs, civilian-military relations, the Fitz John Porter case, coastal defense, labor strikes and unrest in Chicago and on the western railroads, and the role of the commander of the Army in relation to the Secretary of War. Correspondents include Francis P. Blair, Jr., Jacob D. Cox, Ulysses S. Grant, Henry Wager Halleck, Fitz-John Porter, Philip H. Sheridan, William T. Sherman, and Alfred Howe Terry.
ArchivalResource: 30,000 items.99 containers, plus 1 oversize. View
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- Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906. Papers of John McAllister Schofield, 1837-1906 (bulk 1862-1895).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers, 1846-1866.
Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866. Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers, 1846-1866.
Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers, 1846-1866.
The collection contains correspondence between Gen. S. R. Curtis and his family while in military service or on engineering jobs, his official correspondence with copies of orders, telegrams, and other military papers while serving in the Mexican and Civil Wars, as Indian Commissioner to make treaties with the Sioux in Montana and Dakota and while working on the Union Pacific Railroad. Family letters also record Samuel Stephen Curtis's experiences prospecting in California, 1858-60.
ArchivalResource: 0.84 linear feet (4 boxes) View
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- Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866. Samuel Ryan Curtis Papers, 1846-1866.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: City Point, Va., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1865 Feb. 28.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter: City Point, Va., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1865 Feb. 28.
Letter: City Point, Va., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1865 Feb. 28.
Gen. Hancock may have his headquarters at Martinsburg, but nothing should be moved from Winchester until it is certain Sheridan will not return. Marked cipher.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 25 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter: City Point, Va., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1865 Feb. 28.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Board of Delegates of American IsraelitesRecords 1859-1881, 1887, 1932
Board of Delegates of American Israelites Records, 1859-1881, 1887, 1932
Board of Delegates of American IsraelitesRecords 1859-1881, 1887, 1932
The Records of the Board of Delegates ofAmerican Israelites (1859-1878) documents the life cycle of the Board of Delegates, a Jewishcivil rights organization located in New York City. The Board served primarily in a two-foldfunction: acting as a central organization for American Jews and working on behalf of Jewsabroad. To the latter end, the Delegates collaborated with the Committee of Deputies of BritishJews and the French Alliance Israélite Universelle to provide for the relief and aid, civil, andreligious rights of Jews throughout the Americas, Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East,particularly Romania, Ottoman Palestine including Jerusalem, and Morocco. In the U.S., theDelegates were partially responsible for the appointment of the first Jewish Military Chaplainand surveyed member synagogues concerning the history and size of their congregation, the firstorganization to systematically record this type of information in the States. The Delegatesmerged with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) in 1878 and dissolved in 1925.Correspondents include Adolph Crémieux, Sir Moses Montefiore, Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, IsaacsS. Myer, the Rev. Dr. Arnold Fischel, and Maj. General Benjamin Butler. Documents includecorrespondence, minutes, committee reports, memorials, announcements, surveys, some printedmaterial including clippings, and a 1932 Rabbinical thesis on the Delegates by Allan Tarshish.
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- Board of Delegates of American Israelites Records, 1859-1881, 1887, 1932
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Augusta, Me., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 7.
Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883. Letter : Augusta, Me., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 7.
Letter : Augusta, Me., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 7.
Letter signed. Writes that there is no officer in the 3rd Maine Volunteers by the name of Charles C. Drew.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.).+ View
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- Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883. Letter : Augusta, Me., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 7.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Letters Sent, 1828 - 1903
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Sent, 1828 - 1903
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Sent, 1828 - 1903
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Note : [Washington, D.C.?], to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., [1861-1865?].
Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878. Note : [Washington, D.C.?], to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., [1861-1865?].
Note : [Washington, D.C.?], to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., [1861-1865?].
Autograph note signed. Written on an envelope. Relates to a friend of Gideon and his son. Also includes a handwritten note from J.C. Kelton to E.D. Townsend regarding the discharged of a soldier named Thatcher.
ArchivalResource: 1 item. View
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- Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878. Note : [Washington, D.C.?], to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., [1861-1865?].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Robert Allen correspondence and papers, 1849-1856.
Allen, Robert, 1812-1886. Robert Allen correspondence and papers, 1849-1856.
Robert Allen correspondence and papers, 1849-1856.
Mainly letters to Allen with a few from him concerning his duties as Quartermaster at Benicia. Include several from H.W. Halleck, some pertaining to civil fund expenditures and to the printing and circulation of the California Constitution.
ArchivalResource: 28 folders in portfolio. View
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- Allen, Robert, 1812-1886. Robert Allen correspondence and papers, 1849-1856.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984 Series: Letters Received, 1871 - 1894 File Unit: Consolidated Military Officer's File of General Henry W. Halleck
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1871 - 1894
File Unit: Consolidated Military Officer's File of General Henry W. Halleck
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1871 - 1894
File Unit: Consolidated Military Officer's File of General Henry W. Halleck
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1865 Feb. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Feb. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck.
ALS, 1865 Feb. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck.
In reply to a note from Halleck, Grant requests that Gen. Quincy Adams Gillmore be told to comply with orders to send surplus white troops not needed to hold the seaports to the Cape Fear River. Grant comments that troops are to be used against armed force and not for propaganda where no resistance exists.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) in album ; 34 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Feb. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
James Allen Hardie papers, 1844-1886 (bulk 1847-1876).
Hardie, James Allen, 1823-1876. James Allen Hardie papers, 1844-1886 (bulk 1847-1876).
James Allen Hardie papers, 1844-1886 (bulk 1847-1876).
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, orders, financial papers, and printed matter relating primarily to Hardie's military service in the West both during and following the Civil War. Subjects include the Mexican War, military affairs in California and Oregon (1847-1860), the Civil War especially the transfer of the command of the U.S. Army of the Potomac from Joseph Hooker to George Gordon Meade prior to the Battle of Gettysburg, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the execution of Mary E. Surratt in 1865, and Indian affairs in Montana and the Northwest. Correspondents include Orville Elias Babcock, Ambrose Everett Burnside, H.W. Halleck, Rufus Ingalls, Randolph Barnes Marcy, Philip Henry Sheridan, William T. Sherman, M.J. Spalding, E.D. Townsend, John Ellis Wool, and George Wright.
ArchivalResource: 395 items.1 container.0.2 linear feet. View
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- Hardie, James Allen, 1823-1876. James Allen Hardie papers, 1844-1886 (bulk 1847-1876).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1799-1923 (bulk 1846-1906).
Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905. Papers, 1799-1923 (bulk 1846-1906).
Papers, 1799-1923 (bulk 1846-1906).
Official and personal correspondence, notebooks, ms. of autobiography, drawings, clippings, scrapbooks, and other papers, relating to Wallace's activities as an army officer during the Mexican and Civil wars, governor of New Mexico territory (1878-1881), U.S. minister to Turkey (1881-1885), and author, and his efforts to obtain arms and men for Mexican rebels fighting the French (1865-1867), lecturing, business interests in Crawfordsville and Indianapolis, Ind., and New Mexico, his involvement in the court-martial of conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and in the trial of Henry Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison, Ga., and his membership on a committee to oversee counting disputed ballots in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, after the 1876 presidential election. Papers of Wallace's wife, Susan Elston Wallace (1830-1907), include family correspondence, letters (1881-1882) to her son from Europe, Turkey, and Egypt, and correspondence with publishers regarding her own writings. Letter books of Wallace's son and business agent, Henry Lane Wallace (1853-1926), relate to the family's business interests and a lawsuit involving a theatrical production of Ben-Hur. Papers of Wallace's father-in-law, Isaac C. Elston (1798-1867), of Crawfordsville, Ind., chiefly relate to his interests in developing Michigan City, Ind. (1830-1849). Elston family correspondence (chiefly 1864-1866) is from Crawfordsville, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Washington, D.C. Correspondents include Stephen Vincent Benét, Billy the Kid, James G. Blaine, Don Carlos Buell, Edward Canby, William Cannon, José M.J. Carvajal, William E. Chandler, Schuyler Colfax, Francis Marion Crawford, George W. Curtis, Caleb Cushing, Henry Winter Davis, Porfirio Díaz, William M. Evarts, Charles W. Fairbanks, Calvin Fletcher, Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, John C. Frémont, James A. Garfield, Lucretia Garfield, Richard J. Gatling, Ulysses S. Grant, Henry W. Halleck, Murat Halstead, Marcus A. Hanna, Benjamin Harrison, Edward Hatch, Rutherford B. Hayes, William Randolph Hearst, William Hendricks, William R. Holloway, Alvin P. Hovey, José María Iglesias, Edmund Kirby-Smith, Frederick Knefler, Mary H. Krout, Henry S. Lane, Abraham Lincoln, Robert T. Lincoln, Benson J. Lossing, George W. McCrary, John A. Mclernand, Robert H. Milroy, George W. Morgan, Oliver P. Morton, Reuben D. Mussey, Edward F. Noyes, Robert Dale Owen, James B. Pond, Albert G. Porter, John Baptist Purcell, Whitelaw Reid, William S. Rosecrans, Carl Schurz, Winfield Scott, William H. Seward, William F. Shanks, John Sherman, William T. Sherman, Edwin M. Stanton, Herman Sturm, John M. Thayer, Maurice Thompson, Will Henry Thompson, Benjamin H. Ticknor, John Tipton, John George Walker, David Wallace, Albert S. White, and Henry Lane Wilson.
ArchivalResource: 2 v. and 36 boxes. View
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- Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905. Papers, 1799-1923 (bulk 1846-1906).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Oliver P. Morton papers, 1850-1909.
Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877. Oliver P. Morton papers, 1850-1909.
Oliver P. Morton papers, 1850-1909.
This collection consist primarily of correspondence and papers from Morton's Senatorial career with an emphasis on the1876 presidential election and Louisiana politics in 1873 and 1874. There is also family correspondence, financial papers, speeches and notes on Republican politics, the Civil War, secession, and Reconstruction. Correspondents include Schuyler Colfax, Henry W. Halleck, Andrew Johnson, Henry S. Lane, Abraham Lincoln, George B. McClellan, Joaquin Miller, William H. Seward, Caleb B. Smith, Edwin M. Stanton, Lew Wallace, and Richard Yates.
ArchivalResource: 6 mss. boxes, 3 ov. folders, 1 vol. View
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- Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877. Oliver P. Morton papers, 1850-1909.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Notes : Quartermaster's Office, 1863-1864.
Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892. Notes : Quartermaster's Office, 1863-1864.
Notes : Quartermaster's Office, 1863-1864.
Consists of 2 autograph notes signed and 1 fragment with Meigs signature. One of the notes is addressed to Henry Wager Halleck.
ArchivalResource: 3 items. View
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- Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892. Notes : Quartermaster's Office, 1863-1864.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Ulysses S. Grant Papers 1819-1969 (bulk 1843-1885)
Ulysses S. Grant Papers, 1819-1969, (bulk 1843-1885)
Ulysses S. Grant Papers 1819-1969 (bulk 1843-1885)
United States president and army officer. General and family correspondence, speeches, reports, messages, manuscript of Grant’s memoirs (1885), military records, financial and legal records, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, memorabilia, and miscellaneous papers relating to Grant’s career in the military, politics, and government.
ArchivalResource: 50,000 items; 193 containers plus 6 oversize; 100 linear feet; 52 microfilm reels View
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- Ulysses S. Grant Papers, 1819-1969, (bulk 1843-1885)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers of Charles Graham Halpine, 1863-1868.
Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868. Papers of Charles Graham Halpine, 1863-1868.
Papers of Charles Graham Halpine, 1863-1868.
Papers include a letter, 1863 November 26, from Halpine to General Cullum concerning Halpine's fictitious character, Miles O'Reilly, a poem in mocking tribute to Edwin Stanton and mentioning an interview with President Lincoln; and a letter, 1864 April 21, also to General Cullum, reporting on General Grant, praising General Halleck and suggesting he could have been the Democratic nominee for President, and reporting on Halpine's own resignation and a new career with a law firm. Papers also include a letter, 1864 April 7, Halpine to Charles Nordhoff requesting him to review the poem "April 20th '64" written in honor of the 69th Regiment, New York volunteers and to show it to William Cullen Bryant for his opinion; a letter, 1868 April 1, Halpine to Salmon P. Chase urging him to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 1868 to oppose George Pendleton; and a letter, 1868 July 22, to John M. Savage asking for employment for a Fenian refugee. The collection also includes two manuscript poems, "The Chemisette" and a spoof "Special Orders from Headquarters, Dept. of the South, Hilton Head, S.C., 1863 March 25, written in verse as a mock tribute to a Mary Brooks. The collection also includes drawing from a photograph showing Halpine in uniform of "Private Miles O'Reilly."
ArchivalResource: 9 items. View
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- Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868. Papers of Charles Graham Halpine, 1863-1868.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
[Letter] 1865 June 29, Richmond, Va. [to] J.R. Bartlett, Providence, R.I. / H.W.H. [Henry W. Halleck]. 1865.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. [Letter] 1865 June 29, Richmond, Va. [to] J.R. Bartlett, Providence, R.I. / H.W.H. [Henry W. Halleck].
[Letter] 1865 June 29, Richmond, Va. [to] J.R. Bartlett, Providence, R.I. / H.W.H. [Henry W. Halleck]. 1865.
ArchivalResource: [1] leaf ; 21 x 25 cm. folded to 21 x 12 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. [Letter] 1865 June 29, Richmond, Va. [to] J.R. Bartlett, Providence, R.I. / H.W.H. [Henry W. Halleck].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1863 June 26, Washington, to Major General Samuel P. Heintzelman.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. ALS, 1863 June 26, Washington, to Major General Samuel P. Heintzelman.
ALS, 1863 June 26, Washington, to Major General Samuel P. Heintzelman.
Major General Halleck orders troop movements in the defense of Washington.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 leaf) ; 17 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. ALS, 1863 June 26, Washington, to Major General Samuel P. Heintzelman.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Biography clippings : "H" [surname] folder 1895-2005.
Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Biography clippings : "H" [surname] folder 1895-2005.
Biography clippings : "H" [surname] folder 1895-2005.
ArchivalResource: 6 folders. View
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- Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Biography clippings : "H" [surname] folder 1895-2005.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900. Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
Letter signed. McClernand informs Major General Halleck that he has completed his assignment in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa and is now ready to take command of the Mississippi expedition.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.). View
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- McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900. Letter : Springfield, Ill., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Dec. 16.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
C. B. Comstock Papers 1847-1908 (bulk 1862-1890)
C. B. Comstock Papers, 1847-1908, (bulk 1862-1890)
C. B. Comstock Papers 1847-1908 (bulk 1862-1890)
Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, notebooks, orders, reports, and drawings primarily concerning Comstock's Civil War service as chief engineer of the Army of the Potomac. Also includes material relating to the Mexican War and Comstock's tenure as president of the United States Mississippi River Commission, 1884.
ArchivalResource: 900 items; 4 containers; 1.6 linear feet; 4 microfilm reels View
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- C. B. Comstock Papers, 1847-1908, (bulk 1862-1890)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877. Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Autograph letter signed. Praises Colonel Carrington for the prompt and energetic manner in which he prepared Indiana regiments for battle. Also includes an unsigned endorsement.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (3 p.) View
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- Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877. Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
William A. Leidesdorff collection, 1834-1857.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. William A. Leidesdorff collection, 1834-1857.
William A. Leidesdorff collection, 1834-1857.
Correspondence (1845-1847) as vice-consul; correspondence, account books, orders, and receipts (1834-1848) reflecting Leidesdorff's activities as a merchant in Yerba Buena (later San Francisco); papers relating to Leidesdorff's land grant, Rio de los Americanos, and the legal battle between Joseph L. Folsom and Anna Maria Spark, Leidesdorff's mother, regarding the inheritance of Leidesdorff's estate; and papers of Henry W. Halleck from his law practice with Halleck, Peachy, and Billings, consisting of Halleck's drafts for clients' land grant claims and other legal documents, some dealing with Leidesdorff's grant.
ArchivalResource: 1 box (0.5 linear ft.) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. William A. Leidesdorff collection, 1834-1857.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter and report : State Dept of California, Monterey, to Col. R.B. Mason commanding 10th Mil. Dept and Governor of California, 1849 Mar. 1.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter and report : State Dept of California, Monterey, to Col. R.B. Mason commanding 10th Mil. Dept and Governor of California, 1849 Mar. 1.
Letter and report : State Dept of California, Monterey, to Col. R.B. Mason commanding 10th Mil. Dept and Governor of California, 1849 Mar. 1.
Contemporary copy of a Mar. 1, 1849, study by Halleck of California public land laws under the Spanish and Mexican governments, prepared at the request of R.B. Mason, California's military governor.
ArchivalResource: 1 v. (62 leaves), bound ; 31 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter and report : State Dept of California, Monterey, to Col. R.B. Mason commanding 10th Mil. Dept and Governor of California, 1849 Mar. 1.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Letter signed. Comments on four recommendations made by General Barry.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Letter : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 24.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Letter signed. Informs Halleck that arrangements have been made to supply all the horses necessary for the Division of the Mississippi.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.,], 1864 Mar. 25.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers of Moses A. McCoid, 1859-1884.
McCoid, M. A. (Moses Ayers), 1840-1904. Papers of Moses A. McCoid, 1859-1884.
Papers of Moses A. McCoid, 1859-1884.
The papers consist of 86 letters, the majority of which were written by Moses to his wife Helen. Three letters were written by Helen to Moses. The pre-Civil War letters were written between 1859 and 1861 when McCoid was in Fairfield, Iowa reading law with James F. Wilson. In these letters, Moses is wooing Helen. He reminds her of the time they met and talks about their future together despite her parents being against the match. The Civil War letters cover the period of May 1861 to April 1864. These intensely emotional love letters are filled with the young man's longing for his "dear Helen," and his attachment to "our flag" and country. The letters discuss war news and politics, army life (rations, attending church services, conflicts with commanding officers, etc.) including a detailed account of the Battle of Shiloh and Moses' take on the Emancipation Proclamation. He also talks about his regiment, the 2nd Iowa Infantry Regiment (1861-1864), courts-martial, the siege of Vicksburg, G. T. Beauregard, Braxton Bragg, Ambrose Burnside, Grenville Dodge, John Charles Frémont, H. W. Halleck, William Hardee, Joseph Hooker, Abraham Lincoln, John A. Logan, Gideon Pillow, Samuel Sturgis, Libby Prison and war prisoners, and slavery. One of the letters includes a hand-drawn map of the Battle of Shiloh with a list of casualties from Co. E. Many letters were written on ornate patriotic stationery, some with illustrated envelopes as well. The post-war letters were written by McCoid when he was a member of the Iowa State Senate living in Des Moines and Washington, D. C. In these letters he talks about politics in Iowa and his dislike of being away from his wife and family.
ArchivalResource: 107 items. View
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- McCoid, M. A. (Moses Ayers), 1840-1904. Papers of Moses A. McCoid, 1859-1884.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863.
Linsley, Benjamin M. Letters, 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863.
Letters, 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863.
Six letters, dated 12 Dec. 1862-6 August 1863, from Benjamin M. Linsley to his friend Mrs. Lucy G. Palmer in Suffield, Conn. Each letter is written in ink on both sides of a single folded sheet, except for the first one, which is on two folded sheets, sewn together in the center with cloth thread at some point after they were composed. All are addressed by Linsley from the camp near Falmouth, Va., where his regiment was based, except the last one, which is addressed from McKinnis Hospital in Baltimore, Md., where Linsley was sent to recover from typhoid fever.
ArchivalResource: 6 items. View
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- Linsley, Benjamin M. Letters, 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : St. Louis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Feb. 2.
Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894. Letter : St. Louis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Feb. 2.
Letter : St. Louis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Feb. 2.
Autograph letter signed. Kirkwood expresses his concern that the Union troops at Vicksburg will suffer because of high waters and dampness due to rain. He also fears that a "bold clash by the rebels to seize Memphis or some other point on the river above our army will command the river and cutoff supplies to the army."
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894. Letter : St. Louis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Feb. 2.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bernal Family Papers 1849-circa 1896
Bernal Family Papers, 1849-circa 1896
Bernal Family Papers 1849-circa 1896
The chronologically-arranged documentsdemonstrate the range of legal, financial and real estate-related transactionsinitiated by or concerning the Bernal family and their associates. Included in thisseries are legal contracts, mortgages, leases, title deeds, promissory notes, taxreceipts, and general accounting records. The series also includes personal andbusiness letters to and by the Bernal family members and their associates. Twoportraits comprise their own series. Both portraits were taken by SanFrancisco-based photographers, Charles Lake Cramer and George Daniels Morse,sometime during the last thirty years of the 19th century. Finally, ephemera arecontained in the last folder of the collection. Subjects include H. W. Halleck,Joseph Mora Moss, real property in California, San Francisco, San Mateo County andLivermore, California.
ArchivalResource: 67 items View
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- Bernal Family Papers, 1849-circa 1896
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters to S.S. McClure, 1894, 1896.
Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906. Letters to S.S. McClure, 1894, 1896.
Letters to S.S. McClure, 1894, 1896.
Briefly discusses articles "My first acquaintance with Grant" and "An hour with Lincoln." Also discusses at length proposals for future articles on Grant, Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Henry Halleck, and Edward Stanton.
ArchivalResource: 2 items. View
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- Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906. Letters to S.S. McClure, 1894, 1896.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
[Letters to Major General H. W. Halleck, 1862 ] / Geo. B. McClellan.
McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885. [Letters to Major General H. W. Halleck, 1862 ] / Geo. B. McClellan.
[Letters to Major General H. W. Halleck, 1862 ] / Geo. B. McClellan.
Letter, 1862 Jan. 3, Headquarters of the Army, Washington, D.C. McClellan writes to Halleck, who is then the commander of the Army in Missouri, requesting that he send troops into western Kentucky. -- Letter, 1862 Jan. 13, Head Qts. of the Army, Washington. McClellan writes responding to a telegram from Halleck of Jan 10th and again requesting information on the troops Halleck might send and on information of Confederate Army. -- Photograph (carte de visite) of McClellan in uniform of major general. New York: E. & H.T. Anthony, [1861?], signed.
ArchivalResource: 3 items ; port. View
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- McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885. [Letters to Major General H. W. Halleck, 1862 ] / Geo. B. McClellan.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Andrew Johnson Papers 1783-1947 (bulk 1865-1869)
Andrew Johnson Papers, 1783-1947, (bulk 1865-1869)
Andrew Johnson Papers 1783-1947 (bulk 1865-1869)
U. S. president, vice president, senator, representative, and army officer. Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, messages and speeches, courts-martial and amnesty records, financial records, lists, newspaper clippings, printed matter, scrapbooks, photographs, and other papers relating chiefly to Johnson's presidency.
ArchivalResource: 40,000 items; 245 containers plus 1 oversize; 55.8 linear feet; 55 microfilm reels View
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- Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875. Andrew Johnson papers, 1783-1947 (bulk 1865-1869).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
Pope, John, 1822-1892. Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Pope, John, 1822-1892. Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Blair Family Papers 1755-1968 (bulk 1829-1892)
Blair Family Papers, 1755-1968, (bulk 1829-1892)
Blair Family Papers 1755-1968 (bulk 1829-1892)
Prominent family in nineteenth century national politics. Correspondence, speeches and writings, legal files, financial records, historical research files, printed matter, and estate records documenting principally the careers of Francis Preston Blair, journalist and presidential advisor, Frank P. Blair, soldier and politician, and Montgomery Blair, lawyer and cabinet officer.
ArchivalResource: 19,050 items; 73 containers plus 1 oversize; 29.5 linear feet; 49 microfilm reels View
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- Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876. Blair family papers, 1755-1968 (bulk 1829-1892).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Note : n.p., to [Edwin McMasters Stanton], n.p., [186-?].
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Note : n.p., to [Edwin McMasters Stanton], n.p., [186-?].
Note : n.p., to [Edwin McMasters Stanton], n.p., [186-?].
Autograph note signed. Refers to General Martindale's defense. Includes an autograph note signed by Stanton that refers to the same topic.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Note : n.p., to [Edwin McMasters Stanton], n.p., [186-?].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to D. Van Nostrand, 1864 Mar. 15.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to D. Van Nostrand, 1864 Mar. 15.
Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to D. Van Nostrand, 1864 Mar. 15.
Asking for the first number of The New Nation.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; (8vo) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Autograph letter signed : Washington, D.C., to D. Van Nostrand, 1864 Mar. 15.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Frankfort, Ky., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 31.
Combs, Leslie, 1793-1881. Letter : Frankfort, Ky., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 31.
Letter : Frankfort, Ky., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 31.
Autograph letter signed. Contains references to the Battle of Chaplin Hills and [Don Carlos] Buell. Also includes a newspaper clipping (1862 Oct. 16) about Braxton Bragg and Don Carlos Buell.
ArchivalResource: 2 items. View
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- Combs, Leslie, 1793-1881. Letter : Frankfort, Ky., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 31.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Wheeling,[W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899. Letter : Wheeling,[W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Letter : Wheeling,[W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Autograph letter signed. Calls for the dismissal of Colonel Rathbone and Major Trimble.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.). View
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- Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899. Letter : Wheeling,[W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
J. W. Flanagan collection 1760-1882 (Bulk: 1785-1849)
J. W. Flanagan collection MC019. 46996323., 1760-1882, (Bulk: 1785-1849)
J. W. Flanagan collection 1760-1882 (Bulk: 1785-1849)
This collection focuses on the autographs of famous Americans of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
ArchivalResource: View
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- J. W. Flanagan collection MC019. 46996323., 1760-1882, (Bulk: 1785-1849)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : to T. J. Lippett / by Henry Wager Halleck 1847 Sep 18.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : to T. J. Lippett / by Henry Wager Halleck 1847 Sep 18.
Letter : to T. J. Lippett / by Henry Wager Halleck 1847 Sep 18.
ArchivalResource: 1 p.; 25 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : to T. J. Lippett / by Henry Wager Halleck 1847 Sep 18.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1859-1890.
Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894. Letters, 1859-1890.
Letters, 1859-1890.
Concerning his political activities.
ArchivalResource: 12 items (15 p.) View
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- Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894. Letters, 1859-1890.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Smith-Capron-Spencer-Hill family Bible record, 1741-1954.
Smith-Capron-Spencer-Hill family Bible record, 1741-1954.
Smith-Capron-Spencer-Hill family Bible record, 1741-1954.
Areas covered are New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Other surnames mentioned: Annis, Bartlett, Bones, Castle, Church, Clark, Eames, Halleck, Holmes, Jenks, Kaufman, Larson, Martin, O'Brien, Ree, Wean, and White.
ArchivalResource: 6 leaves. View
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- Smith-Capron-Spencer-Hill family Bible record, 1741-1954.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Jefferson Columbus Davis papers, 1867-1878.
Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. Jefferson Columbus Davis papers, 1867-1878.
Jefferson Columbus Davis papers, 1867-1878.
Original journals, correspondence, photographs, engravings, newsclippings, together with some typed copies, documenting Davis' tenure as military governor of Alaska, 1867-1870, and his and his wife's tour of Mexico in 1878.
ArchivalResource: 0.4 linear feet (1 box) View
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- Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. Jefferson Columbus Davis papers, 1867-1878.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant reports that he is leaving for Fort Fisher, N.C., and orders Schofield's and Meagher's forces to join him there.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 25, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984 Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889 File Unit: 1868 - Halleck, Henry - File No. P587
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1868 - Halleck, Henry - File No. P587
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1868 - Halleck, Henry - File No. P587
ArchivalResource: View
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This is one of two File No. P587s with a similar subject matter.
- Resource Relation
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter, 1865 Feb. 13, City Point, Va., to Maj. Gen. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter, 1865 Feb. 13, City Point, Va., to Maj. Gen. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Letter, 1865 Feb. 13, City Point, Va., to Maj. Gen. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Requests every effort be made to pay Army officers and men to the end of 1864.
ArchivalResource: 1 p. Holograph signed. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter, 1865 Feb. 13, City Point, Va., to Maj. Gen. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1864 Dec. 11, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1864 Dec. 11, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1864 Dec. 11, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Nothing has been heard of the troops sent to destroy the Weldon Railroad south of Petersburg; good news of Sherman's progress in Georgia.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1864 Dec. 11, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Endorsements Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 8/1862 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Endorsements Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 8/1862 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Endorsements Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 8/1862 - 4/1865
ArchivalResource: View
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This series consists of fair copies of endorsements sent by General Henry W. Halleck as Commanding General and Chief of Staff. The notation "letter book" frequently appears besides an endorsement with a page and registry number which refers to the series "Registers of Letters Received by General Henry W. Halleck and Endorsements Sent, August 1862 - April 1865" (ARC Identifier 604140). The registers of letters received give a more complete resume of the contents of the letter than does the endorsement book.
- Resource Relation
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Letters Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 11/1862 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 11/1862 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 11/1862 - 4/1865
ArchivalResource: View
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- Resource Relation
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck. 1830 - 1884. Note from President Abraham Lincoln to Maj. Gen. Henry Halleck
Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck. 1830 - 1884. Note from President Abraham Lincoln to Maj. Gen. Henry Halleck
Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck. 1830 - 1884. Note from President Abraham Lincoln to Maj. Gen. Henry Halleck
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Samuel Peter Heintzelman Papers 1822-1913 (bulk 1850-1865)
Samuel Peter Heintzelman Papers, 1822-1913, (bulk 1850-1865)
Samuel Peter Heintzelman Papers 1822-1913 (bulk 1850-1865)
Union army officer. Correspondence, diaries, journals, and military papers detailing Heintzelman’s service in the United States Army from his years at the United States Military Academy through the Civil War. Includes descriptions of activities in Indian wars in Florida, the Southwest, and California, and during the Mexican War.
ArchivalResource: 1,500 items; 11 containers plus 1 oversize; 4.5 linear feet; 13 microfilm reels View
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- Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-1880. Samuel Peter Heintzelman papers, 1822-1913 (bulk 1850-1865).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
[Letter and autograph signatures] / Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. [Letter and autograph signatures] / Abraham Lincoln.
[Letter and autograph signatures] / Abraham Lincoln.
Letter, 1863 May 1, Executive Mansion, Washington to Major Gen. Halleck. Lincoln requests that Halleck confer with Gen. Totten about Gen. Cullum going to Boston. -- Autograph signature, 1862 Jul. 13, together with Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. This is on a fragment of an unknown printed certificate. -- Autograph signature, 1864 Apr. 21, on printed vellum certificate appointing George W. Wood as Consul at Muscat, [Oman]. The document is also signed by William H. Seward, Secretary of State (33 x 41 cm.); it is pre-printed and completed by hand, and has the great seal of the U.S.
ArchivalResource: 3 items. View
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- Resource Relation
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. [Letter and autograph signatures] / Abraham Lincoln.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899. Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Autograph letter signed. Relates to retaining the Nebraska cavalry on the west side of the Missouri River.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.) View
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- Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899. Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Whipple-Scandrett family papers, 1829-1959.
Bill, Alfred Hoyt, 1879-1964. Whipple-Scandrett family papers, 1829-1959.
Whipple-Scandrett family papers, 1829-1959.
Personal and family papers of Henry B. Whipple, Protestant Episcopal bishop of Minnesota, his grandsons Henry A. Scandrett and Benjamin W. Scandrett, who both became well-known railroad executives, and other members of the Whipple and Scandrett families.
ArchivalResource: 4.5 cu. ft. (9 boxes). View
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- Resource Relation
- Bill, Alfred Hoyt, 1879-1964. Whipple-Scandrett family papers, 1829-1959.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Collection of documents related to Elisha O. Crosby and early California history. 1849-1855.
Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853. Collection of documents related to Elisha O. Crosby and early California history.
Collection of documents related to Elisha O. Crosby and early California history. 1849-1855.
Official handwritten appointment of Crosby to prefecture of Sacramento district by military governor Bennett Riley, dated Sept. 27, 1849 -- Handwritten letter from a prospective newspaper publisher eliciting Crosby's support of the endeavor, dated Oct. 11, 1849 -- Handwritten proclamation regarding the ratification presentation of the state constitution, dated Oct. 12, 1849 (2 leaves) -- Handwritten proclamation adopting an official "day of Thanksgiving and Prayer" on Nov. 29th, dated Oct. 24, 1849 -- Handwritten reply from Secretary of State Henry Halleck, dated Dec. 4, 1849, to a letter from Crosby regarding his role as prefect of Sacramento district -- Handwritten proclamation of the ratification of the California constitution, dated Dec. 12, 1849 -- Handwritten proclamation in which Bennett Riley transfers the governorship to the newly elected governor, Peter Burnett, dated Dec. 20, 1849 -- Letter to Crosby requesting that he fill a vacancy in the state assembly, dated Jan. 29, 1850 -- Printed "Election notice," signed by Crosby as prefect for Sacramento district and dated Jan. 30, 1850 -- Handwritten letter from Governor Burnett, dated Apr. 24, 1850 -- Certificate of Crosby's appointment to the military organization of the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco, dated June 10, 1850 -- Official document admitting Crosby to a seat on the California Supreme Court, dated July 19, 1851 -- Printed announcement of Crosby's appointment to the U.S. Circuit Court, dated Aug. 27, 1855.
ArchivalResource: 14 sheets : photographs, b&w ; 18 x 13 cm. View
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- Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853. Collection of documents related to Elisha O. Crosby and early California history.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
General Frederick Steele papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk).
Steele, Frederick, 1819-1868. General Frederick Steele papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk).
General Frederick Steele papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk).
ArchivalResource: 10.5 linear feet. View
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- Steele, Frederick, 1819-1868. General Frederick Steele papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Diario que forma el P. Fr. Pedro Font ... sacado del borrador que escrivio en el camino del viage que hizo a Monterey y Puerto de San Francisco en compañia del ... Comandante ... Juan Bautista de Anza por orden ... [de] Antonio Maria Bucareli, virrey ... 1775 : ms. S, 1776.
Font, Pedro, d. 1781. Diario que forma el P. Fr. Pedro Font ... sacado del borrador que escrivio en el camino del viage que hizo a Monterey y Puerto de San Francisco en compañia del ... Comandante ... Juan Bautista de Anza por orden ... [de] Antonio Maria Bucareli, virrey ... 1775 : ms. S, 1776.
Diario que forma el P. Fr. Pedro Font ... sacado del borrador que escrivio en el camino del viage que hizo a Monterey y Puerto de San Francisco en compañia del ... Comandante ... Juan Bautista de Anza por orden ... [de] Antonio Maria Bucareli, virrey ... 1775 : ms. S, 1776.
Copy made at Ures, June 5-23, 1776, by Font of his diary, Sept. 29, 1775-June 2, 1776. With his corrections and additions. Records the second Anza expedition, September 29, 1775-June 5, 1776, from San Miguel de Horcasitas to San Francisco and back, conducted by order of Viceroy Bucareli for the settlement of Monterey and San Francisco. Written in Ures from notes made during the expedition, it contains valuable geographical and topographical information. The Spanish text, with an English translation, has been published in the Academy of Pacific Coast History, Publications, Volume III (Berkeley, 1913) Another translation was published by Herbert Eugene Bolton in Anza's California Expeditions, Vol. III (Berkeley, 1930).
ArchivalResource: Originals : [79] p. ; 21 cm.Copies : partial microfilm reel (43 exposures) : negative (Rich. 416:9) and positive. View
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- Font, Pedro, d. 1781. Diario que forma el P. Fr. Pedro Font ... sacado del borrador que escrivio en el camino del viage que hizo a Monterey y Puerto de San Francisco en compañia del ... Comandante ... Juan Bautista de Anza por orden ... [de] Antonio Maria Bucareli, virrey ... 1775 : ms. S, 1776.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886. Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Letter signed. Refers to recruiting troops to fight in the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) View
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- Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886. Letter : Helena, Ark., to H[enry] W[ager] Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 29.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Newton Southworth and family papers, 1852-1917.
Southworth, Newton, 1803-1863. Newton Southworth and family papers, 1852-1917.
Newton Southworth and family papers, 1852-1917.
Letters, clippings, minutes, and accounts recording the activities of the Southworth and Sparrow families and their friends, particularly in Massachusetts and in Belle Plaine, Scott County (Minn.).
ArchivalResource: 0.5 cu. ft. (1 box) View
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- Southworth, Newton, 1803-1863. Newton Southworth and family papers, 1852-1917.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts Civil War collection, 1724-1933 (inclusive); 1861-1912 (bulk).
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts Civil War collection, 1724-1933 (inclusive); 1861-1912 (bulk).
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts Civil War collection, 1724-1933 (inclusive); 1861-1912 (bulk).
A collection of images, manuscripts, and printed material, mostly relating to the Massachusetts soldiers and regiments in the American Civil War. Some material relates to other Union regiments and the Confederate States of America.
ArchivalResource: 47 linear feet (143 boxes, 2 volumes) View
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- Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Massachusetts Civil War collection, 1724-1933 (inclusive);, 1861-1912 (bulk).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
[Letter] 1862 Sep. 15, Washington, Head-Quarters of the Army [to] Maj. Gen. [Nathaniel] Banks / H.W. Halleck.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. [Letter] 1862 Sep. 15, Washington, Head-Quarters of the Army [to] Maj. Gen. [Nathaniel] Banks / H.W. Halleck.
[Letter] 1862 Sep. 15, Washington, Head-Quarters of the Army [to] Maj. Gen. [Nathaniel] Banks / H.W. Halleck.
Halleck, as General in Chief of the US Army, requests troops be sent to "the crossings between Great Falls and Point of Rocks." This order was likely a part of the defense of Washington, D.C. in the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: [1] leaf ; 25 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. [Letter] 1862 Sep. 15, Washington, Head-Quarters of the Army [to] Maj. Gen. [Nathaniel] Banks / H.W. Halleck.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters: Cairo, Ill., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1862 Feb. 7 and 9.
Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892. Letters: Cairo, Ill., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1862 Feb. 7 and 9.
Letters: Cairo, Ill., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1862 Feb. 7 and 9.
Describes battle of Fort Henry, Tennessee; favors Paducah, Kentucky as a supply depot over Cairo, Illinois; comments on U. S. Grant, James McPherson and G. T. Beauregard.
ArchivalResource: 2 items. View
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- Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892. Letters: Cairo, Ill., to [Henry W.] Halleck, 1862 Feb. 7 and 9.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
General Frederick Steele Papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk)
General Frederick Steele Papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk)
General Frederick Steele Papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk)
ArchivalResource: 10.5 linear ft. View
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- General Frederick Steele Papers, 1845-1965 (inclusive), 1862-1868 (bulk)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Vicksburg, Miss., to [Henry Wager] Halleck, n.p., 1863 Aug. 1.
Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894. Letter : Vicksburg, Miss., to [Henry Wager] Halleck, n.p., 1863 Aug. 1.
Letter : Vicksburg, Miss., to [Henry Wager] Halleck, n.p., 1863 Aug. 1.
Letter signed. Recommends an immediate attack on Mobile, Alabama.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.) View
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- Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894. Letter : Vicksburg, Miss., to [Henry Wager] Halleck, n.p., 1863 Aug. 1.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
American and English literary and historical papers collected by Atcheson L. Hench [manuscript] 1787-1914.
Armsby, James H., 1809-1875,. American and English literary and historical papers collected by Atcheson L. Hench [manuscript] 1787-1914.
American and English literary and historical papers collected by Atcheson L. Hench [manuscript] 1787-1914.
Material collected by Hench, some as an autograph collection and others for use in his classes at the University of Virginia with examples of various periods. Modern autographs collected by Hench include letters by associates of Edgar Allan Poe; Civil War letters; papers relating to Virginia history; correspondence of writers and politicians, particularly from the Victorian era; and other miscellaneous correspondence with literary or histocial interest. Gerald Massey writes to Osgood & Co. and [James T.?] Fields on book sales, a publishing venture and American lectures. Dabney Herndon Maury sends an autograph and writes to the Piedmont & Arlington Life Insurance Company on a business matter and expressing concern on the business situation in New Orleans. Matthew Fontaine Maury to James H. Armsby, Bond & Son, and John D. Simms accepts an invitation to visit the Dudley Observator and Meet O. M. Mitchell, reports on the trial of varaious chronometers and recommends an appointment. Letters of Mary Russell Mitford to William Cox Bennett, Frances Trollop and others criticize the work of Henry Chorley and John Hughes, discusses her "Recollections of a literary life...."; solicit the patronage of Lord Nugent; recommends Bennett to Mrs. Acton Tindal, describes a packet containing work by John Greenleaf Whittier and Oliver Wendell Holmes; a bad fall suffered by Elizabeth Barrett Browning; a production of her play by [Charles?] Kemble; and mentioning Digby Starkey, the widow of Eliot Warburton, Joseph Hume. Letters of John S. Mosby to Eben Swift and Marcus J. Wright discuss Civil War incidents including his "closest call" and the objective of Pleasonton's attacks on Stuart at Brandy Station together with an autograph and a signed photograph. Also a letter of John Ware Mosby to George S. Palmer arranging a safe conduct pass for Mosby in May of 1865 so he can obtain a parole from General Halleck. Letters of his sister Victoria P. Mosby convey Richmond social news of 1842. Letters of Charles Eliot Norton to Dana Estes, C. C. Hazewell, Oliver Johnson, Andrew P. Peabody, Winslow Warren and others are chiefly brief social and business notes but include a letter about an archaelogical dig in Cotrone, Italy, conducted by Berlingieri and Clarke. Single letters of interest include Miles D. McAlester to Erasmus D. Keyes, 1862 August 25 concerning work parties for fortifications at Yorktown; W. Gordon McCabe to John Esten Cooke on a literary notice for a novel; Henry McKenzie to [Thomas?] Cadell on sales of "The Lounger"; Katharine Sarah Gadsden Macquoid to Roberts Brothers on the publication of "Dolly's grandfathers" in the U. S.; William H. McGuffey declining a request. Also William C. Macready to Mary Russell Mitford on publishing her play and his performance in "Julian"; Richard Kidder Meade to Samuel Pickens on the sale of Alabama land; James Montgomery sending thanks for a musical composition; Samuel McDowell Moore to John Letcher, 1861 September 3, on poor condition of roads which will hinder army transport and volunteering to supervise repair if given supplies and slave labor. Robert Nares to Thomas Cadell the Younger and reply on proofs for the completion of Macklin's Bible, together with engraving of Nares; and Yoné Noguchi to Madison Cawein on an evening with Joaquin Miller. The collection also contains an autograph of Joaquin Miller; a fragment by James Monroe on the acquisition of Florida.
ArchivalResource: circa 52 items. View
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- Armsby, James H., 1809-1875,. American and English literary and historical papers collected by Atcheson L. Hench [manuscript] 1787-1914.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers of Thomas T. Eckert, 1862-1877, (1862-1867 )
Eckert, Thomas Thompson, 1825-1910. Papers of Thomas T. Eckert, 1862-1877, (1862-1867 )
Papers of Thomas T. Eckert, 1862-1877, (1862-1867 )
Archive of Eckert's professional papers that he accumulated from 1862 to 1877; the bulk of the collection covers his Civil War service. The collection includes: 14 ledgers of telegrams received by the War Department (1862, Feb. 2 00 1867, Aug. 1); 7 ledgers of ciphered telegrams sent from Washington (1862, Feb. 1 -- 1867, July 30); 1 ledger of ciphered communications of the Army of the Potomac (1862, Aug. 29- 1863, Apr. 28); 4 ledgers of telegraphic communications of the Union post at Fortress Monroe, Va. (1863, Aug. 29 - Apr. 6, 1865), and 2 ledgers of messages that the special investigating agent Charles A. Dana sent from Chattanooga and Knoxville (1863, Sept. 10- 1864, Aug. 2). Also included are 8 letterpress books of Thomas T. Eckert's own correspondence, supply orders for the Military Telegraph, a ledger of Jay Gould's American Union Telegraph, and cipher code books with different versions of the ciphers in use by various operators. The ledgers of the United States Military Telegraph cover the campaing of the Union armies in the Eastern and Western theaters, intelligence and covert operations, the organization transportation, communications, hospitals, provision of the troops and other aspects of the logistics; personnel issues; fugitive slaves The ledgers contain the initial text of telegraphic messages, as they were transmitted by the operators and before they were copied on loose sheets papers to be delivered to the addressee. Some of the sent messages appear to have been dictated rather than drafted in writing. The sent messages are ciphered; the received telegrams are mostly decoded. Some telegrams are followed by brief messages that operators sent to each other. The letterpress books contain Eckert's own telegrams received between Mar. 30, 1864 and Apr. 7, 1860 and sent between June 4, 1865 and Aug. 7, 1866. Subjects inlude the construction, repair, and maintenance of the Union telegraph lines; transportation; relationship with the press, including with the agents of Reuters and Associated Press, intelligence and covert operations in 1864-1865, the elections of 1864, etc. Correspondents include Abraham Lincoln, Edwin M. Stanton, Anson Stager, Thomas A. Scott, Charles A. Dana, George B. McClellan, Ulysses S. Grant, Henry W. Halleck, William T. Sherman, John A. Dix, Alan Pinkerton, and others.
ArchivalResource: 76 ledgers. View
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- Eckert, Thomas Thompson, 1825-1910. Papers of Thomas T. Eckert, 1862-1877, (1862-1867 )
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
J. Stoddard Johnston : papers, 1850-1912.
Johnston, J. Stoddard (Josiah Stoddard), 1833-1913. J. Stoddard Johnston : papers, 1850-1912.
J. Stoddard Johnston : papers, 1850-1912.
Papers include military papers and letters, 1862-1912, from his superior officers (Robert E. Lee, Braxton Bragg, Simon B. Buckner, John C. Breckinridge, and John Echols), 1861-1866; diaries, 1850-1853, describing his student career, including being suspended and readmitted to Yale University; diary, 1862-1863, describing Breckinridge's attack on Baton Rouge, La., his trip to Chattanooga, being aide-de-camp to Braxton Bragg, Confederate troop movements during Bragg's invasion of Ky., being on Simon B. Buckner's staff, interviews with Jefferson Davis; his writings, including articles on the battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro (Stones River), Bragg's campaign in Ky., messages sent by presidents of the U.S. to Congress, 1789-1885, President Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States, Christmas in Louisville, and Napoleon and Washington. Also includes report, 5 Dec. 1865, of General John Echol's operation in southwest Va.; note on the Battle of Perryville; reports on the Battle of Cold Harbor; poem, "The Last Sunset of Summer"; Commonplace book No. 2 containing notes on historical figures and genealogical information; and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, nos. 1, 3-4, covering the years 1836-1908. Also included are the Bible of John Pintard Johnston; papers of Harris Hancock Johnston; military papers, 1861-1864, of General Meriwether Lewis Clark; military correspondence of generals Braxton Bragg and Henry W. Halleck; and papers of George Hancock (1798-1875), including letters and land papers regarding his property in Texas.
ArchivalResource: 1.5 cubic ft. View
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- Johnston, J. Stoddard (Josiah Stoddard), 1833-1913. J. Stoddard Johnston : papers, 1850-1912.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984 Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889 File Unit: 1861 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. H615
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1861 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. H615
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1861 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. H615
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers. 1850-1866.
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883. Papers.
Papers. 1850-1866.
Army officer, U.S. Army, MG in Confederate States of America Army. Letter, 1850, to Senator Toomey regarding the curriculum at West Point; letter, 5 Sept. 1850, to A.L. Alexander regarding Gilmer's train trip to West Point in which he discusses the training received by cadets; letter, San Francisco, 30 September 1851, from H.W. Halleck in which Halleck describes his attempts at reading law and tells of the great amount of gold found in California mines. Mention is made of many members of the class of 1839; two letters to J.C. Osgood regarding the dredging of Charleston harbor; correspondence with George W. Cullum; letter, New York, July 29, 1865 from Halleck to Gilmer promising support though he disagreed with Gilmer's course of action during the four years of the Civil War; letter from Halleck, Oct. 27, 1865, concerning some mutual investments; personal correspondence with Halleck, 1865-1866.
ArchivalResource: 12 items. View
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- Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883. Papers.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Santa Fe, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Dec. 14.
Connelly, Henry, 1800-1866. Letter : Santa Fe, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Dec. 14.
Letter : Santa Fe, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Dec. 14.
Autograph letter signed. Connelly defends General [James Henry] Carleton against accusations of disloyalty and seccesionist sentiments.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) View
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- Connelly, Henry, 1800-1866. Letter : Santa Fe, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Dec. 14.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
Pope, John, 1822-1892. Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Pope, John, 1822-1892. Autograph letter signed : Milwaukee, Wis., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 Apr. 7.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers of William Silliman Hillyer, 1822 (1861-1874) 1931, [manuscript].
Hillyer, William Silliman, 1831-1874. Papers of William Silliman Hillyer, 1822 (1861-1874) 1931, [manuscript].
Papers of William Silliman Hillyer, 1822 (1861-1874) 1931, [manuscript].
Correspondence, military papers, speeches, photographs, printed material and memorabilia. Military papers of Hillyer include district provost marshall reports; special and general orders of Grant, Sherman, Hillyer and others, especially one of congratulations on Port Gibson; passes; accounts; oaths of allegiance; and a receipt for Ulric Dahlgren's ring. Correspondence of Hillyer, his parents, children, and Grant chiefly pertains to the Civil War. There are discussions of the secession riots in St. Louis, and Grant's "Jew Order" of Dec. 17, 1862; a denial of Grant's drunkeness at Ft. Donelson; references to various services by blacks; and descriptions of the battles of Iuka, Holly Springs, Campbell's Station and Chickamauga, and of the Chattanooga campaign. Of unusual interest are a signed copy of Grant's letter to Simon B. Buckner demanding unconditional surrender at Ft. Donelson; a draft of a letter from Grant to Henry Halleck asking either relief from Command or full restoration to it; a letter of Grant's discussing his plans for the Vicksburg campaign; and a photocopy of Robert E. Lee's April 9, 1865, letter asking for a suspension of hostilities with a forwarding note by E.O.C. Ord mentioning Sheridan. Other Civil War papers concern a Union Army scout; a claim from a spy near Richmond who supplied information for Hugh Kilpatrick's Rappahannock raid; the military service of John H.H. Ward; the Senate investigation of George K. Leet; Hillyer's connection with Mann's Accoutrement Manufacturing Company; and a reunion of the Army of the Tennessee. Hillyer family letters include considerable correspondence between Anna Rankin Hillyer and Julia Dent Grant; and correspondence of Hillyer's father from Henderson, Ky., 1825-1833. There are impressions of a Mississippi voyage to New Orleans, 1834; Lafayette College, 1842; a temperance speech by Richard Johnson, 1842; Washington, D.C., 1868-1869, including Grant's inauguration, and visits to Johnson, Grant, and Hancock; and Sewanee and the University of the South, 1873. Additional items of interest include an 1870 letter from Horace Greeley mentioning Hillyer's Congressional nomination; a lampoon of Lew Wallace; and an account of how New York Daily News reporter Benjamin Wood scooped the news of Andrew Johnson's acquittal.
ArchivalResource: ca. 640 items. View
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- Hillyer, William Silliman, 1831-1874. Papers of William Silliman Hillyer, 1822 (1861-1874) 1931, [manuscript].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part III: The Civil War: The Union, 1804-1915.
Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part III: The Civil War: The Union, 1804-1915.
Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part III: The Civil War: The Union, 1804-1915.
Autograph letters and documents of officers and statesmen associated with the Union in the Civil War collected by Frederick Myers Dearborn.
ArchivalResource: 8 boxes (4 linear ft.) View
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- Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part III: The Civil War: The Union, 1804-1915.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1848-1910 (bulk 1861-1889).
Burns, William Wallace. Papers, 1848-1910 (bulk 1861-1889).
Papers, 1848-1910 (bulk 1861-1889).
Papers consist chiefly of correspondence (1858-1888) in which Burns gives detailed accounts of Civil War battles fought during the Peninsular Campaign (Mar.-Aug. 1862), particularly the Seven Days Battles (25 June-1 July, 1862). Burns discusses military strategy, troop movements, military surgeons, weather conditions during battles, building pontoon bridges, building defense works, and and capturing Confederate works. Correspondents include Abraham Lincoln, Edwin Stanton, Henry W. Halleck, Winfield Scott Hancock, George McClellan, William Starke Rosecrans, and Edwin Vose Sumner, as well as Emil Schalk, a war journalist. Family correspondents include Burns' grandchildren, Lloyd Burns Magruder, a cadet at the United States Military Academy and Pauline Magruder, as well as Burns' sister Mabelle Burns, usually called "Mab," as well as Mab's suitor for marriage, B.L. Prince. A few financial records and documents from legal procedings concern disputed rights to the "Sibley Tent," an invention whose patent royalties were eventually shared by Burns with Henry Hastings Sibley are present, as are a few documents concerning Texas real estate transactions.
ArchivalResource: 1 linear ft. View
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- Burns, William Wallace. Papers, 1848-1910 (bulk 1861-1889).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
S. Griswold Flagg collection, 1825-1938 (inclusive).
Flagg, S. Griswold. S. Griswold Flagg collection, 1825-1938 (inclusive).
S. Griswold Flagg collection, 1825-1938 (inclusive).
Materials relating to the Civil War including correspondence of military leaders on both sides, military documents, commissions, orders, inventories and administrative records, and private correspondence of important figures in the war. There are also letters from soldiers in the field and citizens viewing the progress of the war. In addition there are many autographs and memorabilia including Confederate war bonds, patriotic stationery and about a dozen photographs. In all some 120 names are represented.
ArchivalResource: 1 linear ft. (2 boxes, 1 folio) View
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- Flagg, S. Griswold. S. Griswold Flagg collection, 1825-1938 (inclusive).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers. 1829-1892.
Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892. Papers.
Papers. 1829-1892.
General, U.S. Army, Superintendent, West Point, author. Correspondence with graduates regarding biographical information for Cullum's Register, materials relating to the Register of Graduates, biographies for the Register, registers of cadets, class register, 1868-1871, Thayer biographical research, appendix to Cullum's Register of Graduates, Association of Graduates materials relating to the Register of Graduates post 1892; printed pamphlets written by Cullum; "Notes on English army pay"; "Who may kill in war and who may not"; analytic geometry notebook; research for Cullum's histories: "Acropolis of Athens", "Reminiscences of Egypt", "Military history", "War of 1812", "History of the United States Military Academy", "Buildings at West Point", "Thayer monument", "Battle monument", "Colonization of Rhode Island", and "Elements of military art and history." 2 letter books, 1857-1859, 1859-1861; orders, commissions, etc.; engineering materials including plans and blueprints; Army Corps of Engineers photographs; visas; a printed copy of Cullum's will; Civil War correspondence to Pope, Grant, Halleck and others; cadet letters to sister Catherine Huidekoper, 1829- ; reports, clippings and ephemeral printed matter; miscellaneous correspondence and miscellaneous papers.
ArchivalResource: 6 boxes. +e plans and photos. View
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- Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892. Papers.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 11.
Haupt, Herman, 1817-1905. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 11.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 11.
Letter signed. Relates to the military possession of the Franklin Railroad.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.). View
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- Haupt, Herman, 1817-1905. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Oct. 11.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C. to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Sept. 20.
King, Horatio, 1811-1897. Letter : Washington, D.C. to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Sept. 20.
Letter : Washington, D.C. to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Sept. 20.
Autograph letter signed. Refers to the case of Major Mann, Paymaster.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.). View
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- King, Horatio, 1811-1897. Letter : Washington, D.C. to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Sept. 20.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1817 - 1947 Series: Letters Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 11/1861 - 7/1862
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1817 - 1947
Series: Letters Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 11/1861 - 7/1862
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1817 - 1947
Series: Letters Sent by Major General Henry W. Halleck, 11/1861 - 7/1862
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Statistical Information Relating to Volunteers and Militia Mustered Into the Service of the United States, 1863 - 1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Statistical Information Relating to Volunteers and Militia Mustered Into the Service of the United States, 1863 - 1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Statistical Information Relating to Volunteers and Militia Mustered Into the Service of the United States, 1863 - 1865
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Autograph letter signed. Refers to placing a regiment at Annapolis.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, [Washington, D.C.?], 1864 Apr. 6.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1862-1863.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letters, 1862-1863.
Letters, 1862-1863.
3 letters, Feb. 1862 to Richard Yates and W.T. Sherman, concern instructions for troops; letter Feb. 9, 1862 to D.K. Green states sick and wounded are being cared for without respect to home state; letter, July 11, 1863 to U.S. Grant recommends W.T. Sherman and James McPherson as generals.
ArchivalResource: 5 items. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letters, 1862-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers. 1834-1864.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Papers.
Papers. 1834-1864.
General, U.S. Army. Letters, 1834, to Theodore Miller, Hudson, N.Y., describing his experiences while preparing for entrance to West Point; letters, 1838-1839, telling of his duties at West Point which keep him continually busy; letter, 1840, telling of tour of duty in Washington City; letter, San Francisco, Ca., 16 April 1862, to Capt. Henry Coppee, West Point, N.Y., discussing purchase of books for West Point; report, St. Louis, 11 Dec. 1861, on the defense of St. Louis; letter, St. Louis, 28 Feb. 1862, from the citizens of St. Louis thanking Halleck for his administration of that city and offering to hold a dinner in his honor; letter, Washington City, 8 Aug. 1862, from G.W. Cullum complaining of the witholding of Cullum's appointment as Brigadier General; 2 reports, 1 Nov. 1862, from General G.H. Thomas on the recent fighting; report, Meadville, Pa., 29 Aug. 1864, from G.W. Cullum; letter, Washington, 17 Feb. 1864 to Ulysses S. Grant, Nashville, Tenn., discussing strategy and troop movements; 5 hand-drawn sectional plans for proposed embrasures, and alterations, 2 in color.
ArchivalResource: 19 items. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Papers.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: Savanna, [Tenn.], to [William K.] Strong, 1862 Mar. 30.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter: Savanna, [Tenn.], to [William K.] Strong, 1862 Mar. 30.
Letter: Savanna, [Tenn.], to [William K.] Strong, 1862 Mar. 30.
Sends rebel prisoners in the charge of Lt. Mortimer Neely. Special Order no. 125 on back instructs Neely and prisoners to report to H.W. Halleck in St. Louis. Also includes 2 lists of prisoners.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter: Savanna, [Tenn.], to [William K.] Strong, 1862 Mar. 30.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948 Series: Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington, 7/1861 - 2/1869
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948
Series: Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington, 7/1861 - 2/1869
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948
Series: Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington, 7/1861 - 2/1869
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War. 1791 - 1948. Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War. 1791 - 1948. Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War. 1791 - 1948. Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Letters Received, 1864 - 1866
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Received, 1864 - 1866
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Letters Received, 1864 - 1866
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Pope, John, 1822-1892. Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Autograph letter signed. Writes of the importance of having paymasters stationed with the army.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.). View
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- Pope, John, 1822-1892. Letter : near Cedar Mountain, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1862 Aug. 14.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948 Series: Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington, 7/1861 - 2/1869
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948
Series: Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington, 7/1861 - 2/1869
Record Group 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1948
Series: Duplicate Copies of Telegrams Sent and Received by the War Department Central Telegraph Office in Washington, 7/1861 - 2/1869
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899. Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Autograph letter signed. Relates to retaining the Nebraska cavalry on the west side of the Missouri River.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.) View
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- Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899. Letter : Omaha, Neb., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Apr. 13.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
William T. Sherman Papers 1759-1897 (bulk 1848-1891)
William T. Sherman Papers, 1759-1897, (bulk 1848-1891)
William T. Sherman Papers 1759-1897 (bulk 1848-1891)
Army officer. Correspondence, journal kept by Sherman in California during the Mexican War, drafts of portions of his memoirs, documents, printed matter, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, maps, photographs, and memorabilia relating to his civilian and military career, including in the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: 18,000 items; 113 containers plus 4 oversize; 22 linear feet; 51 microfilm reels View
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- William T. Sherman Papers, 1759-1897, (bulk 1848-1891)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Guerra family collection, 1752-1955 (bulk 1806-1886)
Guerra family. Guerra family collection, 1752-1955 (bulk 1806-1886)
Guerra family collection, 1752-1955 (bulk 1806-1886)
The collection consists of facsimile copies of the personal, political, land and legal papers of Don José Antonio de la Guerra y Noriega and his son Pablo de la Guera. The collection deals with the following subjects: Bear Flag Revolt, business, cattle trade, commerce, ranches and land grants in California, Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, Mission Santa Barbara and the other California missions, the Santa Barbara Presidio, California Indians, California politics and government, and women in California. Many other prominent Californians are represented in the collection: Juan Bautista Alvarado, Juan Bandini, José Castro, John Charles Frémont, Pablo de la Guerra, José Antonio de la Guerra y Noriega, Henry W. Halleck, William E. P. Hartnell, Thomas O. Larkin, Mariano Payeras, Pedro Pérez Muñoz, Pío Pico, Alfred Robinson, William Tecumseh Sherman, Pablo Vicente de Solá. There is a separate sub-collection formed by the Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo papers [FAC 667 (1126-1188)], which includes 90 letters by Mexican-American author María Amparo Ruiz de Burton. The originals of the Guerra family Collection are at the Santa Barbara Mission Archive Library. Most of the material is in Spanish. The collection includes a subject index as well as a descriptive calendar.
ArchivalResource: 4,179 items.30 boxes. View
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- Guerra family. Guerra family collection, 1752-1955 (bulk 1806-1886)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Treasury Dept. [Washington, D.C.] to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 March 9.
Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. Letter : Treasury Dept. [Washington, D.C.] to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 March 9.
Letter : Treasury Dept. [Washington, D.C.] to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 March 9.
A two page letter that concerns Halleck's opening of the Cumberland River to Union navigation and discusses the lack of communication between Lincoln's cabinet in Washington and Union generals in the field.
ArchivalResource: 1 item. View
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- Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. Letter : Treasury Dept. [Washington, D.C.] to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, 1862 March 9.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Cutts-Madison papers, 1759-1912.
Alden, James, 1810-1877. Cutts-Madison papers, 1759-1912.
Cutts-Madison papers, 1759-1912.
Papers of Richard D. Cutts, Congressman from Massachusetts from 1801-13, and of Col. Richard D. Cutts. Congressman Cutts's papers consist of 36 letters (some photocopies only) from Pres. James Madison, his wife's brother-in-law, 1804-33, and extracts from published works written by Madison in 1759. These pertain mainly to foreign relations and personal matters. Col. Cutts's papers include 19 letters of Robert E. Lee to Gen. James Longstreet, Oct. 1862 - Apr. 1863 (and 1 from Jan. 1865), and correspondence, orders, and other documents relating to Cutts's duties as aide to Union Gen. Henry W. Halleck. Among the papers are communications of Jefferson Davis with the Senate of the Confederate States of America and other Confederate documents. (Con't) Cutts's correspondents include Col. John Cunningham Kelton and Gen. Andrew Atkinson Humphreys. Other papers relate to Cutts's service in the United States Coast Survey, including letters from James Alden of the surveying steamer Active, and notes on the geography, natural history, and inhabitants of the Pacific Coast. Also included are a few volumes of poetry kept by Mary Estelle Cutts.
ArchivalResource: 2 boxes. View
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- Alden, James, 1810-1877. Cutts-Madison papers, 1759-1912.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck
Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck
Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck
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- Records of the Adjutant General's Office. 1762 - 1984. Generals' Papers and Books. 1830 - 1884. Papers and Books of Major General Henry W. Halleck
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Franz Sigel papers, 1861-1862, 1900-1901.
Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902. Franz Sigel papers, 1861-1862, 1900-1901.
Franz Sigel papers, 1861-1862, 1900-1901.
Letterbooks of letters sent and received, 1861-1862, volumes of military orders received, 1861 Aug.-1862 Feb., and issued, 1861 Aug.-1862 Mar., and account book, 1901-1902, of Union Army Brigadier General Franz Sigel, chiefly pertaining to his military activities in Missouri during the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: 6 v. View
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- Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902. Franz Sigel papers, 1861-1862, 1900-1901.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Elijah S. Watts papers 1861-1907.
Watts, Elijah S. 1836-1909. Elijah S. Watts papers 1861-1907.
Elijah S. Watts papers 1861-1907.
Collection includes military correspondence of Watts, who rose from the rank of captain to lieutenant colonel in the 2nd Ky. Cavalry Regiment (U.S.A.). It also includes speeches delivered by Watts to veterans groups and Memorial Day assemblies in Oak Park, Ill., as well as memoirs concerning conflicting Union and Confederate sympathies in Nelson County, Ky., in 1861, the early history of the 2nd Ky. Cavalry Regt., the Battle of Chickamauga and aspects of daily military life. There is also a large collection of official orders issued by the War Dept. and numerous Union army headquarters and several military maps of the Chickamauga campaign.
ArchivalResource: .66 cubic feet. View
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- Watts, Elijah S. 1836-1909. Elijah S. Watts papers 1861-1907.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Abandoned Military Reservation File for Molate Island, Calif., 1858-1917.
United States. General Land Office. Abandoned Military Reservation File for Molate Island, Calif., 1858-1917.
Abandoned Military Reservation File for Molate Island, Calif., 1858-1917.
Correspondence, orders, press releases, maps and memoranda relating to the acquisition of Molate Island (Red Rock Island) for use as a military reservation, its subsequent abandonment, private claims on the land, and proposals to install a lighthouse there. Included are letters written by H.W. Halleck, J.B. Crockett and E.D. Townsend in 1868 concerning the history of the island from 1851.
ArchivalResource: 1 microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 531:10) and positive. View
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- United States. General Land Office. Abandoned Military Reservation File for Molate Island, Calif., 1858-1917.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Civil War letters to William S. Dennett, 1861-1865.
Dennett, William S.,. Civil War letters to William S. Dennett, 1861-1865.
Civil War letters to William S. Dennett, 1861-1865.
Correspondents discuss camp life; winter quarters; marches; deserters with forged papers and the shooting of deserters; illnesses and deaths in battles;, prisoners of war, particularly the care and transportation of wounded and ill Confederates; picket duty and friendly exchanges across the lines; hostile behavior against African American troops; England's attitude; a comparison of McClellan vs Hooker; and opinion of Halleck. Engagements mentioned include Harper's Ferry, Antietam, Fredericksburg and Union attempts to bridge the Rappahannock, Chancellorsville and retreat, destruction of Yorktown, and events in Grant's march around Richmond. Correspondents include Union soldiers George B. Elmore, 61st Regiment New York [Engineers?]; Joel W. Gaylord; A.H. Mayo, engineer; Thaddeus [K.?] Pendleton, Engineers Headquarters, Falmouth; Samuel W. Richards, Sanitary Commission.
ArchivalResource: 41 items. View
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- Dennett, William S.,. Civil War letters to William S. Dennett, 1861-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Autographs of Civil War generals, [ca. 186-].
Autographs of Civil War generals, [ca. 186-].
Autographs of Civil War generals, [ca. 186-].
Collection of clipped signatures of Civil War generals includes autographs of Benjamin F. Butler, E.A. Carr, Thomas A. Rowley, D.S. Stanley, Thomas J. Wood, A. Williams, C.C. Augur, H.W. Halleck, Stephen Burbridge, D.C. Buell, A.W. Weeks, and others.
ArchivalResource: 23 items. View
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- Autographs of Civil War generals, [ca. 186-].
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
H. W. Halleck Papers 1843-1896 (bulk 1862)
H. W. Halleck Papers, 1843-1896, (bulk 1862)
H. W. Halleck Papers 1843-1896 (bulk 1862)
Army officer, lawyer, and businessman. Chiefly military and personal correspondence, telegrams, military notebook and scrapbook, and a fragment of an article.
ArchivalResource: 230 items; 1 container; 0.4 linear feet View
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- H. W. Halleck Papers, 1843-1896, (bulk 1862)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1861-1865.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Papers, 1861-1865.
Papers, 1861-1865.
Correspondence concerning the break between friends on opposite sides in 1861, rumors of the mental derangement of General William T. Sherman, and a letter, 1863, from General George G. Meade giving his reasons for not attacking the Confederate Army on the Rapidan in September, 1863.
ArchivalResource: 3 items. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Papers, 1861-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Registers of Letters Received, 6/1828 - 8/1903
Registers of Letters Received, 6/1828 - 8/1903
Registers of Letters Received, 6/1828 - 8/1903
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Civil War letter, 1862 Mar. 14.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Civil War letter, 1862 Mar. 14.
Civil War letter, 1862 Mar. 14.
Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, responding to the intrusion of pro-slavery forces into Missouri and Kansas, he orders a regiment of cavalry to Kansas City and Independence as William Quantrill and his raiders begin to terrorize the countryside.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Civil War letter, 1862 Mar. 14.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Corinth, Miss., to Edwin McMasters Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1862 June 10.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : Corinth, Miss., to Edwin McMasters Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1862 June 10.
Letter : Corinth, Miss., to Edwin McMasters Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1862 June 10.
Letter signed. Letter accompanied a map that showed the disposition of Union troops during the Battle of Shiloh. The map is not included. Halleck also writes that Union "losses were overstated in the official report."
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.). View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : Corinth, Miss., to Edwin McMasters Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1862 June 10.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Report, 1849 Mar 1.
United States. Army. Military Dept., 10th. Report, 1849 Mar 1.
Report, 1849 Mar 1.
Report on the laws and regulations which govern the granting or selling of public lands in California. Signed by H. W. Halleck and addressed to Col. R. B. Mason, commanding 10th military department. 185 p.
ArchivalResource: 1 case. View
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- United States. Army. Military Dept., 10th. Report, 1849 Mar 1.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, [D.C], to E[dwin] M. Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 1.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : Washington, [D.C], to E[dwin] M. Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 1.
Letter : Washington, [D.C], to E[dwin] M. Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 1.
Tenders his resignation as general in chief due to differences of opinion.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter : Washington, [D.C], to E[dwin] M. Stanton, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 1.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Inventory of the Brigadier General William Wallace Burns Papers 1848-1910 (bulk: 1861-1889)
Inventory of the Brigadier General William Wallace Burns Papers Ragan MSS 00116., 1848-1910 (bulk: 1861-1889)
Inventory of the Brigadier General William Wallace Burns Papers 1848-1910 (bulk: 1861-1889)
William Wallace Burns (1825-1892) was born at 3 Sept. 1825 in Coshocton, Ohio and graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1847. Posted to the United States Army Infantry, Burns served during the Mexican American War (1846-1848) on recruiting duty, then spent several years at various Indian posts in theWest and Southwest. In 1858, he was commissioned Captain in the Commissary of Subsistence. Burns served with the United States Army of the Potomac in the first months of the Civil War as General George B. McClellan's Chief Commissary in the West Virginia Campaign, and was later appointed Brigadier General of Volunteers 28 September 1861. In the Peninsular Campaign (Mar.-Aug. 1862), Burns commanded a Brigade of General John Sedwick's 2nd Divison, 2nd Corps, and, after recovering from wounds, commanded the 1st Divison, 9th Corps at the Battle of Fredericksburg (11-13 Dec. 1862). On 20 March 1863, Burns resigned his Volunteer commission and reverted to his staff rank of Major and Commissary. He served as Chief Commissary in the Department of the Northwest until the close of the Civil War. Breveted Brigadier General 13 March 1865 for gallant and meritorious services in the Civil War, William Wallace Burns retired 3 Sept. 1889 and died 19 April 1892 at Beaufort, South Carolina. Burns was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Papers consist chiefly of correspondence (1858-1888) in which Burns gives detailed accounts of Civil War battles fought during the Peninsular Campaign (Mar.-Aug. 1862), particularly the Seven Days Battles (25 June-1 July, 1862 ), including Peach Orchard, Allen's Farm, Savage Station, Glendale, Nelson's Farm, and Malvern Hill. Burns discusses military strategy, troop movements, military surgeons, weather conditions during battles, building pontoon bridges, building defense works, and and capturing Confederate works. One letter is present from the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). Correspondents include President Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, General Henry W. Halleck, General Winfield Scott Hancock, General George McClellan, General William Starke Rosecrans, and Major General Edwin Vose Sumner, as well as Emil Schalk, who was a war journalist. Topics include slavery, as well as the conduct and outcome of the war. Some correspondence (1888-1904) was written just before and after Burns' death among family members, notably his grandchildren Lloyd Burns Magruder, who was a cadet at the United States Military Academy, and Pauline Magruder, as well as William Wallace Burns' sister Mabelle Burns, usually called A substantial group of letters to Mabelle Burns is from her suitor for marriage, B. L. Prince. A few of the family letters from Pauline Magruder to her Aunt Mabelle Burns are written in French from Paris, France. Also included are copies of military orders and official reports focused on Burns' thwarted ambitions to become Major General and lead a Division in the Army of the Cumberland under the command of General Rosecrans. A few financial records and documents from legal procedings concern disputed rights to the an invention whose patent royalties were eventually shared by Burns with Henry Hastings Sibley are present, as are a few documents concerning Texas real estate transactions.Transcripts of correspondence (1848-1889) cover all of Series 1. Military Correspondence, with a few letters (Box/Folder 1/6/doc.a-c) from Series 2. Personal Correspondence with professional colleagues, and a few (Box/Folder 1/7/doc.a-h, and k) from Series 3. Personal Correspondence with family and friends. Mab. Sibley Tent,
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- Inventory of the Brigadier General William Wallace Burns Papers Ragan MSS 00116., 1848-1910 (bulk: 1861-1889)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Baltimore, to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 June 28.
Tyler, Daniel, 1816-1906. Letter : Baltimore, to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 June 28.
Letter : Baltimore, to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 June 28.
Autograph letter signed. Tyler reports to Halleck that he is in Baltimore in command of a new regiment.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Tyler, Daniel, 1816-1906. Letter : Baltimore, to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1863 June 28.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1863-1881.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Papers, 1863-1881.
Papers, 1863-1881.
Two letters on "Executive Mansion" stationary and a platinum print (framed).
ArchivalResource: 3 items. View
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- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Papers, 1863-1881.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
George William Childs papers [manuscript], 1882-1892.
Childs, George William, 1829-1894. George William Childs papers [manuscript], 1882-1892.
George William Childs papers [manuscript], 1882-1892.
The papers consist chiefly of letters to Childs in thanks for copies of "Recollections" and "The Stratford upon Avon memorial fountain to Shakespeare." There are very brief mentions of the Philadelphia "Public Ledger," the "Commercial Bulletin," and "Lippincott's magazine," hopes for fairer treatment of American Indians, U.S. Grant's travels in Grenada and Peking, memorial church windows in London, the common bond between England and the U. S., and portraits of Union generals at West Point. In addition there are letters, 1851-1881, bound in an extra-illustrated copy of "Recollections" which are to or from people mentioned in the book. These include letters from G.P.R. James on the consulate at Norfolk, Va., Hablot Knight Brown on graphotypes, Lytton Bulwer on a charitable request, William Howitt requesting Irish sketches from Carlton, and a patronage request from Simon Cameron to President Grant. Also Charles Dickens on funeral arrangements for a Mr. Fleming, Samuel Randall and William T. Sherman conveying personal news, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry W. Longfellow and Fitz-Greene Halleck sending regrets, Matthew Arnold sending thanks, and George Bancroft sending checks.
ArchivalResource: 60 items. View
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- Childs, George William, 1829-1894. George William Childs papers [manuscript], 1882-1892.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Campaign book[s] [microform], [not before 1862]-1865.
Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866. Campaign book[s] [microform], [not before 1862]-1865.
Campaign book[s] [microform], [not before 1862]-1865.
Two "campaign books" summarizing military operations against Confederate Major General Sterling Price in Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas in 1862 and 1864. The 1st vol. was prepared by L.G. Bennett and presented to Samuel R. Curtis; it consists of annotated maps showing Curtis's campaign through northern Arkansas & southern Missouri and the Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., 1862. The 2nd vol. is presumably Curtis's copy of his report to Major General H.W. Halleck, chief of staff (Washington, D.C.); it is a narrative account with transcripts of documents and 3 maps.
ArchivalResource: Reference copies: 1 partial microfilm reel ; 35 mm.Originals: 2 v. View
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- Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866. Campaign book[s] [microform], [not before 1862]-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Nov. 10.
Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Nov. 10.
Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Nov. 10.
Letter signed. Relates to wagon roads that have been examined and constructed in the Western Territories.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) View
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- Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Nov. 10.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Pedro C. Carrillo private papers : ms., 1846-1848.
Carrillo, Pedro C. Pedro C. Carrillo private papers : ms., 1846-1848.
Pedro C. Carrillo private papers : ms., 1846-1848.
Copies, made by Benjamin I. Hayes, of nine letters and documents relating to U.S. occupation of California and to the appointment of Carrillo as collector of the ports of San Diego and Santa Barbara. Include letters from S.F. DuPont, R.F. Stockton, H.S. Burton, J.D. Stevenson, H.W. Halleck and F.J. Lippitt.
ArchivalResource: Originals : 12 leaves ; 32 cm.Copies : partial microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 518:16) and positive. View
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- Carrillo, Pedro C. Pedro C. Carrillo private papers : ms., 1846-1848.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Treatise on international law and the laws of war ; or, Rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war / by H.W. Halleck. between 1866 and 1872.
Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Treatise on international law and the laws of war ; or, Rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war / by H.W. Halleck.
Treatise on international law and the laws of war ; or, Rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war / by H.W. Halleck. between 1866 and 1872.
ArchivalResource: 300, [8] leaves ; 28 cm. View
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- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Treatise on international law and the laws of war ; or, Rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war / by H.W. Halleck.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 10 cm. View
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- Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984 Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889 File Unit: 1868 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. P587
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1868 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. P587
Record Group 94: Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984
Series: Letters Received, 1805 - 1889
File Unit: 1868 - Halleck, Henry W - File No. P587
ArchivalResource: View
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This is one of two File No. P587s with a similar subject matter.
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862 Kent, Levi E.
Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862 Kent, Levi E.
Levi E. Kent journal 1861-1862 Kent, Levi E.
The journal of Levi E. Kent, of the 4th Rhode Island Infantry, Company F., provides an account of his regiment's movements, battles, pastimes, entertainments, and lifestyle.
ArchivalResource: 1 volume;view=text View
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- Levi E. Kent journal, Kent, Levi E., 1861-1862
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1862-1863.
Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 1820-1899. Letters, 1862-1863.
Letters, 1862-1863.
Consists of 3 autographs letters signed and the fragment of a note written by Wright.
ArchivalResource: 4 items. View
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- Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 1820-1899. Letters, 1862-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
General George Cullum CivilWar Letter 1861
General George Cullum Civil War Letter MS 112., 1861
General George Cullum CivilWar Letter 1861
A letter written duringthe U.S. Civil War on November 11, 1861, from New York by Union Army GeneralGeorge W. Cullum to a close friend (‘My dear Colonel’) concerning Cullum’srecent promotion to the rank of brigadier general of volunteers with assignmentto serve under General Henry Halleck; Cullum also reflects on army politics andinquires about family members.
ArchivalResource: View
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- General George Cullum Civil War Letter MS 112., 1861
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
William Van Voorhies papers, 1850-1852.
Van Voorhies, William, 1815-1884. William Van Voorhies papers, 1850-1852.
William Van Voorhies papers, 1850-1852.
Mainly correspondence as California Secretary of State. Letters from William J. Shaw, H.W. Halleck, Lewis W. Sloat and others. Also promissory notes from Antonio M. Pico.
ArchivalResource: 7 folders in portfolio. View
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- Van Voorhies, William, 1815-1884. William Van Voorhies papers, 1850-1852.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Historic buildings-Monterey-Sherman-Halleck Headquarters clippings 1925-1983.
Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Historic buildings-Monterey-Sherman-Halleck Headquarters clippings 1925-1983.
Historic buildings-Monterey-Sherman-Halleck Headquarters clippings 1925-1983.
ArchivalResource: 1 folder View
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- Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Historic buildings-Monterey-Sherman-Halleck Headquarters clippings 1925-1983.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter signed : Navy Department, to Mah. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Nov. 21.
Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-1883. Letter signed : Navy Department, to Mah. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Nov. 21.
Letter signed : Navy Department, to Mah. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Nov. 21.
Asking about conditions on the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; (8vo) View
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- Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-1883. Letter signed : Navy Department, to Mah. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Nov. 21.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Appointment, 1849 Oct 4.
California. Governor (1849 : Riley). Appointment, 1849 Oct 4.
Appointment, 1849 Oct 4.
Appointment of Charles Moore as a notary public by Gov. Bennet Riley.
ArchivalResource: 1 p.; 32 cm. View
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- California. Governor (1849 : Riley). Appointment, 1849 Oct 4.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Deeds : San Francisco : ADS, 1850.
San Francisco (Calif.). Deeds : San Francisco : ADS, 1850.
Deeds : San Francisco : ADS, 1850.
Two deeds for land lots in San Francisco. The first was sold to Frederick Billings and Archibald Peachy by Lafayette Maynard; the second was sold to Billings by Peachy and James King of William and is signed by H.W. Halleck. Includes photostat copies.
ArchivalResource: 1 oversize folder (0.1 linear ft.) View
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- San Francisco (Calif.). Deeds : San Francisco : ADS, 1850.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bennet Riley papers, 1849.
Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853. Bennet Riley papers, 1849.
Bennet Riley papers, 1849.
Letters and documents as Military Governor of California. Proclamations concerning Constitutional Convention and his resignation of military authority included. Some signed for him or countersigned by H.W. Halleck.
ArchivalResource: 2 v. View
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- Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853. Bennet Riley papers, 1849.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter signed : "Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac", to Maj. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Oct. 3.
McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885. Letter signed : "Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac", to Maj. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Oct. 3.
Letter signed : "Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac", to Maj. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Oct. 3.
Asking that Brig. Gen. John M. Brannan be assigned to his command.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; (8vo) View
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- McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885. Letter signed : "Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac", to Maj. Gen. Halleck, 1862 Oct. 3.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
J.W. Flanagan collection, 1760-1882, (bulk 1785-1849).
Flanagan, James W., collector. J.W. Flanagan collection, 1760-1882, (bulk 1785-1849).
J.W. Flanagan collection, 1760-1882, (bulk 1785-1849).
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, printed materials, and autographs (1760-1882) document early United States and Texas history in this collection collected by Colonel J.W. Flanagan. Correspondents include William Pitt, Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, E. Greenberg, Daniel Webster, Ashbel Smith, M. Vattenire, G. Brown, Marques Lisboa, Albert Sideny Johnston, L. Thomas, Robert E. Lee, L. Cooper, B.H. Hill, Henry W. Halleck J.W. Throckmorton, Edwin M. Stanton, Alexander Gregg, M.I. Townsend, Jefferson Davis, and Robert N. Scott. Financial materials include checks, promissory notes, receipts and sight drafts. Legal documemts include military certificates, certification of John Walling, John Chisum and Jesse Walling as witnesses to a land survey, land grants, bonds, and a reward poster for B.F. Hammond. Subjects include illegal trade by British North American colonists, banking, and nullification.
ArchivalResource: 51 items. View
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- Flanagan, James W., collector. J.W. Flanagan collection, 1760-1882, (bulk 1785-1849).
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Records of Halleck, Peachy & Billings, 1851-1860.
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm : San Francisco). Records of Halleck, Peachy & Billings, 1851-1860.
Records of Halleck, Peachy & Billings, 1851-1860.
The collection consists of documents and letters related to California land cases. It includes copies of land titles, drafts of briefs, and opinions used in establishing the legal titles of some 36 different land grants. There are also notes on Spanish land law and a few papers relating to other legal cases in California.
ArchivalResource: 80 pieces.2 boxes. View
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- Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm : San Francisco). Records of Halleck, Peachy & Billings, 1851-1860.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Henry Halleck letter to George W. Cullum, 1846.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872. Henry Halleck letter to George W. Cullum, 1846.
Henry Halleck letter to George W. Cullum, 1846.
Letter written on June 20, 1846 from Henry Halleck to George W. Cullum that mentions upcoming U.S. Army expedition to California aboard the USS Lexington. Also covered is promotion for Halleck's newly-written book, and the possibility of more officers being transferred to the Engineer Corps.
ArchivalResource: Letter in file folder; 15 x 9 1/2 in. View
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- Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872. Henry Halleck letter to George W. Cullum, 1846.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1865 Jan. 5, Fort Monroe, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulyssess S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 5, Fort Monroe, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1865 Jan. 5, Fort Monroe, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Orders that the supplies requisitioned by Sherman be forwarded without delay.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) in album ; 34 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulyssess S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 5, Fort Monroe, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Winchester, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 25.
Cluseret, Gustave Paul, 1823-1900. Letter : Winchester, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 25.
Letter : Winchester, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 25.
Letter signed. Cluseret requests the command of the Shenandoah Valley.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.) View
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- Cluseret, Gustave Paul, 1823-1900. Letter : Winchester, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 25.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Proclama al pueblo de California : Monterey, 1849 Oct. 12.
California. Governor (1849 Apr. 12-Dec. 20 : Riley). Proclama al pueblo de California : Monterey, 1849 Oct. 12.
Proclama al pueblo de California : Monterey, 1849 Oct. 12.
Proclamation to the people of California announcing the signing of the state constitution, awaiting ratification by the voters in the upcoming election. The document is signed by Governor Bennett Riley and Secretary of State H. W. Halleck.
ArchivalResource: [2] leaves ; 33 cm. View
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- California. Governor (1849 Apr. 12-Dec. 20 : Riley). Proclama al pueblo de California : Monterey, 1849 Oct. 12.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter: Washington City, to Major General [Henry] Halleck, 1862 Jan. 3.
Blair, Frank P. (Frank Preston), 1821-1875. Letter: Washington City, to Major General [Henry] Halleck, 1862 Jan. 3.
Letter: Washington City, to Major General [Henry] Halleck, 1862 Jan. 3.
Endorses Halleck's order concerning support of refugees from the southwest and reports Abraham Lincoln agrees with the order; discusses England's position regarding the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (4 p.); 21 cm. View
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- Blair, Frank P. (Frank Preston), 1821-1875. Letter: Washington City, to Major General [Henry] Halleck, 1862 Jan. 3.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, to [Henry W. Halleck], n.p., 1863 Feb. 4.
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879. Letter : Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, to [Henry W. Halleck], n.p., 1863 Feb. 4.
Letter : Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, to [Henry W. Halleck], n.p., 1863 Feb. 4.
Letter signed. Writes that General Burns is ordered to leave with the 9th Corps and that General Rosecrans has requested that "he should be transferred to his command."
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879. Letter : Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, to [Henry W. Halleck], n.p., 1863 Feb. 4.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy & Billings records, 1822-1868.
Halleck, Peachy & Billings. Halleck, Peachy & Billings records, 1822-1868.
Halleck, Peachy & Billings records, 1822-1868.
Correspondence and papers relating to land and land litigation (including original documents and disenos, and transcripts) and to various legal cases, some concerning Chinese immigration, ships, and the funding bill in San Francisco; accounts; and tax records. Also included: correspondence and papers relating to the military career of Henry Wager Halleck, 1847-1856, and manuscript drafts and notes for Halleck's History of California.
ArchivalResource: Originals : 9 boxes, 55 items in 10 oversize folders.Copies : 10 microfilm reels : negative (BNEG Box 663-669), and positive. View
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- Halleck, Peachy & Billings. Halleck, Peachy & Billings records, 1822-1868.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Brigham Young photographs, circa 1860-1870
Brigham Young photographs, circa 1860-1870
Brigham Young photographs, circa 1860-1870
Collection of carte-de-visite photographs and engravings from an album received by Miriam Young Hardy at settlement of the Brigham Young estate. Contains portraits of Young family members, Church leaders, Civil War military officers of both the Union and Confederacy forces, U.S. government officials, and other prominent people of the 1840s-1870s. Photographs of Young family members include: John W. Young, Mary Ann Angell Young, Mary Ann Ayers Young, and Naamah K. J. Carter Young. One studio view of a possible female Young standing by chair is unidentified. Photographs of Church leaders include: Ezra T. Benson, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, George A. Smith, and Brigham Young. Brigham Young and other Latter-day Saints were probably familiar with many of the military officers and government leaders as acquaintances or adversaries during the Mexican War, Utah Expedition, and federal administration during the Utah territorial era. Several photographs are not labeled. Collection includes political cartoon "The Great Surrender" showing miniature photographs of Earl Russell, Mason, Slidell, and Secretary Seward and artistic images labeled "On to Richmond" and "All Quiet on the Potomac." Also includes photo of unidentified man labeled "Specimen Brick" and caricature labeled "Disgusted Secesh Leaving Dixie". Photographers in the collection include E. Anthony and E. and H. T. Anthony (borrowed images from Brady's negatives), New York; Charles D. Fredricks & Co., New York; Perry (Bookbinder), Philadelphia; J. E. McClees, Philadelphia; Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries, New York; Savage and Ottinger, Salt Lake City; and Hermann Ohm, Copenhagen, Denmark.
ArchivalResource: DRPS: 1 electronic record; Photograph: 9 fd. (102 items), 10 x 7 cm.; Microfilm: 1 reel, 35 mm.; Photograph neg.: 13 items; Microfilm neg.: 1 reel; Compact disc (RAW IMAGES): 1 disk, 4-3/4 in.; Compact disc (MASTER): 1 disk, 4-3/4 in.; Compact disc (USER COPY): 1 disk, 4-3/4 in. View
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- PH 1716, Young, Brigham 1801-1877. Brigham Young photographs circa 1860-1870
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
George B. Wallis letter, 1862 Apr. 28.
Wallis, George B. George B. Wallis letter, 1862 Apr. 28.
George B. Wallis letter, 1862 Apr. 28.
Letter from George B. Wallis, reporter for the New York herald, to his editor, John Gordon Bennett. In the letter Wallis writes of a recent visit to the White House to interview President Abraham Lincoln, whom Wallis describes as looking "fresh and vigorous," cheered by the recent news of the capture of New Orleans and confident about the eventual outcome of the war. Wallis also describes an interview with Lincoln's Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who is also sanguine about the war's progress and expecting good news from General Halleck, then in pursuit of Confederate general P.T. Beauregard following the Battle of Shiloh. Included in the letter is an account of a train accident in which Wallis was involved on the way to his meeting with Lincoln.
ArchivalResource: 1 letter. View
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- Wallis, George B. George B. Wallis letter, 1862 Apr. 28.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889. Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Autograph letter signed. Refers to Colonel Patton at Fort Nelson. Potters also writes that there is no reason to believe that loyal Tennesseans are suffering in prison.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
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- Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889. Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to Henry Wager Halleck, n.p., 1864 Jan. 21.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877. Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Autograph letter signed. Praises Colonel Carrington for the prompt and energetic manner in which he prepared Indiana regiments for battle. Also includes an unsigned endorsement.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (3 p.) View
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- Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877. Letter : Indianapolis, to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1863 Jan. 2.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Press Copies of Letters Sent, 1862 - 1903
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Press Copies of Letters Sent, 1862 - 1903
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Press Copies of Letters Sent, 1862 - 1903
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1865 Jan. 24, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 24, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
ALS, 1865 Jan. 24, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Grant gives news of the latest Confederate naval incursions down the James River and says that he has requested more vessels from the secretary of the Navy, since the present naval protection is inadequate.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) ; 26 cm. View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1865 Jan. 24, City Point, Va., to Henry W. Halleck, Washington, D.C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Ulysses S. Grant papers, 1863-1866.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Ulysses S. Grant papers, 1863-1866.
Ulysses S. Grant papers, 1863-1866.
Four letters and a photograph documenting the Civil War military career of Ulysses S. Grant.
ArchivalResource: 1 item View
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- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Ulysses S. Grant papers, 1863-1866.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Papers, 1828-1891.
Munford, George Wythe, d. 1882. Papers, 1828-1891.
Papers, 1828-1891.
These items consist of records relevant to Munford and his family, in addition to documents which he appears to have obtained while Secretary of the Commonwealth. Several items concern Powhatan Ellis, Charles Ellis, and Thomas H. Ellis. Included are two sermons which appear to be those of the Reverend John Buchanan, rector of St. John's Church, Henrico Parish, 1785-1822, and a history of the Buchanan Springs Quoit Club, which was an influential group of prominent Richmond men who met to socialize and discuss politics and government.
ArchivalResource: 30 items (143 p.) View
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- Munford, George Wythe, d. 1882. Papers, 1828-1891.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Registers of Officers and Enlisted Personnel Applying for Leaves of Absence, Resignations, and Discharges, 5/1863 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Registers of Officers and Enlisted Personnel Applying for Leaves of Absence, Resignations, and Discharges, 5/1863 - 4/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Registers of Officers and Enlisted Personnel Applying for Leaves of Absence, Resignations, and Discharges, 5/1863 - 4/1865
ArchivalResource: View
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Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks Papers 1829-1911 (bulk 1860-1880)
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks Papers, 1829-1911, (bulk 1860-1880)
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks Papers 1829-1911 (bulk 1860-1880)
United States representative, governor of Massachusetts, and army officer. Family and general correspondence, diaries and notebooks, letterbooks, military papers, speeches and writings, scrapbooks, clippings, printed matter, and miscellany relating chiefly to Banks’s political career and as an army officer during the Civil War.
ArchivalResource: 50,000 items; 110 containers plus 3 oversize; 44.5 linear feet View
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- Nathaniel Prentiss Banks Papers, 1829-1911, (bulk 1860-1880)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) ; 10 cm. View
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- Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. Note signed : Baltimore, Md., to the General-in-Chief, n.p., 1863 Jan. 29.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Inventory of the Benjamin M. Linsley Letters 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863
Inventory of the Benjamin M. Linsley Letters Ragan MSS 00110 ., 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863
Inventory of the Benjamin M. Linsley Letters 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863
Private Benjamin M. Linsley, a soldier from Connecticut, served (1862-1863) in Company A, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, Army of the Potomac. On 4 Dec. 1862, Benjamin Linsley's company left Fort Trumbull, Conn., boarding a boat called the City Of New York at New London, Conn., along with a group of deserters under arrest, who were landed in Jersey City. By the time they reached New York, Linsley suffered from sick stomach and severe pains in his head and neck. Linsley went by troop train to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., finally reaching Aquia Creek, Va., where he met up with his brother who served with the U.S. Army's 10th Connecticut Volunteers under Brigadier General John Gray Foster, and was wounded slightly in the Battle of Kinston on 14 Dec. 1862. Benjamin Linsley began his correspondence from camp near Falmouth, Va., which he reached with the sick and wounded by 20 Dec. 1862, having been unable to participate in the Battle of Fredericksburg. This Union defeat Linsley somewhat attributed to General Henry W. Halleck's failure to support General Ambrose Burnside's strategy. Linsley himself fought in the Battle of Chancellorsville, vividly describing the night crossing of the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers on 27 April 1863, the confusion of the Confederate entrapment of the Union forces under General Joseph Hooker, Burnside's replacement, and Hooker's retreat back across the Rappahannock (6 May 1863). After this experience Linsley was again marooned in the hospital with neuraligia. In early June 1863, Linsley fell out of a summer march to Warrenton Junction, Va., seriously ill in the intense heat, and was taken from Ashby's Gap, Va. by train to the military hospital at Baltimore. These six letters, dated 12 Dec. 1862-6 August 1863, are from Benjamin M. Linsley to his friend Mrs. Lucy G. Palmer in Suffield, Conn.. Each letter is written in ink on both sides of a single folded sheet, except for the first one, which is on two folded sheets, sewn together in the center with cloth thread at some point after they were composed. All are addressed by Linsley from the camp near Falmouth, Va., where his regiment, the 14th Infantry of the Army of the Potomac was based, except the last one, which is addressed from McKinnis Hospital in Baltimore, Md., where Linsley was sent to recover from typhoid fever.
ArchivalResource: View
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- Resource Relation
- Inventory of the Benjamin M. Linsley Letters Ragan MSS 00110 ., 12 Dec. 1862-6 Aug. 1863
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893. Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Autograph letter signed. By order of Henry Wager Halleck, Kelton asks if certain regiments may be assigned "as requested." Banks's response is on the verso.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (2 p.) View
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- Resource Relation
- Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893. Letter : n.p., to Nathaniel P. Banks, n.p., 1862 Oct. 16.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Elisha Oscar Crosby papers, 1849-1886.
Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895. Elisha Oscar Crosby papers, 1849-1886.
Elisha Oscar Crosby papers, 1849-1886.
Letter from J. Ross Browne re position as official reporter of Constitutional Convention, 1849; draft of report on Committee on Finance of Convention; letters from H.W. Halleck and W.G. Marcy; certificate of membership in San Francisco Committee of Vigilance, reminiscences of the Monterey Convention, and other documents.
ArchivalResource: 10 folders.Materials relating to John Ross Brown : partial microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 119:7) and positive (X-X 7 FILM) View
View in SNACcreatorOf
- Resource Relation
- Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895. Elisha Oscar Crosby papers, 1849-1886.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903 Series: Telegrams Received in Cipher by Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant, Major General Henry W. Halleck and Others, 8/1864 - 12/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Telegrams Received in Cipher by Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant, Major General Henry W. Halleck and Others, 8/1864 - 12/1865
Record Group 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903
Series: Telegrams Received in Cipher by Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant, Major General Henry W. Halleck and Others, 8/1864 - 12/1865
ArchivalResource: View
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- Resource Relation
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letter : Wheeling, [W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899. Letter : Wheeling, [W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Letter : Wheeling, [W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Autograph letter signed. Calls for the dismissal of Colonel Rathbone and Major Trimble.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899. Letter : Wheeling, [W.] Va., to Henry Wager Halleck, Washington, D.C., 1862 Oct. 11.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Philip Case Lockwood memorial collection of Civil War portraits and autographs, 1862-ca. 1886.
Philip Case Lockwood memorial collection of Civil War portraits and autographs, 1862-ca. 1886.
Philip Case Lockwood memorial collection of Civil War portraits and autographs, 1862-ca. 1886.
Scrapbook collection of Civil War photographs and autographs, assembled by Philip Case Lockwood.
ArchivalResource: 1 v. (.38 linear ft.) View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Philip Case Lockwood memorial collection of Civil War portraits and autographs, 1862-ca. 1886.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
The services of General George W. Cullum in the Civil War : while Chief of Staff and Chief Engineer of the Departments of the Missouri and of the Mississippi, November 19, 1861-July 11, 1862 / Frank Walton Bailey. 1936.
Bailey, F. W. The services of General George W. Cullum in the Civil War : while Chief of Staff and Chief Engineer of the Departments of the Missouri and of the Mississippi, November 19, 1861-July 11, 1862 / Frank Walton Bailey.
The services of General George W. Cullum in the Civil War : while Chief of Staff and Chief Engineer of the Departments of the Missouri and of the Mississippi, November 19, 1861-July 11, 1862 / Frank Walton Bailey. 1936.
ArchivalResource: iv, 120, [7] leaves : bound ; 28 cm. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Bailey, F. W. The services of General George W. Cullum in the Civil War : while Chief of Staff and Chief Engineer of the Departments of the Missouri and of the Mississippi, November 19, 1861-July 11, 1862 / Frank Walton Bailey.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
ALS, 1864 Nov. 6, City Point, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1864 Nov. 6, City Point, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck.
ALS, 1864 Nov. 6, City Point, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck.
Grant orders attacks on Confederate communications from the Mississippi River and the destruction of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad and the road east from Jackson, Miss. He orders that no troops be sent from the river to the southern coast, but as large a force as possible be sent toward Meridian or Selma.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (1 p.) in album ; 34 cm. View
View in SNACcreatorOf
- Resource Relation
- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. ALS, 1864 Nov. 6, City Point, Va., to Henry Wager Halleck.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
William Farrar Smith correspondence, 1863-1899.
Smith, William Farrar, 1824-1903. William Farrar Smith correspondence, 1863-1899.
William Farrar Smith correspondence, 1863-1899.
ALS (1863 December 7; Chattanooga, [Tenn.]) from Smith to D.H. Mahan describing the battles of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge and other Civil War campaigns in Georgia and Tennessee; and ALS (1899 March 28) from Smith to John Codman Ropes asking for a critique of an article by Smith. Subjects include Don Carlos Buell, William Buel Franklin, H.W. Halleck, George Brinton McClellan, and Edwin McMasters Stanton.
ArchivalResource: 2 items. View
View in SNACreferencedIn
- Resource Relation
- Smith, William Farrar, 1824-1903. William Farrar Smith correspondence, 1863-1899.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Letters, 1862-1864.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters, 1862-1864.
Letters, 1862-1864.
Letters, April 28, 1862 to A.C. Kemper, Mar. 24, 1863 to H.W. Halleck, Nov. 22, 1863 to G.H. Thomas and Oct. 13, 1864 to E.M. Stanton concern report on Battle of Shiloh, John McPherson's leadership and William T. Sherman's troops' movements.
ArchivalResource: 4 items. View
View in SNACcreatorOf
- Resource Relation
- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letters, 1862-1864.
Halleck, H. L.
Letter, 1900.
Halleck, H. L. Letter, 1900.
Letter, 1900.
Handwritten letter written in Newark, New Jersey and addressed to E. D. Whiting in Oregon. Halleck writes about the Mountain Meadows Massacrein 1857 and what led up to it. Halleck claimed to have fully investigated the affair and responds to a number of Whiting's questions. Halleck writes that he came to the site of the massacre in 1858 and relates what the local Indians showed him and told him about the affair.
ArchivalResource: 1 item (8 pages). View
View in SNACcreatorOf
- Resource Relation
- Halleck, H. L. Letter, 1900.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Allen, Robert, 1812-1886.
Allen, Robert, 1812-1886.
- Constellation Relation
- Allen, Robert, 1812-1886.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Arkansas. Military Governor (1862-1863 : Phelps)
Arkansas. Military Governor (1862-1863 : Phelps)
- Constellation Relation
- Arkansas. Military Governor (1862-1863 : Phelps)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Avila, Miguel, 1796-1874.
Avila, Miguel, 1796-1874.
- Constellation Relation
- Avila, Miguel, 1796-1874.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bailey, F. W.
Bailey, F. W.
- Constellation Relation
- Bailey, F. W.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894.
Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894.
- Constellation Relation
- Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bartlett, J. R.
Bartlett, J. R.
- Constellation Relation
- Bartlett, J. R.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Barton, William Eleazar, 1861-1930,
Barton, William Eleazar, 1861-1930,
- Constellation Relation
- Barton, William Eleazar, 1861-1930,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bernal family.
Bernal family.
- Constellation Relation
- Bernal family.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Bernal Family
Bernal Family
- Constellation Relation
- Bernal Family
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890.
Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890.
- Constellation Relation
- Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Blair, Frank P. (Frank Preston), 1821-1875.
Blair, Frank P. (Frank Preston), 1821-1875.
- Constellation Relation
- Blair, Frank P. (Frank Preston), 1821-1875.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Board of Delegates of American Israelites
Board of Delegates of American Israelites
- Constellation Relation
- Board of Delegates of American Israelites
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Buckingham, Catharinus Putnam, 1808-1888,
Buckingham, Catharinus Putnam, 1808-1888,
- Constellation Relation
- Buckingham, Catharinus Putnam, 1808-1888,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Buell, Don Carlos, 1818-1898
Buell, Don Carlos, 1818-1898
- Constellation Relation
- Buell, Don Carlos, 1818-1898
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Burnett, Peter H. (Peter Hardeman), 1807-1895
Burnett, Peter H. (Peter Hardeman), 1807-1895
- Constellation Relation
- Burnett, Peter H. (Peter Hardeman), 1807-1895
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881.
- Constellation Relation
- Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1824-1881.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Burns, William Wallace
Burns, William Wallace
- Constellation Relation
- Burns, William Wallace
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Burns, William Wallace.
Burns, William Wallace.
- Constellation Relation
- Burns, William Wallace.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
California. Governor (1849 Apr. 12-Dec. 20 : Riley)
California. Governor (1849 Apr. 12-Dec. 20 : Riley)
- Constellation Relation
- California. Governor (1849 Apr. 12-Dec. 20 : Riley)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
California. Governor (1849 : Riley)
California. Governor (1849 : Riley)
- Constellation Relation
- California. Governor (1849 : Riley)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
California. Secretary of State
California. Secretary of State
- Constellation Relation
- California. Secretary of State
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Campbell, Archibald, 1813-1887.
Campbell, Archibald, 1813-1887.
- Constellation Relation
- Campbell, Archibald, 1813-1887.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Carrillo, Pedro C.
Carrillo, Pedro C.
- Constellation Relation
- Carrillo, Pedro C.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Chapin, Augusta.
Chapin, Augusta.
- Constellation Relation
- Chapin, Augusta.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873.
Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873.
- Constellation Relation
- Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Childs, George William, 1829-1894.
Childs, George William, 1829-1894.
- Constellation Relation
- Childs, George William, 1829-1894.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Cluseret, Gustave Paul, 1823-1900.
Cluseret, Gustave Paul, 1823-1900.
- Constellation Relation
- Cluseret, Gustave Paul, 1823-1900.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Combs, Leslie, 1793-1881
Combs, Leslie, 1793-1881
- Constellation Relation
- Combs, Leslie, 1793-1881
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Comstock, C. B. (Cyrus Ballou), 1831-1910.
Comstock, C. B. (Cyrus Ballou), 1831-1910.
- Constellation Relation
- Comstock, C. B. (Cyrus Ballou), 1831-1910.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Connelly, Henry, 1800-1866.
Connelly, Henry, 1800-1866.
- Constellation Relation
- Connelly, Henry, 1800-1866.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895.
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895.
- Constellation Relation
- Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895.
Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895.
- Constellation Relation
- Crosby, Elisha Oscar, 1818-1895.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Cullum, General George Washington.
Cullum, General George Washington.
- Constellation Relation
- Cullum, General George Washington.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892,
Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892,
- Constellation Relation
- Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866
Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866
- Constellation Relation
- Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-1866
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Dana, William Goodwin, 1797-1858.
Dana, William Goodwin, 1797-1858.
- Constellation Relation
- Dana, William Goodwin, 1797-1858.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879.
Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879.
- Constellation Relation
- Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876
Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876
- Constellation Relation
- Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Dix, John A. (John Adams), 1798-1879
Dix, John A. (John Adams), 1798-1879
- Constellation Relation
- Dix, John A. (John Adams), 1798-1879
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Draper, A. A., Mrs., fl. 1830-1865.
Draper, A. A., Mrs., fl. 1830-1865.
- Constellation Relation
- Draper, A. A., Mrs., fl. 1830-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865.
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865.
- Constellation Relation
- Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Eckert, Thomas Thompson, 1825-1910
Eckert, Thomas Thompson, 1825-1910
- Constellation Relation
- Eckert, Thomas Thompson, 1825-1910
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library)
Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library)
- Constellation Relation
- Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
- Constellation Relation
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865.
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865.
- Constellation Relation
- Everett, Edward, 1794-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Flagg, S. Griswold.
Flagg, S. Griswold.
- Constellation Relation
- Flagg, S. Griswold.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Flagg, S. Griswold.
Flagg, S. Griswold.
- Constellation Relation
- Flagg, S. Griswold.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Flanagan, James W., collector
Flanagan, James W., collector
- Constellation Relation
- Flanagan, James W., collector
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Flanagan, James W., collector.
Flanagan, James W., collector.
- Constellation Relation
- Flanagan, James W., collector.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Folsom, J. L. (Joseph Libbey), 1817-1855.
Folsom, J. L. (Joseph Libbey), 1817-1855.
- Constellation Relation
- Folsom, J. L. (Joseph Libbey), 1817-1855.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Font, Pedro, d. 1781.
Font, Pedro, d. 1781.
- Constellation Relation
- Font, Pedro, d. 1781.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-1883.
Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-1883.
- Constellation Relation
- Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-1883.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883.
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883.
- Constellation Relation
- Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 1818-1883.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Gordon, George Henry, 1823-1886.
Gordon, George Henry, 1823-1886.
- Constellation Relation
- Gordon, George Henry, 1823-1886.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Grant, Ulyssess S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Grant, Ulyssess S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
- Constellation Relation
- Grant, Ulyssess S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
- Constellation Relation
- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
- Constellation Relation
- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968
Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968
- Constellation Relation
- Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Green, D. K.,
Green, D. K.,
- Constellation Relation
- Green, D. K.,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Guerra family.
Guerra family.
- Constellation Relation
- Guerra family.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy and Billings, Attorneys and Solicitors.
Halleck, Peachy and Billings, Attorneys and Solicitors.
- Constellation Relation
- Halleck, Peachy and Billings, Attorneys and Solicitors.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy & Billings.
Halleck, Peachy & Billings.
- Constellation Relation
- Halleck, Peachy & Billings.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm)
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm)
- Constellation Relation
- Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm)
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm)
- Constellation Relation
- Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm : San Francisco)
Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm : San Francisco)
- Constellation Relation
- Halleck, Peachy & Billings (Firm : San Francisco)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868.
Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868.
- Constellation Relation
- Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Hardie, James Allen, 1823-1876.
Hardie, James Allen, 1823-1876.
- Constellation Relation
- Hardie, James Allen, 1823-1876.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Haupt, Herman, 1817-1905
Haupt, Herman, 1817-1905
- Constellation Relation
- Haupt, Herman, 1817-1905
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Haynes, John L.
Haynes, John L.
- Constellation Relation
- Haynes, John L.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-1880.
Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-1880.
- Constellation Relation
- Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-1880.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Hillyer, William Silliman, 1831-1874.
Hillyer, William Silliman, 1831-1874.
- Constellation Relation
- Hillyer, William Silliman, 1831-1874.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879.
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879.
- Constellation Relation
- Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899.
Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899.
- Constellation Relation
- Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875.
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875.
- Constellation Relation
- Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Johnston, J. Stoddard (Josiah Stoddard), 1833-1913.
Johnston, J. Stoddard (Josiah Stoddard), 1833-1913.
- Constellation Relation
- Johnston, J. Stoddard (Josiah Stoddard), 1833-1913.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893.
Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893.
- Constellation Relation
- Kelton, J. C. (John Cunningham), 1828-1893.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Kent, Levi E.
Kent, Levi E.
- Constellation Relation
- Kent, Levi E.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Kent, Levi E.
Kent, Levi E.
- Constellation Relation
- Kent, Levi E.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
King, Horatio, 1811-1897
King, Horatio, 1811-1897
- Constellation Relation
- King, Horatio, 1811-1897
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894.
Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894.
- Constellation Relation
- Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan, 1813-1894.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Larned, Daniel Read.
Larned, Daniel Read.
- Constellation Relation
- Larned, Daniel Read.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870.
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870.
- Constellation Relation
- Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Levering, John, 1826-
Levering, John, 1826-
- Constellation Relation
- Levering, John, 1826-
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872.
Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872.
- Constellation Relation
- Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- Constellation Relation
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
- Constellation Relation
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Linsley, Benjamin M.
Linsley, Benjamin M.
- Constellation Relation
- Linsley, Benjamin M.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Linsley, Benjamin M.
Linsley, Benjamin M.
- Constellation Relation
- Linsley, Benjamin M.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Lippett, T. J.
Lippett, T. J.
- Constellation Relation
- Lippett, T. J.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Lockwood, Philip Case, 1844-1897
Lockwood, Philip Case, 1844-1897
- Constellation Relation
- Lockwood, Philip Case, 1844-1897
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Mason, R. B. (Richard Barnes), 1797-1850
Mason, R. B. (Richard Barnes), 1797-1850
- Constellation Relation
- Mason, R. B. (Richard Barnes), 1797-1850
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885
McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885
- Constellation Relation
- McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900.
McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900.
- Constellation Relation
- McClernand, John A. (John Alexander), 1812-1900.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
McCoid, M. A. (Moses Ayers), 1840-1904.
McCoid, M. A. (Moses Ayers), 1840-1904.
- Constellation Relation
- McCoid, M. A. (Moses Ayers), 1840-1904.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
McPherson, James Birdseye, 1828-1864.
McPherson, James Birdseye, 1828-1864.
- Constellation Relation
- McPherson, James Birdseye, 1828-1864.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872.
Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872.
- Constellation Relation
- Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892
Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892
- Constellation Relation
- Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Metcalfe, Dr.
Metcalfe, Dr.
- Constellation Relation
- Metcalfe, Dr.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector.
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector.
- Constellation Relation
- Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector.
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector.
- Constellation Relation
- Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, collector.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Miller, Theodore, fl. 1834-1840.
Miller, Theodore, fl. 1834-1840.
- Constellation Relation
- Miller, Theodore, fl. 1834-1840.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
- Constellation Relation
- Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
- Constellation Relation
- Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
- Constellation Relation
- Monterey Public Library. California History Room.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877.
Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877.
- Constellation Relation
- Morton, Oliver P. (Oliver Perry), 1823-1877.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Munford, George Wythe, d. 1882.
Munford, George Wythe, d. 1882.
- Constellation Relation
- Munford, George Wythe, d. 1882.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Murrieta, Juan.
Murrieta, Juan.
- Constellation Relation
- Murrieta, Juan.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Newberry Library.
Newberry Library.
- Constellation Relation
- Newberry Library.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Parsons, Lewis B. (Lewis Baldwin), 1818-1907.
Parsons, Lewis B. (Lewis Baldwin), 1818-1907.
- Constellation Relation
- Parsons, Lewis B. (Lewis Baldwin), 1818-1907.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886.
Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886.
- Constellation Relation
- Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899.
Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899.
- Constellation Relation
- Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Pope, John, 1822-1892.
Pope, John, 1822-1892.
- Constellation Relation
- Pope, John, 1822-1892.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889.
Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889.
- Constellation Relation
- Potter, Edward Elmer, 1823-1889.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Prentiss, Benjamin M. (Benjamin Mayberry), 1819-1901
Prentiss, Benjamin M. (Benjamin Mayberry), 1819-1901
- Constellation Relation
- Prentiss, Benjamin M. (Benjamin Mayberry), 1819-1901
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Quantrill, William Clarke, 1837-1865.
Quantrill, William Clarke, 1837-1865.
- Constellation Relation
- Quantrill, William Clarke, 1837-1865.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853.
Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853.
- Constellation Relation
- Riley, Bennett, 1787-1853.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
San Francisco (Calif.)
San Francisco (Calif.)
- Constellation Relation
- San Francisco (Calif.)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Sargent, John.
Sargent, John.
- Constellation Relation
- Sargent, John.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899.
Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899.
- Constellation Relation
- Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890.
Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890.
- Constellation Relation
- Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906
Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906
- Constellation Relation
- Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Scott, Thomas Alexander, 1823-1881
Scott, Thomas Alexander, 1823-1881
- Constellation Relation
- Scott, Thomas Alexander, 1823-1881
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 1824-1888.
Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 1824-1888.
- Constellation Relation
- Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 1824-1888.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.
- Constellation Relation
- Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.
- Constellation Relation
- Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Shipman, Steven Vaughn, 1825-1905.
Shipman, Steven Vaughn, 1825-1905.
- Constellation Relation
- Shipman, Steven Vaughn, 1825-1905.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902.
Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902.
- Constellation Relation
- Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Smith, William Farrar, 1824-1903.
Smith, William Farrar, 1824-1903.
- Constellation Relation
- Smith, William Farrar, 1824-1903.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Southworth, Newton, 1803-1863.
Southworth, Newton, 1803-1863.
- Constellation Relation
- Southworth, Newton, 1803-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869,
Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869,
- Constellation Relation
- Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Steele, Frederick, 1819-1868
Steele, Frederick, 1819-1868
- Constellation Relation
- Steele, Frederick, 1819-1868
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Stoneman, George, 1822-1894
Stoneman, George, 1822-1894
- Constellation Relation
- Stoneman, George, 1822-1894
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Strong, William Kerley, 1805-1867
Strong, William Kerley, 1805-1867
- Constellation Relation
- Strong, William Kerley, 1805-1867
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Tenney, Charles, fl. 1861-1863.
Tenney, Charles, fl. 1861-1863.
- Constellation Relation
- Tenney, Charles, fl. 1861-1863.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906.
Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906.
- Constellation Relation
- Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Thomas, George Henry, 1816-1870.
Thomas, George Henry, 1816-1870.
- Constellation Relation
- Thomas, George Henry, 1816-1870.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-1875
Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-1875
- Constellation Relation
- Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-1875
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864.
Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864.
- Constellation Relation
- Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Tower, Z. B. (Zealous Bates), 1819-1900
Tower, Z. B. (Zealous Bates), 1819-1900
- Constellation Relation
- Tower, Z. B. (Zealous Bates), 1819-1900
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Tyler, Daniel, 1816-1906.
Tyler, Daniel, 1816-1906.
- Constellation Relation
- Tyler, Daniel, 1816-1906.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United State Military Academy,
United State Military Academy,
Henry W. Halleck graduated in the Class of 1839.
- Constellation Relation
- United State Military Academy,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army
United States. Army
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
Henry W. Halleck was assigned to the Corps of Engineers after graduating the US Military Academy.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army. Department of Mississippi.
United States. Army. Department of Mississippi.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army. Department of Mississippi.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army. Department of the Missouri.
United States. Army. Department of the Missouri.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army. Department of the Missouri.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army. Dept. of Mississippi.
United States. Army. Dept. of Mississippi.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army. Dept. of Mississippi.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army. Dept. of the Missouri.
United States. Army. Dept. of the Missouri.
Henry W. Halleck relieved John C. Fremont as commander of the Department of Missouri.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army. Dept. of the Missouri.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. Army. Military Dept., 10th.
United States. Army. Military Dept., 10th.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. Army. Military Dept., 10th.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
United States. General Land Office.
United States. General Land Office.
- Constellation Relation
- United States. General Land Office.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Van Nostrand, David, 1811-1886,
Van Nostrand, David, 1811-1886,
- Constellation Relation
- Van Nostrand, David, 1811-1886,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Van Voorhies, William, 1815-1884.
Van Voorhies, William, 1815-1884.
- Constellation Relation
- Van Voorhies, William, 1815-1884.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905.
Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905.
- Constellation Relation
- Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Wallis, George B.
Wallis, George B.
- Constellation Relation
- Wallis, George B.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883
Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883
- Constellation Relation
- Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Watts, Elijah S. 1836-1909.
Watts, Elijah S. 1836-1909.
- Constellation Relation
- Watts, Elijah S. 1836-1909.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878.
Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878.
- Constellation Relation
- Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana (University of Chicago)
William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana (University of Chicago)
- Constellation Relation
- William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana (University of Chicago)
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Williamson, R. S. (Robert Stockton), 1824-1882.
Williamson, R. S. (Robert Stockton), 1824-1882.
- Constellation Relation
- Williamson, R. S. (Robert Stockton), 1824-1882.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925.
Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925.
- Constellation Relation
- Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Woodward, Ashbel, 1804-1885.
Woodward, Ashbel, 1804-1885.
- Constellation Relation
- Woodward, Ashbel, 1804-1885.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 1820-1899.
Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 1820-1899.
- Constellation Relation
- Wright, Horatio Gouverneur, 1820-1899.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Yates, Richard, 1815-1873,
Yates, Richard, 1815-1873,
- Constellation Relation
- Yates, Richard, 1815-1873,
Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-1872
Young, Brigham 1801-1877
Young, Brigham 1801-1877
- Constellation Relation
- Young, Brigham 1801-1877
Halleck, H. L.
Whiting, E. D.
Whiting, E. D.
- Constellation Relation
- Whiting, E. D.
- Language
- spa
- Language
- eng
Civil War, 1861-1865
- Subject
- Civil War, 1861-1865
Constitutions, State
- Subject
- Constitutions, State
Fort Donelson, Battle of, Tenn., 1862
- Subject
- Fort Donelson, Battle of, Tenn., 1862
Fredericksburg, Battle of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862
- Subject
- Fredericksburg, Battle of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862
- Subject
- Guerrillas
International law
- Subject
- International law
Land grants
- Subject
- Land grants
Manuscripts, American
- Subject
- Manuscripts, American
Mexican War, 1846-1848
- Subject
- Mexican War, 1846-1848
Mexican War, 1846-1848
- Subject
- Mexican War, 1846-1848
Military bases, American
- Subject
- Military bases, American
Mines and mineral resources
- Subject
- Mines and mineral resources
Missions, Spanish
- Subject
- Missions, Spanish
Public lands
- Subject
- Public lands
Real estate investment
- Subject
- Real estate investment
Shiloh, Battle of, Tenn., 1862
- Subject
- Shiloh, Battle of, Tenn., 1862
- Subject
- Soldiers
War (International law)
- Subject
- War (International law)
Mountain Meadows Massacre, Utah, 1857
- Subject
- Mountain Meadows Massacre, Utah, 1857
- Nationality
- Americans
Army officers
- Occupation
- Army officers
- Occupation
- Businessmen
- Occupation
- Generals
- Occupation
- Lawyers
- Occupation
- Politicians
- Occupation
- Soldiers
District of Columbia
Henry W. Halleck was General in chief and Chief of staff mostly working out of Washington, DC.
- Place
- Place
Henry W. Halleck gave a lecture series at the Lowell Institute of Boston.
- Place
West Point
Henry W. Halleck graduated from the US Military Academy in the Class of 1839.
- Place
Oneida County
Henry W. Halleck was born in Westernville, New York on January 16, 1815.
- Place
St. Louis
Henry W. Halleck relieved John C. Fremont for the command of the Department of the Missouri.
- Place
San Francisco
Henry W. Halleck was assigned to California during the Mexican-American War. Halleck also attended the Constitutional Convention of California and became a private practice lawyer in San Francisco. Halleck was stationed in California after the Civil War.
- Place
- Convention Declaration
- Convention Declaration 452