Fairbanks, Charles W. (Charles Warren), 1852-1918
Charles Warren Fairbanks (May 11, 1852 – June 4, 1918) was an American politician who served as a senator from Indiana from 1897 to 1905 and the 26th vice president of the United States from 1905 to 1909. He was also the Republican vice presidential nominee in the 1916 presidential election.
Born near Unionville Center, Ohio, Fairbanks moved to Indianapolis after graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University. He became an attorney and railroad financier, working under railroad magnate Jay Gould. Fairbanks delivered the keynote address at the 1896 Republican National Convention and won election to the Senate the following year. In the Senate, he became an advisor to President William McKinley and served on a commission that helped settle the Alaska boundary dispute.
The 1904 Republican National Convention selected Fairbanks as the running mate for President Theodore Roosevelt. As vice president, Fairbanks worked against Roosevelt's progressive policies. Fairbanks unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination at the 1908 Republican National Convention and backed William Howard Taft in 1912 against Roosevelt. Fairbanks sought the presidential nomination at the 1916 Republican National Convention, but was instead selected as the vice presidential nominee, serving on a ticket with Charles Evans Hughes. In the 1916 election, the Republican ticket lost to the Democratic ticket of President Woodrow Wilson and Vice President Thomas R. Marshall.
Role | Title | Holding Repository |
Relation | Name | |
associatedWith | Adee, Alvey Augustus | person |
associatedWith | Ade, George | person |
associatedWith | Alexander, De Alva Stanwood | person |
associatedWith | Alger, Russell Alexander | person |
associatedWith | Allison, William Boyd | person |
associatedWith | Alverstone, Richard Everard Webster | person |
associatedWith | Anthony, Susan Brownell | person |
associatedWith | Armstrong, Robert Burns | person |
associatedWith | Asher, Louis Eller, 1877-1948. | person |
employeeOf | Associated press | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Bacon, Albion Fellows | person |
associatedWith | Bacon, Robert | person |
associatedWith | Baker, Albert | person |
associatedWith | Baker, John Harris | person |
associatedWith | Baker, Lucien | person |
associatedWith | Baker, Newton Diehl | person |
associatedWith | Ball, Frank Clayton | person |
associatedWith | Bard, Thomas Robert | person |
associatedWith | Bartholdt, Richard | person |
associatedWith | Bashford, James W. | person |
associatedWith | Bayliss, Major William | person |
associatedWith | Bell, Alexander Graham | person |
associatedWith | Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah | person |
associatedWith | Bliss, Cornelius Newton | person |
associatedWith | Boerner, Edna Louise, 1884-1973, | person |
associatedWith | Bonaparte, Charles Joseph | person |
associatedWith | Borah, William Edgar | person |
associatedWith | Boutell, Henry Sherman | person |
associatedWith | Bowersock, Justin De Witt | person |
associatedWith | Branch, Emmett Forest | person |
associatedWith | Brewer, Luther Alberton | person |
associatedWith | Brick, Abraham Lincoln | person |
associatedWith | Briston, Joseph Little | person |
associatedWith | Brown, Hilton U. (Hilton Ultimus), 1859-1958. | person |
associatedWith | Brown, John | person |
associatedWith | Brownlow, Walter Preston | person |
associatedWith | Bryan, Enoch Albert | person |
associatedWith | Bryan, William Jennings | person |
associatedWith | Bryan, William Lowe | person |
associatedWith | Bryce, James | person |
associatedWith | Burford, John Henry | person |
associatedWith | Burkett, Elmer Jacob | person |
associatedWith | Burleigh, Edwin Chick | person |
associatedWith | Burnham, Henry Eben | person |
associatedWith | Burns, Albert Minis | person |
associatedWith | Burton, Theodore Elijah | person |
associatedWith | Butler, Amos William | person |
associatedWith | Butler, Nicholas Murray | person |
correspondedWith | Cale, Howard, d. 1904. | person |
associatedWith | Campbell, John | person |
associatedWith | Canada, William Wesley | person |
associatedWith | Cannon, Joseph Gurney | person |
associatedWith | Carey, John Newton, Mrs. | person |
associatedWith | Carlisle, Charles Arthur | person |
associatedWith | Carnegie, Andrew | person |
associatedWith | Carter, Thomas Henry, 1854-1911. | person |
associatedWith | Cavanaugh, Thomas H. | person |
associatedWith | Chandler, William Eaton | person |
associatedWith | Chaney, John Crawford | person |
associatedWith | Charlton, John | person |
associatedWith | Chartrand, Joseph | person |
associatedWith | Chase, Ira Joy | person |
associatedWith | Clapp, Moses E. (Moses Edwin), 1851-1929. | person |
associatedWith | Clark, Clarence Don | person |
associatedWith | Clarke, Mrs. Grace Giddings (Julian) | person |
associatedWith | Clark, Francis E. (Francis Edward), 1851-1927. | person |
associatedWith | Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885 | person |
associatedWith | Colfax, Schuyler, 1870-1925 | person |
associatedWith | Cook, Fred | person |
associatedWith | Coolidge, Calvin | person |
associatedWith | Corbin, Austin | person |
associatedWith | Cortelyou, Bruce | person |
correspondedWith | Cortelyou, George B. (George Bruce), 1862-1940. | person |
associatedWith | Cottman, George Streiby | person |
associatedWith | Crane, Winthrop Murray | person |
associatedWith | Cranston, Earl | person |
associatedWith | Cromer, George Washington | person |
associatedWith | Crumbaker, Elisha Samuel | person |
associatedWith | Crumpacker, Edgar Dean | person |
associatedWith | Cullom, Shelby Moore | person |
associatedWith | Cullop, William Allen | person |
associatedWith | Cumback, William | person |
associatedWith | Curtis, Charles | person |
associatedWith | Cushman, Francis Wellington | person |
associatedWith | Daniels, Josephus | person |
associatedWith | Daughters of the American Revolution. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Davenport, Homer Calvin | person |
associatedWith | Davis, Cushman Kellogg | person |
associatedWith | Dawes, Charles Gates | person |
correspondedWith | Day, William R. (William Rufus), 1849-1923. | person |
associatedWith | Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876 | person |
associatedWith | Dick, Charles William Frederick | person |
associatedWith | Dickey, John Marcus | person |
associatedWith | Dickson, J. B. | person |
associatedWith | Dillingham, William Paul | person |
associatedWith | Dodge, Raymond E. | person |
associatedWith | Dolliver, Jonathan Prentiss | person |
associatedWith | Durbin, Winfield Taylor | person |
associatedWith | DuShane, James. | person |
associatedWith | Elam, John Babb | person |
associatedWith | Elder, Abram P. T. (Abram Peter Turner) | person |
associatedWith | Elkins, Stephen Benton | person |
associatedWith | Elliott, William Henry | person |
associatedWith | Embree, Lucius C. | person |
correspondedWith | English, William E. (William Eastin), 1850-1926 | person |
correspondedWith | Evans, George F., b. 1845 | person |
associatedWith | Ewart, Hamilton Glover | person |
associatedWith | Fairbanks, Adelaide, ca. 1875-1961. | person |
associatedWith | Fairbanks Building Company. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Fairbanks, Cornelia Cole, 1852-1913. | person |
associatedWith | Fairbanks family | family |
associatedWith | Fairbanks, Warren Charles, 1878-1938. | person |
associatedWith | Faris, George Washington | person |
associatedWith | Faulkner, Charles James | person |
associatedWith | Field, Marshall | person |
associatedWith | Filbeck, Nicholas, 1843-1915. | person |
associatedWith | Fitzpatrick, Charles | person |
associatedWith | Foraker, Joseph Benson | person |
associatedWith | Fordney, Joseph Warren | person |
associatedWith | Forsyth, William, 1854-1935. | person |
associatedWith | Foster, Addison Gardner | person |
associatedWith | Foster, David Johnson | person |
associatedWith | Foster, John Watson, 1836-1917. | person |
associatedWith | Foster, Mary Parke (McFerson) | person |
correspondedWith | Foulke, William Dudley, 1848-1935. | person |
associatedWith | Fowler, Charles Newell | person |
associatedWith | Fuller, Charles Eugene | person |
associatedWith | Fulton, Charles William | person |
associatedWith | Furniss, Henry Watson | person |
associatedWith | Gage, Lyman Judson | person |
associatedWith | Gallinger, Jacob Harold | person |
associatedWith | Gary, James Albert | person |
associatedWith | Gear, John Henry | person |
associatedWith | George V | person |
associatedWith | Gibbons, James | person |
associatedWith | Gilhams, Clarence Chauncey | person |
associatedWith | Gompers, Samuel | person |
associatedWith | Goodrich, James Putnam | person |
associatedWith | Gould, Jay, 1836-1892 | person |
associatedWith | Gowdy, John Kennedy | person |
associatedWith | Grant, Frederick Dent | person |
associatedWith | Grant, Julia (Dent) | person |
associatedWith | Grant, Ulysses Simpson | person |
associatedWith | Gresham, Otto | person |
associatedWith | Gresham, Walter Quintin, 1832-1895. | person |
associatedWith | Grew, Joseph Clark | person |
associatedWith | Grey, Albert Henry George | person |
associatedWith | Griffith, Francis Marion | person |
associatedWith | Griggs, James Mathews | person |
associatedWith | Grosvenor, Charles Henry | person |
associatedWith | Guggenheim, Simon | person |
associatedWith | Hale, Edward Everett | person |
associatedWith | Hale, Eugene | person |
associatedWith | Halford, Elijah Walker | person |
associatedWith | Halstead, Marshall | person |
associatedWith | Halstead, Murat | person |
associatedWith | Hamilton Club of Chicago. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Hammond, Eli Shelby | person |
associatedWith | Hanly, James Franklin | person |
associatedWith | Hanna, Charlotte Augusta (Rhodes) | person |
associatedWith | Hanna, Marcus Alonzo | person |
associatedWith | Harding, Warren Gamaliel | person |
associatedWith | Hardy, Alexander Merrill | person |
associatedWith | Harlan, John Marshall | person |
associatedWith | Harper, Ida (Husted) | person |
associatedWith | Harriman, Edward Henry | person |
associatedWith | Harris, Addison Clay | person |
associatedWith | Harrison, Benjamin | person |
associatedWith | Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901. | person |
associatedWith | Harrison, Mary Scott (Lord) | person |
associatedWith | Harrison, Russell B. (Russell Benjamin), 1854-1936. | person |
associatedWith | Hawkins, Roscoe O. | person |
associatedWith | Hay, Clara L. (Stone) | person |
associatedWith | Hayes, Rutherford Birchard | person |
associatedWith | Hay, Eugene Gano | person |
associatedWith | Hay, John, 1838-1905. | person |
associatedWith | Haynes, Elwood | person |
associatedWith | Hays, William Harrison | person |
associatedWith | Heath, Perry S. (Perry Sanford), 1857-1927. | person |
associatedWith | Helper, Hinton Rowan | person |
associatedWith | Hemenway, James Alexander | person |
associatedWith | Hendee, Edgar E. | person |
associatedWith | Henley, L. W. | person |
associatedWith | Henry, Charles Lewis | person |
associatedWith | Hernly, Charles Slaten | person |
associatedWith | Herrick, Myron Timothy | person |
associatedWith | Heyburn, Weldon Brinton | person |
associatedWith | Hill, David Jayne | person |
associatedWith | Hill, Ebenezer J. | person |
associatedWith | Hilles, Charles Dewey, 1867-1949. | person |
associatedWith | Hinman, George Wheeler | person |
associatedWith | Hinshaw, Edmund Howard | person |
associatedWith | Hitt, Robert Roberts | person |
associatedWith | Hoar, George Frisbie | person |
associatedWith | Hobart, Garret Augustus | person |
associatedWith | Hobart, Jennie (Tuttle) | person |
associatedWith | Holland, Philip C. | person |
associatedWith | Holliday, Elias Selah | person |
associatedWith | Holliday, John Hampden | person |
associatedWith | Holloway, William Robeson | person |
associatedWith | Holman, William Steele | person |
associatedWith | Hornaday, James Parks | person |
associatedWith | Hovey, Alvin Peterson | person |
associatedWith | Howard, Edmonds John | person |
associatedWith | Howard, Timothy Edward | person |
associatedWith | Hughes, Charles Evans | person |
associatedWith | Hughes, James Anthony | person |
associatedWith | Humphrey, William Ewart | person |
associatedWith | Iglehart, John Eugene | person |
correspondedWith | Immigration Restriction League (U.S.). | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Indiana, Bloomington, and Western Railway. | corporateBody |
employeeOf | Indianapolis, Bloomington, and Western Railway Company. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Indianapolis Switch and Frog Co. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Indiana State Forestry Association. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Irwin, Joseph Ireland | person |
associatedWith | Irwin, William Glanton | person |
associatedWith | Jackson, Ed | person |
associatedWith | Jefferson, Thomas | person |
associatedWith | Jette, Sir Louis Amable | person |
associatedWith | Johnson, Henry Underwood | person |
associatedWith | Johnston, James Thomas | person |
associatedWith | Johnston, Joseph Forney | person |
associatedWith | Jordan, David Starr | person |
associatedWith | Julian, George Washington | person |
associatedWith | Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules | person |
associatedWith | Kalanionaole, Jonay Kuhio | person |
associatedWith | Kealing, Joseph B. | person |
associatedWith | Kean, John | person |
associatedWith | Keenleyside, T. C. | person |
associatedWith | Kercheval, Samuel Edward | person |
associatedWith | Kern, John Worth | person |
associatedWith | King, William Lyon Mackenzie | person |
associatedWith | Kittinger, William Albert | person |
correspondedWith | Kling, Flora Gardner. | person |
associatedWith | Knox, Philander Chase | person |
associatedWith | Kohlsaat, Herman Henry | person |
associatedWith | Konkle, Burton Alvan | person |
associatedWith | Landis, Charles Beary | person |
associatedWith | Landis, Frederick | person |
associatedWith | Landis, Kenesaw Mountain | person |
associatedWith | Langley, John Wesley | person |
associatedWith | Lansing, Robert | person |
associatedWith | Laurier, Sir Wilfrid | person |
associatedWith | Layman, James Thompson | person |
associatedWith | Leighty, Jacob D. | person |
associatedWith | Lewis, Oliver P. | person |
associatedWith | Lieder, Frederick W. C. (Frederick William Charles), 1881-1953 | person |
associatedWith | Lilly, Josiah Kirby | person |
associatedWith | Linck, John W. | person |
associatedWith | Lincoln, Jetson Jackson | person |
associatedWith | Lincoln, Robert Todd | person |
associatedWith | Lindley, Thomas J. | person |
associatedWith | Lockwood, George Browning | person |
associatedWith | Lodge, Anna Cabot (Davis) | person |
associatedWith | Lodge, Henry Cabot | person |
associatedWith | Loeb, William | person |
associatedWith | Logan, Mary Simmerson (Cunningham) | person |
associatedWith | Long, John Davis | person |
associatedWith | Louden, Theodore James | person |
associatedWith | Lowden, Frank Orren | person |
associatedWith | Ludlow, Louis, 1873-1950 | person |
associatedWith | Ludlow, Louis Leon | person |
associatedWith | Major, Charles | person |
associatedWith | Mann, James Robert | person |
associatedWith | Marshall, Henry W. | person |
associatedWith | Marshall, Thomas Riley | person |
associatedWith | Mathews, Jerry A. | person |
associatedWith | Matthews, Claude | person |
associatedWith | McAdoo, William Gibbs | person |
associatedWith | McComas, Louis Emory | person |
associatedWith | McConnell, Francis John | person |
associatedWith | McCoy, Joseph | person |
associatedWith | McCulloch, Charles | person |
associatedWith | McCulloch, George Foulke | person |
associatedWith | McDowell, William Fraser | person |
associatedWith | McFerson, Theodore Read | person |
associatedWith | McGill, A. R. (Andrew Ryan), 1840-1905. | person |
associatedWith | McKean, W. S., | person |
associatedWith | McKinley, William, 1843-1901. | person |
associatedWith | McKinley, William Brown | person |
associatedWith | McLaurin, Anselm Joseph | person |
associatedWith | McLaurin, John Lowndes | person |
associatedWith | Medill, Joseph | person |
associatedWith | Mellon, Rachel Hughey (Larimer) | person |
associatedWith | Menzies, Gustavus Vasa | person |
associatedWith | Menzies, Winston | person |
associatedWith | Meredith, Virginia (Claypool) | person |
associatedWith | Meyer, George von Lengerke | person |
associatedWith | Middleton, Betty Summers, 1860-1937. | person |
associatedWith | Miers, Robert Walter | person |
associatedWith | Milburn, William Henry | person |
associatedWith | Moore, Charles Arthur | person |
associatedWith | Moore, J. Hampton (Joseph Hampton), 1864-1950. | person |
associatedWith | Morgan, John Pierpont | person |
associatedWith | Morgan, John Tyler | person |
associatedWith | Morgan, Raymond B. | person |
associatedWith | Morse, E. L. | person |
associatedWith | Mortan, Oliver Perry | person |
associatedWith | Morton, Lucinda M. (Burbank) | person |
associatedWith | Mount, James Atwill | person |
associatedWith | Mulvey, Daniel Terrance. | person |
associatedWith | Murphy, Franklin | person |
correspondedWith | Murphy, Franklin, 1846-1920. | person |
associatedWith | Nelson, Knute | person |
associatedWith | New, Harry Stewart | person |
associatedWith | Newton, Byron Rufus, 1861-1938. | person |
associatedWith | Nicholson, Meredith | person |
associatedWith | Noyes, Theodore William | person |
associatedWith | O'Brian, Thomas James | person |
associatedWith | O'Brien, Robert L. | person |
alumnusOrAlumnaOf | Ohio Wesleyan University | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Oliver, Joseph Doty | person |
associatedWith | Otis, Harrison Gray | person |
associatedWith | Overstreet, Jesse | person |
associatedWith | Owen, Robert Dale | person |
associatedWith | Owen, Robert Latham | person |
associatedWith | Owen, William Dale | person |
associatedWith | Parlin, Albert Norton | person |
associatedWith | Parry, David Maclean | person |
associatedWith | Patterson, Robert Wilson | person |
associatedWith | Pauncefote, Julian | person |
associatedWith | Peelle, Stanton Judkins | person |
associatedWith | Penfield, William Lawrence | person |
associatedWith | Penrose, Boies | person |
associatedWith | Penton, John Augustus | person |
associatedWith | Perks, Sir Robert William | person |
associatedWith | Piles, Samuel Henry | person |
associatedWith | Pinchot, Amos Richards Eno | person |
associatedWith | Platt, Orville Hitchcok | person |
associatedWith | Platt, Thomas Collier | person |
associatedWith | Porter, Albert G. (Albert Gallatin), 1824-1897. | person |
associatedWith | Porter, John Addison | person |
associatedWith | Powderly, Terence Vincent | person |
associatedWith | Procter, Redfield | person |
associatedWith | Quayle, William Alfred | person |
associatedWith | Ralston, Samuel Moffett | person |
associatedWith | Reid, Whitelaw | person |
associatedWith | Republican Party (Ind.) | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Riley, James Whitcomb | person |
associatedWith | Roberts, Margaret Stephenson, 1872-1952. | person |
associatedWith | Robinson, Arthur Raymond | person |
associatedWith | Robinson, James McClellan | person |
associatedWith | Rogers, Henry Wade | person |
associatedWith | Roosevelt, Edith Kermit (Carow) | person |
associatedWith | Roosevelt, Theodore | person |
associatedWith | Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. | person |
associatedWith | Root, Elihu | person |
associatedWith | Royse, Lemuel Willard | person |
associatedWith | Sage, Russell | person |
associatedWith | Schwarz, Rudolf | person |
associatedWith | Scott, E. Kilburn | person |
associatedWith | Scott, Nathan Bay | person |
associatedWith | Sewall, May (Wright) | person |
associatedWith | Shaw, Anna Howard | person |
associatedWith | Sherman, James Schoolcraft | person |
associatedWith | Shoup, George Laird | person |
associatedWith | Simmons, Furnifold McLendel | person |
associatedWith | Sleicher, John Albert | person |
associatedWith | Slemp, Cambell Bascom | person |
associatedWith | Slemp, Campbell | person |
associatedWith | Smith, Abraham E. | person |
associatedWith | Smith, Charles Warren | person |
associatedWith | Smith, Delavan, 1861-1922. | person |
associatedWith | Smith, E. E. | person |
associatedWith | Smith, John R. | person |
associatedWith | Smith, Richard | person |
associatedWith | Smith, William Alden | person |
associatedWith | Smith, William Henry | person |
associatedWith | Smith, William Henry, 1833-1896. | person |
associatedWith | Smoot, Reed | person |
associatedWith | Spaulding, Mr. (Oliver Lyman), 1833-1922. | person |
associatedWith | Spooner, John Coit | person |
associatedWith | Stanfield, Robert Nelson | person |
associatedWith | Stansbury, Ele | person |
associatedWith | Stanwood, Edward | person |
associatedWith | Steele, George Washington | person |
associatedWith | Steele, Theodore Clement | person |
associatedWith | Steffen, Andrew | person |
associatedWith | Stephenson, Isaac | person |
associatedWith | Stoll, John B. | person |
associatedWith | Stone, Winthrop Ellsworth | person |
associatedWith | Stout, George W. | person |
associatedWith | Straus, Oscar Solomon | person |
correspondedWith | Stuart, James Arthur, 1880-1975. | person |
associatedWith | Studebaker, Clement | person |
associatedWith | Studebaker, John Mohler | person |
associatedWith | Sullivan, Mark | person |
associatedWith | Swain, Joseph | person |
associatedWith | Swift, Lucius Burrie | person |
associatedWith | Taft, Hulbert | person |
associatedWith | Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. | person |
associatedWith | Taggart, Thomas | person |
associatedWith | Takahira, Kogoro | person |
associatedWith | Tarkington, Booth | person |
associatedWith | Tawney, James Albertus | person |
associatedWith | Thatcher, Maurice Hudson | person |
associatedWith | Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association. | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Thompson, Richard Wigginton | person |
associatedWith | Tillman, Benjamin Ryan | person |
associatedWith | Tirrell, Charles Quincy | person |
associatedWith | Tracewell, Robert John | person |
associatedWith | Turner, Harry M. | person |
associatedWith | Turpie, David | person |
memberOf | United States. Congress. Senate | corporateBody |
associatedWith | Upham, William H. | person |
associatedWith | Vandenberg, Arthur H. (Arthur Hendrick), 1884-1951 | person |
associatedWith | Van Fleet, Vernon Wick | person |
associatedWith | Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916. | person |
associatedWith | Wallace, Lew, 1827-1905. | person |
associatedWith | Wallace, Lewis, 1857-1928 | person |
associatedWith | Wanamaker, John | person |
associatedWith | Washington, Booker Taliaferro | person |
associatedWith | Watson, James E. (James Eli), 1863-1948. | person |
associatedWith | Watterson, Henry | person |
associatedWith | Weems, Capell Lane | person |
associatedWith | Weik, Jesse William | person |
associatedWith | Wellman, Walter | person |
associatedWith | West, Roy Owen | person |
associatedWith | White, Henry | person |
associatedWith | Wickersham, George Woodward | person |
associatedWith | Wilder, John Thomas | person |
associatedWith | Wildman, John F. | person |
associatedWith | Williams, R. S. | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, Henry | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, Henry Lane | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, James | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, James Harrison | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, John Frank | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, John Moulder | person |
associatedWith | Wilson, Woodrow | person |
associatedWith | Wingate, Charles E. L. (Charles Edgar Lewis), b. 1861 | person |
associatedWith | Winslow, Alfred Augustus | person |
associatedWith | Wood, Charles Francis | person |
associatedWith | Woods, Robert Archer | person |
associatedWith | Work, Hubert | person |
associatedWith | Wright, Nathaniel Curwin | person |
associatedWith | Zenor, William Taylor | person |
Place Name | Admin Code | Country | |
Indianapolis | IN | US | |
Pittsburgh | PA | US | |
Cleveland | OH | US |
Subject |
Business enterprises |
Correspondence |
Diaries |
Elections |
Indians of North America |
Material Types |
Politicians |
Politicians |
Postal service |
Railroad law (U.S.) |
Railroads |
Scrapbooks |
Spanish |
Tariff |
Temperance |
Vice presidents |
Voyages around the world |
Occupation |
Financiers |
Lawyers |
Newspaper Reporter |
Senators, U.S. Congress |
Vice presidents |
Activity |
Birth 1852-05-11
Death 1918-06-04