Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928

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United States secretary of state, 1915-1920.

From the description of Robert Lansing miscellaneous papers, 1916-1927. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 754866993

Robert Lansing (b. Oct. 17, 1864, Watertown, New York-d. Oct. 30, 1928, New York, New York) was an American lawyer and politician who served as Legal Advisor to the State Department at the outbreak of World War I, and then as Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson from 1915 to 1920. He was married to Eleanor Foster Lansing, who was the daughter of Secretary of State John Watson Foster and maternal aunt to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence Allen Welsh Dulles, and economist and diplomat Eleanor Lansing Dulles.

From the description of Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928 (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration). naId: 10582412

Attorney and U.S. Secretary of State.

From the description of Papers, 1910-1920. (Duke University Library). WorldCat record id: 19865875

Lansing served as U.S. associate counsel, Bering Sea arbitration (1892) ; U.S. Counsel, Bering Sea Claims Commission (1896-1897); U.S. solicitor, Alaskan Boundary Tribunal (1903); Counsel, North Atlantic Fisheries, at the Hague (1909-1910); and U.S. Secretary of State (1915-1920).

From the description of Letter to I. Murray Adams, 10 January 1921. (Harvard Law School Library). WorldCat record id: 234339438

Robert Lansing was a lawyer and statesman who helped found the American Society of International Law. He was also U.S. counsel for a number of international commissions and served as Secretary of State from 1915 to 1920. His view that the proposed League of Nations was unimportant brought about an estrangement from President Wilson, who demanded his resignation when he learned that Lansing had held cabinet meetings during the President's illness.

From the description of Robert Lansing papers, 1882-1929 (bulk 1905-1928) (Princeton University Library). WorldCat record id: 79361974

U.S. Secretary of State.

From the description of Letter, 1917 Aug. 31, Washington D.C., to Perry Walton, Boston. (Boston Athenaeum). WorldCat record id: 184906704

Lawyer, diplomat, secretary of state during the administration of President Woodrow Wilson, and member of the American mission to negotiate a peace treaty following World War I.

From the description of Robert Lansing papers, 1831-1935 (bulk 1914-1920). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 70980141

The U.S. Army Signal Corps began in 1860, with the appointment of Dr. Albert J. Myer, a physician, as Chief Signal Officer. Under his command, the unit transformed sign language used to communicate with deaf persons into a semaphore system incorporating red and white "wigwag" flags. During the Civil War, the Signal Corps operated air balloons and telegraph machines. By the time the United States entered World War I in 1917, the corps had integrated the airplane and more advanced technology into its communications systems. In World War II, the Signal Corps' size and role in military affairs increased dramatically. From a staff of 27,000 persons, it expanded to over 350,000 men and women by 1945. The need to coordinate swift and accurate communication for air, ground, and naval units required more sophisticated technology and services. The Signal Corps pioneered in the development of radar to detect approaching aircraft as well as mobile communications and deciphering machines. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Retrieved January 21, 2009)

Robert Lansing (1864-1928) served as US Secretary of State from 1915-20 in President Woodrow Wilson's administration, replacing William Jennings Bryan who resigned in protest at Wilson's allegedly hawkish approach to US neutrality in 1915. Lansing was born on 17 October 1864 in Watertown, New York. Trained as an international lawyer (and having started a legal practice in Watertown in 1889), he was appointed associate counsel in the Bering Sea arbitration in 1892-93, and thereafter frequently acted as federal counsel at international tribunals. Appointed counsellor to the US State Department by President Wilson in April 1914, Lansing became Secretary of State following Bryan's decision to resign in June 1915 over what he believed to be Wilson's overly aggressive stance to the German sinking of the Lusitania. Lansing was also instrumental in persuading Denmark to sell to the U.S. its islands in the West Indies; renamed the U.S. Virgin Islands, Lansing believed U.S. control of these to be important in preventing their falling under German influence. He was further successful in securing Wilson's initially sceptical agreement to the provision of substantial bank loans to the Allied powers from October 1915 onwards. Increasingly, Lansing viewed an Allied victory as necessary for the defence of civilised values in addition to viewing Germany as a threat to U.S. interests. Following Wilson's illness, beginning September 1919, Lansing played a much larger role in executing foreign policy; he also conducted numerous Cabinet meetings. Wilson, feeling that Lansing was acting with undue independence, requested and received Lansing's resignation in February 1920. Lansing, one of the founders of the American Society of International Law, published numerous books, including works on international law and on the Versailles treaty. He died on 30 October 1928 in New York at the age of 64. First World (Retrieved January 21, 2009)

From the description of United States Army Signal Corps telegram, 1918. (University of Georgia). WorldCat record id: 298983810

Biographical Note

  • 1864, Oct. 17: Born, Watertown, N.Y.
  • 1886: Graduated, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.
  • 1889: Admitted to New York bar
  • 1890: Married Eleanor Foster
  • 1892 - 1893 : Associate counsel for United States on Bering Sea fur-seal arbitrations
  • 1896 - 1897 : Counsel, United States Bering Sea Claims Commission
  • 1903: American counsel, Alaskan Boundary Tribunal
  • 1906: Helped found American Society of International Law
  • 1907: Associate editor, American Journal of International Law
  • 1909 - 1910 : American counsel, Hague Tribunal for arbitration of the North Atlantic Fisheries
  • 1912 - 1914 : Agent of American-British Claims Arbitration
  • 1914: Appointed counsellor for State Department
  • 1915 - 1920 : Secretary of state
  • 1917: Lansing-Ishii Agreement
  • 1918 - 1919 : Member, American commission to negotiate peace at Paris, France
  • 1921: Published The Big Four and Others of the Peace Conference. Boston and New York. Published Notes on Sovereignty from the Standpoint of the State and the World. Washington, D.C.: The Endowment.
  • 1920 - 1928 : Member, firm of Lansing and Woolsey
  • 1923: Counsel for China Counsel for Persia
  • 1923 - 1925 : Counsel for Chile in Tacna-Arica Arbitration
  • 1928, Oct. 30: Died, Washington, D.C.

From the guide to the Robert Lansing Papers, 1831-1935, (bulk 1914-1920), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)

Biographical/Historical Note

United States secretary of state, 1915-1920.

From the guide to the Robert Lansing miscellaneous papers, 1916-1927, (Hoover Institution Archives)

Lansing was born in Watertown, New York on October 17, 1864. The son of John and Maria Lay (Dodge) Lansing, he could trace his American ancestry to the middle years of the seventeenth century. His religious and political loyalties were Presbyterian and Democratic. He attended Amherst College in Massachusetts, graduating in 1886, and, like his father and grandfather before him, entered the legal profession. He joined his father's practice following his admission to the bar in 1889, but it was his father-in-law and one-time Secretary of State, John Watson Foster, who interested him in global affairs and the international arbitral panels before which he would appear more often than any American lawyer of the time. In 1892, he was named associate counsel for the United States in the Bering Sea Arbitration, an appointment which took him to Paris. In the years which followed, he represented American interests before such bodies as the Bering Sea Claims Commission, the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration, the Fur Seal Conference, and the British and American Claims Arbitration. In addition to private interests, he served as counsel for the Mexican and Chinese legations in Washington between 1894 and 1895 and 1900 and 1901. In 1906, Lansing helped to found the American Society of International Law, and, in 1907, he helped to launch the American Journal of International Law, of which he became an associate editor.

On March 27, 1914, he was appointed Counselor for the Department of State, unaware of the burdens soon to be imposed on him by the outbreak of the First World War. As the second highest official in the department, he was called upon to serve as acting secretary in the absence of William Jennings Bryan. Bryan's resignation over the ramifications of the sinking of the Lusitania opened the way for Lansing's appointment as Secretary of State on June 23, 1915, an unusual choice on Wilson's part in light of Lansing's lack of political stature. The President and his confidant, Edward Mandell House, exercised far more influence over the conduct of foreign policy than Lansing, but his familiarity with the workings of international law was an asset as the administration grappled with the thorny questions arising from the need to define and safeguard the rights of neutrals in a world at war.

Neutrality, which had grown steadily more untenable as hostilities intensified, was abandoned in 1917. Diplomatic ties with Germany were severed on February 3, and a state of war was declared to exist between the countries on April 6, developments Lansing both expected and welcomed. In the first days of his tenure, he had outlined in a private memorandum his views on Germany, noting that “German absolutism is the great menace to democracy” and raising the specter of a triumphant reich allying itself with an autocratic Russia and Japan in a coordinated assault on human liberty. He was not, however, an advocate of revenge, dubbing the reparations bruited by Great Britain and France “simple madness.” The positions of foreign leaders were not the only ones he questioned as the spotlight shifted from the battlefield to the conference table. Lansing, who travelled to Paris as a member of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, found himself in irreconcilable disagreement with Wilson over a number of issues, the most important of which concerned the nature of the President's beloved League of Nations and the wisdom of framing its covenant in conjunction with the treaties of peace. Lansing went so far as to question the appropriateness of his superior's presence in Paris on the grounds that it would lessen his stature and, thus, his influence at home and abroad. Lansing's advice on these and other matters was unwelcome, and though he was one of the signatories of the Treaty of Versailles, his ability to influence events was minimal.

While issues associated with the First World War occupied center stage during his time in office, Lansing was also obliged to deal with the volatile political situation in Mexico and the tensions which threatened to spark a full-scale war between this strife-torn country and the United States. Differences with Wilson over the propriety of intervention in Mexican affairs in the fall of 1919 did nothing to narrow the rift between them. Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which were occupied by American troops in 1915 and 1916 respectively, constituted minor flash points and, as such, afforded Lansing greater scope for independent action. Strains in Japanese-American relations were a matter of concern as well, particularly in regard to the status of China. The Lansing-Ishii Agreement, negotiated in the fall of 1917, was intended to preserve China's territorial integrity and political independence while recognizing – ominously in light of later events – Japan's “special interests” there. The Bolshevik revolution posed challenges as novel as they were farreaching, not least of which was the collapse of the eastern front. Lansing loathed Bolshevism, which he described in a private memorandum as “the most hideous and monstrous thing that the human mind has ever conceived,” and opposed extending diplomatic recognition to the new regime.

The last months of Lansing's tenure as Secretary of State were overshadowed by domestic opposition to the peace settlement arrived at in Paris, culminating in the refusal of the Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, and the physical and psychological collapse of Wilson in the fall of 1919. In the resultant vacuum, Lansing felt it proper to summon meetings of the cabinet, a practice which aroused the ire of the convalescent President, who accused him of usurping presidential power. Lansing's resignation, which took effect on February 13, 1920, was as willingly offered as it was accepted. Lansing had, in fact, considered resigning well before this point, privately likening his position to that of “a school boy or a rubber stamp,” but his sense of duty had restrained him.

Now he happily returned to private life. He resumed the practice of international law in partnership with Lester Hood Woolsey, who had served as Solicitor for the Department of State, and was retained by a number of countries. They included Chile, whose interests he and Woolsey represented in the Tacna-Arica Arbitration. Lansing used his new leisure to record his opinions and impressions of the peace conference, though he refrained from publicizing his disagreements with Wilson until the change in administrations in 1921, and he was working on an extensive account of his years as Secretary of State at the time of his death. His examination of the peace conference took the form of two books, The Peace Negotiations: A Personal Narrative and The Big Four and Others of the Peace Conference, and part of his unfinished manuscript was published posthumously under the title, War Memoirs of Robert Lansing . He died in Washington, D.C. on October 30, 1928.

From the guide to the Robert Lansing Papers, 1882-1929, 1905-1928, (Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918,. Letters sent to Walter Hines Page from various correspondents, English period, 1876-1937. Houghton Library
referencedIn Norton family. Letters received by the Norton family, 1830-1920 Houghton Library
referencedIn McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Vance Criswell McCormick papers, 1907-1946 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. Letter, 1917 Aug. 31, Washington D.C., to Perry Walton, Boston. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Price, William Jennings, 1873-1952. William Jennings Price papers, 1851-1952. University of Kentucky Libraries
referencedIn Letters from various correspondents, 1871-1940. Houghton Library
referencedIn National Broadcasting Company, Inc., Collection. 1953 - 1962. Motion Picture Films. 1953 - 1962. THE GREAT WAR National Archives at College Park
creatorOf American Federation of Catholic Societies. Collection, 1901-1961. University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library
referencedIn William Jennings Bryan Papers, 1877-1940, (bulk 1896-1925) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Henry White Papers, 1812-1931, (bulk 1880-1928) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. THE SIGNING OF THE PEACE TREATY OF VERSAILLES, JUNE 28, 1919 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Smith, Munroe, 1854-1926. Correspondence, 1880-1929. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Breckinridge Long Papers, 1486-1948, (bulk 1910-1948) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Squier, George Owen, 1865-1934. George Owen Squier papers, 1883-1934. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Thomas, James A. James Augustus Thomas Papers, 1905-1941; (bulk 1914-1940). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Harold Phelps Stokes papers, 1908-1969 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Lester Hood Woolsey Papers, 1831-1958, (bulk 1909-1929) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. THE RECEPTION OF PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON ON HIS ARRIVAL IN PARIS, DEC. 16, 1918 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Albert Sidney Burleson Papers, 1845-1943, (bulk 1902-1943) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Montgomery Family Papers, 1771-1974, (bulk 1858-1974) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn George B. McClellan Papers, 1838-1922 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn United States. Congress. Senate. Nye Committee records, 1935-1936 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Saulsbury, May du Pont, 1854-1927. Journals, 1919 [transcripts]. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn George Dewey Papers, 1805-1949, (bulk 1885-1931) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn William Jennings Bryan Papers, 1877-1940, (bulk 1896-1925) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Robert Lansing Papers, 1831-1935, (bulk 1914-1920) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Beal, Boylston Adams, 1865-1944,. Letters from various correspondents, 1871-1940. Houghton Library
referencedIn The Inquiry Papers, 1915-1921 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Personal and Confidential Letters to the President National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Mott, John Raleigh, 1865-1955. John R. Mott papers, 1813-1978 (inclusive), 1880-1955 (bulk). Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Roland S. Morris Papers, 1910-1943 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Gary, Hampson, 1873-1952. Papers of Hampson Gary, 1893-1943. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company contracts, 1831-1979 (inclusive) 1880-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. Papers of Thomas Nelson Page [manuscript], 1865-1920. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Henry Morgenthau Papers, 1795-1941, (bulk 1870-1941) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Oscar Terry Crosby Papers, 1878-1947, (bulk 1900-1938) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Charles S. Hamlin Papers, 1869-1968, (bulk 1880-1938) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn William Shepherd Benson Papers, circa 1791-1952, (bulk 1915-1928) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Sidney Edward Mezes papers, 1918-1931, 1918-1919 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Dickinson, Donald McDonald, 1846-1917. Donald McDonald Dickinson papers, 1863-1917. Library of Congress
referencedIn Oswald Garrison Villard papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Willard, Daniel, 1861-1942. Daniel Willard papers, 1899-1942. Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886-1960. Papers, 1894-1960 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Henry Prather Fletcher Papers, 1898-1958 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Vance Criswell McCormick papers, 1907-1946 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Seymour, Charles, 1885-1963. Charles Seymour papers, 1912-1963 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. United States Army Signal Corps telegram, 1918.
referencedIn Morris, Roland S. (Roland Sletor), 1874-1945. Papers of Roland S. Martin, 1910-1943. Library of Congress
referencedIn George Owen Squier papers, 1883-1934 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. THE ALLIED ATHLETIC MEET AT JOINVILLE LE PONT, JULY 4-6, 1919 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Root, Elihu, 1845-1937. Papers 1904-1937. Hamilton College, Daniel Burke Library
referencedIn William Woodville Rockhill papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Harry Burns Hutchins Papers, 1879-1930 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Arthur Bliss Lane papers, 1904-1957 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Robert Lansing miscellaneous papers, 1916-1927 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf Squier, George Owen, 1865-1934. George Owen Squier papers, 1883-1934. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Gilbert M. Hitchcock Papers, 1910-1935 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. Papers, 1910-1920. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Robert Lansing Papers, 1882-1929, 1905-1928 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn George Creel Papers, 1857-1953, (bulk 1896-1953) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn John William Davis papers, 1846-1959 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Mezes, Sidney Edward, 1863-1931. Sidney Edward Mezes papers, 1918-1931 (inclusive), 1918-1919 (bulk). Yale University Library
creatorOf Burnquist, J. A. A. (Joseph Alfred Arner), 1879-1961. J. A. A. Burnquist papers, 1884-1961. Minnesota Historical Society Library
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. [Letter] 1915 July 3, Washington [to] Arthur J. Brown, New York / Robert Lansing. Presbyterian Historical Society, PHS
referencedIn Dulles, Eleanor Lansing, 1895-1996. Eleanor Lansing Dulles papers, 1867-1993, bulk 1935-1990. George Washington University
referencedIn William L. Pike passports and visas, 1886-1917 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn R. C. Leffingwell Letterbooks, 1917-1920 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations. 1911 - 1972. WELCOME OF THE BRITISH COMMISSIONER TO THE WAR COUNCIL National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Redfield, William Cox, 1858-1932. William Cox Redfield family papers, 1821-1959. Library of Congress
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. Robert Lansing papers, 1915-1922. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969. Allen W. Dulles papers, 1845-1971 (bulk 1918-1969) Princeton University Library
creatorOf Pike, William L., b. 1861. William L. Pike passports and visas, 1886-1917. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Oscar S. Straus Papers, 1856-1955, (bulk 1856-1923) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Joseph P. Tumulty Papers, 1898-1969, (bulk 1913-1940) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Richard Olney Papers, 1830-1928, (bulk 1893-1917) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Letters Sent by the Secretary of State National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Breckinridge Long Papers, 1486-1948, (bulk 1910-1948) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Cordell Hull Papers, 1908-1956, (bulk 1933-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Day, Clive, 1871-1951. Clive Day papers, 1892-1943 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Stimson, Frederic Jesup, 1855-1943. Frederic Jesup Stimson papers, 1802-1943 (bulk 1884-1936). Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. Certificate : appointing W. P. Whitlock honorary consul of Venezuela, 1916 June 26. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Huston Thompson Papers, 1908-1965, (bulk 1936-1965) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn New York Times Company records. Arthur Hays Sulzberger papers, 1823-1999 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn The Inquiry papers, 1915-1921 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. 1798 - 2007. Moving Images Relating to Naval Activities. 1942 - 1947. VISIT OF SIR ERIC GEDDES [ETC.] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Correspondence and compositions collected by The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 1878-1923. Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. Letter to I. Murray Adams, 10 January 1921. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Cordell Hull Papers, 1908-1956, (bulk 1933-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Clive Day papers, 1892-1943 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Wallace H. White Papers, 1915-1948, (bulk 1917-1931) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Frank Lyon Polk papers, 1883-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Elihu Root Papers, 1863-1937, (bulk 1899-1937) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Frederick Dixon Papers, 1897-1923, (bulk 1914-1922) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Robert Lansing miscellaneous papers, 1916-1927 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Reinsch, Paul Samuel, 1869-1923. Papers, 1835-1924, 1963. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Chandler P. Anderson Papers, 1894-1953, (bulk 1896-1929) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Poole, DeWitt Clinton, 1885-1952. Papers, 1918-1952. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Fairbanks mss., 1819-1939 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Allen W. Dulles Papers, 1845-1971, 1918-1969 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn William Allen White Papers, 1859-1944, (bulk 1899-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Mezes, Sidney Edward. Inquiry papers, 1917-1919. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Tasker Howard Bliss Papers, 1864-1933, (bulk 1917-1930) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Du Pont, H. A. (Henry Algernon), 1838-1926. Papers, 1843-1926. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn David Franklin Houston papers, 1891-1930 (inclusive), 1913-1921 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Robert Lansing Papers, 1882-1929, 1905-1928 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. GLIMPSES OF PERSONS, PLACES, AND EVENTS DURING. . . CONFERENCES AT PARIS . . . 1918-1919 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Vaughan, John, 1755-1841. Papers, 1768 - ca. 1936 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Edward Mandell House papers, 1885-2007, 1885-1938 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Frank Lyon Polk papers, 1883-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Trueblood, Thomas C. (Thomas Clarkson), 1856-1951. Correspondence, 1916-1928. University of Michigan
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. SECOND TRIP OF PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON ABROAD AND HIS ARRIVAL AT PARIS, MARCH 13, 1919 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Biographical memorabilia of William Dawson, 1906-1968. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Lobeck, A. K. (Armin Kohl), 1886-1958. Armin Kohl Lobeck papers, 1918-1919. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Weeks, John W. (John Wingate), 1860-1926. Papers, 1877-1926. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Chandler P. Anderson Papers, 1894-1953, (bulk 1896-1929) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Letters sent to Walter Hines Page from various correspondents, English period, 1876-1937. Houghton Library
referencedIn Vance Criswell McCormick papers, 1907-1946 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Kennan, George, 1845-1924. Papers of George Kennan, 1840-1937. Library of Congress
referencedIn Wanamaker, Rodman, 1863-1928,. Armenia collection, 1916-1923. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. Letter, 1920, Feb. 9, Washington, D.C., to Ambrose Kennedy. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Thomas Watt Gregory papers, 1896-1933, (bulk 1919-1933) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Deitrick, James. James Deitrick papers, 1900-1918. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Thomas Watt Gregory papers, 1896-1933, (bulk 1919-1933) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Documentary Films. 1914 - 1944. PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Lester Hood Woolsey Papers, 1831-1958, (bulk 1909-1929) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Harrison, Leland, 1883-1951. Papers of Leland Harrison, 1915-1947 (bulk 1918-1921). Library of Congress
referencedIn Henry Prather Fletcher Papers, 1898-1958 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Richard Olney Papers, 1830-1928, (bulk 1893-1917) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Charles Seymour papers, 1912-1963 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Joseph Stanley-Brown Papers, 1730-1941, (bulk 1890-1899) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn George W. Goethals Papers, 1890-1954, (bulk 1907-1927) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Elihu Root Papers, 1863-1937, (bulk 1899-1937) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944. Papers of Albert B. Fall, 1887-1941. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Papers, 1750 (1819-1954) 1964 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part I: The Revolution and the Administration, 1669-1958. Houghton Library
referencedIn George Creel Papers, 1857-1953, (bulk 1896-1953) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence and records, 1832-1944. Houghton Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON ENROUTE TO PARIS ... DEC. 4-15, 1918 National Archives at College Park
Relation Name
associatedWith Adams, I. Murray (Isaac Murray), person
associatedWith American Federation of Catholic Societies. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, Chandler P. (Chandler Parsons), 1866-1936 person
associatedWith Beal, Boylston Adams, 1865-1944, person
correspondedWith Benson, William Shepherd, 1855-1932. person
correspondedWith BLEDSOE-HERRICK FAMILY person
correspondedWith Bliss, Tasker Howard, 1853-1930. person
correspondedWith Boyer, Frederick M. person
correspondedWith Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925 person
correspondedWith Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922 person
correspondedWith Burleson, Albert Sidney, 1863-1937. person
associatedWith Burnquist, J. A. A. (Joseph Alfred Arner), 1879-1961. person
correspondedWith Creel, George, 1876-1953. person
correspondedWith Crosby, Oscar Terry, 1861-1947. person
associatedWith Davis, John W. (John William), 1873-1955. person
associatedWith Day, Clive, 1871-1951. person
associatedWith Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876 person
associatedWith Deitrick, James. person
correspondedWith Dewey, George, 1837-1917. person
correspondedWith Dewey, George G. (George Goodwin), -1963 person
correspondedWith Dickinson, Donald McDonald, 1846-1917. person
correspondedWith Dickinson, J. M. (Jacob McGavock), 1851-1928 person
correspondedWith Dixon, Frederick, d. 1923. person
correspondedWith Dresel, Ellis Loring, 1865-1925 person
associatedWith Dubin, Max H. person
correspondedWith Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969 person
associatedWith Dulles, Eleanor Lansing, 1895-1996. person
correspondedWith Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959 person
associatedWith Du Pont, H. A. (Henry Algernon), 1838-1926. person
correspondedWith Elkus, Abram I., 1867-1947 person
associatedWith Fairbanks, Charles W. (Charles Warren), 1852-1918 person
associatedWith Fall, Albert B. (Albert Bacon), 1861-1944. person
associatedWith Fletcher, Henry Prather, 1873-1959. person
correspondedWith Foster, John Watson, 1836-1917 person
associatedWith Francis, David Rowland, 1850-1927 person
correspondedWith Fuller, Paul, d. 1947 person
associatedWith Gary, Hampson, 1873-1952. person
correspondedWith Gerard, James Watson, 1867- person
correspondedWith Goethals, George W. (George Washington), 1858-1928 person
correspondedWith Gregory, Thomas Watt, 1861-1933. person
correspondedWith Hamlin, Charles S. (Charles Sumner), 1861-1938. person
associatedWith Harrison, Leland, 1883-1951. person
correspondedWith Hibben, John Grier, 1861-1933 person
correspondedWith Hitchcock, Gilbert M. (Gilbert Monell), 1859-1934. person
associatedWith Hohenzollern, House of. family
associatedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith House, Edward Mandell, 1858-1924 person
associatedWith House, Edward Mandell, 1858-1938. person
associatedWith Houston, David Franklin, 1866-1940 person
associatedWith Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886- person
correspondedWith Hull, Cordell, 1871-1955. person
associatedWith Hutchins, Harry B. (Harry Burns), 1847-1930 person
correspondedWith Johnson, Cone, 1860-1933 person
correspondedWith Jusserand, J. J. (Jean Jules), 1855-1932 person
associatedWith Kennan, George, 1845-1924. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Ambrose, 1875-1967, person
correspondedWith Koo, V. K. Wellington, 1888-1985 person
correspondedWith Koo, V. K. Wellington, 1888-1985 person
associatedWith Lane, Arthur Bliss, 1894-1956. person
correspondedWith Lane, Franklin K. person
correspondedWith Leffingwell, R. C. (Russell Cornell), 1878-1960. person
associatedWith Lewallen, Homer. person
associatedWith Lobeck, A. K. (Armin Kohl), 1886-1958. person
correspondedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924 person
correspondedWith Long, Breckinridge, 1881-1958. person
associatedWith Lusitania (Steamship) corporateBody
correspondedWith MacVeagh, Wayne, 1833-1917 person
correspondedWith Marshall, Thomas R. (Thomas Riley), 1854-1925 person
associatedWith McClellan, George B. (George Brinton), 1865-1940. person
associatedWith McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. person
correspondedWith Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1872-1964 person
associatedWith Mezes, Sidney Edward. person
correspondedWith Montgomery family family
correspondedWith Moore, John Bassett, 1860-1947 person
correspondedWith Morgenthau, Henry, 1856-1946 person
associatedWith Morris, Roland S. (Roland Sletor), 1874-1945. person
associatedWith Mott, John Raleigh, 1865-1955. person
associatedWith New York Times Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Norton family, recipient. family
correspondedWith Olney, Richard, 1835-1917. person
associatedWith Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. person
associatedWith Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918, person
associatedWith Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) corporateBody
correspondedWith Phillips, William, 1878-1968 person
associatedWith Pike, William L., b. 1861. person
correspondedWith Polk, Frank L. (Frank Lyon), 1871-1943 person
associatedWith Poole, DeWitt Clinton, 1885-1952. person
associatedWith Price, William Jennings, 1873-1952. person
associatedWith Redfield, William Cox, 1858-1932. person
associatedWith Reinsch, Paul Samuel, 1869-1923. person
correspondedWith Rockhill, William Woodville, 1854-1914 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 person
correspondedWith Root, Elihu, 1845-1937 person
correspondedWith Rowe, L. S. (Leo Stanton), 1871-1946 person
associatedWith Saulsbury, May du Pont, 1854-1927. person
correspondedWith Scott, James Brown, 1866-1943 person
associatedWith Seymour, Charles, 1885-1963. person
correspondedWith Smith, Edward North, 1868-1943 person
associatedWith Smith, Munroe, 1854-1926. person
associatedWith Squier, George Owen, 1865-1934. person
associatedWith Stanley-Brown, Joseph, 1858-1941. person
associatedWith Stimson, Frederic Jesup, 1855-1943. person
associatedWith Stokes, Harold Phelps, 1887-1970. person
correspondedWith Stone, William Joel, 1848-1918 person
correspondedWith Straus, Oscar S. (Oscar Solomon), 1850-1926. person
associatedWith Thomas, James A. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Huston. person
associatedWith Trueblood, Thomas C. (Thomas Clarkson), 1856-1951. person
correspondedWith Tumulty, Joseph P. (Joseph Patrick), 1879-1954 person
associatedWith United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Signal Corps. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Congress. Senate. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of State. corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Santvoord, Seymour, 1858-1938 person
associatedWith Vaughan, John, 1756-1841 person
correspondedWith Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949 person
associatedWith Walton, Perry, 1865-1941. person
associatedWith Weeks, John W. (John Wingate), 1860-1926. person
correspondedWith White, Henry, 1850-1927. person
correspondedWith White, Wallace H. (Wallace Humphrey), b. 1877. person
correspondedWith White, William Allen, 1868-1944. person
correspondedWith Whitlock, Brand, 1869-1934 person
associatedWith Willard, Daniel, 1861-1942. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924 person
correspondedWith Woolsey, Lester Hood, 1877-1961 person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Latin America
United States
Latin America
United States
Virgin Islands
Latin America
Soviet Union
Virgin Islands.
United States
United States
Soviet Union
United States
United States
United States
Latin America
American history/20th century
American politics and government
Cabinet officers
Cabinet officers
Diplomatic and consular service, American
Diplomatic and consular service, American
Educational law and legislation
International law
Merchant marine
Merchant marine
Political parties
Reconstruction (1914-1939)
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War I
Cabinet officers


Birth 1864-10-17

Death 1928-10-30





Ark ID: w6gb23js

SNAC ID: 8408026