referencedIn |
A. W. Greely Papers, 1753-1997, (bulk 1880-1935)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Chester DeWitt Pugsley Papers, 1873-1938; (bulk 1925-1938).
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
referencedIn |
George Dudley Seymour papers, 1684-1944
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Mabel Thorp Boardman Papers, 1853-1945, (bulk 1894-1929)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Harry Burns Hutchins Papers, 1879-1930
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-1931. Edwin Anderson Alderman papers [manuscript], 1881-1950.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Anthony, Daniel Read, 1870-1931. Daniel Read Anthony, Jr., papers, 1907-1928 (bulk 1907-1908, 1926-1928).
Kansas State Historical Society |
creatorOf |
National Society of United States Daughters of 1812. Dolly Madison Chapter. National Society of United States Daughters of 1812, Dolly Madison Chapter records 1896-1990.
Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Heinz History Center Detre Library and Archives |
creatorOf |
Chaloner, John Armstrong, 1862-1935. Papers of John Armstrong Chaloner.
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Monroe, James, 1758-1831. Correspondence of Jefferson Randolph Kean [manuscript] 1824(1896)-1939.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886-1960. Papers, 1894-1960
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Bristow Adams papers, 1853-1970, 1862-1957 (bulk)
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. |
referencedIn |
Swift, Charles M., 1854-1929. Charles M. Swift papers, 1889-1929.
Sheldon Museum Research Center |
referencedIn |
Joseph Benson Foraker Papers, 1884-1916
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
William R. Day Papers, 1820-1923, (bulk 1897-1917)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Francis Griffith Newlands papers, 1869-1936, 1899-1917
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part I: The Revolution and the Administration, 1669-1958.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. Letters, chiefly from Wilson, to Richard Heath Dabney, 1881-1926.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Baker, Emma Nelson. Emma Nelson Baker photographs [graphic] : relating to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, her career, and personal life.
UC Berkeley Libraries |
referencedIn |
Yale University. President's Office. Records of Arthur Twining Hadley as president of Yale University, 1899-1921 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Ada and Henry Green papers, 1911-1961.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Warburg, Felix M. (Felix Moritz), 1871-1937. Papers, 1895-1937.
The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives |
referencedIn |
Somerville, Randolph, 1891-1958. Papers, [ca. 1915]-1958.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
John T. McCutcheon Papers, 1895-1947
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
creatorOf |
Fairbanks, Newton Hamilton, 1859-1937. Newton Hamilton Fairbanks Papers [microform], 1913-1934.
Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Stearnes, R. C. (Reaumur Coleman), 1866-1945. Papers of Reamur Coleman Stearnes [manuscript] 1830, 1890-1940, 1942.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Franke, Carl F., 1871-1940. Papers, 1900-1919.
Iowa State Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Henry Frederick Lippitt papers, Lippitt (Henry Frederick) Papers, 1881-1933
John Hay Library, Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Thomas Collier Platt papers, 1851-1915
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Beal, Junius E. (Junius Emery), 1860-1942. Junius Emery Beal papers, 1869-1946.
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Everett Sanders Papers, 1913-1950
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Wheeler, Wayne Bidwell, 1869-1927. Wayne Bidwell Wheeler papers, 1918-1926.
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
Allison, William B. (William Boyd), 1829-1908. Papers of William B. Allison, 1862-1916.
University of Iowa Libraries |
referencedIn |
Records of the White House Office. 1814 - 1977. Appointment Books
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Hazel, John R., 1860-1951. Papers, 1884-1967 (bulk 1900-1907).
Buffalo History Museum, Research Library |
referencedIn |
Anderson, Archer, 1838-1918. Papers : of Archer Anderson, 1852-1911.
Virginia Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
McClintock, James H., 1864-1934. James H. McClintock Photograph Collection, ca. 1860-ca. 1930 [picture].
Arizona State University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Lester P. Breckenridge fonds [textual record].
University of Waterloo Library, UW Library |
referencedIn |
Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829-1914. Correspondence, 1851-1928.
College of Physicians of Philadelphia |
referencedIn |
Bingham family papers
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Stone, Melville Elijah, 1848-1929. Melville E. Stone papers, 1815-1954, bulk 1890-1929.
Newberry Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Typed letter signed Wm. H. Taft to "My dear Professor Palmer" June 19, 1914.
Wellesley College |
referencedIn |
Walter Hines Page letters from various correspondents, American period
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1832-1982.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
creatorOf |
United States. President (1909-1913 : Taft). Papers of the Camp and Keeler families, 1817-circa 1960.
referencedIn |
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings relating to the national political campaign of 1908.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Belmont, Eleanor Robson, 1879-1979. Papers, 1851-1979.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Theodore Marburg Papers, 1859-1940, (bulk 1893-1940)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Jacob Gould Schurman papers, 1867-1942 [1986].
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. |
creatorOf |
William Howard Taft papers, 1887-1928
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
creatorOf |
Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922,. Papers of the Baker and Wheeler families, 1763-1954.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Moorfield Storey Papers, 1876-1929
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Harris, M. M. (Morrison Mose), 1883-1950. M.M. Harris posters, 1912 and 1918.
Judah L. Magnes Memorial Museum, Rabbi Morris Goldstein Library |
referencedIn |
Patton, George S. (George Smith), 1856-1927. Patton family papers, 1856-1934.
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens |
referencedIn |
Irwin Hood Hoover Papers, 1909-1933
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Manning, Helen Taft, 1891-1987. Papers of Helen Taft Manning, 1908-1956 (bulk 1917-1929).
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
Records of the U.S. Secret Service. 1863 - 1999. Daily Reports of Agents on White House Detail
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Faught, Albert Smith, 1883-1965. Papers, 1907-1961(inclusive), 1907-1916, 1934-1944, 1961(bulk).
Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
referencedIn |
Papers,[ca. 1880-1919]
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Photographs, 1896-1941, n.d.
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
referencedIn |
Loomis, Francis B. (Francis Butler), 1861-1948. Francis B. Loomis papers, 1897-1939. [microform].
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to Henry C. Wallace. Washington, DC. 1919 May 5.
University of Iowa Libraries |
referencedIn |
Philip A. Stanton Papers, 1907-1929
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens Manuscripts Department |
referencedIn |
Robert A. Taft Papers, 1885-1980, (bulk 1938-1953)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Hibernian Society of Savannah (Ga.). Hibernian Society of Savannah records, 1848-1998 / [Hibernian Society of Savannah].
Georgia Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Church, Gerald Marshall, 1929-. Our Aldrich family genealogy, 2002.
Clarke Historical Library |
referencedIn |
George W. Goethals Papers, 1890-1954, (bulk 1907-1927)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930,. Correspondence : Washington, with Claude Coats, 1926.
Rosenbach Museum & Library |
referencedIn |
Dulin, Cecilia P., 1872?-1968. Cecilia P. Dulin papers, 1908-1954.
Historical Society of Washington, D.C. |
referencedIn |
Cameron, Ralph Henry, 1863-1953. Cameron letters, 1908-1912.
Arizona Historical Society, Southern Arizona Division |
referencedIn |
American Unitarian Association Presidential Papers, 1920-1927.
Andover-Harvard Theological Library |
referencedIn |
Edwin Montefiore Borchard papers, 1910-1950
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Norcross, Grenville H., 1854-1937. Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, 1489-1937.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Berryman family papers
Archives of American Art |
referencedIn |
Edwin Tangen (Boulder, Colo.),. President Taft : address from auto at Fort Logan, south of Denver photograph, 1911.
Boulder Public Library |
creatorOf |
Scott, Richard H. (Richard Hamilton), 1858-1917. Papers, 1841-1917 (bulk 1876-1917).
Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. |
creatorOf |
Cohen, Henry, 1863-1952. Cohen, Henry, personal correspondence, 1850-1951.
University of Texas Libraries |
referencedIn |
Photograph of Edwin A. Alderman delivering memorial address for Woodrow Wilson, 1924 December 15.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Hood, Edwin Milton, 1858-1923. Papers of Edwin Milton Hood, 1868-1963.
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
Charles J. Bonaparte papers, 1760-1921 (bulk 1874-1921)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982
Yake University Divinity School Library |
referencedIn |
Reed Smoot papers, 1827-1966
L. Tom Perry Special Collections |
referencedIn |
W. Cameron Caswell and John Marshall Holcombe, Jr. collection, 1787-1953
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Richard T. Ely papers, 1812-1963 (bulk 1882-1939)
Wisconsin Historical Society Archives |
referencedIn |
Elihu Root Papers, 1863-1937, (bulk 1899-1937)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Edward Jones and Helen B. Williams letters 1908-1912 Williams, Edward Jones and Helen B. letters
William L. Clements Library |
creatorOf |
Forbes, W. Cameron (William Cameron), 1870-1959. Journals, 1904-1946.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Randolph Somerville Papers, [ca. 1915]-1958.
Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Wendell family papers
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
United States. District Court (New Mexico Territory : 7th Judicial District). Record book, 1909-1911.
Denver art museum |
referencedIn |
Vernon, Leroy Tudor. Vernon, Leroy Tudor, papers, 1884-1945
University of Texas Libraries |
referencedIn |
Edwin Tangen (Boulder, Colo.),. President Taft : address in dining room at a country club photograph, 1911.
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
Joseph Hodges Choate Papers, 1745-1929, (bulk 1852-1917)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. Additional correspondence, 1787-1886
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Lafayette County Historical Society (Wis.). Records, 1911-1913, 1951-1952.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
creatorOf |
American Council on Alcohol Problems. American Council on Alcohol Problems records, 1916-1969.
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letters, 1908-1926.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Dennett, Mary Ware, 1872-1947. Papers: Series V, 1913-1945 (inclusive).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
creatorOf |
McCarthy, Frank L., b. 1893. Student notebooks, 1916-1917.
Yale University, Law School Library |
referencedIn |
Brigham Young University. Archives and Records Management. Early photographs of Provo and Brigham Young Academy, ca. 1880-1947.
Harold B. Lee Library |
referencedIn |
Vance Criswell McCormick papers, 1907-1946
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Burton, Frank Haycock. Frank H. Burton papers, 1890-1927.
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
SIGNATURES OF PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from George Washington to Dwight David Eisenhower; 1776-aft. 1952.
British Library |
referencedIn |
MacVeagh family. MacVeagh family papers, 1831-1950, bulk 1851-1917.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
referencedIn |
Redfield, William Cox, 1858-1932. William Cox Redfield family papers, 1821-1959.
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
Tanner, Frederick C. (Frederick Chauncey), 1878-1963. Papers, 1911-[ca. 1928].
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Nagel, Charles, 1849-1940. Charles Nagel papers, 1877-1940 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Armstrong, George. Papers, 1863-1920 (bulk 1913-1920).
Texas A&M University, Evans Library & Annex; Main campus library complex |
referencedIn |
Alfred Noble Papers, 1863-1922
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Francis B. (Francis Butler) Loomis Papers : microfilm, 1897-1939
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
referencedIn |
Unidentified Collection. 1/6/1912 - 1/6/1912. Electrostatic Copy of President William Howard Taft Signing the New Mexico Statehood Proclamation
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Hill, Ebenezer J., 1845-1917. Ebenezer J. Hill papers, 1884-1913 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
PH 219, Cameron, John 1889-1966. British Mission and family photographs circa 1870-1910
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library |
referencedIn |
Records of the White House Office. 1814 - 1977. Records Concerning Pocket, Copies of Pocket Veto Bills, and Related Records
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Charles P. Taft Papers, 1816-1983, (bulk 1937-1979)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, 1894-1947
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Waldo, H.R. Sr. Photographs.
Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Letters sent to Walter Hines Page from various correspondents, English period, 1876-1937.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Charles Reynolds Brown Papers, 1860-1957
Yake University Divinity School Library |
creatorOf |
Carpenter, Fred W. Correspondence with William Howard Taft, 1910.
UC Berkeley Libraries |
referencedIn |
Charles Dewey Hilles papers, 1823-1955
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Junius E. Beal Papers, 1869-1946
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Magoon, Charles Edward, 1861-1920. Charles Edward Magoon papers, 1900-1914, [1998?] [manuscript].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
referencedIn |
Newlands, Francis G. (Francis Griffith), 1848-1917. Francis Griffith Newlands papers, 1869-1936 (inclusive), 1899-1917 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers, 1834-1970, (bulk 1855-1922)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Boardman family papers, 1770-1917
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Learned Hand papers
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Smith, James Francis, 1859-1928. Papers, 1872-1928 (bulk 1896-1912).
Washington State Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Mackoy family. Mackoy family papers, 1784-1943.
University of Kentucky Libraries |
referencedIn |
Curti, Merle (Merle Eugene), 1897-1996. Papers, 1917-1968.
Wisconsin historical society |
referencedIn |
Williams, William, 1731-1811. William Williams family papers, 1754-1938 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Horton, Lydiard Heneage, 1879-1945. Lydiard Heneage Horton papers, [ca. 1900]-1945.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Seymour, George Dudley, 1859-1945. George Dudley Seymour papers, 1684-1944 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Boyd, Crosby Noyes, 1903-. Crosby Noyes Boyd autograph collection, 1791-1908.
Library of Congress |
creatorOf |
Williams family. Williams and Prentice family papers, ca. 1909.
Connecticut Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Severens, Henry F., 1835-1923. Henry F. Severens papers, 1895-1926.
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
LeRoy, James A. (James Alfred), 1875-1909. Travelogue accounts of Philippine travels [microform]
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
referencedIn |
William Kent family papers, 1768–1961
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Louis T. Michener Papers, 1880-1927
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Correspondence : with Edgar Fahs Smith, 1922.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
Carrie Chapman Catt Papers, 1848-1950, (bulk 1890-1920)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926. Autograph collection of Raymond Gorges [manuscript], 1725-1928.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. TLS, 1916 September 30 : Metropolitan, New York, to Joseph D. Smith, New York.
Copley Press, J S Copley Library |
creatorOf |
Noble, Alfred, 1844-1914. Alfred Noble papers, 1863-1922 [microform].
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931. David Starr Jordan papers, 1861-1964.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
referencedIn |
Fletcher, Duncan Upshaw, 1859-1936. Papers, 1913-1933.
University of Florida |
referencedIn |
Harris & Ewing. Group portraits of members of the United States Supreme Court : photographic prints, ca. 1925-1940.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
creatorOf |
Mallory, Charles King, 1844-1863. Mallory family papers, 1668-1930.
Virginia Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
James Henderson Berry papers : letters and papers, 1905-1913.
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Gannett, Lewis, 1891-1966. Papers, 1681-1966 (bulk 1900-1960)
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Arthur Judson Brown Papers, 1864-1969
Yake University Divinity School Library |
referencedIn |
William Roscoe Thayer papers, 1762-1927 (inclusive), 1872-1921 (bulk)
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
John Chipman Gray correspondence
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Communications from Heads of Foreign States. 1789 - 1909. Ceremonial Letters from Japan
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Dean C. Worcester papers, 1887-1925
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Beals, Jessie Tarbox. Photographs, 1896-1941 (inclusive).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Telegram copy, 1908 June 16 : Washington, to Hon. Frank H. Hitchcock, the Auditorium Annex, Chicago.
Copley Press, J S Copley Library |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. EX-PRESIDENT TAFT
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Henry Atherton Forster papers, 1914-1932
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
creatorOf |
League to Enforce Peace (U.S.). Records, ca. 1912-1921.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Noble, Alfred, 1844-1914. Alfred Noble papers, 1863-1915.
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Melville Weston Fuller Papers, 1794-1949, (bulk 1849-1910)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Daily Northwestern. Oshkosh photograph booklets, 1910 and 1912.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
creatorOf |
Hallowell, Norwood Penrose, 1839-1914. Papers, 1764-1914.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Chase S. Osborn Papers, ca. 1870-1949, 1889-1949
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Anderson, W. J. (William John), 1855-1928. Papers, 1876-1929.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
National Civic Federation records, 1894-1949, 1900-1920
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Works, John D. (John Downey), 1847-1928. John Downey Works papers, 1906-1928.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
creatorOf |
Hart, James, 1896-1959. Letters to Professor James Hart from eminent Americans in the fields of politics and political science on governmental policy and problems [manuscript] 1915-1953.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
George Sutherland papers, 1850-1944, (bulk 1902-1938)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Anthony and Havens Family Papers, 1837-1986
University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Library Kanas Collection |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to William S. Kenyon. Washington, DC. 1911 July 11.
University of Iowa Libraries |
referencedIn |
Shanks, Bob. Material relating to Petersburg, Va. including public schools, Southern Female College, University School, Leavenworth Collegiate Seminary and Mrs. E.N. Newson's School [manuscript] 1820-1911.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Mark Sullivan Papers, 1900-1935, (bulk 1919-1935)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Lewis, Edward Morgan, 1872-1936. Letters to Edward Morgan Lewis, 1914-1936.
UNH Durham, Dimond Library |
creatorOf |
Patterson, John Henry, 1844-1922. Papers 1839-1921.
Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Plenty Coups, Chief of the Crows, 1848-1932. Declaration of allegiance to the government of the United States by the North American Indian, 1913 February 22.
Cornell University Library |
referencedIn |
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. Papers of Booker T. Washington: series 1-4, 1864-1960 (inclusive), [microform].
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Autograph signature to a typewritten letter : Washington, to Mr. Albert H. Walker, 1910 Jan. 24.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
creatorOf |
Zug, Robert M., 1852-1914. Robert M. Zug papers, 1737-1898.
Detroit Public Library, Detroit Main Library |
referencedIn |
History of Indiana University, 1968-1981
Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory |
referencedIn |
Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1927 - 1942. Motion Picture Films. 1927 - 1942. BOOM DAYS [1920-1932]
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Photoart House (Firm). Peace parade photographs, 1918?
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
creatorOf |
Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. James Freeman Clarke additional correspondence, 1787-1886.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letters, 1904-1908, to Edward Everett Hale.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
National Civil Service Reform League (U.S.). National Civil Service Reform League papers. Selections [microform], 1883-1929.
Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Jones, Robert Elijah, 1872-1960. Papers. 1872-1965, and n.d.
Tulane University, Amistad Research Center |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. William H. Taft letter : Beverly, Mass., to Anita S. Blake : TLS, 1909 Aug. 25.
California historical society |
creatorOf |
Scott, Charles F., b. 1860. Charles F. Scott papers, 1883-1938.
Kansas State Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Albert Rosenthal papers
Archives of American Art |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Lecture notes and examinations on constitutional law, Yale Law School, 1913-1916.
Yale University, Law School Library |
referencedIn |
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt, 1861-1933. Papers, 1847-1933
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
referencedIn |
Meyer Lissner Papers, 1903-1923 (inclusive), 1910-1920 (bulk)
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
referencedIn |
Harry Augustus Garfield Papers, 1855-1961, (bulk 1888-1934)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
James Schoolcraft Sherman papers, 1883-1912, 1906-1912
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Long, Chester Isiah, 1860-1934. The Chester I. Long papers.
Wichita State University, Ablah Library |
referencedIn |
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. Woodrow Wilson collection, 1625-1976 (bulk 1883-1924)
Princeton University Library |
referencedIn |
Yale University. President's Office. Records of Arthur Twining Hadley as president of Yale University, 1899-1921 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Lewis Einstein papers, 1808-1968, 1900-1968
Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. |
referencedIn |
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. WINGS OF THE ARMY
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Presidents' inaugurations collection, 1889-1981.
Historical Society of Moorestown |
referencedIn |
Hale, Clarence, 1848-1934. Clarence Hale papers, 1876-1927.
Maine Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Stovall, Pleasant A., 1857-1935. Pleasant Alexander Stovall papers, 1846-1974.
Georgia Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947. Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976 (inclusive), 1894-1947 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Willard Dickerman Straight papers, 1825-1925
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. [Letter] 1910 Oct. 21, American Red Cross, Washington, D.C. [to] Eli Whitney / Wm. H. Taft.
Smith College, Neilson Library |
referencedIn |
Frank P. Jewett Studios (East Orange, N.J.). East Orange (N.J.) glass plate negative collection, 1890-1919.
New Jersey Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Oswald Garrison Villard papers
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Murray, Lawrence O. Murray, Lawrence O. Papers, 1901-1913
University of Texas Libraries |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. FIRST ARMY AEROPLANE FLIGHT, FORT MYER, VIRGINIA
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Creelman, James, 1859-1915. Papers, 1890-1915.
Ohio State University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Robert C. Ogden Papers, 1843-1913, (bulk 1890-1913)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. HISTORY OF AVIATION, COMMEMORATING THE 38TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WRIGHT BROTHERS FIRST FLIGHT
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Todd, David P. (David Peck), 1855-1939. David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Carr, George R. (George Russell), b. 1877,. [Presidential autographs collected by George R. Carr].
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
referencedIn |
Wendte, Charles William, 1844-1931. Papers, 1867-1931
Andover-Harvard Theological Library |
referencedIn |
George B. Cortelyou Papers, 1871-1948, (bulk 1897-1908)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Walling, William English, 1877-1936. Papers [microform], 1871-1962.
Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Cram, Ralph W., 1869-1952. Ralph W. Cram papers, 1906-1952.
Newberry Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to J.G. Reeves, 1899 January 10.
Harold B. Lee Library |
referencedIn |
Platt, Thomas Collier, 1833-1910. Thomas Collier Platt papers, 1851-1915 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Smoot, Reed, 1862-1941. Reed Smoot papers, 1880-1966.
Harold B. Lee Library |
referencedIn |
Papers of Sir Francis Younghusband (1863-1942) and other members of his family, 1836-1981
British Library |
referencedIn |
Borah, William Edgar, 1865-1940. Papers, 1899-1940.
University of Idaho Library |
referencedIn |
Nelson W. Aldrich papers, Aldrich, (Nelson W.) papers, 1777-1930
Phillips Memorial Library |
referencedIn |
Boardman family. Boardman family papers, 1770-1917 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Knollenberg, Bernhard, 1892-1973. Bernhard Knollenberg collection, 1781-1920.
Trinity College Library |
referencedIn |
Records of the Extension Service. 1888 - 2000. Motion Picture Films. 1915 - 1959. HERBERT HOOVER INAUGURATED
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
McCrary, George Washington, 1835-1890. George W. McCrary collection, 1824-1936.
Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center, Hayes Presidential Center |
referencedIn |
Thomas, James A. James Augustus Thomas Papers, 1905-1941; (bulk 1914-1940).
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
creatorOf |
Kohlsaat, H. H. (Herman Henry), 1853-1924. Papers, 1892-1924.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library |
creatorOf |
Smiley family. Papers, 1885-1930.
Haverford College Library |
referencedIn |
George Sutherland papers, 1850-1944, (bulk 1902-1938)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Richard Hooker papers, 1907-1964
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Einstein, Lewis, 1877-1967. Lewis Einstein papers, 1808-1968, (bulk 1900-1968).
Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. |
creatorOf |
Williams, James Thomas, 1881-1969. Papers, 1836-1947 (bulk 1904-1942).
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
referencedIn |
Brown, Joseph Mackey, 1851-1932. Papers, 1846-1926, 1910-1914.
Atlanta History Center, Kenan Research Center / Cherokee Garden Library |
referencedIn |
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1874-1958. Anson Phelps Stokes family papers, 1761-1960 (inclusive), 1892-1958 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Thomas James O’Brien papers, 1877-1933
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Elmer Ellsworth Brown Papers, 1827-1936
New York University. Archives |
referencedIn |
Hillhouse family papers, 1707-1943
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Stone, May d. 1946. May Stone collection, 1858-1936.
The Filson Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Farnam family papers, 1721-2002 (inclusive), 1850-1937 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Autograph file, T, 1580-1975.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
McLean papers 1861-1913 McLean papers
William L. Clements Library |
creatorOf |
Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924. Papers, 1904-1930. [microform].
University of Iowa Libraries |
referencedIn |
Hilles, Charles Dewey, 1867-1949. Charles Dewey Hilles papers, 1823-1955 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Autograph signature to typewritten letter : Washington, to J.P. Morgan, 1912 Nov. 20.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
John Callan O'Laughlin Papers, 1895-1949
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Trueblood, Thomas C. (Thomas Clarkson), 1856-1951. Thomas Clarkson Trueblood papers, 1886-1946.
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
Guild, Curtis, 1860-1915. Autograph collection, 1642-1928.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
League to Enforce Peace (U.S.). League to Enforce Peace (U.S.) additional records, 1917-1923 and undated.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Ben B. Lindsey papers
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Documentary Films. 1914 - 1944. CEREMONIES ATTENDING THE BURIAL OF AN UNKNOWN. .. SOLDIER
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Brown University Sesquicentenniel Celebration records, Brown University Sesquicentennial Celebration records, 1914
John Hay Library, Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Hench, Philip S., 1896-1965. Philip S. Hench Walter Reed Yellow Fever Collection, 1806-1995, bulk 1863-1974
Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia |
referencedIn |
Learned Hand papers
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Papers.
Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Jackson, Howell Edmunds, 1832-1895. Papers : addition, 1728-1962.
Tennessee State Library & Archives, TSLA |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1896-1931.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Anson Phelps Stokes family papers, 1761-1960, 1892-1958
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Worcester, Dean C. (Dean Conant), 1866-1924. Dean C. Worcester papers, 1887-1925.
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Kent, William, 1864-1928. William Kent family papers, 1768-1961.
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
William Howard Taft Papers, 1915-1953
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to Harry P. Harrison. Pointe-au-Pic, Canada. 1916 July 25.
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to William S. Kenyon. Washington, DC. 1922 Dec 24.
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916. Papers of John S. Mosby [manuscript], 1909-1916.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
James R. Mann Papers, 1887-1922
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Todd, David P. (David Peck), 1855-1939. Papers, 1862-1939
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Northrop family. Northrop family papers, 1836-1923.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
referencedIn |
Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. MOVIETONE NEWS
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Joseph W. Hill papers, 1896-1941
Oregon Historical Society Research Library |
referencedIn |
Wurts, John S. (John Sparhawk), 1876-1958,. Wurts family papers, 1699-1964.
Hagley Museum & Library |
referencedIn |
Brown, Charles Reynolds, 1862-1950. Charles Reynolds Brown papers, 1860-1957 (inclusive).
Yake University Divinity School Library |
referencedIn |
Burlingham, Charles Culp, 1858-1959. Papers, 1876-1960
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915. Nelson Aldrich microfilm collection, 1777-1930 (bulk 1879-1915) [microform].
Providence College, Phillips Memorial Library, Phillips Memorial Library |
referencedIn |
Plunkett, Horace Curzon, Sir, 1854-1932. Correspondence [microform], 1908-1919.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
creatorOf |
Kellogg, John Harvey, 1852-1943. John Harvey Kellogg papers, 1869-1965.
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Schurman, Jacob Gould, 1854-1942. Jacob Gould Schurman papers, 1867-1942, [1986].
Cornell University Library |
referencedIn |
William Dudley Foulke papers
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., Collection. 1927 - 1942. Motion Picture Films. 1927 - 1942. REMEMBER THE MAINE
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. [Letter] 1913 Dec. 31, New Haven, Conn. [to] Alicia E. Landerson, New York / Wm. H. Taft.
Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library |
referencedIn |
Lawton, Alexander Robert, 1818-1896. Alexander Robert Lawton papers, 1774-1952 (bulk 1839-1896).
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
referencedIn |
Nelson W. Aldrich Papers, 1777-1930, (bulk 1879-1915)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Van Sinderen, Alfred White, 1924-1998. Collection, 1782-1969
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Frederick Dixon Papers, 1897-1923, (bulk 1914-1922)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
W. Cameron (William Cameron) Forbes papers, 1900-1946.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Charles P. Taft Papers, 1816-1983, (bulk 1937-1979)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
American Council on Alcohol Problems Records, 1883-1969, 1920s-1930s
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Charles Henry Brent Papers, 1860-1991, (bulk 1901-1929)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Hall, Charles Martin, 1863-1914. Papers, 1882-1985.
Oberlin College Library |
referencedIn |
Willis Van Devanter Papers, 1884-1941
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Frank Thilly papers, 1889-1935.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. |
referencedIn |
Robert Taft, Jr. Papers, 1897-1993, (bulk 1963-1976)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. PRESIDENT HERBERT HOOVER
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. MOVIETONE NEWS
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Walcott, Frederic Collin, 1869-1948. Frederic Collin Walcott papers, 1850-1948 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Horace White Papers, 1903-1914
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
referencedIn |
E.G. Squier papers, 1809-1888
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Whitehead, John M., 1852-1924. Papers, 1898-1925.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Papers of Mary Ware Dennett
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
referencedIn |
University of Pennsylvania. Journal and programs, 1902-1903.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
Hoard, W. D. (William Dempster), 1836-1918. W.D. Hoard papers, 1880-1918.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Harvard Law School. Office of the Dean. Records of the Office of the Dean, 1910-1982 (inclusive).
Harvard University Archives. |
referencedIn |
Papers of Anna Howard Shaw in the Mary Earhart Dillon Collection, 1863-1961
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America |
referencedIn |
Ellison, Robert Spurrier. Western photographs, ca. 1880s-1940s.
Harold B. Lee Library |
referencedIn |
AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of the Presidents of the United States of America; a complete series from George Washington to Woodrow Wilson.
British Library |
referencedIn |
Patterson, Thomas G. Letter, 1902 Nov. 5, Boston, to Morrefield Storey, Boston.
University of Michigan |
referencedIn |
Newlands, Francis G. (Francis Griffith), 1848-1917. Francis Griffith Newlands papers, 1869-1936 (inclusive), 1899-1917 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Autograph signature to typewritten letter : Washington, to Norris S. Lippitt, 1910 Jan. 26.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
Gould, Lewis L. Gould, Lewis L., Collection of American Political History, 1870-1920
University of Texas Libraries |
referencedIn |
Correspondence and compositions, 1718-1946 (inclusive) 1873-1919 (bulk).
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
creatorOf |
Meyers, Henry, 1895-1952. Henry Meyers correspondence, 1777-1940.
Detroit Public Library, Detroit Main Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter : New Haven, Conn., to Charles Clifton, Buffalo, N.Y., 1913 May 28.
Buffalo History Museum, Research Library |
referencedIn |
Autograph letters, 1909-1953.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Hellen, Joseph. Invitation to the reception of President Porfirio Díaz and President William H. Taft, 1909.
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
Fletcher, Duncan Upshaw, 1859-1936. Senator Duncan U. Fletcher papers, 1860-1943.
Florida State University |
referencedIn |
Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Manuscript copies, 18-- - 19--.
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
referencedIn |
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site lantern slides, 1909-1911.
Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky Guide Project Office |
creatorOf |
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919,. Letters, telegrams and newspaper clippings : response to the attack on J.P. Morgan, 1915 July.
Pierpont Morgan Library. |
referencedIn |
Gerow D. Brill papers, 1884-1924.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. |
referencedIn |
Papers, 1895-1961.
Andover-Harvard Theological Library |
referencedIn |
Carnegie autograph collection, 1867-1945
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Curti, Merle (Merle Eugene), 1897-1996. Papers, 1908-2000.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Hill, Caryl Clyde Papers, 1823, 1832-1916, 1958
Dolph Briscoe Center for American History |
referencedIn |
Brown, Charles Reynolds, 1862-1950. Charles Reynolds Brown papers, 1860-1957 (inclusive)
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letters, 1895-1910.
The Filson Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Zimmerman family. Papers, [18--]-[19--].
Zimmerman House |
referencedIn |
Farnam family papers, 1721-2002 (inclusive), 1850-1937 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Borchard, Edwin Montefiore, 1884-1951. Edwin Montefiore Borchard papers, 1910-1950 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Billings/Tyler family papers, 1834-1911.
Vermont Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Herriott, David, b. 1863. Papers, 1920-1923.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library |
creatorOf |
Seymour, George Dudley, 1859-1945. Letter books, 1886-1914.
Connecticut Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Carpenter, Frank Watson, 1871-1945. Frank Watson Carpenter papers, 1909-1959.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Palmer, William Kimberly, 1856-. William Kimberly Palmer scrapbook : Chicopee, Mass. : 1921-1933.
UC Berkeley Libraries |
referencedIn |
McBee, Silas, 1853-1924. Silas McBee papers, 1872-1923 [manuscript].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
referencedIn |
Esch, John J. Papers, 1891-1922, 1992-1994.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
creatorOf |
Bateman, Warner M. (Warner Mifflin), 1827-1897. Warner M. Bateman papers, 1849-1897.
Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library |
referencedIn |
Walter W. Marquardt papers, 1896-1952
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Felix M. Warburg papers
Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library |
creatorOf |
Kenyon, William Squire, 1869-1933. Papers of William S. Kenyon 1911-1933.
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Knapp, Seaman Asahel, 1833-1911. Papers, 1869-1931, 1892-1912.
Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library |
referencedIn |
American Antiquarian Society Collection. 1923 - 1926. Motion Picture Films. 1923 - 1926. REPUBLICAN PARTY NOMINATES TICKET . . . [ETC.]
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Forster, Henry Atherton, 1868-1932. Henry Atherton Forster papers, 1914-1932.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Loomis, Francis B. (Francis Butler), 1861-1948. Francis B. Loomis papers, 1897-1939.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
referencedIn |
Brown, Joseph M., 1851-1932. Joseph Mackey Brown papers, 1860-1930.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. III. Foreign historical, literary and musical autographs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Charles V of Spain, Madame de Maintenon, Lafayette, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Mussolini and Roosevelt; Heinrich Heine, Alessandr..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
referencedIn |
Bedou, A. P. (Arthur P.), 1882-1966. Photographs, 1900-1988.
Xavier University of Louisiana, XULA |
referencedIn |
Jessie Tarbox Beals Photograph Collection, [1900-1940] (Bulk 1904-1920)
New-York Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers First Flight
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Cooper, Henry Allen, 1850-1931. Papers, 1801-1934.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
creatorOf |
Fairbanks, Newton Hamilton, 1859-1937. Papers.
Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society |
referencedIn |
William Woodville Rockhill papers
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Grosvenor Family Papers, 1827-1981, (bulk 1872-1964)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924. Papers, 1745-1966 bulk 1866-1924.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Henry F. Pringle Papers, 1932-1957, (bulk 1939-1946)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Todd, David P. (David Peck), 1855-1939. David Peck Todd papers, 1862-1939 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Roscoe Pound Papers
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Records of the Ferrocarril Noroeste de México 31769787., 1910-1919
Benson Latin American Collection, General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin |
referencedIn |
Thomas Carter Correspondence Selections and Related Material, 1901-1971
MSU-Bozeman Library, Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Chandler, William E. (William Eaton), 1835-1917. William E. Chandler papers, 1829-1917.
New Hampshire Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Francis Bowler Keene Papers, 1856-1975, (bulk 1877-1924)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Kansas State Historical Society. Memorial building dedication by President William H. Taft : Topeka, Kansas, September 27th, 1911.
Kansas State Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930. Papers, ca. 1800-1931 (bulk 1860-1931).
Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. |
creatorOf |
Anthony, D. R. (Daniel Read), 1824-1904. [Anthony and Havens family papers]
University of Kansas Archives / MSS / Rare Books, Kenneth Spencer Research Library |
referencedIn |
Anson Conger Goodyear Collection, 1813-1890
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Letters from various correspondents, 1861-1914.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Communications from Heads of Foreign States. 1789 - 1909. Ceremonial Letters from Switzerland
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Berger, Victor L., 1860-1929. Papers, 1862-1980.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Van Sinderen, Alfred White, 1924-1998. Collection, 1782-1969
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Bates College (Lewiston, Me.). Office of the President. Office of the President, George Colby Chase records, 1868-1921.
Bates College Library, George and Helen Ladd Library |
referencedIn |
Ochs, Adolph S. (Adolph Simon), 1858-1935. Papers, 1892-1939.
The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives |
referencedIn |
Willson, Augustus Everett, 1846-1931. Augustus Everett Willson papers, 1865-1921.
The Filson Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Mary Harriman Memorial Library collection, [ca. 1881]-1983.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
creatorOf |
General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Communications from Heads of Foreign States. 1789 - 1909. Ceremonial Letters from El Salvador
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Miscall, Leonard, 1897-1980. Leonard Miscall interviews, 1978-1979.
Cornell University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to William S. Kenyon. Washington, DC. 1923 Jan. 11.
University of Iowa Libraries |
referencedIn |
Goethals, George W. (George Washington), 1858-1928,. Logan-Morrill family papers, 1906-1934 (bulk 1906-1912).
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Kelly, Luther S. (Luther Sage), 1849-1928. Memoirs describing expeditions and military service in Alaska and the Philippines, 1898-1926.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Hinckley, Henry Barrett, 1871-1940. Henry Barrett Hinckley papers, 1858-1934 (inclusive), 1894-1934 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. PRESIDENT CALVIN COOLIDGE
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Henry Adams autograph album, 1833-1939.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Depew, Chauncey M. (Chauncey Mitchell), 1834-1928. Chauncey M. Depew papers, 1880-1925.
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Butler, W. P. Getting there on your gall, 1925.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Hammond, John Hays, 1855-1936. John Hays Hammond, Sr. papers, 1893-1936 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letters in reference to Joseph M. Dixon from the William H. Taft papers and William Allen White papers [microform] 1911-1919.
University of Montana, Mansfield Library |
creatorOf |
Longworth family. Longworth family papers, 1836-1949 (bulk 1880-1925).
Cincinnati History Library, Cincinnati Museum Center |
referencedIn |
Anderson, Adam Saig, 1869-1944,. Adam Saig Anderson photographs of Provo, Utah, circa 1890s-1900s.
Harold B. Lee Library |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to William S. Kenyon. Washington, DC. 1923 Mar. 30.
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Mitchell, Edward Page, 1852-1927. Edward Page Mitchell correspondence, 1883-1923.
New-York Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947. Nicholas Murray Butler papers, [ca. 1891-1947].
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Pound, Arthur, 1884-1966. Papers, 1930-1947.
American Periodical Series I |
referencedIn |
Sullivan, William Laurence, 1872-1935. Papers, 1895-1961 (inclusive), 1895-1935 (bulk).
Harvard University, Divinity School Library |
referencedIn |
William Ernest Hocking papers
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Edwin Tangen (Boulder, Colo.),. President Taft : leaving Brown Palace in Denver photograph, 1911.
Boulder Public Library |
creatorOf |
Sanford, Maria Louise, 1836-1920. Maria L. Sanford papers, 1851-1920.
Minnesota Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Records of the Industrial Removal Office, undated, 1899-1922
American Jewish Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Moore, Sands Fish, d. 1895. Sands Fish Moore papers, 1873-1908.
Detroit Public Library, Detroit Main Library |
referencedIn |
Owen Wister Papers, 1829-1966, (bulk 1890-1930)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Du Pont, H. A. (Henry Algernon), 1838-1926. Papers, 1843-1926.
Hagley Museum & Library |
referencedIn |
Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Walter L. Fisher papers, 1871-1963, (bulk 1909-1920)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING [1921-1923]
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Marshall, William Alexander, 1849-1926. Certificate, April 14, 1910.
Naval War College, Henry E. Eccles Library |
referencedIn |
Rhodes, James Ford, 1848-1927. Letters to George A. Myers, 1910-1923.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
creatorOf |
Trueblood, Thomas C. (Thomas Clarkson), 1856-1951. Correspondence, 1916-1928.
University of Michigan |
creatorOf |
Chester DeWitt Pugsley Papers, 1873-1938
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
referencedIn |
Erkkila, Linne Maria, 1903-1987,. Linne M. Erkkila interview, 1975 Apr. 5.
Finnish American Historical Archive and Museum |
referencedIn |
Kingston, Charles T., Esq. Papers, 1911.
Clarke Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Brown, Arthur Judson, 1856-1963. Arthur Judson Brown papers, 1864-1967 (inclusive).
Yake University Divinity School Library |
creatorOf |
Clark, Francis E. (Francis Edward), 1851-1927. Papers, 1868-1927.
Dartmouth College Library |
referencedIn |
Photographs of Utah County, Utah, 1912-1917.
Harold B. Lee Library |
referencedIn |
Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. EX-PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT
National Archives at College Park |
creatorOf |
Pepperman, Walter Leon, d.1958. Scrapbook, 1899-1902.
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
creatorOf |
Records of the American National Red Cross. 1881 - 2008. Official Administrative Documents
National Archives at College Park |
referencedIn |
Hay, Eugene Gano, 1853-1933. Papers of Eugene Gano Hay, circa 1770-1933 (bulk 1877-1933).
Library of Congress |
creatorOf |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. Letter to William S. Kenyon, Washington, DC. 1922 Dec. 30.
University of Iowa Libraries |
creatorOf |
Forbes, W. Cameron (William Cameron), 1870-1959. W. Cameron Forbes letters comparing Egypt and the Philippine Islands, 1909-1910.
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935. Papers, 1637-1967.
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
creatorOf |
Sherman, J. S. (James Schoolcraft), 1855-1912. James Schoolcraft Sherman papers, 1883-1912, bulk (1906-1912).
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
referencedIn |
Butt, Archibald Willingham, 1866-1912. Archibald Willingham Butt letters, 1908-1912 [microform].
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives |
referencedIn |
John J. Carton Papers, 1883-1921
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
Loud family. Loud family papers, 1882-1942.
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Sedgwick, Hubert M. (Hubert Merrill), 1867-1950. Hubert Merrill Sedgwick papers, 1884-1950 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Clark, Charles Hopkins, 1848-1926. Scrapbook, 1893-1925.
Connecticut Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Brill, Gerow D., 1864-1931. Gerow D. Brill papers, 1884-1924.
Cornell University Library |
referencedIn |
Preus, J. A. O. (Jacob Aall Ottesen), 1883-1961. J.A.O. Preus and family papers, 1853-1946.
Minnesota Historical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Patterson-Winslow Family Papers, 1813-1963, (bulk 1830-1908)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
creatorOf |
Wilcox, Ansley, 1856-1930. Correspondence, 1901 Sept. 23-1928 Mar. 16.
Buffalo History Museum, Research Library |
referencedIn |
Henry Prather Fletcher Papers, 1898-1958
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Joseph Ralston Hayden Papers, 1854-1975
Bentley Historical Library |
referencedIn |
Drinker family. Papers, 1777-1965.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
referencedIn |
Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912. Whitelaw Reid papers, 1865-1923 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
creatorOf |
Weeks, John W. (John Wingate), 1860-1926. Papers, 1877-1926.
Dartmouth College Library |
referencedIn |
Strang family. Strang family diaries, 1878-1910.
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens |
referencedIn |
Ebenezer J. Hill papers, 1884-1913
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Andrew Keogh papers, 1898-1938
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Central Conference of American Rabbis. Records, 1889-1975 [microform].
The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives |
referencedIn |
William McKinley Papers, circa 1847-1935, (bulk 1897-1901)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Joseph M. Dixon Papers, 1772-1944
University of Montana--Missoula Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Lippitt, Henry Frederick 1856-1933. Henry Frederick Lippitt Papers 1881 - 1933
Brown University, Brown University Library |
referencedIn |
Henry Solon Graves papers, 1877-1952
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
Elliott, Richard Nash, 1873-. Papers 1926-1948.
Indiana University |
creatorOf |
Hay, John, 1838-1905. Correspondence, 1854-1914, "Stanley" to "Taylor".
Brown University Archives, John Hay Library |
creatorOf |
Edwards, Clarence Ransom, 1860-1931. Papers, 1879-1937 bulk 1890-1931.
Massachusetts Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Arthur H. Vandenberg papers, 1884-1974, 1915-1951
Bentley Historical Library |
creatorOf |
Whittle, Stafford Gorman, 1849-1931. Papers of Stafford Gorman Whittle [manuscript] 1873-1960.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
John Tyler Morgan Papers, 1840-1907, (bulk 1882-1907)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Stanton, Philip Ackley, 1868-1945. Papers of Philip Ackley Stanton, 1909-1929.
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens |
referencedIn |
Memoirs describing expeditions and military service in Alaska and the Philippines, 1898-1926.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Clark, Appleton P. (Appleton Prentiss), 1865-1955. Appleton P. Clark correspondence, 1909.
Historical Society of Washington, D.C. |
referencedIn |
Henry Cohen papers
Dolph Briscoe Center for American History |
referencedIn |
Harry L. and Gretchen Billings Papers, 1940-1984
MSU-Bozeman Library, Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections |
creatorOf |
Bateman, Warner M. (Warner Mifflin), 1827-1897. Warner M. Bateman papers, 1849-1897 [microform].
Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library |
referencedIn |
Robert Grant papers
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
Johnston, Joseph F. (Joseph Forney), 1843-1913. Papers, 1847-1926.
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
referencedIn |
Commercial Club of Kansas City. Program, September 25, 1911, Commercial Club of Kansas City dinner for President Taft.
Mid-Continent Public Library, Administrative Headquarters |
referencedIn |
Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech), 1868-1935. Papers of Kenyon L. Butterfield, 1890-1970.
Library of Congress |
referencedIn |
Brown, Elmer Ellsworth, 1861-1934. Personal papers, 1827-1936.
Churchill County Museum |
reference |