Paris Peace Conference 1919-1920

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referencedIn Browning, William S. William S. Browning photograph collection. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
referencedIn Az Egyenes adó 1907 évi eredménye tőrvényhatóságonkint = Resultat des impôts directs, en 1907, par comitats et villes municipales = Result of the direckt [sic] taxes in 1907, according to the municipalities. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn George Creel Papers, 1857-1953, (bulk 1896-1953) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn France. Délégation française à la Conférence de la paix. Notes, 1919 July 1-Nov. 29, of the French delegation to the Paris Peace Conference. George Washington University
referencedIn Sonnino, Sidney, 1847-1922. Sidney Sonnino papers, 1914-1919 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Russia. Posol'stvo (France) Records, 1916-1924 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Robert Lansing Papers, 1882-1929, 1905-1928 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn Carlson, Fred A.,. Fred A. Carlson papers, 1918-1952. Library of Congress
referencedIn Stephen Bonsal Papers, 1890-1973, (bulk 1900-1947) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Papers, 1918-1978. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Supreme Economic Council. Allied and Associated Powers records, 1919-1920 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Bliss, Tasker Howard, 1853-1930. Tasker H. Bliss collection, 1829-1956, n.d. (bulk 1888-1919). U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
referencedIn Az Irni-olvasni tudók száma és aránya járásonkint Magyarországon (a 6 éven aluliak beszamitásával) = Nombre et proportion des personnes sachant lire et écrire, par arrondissiments, dans la Hongrie (y compris celles au-dessous de 6 ans) = Number and proportion of persons able to read and write, by arrondissements, in Hungary (including the persons under 6 years of age). University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Dresel, Ellis Loring, 1865-1925. Ellis Loring Dresel papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922. Papers of Bryce-White, 1906-1920. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Henry White Papers, 1812-1931, (bulk 1880-1928) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974. Walter Lippmann papers, 1900-1974 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Orpen, William, Sir, 1878-1931. William Orpen drawings, 1919. Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
referencedIn Az Egyes nemzetiségek megoszlása felekezetek szerint Magyarországon ; Az egyes felekezetek megoszlása nemzetiségek szerint Magyarorszagon = Répartition des nationalités par religions dans la Hongrie ; Répartition des religions par nationalitiés dans la Hongrie. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Recueil des actes de la conference, 1922-1934 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Ray Stannard Baker Papers 1836-1947 (bulk 1907-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Miscellaneous notices on the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 Jan. 18-Aug. 25. George Washington University
referencedIn Overseas Press Club of America. Miscellaneous papers, 1919-1970. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Az Egyes nemzetiségek egyenesadó szolgáltatása szembeállitva a népesség anyanyelvi megoszlásával 1904-ben Magyarországon = Prestation en impôt direct, des différentes nationalités, camparée avec la répartition par langue maternelle de la population, en 1904, dan la Hongrie = Payment of direct taxes of the different nationalities compared with the division of the population according to the native tongues, in 1904, in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Edith Benham Helm Papers, 1915-1961 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Baker, George Barr, 1870-1948. George Barr Baker papers, 1919-1932. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Witold S. Sworakowski Papers, 1868-1977 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Walsh, Joseph Cyrillus, 1870-1955. Joseph Cyrillus Walsh papers, 1913-1947. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Beer, George Louis, 1872-1920. [Diary : Paris Peace Conference] : diaries, 9 December 1918-11 August 1919. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Library
referencedIn Syrian National Committee of North America. The plea of Syria to the Peace Conference : manuscript, 1919. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Day, Clive, 1871-1951. Clive Day papers, 1892-1943 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Sweetser, Arthur, 1888-1968. Papers of Arthur Sweetser, 1913-1963 (bulk 1919-1947). Library of Congress
referencedIn Haskins, Charles Homer, 1870-1937. Charles Homer Haskins papers, 1834-1960 (bulk 1909-1937). Princeton University Library
referencedIn Sir William Wiseman papers, 1916-1961 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Montgomery Family Papers, 1771-1974, (bulk 1858-1974) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Ray Stannard Baker Papers, 1887-1944, 1909-1919 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Conference of Ambassadors records [microform]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Kuhn, Oliver Owen, 1886-1937. Scrapbook, 1919. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Zapisnik : delegacije S.H.S. na Mirovnoj Konferenciji u Parizu 1919-1920 : typescript, 1919-1920. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Berkowitz, Henry, 1857-1924. Papers, 1875-1923. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Vance Criswell McCormick papers, 1907-1946 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Williams, E. T. (Edward Thomas), 1854-. Edward Thomas Williams papers, [ca. 1872-1944]. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Krock, Arthur, 1886-1974. Arthur Krock papers, 1909-1974 (bulk 1920-1968) Princeton University Library
referencedIn Papers, 1879-[ca. 1977], 1885-1940 (bulk). New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Minutes, 1919 July 1-Sept. 4. George Washington University
creatorOf Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (kingdom). Peace Conference Delegation (1919). Memorandum on the Serbo-Bulgarian relations and the question of the rectification of the frontier. [microform]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Vance Criswell McCormick papers, 1907-1946 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Edwin Francis Gay papers, 1917-1927 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace
referencedIn Almond, Nina. Paris Peace Conference bibliographies [microform]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Robert Lansing miscellaneous papers, 1916-1927 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Osuský, Štefan, b. 1889. Stefan Osuský papers, 1901-1992. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Drayton, William A. William A. Drayton papers, 1913-1946. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn A Bankok és takarékpénztárak száma és átlagos tő keereje Magyarországon a pénzintéketek nemzetiségi jellege szerint törvényhatóságokint = Nombre et force moyenne de capitaux des banques et caisses d'épargues, dans la Hongrie, d'aprés le caractére de nationalité des éstablissements financiers, pur [sic] comitats et villes municipales = Number and average capitalism of the banks and savings banks, in Hungary, according to the nationality character of the financial institutions, by municipalities. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn A Hitelszövetkezetek száma és átlagos tőkeereje Magyarországon, a hitelszövetkezetek nemzetisegi jellege szerint törvényhatósagonkint = Nombre et force moyenne de capitaux des sociétés de crédit mutuel, dans la Hongrie, d'aprés leur caractére de nationalité, par comitats et villes municipales = Number and average capitalism of the gredit [sic] associations, in Hungary, according to their character of nationality by municipalities. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Cook, Joseph Sir, 1860-1947. Papers [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn William Shepherd Benson Papers, circa 1791-1952, (bulk 1915-1928) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Sworakowski, Witold S. Witold S. Sworakowski papers, 1868-1977. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Herron, George Davis, 1862-1925. George Davis Herron papers, 1916-1927. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn A 6 éven felüli irni-olvasni tudók és analfabéták száma és anyanyelvi megoszlása egymással szem-beállitva Magyarországon törvényhatʹosagonkint = Nombre et répartition, par langue maternell, des personnes au-dessus de 6 ans, sachant e ne sachant pas lire et écrire, rapprochées les unes des autres, dans la Hongrie, par comitats et villes municipales = Number and division, according to the native tongues, of the population over 6 years of age, able and not able to read and write compared with the other, in Hungary, by municipalities. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Gay, Edwin F. (Edwin Francis), 1867-1946. Edwin Francis Gay papers, 1917-1927. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn The Inquiry papers, 1915-1921 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Hypes family. Hypes family papers, 1700s-2010. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924. Letters, 1918 Jan. 25-1924 March 19, Washington D.C., to Perry Walton, Boston. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Slosson, Preston W. (Preston William), 1892-1984. Preston W. Slosson letter, 1924, to E. D. Adams. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Drafting Committee. Papers, 1919 May-Nov. George Washington University
referencedIn Az Értelmiségi egyének megoszlśa anyanyelv szerint = Répartition de personnes intellectuelles par langue maternelle = Division of the intellectual persons according to native tongues. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Frank Lyon Polk papers, 1883-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Peace subject collection, 1891-2005 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Seymour, Charles, 1885-1963. Charles Seymour papers, 1912-1963 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (kingdom). Official Information Bureau. Italian propaganda refuted. The real situation in Croatia. [microform]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Seymour family. Seymour family papers, 1711-1978 (inclusive), 1870-1945 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Syrian National Committee of North America. The plea of Syria to the Peace Conference : manuscript, 1919. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Felix Frankfurter papers Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Germany. Auswärtiges Amt. Geschäftstelle für die Friedensverhandlungen. Geschäftstelle für die Friedensverhandlungen memoranda extracts, undated. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (kingdom). Official Information Bureau. Memorandum on the military effort of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes in the war 1914-1918. Presented to the Peace Conference in Paris by the delegation of the kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. [microform]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Robert Lansing Papers, 1882-1929, 1905-1928 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn A Statement to the Peace Conference : typescript, 1919. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Johnson, Douglas. Douglas Johnson letter, 1939, to J. Spencer Smith. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn United States. Dept. of State. General records of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, 1918-1931 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. Paris Peace Conference autographs, ca. 1919. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Bell, Lynn Morley. Belgium at the Paris Peace Conference : typescript, 1937. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. Papers, 1893-1953 1908-1919. William & Mary Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1910-1966. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase), 1853-1921. Papers of Philander C. Knox, 1893-1922 (bulk 1901-1921). Library of Congress
creatorOf United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Minutes, 1919 July 8, July 16. George Washington University
referencedIn Krupenskiĭ, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1861-1939. Aleksandr Nikolaevich Krupenskiĭ papers, 1918-1935. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Vsevelikoe Voĭsko donskoe. Vsevelikoe Voĭsko Donskoe miscellany, 1918-1920. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Allied and Associated Powers Treaties, 1918-1920 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn A Városi és falusi népesség megoszlása anyanyelv szerint Magyarországon = Répartition de la population urbaine et rurale par langue maternelle, dans la Hongrie = Division of the town- and country-people, according to languages in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
creatorOf Great Britain. Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference. Memoranda, 1919 March 26-Nov. 26. George Washington University
referencedIn Barondess, Joseph, 1867-1928. Papers, 1912-1928. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn Evans, Arthur Maybury, 1874-1967. Arthur Maybury Evans miscellaneous papers, 1913-1967. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn A Hitelszövetkezetek tőkeereje Magyarországon, a hitelszövetkezetek nemzetisegi jellege szerint tórvenyhatósagonkint = Force de capitaux des sociétés de crédit mutuel dans la Hongrie, d'aprés le caractére de nationalité de ces sociétés, par comitats et villes municipales = Capitalism of the credit associations, in Hungary, according to the nationality character of these sociétés [sic], by municipalities. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Hood, Edwin Milton, 1858-1923. Papers of Edwin Milton Hood, 1868-1963. Library of Congress
referencedIn Russia. Posol'stvo (France). Posol'stvo records, 1916-1924. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Fred Kenelm Nielsen Papers, 1881-1961, (bulk 1900-1956) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Magyarország népessége anyanyelv szerint 1910-ben, járásonkint = Population de la Hongrie, selon la langue maternelle, en 1910, par arrondissements = Population of the Hungary, according to native tongues in 1910, by arrondissements. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Brief statement of facts in support of the claim to the left bank of the river Scheldt and the southern part of the Province of Limburg, now brought by Belgium before the Peace conference in Paris, [1919] Columbia University Law School, Diamond Law Library, Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School
referencedIn Close, Gilbert F. Gilbert F. Close Papers, 1906-1952 (bulk 1918-1919) Princeton University Library
referencedIn Wiseman, William, Sir, b. 1885-1962. Sir William Wiseman papers, 1916-1961 Yale University Library
referencedIn Brown, Allen Brookins, 1895-1972. Papers, 1917-1933. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn George Davis Herron Papers, 1916-1927 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Wilson, Henry Braid, 1861-1954. Papers, 1917-1934. Operational Archive Branch, Naval History Center
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). [Selected documents from the Peace Conference] [microform]. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Norman H. Davis Papers, 1898-1979, (bulk 1915-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn France. Ministère des affaires étrangères. Archives. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères selected records, 1918, [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Bell, Johannes. Johannes Bell memorandum, undated. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Paris Peace Conference, American Commission to Negotiate Peace, E. S. H. bulletins, 1919-1921 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Geoge Barr Baker Papers, 1919-1932 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Az Értelmiségi egyńek megoszlása anyanyelv szerint = Répartition des personnes intellectuelles par langue maternelle = Division of the intellectual persons according to native tongues. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Nicolson, Harold George, Sir, 1886-1968. Harold Nicolson letters to Arthur Nicolson and Mary Nicolson, 1894-1936. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Brockdorff-Rantzau, Ulrich, Graf, 1869-1928. Transcripts of statements, 1919 May 7-May 24. George Washington University
referencedIn Field, Herbert Haviland, 1868-1921. Herbert Haviland Field papers, 1919. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn U.S. American Commission to Negotiate Peace Records, 1898-1919, (bulk 1918-1919) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Lynn Morley Bell, "Belgium at the Paris Peace Conference" typescript, 1937 Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Treaties, 1918-1920. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn McCully, Newton A., 1867-1951. Papers of Newton A. McCully, 1917-1927. Library of Congress
referencedIn Proceedings, 1919. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. American Commission to Negotiate Peace at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 : resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council, 1919 July 5-Dec. 6. George Washington University
referencedIn Robert Lansing Papers, 1831-1935, (bulk 1914-1920) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Frank Lyon Polk papers, 1883-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Joseph Cyrillus Walsh papers, 1913-1947 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Smith, Munroe, 1854-1926. Correspondence, 1880-1929. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Yale, William, 1887-. William Yale papers, 1915-1919 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Fred Kenelm Nielsen Papers, 1881-1961, (bulk 1900-1956) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Gilbert M. Hitchcock Papers, 1910-1935 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Recueil des actes de la conference [microform]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Aleksandr Nikolaevich Krupenskii Papers, 1918-1935. Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Bullitt, William C. (William Christian), 1891-1967. William C. Bullitt papers, 1813-1998 (inclusive), 1909-1967 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Garran, Robert, Sir, 1867-1957. Family papers of Robert Garran [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Germany. Delegation zur Friedenskonferenz. Comments of the German delegation on report of Commission on responsibility for the War, 1919 May 28. George Washington University
referencedIn Edward Mandell House papers, 1885-2007, 1885-1938 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Smith, James Hopkins, 1881-1967. James Hopkins Smith collection, 1901-1925. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Az Egyenes adó 1917 évi eredménye törvenyhatóságonkint = Résultat des impôts directs en 1917, par comitats et villes municipales = Result of the direct taxes in 1917, according to the municipalities. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Buckler, W. H. (William Hepburn), 1867-1952. William Hepburn Buckler papers, 1907-1937 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Tasker H. Bliss papers, 1918-1919 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Shishmanian, John Amar, 1882-1945. John Amar Shishmanian papers, 1903-1946. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Reports of the decisions of the principal Allied and Associated Powers, 1919 May 28-July 19. George Washington University
referencedIn Davis, Walter Goodwin, 1885-. Walter Goodwin Davis papers, 1918-1919 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Raut, Georges, 1890-1982. Georges Raut papers, 1880-1990. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Magyarország területének megoszlása a birtokosok anyanyelve szerint, szembeállitva a népesség anyanyelvi megoszlásával = Répartition de la superficie de la Hongrie par langue maternelle des propriétaires, comparée avec la répartition par langue maternelle de la population = Division of the area of Hungary according to native tongue of the proprietors, compared with the division of the population according to native tongue. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Logan, James Addison, 1879-1930. James Addison Logan papers, 1913-1924. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Davis, Walter Goodwin, 1885-1966. Genealogical material, 1828-1985. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Weyl, Walter E. (Walter Edward), 1873-1919. Walter E. Weyl papers, 1862-1956 (bulk 1911-1919). Rutgers University
referencedIn Papers of Samuel Eliot Morison Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn A Bankok és takarék pénztárak száma és átlagos tőkeereje Magyarországon, a pénzintézetek nemzetiségi jellege szerint = Nombre et force moyenne de capitaux de bankques et caisses d'épargnes, dans la Hongrie, d'aprés le caractére de nationalité des établissements financiers = Number and average capitalism of the banks and savings banks in Hungary, according to the nationality character of the financial institutions. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn George Creel Papers, 1857-1953, (bulk 1896-1953) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Conference of Ambassadors records, 1920-1931 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Paris Peace Conference, 1919: bibliography, ca. 1940, [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Harrison, Leland, 1883-1951. Papers of Leland Harrison, 1915-1947 (bulk 1918-1921). Library of Congress
referencedIn Štefan Osuský papers, 1901-1992 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace
referencedIn Diary of Sgt. 1st Class W.T.J. , 1918-1919. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Paris Peace Conference, American Commission to Negotiate Peace, S.H. bulletins, 1919, [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Almond, Nina. Paris Peace Conference bibliographies, 1926-1935 (inclusive), [microform]. Yale University Library
referencedIn Martin, Carolyn Heath, 1878-. Papers of Carolyn Heath Martin [manuscript], 1918-1922. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Peace subject collection, 1891-2005. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Irwin Hood Hoover Papers, 1909-1933 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Mezes, Sidney Edward, 1863-1931. Sidney Edward Mezes papers, 1918-1931 (inclusive), 1918-1919 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Magyarország terűletének megoszláza a birtokosok anayanyelve szerint, szembeállítva a népesség anyanyelvi megoszlávak = Répartition de la superficie de la Hongrie par langue, maternelle des proprietaires, comparéd avec la repartition par langue maternelle de la population = Division of the area of Hungary according to native tongue of the proprietors, compared with the division of the population according to native tongue. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Henry Morgenthau Papers, 1795-1941, (bulk 1870-1941) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Auchincloss, Gordon, 1886-1943. Gordon Auchincloss papers, 1914-1951 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Charles Wellington Furlong Papers, 1917-1963 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn A Csak Magyarul tudók aránya felekezetek szerint Magyarországon = Proportion des personnes de parlant que le Hongrois, par confession, dans la Hongrie = Rate of the persons speaking only Hungarian, according to confession in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Great Britain. Foreign Office. Peace Conference [microform] : British Delegation correspondence and papers. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn John Amar Shishmanian papers, 1879-1946 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957 (bulk 1876-1924) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Papers, 1919-1941. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Shotwell, James Thomson, 1874-1965. Papers, [ca. 1896]-1962. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). [Eastern Europe] / made by Inquiry, 1918-1919. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Willis, Bailey, 1857-1949. Bailey Willis papers, 1916-1943. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn John Lansing Callan Papers, 1907-1956 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn White, Henry, 1850-1927. Henry White miscellaneous papers, 1919. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn A Magyarul tudók száma és, aránya járásonkint Magyarorszagon = Nombre et proportion des personnes parlant Hongrois par arrondissement, dans la Hongrie = Number and proportion of persons speaking Hungarian, by arrondissement in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Furlong, Charles Wellington, 1874-1967. Charles Wellington Furlong papers, 1917-1963. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. American Commission to Negotiate Peace papers, 1919 May 1. George Washington University
referencedIn Henry M. Robinson Papers, 1917-1936 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Robinson, Henry Mauris, 1868-1937. Henry Mauris Robinson papers, 1917-1936. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Arthur Krock Papers, 1909-1974, 1930-1974 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections.Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library. Public Policy Papers.
referencedIn Magyarország népességének megoszlása anyanyelv szerint = Répartition par langue maternelle de la population de la Hongrie = Division of the population of Hungary according to the native tongues. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn A Magyarul tudók aránya nemzetiségek szerint Magyarországon = Proportion des personnes parlant Hongrois, d'aprés les nationalités, dans la Hongrie = Proportion of persons speaking Hungarian, according to the nationalities, in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Az Iparforgalmi kreső népesség anyanyelv szerint Magyarországon = Population active de l'industrie et du trafic, selon la langue maternell, en Hongrie = Earning population of industry and traffic, according to native tongue, in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn Joseph Clark Grew papers, 1904-1948 Houghton Library
referencedIn Bliss, Tasker Howard, 1853-1930. Tasker Howard Bliss papers, 1918-1919. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968. Ulysses S. Grant, 3rd, papers, 1860s-1973 (bulk 1920-1968). Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
creatorOf Cook, Joseph Sir, 1860-1947. Papers of Sir Joseph Cook, 1880-1986 [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Vance C. McCormick diaries, 1917-1919. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Georgia (Republic). Records [microform], 1914-1958 (inclusive), 1917-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn A 6 éven felűli írni-olvasni tudók és analfabéták száma és anyanyelvi megoszlása egymással szembeállitva Magyarországon = Nombre et répartition par langue maternelle, des personnes au-dessus de 6 ans, sachant et ne sachant pas lire et écrire, rapproachées les unes des autres, dans la Hongrie = Number and division according to the native tongues of the population over 6 years of age, able and not able to read and write, compared one with the other, in Hungary. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
referencedIn A Hitelszövetkezetek tőkeereje Magyarországon nemzetiségi jellegük szerint = Force de capitaux des sociétés de credit mutuel, dans la Hongrie, d'aprés leur caractére de nationalité = Capitalism of the credit - associations, in Hungary, according to their character of nationality. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries
creatorOf Foch, Ferdinand, 1851-1929. Notes, 1919 Oct. 14-Nov. 19, to the Paris Peace Conference. George Washington University
referencedIn Felix Frankfurter papers Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Adler, Cyrus, 1863-1940. person
associatedWith Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). corporateBody
associatedWith Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Supreme Economic Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Almond, Nina. person
associatedWith Auchincloss, Gordon, 1886-1943. person
associatedWith Baker, George Barr person
associatedWith Baker, George Barr, 1870-1948. person
associatedWith Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946. person
associatedWith Barondess, Joseph, 1867-1928. person
associatedWith Beer, George Louis, 1872-1920. person
associatedWith Bell, Johannes. person
associatedWith Bell, Lynn Morley. person
associatedWith Bell, Lynn Morley. person
associatedWith Benson, William Shepherd, 1855-1932. person
associatedWith Berkowitz, Henry, 1857-1924. person
associatedWith Bliss, Tasker Howard, 1853-1930. person
associatedWith Bonsal, Stephen, 1865-1951. person
associatedWith Brockdorff-Rantzau, Ulrich, Graf, 1869-1928. person
associatedWith Brown, Allen Brookins, 1895-1972. person
associatedWith Browning, William S. person
associatedWith Buckler, W. H. (William Hepburn), 1867-1952. person
associatedWith Bullitt, William C. (William Christian), 1891-1967. person
associatedWith Callan, John Lansing, 1886-1958. person
associatedWith Carlson, Fred A., person
associatedWith Close, Gilbert F. person
associatedWith Cook, Joseph Sir, 1860-1947. person
associatedWith Creel, George, 1876-1953. person
associatedWith Davis, Norman H. (Norman Hezekiah), 1878-1944. person
associatedWith Davis, Walter Goodwin, 1885- person
associatedWith Day, Clive, 1871-1951. person
associatedWith Drayton, William A. person
associatedWith Dresel, Ellis Loring, 1865-1925. person
associatedWith Evans, Arthur Maybury, 1874-1967. person
associatedWith Field, Herbert Haviland, 1868-1921. person
associatedWith Foch, Ferdinand, 1851-1929. person
associatedWith France. Délégation française à la Conférence de la paix. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Ministère des affaires étrangères. Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965. person
associatedWith Furlong, Charles Wellington, 1874-1967. person
associatedWith Garran, Robert, Sir, 1867-1957. person
associatedWith Gay, Edwin F. (Edwin Francis), 1867-1946. person
associatedWith Georgia (Republic). corporateBody
associatedWith Germany. Auswärtiges Amt. Geschäftstelle für die Friedensverhandlungen. corporateBody
associatedWith Germany. Delegation zur Friedenskonferenz. corporateBody
associatedWith Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968. person
associatedWith Great Britain. Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference. corporateBody
associatedWith Grew, Joseph C. (Joseph Clark), 1880-1965. person
associatedWith Harrison, Leland, 1883-1951. person
associatedWith Haskins, Charles Homer, 1870-1937. person
associatedWith Helm, Edith Benham, 1874-1962. person
associatedWith Herron, George Davis, 1862-1925. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Gilbert M. (Gilbert Monell), 1859-1934. person
associatedWith Hood, Edwin Milton, 1858-1923. person
associatedWith Hoover, Irwin Hood, 1871-1933. person
associatedWith House, Edward Mandell, 1858-1938. person
associatedWith Hypes family. family
associatedWith Irish Race Convention (1919 : Philadelphia, Pa.). corporateBody
associatedWith Johnson, Douglas. person
associatedWith Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase), 1853-1921. person
associatedWith Krock, Arthur, 1886-1974. person
associatedWith Krupenskiĭ, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1861-1939. person
associatedWith Kuhn, Oliver Owen, 1886-1937. person
associatedWith Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. person
associatedWith Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974. person
associatedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924. person
associatedWith Logan, James Addison, 1879-1930. person
associatedWith Martin, Carolyn Heath, 1878- person
associatedWith McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. person
associatedWith McCully, Newton A., 1867-1951. person
associatedWith Mezes, Sidney Edward, 1863-1931. person
associatedWith Montgomery family family
associatedWith Morgenthau, Henry, 1856-1946. person
associatedWith Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976. person
associatedWith Nicolson, Harold George, Sir, 1886-1968. person
associatedWith Nielsen, Fred Kenelm, 1879- person
associatedWith Onat︠s︡ʹkyĭ, I︠E︡vhen, 1894- person
associatedWith Orpen, William, Sir, 1878-1931. person
associatedWith Osuský, Štefan, b. 1889. person
associatedWith Overseas Press Club of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. person
associatedWith Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Aeronautical Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties. corporateBody
associatedWith Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). Drafting Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Polk, Frank Lyon, 1871-1943. person
associatedWith Ptakowski, Jerzy, 1913-1983. person
associatedWith Raut, Georges, 1890-1982. person
associatedWith Robinson, Henry Mauris, 1868-1937. person
associatedWith Russia. Posol'stvo (France) corporateBody
associatedWith Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (kingdom). Official Information Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (kingdom). Official Information Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (kingdom). Peace Conference Delegation (1919) corporateBody
associatedWith Seymour, Charles, 1885-1963. person
associatedWith Seymour family. family
associatedWith Shepardson, Whitney Hart, 1890- person
associatedWith Shishmanian, John Amar person
associatedWith Shishmanian, John Amar, 1882-1945. person
associatedWith Shotwell, James Thomson, 1874-1965. person
associatedWith Slosson, Preston W. (Preston William), 1892-1984. person
associatedWith Smith, James Hopkins, 1881-1967. person
associatedWith Smith, Munroe, 1854-1926. person
associatedWith Sonnino, Sidney, 1847-1922. person
associatedWith Sweetser, Arthur, 1888-1968. person
associatedWith Sworakowski, Witold S. person
associatedWith Sworakowski, Witold S. person
associatedWith Syrian National Committee of North America corporateBody
associatedWith Syrian National Committee of North America. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of State. corporateBody
associatedWith Vsevelikoe Voĭsko donskoe. corporateBody
associatedWith Walsh, Joseph Cyrillus, 1870-1955. person
associatedWith Weyl, Walter E. (Walter Edward), 1873-1919. person
associatedWith White, Henry, 1850-1927. person
associatedWith Williams, E. T. (Edward Thomas), 1854- person
associatedWith Willis, Bailey, 1857-1949. person
associatedWith Wilson, Henry Braid, 1861-1954. person
associatedWith Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. person
associatedWith Wiseman, William George Eden, Sir, bart., 1885- person
associatedWith Wiseman, William, Sir, b. 1885. person
associatedWith Yale, William, 1887- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Europe, Eastern
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918

Corporate Body

Active 1919

Active 1920


Multiple languages



Ark ID: w6d8346s

SNAC ID: 60532450