Brown University.

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In 1917 the university established the Brown War Records Bureau, whose intention was to "collect and preserve a record of all Brown men who are serving in the present war". Brown faculty, students and alumni who were in the military were asked to fill out a small card called "Are you in the war?" and to send original letters, clippings or photographs which "have any bearing on the service of Brown men in the war." This collection is partly a result of that effort.

From the guide to the Brown University World War I correspondence, 1917-1919, (University Archives)

Diaries, personal narratives, and account books of Brown University students.

From the description of Brown University student diaries, 1820- (bulk 1820-1921). (Brown University). WorldCat record id: 122587250

Correspondence from Brown University students, alumni, and faculty who were serving in the American Expeditionary Forces or the YMCA during World War I.

From the description of World War I correspondence from students, alumni, and faculty collection, 1917-1918. (Brown University). WorldCat record id: 122631999

William J. Slack was the Director of Special Events at Brown University from the early 1980's into the early 2000's.

From the guide to the Brown University Special Events Department files, circa 1973-2001, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

This collection represents a decade during which Brown adopted, first, its "Permissive Curriculum" of 1963, followed by its New Curriculum of 1969.

From the guide to the Brown University Course Syllabi, circa 1961-1973, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

The Committee on Prizes and Premiums was a standing Brown University faculty committee with jurisdiction over all undergraduate academic prizes and premiums, as well as being in charge of the Faculty Scholars Program. The Committee's work was subsumed by the College Advisory Board in 2003.

From the guide to the Committee on Prizes and Premiums records, Brown University Committee on Prizes and Premiums records, circa 1923-1976, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

Lecture notes taken by students at Brown University.

From the description of Lecture notes (Students) 1824-1960 (bulk dates 1824-1923). (Brown University). WorldCat record id: 122384438

The events commemorating the founding of the Women's College of Brown University fell under the rubric "One Hundred Years of Women at Brown" but were organized and sponsored by several groups on and off campus. An ad hoc committee of the Brown University Corporation primarily was responsible for "Transcending Boundaries: Women, Power and Leadership, A Centennial Symposium Celebrating 100 Years of Women at Brown." The Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women took part in the ad hoc committee's work and sponsored a lecture series funded by Cynthia Lee Jenner (1961). The center helped coordinate the production of The Search for Equity: Women at Brown University, 1891-1991, which was directed by Polly Welts Kaufman (1951) and includes articles written by alumnae and others. With the Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities, the Pembroke Center cosponsored an exhibit, lecture series, and dramatic revue ("Going A Hundred," written by Professor Lowry Marshall and Colby Moss).

From the guide to the "One Hundred Years of Women at Brown" records, 1984-1992, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

Established in the fall of 1939 by arrangement with the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the program, which permitted undergraduates to receive flying instruction and pursue related academic courses, was originally a civilian program, but later required applicants to state their intention of applying Army or Navy flight training when needed.

From the guide to the Civil Pilot Training Program records, Brown University Civil Pilot Training Program Records, 1939-1942, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

Correspondence between Brown University students and their families and friends.

From the description of Brown University student correspondence, 1769-1940 (bulk 1789-1869). (Brown University). WorldCat record id: 122384445

Lecture notes created by Brown University faculty for instruction.

Some of the material consists of full texts which were read verbatim.

From the description of Lecture notes (faculty), 1814-1961. (Brown University). WorldCat record id: 122529881

From the Brown News Bureau (1997 May 8) about the dedication ceremony for the war memorial at the site of the Soldier's Arch on Thayer Street, between Waterman and George streets.

"The war memorial will honor the 205 Brown alumni who died during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. It will be located on both sides of the walkway inside Soldiers Arch, which was dedicated in 1921 to honor the 42 Brown students and one faculty member who died in World War I. During the procession, the University Hall bell will toll for each of the 248 Brown people killed in the wars.

"The memorial was designed by Richard Fleischner, an internationally acclaimed sculptor and environmental artist. The memorial includes a long bench of polished granite, an 11-foot granite column and an eight-foot-long marble mass with a perpendicular interlocking section of bronze lattice. The names of the 205 Brown alumni who died during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War will be inscribed on the marble slab.

"The site will be planted with a variety of flowering trees and shrubs, with climbing roses at the lattice base. Additional lighting will be installed at a later date.

"Ceremonies to dedicate the memorial and rededicate Soldiers Arch will begin at 9:30 a.m. Speakers will include Brown President Vartan Gregorian; Joseph Weisberger, Class of 1942, chief justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court, who served five years in the U.S. Navy, and whose father served in World War I and World War II; Sen. John Chafee, a decorated Marine captain and former secretary of the Navy, who served in World War II and the Korean War; and Dr. Robert T. Steinsieck, Class of 1941, who served as a physician in the U.S. Army, and whose son, Robert T. Steinsieck Jr., Class of 1968, died in Vietnam. The younger Steinsieck's name will be inscribed on the memorial.

"The speakers, each accompanied by a uniformed member of the armed forces, will lay wreaths at the war memorial. A wreath will be placed at Soldier's Arch by Elizabeth Tillinghast Nadeau, Brown Class of 1961, in memory of her grandfather, Henri Ferdinand Micoleau, the first Brown-affiliated person killed in World War I. Nadeau will be representing her mother, Lisette Tillinghast, who is Micoleau's daughter. Micoleau, a French citizen, was a member of the Brown faculty who returned to Europe to serve in the French Army. Nadeau, mother of three Brown graduates, is the daughter of Charles C. Tillinghast Jr., Class of 1932, a senior fellow and former chancellor at Brown.

"Assistant University Chaplain Deborah Blanks, a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve, will offer prayers.

"'A memorial must accomplish all the things one seeks in a memorial that pays respect to those who have given their lives in war,' said Fleischner, a Rhode Island School of Design graduate and former member of the Brown faculty. 'But memorials are also places where people can go and think, where they will feel comfortable gathering, sitting, conversing.'

"Overall, 178 Brown alumni died in World War II, seven in Korea and 20 in Vietnam."

From the guide to the Brown University War Memorial dedication records, Brown University War Memorial Dedication records, 1997, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

The Sesquicentennial celebration marking the 150th anniversary of the founding of the University lasted for five sunny days, October 11 to 15, 1914. No expense was spared and Friends of Brown contributed the entire cost of the festivities. College Hill was festooned with ropes of laurel draped from the trolley poles. Japanese lanterns lit up the campus, and fence posts sported wooden tubs of evergreens and autumn berries. University Hall was illuminated as it had been for earlier celebrations.

On Sunday afternoon, October 11 President Faunce preached the anniversary sermon. Monday’s exercises reflected the religious history of the university with speakers representing the four religious denominations associated with the founding. Also the "Pageant of Warren" was performed at "Maxwelton" in that town where the college was first located.

Tuesday was a day for class reunions, capped by what must have been the most spectacular event of the week, the torchlight parade. Led by mounted police, the National Guard, the First Light Artillery, the Varnum Continentals, and the American Band, alumni and students in costume marched downtown through throngs of spectators. First came the classes of 1870 through 1899 in caps and gowns of white and brown, then the classes of 1900 through 1905 in the Puritan garb of the first settlers of Providence, followed by the classes of 1906 through 1908 as Quakers in gray. The classes of 1909 through 1914 dressed as the French soldiers who had occupied University Hall during the Revolution, while the senior class of 1915 were soldiers of the Continental army. Juniors wore uniforms of the War of 1812 and sophomores were French sailors of the Revolution. The freshmen as Narragansett Indians were dressed, according to a contemporary account, "in gaudy red blankets, their faces copper-color and a single feather stuck jauntily in their simple head-dresses." Costumed representatives of special events came next, the crew of 1873, the 1870 baseball team, Colonial and early nineteenth-century gentlemen, and finally, those marchers of other days, a recreation of the Junior burial with coffin and books on their way to a "cremation." The glorious procession returned from parading through the Van Wickle gates, decorated with laurel and electric lights, for a concert and book-burning which concluded the festive day.

On Wednesday an academic procession of twelve hundred, including many notable representatives of American and foreign educational institutions, marched to the Meeting House to hear the Historical Address by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes 1881. On Thursday there was an address by William Peterson, principal of McGill University, followed by the conferring of honorary degrees upon thirty-eight distinguished gentlemen. Celebrators could also enjoy three performances of "The Provoked Husband," a play within a play "In Colony Times," by Henry A. Barker and A. E. Thomas, which recalled the first production of "The Provoked Husband" in Providence in 1762, complete with John Brown and his trusty cannon in front of the improvised theatre, ready to ward off colonists who were protesting against the ungodly performance.

All of Providence joined in the celebration on Thursday. There was a pageant by grammar school children followed by relay races for high school students and dinner for four hundred at Churchill House.

The above entry appears in Encyclopedia Brunoniana by Martha Mitchell, copyright 1993 by the Brown University Library. It is used here by permission of the author and the University and may not be copied or further distributed without permission.

From the guide to the Brown University Sesquicentenniel Celebration records, Brown University Sesquicentennial Celebration records, 1914, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

In preparation for the centennial of women's education at Brown University, the university commissioned a collection of essays. Polly Welts Kaufman (1951) edited and wrote the introduction to the collection of ten articles. Kaufman and Karen Lamoree (then Christine Dunlap Farnham Archivist) distributed surveys to 14 classes of alumnae celebrating reunions in May 1990. Charlotte Lowney Tomas (1957) used the alumnae surveys for "A Wider World: Careers of Brown Alumnae" (309-345). Lamoree used other surveys for her article "A network of Women: Alumnae Volunteerism in Rhode Island" (279-307).

The Search for Equity: Women at Brown University, 1891-1991, was edited by Polly Welts Kaufman and published by the Brown University Press in 1991.

From the guide to the The Search For Equity: Women at Brown University records, Search for equity : women at Brown University, 1891-1991, records, 1987-1992, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

The Baccalaureate sermon is traditionally preached on the Sunday preceding Commencement. Rev. Morgan Edwards may be said to have delivered the first baccalaureate sermon when he preached to the graduates in the evening of the first Commencement day in 1769. President Caswell was asked to deliver a baccalaureate sermon by the Class of 1872, the class which was entering college when he assumed the presidency and was leaving as he retired. It was customary for the president to deliver the baccalaureate sermon until Henry Wriston, the first president who was not a Baptist minister, assumed office. After that, guest preachers were invited. In February 1944, when a winter commencement was held during wartime without the usual ceremony, Mr. Wriston delivered a baccalaureate address at the request of the graduates. He continued to deliver the address at the following wartime commencements. In 1988 another president, Howard Swearer, was the baccalaureate speaker at the last exercises before leaving the presidency.

The above entry appears in Encyclopedia Brunoniana by Martha Mitchell, copyright 1993 by the Brown University Library. It is used here by permission of the author and the University and may not be copied or further distributed without permission.

From the guide to the Baccalaureate addresses, Baccalaureate Addresses, 1915-1988, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

The Graduate School convocation began in 1926, when, because of the large number of degree recipients, it was decided to hold separate exercises for the awarding of advanced degrees on Tuesday, the day after Commencement. In 1928 the ceremony was scheduled for the Saturday preceding Commencement. During World War II the Graduate School Convocation was omitted and advanced degrees were awarded at Commencement. In 1958 the time of the Convocation was changed to take place in Sayles Hall at the same time as the Commencement exercises in the First Baptist Meeting House. In 1989 the site of the Convocation was changed to Lincoln Field. That year for the first time a doctoral candidate, Carole-Anne Tyler, Ph.D 1989., gave an address, and Dean of the Graduate School Phillip J. Stiles delivered the principal address. Many noted persons have been the principal speaker at the Convocation, and some of the addresses have been published in the Brown University Papers series.

In 1978, to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Graduate School, citations for distinguished contributions to society through scholarship or related professional activity were awarded to alumni of the Graduate School for the first time. The first citations were received by Joaquin B. Diaz, Ph.D. 1945, Robert W. Morse, Ph.D. 1949, Betty Horenstein Pickett, Ph.D. 1949, Gordon W. Teal, Ph.D. 1931, and Laurence W. Wylie, Ph.D. 1940. Since that time citations have been awarded annually to Graduate School alumni.

A three day convocation, "On the Future of Knowledge," was held on October 29-31, 1989, honoring one hundred years of Ph.D. degrees granted by the University. Speakers included Lauro Cavazos, Hanna Gray, H. Guyford Stever, John Mellon, David Saxon, Joseph Duffey, Carol Guardo, Walter Massey, Gerald Edelman, Eliot Stellar, Ph.D. 1947, Thomas Kuhn, David Black, Mary Maples Dunn, Carlton Alexis, Steven Muller, and David Gardner.

The above entry appears in Encyclopedia Brunoniana by Martha Mitchell, copyright 1993 by the Brown University Library. It is used here by permission of the author and the University and may not be copied or further distributed without permission.

From the guide to the Graduate School Convocation speeches, 1928-1988, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

The Academic Council was an advisory body that considered issues of academic planning and priorities.

In 2003 the Academic Priorities Committee superseded the Academic Council and the Academic Priorities Subcommittee.

From the guide to the Academic Council files, Brown University Academic Council files, 1979-1994, (John Hay Library Special Collections)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Thomas, John, 1724-1776. John Thomas papers, 1693-1925, bulk: 1747-1776. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Park, Robert L. Oral history interview with Robert Park, 2001 March 4 and 7. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Daniel Yankelovich Papers., 1937-1994 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf Brown University. Student essays and orations, 1786-1983. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Thomas A. Jenckes Papers, 1838-1878 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Morton, James Hodge, d. 1876. Letter to Wingate Hayes, Providence, R.I., 19 September 1845. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Brown University Registrar's accounts, 1826-1882 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn A. R. Coolidge files, Coolidge (A.R.) files, circa 1920-1982 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Bennett, Clarence E. (Clarence Edwin), 1902-. Academic papers 1925-1985. Raymond H. Fogler Library
referencedIn Paul F. Fenton office files, Fenton (Paul F.) office files, 1964-1968 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn John Nicholas Brown (1861-1900) papers, Brown (John Nicholas) (1861-1900) papers, (bulk 1881-1900), 1871-1900 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-. Intellectual autobiography, circa 1983. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Science and Society Seminar records, 1967-1969 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn New Directions Publishing records Houghton Library
referencedIn Diman, Henry Wight, 1835-1884. Henry Wight Diman papers, 1842-1884. University of Rhode Island Library, Kingston, University Library
referencedIn Warren d'Azevedo Collection, 1935-2001 Liberian Collections
referencedIn Durrett, Reuben T. (Reuben Thomas), 1824-1913. Reuben T. Durrett added papers, 1883-1910. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Jewett, James R. (James Richard), 1862-1943. James R. and Margaret Weyerhaeuser Jewett papers, 1865-1908. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Wayland, Francis, 1796-1865. Francis Wayland family papers, 1754-1941, (bulk 1826-1865). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Metzl, Jamie Frederic. The transition of Hmong immigrants to the United States: oral histories from Providence, Rhode Island. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Coolidge, Arlan R. (Arlan Ralph), 1902-. Manuscript sheet music, [ca. 1900-1945]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University Treasurer term bills, Brown University Treasurer Term Bills, 1785-1904 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Additional papers of Betty Friedan, 1941-2006 (inclusive), 1980-2000 (bulk) Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Books, pamphlets, periodicals, 18-- - <ongoing> Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Baccalaureate addresses, Baccalaureate Addresses, 1915-1988 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn Papers of Bernice Resnick Sandler, 1963-2008 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Brown University. Library. Records of the Library, 1783-1958. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn John Bernd papers, 1972-1988. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn William Easton Louttit papers, Louttit (William Easton) papers, 1930-1973 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University. Philophysian Society. Philophysian Society records, 1818-1826. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn William Arnold Spicer, III papers, Spicer (William Arnold, III) papers, (bulk 1960-2004), 1901-2004 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Caswell, Alexis, 1799-1877. Alexis Caswell papers, 1824-1877 (bulk 1860-1877). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Newton Free Library. [Charles R. Consodine scrapbook and photographs / compiled by the staff of the Newton Free Library]. Minuteman Library Network
referencedIn Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman, 1815-1894. Ezekiel Gilman Robinson papers, 1848-1896, n.d., (bulk 1872-1889). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Samuel Jones papers, Jones (Samuel) papers, 1760-1794 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Records of the Project on the Status and Education of Women (Association of American Colleges), (inclusive), (bulk), 1969-1991, 1971-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Watson, Harry L. Collection, 1966, 1970. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Brown-Tougaloo Exchange records, 1961-1989, (bulk 1963-1969) Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Barbour, Clarence A. (Clarence Augustus), 1867-1937. Clarence A. Barbour papers, 1923-1943, (bulk 1926-1936). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Nancy Lyman Roelker papers, Roelker (Nancy Lyman) papers, (bulk 1963-1985), 1927-1993 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn K. Brooke Anderson papers, Anderson (K. Brooke) Papers, 1918-1957 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-. On the atomic models of the alkali metals. 1924. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
creatorOf Dunn, Linda. Folklore paper, 1978. Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, Maine Folklife Center
referencedIn Sears, Barnas, 1802-1880. Barnas Sears papers, 1833-1879 (bulk 1856-1867). Valparaiso University, Law Library
referencedIn Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship records, circa 1985-1992 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Gammell family financial records, 1876-1961. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University. Treasurer. Records of the Treasurer, 1766-1981 (bulk 1820-1930s). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University Library, John Hay Library. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Faunce, William Herbert Perry, 1859-1930. William Herbert Perry Faunce papers, 1845-1930,n.d. (bulk 1890s-1929). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
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referencedIn Cheever, Tracy Patch, 1824-1881. Journal, 1851-1855. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1821. Papers. 1786-1813. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Mark Spilka papers, Spilka (Mark) Papers, 1990-2001 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Nathan Fellows Dixon Family papers, Dixon (Nathan Fellows) Family papers, (bulk 1825-1900), 1721-1938 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn University of Pennsylvania. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1784-1934, n.d. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Brown University Course Syllabi, circa 1961-1973 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn C. Truesdell Papers, 86-31; 89-4., 1921-1989 Archives of American Mathematics, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin
referencedIn Guthrie-Shofner Family. Guthrie-Shofner, family papers, 1840s-1990s. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Lloyd Cornell papers, Cornell (Lloyd) papers, circa 1943-1969 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, 1844-1917. Elisha Benjamin Andrews papers, 1844-1959,n.d. (bulk 1890-1914). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
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referencedIn Davenport-Harris family papers, 1809-1964, bulk1905-1964. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Brown University Sesquicentenniel Celebration records, Brown University Sesquicentennial Celebration records, 1914 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Jenckes, Thomas A. (Thomas Allen), 1818-1875. Papers, ca. 1830-ca. 1870. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Smith, Bertram Taft, 1929-. Papers, n.d. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), 1874-1960. Letters, 1896 March 12-October 27, Providence, R. I., and Cleveland, Ohio, to Weld A. Rollins, Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth College Library
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creatorOf Brown University. Brown University student diaries, 1820- (bulk 1820-1921). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
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referencedIn Manning, James, 1738-1791. James Manning papers, 1761-1827, (bulk 1770-1792). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Joseph Berry Keenan Papers, 1942-1947 Harvard Law School, HarvardUniversity
creatorOf Brown University. Captions and notes for an exhibition of Corliss engines and Corliss memorabilia : used at an exhibition held at Brown University in 1933. Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Williams family. Williams collection, 1743-1859. Newport Historical Society
referencedIn James Ryland and Georgia Avery Kendrick papers, 1832-1927. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Horace Mann family papers, Mann (Horace) family papers, (bulk 1829-1856), 1819-1856 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Mark, Carson. Oral history interview with J. Carson Mark, 1976 June 8. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn S. Foster Damon Festival papers, Damon (S. Foster) Festival papers, 1967-1968 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Peck, Francis, 1811-1888. Letters, 1831 [manuscript]. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
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referencedIn J. Gus Liebenow, Collection, 1949-1999 Liberian Collections
referencedIn Pennsylvania State University. University Faculty Senate. General Education Committee. General Education Committee records, 1946-1957. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Donald F. Hornig papers, Hornig (Donald F.), 1970-1976 John Hay Library, Special Collections
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referencedIn Finger, Frank W. (Frank Whitney). Papers of Frank W. Finger [manuscript], 1890-1990. University of Virginia. Library
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referencedIn McWhinnie, James, 1840-1892. Papers, 1859-1901. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805. Papers of Hezekiah Smith, 1762-1805. Library of Congress
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referencedIn Findlay, Heather. Heather Findlay papers, 1986. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Julian H. Gibbs (AC 1947) Papers, 1954-1985 and n.d. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University. Society for Missionary Inquiry. Society for Missionary Inquiry records, 1827-1891. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
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referencedIn J. Walter Thompson Company. Wallace W. Elton papers, 1929-1990 and n.d. (bulk 1940s-1960s). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Brown University War Memorial dedication records, Brown University War Memorial Dedication records, 1997 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University undergraduate research award recipients, Brown University Undergraduate research award recipients, 2007-2010 John Hay Library, Special Collections
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referencedIn Stellar, Eliot, 1919-1993. Papers, 1938-1993. University of Pennsylvania, Archives & Records Center
referencedIn Ruggles, William, 1797-1877. Papers. George Washington University
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referencedIn Samuel Jones papers, Jones (Samuel) papers, 1760-1794 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Ronald A. Wolk files, Wolk (Ronald A.) files, circa 1969-1976 John Hay Library, Special Collections
creatorOf Brown University. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1963. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Spicer, Elizabeth C. Lyrics ; words and music by Elizabeth C. Spicer, 1935. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Scott, Eleanor Metcalf, 1921-1976. Correspondence, 1968. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Evsey D. Domar Papers, and undated (bulk, ), 1939-1995, 1957-1989 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics. Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-734: A Measurement of the Elastic Scattering of Neutrinos from Electrons and Protons, 1990-1991. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Jonah, David Alonzo, 1909-1981. Correspondence, 1946-1957. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Winslow Upton papers, Upton (Winslow) papers, circa 1876-1969 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University Peace Corps files, 1965-1967 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Paul Ramsey Papers, 1934-1984 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Brown University Faculty Club files, 1927-1984 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Gay Wilson Allen Papers, 1801-1988 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Brown University Corporation minutes and reports, 1869-2001 John Hay Library, Special Collections
creatorOf Brown University. Correspondence with Johan Thorsten Sellin, 1953. University of Pennsylvania Library
creatorOf Brown University student essays collection, Brown University Student Essays Collection, 1936-2004 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Vartan Gregorian papers, Gergorian (Vartan) Papers, circa 1975-1998 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn John Hawkes additional compositions, 1979-1982. Houghton Library
referencedIn Pembroke College Office of Placement and Career Planning files, 1924-1972 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Foster, Dwight, 1757-1823. Papers, 1757-1884, bulk: 1791-1810. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Brown University Slavery and Justice Committee records, 1989-2007 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Committee on Wriston Fellowships records, Brown University Committee on Wriston Fellowships records, circa 1974-1987 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Paul F. Maeder papers, Meader (Paul F.) papers, 1970-1977 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Shaw, Arthur. Arthur Shaw collection, 1856-1970 [microform]. Litchfield Historical Society
referencedIn Heffner, Ray Lorenzo, 1925-. Ray Lorenzo Heffner papers, 1966-1969. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn English themes by World War II veterans, English themes by World War II Veterans, 1946 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Allan, Dorothy C. (Dorothy Carter), 1896-1974. Poems, 1914-1965. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. World War I correspondence from students, alumni, and faculty collection, 1917-1918. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Inventory of the Samuel Erson Asbury Papers Texas MSS 00044., 1872-1960 Cushing Memorial Library,
creatorOf Brown University. Brown University. School of The Art Institute of Chicago, John M Flaxman Library
referencedIn William L. Marcy papers, 1806-1930 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Walter, Herbert Eugene, b. 1867. Herbert Eugene Walter papers, 1885-1948 and n.d. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. Lecture notes (faculty), 1814-1961. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Elmer Milton Blistein papers, Blistein (Elmer Milton) papers, circa 1957-1988 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Fuller, Lon L. Lon L. Fuller papers. 1926-1977. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Brown University Christian Association records, 1881-1969 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Ducasse, Curt John, 1881-1969. Curt John Ducasse family papers, 1897-1969. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University. United Brothers Society. United Brothers Society records, 1805-1865. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Theodore Francis Green speeches and personal papers, Green (Theodore Francis) speeches and personal papers, 1883-1960 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Guthrie-Shofner Family Papers 2009-307., 1840s-1990s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Brown University. Correspondence to Van Wyck Brooks, 1938-1957. University of Pennsylvania Library
referencedIn Burrage, Henry S. (Henry Sweetser), 1837-1926. Henry S. Burrage collection, 1850-1927. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Gibbs, Julian H. Gibbs papers, n.d., 1954-1985. Amherst College. Library
referencedIn Bronson, Walter C. (Walter Cochrane), 1862-1928. Bronson-Chaplin family papers, 1804-1926. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Tri-State Regional Medical Program. Records of the Tri-State Regional Medical Program, 1965-1976 (inclusive). Harvard University, Medical School, Countway Library
referencedIn Quincy family. Quincy family letters, 1786-1933 Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Pembroke College, Director of Residence records, Pembroke College, Director of Residence Records, 1940-1968 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Meier mss., 1927-2010 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Brown, Edward James, 1909-1991. Papers, 1946-1991. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Keeney, Barnaby Conrad, 1914-1980. Barnaby Conrad Keeney papers, 1936-1980 (bulk 1940s-1966). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. Correspondence with Paul Philippe Cret, 1922-1937. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Erik H. and Joan M. Erikson papers, 1925-1985 (inclusive) 1960-1980 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Ivy Group Committee on Coordination and Eligibility. Ivy Group Committee on Coordination and Eligibility records, 1945-1966. Cornell University Library
referencedIn William N. Davis Plant Business Manager office files, Davis (William N.) Plant Business Manager office files, circa 1946-1974 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Anthony Lancaster papers, Lancaster (Anthony) papers, 1964-2001 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Ward, Lester Frank, 1841-1913. Papers. George Washington University
referencedIn Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-. Oral history interview with Robert Bruce Lindsay. 1964 May 6 and July 9. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn James Monroe Taylor papers, 1865-1916. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Allinson, Francis Greenleaf, 1856-1931. Francis Greenleaf Allinson papers, 1899-1929. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Thomas G. Corcoran Papers, 1792-1982, (bulk 1965-1980) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Brown University Librarians' files, circa 1984-1992 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Jared Sparks collection of American manuscripts, 1582-1843 Houghton Library
referencedIn Marchetti family collection 1944-1945 Marchetti family collection William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Hornig, Donald F., 1920-. Donald F. Hornig papers, 1970-1976. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Jenckes, Thomas A. (Thomas Allen), 1818-1875. Papers of Thomas A. Jenckes, 1836-1878. Library of Congress
referencedIn Brown University. American Civil Liberties Union. Brown University ACLU records, 1998-2001. Brown University, Brown University Library
creatorOf Foss, Samuel Walter, 1858-1911. Poems ... from Brunonian, [1876-1900?]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University Corporation Survey Committee files, 1929-1930 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Edgar J. Lanpher files, Lanpher (Edgar J.) files, 1936-1939 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Cady, Walter G. (Walter Guyton), 1874-1974. Oral history interview with Walter Guyton Cady, 1963 August 28 and 29. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Drowne family. Drowne family papers, 1646-1929. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948. Charles Evans Hughes letters, 1878-1943. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Slater family. Papers, 1824-1911. Gadsden Public Library
creatorOf George William Curtis lectures, Curtis (George William) lectures, 1940 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Gordon Rohde Dewart papers, Dewart (Gordon Rohde) papers, 1935-1975 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Sidney Goldstein papers, Goldstein (Sidney) papers, 1950-1999 John Hay Library, Special Collections
creatorOf Brown University. [Celebration of the 150th anniversary of Brown University, 1764-1914]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Pierce, John Davis 1797-1882. John D. Pierce papers, 1961 Detroit Public Library, Detroit Main Library
referencedIn Brown University. Federal Adelphi. Federal Adelphi records, 1796-1833. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University President's Office Reference files, Brown University President's Office reference files, circa 1960-2001 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Bailey, William Whitman, 1843-1914. William Whitman Bailey papers, 1856-1914, n.d. (bulk 1880s-1914). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Jenckes, Thomas A. (Thomas Allen), 1818-1875. Papers, 1834-1870. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Secretary's Office files, (bulk 1955-1970), 1948-1972 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Sharpe, Mary Elizabeth, 1884-1985. Mary Elizabeth Sharpe papers, ca. 1930-1984. Brown University, Brown University Library
creatorOf Brown University. Correspondence with Edgar Fahs Smith, 1914-1919. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Clarke, Benjamin Franklin, 1831-1908. Benjamin Franklin Clarke papers, 1852-1908. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf "One Hundred Years of Women at Brown" records, 1984-1992 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Will Inman Papers, 1910-2009 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Heather Findlay papers, 1986. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Burrage, Henry S. (Henry Sweetser), 1837-1926. Papers, 1861-1925. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Littlefield, Katherine Frances 1880-1959. Katherine Frances Littlefield papers, 1887-1912 (bulk 1905-1909). Brown University, Brown University Library
creatorOf Brown University. Final examinations 1940-1969. Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Brown University Medical School records, 1963-2007 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Harry Levin papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Walter, Dorothy C., 1889-1967. Dorothy Charlotte Walter Papers, 1898-1941. Vermont Historical Society
creatorOf Brown University. Letters, 1970-1971, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Bailey, Whitman, 1884-1954. A baseball game in the early nineties between Brown and Princeton at Providence : manuscript, 1898? Princeton University Library
referencedIn George P. Garrett Papers, 1929-2008, (bulk 1960-2000) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Natalie Bayard Brown papers, Brown (Natalie Bayard) Papers, (bulk 1897-1950), 1877-1950 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University Treasurer reports, 1768-1882, undated John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Libby, Willard F. Oral history interview with Willard Frank Libby, 1979 April 12 and 16. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
creatorOf Brown University. Correspondence with American Musicological Society, 1990. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Katherine Frances Littlefield papers, Littlefield (Katherine Frances) papers, (bulk 1905-1909), 1887-1912 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Records of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, 1810-2003 University of Rhode Island Library Special Collections and Archives Unit
referencedIn Rider, Sidney S. (Sidney Smith), 1833-1917. [Letter, 18]85 Sept 4, Providence, [Rhode Island] / Sidney S. Rider. Jenks Library at Gordon College, Jenks Library
referencedIn Bakst, M. Charles (Merrill Charles). M. Charles Bakst papers, 1927-2009 (bulk 1962-2008). Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Thurston, Robert Henry, 1839-1903. Robert Henry Thurston papers, 1859-1902. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Bigelow, Lucius Aurelius, b. 1892. Lucius A. Bigelow papers, 1915-1973. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Robert F. Cohen, Jr. papers, Cohen (Robert F., Jr.) papers, (bulk 1966-1972), 1952-1984 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Thomas A. Jenckes papers, Jenckes (Thomas A.) papers, 1834-1870 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Leonard Carmichael Papers, 1898-1973, Circa 1917-1973 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-. Intellectual autobiography of R. Bruce Lindsay. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
creatorOf Civil Pilot Training Program records, Brown University Civil Pilot Training Program Records, 1939-1942 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Howe, Mark Anthony De Wolfe, bp., 1808-1895. Poems, 1828-1880. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Howe, Mark De Wolfe. Mark De Wolfe Howe papers. 1933-1967. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Theatrical scrapbook collection, 1791-1967. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Brown University. Dept. of Mathematics. Brown University Dept. of Mathematics meeting minutes, 1915-1939. Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Parks, Donald Alan. Ode to Brown, 1948, May, Providence, R.I. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University World War I correspondence, 1917-1919 University Archives
referencedIn George W. Benedict papers, Benedict (George W.) papers, circa 1893-1917 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Paul A. Freund papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Koopman, Harry Lyman, 1860-1937. Papers, 1872-1938. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown Democrats files John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Carmichael, Leonard, 1898-1973. Papers, ca. 1917-1973. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Jenckes, Thomas Allen, 1818-1875. Papers, 1837-1870. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Dallam, F. L. Diary, 1834. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University. Religious Society. Religious Society records, 1813-1863. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Archibald, Raymond C., 1875-1955. Papers, 1911-1955. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Keys mss., 1972-1982 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf Brown University. Brown-Tougaloo Exchange Program. Brown-Tougaloo Exchange records, 1961-1989 (bulk 1963-1969). Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Rhode Island Women's Health Collective. Rhode Island Women's Health Collective records, 1975-1997. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Records of the Association of African and Afro-American Students at Harvard and Radcliffe, 1963-1976 Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Eddy, Alfred Updike, 1857-1937. 1879-1937 : poem, [1937]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Schrier, Allan Martin, 1930-. Allan Schrier papers, 1930-1987. University of Akron, Bierce Library
referencedIn Lynn Marian Gunzberg papers, Gunzberg (Lynn Marian) Papers, 1965-2001 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn James Ryland and Georgia Avery Kendrick papers, 1832-1927. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Chafee, Zechariah, 1859-1943. Zechariah Chafee correspondence and reports, 1880-1943. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn John B. Price papers, Price (John B.) papers, circa 1968-1977 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Thurber, Lucinda Allen. Friendship poetry album, 1826-1830. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn Cohen, Robert Francis, 1946-. Bob Cohen papers, 1952-1984 (bulk 1966-1972). Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Peck, Francis, 1811-1888. Letters, 1831. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn J. Walter Thompson Company. Wallace W. Elton Papers, 1909-1990 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Farnsworth, Harrison Edward, 1896-1989. Intellectual autobiography and supplement, ca. 1969. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Burrage, Henry S. (Henry Sweetser), 1837-1926. Henry S. Burrage collection, 1850-1927. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Louis Franklin Snow papers, Snow (Louis Franklin) Papers, circa 1891-1919 John Hay Library, Special Collections
creatorOf Brown University. Comprehensive examinations 1940-1963. Brown University, Brown University Library
referencedIn Stoltz, Merton Philip, 1913-1989. Merton Philip Stoltz papers, 1969-1970. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Percy Marks papers, 1900-1961 (inclusive), 1920-1940 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Asa Messer papers, Messer (Asa) papers, (bulk 1796-1836), 1791-1862 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1821. Journal of Thomas W. Thompson, 1786, July 19 - December 30. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Wriston, Henry Merritt, 1889-. Henry M. Wriston collection, 1916 - 1972. Wesleyan University, Olin Library
referencedIn Wriston, Henry Merritt, 1889-. Henry Merritt Wriston papers, 1914-1977 (bulk 1930s-1960s). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Graduate School Convocation speeches, 1928-1988 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Mary Hyde Eccles papers, 1853-2005, (bulk) 1939-2003. Houghton Library
referencedIn Thomas J. Watson, Jr., papers Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. [Commencement programs, Brown University : pamphlet collection] HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Brown University. Letter signed : [n.p.], to Martha Burrill Wheaton, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Drowne family papers, 1728-1936, (bulk 1750-1885) Brown University Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Walter Richardson Davis papers, Davis (Walter Richardson) papers, 1981-2003 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Tamarkin, Jacob David, 1888-1945. Jacob David Tamarkin correspondence, 1925-1943 (bulk 1930-1939). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Academic Council files, Brown University Academic Council files, 1979-1994 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Ward, Lester Frank, 1841-1913. Papers, 1860-1913, [microform]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Jacquelyn Mattfeld Files, Mattfeld (Jacquelyn) files, 1968-1972 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Bird, Francis William, 1809-1894. Papers, 1826-1924; bulk: 1847-1889 Houghton Library
referencedIn Brown University Treasurer subscription accounts, Brown University Treasurer subscription Accounts, 1831-1898 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Stuart C. Sherman papers, Sherman (Stuart C.) papers, (bulk 1957-1980), circa 1720-1980 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879-1966. Papers of Waldo Gifford Leland, 1844-1966. Library of Congress
referencedIn Nason, Elias, 1811-1887. Papers, 1830-1911. American Antiquarian Society
referencedIn Brown University. Philendean Society. Philendean society record book, 1815-1846. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. Brown University student correspondence, 1769-1940 (bulk 1789-1869). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Brown University Library, John Hay Library. Brown University Class Of 1822 Correspondence.
referencedIn Anne S. Kinsolving Brown papers, Brown (Anne. S. Kinsolving), 1912-1985 Brown University Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Hayward family. Hayward family letters, 1815-1841. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Truesdell, C. (Clifford), 1919-. Truesdell, C., papers, 1939-1989. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Anderson, K. Brooke. K. Brooke Anderson Papers, 1918-1957. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Inventory of Brown University faculty publications, Brown University faculty publications, circa 1924-1929 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Smith B. Goodenow, Rocktop: or The Lord Will Direct 1870 Goodenow, Smith B., Rocktop: or The Lord Will Direct William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Dunn, Robinson Potter, 1825-1867. Papers, 1825-1897. American Antiquarian Society
creatorOf The Search For Equity: Women at Brown University records, Search for equity : women at Brown University, 1891-1991, records, 1987-1992 John Hay Library, Special Collections
creatorOf Dresser Family Papers Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Stillwell, Margaret Bingham, 1887-1984. Margaret Bingham Stillwell papers, ca. 1925-1984. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. Lecture notes (Students) 1824-1960 (bulk dates 1824-1923). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
creatorOf Non-Monetary Gift Files, Brown University Non-Monetary Gift files, 1947-1972 John Hay Library, Special Collections
creatorOf Committee on Prizes and Premiums records, Brown University Committee on Prizes and Premiums records, circa 1923-1976 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University. Philermenian Society. Philermenian society records, 1798-1866. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Duncan, James Henry, 1793-1869. James Henry Duncan Papers, 1668-1910. Peabody Essex Museum
referencedIn Cook, Albert Spaulding. Albert Spaulding Cook papers, 1946-ca. 1998. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University. [Brown University pamphlets]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Clarence A. Barbour papers, Barbour (Clarence A.) papers, 1923-1937 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University Graduate Council records, Brown University Graduate Council Records, 1888-1999 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Cornell University basketball films, 1957-1985. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Burges, Tristam, 1770-1853. Tristam Burges papers, 1821-1838 and n.d. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Maxcy, Jonathan, 1768-1820. Jonathan Maxcy papers, 1812-1943. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Paterson, Thomas G., 1941-. Papers, 1836-2002. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn William Baskerville Hamilton Papers, 1700-1975 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn John Nicholas Brown II papers, Brown (John Nicholas II) papers, 1900-1979, (bulk 1960-1979) Brown University Special Collections
referencedIn Wriston, Henry M. (Henry Merritt), 1889-1978. Reminiscences of Henry Merritt Wriston : oral history, 1967. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Papers of Ida Pruitt, 1850s-1992 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Zechariah Chafee papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Administrative Committee for Academic Development files, Brown University Administrative Committee for Academic Development files, 1978-1981 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Herschel Grossman papers, Grossman (Herschel) Papers, 1957-2003 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894-1962. Additional papers, 1870-1969. Houghton Library
referencedIn Phi Beta Kappa. Alpha of Rhode Island (Brown University). Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Rhode Island records, 1828-1949. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Brown University Special Events Department files, circa 1973-2001 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Harold Seidman Papers., undated, 1930-1980. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Henry Scholey Saunders papers, 1884-1951, [Bulk Dates: 1911-1947] Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Brown University vice presidents' reports, 1934-1935 Brown University Library University Archives
referencedIn Brown University Treasurer Receipts, 1757-1891, undated John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn George Washington Keely papers, Keely (George Washington) papers, 1820-1834 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Rhode Island. Governor (1839-1843 : King). [Rhode Island broadside collection]. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Haynes, Sherwood Kimball, 1910-1990. Collection, 1932-1982. American Institute of Physics
referencedIn J. B. Matthews Papers, 1862-1986 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Pembroke Afternoon Reading Group records, 1927-1991 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Jones, Samuel, 1735-1814. Samuel Jones papers, 1760-1794. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Alpheus Spring Packard papers, Packard (Alpheus Spring) Papers, 1864-1902 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brown University Placement Office records, Brown University. Placement Office, 1937-1943 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900-. Appendix to the intellectual autobiography of R. Bruce Lindsay. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Thomas E. Skidmore papers, Skidmore (Thomas E.) papers, (bulk 1950-2005), 1878-2005 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Bolles, Lucius, 1779-1844. Lucius Bolles Diary, 1824-1827. Peabody Essex Museum
referencedIn Snow, Caleb H. (Caleb Hopkins), 1796-1835. Papers, 1775-1945. Library of Congress
referencedIn Pembroke College "Women: Changing Perspectives" forum records, 1964, 1970-1971 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Cornell University. Dept. of Athletics and Physical Education. Cornell University Basketball Films, 1957-1985. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Furman, Richard, 1755-1825. Richard Furman papers, 1774-1823. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Davis, Isaac, 1799-1883. Correspondence, 1816-1869. American Antiquarian Society
referencedIn Lincoln, John Larkin, 1817-1891. John Larkin Lincoln papers, 1841-[1891?]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Malcolm S. Stevens papers, Stevens (Malcolm S.) papers, (bulk 1962-1978), 1953-1978 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Franklin Society (Brown University). Franklin Society (Brown University), records, 1823-1833. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Haynes, Sherwood Kimball, 1910-1990. Papers, 1932-1982. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn McGlauflin, Clifford Elmore, 1872-1963. Scrapbooks, 1890-1931. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Lovering, Amos, 1805-1879. Letters : to Warren Lovering, 1825-1830. Houghton Library
referencedIn Green, Samuel, 1767-1837. Samuel Green papers, 1793-1842. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Weeks family papers, 1901-2002, 1901-2002 Brown University Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Papers, 1865-1916. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Kermit Champa papers, Champa (Kermit) papers, 1977-2000 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Pierre Galletti office files, Galetti (Pierre) office files, 1963-1990 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Unknown. Tales of the Sea, 1916-1941. Peabody Essex Museum
referencedIn James Manning papers, Manning (James) papers, 1761-1827, (bulk 1765-1791) John Hay Library
referencedIn Holbrook, John Edwards, 1794-1871. John Edwards Holbrook papers, 1819-1860. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Willard, W. Wyeth (Warren Wyeth), 1905-1999. W. Wyeth Willard assorted papers 1935-1982. Old Colony Library Network, OCLN
referencedIn Kappauf, William Emil, 1913-1983. Papers, 1927-1981. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Robert Henry Thurston papers, 1859-1902. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Scott, Austin Wakeman. Austin Wakeman Scott papers. 1906-1979. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Taft, Philip, 1902-1976. Papers, 1960-1972. Wayne State University
referencedIn Office of University Relations files, circa 1954-1982 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Learned Hand papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Kollock, Cornelius, 1824-1897. Cornelius Kollock papers, 1845-1926; (bulk, 1853-1897). University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Wole Soyinka papers, 1966-1996. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Brooks, Charles Timothy, 1813-1883. [Letter] 1874 Feb. 4, Newport, [Rhode Island] / Charles T. Brooks. Jenks Library at Gordon College, Jenks Library
referencedIn Laird, Warren Powers, 1861-1948. Warren Powers Laird architectural records and papers, 1888-1945. University of Pennsylvania, Architectural Archives
referencedIn Brown University Corporation Committee files, circa 1948-1992 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Beck, Aaron T. Papers, 1953-2000. University of Pennsylvania, Archives & Records Center
referencedIn Eisenberg, Daniel, 1946-. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 1979- Florida State University
referencedIn A.N. Palmer Company. Trade catalogs of schools and school supplies, 1832-1960. University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB Library
referencedIn Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1872-1964. Papers, 1880-1969. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Roscoe Pound Papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Adams, Clarence Raymond, 1898-1965. Clarence Raymond Adams papers, 1916-1965. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Samuel T. Arnold papers, Arnold (Samuel T.) Papers, (bulk 1945-1957), 1936-1957 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Messer, Asa, 1769-1836. Asa Messer papers 1791-1859 (bulk 1796-1826). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Baruch Korff papers, 1914-1991 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Weir, Marion C. Papers, 1917-1947. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Henry Wight Diman Papers, 1842-1884 University of Rhode Island Library Special Collections and Archives Unit
referencedIn Arthur E. Sutherland papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Brown University historical documents, Brown University Historical Documents, 1800-1910 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Swearer, Howard R. (Howard Robert), 1932-1991. Howard Robert Swearer papers, 1976-1990 (bulk 1977-1978). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn W.C. Bronson papers, Bronson (W.C.) papers, (bulk 1900-1928), circa 1885-1928 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Brigham, Clarence Saunders, 1877-1963. Papers. American Antiquarian Society
referencedIn Brown University. Sphinx Club. Sphinx Club record book, 1904-1937. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Anderson, Thomas D., fl. 1895,. Autograph letter signed from Thomas D. Anderson, Providence, Rhode Island, to William Winter, New York [manuscript], 1895 June 26. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Boyer, Charles Sumner, 1856-. The sons of Thor : poem, 1879. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Philandrian Society. Brown University branch. Philandrian Society record book, 1799-1810. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn William D. Metz Collection William D. Metz Collection 1946-1982 University of Rhode Island Library Special Collections and Archives Unit
creatorOf Baker, Edwin. Letter, 1903, March 24 : Himeji, Japan, to Registrar of Brown University. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Frederick Batchelder collection 1834-1878 1834-1839, 1868-1878 Batchelder, Frederick collection William L. Clements Library
referencedIn LeStage III, Donald. Donald LeStage Scrapbook : scrapbook, 1896-1999. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
referencedIn Ben W. Brown papers, Brown (Ben W.) papers, (bulk 1930-1952), 1916-1952 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Jacques, George, 1816-1873. Expenses of my education &c. New England Historic Genealogical Society
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abbott, Samuel Warren, 1837-1904. person
associatedWith Adams, Clarence Raymond, 1898-1965. person
associatedWith Allan, Dorothy C. (Dorothy Carter), 1896-1974. person
correspondedWith Allen, Gay Wilson, 1903- person
associatedWith Allinson, Francis Greenleaf, 1856-1931. person
associatedWith American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics. corporateBody
associatedWith Anderson, K. Brooke person
associatedWith Anderson, K. Brooke. person
associatedWith Anderson, Thomas D., fl. 1895, person
associatedWith Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, 1844-1917. person
associatedWith Anton, Barbara, 1926-2007 person
associatedWith Archibald, Raymond C., 1875-1955. person
associatedWith Arnold, Samuel Tomlinson, 1892-1956 person
associatedWith Asbury, Samuel E. (Samuel Erson), 1872-1962 person
associatedWith Association of African and Afro-American Students at Harvard and Radcliffe corporateBody
associatedWith Bailey, Whitman, 1884-1954 person
associatedWith Bailey, William Whitman, 1843-1914. person
associatedWith Baker, Edwin. person
associatedWith Bakst, M. Charles (Merrill Charles) person
associatedWith Bancroft, Timothy Whiting, 1837-1890. person
associatedWith Barbour, Clarence A. (Clarence Augustus), 1867-1937. person
correspondedWith Barry, William person
associatedWith Batchelder, Frederick, 1815-1910 person
associatedWith Beck, Aaron T. person
associatedWith Benedict, George Wyllys, 1872-1966 person
associatedWith Bennett, Albert A. 1888-1971. person
associatedWith Bennett, Clarence E. (Clarence Edwin), 1902- person
associatedWith Bernd, John person
associatedWith Bernice Resnick Sandler person
associatedWith Betty Friedan person
associatedWith Bigelow, Bruce M. 1903-1954. person
associatedWith Bigelow, Lucius Aurelius, b. 1892. person
correspondedWith Bird, F. W. (Francis William), 1809-1894 person
associatedWith Bishop, Lorenzo, 1785-1809. person
associatedWith Blistein, Elmer M. (Elmer Milton), 1920-1993 person
associatedWith Bolles, Lucius, 1779-1844. person
associatedWith Boyer, Charles Sumner, 1856- person
associatedWith Brigham, Clarence Saunders, 1877-1963. person
associatedWith Bronson, Walter C. (Walter Cochrane), 1862-1928. person
associatedWith Brooks, Charles Timothy, 1813-1883. person
associatedWith Brown, Anne S. Kinsolving person
associatedWith Brown, Ben W. 1897-1955. person
associatedWith Brown, Ben W. (Benjamin Williams), 1897-1955 person
associatedWith Brown Democrats. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown, Edward James, 1909-1991. person
associatedWith Brown, John Nicholas, 1861-1900 person
associatedWith Brown, John Nicholas, 1900-1979 person
associatedWith Brown, Natalie Bayard, 1869-1950 person
associatedWith Brown University. American Civil Liberties Union. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Brown-Tougaloo Exchange Program. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University Christian Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Dept. of Mathematics. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. English Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Faculty. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Faculty Club. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Federal Adelphi. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Graduate Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Graduate School. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Institute for International Studies. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Library. Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Medical School. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of the Dean of the College. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of the President. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of the Provost. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of the Registrar. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of the Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of the Vice President corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of University Librarian. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Office of University Relations. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Philendean Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Philermenian Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Philophysian Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Placement Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Religious Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Science and Society Seminar. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Society for Missionary Inquiry. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Sphinx Club. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. Treasurer. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University. United Brothers Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Burges, Tristam, 1770-1853. person
associatedWith Burlingame, Edwin Aylsworth, b. 1871. person
associatedWith Burrage, Henry S. 1837-1926. person
associatedWith Cady, Charles David. person
associatedWith Cady, Walter G. (Walter Guyton), 1874-1974. person
associatedWith Carmichael, Leonard, 1898-1973. person
associatedWith Caswell, Alexis, 1799-1877. person
associatedWith Chace, George Ide, 1808-1885. person
associatedWith Chafee, John H., 1922-1999 person
associatedWith Chafee, Zechariah, 1859-1943. person
correspondedWith Chafee, Zechariah, 1885-1957 person
associatedWith Champa, Kermit Swiler person
associatedWith Chapin, Charles V. 1856-1941. person
associatedWith Cheever, Tracy Patch, 1824-1881. person
associatedWith Civilian Pilot Training Program. (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Clarke, Benjamin Franklin, 1831-1908. person
associatedWith Clark, James Osgood Andrew, 1827-1894. person
associatedWith Cohen, Robert Francis, 1946- person
associatedWith Cook, Albert Spaulding. person
associatedWith Coolidge, Arlan R. (Arlan Ralph), 1902- person
associatedWith Corcoran, Thomas G. person
associatedWith Cornell, Lloyd Waterman, 1922-1986 person
associatedWith Cornell University. Dept. of Athletics and Physical Education. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894-1962 person
associatedWith Curtis, Minerva G. (Minerva Greenwood), d. 1945 person
associatedWith Dallam, F. L. person
associatedWith Damon, S. Foster (Samuel Foster), 1893-1971 person
associatedWith Davis, Isaac, 1799-1883. person
associatedWith Davis, Philip J., 1923- person
associatedWith Davis, Walter R. person
associatedWith Davis, William N. person
associatedWith d'Azevedo, Warren person
associatedWith De Tomasi, Jane Davenport Harris, corporateBody
associatedWith Dewart, Gordon Rohde person
associatedWith Diman, Henry Wight, 1835-1884. person
associatedWith Diman, J. Lewis 1831-1881. person
associatedWith Dixon Family family
correspondedWith Domar, Evsey D. person
associatedWith Dresser family. family
associatedWith Drowne family family
associatedWith Drowne family. family
associatedWith Drowne, Solomon, 1753-1834. person
associatedWith Ducasse, Curt John, 1881-1969. person
associatedWith Duncan, James Henry, 1793-1869. person
associatedWith Dunn, Linda. person
associatedWith Dunn, Robinson Potter, 1825-1867. person
associatedWith Durrett, Reuben T. (Reuben Thomas), 1824-1913. person
associatedWith Earl, Henry Hilliard, b. 1842. person
correspondedWith Eccles, Mary Hyde. person
associatedWith Eddy, Alfred Updike, 1857-1937. person
associatedWith Eisenberg, Daniel, 1946- person
associatedWith Engle, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 1906-1983. person
associatedWith Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island corporateBody
correspondedWith Erikson, Erik H. (Erik Homburger), 1902-1994 person
associatedWith Farnsworth, Harrison Edward, 1896-1989. person
associatedWith Faunce, Perry Edson, 1898-1920. person
associatedWith Faunce, William Herbert Perry, 1859-1930. person
associatedWith Fenton, Paul F., (Paul Fredric), 1915-1982 person
associatedWith Findlay, Heather. person
associatedWith Findlay, Heather Ann. person
associatedWith Finger, Frank W. (Frank Whitney) person
associatedWith Foss, Samuel Walter, 1858-1911. person
associatedWith Foster, Dwight, 1757-1823. person
associatedWith Foster, Lafayette Sabine, 1806-1880. person
associatedWith Franklin Society (Brown University). corporateBody
associatedWith Fuller, Lon L., 1902- person
associatedWith Furman, Richard, 1755-1825. person
associatedWith Galletti, Pierre M. person
associatedWith Gammell, William, 1812-1889. person
correspondedWith Garrett, George P., 1929-2008 person
associatedWith Gibbs, Julian H. person
associatedWith Gibbs, Julian H. person
associatedWith Goldstein, Sidney, 1927- person
associatedWith Goodenow, Smith B. (Smith Bartlett), 1817-1897 person
associatedWith Green, Samuel, 1767-1837. person
associatedWith Green, Theodore Francis, b. 1867. person
associatedWith Gregorian, Vartan person
associatedWith Grossman, Herschel I. (Herschel Ivan) person
associatedWith Guild, Reuben Aldridge, 1822-1899. person
associatedWith Gunzberg, Lynn M. person
associatedWith Guthrie-Shofner Family family
associatedWith Guthrie-Shofner Family. family
associatedWith Hadden, Gavin, 1888- . person
associatedWith Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology. corporateBody
associatedWith Hamilton, William Baskerville, 1908-1972 person
associatedWith Hand, Learned, 1872-1961 person
associatedWith Hathorne, Benjamin Herbert, 1810-1837. person
associatedWith Hawkes, John, 1925-1998 person
associatedWith Haynes, Sherwood Kimball, 1910-1990. person
associatedWith Hayward family. family
associatedWith Heffner, Ray Lorenzo, 1925- person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
associatedWith Hicks, Ratcliffe, 1843-1906. person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Holbrook, John Edwards, 1794-1871. person
associatedWith Hornig, Donald F., 1920- person
correspondedWith Howe family. family
associatedWith Howe, Mark Anthony De Wolfe, bp., 1808-1895. person
associatedWith Howe, Mark De Wolfe, 1906-1967 person
associatedWith Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948. person
correspondedWith Inman, Will, 1923- person
associatedWith Isham, Norman Morrison, 1864-1943. person
associatedWith Ivy Group Committee on Coordination and Eligibility. corporateBody
associatedWith Jacques, George, 1816-1873. person
associatedWith Jenckes, Thomas A. (Thomas Allen), 1818-1875. person
associatedWith Jewett, James R. (James Richard), 1862-1943. person
associatedWith John Carter Brown Library corporateBody
associatedWith Jonah, David Alonzo, 1909-1981. person
associatedWith Jones, Samuel, 1735-1814. person
associatedWith J. Walter Thompson Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Kappauf, William Emil, 1913-1983. person
associatedWith Kaufman, Polly Welts, 1929- person
associatedWith Keely, George Washington, 1803-1878. person
associatedWith Keenan, Joseph Berry, 1888-1954 person
associatedWith Keeney, Barnaby Conrad, 1914-1980. person
associatedWith Kendrick, J. R. (James Ryland), 1821-1889. person
correspondedWith Keys, Donald person
associatedWith Kollock, Cornelius, 1824-1897. person
associatedWith Koopman, Harry Lyman, 1860-1937. person
associatedWith Korff, Baruch, 1914- person
associatedWith Laird, Warren Powers, 1861-1948. person
associatedWith Lamoree, Karen M. person
associatedWith Lancaster, Tony, 1938- person
associatedWith Lanpher, Edgar J., (Edgar Jewett) person
associatedWith Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879-1966. person
associatedWith LeStage III, Donald person
associatedWith Levin, Harry, 1912-1994 person
associatedWith Libby, Willard F. person
associatedWith Liebenow, J. Gus person
associatedWith Lincoln, John Larkin, 1817-1891. person
associatedWith Lindsay, Robert Bruce, 1900- person
associatedWith Littlefield, Katherine Frances 1880-1959. person
associatedWith Louttit, W. Easton (William Easton), 1904-1973 person
associatedWith Lovering, Amos, 1805-1879. person
associatedWith Maeder, P. F. (Paul Fritz) person
associatedWith Mann, Horace, 1796-1859 person
associatedWith Manning, Henry Parker, 1859-1956. person
associatedWith Manning, James, 1738-1791. person
associatedWith Marchetti family family
associatedWith Marcy, William L. (William Learned), 1786-1857. person
associatedWith Mark, Carson. person
associatedWith Marks, Percy, 1891- person
associatedWith Marks, Percy, 1891- person
associatedWith Mason, Kenneth Oliver. person
associatedWith Mattfeld, Jacquelyn A. person
associatedWith Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-1966 person
associatedWith Maxcy, Jonathan, 1768-1820. person
associatedWith McGlauflin, Clifford Elmore, 1872-1963. person
associatedWith McWhinnie, James, 1840-1892. person
associatedWith Meier, Deborah person
associatedWith Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1872-1964. person
associatedWith Messer, Asa, 1769-1836. person
associatedWith Metzl, Jamie Frederic. person
associatedWith Metz, William D. person
associatedWith Morgan, George. person
associatedWith Morton, James Hodge, d. 1876. person
associatedWith Nadeau, Elizabeth Tillinghast person
associatedWith Nason, Elias, 1811-1887. person
correspondedWith New Directions Publishing Corp. corporateBody
associatedWith Packard, A. S. (Alpheus Spring), 1839-1905 person
associatedWith Park, Robert L. person
associatedWith Parks, Donald Alan. person
associatedWith Partridge, Lyman. person
associatedWith Paterson, Thomas G. person
associatedWith Paul A. Freund person
associatedWith Peace Corps (U.S.). corporateBody
associatedWith Peck, Francis, 1811-1888. person
associatedWith Pembroke Afternoon Reading Group. corporateBody
associatedWith Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women. corporateBody
associatedWith Pembroke College (Brown University). corporateBody
associatedWith Pembroke College (Brown University). Director of Residence. corporateBody
associatedWith Pembroke College (Brown University). Office of Placement and Career Planning. corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania State University. University Faculty Senate. General Education Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Phi Beta Kappa. Alpha of Rhode Island (Brown University). corporateBody
associatedWith Philandrian Society. Brown University branch. corporateBody
associatedWith Pierce, Edward Lillie, 1829-1897. person
associatedWith Pierce, John Davis 1797-1882 person
associatedWith Porter, Emery Huntington, 1844-1920. person
correspondedWith Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964 person
associatedWith Price, John B., 1920-1998 person
associatedWith Project on the Status and Education of Women (Association of American Colleges) person
correspondedWith Pruitt, Ida person
associatedWith Quincy family. family
correspondedWith Ramsey, Paul person
associatedWith Rhode Island Port Authority and Economic Development Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Rhode Island Women's Health Collective. corporateBody
associatedWith Rider, Sidney S. (Sidney Smith), 1833-1917. person
associatedWith Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman, 1815-1894. person
associatedWith Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), 1874-1960. person
correspondedWith Roelker, Nancy L., (Nancy Lyman) person
associatedWith Ruggles, William, 1797-1877. person
associatedWith Samson, G. W. 1819-1896. person
associatedWith Saunders, Henry Scholey, 1864-1951 person
associatedWith Schrier, Allan Martin, 1930- person
associatedWith Scott, Austin Wakeman, 1884-1981 person
associatedWith Scott, Eleanor Metcalf, 1921-1976. person
associatedWith Sears, Barnas, 1802-1880. person
associatedWith Sears, Lorenzo, 1838-1916. person
associatedWith Seidman, Harold. person
associatedWith Sharpe, Mary Elizabeth, 1884-1985. person
associatedWith Shaw, Arthur. person
associatedWith Sherman, Stuart C. person
associatedWith Skidmore, Thomas E. person
associatedWith Slack, William J. person
associatedWith Slater family. family
associatedWith Smith, Bertram Taft, 1929- person
associatedWith Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805. person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Snow, Caleb H. (Caleb Hopkins), 1796-1835. person
associatedWith Snow, Louis Franklin, 1862-1934 person
correspondedWith Soyinka, Wole. person
associatedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 person
associatedWith Spicer, Elizabeth C. person
associatedWith Spicer, William A., 1920-2008 person
associatedWith Spilka, Mark person
associatedWith Startup, Hetty person
associatedWith Steinsieck, Robert T. person
associatedWith Stellar, Eliot, 1919-1993. person
associatedWith Stevens, Malcolm S., 1912-1996 person
associatedWith Stillwell, Margaret Bingham, 1887-1984. person
associatedWith Stoltz, Merton Philip, 1913-1989. person
associatedWith Storrs family. family
associatedWith Sutherland, Arthur E., 1902-1973 person
associatedWith Swearer, Howard R. (Howard Robert), 1932-1991. person
associatedWith Taft, Philip, 1902-1976. person
associatedWith Taft, William H., (William Howard), 1857-1930 person
associatedWith Tamarkin, Jacob David, 1888-1945. person
associatedWith Taylor, James Monroe, 1848-1916. person
associatedWith Thayer, Eli, 1819-1899. person
associatedWith Thomas, John, 1724-1776. person
associatedWith Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Institute for International Studies. (Brown University) corporateBody
associatedWith Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1821. person
associatedWith Thurber, Lucinda Allen. person
associatedWith Thurston, Robert Henry, 1839-1903. person
associatedWith Tri-State Regional Medical Program. corporateBody
associatedWith Truell, Rohn, 1913-1968. person
associatedWith Truesdell, C. (Clifford), 1919- person
associatedWith United States. Army corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Civil Aeronautics Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Pennsylvania. corporateBody
associatedWith Unknown. family
associatedWith Upton, Winslow, 1853-1914. person
associatedWith Vidal, Gore, 1925- person
associatedWith Walter, Dorothy C., 1889-1967. person
associatedWith Walter, Herbert Eugene, b. 1867. person
associatedWith Ward, Lester Frank, 1841-1913. person
associatedWith Watson, Harry L. person
associatedWith Watson, Thomas J., 1914-1993. person
associatedWith Wayland, Francis, 1796-1865. person
associatedWith Weeks, Elizabeth Goddard person
associatedWith Weeks, Genevieve Cass person
associatedWith Weeks, Norma Geraldine person
associatedWith Weir, Marion C. person
associatedWith Weisberger, Joseph R. person
associatedWith Wesley, William person
associatedWith Wheaton, Martha Burrill, person
associatedWith Whitman, William Warren, 1820-1902. person
associatedWith Whitney, Vincent. person
associatedWith Willard, W. Wyeth (Warren Wyeth), 1905-1999. person
associatedWith Williams family. family
associatedWith Williams, John Fowler, 1790-1867. person
associatedWith Wolk, Ronald A. person
associatedWith Women and Men of Brown University. corporateBody
associatedWith Woods, Alva, 1794-1887. person
associatedWith Wriston, Henry M. (Henry Merritt), 1889-1978. person
associatedWith Yankelovich, Daniel. person
associatedWith YMCA of the USA corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Rhode Island
United States
Rhode Island
Fall River (Mass.)
Rhode Island
United States
Baccalaureate addresses
Bibliographical literature
Botany, Medical
College and universities
College orations
Universities and colleges
Universities and colleges
Universities and colleges
College students
College students
College students
College students
Education, Higher
English literature
Lecture method in teaching
Lectures and lecturing
Materia medica
Materia medica
Materia medica
Mathematical physics
Natural history
Political science
Smithsonian Exchange
Soldiers' writings, American
Vocational guidance
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918

Corporate Body





Ark ID: w6gj37ms

SNAC ID: 59190087