Sutherland, Arthur Eugene (1902-1973).

Variant names

Hide Profile

Attorney, law teacher, legal scholar. LL. B., Harv. Law School, 1925. Prof. of law, Cornell, 1945-1950; Harvard, 1950-1970. Practiced law, Rochester, N.Y., 1926-1941. Fulbright lecturer, Oxford U. (England), 1956. Delegate, N.Y. State Constitutional Convention, 1938. Holmes lecturer, U.N.C., 1963. Author: Cases and Materials on Commercial Cases and Other Problems (1952); Constitutionalism in America (1965); etc.

From the description of Papers of Arthur Eugene Sutherland, 1923-1972 (inclusive), 1950-1972 (bulk). (Harvard Law School Library). WorldCat record id: 122520861

Sutherland, Arthur Eugene, attorney, law professor, legal scholar.

b. Rochester, N.Y., February 9, 1902.

s. Arthur E. and Eleanor (Reed) S.

Educated in public and private schools, U.S. and Switzerland.

A.B. Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 1922.

LL.B., Harvard, 1925; J.S.D., Suffolk University, 1960.

m. Margaret Adams, September 10, 1927 (deceased January, 1958); children: David Adams, Peter Adams, Eleanor Reed, and Prudence.

m. second Mary Genung Kirk, February 21, 1959.

Associated with American Commission for Relief in the Near East, in Asia Minor and Thrace, 1919.

Admitted to the New York State Bar, 1926; practiced in Rochester, New York, 1926-1941.

Secretary to Oliver Wendell Holmes, U.S. Supreme Court, 1927-1928.

Commissioner, Uniform State Laws of New York, 1948-1950.

Professor of Law, Cornell University, 1945-1950.

Professor of Law, Harvard, 1950-1955; Bussey Professor of Law, 1955-1970; Bussey Professor of Law Emeritus, 1970-

Purington Visiting Professor of Political Science, Mt. Holyoke College, 1958-1959.

Fulbright Lecturer, Oxford University (England), 1956.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Lecturer under the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise, presented at University of North Carolina, 1963.

Delegate, New York State Constitutional Convention, 1938.

Trustee of Mt. Holyoke College.

Served with United States Army, 1941-1945; Office of Under-Secretary of War, Headquarters, 1st Infantry Division, Headquarters 5th Army; U.S. Forces, Austria; in Mediterranean and E.T.O.; Discharged as colonel, 1945; ret. Colonel. O.R.C.

American Legion of Merit with Cluster, Bronze Star Medal (U.S.) Order Brit. Empire; Cross of War (twice) (France); Czechoslovakian War Cross; Ouissam Alaouite (Morocco); Volontari della Liberta, Italy.

Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Member American Law Institute; American, New York State Bar Associations.

d. March 8, 1973.


Cases and Materials on Commercial Cases and Other Problems, 1952; and also The Law of Transactions (with others), 1951.

Constitutional Law and One Man Among Many, 1956.

Constitutionalism in America, 1965.

Apology for Uncomfortable Change, 1863-1963 (The Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures, 1963), 1965.

Also other books and legal journal articles.

From the guide to the Papers, 1923-1972, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Sutherland, Arthur E., 1902-1973. Papers of Arthur Eugene Sutherland, 1923-1972 (inclusive), 1950-1972 (bulk). Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Paul A. Freund papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Arthur E. Sutherland papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn John Mason Brown papers, 1922-1967. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Adams House corporateBody
correspondedWith Adams, Murray person
associatedWith Addison- Wesley Publishing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Adirondack League Club corporateBody
associatedWith Adlow, Elijah, 1896- person
associatedWith Adlow, Elijah, 1896-1982. person
associatedWith Advisory Committee of the Project on Staffing of African Institutions of Legal Education and Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Advisory Committee on Radio and Television corporateBody
associatedWith A. E. Dick Howard. person
associatedWith Airborne Division at Fort Campbell corporateBody
associatedWith Albert M. Horn person
associatedWith Alexander, Raymond Pace. person
associatedWith Allison Dunham person
associatedWith American Academy of Arts and Sciences corporateBody
correspondedWith American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Committee on Publications) corporateBody
associatedWith Americana Hotel corporateBody
associatedWith American Association of Theological Schools corporateBody
correspondedWith American Bar Association corporateBody
correspondedWith American Bar Association: Committee on the Law of Occupied and Extraterritorial Defense Areas corporateBody
correspondedWith American Committee for Cultural Freedom, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith American Council of Learned Societies. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Jewish Congress corporateBody
associatedWith American Law Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Ames Court Room corporateBody
associatedWith André and Suzanne Tunc person
correspondedWith Andrews, Paul Shipman person
associatedWith Appellate Division, Supreme Court of South Africa corporateBody
associatedWith Arden House corporateBody
associatedWith Arthur T. Vanderbilt person
associatedWith Associated Harvard Clubs. corporateBody
associatedWith A. Van de S. Centlivres, Chief Justice person
correspondedWith Bailey, Douglas L. person
correspondedWith Batavia, New York person
correspondedWith Bentsi-Enchill, Kwamena (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Bigley, Robert F. person
correspondedWith Bilder, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Billo, Geoffroy (Baker, Voorhis & Co., Inc.) person
correspondedWith Bing, Geoffrey person
correspondedWith Bishop Rhinelander Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Blaisdell Publishing Co. corporateBody
associatedWith B. Lillywhite person
associatedWith Board of Education corporateBody
associatedWith Board of Public Works corporateBody
associatedWith Board of Student Advisors corporateBody
correspondedWith Bok, Derek Curtis (Preident, Harvard University) person
correspondedWith Boston Bar Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston College Law School corporateBody
associatedWith Boston College Law School Forum corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston University School of Law corporateBody
associatedWith Bowdoin College corporateBody
correspondedWith Bowman, Alfred C. (Colonel, Office of the Army Staff, Judge Advocate, Governor's Island, N. Y.) person
correspondedWith Brady, William Cuthbert person
associatedWith Brennan, William J. (William Joseph), 1906-1997. person
correspondedWith Brewster, Kingman, Jr. person
correspondedWith Broderick, Joseph A. (Reverend) person
correspondedWith Brooks, Goerge S. person
correspondedWith Bross, John A. person
correspondedWith Brown, John Mason, 1900-1969 person
associatedWith Brown University corporateBody
associatedWith Bruce Hopper's person
correspondedWith Budek, Michael person
associatedWith Building Fund for International Legal Studies corporateBody
correspondedWith Bush, John F. (Professor) person
correspondedWith Byrd, Elbert M., Jr. person
correspondedWith Byse, Clark (Professor) person
associatedWith Cambridge Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge Historical Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Campbell, Alan K. (Chairman, Political Science Department, Hofstra College, Hempstead N. Y.) person
associatedWith Cardozo Club corporateBody
associatedWith Case Western Reserve Law School. corporateBody
associatedWith Celler, Emanuel. person
associatedWith Celler, Emanuel. person
associatedWith Center for International Affairs corporateBody
correspondedWith Chafee, Zechariah (Professor, Harvard Law School) person
associatedWith Charles Curtis person
associatedWith Charles Grove Hainis person
associatedWith Charles L. Black Jr. person
associatedWith Charles O. Finley and CO., Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Charles W. Dunn person
associatedWith Charles White person
correspondedWith Cherniss, Norman A. person
correspondedWith Civil Service Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Clark, Grenville, 1882-1967. person
correspondedWith Clark, Joseph S., U. S. Senator person
correspondedWith Clark, Mark W. (General) person
correspondedWith Clynes, Edmund person
correspondedWith Coffin, Frank M. (U. S. Congressman from Maine) person
correspondedWith Colgate University corporateBody
associatedWith Colin R. Lovell person
correspondedWith College of William and Mary corporateBody
associatedWith Colonial Court Records corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia University corporateBody
associatedWith Commission on Human Rights corporateBody
associatedWith Commission On Intergovernmental Relations corporateBody
correspondedWith Commission on the Constitution corporateBody
associatedWith Committee Appointed corporateBody
associatedWith Committee on Judicial History corporateBody
associatedWith Committee on Mercantile Affairs corporateBody
associatedWith Committee on Sunday Legislation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives corporateBody
associatedWith Commonwealth of Mass. corporateBody
associatedWith Commonwealth of Massachusetts corporateBody
associatedWith Communist Party corporateBody
associatedWith Confederate Civil War General Robert E. Lee person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Charles A. (Esq.) person
associatedWith Corcoran, Thomas Gardener. person
associatedWith Corcoran, Thomas Gardiner. person
associatedWith Cornell Law School Faculty corporateBody
correspondedWith Cornell University corporateBody
correspondedWith Costanzo, Joseph F., Rev. S. J. person
correspondedWith Court of Military Appeals corporateBody
associatedWith Cowan, Zelman, Sir. person
associatedWith Cox, Archibald, 1912-2004. person
correspondedWith Cross, Claude B. (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Crown Kosher Supermarket corporateBody
associatedWith Crown Kosher Super Market. corporateBody
correspondedWith Curtis Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Cushman, Robert E. person
associatedWith Cutter, R. Ammi. person
correspondedWith Dalhousie University corporateBody
associatedWith Dartmouth College corporateBody
correspondedWith Daube, David (Professor, Yale Law School) person
associatedWith David F. Cavers' person
associatedWith Delaware Harvard Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Department of Constitutional Law University of Edinburgh corporateBody
associatedWith Department of Military Science and Tactics corporateBody
associatedWith Department of the Army. corporateBody
correspondedWith DeWitt, Paul B. (Executive Secretary, Association of the Bar of the City of New York) person
associatedWith Dickinson Law School corporateBody
correspondedWith Dietze, Gottfried (Professor, The John's Hopkins University) person
correspondedWith Dingley, Nelson III (General, Office of the Superintendent, New York Military Academy, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York) person
correspondedWith Dissel, Brenda M. person
associatedWith District Attorneys' Association of the State of New York corporateBody
associatedWith Division of Continuing Education Oregon System of Higher Education Eugene corporateBody
correspondedWith Dodge, Deborah person
correspondedWith Dola, Steven person
correspondedWith Doyle, T. L. (Major) person
associatedWith Dr. Bernard Finch person
correspondedWith Dreeben, Robert and Barbara person
associatedWith Drinan, Robert F. person
associatedWith Drinan, Robert F. person
associatedWith Duke University Press corporateBody
associatedWith Duke University School of Law corporateBody
correspondedWith Dulles, David person
correspondedWith Dunn, John A. person
correspondedWith Dupuy, Trevor N. (Colonel, Dept. of the Army, Office of the Staff, Washington D. C.) person
correspondedWith Durham, James A. (Special Counsel, Office of Defense Mobilization, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D. C.) person
correspondedWith Educational Services Incorporated corporateBody
correspondedWith Edwards, Richard A. person
associatedWith Effie T. Hopper person
associatedWith Elon College corporateBody
correspondedWith Emerson, Eugene person
correspondedWith Emmert, James A. (Judge, Second Judicial District, Supreme Court of Indiana) person
associatedWith English Society of Public Teachers of Law corporateBody
associatedWith E. N. Griswold person
correspondedWith Episcopal Theological School corporateBody
associatedWith Equity Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Ernest J. Brown. person
associatedWith Ervin, Sam J. (Sam James), 1896- person
correspondedWith Esin, Okon A. person
associatedWith Eugene V. Rostow. person
associatedWith Exchequer Law Publishing Co., Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fairman, Charles (Professor Emeritus, Harvard Law School) person
associatedWith Federal Union corporateBody
associatedWith F. H. Lawson. person
correspondedWith Fine, Marjorie Anne person
associatedWith Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University corporateBody
correspondedWith Food Law Institute, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ford Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Fordham Law School corporateBody
correspondedWith Ford, Maurice person
correspondedWith Frank, Elke person
associatedWith Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965. person
correspondedWith Frank, John P. (Professor, Yale Law School) person
correspondedWith Frankl, Arthur A. person
associatedWith Frank R. Kenison, Chief Justice of New Hampshire person
associatedWith Fried, Charles person
associatedWith Friendly, Henry Jacob, 1903- person
correspondedWith Fulbright, J. W. (U. S. Senator) person
correspondedWith Fund For Tomorrow, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gaines, William L. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Generals W. C. Westmoreland person
correspondedWith Gerhart, Eugene C. person
correspondedWith Giroud, Jean person
correspondedWith Girth, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Glass, Robert person
correspondedWith Goldie, L. F. E. person
correspondedWith Gorla, Gino (Professor, Università di Roma, Italy) person
associatedWith Government Department, Harvard University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Government Information Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations corporateBody
associatedWith Government Under Law Conference (1955 : Harvard University) corporateBody
correspondedWith Gower, L. C. B. (Professor, Law Department, London School of Economics) person
associatedWith Graduate School of Education corporateBody
correspondedWith Greenbaum, Edward S. person
correspondedWith Greenbaum, Fred person
correspondedWith Greene, Herman P. person
correspondedWith Greene, Richard L. (Professor, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.) person
correspondedWith Greene, Ronald J. person
correspondedWith Griswold, Erwin N. (Dean, Harvard Law School; U. S. Solicitor General) person
correspondedWith Hahn, Hugo J. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Hand, Learned person
correspondedWith Hand, Learned (Judge, U. S. Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit) person
correspondedWith Harbord, Derek (Judge) person
correspondedWith Harrison, Marcia person
correspondedWith Hart, Harry G. person
associatedWith Harvard Alumni Association corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Club of Charlotte corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Club of Northeastern Pennsylvania corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Club of Utica corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Club of Virginia corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Club of Washington, D.C. corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Clubs corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard College corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Law Library corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Alumni corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Association corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Association of Maine corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Association of Maryland corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Association of New Jersey corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Association of Philadelphia corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Associations corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School: Committee on Liberal Arts Fellowships in Law corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School: Committee on Possible Reconstruction of the Court Room corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Forum corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School History corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Law School Model Trial corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University Committee on Patent Policy corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University Department of Government corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University- Department of Latin American Studies corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University Graduate School of Design corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University Graduate School of Public Administration corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University Press corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University Summer School of Arts and Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Univ. Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Hayes, John T. person
correspondedWith Hennings, Thomas C. Jr. (U. S. Senator) person
correspondedWith Hetherington, Ferrall H. person
correspondedWith Highet, Keith person
correspondedWith Hinman, Karlynn person
correspondedWith Hogan, William E. (Professor, Cornell University Law School) person
associatedWith Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. person
correspondedWith Hopper, Bruce person
associatedWith Horace Mann League corporateBody
correspondedWith Horovitz, Samuel B. person
associatedWith House Un-American Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Inrig, George person
correspondedWith Institute of International Education corporateBody
associatedWith Inter-American University Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith International Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith International Commission of Jurists corporateBody
correspondedWith Irish, Marian person
correspondedWith Isaacs, Reginald person
correspondedWith Israels, Carlos person
correspondedWith Ito, Masami person
correspondedWith Izawa, Kohei person
correspondedWith Jahr, Gustave I. person
correspondedWith Jakobson, Roman (Professor) person
associatedWith James Lowell Oakes, Jr. person
associatedWith James Vorenberg person
associatedWith James W. Hurst. person
associatedWith Javits, Jacob person
correspondedWith Javits, Jacob K., U. S. Senator person
associatedWith Jenner and Velde Committees corporateBody
associatedWith John Biggs, Jr. person
associatedWith John C. Miller person
associatedWith John Levin person
associatedWith John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States 1801-1835 person
associatedWith John Marshall's person
associatedWith John R. Schmidhauser person
correspondedWith Johnston, H. Frederick person
associatedWith John T. Eliff person
correspondedWith Jones, Robert A. person
associatedWith Joseph Henry Beale person
associatedWith Judge Albert Miller person
associatedWith Judges Roger Traynor person
associatedWith Justice O. W. Holmes person
associatedWith Justice Robert H. Jackson person
correspondedWith Kälin, Rudolf person
correspondedWith Kamisar, Yale (Professor, University of Michigan Law School) person
associatedWith Kansas City Athletics baseball club corporateBody
associatedWith Kastenmeier, Robert W. person
associatedWith Kastenmeier, Robert W. person
associatedWith Katz, Wilber person
associatedWith Keating, Kenneth B. person
associatedWith Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 person
associatedWith Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963. person
associatedWith Kingman Brewster, Jr. person
correspondedWith Kingsbury, J. C. person
correspondedWith Kubali, H. Nail (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Kurland, Philip B. (Professor, University of Chicago Law School; editor of The Supreme Court Review) person
correspondedWith Lamont, Thomas S. person
correspondedWith Lang, J. H. A. person
correspondedWith Larson, Arthur (Professor, Duke University) person
correspondedWith Lawson, F. H. (Professor, University of Oxford, England) person
correspondedWith Lawyer's Club corporateBody
associatedWith Leach, Margaret person
associatedWith League of Women Voters corporateBody
associatedWith Legal Philosophy Discussion Group corporateBody
associatedWith Leonard W. Levy person
associatedWith Leo Pfeffer person
correspondedWith Lepargneur, Francis (Brother) person
associatedWith Liberal Arts Forum corporateBody
correspondedWith Lillywhite, Barbara person
correspondedWith Linowitz, Sol M. person
correspondedWith Little, Brown and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Lord's Day Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Lowell House, Harvard University corporateBody
associatedWith Lucius W. Nieman person
correspondedWith Lukens, David C. person
associatedWith Lumbard, Edward J. person
associatedWith Lumbard, J. Edward. person
correspondedWith MacDonald, John W. (Professor, Cornell Law School) person
associatedWith Magna Carta Commission of Virginia. corporateBody
associatedWith Mann, Horace person
associatedWith Mark DeWolfe Howe person
correspondedWith Mark S. Richmond person
associatedWith Maryland Board of Public Works. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts Bankers Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Mass. Supreme Judicial Court corporateBody
correspondedWith Maudsley, Ronald H. (Esq.) person
associatedWith Maxwell Taylor. person
correspondedWith McCall, Marsh person
associatedWith Mendelson, Wallace person
correspondedWith Merrill, Maurice H. (Professor, University of Oklahoma College of Law) person
correspondedWith Merry, Henry J. person
associatedWith Michie, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Mills, Mary person
associatedWith Milton Fund corporateBody
correspondedWith Milton Fund Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Miss Susan Shapiro person
associatedWith Mitchell, John David Bawden. person
associatedWith Monroe County (N.Y.) Bar Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Morris, Norval (Professor) person
correspondedWith Morse, Lewis W. (Professor and Law Librarian, Cornell Law School) person
correspondedWith Mott, W. C. (Captain, United States Navy, District Headquarters, Great Lakes, Illinois) person
associatedWith Mount Holyoke Board of Trustees corporateBody
correspondedWith Mount Holyoke College corporateBody
associatedWith Mount Holyoke Conference Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Mr. Cyril D. Robinson person
associatedWith Mr. Edward Barrett person
associatedWith Mr. Irving Brant. person
associatedWith Mr. James Sours person
associatedWith Mr. James Vorenberg person
associatedWith Mr. Jeff Wyler person
associatedWith Mr. John Dos Passos. person
associatedWith Mr. Quinn Tamm, Executive Director person
associatedWith Mr. Robert Benjamin. person
associatedWith Mr. Robert Williams. person
associatedWith Mrs. Charles E. Taylor person
associatedWith Mr. Serbin's Harvard College corporateBody
associatedWith Mr. Walter Reiser. person
associatedWith Mt. Holyoke College corporateBody
correspondedWith Municipal Court of Boston corporateBody
correspondedWith Murray, Pauli (Professor) person
correspondedWith Myers, John S. (Dean, The American University, Washington College of Law) person
associatedWith Nat. Historical Publications Commission corporateBody
associatedWith National Association corporateBody
correspondedWith National Association of Claimants' Counsel of America (N.A.C.C.A.) corporateBody
associatedWith National Commissioners corporateBody
correspondedWith National Council of the Churches of Christ corporateBody
correspondedWith National Institute on Crime and Delinquency corporateBody
associatedWith Neal Allen person
associatedWith New England and Middle Atlantic States Junior College Workshop. corporateBody
correspondedWith New England Law Institute, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller person
associatedWith New York Law Revision Commission corporateBody
associatedWith New York Military Academy corporateBody
correspondedWith New York State Bar Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Nieman Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Niles, Emory (Judge, Supreme Bench of Baltimore, Md.) person
associatedWith O'Brian, John Lord. person
correspondedWith Oxford University corporateBody
correspondedWith Ozsargin, Osman person
correspondedWith Packer, Herbert L. (Professor, Stanford Law School) person
correspondedWith Palmer, Adam R. (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Parker, Albert person
associatedWith Parker L. Hancock person
correspondedWith Parkington, Michael (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Parry, Clive person
correspondedWith Parton, Daniel G. (Professor, Boston University School of Law) person
correspondedWith Parvin, Fayette W. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Pasley, Robert S. (Professor) person
associatedWith Paul A. Freund person
associatedWith Philip B. Kurland. person
correspondedWith Phillips, H. H. S. person
correspondedWith Pierce, Samuel R. person
correspondedWith Platt, Washington (General) person
associatedWith Plenum Publishing Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964. person
associatedWith Professor Carl J. Friedrich person
associatedWith Professor E. Allen Farnsworth. person
associatedWith Professor Edward Bennet person
correspondedWith Professor F. X. Sutton person
associatedWith Professor Harrop A. Freeman's person
associatedWith Professor Herbert Wechsler person
associatedWith Professor James Vorenberg person
associatedWith Professor John Maguire person
associatedWith Professor J. Q. Wilson person
associatedWith Professor Robert Cushman person
associatedWith Professor Ruth Lawson person
associatedWith Professor Zechariah Chafee person
associatedWith Public Money and Parochial Schools corporateBody
associatedWith Pusey, Nathan Marsh, 1907- person
correspondedWith Pylee, M. V. person
associatedWith Quinn, Robert E. person
associatedWith Quinn, Robert E. person
associatedWith Radcliffe College corporateBody
associatedWith Ralph A. Jones person
correspondedWith Raymond N. Lowe person
associatedWith R. Carswell. person
associatedWith Reardon, Paul C. person
associatedWith Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) corporateBody
associatedWith Rev. Joseph M. Snee, S. J. person
correspondedWith Rhinelander (Bishop Rhinelander) Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Ricker College corporateBody
associatedWith Robert D. Williams. person
associatedWith Robert Williams. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Gus person
associatedWith Rochester Bar Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Rochester, N. Y. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Horatio R. person
associatedWith Rogge, O. John (Oetje John), 1903- person
associatedWith Rossiter, Clinton person
associatedWith Rt. Hon. Sir Raymond Evershed, Master of the Rolls person
correspondedWith Rungvisai, Suvit person
associatedWith Saltonstall, Leverett, 1892- person
associatedWith Saltonstall, Leverett, 1892-1979. person
correspondedWith Saltzman, Charles E. (General) person
correspondedWith Sanderson, F. Thayer person
associatedWith School of Oriental corporateBody
correspondedWith Schreiner, O. D. (Justice) person
associatedWith Schwarts, Bernard person
correspondedWith Schweppe, Alfred J. (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights corporateBody
correspondedWith Senate Subcommittee on Separation of Powers corporateBody
associatedWith Senator Edward M. Kennedy person
associatedWith Senators Joseph S. Clark person
associatedWith Serbin, Jon person
correspondedWith Seymour, Thomas person
associatedWith Sherwood, Foster person
correspondedWith Simon, Tobias person
associatedWith Sir Owen Dixon, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia person
correspondedWith Slaninger, Frank P. person
correspondedWith Smith, J. C. (Professor, The Department of Law, Nottingham University, Nottingham, England) person
correspondedWith Smith, Paul T. (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Smith, Tom B. (Professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland) person
correspondedWith Snee, Joseph M. (Professor, Law Department, Georgetown University, Georgetown, Maryland) person
associatedWith Southern Methodist University corporateBody
associatedWith Special Committee for Aid on Textbooks corporateBody
correspondedWith Special Committee to Investigate Statutory Limitations on Attorney Fees corporateBody
associatedWith State Board of Regents corporateBody
associatedWith Stern, Horace person
correspondedWith St. John's University School of Law corporateBody
associatedWith Stouffer, Samuel Andrew, 1900-1960. person
correspondedWith Stricklin, William A. person
associatedWith Sunday Law Advisory Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Supreme Court corporateBody
correspondedWith Supreme Court of the United States) corporateBody
correspondedWith Supreme Court of the U.S. corporateBody
associatedWith Susan Shapiro person
correspondedWith Sutherland Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Suzman, Arthur person
associatedWith Syracuse Univ. Conf. Center corporateBody
correspondedWith Tammelo, Ilmar person
correspondedWith Tanner, Harold B. (Esq.) person
associatedWith Temple Emanuel Forum. person
associatedWith The American Academy of Political and Social Science corporateBody
associatedWith The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith The American Law Institute. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Australian Society of Legal Philosophy corporateBody
correspondedWith The Cambridge Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith The Department of Justice and Civil Rights corporateBody
associatedWith The Division of Power corporateBody
correspondedWith The Ford Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith The Hon. Patrick Kerwin, Chief Justice of Canada person
associatedWith The Institute of Church and State corporateBody
associatedWith The Law School's Four Oldest Houses corporateBody
associatedWith The Lawyers Club corporateBody
correspondedWith The Lawyers' Co-Operative Publishing Company corporateBody
associatedWith The Lionel de Jersey Harvard Studentship Committee corporateBody
associatedWith The London School of Economics and Political Science corporateBody
correspondedWith The Magna Carta Commission of Virginia corporateBody
associatedWith The Police Departments corporateBody
associatedWith The Rt. Hon. Sir Owen Dixon, Chief Justice of Australia. person
associatedWith Thomas Jefferson person
correspondedWith Thoron, Gray person
associatedWith Thurgood Marshall, United States District Judge person
correspondedWith Tinnely, John C. person
correspondedWith Toole, Richard J. person
associatedWith T. S. Ellis person
associatedWith Tunc, André. person
associatedWith Tunc, André. person
correspondedWith Turner, Keith (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Twining, William person
associatedWith Union College. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Army Command and General Staff College corporateBody
associatedWith United States Chief Justice Earl Warren person
correspondedWith United States Civil Service Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Court of Military Appeals corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Department of the Army corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Military Academy corporateBody
associatedWith United States Supreme Court corporateBody
associatedWith University of Aberdeen corporateBody
associatedWith University of California corporateBody
associatedWith University of Edinburgh corporateBody
associatedWith University of Ghana corporateBody
associatedWith University of Grenoble corporateBody
associatedWith University of Grenoble Law School corporateBody
associatedWith University of London corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Melbourne Law School corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Paris corporateBody
associatedWith University of Pennsylvania corporateBody
associatedWith University of Texas. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wiscons corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wisconsin Law School corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Wisconsin Press corporateBody
associatedWith Univ. of N.C. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Court of Appeals corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Supr. Ct. corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Supreme Court corporateBody
associatedWith Villanova Univ. School of Law corporateBody
correspondedWith Vural, Mahmut person
associatedWith Walter Gellhorn. person
associatedWith Walter Shaefer person
correspondedWith Webster, Bethuel M. (Esq.) person
associatedWith Welch, Joe person
associatedWith Wellesley College corporateBody
associatedWith Wesleyan College corporateBody
correspondedWith Wesleyan University corporateBody
correspondedWith Wesleyan University - Eclectic House corporateBody
associatedWith Wesleyan University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Western Reserve University School of Law corporateBody
correspondedWith Westin, Alan F. person
correspondedWith West Point Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Wheaton College corporateBody
correspondedWith White, Charles person
correspondedWith Whiteside, Alexander (Esq.) person
correspondedWith Wigdor, David person
correspondedWith Wilcox, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Willcox, Bertram F. (Professor) person
correspondedWith Willcox, Walter F. (Professor) person
associatedWith William L. Marbury person
associatedWith William Winslow Cresskey. person
correspondedWith Wrigley, Roy F. (Esq.) person
associatedWith Wyzanski, Charles person
associatedWith Yale University Divinity School corporateBody
correspondedWith Yates, Hobart person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Constitutional amendments
Harvard University
Law teachers
Sunday legislation
United States. Constitution. 1st-10th Amendments
Law teachers


Birth 1902

Death 1973



Ark ID: w69w80mp

SNAC ID: 15731722