d'Azevedo, Warren

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Warren d'Azevedo was a professor of anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno, from 1963 to 1988 . As a student, d'Azevedo worked with a number of prominent anthropologists at the University of California, Berkeley and Northwestern University, including Paul Radin and Melville Herskovits, both of whom had a profound influence on his work. He was awarded a Ph.D. in 1962 from Northwestern University . Throughout his long and distinguished career, Professor d'Azevedo authored numerous articles and books, including Straight with the Medicine: Narratives of Washoe Followers of the Tipi Way . He also edited Great Basin, and the eleventh volume of the Smithsonian Institution’s encyclopedic Handbook of North American Indians, an 850- page work that took fourteen years to complete. Beverly Crum, Steven Crum, and William Jackson were consultants in the project and contributed to the volume, as well.

Professor d'Azevedo is also well known in the field of African Studies, where he is acknowledged as a pioneer in the study of African arts. The Traditional Artist in African Societies, his seminal work on the place of the artist in African society in the 1960 ’s has influenced scholars in anthropology, art history, and museology since its publication in 1974 . This work represented a revolutionary shift away from the study of art as independent object, toward a more inclusive study of art as the result of a dynamic creative process in which an artist is firmly embedded in his or her society.

d'Azevedo's scholarly interests always bore some connection to his advocacy efforts in the United States and Liberia . While founding the Anthropology Department at the University of Nevada, Reno, he was also involved in the creation of the Black Students Organization . While coordinating field schools for graduate students funded by the National Science Foundation, he also advocated for greater religious freedom for Native Americans. Finally, after helping the Smithsonian Institution assemble its vast collection of African art, Professor d'Azevedo served as a human rights observer in the Liberian elections following the country’s protracted civil war.

At the time of his retirement, Warren d'Azevedo was honored by the Institute for Advanced Study at Indiana University for his pioneering achievements, by the Liberian Studies Association with a Lifetime Achievement Award, and by the African Studies Association with a Leadership Award.

From the guide to the Warren d'Azevedo Collection, 1935-2001, (Liberian Collections http://www.onliberia.org)

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creatorOf Warren d'Azevedo Collection, 1935-2001 Liberian Collectionshttp://www.onliberia.org
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associatedWith d'Azevedo, W. person
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associatedWith Friedrich, Otto. person
associatedWith Friends of Liiberia corporateBody
associatedWith Frobenius-Institut, corporateBody
associatedWith Frye, David Lyles person
associatedWith Fulton, Richard. person
associatedWith Fulton, Richard M. person
associatedWith Gay, John person
correspondedWith Gay, John H. person
correspondedWith Gay, Judy person
correspondedWith Gbadyu, Joseph M. N. person
associatedWith Geertz, Clifford person
associatedWith Gerbrands, Adrianus Alexander person
associatedWith Germann, Paul person
associatedWith Gershoni, Yekutiel person
associatedWith Geysbeek, Tim, person
associatedWith Gibbs, James L. person
correspondedWith Gibbs, James L. jr. person
associatedWith Girard, Jean person
associatedWith Girard, Ouobe person
associatedWith Girshick person
associatedWith Glanville, R. R. person
associatedWith Gluckman, Max person
associatedWith Gotomo person
associatedWith Graburn, Nelson person
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correspondedWith Grosvenor, Ray L. person
associatedWith Guluma, Dr. Esther L., person
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associatedWith Haberland, Von Eike person
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associatedWith Hair, P.E.H. (Paul Edward Hedley) person
associatedWith Halinowski's person
associatedWith Hallen, Barry person
associatedWith Hancock, Ian P. person
associatedWith Handwerkcer, W. Penn person
associatedWith Handwerker, Penn W. person
correspondedWith Handwerker, W. Penn person
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associatedWith Harley, George W. person
associatedWith Harrington, Patrick J. person
associatedWith Harvard University, corporateBody
associatedWith Hazelberger, Herta person
associatedWith Henderson, William H., Jr. person
associatedWith Herskovits, Melville J. person
associatedWith Herskovits, M.J., person
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associatedWith Holsoe, Svend E., person
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associatedWith Indiana University corporateBody
associatedWith Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Inc. (I.S.H.I.), corporateBody
associatedWith Isaac Karnley, Sr. person
associatedWith IU corporateBody
associatedWith Jack Sills person
associatedWith James E. Sims. person
associatedWith J. Kweku Andrews, person
associatedWith Johnson, Jangaba person
correspondedWith Johnson, S. Jangaba M. person
associatedWith Johnson, Zwannah person
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associatedWith Jones, Adam person
correspondedWith Jones, David M. person
correspondedWith Jones, Jacob M. person
associatedWith Jules-Rosette, Bennetta person
associatedWith Justice, Charles B. III person
associatedWith Kaba, Brahima Diakity person
correspondedWith Karnley, Arthur B. III person
associatedWith Karnley, Edwin person
associatedWith Karnley, Edwin B. person
correspondedWith Karnley, Edwin B. (Big Boy) person
correspondedWith Karnley, Elijah B. person
associatedWith Karnley, George K. person
correspondedWith Karnley, George Kpangbakie II person
correspondedWith Karnley, Hannan person
correspondedWith Karnley, Isaac James, Sr. person
correspondedWith Karnley, Issac Jah-Kei, Jr., (Junior) person
correspondedWith Karnley, Jesse Benaiah person
correspondedWith Karnley, Lawrence Arma III person
correspondedWith Karnley, Mary (Vincent) person
correspondedWith Karnley, Nathaniel J. person
correspondedWith Karnley, Rosaline G. person
correspondedWith Karnley, Urias T. person
associatedWith Karp, Ivan person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Jim person
associatedWith Ken, Thomas B. person
associatedWith Kent Maynard person
associatedWith Kesselly, Edward Binyah person
correspondedWith Kine, Make person
associatedWith Konneh, Augustine, person
associatedWith Kopytoff, Igor person
associatedWith Kratz, Corinne A. person
associatedWith Kroeber, A.L., person
associatedWith Kroeber Anthrological Society, corporateBody
associatedWith Kurper, Hilda person
correspondedWith Kurtz, Ronald J. person
associatedWith Lamp, Frederick person
associatedWith LaPin, Deirdre person
associatedWith Leopold, Robert person
correspondedWith Levine, Robert A. person
associatedWith Lewis, Phillip H. person
associatedWith Liberia International Foundation for Elevation corporateBody
associatedWith Liberian Research Association, corporateBody
correspondedWith Liberian Studies Association, corporateBody
associatedWith Liberty, Zamba person
associatedWith Liberty, Zamba C. E. person
correspondedWith Liebenow, Beverly person
correspondedWith Liebenow, J. Gus person
associatedWith Lima, Mequitela person
correspondedWith Little, Kenneth Lindsay, person
associatedWith Livingstone, Frank B. person
correspondedWith Lowenkopf, Martin person
associatedWith Lowie Museum corporateBody
associatedWith Lowie, Robert H. person
associatedWith LSA corporateBody
associatedWith Lucille person
associatedWith Luckau, Stephen R. person
associatedWith Lugenbeel, J.W. person
associatedWith Lyman, Stanford person
associatedWith Magubane, Bernard person
associatedWith Marie Adams person
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correspondedWith Martin, Jane J. person
correspondedWith Mary Jo Arnoldi, person
associatedWith Marzio, Peter C. person
correspondedWith Massing, Andreas person
associatedWith McCritty, John B. K. C. person
associatedWith McEvoy, Frederick D. person
associatedWith Mendelson, E. Michael person
associatedWith Mengrelis, Thanos person
associatedWith Merriam, Alan P. person
associatedWith Miller, Margaret D. person
associatedWith Miller, Miriam T. person
associatedWith Miller, Norman N. person
associatedWith Mills, George person
associatedWith Minderhout, David, person
associatedWith Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism corporateBody
associatedWith Ministry of Lands and Mines corporateBody
associatedWith Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs corporateBody
associatedWith Mintz, Sidney W. person
associatedWith Momolu Karnley person
associatedWith Montagu, Ashley person
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associatedWith Moore, Kurt B. person
associatedWith Moran, Mary person
associatedWith Moran, Mary H. person
correspondedWith Morse, Mary Lynn person
correspondedWith Mouton Publishers corporateBody
associatedWith Munn, Nancy D. person
correspondedWith Murphy, William P. person
associatedWith Muson, Patrick J. person
associatedWith Nadel, S.F. person
associatedWith Nash, June person
associatedWith NEH corporateBody
associatedWith Nevada Arts Council corporateBody
associatedWith Newman, Debra L., person
associatedWith Nixon, Richard person
correspondedWith Nixon, Richard M. person
associatedWith Nketia, J. H. Kwabena person
associatedWith Northwestern University corporateBody
associatedWith NPFL corporateBody
correspondedWith Nunley, John W., person
associatedWith Obiechina, Emmanuel person
associatedWith Okoh, I.K.A. person
associatedWith Okpaku, Joseph person
associatedWith Olofson, Harold person
correspondedWith Ottenberg, Simon person
associatedWith Otten, Charlotte, person
associatedWith Paden, John N. person
correspondedWith Panofsky, Hans E. person
associatedWith Parezo, Nancy J. person
associatedWith Peace Corps corporateBody
associatedWith Peek, Philip M. person
associatedWith Peek, Phillip M. person
associatedWith Peel, John D.Y. person
associatedWith Penick, Rev. C. C. person
associatedWith Perani, Judith person
correspondedWith Phillips, Ruth person
associatedWith Pitare, Nicholas R. person
associatedWith Pitaro, Nicholas R. person
associatedWith Plotnicov, Leonard person
associatedWith Poro person
associatedWith Porte, Albert person
associatedWith Price, John A. person
associatedWith Princeton University, corporateBody
correspondedWith Quick, Patricia person
associatedWith Rampton, Lucybeth person
associatedWith Reed, Daniel B. person
associatedWith Reinhardt, Loretta, person
correspondedWith Richard Fulton person
correspondedWith Richter, Dolores, person
correspondedWith Robbins, Warren M., person
associatedWith Robert Roberts) person
associatedWith Roberts, Robert E.T. person
associatedWith Roos, Phillip D. person
associatedWith Rowland, Abiodun person
associatedWith Ruyters, Dierick person
associatedWith Samuel W. Seton person
associatedWith Sande person
correspondedWith San Francisco State, corporateBody
associatedWith Saul, John person
correspondedWith Sawyer, Amos person
associatedWith Schroeder, Guenther person
associatedWith Schulze, Gary person
associatedWith Segall, M. H. person
correspondedWith Seibel, H. Dieter, person
associatedWith Seligman, Thomas person
associatedWith Seligman, Thomas K. person
associatedWith Serrocceo, Anthony person
associatedWith Seyon, Patrick L., person
correspondedWith Seyon, Patrick L.N., person
associatedWith Shanklin, Eugenia person
correspondedWith Sharp, Allen W. person
associatedWith Sherman, Mary Antionette Brown person
correspondedWith Sherman, Mary Antoinette Brown, person
associatedWith Siaplay, Joseph Dudu person
associatedWith Siebel, H. Dieter person
associatedWith Sieber, Roy person
associatedWith Siegman person
correspondedWith Siegmann, William person
associatedWith Silver, Harry person
associatedWith Silver, Harry R. person
associatedWith Simon Ottenberg Festschrift person
associatedWith Simon Roberts. person
associatedWith Singler, John Victor person
correspondedWith S. Jangaba Johnson: person
correspondedWith Smithsonian), corporateBody
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Smyke, Raymond J. person
associatedWith Sobchenko, A. I. person
associatedWith Social Science Research Council (SSRC) corporateBody
correspondedWith Solomon, Marvin David person
correspondedWith Sovde, Richard person
associatedWith Sowal, William person
associatedWith Stanford Universities corporateBody
associatedWith Stanford University, corporateBody
associatedWith Stanley, Janet L. person
associatedWith Steven D. Lavine person
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associatedWith Stone, Ruth M. person
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associatedWith Stumpf, Mitchel person
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correspondedWith Tarpeh, James Teah, person
correspondedWith Taylor, Siafa L. person
associatedWith Tedlock, Barbara person
correspondedWith Teh, Tarty, person
associatedWith Teixeira da Mota, A. person
associatedWith Thomas, Dr. W. H. person
associatedWith Thomasson, Gordon person
associatedWith Thomasson, Gordon C. person
associatedWith Thompson, Robert F. person
associatedWith Tolbert, William person
correspondedWith Tolbert, W.R., Jr., person
associatedWith Tubman, William V.S. person
associatedWith Tubman, Wm. V.S. person
associatedWith UC Berkeley, corporateBody
associatedWith ULAA corporateBody
associatedWith U.N., corporateBody
associatedWith Unesco corporateBody
associatedWith UNICCO corporateBody
associatedWith United Nations, corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Educational and Cultural Foundation in Liberia, corporateBody
associatedWith University of Liberia corporateBody
associatedWith University of Nevada, corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Nevada, Reno corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Pittsburgh corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Department of State, corporateBody
correspondedWith Vah, Moses Gabriel person
associatedWith Vandenhoute, P. J. person
associatedWith Vanderaa, Larry person
associatedWith Vandercook, John W. person
associatedWith Vansina, Jan person
correspondedWith Vaughan, James H., person
associatedWith Vincent, Moses H. person
associatedWith Vogel, Susan M. person
correspondedWith Walker, Roslyn person
associatedWith Warren, Dennis person
associatedWith Warren, D. M. person
associatedWith Wa Thiong'O, Ngugi person
associatedWith Watkins, Mark Hanna person
associatedWith Weil, Peter person
associatedWith Weintraub, Leon person
associatedWith Welmers, William E. person
associatedWith Westerman, Diedrich person
associatedWith White, E. Frances person
associatedWith "Who Owns the Past" person
associatedWith William Fagg" person
associatedWith William Mann person
associatedWith Wilson, A. Dash person
associatedWith Wilson, Alvin W. person
associatedWith Wilson, Thomasyne Lightfoote person
associatedWith Wittmer, Marcilene K. person
associatedWith Wm. V.S. Tubman person
associatedWith Worringer, Wilhelm, person
associatedWith Wrubel, Thomas P. person
correspondedWith Wrubel, Tom P. person
associatedWith Yale University Press corporateBody
associatedWith Yengoyan, Aram person
associatedWith Zemp, Hugo person
correspondedWith Zetterstrom, Kjell, person
associatedWith Zetterstron, Kjell person
associatedWith Zolokai, P. C. person
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