American ballet theatre

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The American Ballet Theatre is an American ballet company founded by Oliver Smith and Lucia Chase in 1940.

From the guide to the American Ballet Theatre Programs, 1940-1979, (Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections)

Ballet Theatre, an outgrowth of the Mordkin Ballet which started in 1937 as an outlet for the students from Mikhail Mordkin's school, was inaugarated with Richard Pleasant as director in the fall of 1939. Its stated goal was to have a company capable of performing ballets of all periods and styles. Among the dancers were Adolph Bolm, Patricia Bowman, Edward Caton, Leon Danielian, Vladimir Dokoudovsky, Anton Dolin, William Dollar, Viola Essen, Miriam Golden, Nana Gollner, Maria Karnilova, Nora Kaye, Andrée Howard, Hugh Laing, Annabelle Lyon, Donald Saddler, Nina Stroganova, and Yurek Shabalevski. Its first season opened January 11, 1940 at the Center Theatre and lasted four weeks. The repertory included Michel Fokine's Les Sylphides and Carnaval, Adolph Bolm's Ballet Mécanique and Peter and the Wolf, Mordkin's Voices of Spring, Antony Tudor's Dark Elegies, Lilac Garden, and Judgement of Paris, Agnes de Mille's Black Ritual (performed by the company's Negro Wing), Eugene Loring's The Great American Goof, and Bronislava Nijinska's La Fille mal Gardée. Audiences for ballet in the company's first years, even in major cities, were limited, so the goal of continuous performing had to be met with tours of one-night stands, initially under the management of Sol Hurok. In the spring of 1947, Ballet Theatre Foundation was established as a taxexempt, non-profit corporation for the purpose of supporting Ballet Theatre. After its 1957 tour of Europe and the Near East, the company changed its name to American Ballet Theatre. In its first 25 years, in addition to its annual New York City seasons, American Ballet Theatre had appeared in more than 350 cities in 44 countries throughout the world.

From the guide to the American Ballet Theatre scrapbooks 1939-1966 [microform], 1983, (The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.)

Mikhail Mordkin was born in Moscow in 1881. He was a graduate of the Imperial Ballet School there and eventually became a leading dancer at the Bolshoi Theatre. In 1910, he partnered Anna Pavlova at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York and on a tour of the United States. He left Russia in 1923, settled in New York, and in 1927, opened a ballet school in Carnegie Hall. By 1936, according to an advertisement of the time, his school offered “complete ballet training, mimo-drama classes, [and a] rehearsal group [that would] prepare ballets for performances.” This group, the Mikhail Mordkin Ballet, was an outlet for advanced students (with Mordkin himself dancing main character parts). On December 19, 1936, the company presented Sleeping Beauty, sponsored by the Woman's Club of Waterbury, Connecticut, with Lucia Chase and Dimitri Romanoff in the leading roles.

Plans for the student company became more ambitious. Advance Productions, with Lucia Chase as the major stockholder, was incorporated in March, 1937, to sponsor the company. The Mordkin Ballet began to tour nationwide with a small repertory of ballets choreographed by Mordkin. In 1938, the company was reorganized under Advanced Arts, Inc., with Rudolf Orthwine as president. Richard Pleasant managed the school and was later made secretary of the organization. A more professional Mordkin Ballet emerged, and dancers the calibre of Patricia Bowman, Nina Stroganova, Karen Conrad, Edward Caton, and Vladimir Dokoudovsky were hired. The company continued to tour with Mordkin's ballets, however, many new ideas were developing. Chase and Pleasant began to plan for a larger company, with more choreographers and dancers, and different artistic goals. In September of 1939, the nucleus of the Mordkin Ballet was reorganized into Ballet Theatre. Mikhail Mordkin was informed that he was no longer needed to teach or choreograph for the company, and only one of his ballets was ever produced by Ballet Theatre.

Mordkin returned to teaching at his Carnegie Hall studio. It is as a teacher that he is best remembered. He possessed a “vivid personality” with the ability to “transmit something of the true spirit of the dance,” and he tried to bring out special qualities in each of his students. He died in 1944.

Ballet Theatre, launched in New York City in the fall of 1939, was an outgrowth of the Mordkin Ballet, which began in 1937 as an outlet for the talents of the students of Mikhail Mordkin's school. In the Mordkin Ballet the soloists were Lucia Chase, Viola Essen, Leon Varkas. Dimitri Romanoff, George Chaffee, and Leon Danielian. The repertoire included Giselle, La Fille Mal Gardée, Dionysius (to Glazounov's music), and The Goldfish, all choreographed by Mordkin who also appeared in some of the ballets.

The second season of the Mordkin Ballet (1938) brought many additions and a number of changes in the personnel. Richard Pleasant was appointed general manager of the company; Patricia Bowman was engaged as prima ballerina; Nina Stroganova, Karen Conrad, Edward Caton. Vladimir Dokoudovsky, Kari Karnakoski, and Savva Andreeff were new soloists. The repertoire was augmented by Voices of Spring, Trepak (Alexander Tcherepnine's music) and what was called a symphonic version of Swan Lake (Act 2). It was an open secret that the Mordkin Ballet was financed by Lucia Chase.

By the summer of 1939 Miss Chase and Mr. Pleasant had decided that the Mordkin Ballet was too small an undertaking and they began to formulate plans for a full-fledged company, to be called Ballet Theatre. Pleasant was appointed director of the organization. Only one of Mordkin's ballets, Voices of Spring, was retained.

The repertoire of the first season of Ballet Theatre listed Michel Fokine's Les Sylphides and Carnaval; Adolph Bolm's Ballet Mécanique and Peter and the Wolf; Mordkin's Voices of Spring; Anton Dolin's Quintet and his versions of Giselle and Swan Lake; Antony Tudor's Dark Elegies, Lilac Garden, and Judgment of Paris; Andrée Howard's Lady into Fox and Death and the Maiden; Agnes de Mille's Black Ritual; Eugene Loring's The Great American Goof; José Fernandez' Goyescas; Bronislava Nijinska's La Fille Mal Gardée; Yurek Shabelevski's Ode to Glory.

Among the dancers were Adolph Bolm, Patricia Bowman, Edward Caton, Lucia Chase, Karen Conrad, Leon Danielian, Vladimir Dokoudovsky, Anton Dolin, William Dollar, Viola Essen, Miriam Golden, Nana Gollner (who was announced but did not dance during the first N.Y. season), Kari Karnakoski, Maria Karnilova, Nora Kaye, Andrée Howard, Eugene Loring, Hugh Laing, Annabelle Lyon, Dimitri Romanoff, Donald Saddler, Nina Stroganova, Yurek Shabelevski, Antony Tudor, Leon Varkas.

The first Ballet Theatre season opened Jan. 11, 1940, at the Center Theatre, N.Y., and lasted four weeks. Between Feb. and Nov. the company gave scattered performances in Philadelphia and at Lewisohn Stadium in N.Y. In Nov. and Dec. it danced in Chicago as the official ballet of the Chicago Opera, giving twelve ballet evenings and appearing in opera ballets.

The second season opened in N.Y. at the Majestic Theatre on Feb. 11, 1941. The company announced some innovations. There would be no division in ranks of the dancers; all were to be divided into two groups: principals and company. The roster of principals included Chase, Conrad, Gollner, Lyon, Katharine Sergava, Stroganova, Caton, Danielian, Dolin, Laing, Loring, Romanoff, and Tudor. Alicia Alonso, Miriam Golden, Nora Kaye, John Kriza, and Jerome Robbins were among “the company.”

Another innovation was the absence of a regisseur-general. In lieu of one, Ballet Theatre had choreographers-in-residence, who were regisseurs for separate “wings” of the repertoire. Dolin was regisseur of the Classical wing, Eugene Loring of the American wing, and Antony Tudor of the new English wing. Five ballets new for the company were presented: Dolin's Capriccioso and Pas de Quatre, Loring's Billy the Kid; Tudor's Gala Performance, and de Mille's Three Virgins and a Devil.

At the close of the four-week season, Richard Pleasant resigned as director of the company. Shortly thereafter, Ballet Theatre began to reorganize. German Sevastianov was invited as director; Charles Payne became executive managing director; Antal Dorati was appointed musical director. Alicia Markova and Irina Baronova were signed as ballerinas.

In June, 1941, Markova and Dolin organized an International Dance Festival at Jacob's Pillow, where most of the company's dancers spent the summer, thus giving an opportunity to some of the choreographers to work on their new productions.

Meanwhile arrangements were made for impresario S. Hurok to book Ballet Theatre beginning Nov., 1941. The company then included, among others: Markova, Baronova, Muriel Bentley, Chase, Conrad, Rosella Hightower, Kaye, Karnilova, Jeannette Lauret, Lyon, Sono Osato, Nina Popova, Rozsika Sabo; Dolin, Charles Dickson, Ian Gibson, Frank Hobi, Kriza, Laing, Yurek Lazowski, Nicolas Orloff, Richard Reed, Jerome Robbins, Romanoff, Borislav Runanin, Donald Saddler, Simon Semenoff, George Skibine, and Tudor.

The company played a season in Mexico City, then opened in N.Y. on Nov. 12th at the 44th Street Theatre. Four new ballets were presented: Bluebeard by Fokine, Beloved by Nijinska, Princess Aurora (another title for Aurora's Wedding) by Dolin, Slavonika by Vania Psota.

After an American tour, the company returned to N.Y. opening at the Metropolitan Opera House, Apr. 6, 1942. The new works were Michel Fokine's Russian Soldier and Tudor's Pillar of Fire. Nora Kaye's performance in the latter placed her in the rank of ballerina overnight. Then there was a summer season in Mexico City with Fokine and Leonide Massine as choreographers. There the company rehearsed Aleko and Don Domingo by Massine; Romantic Age by Dolin; Petrouchka, restaged by Fokine; as well as revivals of Billy the Kid and Coppélia. Fokine began work on Helen of Troy but did not finish it due to illness. He returned to N.Y. on Aug. 12 and died Aug. 22 of double pneumonia complicated by pleurisy.

The six ballets prepared in Mexico City were presented during the fall season, which opened at the Metropolitan Opera House, Oct. 6. Adolph Bolm had been signed as regisseur-general, Leonide Massine as choreographer and dancer, André Eglevsky as guest artist; Michael Kidd joined the company. On the tour that followed, Helen of Troy was choreographed by David Lichine. Irina Baronova left the company late in 1942.

For the N.Y. season (beginning Apr. 1, 1943) at the Metropolitan, Vera Nemchinova, Vera Zorina, and Janet Reed joined the company as guest artists. Additions to the repertoire were Romeo and Juliet by Tudor; Errante and Apollo, revived by George Balanchine. This season J. Alden Talbot became director of the company, replacing Sevastianov who had joined the U.S. Army. For the fall season Zorina was again guest artist; Janet Reed joined the company as soloist, and Alicia Alonso returned as soloist after an absence of two years. The new ballets were Dim Lustre by Tudor, Mam'zelle Angot by Massine, Fair at Sorochinsk by Lichine. Alicia Alonso was given the opportunity to dance Giselle (Nov. 2, 1943), which raised her to ballerina status. During the tour that followed, Nana Gollner and Paul Petroff joined the company.

In the spring of 1944, Tally-Ho by de Mille and Fancy Free by Robbins were added to the repertoire, and in the fall Balanchine's Waltz Academy. The guest artists were Tatiana Riabouchinska, Tamara Toumanova, Eglevsky and Lichine; Markova and Dolin had left the company.

Undertow by Tudor was the only important new ballet presented in the spring of 1945. Markova, Dolin, Toumanova, and Eglevsky were back as guests. Talbot resigned as director, and Lucia Chase and Oliver Smith became co-directors, positions they have held ever since. The fall brought five new ballets: On Stage! by Kidd; Gift of the Magi by Semenoff; Graziana by John Taras; Interplay by Robbins; and a new version of Firebird by Bolm.

After the spring of 1946, the contract between Ballet Theatre and S. Hurok was terminated, and the directors announced a return to the company's 1940 policy of being “American in character” and of building “from within its own ranks.” Ballet Theatre played July 4-Aug. 31 at Covent Garden Royal Opera House, London. Eglevsky, Kaye and Alonso were leading soloists. While the company was in England, Keith Lester staged his version of Pas de Quatre for it, and Frederick Ashton staged Les Patineurs.

The company played a fall season at the Broadway Theatre, N.Y. Giselle was restaged by Balanchine, with new scenery and costumes by Eugene Berman, and Facsimile was choreographed by Robbins. Igor Youskevitch was invited as premier danseur; newly appointed soloists were Diana Adams, Melissa Hayden, and Ruth Ann Koesun. Tudor was artistic administrator.

The 1946-47 tour was an artistic success, but the company lost money. The N.Y. season at the City Center for Music and Drama (Apr. 28-May 18) was successful artistically and financially. An engagement in Havana, Cuba, closed the season on an optimistic note.

In the spring of 1947, Ballet Theatre Foundation was established as a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation for the purpose of supporting Ballet Theatre as a performing organization.

The fall season, also at the City Center, introduced Balanchine's Theme and Variations. Following its 1947-48 tour, the company played a season at the Metropolitan, where it premièred Tudor's Shadow of the Wind and de Mille's Fall River Legend. There was no fall season, but a short spring tour in 1948 was followed by an engagement at the Metropolitan from Apr. 17 to May 8. Maria Tallchief joined the company.

The spring 1950 season at the City Center, N.Y., was preceded by a national tour. From August 7 to December 10, the company made its first tour of Europe, traveling as the American National Ballet Theatre, sponsored by the State Department. Leading soloists seen in Europe were Alicia Alonso, Nora Kaye, John Kriza, John Taras, Mary Ellen Moylan, and Igor Youskevitch. Designs with Strings and Caprichos (Herbert Ross) were premièred this season; Rodeo was added to the repertoire. In the fall of 1950, Ballet Theatre became the ballet of the Metropolitan Opera. The association only lasted one season. Adams, Kaye, Laing, and Tudor left the company.

In the spring of 1951, the N.Y. season featured Jean Babilée, Colette Marchand, Nathalie Philippart, and Mia Slavenska as guest artists. Le Jeune Homme et la Mort, Les Demoiselles de la Nuit, and L'Amour et son Amour were given their American premières. Herbert Ross did his The Thief Who Loved a Ghost for the company, and Carmalita Maracci created Circo de España. In May and June, the company toured South America. Coinciding with a season at the Metropolitan, the Ballet Theatre School opened officially in Dec. A fall season without significant premières was followed by a national tour.

A second European tour, sponsored by the State Dept. occupied Ballet Theatre from May 4 to end of Sept., 1953. Principal soloists were Alonso, Hayden, Kriza, Moylan, and Youskevitch. The following season was devoted largely to touring the U.S. and was also marked by television appearances of the company, notably on the “Omnibus” show for which the Ford Foundation commissioned Capital of the World by Eugene Loring.

In the spring of 1955, Ballet Theatre celebrated its fifteenth anniversary with a gala season at the Metropolitan, followed by a South American tour. For the gala, a number of former soloists returned to dance their original roles in revivals of ballets associated with the company.

May 7, 1956 saw the initiation at N.Y.'s Phoenix Theatre of the Ballet Theatre Workshop, formed to provide choreographers with a showcase to try out new works. The first program was praised more for its intention than its attainment. The following year (1957) two Workshop programs featured significant new works, Kenneth MacMillan's Journey and Herbert Ross's Paean. This Workshop was preceded by a tour of Europe and the Near East. Featured soloists were Erik Bruhn, Scott Douglas, Rosella Hightower, Nora Kaye, John Kriza, and Lupe Serrano.

On the return from Europe the company changed its name from Ballet Theatre to American Ballet Theatre. In the summer of 1957, American Ballet Theatre toured the U.S. The following spring it set out for North Africa and Europe. Violette Verdy and Royes Fernandez were the new principals for this successful tour. The autumn 1958 season at the Metropolitan brought some undistinguished premières, but the addition to the repertoire of Miss Julie was an asset. With only scant bookings available for 1959, American Ballet Theatre was forced to suspend its activities for a year.

The spring, 1960 season at the Metropolitan marked the temporary return to the company of Nora Kaye and the moderately successful première of Lady from the Sea. Maria Tallchief and Erik Bruhn headed the company that set off for Europe in May. In Sept. American Ballet Theatre became the first American ballet company to dance in the Soviet Union.

A spring tour in the U.S. was made in 1961 and was followed by an autumn season at N.Y.'s 54th Street Theatre with guest artists Mariane Orlando and Caj Selling joining soloists Ivan Allen, Elisabeth Carroll, Fernandez, Kriza, Koesun, Toni Lander, Serrano, Bruce Marks, and Sallie Wilson. Two European ballets were added to the repertoire: Moon Reindeer and Etudes, the latter with notable success.

In Nov., 1962, Ballet Theatre announced that it was moving its head-quarters to Washington, where it would henceforth operate under the auspices of the Washington Ballet Guild. A few performances were given in that city, but in Apr., 1963, the Guild stated that the cost of maintaining the company had run far beyond preliminary estimates. Later the Guild decided to sponsor Ballet Theatre performances in Washington. Miss Chase and Mr. Smith announced that Ballet Theatre had been disbanded for the summer, but would resume full-scale activity in the fall of 1964, which it did, ending its Washington connection and making N.Y. its home base again.

From mid-Aug. to early Nov., 1964, the company toured South America and Mexico sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of State's Cultural Presentations Program, following this with a brief tour in Texas and the South. During this tour Harald Lander's staging of August Bournonville's La Sylphide, with Toni Lander and Royes Fernandez in the principal roles had its première (San Antonio, Nov. 11). American Ballet Theatre celebrated its 25th anniversary with a season (Mar. 16 to Apr. 11, 1965) at the N.Y. State Theater, Lincoln Center. The company was in splendid form and had a resounding success. La Sylphide had its N.Y. première and other new works were Agnes de Mille's The Wind in the Mountains (Mar. 17), and The Four Marys (Mar. 23), the latter with guest artist Carmen de Lavallade in the leading role; Glen Tetley's Sargasso (the first major creation for Sallie Wilson, Mar. 24), Bentley Stone's L'Inconnue (Apr. 6) and, most importantly, the great Jerome Robbins version of Igor Stravinsky's Les Noces (Mar. 30). The season also saw the revival of Antony Tudor's Dark Elegies and three new young sailors (Eliot Feld, Edward Verso, William Glassman) in Fancy Free. In Sept. the company danced in Hawaii and Alaska. On Nov. 15, 1965, the National Council on the Arts announced an emergency grant of $100,000 to insure the company's immediate survival and an additional $250,000 towards the expenses of a projected tour of the U.S., both grants being on a matching basis. The company's second season at the N.Y. State Theater (Jan. 18 to Feb. 13, 1966) did not produce any new work as distinguished as Les Noces, but the revival of Tudor's Pillar of Fire, with Sallie Wilson or Veronika Mlakar in the role of Hagar was another triumph. New works were Glen Tetley's Ricercare with guest artist Mary Hinkson and Scott Douglas (Jan. 25), Todd Bolender's Kontraste (Jan. 28) and Enrique Martinez's Balladen der Liebe (Feb. 8). John Kriza gave his final performance with the company (Feb. 3), dancing the Minister in Fall River Legend, retiring to become assistant to the directors. During June and July the company toured the Soviet Union for the second time under the auspices of the Cultural Presentations Program and on its return, after a rehearsal period in N.Y., began its most extensive tour of the U.S. and Canada, appearing in nearly one hundred cities. Leading dancers for this tour were listed as Lupe Serrano, Royes Fernandez, Toni Lander, Scott Douglas, Ruth Ann Koesun, Bruce Marks, Sallie Wilson, Eleanor D'Antuono, Gayle Young, Paul Sutherland, Veronika Mlakar. Before the company started on this tour, its third annual season at the N.Y. State Theater was announced for May, 1967.

*MGO The Dance Encyclopedia Compiled and edited by Anatole Chujoy and P. W. Manchester. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1967

For additional information on the history of this company, see the following references:

*MGTB (U.S.) 78-2058 American Ballet Theatre

Text and commentary by Charles Payne, with essays by Alicia Alonso, Erik Bruhn, Lucia Chase, and Nora Kaye. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1978

*MGZA Dance Perspectives #6

The American Ballet Theatre: 1940-1960 by Selma Jeanne Cohen and A. J. Pischl

*MGZB The annual souvenir books published by the company contain brief reports on each year's activities, and, occasionally during anniversary seasons, include cumulative lists and histories.

From the guide to the American Ballet Theatre records, 1936-ca. 1967, (The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.)

Agnes George de Mille, dancer, choreographer, writer and spokesperson for the arts, was born September 18, 1905 in New York. She was the daughter of playwright William Churchill de Mille (1879?-1955) and Anna George de Mille (1878-1947), who was in turn the daughter of writer and single-tax advocate, Henry George (1839-1897). Agnes' uncle was the film producer/director, Cecil B. de Mille (1881-1959). She had a younger sister, Margaret (1908-1978).

In 1914, the de Milles moved to Hollywood where William was joining forces with Cecil in the motion picture industry. Agnes attended the Hollywood School for Girls, graduating in 1922, and went on to graduate from University of California in 1926 with a degree in English. William and Anna separated that year, being divorced in 1927, and Agnes spent that summer after graduating traveling in western Europe with her mother and sister. William married Clara Beranger, a colleague in the movie industry, in 1928 and lived with her in California for the remainder of his life.

Agnes' formal dance training did not begin until early adolescence in California with Theodore Kosloff. She did some performing in college shows although she did not train continuously during her college years. Soon after graduating, she began to give solo recitals and later with Warren Leonard in her own works. Her mother helped her produce these and accompanied her to concerts in various cities in the United States and in Europe. During this period, she settled once again in New York, at first living with her mother and sister, and then on her own.

Agnes moved to England in 1932 where she continued her dance training in ballet with Marie Rambert. She performed in her own work and those of her peers such as Antony Tudor under the auspices of Rambert.

Upon her permanent return to New York ca. 1939, she met Walter Prude (1909-) through Martha Graham who was under Prude's management. Agnes and Walter were married on June 14, 1943, in Hobbs, New Mexico during the time when Prude was in military service. The two were separated-except for infrequent visits-due to the war until 1945. Their son, Jonathan de Mille Prude, was born in 1946.

It was in this time in the early 1940's that de Mille's work as a choreographer began to be recognized in the United States. Her ballet “Rodeo” in 1942, created for the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, brought her immediate acclaim and popularity as did her choreography for the Broadway show “Oklahoma!” the following year. She worked steadily for the next two decades both on Broadway and in the ballet, creating over a dozen works in each field. She had a long-enduring relationship with Ballet Theatre (American Ballet Theatre) and The Royal Winnipeg Ballet, for whom she created many of her ballets.

In 1953 she formed the Agnes de Mille Dance Theatre (Heritage Dance Theatre), which functioned most actively in 1953-1954 and 1973-1975. She strove to represent in its repertoire indigenious American dance forms by native choreographers and composers as well as folk forms.

On the eve of a major New York performance of her company in her lecture/performance of “Conversations About the Dance,” she suffered a serious cerebral hemorrhage. From the day of the stroke, May 15, 1975, onward, she has remained partially paralyzed on the right side of her body although she recovered from some of the other initial losses of her faculties. On November 9, 1977, she went on stage to realize the performance of “Conversations About the Dance,” and resumed an active, if limited, life in dance.

Agnes de Mille has long been a dominant figure in dance and the arts-as a creator as well as a spokesperson and writer. Before and since her appointment as a founding member of the National Council for the Arts in 1965, she took the cause of dance and the arts to millions of readers and viewers, hundreds of organizations and political conventions. She continues to do so.

In 1980, Agnes de Mille received the Kennedy Center Award - the highest nonmilitary award in the United States.

From the guide to the Agnes de Mille papers, 1926-1975, (The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Tetley, Glen,. Interview with Glen Tetley. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Nault, Fernand,. Interview with Fernand Nault. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Payne, Charles. American Ballet Theatre. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Smith, Arks. Negatives, 1963-1985. Houghton Library
referencedIn Morris, June,. Interview with June Morris. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Westerman, Sylvia. Sylvia Westerman Collection. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Papers, 1918-1972. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn [Tudor/Laing collection of press clippings, programs and magazine features]. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Wilson, Sallie,. Interview with Sallie Wilson. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. American Ballet Theatre programs, 1940-1979. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Laing, Hugh. Hugh Laing and Antony Tudor papers, 1911-1988. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn The Bell Telephone Hour collection of sound recordings [sound recording], 1940-1968 The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
referencedIn Prinz, John,. Interview with John Prinz. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre records, 1936-ca. 1967 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Dokoudovsky, Vladimir,. Interview with Vladimir Dokoudovsky. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Loquasto, Santo,. Everlast : music scores used by Twyla Tharp for her choreographic work, 1989. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Tippet, Clark,. Interview with Clark Tippet. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Ed and Birdie Dawley Performing Arts Collection 2009-237., 1953-1997 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999. [Instrumental music. Selections] / Paul Bowles. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Coppélia (Franklin after Sergeev, N) [clippings] New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Taras, John,. Interview with John Taras. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Godunov, Alexander, 1949-1995,. Interview with Alexander Godunov. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Sergievsky, Orest, 1911-. Interview with Orest Sergievsky. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Negatives, 1963-1985. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Royes Fernandez papers, 1945-1980 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Souvenir Dance Programs collection, 1906-2001 Special Collections and Archives, Penrose Library, University of Denver, 2150 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208
creatorOf Smuin family. Michael Smuin family papers, 1954-2003. Museum of Performance & Design
referencedIn Kivitt, Ted,. Interview with Ted Kivitt. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Parmenia Migel papers, 1945-1990. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn D'Antuono, Eleanor,. Interview with Eleanor D'Antuono. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Saul collection of theater programs, 1951-1989. Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn Morse, Janet, 1960-. Janet Morse papers, 1960-2011 New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Kaye, Nora, 1920-1987. Scrapbooks: Clippings, programs. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Makarova, Natalia, 1940-. Interview with Natalia Makarova. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Wilson, Sallie,. Interview with Sallie Wilson. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Robbins, Jerome. Jerome Robbins Papers, 1930-2001 (bulk 1940-1998). New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Minkus, L., 1826-1917. Don Quixote / by Ludwig Minkus. Indiana University
referencedIn Youskevitch, Igor, 1912-1994,. Interview with Igor Youskevitch. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Astaire, Fred,. Everlast : choreographic and research notes used by Twyla Tharp in creating her dance, 1989. Ohio State University Libraries
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. American Ballet Theatre, 1958-1977. Volume #2 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
referencedIn David McLain and David Blackburn Program Collection, 1940-1981 University of Cincinnati, Archives and Rare Books Library
referencedIn Chase, Lucia, 1897-1986. Papers, New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Tudor, Antony, 1908-1987,. Interview with Antony Tudor. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Clarke, Mary, 1923-. Correspondence with Lillian Moore, 1950-61. (9 items). New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Lander, Toni. Papers, 1940-1985. Houghton Library
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. Correspondence, 1941-1982, with Agnes de Mille. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation research files, 1920-1989. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Karnilova, Maria. Alicia's Cuba. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Will Rapport papers, 1931-1964. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Vollmar, Jocelyn. Papers, 1944-1972. Museum of Performance & Design
referencedIn Gruen, John,. Interview with Cynthia Gregory and Fernando Bujones. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Payne, Charles,. Interview with Charles Payne. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Ambrose DuBek dance photograph collection, 1952-1963 and undated. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Sutherland, Paul,. Interview with Paul Sutherland. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Souvenir programs of ballet, dance, and theatrical productions, ca. 1924-1998. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Dance program and ephemera collection, 1909-1987 University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
referencedIn Robbins, Jerome. Appointment books, 1944-1945. Houghton Library
referencedIn Agnes : the indomitable de Mille. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Ichino, Yoko,. Interview with Yoko Ichino. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Bruhn, Erik, 1928-1986,. Interview with Erik Bruhn. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Danielian, Leon, 1920-1997,. Interview with Leon Danielian. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Jack Lund Collection, 1887-2009 Archive of Recorded Sound, Stanford University Libraries
referencedIn Eugene Berman drawings for the ballet, Giselle, 1946 and undated. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750,. Bach partita : choreographic and research materials used by Twyla Tharp for her choreographic work, 1984. Ohio State University Libraries
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. Scrapbooks. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School [clippings]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Dawley, Ed. Dawley, Ed and Birdie, performing arts collection, 1953-1997. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Anthony, Diane. Letters, typescripts to Lillian Moore, 1960-63. (3 items). New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn De Mille, Agnes. Papers, New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Feld, Eliot,. Interview with Eliot Feld. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Riley, Terry, 1935-. Quartet : research material used by Twyla Tharp in choosing the music for her dance, 1989. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Bissell, Patrick,. Interview with Patrick Bissell. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Chase, Lucia, 1897-1986,. Interview with Lucia Chase. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre Programs, 1940-1979 Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special CollectionsRare Book Division
referencedIn Gregory, Cynthia,. Interview with Cynthia Gregory. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Denver Civic Ballet Association. Records, 1950-1985. Denver Public Library, Central Library
creatorOf Aldredge, Theoni V. Theoni V. Aldredge Collection, 1959-2006 1972-1990. DePaul University Library
referencedIn Tetley, Glen,. Interview with Glen Tetley. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Hyman, Dick, 1927-. Bum's rush : choreographic, artistic and research notes used by Twyla Tharp in creating her dance, 1989. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Dance Photograph Collection, 1906-1970 University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
referencedIn Clarke, Mary, 1923-. Correspondence with Lillian Moore, 1962-67. 13 folders (167 items) New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Oliver Messel Collection, ca. 1700-1978 V & A Department of Theatre and Performance
referencedIn Cinderella (Stevenson) [clippings] New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Agnes de Mille papers, 1926-1975 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Mikhail Baryshnikov archive, 1960-2010 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Thomas, William,. Scrapbooks: Clippings and photographs. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. American Ballet Theatre, 1958-1977. Volume #1 [videorecording]. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center
referencedIn Bayadère (Makarova) [clippings]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Dance program and ephemera collection, 1909-1987. University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
referencedIn American Ballet Theatre: Correspondence, 1939-1965. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Jo Mielziner papers, 1903-1976 The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
referencedIn Harvey, Cynthia,. Interview with Cynthia Harvey. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. Correspondence with Agnes de Mille, 1941-1982. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999. [Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion] / [Paul Bowles]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn De la Peña, George,. Interview with George de la Peña. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Chase, Lucia, 1897-1986. [Press clippings] New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Barzel, Ann. Letter [1942 May 5?], Chicago, to Lillian Moore, New York. [2] p. on 1 l. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. [A collection of printed material pertaining to the American Ballet Theatre]. New-York Historical Society
referencedIn Kaiser, Michael M. [clippings]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999. [Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion] [microform] / [Paul Bowles]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Apinée, Irene. Letters and postcards to Lillian Moore, 1960-63. (7 items). New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Programs, 1883-1987. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Nagy, Ivan, 1943-. Interview with Ivan Nagy. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Dance scrapbooks, c1951-1978 Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance: Laban Archive
referencedIn Eaman, Joan. Joan Ehemann Stone memorabilia, 1943-1992. Newberry Library
referencedIn Dance theatre programmes collection, c1950-1999 Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance: Laban Archive
creatorOf Mizrahi, Isaac,. Brief fling : music scores used by Twyla Tharp for her choreographic work, 1990. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Pleasant, Richard, 1909-1961. Richard Pleasant papers, 1930-1970 (bulk 1940-1960) Princeton University Library
referencedIn Deakin, Natasha,. Interview with Natasha Deakin. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Fernandez, Royes. Papers, New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Raymonda (Holmes after Petipa, M.) [clippings]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Colombier, Michel,. Brief fling : choreographic notes used by Twyla Tharp in creating her dance, 1990. Ohio State University Libraries
creatorOf Loquasto, Santo.,. Push comes to shove : music scores used by Twyla Tharp for her choreographic work, 1976. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Guest, Ivor Forbes. Letters to Lillian Moore, 1950. (7 items). New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre scrapbooks 1939-1966 [microform], 1983 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Bortoluzzi, Paolo,. Interview with Paolo Bortoluzzi. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Krasovskai︠a︡, V. (Vera), 1915-1999. Correspondence with Lillian Moore, 1960. 2 folders (11 items). New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Bujones, Fernando,. Interview with Fernando Bujones. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Tcherkassky, Marianna,. Interview with Marianna Tcherkassky. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Jerome Robbins Papers, 1930-2001, 1940-1998 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Robbins, Jerome. [Programs]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Danielian, Leon, 1920-1997,. Interview with Leon Danielian. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Maynard, Olga,. Dance photograph collection, 1906-1968. University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. Records, New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Fracci, Carla,. Interview with Carla Fracci. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Horvath, Ian,. Interview with Ian Horvath. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn La Fosse, Robert,. Interview with Robert La Fosse. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. Belknap Collection, Dance 1930- : American Ballet Theatre. University of Florida
referencedIn Robbins, Jerome. Jerome Robbins personal papers, 1896-2000 and undated (1931-1998, bulk dates) New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Loquasto, Santo,. Quartet : music score used by Twyla Tharp for her choreographic work, 1989. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Hightower, Rosella,. Interview with Rosella Hightower. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Kriza, John, 1919-1975,. Interview with John Kriza. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Paul Szilard papers, 1938-1996 and undated, 1938-1996 and undated The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
creatorOf American Ballet Theatre. Records related to seasons at the New York City Center, ca. 1947-1967. (82 items) New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Bujones, Fernando,. Interview with Fernando Bujones. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Chapman, Wes [clippings]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Semenoff, Simon,. Interview with Simon Semenoff. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Jerome Robbins personal papers, 1896-2000 and undated, 1931-1998, dates The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Gregory, Cynthia,. Interview with Cynthia Gregory. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Chase, Lucia, 1897-1986,. Interview with Lucia Chase. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Colin, Justin Stanford,. Interview with Justin Colin. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Englund, Richard, 1931-1991,. Interview with Richard Englund. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Topaz, Muriel. Muriel Topaz collection of materials on Antony Tudor, 1940-1999. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Lubovitch, Lar, 1943-. Interview with Lar Lubovitch. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School [programs]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Szilard, Paul, 1912-. Paul Szilard papers, 1938-1996 and undated. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Van Hamel, Martine, 1945-. [Press clippings, programs, and photographs] New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Makarova, Natalia, 1940-. Interview with Natalia Makarova. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Selya, John. [Clippings] New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Barzel, Ann. American Ballet Theatre, 1958-1977. Volume #1 [videorecording]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Dowell, Anthony,. Interview with Anthony Dowell. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Chase, Lucia. American Ballet Theatre Collection, 1940- . Museum of Performance & Design
referencedIn Nahat, Dennis,. Interview with Dennis Nahat. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Dunham, Christine,. Gender Project : interview with Christine Dunham. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Souvenir dance programs collection, 1906- University of Denver, University Libraries, Anderson Academic Commons
referencedIn Tallchief, Marjorie,. Interview with Marjorie Tallchief. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Hugh Laing and Antony Tudor papers, 1911-1988 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Steinberg, Stephen Cobbett, 1949-1991. Papers, 1976-1991. Museum of Performance & Design
referencedIn De la Peña, George,. Interview with George de la Peña. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn George Balanchine archive, 1924-1989 (inclusive), 1961-1983 (bulk). Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Payne, Charles. American Ballet Theatre. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Franklin, Frederic, 1914-. Interview with Frederic Franklin. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Aaron Copland person
associatedWith Abbott, Jack person
correspondedWith Acree, Ashby person
associatedWith Adair, Tom person
correspondedWith Adams, Diana person
correspondedWith Addor, Ady person
associatedWith Adolf Bolm person
associatedWith Advanced Arts Ballets, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Agnes de Mille person
associatedWith Albert, Anthony person
correspondedWith Albert, Tony person
associatedWith Albright, James person
associatedWith Aldredge, Theoni V. person
correspondedWith Alexander, Carlos person
associatedWith Alexander Tcherepnin person
associatedWith Alexandra Danilova person
associatedWith Alexandre Benois person
correspondedWith Alford, Walter person
associatedWith Algase, Diane person
associatedWith Alicia Alonso person
associatedWith Alicia Markova person
correspondedWith Allan, Christopher person
correspondedWith Allen, Ivan person
correspondedWith Allen, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Allen, Priscilla person
correspondedWith Allen, Steve person
associatedWith Allers, Franz person
correspondedWith Alonso, Alberto person
correspondedWith Alonso, Alicia person
correspondedWith Alonso, Fernando person
associatedWith American Ballet Theatre (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Ames, Suzanne person
correspondedWith Anaya, Dulce person
associatedWith Anderson, David person
correspondedWith Anderson, Revay person
associatedWith Anderson, Robert person
associatedWith André Eglevsky person
correspondedWith Andrieff, Savva person
associatedWith Angelica, Maria person
correspondedWith Angelo, Mary person
associatedWith Anguera, Marguerite de person
correspondedWith Antheil, George person
correspondedWith Anthony, Diane person
associatedWith Anthony, Diane. person
associatedWith Anthony, Rosamonde person
associatedWith Anton Dolin person
correspondedWith Antonelli, Donald person
associatedWith Antony Tudor person
associatedWith Apinée, Irene. person
correspondedWith Apinée, Irene person
correspondedWith ApIvor, Denis person
associatedWith Apostle, Andrew person
correspondedWith Appleby, Les person
associatedWith Armin, Jeanne person
correspondedWith Armour, Thomas person
associatedWith Arnold Haskell person
associatedWith Arnold Schönberg person
correspondedWith Arova, Sonia person
associatedWith Artieres, Madeleine person
associatedWith Ash, Carol person
correspondedWith Ashton, Frederick person
correspondedWith Asmus, Harry person
correspondedWith Atkins, Barbara person
correspondedWith Attwater, Alan person
correspondedWith Atwell, Ben H. person
associatedWith Avedon, Richard person
associatedWith Axtmann, Ann person
correspondedWith Ayers, Lemuel person
correspondedWith Babilée, Jean person
correspondedWith Bahr, Margaretha von person
correspondedWith Baker, Alan person
associatedWith Baker, Anna person
correspondedWith Baker, Charlyne person
correspondedWith Balanchine, George person
associatedWith Baldwin, Joseph person
correspondedWith Balieff, Elena person
correspondedWith Ballard, Lucinda person
associatedWith Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo person
associatedWith Ballet Theatre. corporateBody
associatedWith Ballet Theatre. corporateBody
associatedWith Ballet Theatre. corporateBody
associatedWith Ballet Theatre. corporateBody
associatedWith Ballet Theatre, Inc. vs. Hurok person
associatedWith Ballet Theatre (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Balmain, Pierre person
correspondedWith Balzer, Rochelle person
correspondedWith Banfield, Raffaello de person
correspondedWith Banks, Margaret person
associatedWith Bannister, Betty person
associatedWith Baranoff, Michael person
correspondedWith Barclay, Chester person
correspondedWith Barclay, Donald person
correspondedWith Barker, Patricia person
associatedWith Barlow, Ann person
correspondedWith Barnes, Virginia person
correspondedWith Barnette, Mary person
correspondedWith Baronova, Irina person
correspondedWith Barra, Ray person
correspondedWith Barrow, Janie person
correspondedWith Barsanti, Beverly person
associatedWith Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 1948- person
correspondedWith Barzel, Ann person
associatedWith Barzel, Ann. person
associatedWith Bass, Moudelle person
correspondedWith Bastien, Joe person
correspondedWith Bastien, Joseph person
associatedWith Bator, Victor person
associatedWith Bauer, Gretl person
associatedWith Baume, Caryl person
associatedWith Baume, Doris person
correspondedWith Baum, Morton person
associatedWith Baylis, Meredith person
correspondedWith Beaber, Jack person
correspondedWith Beard, Richard person
correspondedWith Beaton, Cecil person
correspondedWith Beaty, Richard person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Cyril W. person
correspondedWith Becque, Don person
associatedWith Beduhn, Madeleine person
correspondedWith Beecham, Thomas person
correspondedWith Belair, Alida person
correspondedWith Belita, Maria person
associatedWith Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts. corporateBody
correspondedWith Belknap, S. Yancey person
associatedWith Bellanca, Mirthe C. person
correspondedWith Bellew, Peter person
associatedWith Ben Atwell person
associatedWith Benjamin Britten person
correspondedWith Bennett, Alexander person
correspondedWith Bennett, Charles person
correspondedWith Bennett, Isadora person
correspondedWith Benois, Alexandre person
correspondedWith Bentley, Muriel person
associatedWith Berger, Miriam Roskin person
associatedWith Berger, Mirian person
associatedWith Bergman, R. W. person
correspondedWith Beriosoff, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Berlin, Irving person
correspondedWith Berman, Eugene person
associatedWith Berman, Eugene, 1899- person
correspondedWith Bernal, Farnesio de person
associatedWith Bernaver, Robert person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Leonard person
associatedWith Bernstein, Michel person
associatedWith Berrigan, Veronica person
correspondedWith Bessy, Claude person
correspondedWith Bettis, Valerie person
correspondedWith Bewley, Lois person
correspondedWith Bezombes, Roger person
associatedWith Biddle, Mrs. A. person
associatedWith Bijou, Mrs. Theodore person
associatedWith Bimboni, Winona person
associatedWith Birgit Cullberg person
associatedWith Bissell, Patrick, person
correspondedWith Black, Bennett person
correspondedWith Black, Margaret person
associatedWith Black, Valerie person
correspondedWith Blackwell, Don person
correspondedWith Blair, David person
correspondedWith Blandford, Sue person
correspondedWith Bland, Hubert person
correspondedWith Blanton, Jeremy person
associatedWith Blomfield, Louis person
associatedWith Bloomer, Millard person
correspondedWith Bloom, James person
correspondedWith Bolasni, Saul person
correspondedWith Bolender, Todd person
associatedWith Bolin, Marianne person
correspondedWith Bolm, Adolf person
associatedWith Bolm, Adolph person
associatedWith Bond, Francine person
correspondedWith Bonnefoux, Jean-Pierre person
correspondedWith Bon, Stella person
correspondedWith Borea, Helen person
associatedWith Boris Kochno person
correspondedWith Boris, Ruthanna person
correspondedWith Borree, Susan person
associatedWith Bortoluzzi, Paolo, person
associatedWith Bowles, Paul person
associatedWith Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999. person
correspondedWith Bowman, Patricia person
correspondedWith Boyette, Larry person
correspondedWith Bradford, Elmer person
correspondedWith Branch, Louise person
associatedWith Brandberg, Marilyn person
correspondedWith Branitzka, Nathalie person
associatedWith Brant, Henry person
correspondedWith Braun, Eric person
associatedWith Brayley, Sally person
correspondedWith Breinin, Raymond person
correspondedWith Briansky, Oleg person
correspondedWith Brinkman, Edward person
correspondedWith Britten, Benjamin person
associatedWith Brock, Karena person
associatedWith Bronislava Nijinska person
correspondedWith Brooks, Randall person
correspondedWith Brotherton, Carol person
correspondedWith Brown, Carolyn person
associatedWith Brown, Jack person
correspondedWith Brown, Kelly person
correspondedWith Brown, Walter P. person
correspondedWith Brubeck, Dave person
correspondedWith Bruhn, Erik person
associatedWith Bruhn, Erik, 1928-1986, person
associatedWith Buchtrup, Bjarne person
correspondedWith Buckle, Richard person
associatedWith Buda, Frederick person
associatedWith Bujones, Fernando, person
correspondedWith Burdick, William person
associatedWith Burke, Mary person
correspondedWith Burr, Mary person
correspondedWith Bush, Gage person
correspondedWith Butler, Patricia person
associatedWith Byrd, George person
correspondedWith Byrns, Harold person
correspondedWith Bywater, Ellen person
associatedWith Campbell, Margot person
correspondedWith Camryn, Walter person
correspondedWith Cantor, Arthur person
associatedWith Carleton, Patricia person
correspondedWith Carlin, Herb person
associatedWith Carlton, Charlotte person
associatedWith Carmelita Maracci person
correspondedWith Carmody, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Carmody, Edward person
correspondedWith Carow, Joseph person
correspondedWith Carpenter, John Alden person
associatedWith Carpenter, Mr. person
associatedWith Carrera, Carlota person
correspondedWith Carroll, Elisabeth person
associatedWith Carson-Brierly Dance Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Carson, Margaret person
correspondedWith Carter, Jack person
associatedWith Carter, Nancy Wiman person
correspondedWith Carter, William person
associatedWith Caruso, Rosanne person
associatedWith Casper, Janet person
correspondedWith Cassidy, Claudia person
correspondedWith Castello, Audrey person
correspondedWith Caton, Edward person
correspondedWith Celeste, Gladys person
associatedWith Cerrone, J. B. person
correspondedWith Cerrone, Jeannot person
correspondedWith Chabukiani, Vakhtang person
associatedWith Chaffee, George person
correspondedWith Chagall, Marc person
correspondedWith Chamié, Tatiana person
correspondedWith Chanova, Ruth person
associatedWith Chapman, Mrs. Gilbert person
correspondedWith Chapple, Stanley person
associatedWith Charise, Noel person
associatedWith Charise, Rita person
associatedWith Charisse, Andre person
associatedWith Charisse, Noel person
associatedWith Charisse, Rita person
associatedWith Charles Payne person
correspondedWith Charlip, Remy person
correspondedWith Chase, Lucia person
associatedWith Chase, Lucia, 1897-1986. person
correspondedWith Chase, Lucia (see Administration) person
correspondedWith Chauviré, Yvette person
correspondedWith Cherepnin, Alexander (see Tcherepnin) person
correspondedWith Cheselka, Anna person
correspondedWith Chouteau, Yvonne person
correspondedWith Christout, Marie Françoise person
correspondedWith Chujoy, Anatole person
correspondedWith Cianci, Paul person
correspondedWith Cichocki, Cbigniew person
correspondedWith Ciepliński, Jan person
correspondedWith Clare, Natalia person
correspondedWith Clark, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Clarke, Albert person
associatedWith Clarke, Mary, 1923- person
correspondedWith Clarke, Thatcher person
correspondedWith Clark, Faye person
correspondedWith Clark, Peggy person
correspondedWith Clayton, Bert person
correspondedWith Clement, Nansi person
correspondedWith Clifford, Henry person
correspondedWith Clouser, James person
associatedWith Clurman, Harold person
associatedWith Coates, Paul person
correspondedWith Coe, Richard person
associatedWith Coffman, Vernon person
associatedWith Cogburn, Marjorie person
associatedWith Cogswell, Nan person
correspondedWith Cohen, Selma Jeanne person
correspondedWith Cole, Barbara person
correspondedWith Coleman, Don person
correspondedWith Coleman, Francis person
correspondedWith Colgrass, Michael person
associatedWith Colin, Justin Stanford, person
associatedWith Collenwood, Clementine person
associatedWith Collins, John person
correspondedWith Collins, Jon person
correspondedWith Colt, Alvin person
correspondedWith Columbia Artists Management, Inc. (CAMI) corporateBody
correspondedWith Conrad, Karen person
correspondedWith Contreras, Gloria person
associatedWith Cook, Muriel person
associatedWith Coolidge, Mrs. John R. person
associatedWith Cooper, Rex person
correspondedWith Copeland, Leslie person
correspondedWith Copland, Aaron person
correspondedWith Coton, A. V. person
associatedWith Cox, Lenore person
correspondedWith Craft, Robert person
correspondedWith Craske, Margaret person
correspondedWith Crawford, Joan person
associatedWith Crenshawe, Jane person
correspondedWith Crist, Bainbridge person
associatedWith Crosby, Camille person
associatedWith Crosby, Fred person
associatedWith Crotty, Marie person
correspondedWith Cullberg, Birgit person
correspondedWith Cunningham, Merce person
associatedWith Cynthia Gregory person
associatedWith Cyril Beaumont person
associatedWith Dahlberg, Bror person
correspondedWith Dali, Salvador person
correspondedWith Dalzell, Allen person
correspondedWith Dance Collection, New York Public Library corporateBody
associatedWith Danielian, Hercelia (Danielova) person
correspondedWith Danielian, Leon person
associatedWith Danielian, Leon, 1920-1997, person
associatedWith Danielian, Leon (Danieloff) person
correspondedWith Danieli, Fred person
correspondedWith Danilova, Alexandra person
correspondedWith Danton, Henry person
associatedWith D'Antuono, Eleanor, person
correspondedWith Darencourt, Roger person
associatedWith Darius Milhaud person
associatedWith David Lichine person
correspondedWith Davidson, Jean person
correspondedWith Davis, Blevins person
correspondedWith Davis, Kenneth person
associatedWith Davis, Mary Ellen person
correspondedWith Davison, Robert person
associatedWith Dawley, Birdie. person
associatedWith Dawley, Ed. person
associatedWith Dawley, Ed. person
associatedWith Day, Harry person
correspondedWith Day, Mary person
correspondedWith Deakin, Irving person
associatedWith Deakin, Natasha, person
correspondedWith De Anguera, Marguerite person
correspondedWith Dear, Diana person
correspondedWith De Basil, Col. W. person
correspondedWith Deckmann, Audre person
correspondedWith de Conville, Philippe person
correspondedWith De Cuevas, George person
associatedWith De la Peña, George, person
correspondedWith De Lappe, Gemze person
correspondedWith Delaroff, Michel person
correspondedWith De Lavallade, Carmen person
correspondedWith Dello Joio, Norman person
correspondedWith Demidoff, Ivan person
associatedWith De Mille person
correspondedWith De Mille, Agnes person
associatedWith De Mille, Agnes. person
correspondedWith Demmler, Nancie person
correspondedWith De Molas, Nicolas person
correspondedWith Denby, Edwin person
associatedWith Denise, Patricia person
correspondedWith Denisova, Alexandra person
correspondedWith Dennis, Estelle person
associatedWith Denton, Dorothy person
associatedWith Denver Civic Ballet Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Depian, Leon person
associatedWith De Pian, Leon person
correspondedWith De Valois, Ninette person
associatedWith De Vecchi, Anthony person
associatedWith Devon, Hlenke person
correspondedWith De Voye, Robert person
associatedWith DeVoye, Robert person
correspondedWith De Witt, Glenn person
correspondedWith Dickson, Charles person
correspondedWith Diehl, Crandall person
associatedWith Dietus, Durine person
associatedWith diFillippi, Amadeo person
associatedWith DiGaetano, Anthony person
correspondedWith d'Ilberte, Jean L. N. person
associatedWith Dimitri Romanoff person
associatedWith Dobitcheff, Vera person
associatedWith Dobjinskia, Senta person
correspondedWith Dobujinsky, Mstislav person
correspondedWith Dodge, Jacqueline person
correspondedWith Dodson, Daryl person
correspondedWith Dokoudovsky, Tatiana person
associatedWith Dokoudovsky, Vladimir, person
correspondedWith Dolin, Anton person
correspondedWith Dolinoff, Alexis person
correspondedWith Dollar, William person
correspondedWith Donaldson, Herbert person
correspondedWith Donaldson, Virginia person
associatedWith Donnelley, Helen person
correspondedWith Dorati, Antal person
correspondedWith Dorati, Tonina person
associatedWith Doris Humphrey person
correspondedWith Dorn, Harding person
correspondedWith Douglas, Helyn person
correspondedWith Douglas, Scott person
correspondedWith Dovell, Jean person
associatedWith Dowell, Anthony, person
associatedWith Duane, John person
associatedWith DuBek, Ambrose. person
correspondedWith Duggan, Leo person
associatedWith Du Guay, A. C. person
associatedWith Dunaeff, Oleg person
associatedWith Dunham, Christine, person
correspondedWith Dunham, Katherine person
correspondedWith Dunkel, Eugene B. person
associatedWith Dunnington, Mrs. Walter person
associatedWith Du Pont, Mrs. S. Hallock person
correspondedWith Du Pont, Paul person
associatedWith Du Pont, Pierre S. person
associatedWith Eaman, Joan. person
correspondedWith Eaman, Joan (Ehemann) person
correspondedWith Eckl, Shirley person
associatedWith Edward Caton person
associatedWith Edwin Denby person
correspondedWith Eglevsky, André person
correspondedWith Eisenhower, Dwight person
correspondedWith Ekstrom, Parmenia Migel person
associatedWith Eliot Feld person
associatedWith Elliot, Barbara person
correspondedWith Emig, Katherine person
associatedWith Ende, Leigh person
correspondedWith Englund, Richard person
associatedWith Englund, Richard, 1931-1991, person
correspondedWith Enoch, Sharon person
associatedWith Erik Bruhn person
associatedWith Ermoloff, Gregory person
correspondedWith Essen, Viola person
correspondedWith Etting, Emlen person
associatedWith Eugene Berman person
associatedWith Eugene Loring person
associatedWith Evans, David person
correspondedWith Ewing, Alexander person
correspondedWith Ewing, Charles person
correspondedWith Ewing, George person
associatedWith Ewing, Mr. person
associatedWith Ewing, Thomas, Jr. person
associatedWith Fairchild, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Fallis, Barbara person
associatedWith Farrell, Helen person
correspondedWith Farrell, Shellie person
associatedWith Feder, Abe person
correspondedWith Fehl, Fred person
associatedWith Feid, Nona person
associatedWith Feld, Eliot, person
associatedWith Feldman, Helen person
correspondedWith Fellows, Ruth person
associatedWith Felsher, Blanche person
associatedWith Fenster, Nancy person
associatedWith Ferguson, Dale person
correspondedWith Ferguson, Mildred person
correspondedWith Fernández, José person
associatedWith Fernandez, Royes. person
associatedWith Fernandez, Royes, 1945-1980 person
correspondedWith Ferrell, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Ffolkes, David person
correspondedWith Fields, William person
correspondedWith Fisher, Beth person
correspondedWith Fisher, Joan person
correspondedWith Fisher, Thomas Hart person
correspondedWith Fish, Jane person
correspondedWith Fitzell, Roy person
associatedWith Fitzgerald, Hester person
associatedWith Fitzgerald, Sono person
correspondedWith Fleischmann, Julius person
correspondedWith Flindt, Flemming person
associatedWith Flissler, Eileen person
associatedWith Fodor, Andrea person
correspondedWith Fokine, Alexandra Fedorova person
associatedWith Fokine, Irine person
correspondedWith Fokin, Michel person
correspondedWith Fonteyn, Margot person
correspondedWith Ford, George person
correspondedWith Fornaroli, Cia person
correspondedWith Foss, Lukas person
associatedWith Fracci, Carla, person
associatedWith Frances, Esteban person
correspondedWith Frankenstein, Alfred person
associatedWith Franklin, Frederic, 1914- person
associatedWith Franklin, Paul person
correspondedWith Franzos, Leslie person
associatedWith Frederic Franklin person
associatedWith Frederick Ashton person
associatedWith Fred Fehl person
correspondedWith Freedman and Slater, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith French, Mary Stewart person
associatedWith Friedlich, Kate person
associatedWith Frohn, Otto person
correspondedWith Fuerstenberg, Betsy person
associatedWith Gain, Richard person
associatedWith Galvan, Pedro person
correspondedWith Gardiner, Lisa person
associatedWith Gardner, John person
correspondedWith Garfield, Constance person
associatedWith Garrison person
correspondedWith Garver, Arlene person
associatedWith Gary, Paul person
associatedWith Gavriloff, Ada person
correspondedWith Gavrilov, Alexandre person
correspondedWith Geddes, Norman Bel person
correspondedWith Gelder, Mary person
associatedWith Gellert, Karen person
correspondedWith Genée, Adeline person
associatedWith Gene Kelly person
associatedWith Gennaro, Peter person
correspondedWith Gentry, Eve person
associatedWith George A. Smathers Libraries. Dept. of Special and Area Studies Collections. corporateBody
associatedWith George Balanchine person
associatedWith George Balanchine's person
correspondedWith Georgiadis, Nicholas person
associatedWith Gesben, Sura person
correspondedWith Gibson, Ian person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Ruth person
associatedWith Gilday, Doreen person
correspondedWith Gillespie, Ben person
correspondedWith Gillies, Don person
associatedWith Gilmore, Betty person
correspondedWith Gilpin, John person
associatedWith Gimbel, Mrs. Bruce person
associatedWith Giselle person
correspondedWith Gladke, Peter person
associatedWith Glassman, William person
correspondedWith Goberman, Max person
correspondedWith Goddard, Pauline person
correspondedWith Godjevatz, Velizar person
correspondedWith Godkin, Paul person
correspondedWith Godowsky, Dagmar person
associatedWith Godunov, Alexander, 1949-1995, person
correspondedWith Godwin, Dwight person
associatedWith Golalof, Basil person
correspondedWith Gold, Annabelle person
correspondedWith Golden, Miriam person
correspondedWith Gollner, Nana person
correspondedWith Goltra, Richard person
correspondedWith Gomber, Mimi person
associatedWith Gomber, Mimi (Mildred) person
associatedWith Goodman, Dolores person
correspondedWith Goodman, Saul person
associatedWith Goodyear, A. Conger person
correspondedWith Gorst, Helen person
correspondedWith Gosling, Nigel person
correspondedWith Goth, Trudy person
correspondedWith Gould, Morton person
correspondedWith Gradus, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Graham-Lujan, James person
correspondedWith Graham, Martha person
associatedWith Granada, Morita person
associatedWith Granger, David person
correspondedWith Grant, Irma person
correspondedWith Graves, Gayla person
associatedWith Gray, Peter person
correspondedWith Greanin, Leon person
associatedWith Green, Alice person
correspondedWith Green, Carl person
correspondedWith Gregory, Cynthia person
associatedWith Gregory, Cynthia, person
correspondedWith Greschler, Janet person
associatedWith Grey, Christian person
correspondedWith Griffee, Virginia person
associatedWith Griffler, Judi person
associatedWith Groman, Janice person
associatedWith Gromyseff, Marie person
correspondedWith Gruenberg, Louis person
correspondedWith Guerard, Leo(n) person
correspondedWith Guest, Ivor person
associatedWith Guest, Ivor Forbes. person
associatedWith Guest, Peter person
associatedWith Guggenheim, Peggy person
correspondedWith Gura, Sally person
correspondedWith Guske, William person
correspondedWith Haakon, Paul person
correspondedWith Hagen, Walter person
associatedWith Hall, Bob person
associatedWith Hall, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Hall, Fernau person
associatedWith Hambleton, John person
associatedWith Hamilton, Cathleen person
associatedWith Hamilton, Lady Malcolm Douglas person
associatedWith Hammond, Richard person
associatedWith Hanes, Ralph P. person
associatedWith Hanes, R. Philip, Jr. person
associatedWith Hanford, Janice person
correspondedWith Hanlin, Robert person
associatedWith Hanney, Milford person
correspondedWith Hansotte, Marcel person
correspondedWith Harkness, Rebekah person
associatedWith Harrington, Edward person
associatedWith Harrison, Kay person
associatedWith Harrison, Ray person
associatedWith Harris, Victor person
correspondedWith Harrity, Richard person
associatedWith Hartford, Huntington person
associatedWith Hart, Mabel person
associatedWith Hart, Moss person
associatedWith Harvey, Cynthia, person
correspondedWith Haskell, Arnold Lionel person
associatedWith Haskin, Harold person
correspondedWith Hatcher, Kent person
correspondedWith Haubert, Alaine person
associatedWith Havemeyer, Mary person
associatedWith Hawkinson, Hermoine person
correspondedWith Haworth, Reese person
correspondedWith Hayden, Melissa person
correspondedWith Heater, Mary person
associatedWith Heckscher, August person
associatedWith Hedges, Ed person
associatedWith Hedges, Edward person
associatedWith Heidringen, Betsy person
correspondedWith Heinrich, Annemarie person
correspondedWith Heins, Harriet person
associatedWith Helburn, Theresa person
correspondedWith Heller, Anatole person
associatedWith Heller, Franklin M. person
correspondedWith Helm, Jack person
correspondedWith Helpmann, Robert person
correspondedWith Herbertt, Stanley person
correspondedWith Hertsens, Marc person
associatedWith Hettinger, Judith person
associatedWith Hiden, Georgia person
correspondedWith Hightower, Loren person
associatedWith Hightower, Rosella, person
associatedWith Hill, Joyce person
associatedWith Hilton, Terry person
associatedWith Himmel, T. person
correspondedWith Hitchins, Aubrey person
associatedWith Hobday, Ruth person
correspondedWith Hobi, Frank person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Irving person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Jay person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Malvina person
associatedWith Hoffman, Selma person
associatedWith Hogan, Frank person
associatedWith Hoit, Betty person
correspondedWith Hollar, Jan person
associatedWith Holloway, Robert person
correspondedWith Holmes, Anna Marie person
associatedWith Hoogland, Adelaide person
correspondedWith Horenstein, Jasha person
correspondedWith Horn, Catherine person
correspondedWith Horn, Edmund person
associatedWith Horvath, Ian, person
associatedWith Horwood, Jack person
correspondedWith Houston, Richard person
correspondedWith Howard, Alan person
correspondedWith Howard, Andree person
correspondedWith Hoy, Bruce person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Howard person
associatedWith Hugh Laing person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Doris person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Hubert H. person
correspondedWith Hunt, Jean person
associatedWith Hurd, Edith person
associatedWith Hurdle, John person
correspondedWith Hurok, Sol person
associatedWith Ichino, Yoko, person
associatedWith Igor Stravinsky person
associatedWith Igor Youskevitch person
correspondedWith Inglis, William person
associatedWith Iolas, Alexander person
associatedWith Irina Baronova person
associatedWith Irving Berlin person
associatedWith Isaac Stern person
correspondedWith Israel, Gail person
correspondedWith Istomina, Anna (Audree Thomas) person
associatedWith Ives, Jeremy Knight person
associatedWith Ives, Kenneth A. person
associatedWith Jack Mitchell person
correspondedWith Jackson, Mary Ellen person
correspondedWith Jackson, Roy person
correspondedWith Jacobson, Clarence person
associatedWith Jaffee, Renee person
associatedWith James, Joseph person
correspondedWith James, Joseph Andrew person
associatedWith Jamison, Judith person
associatedWith Jaroschy, Francois person
correspondedWith Javits, Jacob person
associatedWith Jeannot Cerrone person
associatedWith Jean Rosenthal person
correspondedWith Jeffrey, Howard person
associatedWith Jerome Robbins person
correspondedWith Jessen, Victor person
associatedWith Jillana (see Williams, Jillana) person
correspondedWith Joffrey, Robert person
associatedWith John Martin person
associatedWith John Onysko person
correspondedWith Johnson, Kenneth person
associatedWith Jo Mielziner person
associatedWith Jones, Ann person
correspondedWith Jones, Robert person
correspondedWith Jones, Roy person
associatedWith Jorgensen, Lars person
correspondedWith Jorgenson, Lars person
associatedWith José Limón person
correspondedWith Joukowsky, Anatole M. person
correspondedWith Jourdan, Rosemary person
correspondedWith Juarez, Salvador person
associatedWith Jung, Donald Harvey person
correspondedWith Jurdem, Arnold person
correspondedWith Juresha, Jelko person
correspondedWith Kahn, Alexander person
correspondedWith Kalchoff, Saave person
associatedWith Kalin, Lillian person
correspondedWith Kamin, Sally person
correspondedWith Kantor, Herman person
associatedWith Karen Conrad person
correspondedWith Karinska, Barbara person
associatedWith Karnakoski, Kari person
correspondedWith Karnakosky, Kari person
correspondedWith Karnilova, Maria person
associatedWith Kavan, Albia person
correspondedWith Kayan, Neal person
associatedWith Kaye, Nora, 1920-1987. person
correspondedWith Kay, Hershy person
correspondedWith Keiss, Vera person
correspondedWith Kelley, Bunty person
correspondedWith Kelly, Gene person
correspondedWith Kelly, Mary person
correspondedWith Kenallen Enterprises, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Kennard, Lawaune person
associatedWith Kennedy, Mrs. J. F. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Robert person
associatedWith Kenneth MacMillan person
correspondedWith Keogh, Tom person
correspondedWith Kerensky, Oleg person
correspondedWith Kersley, Leo person
correspondedWith Kertesz, Andre person
correspondedWith Kerz, Leo person
correspondedWith Kessler, Erik person
associatedWith Kessler, Herb person
associatedWith Kidd, Michael person
correspondedWith Kidd, Michael (Milton Greenwald) person
correspondedWith Kilgas, Nancy person
associatedWith Kilpatrick, Thomas person
correspondedWith King, Elaine person
associatedWith Kingsley, Herbert person
associatedWith Kingsley, Myra person
correspondedWith Kirkpatrick, Scott person
correspondedWith Kirstein, Lincoln person
associatedWith Kitain, Marguerite person
associatedWith Kivitt, Ted, person
correspondedWith Kniaseff, Boris person
associatedWith Kober, Alma person
correspondedWith Kochno, Boris person
correspondedWith Koehring, Lida person
correspondedWith Koesun, Ruth Ann person
correspondedWith Koner, Pauline person
correspondedWith Konrad, Rosalie person
correspondedWith Koon, Alpheus person
correspondedWith Korn, Richard person
associatedWith Kosloff, Alexandra person
correspondedWith Kosloff, Alexis person
correspondedWith Kosloff, Theodore person
correspondedWith Kostromine, Olga person
correspondedWith Koussivitsky, Serge person
correspondedWith Krachmalnick, Samuel person
associatedWith Krasnopolsky, Urey person
associatedWith Krasnopolsky, Yuri person
associatedWith Krasovskai︠a︡, V. (Vera), 1915-1999. person
correspondedWith Krauter, Marvin person
associatedWith Kreel, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Kristen, Erik person
correspondedWith Kriza, John person
associatedWith Kriza, John, 1919-1975, person
correspondedWith Kronstam, Henning person
correspondedWith Krupska, Dania person
correspondedWith Krych, Karen person
correspondedWith Kuhn, Loeb person
correspondedWith Kurtz, Efrem person
associatedWith Laban Library and Archive corporateBody
correspondedWith Lacotte, Pierre person
associatedWith La Fosse, Robert, person
correspondedWith Lagerborg, Anne-Marie person
associatedWith Laing, Hugh person
associatedWith Laing, Hugh. person
correspondedWith Laing, Hugh (H. A. Skinner) person
correspondedWith Lamont, Deni person
correspondedWith Lander, Harald person
correspondedWith Lander, Toni person
associatedWith Lander, Toni. person
correspondedWith Lanese, Lillian person
correspondedWith Lang, Harold person
correspondedWith Lang, Pearl person
correspondedWith Langston, Eugene person
correspondedWith Lanova, Merriam person
associatedWith Lara, Lisa person
correspondedWith Larionov, Mikhail person
associatedWith Larkin, Peter person
associatedWith Larkin, Robert person
correspondedWith LaRoche, Chet person
correspondedWith Lauret, Jeanette person
associatedWith Lauri, Beatrice person
associatedWith Lavarova, Anna person
associatedWith Lawler, David person
correspondedWith Lawlor, David person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Peter person
correspondedWith Lazarevich, Anna person
correspondedWith Lazowsky, Yurek person
associatedWith Lazuk, Alex person
correspondedWith Leahy, Leonie person
correspondedWith Leatherman, Leroy person
correspondedWith Lebrun, Rico person
correspondedWith Leclercq, Tanaquil person
associatedWith Lee, Anne H. person
associatedWith Lee, Anya person
correspondedWith Lee, Dai-keong person
associatedWith Lee, Nata person
correspondedWith Lee, Nata (Cohen) person
correspondedWith Lee, Stephania person
correspondedWith Lee, Virginia (see Warren) person
correspondedWith Leffert, Harry person
correspondedWith Leigh, Victoria person
associatedWith Leonard Bernstein person
correspondedWith Leon, Georges person
associatedWith Leonide Massine person
correspondedWith Leon, Jaime person
correspondedWith Lerman, Iris person
correspondedWith Lerman, Omar person
correspondedWith Lerner, Judith person
correspondedWith Lester, Keith person
associatedWith Letteaux, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Levasseur, André person
correspondedWith Levine, Joseph person
associatedWith Levine, Mary person
correspondedWith Levine, Michael person
correspondedWith Levy, Diana person
correspondedWith Libidins, David person
correspondedWith Lichine, David person
correspondedWith Lidova, Irène person
correspondedWith Limón, José person
associatedWith Linardos, Iliana person
associatedWith Lincoln Kirstein's person
correspondedWith Lindgren, Robert person
associatedWith Linn, Bambi person
correspondedWith Linn, Ralph person
associatedWith Lipton, Daniel person
associatedWith Littauer, Gracia person
correspondedWith Littlefield, Catherine person
associatedWith Ljung, Wiweka (Viveka) person
correspondedWith Ljung, Wiwika (Viveka) person
correspondedWith Lland, Michael (Holland Stoudenmire) person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Barbara person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Paula person
associatedWith Longest, Ernest person
associatedWith Lorimer, Helen D. person
correspondedWith Loring, Eugene person
correspondedWith Lorrain, Roland person
correspondedWith Losch, Tilly person
correspondedWith Love, Kermit person
associatedWith Lovering, Deborah person
associatedWith Lowenstein, Janet person
associatedWith Lubovitch, Lar, 1943- person
correspondedWith Lucas, Leighton person
associatedWith Lucia Chase person
associatedWith Lucia Chase's person
associatedWith Lund, Jack H. person
associatedWith Lund, Ted person
correspondedWith Lurie, Sam person
associatedWith Lurie, Samuel person
correspondedWith Lusby, Vernon person
correspondedWith Lutyens, Edith person
associatedWith Lynn, Beatrice person
correspondedWith Lyon, Annabelle person
correspondedWith Lyon, Robert person
associatedWith Lyons, Gloria person
correspondedWith Lyons, James person
correspondedWith Lysaght, Dorothy person
associatedWith MacCardell, Cameron person
associatedWith MacDonald, Arthur person
associatedWith MacGillivray, Duncan (Noble) person
associatedWith Mack, Claire person
correspondedWith MacLarnon, Fern person
correspondedWith MacMillan, Kenneth person
associatedWith Macy, Lucinda person
associatedWith Mademoiselle Angot person
correspondedWith Mader, Arnott person
correspondedWith Magnan, Charles person
correspondedWith Magro, John person
associatedWith Makarova, Natalia, 1940- person
correspondedWith Manchester, Phyllis Winifred person
associatedWith Manners, Martha person
correspondedWith Maracci, Carmelita person
associatedWith Marc Chagall person
correspondedWith Marchand, Colette person
associatedWith Maremont, Arnold person
associatedWith Margot Fonteyn person
associatedWith Maria Tallchief person
associatedWith Marie Rambert person
associatedWith Marino, Don person
associatedWith Markoe, Francis H. person
correspondedWith Markova, Alicia person
correspondedWith Marks, Bruce person
correspondedWith Marks, Diana person
correspondedWith Marmein, Miriam person
associatedWith Marsh, Marian person
associatedWith Martha Graham person
correspondedWith Martin, Erin person
correspondedWith Martinez, Enrique person
correspondedWith Martin, John person
associatedWith Martin, Marilyn person
associatedWith Martin, Mellon C. person
associatedWith Martinson, Joseph B. person
correspondedWith Marty, Jean-Pierre person
associatedWith Maryinsky's person
correspondedWith Maslova, Maria (Malfitano) person
correspondedWith Maslow, Sophie person
correspondedWith Massine, Leonide person
associatedWith Matheson, Carmen person
associatedWith Matink, Luba person
correspondedWith Mattox, Matt person
correspondedWith Maule, Michael person
correspondedWith Maurice, Fredda person
correspondedWith Mayer, Christine person
correspondedWith Maynard, Olga person
associatedWith McCormick, Robert person
correspondedWith McCracken, Joan person
correspondedWith McDermott, William person
associatedWith McHugh, Frank person
correspondedWith McIntyre, Patrick person
associatedWith McKannay, Jacqueline person
associatedWith McKee, Patricia person
associatedWith McLain, David person
correspondedWith McLerie, Allyn person
correspondedWith McWilliams, Ralph person
correspondedWith Meister, Hans person
associatedWith Melikova, Genia (Melnichenko) person
correspondedWith Melikova, Génia (Melnitchenko) person
correspondedWith Mendelssohn, Gordon person
correspondedWith Mendez, Julietta person
correspondedWith Mendoza, Cesar de person
correspondedWith Menotti, Gian-Carlo person
associatedWith Merce Cunningham person
associatedWith Messel, Oliver., 1904-1978 person
associatedWith Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Metze, Kurt person
associatedWith Meyer, Steven person
correspondedWith Michael, Peter person
associatedWith Michel Delaroff person
associatedWith Michel Fokin person
correspondedWith Mielziner, Jo person
correspondedWith Migel, Parmenia. person
associatedWith Mikhail Mordkin person
associatedWith Mikhail Mordkin, Jr. person
associatedWith Mikhail Mordkin's person
correspondedWith Milbert, Seymour person
correspondedWith Milhaud, Darius person
correspondedWith Miller, Andrina person
associatedWith Miller, Jack A. person
associatedWith Miller, Jane person
associatedWith Millette, James person
associatedWith Mills, Fred person
correspondedWith Milovidoff, Roy person
correspondedWith Milton, Eloise person
associatedWith Miner, Betsy person
associatedWith Minkus, L., 1826-1917. person
correspondedWith Mirrow, Isabel person
associatedWith Missimer, Betty person
associatedWith Mitchell, Betty person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Jack person
correspondedWith Mitchell, James person
associatedWith Mitchell, Janet person
associatedWith Mitchell, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Mlakar, Veronika person
correspondedWith Monson, Edward person
associatedWith Montes, Monna person
associatedWith Moore, Marjorie person
associatedWith Mordkin Ballet person
associatedWith Mordkin Ballet Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Mordkin Ballet's person
associatedWith Mordkin, Mikhail, 1881-1944. person
correspondedWith Mordkin, Mikhail, Jr. person
associatedWith Morelli, Wilson person
associatedWith Morgan, Ray person
associatedWith Morris, June person
associatedWith Morris, June, person
associatedWith Morse, Janet person
associatedWith Morse, Janet, 1960- person
associatedWith Morski, James person
associatedWith Mortrude, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Moylan, Mary Ellen person
associatedWith Mullet, Guilda person
associatedWith Munson, Marjorie person
associatedWith Murai, Ilona person
associatedWith Murielle, Helen person
correspondedWith Murray, Jane person
associatedWith Murray, Janet B. person
associatedWith Murray, Ron person
associatedWith Myers, Margot person
associatedWith Nadal, Alexandra person
associatedWith Nadel, Sinda person
associatedWith Nagy, Ivan, 1943- person
associatedWith Nahat, Dennis, person
associatedWith Nalls, Virginia person
associatedWith Nargo, Nikolas person
correspondedWith Narodny, Ivan person
correspondedWith Nault, Fernand person
associatedWith Nault, Fernand, person
associatedWith Nebrada, Vicente person
correspondedWith Neglia, José person
correspondedWith Neiger, Dorothy person
associatedWith Nelson, Peter person
associatedWith Nemchinova, Vera person
associatedWith Nerina, Nadia person
associatedWith Nevins, Zebra person
correspondedWith Newman, Danny person
correspondedWith Nickel, Paul person
correspondedWith Nijinska, Bronislava person
correspondedWith Nillo, David (Feinstein) person
associatedWith Nina Stroganova person
associatedWith Ninette de Valois person
correspondedWith Noble, Duncan (MacGillivray) person
associatedWith Nora Kaye person
correspondedWith Nordoff, Paul person
associatedWith Norman, Jay person
correspondedWith North, Alexander person
correspondedWith Notara, Darrell person
correspondedWith Notkoff, Robert person
correspondedWith Novikoff, Laurent person
associatedWith Nowak, Henry person
correspondedWith Nureyev, Rudolf person
associatedWith Oboukhoff, Anatole person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Shaun person
correspondedWith Oden, Marilynn person
correspondedWith Odets, Clifford person
associatedWith Oliver Smith person
correspondedWith Olrich, April person
correspondedWith Onigman, Roberta person
correspondedWith Onysko, John person
associatedWith Oram, Harold person
correspondedWith Orlando, Mariane person
correspondedWith Orloff, Nicholas person
associatedWith Orme, Carl person
correspondedWith Orpin, Gillian person
correspondedWith Orr, Terry person
correspondedWith Orthwine, Rudolf person
correspondedWith Orthwine, Rudolph person
associatedWith Ortz, Xavier person
correspondedWith Osato, Sono person
correspondedWith Oswald, Doreen person
associatedWith Oudray, Yvonne person
correspondedWith Oukrainsky, Serge person
correspondedWith Owen, Irving person
associatedWith Pagent, Robert person
correspondedWith Page, Ruth person
associatedWith Palmer, Winthrop person
associatedWith Palomanos, Adelino person
associatedWith Pampa, Paco person
correspondedWith Panaieff, Michel person
associatedWith Panetta, Janet person
associatedWith Papa, Phyllis person
associatedWith Paquet, Marie person
correspondedWith Paredes, Marcos person
correspondedWith Parkinson, Ed person
correspondedWith Parnes, Nat person
associatedWith Parnes, Pat person
associatedWith Paskov, Natalie person
associatedWith Patricia Bowman person
associatedWith Patterson, Yvonne person
associatedWith Pauline Koner person
correspondedWith Payne, Charles person
associatedWith Payne, Charles, person
associatedWith Pearl Lang person
associatedWith Pearson, Diane person
correspondedWith Pebworth, Richard person
correspondedWith Pederson, Currie person
correspondedWith Pen Dell, Marilyn person
associatedWith Pendleton, M. M. person
correspondedWith Pereyaslavec, Valentina person
associatedWith Pérez Márquez, Agelia M. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Malone person
correspondedWith Perlova, Janna person
correspondedWith Permut, Morris person
associatedWith Perry, Felicia person
associatedWith Peter Lawrence person
correspondedWith Petersen, Kenneth person
associatedWith Peterson, Kenneth person
associatedWith Peterson, Robert person
correspondedWith Petit, Roland person
correspondedWith Petroff, Paul person
associatedWith Petrova, Xenia person
correspondedWith Pettan, Florence person
associatedWith Pfeiffer, Edward person
associatedWith Philippart, Nathalie person
associatedWith Phillips, Katherine person
correspondedWith Pierre, Dorothi Bock person
associatedWith Pilcher, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Pinto, Winokur person
correspondedWith Plane, Liane person
correspondedWith Plank, Melinda C. person
correspondedWith Pleasant, Richard person
associatedWith Pleasant, Richard, 1909-1961. person
correspondedWith Pockriss, Lee J. person
correspondedWith Polajenko, Nicholas person
associatedWith Pons, Helene person
associatedWith Popoff, Nicolai person
correspondedWith Popova, Nina person
correspondedWith Popper, Lila person
correspondedWith Porcher, Nananne person
associatedWith Porter, Tom person
associatedWith Potteiger, Jack person
correspondedWith Pourfarrokh, Ali person
associatedWith Powers, Regis person
associatedWith Price, Helen person
associatedWith Prinz, John, person
correspondedWith Prudente, Nana person
correspondedWith Psota, Ivo Váňa person
associatedWith P. W. Manchester person
correspondedWith Rabinoff, Max person
associatedWith Rae, Donna person
correspondedWith Rainer, Frances person
associatedWith Rainwater, Vezeay person
correspondedWith Rall, Tommy person
correspondedWith Rambert, Marie person
correspondedWith Ramsey, Eloise person
correspondedWith Ramsier, Paul person
associatedWith Rapport, Will. person
correspondedWith Razoumova, Galina person
associatedWith Reed, Betty Lou person
correspondedWith Reed, Janet person
correspondedWith Reed, Richard person
correspondedWith Reed, Sarah person
correspondedWith Reicher, Edith person
correspondedWith Remington, Barbara person
correspondedWith Remisoff, Nicolai person
associatedWith Remisov, Nicolai person
correspondedWith Reud, Robert person
correspondedWith Revene, Nadine person
correspondedWith Riabouchinska, Tatiana person
associatedWith Ricci, Rosalin person
associatedWith Rice, Newcomb person
associatedWith Richard Pleasant person
associatedWith Richard Pleasant's person
associatedWith Richard Rodgers person
correspondedWith Richards, Dianne person
correspondedWith Richardson, David person
correspondedWith Richardson, P. J. S. person
correspondedWith Richards, Patricia person
correspondedWith Rieti, Vittorio person
associatedWith Rifkind person
correspondedWith Riisager, Knudāge person
associatedWith Rios, Maurice person
correspondedWith Riseley, Cynthia person
correspondedWith Rizzo, Marlene person
associatedWith Robbins, Jerome. person
associatedWith Robert Joffrey person
associatedWith Robinson, Dyann person
associatedWith Roche, Iris person
associatedWith Rockefeller, Nelson person
correspondedWith Rodgers, Richard person
associatedWith Rodion, George person
correspondedWith Rodionova, Rima person
correspondedWith Rodrigues, Alfred person
correspondedWith Rodriguez, Zhandra person
associatedWith Rodzianko, Alexander person
associatedWith Roland Petit person
correspondedWith Rolland, Rosa person
correspondedWith Romanoff, Boris person
correspondedWith Romanoff, Dimitri person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor person
associatedWith Rosand, Aaron person
correspondedWith Rosay, Madeleine person
associatedWith Rose, Mary person
associatedWith Rosenfield, John person
correspondedWith Rosen, Joseph person
correspondedWith Rosenstock, Milton person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Jean person
associatedWith Ross, Edith person
correspondedWith Ross, Herbert person
associatedWith Rozzino, Giovanni person
associatedWith Rudolf Nureyev person
associatedWith Rudolf Orthwine person
correspondedWith Rudy, Gerald person
correspondedWith Runanin, Boris person
associatedWith Ruth Page person
associatedWith Ruth St. Denis person
correspondedWith Ryan, Theodore S. person
correspondedWith Sabo, Rozsika person
correspondedWith Saddler, Donald person
correspondedWith Saidenberg, Daniel person
associatedWith Saint Jean, Andre person
correspondedWith Sakhnoffsky, Alexis de person
associatedWith Salvador Dali person
associatedWith Samachson, Dorothy person
associatedWith Sampson, Walter person
correspondedWith Sanders, Job person
correspondedWith Sarfati, Albert person
associatedWith Saroyan, William person
correspondedWith Sartorio, Angiola person
correspondedWith Saul, Peter person
associatedWith Saunders, Jesse person
associatedWith Savage, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Sayler, Oliver person
correspondedWith Saylor, Oliver person
associatedWith Scanlon, Edward person
correspondedWith Schaffenburg, Fernando person
correspondedWith Scheepers, Martin person
correspondedWith Schenker, Nate person
correspondedWith Schermerhorn, Kenneth person
associatedWith Schiffman, Byron person
associatedWith Schindelette, John person
correspondedWith Schmidt, Patricia person
correspondedWith Schnitzer, Robert person
correspondedWith Schönberg, Arnold person
correspondedWith Schumacher, Gretchen person
correspondedWith Schuman, William person
correspondedWith Schwartz, Howard Jay person
correspondedWith Schwarz, Hermene person
associatedWith Schwenker, Olga person
correspondedWith Schwezoff, Igor person
associatedWith Scott, Dorothy person
associatedWith Scott, John person
correspondedWith Seair Travel, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Seibert, Wallace person
correspondedWith Selling, Caj person
correspondedWith Semenoff, Simon person
associatedWith Semenoff, Simon, person
associatedWith Semenova, Tania person
associatedWith Semochenko, Irina person
correspondedWith Sequoio, Ron person
correspondedWith Seravalli, Rosanna person
correspondedWith Serebrier, José person
correspondedWith Sergava, Katherine person
associatedWith Sergei Denham person
associatedWith Serge Soudeikine person
associatedWith Sergievsky, Orest person
associatedWith Sergievsky, Orest, 1911- person
associatedWith Serova, Olga person
correspondedWith Serrano, Lupe person
correspondedWith Sevastianov, Gerald person
correspondedWith Seymour, Lynn person
correspondedWith Seymour, Maurice person
associatedWith Shadley, Richard person
associatedWith Shaier, Julius person
correspondedWith Shapinsky, Murray person
correspondedWith Sharaff, Irene person
correspondedWith Shawn, Ted person
correspondedWith Shields, David person
associatedWith Shollar, Ludmilla person
correspondedWith Sidorenko, Galina person
correspondedWith Siegfried, Judith person
associatedWith Sifnios, Duska person
correspondedWith Simmons, Elaine person
associatedWith Simmons, Stanley person
correspondedWith Simms, Beverly person
correspondedWith Simon, Bernard person
associatedWith Simone Michelle; Pauline Ryall; Peter Lancelot WIlliams; Dierdre McMahon person
correspondedWith Simonson, Lee person
associatedWith Sims, Sandra person
associatedWith Singleton, Doria person
associatedWith Sironi, Fern person
correspondedWith Skibine, George person
correspondedWith Slavenska, Mia person
correspondedWith Sloper, Anne person
correspondedWith Smallens, Alexander person
associatedWith Smith, Arks. person
associatedWith Smith, Carleton person
correspondedWith Smith, Felix person
correspondedWith Smith, George person
correspondedWith Smith, Joan person
correspondedWith Smith, Oliver person
associatedWith Smith, Oliver Lemuel, 1918-1994 person
correspondedWith Smith, Oliver (see Administration) person
associatedWith Smith, Pamela person
associatedWith Smuin family. family
correspondedWith Smuin, Michael person
associatedWith Snell, David M. person
correspondedWith Sokoloff, Serge person
correspondedWith Sokolow, Anna person
associatedWith Solly, Doris Jane person
correspondedWith Solov, Zachary person
correspondedWith Soma, Enrica person
correspondedWith Sommaripa, George person
correspondedWith Sommers, Sandra person
correspondedWith Sorell, Walter person
correspondedWith Sosenko, Anna person
associatedWith Soudeikine, Jeanne P. person
correspondedWith Soudeikine, Serge person
associatedWith Spence, Hazel person
correspondedWith Spencer, Sylvia person
associatedWith Spinelly, Jack person
associatedWith Spottswood, Don person
associatedWith Stander, Lionel person
correspondedWith Stanley, John person
associatedWith Starr, Dolores person
correspondedWith Starr, Dolores (Stern) person
correspondedWith St. Denis, Ruth person
associatedWith Steele, Barbara person
associatedWith Steinberg, Ben person
associatedWith Steinberg, Stephen Cobbett, 1949-1991. person
correspondedWith Stein, Enid Berkall person
associatedWith Stepkowska, Eugenia person
correspondedWith Stern, Isaac person
correspondedWith Stern, June person
correspondedWith Stevens, Byam person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Ben person
correspondedWith Stevens, Priscilla person
correspondedWith Stewart, Charles person
correspondedWith Stone, Bentley person
correspondedWith Stone, Mary person
correspondedWith Storey, Alan M. person
correspondedWith Stowitts, Hubert Julian person
correspondedWith Strauss, Paul person
correspondedWith Stravinski, Igor person
associatedWith Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Street, Julian person
correspondedWith Stressemann, Joachim person
correspondedWith Strickland, Dawn person
correspondedWith Stroganova, Nina person
correspondedWith Stroganova, Nina (Rigmor Strom) person
correspondedWith Strong, Marianne person
associatedWith Suarez, Olga person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Jean person
correspondedWith Sutherland, Paul person
associatedWith Sutherland, Paul, person
associatedWith Svetlova, Marina person
correspondedWith Swanson, Gloria person
associatedWith Swenson, Ann person
correspondedWith Swofford, Hugh person
associatedWith Szabova, Rozsika person
associatedWith Szilard, Paul, 1912- person
associatedWith Taboas, Charles person
correspondedWith Tack, Augustus Vincent person
correspondedWith Taft, Charles person
associatedWith Taft, Charles P. person
correspondedWith Taksa, Gregor person
correspondedWith Talbot, Alden person
correspondedWith Tallchief, Maria person
associatedWith Tallchief, Marjorie, person
associatedWith Tamara Toumanova person
associatedWith Tanaquil Leclercq person
correspondedWith Tanner, Eugene person
correspondedWith Taplinger, Robert person
correspondedWith Taras, John person
associatedWith Taras, John, person
associatedWith Tatiana Riabouchinska person
correspondedWith Taub, Harold person
correspondedWith Taylor, Burton person
correspondedWith Taylor, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Taylor, Harold person
correspondedWith Taylor, Wilda person
correspondedWith Tcherepnin, Alexander person
correspondedWith Tcherina, Ludmilla person
correspondedWith Tcherkassky, Alexis person
associatedWith Tcherkassky, Marianna, person
associatedWith Ted Shawn person
correspondedWith Tennyson, Paula person
correspondedWith Terry, Walter person
associatedWith Tetley, Glen, person
associatedWith Theobald, Susan person
associatedWith Thomas, Richard person
associatedWith Thomas, William, person
correspondedWith Thompson, Basil person
associatedWith Thompson, Bill person
associatedWith Thompson, Christine person
associatedWith Thompson, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Thompson, Frank person
associatedWith Thompson, Woodman person
correspondedWith Thomson, Norman person
correspondedWith Thomson, Virgil person
correspondedWith Tihmar, David person
associatedWith Tippet, Clark, person
correspondedWith Tobias, Roy person
correspondedWith Todd, Arthur person
associatedWith Todd, Caroline person
correspondedWith Tomal, George person
associatedWith Tomasow, Jan person
associatedWith Tompkins, George person
associatedWith Toni Lander person
correspondedWith Tonry, Reginald person
associatedWith Topaz, Muriel. person
correspondedWith Toscanini, Cia Fornaroli person
correspondedWith Toumanova, Tamara person
associatedWith Townsend, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Trachtenberg, Hansi person
associatedWith Trapaga, Luis person
associatedWith Treiber, Eleonore person
associatedWith Trelfall, John person
correspondedWith Trisler, Joyce person
associatedWith Truman, Harry person
associatedWith Tudor, Antony, 1908-1987, person
correspondedWith Tupine, Oleg person
associatedWith Turegano, Ethel person
associatedWith Turner, Belita person
correspondedWith Turner, Diana person
correspondedWith Turner, Harold person
correspondedWith Unger, Nancy person
associatedWith Upton, Anitra person
correspondedWith Urdapilleta, Laura person
associatedWith Valbor, Kirsten person
associatedWith Valerie Bettis person
correspondedWith Vanags, Dzinta person
correspondedWith Vance, Norma person
associatedWith Vance, Norma (Vaslavina) person
correspondedWith Van Damme, Andre person
correspondedWith Van Dyke, Leon person
associatedWith Van Hamel, Martine, 1945- person
correspondedWith Van Praagh, Peggy person
correspondedWith Van Vechten, Carl person
associatedWith Varady, Eva person
correspondedWith Varkas, Leon person
correspondedWith Vasilieff, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Vaughan, David person
correspondedWith Velez, Angela person
correspondedWith Venieris, Calliope person
correspondedWith Venmar, Tamara person
correspondedWith Verchinina, Nina person
correspondedWith Verdy, Violette person
correspondedWith Verso, Edward person
associatedWith Vertes, Marcel person
correspondedWith Vertès, Marcel person
correspondedWith Vickers, Joan person
associatedWith Vidal, Georgina person
correspondedWith Vilzak, Anatole person
associatedWith Viola Essen person
correspondedWith Vitale, Adriano person
associatedWith Vittorio Rieti person
associatedWith Vladimir Dokoudovsky person
correspondedWith Volkova, Vera person
correspondedWith Vollmar, Jocelyn person
associatedWith Vollmar, Jocelyn. person
associatedWith Voss, Mathilde person
correspondedWith Wagner, Hilda (Bland) person
correspondedWith Wagner, Richard person
associatedWith Wakhevitch vs. Ballet Theatre, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Walsh, Anna person
associatedWith Walter Terry person
associatedWith Ward, John person
associatedWith Ware, Leonard person
correspondedWith Warren, Virginia Lee person
correspondedWith Washburn, Watson person
correspondedWith Watson, Margaret person
associatedWith Wayne, Allan person
correspondedWith Weber, Diana person
correspondedWith Webster, David person
associatedWith Weidner, Gisella person
associatedWith Weill, Harold person
correspondedWith Weill, Kurt person
associatedWith Weiner, June (Evans) person
associatedWith Weismuller, Donnie person
associatedWith Weiss, Robert person
correspondedWith Wells, Mary Ann person
correspondedWith Wendorf, Vernon person
associatedWith Weslow, William person
correspondedWith West, Marc person
correspondedWith Weterick, Fred person
associatedWith Wharton person
associatedWith White, Howard person
associatedWith White, Miles person
associatedWith Wieliesz, Diane person
associatedWith Wiere, Ingeborg person
associatedWith Wiland, Steve person
correspondedWith Wilcox, Virginia person
associatedWith Wilde, Barbara person
correspondedWith Wilder, Thornton person
associatedWith Wilkinson, William person
associatedWith William Schuman person
associatedWith Williams, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Williams, E. Virginia person
associatedWith Williams, Jillana person
associatedWith Williams, Karel person
associatedWith Williams, Lavinia person
associatedWith Williams, Lee person
associatedWith Williamson, Karen person
associatedWith Williams, Rosemary person
correspondedWith Williams, Stanley person
associatedWith Williams, Tennessee person
associatedWith Willis, Bernice person
associatedWith Wilson, Anne person
associatedWith Wilson, Sallie, person
associatedWith Wiman, Anna Deere person
associatedWith Wiman, Dwight Deere person
associatedWith Wise, Irma person
associatedWith Woizikowska, Sonia person
associatedWith Wojcik, Kasana person
associatedWith Wolff, Robert person
correspondedWith Wolfson, Anne person
correspondedWith Wood, Michael person
correspondedWith Woody, Regina person
associatedWith Woolworth, Pamela J. person
correspondedWith Workman, Jenny person
correspondedWith Wright, Peter person
correspondedWith Wurtz, Otto person
correspondedWith Wynn, Billie (Lillian Isabel) person
correspondedWith Yarbrough, Margaret person
associatedWith Yeager, Betty person
correspondedWith Young, Gayle person
associatedWith Youskevitch, Igor, 1912-1994, person
correspondedWith Zadigiani, Victoria person
correspondedWith Zaliouk, Yuval person
associatedWith Zalipskaya, Lila person
associatedWith Zeckendorf, Mrs. William person
correspondedWith Zelens, Richard person
correspondedWith Zeller, Robert person
correspondedWith Zlatin, Mois person
correspondedWith Zoritch, George person
correspondedWith Zorn, George person
correspondedWith Zuckert, Harry person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (State)--New York
New York (State)--New York
New York (State)--New York
Ballet companies
Ballet companies
Ballet companies

Corporate Body




Ark ID: w6bg6d00

SNAC ID: 48709718