Empson, William, 1906-1984

Variant names

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English critic and teacher.

From the description of Autograph and typed letters signed (29) : London, Sheffield, Worcester, Beijing, and Singapore, to John Davenport, 1940 Aug. 7-1966 Mar. 7 and [n.d.]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270870769

William Empson, born in 1791, was educated at Winchester and then studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. He began to contribute to the Edinburgh review in 1832 and from then until 1849 he wrote more than 60 articles on law, politics, and literary topics. In 1843 he wrote an article on Bentham which was contradicted by J. S. Mill in 1844. Empson was Professor of General Polity Upon the Laws of England at the East India College, Haileybury, Hertfordshire (this was the administrative training college of the East India Company which closed in 1858) from 1824 to 1852. He succeeded to the editorship of the Edinburgh review in 1847. William Empson died at Haileybury on 10 December 1852.

From the guide to the Letters of William Empson (1791-1852), 1850-1859, (Edinburgh University Library)

Empson (1906-1984) was a British poet and literary critic. His book, Seven types of ambiguity (1930), helped lay the foundation for the critical school known as the New Criticism.

From the guide to the William Empson papers, 1811-1996 (inclusive), 1911-1984 (bulk)., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Empson (1906-1984) was a British poet and literary critic. His book,Seven types of ambiguity (1930), helped lay the foundation for the critical school known as the New Criticism.

From the description of William Empson papers, 1811-1996 (inclusive), 1911-1984 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612235029

William Empson was a poet and critic, widely considered among the best and most influential literary critics of his day. Born into an aristocratric family in East Yorkshire, England, he took firsts in Mathematics and English at Cambridge University. He lived and taught for a time in the Orient, returning to England in 1939; he eventually took a position at the University of Sheffield, and later held other academic positions, some in the United States (including Penn State, 1974-1975). Empson is accounted a minor poet, a skilled traditionalist whose complex verse is valued by other poets but generally ignored by the public. He wrote his first major critical work at the age of twenty-two, and became highly regarded for his ability to be both instructive and inspirational; he has been described as one of the three most influential critics in the history of English literature.

From the description of William Empson letters and related materials, 1940-1975. (Pennsylvania State University Libraries). WorldCat record id: 123899177

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Maynard Mack papers, 1928-1997 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Letters of William Empson (1791-1852), 1850-1859 Edinburgh University Library
creatorOf Empson, William, 1906-. Autograph and typed letters signed (29) : London, Sheffield, Worcester, Beijing, and Singapore, to John Davenport, 1940 Aug. 7-1966 Mar. 7 and [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Stanley Edgar Hyman Papers, 1932-1978, (bulk 1938-1970) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Abse, Dannie. Nimbus magazine archive, 1945-1962. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn Sir Archive Michael Redgrave V & A Department of Theatre and Performance
referencedIn Furioso papers, 1938-1951 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn MacNeice, Louis, 1907-1963. Louis MacNeice papers, 1960-1969. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Correspondence, 1829-1874 Houghton Library
creatorOf Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 1919-1970. Papers, 1932-1978 (bulk 1938-1970). Library of Congress
referencedIn Empson Documents, 1918-1970 University of Sheffield Lbrary
referencedIn Cleanth Brooks papers., 1927-1986 (inclusive), 1960-1986 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf William Empson papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Hobsbaum, Philip. Philip Hobsbaum collection. [1955-1972]. University of Victoria Libraries, UVic
creatorOf Empson, William, 1906-1984. [Letter to Mr Dawson]. University of Sheffield
referencedIn Woodberry Poetry Room (Harvard College Library) poetry readings, 1931- (ongoing). Woodberry Poetry Room, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Empson, William, 1906-1984. William Empson letters and related materials, 1940-1975. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Sassoon, Siegfried 1886-1967. 5 a.l.s. to Lady Ottoline Morrell, with holograph draft, of "Summing Up." New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn William Empson papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Empson, William, 1906-1984. William Empson papers, 1811-1996 (inclusive), 1911-1984 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Papers of Robert Graves: Critical prose and journalism, 1927 to 2003 St John's College, Oxford
referencedIn Grand Street Publications, Inc. Grand Street Publications editorial files, 1981-1990. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Barker, George, 1913-1991. George Barker collection, 1930-1966. Southern Illinois University, Morris Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith 20th Century and Universities Quarterly. corporateBody
associatedWith 20th century studies corporateBody
associatedWith A. Alvarez person
associatedWith Aaron Copland person
correspondedWith Abubakr, Rashid. person
associatedWith Accademia dei Linaei. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ackerley, J. R. (Joe Randolph), 1896-1967 person
correspondedWith Adams, H. M. person
correspondedWith Addis, J. M. (John Mansfield), 1914- person
correspondedWith Adler, Henry. corporateBody
correspondedWith Agenda editions. corporateBody
associatedWith Agrippa person
associatedWith Alan Jenkins. person
correspondedWith Alexander, Peter, 1893- person
correspondedWith Alexander, Peter (Peter F.). person
associatedWith Alexandria university corporateBody
correspondedWith Ali, Tariq. person
correspondedWith Allen, R. Frederick. person
correspondedWith Almansi, Guido, 1931- person
correspondedWith American Academy of Arts and Letters and National Institute of Arts and Letters. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Academy of Arts and Sciences. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, David F. person
associatedWith Andrew Best person
associatedWith Andrew Marvell person
associatedWith Anglisches Seminar der Universitat Hedelberg. corporateBody
associatedWith A. Norman (Alexander Norman) Jeffares. person
associatedWith Anthony Cronin. person
associatedWith Anthony Flew person
associatedWith Anthony Jones person
correspondedWith A review of English literature. corporateBody
correspondedWith Argyle, Barry. person
associatedWith A. R. Humphreys person
correspondedWith Armytage, Harry. person
correspondedWith Arrows corporateBody
associatedWith Arthur Empson person
associatedWith Arthur H. Scouten person
associatedWith Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth corporateBody
correspondedWith Astbury, Anthony. person
correspondedWith Atcherley, Richard, Sir. person
associatedWith Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973 person
associatedWith Austen person
correspondedWith Ayrton, Elisabeth. person
correspondedWith Bagchee, Shyamal. person
correspondedWith Barea, Ilsa. person
correspondedWith Barker, George, 1913-1991. person
correspondedWith Barnet, Sylvan. person
correspondedWith Barney, Stephen A. person
correspondedWith Barrett, David, 1914- person
associatedWith Barry Argyle person
associatedWith Barry Carman. person
correspondedWith Barua, Dilip Kumar. person
correspondedWith Basil Blackwell Publisher. corporateBody
correspondedWith Batchelor, John, 1942- person
correspondedWith Bateson, Frederick Wilse, 1901- person
correspondedWith Bate, Walter Jackson, 1918- person
associatedWith B.B.C. corporateBody
associatedWith Beardsley. person
correspondedWith Becnel, Berry P. person
correspondedWith Beilby, John. person
correspondedWith Bennett, Joan S. person
correspondedWith Benoist person
correspondedWith Berlin, Isaiah, Sir. person
associatedWith Bernard Miles. person
correspondedWith Berry, Francis person
correspondedWith Berry, Nancy. person
associatedWith Berry, Ralph, 1931- person
correspondedWith Billigheimer, Rachel V. person
correspondedWith Black, Max, 1909- person
associatedWith Blake person
correspondedWith Blofeld, John Eaton Calthorpe, 1913- person
correspondedWith Blunden, Edmund, 1896-1974 person
correspondedWith Boase, T. S. R. (Thomas Sherrer Ross), 1898-1974 person
correspondedWith Boas, George, 1891- person
correspondedWith Bodleian library. corporateBody
associatedWith Bohannan, Laura. person
correspondedWith Bold, Alan Norman, 1943- person
correspondedWith Bonwit, Ralf. person
associatedWith Booth, Wayne C. person
correspondedWith Bottrall, Ronald, 1906- person
associatedWith Bourjaily, Vance person
correspondedWith Bowers, Fredson. person
associatedWith Bowra person
associatedWith Bredvold person
correspondedWith Brett, Raymond Laurence. person
associatedWith Brian Cox. person
associatedWith Brigid Maas person
correspondedWith Britain-China Friendship Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith British academy corporateBody
associatedWith British Broadcasting Company. corporateBody
associatedWith British Broadcasting Company/Kenyon review corporateBody
correspondedWith British Broadcasting Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith British Broadcasting Corporation/ China corporateBody
associatedWith British Broadcasting Corporation/ Japan corporateBody
correspondedWith British Council. corporateBody
correspondedWith British Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith British Who Killed Kennedy? Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Brooks, Cleanth, 1906- person
correspondedWith Bruce person
correspondedWith Brunet, Roger person
associatedWith Buddha person
correspondedWith Buisset, B. L. person
correspondedWith Burgess Hill School. corporateBody
correspondedWith Burke's landed gentry. corporateBody
associatedWith Burton person
associatedWith Byron person
associatedWith Caedmon. corporateBody
associatedWith Caloust Gulbenkian foundation, Lisbon. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge English Club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge Poetry festival society. corporateBody
associatedWith Cambridge review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge Union Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge University English Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cambridge University Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Camden and Islington family practitioner committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Camden (London, England). corporateBody
associatedWith Campanella person
correspondedWith Campbell, Clare. person
correspondedWith Canada. Immigration Division. corporateBody
associatedWith C. A. Patrides person
associatedWith Carey, John person
associatedWith Carey, John, 1934- person
correspondedWith Carman, Barry. person
associatedWith Carroll, Lewis person
correspondedWith Cary, Joseph person
correspondedWith Casto, Robert Clayton. person
correspondedWith Chang Chin-yen. corporateBody
associatedWith Chang Heng person
correspondedWith Chao, Hsiung Chao person
associatedWith Charles Empson person
associatedWith Charles Madge. person
correspondedWith Chatto & Windus. corporateBody
associatedWith Chatto & Windus/Curtis Brown. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chatto & Windus (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Cheeseman, Peter, 1932- person
correspondedWith Chenastt, N. J. person
correspondedWith Ch'ien, Hsüeh-hsi. person
associatedWith Chinery person
associatedWith Ching, Fa-hsing. person
correspondedWith Ching Fa-shin corporateBody
correspondedWith Chin Ti. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chorley, Patrick. person
correspondedWith Chow, Chiang-hsu person
correspondedWith Chow, James person
associatedWith Christopher Hill. person
associatedWith Christopher Norris. person
correspondedWith Christopher Ricks person
associatedWith Citizens bank and trust company of Bloomington, Indiana corporateBody
correspondedWith City University of New York. corporateBody
associatedWith C. J. Rawson person
associatedWith C. K. Ogden. person
associatedWith C. K. Pooler person
associatedWith Clarendon press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coburn, Kathleen. person
correspondedWith Coleridge person
associatedWith Commercial union assurance corporateBody
associatedWith Contemporary poets corporateBody
correspondedWith Convey, M. person
associatedWith Copernicus person
correspondedWith Cordwell, Paul. person
associatedWith Coreridge person
correspondedWith Corke, Hilary. person
correspondedWith Corman, Cid. person
correspondedWith Cox, Brian, 1928- person
associatedWith C. P. Fitzgerald person
associatedWith Crane, Hart person
correspondedWith Critical inquiry. corporateBody
correspondedWith Critical quarterly corporateBody
correspondedWith Cronin, Anthony person
correspondedWith Cross, Gerald. person
correspondedWith Crow, John. person
correspondedWith Curtis, Anthony person
correspondedWith Curtis Brown. corporateBody
associatedWith D. A. (Dodderi Aswathanarayanarao) Shankar. person
associatedWith Dathorne, O. R., 1934- person
associatedWith Davenport, John, person
correspondedWith Davenport, John, 1908-1966 person
correspondedWith David, Gwenda. person
correspondedWith David Pirie. person
correspondedWith Davie, Donald. person
correspondedWith Davies, Hugh Sykes, 1909- person
correspondedWith Davies, Walford, 1940- person
associatedWith Dawson, Mr. person
correspondedWith Day, Frank, 1932- person
associatedWith D. C. Heath & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith De Armond, Anna Janney, 1910- person
correspondedWith Decca Records (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Dei-Anang corporateBody
correspondedWith Deland, C. person
associatedWith Delany, Paul. person
associatedWith Delta (Cambridge, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith Dennis, Barbara, 1942- person
associatedWith Derek Hudson person
associatedWith D. I. B. Smith person
associatedWith Dickens person
associatedWith Dickenson, Patric person
correspondedWith Didcott, Marion Goodwin. person
associatedWith Digges. person
correspondedWith Dillon, Francis person
correspondedWith Dixon, John. person
correspondedWith Dobie, . person
correspondedWith Dobree, Bonamy, 1891- person
correspondedWith Dodsworth, Martin. person
correspondedWith Doheny, John, 1927- person
correspondedWith Doherty, Francis Michael person
correspondedWith Doob, Penelope Reed person
associatedWith Dorothea Richards person
correspondedWith Dover, Cedric. person
correspondedWith Dryden person
correspondedWith Dubourk, Bernard. person
correspondedWith Duckworth (Firm). corporateBody
associatedWith Duke University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Duncan, Douglas J. M. person
associatedWith Duncan-Jones, Austin, 1908- person
correspondedWith Dunne, J. W. (John William), 1875-1949 person
associatedWith D. W. Harding. person
associatedWith Dylan Thomas person
correspondedWith Dyson, A. E. person
correspondedWith Ebbatson, Roger. person
correspondedWith Editions du Seuil. corporateBody
correspondedWith Edwards, Philip. person
correspondedWith Efron, Arthur, 1931- person
associatedWith E. L. Epstein person
correspondedWith Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 person
associatedWith Elizabeth Hardwicke person
correspondedWith Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1926- person
correspondedWith Ellenbogen, Eileen. person
correspondedWith Elliott & Fry, London. person
correspondedWith Ellmann, Richard person
correspondedWith Ellman, Richard, 1918- person
correspondedWith Elsie Elizabeth Phare. person
correspondedWith Elton, William R., 1921- person
correspondedWith Empson, Arthur, Major. person
correspondedWith Empson, Charles Chesshyre. person
correspondedWith Empson, Charles, Sir. person
associatedWith Empson family family
correspondedWith Empson, Hetta. person
correspondedWith Empson, Jacob, 1944- person
associatedWith Empson, Janet person
correspondedWith Empson, Laura Micklethwait. person
correspondedWith Empson, Mogador. person
associatedWith Empson, Mogodor person
associatedWith Empson, Rachel person
associatedWith Empson, William person
associatedWith Empson William 1791-1852 person
correspondedWith Empson, William, ? 1791-1856 person
correspondedWith Empson, William, 1906- person
correspondedWith Encounter corporateBody
correspondedWith Engle, Paul, 1908- person
correspondedWith Enright, D. J. (Dennis Joseph), 1920- person
associatedWith Eric Capon. person
associatedWith Eric Homberger. person
associatedWith E. S. D. person
correspondedWith Essays in criticism corporateBody
associatedWith Essays in criticism article corporateBody
correspondedWith Evans, Garrett. person
correspondedWith Evans, Garrett F. person
associatedWith Evans, John. person
correspondedWith Ewart & Price corporateBody
correspondedWith Ewart Price & co. corporateBody
associatedWith Experiment corporateBody
correspondedWith Faber and Faber. corporateBody
correspondedWith Faber & Faber. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fa-hsing, Ching. person
correspondedWith Falkland Islands trust. corporateBody
associatedWith Faust. person
correspondedWith Fawcett. person
associatedWith F. D. Maurice person
associatedWith Fei Hsiao-tung. person
correspondedWith Felton & partners. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fiedler, Leslie A., 1917- person
associatedWith Fielding person
correspondedWith Fiore, Amadeus Peter, 1927- person
correspondedWith Fisher, Sidney T., 1908- person
correspondedWith Fison, J. P. person
correspondedWith Fison, Peter. person
correspondedWith Fleming, C. person
correspondedWith Florence, P. Sargant (Philip Sargant), 1890- person
correspondedWith Folger Shakespeare Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Footman James and Company Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ford corporateBody
correspondedWith Forrest-Thomson, Veronica person
correspondedWith Fowler, W. S. (William Stewart). person
correspondedWith Fox, Barry. person
associatedWith F. P. Neill person
correspondedWith France, Norman person
associatedWith Francis Berry. person
associatedWith Francis Fergusson person
correspondedWith Frank Kermode person
associatedWith Frank Thistlethwaite person
correspondedWith Fraser, G. S. (George Sutherland), 1915- person
associatedWith Frederick Morgan person
associatedWith Fruman person
associatedWith F. T. Prince. person
correspondedWith Fukuhara, Rintaro, 1894- person
correspondedWith Fuller, John. person
correspondedWith Fundaç o Calouste Gulbenkian. UK Branch corporateBody
correspondedWith Gait, Jennifer J. person
associatedWith Galileo person
associatedWith Galleria delle Ore corporateBody
correspondedWith Gardner, Helen Louise, 1908- person
correspondedWith Gardner, Philip. person
associatedWith Gardner, Philip and Averil. person
correspondedWith Garrett, S. D. (Stephen Denis). person
correspondedWith Gaskill, William. person
associatedWith Genevieva Morais person
associatedWith Geoffrey Hill. person
associatedWith George Fraser person
associatedWith George Herbert person
associatedWith George Steiner person
associatedWith George Yeh. person
correspondedWith Georg Olms Verlag. corporateBody
associatedWith Ghanain television services corporateBody
associatedWith Gilgamesh person
correspondedWith Gilkes person
correspondedWith Gill, Roma. person
correspondedWith Glaize, Maurice person
correspondedWith Godbert, Geoffrey. person
correspondedWith Goddin, Margaret P. person
associatedWith Godwin. person
correspondedWith Goldman, Steven. person
correspondedWith Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967 person
associatedWith Gomme person
correspondedWith Gonin, Michael S. person
correspondedWith Goodman, Jocelyne Baty. person
associatedWith Gordon A. Moult person
correspondedWith Gordon Fraser Gallery. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gordon, Michael. person
correspondedWith Gorer, Geoffrey, 1905- person
correspondedWith Gottfried, Leon Albert, 1925- person
correspondedWith Granada Television. corporateBody
associatedWith Grand Street corporateBody
associatedWith Grand Street Publications, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Graves, Robert, 1895- person
correspondedWith Great Britain. Public Record Office. corporateBody
correspondedWith Greater London Arts Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Green, John person
correspondedWith Greville Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Griffin person
correspondedWith Griffiths, Eric. person
associatedWith Gross, John person
correspondedWith Gross, Miriam. person
associatedWith G. Singh person
associatedWith G. Sisson. person
correspondedWith Guildhall Library (London, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith Guildhall School of Music and Drama (London, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith Guiton, Derek. person
correspondedWith Guy's Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gwenda David person
correspondedWith Haffenden, John. person
associatedWith Haffendon person
correspondedWith Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 person
correspondedWith Haley, Kenneth Harold Dobson. person
correspondedWith Hamer, Douglas. person
correspondedWith Hamer, Enid Hope Porter. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Ian, 1938- person
associatedWith Hamlet person
correspondedWith Hann, A. person
associatedWith Harcourt, Brace and Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Harold Nicolson person
correspondedWith Harris, Richard. person
associatedWith Hart Crane person
correspondedWith Hartley, Edward J. person
correspondedWith Hartman, Geoffrey person
associatedWith Hartmann person
correspondedWith Harvard University. Dept. of English. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University. Summer School of Arts and Sciences and of Education. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvester press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hawkes, David. person
associatedWith Hawkes, Terence person
correspondedWith Hawkes, Terrence. person
associatedWith Hawthorne person
correspondedWith Hawthorn, Jeremy. person
correspondedWith Hayter, William, Sir. person
correspondedWith Hayward, John, 1905-1965 person
associatedWith H. Breuil person
correspondedWith Heath, Edward. person
associatedWith Heffer & sons corporateBody
associatedWith Helen Gardner person
correspondedWith Heller, Erich, 1911- person
correspondedWith Henn, T. R. (Thomas Rice), 1901-1974 person
associatedWith Henrietta Empson. person
correspondedWith Henrion, Pierre person
correspondedWith Henry D. Turner person
correspondedWith Heringman, Bernard. person
correspondedWith Herring, Robert person
correspondedWith Hertzog person
correspondedWith Hetta Empson person
correspondedWith Heywood, Annemarie. person
correspondedWith Heywood, Christopher. person
correspondedWith Hill, Christopher, 1912- person
correspondedWith Hill, Geoffrey. person
correspondedWith Hilton, Andrew person
associatedWith Hobsbaum, Philip. person
correspondedWith Holbrook, David. person
correspondedWith Holloway, Robin. person
associatedWith Holy Trinity (Hull) Parish magazine corporateBody
associatedWith Hooker person
correspondedWith Hope, Michael. person
associatedWith Hopkins person
correspondedWith Hotson person
correspondedWith Hough, Graham, 1908- person
correspondedWith Houseman person
correspondedWith Hudson Review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hudson, Robert. person
correspondedWith Humphreys, A. R. (Arthur Raleigh), 1911- person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Joyce A. person
associatedWith Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 1919-1970. person
correspondedWith Hynes, Samuel Lynn. person
associatedWith Iain Smith person
associatedWith Ian Hamilton person
correspondedWith I. A. Richards person
associatedWith Ibsen person
correspondedWith Indiana University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ingram Merrill Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith International club, Peking corporateBody
correspondedWith International Press-cutting Bureau. corporateBody
correspondedWith IPC Magazines, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ireland. Office of the Taoiseach. corporateBody
correspondedWith Irie, Yukio. person
correspondedWith Italy. Commissione nazionale italiana per la UNESCO. corporateBody
associatedWith J. A. Bryant person
associatedWith Jack Lambert. person
associatedWith J. A. K. Thomson person
associatedWith James Empson. person
associatedWith Jami'at al-Iskandariyah person
associatedWith Jami'at al-Iskandariyah (Alexandria university) English department corporateBody
associatedWith Janet Smith person
associatedWith Jaques Barzun person
correspondedWith Jay, Peter, 1945- person
associatedWith Jha, Karunakar. person
associatedWith J. H. Jones person
associatedWith Jin Di person
associatedWith J. M. Cameron person
associatedWith John Carey person
associatedWith John Davenport person
associatedWith John Doheny person
associatedWith John Donne: life, mind, and art. person
associatedWith John Haffenden. person
associatedWith John Henry Jones. person
correspondedWith Johnson, J. Chester. person
associatedWith John Witley person
associatedWith Jonathan Raban person
correspondedWith Jones, John Henry. person
correspondedWith Jones, Norman. person
correspondedWith Jonson person
associatedWith Joseph Needham person
associatedWith Josh. person
associatedWith Journal of general education corporateBody
associatedWith J. R. Harrison person
associatedWith J. S. (Joseph Sandy) Cunningham. person
associatedWith Judson A. Parsons person
correspondedWith Kaiser, T. R. (Thomas Reeve), 1924- person
correspondedWith Kai, Yuzuru, 1910- person
associatedWith Karl Miller person
correspondedWith Karunakar Jha. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kashyap, M. L., 1915- person
correspondedWith Kaul, R. K. person
associatedWith Kay Stockholder person
correspondedWith Kemp, Harry. person
associatedWith Kenkyusha Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kenyon college. corporateBody
associatedWith Kenyon review corporateBody
associatedWith Kenyon Summer School. corporateBody
associatedWith Kepler. person
associatedWith Kermode, Frank person
correspondedWith Kermode, Frank, 1919- person
associatedWith Kerrane, Kevin person
correspondedWith Khlok-Sann. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kidd, David. person
correspondedWith Kim, Ch'i-gyu, 1926- person
correspondedWith King's College (University of Cambridge). corporateBody
correspondedWith King's College (University of London). corporateBody
correspondedWith Kirk, R. M. (Raymond Maurice). person
associatedWith Kirsch, Arthur person
correspondedWith Kitching, Maria Eleanor Katharine. person
correspondedWith Kitching, Maria Eleanor Katharine Empson person
associatedWith Kitty person
associatedWith Klingender, F. D. (Francis Donald) person
correspondedWith Knapp, Steven, 1951- person
correspondedWith Knight, George Wilson, 1987- person
correspondedWith Knights, L. C. (Lionel Charles), 1906- person
correspondedWith Kostelanetz, Richard. person
correspondedWith Kott person
correspondedWith Kozaki, Nobucki. person
associatedWith Kozuo Irie. person
correspondedWith Krizanac, Chatko. person
associatedWith Krook, Arthur person
correspondedWith Kuczynski, Michael P. person
associatedWith Kuhn, Thomas person
associatedWith Kyd person
associatedWith Lady Katharine Sansom. person
associatedWith La Fontaine person
correspondedWith Laughlin, James, 1914- person
correspondedWith Laughton, Eric. person
correspondedWith Laura Micklethwait Empson person
associatedWith Laura Riding person
associatedWith Lavell's corporateBody
associatedWith Lawrence person
associatedWith Lear. person
correspondedWith Leavis, F. R. (Frank Raymond), 1895- person
associatedWith Leech person
correspondedWith Lee, Henry Desmond Pritchard, Sir, 1908- person
correspondedWith Lees person
correspondedWith Legouis, Pierre, 1891- person
correspondedWith Le Goy, Ray. person
correspondedWith Leonard, Hugh. person
associatedWith Lerner, Laurence person
associatedWith Leslie Fiedler. person
correspondedWith Levi, Peter person
correspondedWith Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 person
associatedWith L. F. Rushbrook Williams) person
associatedWith L. F. Rushton Williams person
associatedWith Lienhardt, Godfrey person
associatedWith Life and letters today. corporateBody
associatedWith Listener corporateBody
correspondedWith Listener (London, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith Listen (Hessle, England). corporateBody
associatedWith Literary Art corporateBody
associatedWith Livia Gollancz. person
correspondedWith Logophile (Cambridge, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith Lo, Hui-min. person
correspondedWith London (England). Bloomsbury county court. corporateBody
correspondedWith London (England). Lord Mayor. corporateBody
correspondedWith London Library. corporateBody
associatedWith London poetry secretariat ( corporateBody
correspondedWith London review of books. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lonsey, Michael J. person
correspondedWith Loring, L. M. person
correspondedWith Lowell, Robert, 1917-1977 person
correspondedWith Luckett, Richard, 1945- person
correspondedWith Lyons, W. H. person
correspondedWith Maccoby, Hyam, 1924- person