United States. Work Projects Administration

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The Works Progress Administration was involved in various projects including the compilation of sources on American territories. The card catalogs for these were prepared at the Library of Congress and are now in the National Archives.

From the description of Classified Alaska Bibliography, 1942. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 42927718

Works Progress Administration (later called Work Projects Administration) began operations in San Joaquin County, Calif., July 1935. County agencies submitted work proposals to County Board of Supervisors which endorsed or rejected them and sent proposals okayed to WPA Office in San Francisco. Approximately one hundred projects seem to have been approved for San Joaquin County. Of this number, the majority were for road and building construction, although a substantial number were for clerical assistance, sewing, housekeeping and childcare. Substantially more Work Projects Administration projects were carried out before 1939 than after.

From the description of WPA San Joaquin County Projects Files, 1935-1941. (University of the Pacific). WorldCat record id: 30859803

The Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.), a federal agency, was created as part of the New Deal in 1935. The Federal Writers' Project was a subdivision of the Works Progress Administration. In 1939 the Works Progress Administration became the Work Projects Administration and the Federal Writers' Project became the Writers' Program.

From the description of Work Projects Administration collection, 1909-1971 (bulk, 1930-1946). (Santa Fe Public Library). WorldCat record id: 37841840

A WPA project under the direction of Clifford Lord.

From the description of United States Presidents. Messages and papers, 1862-1938. (Columbia University In the City of New York). WorldCat record id: 122589880

This material was generated by the Federal Writer's Project in Florida under the Work Projects Administration. The intent was to publish the material gathered, but unfortunately the book was never published.

From the description of Florida negro papers, 1936-1948. (University of South Florida). WorldCat record id: 50683334

The Works Progress Administration, a federal agency, was created as part of the New Deal in 1935. The Federal Writers' Project was a subdivision of the Works Progress Administration. In 1939 the Works Progress Administration became the Work Projects Administration and the Federal Writers' Project became the Writers' Program.

From the description of Work Projects Administration photograph collection [graphic]. 1935-1939. (Santa Fe Public Library). WorldCat record id: 38000774

U.S. Works Progress Administration established in 1935 by President Franklin Roosevelt to organize "light" public works projects for those workers not employed by "heavy" public works agencies, providing employment for needy professional, education, and clerical persons. On July 1, 1939 name changed to U.S. Work Projects Administration.

From the description of WPA manuscript collection, 1939-1942. (Fitchburg State University). WorldCat record id: 70972794

In order to counteract the effects of the Depression, the Federal Government founded numerous agencies geared at lowering unemployment and boosting the economy. Among these were the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), created on May 12, 1933; the Civil Works Administration (CWA), established on November 9, 1933; and the Works Progress Administration (WPA-1), established on May 6, 1935. The Civil Works Administration was abolished in March 1934, with its functions and records transferred to the Emergency Relief Administration. The following year (1935), the Federal Emergency Relief Administration transferred its records and some of its personnel to the Works Progress Administration, which inherited responsibility for the work relief program. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration continued to function until its expiration in December, 1935. The Works Progress Administration operated without change until 1939, at which time the President's Reorganization Plan No. I made it a part of the Federal Works Agency, changing its name to Work Projects Administration (WPA). The Work Projects Administration was abolished on June 30, 1943.

The Work Projects Administration had four levels of organization: (1)the central administration, or Washington office, (2) the regional offices, (3) the State administrations, and (4) the district offices. The central administration consisted primarily of the following eleven major divisions, some of which were duplicated at the regional, State, and distric levels, as indicated: (1) Engineering and Construction -- Regional, State, District; (2) Service Projects -- Regional, State, District; (3) Training and Re-employment -- Regional, State, District; (4) Finance -- Regional, State, District; (5) Employment -- Regional, State, District; (6) Management or Administration -- Regional, State; (7) Statistics -- Regional, State; (8) Research; (9) Investigation; (10) Information; and (11) Legal.

Approximently 75 percent of WPA projects were construction in nature,thereby falling under the direction of the Engineering and Construction Division of the Washington office. The remaining 25 percent of WPA projects employed white-collar workers in public service projects. One of the most prominent of these public service programs was Federal Project No.1, under the auspices of the Division of Professional and Service Projects. this project, which provided employment for qualified artists, musicians, actors, and authors on local relief rolls, consisted of the Federal Art Project, the Federal Music Project, the Federal Theatre Project, and the Federal Writers' Project, of which the Historical Records Survey was a part until being granted independent status in October, 1936.

The Division of Professional and Service Projects also had jurisdiction over five other Federally sponsored projects: the Historic American Building Survey (No.2), the Staffing of State Planning Boards (No.3), the Survey of Federal Archives (No.4), the Inspection of Plumbing Installations (No.5), and the Historic American Merchant Marine Survey (No.6). The Division also supervised workers for surveys and research studies, public administration duties, and clerical and library projects.

The filing scheme of the WPA (and its predecessors) utilized a General Files Unit, which was to be the central office custodian for all current material. Through occaisional directives, "General Files" was designated as the central office depository for all current material, except personal correspondence, so that related papers would be readily available for reference. This file was arranged under an alphabetic subject system through January 1935 and thereafter under a modified Dewey decimal system. The General Files Unit operated it, usually under the jurisdiction of the Chief Clerk's Office, continously after the establishment of FERA.

Over time, some responsibilities of the General Files Unit were delegated to subunits with more specific record-keeping duties. It is apparent from extant files that a number of important records were maintained apart from the General Files.

The WPA microfilm program, devised to save space and to provide an orderly filing arrangement for records of federal relief programs, was the outgrowth of a records program initiated in October 1938. Prior to that time the relief agencies had had no clearly defined policy for the administration of records of federal programs held at state and local levels. Under the WPA microfilm program, all the federal records in the field offices, deemed worthy of permanent retention, were microfilmed in the field and the microfilm forwarded to the central office for deposit. Some, but not all central office records also were microfilmed during the program. One can only speculate at why the filming of central office records was never completed.

From the description of Agency history record. (National Archives Library). WorldCat record id: 145406781

The U.S. Works Progress Administration was created in 1935; in 1939 the name was changed to U.S. Work Projects Administration.

Federal Writer's Project, directed by Henry Alsberg, was created in 1935 as part of the U.S. Work Progress Administration to provide employment for historians, teachers, writers, librarians, and other white-collar workers. The purpose of the project was to produce a series of sectional guide books under the name American Guide, focusing on the scenic, historical, cultural, and economic resources of the U.S. Eventually new programs were developed and projects begun under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration were absorbed by the Federal Writers' Project. Federal Writers' Project renamed Writers' Program.

From the description of United States Work Projects Administration records, 1524-1975 (bulk 1935-1942). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 70982591


  • 1933 - 1942 : Federal Emergency Relief Administration established
  • 1935: Works Progress Administration established by executive order Federal Writers' Project established under the Works Progress Administration Henry G. Alsberg appointed director of the Federal Writers' Project and editor-in-chief of the American Guide series Historical Records Survey organized under the administration of the Federal Writers' Project
  • 1936 - 1943 : Launched “American Guide” series producing books on each state and major city as well as local guides Inaugurated folklore projects, Negro affairs and slave narrative projects, and social-ethnic studies Developed “American Life” projects such as “Lexicon of Trade Jargon,” “Pockets in America,” “Hands that Built America,” “America Eats,” and “Portrait of America” Published over eight hundred titles including books, tracts, and essays
  • 1939: Works Progress Administration renamed Work Projects Administration Federal Writers' Project reorganized as Work Projects Administration Writers' Program under state financing
  • 1940: Library of Congress designated as repository of surplus materials from the federal Writers' Project offices
  • 1943: Work Projects Administration disbanded

From the guide to the United States Work Projects Administration Records, 1524-1975, (bulk 1935-1942), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)

The Work Projects Administration (originally the Works Progress Administration) was established in 1935 with Harry Hopkins at its head. Under Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration the WPA directed all relief projects except the CCC and the PWA. It was established to complete projects on public property at federal expense. By 1943, its termination date, the WPA had spent eleven billion dollars, given work to eight million people, and completed 250,000 public-works projects. President Roosevelt believed that artists, actors, musicians and writers were entitled to government aid during the depression, as well as farmers and other workers.

Two WPA programs undertaken in Montana were the Federal Writers' Project and the Historical Records Survey.

Montana's Writers' Project, guided by Byron Crane, employed teachers and writers to write state and local histories, interview pioneers, and prepare guidebooks for tourists. A few of the project's notable publications were Copper Camp (Butte history), Land of Nakoda (Assiniboine Indians), and the Montana State Almanac. In addition other unpublished accounts explored the state's livestock and mining history.

Montana's Historical Records Survey, headed by Paul C. Phillips, completed a massive statewide survey of private and public repositories. Included were records in Montana's fifty-six county court houses, state agencies, various civic organizations, churches, and federal offices located in the state. The project's field workers systematically surveyed these records and prepared inventories that were later published.

From the guide to the U.S. Work Projects Administration records, 1935-1943, (Montana Historical Society Archives)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Upman, Frank, 1905-1976. Frank Upman papers, 1930-1974. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
creatorOf Wilckin, Haidwee Verene, 1860-. Questionnaire from Haidwee Verene Wilckin : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Belisario Contreras Photograph Collection The University of New Mexico, University Libraries, Center for SouthwestResearch
creatorOf Smith, Alfred Edgar, 1903-1986. Work Projects Administration records, 1934-1951. Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
referencedIn Ad Reinhardt papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn F. Charles Adler Papers, 1787-1959, 1936-1955 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf WPA Statewide Museum Service. WPA Statewide Museum Service, Oklahoma records, 1938-1941. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn Albert Henry King papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf Federal Theater Project (Conn.) records of Gertrude DonDero Archives of American Art
referencedIn Ohio River 1937 flood scrapbook collection, 1937. Southern Illinois University, Morris Library
creatorOf United States. Works Progress Administration. New York (State). Works Progress Administration sponsored surveys and studies, 1936-1940. New York State Archives
referencedIn Document collection, 1722-1964. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Augustus Goertz papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.). Reports on serials, 1936-1940. Denver art museum
referencedIn Beamer, A. O. A.O. Beamer collection, 1940. Lake County Historical Society
referencedIn Sharp, Floyd. Floyd Sharp scrapbooks, 1933-1943. Arkansas History Commission, Department of Archives and History
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. WPA collection,[193-]-[194-]. Mobil, Exploration & Producing United States, Incorporated
creatorOf Charlevoix County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Charlevoix County, Michigan, 1937-1939. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration of Massachusetts. Administrative correspondence of the New Bedford, Mass., District office, 1936-1939. Denver art museum
referencedIn Minnesota Resources Commission (1939-1947). Water evaporation study files, 1940-1942. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Farrell, Lawrence Llewellyn, 1903-1971. Lawrence L. Farrell papers, 1935-1971. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Davis, James E., 1859-. Questionnaire from James E. Davis : Salt Lake City, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Federal Writers' Project records relating to art in New Mexico Archives of American Art
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. WPA manuscript collection, 1939-1942. Fitchburg State University, Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library
referencedIn O'Connor, James Francis, 1878-1945. James Francis O'Connor papers, 1937-1945. Montana State University (Bozeman, Mont.). Library
referencedIn Videen, Clayton A., 1911-. Clayton A. Videen research notes, 1887-1920. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Fisher, Francis Murray, 1853-. Questionnaire from Francis Murray Fisher : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Simons, Albert Lee, 1853-. Questionnaire from Albert Lee Simons : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Cooley, William, 1857-. Questionnaire from William Cooley : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Farrell, Lawrence Llewellyn, 1903-1971. Lawrence L. Farrell papers, 1935-1971. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn May, Earl Charles, 1917-. Earl Charles May interviews, 1981. Museum of the Great Plains
creatorOf Michigan Art and Craft Project records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Shawano County (Wis.). Dept. of Public Welfare. Indian relief case files, 1953-1963. [microform] University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Cofrin Library
referencedIn Correspondence with Charles Sawyer Archives of American Art
referencedIn Deane, Ernie. Farming, Loading hay (mule team) [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. Arkansas History Commission
creatorOf Limestone (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory of Limestone Township, ca. 1938-1954. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Legere, Benjamin J., 1887-1972. Ben Legere papers, 1906 -1970. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn Andrews, Charles Oscar, 1877-1946. Papers, 1936-1946. University of Florida
creatorOf Ingham County (Mich.). Board of Equalization. Rural property inventory, Ingham County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Pokagon (Mich. : Township). Clerk. Rural property inventories of Pokagon Township, Cass County, c. 1938. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Cheboygan County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Cheboygan County, Michigan, 1936-1939. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Holger Cahill papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Wisconsin. Division of Public Assistance. Work Projects Administration (WPA) employment reports, 1940-1942. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives
creatorOf Limone, Joseph, 1881-. Questionnaire from Joseph Limone : Helper, 1938. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Hinckley, Robert Henry, 1891-1988. Papers, 1891-1977. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott Library
creatorOf Allen Howard Cox papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence and records, 1832-1944. Houghton Library
referencedIn Runnels County (Texas) New Deal Agencies Records 83-77., 1933-1943 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn John Adams Kingsbury papers, 1841-1966, (bulk 1906-1939) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Irene Paull papers., 1934-1981. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Dorius, Annie Marie, 1857-. Questionnaire from Annie Marie Dorius : Ephraim, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Wisconsin. State Planning Board. Federal relief agencies records, 1934-1948. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Conrad, Alfred Thurston. Papers of the Weeks family [microform], 1795-1943. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. New York District Office. Copies of indexes to naturalization records, 1784-1906. Denver art museum
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Statements of project estimate detail (WPA Forms 701), 1935-1942. Denver art museum
creatorOf Barnes, Philip H. Camden, N.J., area churches collection, 1936. Camden County Historical Society
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Archives of the Work Projects Administration and predecessors [electronic resource] : 1933-1943. OCLC Econtent Synchronization Program
referencedIn Amherst H. Wilder Foundation records and family papers., 1865-2006. Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Office of the State Administrator. Administrative issuances from the Washington, D.C. headquarters, 1937-1940. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Bibliographical reference cards for Frank Norris prepared by the W.P.A. project on the bibliography of American literature. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn North Dakota State Water Commission. North Dakota State Water Commission subject files, 1936-2004. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
creatorOf Roberts, Walter, 1869-. Questionnaire from Walter Roberts : Minersville, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Rebecca Shelley Papers, 1890-1984 Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Robins, Elizabeth Swenson, 1868-. Questionnaire from Elizabeth Swenson Robins : Mount Pleasant, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Slides of WPA + 35 exhibition Archives of American Art
referencedIn John Adams Kingsbury papers, 1841-1966, (bulk 1906-1939) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Miller, Emma Guffey, 1874-1970. Papers, 1833-1975 (bulk: 1884-1972) Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Heiner, George, 1846-. Questionnaire from George Heiner : Morgan, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Holyoak, Henry John, 1870-. Questionnaire from Henry John Holyoak : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Agency history record. Denver art museum
creatorOf Pehrson, Ann Eliza, 1853-. Questionnaire from Ann Eliza Pehrson : Ephraim, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn New Jersey Historical Records Survey Project. Indian site excavations in Faery Rock Hole Shelter, Harvey Farm, Murray Farm, Burlington County, Woodbury Annex #2 [manuscript] 1937-1939. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Springer, Mathilda Robey, 1849-. Questionnaire from Mathilda Robey Springer : Midway, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Simons, Kenneth W., 1898-1948. Kenneth W. Simons papers, 1933-1951. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Sanchelli, Michael T. Michael T. Sanchelli reminiscences, 1991-1993. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Gravesend town records, 1942. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Alaiedon (Mich.: Township). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Alaiedon Township, Ingham County, Michigan, 1935-1942. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Raphael Doktor papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf Alabama Writers' Project. Photographs, 1901-1941. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Bruce, Douglas Alan. Douglas Alan Bruce papers, 1933-1972. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Redd, James Munroe, 1863-. Questionnaire from James Munroe Redd : Monticello, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Records, 1935-1940 University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn New Mexico. Governor (1939-1942 : Miles). Governor John E. Miles papers, 1939-1942. New Mexico State Library
referencedIn Fort Worth (Texas) Narrative 1942., 1812-1939 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Federal Music Project (U.S.). Narrative reports, 1936-1940. Denver art museum
creatorOf Pennsylvania Federal Art Project records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. State forester's correspondence 1933-1975. Oregon State Archives
creatorOf Presque Isle County (Mich.). Board of Equalization. Rural property inventory of Metz and Bearinger townships, 1940. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Historical Records Survey (Ohio). District No. 2. Survey records, 1936-1941. Cincinnati History Library, Cincinnati Museum Center
creatorOf Dorius, Charles R., 1858-. Questionnaire from Charles R. Dorius : Ephraim, [1936?]. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. WPA San Joaquin County Projects Files, 1935-1941. University of the Pacific, William Knox Holt Memorial Library
referencedIn Federal Art Project. Correspondence with State and Regional offices, 1935-1940. Denver art museum
creatorOf Utah Historical Records Survey. Utah questionnaires, 1937-1939. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf York (Mich.: Township). Clerk. Rural property inventory, York Township, Washtenaw County (Mich.), 1936-1937. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Williams, Martha Marie Moyes, 1854-. Questionnaire from Martha Marie Moyes Williams : Beaver, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Lockefield Gardens (Apartment house : Indianapolis, Ind.). Records, 1935-1954. Indiana Historical Society Library
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administraton. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Project reference card file, 1935-1943. Denver art museum
referencedIn Texas Writers' Project. Fort Worth (Texas) Narrative, 1812-1939 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Battle Creek Public School Historical Museum (Mich.). Battle Creek Public School Historical Museum paper, 1941. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Utah Historical Records Survey. Utah questionnaires, 1936-1939. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States Work Projects Administration Records, 1524-1975, (bulk 1935-1942) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Wilcox, John C., 1858-. Questionnaire from John C. Wilcox : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn United States. Works Progress Administration. Agency history record. Denver art museum
creatorOf Olsen, Caroline, 1854-. Questionnaire from Caroline Olsen : Ephraim, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Lindsay, James, 1849-. Questionnaire from James Lindsay : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Raber (Mich.: Township). Board of Supervisors. Rural property inventory, Raber Township, Chippewa County (Mich.), 1938. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Federal Writers' Project. New York (N.Y.). Records for REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS, 1938-1942, (bulk 1938). Municipal Reference & Res Center/Doris
creatorOf Michigan. State Tax Commission. Rural property inventory, Saginaw County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of the Wisconsin State Administrator. Agency history record. Denver art museum
creatorOf Michael Loew papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Virginia folklore and folk song collection [manuscript] 1936-1940. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.). Correspondence with the Regional offices, 1936-1943. Denver art museum
referencedIn Boulder (Colo.). Finance Dept. Central Files. Street signs photographs 1941. Boulder Public Library
referencedIn Parks Photo Archive negatives, 1934-1966. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project. Editorial correspondence, 1936-1939. Denver art museum
referencedIn Robert Bruce Inverarity papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Frances Foy and Gustaf Dalstrom papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Kingman Museum of Natural History. Kingman Museum of Natural History paper, 1941. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Dahlman, Augusta Eleanor Hansen, 1862-. Questionnaire from Augusta Eleanor Hansen Dahlman : Heber City, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. U.S. Work Projects Administration. Statewide Water Conservation Project records, 1939-1940. Montana Historical Society Library
referencedIn Isabel L. Eckles Collection, 1898-1966 Fray Angélico Chávez History Library, New Mexico History Museum.
creatorOf Federal Music Project records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Cotterill, George F. (George Fletcher), 1865-. George F. Cotterill papers, 1839-1958 (bulk 1890-1956). University of Washington. Libraries
referencedIn Blanche Mary Aronson photographs of works of art Archives of American Art
referencedIn Hasell, Philip Gadsden, 1900-1981. Philip Gadsden Hasell papers, 1914-1958. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Bishop, Dorothy H. (Dorothy Hubbard), ca. 1910-. Dorothy Hubbard Bishop papers, 1929-1968, (bulk 1934-1940). Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
referencedIn William Hodson papers, ca. 1910s-1943 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Barrett-Stoutenburgh family papers, 1850-1947, 1911-1947 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Bromberg, Manuel. Papers, 1940-1942, 1971. Denver Public Library, Central Library
creatorOf Johnson, Peter B., 1858-. Questionnaire from Peter B. Johnson : Provo, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Federal Art Project card file of artists Archives of American Art
referencedIn Federal Theatre Project (U.S.). Correspondence with Regional offices I-V, 1935-1939. Denver art museum
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Office of the State Administrator. Publications and releases from Washington D.C. headquarters, 1938-1940. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
referencedIn La Vern Frank-Rush papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Lawrence Llewellyn Farrell Papers, 1935-1971 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Berezowsky, Nicolai, 1900-1953. Nicolai Berezowsky papers, 1893-1954. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Giles, Christina Carlile, 1848-. Questionnaire from Christina Carlile Giles : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf California Folk Music Project. California Folk Music Project records, 1938-1942. California Digital Library
creatorOf Burdick, Moses Leon, 1861. Questionnaire from Moses Leon Burdick : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Long, William A. History of Colestown Church collection, 1762-1938?. Camden County Historical Society
creatorOf Federal Art Project, Photographic Division collection Archives of American Art
referencedIn Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.). Unpublished manuscript material, 1936-1942. Denver art museum
creatorOf Federal Art Project (Calif.) photographs Archives of American Art
referencedIn Early Lawton, Okla., photograph collection, 1899-1951. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn Research material on the WPA Illinois Art Project Archives of American Art
creatorOf Plan of Independence Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.), Circa 1736 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Ferbraché, Lewis. Interviews with Bay Area artists : typescript, 1964-1965. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Rasmussen, Sena, 1854-. Questionnaire from Sena Rasmussen : Ephraim, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Barrows, Elizabeth Brewer, 1860-. Questionnaire from Elizabeth Brewer Barrows : Ogden, [1939?]. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Minnesota Geographic Board. Records, 1922-1976. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf United States. Federal Civil Works Administration. Records of the Civil Works Administration, Texas, 1933-1934 [microform]. Texas A&M University, Evans Library & Annex; Main campus library complex
creatorOf Ellet, George C., 1860-. Questionnaire from George C. Ellet : Salt Lake City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Texas Relief Commission. Runnels County (Texas) New Deal Agencies, records, 1933-1943. University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Lance, Elvira M. Wing, 1865-. Questionnaire from Elvira M. Wing Lance : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Paul A. F. Walter Papers, 1913-1941 Fray Angélico Chávez History Library, New Mexico History Museum.
creatorOf Grimm, Louisa Powell, 1862-. Questionnaire from Louisa Powell Grimm : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Wisconsin. Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. Wisconsin community sanitation program records, 1935-1942. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Shoshone County Flood Control Project. Records, 1935-[1940]. University of Idaho Library
creatorOf Genesee County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Genesee County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf U.S. Work Projects Administration records, 1935-1943 Montana Historical Society Archives
creatorOf Daybell, William, 1858-. Questionnaire from William Daybell : Charleston, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Wisconsin State Administrator. Project folders, 1935-1943. Denver art museum
referencedIn Fredgrant, Sara, 1900-. Oral history interview with Sara Fredgrant, 1978. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
creatorOf Johnson, John N., 1853-. Questionnaire from John N. Johnson : Ephraim, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Photograph collection, [ca. 1870]-1985. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf East China (Mich. : Township). Rural property inventory, East China Township, St. Clair County (Mich.), 1938. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Pittsfield (Mich.: Township). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Pittsfield Township, Washtenaw County (Mich.), 1938. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Donnelly, Betty Hawley, 1896-1970. Betty Hawley Donnelly papers, 1929-1970. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Goulter, John Thomas, 1850-. Questionnaire from John Thomas Goulter : Fillmore, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Lyndon (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Lyndon Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1938. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Manchester (N.H.). Office of the City Clerk. Reports--City Auditor, 1891-1942. Manchester, Municipal Archives & Records Center
referencedIn Holger Cahill papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. State Administrators' Office. State investigative records, 1935-1943. Denver art museum
creatorOf Redd, Lucinda Alvina Pace, 1864-. Questionnaire from Lucinda Alvina Pace Redd : Monticello, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Classified Alaska Bibliography, 1942. OCLC Western Training, W7L
creatorOf Witt, Martha J. Taylor, 1852-. Questionnaire from Martha J. Witt : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn William Hodson papers, ca. 1910s-1943. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Federal Art Project, Photographic Division collection Archives of American Art
creatorOf Peterson, Peter David, 1844-. Questionnaire from Peter David Peterson : Ephraim, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Bingham, Hanna McFarland, 1863-. Questionnaire from Hanna McFarland Bingham : Ogden, 1938. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Utah Historical Records Survey. Questionnaire no. 314, revised 3-9-37 for pioneer personal histories, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Historical Records Survey. New York (State). Director's correspondence concerning surveys, 1936-1942. New York State Archives
creatorOf Arkansas Writers' Project. Arkansas Writers' Project ex-slave interviews, 1936-1941. Arkansas History Commission, Department of Archives and History
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Florida negro papers, 1936-1948. University of South Florida, USF Library
referencedIn Historical Records Survey (U.S.). General project correspondence, 1936-1942. Denver art museum
referencedIn Kane, William T. (William Terence), 1880-1946. Kane Collection, 1829-1945, (bulk 1890-1945). Cudahy Library
referencedIn American Abstract Artists records Archives of American Art
creatorOf Historical Records Survey. New York (State). Correspondence and reports of the church archives editor, 1936-1942. New York State Archives
creatorOf Morrison, Eunice Lestra, 1853-. Questionnaire from Eunice Lestra Morrison : Provo, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Records relating to Index of American Design Exhibition Archives of American Art
creatorOf Ionia County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Ionia County, Michigan, 1937-1938. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Utah Historical Records Survey. Questionnaire form and suggested method for interviewing : Ogden, Utah, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Easley, Harry, 1901-. Papers, 1935-1948. Harry S. Truman Library
referencedIn Hansen, Joe D. Joe D. Hansen photograph collection, 1930-1937. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn Elizabeth Basye Gilmore Holt papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. State forester's speech transcripts 1942-1959. Oregon State Archives
referencedIn Brooklyn Museum. Office of the Director. Philip Newell Youtz records, 1934-38 (bulk), 1928-38 (inclusive). Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
creatorOf Germfask (Mich.). Board of Supervisors. Rural property inventory, Germfask Township, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Anderson, Nora. Oral history interview with sisters Nora Anderson and Helen Van Riper [sound recording] / interviewed by Howard Fredricks. University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, Murphy Library
creatorOf Fry, Richard R., 1864-. Questionnaire from Richard R. Fry : Morgan, 1864- UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Whittier, Ruth Earline, 1903-1991. Papers, 1917-1984. New Hampshire Historical Society Library
creatorOf Milwaukee Handicraft Project blockprints and materials Archives of American Art
referencedIn Lawrence, Phil A., 1890-1966. Phil Lawrence papers 1936-1942. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Irene Paull papers., 1934-1981. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Turner, Lorenzo, 1861-. Questionnaire from Lorenzo Turner : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Investigation. Division of Investigation case files, 1935-1943. Denver art museum
referencedIn Kennedy, Stetson. [Papers] 1997. University of South Florida, USF Library
creatorOf Ann Arbor (Mich.: Township) Clerk. Rural property inventory, Ann Arbor Charter Township, Washtenaw County (Mich.) 1939. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Ogden (Mich.: Township). Clerk-Treasurer. Rural property inventory, Ogden Township, Lenawee County, Michigan, 1938-1939. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Engineering and Construction. Airways and Airports Section Records, 1935-1942. Denver art museum
referencedIn Guide to ten major depositories of archival collections in New York State (exclusive of New York City). Records. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Miscellaneous subject collection, 1851-1985 Hunter college
creatorOf Mackinac County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Mackinac County, Michigan, 1938-1939. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Brooks, Juanita, 1898-1989. Mormon diaries, 1820-1936. Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library
referencedIn Wilmington Museum of Art papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Federal Art Project bulletins. Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, The Main Library
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Work Projects Administration collection, 1909-1971 (bulk, 1930-1946). New Mexico State Library
creatorOf Butters, Isabelle, 1865-. Questionnaire from Isabelle Butters : Morgan, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Brimhall, Dean R., 1886-1972. Papers, 1886-1972. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott Library
creatorOf Tikhmenev, P. A. (Petr Aleksandrovich), d. 1888. Historical review of the origin of the Russian American Company and its activity up to the present time : ms., 1940. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Bryant, Robert G., 1863-. Questionnaire from Robert G. Bryant : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Archives, 1928-1987. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Citizens' Committee for Government Arts Projects records Archives of American Art
referencedIn United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. New York District Office. Copies of naturalization records, 1792-1906. Denver art museum
referencedIn Historical Records Survey (U.S.). Field and regional supervisors' reports, 1936-1942. Denver art museum
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. 880-99 <>. National Library of Israel, Jewish National Library
referencedIn Shepperson, Gay Bolling, 1887-1977. Pine Mountain Valley Project 1936-1938. Atlanta History Center, Kenan Research Center / Cherokee Garden Library
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Outline history of the National Guard. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn A.J. Reach Co. Reach's official score book, [193-]. Garden Peninsula Historical Society
referencedIn Work Projects Administration Collection, 1909-1971 (bulk 1930-1946) New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. United States Presidents. Messages and papers, 1862-1938. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Taylor, Polly Ann Eliner, 1856-. Questionnaire from Polly Ann Eliner Taylor : Ogden, 1938. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Linebarger Family papers, 1877-1945 Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey records, 1861-1938 University of Minnesota Libraries. Immigration History Research Center [ihrc]
creatorOf Junker von Langegg, Ferd. Adalb. (Ferdinand Adalbert), b. 1828. El Dorado, history of the exploratory expeditions to the land of gold ... in the 16th and 17th centuries : Leipzig : typescript, 1888. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Photographs of work by FAP artists in New Mexico Archives of American Art
creatorOf Clinton County (Mich.). Board of Equalization. Rural property inventory of Ovid Township and villages of Ovid and Shepardsville, ca. 1935-1942. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Federal Art Project, Photographic Division collection Archives of American Art
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. [Seasonality of employment and unemployment]. Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Pennsylvania State Library
referencedIn Virginia Writers' Project. Virginia Writers' Project collection 1936-1940. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn United States. Federal Civil Works Administration. Records of the Civil Works Administration, 1933-1939. Tennessee [microform]. University of Tennessee, John C. Hodges Library
creatorOf Peterson, James, 1863-. Questionnaire from James Peterson : Morgan, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Siegel, Hannah R. London. Papers related to a federal survey of silhouettes, 1936-1946, bulk: 1936-1937. Massachusetts Historical Society
creatorOf Historical development of Westchester County: a chronology, 1939. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Edgar L. Yaeger papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project. Publication reports, 1937-1942. Denver art museum
referencedIn Stevens family. Stevens family papers, 1663-1959. New Jersey Historical Society Library
creatorOf Studley, Miriam V.,. Miriam V. Studley collection, 1822-1962. New Jersey Historical Society Library
creatorOf Algren, Nelson, 1909-1981. Salomon and Morris : two patriots of the Revolution : typescript [between 1936 and 1942?]. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Michael T. Sanchelli reminiscences., 1991-1997. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Ionia County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Ionia County, 1937-1938. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Marlene Park and Gerald E. Markowitz research materials on New Deal Art Archives of American Art
creatorOf Washington State Library. Washington State Library collection of information about works produced in Washington by employees of the Public Works of Art Project and the Section of Fine Arts of the Treasury Department. Washington State Library, Office of Secretary of State
referencedIn Daniel Koerner papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn United States. Dept. of the Interior. Office of the Secretary. Audiovisual Records. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
referencedIn Michigan Historical Records Survey records, 1936-1942 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Dock Street Theatre (Charleston, S.C.). Dock Street Theatre collection, 1937-1947. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Education. Library Division. Correspondence and reports, 1937-1949. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.). Project superintendents' reports, 1936-1937. Denver art museum
referencedIn Walter, Paul A. F. Paul A. F. Walter papers, 1913-1941. Museum of New Mexico Library
referencedIn United States. Federal Civil Works Adminstration. Agency History Record. Denver art museum
referencedIn Shackelford, Virginius Randolph, 1885-1949. Papers of Shackelford, a member of the Virginia State Board of Education Library Committee [manuscript] 1939-1941. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Barbour, Harold S., 1889-1961. Harold S. Barbour collection, 1922-1961. Haddam Historical Society
creatorOf Knight, Celestial Roberts, 1850-. Questionnaire from Celestial Roberts Knight : Hinckley, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Shawano County (Wis.). Dept. of Public Welfare. General and direct relief case files, 1933-1970. [microform] University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Cofrin Library
referencedIn White, George D. Papers, 1846-1867. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Superior (Mich. : Township). Clerk. Rural property inventories of Superior Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1940. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Ramsey County (Minn.). County Auditor. W.P.A. road order data files, 1872-1941. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Records, 1937-1941. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Museum extension project costume plates Archives of American Art
referencedIn Director's subject files, 1935-1966. Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Federal Writers' Project. New York (N.Y.). Index to photograph files, 1936-1943. Municipal Reference & Res Center/Doris
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration of Massachusetts. Records of the Massachusetts Writers' Project, 1935-1940. Denver art museum
referencedIn Miscellaneous records collection, 1795-1985. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Cobb, Iola,. Oral history interview, 1982. Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, Maine Folklife Center
referencedIn Martinson, Henry R. (Henry Rudolph), 1883-1981. Papers, 1916-1976 University of North Dakota, Chester Fritz Library
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Finance. Restitution case files, 1935-1943. Denver art museum
creatorOf Michigan. State Tax Commission. Rural property inventory, Osceola County, Michigan, 1935-1938. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Olsen, Emma A., 1861-. Questionnaire from Emma A. Olsen : Ephraim, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Dalpaiz, Celeste, 1875-. Questionnaire from Celeste Dalpaiz : Helper, 1938. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Indians in Brooklyn, 1939-1941. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Institute of Technology papers, 1933-1945, 1954-1961 University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc]
referencedIn United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. New York District Office. Card index to naturalization records, 1792-1906. Denver art museum
referencedIn Shelley, Rebecca, 1887-1984. Rebecca Shelley papers, 1890-1984. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Johnson, Eda Regina Johnson, 1861-. Questionnaire from Eda Regina Johnson Johnson : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Press release about the Coulee Clearing Project (mimeographed typescript), 1940. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn State Parks Board records, 1901-1902, 1905, 1908, 1917, 1925-1963, bulk 1933-1949 Texas State Archives
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. [Denver city maps] / WPA. Denver Public Library, Central Library
referencedIn Writers' Program, New York City: Negroes of New York collection, 1936-1941. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969. Floyd Dell papers, 1908-1969. Newberry Library
referencedIn Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico). Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology archives, 1927-[ongoing]. Museum of New Mexico Library
referencedIn National Council on Household Employment records, 1908-1946, bulk 1928-1941. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives
referencedIn Eckles, Isabel L., 1877-1971. Isabel L. Eckles collection, 1898-1966. Museum of New Mexico Library
referencedIn United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects. Black Creek Baptist Church transcription of minutes and member list, 1939. Georgia Historical Society
referencedIn Works Progress Administration District 8 scrapbook and photo album 1940-1941 Georgia Historical Society
referencedIn United States. District Court (Arizona Territory : 1st Judicial District). Records of naturalization, 1882-1912. Denver art museum
referencedIn Kerr, Florence Stewart. Robert and Florence Stewart Kerr papers, 1917-1963 (bulk 1937-1948) Grinnell College. Burling Library
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Zoning map of the city of Berkeley, Alameda County, California : 1940 / Drawn by the Works Projects Administration. California Digital Library
creatorOf Kershaw, George J., 1862-. Questionnaire from George J. Kershaw : Morgan, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Ronald Alfred Slayton lecture Archives of American Art
referencedIn Jeffries, Margaret A. Papers of Margaret A. Jeffries [manuscript], 1938-1941. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Work Projects Administration photograph collection [graphic]. New Mexico State Library
creatorOf Rasband, William Giles, 1856-. Questionnaire from William Giles Rasband : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Historical Records Survey (U.S.). Editorial correspondence, 1936-1942. Denver art museum
creatorOf Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Massachusetts Historical Records Survey files, 1936-1942. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Archives
referencedIn WPA Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California. Alphabetical correspondence of the Los Angeles District office, 1935-1937. Denver art museum
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Sponsors' reports, 1935-1943. Denver art museum
creatorOf Michigan. State Tax Commission. Rural property inventory, Menominee County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf McMillan, Annie Coleman, 1859-. Questionnaire from Annie Coleman McMillan : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Levy, Grace. Papers, 1939-1956 (bulk 1939-1940). Evanston Historical Society
creatorOf Barker, John Wesley, 1864-. Questionnaire from John Wesley Barker : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Wisconsin State Administrator. Project Operating Division correspondence, 1935-1940. Denver art museum
creatorOf Larson, Niels Christian, 1858-. Questionnaire from Niels Christian Larson : Ferron, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Deane, Ernie. State Hospital, Little Rock, Ark., Photo from WPA [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. Arkansas History Commission
creatorOf Wilson, Ervin S., 1858-. Questionnaire from Ervin S. Wilson : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Federal Art Project records of Adele Clark Archives of American Art
referencedIn Burroughs, Clyde H., 1882-1973. The Clyde H. Burroughs records, 1906-1946. Detroit Institute of Arts Research Library & Archives, DIA Research Library & Archives
creatorOf Day, Mary H. Wilcox, 1860-. Questionnaire from Mary H. Wilcox Day : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Wisconsin. Division of Public Assistance. County administrative file, 1932-1967. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Kentucky. Dept. for Environmental Protection. Division of Water. Official correspondence-Director, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, 1911-1957. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
creatorOf Silvey, Frank. Questionnaire from Frank Silvey : Monticello, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn WPA Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California. Subject file of the Los Angeles District office, 1935-1937. Denver art museum
referencedIn Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation records, 1865-1980, 2000-2006. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Nina Perera Collier papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Boyd, E. (Elizabeth), 1903-1974. E. Boyd collection, 1732-1974. New Mexico State Library
creatorOf Duke, Rachel Horrocks, 1852-. Questionnaire from Rachel Horrocks Duke : Heber City, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Nelson, Annie Bonner, 1859-. Questionnaire from Annie Bonner Nelson : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Pennsylvania Federal Art Project records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Frank Upman Papers, 1930-1974 Hoover Institution Archives
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Skidaway Island documents. Compiled by the Works Progress Administration, ca. 1939-41.
referencedIn Brenda Putnam Papers, 1915-1965 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Hays, Aline Davis. Aline Davis Hays letter to the general public, 1941 March 22. Broward County Libraries, Broward County, Library Division
referencedIn Charleston (Mich. : Township). Clerk. [Charleston Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Records, 1878-1938]. Western Michigan University, Dwight B. Waldo Library
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Project folders, 1939-1942. Denver art museum
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Kansas : operations projects folders, 1935-1942. Kansas State Historical Society
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Education. Library Division. WPA Statewide library project records, 1926-1944. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of the Virginia State Administrator. Agency history record. Denver art museum
creatorOf Carlisle, John C. The Franklin Post Office mural / by John C. Carlisle. Johnson County Public Library, Franklin Branch
creatorOf Historical Records Survey (N.D.). Index to naturalization records [microform] : county data / prepared by North Dakota Historical Records Survey. Work Projects Administration. Sponsored by the North Dakota State Historical Society. Tri-College Library
referencedIn WPA Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California. Reports and miscellaneous records pertaining to the Los Angeles relief administration, 1935. Denver art museum
referencedIn Shepperson, Gay Bolling, 1887-1978. Papers, 1920-1948. Atlanta History Center, Kenan Research Center / Cherokee Garden Library
creatorOf Myton, Howell Plummer, 1856-. Questionnaire from Howell Plummer Myton : Salt Lake City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Exhibition notebooks, 1982-1985. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. State series, 1935-1944. Denver art museum
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. Public works funds allotted to Ohio for federal projects. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Charles Oscar Andrews Papers, 1936-1946 Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
referencedIn Darwin R. Barker Library (Fredonia, N.Y.). Historical Museum. Map and atlas collection, 1791-[ca. 1940] New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Kentucky Citizens Library League. Kentucky Citizens Library League 25 July 1939 The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn WPA Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California. Name file of the Los Angeles District office, 1935-1937. Denver art museum
creatorOf New Deal art programs in New Jersey selected records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Papers, 1884-1972, 1932-1945 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Thacker, Marie Rawlin Price, 1864-. Questionnaire from Marie Rawlin Thacker Price : Charleston, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn American Security Union. Records, 1940-1943. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Jacobs, Seth Erastus, 1863-. Questionnaire from Seth Erastus Jacobs : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Taylor, Arthur A., 1854-. Questionnaire from Arthur A. Taylor : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Minnesota. Division of Forestry. White pine blister rust control files of Jake Licke, 1929-1961. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project. Applications for permission to publish, 1936-1944. Denver art museum
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. [United States. Work Projects Administration] -- 1935-1943. Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library
referencedIn Irene Rice Pereira papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf United States. Works Progress Administration. WPA Madison Parish collection, [193-]-[194-]. Mobil, Exploration & Producing United States, Incorporated
creatorOf Smith, Isabella Lindsay, 1860-. Questionnaire from Isabella Lindsay Smith : Heber City, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Conrad, Harriet Bibby, 1847-. Questionnaire from Harriet Bibby Conrad : Heber City, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Smith, Hilda. People come first : a report of workers' education in the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the Civil Works Administration and the Work Projects Administration, 1933-1943 / prepared by Hilda W. Smith. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf Wisconsin Federal Art Project records Archives of American Art
creatorOf Larsen, Amosa, 1866-. Questionnaire from Amosa Larsen : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Crite, Allan Rohan, 1910-2007,. WPA Subway Project on Huntington Avenue [graphic] / Allan Rohan Crite. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Barbara Rose papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Sloan, Blanding, 1886-1975. Papers, 1928-1939. Wayne State University
creatorOf West, John C. Mrs., 1862-. Questionnaire from Mrs. John C. West : Ogden, 1939. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Gerald Monroe research material on the American Artists' Congress, the Artists' Union, and the WPA Archives of American Art
referencedIn Volochova, Sonia. Papers, [ca. 1940-1949]. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
referencedIn Alabama. Dept. of Archives and History. Public information subject files - general files, 19??-[ongoing]. Alabama Department of Archives and History
creatorOf Barnes, Philip H. Delaware Township (Cherry Hill) collection, 1936 Apr. 7. Camden County Historical Society
creatorOf Hopkins, Brognard Delacroix Webber, 1855-. Questionnaire from Brognard Delacroix Webber Hopkins : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Project Control Division. Records relating to sponsors' agreements and other matters, 1934-1941. Denver art museum
creatorOf Survey forms, 1940-1942. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Clearwater (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Clearwater Township, Kalkaska County, Michigan, 1937. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf St. Augustine Historical Society. St. Augustine (Fla.) Historical Society documents on Kentucky, [193-?]. Kentucky Historical Society, Martin F. Schmidt Research Library
referencedIn Wisconsin. Dept. of Public Instruction. School building data card file, 1922-1948. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives
referencedIn Charles Henry Alston papers Archives of American Art
creatorOf United States. Work Projects Administration. 880-99 <>. National Library of Israel, Jewish National Library
creatorOf Michigan. State Tax Commission. Rural property inventory, Isabella County, Michigan, 1935-1938. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Deane, Ernie. Farming, Making "souse," 1930's [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. Arkansas History Commission
referencedIn Hudson's Bay Company. Hudson's Bay Company collection, 1822-1846. University of Oregon Libraries
referencedIn Forrest, Suzanne, 1926-. Suzanne de Borhegyi Forrest research papers : photocopies, 1934-1942. New Mexico State Library
referencedIn Shepperson, Gay Bolling, 1887-1977. Gay Bolling Shepperson Photograph Collection 1933-1945 1935-1937. Atlanta History Center, Kenan Research Center / Cherokee Garden Library
referencedIn Minnesota. Dept. of Education. Library Division. WPA War Information Service records, 1942-1943. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Gustave Von Groschwitz papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Elkuss, Mary, 1915-. Oral history interview with Mary Elkuss, 1978. Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs
creatorOf Michigan. Property Tax Division. Analysis of equalized valuations, 1954-1957. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Project division general records, 1941-1942. Denver art museum
creatorOf Oregon Federal Art Project records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Minnesota. Division of Lands and Minerals. Director's subject files, 1935-1966. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf De Lorenzo, Nicola. Nicola De Lorenzo musical compositions, [ca. 1927-1941]. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Lewis, Cass, 1863-. Questionnaire from Cass Lewis : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Kansas Federal Writers' Project. A collection of papers of the Federal Writers' Project of the Work Projects Administration for Kansas. Wichita State University, Ablah Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Massachusetts American portraits survey files, 1936-1942. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Archives
creatorOf Mount Diablo Museum Advisor Committee. Mount Diable Museum Advisor Committee records, [ca. 1935-1939]. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Jacobs, Joseph, 1908-. Joseph Jacobs oral history interview, 1991 Mar. 6. Georgia State University
referencedIn Michigan Imprints Inventory records, 1936-1941 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Miller, Emma Guffey, 1874-1970. Papers, 1833-1975 (inclusive), 1884-1972 (bulk). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Taylor, Lydia Ann Colvin, 1851-. Questionnaire from Lydia Ann Colvin Taylor : Moab, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Rosch, Herbert W. Whitewater Park acme, 1936, 1991. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
creatorOf Steele, Mahonri Moriancumer, 1870-. Questionnaire from Mahonri Moriancumer Steele : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn George F. Cotterill Papers, 1839-1958 University of Washington Libraries Special Collections
creatorOf Michigan. Property Tax Division. Rural property inventory maintained by the Michigan Department of Treasury, 1936-1942. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn Jacobsen, John Melseth, 1903-1966. John Melseth Jacobsen papers, 1935-1967 (bulk 1935-1949). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Francis V. O'Connor papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Lambert, A. C. (Asael Carlyle), 1893-1983. A. C. Lambert papers, 1936-1940. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Papers, 1890-1966, 1912-1966 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Meade, R. Samuel. Papers of R. Samuel Meade [manuscript], 1866-1943 (bulk 1896-1943). University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Mormon diaries, 1820-1936 Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives
referencedIn Boulder Daily Camera. U.S. Work Projects Administration printed materials [1933-1936]. Boulder Public Library
creatorOf Stewart, Courtland Elliot, 1869-. Questionnaire from Courtland Elliot Stewart : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Governor John E. Miles Papers, 1939-1942 New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
referencedIn Albert J. Kennedy papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Bowyer, Vernon, 1889-1975. Vernon Bowyer papers, 1919-1960 (bulk 1922-1954). Chicago History Museum
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Writers' Project radio scripts, 1937-1938. Dana College, C.A. Dana-Life Library, C.A. Dana-LIFE Library
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Project registers, 1940-1942. Denver art museum
referencedIn United States. Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Agency history record. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Geary, Hyrum, 1836-. Questionnaire from Hyrum Geary : Morgan, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Mission La Purísima Concepción (Calif.). Libros de mision (Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez) : ms., 1788-1834. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Federal Writers' Project. Administrative correspondence, 1935-1939. Denver art museum
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Wisconsin State Administrator. Administrator's records, 1935-1941. Denver art museum
creatorOf Tice, Floyd Allen, b. 1893. Papers, 1894-1970. Museum of the Great Plains
creatorOf Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Massachusetts black historical records survey files, 1936-1942. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Archives
creatorOf Historical American Records Survey portrait survey records Archives of American Art
creatorOf Michigan. State Tax Commission. Rural property inventory, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Monroe County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Monroe County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Lee Norvelle scrapbook on the Federal Theater Project (Ind.) Archives of American Art
creatorOf Brown, Lon, Mrs., 1856-. Questionnaire from Mrs. Lon Brown : Ogden, [1939?]. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Relief library projects correspondence and records, 1933-1943. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives
referencedIn Robert H. Hinckley papers, 1891-1997 J. Willard Marriott Library. University of Utah Manuscripts Division
referencedIn WPA Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California. Los Angeles Newspaper Writers' Project, 1935. National Archives Library, National Archives Records Administration
creatorOf Sacramento Art Center records Archives of American Art
referencedIn Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.). Survey of non-federal records, 1936-1940. Denver art museum
creatorOf Eaton County (Mich.). Equalization Office. Rural property inventory, Eaton County, Michigan. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Michigan. State Tax Commission. Rural property inventory, Tuscola County, Michigan, 1935-1938. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Boston District Office. Copies of naturalization petitions and certificates, 1791-1906. Denver art museum
creatorOf Compton, Caroline, 1865-. Questionnaire from Caroline Compton : Morgan, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Hulgren, Sadie, 1867-. Questionnaire from Sadie Hulgren : Ogden, 1937. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Keweenaw County (Mich.). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Keweenaw County, Michigan, 1936-1938. State Archive of Michigan
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Office of the State Administrator. Project manuals, 1935-1943. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
creatorOf Butters, Joseph E., 1862-. Questionnaire from Joseph E. Butters : Morgan, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Thursby, Sena, 1863-. Questionnaire from Sena Thursby : Ephraim, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Gardner, Maryetta Snow, 1863-1942. Questionnaire from Maryetta Snow Gardner : 1 folder, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn McCurdy, Julius Augustus, 1903-. Julius McCurdy oral history interview, 1988 Nov. 21. Georgia State University
referencedIn United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. Non-Construction project field reports, 1939-1940. Denver art museum
referencedIn Howorth, James E., b. 1905,. Oral history interview with James and Ruby Howorth, 1978 July 8. Iowa State Historical Society
creatorOf Gregory, Parthenia. Five Civilized Tribes collection, [18--]-[19--]. Five Civilized Tribes Museum and Center for the Study of Indian Territory
referencedIn Hanley, Miles L. [Papers] 1925-1950. University of South Florida, USF Library
creatorOf Northfield (Mich. : Township). Clerk. Rural property inventory, Northfield Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1938. State Archive of Michigan
creatorOf Bowen, Eliza A. Bowen, Eliza A. The story of Wilkes County, 1940.
referencedIn Jeffries, Margaret A. Papers : of Margaret A. Jeffries, 1938-1941. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Mary Murphy's Butte oral history project, 1980-1981 University of Montana--Missoula Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library Archives and Special Collections
creatorOf History of Music Project. Records pertaining to The history of music in San Francisco series, 1939-1942. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Simons, Elizabeth Knight, 1866-. Questionnaire from Elizabeth Knight Simons : Delta, 1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn W.P.A. Oregon Historical Records Survey records, not yet dated University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Brooklyn Museum. Office of the Director. Laurence Page Roberts records, 1938-43. Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
creatorOf California Federal Art Project papers Archives of American Art
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Oral history interview with Helen Lundeberg Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Ben Shahn Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Holger Cahill Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with George McNeil Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Roswell Weidner Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Victor Alessandro Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Lee Krasner Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Ronald Alfred Slayton Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with George McNeil Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Harold Rosenberg Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with John Opper Archives of American Art
Relation Name
associatedWith Adler, F. Charles, (Frederick Charles), 1889-1959 person
associatedWith Alabama. Dept. of Archives and History. corporateBody
associatedWith Alabama Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Alessandro, Victor. person
associatedWith Algren, Nelson, 1909-1981. person
associatedWith Alsberg, Henry G. 1881-1970. person
associatedWith Alston, Charles Henry, 1907-1977. person
associatedWith American Public Welfare Association. corporateBody
associatedWith American Security Union. corporateBody
associatedWith Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. person
associatedWith Anderson, Nora. person
associatedWith Andrews, Charles Oscar, 1877-1946. person
associatedWith Ann Arbor (Mich.: Township) Clerk. corporateBody
associatedWith Arkansas Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Barbour, Harold S., 1889-1961. person
associatedWith Barker, John Wesley, 1864- person
associatedWith Barnes, Philip H. person
associatedWith Barrett family. family
associatedWith Barrows, Elizabeth Brewer, 1860- person
associatedWith Battle Creek Public School Historical Museum (Mich.) corporateBody
associatedWith Beamer, A. O. person
associatedWith Berezowsky, Nicolai, 1900-1953. person
associatedWith Bestor, Arthur Eugene, 1908- person
associatedWith Bingham, Hanna McFarland, 1863- person
associatedWith Bishop, Dorothy H. (Dorothy Hubbard), ca. 1910- person
associatedWith Botkin, Benjamin Albert, 1901-1975. person
associatedWith Boulder Daily Camera. corporateBody
associatedWith Bowen, Eliza A. person
associatedWith Bowman, Ruth, 1923- person
associatedWith Bowyer, Vernon, 1889-1975. person
associatedWith Boyd, E. (Elizabeth), 1903-1974. person
associatedWith Brimhall, Dean R., 1886-1972. person
associatedWith Bromberg, Manuel. person
associatedWith Brooklyn Museum. Office of the Director. corporateBody
associatedWith Brooklyn Museum. Office of the Director. corporateBody
associatedWith Brown, Lon, Mrs., 1856- person
associatedWith Brown, Sterling Allen, 1901-1989. person
associatedWith Bruce, Douglas Alan. person
associatedWith Bryant, Robert G., 1863- person
associatedWith Burdick, Moses Leon, 1861. person
associatedWith Burroughs, Clyde H., 1882-1973. person
associatedWith Butters, Isabelle, 1865- person
associatedWith Butters, Joseph E., 1862- person
associatedWith Cahill, Holger, 1887-1960. person
associatedWith California Adjutant General's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith California Folk Music Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Carlisle, John C. person
associatedWith Cassidy, Ina Sizer, 1869-1965. person
associatedWith Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Charleston (Mich. : Township). Clerk. corporateBody
associatedWith Citizens' Committee for Government Arts Projects. corporateBody
associatedWith Cobb, Iola, person
correspondedWith Cogswell, Marguerite person
correspondedWith Colby, Merle, 1902-1969 person
associatedWith Collier, Nina Perera. person
associatedWith Community Chests and Councils of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Compton, Caroline, 1865- person
associatedWith Conrad, Harriet Bibby, 1847- person
associatedWith Conroy, Jack, 1898-1990. person
associatedWith Contreras, Belisario R., 1916- person
associatedWith Cooley, William, 1857- person
associatedWith Cotterill, George F. (George Fletcher), 1865- person
associatedWith Crite, Allan Rohan, 1910-2007, person
correspondedWith Cronin, George person
associatedWith Dahlman, Augusta Eleanor Hansen, 1862- person
associatedWith Dalpaiz, Celeste, 1875- person
associatedWith Darwin R. Barker Library (Fredonia, N.Y.). Historical Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith Davis, James E., 1859- person
associatedWith Daybell, William, 1858- person
associatedWith Day, Mary H. Wilcox, 1860- person
associatedWith Deane, Ernie. person
associatedWith Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969. person
associatedWith De Lorenzo, Nicola. person
associatedWith Dock Street Theatre (Charleston, S.C.). corporateBody
associatedWith Doktor, Raphael, 1902- person
associatedWith Donnelly, Betty Hawley, 1896-1970. person
associatedWith Dorius, Annie Marie, 1857- person
associatedWith Dorius, Charles R., 1858- person
associatedWith Duke, Rachel Horrocks, 1852- person
associatedWith Easley, Harry, 1901- person
associatedWith East China (Mich. : Township) corporateBody
associatedWith Eckles, Isabel L., 1877-1971. person
associatedWith Elkuss, Mary, 1915- person
associatedWith Ellet, George C., 1860- person
associatedWith Emma (Guffey) Miller, 1874-1970 person
associatedWith Family Welfare Association of America. corporateBody
associatedWith Fargo, Robert C. person
associatedWith Farrell, Lawrence Llewellyn, 1903-1971. person
associatedWith Federal Art Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Calif.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Calif.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (N.M.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (N.M.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Or.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Pa.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Pa.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project. Photographic Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project. Photographic Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Va.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Wis.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Art Project (Wis.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Music Project (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Theater Project (Conn.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Theatre Project (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. Federal Writers' Project records. corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. New York (N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project. New York (N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project (N.M.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project (N.M.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project (N.M.) corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration of Massachusetts. corporateBody
associatedWith Ferbraché, Lewis. person
associatedWith Field Library (Peekskill, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Fisher, Francis Murray, 1853- person
associatedWith Fitchburg Public Library (Fitchburg, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith Fogg Art Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith Folsom Prison. corporateBody
associatedWith Forrest, Suzanne, 1926- person
associatedWith Foy, Frances M., 1890-1963. person
associatedWith Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 person
associatedWith Frank-Rush, La Vern. person
associatedWith Frank-Rush, La Vern, 1918-2011. person
associatedWith Fredgrant, Sara, 1900- person
associatedWith Free Library of Philadelphia. Print and Picture Collection. corporateBody
associatedWith Fry, Richard R., 1864- person
correspondedWith Gaer, Joseph, 1897-1969 person
associatedWith Gardner, Maryetta Snow, 1863-1942. person
associatedWith Geary, Hyrum, 1836- person
associatedWith Giles, Christina Carlile, 1848- person
associatedWith Goertz, August F. person
associatedWith Goertz, August F. person
associatedWith Goertz, Augustus F. (Augustus Frederick), 1909-1995. person
associatedWith Goulter, John Thomas, 1850- person
associatedWith Grambs, Blanche, 1916- person
associatedWith Grimm, Louisa Powell, 1862- person
associatedWith Hanley, Miles L. person
associatedWith Hansen, Joe D. person
correspondedWith Harris, Reed person
associatedWith Hasell, Philip Gadsden, 1900-1981. person
associatedWith Hays, Aline Davis. person
associatedWith Heiner, George, 1846- person
associatedWith Hermanos Penitentes. corporateBody
associatedWith Hinckley, Robert Henry, 1891-1988. person
associatedWith Historical American Merchant Marine Survey. corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey (N.D.) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey. New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey. New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey. New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey. New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey (N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey (Ohio). District No. 2. corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Records Survey (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Historical Society of the Tarrytowns (Tarrytown, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Historic American Buildings Survey. corporateBody
associatedWith Historic American Building Survey. corporateBody
associatedWith Historic American Merchant Marine Survey. corporateBody
associatedWith History of Music Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Hodson, William, 1891-1943. person
associatedWith Holt, Elizabeth Basye Gilmore. person
associatedWith Holyoak, Henry John, 1870- person
associatedWith Hopkins, Brognard Delacroix Webber, 1855- person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Howorth, James E., b. 1905, person
associatedWith Hudson's Bay Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Hulgren, Sadie, 1867- person
associatedWith Hunter College. corporateBody
associatedWith Independence Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.) corporateBody
associatedWith Inverarity, Robert Bruce, 1909-1999. person
associatedWith Jacobsen, John Melseth, 1903-1966. person
associatedWith Jacobs, Joseph, 1908- person
associatedWith Jacobs, Seth Erastus, 1863- person
associatedWith Jeffries, Margaret A. person
associatedWith Johnson, Eda Regina Johnson, 1861- person
associatedWith Johnson, John N., 1853- person
associatedWith Johnson, Peter B., 1858- person
associatedWith Junker von Langegg, Ferd. Adalb. (Ferdinand Adalbert), b. 1828. person
associatedWith Kane, William T. (William Terence), 1880-1946. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Albert J. (Albert Joseph), 1879-1968. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Stetson. person
associatedWith Kentucky Citizens Library League corporateBody
associatedWith Kentucky. Dept. for Environmental Protection. Division of Water. corporateBody
associatedWith Kerr, Florence Stewart. person
associatedWith Kershaw, George J., 1862- person
associatedWith King, Albert Henry, 1900-1982. person
associatedWith Kingman Museum of Natural History. corporateBody
associatedWith Kingsbury, John Adams, 1876-1956. person
associatedWith Knight, Celestial Roberts, 1850- person
associatedWith Koerner, Daniel, 1909-1977. person
associatedWith Krasner, Lee, 1908-1984. person
associatedWith Lambert, A. C. (Asael Carlyle), 1893-1983. person
associatedWith Lance, Elvira M. Wing, 1865- person
correspondedWith Laning, Claire person
associatedWith Larsen, Amosa, 1866- person
associatedWith Larson, Niels Christian, 1858- person
associatedWith Lawrence, Phil A., 1890-1966. person
associatedWith Legere, Benjamin J., 1887-1972. person
associatedWith Levy, Grace. person
associatedWith Lewis, Cass, 1863- person
associatedWith Library of Congress. corporateBody
associatedWith Limone, Joseph, 1881- person
associatedWith Lindsay, James, 1849- person
associatedWith Linebarger Family family
associatedWith Lockefield Gardens (Apartment house : Indianapolis, Ind.) corporateBody
associatedWith Loew, Michael, 1907-1985. person
associatedWith Lomax, John A. 1867-1948. person
associatedWith Long, William A. person
associatedWith Loomis, Sylvia Glidden. person
associatedWith Lord, Clifford L. 1912-1980. person
associatedWith Lundeberg, Helen, 1908-1999 person
associatedWith Manchester (N.H.). Office of the City Clerk. corporateBody
associatedWith Martinson, Henry R. (Henry Rudolph), 1883-1981. person
associatedWith Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. corporateBody
associatedWith Mavigliano, George J., 1941- person
associatedWith May, Earl Charles, 1917- person
associatedWith McCurdy, Julius Augustus, 1903- person
associatedWith McMillan, Annie Coleman, 1859- person
associatedWith McNeil, George, 1908- person
associatedWith Meade, R. Samuel. person
associatedWith Michigan Art and Craft Project. person
associatedWith Michigan Historical Records Survey corporateBody
associatedWith Miller, Emma Guffey, 1874-1970. person
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Education. Library Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Education. Library Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Dept. of Education. Library Division. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Division of Forestry. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota. Division of Lands and Minerals. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota Geographic Board. corporateBody
associatedWith Minnesota Resources Commission (1939-1947). corporateBody
associatedWith Monroe, Gerald, 1926- person
associatedWith Morrison, Eunice Lestra, 1853- person
associatedWith Mount Diablo Museum Advisor Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Murphy, Mary, 1953- person
associatedWith Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico) corporateBody
associatedWith Myton, Howell Plummer, 1856- person
associatedWith National Appraisal Committee (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith National Council on Household Employment. corporateBody
associatedWith Nelson, Annie Bonner, 1859- person
associatedWith New Jersey Historical Records Survey Project. corporateBody
associatedWith New Mexico. Governor (1939-1942 : Miles) corporateBody
associatedWith New Muse Community Museum. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Parks and Recreation. Park Historian's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Norris, Frank, 1870-1902. person
associatedWith North Dakota State Water Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Norvelle, Lee Roy, 1892- person
associatedWith O'Connor, Francis V. person
associatedWith O'Connor, James Francis, 1878-1945. person
associatedWith Olsen, Caroline, 1854- person
associatedWith Olsen, Emma A., 1861- person
associatedWith Opper, John, person
associatedWith Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon Historical Records Survey corporateBody
associatedWith Park, Marlene person
associatedWith Paull, Irene, 1908-1981. person
associatedWith Pehrson, Ann Eliza, 1853- person
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Dept. of Labor and Industry. corporateBody
associatedWith Pereira, I. Rice (Irene Rice), 1902-1971. person
associatedWith Peterson, James, 1863- person
associatedWith Peterson, Peter David, 1844- person
associatedWith Pittsfield (Mich.: Township). Clerk. corporateBody
associatedWith Putnam, Brenda, 1890-1975 person
associatedWith Raber (Mich.: Township). Board of Supervisors. corporateBody
associatedWith Ramsey County (Minn.). County Auditor. corporateBody
associatedWith Rasband, William Giles, 1856- person
associatedWith Rasmussen, Sena, 1854- person
associatedWith Redd, James Munroe, 1863- person
associatedWith Redd, Lucinda Alvina Pace, 1864- person
associatedWith Reinhardt, Ad, 1913-1967. person
associatedWith Roberts, Walter, 1869- person
associatedWith Robins, Elizabeth Swenson, 1868- person
associatedWith Rosenberg, Harold, 1906-1978 person
associatedWith Sacramento Art Center. corporateBody
associatedWith Sanchelli, Michael T. person
associatedWith Shackelford, Virginius Randolph, 1885-1949. person
associatedWith Shahn, Ben, 1898-1969. person
associatedWith Sharp, Floyd. person
associatedWith Shawano County (Wis.). Dept. of Public Welfare. corporateBody
associatedWith Shawano County (Wis.). Dept. of Public Welfare. corporateBody
associatedWith Shelley, Rebecca, 1887-1984. person
associatedWith Shepperson, Gay Bolling, 1887-1978. person
associatedWith Shoen, Harriet, 1896- person
associatedWith Shoshone County Flood Control Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Siegel, Hannah R. London. person
associatedWith Silvey, Frank. person
associatedWith Simons, Albert Lee, 1853- person
associatedWith Simons, Elizabeth Knight, 1866- person
associatedWith Simons, Kenneth W., 1898-1948. person
associatedWith Slayton, Ronald Alfred, 1910- person
associatedWith Sloan, Blanding, 1886-1975. person
associatedWith Smith, Alfred Edgar, 1903-1986. person
associatedWith Smith, Hilda. person
associatedWith Smith, Hilda Worthington, 1888- person
associatedWith Smith, Isabella Lindsay, 1860- person
associatedWith Springer, Mathilda Robey, 1849- person
associatedWith St. Augustine Historical Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Steele, Mahonri Moriancumer, 1870- person
associatedWith Stevens family. family
associatedWith Stewart, Courtland Elliot, 1869- person
associatedWith St. John's Museum of Art. corporateBody
associatedWith Studley, Miriam V., person
associatedWith Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Taylor, Arthur A., 1854- person
associatedWith Taylor, Francis Henry, 1903-1957. person
associatedWith Taylor, Lydia Ann Colvin, 1851- person
associatedWith Taylor, Polly Ann Eliner, 1856- person
associatedWith Texas Relief Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Texas Relief Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Texas. State Parks Board. corporateBody
associatedWith Texas Writers' Project corporateBody
associatedWith Thacker, Marie Rawlin Price, 1864- person
associatedWith Thomas Branigan Memorial Library corporateBody
associatedWith Thorp, N. Howard 1867-1940. person
associatedWith Thursby, Sena, 1863- person
associatedWith Tice, Floyd Allen, b. 1893. person
associatedWith Tikhmenev, P. A. (Petr Aleksandrovich), d. 1888. person
associatedWith Turner, Lorenzo, 1861- person
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Interior. Office of the Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. District Court (Arizona Territory : 1st Judicial District). corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Civil Works Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Civil Works Adminstration. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Emergency Relief Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Federal Works Agency. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Boston District Office. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. New York District Office. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. National Archives and Records Service. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration (Calif.) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Engineering and Construction. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Investigation. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Office of the State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Office of the State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky. Office of the State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of the Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of the Wisconsin State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Wisconsin State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Wisconsin State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Office of Wisconsin State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. Project Control Division. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administration. State Administrators' Office. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Work Projects Administraton. Office of Virginia State Administrator. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Progress Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Progress Administration (Calif.) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Progress Administration. New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Progress Administration of Pennsylvania. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Progress Administration. Works Progress Administration records. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Works Projects Administration corporateBody
associatedWith University of Minnesota. Institute of Technology corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee. corporateBody
associatedWith Upman, Frank, 1905-1976. person
associatedWith Utah Historical Records Survey. corporateBody
associatedWith Videen, Clayton A., 1911-. person
associatedWith Virginia Writers' Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Volochova, Sonia. person
associatedWith Von Groschwitz, Gustave, 1906- person
associatedWith Walter, Paul A. F. person
associatedWith Washington State Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Weidner, Roswell T., 1911- person
associatedWith Westchester County (N.Y.). Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Westchester County (N.Y.). Emergency Work Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith West, John C. Mrs., 1862- person
associatedWith White, George D. person
associatedWith Whittier, Ruth Earline, 1903-1991. person
associatedWith Wilckin, Haidwee Verene, 1860- person
associatedWith Wilcox, John C., 1858- person
associatedWith Williams, Martha Marie Moyes, 1854- person
associatedWith Wilson, Ervin S., 1858- person
associatedWith Wisconsin. Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. corporateBody
associatedWith Wisconsin. Dept. of Public Instruction. corporateBody
associatedWith Wisconsin. Division of Public Assistance. corporateBody
associatedWith Wisconsin Free Library Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Wisconsin. State Planning Board. corporateBody
associatedWith Witt, Martha J. Taylor, 1852- person
associatedWith Woodstock Artists Association (Woodstock, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Work Projects Administration corporateBody
associatedWith WPA Statewide Museum Service. corporateBody
associatedWith WPA Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in Southern California. corporateBody
associatedWith Wright, Richard, 1908-1960. person
associatedWith Writers' Program (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of New Mexico. corporateBody
associatedWith Writers' Program (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Writers' Program (U.S.) Writers' Program (U.S.) records. corporateBody
associatedWith Yaeger, Edgar L., 1904- person
associatedWith York (Mich.: Township). Clerk. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Washington (D.C.)
Quigley (Mont.)
San Joaquin County (Calif.)
California--San Joaquin County
Glendive (Mont.)
United States
United States
New Mexico--Las Cruces
New Chicago (Mont.)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake (Wash.)
California--Long Beach
Black Pine (Mont.)
Pioneer (Mont.)
United States
New Mexico
United States
Champion (Mont.)
Cable City (Mont.)
United States
Montana--Yellowstone County
Grand Coulee Dam (Wash.)
Mineral County (Mont.)
Washington (D.C.)
Burlington (Mont.)
United States
United States
Cataract (Mont.)
California--San Francisco
New Mexico
Denver (Colo.)
San Francisco (Calif.)
Neihart (Mont.)
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
African Americans
Alkali lands
Art, American
Card catalogs
Ethnic groups
Ethnic groups
Executive orders
Federal aid to public welfare
Folk songs, Spanish
Ghost towns
Hispanic Americans
Hispanic Americans
Hispanic Americans
Hispanic Americans
Hispanic Americans
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Indians of North America
Labor supply
Public libraries
Public libraries
Library catalog management
Mines and mineral resources
Mines and mineral resources
New Deal, 1933-1939
New Deal, 1933-1939
Painting, Modern
Philadelphia History
Public service employment
Public works
Public works
Seasonal labor
Strikes and lockouts
Subject catalogs
Surveying and Maps
Urban folklore
Urban folklore
World War, 1914-1918
Government administration
Public welfare

Corporate Body

Active 1936

Active 1941


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w66x31vr

Ark ID: w66x31vr

SNAC ID: 12946665