Sandler, Bernice Resnick

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Sandler (University of Maryland, Ph.D.) has been director of the Project on the Status and Education of Women (PSEW) of the Association of American Colleges since 1971. Earlier she taught psychology, was a nursery school teacher and adult education instructor, served as Education Specialist for the U.S. House of Representatives' Special Subcommittee on Education and as Deputy Director of the Women's Action Program at HEW, and chaired the Action Committee for Federal Contract Compliance of the Women's Equity Action League.

From the description of Papers, 1970-1980 (inclusive). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 232006974

Bernice Resnick Sandler (known as "Bunny" since childhood) was born March 3, 1928, in New York City to Ivy Ernst Resnick and Abraham Hyman Resnick. She studied psychology at Brooklyn College (B.A., 1948) and the City College of New York (M.A., 1950). From 1951 to 1952 she was a research fellow in clinical pyschology at City College. In 1952 she married Jerrold Sandler; they had two children, Deborah (1954) and Emily (1956) and were divorced in 1978. After marriage, the Sandlers moved several times for Jerrold's work. Unable to find work in her field of psychology, Bunny worked various jobs, including pre-school teacher, guitar instructor, and secretary. When the family moved to the Washington, D.C., area in the mid-1960s, she enrolled in a doctoral program in counseling at the University of Maryland (Ed.D., 1969).

While studying at the University of Maryland, Bunny Sandler worked as a lecturer and instructor of psychology and counseling. Upon graduating, she hoped to get a tenure-track appointment in the department, but was discouraged on account of her sex. Sandler began to conduct research into the legality of sex discrimination, and at the same time began corresponding with Elizabeth "Betty" Boyer, a founder of the Women's Equity Action League (WEAL), a group formed to work for women's equality through legislative and judicial channels. Sandler's research led her to Executive Order 11246 of 1965, as amended in 1967, which "prohibit[ed] federal contractors ... from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." Sandler determined that this statute would outlaw sex discrimination in hiring for most colleges and universities. Under the auspices of WEAL's Committee for Federal Contract Compliance (Sandler was the entire committee), she filed administrative complaints against over 250 colleges and universities under the U.S. Department of Labor, charging the department's Office of Federal Contract Compliance with failing to enforce federal contract compliance at colleges and universities. The complaints did not require a specific plaintiff's name for filing, and generally contained detailed data about university staff and faculty gender ratios, which Sandler compiled with the help of sympathetic men and women from the institutions in question.

One of Sandler's tactics with the WEAL complaints was to send copies of each complaint to the congresspeople who represented the state of a specific college or university, and ask them to write a letter to the Secretary of Labor (and later to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, who also had jurisdiction) asking the secretary to enforce the executive order for colleges and universities as required. Sandler suggested that those involved in informing her about discriminatory practices write to their congresspeople as well, in an attempt to raise the profile of the complaints. Sandler additionally sent copies of each of her complaints to Representative Edith Green (D-OR), who was a member of WEAL's advisory board. What Green learned about sex discrimination in higher education caused her to hold hearings on the topic in June 1970, and to introduce legislation that eventually became Title IX. Green invited Sandler to testify at the hearings on the equality of women in academia, and to suggest other witnesses as well. She then hired Sandler to edit and distribute the testimonies from the hearings; Sandler was Education Specialist on the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education from June 1970 to February 1971. In March 1971, Sandler took a job as Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare'sWomen's Action Program, a new government program meant to study the status of women within federally funded programs, including education.

In September 1971, Sandler became Director of the Association of American Colleges (AAC) Project on the Status and Education of Women (PSEW). PSEW began as a clearinghouse for the members of the AAC, who often needed government laws and regulations translated for them. Sandler ran PSEW for twenty years, giving hundreds of speeches and writing dozens of articles on women's educational equity, until she was asked to step down in 1991. The focus of PSEW and Sandler's work changed over the years, as the issues facing higher education changed. In the early 1970s, attention was focused on the passage, interpretation, and implementation of Title IX, affirmative action requirements, improving hiring and recruitment of women, and achieving gender balance in student and faculty ratios. By the late 1970s and early 1980s, Sandler and her staff also conducted research on sexual harassment and rape on campus, pioneering the phrase "chilly climate" to describe seemingly non-overt ways women were discriminated against in the classroom and on campus.

From August 1991 to August 1994, Sandler was a Senior Associate at the Center for Women Policy Studies (CWPS). Beginning in 1991, she also created and edited About Women on Campus, the quarterly newsletter of the National Association for Women in Education (NAWE). In August 1994, Sandler became a Senior Scholar in Residence at NAWE. NAWE ceased to exist in 2000; at that time Sandler became a Senior Scholar at the Women's Research and Education Institute (WREI). Sandler was not paid directly by these organizations (except for her editing work for NAWE), and supported her own work through a combination of grant projects, speaking engagements, and other consulting work. She continued to travel to campuses, speaking on and learning about issues relevant to women. Most of her work in the 1990s continued to deal with sexual harassment, rape, and the "chilly climate." Sandler worked on several books on these topics: The Chilly Classroom Climate: A Guide to Improve the Education of Women (1996, with Lisa A. Silverberg and Roberta Hall); Sexual Harassment on Campus: A Guide for Administrators, Faculty, and Students (1997, edited with Robert J. Shoop); and Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment, K-12: Strategies and Solutions for Educators to Use in the Classroom, School, and Community (2005, with Harriett M. Stonehill).

Sandler's advocacy work on women's issues has often occurred in conjunction with her professional work. Her mix of contacts within the government, the women's movement, and academe helped her in these endeavors. In the early 1970s, Sandler worked with multiple women's organizations, government officials, and congressional staff to gain passage of the bill that became Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, and then lobbied the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights to affect the tenor of the agency's regulations. She was also active in the struggle to ensure passage by the Congress of the Equal Rights Amendment, and frequently corresponded with congresspeople and their staffs on the language of the bill, possible amendments, etc. In 1972, President Richard Nixon appointed Sandler to his Council of Economic Advisors' Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women. In 1975, she was appointed by President Gerald Ford (and reappointed by President Jimmy Carter) to the National Advisory Committee on Women's Educational Programs (NACWEP). Sandler attended the National Women's Convention (Houston, 1977) as part of the Maryland delegation. She attended the 1985 United Nations Decade for Women Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, as part of a delegation from the American Jewish Committee.

Sandler has been a member of many women's organizations, including WEAL, National Organization for Women, National Women's Political Caucus, and Women United. She has been a Democratic Party donor, and was part of several groups to assist with the party's platforms on education and women's issues. Sandler has served on the board of directors or on advisory committees for a large number of organizations and institutions, mainly in areas of higher education, women's education, women's rights, women's health, Jewish issues, and international women's rights.

From the guide to the Papers of Bernice Resnick Sandler, 1963-2008, (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Audiotape collection, 1953-1979 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn National Organization for Women. Records: Series XVII-XXXII, 1967-1996. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Papers, 1957-1977 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Interviews by Kathryn M. Moore, 1975-1976. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Women in the Federal Government Oral History Project. Records, 1981-1991 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records of the National Organization for Women, 1959-2002 (inclusive), 1966-1998 (bulk) Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Moore, Kathryn M. Kathryn Moore interviews, 1975-1976. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Papers, 1957-1993 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records of the Women's Equity Action League, 1966-1979 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records of the Women's Equity Action League, 1966-1979 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records, 1967-1990 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Rawalt, Marguerite, 1895-. [Audiotape collection] [sound recording]. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Friedan, Betty, 1921-2006. Papers, 1933-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Project on the Status and Education of Women (Association of American Colleges). Records, 1970-1982 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Papers of Bernice Resnick Sandler, 1963-2008 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Sandler, Bernice Resnick. Papers, 1970-1980 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Women's Activism Against Sex Discrimination: The 1970 HEW Investigation of the University of Michigan records, 1999-2001 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Maren Lockwood Carden papers, 1969-1979 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records, 1967-1990 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Carden, Maren Lockwood. Papers, 1969-1979 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf University of Michigan. Institute for Research on Women and Gender. Women's activism against sex discrimination, the 1970 HEW investigation of the University of Michigan records, 2000-2002. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Maren Lockwood Carden papers, 1969-1979 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Papers of Pauli Murray, 1827-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn East, Catherine Shipe. Papers of Catherine Shipe East. 1941-1995 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Cussler, Margaret Thekla, 1911-. Papers, 1957-1977 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Boston N.O.W. Records, 1967-1990 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Women in the Federal Government Oral History Project. Interviews, 1981-1983 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Academic Management Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Alice Rossi person
associatedWith Allison Steiner corporateBody
associatedWith Alpha Phi corporateBody
associatedWith American Accounting Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance corporateBody
associatedWith American Association for the Advancement of Science corporateBody
associatedWith American Association of School Administrators corporateBody
associatedWith American Association of University Professors corporateBody
associatedWith American Association of University Women corporateBody
associatedWith American Association of Women in Community Colleges corporateBody
associatedWith American Civil Liberties Union corporateBody
associatedWith American Council on Education corporateBody
associatedWith American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research corporateBody
associatedWith American Historical Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith American Personnel and Guidance Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Political Science Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Pyschological Association corporateBody
associatedWith Americans for Democratic Action corporateBody
associatedWith American Sociological Association corporateBody
associatedWith American University corporateBody
associatedWith American Women for International Understanding corporateBody
associatedWith Ann Scott. person
associatedWith Arizona State University corporateBody
associatedWith Arlene Daniels person
associatedWith Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Arvonne Fraser person
associatedWith Aspen Institute's corporateBody
associatedWith Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education corporateBody
associatedWith Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women corporateBody
associatedWith Association for Women in Math corporateBody
associatedWith Association for Women in Science corporateBody
associatedWith Association for Women Psychologists corporateBody
associatedWith Association of American Medical Colleges corporateBody
associatedWith Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges corporateBody
associatedWith Association of Women in International Trade corporateBody
associatedWith Association of Women in Science corporateBody
associatedWith Augsberg College corporateBody
associatedWith Ball State University corporateBody
associatedWith Bates College corporateBody
associatedWith Bayer Women's Health Initiative corporateBody
associatedWith Benedict College corporateBody
associatedWith Berea College corporateBody
associatedWith Bernard, Ruth person
associatedWith Bert Hartry person
correspondedWith Betty Friedan person
associatedWith Birch Bayh person
associatedWith Bloomfield College corporateBody
associatedWith Boston N.O.W. corporateBody
associatedWith Bowdoin College corporateBody
associatedWith Bowling Green State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Boyer, Betty person
associatedWith Bradley University corporateBody
associatedWith Brooklyn College corporateBody
associatedWith Brown University corporateBody
associatedWith Buena Vista University corporateBody
associatedWith Business and Professional Women's Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith California State University corporateBody
associatedWith California Women's Law Center corporateBody
associatedWith Cambridge College corporateBody
associatedWith Canadian Association Against Sexual Harassment in Higher Education corporateBody
associatedWith Canadian Association of University Teachers corporateBody
associatedWith Canadian Association of University Teachers' Status of Women Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Canadian Broadcasting Company corporateBody
associatedWith Canisius College corporateBody
associatedWith Capitol Hill Women's Caucus corporateBody
associatedWith Carden, Maren Lockwood. person
associatedWith Carnegie Mellon University corporateBody
associatedWith Carol Hollenshead person
correspondedWith Catherine East. person
associatedWith Catherine East, 1916-1996 person
associatedWith Catherine East's person
associatedWith Catholic University corporateBody
associatedWith Center for American Women in Politics corporateBody
associatedWith Center for Women Scholars corporateBody
associatedWith Chesapeake Community College corporateBody
correspondedWith Citadel corporateBody
associatedWith City University of New York corporateBody
associatedWith Claremont Colleges corporateBody
associatedWith Clearinghouse on Women's Issues corporateBody
associatedWith Cleveland State University corporateBody
associatedWith Coast Guard Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Colby College corporateBody
associatedWith Coleman, Bessie person
associatedWith Colgate University corporateBody
associatedWith College of the Ozarks corporateBody
associatedWith College of William and Mary corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia College corporateBody
associatedWith Columbia University corporateBody
associatedWith Columbus State Community College corporateBody
associatedWith Committee on Institutional Cooperation conference corporateBody
associatedWith Commonwealth Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Connecticut College corporateBody
associatedWith Continuing Committee of the Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Contra Costa Bar Association corporateBody
associatedWith Contra Costa County Bar Association corporateBody
associatedWith Contract Research Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Council of Administrative Women in Education corporateBody
associatedWith Cussler, Margaret Thekla, 1911- person
associatedWith Dalhousie University corporateBody
associatedWith Dalton School corporateBody
associatedWith Daniel Webster College corporateBody
associatedWith Dartmouth College corporateBody
associatedWith Delaware Theatre Company corporateBody
associatedWith Delegation for Friendship Among Women corporateBody
associatedWith Delta College corporateBody
associatedWith Denise Jahna's person
associatedWith Denison University corporateBody
associatedWith De Paul University corporateBody
associatedWith DeWitt Wallace - Reader's Digest Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Drake University corporateBody
associatedWith Duke University School of Law corporateBody
associatedWith Eagleton Institute of Politics' corporateBody
associatedWith Eastern Illinois University corporateBody
associatedWith East Tennessee State University corporateBody
associatedWith Edith Green person
associatedWith Elizabeth Blackwell Institute and corporateBody
associatedWith Emily Taylor person
associatedWith Emory University corporateBody
associatedWith Equal Employment Opportunity Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Equality Center corporateBody
correspondedWith Eric A. Stein person
correspondedWith Esther Peterson person
associatedWith Fairleigh Dickinson University corporateBody
associatedWith Fairmont State College corporateBody
associatedWith FCC Federal Communications Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Interagency Committee on Education corporateBody
associatedWith Federally Employed Women corporateBody
associatedWith Fisk University corporateBody
associatedWith Florida State University corporateBody
associatedWith Ford Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Franklin and Marshall College corporateBody
correspondedWith Fraser, Arvonne person
correspondedWith Freeman, Jo person
associatedWith George Mason College corporateBody
associatedWith George Mason University corporateBody
correspondedWith George Schultz person
associatedWith Georgetown University corporateBody
associatedWith Georgetown University Law Center corporateBody
associatedWith Georgetown University Law School corporateBody
associatedWith George Washington University corporateBody
associatedWith Gettysburg College corporateBody
associatedWith Global Business Services corporateBody
associatedWith Goucher College corporateBody
associatedWith Graduate Management Admission Council corporateBody
associatedWith Grand Valley College corporateBody
associatedWith Grand Valley State College corporateBody
associatedWith Green, Edith person
correspondedWith Greenhouse, Linda person
associatedWith Hadassah corporateBody
associatedWith Hampton University corporateBody
correspondedWith Hartry, Bert person
associatedWith Hartwick College corporateBody
associatedWith Hartwick College/SUNY Oneonta corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University Graduate School of Education corporateBody
associatedWith Harvey Mudd College corporateBody
associatedWith HEW Secretary's Advisory Committee on the Rights and Responsibilities of Women corporateBody
associatedWith Hobart and William Smith Colleges corporateBody
associatedWith Hoffman, Ellen person
associatedWith Hood College corporateBody
associatedWith Hotchkiss School corporateBody
associatedWith House General Subcommittee on Labor corporateBody
associatedWith House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee no. 4 corporateBody
associatedWith House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights corporateBody
associatedWith House Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education corporateBody
correspondedWith Howe, Florence person
associatedWith Human Rights for Women corporateBody
associatedWith Hunter College High School corporateBody
associatedWith Institute for Educational Leadership corporateBody
associatedWith International Association for Feminist Economics corporateBody
associatedWith International Communication Agency corporateBody
associatedWith International Conference on Women in Health corporateBody
associatedWith Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault corporateBody
associatedWith Jackson Community College corporateBody
correspondedWith Jean King person
associatedWith Jean Robinson person
associatedWith Jewish Women for Affirmative Action corporateBody
associatedWith Jewish Women's Caucus corporateBody
associatedWith Jewish Women's Network corporateBody
associatedWith Jimmy Carter person
correspondedWith Joan Joesting. person
correspondedWith Joanne Chan person
correspondedWith Joesting, Joan person
associatedWith Jo Freeman. person
associatedWith John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Sandler served as nominator corporateBody
associatedWith Johns Hopkins University corporateBody
associatedWith Jo Sanders person
correspondedWith Joseph Califano person
associatedWith Joy Simonson person
correspondedWith Julia Lamber person
associatedWith Julia T. Apter person
associatedWith Kansas State Teachers College corporateBody
associatedWith Kansas State University corporateBody
associatedWith Katz, Montana person
associatedWith Kirkland College corporateBody
associatedWith Lansing Community College corporateBody
correspondedWith Laura X. person
correspondedWith Law Enforcement Assistance Administration corporateBody
correspondedWith Lawrence Summers corporateBody
associatedWith Lawrenceville School corporateBody
associatedWith Legal Aid Society corporateBody
associatedWith Lehigh University corporateBody
associatedWith Leslie Wolfe person
correspondedWith Letty Cottin Pogrebin. person
associatedWith Lewis & Clark College corporateBody
associatedWith Lilly Endowment corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana State University corporateBody
associatedWith Loyola University corporateBody
associatedWith Luther College corporateBody
associatedWith Marcia Greenberger person
associatedWith Margaret Dunkle person
associatedWith Margaret Dunkle person
associatedWith Margaret Dunkle person
associatedWith Margaret Thekla Cussler person
associatedWith Marilyn Harris person
associatedWith Marshall University corporateBody
correspondedWith Martha Church person
associatedWith Marvin Esch person
associatedWith Maryland Commission on Human Relations corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts Association for Women in Education corporateBody
associatedWith M. Carey Thomas person
associatedWith MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith Medical College of Pennsylvania corporateBody
associatedWith Meredith College corporateBody
associatedWith Metropolitan Abortion Alliance corporateBody
associatedWith Metropolitan Washington Employment Lawyers' Association corporateBody
associatedWith Michigan Network of Women's Centers corporateBody
associatedWith Michigan State University corporateBody
associatedWith Middle Tennessee State University corporateBody
associatedWith Milliken University corporateBody
associatedWith Mills College corporateBody
associatedWith Modern Language Association corporateBody
associatedWith Montana State University corporateBody
associatedWith Montgomery College corporateBody
associatedWith Moore, Kathryn M. person
correspondedWith Murray, Pauli person
associatedWith National Academy on Women's Health Medical Education corporateBody
associatedWith National Advisory Council on Vocational Education corporateBody
associatedWith National Association for Law Placement corporateBody
associatedWith National Association of Student Personnel Administrators corporateBody
associatedWith National Coalition for Sex Equity in Education corporateBody
associatedWith National Commission on Consumer Finance corporateBody
associatedWith National Committee on Household Employment corporateBody
associatedWith National Council of Women's Organizations corporateBody
associatedWith National Education Association corporateBody
associatedWith National Institute of Education corporateBody
associatedWith National Labor Relations Board corporateBody
associatedWith National Organization for Women. corporateBody
associatedWith National Women's Law Center corporateBody
correspondedWith National Women's Political Caucus corporateBody
associatedWith National Women's Studies Association corporateBody
associatedWith New York City Commission on Human Rights corporateBody
associatedWith New York Law School corporateBody
correspondedWith Norma Raffel person
associatedWith North Adams State College corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State University corporateBody
associatedWith Northeast Missouri State University corporateBody
associatedWith Northeast Panhellenic Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Northwestern University corporateBody
associatedWith Oakland University corporateBody
associatedWith ODN Productions corporateBody
associatedWith Ohio Association for Developmental Education corporateBody
associatedWith Ohlone College corporateBody
associatedWith Old Dominion University corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon State University corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon Women in Higher Education corporateBody
associatedWith Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development corporateBody
associatedWith Pace College corporateBody
associatedWith Pace University corporateBody
correspondedWith Pauli Murray, 1910-1985 person
associatedWith Paul Le Perq person
associatedWith Pennsylvania State University corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg corporateBody
associatedWith Phi Delta Kappa corporateBody
associatedWith Plymouth State College corporateBody
associatedWith Pomona College corporateBody
associatedWith Practising Law Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Princeton University corporateBody
associatedWith Principia College corporateBody
associatedWith Professional Women's Caucus corporateBody
associatedWith Project on Equal Education Rights corporateBody
associatedWith Project on the Status and Education of Women (Association of American Colleges) corporateBody
associatedWith Purdue University corporateBody
associatedWith Purdue University at Calumet corporateBody
associatedWith Ramapo College of New Jersey corporateBody
associatedWith Rawalt, Marguerite, 1895- person
associatedWith Rice University corporateBody
associatedWith Rio Hondo College corporateBody
associatedWith Ripon College corporateBody
correspondedWith Robert Shoop person
associatedWith Rockefeller Public Service Award corporateBody
associatedWith Ronald Reagan. person
associatedWith Rose Brock person
associatedWith Rutgers Law School corporateBody
associatedWith Rutgers University corporateBody
correspondedWith Ruth Bader Ginsburg person
associatedWith Sage Publications corporateBody
associatedWith Saint Elizabeth's Hospital corporateBody
associatedWith Saint Louis University corporateBody
associatedWith Saint Mary's University corporateBody
associatedWith Salem College corporateBody
associatedWith Sangamon State University corporateBody
associatedWith Sassower, Doris person
associatedWith Schneiderman, Rose person
correspondedWith Scott, Ann person
associatedWith Second International Conference on Sexual Assault on Campus corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommitee on Constitutional Amendments corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Administrative Practices and Procedures corporateBody
associatedWith Senate Subcommittee on Labor corporateBody
associatedWith Sheila Rothwell person
correspondedWith Sheila Tobias person
associatedWith Sheldon Steinbach person
associatedWith Shirley Curry person
associatedWith Simmons College corporateBody
associatedWith Slippery Rock University corporateBody
associatedWith Smith College corporateBody
associatedWith Sociologists Against Sexual Harassment corporateBody
associatedWith Sociologists for Women in Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Sonia Pressman Fuentes person
associatedWith South Carolina Women in Higher Education corporateBody
associatedWith South Dakota State University corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Connecticut State University corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Illinois University corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Methodist University corporateBody
associatedWith Special Subcommittee on Education corporateBody
associatedWith Special Subcommittee on Education, U.S. House of Representatives corporateBody
associatedWith Stanford University Medical School corporateBody
associatedWith State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton corporateBody
associatedWith St. Martin's University corporateBody
associatedWith St. Mary's corporateBody
associatedWith St. Michael's College corporateBody
associatedWith St. Stephen's and St. Agnes Schools corporateBody
associatedWith Suelzle, Maryjean person
correspondedWith SUNY Albany corporateBody
associatedWith SUNY Buffalo corporateBody
associatedWith SUNY Oswego corporateBody
associatedWith SUNY Potsdam corporateBody
associatedWith SUNY Purchase corporateBody
correspondedWith Susan Davis person
associatedWith Swarthmore College corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University corporateBody
associatedWith Temple University corporateBody
associatedWith Tennessee Technical University corporateBody
correspondedWith Terrel Bell person
associatedWith Thompson Publishing corporateBody
correspondedWith Tinker, Irene person
associatedWith Truman State University corporateBody
associatedWith Tufts University corporateBody
associatedWith Turner Broadcasting System corporateBody
associatedWith Union Institute corporateBody
associatedWith United States. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Alabama corporateBody
associatedWith University of Arizona corporateBody
associatedWith University of Arkansas corporateBody
associatedWith University of Bridgeport corporateBody
associatedWith University of California corporateBody
associatedWith University of California at Santa Barbara corporateBody
associatedWith University of California, Los Angeles corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago corporateBody
associatedWith University of Colorado at Boulder corporateBody
associatedWith University of Connecticut corporateBody
associatedWith University of Detroit corporateBody
associatedWith University of Florida corporateBody
associatedWith University of Georgia corporateBody
associatedWith University of Hawaii corporateBody
associatedWith University of Houston corporateBody
associatedWith University of Idaho corporateBody
associatedWith University of Illinois corporateBody
associatedWith University of Louisville corporateBody
associatedWith University of Maine at Farmington corporateBody
associatedWith University of Maine, Farmington corporateBody
associatedWith University of Maine, Orono corporateBody
associatedWith University of Manitoba corporateBody
associatedWith University of Maryland corporateBody
associatedWith University of Miami corporateBody
associatedWith University of Michigan corporateBody
associatedWith University of Michigan. Institute for Research on Women and Gender. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Minnesota corporateBody
associatedWith University of Missouri corporateBody
associatedWith University of Nebraska corporateBody
associatedWith University of New England corporateBody
associatedWith University of New Hampshire corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Dakota corporateBody
associatedWith University of Northern Colorado corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Texas corporateBody
associatedWith University of Oklahoma corporateBody
associatedWith University of Oregon corporateBody
associatedWith University of Pennsylvania corporateBody
associatedWith University of Pittsburgh corporateBody
associatedWith University of Puget Sound corporateBody
associatedWith University of San Francisco corporateBody
associatedWith University of Scranton corporateBody
associatedWith University of South Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith University of Southern Maine corporateBody
associatedWith University of South Florida corporateBody
associatedWith University of St. Thomas corporateBody
associatedWith University of Tennessee corporateBody
associatedWith University of Texas corporateBody
associatedWith University of Toledo corporateBody
associatedWith University of Utah corporateBody
associatedWith University of Vermont corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia School of Law corporateBody
associatedWith University of Washington corporateBody
associatedWith University of Windsor corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wisconsin corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point corporateBody
associatedWith Urban Research Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Air Force corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Commission on Civil Rights corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Office of Education corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Public Health Service's Office on Women's Health corporateBody
correspondedWith Utah Valley State College corporateBody
associatedWith Vanderbilt University corporateBody
associatedWith Vanessa Brown's person
associatedWith Veteran Feminists of America corporateBody
associatedWith Villanova University corporateBody
correspondedWith Vilma Hunt person
associatedWith Virginia Council of Higher Education corporateBody
associatedWith Virginia Military Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia Trotter person
associatedWith Wake Forest University corporateBody
associatedWith Warner W. Stockberger Achievement Award corporateBody
associatedWith Washington and Lee/Virginia Military Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Washington State University corporateBody
associatedWith Washington University corporateBody
associatedWith Washington Women's Network corporateBody
associatedWith Wayne State University corporateBody
associatedWith Weal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith Wellesley College Center for Research on Women in Higher Education and the Professions corporateBody
correspondedWith Wendy Borscherdt person
correspondedWith Wertz, Jeanne person
associatedWith West Chester University corporateBody
associatedWith Western Carolina University corporateBody
associatedWith Western New England College corporateBody
associatedWith Western Washington State College corporateBody
associatedWith Westfield State College corporateBody
associatedWith Wider Opportunities for Women corporateBody
associatedWith Willamette University corporateBody
associatedWith William Patterson College of New Jersey corporateBody
correspondedWith Wilma Scott Heide person
associatedWith Winthrop College corporateBody
associatedWith Wittenberg University corporateBody
associatedWith Women for Abortion Action corporateBody
associatedWith Women for Women International corporateBody
associatedWith Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network corporateBody
associatedWith Women in the Federal Government Oral History Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Women in the Federal Government Oral History Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Women's Caucus for Political Science corporateBody
associatedWith Women's ENews corporateBody
associatedWith Women's Equity Action League. corporateBody
associatedWith Women's History Research Center corporateBody
associatedWith Women's Roundtable corporateBody
associatedWith Women's United Soccer Association corporateBody
associatedWith Women United corporateBody
associatedWith Worcester State College corporateBody
associatedWith World Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Yale University corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Educational equalization


Birth 1928-03-03



Ark ID: w6136jdf

SNAC ID: 85779625