Stephenson, Wendell Holmes, 1899-1970

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Wendell Holmes Stephenson was a professor of history at Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in Baton Rouge, La.

From the description of Wendell Holmes Stephenson papers, 1862-1947 (bulk 1917-1947) (Louisiana State University). WorldCat record id: 236485544

Historian, university professor, and editor at University of Kentucky, Louisiana State University, Tulane University, and University of Oregon.

From the description of Papers, 1820-1968 (bulk 1922-1968). (Duke University Library). WorldCat record id: 86148080

From the description of Papers, 1820-1968 (bulk 1922-1968). (Duke University Library). WorldCat record id: 20400540

  • 1899, March 13: Born, Cartersville, Indiana
  • 1917 - 1921 : Teacher in public schools of Indiana
  • 1923: A.B., Indiana University
  • 1924: A.M., Indiana University
  • 1924 - 1926 : Instructor and assistant professor of history and political science, University of Kentucky
  • 1927 - 1945 : Associate professor and professor of American history, Louisiana State University
  • 1928: Ph.D., University of Michigan
  • 1935 - 1941 : Editor, Journal of Southern History
  • 1940 - 1941 : President, Agricultural History Society
  • 1941 - 1944 : Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Louisiana State University
  • 1944: President, Southern Historical Association
  • 1946 - 1953 : Managing editor, Mississippi Valley Historical Review Professor of Southern history and chairman, Division of Social Sciences, Tulane University
  • 1953 - 1970 : Professor of history, University of Oregon
  • 1957 - 1958 : President, Mississippi Valley Historical Association
  • 1970, April 14: Died, Eugene, Oregon

From the guide to the Wendell Holmes Stephenson Papers, 1820-1968, (Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Wendell Holmes Stephenson Papers, 1820-1968 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Barnhart mss., 1813-1962 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Wendell Holmes Stephenson Papers, 1820-1968 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf Wendell Holmes Stephenson Papers, 1820-1968 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf Stephenson, Wendell Holmes, 1899-1970. Wendell Holmes Stephenson papers, 1862-1947 (bulk 1917-1947) Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
referencedIn J. G. Randall and Ruth Painter Randall Papers, 1779-1970, (bulk 1916-1970) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn William Baskerville Hamilton Papers, 1700-1975 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Gale, John, 1795?-1830. Yellowstone expedition journal and related papers, 1818-1949. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Stephenson, Wendell Holmes, 1899-1970. Papers, 1820-1968 (bulk 1922-1968). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Stephenson, Wendell Holmes, 1899-1970. Papers, 1820-1968 (bulk 1922-1968). Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Claude Halstead Van Tyne papers Bentley Historical Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbey, Kathryn T. person
correspondedWith Abbott, W. W. person
correspondedWith Abernethy, Thomas, P. person
correspondedWith Abramowitz, Jack person
correspondedWith Adams, George person
associatedWith Adams, Herbert Baxter person
correspondedWith Adams, Horace person
correspondedWith Adams, Mary person
correspondedWith Adams, Randolph G. person
correspondedWith Adler, Selig person
associatedWith Aeschbacher, W. D. person
correspondedWith Affleck, T. D. person
correspondedWith Affleck, Thomas person
correspondedWith Agnew, Dwight L. person
correspondedWith Agnew, Theodore L. person
correspondedWith Agricultural History Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Aiton, Arthur S. person
correspondedWith Alabama State Department of Archives and History corporateBody
correspondedWith Albion, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Alden, John R. person
correspondedWith Alderson, William T. person
correspondedWith Alef, Gus person
correspondedWith Alexander, Arthur J. person
correspondedWith Alexander, Edward P. person
correspondedWith Alilunas, Leo J. person
correspondedWith Allen, Winnie person
correspondedWith Aly, Bower person
correspondedWith Ambler, C. H. person
associatedWith American Association for State and Local History corporateBody
correspondedWith American Book Company corporateBody
correspondedWith American Historical Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Historical Association: Committee on Manuscripts corporateBody
correspondedWith American History Research Center corporateBody
correspondedWith American News Company, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ames, Susie M. person
correspondedWith Ander, O. Fritiof person
correspondedWith Anderson, Arlow W. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Francis Fern person
correspondedWith Anderson, George L. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Russell H. person
correspondedWith Andreasson, Dagny person
correspondedWith Andreasson, John person
correspondedWith Andreasson, John C. L. person
correspondedWith Andrew, Bunyan H. person
correspondedWith Andrews, Matthew P. person
correspondedWith Andrews, Rena M. person
correspondedWith Angle, Paul M. person
correspondedWith A. N. Marquis Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Appleton-Century Company corporateBody
associatedWith Archives Department corporateBody
correspondedWith Arnett, Alex M. person
correspondedWith Arrington, J. Earl person
correspondedWith Arthur H. Clark Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Arthur, Stanley Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ashe, Samuel A. person
correspondedWith Athearn, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Atherton, Lewis E. person
correspondedWith Atkinson, Boone person
correspondedWith Auer, J. Jeffrey person
correspondedWith Austin, Lucy E. person
correspondedWith Austin, Ward H. person
correspondedWith Babb, James T. person
correspondedWith Babin, Claude G. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Thomas A. person
correspondedWith Bailkey, Nels M. person
correspondedWith Banta, R. E. person
correspondedWith Barbee, David R. person
correspondedWith Barber, Hollis person
correspondedWith Baringer, William E. person
correspondedWith Barker, Burt Brown person
correspondedWith Barker, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Barker-Crothers, Hayes person
correspondedWith Barker, E. C. person
associatedWith Barker, Eugene C. person
correspondedWith Barnes, James A. person
correspondedWith Barnhardt, John D. person
correspondedWith Barnhart, John D. person
correspondedWith Barnwell, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Barry, J. Neilson person
correspondedWith Barth, Gunther person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Ruhl J. person
associatedWith Bassett, John Spencer person
correspondedWith Bauman, Harold person
correspondedWith Beale, Howard K. person
correspondedWith Beck, Earl R. person
correspondedWith Bedsole, Virgil L. person
correspondedWith Beers, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Bestor, Arthur E., Jr. person
correspondedWith Bettersworth, John K. person
correspondedWith Betts, John person
correspondedWith Beveridge, Albert J. person
correspondedWith Bezanson, Warren B. person
correspondedWith Bieber, Ralph person
correspondedWith Biel, John G. person
correspondedWith Biesele, R. L. person
correspondedWith Biester, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Billington, Ray A. person
correspondedWith Billman, C. J. person
correspondedWith Bingham, Harold J. person
correspondedWith Binkley, W. C. person
correspondedWith Binkley, William C. person
correspondedWith Binsfords and Mort, Publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith Blackenburg, Howard person
correspondedWith Blake, I. George person
correspondedWith Blegen, Theodore C. person
correspondedWith Blickensderfer, Joseph P. person
correspondedWith Bobbs Merrill Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Boggs, Hale person
correspondedWith Bolton, Herbert E. person
correspondedWith Bonham, Milledge L., Jr. person
correspondedWith Bonner, James C. person
correspondedWith Bonner, Thomas N. person
correspondedWith Bonnett, Clarence E. person
correspondedWith Bornet, Vaughn D. person
correspondedWith Borth, Daniel person
correspondedWith Bourne, Henry E. person
correspondedWith Bowsky, William person
correspondedWith Boyce, G. C. person
associatedWith Boyd, Thomas Duckett person
correspondedWith Boyd, William B. person
correspondedWith Boyd, William K. person
correspondedWith Bradley, Howard W. person
correspondedWith Bramlette, David C. person
correspondedWith Brand, Donald D. person
correspondedWith Brayer, Herbert O. person
correspondedWith Brebner, J. Bartlet person
correspondedWith Bremner, R. H. person
correspondedWith Bridenbaugh, Carl person
correspondedWith Briggs, Harold E. person
correspondedWith Brockman, Charles, Jr. person
correspondedWith Brokaw, R. Mariam person
correspondedWith Brooks, Edward Howard person
correspondedWith Brown, Ira Vernon person
correspondedWith Brown, R. B. person
correspondedWith Brown, Richard C. person
correspondedWith Brown, Sydney M. person
correspondedWith Brown, W. Burlie person
associatedWith Brown, William Garrott person
correspondedWith Bruce, Kathleen person
correspondedWith Bryan, T. Conn person
correspondedWith Bryan, William A. person
correspondedWith Brydon, Ellen Page person
correspondedWith Buchanan, A. Russell person
correspondedWith Buchan, L. J. person
correspondedWith Buck, Martina E. person
correspondedWith Buck, Paul H. person
correspondedWith Buck, Solon J. person
correspondedWith Buley, R. C. person
correspondedWith Burdine, J. Alton person
correspondedWith Burnett, Edmond C. person
correspondedWith Burns, R. Ignatius, S. J. person
correspondedWith Burr, C. Brundage person
correspondedWith Business Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Butler, Richard person
correspondedWith Cabaniss, Allen person
correspondedWith Caldwell, Norman W. person
correspondedWith Callahan, North person
correspondedWith Callcott, Wildred H. person
correspondedWith Campbell, C. H. person
correspondedWith Campbell, E. G. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Rachel person
correspondedWith Cannon, Mary person
correspondedWith Capers, Gerald person
correspondedWith Capers, Gerald M. person
correspondedWith Cappon, Lester J. person
correspondedWith Carbone, George A. person
correspondedWith Cardwell, J. A. person
correspondedWith Carmony, Donald F. person
correspondedWith Carnegie Institution of Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Carpenter, Hazen C. person
correspondedWith Carriere, J. M. person
correspondedWith Carroll, H. B. person
correspondedWith Carroll, H. Bailey person
correspondedWith Carsel, Wilfred person
correspondedWith Carson, George person
correspondedWith Carter, Clarence E. person
correspondedWith Carter, Harvey L. person
correspondedWith Case, Lynn M. person
correspondedWith Castaneda, C. E. person
correspondedWith Cate, James Lea person
correspondedWith Cate, Wirt Amistead person
correspondedWith Catton, Bruce person
correspondedWith Caughey, John person
correspondedWith Cawthon, John A. person
correspondedWith Caxton Printers, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Centennial Lectures Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Chamness, Ivy L. person
correspondedWith Chandler, L. E. person
correspondedWith Cheatham, Edgar J., Jr. person
correspondedWith Cherry, George L. person
correspondedWith Chessman, G. Wallace person
correspondedWith Chitty, Arthur B., Jr. person
correspondedWith Chitwood, Oliver P. person
correspondedWith Chitwood, O. P. person
correspondedWith Christenson, T. P. person
correspondedWith Clark, Arthur H., Publishing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Clark, Blanche Henry person
correspondedWith Clark, John P. person
correspondedWith Clark, Robert D. person
correspondedWith Clark, R. T. Rundle person
correspondedWith Clark, Thomas D. person
correspondedWith Cleworth, Marc M. person
correspondedWith Clinch, Thomas A. person
correspondedWith Cline, Pierce person
correspondedWith Clodius, Albert H. person
correspondedWith Clough, Shepard person
correspondedWith Clyde, Paul H. person
correspondedWith Cochran, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Coddington, E. B. person
correspondedWith Coddington, Edwin B. person
correspondedWith Coffee, James M. person
correspondedWith Cogan, Felicia Lee person
correspondedWith Cole, A. C. person
correspondedWith Cole, Charles C., Jr. person
correspondedWith Cole, Fred person
correspondedWith Cole, Fred C. person
correspondedWith Coleman, Christopher B. person
correspondedWith Coleman, James K. person
correspondedWith Coleman, J. Winston, Jr. person
correspondedWith Coleman, William A. person
correspondedWith Cole, Taylor person
correspondedWith Coletta, Paolo E. person
correspondedWith Cole, Wayne S. person
correspondedWith Columbia University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Comeau, James L. person
correspondedWith Committee on Middle-American Studies corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on Speakers and Conferences, Louisiana State University corporateBody
associatedWith Conference of State and Local Historical Societies corporateBody
associatedWith Conference on Southern Life and Culture: LSU corporateBody
associatedWith Conference on Televised History Courses for Schools corporateBody
correspondedWith Connor, R. D. W. person
associatedWith Continuing Executive Committee on the Humanities in Higher Education in the South corporateBody
correspondedWith Copyright Office corporateBody
correspondedWith Corbitt, D. C. person
correspondedWith Corbitt, D. L. person
correspondedWith Cordle, C. G. person
correspondedWith Cotner, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Cotterill, R. S. person
correspondedWith Cotterrill, R. S. person
correspondedWith Coulter, E. Merton person
correspondedWith Council for Basic Education corporateBody
correspondedWith Cox, I. J. person
correspondedWith Cox, Isaac Joslin person
correspondedWith Craig, Charles R. person
correspondedWith Crane, Verner W. person
correspondedWith Craven, Avery O. person
correspondedWith Craven, Wesley F. person
correspondedWith Craven, W. F. person
correspondedWith Crenshaw, Ollinger person
correspondedWith Crittendon, C. C. person
correspondedWith Culver, Thelma B. person
correspondedWith Cumming, W. R. P. person
correspondedWith Current, Richard N. person
correspondedWith Curriculum Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Curti, Merle person
correspondedWith Dale, E. E. person
correspondedWith Dater, Henry M. person
correspondedWith Dauer, Manning J. person
correspondedWith Davenport, F. G. person
correspondedWith Davenport, Garvin person
correspondedWith Davidson, Chalmers G. person
correspondedWith Davidson, Philip person
correspondedWith Davies, Wallace E. person
correspondedWith Davis, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Davis, Curtis Carroll person
correspondedWith Davis, Edwin A. person
correspondedWith Davis, Elmer O. person
correspondedWith Davis, Granville D. person
correspondedWith Davis, J. Treadwell person
correspondedWith Davis, Richard Beale person
correspondedWith Davis, William N. person
correspondedWith D. C. Heath and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Debien, Gabriel person
correspondedWith Deconde, Alexander person
correspondedWith Degler, Carl N. person
correspondedWith Dempsey, Elam F. person
correspondedWith Denbo, Bruce person
correspondedWith De Novo, John G. person
correspondedWith Denoyer-Geppert Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Destler, Chester person
correspondedWith Destler, Chester McArthur person
correspondedWith Detweiler, Philip F. person
correspondedWith Diamond, William person
correspondedWith Dickerson, O. M. person
correspondedWith Dick, Everett person
correspondedWith Dickey, Dallas C. person
correspondedWith Dietz Printing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Diket, Albert L. person
correspondedWith Diller, Aubrey person
correspondedWith Dillon, Richard H. person
correspondedWith Dimick, Howard T. person
correspondedWith Donald, David person
correspondedWith Donnan, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Dooley, Oscar person
correspondedWith Dorris, J. T. person
correspondedWith Dowd, D. L. person
correspondedWith Downes, Randolph C. person
correspondedWith Downum, Garland person
correspondedWith Dozer, Donald Marquand person
correspondedWith Drake, Julia A. person
correspondedWith Drell, Bernard person
correspondedWith Dudley, D. R. person
correspondedWith Duffy, Charles person
correspondedWith Dufour, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Duke University corporateBody
correspondedWith Duke University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Dumond, Dwight person
correspondedWith Dumond, Dwight L. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Donald person
correspondedWith Dunham, William H., Jr. person
correspondedWith Duniway, David C. person
correspondedWith Dunn, F. Roger person
associatedWith Dunning, William A. person
correspondedWith Dusenberry, William H. person
correspondedWith D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dyer, Brainerd person
correspondedWith Dyer, John P. person
correspondedWith Dyer, J. P. person
correspondedWith Dykstra, Charles person
correspondedWith Earle, T. T. person
correspondedWith Easterby, J. H. person
correspondedWith East Tennessee Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Easum, C. V. person
correspondedWith Eaton, Clement person
associatedWith Economic History Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Educational Policy Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Edwards, Everett E. person
correspondedWith Edwards, Tom person
correspondedWith Ellickson, R. T. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Claude person
correspondedWith Ellis, Elmer person
correspondedWith Ellison, Simon person
associatedWith Emory University corporateBody
correspondedWith England, Merton person
correspondedWith Englesman, John person
correspondedWith English, W. Francis person
correspondedWith Erickson, Edgar L. person
correspondedWith Esterline, John H. person
correspondedWith Euhul, Magdalen person
correspondedWith Everette, Donald E. person
correspondedWith Ewing, Russ person
correspondedWith Extension Division, L.S.U. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ezell, John S. person
correspondedWith Faines, Oscar person
correspondedWith Fant, H. B. person
correspondedWith Fanton, Conrad R. person
correspondedWith Farish, Hunter D. person
correspondedWith Fechter, Clay person
correspondedWith Fehrenbacher, Don E. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, Arthur B. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, James S. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, R. J. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, W. C. person
correspondedWith Field, Alston G. person
correspondedWith Fifield, Russell H. person
correspondedWith Filson Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Fine, Sidney person
correspondedWith Finkenberg, Edward person
correspondedWith Fiore, Jordan D. person
correspondedWith Fischer, LeRoy H. person
correspondedWith Fishwick, Marshall W. person
correspondedWith Fite, Gilbert C. person
correspondedWith Flanders, B. F. person
correspondedWith Flanders, Ralph B. person
correspondedWith Flemming, Arthur person
correspondedWith Florida Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Folmsbee, S. J. person
correspondedWith Forbes, Gerald person
correspondedWith Ford, Edwin H. person
correspondedWith Ford, Guy Stanton person
correspondedWith Foreman, Grant person
correspondedWith Forest History Foundation, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Forest History Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Fornell, Earl W. person
correspondedWith Foster, James W. person
correspondedWith Fox, Early person
associatedWith Frame, Paul N. person
correspondedWith Franklin, Isaac person
correspondedWith Franklin, John Hope person
correspondedWith Franklin Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Franklin Square Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Franklin, W. Neil person
correspondedWith Frantz, Joe B. person
correspondedWith Fraser, Jessie M. person
correspondedWith Frederick, J. V. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Douglas S. person
correspondedWith Frey, Fred C. person
correspondedWith Fries, Robert F. person
correspondedWith Froom, L. E. person
correspondedWith Fuller, J. P. D. person
correspondedWith Funkhouser, W. D. person
correspondedWith F. W. Faxon Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gafford, Frank H. person
correspondedWith Gaines, William person
correspondedWith Galbraith, John S. person
associatedWith Gale, John, 1795?-1830. person
correspondedWith Gambrell, Herbert person
correspondedWith Gambrell, Herbert P. person
correspondedWith Gara, Larry person
correspondedWith Garber, Paul Neff person
correspondedWith Garner, James W. person
correspondedWith Garrett and Massie, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Garrison, Curtis W. person
correspondedWith Gates, Paul W. person
correspondedWith Geer, Russel M. person
correspondedWith General Education Board corporateBody
associatedWith General James H. Lane person
correspondedWith George, John person
correspondedWith Gerald, Leo person
correspondedWith G. E. Stechert and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gewehr, W. M. person
correspondedWith Geyl, Pieter person
correspondedWith Giddens, Paul H. person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Felix person
correspondedWith Gilliam, W. D., Jr. person
correspondedWith Gilmore, Harlan W. person
correspondedWith Gingerich, Melvin person
correspondedWith Ginn, Mildred person
correspondedWith Gipson, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Giraud, Marcel person
correspondedWith Glennon, John F. person
correspondedWith Glover, William H. person
correspondedWith Glunt, James D. person
correspondedWith Goddykoontz, Colin B. person
correspondedWith Goldman, Eric person
correspondedWith Goldsmith, A. O. person
correspondedWith Govan, Thomas P. person
correspondedWith Govan, Tom person
associatedWith Graduate Division of Southern History corporateBody
correspondedWith Grady, James F. person
correspondedWith Grant, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Grantham, Dewey W., Jr. person
correspondedWith Green, E. L. person
correspondedWith Greenfield, Kent Roberts person
correspondedWith Green, Fletcher M. person
correspondedWith Green, Philip J. person
correspondedWith Greer, James K. person
correspondedWith Greever, William S. person
correspondedWith Gregorie, Anne person
correspondedWith Gregory, James F. person
correspondedWith Gressley, Gene M. person
correspondedWith Griffin, Russell A. person
correspondedWith Griffith, William J. person
correspondedWith Grigsby, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Grimes, Alan P. person
correspondedWith Grodinsky, Julius person
correspondedWith Gruss, Louis person
correspondedWith Gunderson, Robert person
correspondedWith Guyton, Pearl person
correspondedWith Hacker, Louis M. person
correspondedWith Haggard, J. V. person
correspondedWith Hahn, Mannel person
correspondedWith Haines, George IV person
correspondedWith Haines, Lewis F. person
correspondedWith Haines, Paul person
correspondedWith Haley, J. Evetts person
correspondedWith Halsell, W. D. person
correspondedWith Hamer, Marguerite person
correspondedWith Hamer, Philip M. person
correspondedWith Hamer, Philip May person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Holman person
correspondedWith Hamilton, J. G., de Roulhac person
correspondedWith Hamilton, William B. person
associatedWith Hamilton, William Baskerville, 1908-1972 person
correspondedWith Hamlin, C. H. person
correspondedWith Handlin, Oscar person
correspondedWith Hanna, A. J. person
correspondedWith Hansen, Millard W. person
correspondedWith Hanson-Bennett Magazine Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Harcourt, Brace, and Co., Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hardie, Ann Smith person
correspondedWith Harding, H. F. person
correspondedWith Harkness, Albert, Jr. person
correspondedWith Harper and Brothers corporateBody
correspondedWith Harper, Norman D. person
correspondedWith Harper, Roland person
correspondedWith Harrington, Fred H. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Fairfax person
correspondedWith Harris, Rufus C. person
correspondedWith Hartman, William person
correspondedWith Harvard University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Harwell, R. B. person
correspondedWith Hatcher, W. B. person
correspondedWith Hatcher, William H. person
correspondedWith Hawgood, John A. person
associatedWith Haydon, Stansbury person
correspondedWith Hayes Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Hayes, Webb C. person
correspondedWith Hayter, Earl W. person
correspondedWith Hay, T. R. person
correspondedWith Heald, Morrell person
correspondedWith Hebert, Paul M. person
correspondedWith Hedges, James B. person
correspondedWith Heffernan, Capt. John B. person
correspondedWith Heflin, Frank person
correspondedWith Heilman, Robert B. person
correspondedWith Helderman, L. C. person
correspondedWith Helfman, Harold M. person
correspondedWith Helmes, Winifred G. person
correspondedWith Hemphill, Edwin person
correspondedWith Henderickson, Walter B. person
correspondedWith Henderson, Archibald person
correspondedWith Henderson, Gavin B. person
correspondedWith Henry, Cammie Garrett person
correspondedWith Henry Holt and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Herdman, Margaret M. person
correspondedWith Herman Goldberger Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Herold, Virginia Lee person
correspondedWith Herring, Harriet L. person
correspondedWith Herrington, George S. person
correspondedWith Hesseltine, W. B. person
correspondedWith Hicks, John D. person
correspondedWith Hidy, R. W. person
correspondedWith Higginbotham, S. W. person
correspondedWith Higham, John person
correspondedWith Hilldrup, R. L. person
correspondedWith Hill, Louise Biles person
correspondedWith Hill, Roscoe R. person
correspondedWith Hintz, Carl W. person
correspondedWith Historical Society of Montana corporateBody
correspondedWith Historical Society of Pennsylvania corporateBody
correspondedWith Hobbs, William H. person
correspondedWith Hodder, F. H. person
correspondedWith Hodges, Campbell B. person
correspondedWith Hogan, William R. person
correspondedWith Hogue, Arthur R. person
correspondedWith Holbrook, Leona person
correspondedWith Hollon, Gene person
correspondedWith Holmes, Alester G. person
correspondedWith Holt, Henry and Co., Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Holton, Holland person
correspondedWith Holt, William S. person
correspondedWith Holt, W. Stull person
correspondedWith Honeycutt, W. C. person
associatedWith Honors Address, Southeastern Louisiana College corporateBody
correspondedWith Hoole, W. Stanley person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Garland E. person
correspondedWith Horten, John T. person
correspondedWith Hostetter, R. J. person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith House, Albert V., Jr. person
correspondedWith Houston, G. O. person
correspondedWith Howard, Clinton N. person
correspondedWith Howard, Harry N. person
correspondedWith Howard, L. V. person
correspondedWith Howard, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Howe, George F. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, John R. person
correspondedWith Hubbell, Jay B. person
correspondedWith Hudson, Palmer person
correspondedWith Huguenot Society of South Carolina corporateBody
correspondedWith Hulett, Oits C. person
correspondedWith Huntington, Samuel P. person
correspondedWith Huston, James A. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, William T. person
correspondedWith H. W. Wilson and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hyman, Harold M. person
correspondedWith Hyneman, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Iba, H. B. person
correspondedWith Ideson, Julia person
correspondedWith Indiana Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Indo-American Congress of American History and Institutions corporateBody
associatedWith Institute of Early American Culture corporateBody
correspondedWith Jackson, Joseph O. person
correspondedWith Jackson, W. Turrentine person
correspondedWith Jack, Theodore H. person
correspondedWith Jacobsen, Jerome, V., S. J. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Wilbur R. person
correspondedWith James, Francis G. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, William S. person
correspondedWith Jensen, Merrill person
correspondedWith Jernegan, M. W. person
correspondedWith Jocher, Katherine person
correspondedWith Johannen, Robert W. person
associatedWith John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Johnson, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Eldon L. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Hildegard Binder person
correspondedWith Johnson, H. M. person
correspondedWith Johnson, J. R. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Walter person
correspondedWith Johnson, Z. T. person
correspondedWith Johnston, D. J. person
correspondedWith Jolliffe, M. F. person
correspondedWith Jones, George H. person
correspondedWith Jones, John Paul, Jr. person
correspondedWith Jordan, Philip D. person
correspondedWith Jordan, Weymouth T. person
correspondedWith Jordon, Philip D. person
correspondedWith Jordon, Wyemouth T. person
correspondedWith Josephson, Bertha E. person
correspondedWith Kaflan, Sidney person
correspondedWith Kaiser, Chester person
correspondedWith Kamm, S. R. person
correspondedWith Kane, Harnett T. person
correspondedWith Kansas State Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Kaplan, Lawrence S. person
correspondedWith Karlin, J. Alexander person
correspondedWith Kearny, Thomas person
correspondedWith Kellar, Herbert A. person
correspondedWith Kelley, Darwin N. person
correspondedWith Kelly, A. R. person
correspondedWith Kemble, John H. person
correspondedWith Kendrick, Benjamin B. person
correspondedWith Kern, Alexander person
correspondedWith Kestenberg, Louis person
correspondedWith Kibler, Lillian person
correspondedWith Kimura, Kikuya person
correspondedWith Kingery, Lyle B. person
correspondedWith Kirby, Thomas A. person
correspondedWith Kirkland, Edward C. person
correspondedWith Klain, Maurice person
correspondedWith Klingbert, Frank J. person
correspondedWith Knapp, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Knoles, George H. person
correspondedWith Knopf, Alfred A. person
correspondedWith Knott, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Koch, Adrienne person
correspondedWith Kohlmeier, A. L. person
correspondedWith Koontz, Louis K. person
correspondedWith Kramer, Howard person
correspondedWith Krenkel, John H. person
correspondedWith Krey, A. C. person
correspondedWith Kucera, Rita person
correspondedWith Kuhlman, A. F. person
correspondedWith Kuritz, Hyman person
correspondedWith Kyte, George W. person
correspondedWith Lafuze, G. Leighton person
correspondedWith La Marche, Germaine person
correspondedWith Lambda Chi Alpha corporateBody
correspondedWith Landers, Emmett M. person
correspondedWith Landon, Fred person
correspondedWith Lanne, John E. person
correspondedWith Lanning, John Tate person
correspondedWith Lathrop, Barnes F. person
correspondedWith Latourette, Kenneth Scott person
correspondedWith Lavengood, Gene person
correspondedWith Leavitt, Sturgis E. person
correspondedWith Le Duc, Thomas person
correspondedWith Lee, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Lee, Ronald F. person
correspondedWith Lefler, Hugh T. person
correspondedWith Leiby, James person
correspondedWith Leland, Edward A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Leland, Edwin A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Leopold, Richard W. person
correspondedWith Leslie, William R. person
correspondedWith Lester, Harry person
correspondedWith Leuchtenburg, William E. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Anthony M. person
correspondedWith Library of Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Lincoln, Ashbrook person
correspondedWith Link, A. S. person
correspondedWith Little, Brown and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Litton, Gaston L. person
correspondedWith Livermore, Seward W. person
correspondedWith Loehr, Rodney C. person
correspondedWith Loewenfeld, Eva person
correspondedWith London, Lena person
correspondedWith Lonn, Ella person
correspondedWith Lord, Clifford L. person
correspondedWith Lottinville, Savoi person
correspondedWith Loubere, Leo person
associatedWith Louisiana Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana. Legislature. corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. University Senate. corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana State University Budget Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Louisiana State University Press corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana State University System corporateBody
correspondedWith Lowitt, Richard person
correspondedWith Luthin, Reinhard H. person
correspondedWith Lyceum Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Lynch, William O. person
correspondedWith Lyon, E. Wilson person
correspondedWith Mabry, W. A. person
correspondedWith Macmillan Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Macmillan Company corporateBody
correspondedWith MacSwiggan, Amelia E. person
correspondedWith Main, Jackson T. person
correspondedWith Malin, James C. person
correspondedWith Malone, Dumas person
correspondedWith Maltby, Lucian G. person
correspondedWith Mamatey, Victor S. person
correspondedWith Mandel, Bernard person
correspondedWith Mann, Arthur person
correspondedWith Manning, Thomas G. person
correspondedWith Manuscript Committee, American Historical Assoc. corporateBody
correspondedWith March, David D. person
correspondedWith Marchman, Watt person
correspondedWith Marquette, C. H. person
correspondedWith Marsh, Philip M. person
correspondedWith Martin, Bessie person
correspondedWith Martin, S. Walter person
correspondedWith Martin, Thomas P. person
correspondedWith Martin, T. P. person
correspondedWith Mason, John B. person
correspondedWith Masson, Margaret person
correspondedWith Masterson, W. H. person
correspondedWith Mattes, Merrill person
correspondedWith Matthews, John C. person
correspondedWith Matthews, Joseph J. person
correspondedWith Maunder, Elwood, R. person
correspondedWith Maxwell, Robert S. person
correspondedWith Mayflower Hotel corporateBody
correspondedWith Mayo, Bernard person
correspondedWith Mays, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith McAnear, Beverly person
correspondedWith McAvoy, Thomas T. person
correspondedWith McCain, William D. person
correspondedWith McCaleb, Walter F. person
correspondedWith McCloy, Shelby T. person
correspondedWith McCutcheon, Roger P. person
correspondedWith McDonald, Forrest person
correspondedWith McDonald, Hunter person
correspondedWith McDonald, Kenneth M. person
correspondedWith McGinty, Garnie W. person
correspondedWith McGinty, G. W. person
correspondedWith McGrane, Reginald C. person
correspondedWith McLean, Ross person
correspondedWith McLemore, R. A. person
correspondedWith McMurtrie, Douglas C. person
correspondedWith McNerney, Chester T. person
correspondedWith McReynolds, Edwin C. person
correspondedWith Meade, Robert D. person
associatedWith Membership Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Mencken, H. L. person
correspondedWith Mendelson, Wallace person
correspondedWith Mendenhall, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Menig, Paul H. person
correspondedWith Meriwether, R. L. person
correspondedWith Merk, Frederick person
correspondedWith Merrill, Horace S. person
correspondedWith Merrill, Louis T. person
correspondedWith Metzler, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Mexican Council for Historical Research corporateBody
correspondedWith Mier, Ruth E. person
correspondedWith Miles, Guy person
correspondedWith Miller, Clifford R. person
correspondedWith Milner, Clyde A. person
correspondedWith Milne, Taylor person
correspondedWith Milton, George Fort person
associatedWith Minnesota Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Mississippi Valley Historical Association corporateBody
associatedWith Mississippi Valley Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Mitchell, George person
correspondedWith Moe, Henry Allen person
correspondedWith Moffit, A. person
correspondedWith Moffitt, James W. person
correspondedWith Moger, Allan W. person
correspondedWith Monaghan, J. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, Horace person
correspondedWith Mood, Fulmer person
correspondedWith Moody, V. Alton person
correspondedWith Mooney, Chase C. person
correspondedWith Moore, A. B. person
correspondedWith Moore, Arthur K. person
correspondedWith Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agencies, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Moore, Glover person
correspondedWith Moore, Ike person
correspondedWith Moore, Margaret Stephenson person
correspondedWith Moore, Powell person
correspondedWith Moore, Preston person
correspondedWith Morgan, Edmund S. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Tom person
correspondedWith Morse, Jarvis M. person
correspondedWith Morton, Richard Lee person
correspondedWith Mott, F. L. person
correspondedWith Mouch, Mildred A. person
correspondedWith Mowry, George E. person
correspondedWith Muir, Andrew Forest person
correspondedWith Mullett, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Murdoch, Richard K. person
correspondedWith Mutual Subscription Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Nagengast, Lt. William E. person
correspondedWith Naroll, Raoul S. person
correspondedWith Nash, Gerald person
correspondedWith Nash, Lee person
correspondedWith National Archives corporateBody
associatedWith National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings corporateBody
correspondedWith National Policy Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Nau, John F. person
correspondedWith Naylor Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Nettels, Curtis, P. person
correspondedWith Neu, Irene D. person
associatedWith New Orleans History Project corporateBody
correspondedWith Newsome, A. R. person
correspondedWith Nichols, E. J. person
correspondedWith Nichols, Jeannette P. person
correspondedWith Nichols, Roy F. person
correspondedWith Nigro, Felix A. person
correspondedWith Nixon, H. C. person
correspondedWith Noble, Stuiart G. person
correspondedWith Norris, Joe L. person
associatedWith Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa corporateBody
correspondedWith Norton, Howard M. person
correspondedWith Norton, Leslie M. person
associatedWith NROTC corporateBody
correspondedWith Nuermberger, Ruth K. person
correspondedWith Nuhrah, Arthur J. person
correspondedWith Nutting, Sinclair H. person
correspondedWith Olson, James C. person
correspondedWith Osborn, George C. person
correspondedWith Osborn, George Coleman person
correspondedWith Osmer, William A. person
correspondedWith Ostrander, Gilman M. person
correspondedWith Overdyke, W. Darrell person
correspondedWith Overton, R. C. person
correspondedWith Owsley, Frank L. person
correspondedWith Oxford University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Padgett, James A. person
correspondedWith Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. person
correspondedWith Palais, Hyman person
correspondedWith Parker, W. Vann person
correspondedWith Parks, Joseph Howard person
correspondedWith Patrick, Rembert W. person
correspondedWith Patton, James W. person
correspondedWith Pearce, Haywood J., Jr. person
correspondedWith Pearce, Haywood T. person
correspondedWith Pelzer, Louis person
correspondedWith Pelzer Prize Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Pennington, Edgar L. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Dexter person
correspondedWith Peterson, Arthur G. person
correspondedWith Peterson, H. C. person
correspondedWith Peterson, K. S. person
correspondedWith Peterson, Virgil V. person
correspondedWith Peterson, William J. person
associatedWith Petrie, George person
correspondedWith Phi Beta Kappa corporateBody
correspondedWith Phillips, George L. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Harlan person
correspondedWith Phinney, Sterl person
correspondedWith Picket, Frances person
correspondedWith Pierce, Bessie person
correspondedWith Pierce, Harry person
correspondedWith Pierson, G. W. person
correspondedWith Pi Gamma Mu corporateBody
correspondedWith Pinkney, David H. person
correspondedWith Pipkin, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Poage, George R. person
correspondedWith Political Science Department corporateBody
correspondedWith Pomeroy, Earl S. person
correspondedWith Pomfret, John person
correspondedWith Pool, William C. person
correspondedWith Porter, Alexander person
correspondedWith Posey, Walter B. person
correspondedWith Postell, William D. person
correspondedWith Post Office, Baton Rouge, Louisiana corporateBody
correspondedWith Potter, David M. person
correspondedWith Potts, J. E. person
correspondedWith Powell, John H. person
correspondedWith Power, R. L. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Julius W. person
correspondedWith Prentice-Hall, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pressly, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Price, Grady D. person
correspondedWith Prichard, Walter person
correspondedWith Pride, Ellen Perry person
correspondedWith Primavera Press, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Primm, James N. person
correspondedWith Princeton University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Pritchett, John Perry person
associatedWith Program Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Prucha, Francis P. person
correspondedWith Queener, Verton M. person
correspondedWith Quint, Howard H. person
correspondedWith Raab, Kenneth D. person
correspondedWith Rae, John B. person
correspondedWith Raines, I. I. person
correspondedWith Rainwater, Percy person
correspondedWith Ramke, Diedrich person
correspondedWith Ramsdell, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Randall, Edwin T. person
correspondedWith Randall, J. G. person
correspondedWith Randall, J. G. (James Garfield), 1881-1953. person
correspondedWith Randall, Ruth Painter. J. G. Randall and Ruth Painter Randall papers. 1779-1970 person
correspondedWith Randolph, Bessie C. person
correspondedWith Raney, William F. person
correspondedWith Rassekh, Nosratollah person
correspondedWith Rayback, Joseph G. person
correspondedWith Ray, Florence person
correspondedWith Read, Conyers person
correspondedWith Recktenwald, Lester N. person
correspondedWith Reese, Seward person
correspondedWith Reeves, G. C. person
correspondedWith Renshaw, Grace person
correspondedWith Research Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Reynolds, A. W. person
correspondedWith Rice, Harvey person
correspondedWith Richardson, R. N. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Rupert N. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Walter person
correspondedWith Richmire, George L. person
correspondedWith Riddell, Katharine C. person
correspondedWith Riddle, Donald W. person
associatedWith Rieff, Joan person
correspondedWith Riegel, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Rifkin, Lester Harvey person
correspondedWith Riley, John E. person
correspondedWith Rippy, J. Fred person
correspondedWith Rister, Carl Coke person
correspondedWith Rister, C. C. person
correspondedWith Rivers, Ernest person
correspondedWith Robbins, Roy M. person
correspondedWith Robert, Joe C. person
correspondedWith Robert, Joseph C. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Ella S. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Horace G. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Shirley M. person
correspondedWith Robinson, William M., Jr. person
correspondedWith Robison, Dan person
correspondedWith Robison, Daniel M. person
correspondedWith Rodriguez, Mario person
correspondedWith Roelofs, Vernon W. person
correspondedWith Roland, Charles P. person
correspondedWith Roper, Laura Wood person
correspondedWith Rorer, Henry S. person
correspondedWith Roseboom, Eugene H. person
correspondedWith Rosengarten, A. G. person
correspondedWith Roske, Ralph J. person
correspondedWith Rossman, Kenneth R. person
correspondedWith Ruchames, Louis person
correspondedWith Ruetten, Richard T. person
correspondedWith Ruiz, Ramon person
correspondedWith Russell, J. C. person
correspondedWith Russel, Robert R. person
correspondedWith Russ, William A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Rutherford, W. D. person
correspondedWith Sabatier, Ada M. person
correspondedWith Salem, Samuel E. person
correspondedWith Saloutos, Theodore person
correspondedWith Salvin, Marina person
correspondedWith Sanders, J. B. person
correspondedWith Sanger, D. B. person
associatedWith Santoro, Carl person
correspondedWith Savage, J. H. B. person
correspondedWith Savelle, Max person
correspondedWith Saveth, Edward N. person
correspondedWith Saville, R. J. person
correspondedWith Schauinger, J. Herman person
correspondedWith Schauinger, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith Scheips, Paul J. person
correspondedWith Schell, Herbert S. person
correspondedWith Scheps, Clarence person
correspondedWith Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. person
correspondedWith Schmidt, L. B. person
correspondedWith Schmidt, Louis B. person
correspondedWith Schoen, Harold person
correspondedWith Schorer, C. E. person
correspondedWith Schutz, John A. person
correspondedWith Schuyler, R. L. person
correspondedWith Scott, Franklin D. person
correspondedWith Scott, Sterling person
correspondedWith Scribner, Charles and Sons person
correspondedWith Scribner's Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Scroggs, William O. person
correspondedWith Seal, Albert Garrell person
correspondedWith Searcy, Elisabeth person
correspondedWith Sears, Aflred B. person
correspondedWith Sears, Louis Martin person
correspondedWith Selby, John Edward person
correspondedWith Sellers, James L. person
correspondedWith Sellers, J. L. person
associatedWith Senior, Clarence person
correspondedWith Sensabaugh, Leon F. person
correspondedWith Seymour, Harold person
correspondedWith Shafer, Boyd C. person
correspondedWith Shanahan, William O. person
correspondedWith Shanks, Henry T. person
correspondedWith Shanks, John H. person
correspondedWith Shannon, Fred A. person
correspondedWith Sharp, Paul F. person
correspondedWith Shaw, A. M. person
correspondedWith Shaw, William W. person
correspondedWith Sheehan, Donald person
correspondedWith Shepperson, George person
correspondedWith Shideler, James H. person
correspondedWith Shippee, Lester B. person
correspondedWith Shively, Hazel person
correspondedWith Shoemaker, Floyd person
correspondedWith Shottenhamel, George person
correspondedWith Shpall, Leo person
correspondedWith Shryock, Richard H. person
correspondedWith Shugg, Roger W. person
correspondedWith Sigband, Norman B. person
correspondedWith Silin, Charles I. person
correspondedWith Silver, James W. person
correspondedWith Simkins, Francis B. person
correspondedWith Simmons, George E. person
correspondedWith Simms, Henry person
correspondedWith Simms, H. H. person
correspondedWith Simpson, Albert F. person
correspondedWith Sioussat, St. George L. person
correspondedWith Sitterson, J. Carlyle person
correspondedWith Skipper, O. C. person
associatedWith Slidell, John person
correspondedWith Smith, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Smith, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Smith, Culver H. person
correspondedWith Smith, Dwight L person
correspondedWith Smith, Henry Nash person
correspondedWith Smith, James M. person
correspondedWith Smith, Joe Patterson person
correspondedWith Smith, Justin H. person
correspondedWith Smith, Peter, Publishing corporateBody
correspondedWith Smith, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Smith, Willard H. person
correspondedWith Smith, William E. person
correspondedWith Smylie, Patricia person
correspondedWith Snell, John L. person
correspondedWith Snipes, David Franklin person
correspondedWith Snow, Vernon F. person
correspondedWith Snyder, Louis L. person
correspondedWith Social Science Research Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Society of American Archivists corporateBody
correspondedWith Somit, Albert person
correspondedWith Sons of the American Revolution corporateBody
correspondedWith Sorey, Honor person
correspondedWith Southampton, University of London corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Historical Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Southern Humanities Council: Committee on Research Projects corporateBody
correspondedWith Southwestern Social Science Association corporateBody
associatedWith Special Committee on the Relationship of the Association to the Secondary Schools corporateBody
correspondedWith Spengler, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith Spiro, R. H., Jr. person
correspondedWith Staiger, C. Bruce person
correspondedWith Stampp, Kenneth M. person
correspondedWith Staples, Thomas S. person
correspondedWith Starkweather, E. Ann person
correspondedWith Starlin, Glenn person
correspondedWith Starr, Chester G., Jr. person
correspondedWith State Historical Society of Wisconsin corporateBody
correspondedWith Stavisky, Leonard person
correspondedWith Stenberg, Richard R. person
correspondedWith Stephens, I. K. person
correspondedWith Stephenson family, family
correspondedWith Stephenson, Wendell H. person
correspondedWith Stern, Alfred K. person
correspondedWith Stewart, Edgar I. person
correspondedWith Stewart, Watt person
correspondedWith Stibbs, John H. person
correspondedWith Stickles, A. M. person
correspondedWith Still, Bayrd person
correspondedWith Stipp, John L. person
correspondedWith Stoker, Beatrice person
correspondedWith Stone, Alfred H. person
correspondedWith Strong, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Sulzby, James F., Jr. person
correspondedWith Summersell, Charles G. person
correspondedWith Summers, Festus P. person
correspondedWith Summers, F. P. person
correspondedWith Swearingen, Mack person
correspondedWith Swearingen, Mack B. person
correspondedWith Sweet, James Stouder person
correspondedWith Sweet, William W. person
correspondedWith Swem, Earl Gregg person
correspondedWith Swint, Henry M. person
correspondedWith Swint, H. L. person
correspondedWith Sydenham, M. J. person
correspondedWith Sydnor, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Syracuse University: Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs corporateBody
correspondedWith Tait, Samuel W. person
correspondedWith Talman, James J. person
correspondedWith Tansill, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Tarkow-Naamani, Israel person
correspondedWith Taylor, Garland F. person
correspondedWith Taylor, George Rogers person
correspondedWith Taylor, Rhea person
correspondedWith Taylor, Rosser H. person
correspondedWith Teas, Thomas Scattergood person
correspondedWith Tegeder, Vincent G. person
correspondedWith Terhune, Thorton person
correspondedWith Thomas, A. B. person
correspondedWith Thomas, Benjamin P. person
correspondedWith Thomas, David Y. person
correspondedWith Thomas, L. G. person
correspondedWith Thomas, Mary E. person
associatedWith Thomas M. Owen person
correspondedWith Thompson, Arthur W. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Holland person
correspondedWith Thompson, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Stith person
correspondedWith Thornbrough, Conway D. person
correspondedWith Thornbrough, Gayle person
correspondedWith Thornton, Harrison John person
correspondedWith Thornton, H. J. person
correspondedWith Throckmorton, Arthur L. person
correspondedWith Tillapaugh, James person
correspondedWith Tilley, Nannie M. person
correspondedWith Tilley, Winthrop person
correspondedWith Tindall, George B. person
correspondedWith Tinling, Marion person
correspondedWith Toler, Vera person
correspondedWith Toppino, Florence W. person
correspondedWith Torch Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Toy, Eckard, V., Jr. person
correspondedWith Tregle, Joseph G. person
correspondedWith Trexler, Harrison A. person
correspondedWith Tryon, Warren S. person
correspondedWith Tucker, William P. person
associatedWith Tulane Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Tulane University corporateBody
correspondedWith Tulane University Book Store corporateBody
correspondedWith Turner, Arlin person
correspondedWith Turner, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Tuthill, Edward person
associatedWith Ulrich Bonnell Phillips person
associatedWith United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Educational Foundation in India corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Birmingham corporateBody
associatedWith University of Kentucky corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Michigan corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Minessota Press corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina Library corporateBody
correspondedWith University of North Carolina Press corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Oklahoma Press corporateBody
associatedWith University of Oregon corporateBody
associatedWith University of Puerto Rico corporateBody
correspondedWith Urban, C. Stanley person
correspondedWith Urban, Stanley person
associatedWith U.S. Department of Agriculture corporateBody
correspondedWith Usher, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Usher, Roland G., Jr. person
correspondedWith Valentin, Veit person
correspondedWith Vallas, Elizabeth J. person
correspondedWith Vance, Rupert person
correspondedWith Vance, Rupert P. person
correspondedWith Vander Velde, Lewis G. person
correspondedWith Vandiver, Frank person
associatedWith Van Tyne, Claude Halstead, 1869-1930 person
correspondedWith Varg, Paul A. person
correspondedWith Vasse, Lionel person
correspondedWith Vaughn, Thomas person
correspondedWith Venable, Austin L. person
correspondedWith Venkataramani, M. S. person
correspondedWith Versteeg, Clarence L. person
correspondedWith Vinson, J. Chal. person
correspondedWith Violette, E. M. person
correspondedWith Virginia Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Volwiler, A. T. person
correspondedWith Voorhis, Manning C. person
correspondedWith Waggaman, Jane F. person
correspondedWith Walker, Casper person
correspondedWith Walker, Evans and Cogswell Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wallace, D. D. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Sarah A. person
correspondedWith Wall, Bennett person
correspondedWith Waller, G. M. person
associatedWith Walter L. Fleming person
correspondedWith Walz, Vina person
correspondedWith Wang, Gung-Hsing person
correspondedWith Ward, Margaret person
correspondedWith Ware, Lowry person
correspondedWith Warner, Donald F. person
correspondedWith Warner, Earl E. person
correspondedWith Warren, Harris G. person
correspondedWith Warrick, Clyde C. person
correspondedWith Watson, Richard L. person
correspondedWith Watters, Mary person
correspondedWith Weaver, Blanche person
correspondedWith Weir, LeRoy M. person
correspondedWith Weisberger, Bernard A. person
correspondedWith Weisenburger, Francis P. person
correspondedWith Welsh, Donald H. person
correspondedWith Wentworth, T. T. Jr. person
correspondedWith Wertenbaker, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Wesley, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Wharton, V. L. person
correspondedWith Whitaker, Arthur P. person
correspondedWith White, Eugene E. person
correspondedWith White, Laura A. person
correspondedWith White, M. M. person
correspondedWith Wickersham, Edward D. person
correspondedWith Wiley, Bell I. person
correspondedWith Wiley, B. I. person
correspondedWith Wilkerson, Marcus M. person
correspondedWith Wilkinson, Norman B. person
correspondedWith Willey, Norman L. person
correspondedWith Williams, Clanton W. person
correspondedWith Williams, Justin person
correspondedWith Williams, Mentor L. person
correspondedWith Williams, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Williams, T. Harry person
correspondedWith Williams, William person
correspondedWith Willis, Edward person
correspondedWith Wilson, Charles R. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Harold F. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Logan person
correspondedWith Wilson, O. Meredith person
correspondedWith Wilson, William A. Jr. person
correspondedWith Winter, Carl G. person
correspondedWith Winther, Oscar O. person
correspondedWith Wirth, Fremont P. person
correspondedWith Wish, Harvey person
correspondedWith Wittke, Carl person
correspondedWith Woodfin, Maude H. person
correspondedWith Woodward, C. Vann person
correspondedWith Woody, Robert H. person
correspondedWith Woolfolk, George H. person
correspondedWith Worcester, D. E. person
associatedWith Work Conference for the Training of College Teachers corporateBody
correspondedWith Worley, Ted R. person
correspondedWith Worner, Lloyd E. person
correspondedWith Wright, Gordon person
correspondedWith Wright, Louis B. person
correspondedWith Wyman, Walker person
correspondedWith Yale University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Yanuck, Julius person
correspondedWith Yates, Richard E. person
correspondedWith Young, Alfred person
correspondedWith Younger, Edward person
correspondedWith Young, James Harvey person
correspondedWith Ziegler, James D. person
correspondedWith Zornow, William F. person
correspondedWith Zorn, Roman C. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Southern States
Southern States
Louisiana--Baton Rouge
United States
Cities and towns
Universities and colleges
College teachers as authors
College teaching
Free blacks
Parishes (Local government)
Religious institutions
Scholarly publishing
College teachers


Birth 1899

Death 1970





Ark ID: w6zw2c8c

SNAC ID: 62010433