D. Appleton-Century Company.

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Publishing company.

From the description of Records, 1846-1962. (Indiana University). WorldCat record id: 36428869

D. Appleton & Co. was founded in 1825 by Daniel Appleton who in that year opened a general store which featured books among other things. In 1831 he began to publish books. In 1933 this company merged with the Century Co., founded in 1881, to form the D. Appleton-Century Co. A consolidation of this company with the F.S. Crofts Co., founded in 1924, was effected in 1948 under the name Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. In 1960 this firm was bought by the Meredith Publishing Co., but the name was not changed.

From the guide to the Appleton-Century mss., 1846-1962, (Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington) http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Kangler, Mary Clara, 1917-1947. Mary Clara Kangler Papers, 1925-1955. Rutgers University
creatorOf D. Appleton-Century Company. Correspondence with Elizabeth Robins Pennell, 1933. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf D. Appleton-Century Company. Letters, 1917, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn The Moldenhauer Archives at Harvard University: Correspondence, literary manuscripts, sound recordings, and other material, 1873-2001. Houghton Library
creatorOf Appleton-Century mss., 1846-1962 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf D. Appleton-Century Company. Correspondence, 1917, from Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf D. Appleton-Century Company. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1901-1939. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf D. Appleton-Century Company. Records, 1846-1962. Indiana University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Ade, George. person
correspondedWith Adler, Felix. person
associatedWith Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 1881-1954. person
correspondedWith Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. person
correspondedWith Allen, James Lane. person
associatedWith Appleton-Century-Crofts, inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Appleton, William Worthen. person
correspondedWith Astor, John Jacob. person
correspondedWith Atherton, Gertrude Franklin. person
correspondedWith Badeau, Adam. person
correspondedWith Bancroft, George. person
correspondedWith Banner Play Bureau. person
associatedWith Barbour, Ralph Henry, 1870-1944. person
correspondedWith Barton, Clara Harlowe. person
correspondedWith Belloc, Hilaire. person
associatedWith Benefield, Barry, 1877-1971. person
correspondedWith Bennett, Arnold. person
correspondedWith Bennett, John. person
correspondedWith Benton, Thomas Hart. person
correspondedWith Bernhardt, Sarah person
associatedWith Bettner, George. person
associatedWith Birdsall, Katharine N. person
associatedWith Bixby, John M. person
correspondedWith Boutet de Monvel, Bernard. person
correspondedWith Broun, Heywood Campbell. person
correspondedWith Bryant, William Cullen. person
associatedWith Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878. person
correspondedWith Burnett, Frances Eliza. person
correspondedWith Butler, Glentworth Reeve. person
correspondedWith Butterworth, Hezekiah. person
correspondedWith Byrne, Donn. person
associatedWith Byrne, Donn, 1889-1928. person
correspondedWith Caine, Sir Hall. person
associatedWith Century Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Chambers, Robert W. 1865-1933. person
correspondedWith Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. person
correspondedWith Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. person
correspondedWith Cleveland, Grover. person
correspondedWith Cocteau, Jean. person
correspondedWith Conrad, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Cooke, John Esten. person
correspondedWith Cooper, James Fenimore. person
associatedWith Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924. person
associatedWith Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900. person
correspondedWith Cuyas, Arturo. person
associatedWith D. Appleton and Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Deleth, August William. person
correspondedWith Deutsch, Babette. person
correspondedWith Dixon, Thomas person
correspondedWith Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. person
correspondedWith Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. person
correspondedWith Dreiser, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Ferber, Edna. person
correspondedWith Flammarion, Camille. person
correspondedWith Fleury, Maurice, comte. person
correspondedWith Fuller, Henry Blake. person
associatedWith Gale, Zona, 1874-1938. person
correspondedWith Garland, Hamlin. person
correspondedWith George, Henry. person
associatedWith Gillespie, William Mitchell. person
correspondedWith Gissing, George. person
correspondedWith Gorki, Maksim. person
correspondedWith G. P. Putnam & Co. person
correspondedWith Grant, Ulysses Simpson. person
correspondedWith Gray, David. person
associatedWith Hale, Edward Everett. person
associatedWith Halleck, Fitz Greene. person
associatedWith Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. person
correspondedWith Hawkins, Anthony Hope. person
correspondedWith Hay, John Milton. person
correspondedWith Henderson, Archibald. person
correspondedWith Henford, Oliver. person
correspondedWith Henty, George Alfred. person
associatedWith Herbert, Henry William. person
correspondedWith Hobson, Richard Pearson. person
associatedWith Hough, Emerson person
correspondedWith Howells, William Dean. person
correspondedWith Hudson, William Henry. person
associatedWith Huxley, Thomas Henry. person
associatedWith Jewett, Rutger. person
correspondedWith Johnston, Joseph Eggleston. person
correspondedWith Jones, John William. person
associatedWith Kangler, Mary Clara, 1917-1947. person
correspondedWith Keller, Helen Adams. person
correspondedWith Kemble, Edward Windsor. person
correspondedWith Kerensky, Aleksandr Fyodorovich. person
associatedWith Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936. person
correspondedWith Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. person
correspondedWith Lee, Fitzhugh. person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Joseph. person
associatedWith Lincoln, Joseph Crosby, 1870-1944. person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Natalie Sumner. person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel. person
correspondedWith London, Jack. person
associatedWith London, Jack, 1876-1916. person
correspondedWith Maclay, Edward Stanton. person
correspondedWith Mahan, Alfred T. person
correspondedWith Marquis, Don. person
correspondedWith Masters, Edgar Lee. person
associatedWith Matthews, Brander. person
correspondedWith Maurois, André. person
correspondedWith McEnery, Sarah S. person
correspondedWith McKenzie, Sir Compton. person
correspondedWith McKinley, William. person
correspondedWith McLellan, James Alexander. person
correspondedWith Merrick, Leonard. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Silas Weir. person
associatedWith Mitchell, S. Weir 1829-1914. person
associatedWith Moldenhauer, Hans, collector. person
correspondedWith Moore, George. person
correspondedWith Morley, Christopher Darlington. person
correspondedWith Muir, John. person
correspondedWith Nicolay, John George person
correspondedWith Nye, Frank Wilson. person
correspondedWith O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone. person
correspondedWith Osbourne, Lloyd. person
correspondedWith Parker, Sir Gilbert, Bart. person
associatedWith Parker, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Peary, Robert Edwin. person
associatedWith Perry, Matthew Galbraith. person
correspondedWith Porter, David Dixon. person
correspondedWith Post, Emily (Price). person
correspondedWith Pyle, Howard. person
correspondedWith Rackham, Arthur. person
associatedWith Reed, John. person
correspondedWith Remarque, Erich Maria. person
correspondedWith Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan person
correspondedWith Rice, Cale Young. person
correspondedWith Riley, James Whitcomb. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Roseman, M. J. person
associatedWith Royce, Josiah. person
correspondedWith Sadleir, Michael. person
associatedWith Sanders, W. L. person
correspondedWith Santos-Dumont, Alberto. person
correspondedWith Schley, Winfield Scott. person
associatedWith Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946. person
correspondedWith Seward, Frederick William. person
correspondedWith Seward, William Henry. person
correspondedWith Sherman, General William Tecumseh. person
associatedWith Shuster, W. Morgan 1877-1960. person
correspondedWith Sigourney, Lydia Howard (Huntley). person
correspondedWith Sinclair, Upton, Beall. person
associatedWith Smith, E. L. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Herbert. person
correspondedWith Squier, Ephraim George. person
correspondedWith Stanton, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Robert Louis. person
correspondedWith Stockton, Frank Richard. person
associatedWith Stockton, Frank Richard, 1834-1902. person
correspondedWith Stoker, Bram. person
correspondedWith Stong, Philip Duffield. person
correspondedWith Stuart, Ruth (McEnery). person
correspondedWith Tarkington, Booth. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Bayard. person
correspondedWith Thompson, James Maurice. person
correspondedWith Todd, Margaret Georgina. person
correspondedWith Traubel, Horace. person
correspondedWith Ward, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). person
correspondedWith Watson, Henry Brereton Marriott. person
correspondedWith Weik, Jesse William. person
correspondedWith Wells, Herbert George. person
associatedWith Westcott, Edward Noyes, 1847-1898. person
correspondedWith West, Rebecca. person
associatedWith Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937. person
correspondedWith Wharton, Edith Newbold. person
correspondedWith Whitman, Walt. person
associatedWith Wiley, Belle. person
associatedWith Williams, John L. B. 1893-1963. person
associatedWith Wright, Harold Bell, 1872-1944. person
correspondedWith Wright, John Henry. person
correspondedWith Yarmolinskiy, Avrahm. person
correspondedWith Young, Stark. person
correspondedWith Zangwill, Israel. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Publishers and publishing

Corporate Body


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Ark ID: w6qv79nv

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