Howe, E.W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937

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Hide Profile

American newspaper editor and author.

From the description of Papers of Edgar Watson Howe, 1884-1937. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 32135295

Howe was an American newspaper editor and author, best known for his grim portrayal of small town life, The Story of a Country Town.

From the description of Papers, 1872-1969. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 86143742

From the description of Additional papers, 1872-1969. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 82628406

From the guide to the Papers, 1872-1969., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

From the guide to the E. W. (Edgar Watson) Howe additional papers, 1872-1969., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Author, editor and proprietor of the Atchison Daily Globe.

From the description of Letter to William Henry Hills, 1893 March 25. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 51734496

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Letter to D. C. Bradford. Atchison, KS. 1921 Oct. 8. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company contracts, 1831-1979 (inclusive) 1880-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Van Doren, Mark, 1894-1972. Papers, [ca. 1917]-1976. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Papers, 1872-1969. Houghton Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Papers of Edgar Watson Howe, 1884-1937. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Correspondence with H. L. Mencken, 1916. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Letter : Atchison, Kan., to Florence Murphy, Melrose, Mass., 1932 Oct. 31. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf E. W. (Edgar Watson) Howe additional papers, 1872-1969. Houghton Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Edgar Watson Howe papers, 1872-1960 Houghton Library
referencedIn [Biographical newspaper articles on E.W. Howe / collected and photocopied by the Kansas State Historical Society]. Kansas State Historical Society
referencedIn Autograph File, H Houghton Library
referencedIn E. W. (Edgar Watson) Howe additional papers, 1872-1969. Houghton Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Additional papers, 1872-1969. Houghton Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Letter to [Gerald] Carson. Miami, FL. 1928 Nov. 30. University of Iowa Libraries
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Letters, 1935, Miami, Fla., to George Matthew Adams, New York. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Gormley, Paul D. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1964-1969, n.d. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Mangelsdorf, Ruth. [Correspondence regarding Edgar Watson Howe] University of Kansas Archives / MSS / Rare Books, Kenneth Spencer Research Library
referencedIn Harris, Corra, 1869-1935. Corra Harris correspondence, 1905-1935. Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Letter to William Henry Hills, 1893 March 25. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Scott, Charles F., b. 1860. Charles F. Scott papers, 1883-1938. Kansas State Historical Society
referencedIn Papers, 1956-1970 University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Library Kanas Collection
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Adams, George Matthew, 1878-1962. person
correspondedWith Adams, James Taylor. person
correspondedWith Ade, George, 1866-1944 person
associatedWith Adelaide Howe. person
correspondedWith Admire, J. V. person
correspondedWith Albright, Horace Marden, 1890- person
correspondedWith Alex, Jean. person
correspondedWith Alke, Stephen person
correspondedWith Allaman, G. W. person
correspondedWith Allen, Birt S. person
correspondedWith Allen, C. B. person
correspondedWith Allen, E. M. person
correspondedWith Allen, Henry Justin, 1868- person
correspondedWith Allred, James V. person
correspondedWith Allyn, Rube. person
correspondedWith Altus, William David, 1908- person
correspondedWith American Press Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Andrew, Jess Charles. person
correspondedWith Andrews, Edward A. person
correspondedWith A Neilen person
correspondedWith Ansberry, Timothy T. person
correspondedWith Anthony, Daniel R. person
correspondedWith Anthony, Elizabeth H. person
correspondedWith Ardell, Herbert S. person
correspondedWith Armstrong, J. P. person
correspondedWith Arnold, (Mrs. A. J.) person
correspondedWith Atchison, Kansas-Rotary club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Atkinson, E. M. person
correspondedWith Atterbury, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Averell, Elson. person
correspondedWith Averill, Ezra. person
correspondedWith Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950 person
correspondedWith Bacon, Mary Schell (Hoke), 1870- person
correspondedWith Bailey, Ida B. person
correspondedWith Bailey P. Waggener person
correspondedWith Bake, (Mrs. H. C.) person
correspondedWith Baker, N. J. person
correspondedWith Banning, Kendall, 1879-1944 person
correspondedWith Bannister, Louis Herbert. person
correspondedWith Barry, John D. person
correspondedWith Barry, Rose. person
correspondedWith Barstow, Anne Lorene. person
correspondedWith Barton, Alfred I. person
correspondedWith Barton, Bruce, 1886- person
correspondedWith Barton, C. J. person
associatedWith Barton Currie. person
correspondedWith Barton, James D. person
correspondedWith Barton, Mary. person
correspondedWith Bassett, R. C. person
correspondedWith Bean, Burt Clifford, 1874- person
correspondedWith Beatty, D person
correspondedWith Beatty, Mary (Hill). person
correspondedWith Beck, Edward S. person
correspondedWith Beck, Mabel. person
correspondedWith Beck, Mabel M. person
correspondedWith Beckman, R. W. person
correspondedWith Beeler, Anna V. person
correspondedWith Begley, J. M. person
correspondedWith Benjamin, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Bennett, Al person
correspondedWith Benson, (Mrs. E. A.) person
correspondedWith Bereman, S. O. person
correspondedWith Berg, A. W. person
correspondedWith Berkowitz, Emilie. person
correspondedWith Berkowitz, Walter J. person
correspondedWith Berry, Celia. person
associatedWith Bertha Regnier. person
correspondedWith Biby, William A. person
correspondedWith Bigler, Katharine Soden. person
correspondedWith Black, W. J. person
correspondedWith Bliven, Bruce, 1889- person
correspondedWith Block, Paul. person
correspondedWith Blythe, Samuel D. person
correspondedWith Bobo, S. Charlotte. person
correspondedWith Bogue, Constance. person
correspondedWith Bok, Edward William, 1863-1930 person
correspondedWith Bok, Mary Louise (Curtis) person
correspondedWith Boston globe. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bostwick, J. H. person
correspondedWith Bosworth, Louise VanNess. person
correspondedWith Boya, Eva M. person
correspondedWith Boyd, Julian Parks, 1903- person
correspondedWith Boyer, Alden Scott. person
correspondedWith Brainerd, E. person
correspondedWith Brawford, J. L. person
correspondedWith Bretney, Henry Clay. person
correspondedWith Brett, George Platt, 1858- person
correspondedWith Brewer, David Josiah, 1837-1910 person
correspondedWith Bridgers, S. H. person
correspondedWith Britton, Rollin J. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Bryant Butler, 1861- person
correspondedWith Brooks, Mary N. person
correspondedWith Broun, Heywood Campbell, 1888-1939 person
correspondedWith Brown, Carl. person
correspondedWith Brown, Charles. person
correspondedWith Brown, F. A. person
correspondedWith Brown, John B. person
correspondedWith Brown, John P. person
correspondedWith Brown, Mary. person
correspondedWith Brown, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Brush, Katherine, 1902- person
correspondedWith Bryan, L. A. person
correspondedWith Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925 person
correspondedWith Buell, D. A. person
correspondedWith Bulfin, D. R. person
correspondedWith Burdette, Robert Jones, 1844-1914 person
correspondedWith Burdine, Roddey. person
correspondedWith Burney, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Burton, Clarence A. person
correspondedWith Burt, Struthers, 1882- person
correspondedWith Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947 person
correspondedWith Cain, Milton. person
correspondedWith Calhoun, Thomas F. person
correspondedWith Callen, George M. person
associatedWith Calumet. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cantrell, Ella Cowgill. person
associatedWith Caracciolo, Princess person
correspondedWith Carey, John W. person
correspondedWith Carl Brown person
correspondedWith Carley, W. T. person
correspondedWith Carroll, Nicholas. person
correspondedWith Carruth, A. J. person
correspondedWith Carruth, A. J., recipient. person
associatedWith Carson, Gerald, person
correspondedWith Case, Leland Davidson, 1900- person
correspondedWith Cassell, James C. person
correspondedWith Challiss, James Milbank. person
correspondedWith Challiss, J. V. H. person
correspondedWith Challiss, (Mrs. James Milbank) person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, D. S. person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Ella A. person
correspondedWith Chambers, A. M. person
correspondedWith Chambers, Charles O. person
correspondedWith Chambers, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Chapman, E. B. person
correspondedWith Chappell, Loyd B. person
associatedWith Charles Elkins Rogers. person
correspondedWith Chattau, Edna T. person
correspondedWith Chenoweth, W. S. person
correspondedWith Chester, Louise person
correspondedWith Chicago herald. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chicago tribune. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chilcott, R. M. person
correspondedWith Clark, Charles Upson, 1875-1960 person
correspondedWith Clark, John B. person
correspondedWith Clauson, H. person
correspondedWith Clegg, Robert. person
correspondedWith Clemens, Cyril, 1902- person
correspondedWith Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 person
correspondedWith Clendening, Logan, 1884- person
associatedWith Cloud L. Cray. person
correspondedWith Coble, (Mrs. John C.) person
correspondedWith Coburn, Foster Dwight, 1846-1924 person
correspondedWith Cochran, Alexander G. person
correspondedWith Cochran, L. M. person
correspondedWith Colegate, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Cole, Olive (Howe) person
correspondedWith Colliér's. person
correspondedWith Collins, W. A. person
correspondedWith Connally, Thomas Terry, 1877- person
correspondedWith Conway, Patrick. person
correspondedWith Conwell, Paul S. person
correspondedWith Cook, C. E. person
correspondedWith Cooke, James Francis, 1875- person
correspondedWith Cook, Louis. person
correspondedWith Cooley, Ella D. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Kent, 1880- person
correspondedWith Corbin, Blanche. person
associatedWith Corra (White) Harris person
correspondedWith Cosmopolitan. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coulon, (Mrs. J. D.) person
correspondedWith Country gentleman. corporateBody
correspondedWith Covington, Platt Walker, 1894- person
correspondedWith Craig, A. U. person
correspondedWith Craig, H. G. person
correspondedWith Cramer, J. L. person
correspondedWith Crary, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Crawford, Anne. person
correspondedWith Crickmore, H. G. person
correspondedWith Crissey, Forrest, 1864-1943 person
correspondedWith Cromie, Robert. person
correspondedWith Cronkhite, N L person
correspondedWith Crowell, Renée. person
correspondedWith Cullis, Cass. person
correspondedWith Curtis, Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar, 1850- person
correspondedWith Curtis, Kate S. person
correspondedWith Cutter, Harriet L. person
correspondedWith Davis, Edward Gates. person
correspondedWith Davis, Herbert B. person
correspondedWith Davis, J. Warren. person
correspondedWith Dawson, Howard. person
correspondedWith Day, Wilbur. person
correspondedWith Deering, James. person
correspondedWith DeFriese, L. E. person
correspondedWith DeMent, Pearl. person
correspondedWith Densford, J. W. person
correspondedWith Devin, Juliette C. person
associatedWith Dewar, M. J., person
correspondedWith Dewey, W. H. person
correspondedWith DeWitt, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Dix, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Doane, Helen. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Mead & Company, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Doll, Alice C. person
correspondedWith Doubleday, Page & co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Douglas, Henry B. person
correspondedWith Douglas, Prudence Winterrowd. person
correspondedWith Drake Watson person
correspondedWith Drehmer, Mark W. person
correspondedWith Drehmer, Mark W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Driskell, J. C. person
correspondedWith DuBois, L. E. person
correspondedWith Durant, Jane. person
correspondedWith Dykins, (Mrs. A. W.) person
correspondedWith Early, Walter R. person
correspondedWith Easley, Ralph M. person
correspondedWith Eaton, George L. person
associatedWith Edgar Watson Howe person
associatedWith Edgar Watson Howe's person
associatedWith Edward Marshall. person
correspondedWith Edwards, H G. person
associatedWith Ellen person
associatedWith Ellery Sedgwick. person
correspondedWith Elliot, Carrie E. person
correspondedWith Elliott, A. R. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Howard, 1860- person
correspondedWith Elliott, Ulysses S. person
correspondedWith Ethel person
correspondedWith Eugene Alexander Howe person
correspondedWith Eugene Alexander Howe person
correspondedWith Evans, Fern. person
correspondedWith Evans, W. person
correspondedWith Evarts, Frank B. person
correspondedWith Everest, Belle L. person
correspondedWith Everett, R. D. person
correspondedWith Everhard, William. person
correspondedWith Ewald, Emilie O. K. person
correspondedWith Ewart, O. C. person
associatedWith E. W. Howe person
correspondedWith Eylar, Albert S. J. person
correspondedWith Fairbanks, Lucy J. person
correspondedWith Farnham, Dwight Thompson, 1881- person
correspondedWith Farnham, Mateel (Howe), 1883-1957 person
correspondedWith Fearey, George D. person
correspondedWith F, E. C. person
correspondedWith Feeney, John A. person
associatedWith Felix Corpstein. person
correspondedWith Felker, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Felton, William M. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, S. Y. person
correspondedWith Field, Henry. person
correspondedWith Finch, C. S. person
correspondedWith Finley, Richard G. person
correspondedWith Finnup, George W. person
correspondedWith Fisher, Carl. person
correspondedWith Fitzsimmons, Hazel. person
correspondedWith Flammer, Charles. person
associatedWith Floyd Calvin Shoemaker person
correspondedWith Ford, Harry. person
correspondedWith Foster, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Fox, F. C. person
correspondedWith Franken, James L. person
correspondedWith Frazer, G. W. person
correspondedWith Frederick, W. D. person
correspondedWith Freeman, E W. person
correspondedWith Freligh, Virginia. person
associatedWith Fulkerson. person
correspondedWith Fullerton, Hugh person
correspondedWith Fullerton, Robert. person
correspondedWith Fulton, Florence person
correspondedWith Gannett, Frank Ernest. person
correspondedWith Gantt, Harry person
correspondedWith Garrett, Garet, 1878-1954 person
correspondedWith Gary, Elbert Henry, 1846-1927 person
correspondedWith Geiger, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Gibson, T. D. person
correspondedWith Giffen, W. W. person
correspondedWith Gillespie, Catherine, 1860- person
correspondedWith Gilmore, Clarence E. person
correspondedWith Gimbel, Bernard F. person
correspondedWith Glenn, Frank person
correspondedWith Golden, John, 1874- person
correspondedWith Gold, G. W. person
correspondedWith Gold, William H. person
correspondedWith Gold, William H, recipient. person
correspondedWith Goodell, . person
correspondedWith Goodson, Thomas F. person
associatedWith Gormley, Paul D. person
correspondedWith Gourley, Chester. person
correspondedWith Grable, F. C. person
correspondedWith Graef, Charles. person
correspondedWith Graham, Joseph B. person
correspondedWith Grant, William Thomas, 1876- person
correspondedWith Graves, Jackson Alpheus, 1852- person
correspondedWith Greneker, C. P. person
correspondedWith Groves, John Stuart. person
correspondedWith Guest, Edgar Albert, 1881- person
correspondedWith Guilder?, Alva B. person
correspondedWith Gully, Harold M. person
correspondedWith Gunn, C. B. person
correspondedWith Gunn, Sarah C. person
correspondedWith Hagen, Mira. person
associatedWith Haldeman-Julius person
correspondedWith Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel, 1889- person
correspondedWith Hall, Henry, 1845- person
correspondedWith Hamilton, (Mrs. S. G.) person
correspondedWith Handzlik, Leon L. person
correspondedWith Hardy, Andrew G. person
correspondedWith Harger, C. M. person
correspondedWith Harlan, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Harper, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Harris, Charles J. person
associatedWith Harris, Corra, 1869-1935. person
correspondedWith Harris, George B. person
correspondedWith Harry, W. D. person
correspondedWith Hart, Stella. person
correspondedWith Haskell, Agnes. person
correspondedWith Haskell, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Haskell, Lucy. person
correspondedWith Hatch, Dudley E. person
correspondedWith Hatfield, Gladyll (Earl) person
correspondedWith Havens, Paul E. person
correspondedWith Hawk, Wilbur C. person
correspondedWith Haxthausen, Myda E. person
correspondedWith Hazel, Ernest. person
associatedWith H C. Wadelton. person
correspondedWith Heim, Moritz. person
correspondedWith Helm, Walter J. person
associatedWith Henry Goddard Leach. person
associatedWith Henry Holt. person
correspondedWith Henry, Holt & company. corporateBody
associatedWith Henry Louis Mencken person
associatedWith Henry Stephens Randall person
correspondedWith Herbert, Ewing. person
correspondedWith Herron, Ralph E. person
correspondedWith Hetherington, Lilly. person
correspondedWith Hewes, Charles Edwin, 1870- person
correspondedWith Hibben, H. J. person
correspondedWith Hicks, Warren D. person
correspondedWith Higgins, Virginia A. person
associatedWith Hills, William Henry, 1857-1927, person
correspondedWith Hitchcock, Gilbert Monell, 1859-1934 person
correspondedWith Hoagland, Clayton. person
correspondedWith Hoblit, Clare E. person
correspondedWith Hoff, A. F. person
correspondedWith Holcomb, Walter L. person
correspondedWith Holland, Raymond Prunty, 1884- person
correspondedWith Holland, W. Robert person
correspondedWith Holt, Hamilton, 1872- person
correspondedWith Honigman, Mildred E. person
correspondedWith Hood, Calvin. person
correspondedWith Hooper, Joseph L. person
correspondedWith Hoover, William Henry. person
correspondedWith Hoss, Julia M. person
correspondedWith Hough, Henry Beetle, 1896- person
associatedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith House, Jay Elmer, 1872-1936 person
correspondedWith Howard, Pauline. person
associatedWith Howe, Adelaide, person
associatedWith Howe, Adelaide, person
correspondedWith Howe, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Howe, E. B. person
correspondedWith Howe, Edna. person
correspondedWith Howe, Eugene Alexander, 1886-1952 person
associatedWith Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937 person
associatedWith Howe family, family
associatedWith Howe family; family
correspondedWith Howe, Gale. person
correspondedWith Howe, Henry, d. 1893 person
associatedWith Howe, Henry, fl. 1853. person
associatedWith Howe, James P., 1879-1970 person
correspondedWith Howe, Jeanne. person
correspondedWith Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920 person
correspondedWith Howe, Minnie. person
associatedWith Howe, William D., 1873-1946, person
correspondedWith Howland, Fred A. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Alice (Moore), 1861-1915 person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915 person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Henry B. person
correspondedWith Hubert, George H. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Rupert, 1872- person
associatedWith Hugh Samuel Johnson person
correspondedWith Hull, Myra E. person
correspondedWith Hull, Paul. person
correspondedWith Hurst, Fannie, 1889-1968 person
correspondedWith Huselton, H. E. person
correspondedWith Ingalls, John James, 1833-1900 person
correspondedWith Ingalls, Sheffield. person
correspondedWith Ingalls, Sheffield, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ingham, Harvey, 1858- person
correspondedWith Inglis, Isobel. person
correspondedWith Innes, F. N. person
correspondedWith Irwin, C. B. (cousin) person
correspondedWith Irwin, C. B. (nephew) person
correspondedWith Isbrandtsen, Hans. person
correspondedWith Ismay, Joseph E., 1854- person
associatedWith James Aloysius Farley person
associatedWith James Keeley. person
associatedWith James Morgan. person
correspondedWith James P. Howe person
correspondedWith Jarrell, J. Frank. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Walter W. person
correspondedWith Jenness, Frank B. person
correspondedWith Jennings, Irving. person
associatedWith J. Frank Jarrell. person
correspondedWith Jobes, Alice Crew. person
associatedWith John Daniel Barry person
associatedWith John Howard Brown. person
correspondedWith John N. Reynolds person
associatedWith John Oliver LaGorce. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Annie M. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Herbert. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Icie F. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Jane. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Nunally. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Nunnally. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Nunnally, 1897- person
correspondedWith Johnson, O. H. person
correspondedWith Johnston, W. E. person
correspondedWith Jones, Sally Nona. person
associatedWith Jones, Will Owen, 1862-1928, person
correspondedWith Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931 person
correspondedWith Joseph E. Rank person
correspondedWith Josselyn, D. W. person
correspondedWith Junkin, J. E. person
associatedWith Kansas Chamber of Commerce corporateBody
correspondedWith Kansas. State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan. Dept. of Industrial Journalism and Printing. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kase, Harold H. person
associatedWith Kate Stephens. person
correspondedWith Kauffmann, Victor. person
correspondedWith Kaufman, S. Jay person
correspondedWith Kay, William E. person
correspondedWith Kazee, Jean. person
correspondedWith Keeler, Oscar Bane, 1882- person
correspondedWith Keith, Austin. person
correspondedWith Kellogg, J. L. person
correspondedWith Kelsey, Claude R. person
correspondedWith Kendricks, Kerry. person
associatedWith Kent Cooper person
correspondedWith Ketjen, Victor E. person
correspondedWith Kildow, E. R. person
correspondedWith Kilgore, (Mrs.) Daisy Howe. person
correspondedWith Killoran, Patricia B. person
correspondedWith Kimball, William Wirt, 1848- person
correspondedWith King, Edward L. person
correspondedWith King, Henry, 1842- person
associatedWith King, Henry, 1842-1915, person
correspondedWith Kingsbury, Robert. person
correspondedWith Kingsbury, Warren. person
correspondedWith Kingston, Gaylord B. person
correspondedWith Kinnamon, Adelaide. person
correspondedWith Kinney, J. L. person
correspondedWith Klein, Henrietta. person
correspondedWith Klinberg, H. E. person
correspondedWith Knapp, George E. person
correspondedWith Knight, Peter O. person
correspondedWith Kraeger, F. K. person
correspondedWith Krauthoff, Edwin A. person
correspondedWith Krebs, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Krech, Alvin W. person
correspondedWith Kreeger, A. person
correspondedWith Kresse, S. O. person
associatedWith Kurtz, Earl N. person
correspondedWith Lake, William C. person
correspondedWith Lamar, H. C. person
correspondedWith Lamb, (James H.), publishers. person
correspondedWith Landon, Thomas D. person
correspondedWith Larkin, Fred Viall, 1883- person
correspondedWith Larkin, J. C. person
correspondedWith Lasker, Albert Davis, 1880-1952 person
correspondedWith Lathorp, Jeanie Brooks. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Cynthia H. person
correspondedWith Leach, H. E. person
correspondedWith Leahy, John. person
correspondedWith Leaverton, Ernest. person
correspondedWith Legge, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Lehman, H. F. person
correspondedWith Lewis publishing company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lindley, E. H. person
correspondedWith Lindsey, Harriet B. person
correspondedWith Little, Edward A. person
correspondedWith Lockwood, C. A. person
correspondedWith Long, Ray, 1878-1935 person
correspondedWith Loomis, George Peck. person
correspondedWith Lorimer, Alma V. person
correspondedWith Lorimer, George Horace, 1868-1937 person
correspondedWith Luken person
correspondedWith Lyford, P. L. person
correspondedWith Lynn, George W. person
associatedWith Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. person
correspondedWith Macdonald, A. B. person
correspondedWith MacIlrath, W. R. person
correspondedWith Mackenzie, Kenneth person
correspondedWith MacLennan, Frank Pitts, 1855-1933 person
correspondedWith Macmillan, publishers, New York. corporateBody
associatedWith Majestic Theater corporateBody
associatedWith Mangelsdorf, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Mangels, H. E. person
correspondedWith Mantle, Burns, 1873- person
correspondedWith March, M. H. person
correspondedWith Marsh, W. person
correspondedWith Martin, Calvin. person
associatedWith Martin, John A., 1839-1889. person
correspondedWith Martin, R. W. person
correspondedWith Martin, Susan Hubbard. person
correspondedWith Marvin, Burton W. person
correspondedWith Mateel (Howe) Farnham person
correspondedWith Mateel (Howe) Farnham person
correspondedWith Mathews, William B. person
correspondedWith Maury, Reuben. person
associatedWith Max Lincoln Schuster. person
correspondedWith McCann, Mary E. person
correspondedWith McCardell, Roy Larcom, 1870- person
correspondedWith McCarty, C. G. person
correspondedWith McCarty, Richard Justin, 1851- person
correspondedWith McClure, Samuel Sidney, 1857- person
correspondedWith McCollum, M. person
correspondedWith McCormick Distilling Co. corporateBody
associatedWith McCormick Distilling Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith McCoy, Frank J. person
correspondedWith McCutcheon, John Tinney, 1870-1949 person
correspondedWith McDonald, (Mrs. Ahar). person
correspondedWith McFarland, Russell. person
correspondedWith McFee, William, 1881- person
correspondedWith McGinnis, F. Landon. person
correspondedWith McIntyre, Oscar Odd, 1884- person
correspondedWith McIntyre, Roy H. person
correspondedWith McJilton, Marjorie person
correspondedWith McMillan, A. T. person
associatedWith McMillen, Wheeler, 1893- person
correspondedWith McNaughton, Beulah I. person
correspondedWith McNaughton, J. H. person
correspondedWith McNeal, Thomas Allen, 1853- person
correspondedWith McRae, Milton Alexander, 1858-1930 person
correspondedWith McRike person
correspondedWith Mellon, Andrew William, 1855-1937 person
associatedWith Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956. person
correspondedWith Mering, K. A. person
correspondedWith Mertins, Louis, 1885- person
correspondedWith Metz, M. K. person
correspondedWith M F De Forrest person
correspondedWith Miller, Dewitt, 1857-1911 person
correspondedWith Miller, O. B. person
correspondedWith Miller, Stella O. person
correspondedWith Milner, Charles. person
correspondedWith Minton, Balch & Co., publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Moffat, J. Douglas. person
correspondedWith Mohler, J. C. person
correspondedWith Mohr, Mary E. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, F. C. person
correspondedWith Mooney, J. W. person
correspondedWith Moore, Robert person
correspondedWith Morgan, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Morris, Glad. person
correspondedWith Morse, I. H. person
correspondedWith Morse, W. C. person
correspondedWith Morton, Paul, 1857-1911 person
correspondedWith Mountcastle, Henry R. person
correspondedWith Murdock, Victor, 1871- person
correspondedWith Murphy, Elmer R. person
correspondedWith Murphy, F. B. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Florence. person
associatedWith Murphy, Florence. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Olive J. person
correspondedWith Myers, D. C. person
correspondedWith Nagle, Herbert N. person
correspondedWith Nathan, George Jean, 1882-1958 person
correspondedWith National academy of American literature. corporateBody
correspondedWith National geographic magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Neall, Adelaide W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln. corporateBody
associatedWith Nellie P. Webb person
correspondedWith Nellie Webb person
correspondedWith Nelson, William Rockhill, 1841-1915 person
correspondedWith Newman, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Newton, Leonard. person
correspondedWith New York herald. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nicholls, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Nichols, J. C. person
correspondedWith Nicholson, George T. person
correspondedWith Nigg, H. person
associatedWith Nixon Waterman. person
correspondedWith Nusbaum, Leo. person
correspondedWith Ochs, Adolph Simon, 1858-1935 person
correspondedWith O'Connell, Lollu Lavender. person
correspondedWith Onan, Maddox. person
correspondedWith O'Neil, Robert A. person
correspondedWith Oppenheim, Alice. person
correspondedWith Orr, James W. person
associatedWith Oscar Odd McIntyre. person
correspondedWith Otis, (Mrs. William A.) person
correspondedWith Otis, William A. person
correspondedWith Owen, Ruth (Bryan), 1885- person
correspondedWith Owens, Hamilton, 1888- person
correspondedWith Palmer, W. B. person
correspondedWith Paret, Henry person
correspondedWith Parmer, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Paschall, John. person
correspondedWith Paterson, Charles person
correspondedWith Paterson, J. N. person
correspondedWith Paterson, W. Innes person
correspondedWith Patterson, John. person
correspondedWith Pattullo, George, 1879- person
correspondedWith Peacock, Roscoe. person
correspondedWith Pease, A. V. person
correspondedWith Peck, George Record, 1843-1923 person
correspondedWith Pegler, Westbrook, 1894- person
correspondedWith Pelton, Frank Curtis. person
associatedWith Percy Waxman. person
correspondedWith Peterson, Elmer Theodore, 1884-1969 person
correspondedWith Peterson, Mary E. person
correspondedWith Peyton, Thelma. person
correspondedWith Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943 person
correspondedWith Philadelphia press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Phinney, George William. person
correspondedWith Pickell, James Ralph, 1882- person
correspondedWith Pictorial review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pillow, Mary (Hetherington). person
correspondedWith Pitkin, Walter Boughton, 1878- person
correspondedWith Place, Harold C. person
correspondedWith Poor, Fred A. person
correspondedWith Porter, A. D. person
correspondedWith Powell, Maud. person
correspondedWith Powel, W. A. person
correspondedWith Powers, H. G. person
associatedWith Prentis, Noble Lovely, 1839-1900. person
correspondedWith Price, Andrew. person
correspondedWith Price, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Pugh, J. H. person
correspondedWith Purdy, Charles G. person
correspondedWith Rachton, Irene. person
correspondedWith Raines, Bettie. person
correspondedWith Raines, Travanie. person
correspondedWith Ramer, Ralph J. person
correspondedWith Ramsay, (Mrs. Robert William) person
correspondedWith Rank, Edna G. person
correspondedWith Rasmussen, Walter person
correspondedWith Rathburn, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Rathburn, Helen Campbell. person
correspondedWith Ray Long. person
correspondedWith Records, Bertha C. person
correspondedWith Reed, Irene C. person
correspondedWith Regnier, Charles N. person
correspondedWith Reilly, John J. person
correspondedWith Reppert, Edmund H. person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Jackson E. person
correspondedWith Richardson, C. B. person
correspondedWith Richter, Conrad, 1890-1968 person
correspondedWith Riepen, Clarence E. person
correspondedWith Riis and Bonner. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ripley, Frank A. person
correspondedWith Robbins, H. D. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Elta Campbell, 1892- person
correspondedWith Roberts, Forrest A. person
correspondedWith Roberts, George. person
correspondedWith Roberts, George Evan, 1857-1948 person
correspondedWith Roberts, (Mrs. J. M.) person
correspondedWith Roberts, Roy A. person
associatedWith Robert Underwood Johnson person
correspondedWith Robinson, Elmer F. person
correspondedWith Rockefeller, John Davison, 1839-1937 person
correspondedWith Rockwell, B. person
correspondedWith Rockwell, Norman, 1894- person
correspondedWith Rodert, Emil C. person
correspondedWith Roers, C. E. person
correspondedWith Rogers, C. B. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Edythe M. person
correspondedWith Rogers, J. W. person
correspondedWith Rollins, Harry T. person
correspondedWith Romfh, Edward C. person
correspondedWith Romfh, Edward C., Jr. person
correspondedWith Romfh, Sally. person
correspondedWith Roos, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Rootsellar, George. person
associatedWith Roscoe Peacock person
correspondedWith Rosevear, Albert. person
correspondedWith Ruck, Walter. person
correspondedWith Ruegnitz, W. R. person
associatedWith Rufus Rockwell Wilson person
correspondedWith Ruge, Fannie F. person
correspondedWith Ruggles, R. M. person
correspondedWith Rullman, A. O. person
correspondedWith Rupley, William R. person
correspondedWith Sackett, Samuel John, 1928- person
correspondedWith Sain, Charles MacKnight. person
correspondedWith Salvation Army. corporateBody
correspondedWith Samuels, H. person
correspondedWith Sanborn, . person
correspondedWith Sanders, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Sayhrs, C. F. person
correspondedWith Schlemmer, Helen. person
correspondedWith Schmidt, Lillian E. person
correspondedWith Schofield, (Mrs. Robert) person
correspondedWith Schott person
correspondedWith Schrader, Frederick Franklin, 1857- person
correspondedWith Schwartz, K. R. person
associatedWith Scott, Charles F., b. 1860. person
correspondedWith Scripps, Edward Wyllis, 1854-1926 person
correspondedWith Seaton, Fay N. person
correspondedWith S, E. G. person
correspondedWith Seitz, Don Carlos, 1862-1935 person
correspondedWith Sells, Elijah Watt, 1858-1924 person
correspondedWith Sessions, Charles, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sewell, E. G. person
correspondedWith Sharp, Howard. person
associatedWith Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. person
correspondedWith Shawhan, George R. person
correspondedWith Shawhan, W. J. person
correspondedWith Shaw, J. H. person
correspondedWith Sheaffer, Walter A. person
correspondedWith Sheckler, D. L. person
correspondedWith Shepard, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Shepard, Mary. person
correspondedWith Shepard, (Mrs. Elliot F.) person
correspondedWith Shepherd, F. N. person
correspondedWith Sheppard, Claire. person
correspondedWith Sherwood, A. J. person
correspondedWith Shields, Martha D. person
correspondedWith Shoemaker, (Mrs. Walter Steiner) person
correspondedWith Shoup, Manette Papin. person
correspondedWith Shultz, A. L. person
correspondedWith Shultz, George A. person
correspondedWith Shutts, Frank B. person
correspondedWith Siegel, Louis. person
correspondedWith Simon and Schuster, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sims, J. C. person
correspondedWith Skinner, W. R. person
correspondedWith Slauson, Frederick. person
correspondedWith Smay, Frank. person
correspondedWith Smith, A. Clarence. person
correspondedWith Smith, Andrew J. person
correspondedWith Smith, C. W. person
correspondedWith Smith, Edith. person
correspondedWith Smith, George H. person
correspondedWith Smith, J. W. person
correspondedWith Smith, Mark W. person
correspondedWith Smith, (Mrs. Sam A.) person
correspondedWith Smith, Thornton L. person
correspondedWith Smith, Winchell, 1871-1933 person
correspondedWith Smoot, J. M. person
correspondedWith Snedigar, Edna. person
correspondedWith Snevily, Henry M. person
correspondedWith Snowden, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Snyder, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Southern railway system. corporateBody
correspondedWith Spangler, DeEtte V. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Clara. person
correspondedWith Spooner, Mary Gibbs. person
correspondedWith Sprague, L. C. person
correspondedWith Spurlock, Melissa B. person
correspondedWith Steinhart, R. R. person
correspondedWith Stephens, Nannie. person
correspondedWith Stern, Julius David, 1886- person
correspondedWith Stewart, Martha. person
correspondedWith Stimson, J. E. H. person
correspondedWith St. Louis globe-democrat. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stoiber, May Cornell. person
associatedWith Stoker person
correspondedWith Stone, Hubert. person
correspondedWith Stoneman, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Stone, Martin B. person
correspondedWith Stone, Melville Elijah, 1848-1929 person
correspondedWith Stone, R. O. person
associatedWith Storr, . person
correspondedWith Street, Julian, 1879-1947 person
correspondedWith Sullivan, John C. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, L. R. person
correspondedWith Sumner, Mary. person
correspondedWith Sutlive, William G. person
correspondedWith Sutor, Jennings F. person
correspondedWith Sutton, Fred Ellsworth, 1860- person
correspondedWith Sutton, Richard Lightburn, 1878- person
correspondedWith Swasey, Ed. person
correspondedWith Swasey, E. M. person
correspondedWith Swift, David E. person
correspondedWith Swinney, E. F. person
correspondedWith Swope, Herbert Bayard, 1882-1958 person
correspondedWith Tallarico, G. person
correspondedWith Taylor, George E. person
correspondedWith Taylor, John C. person
associatedWith Tennyson's person
correspondedWith Terhune, Albert Payson, 1872-1942 person
correspondedWith Tetlow, Henry. person
associatedWith Thayer, Virginia. person
correspondedWith The Atchison daily globe. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Atchison daily globe, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Atlantic monthly. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Century. New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Forum. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Ladies' home journal. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Literary digest. New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Rotarian. corporateBody
correspondedWith The saturday evening post. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Babington Macaulay person
correspondedWith Thomas, Wayne. person
correspondedWith Thompson, J. Kent. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Paul. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Robert. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Robert, Jr. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Uly O. person
correspondedWith Thornton, Mary Ruth. person
correspondedWith Thursday, Tom. person
correspondedWith Ticknor, Willard H. person
correspondedWith Tigert, Jonathan J. person
correspondedWith Tilden, John Henry, 1851- person
correspondedWith Till, W. Hamilton. person
correspondedWith Tooke, Laura Moorby. person
correspondedWith Toombs, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Townsend, A. C. person
correspondedWith Townsend, Murphy W. person
correspondedWith Trask, J. H. person
correspondedWith Travelstead, J. person
correspondedWith Tripp, Frank C. person
correspondedWith True, Lucile. person
correspondedWith Truesdell, F. M. person
correspondedWith Truth. corporateBody
correspondedWith Turner, (Mrs. A. G.) person
associatedWith Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. person
correspondedWith Urmey W. N. person
correspondedWith Usher, (Mrs. W. W.) person
correspondedWith U. S. Treasury dept. corporateBody
correspondedWith Utt, J. F. person
correspondedWith Van Benthuysen, W. person
correspondedWith Vandergrift, F. L. person
associatedWith Van Doren, Mark, 1894-1972. person
correspondedWith Vanduze, (Mrs. M.) person
correspondedWith Vann, J. G. person
correspondedWith Vaughan, R. T. person
correspondedWith Verhuygher, W. person
correspondedWith Vestal, Stanley, 1887- person
correspondedWith Veth, Martin. person
correspondedWith Vieth, Josephine. person
correspondedWith Volpe, Arnold. person
correspondedWith Volpe, Marie. person
correspondedWith Waddell, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Wade, N. Victor. person
correspondedWith Waggener, Bailey P. person
correspondedWith Waggener, Mabel Louise. person
correspondedWith Waggener, W P. person
correspondedWith Wagnalls, Mabel, 1871- person
associatedWith Wagner, Harry K., person
correspondedWith Wagoner, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Waldon, C. W. person
correspondedWith Waldrop, L. G. person
correspondedWith Walker, Carrie. person
correspondedWith Walker, S. A. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Leslie E. person
correspondedWith Wallace, (Mrs. A. G.) person
correspondedWith Wall, Edward. person
correspondedWith Wallenstein, Jake. person
associatedWith Walter Hines Page. person
correspondedWith Walton, (Mrs. Z. A.) person
correspondedWith Ward, Thomas R. person
correspondedWith Wardwell, D P. person
correspondedWith Warner, George Coffing. person
correspondedWith Warren, Forrest. person
associatedWith Warren Gamaliel Harding person
correspondedWith Watson, R. S. person
correspondedWith Webb, Nellie. person
correspondedWith Webb, Walter E. person
correspondedWith Weber, Brom, 1917- person
correspondedWith Webster, Harold Tucker, 1885-1952 person
correspondedWith Wells, William. person
correspondedWith Wertheim, Max. person
correspondedWith West, Aymitt. person
correspondedWith Wettack, Elmer E. person
correspondedWith Wetzel, Julian. person
correspondedWith Wheeler, John N. person
correspondedWith White, R. H. person
correspondedWith White, R. M. person
correspondedWith White, Sallie Lindsay. person
correspondedWith White, William Allen, 1868-1944 person
correspondedWith Wiggin, Eliza Johnston. person
correspondedWith Wilder, Amos Parker, 1862- person
correspondedWith Wilder, Daniel Webster, 1832-1911 person
associatedWith William Charles Lengel. person
associatedWith William Griffith. person
correspondedWith William H. Wise & Co., publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Everett B. person
correspondedWith Williams, Frank L. person
correspondedWith Williams, N. S. person
correspondedWith Williamson, George Millar, 1850- person
correspondedWith Williams, Percy M. person
correspondedWith Williams, Walter, 1864- person
correspondedWith Willis, C. K. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Kate. person
correspondedWith Winchell, Benjamin Laton, 1858- person
correspondedWith Wing, Andrew S. person
associatedWith Winifred Maddox. person
correspondedWith Wittmann, Otto. person
correspondedWith Wittrup, Imanuel. person
correspondedWith Women's Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City, Missouri. corporateBody
correspondedWith Woodford, A. R. person
correspondedWith Wood, Lee B. person
correspondedWith Woodruff, Mark. person
correspondedWith Woods, W. J. person
correspondedWith Woolley, Cloyd F. person
correspondedWith Work, Hubert, 1860- person
correspondedWith Workman, Fred W. person
correspondedWith Wright, J. P. person
correspondedWith Wyeth, (Mrs. Huston) person
correspondedWith Young, Annie Pollsbury. person
correspondedWith Young, Don. person
correspondedWith Young, James Capers, 1892- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
American newspapers
Big Adam (Fictitious character)
Finance, Personal


Birth 1853-05-03

Death 1937-10-03




Ark ID: w6rj4mkr

SNAC ID: 20710527