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Vol. CCXV (ff. 361). Dec. 1852-Jan. 1853.includes:ff. 1-5b, 13,68,188,208, 229 Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne; formerly Petty: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1852-1855.ff. 6, 24, 247-257b, 267, 328 Francis Russell, 7th Duk...
British Library |
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Vol. X. (ff. 549). 1839.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 128, 481 James Stuart: Correspondence with M. Napier: 1..., 1839
British Library |
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Vol. XI. (ff. 748). 1840-June, 1841.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 93, 566 John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell; ..., 1840-1841
British Library |
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Correspondence of Leigh Hunt; 1807-1859. Paper; ff. 363.includes:ff. 2, 4, 8, 9 John Hunt, journalist: Letters to, from C. Brown: 1825.: Drafts. ff. 2, 4, 8, 9 Charles Armitage Brown: Letters to J. Hunt: 1825.: Drafts. f. 6 Mary Sabilla Novello, wi..., 1807-1859
British Library |
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Vol. CCLXXVII (ff. 386). Jan. 1845-Nov. 1845.includes:ff. 1, 194 David Moir, Bishop of Brechin: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1844-1847. f. 2 Reverend William George Ward: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1843-1876. f. 3 William Sharratt, ...
British Library |
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MACVEY NAPIER PAPERS. Vol. XIX. (ff. 567). Articles written for the Edinburgh Review by Thomas Babington Macaulay (a-e), Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey (f, g), Henry Thomas Cockburn, Lord Cockburn (h), Lord John Russell (i), and Adam Sedgwick, Woodwar...
British Library |
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Abigail Adams collection of Victorian autographs, 1837-1864.
Houghton Library |
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Vol. CCXCIV (ff. 297). 26 Mar.-17 Apr. 1854.includes:ff. 1, 10 James Bowling Mozley, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1847-1872. f. 2 Sir David Salomons, 1st Baronet; Lord Mayor of London: Lette...
British Library |
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Houghton Library. Houghton Library printed book provenance file, L-Q. 1942.
Houghton Library |
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Vol. CCLXXXV (ff. 358). Jan.-Oct. 1851.includes:f. 1 Nassau William Senior, economist: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: [1851]-1854. ff. 2, 357 Charles Greenshields Reid, Secretary, Trinity College, Glenalmond: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1844-1853. f. 4...
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. DCX (ff. 461). 1. " The Courses of Religious Thought " ; Contemporary Review, June 1876. Followed (f. 51) by corrected proof sheets. f. 1. 2. A review (Quarterly Review, July 1876) of G. 0. Trevelyan, The Life and Letters of Lo..., 1876
British Library |
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Vol. cxxxiv (ff. 215). 27 May 1834-March 1835.includes:ff. 1-4v John William Ponsonby, Viscount Duncannon; 4th Earl of Bessborough: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Correspondence of John William Ponsonby and Si...
British Library |
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Vol. VI (ff. 290). May 1834-May 1838.includes:ff. 1, 68, 229 Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald; Lord Cochrane: Correspondence with Lord Broughton: 1826-1837. f. 3 Sir John Archibald Murray, Scottish judge; Lord Murray 1839: Letter to Lord Broug...
British Library |
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Vol. XIV. (ff. 746). July, 1843-Dec. 1844.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 83, 144, 472 B-Edward Pote: Letters to M. Napier: 1842-1843. ff. 4, 6, 31, 146, 194, 235, 261, 324, 342, 356, 374, ...
British Library |
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CLEVELAND PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 142). Correspondence and papers; 1737-1870. Partly French.Harry George Powlett, 4th Duke of Cleveland; formerly Vane: Correspondence and papers of Harry George Powlett: 1737-1893, n.d.includes:f. 2 Frances Anne Vane, w..., 1737-1870
British Library |
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PANIZZI PAPERS. Letters to Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., Principal Librarian of the British Museum (d. 1879); 1845-1877, n.d. Followed (ff. 53-55) by two letters of Panizzi; [1860?], 1860-1869. Supplements Add. MSS. 36714-36727, 59778 and Eg. MS. 3677..., 1845-1877
British Library |
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Eccles Bequest. Vol. CLXXXII. Photographs of the following, with some caricatures; [1869]-1976, n.d.1. Laurence Irving; n.d.2. Proof of a caricature of John Keble by Nicholas Bentley; n.d.3. Matheson Lang as Hamlet; 1909.4. Lillie Langtry; [1929], n...., 1869-1982
British Library |
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SYDNEY SMIRKE: 286 letters from architects, artists and public figures, mostly to Sydney Smirke (b.1798, d.1877), architect of the British Museum Reading Room; 1793-1872. See also Add. 59847, 60756. Owned by F. R. Jemmett (see inside front cover). Pu..., 1793-1872
British Library |
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MCCRIMMON COLLECTION. Vol. IX (ff. 140). Letters of and concerning Sir Antonio Pannizzi; circa 1820-1896. English and French. Lists of most of the items by Mrs. McCrimmon are attached. Contents: 1. ff. 4-84. Letters from Panizzi; 1831-1869, n.d. 2. f..., 1815-1896
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 115). F. A. Guthrie -Lord Macaulay.includes:f. 1 Thomas Anstey Guthrie, alias 'F Anstey'; author: Letter to Lady Colvile from Thomas Anstey Guthrie: 1892. f. 2 Charles E. Hallé, Director of the New Gallery: Letter to Lady Colvile from ...
British Library |
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Vol. CCXLVIII (ff. 512).1840.includes:ff. 1-457 passim Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle, Baronet; 1st Baron Cottesloe 1874: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1828-1849.ff. 3, 6, 20, 30, 37, 74, 115 Granville Charles Henry Somerset, son of Henry, 6th D..., 1840
British Library |
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Vol. CCXVI (ff.355). Feb.-April 1853.includes:ff. 1-10, 60, 188, 261 Philip Adolphus Barnard, formerly Queen's Messenger: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1853-1854.ff.11,128 Captain Lord George Augustus Beauclerc, Major 1854: Correspondence w...
British Library |
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Papers of the Malkin family, including Sir Benjamin Malkin, Recorder of Straits Settlements 1832-35, Judge of Supreme Court, Calcutta 1835-37, 1755-1906
British Library |
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Vol. I, 1837-1870.British Museum: Applications, etc., for Reading Room tickets: 1824-1881.: Partly printed.includes:f. 1 British Museum: Reading Room ticket: 1824.: Printed.f. 2 Charles Frederick Barnwell, FRS; FSA: Letter to Sir H. Ellis: 1837.f..., 1837-1870
British Library |
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Vol. V. (ff. 470). 1831, 1832.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:f. 1 Thomas Flower Ellis: Letters to M. Napier: 1831-1838. ff. 3, 23, 57, 66, 83, 85, 104, 171, 210, 212, 230, 242, 245, 249, 256, 286,..., 1831-1832
British Library |
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Vol. VIII. (ff. 675). 1837-Mar. 1838.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 3, 27, 44, 54, 103, 270, 287, 338, 361, 363, ..., 1837-1838
British Library |
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. II. English literary autographs; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Edmund Waller, Andrew Marvell, John Evelyn, John Locke, John Dryden, Joseph Addison, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, William Congreve, Sir Richard Steele, ..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
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Miscellaneous documents associates with the East India Company, 1810-1858
University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Library Department of Special Collections |
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Vol. XL (ff. 231). 1841.includes:ff. 1, 9, 31, 73, 81, 116, 137, 169 Lieutenant-General Sir Nathaniel Thorn, KCB: Letters to Sir C. J. Napier: 1841.ff. 3, 30, 213 General Sir Edward Charles Whinyates, KCB: Letters to Sir C.J. Napier: 1841.ff. 4, ..., 1841
British Library |
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BLAKENEY COLLECTION. Vol. XIV. Miscellaneous letters; 1837-1975. Partly copies and printed. Partly French and German. (TSB 15). ff. ii+299. 350 x 254mm. The principal contents are: 1. ff. 2-15v. Letters from Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay,..., 1837-1975
British Library |
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PANIZZI PAPERS. Letters, collected as autographs, mostly addressed to Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., Principal Librarian of the British Museum; 1828-1878, n.d. English, French and Italian. Other general correspondence of Panizzi is Add. MSS. 36714-3672..., 1828-1878
British Library |
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NON-SCIENTIFIC correspondence of Sir Richard Owen, K.C.B., Superintendent of the Natural History Departments of the British Museum 1856-1883, with occasional draft replies in Owen's hand, circ. 1838-1889. Prefixed are a few earlier letters (from 1817..., approximately 1838-1889
British Library |
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Vol. cxliv (ff. 202). 6 Sept. 1854-1855.includes:ff. 1, 31, 41 James Andrew Broun-Ramsay, Marquess of Dalhousie; formerly Ramsay; Governor-General of India: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Correspondence of Jam...
British Library |
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BLAKENEY COLLECTION. Vol. VI. Miscellaneous letters and papers; 1693-1873. Partly copies and printed. Partly French. (TSB 7). ff. ii+257. 315 x 255mm. Including: 1. ff. 3-20. Correspondence of Zachary Macaulay, philanthropist, chiefly letters from Ha..., 1693-1873
British Library |
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Vol. VIII (ff. 293). May 1849-1867.includes:ff. 1, 3, 8, 64, 77, 94 Henry Grey, Viscount Howick; 3rd Earl Grey 1845: Letters to Lord Broughton: 1833-1851. ff. 1-103b passim India: Correspondence of Lord Broughton as President of the Board of Control:...
British Library |
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Vol. CCXC (ff. 213). May-July 1853.includes:ff. 1, 70 Henry Hayman, canon of Carlisle and headmaster of Rugby: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1851-1892.ff. 3, 105, 107 Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay: Correspondence with W. E. Gla...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Leigh Hunt; 1845-1859.James Henry Leigh Hunt, essayist and poet: Correspondence, etc.: 1806-1859.includes:f. 1 Peter George Patmore, author: Letters to Leigh Hunt: 1835-1845. ff. 3, 19, 2 1, 41, 53, 57, 77, 158 John Forster, biogra..., 1845-1859
British Library |
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Vol. CCCLXIII (ff. 366). 19 Apr.-2 May 1844.includes:f. 1 Sir William Allan, PRA,Scotland: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1842, 1844.f. 3 Royal Scottish Academy: Memorial for a grant: 1844.: Printed.f. 8 Bank of England: Correspondence of Sir...
British Library |
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ELLIS PAPERS. Vol. I. General correspondence of Sir Henry Ellis; 1795-1866. The letters are mainly concerned with Museum affairs, excepting one group (ff. 18-24) which refer to his unavailing efforts, in 1811-1812, to be elected Director of the Socie..., 1795-1866
British Library |
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Vol. XIII. (ff. 655). July, 1842-June, 1843.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:f. 1 Hon Theresa Villiers, wife of Hon. Ge...
British Library |
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Howe, E. W. (Edgar Watson), 1853-1937. Edgar Watson Howe papers, 1872-1960
Houghton Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Leigh Hunt; 1807-1844.James Henry Leigh Hunt, essayist and poet: Correspondence, etc.: 1806-1859.includes:f. 1 Thomas Mitchell, translator of Aristophanes: Correspondence with Leigh Hunt: 1807-1816, n.d. ff. 2, 4 Francis Wrangham, ..., 1807-1844
British Library |
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MILLAR BEQUEST. Vols. XC, XCI. Autograph collection, 1689-1937
British Library |
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Vol. IV. (ff. 490). 1829, 1830.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 5, 12, 14, 19, 22, 25, 50, 55-59, 67, 77, 94, 105, 119, 131, 138, 142, 154, 160, 225, 263, 337, 375 Sir James Mackintosh: Letter..., 1829-1830
British Library |
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Vol. VII (ff. 295). July 1838-Apr. 1849.India: Correspondence of Lord Broughton as President of the Board of Control: 1831-1861.includes:ff. 1, 8, 43, 68 Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby: Letters to Lord Broughton: 1834-1839. ff. 3...
British Library |
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Vol. IX. (ff. 584). Apr.-Dec. 1838.Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland: Letter to M. Napier: 1838.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper and vellum; ff. 225. British Library arrangement. A. Examination of Philip Wake before Sir Salathiel Lovell, Recorder of London, relating to the setting fire to the house of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., in Bloomsbur..., 1360-1977
British Library |
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Thomas Babington Macaulay papers.
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 204). H -O.includes:f. 1 Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax: Treasury warrant authorised by: 1698: Signed. f. 2 Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax: Letter to A. Panizzi: 1857. f. 3 Henry Hallam, historian: Letter to A. Panizzi: circ...
British Library |
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Vol. VI. (ff. 512). 1833, 1834.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:f. 1 General Sir Howard Douglas, 3rd Baronet Lord High Commissioner, Ionian Islands: Letters to M. Napier: 1832, 1833. ff. 3, 5, 18, 9..., 1833-1834
British Library |
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Vol. XV. (ff. 569). 1845.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 64, 84, 89, 93, 144, 314, 325, 364, 370, 419, 426, 428, 440, 450, 455, 506 Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey; critic; Lord Advocate: Lette..., 1845
British Library |
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THE original draft of part of the last chapter of the History of England by Lord Macaulay; with letter from him to Alice -; Holly Lodge, Kensington, 13 Mar. 1858. Paper. Folio. Presented by Lady Trevelyan.
British Library |
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Vol. X. (fr. 405). 1855-1858.includes:ff. 1, 7, 173, 288, 292, 377 Reverend Henry Octavius Coxe, Bodley's Librarian: Correspondence with Sir F. Madden: 1839-1866.ff. 4, 12, 15, 32, 41, 200 Albert Way, FSA: Correspondence with Sir F. Madden: 1840..., 1855-1858
British Library |
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Vol. XII. (ff. 647). July, 1841-June, 1842.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 10, 62, 68, 271, 279, 304, 429, 449,...
British Library |
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Correspondence of Leigh Hunt; 1807-1859. Paper; ff. 411.Charles Ollier, publisher: Letters to Leigh Hunt: 1815-1858, n.d.includes:f. 1 Charles Sneyd Edgeworth: Letter to Leigh Hunt: 1842. ff. 3-356 passim John Forster, biographer: Letters to Leigh H..., 1807-1859
British Library |
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Vol. VII. (ff. 648). 1835,1836.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 2, 23, 78, 94, 104, 308, 401, 409, 456, 507, 641..., 1835-1836
British Library |
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Vol. CCVI (ff. 360). 1849-1860.includes:f. 220 Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay: Letter to Lord John Russell: 1854.f. 229 John Russell, 1st Earl Russell; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1855.: Copies.f. 229 George Ha..., 1849-1860
British Library |
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THOMAS BABINGTON, 1ST BARON MACAULAY: watercolour sketch, head and shoulders, of Macaulay working in the Manuscript Room of the British Museum; 20 Dec. [bef. 1859]. With a pencilled note identifying the sitter, who is looking to the left and wearing ...
British Library |
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MCCRIMMON COLLECTION. Vol. VII (ff. viii+222). Album of letters from prominent people, addressed chiefly to Sir Antonio Panizzi, Principal Librarian of the British Museum 1856-1866, and to Sergeant John Humffreys Parry, his family and associates; 182..., 1827-1881
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 493). K-R.includes:f. 1 Conte Camillo Benso di Cavour, Sardinian statesman: Letter to N. W. Senior: 1842.: Fr.f. 1 John Kintzing Kane, American jurist: Letter to Sir R. I. Murchison: 1857.f. 3 Sir Robert John Kane, FRS 1849: Lette...
British Library |
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Vol. XVI. (ff. 661). 1846-Nov. 1847.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 125, 404 John Russell, 1st Earl Russell; Prime Minister: Letters to M. Napier: 1843-1846. ff. 3, 17, 40, 477, 507 Thomas B..., 1846-1847
British Library |
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KNIGHTLEY MANUSCIPTS. Vol. IV A (ff. 249). Letters and papers, mostly autograph, of peers, statesmen, men of letters, etc., arranged alphabetically; 1690 -1908. Included are three letters, in French, addressed to the Marquise du Châtelet (supplement..., 1690-1908
British Library |
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FORGED AUTOGRAPHS, mostly literary, by Alexander Howland ('Antique') Smith; circa 1886-1892. Alphabetically arranged by the names of the pretended authors. See also Add. MSS. 43787, 43798, 45102, 50207. Paper; ff. 45. Folio., approximately 1886-1892
British Library |
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ORIGINAL LETTERS of sovereigns and noblemen, actors, artists, and authors; arranged in each class, according to the nationalities of the writers, under the beads of England, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and th..., 16th century-19th century
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Lord John Russell (cr. Earl Russell 1861, d. 1878), First Lord of the Treasury, etc., with Thomas Moore, the poet, Lords Brougham, Grey, Melbourne, Aberdeen and Macaulas., Richard Cobden, and others, on current politics., changes of..., 1819-1860
British Library |
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LETTERS OF EMINENT PERSONS. Vol. I (ff. 140). Sixty-five letters, etc., mostly to members of the related Case and Stansfeld families; 1815-1942. See J. Stansfeld, History of the Family of Stansfeld of Stansfield in the Parish of Halifax, Leeds, 1885...., 1815-1942
British Library |