Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896

Variant names

Hide Profile

Lawyer, railroad entrepreneur, Secretary of the Treasury, and Republican politician.

From the description of Benjamin Helm Bristow [microform] : papers, selections from Library of Congress. (Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center). WorldCat record id: 62534698

From the description of Benjamin Helm Bristow : miscellaneous papers, 1832-1896. (Filson Historical Society, The). WorldCat record id: 46737472

Army officer, lawyer, and U.S. secretary of the treasury and solicitor general.

From the description of Benjamin Helm Bristow papers, 1839-1932 (bulk 1874-1896). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 81993480

American lawyer; Secretary of Treasury.

From the description of Autograph letter signed : Louisville, KY, to the President, 1874 Feb. 25. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270133475

Lawyer and statesman, U.S. attorney for the Kentucky district 1866-1870; later served as Secretary of the Treasury under President Grant.

From the description of Letter : to E.R. Hoor, 1869 July 26. (Cornell University Library). WorldCat record id: 173203793

Biographical Note

  • 1832: Born, Elkton, Ky.
  • 1851: Graduated, Jefferson College, Washington, Pa.
  • 1853: Admitted to Kentucky bar after studying law with his father, Francis Bristow, congressman from Kentucky.
  • 1861 - 1865 : Officer in Kentucky infantry and Kentucky calvary; wounded at the Battle of Shiloh (1863) and assisted in the capture of John Hunt Morgan during his raid through Indiana and Ohio (July 1863)
  • 1863 - 1865 : Kentucky state senator
  • 1865 - 1866 : Assistant United States attorney
  • 1866 - 1870 : United States district attorney for Louisville, Ky., district
  • 1870 - 1872 : First solicitor general of the United States
  • 1874 - 1876 : Secretary of the treasury Reorganized Treasury Department and successfully prosecuted the ?Whiskey Ring? accused of defrauding the federal government of tax revenue
  • 1876: Candidate for Republican Party nomination for president
  • 1878: Began law practice in New York
  • 1896, June 22: Died, New York, N.Y.

From the guide to the Benjamin Helm Bristow Papers, 1839-1932, (bulk 1874-1896), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Menefee family. Menefee family papers, 1826-1958. The Filson Historical Society
creatorOf Poland, Luke P. (Luke Potter), 1815-1887. Correspondence, 1868-1876. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn LeConte, John L. (John Lawrence), 1825-1883. Papers, 1812-1897 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Rg 23: Coast And Geodetic Survey.
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Trent Collection.
referencedIn Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. Additional correspondence, 1787-1886 Houghton Library
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Letter : Louisville, Ky., to Ebenezer R. Hoar, Washington, D.C., 1869 July 13. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Papers, 1843-1969 (bulk 1843-1908) Library of Congress
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Naval Observatory Records.
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Letter : to E.R. Hoor, 1869 July 26. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. Benjamin F. Butler Papers.
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896,. Virginia letters, 1847-1877. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Coast Guard. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
creatorOf United States Mint. Records of San Francisco branch of the United States Mint, 1856-1899. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Frederick M. Dearborn collection of military and political Americana, Part I: The Revolution and the Administration, 1669-1958. Houghton Library
creatorOf Ward, Lydia Avery Coonley, 1845-1924. Autographs collected and letters received, A-N by Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, 1705, 1785, 1848, 1861-1922 (bulk 1861-1922). University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Benjamin Helm Bristow [microform] : papers, selections from Library of Congress. Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center, Hayes Presidential Center
referencedIn Autograph album kept in Columbia, South Carolina [manuscript] 1875-1878. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Letter, 1874 Sept. 5 : Long Branch, N.J. to B.H. Bristow, Washington, D.C. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn University Of California At Berkeley, Bancroft Library. C. M. Scammon Papers.
referencedIn Ulysses S. Grant Papers, 1819-1969, (bulk 1843-1885) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Boone, Martha M., c. 1818-1911. Boone, Martha 1854 June 18 Letter. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Chester Alan Arthur Papers, 1843-1960, (bulk 1870-1888) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Edwards Pierrepont papers, 1813-1902 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Speed family. Speed family papers, 1813-1981. The Filson Historical Society
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Benjamin Helm Bristow : miscellaneous papers, 1832-1896. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Walter Quintin Gresham Papers, 1857-1932, (bulk 1883-1895) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-1892. Edwards Pierrepont papers, 1813-1902 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Library Of Congress, Manuscript Division. Benjamin Helm Bristow Papers.
referencedIn Gill, James M., Mrs. The Mrs. James M. and Miss Mary Gill collection of Bristow papers, 1854-1875. University of Kentucky Libraries
referencedIn Cox Family Papers 1780-1931 Papers. The Filson Historical Society
creatorOf Benjamin Helm Bristow Papers, 1839-1932, (bulk 1874-1896) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Rg 59: State Department.
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Administration Other Files.
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. [Contact repository for more information].
referencedIn Miles, George Lancaster, 1798-1874. George Lancaster Miles Papers, 1812-1889. The Filson Historical Society
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Autograph letter signed : Louisville, KY, to the President, 1874 Feb. 25. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn American Philosophical Society. John L. Leconte Papers.
referencedIn Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. Papers, 1777-1945, (bulk: 1870-1892) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Letter : Louisville, Ky., to M.F. Pleasant, Washington, D.C., 1870 Oct. 18. Texas Christian University
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Rg 192: Commissary General Of Subsistence.
National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Rg 192: Commissary General Of Subsistence.
referencedIn John Marshall Harlan Papers, 1810-1971, (bulk 1861-1911) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution Annual Report. 1881.0.
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. David Bailie Warden Papers.
referencedIn Morrill, Lot M. (Lot Myrick), 1812-1883. Lot M. Morrill papers, 1852-1894. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. Papers, 1777-1945, (bulk: 1870-1892) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Ward, Lydia Avery Coonley, 1845-1924. Autographs collected and letters received by Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, 1705, 1785, 1848, 1861-1922 (bulk 1861-1922). University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Walter Quintin Gresham Papers, 1857-1932, (bulk 1883-1895) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Hamilton Fish Papers, 1732-1914, (bulk 1840-1890) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Webb, Ross A. General Benjamin Helm Bristow. University of Kentucky Libraries
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Academy Of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia corporateBody
correspondedWith Ackiss, Alexander person
correspondedWith Adams, C. W. person
correspondedWith Adams, Frank E. person
correspondedWith Adams, Israel S. person
correspondedWith Adams, Reremiah G. person
associatedWith Agnew, R. S. person
associatedWith Alden, George J. person
correspondedWith Alexander, Joseph person
associatedWith Allen, F. A. person
correspondedWith Allen, Horatio person
correspondedWith Allen, Robert H. person
associatedWith Anderson, Andrew person
correspondedWith Anderson, J. E. person
correspondedWith Anderson, John person
associatedWith Anderson, Marmaduke person
correspondedWith Anderson, Olaf person
associatedWith Angell, Abner B. person
correspondedWith Angell, Louis C. person
correspondedWith Angel, Nelson P. person
correspondedWith Angill, Louis C. person
correspondedWith Angus, John D. person
correspondedWith Arthur, C. A. person
correspondedWith Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886. person
associatedWith Ashman, Reuben person
correspondedWith Atkins, Alexander person
correspondedWith Atkins, James person
associatedWith Atwood, S. J. (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Aydelett, Caleb person
correspondedWith Aydelett, Elijah person
correspondedWith Ayena, John person
correspondedWith Babcock, Henry A. person
associatedWith Babcock, Orville E., 1835-1884. person
associatedWith Bailey, Isaac person
associatedWith Bailey, Joseph person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Baker, William L. person
associatedWith Balch, G. B. person
correspondedWith Balch, Laura P. person
correspondedWith Ballance, John person
associatedWith Ballard, A. T. person
associatedWith Barber, Moses person
correspondedWith Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter person
associatedWith Barnum, Edward R. person
correspondedWith Barr, Hugh person
associatedWith Bartlett, George H. person
correspondedWith Bates, William person
correspondedWith Beardon, Jeremiah person
correspondedWith Bearse, Joshua P. person
correspondedWith Becker, Jeremiah person
correspondedWith Beeker, Jeremiah person
correspondedWith Belknap, William W. (William Worth), 1829-1890 person
associatedWith Bell, Calvin person
correspondedWith Bell, Jesse C. person
correspondedWith Belton, Edmund S. person
associatedWith Benjamin, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Bennett, Charles J. person
associatedWith Bennett, Lewis L. person
associatedWith Bennett, William G. person
correspondedWith Bergen, Thomas person
correspondedWith Best, Henry D. person
correspondedWith Bevens, Severn F. person
correspondedWith Bibber, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Bird, Peter C. person
associatedWith Black, E. C. person
associatedWith Black, Edwin person
correspondedWith Blackmore, A. A. (Mrs) person
correspondedWith Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 person
correspondedWith Blaine, James G., Mrs., 1828-1903 person
associatedWith Blair, James H. person
correspondedWith Blakemore, Thomas person
correspondedWith Blizzard, David R. person
associatedWith Blodgett, Enoch L. person
associatedWith Blodgett, William person
associatedWith Blount, John G. person
associatedWith Boehmer, Max person
correspondedWith Bold, Joseph Walker person
associatedWith Bond, E. person
correspondedWith Bon, Lewis W. person
associatedWith Bonnell, A. J. (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Bonnell, William P. person
correspondedWith Bonner, John person
associatedWith Boone, Martha M., c. 1818-1911. person
correspondedWith Boonfield, Daniel F. person
correspondedWith Booth, Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Born, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Bourisaw, Frank person
correspondedWith Bourisaw, Vetal person
correspondedWith Bowers, David person
correspondedWith Bowers, Edward C. person
correspondedWith Box, Francis person
correspondedWith Boynton, Henry V. (Henry Van), 1835-1905 person
correspondedWith Bragdon, Frank R. person
correspondedWith Braxton, P. H. A. person
correspondedWith Braxton, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Bridier, John M. person
correspondedWith Broe, James person
correspondedWith Brooks, Thomas person
associatedWith Brown, Allen person
correspondedWith Brown, Casey person
correspondedWith Brown, Charles Henry person
correspondedWith Brownfield, Daniel F. person
correspondedWith Brown, George W. person
associatedWith Brown, Jesse person
associatedWith Brown, Robert person
correspondedWith Brush, Abigail W. person
correspondedWith Brush, John L. person
correspondedWith Bucker, M. T. person
correspondedWith Buckless, Francis M. person
correspondedWith Budds, John person
correspondedWith Bull, J. C. person
associatedWith Bunker, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Burbank, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Burchenal, Eugene person
correspondedWith Burdick, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Burke, Thomas person
correspondedWith Burris, N. G. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, Edward person
associatedWith Burroughs, John L. person
correspondedWith Burton, Edward M. person
associatedWith Butler, Levi person
correspondedWith Button, Walter M. person
associatedWith Calvert, G. W. person
associatedWith Cameron, B. C. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Thomas person
associatedWith Campbell, William L. person
correspondedWith Canover, Philip J. person
associatedWith Carlbon, M. E. person
associatedWith Carlin, Charles R. person
correspondedWith Carlisle, B. H. person
associatedWith Carlysle, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Daniel C. person
correspondedWith Carr, James person
associatedWith Carron, D. J. W. person
associatedWith Carter, Charles (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Cassell, Florence person
correspondedWith Cassidy, Thomas person
associatedWith Centennial Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1876) corporateBody
associatedWith Chamber, Samuel person
correspondedWith Chandler, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith Chapman, Levi person
correspondedWith Chase, Charles F. person
associatedWith Chase, Willis E. person
correspondedWith Chevalia, William N. person
correspondedWith Childs, George William, 1829-1894 person
correspondedWith Christie, William M. person
associatedWith Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888 person
correspondedWith Clark, Francis H. person
correspondedWith Clark, George M. person
correspondedWith Clark, J. Charles person
associatedWith Clark, John C. C. person
correspondedWith Clegg, William L. person
correspondedWith Clubb, William C. person
correspondedWith Colby, Walter person
associatedWith Coleman, James person
correspondedWith Collins, Frederick (Lt.) person
correspondedWith Collins, T. person
correspondedWith Conant, Charles F. person
associatedWith Conant, Charles F., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. person
correspondedWith Conaway, Samuel person
correspondedWith Conklin, Henry C. person
associatedWith Cooke, Josiah Parsons person
associatedWith Cook, Thomas person
associatedWith Copeland, George M. person
correspondedWith Copeland, James person
correspondedWith Coppin, John M. person
associatedWith Corbin, D. T. person
correspondedWith Corgan, James person
correspondedWith Cosgrove, P. E. person
correspondedWith Coward, William person
correspondedWith Cox, Clement person
correspondedWith Coyle, Alexander person
correspondedWith Crabb, Robert person
associatedWith Crapster, M. H. person
correspondedWith Creekmore, Horatio person
associatedWith Crockett, Jane person
associatedWith Cronin, John person
associatedWith Crossman, Ada person
correspondedWith Crusor, Annie person
correspondedWith Cummings, Samuel B. person
correspondedWith Cunliff, James person
associatedWith Curtis, James M. person
correspondedWith Curtiss, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Custom House, New York corporateBody
associatedWith Custom House, Philadelphia corporateBody
correspondedWith Cuthbert, William person
correspondedWith Daniel, Samuel M. person
correspondedWith Daniels, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Danielsen, Peter person
correspondedWith Daniels, R. W. person
correspondedWith Daniels, Samuel M. person
correspondedWith Daniel, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Darling, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Darnell, Robert person
correspondedWith Davis, Alexander J. person
correspondedWith Davis, David, 1815-1886 person
associatedWith Davis, John C. person
correspondedWith Davis, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Davis, William H. person
correspondedWith Day, Henry person
correspondedWith Day, Thomas person
associatedWith Dearborn, Frederick M. (Frederick Myers), b. 1876 person
correspondedWith Dixon, Elijah G. person
associatedWith Dobson, Charles person
correspondedWith Donnelly, J. person
correspondedWith Donovan, John person
associatedWith Donwan, Cornelius person
associatedWith Doty, H. H. person
correspondedWith Douglass, Mary person
correspondedWith Douglass, R. G. person
correspondedWith Dowling, Francis T. person
correspondedWith Dowling, James person
correspondedWith Downing, Mary H. person
correspondedWith Dow, W. W. person
associatedWith Drew, William person
correspondedWith Drexel, Anthony J. (Anthony Joseph), 1826-1893 person
associatedWith Driscoll, Stephen person
correspondedWith Drullard, John person
associatedWith Duane, James Chatham (General) person
associatedWith Duelon, William person
correspondedWith Duneau, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Dunham, Francis P. F. person
correspondedWith Dunnell, William person
associatedWith Dunn, John person
correspondedWith Dunn, Thomas Peter person
correspondedWith Dutcher, John G. person
associatedWith Dutton, H. L. person
correspondedWith Dyer, Charles P. person
associatedWith Easton, E. D. person
correspondedWith Eddy, Augustus W. person
correspondedWith Edgerton, John H. person
correspondedWith Edmunds, George F. (George Franklin), 1828-1919 person
correspondedWith Edwards, Thomas person
associatedWith Elliott, Mr. person
correspondedWith Enos, Jane person
associatedWith Enos, John A. person
associatedWith Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901. person
correspondedWith Everingham, George W. person
correspondedWith Everton, Thomas T. person
correspondedWith Fallowfield, George W. person
associatedWith Farr, Noah T. person
associatedWith Federguist, John W. person
associatedWith Fennelly, William person
associatedWith Ferrell, John C. person
correspondedWith Ferrill, John C. person
correspondedWith Fields, A. E. person
correspondedWith Fields, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Fife, George person
correspondedWith Finck, Edward Jr. person
correspondedWith Finney, Peter B. person
correspondedWith Fisher, William person
correspondedWith Fisher, William C. person
correspondedWith Fisher, William D. person
correspondedWith Fish, Hamilton person
correspondedWith Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893 person
correspondedWith Fleming, Alexander person
associatedWith Fletcher, Thomas person
correspondedWith Forbes, Samuel person
associatedWith Forbes, W. B. person
associatedWith Ford, Samuel C. person
associatedWith Forhay, St. Ledger A. person
correspondedWith Forrest, Charles W. person
associatedWith Fouhay, St. Ledger A. person
correspondedWith Fountaine, Joseph C. person
correspondedWith Francis, John person
associatedWith Fraser, D. person
associatedWith Frazier, John Lewis person
correspondedWith Frazier, William P. person
associatedWith Freeman, Charles person
associatedWith Freeman, F. A. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Josephine person
correspondedWith Freeman, Martin person
correspondedWith Frew, J. M. person
correspondedWith Fulford, Thomas person
correspondedWith Gage, Henry person
correspondedWith Gallop, Benjamin G. person
correspondedWith Gallop, Peter G. person
correspondedWith Gaskill, Elijah A. person
correspondedWith Gaskill, Israel R. person
correspondedWith Geiger, Charles E. person
associatedWith Genth, Frederick Augustus person
correspondedWith Gerity, Patrick person
associatedWith Gibbs, Wolcott person
associatedWith Gifford, Hastings person
associatedWith Giles, Melvin P. person
correspondedWith Gilfillan, James person
correspondedWith Giulbault, Henry O. person
correspondedWith Glanz, John person
correspondedWith Glenn, William person
correspondedWith Goffigan, John person
correspondedWith Goodbread, Alexandr S. person
correspondedWith Goodloe, William Cassius, 1841-1889 person
associatedWith Gorham, Edward person
correspondedWith Gott, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Gough, Robert person
correspondedWith Grant, John Francis person
correspondedWith Grant, Mary P. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Grant, Richard person
associatedWith Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. person
correspondedWith Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968 person
correspondedWith Granville, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Graves, Willis P. person
correspondedWith Green, D. K. person
correspondedWith Gresham, Walter Quintin, 1832-1895. person
associatedWith Griffin, John person
associatedWith Griffin, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Grogan, David R. person
correspondedWith Gunn, Eugene person
correspondedWith Guptill, Nehemiah person
associatedWith Gurney, Anthony person
correspondedWith Gwyer, W. A., Jr. person
associatedWith Hagan, Anthony person
correspondedWith Hager, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Haight, Charles A. F. person
associatedWith Hallaran, John person
correspondedWith Hall, C. F. person
associatedWith Hall, G. C. person
correspondedWith Hall, J. F. person
correspondedWith Hall, Joseph S. person
associatedWith Hall, L. person
associatedWith Halloran, John person
correspondedWith Hall, Orrator R. person
correspondedWith Hamblin, Ebenezer R. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, F. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Park, 1808-1893 person
associatedWith Hammond, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Ham, William A. person
associatedWith Hanley, George W. person
correspondedWith Hanna, James T. person
correspondedWith Hansen, Arent J. person
associatedWith Hansman, Max person
correspondedWith Hanson, A. G. person
correspondedWith Hanson, Hans L. person
associatedWith Hanson, Peter person
correspondedWith Happold, Paul person
correspondedWith Harald, James person
correspondedWith Hare, William D. person
associatedWith Harford, William person
correspondedWith Harlan, John Marshall, 1833-1911 person
associatedWith Harm, William A. person
correspondedWith Harris, Joseph, Jr. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Walter G. person
correspondedWith Hassen, Michael person
associatedWith Haupt, Lewis M. person
correspondedWith Hawkins, Thomas person
correspondedWith Hawley, John B. person
correspondedWith Haynes, William person
correspondedWith Heath, Eben T. person
associatedWith Heath, E. R. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Heath, H. W. person
correspondedWith Heiderhoff, Frank person
correspondedWith Henderson, Thomas person
associatedWith Henderson, W. person
associatedWith Henderson, William person
associatedWith Hennessy, James H. person
correspondedWith Henry, James (Henry's Brother) person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Henry, T. A. person
correspondedWith Herbert, Julius person
correspondedWith Hernandez, Eugene person
correspondedWith Heslin, Henry person
associatedWith Heslin, W. H. person
associatedWith Hesse, Sextus person
associatedWith Hess, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Hewitt, Freeling H. person
associatedWith Hickman, Percival person
correspondedWith Hicks, Fannie E. person
correspondedWith Hicks, John S. person
associatedWith Higginbotham, Thomas person
correspondedWith Hight, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Hilgard, Julius Erasmus person
associatedWith Hill, Wallace E. person
correspondedWith Hill, Walter C. person
correspondedWith Hinson, Thomas person
correspondedWith Hite, Lewis R. person
associatedWith Hoar, E. R. (Ebenezer Rockwood), 1816-1895. person
correspondedWith Hobbose, W. J. E. person
correspondedWith Hobbs, Edwin J. person
associatedWith Hodge, George B. (George Baird), 1828-1892. person
correspondedWith Hodges, Caroline person
correspondedWith Holbrook, H. F. person
correspondedWith Holden, James person
correspondedWith Holden, Lorenzo person
correspondedWith Holden, Melissa person
correspondedWith Holyhunter, R. person
correspondedWith Hooper, Charles J. person
associatedWith Hoor, E. R. person
associatedWith Hope, Clifton person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Henry K. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Monroe person
correspondedWith Horner, William person
associatedWith Hosford, William H. person
correspondedWith Howard, Alfred F. person
correspondedWith Howard, C. H. person
correspondedWith Howard, John C. person
correspondedWith Howell, E. A. person
correspondedWith Howes, Jacob S. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Stephen person
correspondedWith Hubbell, Charles person
associatedWith Hubner, Otto (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Hudgens, James K. person
associatedWith Hudson, Alfred person
correspondedWith Hughes, Levi J. person
correspondedWith Huie, Sophie person
correspondedWith Humphreys, Maria A. (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Humphreys, Parry person
correspondedWith Hunton, James W. person
associatedWith Hunt, William H. (William Henry), 1823-1884. person
correspondedWith Hurst, Charles person
correspondedWith Ingalls, Robert person
correspondedWith Isreal, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Jackson, William person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Louis J. person
correspondedWith James, Horatio person
correspondedWith Jameson, Hugh person
correspondedWith James, William person
correspondedWith Jamison, Hugh person
associatedWith Japan corporateBody
associatedWith Jeffrey, John H. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, James W. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Levi A. person
associatedWith Jenny, Nathaniel person
correspondedWith Jerome, George H. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Andrew person
correspondedWith Johnson, John person
associatedWith Johnson, John T. person
correspondedWith Johnston, J. C. person
associatedWith Johnston, W. E. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Jolly, Oscar B. person
correspondedWith Jones, Adams C. person
correspondedWith Jones, Asa L. person
correspondedWith Jones, David P. person
correspondedWith Jones, Lizzie H. person
correspondedWith Jones, Thomas Rupert person
correspondedWith Keen, Harrison person
correspondedWith Kelley, George H. person
associatedWith Kellogg, William Pitt, 1830-1918. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, James M. person
correspondedWith King, Andrew person
correspondedWith King, William person
correspondedWith Kipp, Abbie person
correspondedWith Knight, Asa person
correspondedWith Knowles, W. H. C. person
correspondedWith Knutzen, Peter person
correspondedWith Korts, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Kruger, A. person
associatedWith Ku Klux Klan (19th cent.) corporateBody
correspondedWith La Grange, O. H. person
correspondedWith Lake, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Lamb, John person
associatedWith Lane, Albert person
correspondedWith Lane, Sarah Ann person
correspondedWith Lang, James (Rev.) person
correspondedWith Langlas, Francis M. person
associatedWith Langloris, Francis M. person
correspondedWith Lankford, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Latonel, Peter person
associatedWith Lawrence, Robert person
correspondedWith Lawson, Jeremiah person
associatedWith Leconte, John Lawrence person
associatedWith LeConte, John L., (John Lawrence), 1825-1883 person
correspondedWith Leedham, Edward person
correspondedWith Lee, Luther Jr. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Lewis, George person
correspondedWith Lewis, James B. person
correspondedWith Lewis, John B. person
correspondedWith Lewis, John M. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Marcus S. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Stephen S. person
correspondedWith Libby, Harry G. person
correspondedWith Lillingston, Benedict person
correspondedWith Linke, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Litogot, Caroline (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Lockhart, James A. person
correspondedWith Logan, James person
correspondedWith Loring, Elisha person
correspondedWith Louisignan, Charles person
associatedWith Louisville Industrial Exposition corporateBody
correspondedWith Lugar, William H. person
correspondedWith Lund, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Lynch, Daniel person
associatedWith Lynch, Thomas person
associatedWith Lyon, Henry Monroe person
associatedWith Lyons, Henry Monroe person
correspondedWith Macy, Seth W. person
associatedWith Mallison, M. N. person
correspondedWith Mangold, Adolph L. person
correspondedWith Manley, William H. person
associatedWith Manning, Alexander person
correspondedWith Manning, Charles G. person
correspondedWith Manning, John person
associatedWith Marble, A. P. person
correspondedWith Marble, Mary person
correspondedWith Marchant, Thomas E. person
associatedWith Marche, John person
correspondedWith Marden, William C. person
associatedWith Marston, Andrew G. person
correspondedWith Martin, Charles person
correspondedWith Martin, John person
associatedWith Mason, C. A. (Miss) person
associatedWith Mathews, Gideon person
correspondedWith Maulden, Jesse W. person
correspondedWith May, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Mayne, Eliza person
correspondedWith Mayne, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Mayo, W. E. person
correspondedWith Mcarthur, Lewis person
correspondedWith Mcarthur, Valentine B. person
correspondedWith Mcarthy, John person
correspondedWith Mcbride, John J. person
correspondedWith Mccallay, James person
correspondedWith Mccann, Fredrick person
associatedWith Mccann, Patrick person
correspondedWith Mccarty, John person
correspondedWith Mccarty, Joseph person
associatedWith McClellan, George B. (George Brinton), 1826-1885. person
correspondedWith Mccoppin, John person
correspondedWith Mccormick, John person
correspondedWith Mccullum, Van Buren person
associatedWith Mcdonald, John person
associatedWith Mcdonald, John H. person
correspondedWith Mcfarland, J. A. F. person
correspondedWith Mcginnigh, J. A. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Mcguire, Catherine person
associatedWith Mckean, James person
correspondedWith Mckee, John person
correspondedWith Mckinney, Paul person
associatedWith Mcneal, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Mcneil, Mary Ann person
correspondedWith Mcneil, Robert person
correspondedWith Mcneil, Stephen M. person
correspondedWith Mcphee. Archibald corporateBody
associatedWith Meeker, Wesley N. person
associatedWith Menefee family. family
correspondedWith Meriwether, W. A. person
associatedWith Meyer, F. L. person
correspondedWith Mickler, Daniel J. person
correspondedWith Midgett, Alexander A. person
associatedWith Miles, George Lancaster, 1798-1874. person
correspondedWith Miller, Arthur D. person
associatedWith Miller, Harriet M. person
correspondedWith Miller, Harry person
correspondedWith Miller, Israel P. person
associatedWith Miller, Jonathan A. person
associatedWith Miller, Thomas H. person
associatedWith Millse, Jacob person
correspondedWith Mills, William person
associatedWith Minnick, Edward person
correspondedWith Minot, Arthur D. person
associatedWith Mitchell, Margaret person
associatedWith Mitchell, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, William S. person
associatedWith Mobery, C. J. person
correspondedWith Morrill, Lot M. (Lot Myrick), 1812-1883. person
correspondedWith Morris, James A. person
correspondedWith Morrison, W. C. person
correspondedWith Morris, Philip person
correspondedWith Morris, Richard person
associatedWith Morton, Henry B. person
associatedWith Mosimann, James person
correspondedWith Mossimann, James person
correspondedWith Mulenon, John person
correspondedWith Mullen, R. W. person
associatedWith Mull, Henry person
correspondedWith Munro, John, Jr. (Dr.) person
associatedWith Murdock, John person
correspondedWith Murphy, Cornelius person
correspondedWith Murphy, Daniel V. person
correspondedWith Muse, James A. person
correspondedWith Nauch, Kurt person
correspondedWith Needham, Alexander B. person
correspondedWith Nelson, Frederick person
correspondedWith Nelson, Peter person
correspondedWith Nelson, W. M. person
associatedWith Newcomb, David person
correspondedWith Nickerson, John W. person
correspondedWith Nickerson, Oliver A. person
correspondedWith Nolen, William D. person
correspondedWith Noonan, John C. person
associatedWith Norman, P. B. person
correspondedWith Northrop, Cyrus person
correspondedWith Ogden, Charles E. H. person
associatedWith Ogle, David G. person
associatedWith Opperos, Julius person
associatedWith Osborne, Frederick person
correspondedWith Page, Albert J. person
correspondedWith Parker, J. B. person
correspondedWith Parker, John A. Jr. person
correspondedWith Parkinson, M. J. person
correspondedWith Parkman, Charles person
correspondedWith Pasque, John person
associatedWith Patterson, Carlile Pollock person
correspondedWith Patterson, Charles person
correspondedWith Patterson, John A. person
correspondedWith Patterson, Joseph E. person
correspondedWith Paushaw, James R. person
correspondedWith Paynter, Richard person
associatedWith Peak, John person
associatedWith Pearsons, John D. person
associatedWith Peartrea, Isaac person
correspondedWith Peckham, Isaac L. person
associatedWith Peeper, Francis person
correspondedWith Peirce, Charles Sanders (See Dab) person
correspondedWith Pelton, E. R. person
associatedWith Pendergast, Ellen person
associatedWith Pendergast, R. H. person
correspondedWith Pender, Mary C. person
correspondedWith Penny, E. S. person
correspondedWith Perry, Charles person
associatedWith Perry, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Peterson, Charles person
correspondedWith Peterson, Frank person
correspondedWith Peterson, James person
correspondedWith Phelps, W. F. (Prof.) person
associatedWith Phelps, W. T. person
correspondedWith Pico, Zenobia A. person
associatedWith Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-1892. person
associatedWith Pierson, Charles R. person
correspondedWith Piersons, Charles C. person
associatedWith Piffard, H. G. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Playar, Charles J. person
associatedWith Pleasant, M. F., fl. 1870. person
associatedWith Poland, Luke P. (Luke Potter), 1815-1887. person
associatedWith Pooler, James H. person
associatedWith Pooler, R. H. person
associatedWith Poor, Mary F. person
correspondedWith Porter, Horace, 1837-1921 person
associatedWith Post, Sarah E. person
correspondedWith Potter, Hiram Jr. person
associatedWith Powell, John Wesley person
correspondedWith Power, James person
correspondedWith Powers, Martin person
correspondedWith Pratt, Edwin D. person
associatedWith Price, J. P. person
correspondedWith Price, W. C. person
associatedWith Prindle, Joseph H. person
associatedWith Pugh, John person
associatedWith Pugh, William J. person
correspondedWith Purrington, Alfred T. person
correspondedWith Quarterman, George M. person
correspondedWith Rankin, William person
correspondedWith Ray, Frank person
associatedWith Raymond, Prof. person
correspondedWith Reed, George H. person
associatedWith Reed, H. W. person
correspondedWith Reeves, Joshua H. person
correspondedWith Rehoe, P. person
correspondedWith Renstjerna, L. M. person
associatedWith Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) corporateBody
associatedWith Retting, Julius person
associatedWith Richardson, Frederick W. person
associatedWith Richardson, Henry person
associatedWith Richardson, Henry N. person
associatedWith Riddick, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith Rider, Amanda person
associatedWith Rider, James person
correspondedWith Ridgeway, Joseph person
correspondedWith Ridgway, Margaret person
correspondedWith Riley, John person
associatedWith Rinch, Susan E. person
associatedWith Rinch, William H. person
associatedWith Ritter, George person
correspondedWith Robbins, Oliver person
correspondedWith Robertson, John person
associatedWith Robinson, John person
correspondedWith Robinson, William person
correspondedWith Rockwell, Dudley H. person
correspondedWith Rodgers, Moses person
correspondedWith Rogers, Zena, Jr. person
associatedWith Roosevelt & Son corporateBody
correspondedWith Root, Emmet A. person
correspondedWith Roper, James C. person
associatedWith Rose, Alexander R. person
correspondedWith Ruan, Henrietta person
associatedWith Ruland, Hubert person
correspondedWith Runmill, Pling F. person
correspondedWith Runnill, Matilda person
correspondedWith Russell, Richard person
associatedWith Russell, W. W. person
correspondedWith Sadler, J. S. person
correspondedWith Samall, Joseph person
correspondedWith Sampson, Alexander person
associatedWith Sandell, Herman person
correspondedWith Sanderson, William A. person
correspondedWith Sandy, E. M. person
correspondedWith Saulsbury, Thomas person
associatedWith Saunders, Simon person
associatedWith Sawyer, William P. person
correspondedWith Scammon, Captain person
correspondedWith Sceva, George person
correspondedWith Schorter, George person
correspondedWith Schroder, George person
correspondedWith Schroeder, George person
associatedWith Schumacher, A. & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Scott, W. B. person
correspondedWith Scott, W. W. person
associatedWith Seal, Marshall person
correspondedWith Seaman, Edwin person
correspondedWith Seaman, Robert person
correspondedWith Seammon, Charles K. person
correspondedWith Shannon, Thomas B. person
associatedWith Sharper, William M. person
correspondedWith Sheer, John person
correspondedWith Sheldon, Joseph A. person
correspondedWith Shellinger, George R. person
correspondedWith Shepard, Joseph person
associatedWith Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888. person
correspondedWith Sherwood, Henry person
associatedWith Sherwood, Henry (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Sherwood, Henry N. person
correspondedWith Shinault, Dixon person
correspondedWith Short, Martin D. person
correspondedWith Shutliff, Orville person
correspondedWith Silve, Joseph person
correspondedWith Simmons, Lewis N. person
correspondedWith Simmons, William A. person
correspondedWith Sinclair, John A. person
associatedWith Skillan, James D. person
correspondedWith Skinner, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Smallidge, Stephen person
correspondedWith Small, Joseph person
correspondedWith Smith, Alexander person
associatedWith Smith, B. B. person
correspondedWith Smith, Harry person
correspondedWith Smith, Joshua person
associatedWith Smith, Levi person
associatedWith Smith, Mary person
correspondedWith Smith, Matthew person
correspondedWith Smith, Newton person
correspondedWith Smith, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Smith, W. H. person
correspondedWith Smoote, M. E. (Miss) person
correspondedWith Snow, Seth person
correspondedWith Somers, James person
correspondedWith Soop, Charles person
associatedWith Speed family. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Frederick G. person
associatedWith Spencer, Henry F. person
associatedWith Spotts, Temple T. person
correspondedWith Stamborough, Thomas A. person
correspondedWith Staples, Artiman person
associatedWith Steadman, William Curry person
correspondedWith Steel, John G. person
correspondedWith Steel, John S. person
correspondedWith Stevens, George C. person
correspondedWith Stevens, John L. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Lewis D. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Mary Ann person
associatedWith Stevenson, J. W. (John White), 1812-1886. person
correspondedWith Stevens, William person
correspondedWith Stewart, John person
associatedWith St. John, A. M. person
associatedWith Stockton, David R. person
correspondedWith Stokes, Asbury A. person
associatedWith Stone, Joseph person
correspondedWith Storr, Ruth E. person
correspondedWith Stoughton, E. W. (Edwin Wallace), 1818-1882 person
correspondedWith Stratton, Thomas person
correspondedWith Strausburg, Alexander T. person
correspondedWith Strong, L. H. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, C. H. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, George E. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, William H. person
associatedWith Swain, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Swan, Henry person
correspondedWith Swayne, Jacob person
correspondedWith Swayne, Noah Haynes, 1804-1884 person
associatedWith Swayne, Wager, 1834-1902. person
correspondedWith Swyney, Edward person
correspondedWith Symons, Frederick W. person
associatedWith Talbott, John F. person
correspondedWith Tate, Thomas person
correspondedWith Tawes, Noah person
associatedWith Taws, Noah person
associatedWith Taylor, George M. person
associatedWith Taylor, Thomas Ward person
correspondedWith Telford, Thomas person
associatedWith Test, Francis W. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Anthony I. person
associatedWith Thompson, Charles A. person
associatedWith Thompson, George D. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Sidney B. person
correspondedWith Thorndike, L. V. person
correspondedWith Thorne, Nathaniel person
associatedWith Thornton, Edward, Sir person
associatedWith Thurston, Robert Henry, Prof. person
associatedWith Tobin, William D. person
associatedWith Tooker, George S. person
correspondedWith Topping, Stephen person
associatedWith Torrence, Samuel person
associatedWith Torrey, Herbert person
associatedWith Trader, Samuel person
correspondedWith Trawin, Edward W. person
correspondedWith Trawin, Ida M. person
correspondedWith Trawin, Joseph person
correspondedWith Tremaine, L. (Hon.) person
associatedWith Trobriand, Régis de, 1816-1897. person
correspondedWith Trofford, Alfred H. person
correspondedWith Trowbridge, W. W. person
correspondedWith Tucker, James person
associatedWith Tudor, N. F. M. person
correspondedWith Tupper, Samuel person
associatedWith Turner, Alfred F. person
correspondedWith Turner, James M. person
correspondedWith Turner, Lewis E. person
associatedWith Turner, Thomas person
associatedWith Tuttle, J. B. person
associatedWith United States. Department of the Treasury. Office of the Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Treasury. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Office of the Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith United States Mint. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Solicitor General. corporateBody
associatedWith Van Allen, H. C. person
correspondedWith Vanderbilt, George W. person
correspondedWith Van Wagener, W. person
associatedWith Vattemare, Alexander person
correspondedWith Vaughn, Hiram A. person
correspondedWith Wade, Jared person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, William person
correspondedWith Wakefield, James person
associatedWith Waldron, James V. person
correspondedWith Walker, A. G. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Thomas M. person
correspondedWith Walling, Schenck person
correspondedWith Ward, John W. person
associatedWith Ward, J. W. person
associatedWith Ward, Kirk C. person
associatedWith Ward, Lydia Avery Coonley, 1845-1924. person
correspondedWith Ware, Mary D. person
associatedWith Warner, E. T. person
correspondedWith Warner, Willis S. person
correspondedWith Warren, Julius person
correspondedWith Warren, Sarah person
correspondedWith Wasgatt, Ambrose person
correspondedWith Wasgatt, William A. person
correspondedWith Washburn, Isaac, Jr. person
correspondedWith Washburn, Joel person
correspondedWith Wass, S. L. person
correspondedWith Webster, H. A. person
correspondedWith Webster, Henry A. person
correspondedWith Weeker, Frank N. person
correspondedWith Welch, John person
correspondedWith Weldin, Keyworth person
correspondedWith Wells, Henry person
associatedWith Whalton, G. C. person
associatedWith Whitaker, James person
associatedWith White League. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whitrop, James M. person
associatedWith Williams, Arad person
correspondedWith Williams, Frederick person
correspondedWith Williams, George W. person
correspondedWith Williams, James A. person
correspondedWith Williams, James G. person
correspondedWith Williams, John person
associatedWith Williams, John C. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Gordon S. person
associatedWith Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Mamie A. person
associatedWith Wilson, W. C. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Willis C. person
correspondedWith Wilson, W. M. person
correspondedWith Winship, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Winslow, Edward Francis, 1837-1914. person
associatedWith Wise, William H. person
correspondedWith Wolf, Albert H. person
correspondedWith Wolf, Kate W. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Wood, George P. person
correspondedWith Woods, William person
associatedWith Woodward, J. L. person
associatedWith Woodward, Joseph Janvier person
associatedWith Woodward, Mattie, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Wool Association, Boston corporateBody
associatedWith Woolsey, M. H. person
correspondedWith Wooster, Albert B. person
correspondedWith Worthington, H. G. person
associatedWith Wright, A. M. (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Wright, James B. person
correspondedWith Wright, John D. person
correspondedWith Wright, Thomas person
correspondedWith Wyer, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Wyman, James person
correspondedWith Yandt, William person
correspondedWith Yates, William C. person
correspondedWith Yeatman, S. M. person
correspondedWith Young, Ira A. person
correspondedWith Young, Jacob person
correspondedWith Young, James person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (State)--New York
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
African Americans
African Americans
Applications for positions
Army Engineers
Court administration
Criminal law
Steam engines
Ethnology Archaeology Anthropology
Exchanges Of Publications
Internal revenue law
Internal revenue law
Light House Board
National Academy of Sciences
National Museum
Natural history
Practice of law
Practice of law
Recommendations For Positions
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)
Science In Europe
Scientific organizations
Scientific publications
Smithsonian Endowment
Smithsonian Exchange
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Publications
Surveys And Explorations, General
Treasury Department
Whiskey frauds
Whiskey frauds
Army officers
Cabinet officers
Public officials


Birth 1832-06-20

Death 1896-06-22



Ark ID: w602911s

SNAC ID: 16433466