Bush, George, 1924-2018

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George Herbert Walker Bush (1924-2018) was Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989 and the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1992. He was born on June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, to Dorothy Walker Bush and Prescott Bush (who was a Republican Senator from Connecticut from 1952 to 1962). He graduated from Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942. That same day, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a Seaman 2nd Class. Receiving his wings and commission in June 1943 while still 18 years old, he was the youngest pilot in the Navy at that time. On active duty from August 1942 to September 1945 during World War II, he flew torpedo bombers off the USS San Jacinto. On September 2, 1944, Mr. Bush''s plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire while making a bombing run over the Bonin Island of Chichi Jima, 600 miles south of Japan. Although the plane was afire and severely damaged, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation before flying towards sea to bail out. He was able to bail out successfully and was rescued by a Navy submarine, the USS Finback. Tragically, his two crew members were killed. For his courageous service in the Pacific Theater, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. On January 6, 1945, George Bush married Barbara Pierce of Rye, New York. They are the parents of five children: George, John (Jeb), Neil, Marvin, and Dorothy Bush Koch. Their second child, Robin, died of leukemia in 1953. The Bushes have 14 grandchildren. Following World War II, he entered Yale University, where he pursued a degree in economics and served as captain of the varsity baseball team. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1948. After his graduation, George and Barbara Bush moved to Texas, where he worked as an oil field supply salesman for Dresser Industries. Over the next three years, Bush worked with several Dresser Industries'' subsidiaries, including IDECO (International Derrick and Equipment Company), Security Engineering Company, and Pacific Pumps. During this period, Bush and his family moved several times, living successively in Odessa, Texas; Ventura, Bakersfield, and Compton, California; and Midland, Texas. In 1951, Bush left Dresser Industries. In 1951, he and John Overbey co-founded a small royalty firm, the Bush-Overbey Oil Development Company, based in Midland, Texas. Two years later he co-founded the Zapata Petroleum Corporation with Overbey, Hugh Liedtke and Bill Liedtke. In 1954, at the age of thirty, he became co-founder and president of a third firm, Zapata Off-Shore. Zapata Off-Shore pioneered in experimental offshore drilling equipment. After Zapata Petroleum and Zapata Off-Shore split in 1959, Bush relocated his family and Zapata Off-Shore headquarters to Houston, Texas. During his years in Midland, Texas, Bush became heavily involved with civic and charitable activities. He served on the committees for the Midland Exchange Club, Midland Community Theater, and Midland County Unit of the American Cancer Society to name a few. He also served as a ruling elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Midland and managed Midland''s American Legion baseball team. While in Midland, Bush also became involved with politics, working with the fledgling Republican Party in Texas. After moving to Houston, he continued to involve himself with community and civic activities, serving on committees of the Houston Chamber of Commerce and the Mental Health Association of Houston and Harris County. In 1963, Bush was elected chairman of the Harris County Republican Party. Following an unsuccessful bid for a Senate seat in 1964, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1966 from Texas'' 7th District. One of the few freshman members of Congress ever elected to serve on the Ways and Means Committee, he was reelected to the House two years later without opposition. He lost a second campaign for the Senate in 1970. During the 1970s, George Bush held a number of important leadership positions. In 1971, he was named U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. He served there until 1973, when he became Chairman of the Republican National Committee. In October 1974, he traveled to Peking, where he served as Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office during the critical period when the United States was renewing ties with the People''s Republic of China. While the United States did not have an official embassy in Peking at the time, Bush served as the primary U.S. diplomat to China. As such he held the rank of Ambassador and carried out all official ambassadorial duties, including meeting with Chinese officials, hosting and attending diplomatic receptions, assisting U.S. official visits to China, and providing assistance to U.S. citizens visiting China. In 1976, he was appointed Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by President Gerald Ford. The U.S. Senate confirmed Bush in January 1976 by a vote of 64 to 27. Bush pledged in his confirmation to abstain from political activities, including possible consideration as Ford''s vice presidential running mate in 1976, while serving at the CIA. He honored this pledge and did not attend the 1976 Republican National Convention or participate in Ford''s 1976 campaign. Bush is given credit for strengthening the intelligence community and helping to restore morale at the CIA while Director of the agency. He resigned as director at the end of the Ford administration, leaving his post on January 20, 1977. In 1980, Ronald Reagan selected George Bush to be his running mate. On January 20, 1981, George Bush was sworn in for the first of two terms as Vice President. In that office, he coordinated Administration efforts to combat international terrorism and wage the international war on drugs. Vice President Bush also piloted a task force on regulatory relief, aimed at reducing government and increasing American competitiveness. In 1988, George Bush became his Party''s nominee and the American people''s choice to be the 41st President of the United States. President Bush''s leadership proved critical to the resolution of some of the most daunting conflicts of our time. After 40 years of superpower stalemate, historic events became almost commonplace: The fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany; the end of the Cold War and the flowering of democracy in Eastern Europe; the emergence of a new partnership with Russia, anchored by the historic arms reduction treaties, START I and START II -- the first-ever agreements to dismantle and destroy strategic weapons since the advent of the nuclear age. On the international economic front, President Bush sought to seize new opportunities through a policy of free trade, pushing to lower trade restrictions and tariff barriers in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) talks. President Bush''s free trade efforts culminated in the Enterprise for the Americas initiative and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). With the passing of the Cold War came new challenges. Seeking to demonstrate the post-Cold War possibilities for collective security, President Bush marshaled a 30 nation coalition to oppose Iraq''s invasion of Kuwait with Desert Storm. On the domestic scene, the Bush Administration pushed new ideas for educational reform, home ownership, and environmental protection. The Americans with Disabilities Act paved new ground for aiding the disadvantaged, and the revision of the Clean Air Act was deemed to be the most significant environmental legislation ever passed.
Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Brennan, John V. [Guide to the John V. Brennan papers 1958-2008]. Providence College, Phillips Memorial Library, Phillips Memorial Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Administration (Library and Information Services) (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1/21/1989 - 1/20/1993. White House Vertical File Daily Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Brack, Dennis, 1939-. Brack, Dennis, photographic archive, 1967 - 1991. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1931 - 2003. Photographic Prints from the HUD Secretaries Files National Archives at College Park
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Files George Bush Library
creatorOf Malone, Dumas, 1892-1986. Papers of Dumas Malone [manuscript], 1913-1986. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Rankin, Barbara. Barbara Rankin papers, 1983-1994.
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 903 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Kelen, Emery, 1896-1978. Derso and Kelen collection, 1922-1975 (bulk 1922-1970). Princeton University Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush and Vice President Quayle pose together for their official portrait George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington. 1942 - 2005. Photographs Relating to Presidential Inaugurations National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Gorrell, Bob. Original drawings for editorial cartoons ca. 1978-2001. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.). Collection, 1989. Washington University in St. Louis, .
referencedIn City Club of Cleveland Forum sound recordings, 1960-1989, 1948-2011 Cleveland State University
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 892 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 26, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Internal Transcript Files George Bush Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Papers of the Cummings family, 1890-1989. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush and President Gorbachev sign the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) in the Kremlin in Moscow, Soviet Union George Bush Library
referencedIn University of Virginia. University of Virginia News Office. President's Education Summit with Governors [manuscript], 1989 September 27-28. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Norman H. and Charlotte Strouse collection of letters of the presidents, 1780-1990 Free Library of Philadelphia: Rare Book Department
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush goes fishing with his son Marvin Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington. 1942 - 2005. Moving Images Relating to Presidential Inaugurations National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Mayne, Wiley, 1917-2007. Papers, 1966-1974. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn National Land for People collection, Bulk, 1972-1983, 1850-1991 Special Collections Research Center, California State University, Fresno
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Cabinet Room tape number 119 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush, captain of the Yale baseball team, receives Babe Ruth's manuscript of his autobiography which he was donating to Yale George Bush Library
referencedIn Harvey, Loretto. Loretto Harvey papers, 1990-1992. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Simpson, Alan K. Alan K. Simpson new accretions, 1921-2008. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. 1798 - 2007. Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships and Stations. 1941 - 1978. Deck Log of USS FINBACK (SS-230), September 2, 1944. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Gottschalk, Alfred. Papers, 1957-1996. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush talks on the telephone regarding the situation in Panama in the Oval Office Study as General Scowcroft and Governor Sununu stand nearby George Bush Library
referencedIn Hoertel, Bruce, 1923-2004,. Hoertel, Bruce, photographic archive, ca. 1940s - 1980s, 1977-1988. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 1, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George and Barbara Bush on their wedding day in Rye, New York George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Press Briefings and Press Release Files George Bush Library
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. World War II Correspondence George Bush Library
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. 1921 - 2008. Motion Picture Films Relating to Military Activities. 1962 - 2006. Korean Memorial Donation Ceremony National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Chronological Files National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Lovell, Malcolm Read, Jr., 1921-. Papers, [ca. 1960-1990]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Records of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 1954 - 1965. Named Exhibits. 11/30/1963 - 9/24/1964. Lyndall Shaneyfelt Exhibits. 11/30/1963 - 9/24/1964. World War II Casualty List by Aircraft Type, TBM1C, September 2, 1944. National Archives at College Park
creatorOf McCandliss, Robert S., 1920-. [Letter from Robert McCandliss to Congressman George Bush, St., explaining the disposition of a donation in behalf of an ARVN widow]. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush as United States Liaison to China; 1974-1975 George Bush Library
referencedIn Seals, Woodrow, 1917-1990. Judge Woodrow Seals Papers, 1941-1990 [Part 1] Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Libary
referencedIn Records of Organizations in the Executive Office of the President. 1963 - 2001. Moving Images Relating to Drug Control Policy During the Administration of President George H. W. Bush. 1989 - 2000. Press Conference Announcing the Nomination of William Bennett as Chair of the Republican National Committee and Governor Robert Martinez as Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy National Archives at College Park
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 19, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn 1992 Presidential Campaign Collection. Colgate University, Everett Needham Case Library
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 16, 1990 George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 874 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. Presidential Election Study. Presidential Election of 1988 Study Collection, 1984-1992. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 24, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush in the cockpit of his TBM Avenger during World War II George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush participates in a full National Security Council meeting regarding Iraq's invasion of Kuwait with William Webster, Robert Kimmitt, Secretary Cheney, Richard Darman, Governor Sununu, Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, Secretary Brady, Vice President Quayle, General Colin Powell and Secretary James Watkins George Bush Library
referencedIn Richard W. Murphy Papers, 1958-1996, (bulk 1983-1996) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 581 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 28, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush, accompanied by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, addresses the Aspen Institute Symposium in Aspen Colorado George Bush Library
referencedIn Heikes, Darryl. Heikes, Darryl, photographs, 1960-2001. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. 1921 - 2008. Motion Picture Films Relating to Military Activities. 1962 - 2006. KCOP News National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Schedule of the President Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Biography -- Green, Shirley Moore. Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Domestic and International Activities . 1982 - 1999. VICE PRESIDENT BUSH'S SPEECHES National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH ANNOUNCES CREDITS TO THE SOVIET UNION
referencedIn Powell, C. Kenneth. C. Kenneth Powell papers, 1964-1982. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Robert M. Teeter Papers. 1967 - 2004. Individual States Files Gerald R. Ford Library
referencedIn Walker, Diana, photographic archive, 1975-2000. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior. Photographs Relating to the Secretary's Trips, Speeches, and Other Functions, and Agency Officials, Events, and Managed Sites. 2002-2013. National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH ON GATT
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush walks with Prime Minister Mulroney of Canada on the White House Grounds George Bush Library
creatorOf 1907-1983. Papers. Series I. Correspondence Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Correspondence to Eugene Ormandy, 1974. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Powell, Lewis F. Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Papers [part 7]. 1921-1998. The Library at Washington and Lee University School of Law, Law Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Marlin Fitzwater's Alphabetical Subject Files related to the Bush Family George Bush Library
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 3, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn National Baseball Hall of Fame Scrapbook : scrapbook, 1985 - 1986. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
creatorOf National Press Club (U.S.). Luncheon speakers collection [sound recording]. Library of Congress
referencedIn Charles B. Gunn Collection., undated, 1834-2002. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994. Papers of Hugh Scott [manuscript], 1925-1979. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Daniel P. Moynihan Papers, 1765-2003, (bulk 1955-2000) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf American Association of University Professors. California State University, Fresno Chapter. Records of the American Association of University Professors, Fresno Chapter, 1957-1981. California State University, Fresno, Henry Madden Library
referencedIn McNamee, Wally, 1932-2017. Wally McNamee Photographic Archive, ca. 1950-2017 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Dennis DeConcini Papers University of Arizona Libraries
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Customs Service. 1745 - 1997. Portraits of Agency Officials National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Seals, Woodrow, 1917-1990. Judge Woodrow Seals Papers, 1941-1990 [Part 2] Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Libary
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 632 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Photograph of President George and Barbara Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine George Bush Library
referencedIn Pentagon photograph collection. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
referencedIn Morton, Rogers C. B. (Rogers Clark Ballard), 1914-1979. Rogers Morton Papers, 1939-1976, 1960-1976 (bulk dates). University of Kentucky Libraries
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush greet the troops of the First Division Marine Command Post during their visit to Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving Day George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1956 - 2008. Photographs of Agency Officials National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.). Collection, 1992. Washington University in St. Louis, .
referencedIn Elliot L. Richardson papers, 1780-1999 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush being rescued by the submarine, the U.S.S. Finback, after being shot down while on a bombing run of the Island of Chi Chi Jima George Bush Library
referencedIn Cooper, Lorraine Rowan, 1906-1985. Papers, 1936-1983 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush participates in a full cabinet meeting in the cabinet room George Bush Library
creatorOf USS LST 1097 Association. USS LST 1097 Association, 1944-2000 (bulk 1992-2000). The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Houston Post, Washington D.C. Bureau, Collection, 1963-1995 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Doug MacGregor Papers, 1952-2005, 1976-2004 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994. Papers of Hugh Scott [manuscript], 1922-1987 (bulk 1985-1987). University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 19, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Caspar W. Weinberger Papers, 1910-2005, (bulk 1951-2005) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Sadlowski, Edward. Chicago Slices raw [videorecording] : Ed Sadlowski roast #1, 1993 June 27. Media Burn Independent Video Archive
referencedIn Haeberle, Alan Henry, 1950-,. Reagan inauguration miscellany, 1981-1995. Cornell University Library
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. United Nations Files George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 4, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush walks with his dogs, Millie and Ranger, at Camp David George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush Signs into Law the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 on the South Lawn of the White House George Bush Library
referencedIn Collection Number: 1849., 1905-2002, bulk 1977-1999 The Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas Tech University
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. AGRICULTURE USA. No. 1761 ; CONSUMER TIME. No. 1242 ; AGRITAPE NEWS AND FEATURES. No. 1751 ; NEWS FEATURE FIVE. No. 1410
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Press Office Foreign and Domestic Trip and Schedule Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush talks to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the Oval Office Study about the commencement of Operation Desert Storm. Vice President Quayle is present during the call George Bush Library
creatorOf Rackoff, S. R. S.R. Rackoff photographs 1920-1990 photographs. Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Heinz History Center Detre Library and Archives
creatorOf Saltonstall, Leverett, 1892-1979. Autograph collection, 1930-1996 (bulk: 1930-1979) Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 6, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Reagan inauguration miscellany, 1981-1995. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Customs Service. 1745 - 1997. Slide Presentations of Agency Activities National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 878 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Edwards, Mickey, 1937-. Congressional papers, 1977-1992. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
creatorOf Luce, Gordon C., 1925-. Gordon C. Luce papers, 1973-1989. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Gould, Lewis L. Collection of Modern American Political History 93-487; 94-033; 94-126; 94-128; 94-183; 96-084; 98-053; 98-171; 99-090., 1920-1996 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Commissioning U.S.S. Ohio (SSBN-726) National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush pose with their children, their spouses and grandchildren for a family portrait in Houston, Texas George Bush Library
referencedIn Launders, J. Harold. United States Presidential Inauguration collection. St. Lawrence University, Owen D. Young Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush as United Nations Representative, 1971-72 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush has lunch with Soviet President Gorbachev aboard the Maxim Gorky during the Malta Summit George Bush Library
referencedIn Talmadge, Herman E. (Herman Eugene), 1913-. Herman E. Talmadge Watergate files 1969-1974. Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush host a State Dinner for Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip of Great Britain at the White House George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 845 Richard Nixon Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Letter, 1995 March 28, to George Barr. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Guide to the Daily Worker and Daily World Photographs Collection, 1920-2001 Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
referencedIn Robert M. Teeter Papers. 1967 - 2004. NBC News / Wall Street Journal National Public Opinion Survey Data Gerald R. Ford Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 31, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush conducts a full Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room George Bush Library
referencedIn Percival Flack Brundage Papers, 1918-1979 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 15, 1991 George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 783 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Jefferson, Edward Graham, 1921-2006. Edward Graham Jefferson papers, 1962-1992 (bulk, 1979-1987) Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush reads a book to children during Great American Read Aloud Day in the Diplomatic Reception Room George Bush Library
creatorOf Thimmesch, Nick. Papers of Nick Thimmesch, 1955-1985. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Richardson, Elliot L., 1920-1999. Papers, 1780-1984 (bulk 1947-1984). Library of Congress
referencedIn United States. U.S. Customs Service. Master Files of Photographs Relating to Agency Officials, Facilities and Equipment, and Enforcement Pursuits, 6/18/1970 - 7/1997 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush attends the seond working session of the Education Summit in Charlottesville, Virginia George Bush Library
referencedIn Henry Brandon Papers, 1939-1994 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Administration (Library and Information Services) (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1/21/1989 - 1/20/1993. White House Vertical File Subject Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush take a last walk around the White House Grounds George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Vice President Bush picnics on the lawn of his Kennebunkport home with his family George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush walks along the colonnade with Vice President Quayle enroute to the Oval Office George Bush Library
referencedIn Yale College (1887- ). Class of 1945W. Letter from George H. W. Bush, Class of 1945W, Yale College, to his classmates at their 45th reunion, 1989. Yale University Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 1875 - 2006. U.S. Submarine War Patrol Reports. 1941 - 1945. U.S. Submarine War Patrol Report, USS FINBACK (SS-230), 10th War Patrol, September 2, 1945. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Perkins, Lucian,. Perkins, Lucian, photographic archive, 1979-2001. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs George Bush Library
referencedIn Minnesota. Election Division. Federal Election Commission campaign finance reports for Presidential campaigns, 1984-1987. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 27, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn President Ronald Reagan's Address to the Nation on the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: Includes Remarks by Vice President George H. W. Bush and Senator John Glenn National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. 1921 - 2008. Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files National Archives at College Park
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Republican National Committee Files, 1972 - 1974 George Bush Library
creatorOf Penny, Timothy J., 1951-. Timothy J. Penny congressional and legislative papers, 1977-1994 (bulk 1983-1994). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Collins, Donald E., 1924-2006. Oral history interview with Donald Collins, [videorecording], 2002. Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 323 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush goes sledding at Camp David with his daughter Doro George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 30, 1991 George Bush Library
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH SPEAKS TO NATIONAL FARM BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George and Barbara Bush with their first born child George W. Bush, while Bush was a student at Yale George Bush Library
referencedIn Russel B. Nye Popular Culture Collection. George Bush in comic books, strips, etc. : file of clippings. Michigan State University Libraries, Main Library
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH ANNOUNCEMENT ON ETHANOL
referencedIn Donald T. Regan Papers, 1919-1993, (bulk 1981-1987) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush walk towards Marine One to leave for Camp David George Bush Library
referencedIn Ohio. Office of the Governor. Minority and External Affairs. Executive correspondence, 1991-2006. Ohio History Connection, Ohio Historical Society
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Press Office Schedule of the President Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Lasker, Mary. Mary Lasker papers, 1940-1993. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn PH 2030, Tanner, Nathan Eldon 1898-1982. N. Eldon Tanner photographs circa 1923-1982 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 21, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 5, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Donald Rumsfeld Papers, 1888-2008, (bulk 1963-2007) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn MS 27117, Jack, Elaine Low 1928-. Elaine L. Jack journals 1960-2005 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
creatorOf Cole, Noman M., 1933-. Papers of Noman M. Cole [manuscript], 1970-1974. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Terán, Frances,. Oral history interview with Frances Terán, 1997 [videorecording]. University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library
referencedIn Houston Post, Washington D.C. Bureau, Collection, 1963-1995 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. George Bush letter to Kermit Pike, 1991 May 16. Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush walk towards their home on Walker's Point after the President's arrival from Washington George Bush Library
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Dorothy Walker Bush Materials George Bush Library
referencedIn Rochester Institute of Technology,. Rochester Institute of Technology Honorary Degree records 1968-2007 RIT Library, Wallace Library
referencedIn United States. Department of State. Miscellaneous Photographs Collected by the Department of State, 1953-1988 and undated National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Bull Elephants Records, 1967-1974 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Letter to Robert K. Goodwin. [Washington, DC]. 1979 Sept. 17. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Michelangelo Signorile Papers, ca. 1985-2000 Fales Library & Special Collections
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1931 - 2003. Main Photographic Print File of the Department of Housing and Urban Development National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush walk with their grandchildren at Camp David George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush works at his desk in the Oval Office as Mrs. Bush looks at photographs on the table behind the Oval Office desk George Bush Library
referencedIn Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Distinguished visitors clippings 1903-2007 Monterey Public Library
referencedIn Gordon C. Luce papers, 1973-1989 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. 1984 Campaign Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Montana Department of Transportation (DOT), Photo Section Unit photograph collection, 1958-1998 Montana Historical Society Research CenterPhotograph Archives
referencedIn Baldwin, Joy. Joy Baldwin letter, 1993, 2007. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Dean A. Gallo Congressional Papers, 1982-1994, bulk 1984-1994 Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 15, 1990 George Bush Library
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. 1980 Campaign Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994. Papers of Hugh Scott [manuscript], 1923-1994. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 29, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 20, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 7, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn John V. Brennan papers, Brennan (John V.) papers, 1958-2008 Phillips Memorial Library, Special and Archival Collections
creatorOf University of Virginia. Support Americans in the Gulf. Papers of Support Americans in the Gulf [manuscript], 1991. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Robert M. Teeter Papers. 1967 - 2004. Robert Teeter's Correspondence Gerald R. Ford Library
referencedIn Greenewalt, Crawford H., 1902-1993. Personal papers, 1948-1992. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush, Vice President Quayle and representatives of the Young Astronauts Council participate in a conversation with the astonauts on the Space Shuttle Discovery Mission via video hook-up George Bush Library
referencedIn Mary McGrory Papers, 1928-2004, (bulk 1956-2002) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush and Prime Minister John Major of Great Britain participate in a press availability at Camp David George Bush Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 819 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 12, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Mary Lasker Papers, 1940-1993. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 715 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Papers, 1968-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Shand, Gadsden E., 1898-. Gadsden E. Shand papers, 17 Dec. 1918-1998. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Elliot L. Richardson papers, 1780-1999 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush is presented with a piece of the Berlin Wall by West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher in the Oval Office George Bush Library
referencedIn Vinyard, Christian,. Papers, ca. 1977-1984. William & Mary Libraries
creatorOf Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Alphabetical Correspondence Files National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Lafontant-MANkarious, Jewel, 1922-1997. Papers, 1875-1997 1965-1997. Oberlin College Library
referencedIn Cline, Ray S. Papers, 1970-1988. Library of Congress
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush in the oil fields George Bush Library
referencedIn George Glenner Papers, 1932 - 1995 University of California, San Diego. Geisel Library. Mandeville Special Collections Library.
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush addresses the Middle East Peace Conference at the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush works at his office in Laurel Lodge at Camp David George Bush Library
referencedIn Zbigniew Brzezinski Papers, 1798-2012, (bulk 1952-2011) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Rogers, Ralph B., 1909-1997. Ralph B. Rogers papers, 1969-1990 and undated (majority 1969-1981) University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries
referencedIn Russell E. Train Papers, 1898-2005, (bulk 1957-2005) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush goes for a hike on the Kaibab Trail at the Grand Canyon in Arizona George Bush Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 604 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Blumenthal family. Collection 1910-2004, 1945-2001 / Blumenthal family. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library
referencedIn PH 4018, United States presidential and vice-presidential visits with Church leaders 1948-1992 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. George Bush letter, September 25, 1991. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Dorothy Walker Bush Materials George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 10, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush meets with world leaders at the Economic Summit in Houston, Texas George Bush Library
referencedIn Snider/Dauphin, Inc. Montgomery, Ala.). George C. Wallace campaign records, 1962-1984. Alabama Department of Archives and History
creatorOf Pennsylvania State University Veterans Organization. Charter and letters received, 1968-1992. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Justice. 1790 - 2002. Photographs of Attorneys General Performing Official Duties National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Transylvania University. Activities files, 1889-1994. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky State Archives
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. White House telephone tape number 16 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush at twelve years old George Bush Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. George Bush autograph, 1989. Library of Congress
creatorOf Morton, Thruston Ballard, 1907-1982. Thruston Ballard Morton papers, 1968-1982. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn William Safire Papers, 1949-2009 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Letters to Nick Thimmesch. 1970-1973. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush departs the South Lawn of the White House aboard Marine One George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 884 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush addresses the ceremony for the Fiftieth Commemorative Anniversary of Pearl Harbor at the Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush walk along Pennsylvania Avenue after the President's Inauguration George Bush Library
referencedIn Photographs of German Politicians, Political Groups and Events University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 882 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Simpson, Alan K. Photographs, ca. 1920-1997. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 1875 - 2006. World War II Action and Operational Reports. 12/7/1941 - 1946. Action Report, U.S. Navy Torpedo Squadron 51 (VT-51), for Actions Occurring September 1-2, 1944. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 603 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Powell, Lewis F. Lewis F. Powell, Jr. papers [part 4]. 1921-1998. The Library at Washington and Lee University School of Law, Law Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush participates in the annual horseshoe tournament at the White House horseshoe pit George Bush Library
referencedIn National Republican Congressional Committee. George H.W. Bush collection, 1988-2009. Brick Store Museum
referencedIn Michael J. Kopetski papers, 1976-1995, 1988-1995 Willamette University Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush meets with the Amir of Kuwait, Jabir Al-Ahmad Al-Jabir Al-Sabah at the White House George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 926 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. Subject Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush meets with National Security Advisors regarding Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in Aspen Lodge at Camp David George Bush Library
referencedIn Douglas, Rosslee Tenetha Green, 1928-. Rosslee Tenetha Green Douglas papers, 1938-2001. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Bush Quayle 1992 Presidential Campaign Files. 1991 - 1992. Presidential Campaign Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Camp David hard wire tape number 232 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. Iran-Contra Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1944 - 2006. Photographs of Agency Personnel National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. 1798 - 2007. Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships and Stations. 1941 - 1978. Deck Log of USS SAN JACINTO (CVL-30), September 2, 1944. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 24, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Inventory of the Robert J. Lagomarsino Collection: Federal Collection, 1974-1992. California State University Channel Islands Robert J. and Norma M. Lagomarsino Archives
creatorOf Memoranda of Conversations (Nixon and Ford Administrations). 1973 - 1977. Nixon Administration Memoranda of Conversations. 1/1973 - 8/1974. April 29, 1974 - Cabinet, Haig, St. Clair (Watergate) Gerald R. Ford Library
creatorOf Ashley, Thomas L. Papers, 1954-1980. Bowling Green State University, BGSU Libraries
creatorOf Hahn, Kenneth. Collection of Kenneth Hahn, circa 1945-1993. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 608 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Books, pamphlets, periodicals, 18-- - <ongoing> Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Judy Smith's Subject Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Sheldon and Jean Vance Papers, 1901-1995 (bulk 1942-1995) Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Foundation Records, 1971-1991. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Kemp, Jack, 1935-2009. Jack Kemp papers, 1924-2009 (bulk 1963-1996) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Howe, Charles A., 1922-. Papers, 1964-2007. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
creatorOf Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994. Papers of Hugh Scott, 1965-1987. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Photographs of U.S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Presidential and Diplomatic Events National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Obama Inaugural Photograph Collection, 2009-197., 2009 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Photographs of the White House Photograph Office (Clinton Administration). 1/20/1993 - 1/20/2001. Photographs Relating to the Clinton Administration. 1/20/1993 - 1/20/2001. Photograph of President William J. Clinton Meeting with Former Presidents Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter to Discuss the North American Free Trade Agreement William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Justice. Photographs of Agency Personnel and Buildings. ca. 1979-1993. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn The Norma Paulus papers, 1953-2006, 1971-1976 Willamette University Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Papers, 1936-1983 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Historical Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Photograph of George H. W. Bush at Age One and One-Half George Bush Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Letter to Nick Thimmesch. Washington, DC. 1969 July 9. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Photo File Photographs National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 846 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn McDonald Davis & Associates. Political products, 1964-1983. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn The Benny Goodman Papers, 1910-1992, inclusive Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 426 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Dennis Brack Photographic Archive 2008-039; 2008-042; 2008-300; 2009-200; 2010-161; 2011-004; 2011-089; 2011-356; 2011-382., 1967-1999 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Minneapolis (Minn.). Office of the Mayor. Photographs of Mayor Donald M. Fraser, 1982-1993. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush meets with Secretary Dick Cheney, General Colin Powell, General Scowcroft, Governor Sununu and Robert Gates in the Oval Office George Bush Library
referencedIn United States. White House Photograph Office. President Bush meets with General Colin Powell, General Scowcroft, Secretary James Baker, Vice President Quayle, Secretary Dick Cheney, Governor Sununu and Robert Gates about the situation in the Persian Gulf and Operation Desert Shield, 1/15/1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Darryl Heikes Photographs AR 2006-31; 2007-205; 2007-187., 1960-2001 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush fishes in Kennebunkport, Maine George Bush Library
referencedIn Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Foundation. Archives, 1971-1991. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH ADDRESSES NAWGA
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush joins other world leaders during the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe for a group photograph in the Salles des Fetes, Palais de l'Elysee in Paris, France George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush rides in a HUMVEE with General H. Norman Schwarzkopf during his visit with troops in Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving Day George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 653 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Press Office speech files, 1986, 1989-2000, undated, (bulk 1995-2000) Texas State Archives
referencedIn Edwin Gardner White and family papers., 1880-2009 (bulk 1936-1951). Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Presidential Daily Files George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 440 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn White House & MLB Correspondence : letters 1954-1977. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush poses with his cabinet for the 1992 Official Cabinet portrait George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. U.S. Congressman George Bush, 1966-1970 George Bush Library
referencedIn David Richmond Gergen Papers, 1964-1999, (bulk 1971-1992) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Cabinet Room tape number 118 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Publications National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Collins, Donald E., 1924-2006. Oral history interview with Donald Collins [sound recording], 2002. Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center
referencedIn Printed materials, 1989-2000. University of Oklahoma, Bizzell Memorial Library
referencedIn Records, 1982-1997, 1999, (bulk 1985-1995) University of Texas at Austin. General Libraries
referencedIn Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Office of the Deputy Director. Records, 1982-1995. University of California, San Diego, UC San Diego Library; UCSD Library
referencedIn Sheldon and Jean Vance Papers, 1901-1995 (bulk 1942-1995) Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf Campbell, Carroll A. Photographs 1979-1986. Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Domestic and International Activities . 1982 - 1999. BUSH/GORBACHEV SUMMIT
referencedIn Marketing Business Development Consultants. Dick McDonald political and healthcare television and radio commercials collection, 1968-1990.
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush plays with children in a jungle gym at the Emily Harris Head Start Center in Catonsville, Maryland where he announces Head Start Initiative George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 25, 1991 George Bush Library
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Congressional Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas participate in the initialing ceremony of the North American Free Trade Agreement in San Antonio, Texas George Bush Library
creatorOf Swanson, Gloria. Papers. Series IV. Other Interests, 1923-1983. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn Heide, Wilma Scott, 1921-1985. Papers, 1968-1985 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Glenner, George G., 1927-. Papers, 1932-1995. University of California, San Diego, UC San Diego Library; UCSD Library
creatorOf Ridenour, James M. James M. Ridenour papers, 1988-1993, (bulk 1989-1992) Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Marlin Fitzwater's Alphabetical Correspondence Files George Bush Library
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 9, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. During Mrs. Bush's speech at the Republican National Convention at the Houston Astrodome, her grandson George P. Bush makes remarks about his grandfather George Bush Library
referencedIn Diana H. Walker Photographic Archive 99-224; 2002-056; 2003-087; 2004-107; 2004-193; 2009-236; 2011-376., ca. 1975-2000 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Presidential Election of 1988 Study Collection, 1984-1992 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Oil leases clippings 1979-1990 Monterey Public Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 599 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Education. 1967 - 2005. Photographs of Agency Activities National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) (Reagan Administration). 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989. White House Communications Agency (WHCA) Videorecordings Ronald Reagan Library
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH/WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING
referencedIn New York Times Company records. A.M. Rosenthal papers, 1955-1994, 1967-1986 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 629 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush walks on the South Lawn of the White House, followed by Millie and her puppies George Bush Library
creatorOf Howell, W. Nathaniel (Wilson Nathaniel), 1939-. Papers of W. Nathaniel Howell, 1933-2001. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Meg Greenfield Papers, 1890-1999, (bulk 1952-1999) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf White House Staff Member and Office Files (Nixon Administration). 1/20/1969 - 8/9/1974. Bryce N. Harlow's Files Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Minnesota. Governor (1979-1983 : Quie). Audio-visual materials, 1978-1983. Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 20, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Families of Vietnamese Political Prisoners Association. Records, 1905-2002 1977-1999. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. 1921 - 2008. Motion Picture Films and Video Recordings on Five Decades of U.S. Military Activities Around the World. 1950 - 2000. Vice President Bush Tours U.S.S. Ohio National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Collection, 1979-1993. NHAIS, NH Automated Information System
referencedIn Regan, Donald T. Papers, 1919-1993 (bulk 1981-1987). Library of Congress
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Domestic and International Activities . 1982 - 1999. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL AND VICE-PRESIDENTIAL PROFILES (1984) National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Shupe, John. John Shupe collection, 1970-1991 [photographs]. Utah Division of State History, Utah Historical Society
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH/CONGRESSMAN MADIGAN ANNOUNCEMENT AS PICK FOR AGRICULTURE SECRETARY
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Vice President and Mrs. Bush traveling on Air Force II during the 1984 Presidential Campaign George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush meets privately with Solidarity Leader Lech Walesa of Poland in the residence George Bush Library
referencedIn Church, Gerald Marshall, 1929-. Our Aldrich family genealogy, 2002. Clarke Historical Library
referencedIn Lucey, Patrick J., 1918-. Papers, 1935-2003. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush greets General H. Norman Schwarzkopf who leads the Desert Storm Homecoming Parade in Washington, D.C George Bush Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Miscellaneous papers. Jacksonville University, Carl S. Swisher Library
referencedIn Winston-Salem State University. Centennial Committee records, 1892-1992. Winston Salem State University, C.G. O'Kelly Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush and President Gorbachev give a joint press conference at Findlandia Hall, Helsinki, Findland during the Helsinki Summit George Bush Library
referencedIn Kemp, Jack, 1935-2009. Jack Kemp papers, 1924-2009 (bulk 1963-1996) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Vice President and Mrs. Bush at their summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine with their family George Bush Library
referencedIn Villanueva - Anderson, Gloria, 1935-. Oral history interview with Gloria Villanueva-Anderson, 2004 April 19. University of North Texas Library, UNT
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. China Files George Bush Library
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. Early Career Files George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 887 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Simpson, Alan K. Office Files, 1959-1997. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Southern, Terry. Collection of 11 autograph letters : [Hartford and East Canaan, Ct.], to Nelson Lyon, 1982-1995 and undated. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 2, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush goes golfing at Cape Arundel Golf Course in Kennebunkport, Maine George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush holds Jessica McClure during the Midland Community Spirit Award Presentation in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. The award was established by the town of Midland, TX and awarded to Sioux City, IA in recognition of the community's response to the crash of United Airlines Flight 232 on July 19, 1989 George Bush Library
referencedIn Photographs of Peace Corps Activities and Personnel (Contact Sheet File), 1961 - 1990 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn United States. U.S. Information Agency. Photographs Used as Illustrations in Issues of the Journal "Problems of Communism," 1989 - 1992 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Hart, Jeffrey Peter, 1930-. Papers, 1982-2005. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn National Conference on Soviet Jewry, records, undated, 1949, 1954, 1956, 1958-1993 American Jewish Historical Society
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin sign the Start II Treaty at a Ceremony in Vladimir Hall, The Kremlin in Moscow, Russia George Bush Library
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, January 22, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Smith, Fred W., 1935-. Fred W. Smith papers 1964-2008 RIT Library, Wallace Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 27, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1931 - 2003. Photographs Relating to Housing Used in the Optical Disk Project National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush visits the Everglades National Park and participates in a discussion with sixth grade students who are involved in the National Parks Service Environmental Education programs George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush waves from the back of the train outside of Bowling Green as he travels on a whistlestop campaign through Ohio George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush takes the Oath of Office as the 41st President of the United States George Bush Library
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Personal Papers George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Domestic and International Activities . 1982 - 1999. GEORGE BUSH: VICE PRESIDENT National Archives at College Park
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 11, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George Bush, Navy pilot during World War II George Bush Library
referencedIn General Records of the Department of Justice. Photographs of Agency Personnel. 1953-1993. National Archives at College Park
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 26, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Photographs of Peace Corps Directors and their Activities, 1961 - 1990 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Gould, Lewis L. Gould, Lewis L., Collection of Modern American Political History, 1920-1996. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Speechwriting: Research Office (Reagan Administration). 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989. 1980 Campaign and Pre-Presidential Speech Files Ronald Reagan Library
referencedIn Photograph of George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush and presentation certificate. [manuscript], 1990. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Herbert Brownell Jr. Additional Papers. 1897 - 1996. Photographs Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. George Bush : file of clippings and miscellanea. Michigan State University Libraries, Main Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush walks up the South Lawn towards the Oval Office with his son, George W. Bush George Bush Library
referencedIn Wyner Family Papers Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at New England Historic Genealogical Society
referencedIn Giacoppo, Richard. [Inauguration memorabilia, President George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989 / compiled by Richard Giacoppo] Minuteman Library Network
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Vice President Bush address the Young Republican Dinner George Bush Library
referencedIn Roger Mudd Papers Washington & Lee University, James G. Leyburn Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 594 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. Vice President Bush visits NATO forces in Nuremburg, West Germany George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 17, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 758 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. Biographical Files George Bush Library
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. AGRICULTURE SECRETARY MADIGAN AND PRESIDENT BUSH AMERICAN FARM BUREAU ANNUAL MEETING
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush meets with King Hussein of Jordan in the Oval Office George Bush Library
referencedIn David Hoffman Papers. 1979 - 1993. 1988 Campaign Files George Bush Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Campaign papers of George Bush : papers, 1987-1989. NHAIS, NH Automated Information System
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush waves from Air Force One as he departs Chicago O'Hare Airport George Bush Library
referencedIn Papers, (inclusive), (bulk), 1939-2004, 1955-1989 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Riddle, Nelson, 1921-1985. Papers of Nelson Riddle, 1900-1995 (bulk 1945-1985). University of Arizona Libraries
creatorOf Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1794 - 2003. General Radio Programs and Recordings Relating to Secretaries of Agriculture. 3/8/1941 - 1/19/1993. PRESIDENT BUSH ON NAFTA
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. The George Bush family in 1964 in Houston George Bush Library
referencedIn Rogers, Ralph B., 1909-1997. Ralph B. Rogers papers, 1969-1990 and undated (majority 1969-1981) University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries
referencedIn MS 19357, Ficklin, Reuben Perry 1935-. Portugal Lisbon Mission papers 1983-1987 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church History Library
referencedIn Frances Knight Parrish Papers [Collection], 1953-1989 Herbert Hoover Library
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. George Bush papers, 1970. Yale University Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900 - 2003. Video Recordings from the "Worldnet Today" Program Series, ca. 1980 - ca. 1994 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Presidential Trip Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush addresses the Norristown, Pennsylvania High School Community George Bush Library
referencedIn President (University of Michigan) records, 1967-2010 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush host a State Dinner for Russian President and Mrs. Boris Yeltsin at the White House George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 22, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn James A. Baker III Oral History collection, 1991-2016 Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library
creatorOf Grimsley, Edward. Papers of Edward Grimsley,1961-1997. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994. Papers of Hugh Scott [manuscript], 1941-1985. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Davis (Morgan Jones) Papers, 69-59., 1906(1948-1968)1980. University of Texas at Austin, Center for American History
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President Bush makes a speech at the Iwo Jima Memorial regarding the American Flag George Bush Library
creatorOf General Records of the Department of State. 1763 - 2002. Records of Current Policies National Archives at College Park
referencedIn UT Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs Records 2012-012., 1995 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Washington Centennial Commission. Records of the Washington State Centennial Commission, 1981-1990 (bulk, 1986-1988). Washington State Archives, Southwest Regional Branch
referencedIn National Religious Broadcasters (U.S.). Records of National Religious Broadcasters, 1922-1991. Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
creatorOf Scott, Hugh, 1900-1994. Papers of Hugh Scott [manuscript], 1944-1981. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Political posters, 1992. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
creatorOf Gray, Carl A. (Carl Albert), 1900-. Papers, 1908-1982. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Video of Pre-Vice Presidential Footage of George. H. W. Bush and Family George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George and Barbara Bush in Houston, Texas on the night which George Bush was elected to Congress George Bush Library
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 417 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Richard W. Murphy Papers, 1958-1996, (bulk 1983-1996) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. George Bush : commercials, 1970-1992. University of Oklahoma, Political Community Archives
referencedIn Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Oval Office tape number 602 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Political Campaigns Collection MSS 115., 1906-1976 Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Libary
referencedIn Officers and directors: biographical files, [ca. 1950]-1982. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Library Museum Collection. 1981 - 2004. Post-Presidential Gifts Received by George H. W. and Barbara Bush
creatorOf Mayne, Wiley, 1917-. Papers of Wiley Mayne, 1966-1974. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 8, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Lee, Gary A. (Gary Alcide), b. 1933. Gary A. Lee papers, 1981. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush pose with their grandchildren on the rocks at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport, Maine George Bush Library
referencedIn Ray S. Cline Papers, 1945-1994, (bulk 1970-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Steorts, Nancy Harvey, 1936-. Nancy Harvey Steorts papers, 1937-2000, (bulk 1970-1990). Clemson University Libraries, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library
creatorOf Rackoff, S. R. S.R. Rackoff photographs 1920-1990 photographs. Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Heinz History Center Detre Library and Archives
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Audio cassette tape, October 14, 1988 [sound recording]. University of California, San Diego, UC San Diego Library; UCSD Library
referencedIn Reagan Bush 1984 Campaign Files. 1983 - 1984. Reagan Bush 1984 Miscellaneous Campaign Files George Bush Library
George H. W. Bush Papers George Bush Library
referencedIn McNamee, Wally, 1932-2017. Wally McNamee Photographic Archive, ca. 1950-2017 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Bush, George, 1924-. Letters, 1974-1985. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Information Agency. 1900 - 2003. Video Recordings from the "Worldnet Today" Program Series. 1980 - 1994. INTERNATIONAL DEMOCRAT UNION CONFERENCE - WEINBERGER/BUSH/THATCHER
referencedIn Lucian Perkins Photographic Archive 2008-246., 1979-2001 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Camp David study table tape number 156 Richard Nixon Library
referencedIn Simpson, Alan K. Post-U.S. Senate Activities, 1996-2005. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Presidential Photographs. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President and Mrs. Bush await the arrival of President Ali Abdallah Saleh of the Yemen Arab Republic for a State Dinner at the White House George Bush Library
referencedIn Records of the White House Photograph Office. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. George H. W. Bush Historical Photographs George Bush Library
referencedIn Block, John R. An interview with John R. Block / John R. Block, Mark R. DePue, interviewer. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
referencedIn Timothy J. Penny Congressional and Legislative papers., 1977-1994 (bulk 1983-1994). Minnesota Historical Society
referencedIn Courtney Letts de Espil Papers, 1925-1994, (bulk 1930-1949) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Remarks by the President Files George Bush Library
referencedIn Swanson, Dick L., 1935-. Swanson, Dick L., photographic archive, 1959-1994. University of Texas Libraries
creatorOf Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Nixon Administration). 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations. 2/16/1971 - 7/18/1973. Executive Office Building tape number 412 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf George H. W. Bush Papers. 1942 - 2004. Zapata Oil Files George Bush Library
referencedIn United States. White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 18, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials. 1/20/1989 - 1/20/1993. President's Daily Diary Entry, February 14, 1991 George Bush Library
referencedIn Hance, Margaret, 1923-. Margaret Hance papers, 1971-1990. Arizona State University Libraries
referencedIn Records of the White House Office of Press Secretary (George H. W. Bush Administration). 1987 - 1/20/1993. Marlin Fitzwater's Alphabetical and Chronological Correspondence Files George Bush Library
referencedIn White House Office of Appointments and Scheduling Files. 1989 - 1993. Presidential Daily Diary and Presidential Daily Backup Materials George Bush Library
referencedIn Robert M. Teeter Papers. 1967 - 2004. NBC News / Wall Street Journal Survey Questions Results Gerald R. Ford Library
referencedIn John Trever Cartoons, 1985-1996 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center