Badé, William Frederic (1871-1936).

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William Frederic Bade was a Professor at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California.

From the description of William Bade fonds. [1928]. (University of Victoria Libraries). WorldCat record id: 660202672

Biographical Note

William Frederic Badè, born in Carver, Minnesota on January 22, 1871, attended the Moravian College in Pennsylvania where he obtained his doctorate in 1898, teaching Greek, German, Hebrew and Old Testament literature there until 1902. He then became professor of Old Testament literature and of Semitic languages at the Pacific School of Religion, remaining in Berkeley until his death on March 4, 1936.

Professor Badè, one of the early members of the Sierra Club, was a close friend of John Muir, and as his literary executor, edited many of Muir's works.

From the guide to the William Frederic Badè papers, 1871-1936, (The Bancroft Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Muir, John, 1838-1914. [Ferns of the West] : scrapbook, 1880 / [by John Muir]. University of California, San Diego, UC San Diego Library; UCSD Library
creatorOf Bade, William Frederic, 1871-1936. William Bade fonds. [1928]. University of Victoria Libraries, UVic
referencedIn Crocker (Henry R. & May Hall) Collection, 1863-1936 San Joaquin County Museum.
creatorOf Grinnell, George Bird, 1849-1938. Papers of George Bird Grinnell, 1879-1951 (bulk 1905-1934). Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Crocker, Ellen May Hall, d. 1935. Crocker collection, 1871-1934. San Joaquin County Historical Society
creatorOf Watkins, J. Marshall,. Collection of research material related to John Muir, 1891-1961. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
creatorOf Harland, Hester Lambert. Papers relating to woman's suffrage in California, 1888-1911. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf William Frederic Badè papers, 1871-1936 Bancroft Library
referencedIn Elston, John Arthur, 1874-1921. John Arthur Elston papers, 1918-1921. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Keeler, Charles Augustus, 1871-1937. Charles Augustus Keeler papers, 1858-1949. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence and records, 1832-1944. Houghton Library
referencedIn John Muir papers, 1849-1957 University of the Pacific. Library. Holt-Atherton Department of Special Collections
creatorOf Badè, William Frederic, 1871-1936. William F. Badè Sierra Club papers, 1920-1929. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Badè, William Frederic, 1871-1936. William Frederic Badè papers, 1906-1936. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Muir, John, 1838-1914. John Muir papers; 1849-1957. University of the Pacific, William Knox Holt Memorial Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith 0. C. Merrill person
correspondedWith Abbott, Clinton Gilbert, 1881- person
correspondedWith A. Carnegie Ross person
correspondedWith Adolph C. Miller person
correspondedWith A. H. Allen. person
correspondedWith A. H. Breed. person
associatedWith Albright, Horace Marden, 1890- person
correspondedWith Allen, Francis Henry, 1866- person
associatedWith American Civic Association. corporateBody
associatedWith American Geographical Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Society of Landscape Architects corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, Melville Best, 1851-1933 person
associatedWith Appalachian Mountain Club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Arno B. Cammerer. person
associatedWith Associated Mountaineering Clubs of North America. corporateBody
correspondedWith Barbour, Henry Ellsworth, 1877-1945 person
correspondedWith Barrows, David Prescott, 1873-1954 person
correspondedWith Belshaw, Charles Mortimer, 1861- person
correspondedWith Benjamin W. Fenton. person
correspondedWith Bernays, Philip S. person
correspondedWith Bertha M. Rice. person
correspondedWith Bioletti, Frederic Theodore, 1865- person
correspondedWith Bowman, Isaiah, 1878-1950 person
correspondedWith Braverman, Alfred. person
correspondedWith Breed, Arthur Hastings, 1865-1953 person
correspondedWith Bryce, James, 1838-1922 person
correspondedWith Burnham, John Bird, 1869- person
associatedWith California State Automobile Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith California State Division of Forestry. corporateBody
associatedWith California State Irrigation Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith California State Park Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith California. University, Berkeley. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith California Wild Flower Conservation League. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cammerer, Arno Berthold, 1883-1941 person
correspondedWith Celia Crocker Thompson person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Allen, 1867- person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Edwin. person
correspondedWith Chandler, Wilbur F, 1855- person
correspondedWith Charles E. Hard. person
correspondedWith Church, James Edward, 1869- person
correspondedWith Clarke, John Mason, 1857-1925 person
associatedWith Colby, William Edward, 1875-1964 person
correspondedWith Conard, Henry Shoemaker, 1874. person
associatedWith Contra Costa Hills Club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cowles, Henry Chandler, 1869. person
correspondedWith Crocker, Ellen May Hall, d. 1935. person
correspondedWith C. S. Olcott person
correspondedWith C. V. Safford. person
correspondedWith Davidson, L. C. person
associatedWith Dictionary of American Biography. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ecology. corporateBody
correspondedWith Edward N. Munns person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Gray Potter. person
associatedWith Elston, John Arthur, 1874-1921. person
correspondedWith Evans, Herbert McLean, 1882-1971 person
associatedWith Farquhar, Francis Peloubet, 1887-1974 person
correspondedWith Fenton, Benjamin W. person
correspondedWith F. H. Fowler person
correspondedWith Finley, William Lovell, 1876. person
correspondedWith Fowler, Frederick Hall, 1879. person
correspondedWith Francis, Jessie H (Davies), 1895. person
associatedWith Friends of Our National Parks. corporateBody
correspondedWith Funk, Helen (Muir), 1806. person
correspondedWith Garfield, James Rudolph, 1865-1950 person
correspondedWith Gleason, Herbert Wendell, 1855. person
correspondedWith Goethe, Charles Matthias, 1875-1966 person
correspondedWith Governor W. B. Stevens person
associatedWith Great Britain. Consulate, San Francisco. corporateBody
correspondedWith Greeley, William Buckhout, 1879. person
associatedWith Grinnell, George Bird, 1849-1938. person
associatedWith Grinnell, Joseph, 1877-1939 person
correspondedWith Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey, 1875. person
associatedWith Hall, Ansel Franklin, 1894. person
correspondedWith Hamlin, Chauncey J., 1881. person
correspondedWith Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 1865-1923 person
correspondedWith Harding, William Lloyd, l877. person
associatedWith Harland, Hester Lambert. person
correspondedWith Harlan, Edgar Rubey, 1869. person
correspondedWith Harlan P. Kelsey person
correspondedWith Harlean James. person
correspondedWith Harold L. Leupp person
correspondedWith Harwell, Charles Albert. person
correspondedWith Hazlitt, Henry, 1894. person
correspondedWith Hornaday, William Temple, 1854-1937 person
associatedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Huber, Walter Leroy, 1883. person
correspondedWith Isaiah Bowm. person
correspondedWith James Bryce person
correspondedWith James C. Madigan. person
correspondedWith James, Harlean, 1877. person
correspondedWith James R. Garfield person
correspondedWith Jeffers, LeRoy, 1878-1926 person
correspondedWith J. Horace McFarland person
correspondedWith John B. Burnham person
correspondedWith John I. Nolan person
correspondedWith John Muir person
correspondedWith Johnson, Allen, 1870-1931 person
correspondedWith Johnson, Robert Underwood, 1853-1937 person
correspondedWith Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931 person
correspondedWith Julius Kahn person
correspondedWith J. W. Sefton person
correspondedWith Kahn, Julius, 1861-1924 person
correspondedWith Katherine Merrill Graydon. person
associatedWith Keeler, Charles Augustus, 1871-1937. person
correspondedWith Kent, William, 1864-1928 person
correspondedWith Kneipp, Leon F., d. 1966 person
correspondedWith L. C. Davidson person
correspondedWith Leon F. Kneipp. person
correspondedWith LeRoy Jeffers. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Washington Bartlett. person
associatedWith Little, Brown & Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Maddox, Benjamin Moyer, 1859-1933 person
correspondedWith Magee, William A. person
correspondedWith Mallinckrodt, Edward. person
correspondedWith Marsden Manson person
correspondedWith Massachusetts Forestry Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Mather, Stephen Tyng, 1867-1930 person
correspondedWith Matthes, Francois Emile, 1874-1948 person
associatedWith Mazamas. corporateBody
correspondedWith Merriam, Clinton Hart, 1855-1942 person
correspondedWith Merrill, Oscar Charles, 1874. person
correspondedWith Miller, Adolph Caspar, 1866. person
associatedWith Mills College, Oakland, Calif. corporateBody
correspondedWith Moore, Barrington person
associatedWith Moore, Barrington, 1883. person
correspondedWith Moores, Charles Washington, 1862-1923 person
correspondedWith Moores, Merrill, 1856-1929 person
associatedWith Muir-Hanna Trust person
associatedWith Muir, John, 1838-1914. person
correspondedWith Munns, Edward Norfolk, 1889. person
associatedWith National Conference on State Parks. corporateBody
associatedWith National Geographic Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith National Park Committee corporateBody
associatedWith National Parks Association. corporateBody
associatedWith National Parks Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Nelson, Edward William, 1855-1934 person
associatedWith New York Sun. corporateBody
associatedWith New York. Zoological Park. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nolan, John Ignatius, 1874-1922 person
correspondedWith Olcott, Charles Sumner, 1864. person
correspondedWith Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870. person
associatedWith Online Archive of California. corporateBody
associatedWith Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857. person
correspondedWith Pardee, George Cooper, 1857-1941 person
correspondedWith Parsons, Edward Taylor, 1861-1914 person
correspondedWith Parsons, Herbert, 1869-1925 person
correspondedWith Paul G. Redington person
associatedWith Payne, John Barton, 1855. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Richard R. person
correspondedWith Pinchot, Gifford, 1865. person
correspondedWith Potter, Elizabeth Grey. person
correspondedWith Price, Robert Martin, 1867-1940 person
correspondedWith Putnam, Harrington, 1851. person
correspondedWith Redington, Paul Goodwin, 1878-1942 person
correspondedWith Reinhardt, Aurelia (Henry), 1877-1948 person
correspondedWith Reynolds, G. E. person
associatedWith Reynolds, Harris A. person
correspondedWith R. N. Linscott. person
correspondedWith Roger L. Scaife person
correspondedWith Roosevelt Sequoia National Park. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ross, A. Carnegie. person
correspondedWith Rowell, Chester Harvey, 1867-1948 person
correspondedWith Russell, Carl Parcher, 1894. person
correspondedWith Sampson, Alden, 1853-1925 person
correspondedWith Sampson, Edward, 1891. person
associatedWith San Diego Society of Natural History. corporateBody
correspondedWith Saunders, Charles Francis, 1859-1941 person
correspondedWith Scaife, Roger Livingston, 1875. person
correspondedWith Scott, Winfield, 1879. person
correspondedWith Senator H. E. Barbour person
correspondedWith Shinn, Charles Howard, 1852-1924 person
correspondedWith Shortridge, Samuel Morgan, 1861-1952 person
associatedWith Sierra Club. corporateBody
associatedWith Simmons, R. W. person
correspondedWith Smith, Edward Lincoln, 1865-1940 person
correspondedWith Snyder, Homer Peter, 1863-1937 person
correspondedWith Stephens, William Dennison, 1859-1944 person
correspondedWith S. T. Mather. person
associatedWith Stockton Record. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sumner, Francis Bertody, 1874-1945 person
correspondedWith Taylor, Walter Penn, 1888. person
correspondedWith the National Parks Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Tower, 0lin Freeman, 1872- person
correspondedWith University of California. corporateBody
correspondedWith U. S. Bureau of Biological Survey. corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Federal Power Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Forest Service. corporateBody
correspondedWith U. S. National Park Service corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Secretary of the Interior. corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Name, Willard Gibbs, 1872. person
correspondedWith Wallace, John H. person
associatedWith Watkins, J. Marshall, person
correspondedWith W. B. Greeley person
correspondedWith W. E. Colby person
correspondedWith White, James Asa, 1886- person
correspondedWith Whitney, Alvin G. person
correspondedWith Willard G. Van Name. person
correspondedWith Wish, Albert Graves, 1850-1936 person
associatedWith Yard, Robert Sterling, 1861-1945 person
correspondedWith Yosemite. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yosemite National Park. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yosemite Natural History Association. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Hetch Hetchy Valley (Calif.)
United States
Yosemite National Park (Calif.)
Conservation of natural resources


Birth 1871-01-22

Death 1936-03-04



Ark ID: w6tf079p

SNAC ID: 17346010