Cole, Corinne Robinson Alsop, 1886-1971.

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Corinne Douglas (Robinson) Alsop Cole was the daughter of Douglas Robinson and Corinne (Roosevelt) Robinson, younger sister of American president Theodore Roosevelt.

From the description of Family papers, 1853-1954. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612709028

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Cole, Corinne Robinson Alsop, 1886-1971. Family papers, 1853-1954. Houghton Library
creatorOf Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Manuscript copies, 18-- - 19--. Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Family papers, 1853-1954. Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbott, Lawrence Fraser, 1859-1933 person
correspondedWith Adeline Balch Coit person
associatedWith A. H. Morse person
associatedWith Albert E. Austin person
correspondedWith Alexander, Charles Beatty, 1849-1927 person
correspondedWith Alexander, Grace. person
associatedWith Alice (Morgan) Carter. person
associatedWith Alsop children. person
correspondedWith Alsop, John de Koven, 1879-1926 person
correspondedWith Alsop, Joseph, 1910- person
correspondedWith Alsop, Joseph Wright, 1876-1953 person
correspondedWith Alsop, Stewart, 1914-1974 person
correspondedWith Ammann, William. person
correspondedWith Amory, Copley, Jr. person
associatedWith Amy (Simpson) Strachey person
correspondedWith Anderson, Minnie Hay. person
correspondedWith Anna (Bulloch) Gracie person
correspondedWith Anna (Roosevelt) Cowles. person
associatedWith Ann (Ford) Vrooman. person
correspondedWith Arbuthnot-Leslie, Violet. person
associatedWith Archibald MacLeish person
correspondedWith Atwood, Julius Walter, 1857-1945 person
correspondedWith Avery, Myrtilla. person
correspondedWith Bacon, Lena. person
correspondedWith Badger, Richard G. person
correspondedWith Baker, Elizabeth Gowdy. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Frederick H. person
correspondedWith Ballard, Jenny. person
correspondedWith Barker, J M. person
correspondedWith Barnes, Laura Hassinger. person
correspondedWith Barnum, William Henry. person
correspondedWith Bell, Elizabeth Ayer. person
correspondedWith Belmont, August, 1853-1924 person
correspondedWith Belmont, Eleanor (Robson), 1879- person
correspondedWith Biddle, Nicholas, 1879-1923 person
correspondedWith Bigelow, Grace. person
correspondedWith Bijur, Nathan, 1862-1930 person
correspondedWith Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 1847-1928 person
correspondedWith Bissell, Marie. person
correspondedWith Borden, Lucille (Papin), 1873- person
associatedWith Bowen, Mrs. J. W. E. person
correspondedWith Bowlker, Katharine. person
correspondedWith Breckinridge, Desha, 1867-1935 person
associatedWith Breck Trowbridge person
correspondedWith Bridges, Robert, 1858-1941 person
correspondedWith Brown, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Browne, Porter Emerson, 1879-1934 person
correspondedWith Brumbaugh, Martin Grove, 1862-1930 person
correspondedWith Bryant, Laura. person
correspondedWith Bryce, Elizabeth Marion (Ashton) Bryce, viscountess, 1854-1939 person
correspondedWith Bulloch, Irvine Stephens, 1832-1898 person
correspondedWith Bulloch, Martha (Stewart), 1799-1864 person
correspondedWith Burden, Adèle. person
correspondedWith Burlingame, Edward Livermore, 1848-1922 person
correspondedWith Burrell, Alice Thackeray. person
correspondedWith Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947 person
correspondedWith Bynner, Witter, 1881-1918 person
correspondedWith Callou, Estella Holts. person
associatedWith Caroline Tyler person
correspondedWith Carow, Emily Tyler, d. 1939 person
correspondedWith Carroll, C A. person
correspondedWith Carter, John Ridgely, 1864-1944 person
correspondedWith Chamberlin, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Chandler, Martha S. person
correspondedWith Chanler, Margaret (Terry), 1862-1952 person
correspondedWith Chapman, Elizabeth Winthrop (Chanler), 1866-1937 person
correspondedWith Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933 person
correspondedWith Choate, Mabel. person
correspondedWith Christie, Ella B. person
correspondedWith Chubb, Alice (Lee), d. 1955 person
correspondedWith Chubb, Corinne (Alsop), 1912- person
correspondedWith Chubb, Hendon, 1874-1960 person
correspondedWith Clarke, John Proctor, 1856-1932 person
correspondedWith Coe, Henry Waldo, 1857-1927 person
correspondedWith Coffin, Henry Sloane, 1877-1954 person
correspondedWith Colby, Edith (Hyde). person
correspondedWith Colgate, Robert R. person
correspondedWith Conklin, Margaret Morrison. person
correspondedWith Cook, George E. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Susan L. Fenimore. person
correspondedWith Corbin, John, 1870-1959 person
correspondedWith Corinne (Alsop) Chubb person
correspondedWith Corinne (Robinson) Alsop Cole person
associatedWith Corinne Roosevelt person
associatedWith Corinne (Roosevelt) Alsop Cole person
correspondedWith Corinne (Roosevelt) Robinson person
correspondedWith Cortelyou, George Bruce, 1862-1940 person
correspondedWith Cortissoz, Royal, 1869-1948 person
correspondedWith Cotton, Edward Howe, 1881- person
correspondedWith Cowles, Anna (Roosevelt), 1855-1931 person
correspondedWith Cox, Eleanor Rogers. person
correspondedWith Crim, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Crowninshield, Francis Welch, 1872-1947 person
correspondedWith Damrosch, Margaret (Blaine). person
correspondedWith Davenport, Frederick Morgan, 1866-1956 person
correspondedWith Davis, Charles Henry, 1845-1921 person
correspondedWith Day, Joseph Paul, 1873-1944 person
correspondedWith De Forest, Robert Weeks, 1848-1931 person
correspondedWith De Koven, Anna (Farwell), 1860-1953 person
correspondedWith Delafield, Elisabeth R. person
correspondedWith Delano, Eugene, 1866-1920 person
correspondedWith Delano, Moreau. person
correspondedWith Delano, William Adams, 1874-1960 person
correspondedWith Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, 1834-1928 person
correspondedWith Derby, Ethel (Roosevelt), 1891-1977 person
correspondedWith Derby, Richard, 1881-1963 person
correspondedWith Dickey, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Dimnet, Ernest, 1866-1954 person
correspondedWith Dodge, Cleveland Hoadley, 1860-1926 person
correspondedWith Dodge, Grace (Parish). person
correspondedWith Dodge, Harrison Howell. person
correspondedWith Donovan, Nellie (Bakeman). person
associatedWith Dorothy (Jordan) Robinson person
correspondedWith Douglas, Graham. person
correspondedWith Douglas Robinson person
associatedWith Douglas Robinsons, Sr. person
correspondedWith Douglas, William P. person
correspondedWith Draper, Ruth, 1884-1956 person
correspondedWith Draper, Ruth Dana. person
correspondedWith Drayton, J. Coleman. person
correspondedWith Drury, Samuel Smith, 1878-1938 person
correspondedWith Duffy, Mary G. person
correspondedWith Dunn, B. Sherwood. person
associatedWith Dunne, Finley Peter, 1867-1936 person
associatedWith Dwight David Eisenhower. person
associatedWith Edith Cornell Smith. person
correspondedWith Edith Kermit (Carow) Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Edwards, Louise Betts. person
associatedWith Edwin O. Holter person
correspondedWith Eleanor (Roosevelt) Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Eliot, Maud Stoutenburgh. person
associatedWith Elizabeth Winthrop (Chanler) Chapman. person
associatedWith Eliza Quarrier person
associatedWith Ellin (Prince) Speyer. person
correspondedWith Elliott, John Stuart, 1859- person
correspondedWith Elliott, John Stuart, Jr. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Lucy (Sorrel). person
correspondedWith Elliott, Maud. person
correspondedWith Elliott Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Elmhirst, Dorothy (Whitney) Straight, d. 1968 person
associatedWith E. M. West person
correspondedWith Erskine, John, 1879-1951 person
correspondedWith Evans, Alice M. person
correspondedWith Eyer, (Mrs.) . person
correspondedWith Farr, Maria. person
correspondedWith Farr, T. H. Powers. person
correspondedWith Farr, T. H. Powers, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ferguson, Robert Harry Munro. person
correspondedWith Flammand, . person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Beatrice Bend. person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Henry Prather, 1873-1959 person
correspondedWith Flitcraft, William Z. person
correspondedWith Foord, Andrew Green. person
correspondedWith Frances (Monroe) Robinson person
associatedWith Frances Theodora (Smith) Dana Parsons person
associatedWith Francis Cole person
correspondedWith Frelinghuysen, Lucy. person
correspondedWith Fritts, J W. person
correspondedWith Frost, Conway A. person
associatedWith F. Y. Tang person
correspondedWith Galbraith, Frederick W., Jr. person
correspondedWith Gardner, Constance (Lodge), 1872- person
correspondedWith Garfield, Helen Newell. person
correspondedWith Garfield, James Rudolph, 1865-1950 person
correspondedWith Garford, Arthur Lovett, 1858-1933 person
correspondedWith Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940 person
correspondedWith Garrison, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Garrison, Marian. person
correspondedWith Garrison, Philip McKim, 1869- person
correspondedWith Gate, Catharine Louise. person
correspondedWith Gibran, Kahlil, 1883-1951 person
associatedWith Gill, Brendan person
correspondedWith Gilmer, Elizabeth Meriwether, 1861-1951 person
correspondedWith Gimbel, Bernard F., 1885-1966 person
associatedWith Glazier, Sidney person
correspondedWith Godkin, Lawrence, 1860- person
correspondedWith Goodhue, Edward Solon, 1863- person
correspondedWith Gordon, G. Arthur. person
correspondedWith Goulding, (Mrs.) . person
associatedWith Grace G. Tully. person
correspondedWith Gracie, Anna (Bulloch), d. 1893 person
correspondedWith Grafflin, Samuel W. person
correspondedWith Grange, Emily de la. person
correspondedWith Green, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Green, Sarah E. person
correspondedWith Gregory, Eliot, 1854-1915 person
correspondedWith Grey, Albert Henry George Grey, 4th earl, 1851-1917 person
correspondedWith Grier, David H. person
correspondedWith Griswold, Gaspar. person
correspondedWith Griswold, Josephine (Houghteling). person
correspondedWith Guiterman, Arthur, 1871-1943 person
correspondedWith Habersham, M. A. person
correspondedWith Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882-1964 person
correspondedWith Hamlin, Emily G. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Emily Vanderbilt (Sloane), 1874- person
correspondedWith Hand, Learned, 1872-1961 person
correspondedWith Hapgood, Ernest Granger, Jr. person
correspondedWith Hardman, Hattie B. person
correspondedWith Harriet Douglas (Robinson) Wolryche-Whitmore person
correspondedWith Harriman, Elizabeth T. person
correspondedWith Harris, Credo Fitch, 1874-1956 person
correspondedWith Hassinger, Luther C. person
correspondedWith Heckscher, C. A. person
correspondedWith Heidgerd, William. person
correspondedWith Helen Rebecca Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Henderson, Norman. person
associatedWith Henry F. Pringl. person
associatedWith Henry, Reginald B. person
correspondedWith Herrick, Myron Timothy, 1854-1929 person
correspondedWith Hibben, John Grier, 1861-1933 person
correspondedWith Hilborne West. person
correspondedWith Hilles, Howard. person
correspondedWith Hinds, Louise. person
correspondedWith Hopper, Franklin Ferguson, 1878-1950 person
correspondedWith Hopwood, Gladys (Wolryche-Whitmore). person
associatedWith Howard Maxfield. person
associatedWith Howell Crim. person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Franklin Chase, 1876-1937 person
correspondedWith Hughes, C F. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948 person
correspondedWith Hughes, Wallace T. person
correspondedWith Huguenin, Annie. person
correspondedWith Huidekoper, Helena(Elliott). person
correspondedWith Hunter, Archibald. person
correspondedWith Huntington, Archer Milton, 1870-1955 person
correspondedWith Hurt, Zula K. person
correspondedWith Hutchins, William James, 1871-1958 person
correspondedWith Hyde, Jeannette A. person
correspondedWith Isaac Iselin person
correspondedWith Jaccaci, Augusto Floriano, 1857-1930 person
associatedWith James Bryce, viscount Bryce person
correspondedWith James, Harriet P. person
correspondedWith James King Gracie. person
associatedWith James Rockwell Sheffield person
correspondedWith James, Walter Belknap, 1858-1927 person
correspondedWith Jay, Augustus. person
associatedWith Jean Jules Jusserand person
associatedWith Joanna Randall-MacIver person
correspondedWith John Ellis Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Joline, Mary E. L. person
correspondedWith Joseph Alsop person
associatedWith Josephine Poirot. person
correspondedWith Joseph Wright Alsop person
associatedWith Julia (Lawrence) Terry person
correspondedWith Jusserand, Elise (Richards). person
correspondedWith Kaltenbrunner, Jane. person
correspondedWith Kean, Katharine Taylor (Winthrop). person
correspondedWith Kean, Lucy (Halsted). person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Virgil K. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Foster, 1884-1952 person
correspondedWith Kilmer, Aline (Murray), 1888-1941 person
correspondedWith Kingsford, Daniel P. person
correspondedWith Kirby, Gustavus Town. person
correspondedWith La Farge, Florence. person
correspondedWith Lane, Franklin Knight, 1864-1921 person
correspondedWith Lawrence, William, bp., 1850-1941 person
correspondedWith Leavitt, Sarah (Bancroft), d. 1929 person
correspondedWith Ledyard, Isabel. person
correspondedWith Ledyard, Lewis Cass, 1851-1932 person
correspondedWith Lee, Arthur Hamilton Lee, viscount, 1868-1947 person
correspondedWith Lee, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Lee, George Cabot. person
correspondedWith Leeser, Robert. person
associatedWith Letitia J. Hassinger. person
correspondedWith Lewisohn, Adolph, 1849-1938 person
correspondedWith Lindley, Bryant. person
correspondedWith Lindley, Edith. person
associatedWith L. M. White. person
correspondedWith Lodge, Anna Cabot Mills (Davis), d. 1915 person
correspondedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924 person
correspondedWith Lodur, Bertha. person
correspondedWith Loeb, William, 1866-1937 person
correspondedWith Longworth, Alice (Roosevelt), 1884- person
associatedWith Louis Wiley person
correspondedWith Lovett, Elizabet M. person
correspondedWith Low, Benjamin Robbins Curtis, 1880-1941 person
correspondedWith Lowden, Frank Orren, 1861-1943 person
associatedWith Lydia Garrison person
correspondedWith Lyell, Mary. person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Emilie Helm. person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Lisbeth. person
correspondedWith Mackay, Clarke. person
correspondedWith MacNider, Hanford, 1889-1968 person
associatedWith Malvina C. Thompson. person
associatedWith Mamie Solomon person
correspondedWith Mansfield, Beatrice Cameron, 1868- person
correspondedWith Marbury, Elisabeth, 1856-1933 person
correspondedWith Margerie, Pierre de. person
associatedWith Margot Street person
correspondedWith Marion Sturgis person
associatedWith Marquand, Henry, 1856-1921 person
correspondedWith Marquand, Henry, 1857-1921 person
correspondedWith Martha (Bulloch) Roosevelt person
associatedWith Mary Espy (Johnston) Sloane. person
correspondedWith Masters, Edgar Lee, 1869-1950 person
correspondedWith Mathews, Charles Thompson, 1863-1934 person
associatedWith Maude Hoyt. person
associatedWith Maud May (Blanc) Harris. person
correspondedWith Maxfield, Windsor. person
correspondedWith Maynard, Lucy (Warner), 1852-1936 person
correspondedWith McBlair, Mary Tayloe Key. person
correspondedWith McBlair, Mary Tayloe Key, recipient. person
correspondedWith McCabe, Alexander. person
correspondedWith McCawley, Charles Laurie, 1865-1935 person
correspondedWith McClellan, G L. person
correspondedWith McClure, Alfred James Pollock 1854-1930 person
correspondedWith McCoy, Frank Ross, 1874-1954 person
correspondedWith McDowall, Elizabeth King. person
correspondedWith Melissa D. Franklin person
correspondedWith Menken, Solomon Stanwood, 1870-1954 person
correspondedWith Merck, Friedrike. person
correspondedWith Milburn, John George, 1851-1930 person
correspondedWith Millerand, J . person
correspondedWith Miller, Philip S. person
correspondedWith Minnigerode, Fitzhugh Lee. person
associatedWith Mistral, Frédéric person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Edward Page, 1852-1927 person
associatedWith Monroe Douglas Robinson person
correspondedWith Moody, William Henry, 1853-1917 person
correspondedWith Moran, E M. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Bunny?, recipient. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Charles D. person
correspondedWith Morgan, William Fellowes, 1860-1943 person
correspondedWith Morrill, Albert Henry, 1875-1942 person
correspondedWith Mortimer, Jessie. person
correspondedWith Mrs.) Brown person
associatedWith Mrs. Carroll. person
associatedWith Mrs.) Eyer. person
associatedWith Mrs. J. M. Helm. person
associatedWith Mrs. Maxfield person
correspondedWith Mrs. Norman C. Walker person
associatedWith Mrs. Richardson. person
correspondedWith Mrs. Sorrel? person
correspondedWith Munn, Charles Allen, 1859-1924 person
correspondedWith Munsey, Frank Andrew, 1854-1925 person
correspondedWith Murray, Alice (Rathbone). person
correspondedWith Murray, Evelyn. person
associatedWith Nathalie (Henderson) Swan person
associatedWith Nathan, Maud (Nathan), 1862-1946 person
correspondedWith Nicoll, Courtlandt. person
correspondedWith Noyer, Léon. person
associatedWith Ogden Mills Reid. person
correspondedWith O'Hara, John Myers. person
correspondedWith Opdycke, Edith. person
correspondedWith Osborn, Lucretia Thatcher (Perry), 1858? -1930 person
correspondedWith Osborn, William Church, 1862-1951 person
correspondedWith Ottinger, Albert, 1878-1938 person
correspondedWith Parish, Susan L. person
associatedWith Parker, A H. person
correspondedWith Parker, Alice G. person
correspondedWith Parker, Eleanor Gordon. person
correspondedWith Parkman, Frances. person
correspondedWith Parks, Leighton, 1852-1933 person
correspondedWith Parsons, Frances Theodora (Smith) Dana, 1861-1952 person
correspondedWith Paton, David. person
correspondedWith Peabody, Endicott, 1857-1944 person
correspondedWith Peabody, Fannie, 1860-1946 person
correspondedWith Pendleton, Elizabeth (La Montagne). person
correspondedWith Pendleton, Francis Key, d. 1930 person
correspondedWith Perkins, Leita Amory. person
correspondedWith Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943 person
correspondedWith Phillips, Caroline D. person
correspondedWith Poirot, Josephine. person
correspondedWith Poor, Roger M. person
correspondedWith Post, George B. person
correspondedWith Post, Rose D. W. person
correspondedWith Potter, Carol M. person
correspondedWith Potter, Howard. person
correspondedWith Potter, Maria A. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Harriet (Barnes). person
correspondedWith Pupin, Michael Idvorsky, 1858-1935 person
correspondedWith Pyne, Moses Taylor, 1855-1921 person
correspondedWith Ralph W. Magee person
associatedWith Reginald B. Henry person
correspondedWith Reid, G. Boileau. person
correspondedWith Reid, Helen Miles (Rogers), 1882-1970 person
correspondedWith Reisner, Christian Fichthorne, 1872-1940 person
correspondedWith Rice, Marion Ashby. person
correspondedWith Richards, Charles Russell, 1865-1936 person
correspondedWith Richards, Gertrude Moore, d. 1927 person
correspondedWith Richards, Hilda M. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Harold J. person
correspondedWith Rittenhouse, Jessie Belle, 1869-1948 person
correspondedWith Robbins, Herbert D. person
associatedWith Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt, 1861-1933. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Dorothy (Jordan), d. 1976 person
associatedWith Robinson, Douglas person
associatedWith Robinson, Douglas, 1855-1918 person
associatedWith Robinson family family
correspondedWith Robinson, Frances (Monroe), d. 1906 person
correspondedWith Robinson, Helen Rebecca (Roosevelt), 1881-1962 person
correspondedWith Robinson, Louise (Miller). person
correspondedWith Robinson, May. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Monroe Douglas, 1887-1944 person
correspondedWith Robinson, Stewart Douglas, 1889-1909 person
correspondedWith Rockwell, Alphonso Devid, 1840-1933 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Archibald Bulloch, 1894- person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Belle (Willard), 1892-1968 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Christine Griffin (Kean), 1858-1936 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Edith Kermit (Carow), 1861-1948 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor Butler (Alexander), 1889-1960 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Elizabeth (Riley). person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Elliott, 1860-1894 person
associatedWith Roosevelt family family
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1939- person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, pres. U. S., 1882-1945 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Grace (Lockwood ), d. 1971 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Hall, 1891-1941 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, James Roosevelt, 1854-1927 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, James West, 1858-1896 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, John Ellis, 1853-1939 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Kate (Shippen), d. 1925 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Kermit, 1889-1943 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Laura Henriette (d'Orémieulx), 1858-1945 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Margaret (Barnhill), 1799-1861 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Margaret (Richardson), 1892- person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Martha (Bulloch), 1834-1884 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Nicholas, 1893- person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Sara (Delano), 1854-1941 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Theodore person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1831-1878 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1887-1944 person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Virginia, d. 1947 person
correspondedWith Root, Elihu, 1845-1937 person
correspondedWith Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th earl of, 1847-1929 person
correspondedWith Rose, Héloise (Durant). person
correspondedWith Routhier, Adolphe Basile, 1839-1920 person
associatedWith Sarah (Bancroft) Leavitt. person
associatedWith Sarah C. W. Hoppin person
correspondedWith Sarah E. Green person
correspondedWith Sattene, Mattie Griffith. person
correspondedWith Schoonmaker, M . person
correspondedWith Schuyler, Louisa Lee, 1837-1926 person
correspondedWith Scott, Hugh Lenox, 1853-1934 person
correspondedWith Scribner, Charles, 1854-1930 person
correspondedWith Seddon, Thomas Edward Youd, 1884- person
correspondedWith Séligmann-Lui, Jeanne A. person
correspondedWith Senff, Gustavia A. person
correspondedWith Shanley, Bernard M. person
correspondedWith Sherman, French & Co., publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sherman, John D., Jr. person
correspondedWith Shimel, Mae Pierce. person
correspondedWith Siegrist, Mary, d. 1953 person
correspondedWith Sill, Louise Morgan (Smith), d. 1961 person
correspondedWith Skinner, Joshie. person
correspondedWith Sloane, William Milligan, 1850-1928 person
correspondedWith Smith, Frances Hopkins. person
correspondedWith Smith, Frank C. person
correspondedWith Smith, Marion Couthouy, 1853-1931 person
correspondedWith Souvestre, Marie. person
correspondedWith Speyer, James, 1861-1941 person
correspondedWith Spicer-Simson, Theodore, 1871-1959 person
correspondedWith Spring-Rice, Florence (Lascelles). person
correspondedWith Staunton, Sidney Augustus, 1850-1939 person
correspondedWith Stern, Philip Van Doren, 1900- person
correspondedWith Stevens, Elizabeth Oliver. person
correspondedWith Stewart Alsop person
associatedWith Stewart Douglas Robinson person
correspondedWith Stimson, Henry Lewis, 1867-1950 person
correspondedWith Stoddard, Henry Luther, 1861-1947 person
correspondedWith Straus, Oscar Solomon, 1850-1926 person
correspondedWith Street, Julian, 1879-1947 person
correspondedWith Stricker, Josephine M. person
correspondedWith Sturgis, Marion. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Borgia. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, W A. person
associatedWith Sumner Welles person
correspondedWith Susan (Elliott) West person
correspondedWith Swan, Nathalie (Henderson), 1881- person
correspondedWith Swift, Ara De Long. person
correspondedWith Swift, C F. person
correspondedWith Taft, William Howard, pres. U. S., 1857-1930 person
correspondedWith Talmage, Mary Prentice. person
correspondedWith Teall, Frederick G. person
correspondedWith Terry, Julia (Lawrence). person
correspondedWith Theodore Douglas Robinson person
correspondedWith Theodore Roosevelt. person
associatedWith Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. person
associatedWith Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. person
associatedWith Thigpen, R. H. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Malvina C. person
associatedWith T. H. Powers Farr. person
correspondedWith Tide-Water Building Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Tompkins, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Towne, Charles Hanson, 1877-1949 person
correspondedWith Tracy, William Dwight. person
correspondedWith Trowbridge, Samuel Breck Parkman, 1862-1925 person
correspondedWith Trowbridge, Sophia Pennington (Tailer). person
correspondedWith Tschume, Mae Belle. person
correspondedWith Tupper, Tullius C. person
correspondedWith Tweed, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Umbarger, Emma. person
correspondedWith Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958 person
correspondedWith Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933 person
correspondedWith Viereck, George Sylvester, 1884-1962 person
correspondedWith Vrooman, John Wright, 1844-1929 person
correspondedWith Waldo, Harold. person
correspondedWith Walker, John Yates Gholson, 1871-1940 person
associatedWith Wallis Umbarger. person
correspondedWith Wall, Maria Carey. person
correspondedWith Walsh, Maria T. person
associatedWith Walter B. King person
correspondedWith Walton, Frances H. person
correspondedWith Warfield, Douglas R. person
correspondedWith Warfield, Henry M., Jr. person
correspondedWith Warfield, Richard Emory, 1855-1924 person
correspondedWith Washburn, Charles Grenfill, 1857-1928 person
correspondedWith Watts, Harvey Maitland, 1864-1939 person
correspondedWith Weekes, Frederic Delano. person
correspondedWith Weir, John Alden, 1852-1919 person
correspondedWith Welles, Beryn. person
correspondedWith West, Andrew Fleming, 1853-1943 person
correspondedWith West, E M. person
correspondedWith West, Susan (Elliott), recipient. person
correspondedWith Wheeler, Edward Jewitt, 1859-1922 person
correspondedWith White, Edward Douglass, 1845-1921 person
correspondedWith White, Frances C. person
correspondedWith White, Henry, 1850-1927 person
correspondedWith White, James Terry, 1845-1920 person
correspondedWith White, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Whitfield, Inez H. person
correspondedWith Whittemore, James. person
correspondedWith Widdoes, Will H. person
correspondedWith Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875-1949 person
correspondedWith Wiley, Louis, 1869-1935 person
associatedWith William Aspenwall Bradley. person
associatedWith William H. Maxwell person
associatedWith William Kaltenbrunner. person
associatedWith William Sheffield Cowles person
correspondedWith Williams, Jesse Lynch, 1871-1929 person
correspondedWith Williams, William, 1862-1947 person
associatedWith William Wingate Sewall person
correspondedWith Wilson, Francis, 1854-1935 person
correspondedWith Winslow, Cameron McRae, 1854-1932 person
correspondedWith Winthrop, Emmeline. person
correspondedWith Winthrop, Kate W. person
correspondedWith Wittpen, Caroline, d. 1932 person
correspondedWith Wolcott, Cora L. person
correspondedWith Wolcott, Edith (Prescott), 1853-1934 person
correspondedWith Wolcott, Frances (Metcalfe). person
correspondedWith Wolryche-Whitmore, Harriet Douglas (Robinson), 1856-1922 person
correspondedWith Wolryche-Whitmore, Henry Bazeley, 1856-1928 person
correspondedWith Wood, Elizabeth Ogden. person
correspondedWith Wood, Leonard, 1860-1927 person
correspondedWith Wood, Louise A. (Condit Smith). person
correspondedWith Woodruff, Helen (Smith), 1888-1924 person
correspondedWith Wroblewski, Anna. person
correspondedWith Yerburgh, Frances Sylvia (Wolryche-Whitmore), d. 1939 person
correspondedWith Young, A. Murray. person
correspondedWith Young, Marie Hunt. person
correspondedWith Yulee, Anne M. person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1886

Death 1971

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6jh401x

SNAC ID: 30665550