Texas Technological College
Variant namesDr. Billy Ross, the chair of the School of Mass Communications at Texas Tech University, and a Mass Communications faculty member, Richard Schroeder, went to Pueblo, Colorado, to film German World War II art works which were supposed to be returned to Germany. Ross received permission from the U. S. Army to film the works. Ross wrote down the documentation information that went with each art work while Schroeder did the photography work.
From the guide to the German Art from the Billy Ross Negative Collection, U 329. 1., 1889-1980, (Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University)
Sponsored by the Animal Science Department of the College of Agricultural Sciences, the Block and Bridle Club was an organization made up of undergraduate and graduate students who supported the livestock industry and the Animal Science Dept. Activities included an annual ham and turkey sale, the Annual Little International All University Livestock Show and Judging Contest, a banquet, and presentations of scholarships to members. The national chapter of Block and Bridle Club was formed in 1919 in Chicago, Illinois.
From the guide to the Block and Bridle Club, Records, U 211. 1., 1933-1981 and undated, (Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University)
On July 13, 1957, the Board of Directors held an executive meeting and initiated the dismissals of three Tech faculty members and the ended the Adult Education program. Dismissed was Dr. Byron Robert Abernethy, professor of Government for 16 years; Dr. Herbert Marvin Greenberg, assistant professor of Psychology for two years and associate director of the Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Program; Dr. Per Stensland, professor of Education and director of the Adult Education program for 5 years.
Both Abernethy and Greenberg had clashed with the Board of Directors due to their political and social views. Abernethy had been active in "liberal" Democratic circles while Greenberg had been vocal on his stance on pro-integration, stating that the Supreme Court decision should be upheld and he had conducted a psychological survey of faculty on their views of integration.
A large part of the controversy was the secretive manner in which the decisions were made. Tech President E. N. Jones was told the terminations were discussed in the June meeting but he himself had been barred from attending either the June or July board meetings and claimed to have no knowledge of complaints against either professor. "I reiterate that dismissal from a college faculty should be done with due process," stated Jones, who worried that Tech might lose its accreditation due to such actions. Other requests for an open meeting discussion of the dismissals were vetoed 8 to 1, with board member J. Evetts Haley ironically being the one member to vote for a public discussion. The board also declined to make public the reasons for the dismissals. Reasons later pieced together point to Abernethy's consultant work income, two student petitions requesting Greenberg's firing and letters of complaint about Abernethy and Greenberg. Stensland, on the other hand, lost his job when Adult Education program was terminated due to financial issues and no complaints seem to have been involved with his ousting.
The loss of academic freedom and censorship forced several faculty members to be unwilling to discuss the situation. Later, the Board of Directors, in response to all the complaints including those of the Faculty Advisory Committee, approved the creation of a committee to consider issues involved with faculty tenure and outside activities.
In an approximately 8,000 word report published as a special supplement to the March edition of the AAUP Bulletin, the American Association of University Professors membership cast a unanimous vote of censure against Texas Technological College on April 25, 1958.
From the guide to the Censure Records, U 38. 1., 1956-1966, (Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University)
Senate Bill No. 103 provided for the establishment of a “State school west of the 98th meridian and north of the 29th parallel,” thereby setting the ground work for the creation of Texas Technological School. Among the purposes of the school was to provide a “co-educational college giving thorough instruction in technology and textile engineering from which a student may reach the highest degree of education.”
Membership of the Locating Board consisted of S. B. Cowell (chairman), W. A. Nabours (secretary), Dr. F. M. Bralley, Dr. S. M. N. Marrs, Dr. W. B. Bizzell, and Dr. William B. Sutton.
The application form specified the role of the Locating Board, as well as the Board's requirement of six copies of each application. Members were not to accept, either directly or indirectly, any gifts, offers or bonuses which could influence their decision.
The applicants were free to submit their proposal in any form or size, as long as considerations such as climatic conditions, accessibility, water supply and location were addressed. 2,000 acres of land which could not exceed the sum of $150,000 was another provision for receiving the winning bid. Thirty-five cities and the county of Panhandle-Plains placed bids for the location of the Texas Technological School.
On August 8, 1923, the Locating Board announced Lubbock as the site chosen for the new college campus. A celebration to commemorate the selection occurred on August 28th, with Governor Pat Neff as the main speaker.
From the guide to the Locating Board records, U 113. 1., 1923 and 1938, (Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University)
Role | Title | Holding Repository | |
referencedIn | Judy Dewbre Papers, U 338. 1., 1956-1997 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Hodge, Thomas F. Hodge, Thomas F., Reminiscences, 1926 | University of Texas Libraries | |
referencedIn | Kelley, Frank, 1897-1963. Papers, 1936-1963. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Melinda Shanklin Papers, U 281. 1., 1897-1989 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Texas Tech Memorabilia, U 119. 1., 1935-2002 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Athletic Media Relations Photographs, U 193. 2., 1925-2000 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Richardson, Rupert Norval, 1891-. Papers, 1935-1939. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Cook, Gertrude Harris. Papers, 1928-1971. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Charles R. Eatherly Collection, U 322. 2., 1959-1975 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Sports Information Records, U 23. 6., 1928-2009 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Houston, Charles. Papers, 1938-1963, (bulks 1941-1945). | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Pearce, William Martin, Jr., 1913-. Papers, 1932-1974. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Texas Technological College. Association of Women Students. Records, 1968. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | W. L. Stangel Papers, S 977. 1., 1888-1975 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Texas Tech University, Office of the President, Records, U 147. 41., 1966-1996 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Mortar Board Records, U 121. 1., 1928-2005 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Conference of Academic Deans records, 1952-1956. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Wilson, Eloise Smith. Papers, 1933-1939, 1936-1939. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | William H. Bledsoe Papers, S95. 1., 1851-1967 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
creatorOf | Block and Bridle Club, Records, U 211. 1., 1933-1981 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
creatorOf | Agricultural Chemicals Conference. Collection, 1955-1957, 1961. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Marshall Formby Papers, S 339. 1., 1883-1989 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Papers of John Coolidge and Agnes Mongan, 1909-2006 | Harvard Art Museums. Archives | |
referencedIn | Athletic Media Relations, Photographs, U 193. 1., 1928-1999 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Carter, Amon G., 1879-1955. Papers, 1923-1927. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Board of Regents Records, U 30. 10., 1930-1993 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Southwest Athletic Conference Records, S 1254. 1., 1914-1996 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Foundation for International Research and Development (Lubbock, Tex.). Records, 1958-1968. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Wiley, Dewey O., 1898-1980. Papers, 1884-1981, 1923-1966. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Pete Cawthon Reunion ( (1975 Nov. 1 : Lubbock, Tex.). Records, 1930-1975, 1930-1940, 1975. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Lauro F. Cavazos Papers, U 286. 1., 1982-2000 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Burke, Alberta H., 1907-1975. Alberta H. and Henry G. Burke papers and Jane Austen Research collection, 1811-1996. | Goucher College, Goucher College Library | |
referencedIn | Cole, William Conner, 1900-. Papers, 1938-1957, 1940. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Dairy Barn Records, U 55. 1., 1970-1992 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
creatorOf | German Art from the Billy Ross Negative Collection, U 329. 1., 1889-1980 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Carter, Amon Giles, 1879-1955. Amon G. Carter papers, 1806-1997 (bulk 1935-1955). | Texas Christian University | |
referencedIn | Music Department Records, U 123. 6., 1945-1987 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Cole, William Conner, 1900-. Papers, 1938-1957. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Latch, Leonard, Mrs. Collection, 1939. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Armstrong, R. Wright (Robert Wright), 1892-1966. Papers, 1868-1975, 1868-1966. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Robinson, W. I., 1890-1977. Papers, 1915-1955. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Gott, Preston F., 1919-. Papers, 1987-1988. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Campus Activities and Involvement Records, U 344. 1., 1920-2001 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Earnest, Ara Hurst, 1890-. Papers, 1907-1949, 1949. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | E. Preston Smith Papers, S 937. 1., 1930-1975 and undated | Texas Tech University,Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library | |
referencedIn | Faculty Club Records, U 74. 4., 1967-1989 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | James G. Allen Records, U 14. 1., 1925-1969 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Gates, William Bryan, 1897-1983. Papers, 1927-1963. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Elmer L. Tarbox Papers, S 1006. 1., 1863-1978 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Texas Technological College Locating Committee (Lubbock, Tex.). Collection, 1923. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
creatorOf | Scrapbooks, U 44. 1., 1923-1973 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
creatorOf | Locating Board records, U 113. 1., 1923 and 1938 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Sports Posters and Oversized Materials, U 23., 1956-2009 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Carpenter, Hurley, Mrs. Papers, 1949-1986. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Frank B. Conselman Papers, S 1386. 1., 1920-1989 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Cornick, Boyd, 1856-1933. Family papers, 1878-1978, 1878-1964. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Smith, Wilmer. Papers, 1959-1985. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Woolridge, Floyd Alpheaus, 1906-1986. Papers, 1925-1966, 1957-1963. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Bradford Knapp, Papers, U 243. 1., 1891-1940 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Sports Information, Records, U 23. 9., 1939-1999 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Bledsoe, William Harrison, 1869-1936. Papers, 1851-1971, 1851-1949. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Ford, Gus Lee. Papers, 1931-1935, 1934-1935. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Flora Goforth Papers, U 242. 2., 1927-1934 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Cunningham, Albert Benjamin, 1888-1962. Papers, 1843-1966, 1925-1961. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | President's Office Records, U 147. 45., 1984-2004 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Clifford Bartlett Jones Papers, S 499. 1., 1814-1973 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Gray, Alyne Odom. Family papers, 1888-1961. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Sports Information Records, U 23. 3., 1925-1996 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Athletic Media Relations Records, U 193. 1., 1928-2012 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Sports Infromation Records, U 23. 19., 1938-2009 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Women's Service Organization Records, U 232. 1., 1964-1998 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Andrews, Ruth Horn, 1893-1986. Papers, 1925-1956. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Crane, Royston Campbell, 1864-1956. Papers, 1916-1937, 1916-1931. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | William Curry Holden and Frances Mayhugh Holden Papers, S 455. 1., 1836-1989 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Ransom Walker Papers, U 280. 1., 1925-1961 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Heineman, Ellis Richard. Papers, 1920-1973. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Carl Coke Rister Papers, S 854. 1., 1834-1963 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Nicklaus, Winfield W. Papers, 1925-1978, 1925-1928. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Inaugurations Papers, U 98. 1., 1944-1989 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Mary Virginia Woodward Doak. | Texas Woman's University Library, Mary Evelyn Blagg-Huey Library | |
referencedIn | Dewey O. Wiley, Papers, U 49. 1., 1915-1981 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Hodge, Thomas F. Reminiscences, 1926 | Dolph Briscoe Center for American History | |
referencedIn | Flora Goforth Papers, U 242. 3., 1906-2000 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Davis, Alaric Brant, 1890-1967. Papers, 1923-1933. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Weymouth, Chanslor E., 1890-1979. Papers, 1961-1965. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Tech Tips Collection, U 177. 1., 1942-1975 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | College of Human Sciences Records, U 261. 1., 1925-1998 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Jennings, William Morley. Papers, 1909-1971. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Tarbox, Elmer Lois, 1916-1987. Papers, 1863-1978, 1937-1978. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Texas Tech University, Office of the President, Records, U 147. 42., 1965-1966 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Turner, Jack. Papers, 1936-1942. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Ex-Student's Association Records, U 70. 7., 1927-2002 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Music Department Records, U 123. 8., 1948-1995 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Conklin, Irene Vermillion, 1908-1987. Irene Vermillion Conklin Collection | Angelo State University Library, Porter Henderson Library | |
referencedIn | Marshall, D'Ann Sammons. Papers, 1924-1929. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Athletic Media Relations, Photographs, U 193. 1., 1928-1999 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Marshall Formby and Sharleen Formby Rhoads Papers, S 1247. 1., 1860-2000 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Red Raider Club Records, U 279. 1., 1950-2000 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Bledsoe, Emma K. Papers, 1905-1983. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
creatorOf | Scrapbooks, U 295. 1., 1920-1963 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Harry Levin papers | Houghton Library | |
referencedIn | Faculty Club Records, U 74. 3., 1969-1993 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Jones, Clifford B. (Clifford Bartlett), 1885-1972. Papers, 1836-1973, 1919-1972. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Goodwin, Robert Cabaniss, 1898-. Papers, 1851-1964, 1854-1907. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Wagner, Charles John, 1878-1957. Papers, 1896-1952, (bulks 1893-1946). | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Margaret E. Wilson Papers, U 334. 1., 1935-2007 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Davis, Lucile. Papers, 1925-1927. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Athletic Council Records, U 22. 1., 1925-1994 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Department of Biblical Literature, Records, U 251. 1., 1947-1984 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Elgin-Butler Brick Company drawings, 1959-1980 | Alexander Architectural Archive, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin. | |
referencedIn | Wade, Homer D. Papers, 1943. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Knapp, Bradford, 1870-1938. Papers, 1891-1940. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Bucy, Jane Wilson. Papers, 1934-1941. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Nancy Cantwell Collection, U 304. 1., 1938-1956 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Agricultural Sciences Records, U 12. 1., 1954-1984 and undated | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Clark, Sidney Roscoe, 1886-1968. Papers, 1913-1944, (bulks: 1934-1943). | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Volleyball Collection, U 339. 1., 1974-2008 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Charles John Wagner Papers, S1126. 1., 1896-1952 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Institutional Research and Information Management Records, U278. 1., 1920-2011 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Dickson, Danella. Papers, 1946-1950. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
creatorOf | Censure Records, U 38. 1., 1956-1966 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University | |
referencedIn | Morton, Auvena. Papers, 1908-1981, (bulks 1925-1980). | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Burson, Katherine L. Hearne. Papers, 1920-1927. | Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library | |
referencedIn | Music Department Collection, U 123. 9., 1978-2003 | Southwest Collection/Special Collections Libary, Texas Tech University |
Role | Title | Holding Repository |
Place Name | Admin Code | Country | |
Clyde (Tex.) | |||
Menard (Tex.) | |||
Munday (Tex.) | |||
Post (Tex.) | |||
Claude (Tex.) | |||
Stanton (Tex.) | |||
Wilson (Tex.) | |||
Buffalo Gap (Tex.) | |||
Floydada (Tex.) | |||
Lubbock (Tex.) | |||
Germany | |||
Colorado City (Tex.) | |||
Quanah (Tex.) | |||
Paint Rock (Tex.) | |||
Midland (Tex.) | |||
Abilene (Tex.) | |||
Brady (Tex.) | |||
Miles (Tex.) | |||
Lampasas (Tex.) | |||
Cisco (Tex.) | |||
Crosbyton (Tex.) | |||
Brownwood (Tex.) | |||
Plainview (Tex.) | |||
Coleman (Tex.) | |||
Memphis (Tex.) | |||
Snyder (Tex.) | |||
Tulia (Tex.) | |||
Big Spring (Tex.) | |||
Vernon (Tex.) | |||
Amarillo(Tex.) | |||
Sweetwater (Tex.) | |||
Stamford (Tex.) | |||
Ballinger (Tex.) | |||
Haskell (Tex.) | |||
Spur (Tex.) |
Subject |
Academic freedom |
Agricultural students |
Agricultural students |
Art treasures in war |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) |
College administrators |
Universities and colleges |
Universities and colleges |
Cultural property |
Education, Higher |
Teaching, Freedom of |
Texas Technological College |
Texas Technological College |
Texas Technological College |
Texas Technological College |
Texas Technological College |
Texas Technological College |
Texas Technological College Foundation |
World War, 1939-1945 |
World War, 1939-1945 |
World War, 1939-1945 |
Occupation |
Activity |
Corporate Body
Active 1955
Active 1961