Wisdom, William B., 1900-1977

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Wolfe was an American novelist.

From the description of William B. Wisdom collection of Thomas Wolfe, 1909-1959. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 80284498

From the guide to the William B. Wisdom collection of Thomas Wolfe, 1909-1959., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Houghton Library printed book provenance file, R-Z and unidentified Houghton Library
referencedIn Maxwell Evarts Perkins correspondence and papers on Thomas Wolfe, 1933-1948. Houghton Library
creatorOf Roberts, Margaret Rose, d. 1947. Margaret Rose Roberts correspondence and papers on Thomas Wolfe, 1929-1951. Houghton Library
creatorOf Wisdom, William B., 1900-1977,. William B. Wisdom collection of Thomas Wolfe, 1909-1959. Houghton Library
creatorOf Miller, John Carl. Papers of John Carl Miller, regarding Thomas Wolfe [manuscript] 1945-1950. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Perkins, Maxwell E. (Maxwell Evarts), 1884-1947. Maxwell Evarts Perkins correspondence and papers on Thomas Wolfe, 1933-1948. Houghton Library
referencedIn Maxwell Evarts Perkins correspondence and papers on Thomas Wolfe, 1933-1948. Houghton Library
creatorOf Wisdom, William B. The baffling termini of time and space : poem, 1960, New Orleans. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Wisdom, William B. William B. Wisdom collection of Thomas Wolfe. 1909-1959. Houghton Library
referencedIn Margaret Rose Roberts correspondence and papers on Thomas Wolfe, 1929-1951. Houghton Library
referencedIn Richard Gaither Walser Papers, 1918-1988 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
creatorOf Wisdom, William B. William B. Wisdom collection of Thomas Wolfe. 1909-1959. Houghton Library
referencedIn Wisdom, William B. William B. Wisdom collection of Thomas Wolfe. 1909-1959. Houghton Library
creatorOf Houghton Library. Wisdom collection : printed books manuscript Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbey, Sallie. person
correspondedWith Abernethy, Milton A., recipient. person
associatedWith Abraham Jones person
correspondedWith Adam Burger person
correspondedWith Agence Littéraire Internationale. corporateBody
correspondedWith Akers, Arthur K. person
correspondedWith Albert, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Albert, Westrick & Hauss. Firm. Lawyers. Berlin. corporateBody
correspondedWith Aldrich, Richard, 1863-1937 person
correspondedWith Alexander, Ruth Laughlin. person
correspondedWith Aley, Ruth. person
associatedWith Aline Bernstein person
correspondedWith Aline (Frankau) Bernstein. person
correspondedWith Allen, Annie-Laurie. person
correspondedWith Allen, Jewel. person
correspondedWith Allen, John D., recipient. person
correspondedWith Allen, Patricia. person
correspondedWith Alsevang, Frances. person
associatedWith Altamont person
correspondedWith American artists group, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith American laboratory theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith America's young men. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ames, Elizabeth, recipient. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Mildred C. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941 person
correspondedWith Andrews, William H. person
correspondedWith Andrews, William H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Anne (Wetzell) Armstrong. person
correspondedWith Apt, Seymour. person
correspondedWith Archer, William H. person
correspondedWith Arenson, Meta. person
correspondedWith Armer, Alberta. person
correspondedWith Armstrong, Anne (Wetzell) 1872-1958 person
associatedWith Arnold Pentland person
correspondedWith Asheville Young Men's Christian Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Aswell, Mary Louise (White) 1902- person
correspondedWith Aswell, Mrs. Edward. person
correspondedWith Authors' Guild. corporateBody
correspondedWith Author's Guild of the Author's League of America, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Author's League of America, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Babbitt, G. M. person
correspondedWith Babbitt, G. M., recipient. person
correspondedWith Baird, Harry L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Baird, Leslie. person
correspondedWith Baker, George Pierce, 1866-1935 person
correspondedWith Baleria, J. Wesley. person
correspondedWith Ballin, Hugo. person
correspondedWith Ballough, Marguerite F. person
correspondedWith Ballough, Marguerite F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Ball, Sterling. person
correspondedWith Bancroft, Caroline. person
correspondedWith Barker, Lee. person
correspondedWith Barrows, Albert. person
correspondedWith Barr, Stringfellow, 1897- person
correspondedWith Baruk, Decatur B. person
correspondedWith Basement book shop. corporateBody
correspondedWith Basso, Hamilton, 1904-1964 person
correspondedWith Bates, Connie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939 person
correspondedWith Bates, Pearle, recipient. person
correspondedWith Baudin, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Baudreaux, Harry. person
correspondedWith Bayne, Hugh Aiken. person
correspondedWith Beam, Gwenyth P. person
correspondedWith Beddoe, Albert. person
correspondedWith Beekmann, Emma. person
correspondedWith Behrstock, Julian. person
correspondedWith Bek, William Godfrey, 1873- person
correspondedWith Bell, Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith Benedict, Robert. person
associatedWith Benjamin Franklin. person
correspondedWith Benjamin Wolfe. person
associatedWith Ben Wolfe. person
correspondedWith Bercovici, Leonardo. person
correspondedWith Bercovici, Leonardo, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bernard DeVoto person
correspondedWith Bernard, Laurence. person
associatedWith Bernstein, Aline, 1881-1955. person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Theodore, recipient. person
correspondedWith Betts, Ghita, recipient. person
correspondedWith Beveridge, Albert J. person
correspondedWith Blanchard, Arthur Franklin, 1883- person
correspondedWith Bledsoe, Taylor. person
correspondedWith Bledsoe, Taylor, recipient. person
correspondedWith Blumenfield, Frank B. person
correspondedWith Blumenthal, Mrs. F. W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Blythe, Le Gette, 1900- person
correspondedWith Blythe, LeGette, 1900- person
correspondedWith Boni and Liveright, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bonime, Walter R., 1909- person
correspondedWith Booksellers'league, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Booth, Eleanor K. person
correspondedWith Booth, Eleanor, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bornemann, Alfred. person
correspondedWith Bosman, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Bott, Minor L. person
correspondedWith Bottomley, Hilda (Westall). person
correspondedWith Bowler, Ruth (Colburn). person
correspondedWith Boyd, James, 1888-1944 person
correspondedWith Boyd, Madeleine. person
correspondedWith Boyd, Madeleine, recipient. person
correspondedWith Breslin & Breslin. Firm. Lawyers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brett, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Brett, Catherine, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brett, Theta (Berksley). person
correspondedWith Brewer, Joseph Hillyer. person
correspondedWith Brewer, Joseph Hillyer, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brickell, Herschel, 1889- person
correspondedWith Brickell, Norma. person
correspondedWith Bronson, Jack. person
associatedWith Broody. person
correspondedWith Brooke, Bissell. person
correspondedWith Brooklyn daily eagle. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brooks, Paul, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Richard A. E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Brown Furniture Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, George Lippincott. person
correspondedWith Brown, Henry Tatnell. person
correspondedWith Brown, Henry Tatnell, recipient. person
correspondedWith Brown, John Mason, 1900-1969 person
correspondedWith Brown, Sanford W. person
correspondedWith Brown, Sonia. person
correspondedWith Bryan, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Buckles, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Buckner, Elizabeth (Porter). person
correspondedWith Buck, Patrick Randall. person
correspondedWith Bunn, Robert. person
correspondedWith Burt, Katherine (Newlin) 1882- person
correspondedWith Busey, Rev. P. B. S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Butler, Helen. person
correspondedWith Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 person
correspondedWith Cabot, Currie. person
correspondedWith Calo, Harold. person
correspondedWith Calo, Harold, recipient. person
correspondedWith Calverton, Victor Francis, 1900-1940 person
correspondedWith Cameron, May. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Mary Robinson, recipient. person
correspondedWith Canby, Henry Seidel, 1878-1961 person
correspondedWith Canby, Marion (Gause) 1885- person
correspondedWith Cane, Elizabeth H. person
correspondedWith Cane, Melville, 1879- person
correspondedWith Canning, Hazel. person
correspondedWith Cannon, Margie. person
correspondedWith Cape, Jonathan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Carleton, Henry. person
correspondedWith Carleton, Henry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Carolina magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Carroll, Dudley DeWitt. person
correspondedWith Cass Canfield person
correspondedWith Cate, Garth. person
correspondedWith Cattelle, Elizabeth, recipient. person
correspondedWith Caumartin, Mary. person
correspondedWith Cerf, Bennett Alfred, 1898- person
correspondedWith Chacey, Donald V. person
correspondedWith Chacey, Donald V., recipient. person
correspondedWith Chamberlin, Jo, recipient. person
associatedWith Champion, Myra. person
correspondedWith Charles E. Watts person
associatedWith Charles Pentland person
correspondedWith Charles Scribner person
correspondedWith Chase, Harry Woodburn, 1883- person
correspondedWith Chase, Lucetta. person
correspondedWith Chase, Mrs. Harry Woodburn, recipient. person
correspondedWith Chase National Bank, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Choate, Havis. person
correspondedWith Choate, Havis, recipient. person
correspondedWith Choate, Larocque & Mitchell. Firm. Lawyers. corporateBody
associatedWith Clarence Darrow person
correspondedWith Clarke, Alice (Culver) 1869- person
correspondedWith Clark, Emily, 1893-1953 person
correspondedWith Clayton Hoagland person
correspondedWith Clement, Nancy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cline, Mrs. R. Frank. person
correspondedWith Coates, Albert, 1896- person
correspondedWith Cohn, Louis Henry. person
correspondedWith Colby, Nathalie (Sedgwick) 1875-1942 person
correspondedWith Cole, Cantrell W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Colum, Mary Maguire. person
correspondedWith Colum, Padraic, 1881- person
correspondedWith Cone, Ben. person
correspondedWith Conklin, Groff, 1904- person
correspondedWith Connor, Carl J. person
associatedWith Conway, Ray person
correspondedWith Cook, Nathan, Lehman & Greenman. Firm. Lawyers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coon, Horace, 1897- person
correspondedWith Cordell, William Howard, 1908- person
correspondedWith Cotten, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Coutts, Alladine Bell. person
correspondedWith Cowan, Marianne. person
correspondedWith Cowden, R. W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Cox, Trenchard, 1905- person
correspondedWith Cox, William Norment, 1902- person
associatedWith Craig. person
correspondedWith Cramp, Mrs. , recipient. person
correspondedWith Crichton, Kyle Samuel, 1896- person
correspondedWith Crittenden, Charles Christopher, 1902- person
correspondedWith Crosby, Helen E. person
correspondedWith Crosley, Helen E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Cross, Ethan Allen, 1875- person
correspondedWith Cummings, Florence Amelia. person
correspondedWith Cummings, S A, recipient. person
correspondedWith Curtis Brown, Inc., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Curtis Brown, Ltd. Firm. Literary Agents. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cushing, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Cushman, Louisa. person
correspondedWith Cushman, Rebecca. person
correspondedWith Cutting, Josy. person
correspondedWith Daley, James. person
correspondedWith Daly, James, recipient. person
associatedWith Daniels, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Daniels, Jonathan, 1902- person
correspondedWith Darrow, Whitney, 1909- person
correspondedWith Dashiell, Alfred, 1901- person
correspondedWith Davis, Lambert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Davison, Edward, 1898- person
correspondedWith Day, Fritz L. person
correspondedWith Day, Katharine. person
correspondedWith Day, Katharine Briggs (Dodge). person
correspondedWith DeForest, Anne. person
correspondedWith DeForest, Anne, recipient. person
correspondedWith DeForest, Louis Effingham, 1891- person
correspondedWith Denny, George Vernon, 1899- person
correspondedWith Derleth, August William, 1909- person
correspondedWith Dickey, Philena A. person
correspondedWith Dock, LeRoy. person
correspondedWith Dock, Leroy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Martha, 1908- person
correspondedWith Dodd, William Edward, 1869-1940 person
correspondedWith Dodd, William Edward, 1905- person
associatedWith Donald G. Stewart person
correspondedWith Dooher, James Murdoch. person
correspondedWith Dooher, James Murdoch, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dooher, Mary. person
correspondedWith Dorman, Marjorie, recipient. person
associatedWith Dorothy Scarborough person
correspondedWith Doubleday, Doran & Co., publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith Douglas Freeman person
correspondedWith Dowden, Hester. person
correspondedWith Dowd, William. person
correspondedWith Dowd, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Downes, Mrs. Olin. person
correspondedWith Dows, Olin, 1904- person
associatedWith Dr. Babbitt person
correspondedWith Duble, Louise (Dinsmore). person
correspondedWith Duncan, Millie. person
correspondedWith Dunn, Morley Knight. person
correspondedWith Eager, Helen person
correspondedWith Eagle, Walter W. person
correspondedWith Eckert, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Eckles, Harry L. person
correspondedWith Eckstrom, Lawrence J. person
associatedWith Edward Aswell. person
correspondedWith Edward Campbell Aswell. person
associatedWith Edward Campbell Aswell's person
correspondedWith Edward Cornelius Ruge person
correspondedWith Edward M. Miller person
associatedWith Edward M. Pooley. person
associatedWith E. Earl Reeves person
correspondedWith Egbert, Amy D. person
correspondedWith Eggleston, Mabel. person
correspondedWith Ehrsam, Theodore George. person
correspondedWith Eldred, Allan B. person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Lawrence person
associatedWith Elizabeth Norwell person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Nowell. person
associatedWith Elizabeth Nowell's person
associatedWith Ellen Field person
correspondedWith Elliott, Harrison person
correspondedWith Ellis, J. L. person
associatedWith Encyclopedia Britannica. person
correspondedWith Engel, Mrs. William H.. person
correspondedWith Engel, Mrs. William H.. , recipient. person
correspondedWith Engle, Paul, 1908- person
correspondedWith English, William D. person
correspondedWith Ernst, Morris Leopold, 1888- person
correspondedWith Ethel Frankau person
correspondedWith Evans, Charles S. person
associatedWith Ezra Pound person
correspondedWith Faber, Ilse, 1887- person
correspondedWith Fadiman, Clifton, 1904- person
correspondedWith Fairbanks, Marjorie. person
correspondedWith Fairbanks, Marjorie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fairlie person
correspondedWith Farmer, Virginia, recipient. person
correspondedWith Farrar, John, 1896- person
correspondedWith Feeney, Edward. person
correspondedWith Fehr, Hans, 1874- person
correspondedWith Ferber, Edna, 1887-1968 person
correspondedWith Ferril, Helen (Ray). person
correspondedWith Ferril, Thomas Hornsby, 1896- person
correspondedWith Ficke, Arthur Davison, 1883-1945 person
correspondedWith Ficklen, Edward. person
correspondedWith Field, Ellen. person
correspondedWith Field, Ellen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Field, S. S. person
correspondedWith Field, S. S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Film rights, Ltd. Firm. corporateBody
correspondedWith Finney, Roy P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Fischer, Max. person
correspondedWith Fisher, Vardis, 1895- person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Francis Scott, 1896-1940 person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, S. J. person
correspondedWith Fitzpatrick, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Flaccus, Kimball, 1911- person
correspondedWith Foley, Martha. person
correspondedWith Ford, Julia Ellsworth (Shaw) 1859- person
correspondedWith Foster, Harriet P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Fowler, Kenneth, 1900- person
associatedWith Fox person
associatedWith Frances Pindyck. person
correspondedWith Franchey, John R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Francis, Muriel Bultman. person
correspondedWith Francis, Owen. person
correspondedWith Francis, Owen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Frank C. Wolfe person
associatedWith Fredericka Gambrell. person
correspondedWith Frederick William Wolfe person
correspondedWith French Line. Firm. corporateBody
correspondedWith Frere-Reeves, Alexander Stewart. person
correspondedWith Frere-Reeves, Alexander Stewart, recipient. person
correspondedWith Friedman, Norma L. person
correspondedWith Fuller, Selma. person
correspondedWith Gambrell, David. person
correspondedWith Gambrell, David W. person
correspondedWith Gambrell, Effie (Wolfe). person
correspondedWith Gambrell, Effie (Wolfe), recipient. person
correspondedWith Gambrell, Virginia, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gangemi, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Gannett, Lewis Stiles, 1891- person
correspondedWith Gardner, Dorothy Williams. person
correspondedWith Garland B. Porter person
associatedWith Garland Parter. person
correspondedWith Garrison, Lydia. person
correspondedWith Gauss, Katherine, recipient. person
associatedWith George Pierce Baker's person
correspondedWith George W. Swift person
correspondedWith Gerould, Russell, recipient. person
associatedWith Gertrude Kappel. person
correspondedWith Gessner, Robert, 1907- person
correspondedWith Gibbs, Mary Polk, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gilliam, Julia. person
correspondedWith Gilliam, Julia, recipient. person
correspondedWith Goldman, J. Lesser. person
correspondedWith Goldmark, Emil, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gold, Michael, 1894-1967 person
correspondedWith Goldschmidt, Max. person
correspondedWith Gollomb, Joseph. 1881- person
correspondedWith Goodhue, Cornelia. person
correspondedWith Goodnow, Edward P. person
correspondedWith Goodnow, Edward P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Gorham, Mack C. person
correspondedWith Gorham, Mack C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Gorman, Herbert Sherman, 1893- person
correspondedWith Gorman, Jean (Wright) 1904- person
correspondedWith Gould, Elaine Westall. person
correspondedWith Gould, Elaine (Westall), recipient. person
associatedWith Grace Smith. person
correspondedWith Gravino, Frederick A., recipient. person
correspondedWith Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst. Firm. Lawyers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Greenberg, Hilda. person
correspondedWith Greenfield, Kent Roberts, 1893-1967 person
correspondedWith Greenlaw, Edwin, 1874-1931 person
correspondedWith Greenleaf, Ray. person
correspondedWith Green, Paul, 1894- person
correspondedWith Greenslet, Ferris, 1875-1959 person
correspondedWith Greenspan, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Josephine Heermans. person
correspondedWith Gross, Fannie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882- person
correspondedWith Halliday, Richard. person
correspondedWith Halliday, Richard, recipient. person
correspondedWith Halsted, Winifred. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Iselin, & Co. Firm. Real Estate. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hamlin, Louise. person
correspondedWith Hammerslough, Alec J. person
correspondedWith Hammerslough, Alec J., recipient. person
associatedWith Hampton McNeely Jarrell person
correspondedWith Hannigan, John E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Hansen, Harry, 1884- person
correspondedWith Harding, Helen Beal. person
correspondedWith Harkins, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Harmon, George Dewey, 1896- person
correspondedWith Harnack, Mildred. person
associatedWith Harper and Brothers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harper, firm, publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith Harper, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harper's bazaar. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harper's magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hart, Henry Melvin, 1904- person
correspondedWith Hartshorn, Mildred. person
correspondedWith Harvard club of New York City. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hatch, Betsy. person
correspondedWith Hauser, Esther R. person
correspondedWith Hedman, Victor B. person
correspondedWith Heilprin, Francis. person
correspondedWith Helen, recipient. person
associatedWith Henry Allen Moe person
correspondedWith Henry Melvin Hart person
correspondedWith Henry Volkening person
correspondedWith Herdman, Ramona, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hess, Emelia Rebecca. person
correspondedWith Heyward, Du Bose, 1885-1940 person
correspondedWith Hibbard, Clarence Addison, 1887-1945 person
correspondedWith Hilb, Greta. person
correspondedWith Hilda (Westall) Bottomley person
correspondedWith Hill, Eugenia V. person
correspondedWith Hills, J. person
correspondedWith Hinde, J. person
correspondedWith Hoagland, Clayton. person
correspondedWith Hoagland, Clayton, recipient. person
associatedWith Hoagland, Kathleen. person
correspondedWith Hoagland, Kathleen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hoch, Molly. person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Harold Leroy, 1893- person
correspondedWith Hoffmann, Harold Leroy, 1893- person
correspondedWith Holliday, Terence B. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Estelle Miller, 1887- person
correspondedWith Holt, Roland, 1867-1931 person
correspondedWith Holzknecht, Karl Julius, 1899-1956 person
associatedWith Homer Andrew Watt person
correspondedWith Hoole, William Stanley, 1903- person
correspondedWith Hoppe, Harriet. person
correspondedWith Hoppe, Harriet, recipient. person
associatedWith Horace Coon. person
correspondedWith Horton, Mildred McAfee. person
correspondedWith Hough, Lily Anne, recipient. person
associatedWith Houghton Library. person
associatedWith Houghton Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith House, Edith. person
correspondedWith Howard, Daniel, 1864- person
correspondedWith Howell, James S. person
correspondedWith Howell, James S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Hudson, Arthur Palmer, 1892- person
correspondedWith Huelsenbeck, Richard, 1892- person
correspondedWith Huffines, Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Aline. person
correspondedWith Hunter, Louis C. person
correspondedWith Hutchings, Amy. person
correspondedWith Hyde, Susan. person
correspondedWith Hyde, Susan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hynds, Reed. person
correspondedWith Ilma, Viola, 1910- person
correspondedWith Iredell, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Irwin, Jane Helen. person
correspondedWith Iseley, Alfred H. person
correspondedWith Isely, Alfred H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Jack, Peter Munro. person
correspondedWith Jack, Peter Munro, recipient. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Donald Lester, 1910- person
correspondedWith Jackson, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Katherine Gauss. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Louise Hull. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Louise Hull, recipient. person
correspondedWith Jackson, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Jacobson, A. C., recipient. person
associatedWith James B. Munn person
associatedWith James Boyd person
associatedWith James Buell Munn person
correspondedWith James, Elmer L. person
correspondedWith James Fenimore Cooper school memorial committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith James Lewis Mandel person
associatedWith James Murdoch Dooher. person
correspondedWith James Stokely person
associatedWith James W. Poling. person
correspondedWith Jelliffe, Belinda (Dobson) 1892- person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Marian, 1897- person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Sue. person
associatedWith Jennie Beveridge Allgire person
correspondedWith Jennings, Edward P. person
associatedWith Joe Doaks. person
associatedWith Joel Pierce person
associatedWith John Hall Wheelock. person
correspondedWith John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Johnson, Pamela Hansford, 1912- person
correspondedWith Johnson, Vernon Cecil, 1886- person
associatedWith John T. Winterich person
associatedWith John Webber. person
correspondedWith Jolas, Eugene, 1894- person
associatedWith Jonah, David Alonzo, 1909-1981, person
correspondedWith Jones, Anne Cutting, 1895- person
correspondedWith Jones, Cecil H. person
correspondedWith Jordan, J. Y. person
associatedWith Joy Dow person
correspondedWith Julia (Westall) Wolfe. person
associatedWith Julia Wolfe person
correspondedWith Kathleen Hoagland person
associatedWith Kathryn (Coe) Cordell. person
correspondedWith Kelly, Dorothy M. person
correspondedWith Kelly, Dorothy M., recipient. person
correspondedWith Kerr, Ellen. person
correspondedWith Keyes, Donald W. person
correspondedWith Kiernan, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Kiernan, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Kimberly, Janet Honess, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kirchwey, Freda, recipient. person
correspondedWith Knopf, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Koch, Frederick Henry, 1877- person
correspondedWith Kochler, Constance Madeleine. person
correspondedWith Kohler, Dayton, 1907- person
correspondedWith Kostka, Helen. person
correspondedWith Kraman, Julius. person
correspondedWith Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883- person
correspondedWith Kunett, Rudolph. person
correspondedWith Laguna, Frederica de, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lake, Robert. person
correspondedWith Langstrom, Frank. person
correspondedWith Langstrom, Frank, recipient. person
correspondedWith La Roe, Else Kienle, 1900- person
correspondedWith Latimer, Margery, d. 1932 person
associatedWith Lawrence Clark Powell. person
correspondedWith Leach, Henry Goddard, 1880- person
correspondedWith Ledig, Heinz, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lee, Frank C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Lee, Isabel D. person
correspondedWith Leeming, Esther. person
correspondedWith Lee, Russel V. person
correspondedWith Leigh, W. Colston. person
correspondedWith Lemmon, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Lemmon, Elizabeth, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lenihan, Ernest P. person
correspondedWith Lentz, George. person
correspondedWith Lentz, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Leonard, Winifred, recipient. person
correspondedWith Levin, Horace E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Lewisohn, Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951 person
correspondedWith Lieber, Maxim. person
correspondedWith Lieber, Maxim, recipient. person
correspondedWith Linscott, Robert Newton, 1886- person
correspondedWith Lipinsky, Louis, recipient. person
correspondedWith Liptrott, V. E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Littauer, Kenneth. person
correspondedWith Locke, Mabel (Eggleston), recipient. person
correspondedWith Logan, Isabel. person
correspondedWith Logan, Isabell, recipient. person
correspondedWith Longstreth, Thomas Morris, 1886- person
correspondedWith Lord & Taylor. Firm. corporateBody
associatedWith Louise Walsh person
correspondedWith Loving, Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lowthorp, Ina P. person
correspondedWith Luce, Clare (Boothe) 1903- person
correspondedWith Luhan, Mabel (Ganson) Dodge, 1879- person
correspondedWith Lum, Tamblyn, & Fairlie. Firm. Lawyers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lum, Tamblyn & Fairline; recipient. person
correspondedWith Lundberg, Ferdinand, 1902- person
correspondedWith Lundbergh, Holger. person
correspondedWith Lusanne, S. person
correspondedWith Lutoslawski, Wincenty; 1863-1954 person
correspondedWith Lynch. M. H. person
correspondedWith Lyon, John Henry Hobart. person
correspondedWith Mabel (Wolfe) Wheaton. person
correspondedWith MacFarlaine, Gordon. person
correspondedWith MacFarlane, Leslie, 1902- person
correspondedWith MacFie, Girdwood. person
correspondedWith MacKaye, Percy, 1875- person
correspondedWith Mackey, Loretta, recipient. person
correspondedWith MacRae, Donald. person
correspondedWith MacRae, Emily. person
correspondedWith MacReery, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Madeleine Boyd person
correspondedWith Madison, Charles Allan, 1895- person
correspondedWith Malme, Joan. person
correspondedWith Mandelbaum, Harry, recipient. person
associatedWith Mandel, James Lewis. person
correspondedWith Mann, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Mann, Arthur, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mann, Klaus, 1906-1949 person
correspondedWith Manny, Frank Addison. person
associatedWith Margaret Craven. person
correspondedWith Margaret Roberts. person
associatedWith Mark Schorer person
correspondedWith Mark Twain school memorial committee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Martin, William, 1895-1950 person
correspondedWith Mason, Roy. person
correspondedWith Massey, Adelaide W. person
correspondedWith Massey, Adelaide W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Masters, Dexter, 1908- person
correspondedWith Mathews, Mary. person
correspondedWith Matz, Ernst Fritz. person
correspondedWith Maupin, Joyce. person
correspondedWith Maupin, Joyce, recipient. person
correspondedWith Maurer, Marion. person
correspondedWith Maurer, Marion, recipient. person
correspondedWith Maw, Jean. person
correspondedWith Maxim Lieber person
correspondedWith McAfee, Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith McCoy, George W. person
correspondedWith McCoy, George W., recipient. person
correspondedWith McFarlane, Leslie, 1902- person
correspondedWith McGreevy, Thomas. person
correspondedWith McHarg, John B. person
correspondedWith McIntyre, Alfred R., recipient. person
correspondedWith McKee, David Rice, 1902- person
correspondedWith McNair, Lura Thomas person
correspondedWith McNair, Lura Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Meade, Julian Rutherford, 1909-1940 person
correspondedWith Melantrich, firm, publishers, Prague. corporateBody
correspondedWith Merritt, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Merryweather, Laney Bruff, recipient. person
correspondedWith Merryweather, Nancy Bruff. person
correspondedWith Metcalf, Ruth, recipient. person
correspondedWith Michalove, Gertrude, recipient. person
associatedWith Mike Fogarty person
correspondedWith Miller, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Miller, E. person
correspondedWith Miller, Edmund Erskine, 1900- person
correspondedWith Miller, Henrietta L. person
associatedWith Miller, John Carl. person
correspondedWith Miller, Josephine D. person
correspondedWith Miller, Mrs. Harmon. person
correspondedWith Miller, Mrs. Harmon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Millett, Fred Benjamin, 1890- person
associatedWith Mina person
correspondedWith Miner, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Miner, Robert E., recipient. person
associatedWith Miss Ewell person
associatedWith Miss Lewisohn. person
associatedWith Miss Margle person
associatedWith Miss Rosen person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Cornelius von Erden, 1883-1966 person
associatedWith Modern Monthly corporateBody
correspondedWith Moe, Henry Allen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Molloy, J. Carroll, recipient. person
correspondedWith Moore, Elizabeth J. person
correspondedWith Moore, Helen Trafford. person
correspondedWith Moore, Helen Trafford, recipient. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Beatrice. person
associatedWith Morris Kaplowitz. person
correspondedWith Morris, Mary Youngs. person
correspondedWith Morrison, Lloyd person
correspondedWith Morrison, Lloyd & Morrison. Firm. Lawyers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mosca, August. person
correspondedWith Moses, Edward. person
associatedWith Mr. Adams person
associatedWith Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd person
associatedWith Mr. Erskine Hoyt. person
associatedWith Mr. Forster person
associatedWith Mr. Haeckschatz person
associatedWith Mrs. C. P. Spruill person
associatedWith Mrs. Thomas Walsh person
correspondedWith Mulfinger, Anne. person
correspondedWith Mulfinger, Anne, recipient. person
correspondedWith Muller, Herbert Joseph, 1905- person
correspondedWith Munsterberg, Hugo, 1916- person
associatedWith Murdoch J. Dooher. person
correspondedWith Naismith, Grace. person
correspondedWith Nathan, Robert, 1894- person
correspondedWith National Institute of Arts & Letters. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York herald tribune corporateBody
correspondedWith New York (State) University. corporateBody
associatedWith New York University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nordoff, Paul, 1909- person
correspondedWith Northwestern University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Norwood, Robert, 1874-1932 person
associatedWith Nowell, Elizabeth. person
associatedWith N. R. Teitel person
correspondedWith Nugent, Homer Heath. person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Edward Joseph, 1890-1941 person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Mildred Browne, recipient. person
correspondedWith O'Callaghan, Maeve, 1903- person
correspondedWith Odets, Clifford, 1906- person
correspondedWith O'Donnell, Edwin P. person
correspondedWith O'Donnel, Pat, recipient. person
correspondedWith Olganova, Nadya. person
correspondedWith Olmsted, Stanley. person
correspondedWith Olmsted, Stanley, recipient. person
associatedWith Olympics. corporateBody
correspondedWith O. M. Sayler person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Orton, Vrest, 1897- person
correspondedWith Osborne, Mrs. Clarence, recipient. person
correspondedWith Osbourne, Mrs. . person
associatedWith Oscar Winterbottom person
correspondedWith O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. . person
correspondedWith Owens, Esther. person
correspondedWith Owens, Esther, recipient. person
correspondedWith Packard, Arthur V. person
correspondedWith Page, Mitchell. person
correspondedWith Palffy, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Paul, recipient. person
correspondedWith Parke, John D. person
correspondedWith Parks, Don, recipient. person
correspondedWith Parsons, Homer M. person
correspondedWith Patchen, Kenneth, 1911- person
correspondedWith Patterson, Betty. person
correspondedWith Patterson, Mrs. , recipient. person
correspondedWith Pearman, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Pearson, Marjorie N. person
correspondedWith Pearson, Norman Holmes, 1909- person
correspondedWith Peery, William Wallace, 1910- person
correspondedWith Peirce, Laura Powers. person
correspondedWith Pennsylvania State Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pennsylvania State Library, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Perkins, Louise. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Louise, recipient. person
associatedWith Perkins, Maxwell E. (Maxwell Evarts), 1884-1947. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Virginia (Chase), 1902- person
correspondedWith Person, Eula. person
correspondedWith Peters, Lydia J. person
correspondedWith Peter Witt person
correspondedWith Pettigrew, Richard Campbell. person
correspondedWith Phelps, Shelton Joseph, 1884- person
correspondedWith Phillips, Frances. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Frances, recipient. person
correspondedWith Pidcock, J. Cooper. person
correspondedWith Pidcock, J. Cooper, recipient. person
correspondedWith Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, North Carolina. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pindyck, Frances. person
correspondedWith Pinker, Eric S. person
correspondedWith Pinker, Eric S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Pitman person
correspondedWith Poling, Ann. person
correspondedWith Poling, Ann, recipient. person
correspondedWith Poling, James W. person
correspondedWith Polk, William Tannahill, 1896-1955 person
correspondedWith Pollack, Jack Harrison. person
correspondedWith Porter, Garland B. person
correspondedWith Portner, . person
correspondedWith Posselt, Erich, 1892- person
correspondedWith Potter, Russell, 1897- person
correspondedWith Powell, Desmond. person
correspondedWith Powell, Desmond, recipient. person
correspondedWith Powell, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Powers, A. Y. C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Prokosch, Frederic, 1908- person
correspondedWith Publisher's correspondence. corporateBody
associatedWith Purdue University corporateBody
correspondedWith Puskunizin, F. person
correspondedWith Railway Express Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Rainey, Glenn W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Raisbeck, Kenneth. person
correspondedWith Raisbeck, Kenneth, recipient. person
associatedWith Ranee Joyner person
correspondedWith Ransom, John Crowe, 1888- person
correspondedWith Rawlings, Marjorie (Kinnan) 1896- person
correspondedWith Ray, Frank O. person
correspondedWith Raynolds, Marguerite. person
correspondedWith Raynolds, Marguerite, recipient. person
correspondedWith Raynolds, Robert, 1902- person
correspondedWith Raynolds, Robert, 1902-1965 person
correspondedWith Rea, Helen Jones, recipient. person
correspondedWith Reich, David M., recipient. person
correspondedWith Richards, Leyton Price, 1879- person
correspondedWith Richards, Lillian Woody. person
correspondedWith Richards, Mrs. Alfred N., recipient. person
correspondedWith Ridgway, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Rives, E. Earle. person
correspondedWith RKO radio pictures, inc. Firm. corporateBody
correspondedWith Roberts, Henry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Roberts, John Munsey. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Margaret person
correspondedWith Roberts, Margaret, recipient. person
associatedWith Roberts, Margaret Rose, d. 1947. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Munsey, recipient. person
correspondedWith Robertson, Ben, 1903-1943 person
correspondedWith Robinson, Isabel. person
correspondedWith Robinson, John. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Marjorie. person
correspondedWith Rogers, James Grafton, 1883- person
associatedWith Ron Wilson. person
correspondedWith Rosenberg, Adolph. person
correspondedWith Rosen, Helen. person
correspondedWith Rothenberg, Avrum, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rothenstein, John, 1901- person
correspondedWith Rowand, Phyllis, 1915- person
correspondedWith Rowohlt Verlag person
correspondedWith Rowohlt Verlag, recipient. person
correspondedWith R. S. Watson person
correspondedWith Rubinstein, Herman, 1905- person
correspondedWith Ruder, Barnet B. person
correspondedWith Ruder, Barnet B., recipient. person
correspondedWith Ruge, E. C. person
correspondedWith Rule, Helen. person
correspondedWith Russell, Phillips, 1884- person
associatedWith Rutledge person
correspondedWith Sadow, Morris. person
correspondedWith Saiz, Genevieve, recipient. person
correspondedWith Saiz, Gertrude. person
correspondedWith Salisbury, Leah. person
correspondedWith Salpeter, Harry. person
correspondedWith Sargent, Mary. person
correspondedWith Sargent, Mary, recipient. person
correspondedWith Saroyan, William, 1908- person
correspondedWith Saunders, A. P. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Bradley. person
correspondedWith Saunders, J. Maryon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Louise. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Mrs. Faxon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Saunders, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Sallie (Faxon). person
correspondedWith Saxton, Eugene Francis, 1884-1943 person
correspondedWith Sayre, Gertrude. person
correspondedWith Scarborough, Dorothy, 1878-1935 person
correspondedWith Schaffle, Elinore M. person
correspondedWith Schneider, Isidor, 1896- person
correspondedWith Schochen, Miss S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Schorer, Mark, 1908- person
correspondedWith Schreiber, Georges, 1904- person
correspondedWith Schroeder, Jessie. person
correspondedWith Schwarz, Roy M. person
correspondedWith Scott, Evelyn, 1893- person
correspondedWith Scott, Marjorie. person
correspondedWith Scott, Marjorie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Scribner, Charles. person
correspondedWith Scribners, Charles, recipient. person
correspondedWith Scribners, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Seeman, Ernest. person
correspondedWith Seldes, George, 1890- person
correspondedWith Serfling, Elsa C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Seven seas magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Shank, Marie. person
correspondedWith Shapiro, Herbert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sheaffer, Lew. person
correspondedWith Sherwood Anderson person
correspondedWith Shuforth, William. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Ad. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Addison, recipient. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Lora French. person
correspondedWith Simmons, Lora French, recipient. person
correspondedWith Simonson, Lee, 1888- person
correspondedWith Simpson, Edith, 1908- person
correspondedWith Singer, Caroline, 1888- person
correspondedWith Sisk, Robert. person
correspondedWith Sizer, Alvin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smetana, Juliana. person
correspondedWith Smith, Abraham. person
correspondedWith Smith, Beverly Coultman. person
correspondedWith Smith, Beverly Coultman, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, Grace C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, Isabel F., 1890- person
correspondedWith Smith, Ralph Weir, 1889- person
correspondedWith Sohland, William H., recipient. person
associatedWith Sorrell person
correspondedWith Spencer, Shirley. person
correspondedWith Spotswood, Claire Myers. person
correspondedWith Spruill, Corydon P. person
correspondedWith Spruill, Corydon P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Stansbury, Lass H. person
correspondedWith Stans, Henry. person
correspondedWith Starkey, Marion Lena. person
correspondedWith Sterner, Léonie. person
correspondedWith Stern, Jill. person
associatedWith Steve Hook. person
correspondedWith Stevens, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Stevens, James and Theresa. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Orlando John, 1869-1950 person
correspondedWith Stevens, Rhea. person
correspondedWith Stich, Theresa R. person
correspondedWith Stikeleather, J. G. person
correspondedWith Stikeleather, J. G., recipient. person
correspondedWith Stokeley, James R. person
correspondedWith Stokely, James R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Stott, Margaret. person
associatedWith Stringfellow Barr person
correspondedWith Studin, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, M. M., recipient. person
associatedWith Susy person
associatedWith Syvilla . person
correspondedWith Taylor, Coley Banks, 1899- person
associatedWith Taylor, Gladys. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Gladys, 1907- person
correspondedWith Taylor, Merlin Moore, recipient. person
correspondedWith Teilhet, Darwin Le Ora, 1904- person
correspondedWith Teitel, Nathan R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Tennant, Charles G. person
correspondedWith Tennant, Charles G., recipient. person
correspondedWith Terry, John Skally, 1894-1953 person
correspondedWith The Atlantic monthly, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Theatre Guild. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Boston herald. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Brooklyn citizen, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith The French Line, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith The modern monthly. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith Theodore Bernstein person
correspondedWith The Pullman Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Red book magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Theresa, Stevens person
correspondedWith The Thomas', firm, Chicago. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Universal Christian Council. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas Wolfe. person
associatedWith Thomas Wolfe's person
correspondedWith Thompson, J. Walter, Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thompson, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Todrin, Boris. person
correspondedWith Tomlin, Perry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Trumbo, Louise D. person
correspondedWith Trumbo, Louise D., recipient. person
correspondedWith United Brethern in Christ. corporateBody
correspondedWith United Brethern in Christ, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Colorado, director of Writers Conference, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of North Carolina corporateBody
correspondedWith Vanamee, Mrs. Grace D., recipient. person
correspondedWith Vanderbilt, Emily (Davies). person
correspondedWith Van Dyke, Willard. person
correspondedWith Van Dyke, Willard, recipient. person
correspondedWith Van Hook, Lane. person
correspondedWith Van Riper, Walker. person
correspondedWith Véquelle, Marie. person
correspondedWith Virginia Quarterly Review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Voelcker, Thea. person
correspondedWith Voelcker, Thea, recipient. person
correspondedWith Volkening, Henry, d. 1972 person
correspondedWith Vosters, F. A. C. person
correspondedWith Wabnitz, William S. person
correspondedWith Wagstaff, Blanche (Shoemaker) 1888- person
correspondedWith Waite, Wallace L. person
correspondedWith Walker, Roma. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Adelaide. person
correspondedWith Wallace, George. person
correspondedWith Wallace, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Wallace, Mrs. George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wallis, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Wallock, Nathan N., recipient. person
associatedWith Walser, Richard Gaither, 1908- person
correspondedWith Walsh, Colette. person
correspondedWith Walsh, Thomas J. B. person
correspondedWith Walter Edward Dandy person
correspondedWith Walter, Erich Albert, 1897- person
associatedWith Walter Winchell person
correspondedWith Warren, Dale, 1897- person
correspondedWith Warren, Robert Penn, 1905- person
correspondedWith Watt, Homer Andrew, 1884-1948 person
correspondedWith Weaver, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Weaver, Tot. person
correspondedWith Weaver, Tot, recipient. person
correspondedWith Webb, Bruce. person
correspondedWith Wector, Dixon, 1906-1950 person
correspondedWith Weimar, Claire. person
correspondedWith Weimar Miss , recipient. person
correspondedWith Weinberger, Harry, 1888- person
correspondedWith Weiss, Clara A. person
correspondedWith Weldon-Hughes, Mildred. person
correspondedWith Weldon, Mrs. , recipient. person
correspondedWith Wells, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Wengler, Estella L. person
correspondedWith Westall, Annie. person
correspondedWith Westall, Annie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Westall, Doris, recipient. person
correspondedWith Westall, Henry A. person
correspondedWith Westall, Henry A., recipient. person
correspondedWith Westall, Jack. person
correspondedWith Westall, Jack, recipient. person
correspondedWith Westall, Mary Jane. person
correspondedWith Westall, Mary Mitchell. person
correspondedWith Westall, Mary Mitchell, recipient. person
correspondedWith Westrick, G. A., recipient. person
correspondedWith Wetterau, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Wheaton, Mabel (Wolfe)1890-1958. person
correspondedWith Wheaton, Ralph. person
correspondedWith Wheelock, Emily Hall. person
correspondedWith White, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith White, Jeannie Calvin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Whitney Museum of Modern Art, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whitson, Max. person
correspondedWith Whitson, Max, recipient. person
associatedWith Widener Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wilkinson, Albert A. person
correspondedWith Willcox, Mary. person
correspondedWith Will David Howe person
correspondedWith William Alexander Jackson person
associatedWith William Henry Bond. person
correspondedWith William L. Savage person
correspondedWith Williams, Henry Horace, 1858-1940 person
correspondedWith Williams, Mary, recipient. person
correspondedWith Williamson, W. Harold. person
associatedWith William T. Polk person
correspondedWith Willis, Mary C. person
associatedWith Wilsey B. Allgire. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Harriet Perry. person
correspondedWith Wilson, James Southall, 1881- person
correspondedWith Wilson, Sally. person
correspondedWith Winckler, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Winter, Ella, 1898- person
correspondedWith Winter, Frederich W. person
correspondedWith Winter, Fred W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Wisdom, William B., 1900-1977 person
correspondedWith Withrow, John A. person
associatedWith Wochos, Francis M. person
correspondedWith Wolf, Dorothy L. person
associatedWith Wolfe family
correspondedWith Wolfe, Dietz. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Dietz, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Edgar E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Effie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Frank C. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Frank C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Frederick William, 1894- person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Grover. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Henry Cutler, 1898- person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Julia (Westall), 1860-1945 person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Samuel Thomas, Jr. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Sudie Israel. person
associatedWith Wolfe, Thomas, 1900-1938. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, William Oliver, 1851-1922 person
correspondedWith Wrenshall, Martha. person
correspondedWith Wright, Jean. person
correspondedWith Writers' and artists' committee for medical aid to Spain. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wyckoff, Irma, recipient. person
correspondedWith Young, Harriet. person
correspondedWith Young, Leona, recipient. person
correspondedWith Young, Stark, 1881- person
correspondedWith Zaiss, Lillian. person
correspondedWith Zyve, Claire (Turner) 1895- person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
American fiction


Birth 1900

Death 1977


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w63j4h1f

Ark ID: w63j4h1f

SNAC ID: 13705092