Ravenel, Henry William, 1814-1887. Henry William Ravenel papers, 1739-1935, (bulk, 1844-1887).
Henry William Ravenel papers, 1739-1935, (bulk, 1844-1887).
Papers re botanical studies and family history; deed, 1839, for property sold to Malcom Browne by S.C. Canal & Railroad Company; letter, 4 April 1844, St. Johns, S.C., from Edmund Ravenel, St. Thomas Parish, S.C., re fossils in limestone, visit to Berkeley County, his examination of new fossils, and suggesting geology reading list. Letter, 26 Mar. 1857, Aiken, S.C., from Edmund Ravenel, Sullivan's Island, S.C., re monetary values of his slaves as assessed by L[ouis] D. DeSaussure; 2 volumes, 1850-1884, Berkeley and Aiken, S.C., letters to Prof. Lewis R. Gibbes, Charleston, re botanical specimens and publications; speech, 15 Sept. 1859, re varieties of grapes presented before the Aiken Vine-growing and Horticultural Association. Letters, 12 Jan. 1869-3 Sept. [18]85, from Dr. John Shaw Billings, A. Featherman, Baton Rouge, La., John M[cLaren] McBryde, Columbia, S.C., Charles James Sprague, Boston, Mass., re assistance in identifying fungi, interest in botany, and specimens; scrapbook, 1853-1885, including scientific and literary notes, manuscripts and clippings from newspapers and magazines on miscellaneous topics. Thirty four volumes, 1859-1887, Pooshee Plantation, Hampton Hill, Columbia, Aiken, S.C., and elsewhere, H.W. Ravenel's private journals and diaries re educational studies, horticulture, family, and current events; 5 volumes, 1853, Fungi of Carolina, containing pressed and dried fungi samples from across South and North Carolina. Letter, 1 April 1865, Hampton Hill, S.C., to Richard [Y. Dwight], re evacuation of Charleston, S.C., destruction and theft of property by black soldiers around Pineville, S.C., and attitudes of freedmen and slaves towards freedom; pillaging of his home and papers by [Joseph] Wheeler's cavalry; also including account, 1748, re goods sold for Mary D. St. Julian. Undated essays: Limestone Fountains of Berkeley District, Southern Gardner's Manual, Southern Fruit Culture, Simple & Easy Directions for planting a small Garden; genealogical chart of Paul Mazyck and Elizabeth Van Wick; death notice, 1887, of H.W. Ravenel; undated genealogy of Ravenel Family; clipping, 1935 re Ravenel family home Pooshee plantation; and undated poetry and school papers of H.W. Ravenel.
103 items and 48 v.
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