Mangan, Sherry, 1904-

Variant names

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Sherry Mangan (1904-1961) was a journalist, poet, translator, and Trotskyist. He was a foreign correspondent for Time, Life, and Fortune in Paris and Buenos Aires. He was active in the Fourth International. He wrote under his own name and under the following pseudonyms: John Niall, Sean Niall, Owen Pilar, Terence Phelan, Patrick O'Daniel, and Patrice.

From the description of Papers, 1923-1961. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122656019

From the guide to the Sherry Mangan papers, 1923-1961., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Editor of the little magazine "Larus", poet, and journalist

Cf. Dictionary of Literary Biography, v. 4, p. 269-271.

From the description of Letters 1925-1961. 1925-1961. (Kent State University). WorldCat record id: 11805424

Sherry Mangan (full name John Joseph Sherry Mangan) was born July 27, 1904, in Lynn, Massachusetts to Irish-Catholic parents. He earned a B.A. in classical literature at Harvard University in 1925 and shortly after graduating moved to Paris. There he associated with other expatriates and was exposed to French surrealism, which influenced him both as a writer and an editor.

Mangan's first jobs in Paris were working as an editor for larus: The Celestial Visitor (1927-1928) and then for Pagany: A Native Quarterly (1930-1933). He wrote novels and short fiction ( Cinderella Married, 1932; Salutation to Valediction, 1938) as well as poetry ( No Apology for Poetrie and Other Poems, 1934), much of it inspired by French modernism.

He also became a fervent Marxist and Trotskyist. He was a founding member of the Socialist Workers' Party, active in organizing the French section of the International Federation of Independent Revolutionary Art, and wrote a column for the left-wing Partisan Review under the name Sean Niall.

Between 1938 and 1948 he became well-known as a journalist, frequently writing on social, cultural and political happenings in Paris. Major news magazines such as Time, Life and Fortune carried his work (his "Paris Under the Swastika," describing the occupation of the French capital, ran in the 16 September 1940 issue of Life ). His short fiction and poetry appeared in a variety of periodicals including Esquire, London Mercury, Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, New Directions, and Black Mountain Review .

In the early 1940s he shifted his home base from Paris to Latin America, continuing to work as a journalist while at the same time actively supporting Trotskyist organizations such as the Fourth International. In 1953 he returned to the United States where he and his Marxist beliefs ran afoul of the House Un-American Affairs Committee. As his career and health gradually declined, he worked as a freelance editor and translator (Mozart's Idomeneo, King of Crete, 1955). He died in obscurity in 1961.

From the guide to the Sherry Mangan Papers, 1932-1936, (Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Wheelwright, John, 1897-1940. Papers, 1920-1940, Part III (Lowell-Z). Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Sherry Mangan papers, 1923-1961. Houghton Library
referencedIn The Virgil Thomson Papers, 1804-1990 (inclusive) Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
referencedIn Manuscript (periodical) Records, 1933-1937 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn The Virgil Thomson Papers Yale University, Music Library
referencedIn New Directions Publishing records Houghton Library
referencedIn Peter Neagoe Papers, 1928-1967 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Mangan, Sherry, 1904-. Papers, 1923-1961. Houghton Library
referencedIn Novack, George Edward. George Edward Novack and Evelyn Reed papers, 1933-1992. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives
creatorOf Sherry Mangan Papers, 1932-1936 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Adamic, Louis, 1899-1951,. Letters to Alfred Kreymborg [manuscript], 1921-1956. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Autograph File, M Houghton Library
referencedIn Emilio Adolfo Westphalen papers regarding surrealism in Latin America, 1938-1995 Getty Research Institute
creatorOf Westphalen, Emilio Adolfo, 1911-. Emilio Westphalen papers regarding surrealism in Latin America, 1922-1995, bulk 1938-1951. Getty Research Institute
creatorOf Mangan, Sherry, 1904-1961. Letters 1925-1961. Kent State University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbott, John. person
correspondedWith Abbott, Mary Squire. person
correspondedWith Abelard-Schuman, firm, publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith A & C Boni, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Adam, Nadine, recipient. person
correspondedWith Adrian Samish person
correspondedWith Agar, Herbert, 1897- person
correspondedWith Agusti, José W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Allen, Percy Stafford, 1869-1933 person
associatedWith Allen, Robert Sharon, 1900- person
correspondedWith Alphonse Morhange person
correspondedWith Altman, Mischa. person
correspondedWith Altman, Misha, recipient. person
correspondedWith Amoore, Patrick, recipient. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Richard, recipient. person
correspondedWith André Morize person
associatedWith Angel records corporateBody
correspondedWith Anglo-American press association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anglo-American press association, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Antaki, Rachel. person
correspondedWith Antaki, Rachel, recipient. person
associatedWith Anthony, George. person
correspondedWith Antonio Arias, Colomán. person
correspondedWith Antonio Arias, Colomán, recipient. person
correspondedWith Apex AG. corporateBody
associatedWith Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918 person
correspondedWith Appel, Doris. person
correspondedWith Appel, Doris, recipient. person
correspondedWith Applegate, Donald V., recipient. person
correspondedWith Applegate, Marianna. person
correspondedWith Applegate, Marianna, recipient. person
correspondedWith Arbre, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Arenas, Luis. person
correspondedWith Arenas, Luis, recipient. person
associatedWith Argentine Liga Obrera Revolucionaria. corporateBody
correspondedWith Argosy (New York) person
correspondedWith Arnaud, Odette. person
correspondedWith Arnaud, Odette, recipient. person
associatedWith Aron Mathieu person
correspondedWith Arroll, Regina. person
correspondedWith Artemare, M. M., d' . person
correspondedWith Ashcraft, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Ashcraft, Catherine, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ashcroft, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Ashcroft, Jack. person
correspondedWith Askew, R. Kirk, Jr. person
correspondedWith Association Internationale d'Interprètes de Conférences, Paris. corporateBody
correspondedWith Association Internationale d'Interprètes de Conférences, Paris, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Astor, Hon. David, 1912- person
correspondedWith Atlantic monthly co., Boston, Mass. corporateBody
correspondedWith Atlantic monthly co., Boston, Mass., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Auerbach, Walter. person
correspondedWith Auerbach, Walter, recipient. person
associatedWith Aumont, Jean Pierre. person
correspondedWith Avakian, Anne. person
correspondedWith Axelson, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bainton, Alain. person
correspondedWith Bär (Julius) und Co., Zurich, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Barry, Iris, 1895- person
correspondedWith Bartn, . person
correspondedWith Bartón, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Baum, Stanley Vergil, 1923- person
correspondedWith Baxter, Helen A. person
correspondedWith Baxter, Helen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bayliss, Lois Henderson. person
correspondedWith Bayliss, Lois Henderson; recipient. person
correspondedWith Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, baron, 1879-1964 person
correspondedWith Belair, Felix, Jr. person
correspondedWith Belair, Felix, Jr., recipient. person
correspondedWith Bellow, Saul, 1915- person
correspondedWith Bérard, Jean, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bergel, Federico. person
correspondedWith Bergel, Federico, recipient. person
correspondedWith Berman, Léonid. person
correspondedWith Berman, Léonid, recipient. person
correspondedWith Berman, Sylvia. person
correspondedWith Berman, Sylvia, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bernier, Georges, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bernier, Peggy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Berrien, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Biddle, Dorothea. person
correspondedWith Blaché, Simone. person
correspondedWith Blaché, Simone, recipient. person
correspondedWith Blair, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill company, Indianapolis. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boglich, José. person
correspondedWith Boie, Mildred Louise, 1907- person
correspondedWith Bonham Carter, Oliver B. person
associatedWith Boni, Albert, 1892- person
associatedWith Book and Magazine Guild of Boston. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boosey and Hawkes co., New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Borgese, Elisabeth (Mann) person
correspondedWith Borgese, Elisabeth (Mann), recipient. person
associatedWith Boris Pasternak. person
correspondedWith Bornstein, Sam. person
correspondedWith Bornstein, Sam, recipient. person
correspondedWith Borosh, Henri, recipient. person
correspondedWith Boulter, Winifred. person
correspondedWith Brayley, William G. person
correspondedWith Brayley, William G., recipient. person
correspondedWith Brennan, Joseph Payne, 1918- person
correspondedWith Breth, F. person
correspondedWith Breth, F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Breton, André, 1896- person
associatedWith British Ministry of Labour and National Service corporateBody
associatedWith Brown Brothers Harriman & co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Brown, Edmund, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bruen, Curtis. person
correspondedWith Buchignani, Emile C. person
correspondedWith Buchignani, Emile C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Bührman, G. H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Bullitt, William Christian, 1891- person
correspondedWith Busch, Noel Fairchild, 1906- person
correspondedWith Busse, Else. person
correspondedWith Busse, Else, recipient. person
correspondedWith Calamarès, Nicholas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Calas, Nicholas. person
correspondedWith Calas, Nicolas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Calder, John Ltd., London, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Campbell, Jamie. person
correspondedWith Campbell, J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Cannon, James Patrick, 1890- person
correspondedWith Cardoza y Aragon, Luis, 1904- person
correspondedWith Carlisle, Henry C., 1886- person
correspondedWith Carmichael, Joel. person
correspondedWith Carmichael, Joel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Carnegie fund for authors. corporateBody
correspondedWith Carnegie fund for authors, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Carruth, Hayden, 1921- person
correspondedWith Carskadon, Thomas Reynolds, 1900- person
correspondedWith Carson, Jean-Philippe, recipient. person
correspondedWith Carson, Jean-Phillippe. person
correspondedWith Carver, Catharine. person
correspondedWith Carver, Catharine, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cassal, Gould. person
correspondedWith Cassal, Gould, recipient. person
correspondedWith Catherine Ashcraft person
associatedWith Catherine Carver person
correspondedWith Cecil Lyon person
correspondedWith Charles Fry Haywoodl person
correspondedWith Charles, Jeanne. person
correspondedWith Charles, Jeanne, recipient. person
correspondedWith Charm, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ciaccio, Joseph, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ciacco, Joseph. person
associatedWith Claire (Booth) Luce person
correspondedWith Clare (Booth) Luce person
correspondedWith Clarke, R. H. person
correspondedWith Clarke, R. H., recipient. person
associatedWith Claude Rostand. person
correspondedWith Clayton, William Lockhart, 1880- person
associatedWith Clement Greenberg person
correspondedWith Coastlines magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cobey, Herbert T. person
correspondedWith Cobey, Herbert T., recipient. person
correspondedWith Code, Grant Hyde. person
correspondedWith Coffey, Brian. person
correspondedWith Coffey, Brian, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Elliot Ettelson, 1899- person
correspondedWith Cohen, Frederic. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Frederic, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cohon, A. Irma. person
correspondedWith Colté, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia Broadcasting System, inc., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia. University. Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Commentary corporateBody
correspondedWith Commentary, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Comte, Gilbert. person
correspondedWith Comte, Gilbert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Contact, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Contini, Jeanne M. person
correspondedWith Cossio Salinas, Hectór. person
correspondedWith Creeley, Robert, 1922- person
correspondedWith Crowell, Thomas Y., Company, firm, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Crowell, Thomas Y., Company, firm, publishers, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cummings, Florence. person
correspondedWith Cummings, Florence, recipient. person
correspondedWith Curtiss, Charles. person
correspondedWith Curtiss, Mina Stein (Kirstein) 1896- person
correspondedWith Daigle, H. de R. person
correspondedWith Daniel, Cuthbert. person
correspondedWith Daniel, Cuthbert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Daniel, Janet. person
correspondedWith De Jongh, Peter, recipient. person
correspondedWith Delgado, Mucio. person
correspondedWith Delgado, Mucio, recipient. person
correspondedWith Del Solar, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Denby, Edwin, 1903- person
correspondedWith Den Permanente. person
correspondedWith De Rochemont, Richard. person
correspondedWith De Rochemont, Richard, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dewey, Catharine, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dewey, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Dewey, Edward R. person
correspondedWith Dewey, Edward R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Dickey, Herbert Spencer. person
correspondedWith Didier, J. P. person
correspondedWith Didier, J. P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Dillon, George, 1906- person
associatedWith Dior, Raymond A. person
correspondedWith Dix, Marion. person
correspondedWith Dodge, Norman. person
correspondedWith Dodge, Norman, recipient. person
correspondedWith Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901 person
correspondedWith Donohue, M.A. and co., firm, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Donovan, Patricia. person
correspondedWith Dorle J. Soria person
correspondedWith Douglas Wallace Bryant person
correspondedWith Dozier, Tom. person
correspondedWith Dozier, Tom, recipient. person
associatedWith Drew Pearson. person
correspondedWith Droescher, Greville. person
correspondedWith Droescher, Greville, recipient. person
correspondedWith Droescher, Werner. person
associatedWith Droesher, Greville person
correspondedWith Dubu, Victor. person
correspondedWith Dubu, Victor, recipient. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Billy. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Billy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dupuis, Réjane. person
correspondedWith Dupuis, Réjane, recipient. person
correspondedWith Durant, John, 1902- person
correspondedWith Dwyer, Frances S. person
associatedWith Edmund C. Rice person
associatedWith Édouard Peisson. person
associatedWith Edward Weeks person
correspondedWith Ehrle, Franz, cardinal, 1845-1934 person
associatedWith Elie Mäissi person
associatedWith Elizabeth Crist person
correspondedWith Ellerman Harms, printers, Amsterdam. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ellerman Harms, printers, Amsterdam, recipient. person
associatedWith Elliot Ettelson Cohen person
correspondedWith Eluard, Paul, 1895-1952 person
correspondedWith Emde Boas, Coenraad van. person
correspondedWith Emde Boas, Coenraad van, recipient. person
correspondedWith Emerton, Ephraim, 1851-1935 person
associatedWith Emilio Westphalen person
associatedWith Emilio Westphalen's person
correspondedWith Emler, Jan. person
correspondedWith Emrys Peters person
correspondedWith Epps, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Epstein, Joshua. person
correspondedWith Essen, Léon van der, 1883- person
correspondedWith Estey, Hayden. person
correspondedWith Estrin, L. I. person
correspondedWith Evans, Charles. person
correspondedWith Farley, James Aloysius, 1888- person
correspondedWith Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, inc., firm, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, inc., firm, publishers, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Farrell, James Thomas, 1904- person
correspondedWith Feitelson Rose person
correspondedWith Feitelson, Rose, recipient. person
associatedWith Felix Belair person
correspondedWith Fernández Artucio, Hugo, 1912- person
correspondedWith Ferren, John, 1905- person
correspondedWith Filliou, Joan. person
correspondedWith Filliou, Robert. person
correspondedWith Fillou, Joan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fitts, Dudley, 1903- person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Gerald A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Robert. person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fitzpatrick, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Fitz Randolph, Sigismund Sizzo, recipient. person
correspondedWith Forceville, Comtesse de, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ford, Charles Henri. person
associatedWith Fourth International. corporateBody
associatedWith Fourth International congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Fox, John M. person
correspondedWith France, Ministère de l'air, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Ministère de la marine, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith France. Ministère de l'interieur, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith François-Poncet, (Mme.) André, recipient. person
correspondedWith Frank Norris person
correspondedWith Frank, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Frank, Pierre, recipient. person
correspondedWith Frasier, Dudley. person
correspondedWith Frasier, Dudley, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fraysse, Jean. person
correspondedWith Fraysse, Jean, recipient. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Irma. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Irma, recipient. person
correspondedWith French Americam Banking Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith French American Banking Corporation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Freund, Gisèle. person
correspondedWith Freund, Gisèle, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fritsch, Bunny von. person
correspondedWith Fritsch, Bunny von, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fritsch, Gunther von. person
correspondedWith Furst, Henry. person
correspondedWith Gaiffe, Mireille. person
correspondedWith Gaiffe, Mireille H. person
correspondedWith Galicer, Milio. person
correspondedWith Galicer, Milio, recipient. person
correspondedWith Galletti, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Galtier-Boissière, Jean, 1888- person
correspondedWith Gans, Herbert J., 1927- person
correspondedWith Garcia, Frank, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gedin, Lena I. person
correspondedWith Gedin, Lena I., recipient. person
correspondedWith Gegenheimer, Albert Frank, 1910- person
correspondedWith Gelderen, Charles van. person
correspondedWith Gelderen, Charles van, recipient. person
associatedWith Geoffroy-Dechaume, Antoine. person
correspondedWith George Anthony Palmer person
correspondedWith George Edgar Frye person
associatedWith George Langelaan person
correspondedWith Gerry, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gerzuni, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Getts, Clark H. person
associatedWith Gilbert Comte person
correspondedWith Gingrich, Arnold, 1903- person
correspondedWith Girón, César. person
correspondedWith Girón, César, recipient. person
correspondedWith Globa, Georges, recipient. person
correspondedWith Glogan, Gretl, recipient. person
associatedWith Gluck's person
correspondedWith Gollancz, Victor, firm, publishers, London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gollancz, Victor, firm, publishers, London, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gómez Jiménez, A. person
correspondedWith Gómez, Jiménez, A., recipient. person
correspondedWith Goodloe, John D. person
correspondedWith Gotham Book Mart, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gotham Book Mart, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gottfried, Manfred. person
correspondedWith Graebner, Jean. person
correspondedWith Graebner, Walter, 1909- person
correspondedWith Graetz, Paul, recipient. person
correspondedWith Grampp, Bill. person
correspondedWith Greenberg, Clement, 1909- person
correspondedWith Greenburger, Sanford Jerome. person
correspondedWith Greenburger, Sanford Jerome, recipient. person
correspondedWith Griard, M., recipient. person
correspondedWith Griffin, Carlos. person
correspondedWith Griffin, Carlos, recipient. person
correspondedWith Grimblat, Jacques. person
correspondedWith Grosser, Maurice, 1903- person
correspondedWith Grove Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Grove Press, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Grover, Allen. person
correspondedWith Grover, Allen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Grunberg, Neli, 1904- person
correspondedWith Grünwald, Lothar. person
correspondedWith Grünwald, Lothar, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gt. Brit. Ministry of Labour and National Service corporateBody
correspondedWith Guerrero Abellán, Julián, recipient. person
associatedWith Guggeheim Followship. corporateBody
correspondedWith Guggeheim, Marguerite, 1898- person
associatedWith Guggenheim Fellowship. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gumucio V., Julio F. person
correspondedWith Gumucio V., Julio F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Gutiérrez, L. person
correspondedWith Gutierrez Lapuente, Pedro. person
correspondedWith Guttentag Tichauer, Werner, recipient. person
correspondedWith Guttentag Tiehauer, Werner. person
correspondedWith Gúzman Arze, Humberto. person
associatedWith Haidvogel, Heinrich. person
correspondedWith Hall, Donald Andrew, 1928- person
correspondedWith Hall, John. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Alexander, Ltd., firm, publishers, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hampton, Ambrose, recipient. person
correspondedWith Haraszti, Zoltán, 1892- person
correspondedWith Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, publishers, recipient corporateBody
correspondedWith Harding, Timothy F. person
correspondedWith Harding, Timothy F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Harold Horan person
correspondedWith Harper's monthly magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Harris, Eleanor, recipient. person
correspondedWith Harvard University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith H. A. Todd person
correspondedWith Haywood, Anne M. person
correspondedWith Haywood, Charles Fry, 1903- person
correspondedWith Hehmeyer, Alexander F. W., 1910- person
correspondedWith Heijenoort, Jean van. person
correspondedWith Heijenoort, Jean van, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hélisse, Eugénie, d. 1958 person
associatedWith Helle Rautis. person
correspondedWith Helsingfors. Universitet. Bibliotek. corporateBody
correspondedWith Henkel, Hans, recipient. person
correspondedWith Henle, James. person
correspondedWith Herbert Gans person
correspondedWith Herniou, Annick. person
correspondedWith Herniou, Annick, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hershey, Burnet, 1898- person
correspondedWith Hicks, Wilson. person
correspondedWith Hicks, Wilson, recipient. person
correspondedWith Higham, David. person
correspondedWith Higham, David, recipient. person
correspondedWith Highet, Gilbert, 1906- person
correspondedWith Hjemmet. person
correspondedWith Hodgkinson, G. E. person
correspondedWith Hodgkinson, G. E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Hoeft, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hoershelman, Natasha von. person
correspondedWith Hoershelman, Natasha von, recipient. person
correspondedWith Holiday. corporateBody
correspondedWith Holiday, recipient. person
correspondedWith Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hoover, Kathleen O'Donnell. person
correspondedWith Hopwood, Thelma. person
correspondedWith Hopwood, Thelma, recipient. person
correspondedWith Horan, Harold. person
correspondedWith Horan, Harold, recipient. person
correspondedWith Horton, Philip. person
correspondedWith Horton, Philip, recipient. person
correspondedWith Horwitz, Eli H. person
correspondedWith Horwitz, Eli H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin company, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Houseman, Joan. person
associatedWith Howard Moss person
correspondedWith Hugnet, Georges, 1906- person
correspondedWith Hulburd, David, 1904- person
correspondedWith Hytner, (Mrs.) E. person
correspondedWith Inge, William Ralph, 1860-1954 person
correspondedWith Intercultural publications, inc., New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Intercultural publications inc., New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith International Civil Aviation Organization. corporateBody
correspondedWith International music company, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith International music company, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith International relief association. American committee, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Irigoyen, C. Alonso, recipient. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Fenno. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Fenno, recipient. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Gloria. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Gloria, recipient. person
associatedWith Jacoby, Lois person
correspondedWith Jacoby, Lois, recipient. person
correspondedWith James Laughlin person
correspondedWith Jean Benoit-Levy person
associatedWith Jean de Vaulx person
associatedWith Jean de Vaux person
associatedWith Jean-Pierre Aumont person
correspondedWith Jean Velay person
correspondedWith Jobert (Jean) firm, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Jobert, (Jean), publisher, recipient. person
associatedWith John D. Goodloe person
correspondedWith John Ferren person
correspondedWith John Henshaw Crider person
associatedWith John McGrath. person
associatedWith John Neill. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Buffie, 1912- person
correspondedWith Johnson, Margot. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Margot, recipient. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Theodate. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Theodate, recipient. person
correspondedWith Johnstone, E. person
correspondedWith Johnstone, E., recipient. person
correspondedWith John T. McManus person
correspondedWith Jones, Beatrice. person
correspondedWith Jones, Beatrice, recipient. person
associatedWith José Clemente Orozco. person
correspondedWith Joseph, Michael, Ltd., London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Joseph, Michael, Ltd., London, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Josephs, Ray, recipient. person
correspondedWith Joyce, James, 1882-1941 person
associatedWith Juillard, René person
correspondedWith Juillard, Réne, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kagan, George. person
correspondedWith Kazin, Pearl. person
correspondedWith Kazin, Pearl, recipient. person
correspondedWith Keller, Robert. person
correspondedWith Keller, Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Keller, Robert S. person
correspondedWith Kennish, Jacqueline. person
correspondedWith Kennish, Jacqueline, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kennish, Peter. person
correspondedWith Kerker, William C. person
correspondedWith Kerker, William C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Kiesler, Pablo. person
correspondedWith Kiesler, Pablo, recipient. person
correspondedWith King, Harold, recipient. person
associatedWith Kingsbury-Smith person
correspondedWith Kirstein, Fidelma (Cadmus) person
correspondedWith Kirstein, Lincoln, 1907- person
correspondedWith Knopf, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Knopf, firm, publishers, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kossoff, Rosalind. person
correspondedWith Kossoff, Rosalind, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kostenz, Marjorie. person
correspondedWith Kostenz, Marjorie Goertler. person
correspondedWith Kostenz, Marjorie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kraecutler, Annette, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kraeutler, Annette person
correspondedWith Kruitwagen, Bonaventura, 1874-1954 person
correspondedWith Kurzke, Charlotte. person
correspondedWith Kurzke, Charlotte, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kurzke, Katharine Mangan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kurzke, Katherine Mangan. person
correspondedWith Laboulaye, P. de, recipient. person
correspondedWith La Fouchardière, Georges de, 1874- person
correspondedWith La Hora, Buenos Aires, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Laks, Henri, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lancaster, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Landin, Alice. person
correspondedWith Landin, (Mrs.) Ernest. person
correspondedWith Langelaan, George. person
correspondedWith Langelaan, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Langlois, Jean Paul. person
correspondedWith Lank, Herbert Hayman, 1904- person
correspondedWith Lanman, Charles Rockwell, 1850-1941 person
correspondedWith Larsen, Roy Edward, 1899- person
associatedWith Laughlin, James, 1914-1997, person
correspondedWith Leahy, William, recipient. person
correspondedWith Leighton, George Ross, 1902- person
correspondedWith Lerena Moreno, Ramón. person
correspondedWith Lerena Moreno, Ramón, recipient. person
correspondedWith LeRoy, Jean. person
correspondedWith Le Roy, Jean, recipient. person
correspondedWith Levin, Meyer, 1905- person
correspondedWith Levison, Frances. person
correspondedWith Levison, Frances, recipient. person
correspondedWith Levy, Julien. person
correspondedWith Levy, Julien, recipient. person
correspondedWith L'Héritier, J. Nicolau. person
correspondedWith L'Heritier, J. Nicolau, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lichtheim, George, 1912- person
correspondedWith Ligo obrera revolucionaria. corporateBody
associatedWith Lilly Veréa person
associatedWith Lilly^ Véréa person
associatedWith Lilly Véréa person
correspondedWith Lind, Levi Robert, 1906- person
correspondedWith Littlefield, William H. person
correspondedWith Livengood, Edwin. person
associatedWith Lockwood Memorial Library corporateBody
correspondedWith López Solari, José Luís, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lord, Sterling, 1884- person
correspondedWith Lorente, Mariano J. person
correspondedWith Lorente, Mariano J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Loris, Marc. person
correspondedWith Lorwin, Val Rogin, 1907- person
correspondedWith Lovell, Frank. person
correspondedWith Lovell, Frank, recipient. person
correspondedWith Low, Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Luce, Claire (Booth) 1903- person
correspondedWith Luce, Henry Robinson, 1899- person
correspondedWith Lucey, James, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lynch, Charles Arthur. person
correspondedWith Lyon, Cecil person
correspondedWith Lyon, Pamela. person
correspondedWith Lyon, Pamela, recipient. person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Dwight, 1906- person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Nancy. person
correspondedWith MacDonald, Nancy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Macmillan, publishers, New York corporateBody
correspondedWith MacRae-Smith company, firm, publishers, Philadelphia. corporateBody
correspondedWith Madden, Ross. person
correspondedWith Madden, Ross, recipient. person
associatedWith Maīssie, Elie, 1911- person
associatedWith Maissi, Elie person
correspondedWith Mäissi, Elie, 1911- person
correspondedWith Mallan, Lloyd. person
correspondedWith Mallan, Lloyd, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mallet, Jean. person
correspondedWith Malmud, Theodore H. person
correspondedWith Malmud, Theodore H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Malraux, André, 1901- person
correspondedWith Mandel, Ernest. person
correspondedWith Mandel, Ernest, recipient. person
associatedWith Mangan, A. E. person
correspondedWith Mangan, Anna, d. 1949 person
correspondedWith Mangan, John Joseph, 1857- person
correspondedWith Mangan, Louise. person
correspondedWith Mangan, Marguerita (Landin) 1906-1953 person
associatedWith Mangan, Marguerite person
correspondedWith Mangan, Marguerite (Landin) 1906-1953 person
correspondedWith Mangan, Marguerite (Mangan) 1906-1953 person
correspondedWith Mangan, Mary Ellen, d. 1946 person
associatedWith Mangan, Sherry person
correspondedWith Manheim, Ralph. person
correspondedWith Manheim, Ralph, recipient. person
correspondedWith Manley, Sean. person
correspondedWith Manley, Seon. person
associatedWith Manolo Texidor. person
correspondedWith Manthorp, John C. person
correspondedWith Manthorp, John C., recipient. person
associatedWith Manuscript (Athens, Ohio) corporateBody
correspondedWith Maratier, Georges. person
correspondedWith Maréchal, Sylvain. person
correspondedWith Maréchal, Sylvian, recipient. person
correspondedWith Marguerite (Landin) Mangan person
associatedWith Marianna Applegate. person
associatedWith Mario Pedrosa. person
correspondedWith Maritan, Livio. person
correspondedWith Maritan, Livio, recipient. person
correspondedWith Marjorie Kostenz person
correspondedWith Marjorie Towers person
correspondedWith Marshall, John. person
correspondedWith Martin, Secker & Warburg, Ltd., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mary Ellen Mangan person
correspondedWith Mary Mangan person
correspondedWith Mason, Herbert Molloy. person
correspondedWith Maurer, F., recipient. person
associatedWith Maurice Grosser person
correspondedWith Mayaloff, . person
correspondedWith Mayrson person
correspondedWith McAlmon, Robert, 1896-1956 person
correspondedWith McCall's magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith McCall's magazine, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith McCarthy, Mary Therese, 1912- person
correspondedWith McCormick, Ken. person
correspondedWith McCulloch, John Irvin Beggs, 1908- person
correspondedWith McDowell, Obolensky, inc., New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith McEwen, Clement, recipient. person
correspondedWith McGraith, John M. person
correspondedWith McGrath, Mary Jean. person
correspondedWith McKay, Frances, recipient. person
correspondedWith McKenzie, Eileen. person
correspondedWith McKenzie, Eileen, recipient. person
correspondedWith McLean, D. R. person
correspondedWith McLean, D. R., recipient. person
correspondedWith McNamara, Ethel, recipient. person
correspondedWith McQueen, Aurora. person
correspondedWith McQueen, Aurora, recipient. person
correspondedWith McRae Smith co., firm, publishers, Philadelphia. corporateBody
correspondedWith Meilman, Edward. person
correspondedWith Meilman, Edward, recipient. person
correspondedWith Meziki, D. F. person
correspondedWith Meziki, D. F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Michel Pablo person
correspondedWith Michigan University Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Michigan. University Press, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Mildred Louise Boie person
correspondedWith Miller, Denise. person
correspondedWith Miller, Denise, recipient. person
correspondedWith Miller, Fred R. person
associatedWith Mina Curtiss. person
correspondedWith Minichelli, Alfredo. person
correspondedWith Minichelli, Alfredo, recipient. person
correspondedWith Miscellaneous business correspondence corporateBody
correspondedWith Miscellaneous financial correspondence corporateBody
correspondedWith Miscellaneous personal correspondence corporateBody
correspondedWith Mme François-Poncet person
correspondedWith Modlik, Franz. person
correspondedWith Moe, Henry Allen. person
correspondedWith Moe, Henry Allen, recipient. person
associatedWith Moline, Pierre Louis, 1740? -1820 person
correspondedWith Moore, Merrill, 1903- person
correspondedWith Moorepark, Howard. person
correspondedWith Moorepark, Howard, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mora López, Manuel de. person
correspondedWith Mora López, Manuel de, recipient. person
correspondedWith Morize, Andre, 1883- person
correspondedWith Morland, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Morrow (William) and company, inc., New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Moss, Howard, 1922- person
correspondedWith Mott, Thomas Bentley, 1865- person
correspondedWith Moulin, S. person
correspondedWith Mouton and co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mouton and co., firm, publishers, The Hague. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mouton & co., firm, publishers, The Hague. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mouton, & co., firm, publishers, The Hague, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mrs.) Franz J. Horsch person
correspondedWith Mrs. Nott person
correspondedWith Müller, Edel. person
correspondedWith Müller, Jorgen. person
correspondedWith Müller, Jorgen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mundo, Frances. person
correspondedWith Mundo, Frances, recipient. person
correspondedWith Nadeau, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Nadeau, Maurice, recipient. person
correspondedWith Natalia Sedova Trotskii person
correspondedWith National Broadcasting Company, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith National Broadcasting Company, inc., recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Neagoe, Peter. person
associatedWith Neli Grunberg. person
correspondedWith Neuhaus, Friedl. person
correspondedWith Neuhaus, Friedl, recipient. person
correspondedWith Neumans, Paulette. person
correspondedWith Neumans, Paulette, recipient. person
correspondedWith New Directions corporateBody
associatedWith New Directions publications. corporateBody
associatedWith New Directions Publishing Corp. corporateBody
correspondedWith New Directions, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith New York Publishing Service corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). corporateBody
correspondedWith New York (State). State University, Buffalo. Lockwood Memorial Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York (State). State University, Buffalo. Lockwood Memorial Library, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York times book review, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith N. Grunberg. person
correspondedWith Noblet, . person
correspondedWith Norman, Gertrude. person
correspondedWith Norton, Alden H. person
correspondedWith Norton, Alden H, recipient. person
correspondedWith Norton, W.W. and co., firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Norton, W.W. and co., firm, publishers, New York, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Novack, George Edward. person
correspondedWith Nunn, Guy T. person
correspondedWith Nunn, Guy T., recipient. person
correspondedWith Oberlin, Xavier. person
correspondedWith Oberlin, Xavier, recipient. person
correspondedWith Oberlin, Yvonne. person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Margaret. person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Margaret, recipient. person
correspondedWith O'Connell, William, cardinal, 1859- person
correspondedWith Odette Arnaud person
correspondedWith Oliver, Maria Rosa, 1904- person
correspondedWith Olivia Chambers person
correspondedWith Olsen, Ruth, recipient. person
correspondedWith Oxford books for boys and girls. corporateBody
associatedWith Pablo, Michel, person
correspondedWith Pablo, Michel. person
correspondedWith Pablo, Michel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Pagès person
correspondedWith Paine, Lola. person
correspondedWith Paine, Lola, recipient. person
correspondedWith Paine, Ralph Delahaye. person
correspondedWith Palmer, George Anthony. person
correspondedWith Palmer, George Anthony, recipient. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Marjorie. person
correspondedWith Parks, Melvin. person
correspondedWith Parks, Melvin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Parton, James. person
correspondedWith Patchen, Kenneth, 1911- person
associatedWith Patricia Donovan person
correspondedWith Paul Kiesler person
correspondedWith Paul, Suzanne. person
correspondedWith Paul, Suzanne, recipient. person
correspondedWith Peckham, Content, recipient. person
associatedWith Pedro Gutierrez Lapuente person
correspondedWith Pelligrini and Cudahy, firm, publishers, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Peralta Ramos, Ramon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Peret, Benjamin, 1899- person
correspondedWith Peterdi, Gábor, 1915- person
associatedWith Peter Kennish person
correspondedWith Peters, Emrys L. person
correspondedWith Peters, Emrys L., recipient. person
associatedWith Philip Rahv person
correspondedWith Phillipps, Louise. person
correspondedWith Phillipps, Louise, recipient. person
associatedWith Pierre Frank. person
correspondedWith Poetry, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Poirier, Marcelle. person
correspondedWith Polk, William Roe, 1929- person
correspondedWith Pomeroy, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Posner, David Louis, 1921- person
correspondedWith Prado Vargas, Rogerio. person
correspondedWith Prado Vargas, Rogerio, recipient. person
correspondedWith Président de la Commission Départementale des Allocations Militaires corporateBody
correspondedWith Preston, Dede. person
correspondedWith Preston, Hart. person
correspondedWith Preston, Hart, recipient. person
correspondedWith Priou-Valjean, Roger. person
associatedWith pseud. John Neill. person
associatedWith pseud. John Niell. person
associatedWith pseud. Sean Niall. person
correspondedWith Punch, London. person
correspondedWith Punch, London, recipient. person
correspondedWith Purcell, P. P. person
correspondedWith Purcell, P. P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Purdy, Kenneth, recipient. person
correspondedWith Q.E.D. corporateBody
correspondedWith Quarterly review of literature. corporateBody
correspondedWith Quarterly review of literature, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Quarto, New York, Columbia University, School of General Studies, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Railroad magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Railroad, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Ralph D. Paine. person
correspondedWith Rand, Edward Kennard, 1871-1945 person
correspondedWith Random house, inc., New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Raoul de Ricci person
correspondedWith Real Montosa, Manuel. person
correspondedWith Real Montosa, Manuel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Reilly and Lee co., firm, publishers, Chicago. corporateBody
correspondedWith Reilly and Lee co., firm, publishers, Chicago, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Reinhart, Amelia, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rexroth, Kenneth, 1905- person
associatedWith R. H. Clarke person
associatedWith Richard Barner person
correspondedWith Richard de Rochemont person
correspondedWith Richards, John Francis Chatterton, 1897- person
correspondedWith Rita Hamer person
correspondedWith Robb, Philip. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Wilfred person
correspondedWith Rocker, Rudolf, 1873-1958 person
correspondedWith Rodakiewicz, Henwar. person
correspondedWith Rodakiewicz, Henwar, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rodakiewicz, Olga. person
correspondedWith Root, Waverley Lewis, 1903- person
correspondedWith Root, Waverly Lewis, 1903- person
correspondedWith Rose Feitelson person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Emmanuel, 1904- person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Manuel, 1904- person
correspondedWith Rosmer, Alfred. person
correspondedWith Rousset, Paul. person
correspondedWith Russell & Volkening, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Russell & Volkening, inc., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ruth Berrien person
correspondedWith Saint-Jean, Robert de. person
correspondedWith Sangster, Daniel Hill. person
correspondedWith Sangster, Daniel Hill, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sangster, Priscilla. person
correspondedWith Santen, Sal. person
correspondedWith Santen, Sal, recipient. person
associatedWith Saudor Mathyas, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Schneeberger, Paul. person
correspondedWith Schneeberger, Paul, recipient. person
correspondedWith Scott, Paul. person
correspondedWith Scott, Winfield Townley, 1910- person
correspondedWith Scott, Winifred. person
correspondedWith Scott, Winifred, recipient. person
correspondedWith Scribner, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Scribner, firm, publishers, New York, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Sean Manley person
associatedWith Sean Niall. person
correspondedWith Seaver, Edwin, 1900- person
associatedWith Seifert, Charles person
correspondedWith Seifert, Charles C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Sepúlveda, Arturo. person
correspondedWith Sepúlveda, Arturo, recipient. person
correspondedWith Serge, Victor, 1890-1947 person
correspondedWith Setaro, Ricardo M., 1903- person
correspondedWith Shahan, Thomas Joseph, abp., 1857-1916 person
correspondedWith Sheed & Ward, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sheed & Ward, publishers, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sherry Mangan. person
associatedWith Sherry Mangan and others corporateBody
associatedWith Sherry Mangan's person
correspondedWith Simon and Schuster, firm, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Solow, Herbert. person
correspondedWith Soria, Dorle J. person
correspondedWith Soria, Dorle J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Southwest review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Spahni, Jean Christian. person
correspondedWith Spahni, Jean Christian, recipient. person
correspondedWith Speer, Charles, recipient. person
correspondedWith Spoulber, Mme., recipient. person
correspondedWith Standish, Robert, pseud. person
correspondedWith Standish, Robert, pseud., recipient. person
associatedWith State University, Buffalo. corporateBody
correspondedWith Steinfeld, Ilu. person
correspondedWith Steinfeld, Ilu, recipient. person
correspondedWith Steinfeld, Kurt, 1915- person
correspondedWith Steinfeld, Kurt, b. 1915 person
correspondedWith Stein, Theodore G. person
correspondedWith Stein, Theodore G., recipient. person
correspondedWith Stephens, Paul. person
correspondedWith Stephens, Paul, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sterne, Emma (Gelders) 1894- person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Daniel James, 1909- person
associatedWith Suzanne Foul person
correspondedWith Swetzoff Gallery, Boston. corporateBody
correspondedWith Swetzoff Gallery, Boston, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Swift, Otis Peabody. person
associatedWith Sylvia Peck person
correspondedWith Tannenbaum, Herman. person
correspondedWith Tannenbaum, Herman, recipient. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Edmond, 1908- person
correspondedWith Tennant, David P. person
correspondedWith Tennant, David P., recipient. person
correspondedWith Terence Phelan. person
associatedWith Terence Phelar, pseud. person
correspondedWith Texidor, Manuel. person
correspondedWith Texidor, Manuel, recipient. person
correspondedWith Thayer, Les. person
correspondedWith Thayer, Les, recipient. person
correspondedWith The California quarterly. Los Angeles. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Cambridge review, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith The New Yorker corporateBody
correspondedWith The New Yorker, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Theodore Malmud person
correspondedWith The Poet's pen, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Viking press, inc., firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Virginia quarterly review. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Western review, (Iowa City) corporateBody
correspondedWith The Western review (Iowa City), recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Yale review, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thieme, G.J., printers, Nijmegen. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thieme, G.J., printers, Nijmegen, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas, Byron. person
associatedWith Thomson, Virgil, 1896- person
associatedWith Thomson, Virgil, 1896-1989. person
correspondedWith Thorndike, Joseph Jacobs, 1913- person
correspondedWith Thorne, Marguerite. person
correspondedWith Thorne, Marguerite, recipient. person
correspondedWith Thorpe, Signa. person
correspondedWith Thorpe, Signa, recipient. person
correspondedWith Tijn, Mien van. person
correspondedWith Tijn, Mien van, recipient. person
associatedWith Time, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Titayna, pseud. person
correspondedWith Todd, H. A. person
correspondedWith Todd, H. A., recipient. person
correspondedWith Toklas, Alice Boyd, 1877-1967 person
correspondedWith Tourreix, Suzanne. person
correspondedWith Tourreix, Suzanne, recipient. person
associatedWith Tourriex, Suzanne person
associatedWith Towers, Marjorie person
correspondedWith Transatlantic review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Transcontinental films, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Transocean Travel Service corporateBody
associatedWith Union musical española corporateBody
correspondedWith Union musical española, Madrid. corporateBody
correspondedWith Union musical española, Madrid, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations. corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations Food and agricultural organization. corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations. Food and agricultural organization, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith United press association, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Army. Draft Board, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Dept. of agriculture. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Dept. of agriculture, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Dept. of state. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Dept. of state, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Uszynski, Constantin. person
correspondedWith Uszynski, Constantin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Utecht, C. F. person
correspondedWith Utecht, C. F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Vaidya, Suresh. person
correspondedWith Valle-Inclán, María B. del, recipient. person
correspondedWith Vandivert, Rita. person
correspondedWith Vandivert, Rita, recipient. person
correspondedWith Van Ghent, Dorothy (Bendon) 1907- person
correspondedWith Vanguard Press, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Vardoulakis, Mary. person
correspondedWith Vardoulakis, Mary, recipient. person
correspondedWith Vaulx, Jean de. person
correspondedWith Vaulx, Jean de, recipient. person
correspondedWith Véréa, Lilly. person
correspondedWith Véréa, Lilly, recipient. person
correspondedWith Verger, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Verger, Pierre, recipient. person
correspondedWith Viladomat B. de Quiros, Manuel. person
correspondedWith Viladomat B. de Quiros, Manuel, recipient. person
associatedWith Villiers, François person
correspondedWith Viñals Coma, Carmen, recipient. person
associatedWith Virgil Thomson person
correspondedWith Vogue. person
correspondedWith Voguë, comtesse de, recipient. person
correspondedWith Vogue, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wadsworth, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Waldman, Elsa. person
associatedWith W. A. Letham. person
correspondedWith Walter Graebner person
associatedWith Warde person
correspondedWith Warden, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Warner, J. B. person
correspondedWith Warner, J. B., recipient. person
correspondedWith Warren, Austin, 1899- person
correspondedWith Weeks, Edward, 1898- person
correspondedWith Wertenbaker, Charles, 1901- person
associatedWith Westphalen, Emilio Adolfo, 1911- person
correspondedWith Westphalen, Emilio Adolpho. person
correspondedWith Westphalen, Emilio Adolpho, recipient. person
correspondedWith Westphalen, Judith Ortiz de, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wheelright, John Brooks. person
correspondedWith Wheelright, John Brooks, recipient. person
associatedWith Wheelwright, John, 1897-1940. person
correspondedWith White, Llewellyn, 1899- person
correspondedWith White, Walter, recipient. person
correspondedWith Whitman (Albert) and co., firm, publishers, Chicago. corporateBody
correspondedWith Whitman, (Albert) and co., firm, publishers, Chicago, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wilcox & Follett co., firm, publishers, Chicago. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Jonathan, 1929- person
correspondedWith Wilson, Michael. person
correspondedWith Winocour, Mary Carr Carmichael. person
correspondedWith Winocour, Mary Carr Carmichael, recipient. person
correspondedWith Winsbury-White, Horace Powell. person
correspondedWith Wohlforth, Timothy. person
correspondedWith Wohlforth, Tim, recipient. person
correspondedWith Woman's home companion. corporateBody
correspondedWith Woman's home companion, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith World Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Wright, Helen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wright, John Buckland, 1897. person
correspondedWith Wygod, Vera. person
correspondedWith Wygod, Vera, recipient. person
correspondedWith Yale review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Young World books, firm, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yugoslavia. Jugoslovenski informacioni centar, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yugoslavia. Jugoslovenski information center. corporateBody
correspondedWith Zabel, Morton Dauwen, 1901- person
correspondedWith Zeitlin, Fred, recipient. person
correspondedWith Zone. corporateBody
correspondedWith Zwart, E., printer, Haarlem. corporateBody
correspondedWith Zwart, E., printer, Haarlem, recipient. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
American poetry
Poets, American
Authors and publishers
Publishing and publishers, records and correspondence
Foreign correspondents


Birth 1904

Death 1961


Spanish; Castilian,





Ark ID: w67379qt

SNAC ID: 76597524