Authors' League of America

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Organization founded in 1912 for the protection of copyright.

From the description of Letter from the Authors' League of America to an unknown recipient, n.d. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 32136277

From the description of Letter from the Authors' League of America to an unknown recipient [manuscript], n.d. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 647844409

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Learned Hand papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Wendell family papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Papers, 1872, 1932-1997 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Authors' League of America. [Constitutions, agreements, etc.] Wisconsin historical society
creatorOf Mitgang, Herbert. Herbert Mitgang papers, 1929-1995. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Correspondence with Margaret Naumburg, 1938. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Lillian Hellman Papers TXRC05-A10005., 1904-1984 (bulk 1934-1984) Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Correspondence to Van Wyck Brooks, 1937-1962. University of Pennsylvania Library
referencedIn Learned Hand papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Angela Morgan Papers, 1893-1957 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936. Papers of Mary Johnston [manuscript] 1900-33. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Sheldon Glueck papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Membership solicitation letters, 1917-1933. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Papers of Inez Haynes Gillmore, 1872-1945 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn The Nation, records, 1879-1974 (inclusive), 1920-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953. Papers of Eugene O'Neill [manuscript], 1915-1940. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Neal, Bigelow, 1891-1962. Papers, 1928-1933. State Historical Society of North Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Marshall, Lenore, 1897-1971. Papers, 1887-1980. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Letter, 1939, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Radio Writers Guild records, 1930-1958 The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
referencedIn Ellis Parker Butler papers, 1899-1936 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1857-1945. Papers : of Margaret Wade Campbell Deland, 1888-1945. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Boucher, Anthony, 1911-1968. Papers, 1932-1969 Indiana University
referencedIn Webster, Henry Kitchell, 1875-1932. Henry Kitchell Webster papers, 1880-1932, bulk 1900-1932. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morgan, Angela, 1874-1957. Angela Morgan papers, 1861-1957. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Ellis Parker Butler papers, 1897-1937. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1915-1934. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Herbert Mitgang papers, 1929-1995 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
creatorOf McGinley, Phyllis, 1905-1978. Lillian Hellman Papers, 1904-1984 (bulk 1934-1984). Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
creatorOf Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Papers, 1912-1957. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Letter from the Authors' League of America to an unknown recipient, n.d. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Century Company. Century Company records, 1870-1924. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Radio Writers Guild. Records, 1930-1958. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Charles Dana Gibson letters, 1910-1937 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Century Company records New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Friedan, Betty. Papers, 1933-1980 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Correspondence to Franklin Baldwin Wiley, 1913. University of Pennsylvania Library
referencedIn Robert E. Sherwood papers, 1917-1968 (inclusive), 1934-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Eastman, Max, 1883-1969. Theodore Dreiser letterbooks on "The Genius," 1915-1916. Cornell University Library
referencedIn John Reed papers, 1903-1967. Houghton Library
referencedIn Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk) Houghton Library
creatorOf Authors' League of America. Letter from the Authors' League of America to an unknown recipient [manuscript], n.d. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Milton Caniff Collection, 1805-2007, 1910-1988 The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
referencedIn Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869-1937. Papers of Ellis Parker Butler, 1891-1940. University of Iowa Libraries
referencedIn James Weldon Johnson and Grace Nail Johnson papers, circa 1850-2005, 1900-1976 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Friedan, Betty, 1921-2006. Papers, 1933-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Maxwell Evarts Perkins correspondence and papers on Thomas Wolfe, 1933-1948. Houghton Library
referencedIn R. Philip Hanes Papers, 1928-2010 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Howells family papers, 1850-1954 (inclusive). Houghton Library
referencedIn Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920. Papers of Eleanor H. Porter [manuscript], 1903-1936 (bulk 1905-1920). University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company correspondence and records, 1832-1944. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Allen, Devere, 1891-1955, person
associatedWith Auw, Ivan von. person
associatedWith Beach, Rex, 1877-1949. person
associatedWith Betty Friedan person
associatedWith Boucher, Anthony, 1911-1968. person
associatedWith Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869-1937. person
associatedWith Century Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Collins, Rose S. person
associatedWith Creel, George, 1876-1953, person
associatedWith Davis, Elmer Holmes, 1890-1958. person
associatedWith Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1857-1945. person
associatedWith Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935 person
associatedWith Friedan, Betty. person
associatedWith Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940. person
associatedWith Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944 person
associatedWith Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970. person
correspondedWith Glueck, Sheldon, 1896- person
associatedWith Guiterman, Arthur, person
associatedWith Guiterman, Arthur, 1871-1943, person
associatedWith Hand, Learned, 1872-1961 person
associatedWith Hanes, R. Philip, 1926- person
associatedWith Hellman, Lillian, 1905-1984 person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Hughes, Rupert, 1872-1956, person
associatedWith Johnson, Burges, 1877-1963, person
associatedWith Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. person
associatedWith Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936. person
associatedWith Lowell, Orson Byron, 1871-1956, person
associatedWith Lowell, Orson Byron, 1871-1956, person
associatedWith Marshall, Lenore, 1897-1971. person
associatedWith MARY BANCROFT, 1903-1997 person
associatedWith McGinley, Phyllis, 1905-1978. person
associatedWith Miller, Alice Duer, 1874-1942, person
associatedWith Milton Caniff person
associatedWith Mitgang, Herbert person
associatedWith Mitgang, Herbert. person
associatedWith Morgan, Angela, 1874-1957. person
associatedWith Nation (New York, N.Y. : 1865). corporateBody
associatedWith Neal, Bigelow, 1891-1962. person
associatedWith O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, 1876-1929. person
associatedWith Olcott, Frances Jenkins, person
associatedWith O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953. person
associatedWith Osborne, William Hamilton, 1873-1943. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Maxwell E. (Maxwell Evarts), 1884-1947 person
associatedWith Phelps, Carrington. person
associatedWith Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920. person
associatedWith Radio Writers Guild. corporateBody
associatedWith Reed, John, 1887-1920 person
associatedWith Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. person
associatedWith Schuler, Eric. person
correspondedWith Sherwood, Robert E. (Robert Emmet), 1896-1955 person
associatedWith Sillcox, Luise. person
associatedWith Straus, Dorothy. person
associatedWith Tong, Jocelyn. person
associatedWith Vidal, Gore, 1925- person
associatedWith Webster, Henry Kitchell, 1875-1932. person
correspondedWith Wendell family. family
associatedWith Williams, Jesse Lynch, 1871-1929, person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
United States
Fund raising
Membership campaigns

Corporate Body

Active 1929

Active 1995



Ark ID: w6v1621g

SNAC ID: 66166278