Richardson, William A.

Variant names

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn National Academy Of Sciences, Archives. Rg 192: Commissary General Of Subsistence.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Ru 60: Meteorological Project, 1849 1875.
referencedIn Houghton Library printed book provenance file, R-Z and unidentified Houghton Library
referencedIn Massachusetts. Governor (1855-1858 : Gardner). Commission, 1855 March 9, appointing Joel Parker, William A. Richardson, and Andrew A. Richmond as commissioners of statutes for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Monterey Public Library. California History Room. Biography clippings : "R" [surname] folder 1899-2001. Monterey Public Library
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Trent Collection.
referencedIn Coffin, James H. (James Henry), 1806-1873. James Henry Coffin Papers, 1848-1884 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Documents pertaining to the adjudication of private land claims in California, circa 1852-1892 Bancroft Library
referencedIn National Archives And Records Administration. Rg 59: State Department.
referencedIn Scott, Thomas W. Thomas W. Scott account book, 1838-1916 (bulk 1838-1857). Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
referencedIn Smithsonian Archives. Spencer F. Baird Papers (Mc 2000.11).
referencedIn Documents pertaining to the adjudication of private land claims in California, circa 1852-1892 Bancroft Library
referencedIn United States Sanitary Commission records. Army and Navy Claim Agency archives, 1861-1870 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees Papers, 1744-1907 The Huntington Library
referencedIn Records of the U.S. Coast Guard. National Archives at College Park
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abbot, Henry Larcom person
correspondedWith Adams, C. W. person
correspondedWith Adams, John person
correspondedWith Adams, Joseph W. person
correspondedWith Adams, Joshua person
associatedWith Adams, T. person
correspondedWith Adams, Thomas person
correspondedWith Allen, Andrew person
correspondedWith Allen, F. A. person
correspondedWith Allen, George person
correspondedWith Allen, Isaac J. person
correspondedWith Ames, Edgar C. person
associatedWith Ammen, Daniel person
associatedWith Anderson, C. G. person
correspondedWith Anderson, James person
correspondedWith Anderson, John person
correspondedWith Anderson, Margaret person
correspondedWith Anderson, Olaf person
associatedWith Andrews, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Angell, Abner B. person
associatedWith Ankers, J. Henry person
associatedWith Archambault, T. J. H. person
correspondedWith Arendorph, Lewis person
correspondedWith Arnold, Horace W. person
correspondedWith Arthur, C. A. person
correspondedWith Ashman, Reuben person
correspondedWith Athearn, Zyadoc person
associatedWith Atkinson, Joseph S. person
correspondedWith Averill, B. F. person
correspondedWith Aydelett, Caleb person
correspondedWith Aydelett, Elijah person
associatedWith Babcock, Claude person
correspondedWith Babcock, Hiram person
correspondedWith Babcock, J. C. person
correspondedWith Bailey, James S. person
correspondedWith Bailey, John D. person
associatedWith Bailey, Theodorus person
correspondedWith Baily, Isaac person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
correspondedWith Baker, Daniel person
correspondedWith Baker, Ebenezer D. person
associatedWith Baker, M. E. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Baker, Samuel C. person
correspondedWith Balch, Laura P. person
associatedWith Baldwin, A. person
correspondedWith Ball, H. D. person
correspondedWith Banning, Orin A. person
correspondedWith Barber, George person
associatedWith Barclay, J. O. person
associatedWith Barkley, Marcus C. person
associatedWith Barnard, A. P. person
associatedWith Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter person
correspondedWith Barnes, James E. person
correspondedWith Barney, Albert person
correspondedWith Barney, Samuel L. person
correspondedWith Barnum, Edward R. person
associatedWith Barnwell, John, Dr. person
correspondedWith Bartholomew, Joseph person
correspondedWith Bartlett, J. H. person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Nathaniel S. person
correspondedWith Barton, Theodore H. person
correspondedWith Basmeter, Jacob person
correspondedWith Bates, Thomas person
associatedWith Baxter, James D. person
correspondedWith Beacham, Francis person
associatedWith Beansang, Leopold F. person
correspondedWith Beard, Edward person
correspondedWith Bearse, Joshua P. person
associatedWith Beasley, Francis person
associatedWith Beasley, James E. person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Samuel S. person
associatedWith Beckwith, Charles W. person
correspondedWith Beedon, Napoleon person
correspondedWith Beland, Frank person
correspondedWith Belden, Myron person
associatedWith Belknap, William W. person
correspondedWith Bell, Edward person
correspondedWith Bell, James H. person
correspondedWith Bell, William M. person
correspondedWith Benjamin, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Bennett, Albert W. person
correspondedWith Bennett, Lewis L. person
correspondedWith Bennett, William G. person
correspondedWith Benning, Orin A. person
correspondedWith Benoit, Adilon person
correspondedWith Bergen, Thomas person
associatedWith Bernett, Albert W. person
correspondedWith Berry, John J. person
associatedWith Best, John F. person
associatedWith Bien, Julius person
correspondedWith Billberry, George R. person
associatedWith Bird, Frank H. person
associatedWith Bird, Newton L. person
correspondedWith Bird, Newton (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Black, Edwin person
correspondedWith Blake, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Bliss, Leonard C. person
correspondedWith Blizzard, David R. person
correspondedWith Blodget, Albion K. P. person
correspondedWith Blodgett, Enoch L. person
correspondedWith Blunt, Peter F. person
associatedWith Boggs, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Bold, Joseph Walker person
correspondedWith Bolin, Robert person
correspondedWith Bolsom, David D. person
correspondedWith Bond, E. person
correspondedWith Bond, Joseph person
associatedWith Bond, William person
correspondedWith Bonnell, William P. person
correspondedWith Booth, Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Bose, James person
associatedWith Bount, Bradford B. person
correspondedWith Bowling, James T. person
correspondedWith Bowling, Margaret person
associatedWith Boyle, C. B. person
correspondedWith Boynton, C. H. person
associatedWith Boynton, Charles person
correspondedWith Bradley, Nathan Ball (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Brady, Alonzo C. person
correspondedWith Braydon, Franklin R. person
associatedWith Bray, William person
associatedWith Bredon, Napoleon person
associatedWith Bright, Jacob L. person
associatedWith Brightman, L. person
correspondedWith Brooks, M. M. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Brooks, O. A. person
correspondedWith Brown, Charles person
associatedWith Brown, Frank person
correspondedWith Brown, Jesse person
correspondedWith Brown, John person
correspondedWith Brown, Julia R. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Brown, William person
associatedWith Brown, William F. person
correspondedWith Bruin, Peter person
correspondedWith Bryan, William P. person
associatedWith Bryson, James person
correspondedWith Buckless, Francis M. person
correspondedWith Buckless, Henry person
correspondedWith Buckley, Jeremiah person
associatedWith Buete, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Buffington, James (Hon.) person
associatedWith Buhne, H. H. person
correspondedWith Buland, Frank person
associatedWith Bull, E. W. person
correspondedWith Buncap, H. B. person
associatedWith Bunker, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Bunnell, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Bunnell, Charles O. person
correspondedWith Burchenal, Eugene person
correspondedWith Burgess, Peter person
correspondedWith Burgess, P. F. person
correspondedWith Burke, John person
correspondedWith Burke, Thomas person
associatedWith Burnap, H. B. person
associatedWith Burney, Joseph person
correspondedWith Burnsides, Lucas person
associatedWith Burns, Patrick J. person
correspondedWith Burr, Andrew person
correspondedWith Burris, N. G. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, G. H. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, J. C. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, John L. person
associatedWith Burrows, W. E. person
correspondedWith Burt, George H. person
correspondedWith Burt, Hiram A. person
correspondedWith Bushnell, Alpha (Mrs) person
correspondedWith Bushnell, Amasa person
correspondedWith Bush, W. person
associatedWith Butler, Edwin person
correspondedWith Butler, Levi person
correspondedWith Butler, Robert person
correspondedWith Butts, Josiah person
correspondedWith Caldwell, J. M. person
correspondedWith Calhoun, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Campan, David person
correspondedWith Campbell, A. F. (Mrs) person
associatedWith Campbell, William L. person
correspondedWith Canova, A. F. person
associatedWith Cappock, John Joseph person
associatedWith Card, G. R. person
correspondedWith Card, John W. person
correspondedWith Carleton, William person
correspondedWith Carlisle, B. H. person
correspondedWith Carlton, William E. person
correspondedWith Carlysle, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Alfred R. person
correspondedWith Carter, Eli person
correspondedWith Carter, George T. person
correspondedWith Cashman, James person
correspondedWith Castin, Charles R. person
correspondedWith Caswall, Robert (Rev.) person
correspondedWith Caswell, Burr person
correspondedWith Caswell, Sarah M. person
associatedWith Cathcact, John W. person
correspondedWith Cawley, John person
associatedWith Chadwick, Taber person
associatedWith Chandler, Zachariah person
correspondedWith Chandwick, Faber person
correspondedWith Chase, Willis E. person
correspondedWith Chauncey, Frank L. person
associatedWith Childs, Calvin G. person
correspondedWith Childs, Otis F. person
correspondedWith Chisma, Amelia person
correspondedWith Chisman, John M. person
associatedWith Christie, William M. person
correspondedWith Clark, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Clark, Christopher C. person
associatedWith Clarke, George person
correspondedWith Clarke, Henry W. person
associatedWith Clark, George E. person
correspondedWith Clark, Horatio G. person
correspondedWith Clark, H. W. person
correspondedWith Clark, Robert B. person
associatedWith Clemons, Phineas H. person
correspondedWith Clifton, Samuel person
correspondedWith Clifton, T. person
correspondedWith Clock, Warren F. person
correspondedWith Clubb, William C. person
correspondedWith Cobb, H. F. person
correspondedWith Cobb, H. T. person
correspondedWith Cobb, J. J. person
associatedWith Coburn, John person
correspondedWith Cochrane, Alexander person
correspondedWith Cocking, Mary person
correspondedWith Colby, Walter person
correspondedWith Coleman, James person
correspondedWith Coleman, Thomas B. person
correspondedWith Cole, Thomas T. person
correspondedWith Colfax, H. E. (Miss) person
associatedWith Collins, John person
correspondedWith Collins, John S. person
correspondedWith Comer, Bridget person
correspondedWith Comer, Patrick person
correspondedWith Comstock, J. S. person
correspondedWith Connelly, James person
correspondedWith Conner, Bridget person
correspondedWith Conner, Miles person
correspondedWith Conner, Patrick person
associatedWith Conova, A. F. person
associatedWith Constanzi, Felix C. person
correspondedWith Conway, Alexander S. person
correspondedWith Conway, Samuel person
correspondedWith Conwell, H. B. person
correspondedWith Cook, James A. person
associatedWith Cook, Nathan person
correspondedWith Coons, Caroline person
associatedWith Coons, Eugene person
correspondedWith Cooper, John person
associatedWith Copeland, George M. person
correspondedWith Coppin, Charles person
associatedWith Corbin, D. T. person
correspondedWith Corgan, C. person
associatedWith Corgan, Henry person
correspondedWith Corgan, James person
correspondedWith Corgan, Mary person
correspondedWith Cornwell, John L. person
associatedWith Cosgrove, James person
associatedWith Costanzi, Felix E. person
associatedWith Courtenay, David S., Jr. person
correspondedWith Cowie, George person
correspondedWith Crabb, John P. person
correspondedWith Crane, E. R. person
associatedWith Crane, G. B. person
correspondedWith Crane, Joseph B. person
associatedWith Crane, Patrick person
correspondedWith Crateenberg, A. J. person
correspondedWith Crawford, H. W. person
correspondedWith Crawford, William M. person
associatedWith Creek, Lenox corporateBody
correspondedWith Critendon, George W. person
correspondedWith Crockett, William E. person
associatedWith Crosby, Hatsel E. person
correspondedWith Crossier, Andrew R. person
associatedWith Cross, J. W. person
correspondedWith Crossman, Charles T. person
associatedWith Crouch, J. M. person
correspondedWith Crouch, Rebecca L. person
associatedWith Crowley, Daniel person
correspondedWith Crowley, Mattie A. person
associatedWith Cruk, Lenox person
correspondedWith Cully, Joseph person
associatedWith Curry, William person
correspondedWith Custis, E. B. person
associatedWith Daly, James person
correspondedWith Daniels, Hiram person
correspondedWith Darling, L. C. person
correspondedWith Davenport, Andrew F. person
correspondedWith Davenport, James person
correspondedWith Davenport, John person
correspondedWith Davis, Benjamin P. person
associatedWith Davis, Charles Henry person
associatedWith Davis, Evan L. person
associatedWith Davis, George E. person
associatedWith Davis, John L. person
correspondedWith Davis, Stephe person
correspondedWith Davis, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Davis, William R. person
associatedWith Day, Alexander J. person
correspondedWith Dear, S. A. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Decouroy, Frederick person
correspondedWith De Dieman, Mary E. person
correspondedWith Dee, Josiah person
correspondedWith Delane, M. person
correspondedWith Demerite, William person
correspondedWith Demeritt, William person
associatedWith Dick, John B. person
associatedWith Dick, William A. person
associatedWith Didden, C. A. person
correspondedWith Diekeland, William person
correspondedWith Diemer, Louis D. person
correspondedWith Diggs, John L. person
associatedWith Dimond, John H. person
associatedWith Dix, John A. person
correspondedWith Doane, G. W. person
correspondedWith Dodge, Nathaniel person
correspondedWith Dodge, William person
associatedWith Doherty, M. G. person
correspondedWith Donahue, James S. person
correspondedWith Donovan, Corelius person
correspondedWith Donovan, James H. person
correspondedWith Donovan, John person
associatedWith Dorsey, Cornelia person
correspondedWith Douglas, William H. person
associatedWith Dow, Albert R. person
correspondedWith Dowdy, John A. person
correspondedWith Dow, W. W. person
correspondedWith Doyle, Sylvanis E. person
correspondedWith Drew, S. S. person
correspondedWith Drinkwater, E. person
correspondedWith Drinkwater, P. G. person
correspondedWith Driscoll, Stephen person
correspondedWith Dubree, Hannah person
correspondedWith Dubree, Lewis C. person
correspondedWith Dumas, Anderson person
correspondedWith Dunnell, William person
correspondedWith Dunn, Thomas Peter person
correspondedWith Dutton, H. L. person
associatedWith Dyer, Charles P. person
correspondedWith Dyer, Charles T. person
correspondedWith Dyer, Enoch person
correspondedWith Dyer, James E. person
correspondedWith Earl, Clark person
associatedWith Eastman, S. F. person
associatedWith Eaton corporateBody
associatedWith Edwards, John E. person
associatedWith Edwards, W. E. person
correspondedWith Edwards, William C. person
associatedWith Elder, George, Jr. person
associatedWith Elliot, George H. person
correspondedWith Elliot, Robert J. person
associatedWith Ellis, John G. person
correspondedWith Ellsworth, E. person
correspondedWith Elmore, William M. person
associatedWith Emerson, George person
associatedWith Emerson, John person
correspondedWith Emmerson, Beadbury person
correspondedWith Emmons, Vincent person
correspondedWith Endman, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Engstrom, Charles P. person
correspondedWith Ensign, Samuel person
associatedWith Eppley, Francis M. person
correspondedWith Erdman, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Evans, James person
correspondedWith Evans, Martin person
correspondedWith Evans, Orlando person
correspondedWith Everingham, George W. person
correspondedWith Fahenstock, Alfred person
correspondedWith Fairchild, R. H. person
correspondedWith Fanen, Samuel M. person
correspondedWith Fargo, Alice J. person
correspondedWith Farley, A. Mchenry person
correspondedWith Farnham, John A. person
correspondedWith Farran, J. M. person
correspondedWith Farran, Samuel M. person
associatedWith Farrar, Samuel M. person
associatedWith Farrell, Arthur person
correspondedWith Farr, Noah T. person
correspondedWith Farrow, Harvey L. person
associatedWith Feabon, George person
correspondedWith Federguist, John W. person
correspondedWith Fenton, George W. person
correspondedWith Ferrill, Nathan D. person
associatedWith Feuchlen, William H. person
correspondedWith Fields, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Finck, Edward Jr. person
associatedWith First National Bank Of Washington corporateBody
correspondedWith Fish, Hamilton person
correspondedWith Fish, Oscar person
associatedWith Fiske, James E. person
associatedWith Fitch, Thomas person
correspondedWith Fleming, A. J. person
correspondedWith Fletcher, R. R. person
correspondedWith Flint, Julius person
correspondedWith Folger, George F. person
correspondedWith Fontane, Joseph A. C. person
correspondedWith Fooker, George S. person
correspondedWith Foothacker, George person
correspondedWith Forbes, W. B. person
correspondedWith Ford, G. A. W. person
correspondedWith Ford, George person
correspondedWith Foster, D. E. person
correspondedWith Foster, Lyman person
correspondedWith Fourjee, J. H. person
correspondedWith Fowler, William H. person
correspondedWith Frair, James person
correspondedWith Francis, John person
correspondedWith Fraser, Alexander F. person
correspondedWith Fraser, Finley person
correspondedWith Fraser, W. B. person
correspondedWith Fraser, W. R. person
correspondedWith Frazer, Alexander person
associatedWith Freeman, Benjamin T. person
correspondedWith Freeman, F. A. person
associatedWith Freeman, Watson person
correspondedWith French, A. S. person
correspondedWith Friend, Charles person
associatedWith Frisk, Charles person
correspondedWith Frost, George B. person
associatedWith Frost, John person
correspondedWith Frow, Joseph person
correspondedWith Frow, Simeon person
correspondedWith Fulcher, Wallace P. person
correspondedWith Fuller, Frederick J. person
correspondedWith Fuller, George J. person
correspondedWith Gage, George person
correspondedWith Gage, Henry person
correspondedWith Gage, R. person
correspondedWith Gallop, Peter G. person
correspondedWith Gannon, James person
correspondedWith Gaskie, Elijah T. person
correspondedWith Gaskill, E. T. person
correspondedWith Gaskill, Israel R. person
correspondedWith Gaskin, Edward W. person
correspondedWith Gaugh, Lorenzo person
correspondedWith Gayne, John S. person
correspondedWith Gedney, Hamilton J. person
associatedWith Geer, Edwin person
correspondedWith Geer, Jabez person
associatedWith Geiaghty, Thomas person
correspondedWith Gerard, William person
correspondedWith Gerdtry, Mary (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Ghe, Robert person
correspondedWith Gibaut, Joseph A. person
correspondedWith Gifford, Hastings person
correspondedWith Gilbert, George person
correspondedWith Gilkey, A. person
correspondedWith Gill, Heman S. person
correspondedWith Gillispie, Peter person
correspondedWith Gill, Nathan S. person
correspondedWith Ginty, James person
correspondedWith Gipson, William F. person
correspondedWith Glenn, Richard M. person
correspondedWith Goldsmith, Daniel person
correspondedWith Gordon, David person
associatedWith Goss, William W. person
correspondedWith Gough, Lorenzo person
correspondedWith Gough, Robert person
correspondedWith Goulder, C. B. person
correspondedWith Grant, Abbie E. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Grant, Isaac H. person
correspondedWith Grant, Ulysses S. person
associatedWith Grant, Valentine person
correspondedWith Graves, John person
correspondedWith Greenfield, James person
correspondedWith Griffin, John person
associatedWith Grover, L. F. (Gov) person
associatedWith Guillet, E. C. person
associatedWith Haake, Adolphus person
correspondedWith Hagan, Anthony person
associatedWith Hagman, Joseph person
correspondedWith Haile, Oliver person
associatedWith Hailer, Ludwig person
associatedWith Hains, Peter C. person
correspondedWith Hale, Frank G. person
correspondedWith Hall, John C. person
correspondedWith Hall, John P. person
correspondedWith Hall, John R. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, F. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Hammond, F. person
correspondedWith Hammond, Frederick person
correspondedWith Handy, B. R. person
correspondedWith Hanna, James T. person
correspondedWith Hanna, L. A. (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Hanna, Nathaniel J. person
correspondedWith Hanna, William H. person
associatedWith Hanson, Peter person
correspondedWith Hare, William D. person
associatedWith Harford, William person
correspondedWith Harm, William A. person
associatedWith Harper, William S. person
associatedWith Harris, Alexander person
associatedWith Harrison, John person
correspondedWith Harrison, Walter G. person
correspondedWith Hart, Elias D. person
correspondedWith Hart, John J. person
associatedWith Hatsell, Rebecca person
correspondedWith Hatsel, William F. person
correspondedWith Havens, W. S. person
associatedWith Hayman, Joseph person
associatedWith Hazelton, J. W. person
correspondedWith Hazen, Winchester person
correspondedWith Hearon, Isaac person
correspondedWith Heath, Eben T. person
correspondedWith Heath, Edwin R. person
associatedWith Heath, Mary Ann person
associatedWith Heimer, Louis P. person
correspondedWith Henderson, Allen person
correspondedWith Henderson, Thomas person
correspondedWith Henderson, W. person
correspondedWith Henderson, William person
associatedWith Hendricks, Thomas A. person
associatedWith Hennessy, James H. person
associatedWith Henningsen, James C. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
associatedWith Heslin, Henry person
correspondedWith Hess, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Hicks, John S. person
correspondedWith Higginbotham, Thomas person
associatedWith Hilgard, Julius Erasmus person
correspondedWith Hill, Henry person
correspondedWith Hill, J. C. person
associatedWith Hillman, Julius person
correspondedWith Hill, Wilbur F. person
correspondedWith Hill, William Henry person
associatedWith Hilman, Julius person
associatedWith Hind, Henry G. person
correspondedWith Hine, J. T. person
correspondedWith Hineline, Thomas W. person
associatedWith Hinkley, W. H. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, James Henry person
associatedWith Hitt, Isaac R. person
correspondedWith Hobbs, Edward G. person
correspondedWith Hobbs, George person
correspondedWith Hobday, Catharine (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Hodgkins, William H. person
associatedWith Hoffman, John D. person
associatedWith Hoflinger, August person
correspondedWith Holbrook, H. F. person
associatedWith Holden, James person
correspondedWith Holden, Melissa person
associatedWith Holden, Samuel E. person
associatedWith Holland, Ferdinand C. H. person
associatedWith Holley, Anson H. person
associatedWith Holley. Anson H. corporateBody
correspondedWith Holman, Frances D. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith Hooper, Dennison person
correspondedWith Hope, Clifton person
correspondedWith Hope, Daniel person
correspondedWith Hopkins, John D. person
correspondedWith Hornberger, Henry person
correspondedWith Hosford, William H. person
associatedWith Hothersall, John S. person
associatedWith Houghton Library. person
correspondedWith Howard, Alfred F. person
correspondedWith Howard, Charles person
associatedWith Howe, Edward T. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Seth R. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, Spencer S. person
associatedWith Hubbard, William person
associatedWith Hudson, Christine person
correspondedWith Hudson, Eben L. person
correspondedWith Hudson, Edward person
correspondedWith Hudson, Thomas person
correspondedWith Hughey, George M. person
correspondedWith Humphreys, Parry person
correspondedWith Humphreys, P. W. person
correspondedWith Humphries, Henry person
associatedWith Hunter, J. S. person
correspondedWith Hunt, Henry person
correspondedWith Hunt, Thomas person
associatedWith Hurdle, Albion N. person
associatedWith Hutton, George person
correspondedWith Hutton, John person
associatedWith Hutton, W. H. person
correspondedWith Huxford, Benjamin B. person
correspondedWith Hyland, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Igams, Van Buren person
correspondedWith Isreal, Robert D. person
associatedWith Jackson, Caroline person
correspondedWith Jackson, William person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Clara person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Samuel person
correspondedWith James, John R. person
associatedWith James, Samuel T. person
correspondedWith James, Thomas S. person
correspondedWith Janney, Nathaniel E. person
correspondedWith January, Hinds person
correspondedWith Jayne, John S. person
correspondedWith Jefferson, Ernest R. person
correspondedWith Jennett, W. R. person
correspondedWith Jewell, Samuel person
correspondedWith Jewett, Eben person
associatedWith Jewett, Turner person
correspondedWith Johnson, A. person
associatedWith Johnson, Andrew person
associatedWith Johnson, Edwin person
associatedWith Johnson, F. W. person
correspondedWith Johnson, George R. person
associatedWith Johnson, John T. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Joseph F. person
correspondedWith Johnston, J. C. person
correspondedWith Johnston, Peter person
associatedWith Jones, Alvy N. person
correspondedWith Jones, J. G. person
correspondedWith Jones, John A. person
correspondedWith Jones, M. G. (Mrs) person
associatedWith Jones, Richard person
correspondedWith Jones, Samuel T. person
associatedWith Jones, William M. person
associatedWith Jones, William T. person
associatedWith Jordan, Albert H. person
associatedWith Jose, Jacob person
correspondedWith Joseph, Henry D. person
associatedWith Jourdain, N. J. person
correspondedWith Joy, Alfred person
associatedWith Joy, Frederick David person
correspondedWith Kane, David P. person
associatedWith Kauffmann, Theodore person
associatedWith Kelley, J. person
associatedWith Kelley, Michael person
correspondedWith Kelly, Daniel person
correspondedWith Kelly, John person
correspondedWith Kelly, John R. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, D. person
associatedWith Kennedy, Howard person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Stephen person
correspondedWith Kent, William H. person
correspondedWith Keys, Thomas J. person
correspondedWith Kimball, Charles person
correspondedWith King, Andrew person
correspondedWith King, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Kinsella, T. G. person
associatedWith Kirsten, August F. person
associatedWith Klobassa, Pieter C. person
correspondedWith Knight, Alfred person
correspondedWith Knowlton, N. person
associatedWith Koehler, Charles person
correspondedWith Kramer, William person
correspondedWith Krauss, P. P. person
correspondedWith Lambert, Frederick person
associatedWith Lamb, John person
correspondedWith Lamson, Jeremiah person
correspondedWith Lane, Sarah Ann person
associatedWith Langley, Charles person
associatedWith Langmaster, Rudolph person
correspondedWith Larley, John person
associatedWith La Roche, James person
correspondedWith Larson, Lewis person
associatedWith Lasley, John person
associatedWith Latham, Charles H. person
associatedWith Latimer, L. D. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, E. D. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, George person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Samuel J. person
correspondedWith Lawson, James person
correspondedWith Lawton, Joanna person
associatedWith Lawton, Joannah person
correspondedWith Leavitt, Alfred J. person
correspondedWith Leavitt, C. N. person
correspondedWith Lecompte, Philip G. person
associatedWith Lederle, Joseph person
associatedWith Leech, Daniel person
correspondedWith Lee, Julius person
correspondedWith Lee, Luther Jr. person
correspondedWith Lesley, John person
correspondedWith Lester, Waldo M. person
correspondedWith Lewis, G. L. person
correspondedWith Lewis, James person
correspondedWith Lewis, James (Dr.) person
correspondedWith Lewis, Jeremiah person
associatedWith Lewis, John W. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Marcus S. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Stephen S. person
correspondedWith Lincoln, Edgar R. person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Caleb person
correspondedWith Lindsey, C. person
correspondedWith Ling, Robert person
correspondedWith Litogot, Barney person
correspondedWith Litogot, Caroline (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Locke, Parsons person
correspondedWith Lockhart, James A. person
associatedWith Loderwick, Ryer person
correspondedWith Lodwick, Ryer person
associatedWith Long, Henry A. person
correspondedWith Long, Washington corporateBody
associatedWith Looy, Joseph person
correspondedWith Loring, David F. person
associatedWith Loving, David F. person
associatedWith Lowell, Daniel W. person
associatedWith Lowry, R. B. person
correspondedWith Luccow, A. person
associatedWith Lugar, William H. person
correspondedWith Lund, Charles M. person
correspondedWith Lyman, Hiram A. person
correspondedWith Lyons, Richard G. person
associatedWith Macumber, James person
correspondedWith Macy, Seth W. person
correspondedWith Maddock, J. G. person
correspondedWith Malaney, James C. person
associatedWith Mallon, James person
associatedWith Mann, Joseph C. person
correspondedWith Mansell, Richard L. person
correspondedWith Marble, Mary person
correspondedWith Marbury, Charles person
correspondedWith Marchant, Thomas E. person
correspondedWith Marche, John person
correspondedWith Marr, Ephraim person
correspondedWith Marshall, Benjamin person
associatedWith Marshall, Dennis M. person
associatedWith Marsh, George Perkins person
correspondedWith Marsh, Oscar person
correspondedWith Martin, A. J. person
correspondedWith Martin, Alfred W. person
correspondedWith Martin, James person
correspondedWith Martin, John person
correspondedWith Martin, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Masher, N. person
correspondedWith Mason, C. A. (Miss) person
correspondedWith Mason, M. W. person
associatedWith Mason, R. G. person
correspondedWith Mason, Richard person
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1855-1858 : Gardner) corporateBody
associatedWith Mathewson, Robert person
correspondedWith Mathews, Richard person
associatedWith Mattson, Alfred person
correspondedWith Mayne, Eliza person
correspondedWith Mayne, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Mcarthur, Valentine B. person
correspondedWith Mccabe, Sgt. person
correspondedWith Mccann, Patrick person
correspondedWith Mcdonald, J. person
correspondedWith Mcdonald, Joel W. person
associatedWith Mcdonald, John person
correspondedWith Mcdonald, J. W. person
correspondedWith Mcdonald, Peter person
correspondedWith Mcfarland, J. A. F. person
correspondedWith Mcgee, George H. person
correspondedWith Mcglenn, James A. person
correspondedWith Mcguire, Francis person
correspondedWith Mcguire, Patrick H. person
associatedWith Mcintosh, John person
correspondedWith Mckean, James person
correspondedWith Mckee, John person
correspondedWith Mckenzie, Daniel person
associatedWith Mckenzie, James person
associatedWith Mckeon, John person
associatedWith Mcmahon, G. C. person
correspondedWith Mcnally, Alexander person
correspondedWith Mcneil, A. A. person
correspondedWith Mcneill, Charles person
correspondedWith Mcneil, Mary Ann person
correspondedWith Mcphee. Archibald corporateBody
correspondedWith Medenina, Lorenzo person
correspondedWith Medina, Lorenzo P. person
associatedWith Meeker, Wesley N. person
correspondedWith Meeks, N. person
correspondedWith Melarky, J. person
associatedWith Membut, Frank person
correspondedWith Mero, Charles person
correspondedWith Merrill, E. J. (Miss) person
associatedWith Merrill, Leonard F. person
associatedWith Merrill, William E. person
associatedWith Merriman, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Merritt, A. D. person
associatedWith Merton, Cornelius person
correspondedWith Midgett, Alexander A. person
correspondedWith Midgett, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Miles, John person
correspondedWith Miller, George W. person
correspondedWith Miller, Henry person
correspondedWith Miller, Reuben R. person
correspondedWith Miller, Talcott person
correspondedWith Mills, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Mills, Henry M. person
associatedWith Mills, Lawrence S. person
correspondedWith Mimick, Edward person
correspondedWith Miner, William person
correspondedWith Minot, Arthur D. person
correspondedWith Miramoutes, Cusanto person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Charles T. person
associatedWith Mitchell, John Hipple person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Margaret person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Robert B. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, William person
correspondedWith Mobery, Charles person
associatedWith Molen, Eustis J. person
correspondedWith Mongole, Leon A. person
associatedWith Monterey Public Library. California History Room. corporateBody
correspondedWith Moody, William person
associatedWith Moore, Edwin K. person
correspondedWith Moore, Job person
correspondedWith Moore, R. B. person
correspondedWith Moose, Kathleen (Miss) person
correspondedWith Moose, Leslie person
correspondedWith Moran, Patrick person
correspondedWith Morehead, Edward person
correspondedWith Morgan, William B. person
correspondedWith Morse, S. A. person
correspondedWith Morse, S. H. person
correspondedWith Mosher, Neale person
correspondedWith Mosimann, James person
correspondedWith Mullen, Bazil D. person
correspondedWith Mullen, R. W. person
correspondedWith Mull, Henry person
correspondedWith Murat, A. J. person
correspondedWith Murch, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Murch, Warren A. person
associatedWith Murdle, Albion N. person
associatedWith Murdock, John person
correspondedWith Murphy, A. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Daniel P. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Franklin B. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Patrick person
correspondedWith Murphy, William person
correspondedWith Murray, Enoch person
correspondedWith Murray, Jackson B. person
associatedWith Nash, Overton M. person
correspondedWith Nauch, Kurt person
correspondedWith Navarre, Robert person
correspondedWith Neddon, George person
associatedWith Negus, Isaac person
associatedWith Newberry, C. J. person
associatedWith Newton, Joseph person
correspondedWith Nichols, Charles person
associatedWith Nicholson, George B. person
correspondedWith Nichols, Urich R. person
associatedWith Nickerson, Oliver A. person
associatedWith Niles, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Nolen, William D. person
correspondedWith Norton, Richard person
correspondedWith Norwood, Albert person
correspondedWith Oakley, John H. person
associatedWith O'brien, James person
correspondedWith Ogle, David G. person
associatedWith Oliver, Miles person
associatedWith Oliver, Scott B. person
correspondedWith O'neill, Esther person
correspondedWith Opperos, Julius person
correspondedWith Osborne, Frederick person
correspondedWith Owens, J. B. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Willard F. person
associatedWith Parker, F. A. person
correspondedWith Parker, Southey person
correspondedWith Parkinson, Abraham person
associatedWith Parrish, Edward person
correspondedWith Parrott, W. E. person
correspondedWith Parsons, Burton person
correspondedWith Partridge, Elijah person
associatedWith Patterson, Carlile Pollock person
correspondedWith Patterson, C. W. person
correspondedWith Patterson, George F. person
correspondedWith Patterson, J. W. person
correspondedWith Patterson, William A. person
associatedWith Paulding Kimble & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Peak, John person
correspondedWith Pearce, Hannibal person
correspondedWith Peartrea, Isaac person
correspondedWith Peartree, J. person
correspondedWith Pecor, Thaddeus person
correspondedWith Peel, Robert, Jr. person
correspondedWith Peiper, Francis person
correspondedWith Peirce, Benjamin person
associatedWith Peltz, G. A. person
associatedWith Pelz, Paul J. person
correspondedWith Pendelton, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Pendergast, Helen L. person
correspondedWith Pendleton, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Penney, Erastis S. person
associatedWith Penney, George W. person
correspondedWith Perdue, Oliver Perry person
correspondedWith Perkins, Hiram person
correspondedWith Perry, John C. person
correspondedWith Perry, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Persons, Alonzo E. person
correspondedWith Persons, J. D. person
associatedWith Pfeltz, G. A. person
correspondedWith Phelps, H. person
correspondedWith Philips, G. A. person
correspondedWith Philips, John A. person
associatedWith Pierce, H. D. person
correspondedWith Piersons, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Pitt, George person
correspondedWith Plunkett, Henry G. person
associatedWith Plympton, George L. person
associatedWith Poe, O. M. (General) person
associatedWith Pohlers, August person
correspondedWith Pooler, R. H. person
correspondedWith Pope, Louis (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Porter, Benjamin C. person
associatedWith Porter, Clement person
associatedWith Porter, Isaac H. person
associatedWith Post, Sarah E. person
correspondedWith Potter. Hiram Jr. corporateBody
correspondedWith Potter, Littleton J. person
associatedWith Potter, Samuel O. L. person
correspondedWith Powell, John Wesley person
correspondedWith Price, William Q. person
correspondedWith Prouty, Cheney R. person
correspondedWith Pugh, John person
correspondedWith Purington, Alfred F. person
correspondedWith Purnell, Sylvester person
correspondedWith Pyle, Isaac S. person
correspondedWith Raine, J. person
correspondedWith Ramsdell, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Rathbun, Byron person
associatedWith Rauffmann, Theodore person
correspondedWith Raven, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Rayan, Mary H. person
associatedWith Reamy, Henry person
correspondedWith Reaney, I. person
correspondedWith Reed, Almon person
associatedWith Reed, C. H. person
correspondedWith Reed, H. W. person
correspondedWith Reed, J. F. person
correspondedWith Reed, William B. person
correspondedWith Reeves, C. D. person
correspondedWith Reeves, Joshua H. person
correspondedWith Reeves, W. W. person
associatedWith Regan, Thomas person
correspondedWith Regenmorter, Malgert person
correspondedWith Rehoe, P. person
correspondedWith Reyes, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Reynolds, James A. person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Maria J. person
correspondedWith Rhees, William J. person
associatedWith Rhodes, Ebenezer person
correspondedWith Rice, Volney person
correspondedWith Richards, Elisha person
associatedWith Richardson, George L. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Henry person
correspondedWith Richardson, Henry N. person
correspondedWith Richards, P. D. person
correspondedWith Ricketson, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Ridgeway, Joseph person
correspondedWith Ridgway, Margaret person
associatedWith Riggs, George W. person
correspondedWith Ripp, Mary (Mrs.) person
correspondedWith Ripp, Seth W. person
associatedWith Rirsten, August F. person
correspondedWith Rivers, Marcus person
associatedWith Robassa, Victor C. person
associatedWith Roberts, George T. person
correspondedWith Roberts, John H. person
correspondedWith Robertson, John person
associatedWith Robeson, George Maxwell person
correspondedWith Robinson, Christopher A. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Ezra person
correspondedWith Robinson, Frederick person
associatedWith Robinson, J. person
correspondedWith Robinson, James person
correspondedWith Robinson, John person
correspondedWith Robinson, William person
associatedWith Rodgers, John person
associatedWith Roehl, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Walter S. person
correspondedWith Rohler, C. person
correspondedWith Rohn, V. E. person
correspondedWith Romer, Henry person
correspondedWith Ronzer, Charles person
associatedWith Rooney, Henry person
correspondedWith Root, Ernest A. person
correspondedWith Rose, Alexander R. person
associatedWith Ross, James person
associatedWith Ross, John person
associatedWith Ross, Stephen person
associatedWith Rothwell, Henry G. person
correspondedWith Rouyer, Charles person
associatedWith Rudolph, Julius A. person
correspondedWith Rusk, Jeremiah Mclain (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Russell, Thomas person
correspondedWith Russel, William H. person
associatedWith Rutsen, Charles person
correspondedWith Ryan, Patrick person
correspondedWith Rynaston, William person
correspondedWith Sadler, J. S. person
correspondedWith Sanborn, John P. person
correspondedWith Sandy, E. M. person
correspondedWith Sarle, Joseph person
associatedWith Sasher, Charles (?) person
correspondedWith Satterfield, Charles L. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Simon person
correspondedWith Sawyer, Alexander person
correspondedWith Sayer, Benjamin C. person
correspondedWith Sceva, George person
associatedWith Schetterly, H. R. person
correspondedWith Schoffer, Charles H. person
associatedWith Schueikart. Charles corporateBody
associatedWith Schweikart, Charles person
associatedWith Scott, George person
associatedWith Scott, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Scudder, Henry Joel (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Seaman, Robert person
associatedWith Seamans, Elias person
correspondedWith Seaman, W. W. person
correspondedWith Seburn, Isaac person
correspondedWith Segersteen, Bernard person
associatedWith Selden, George H. person
associatedWith Selfridge, Thomas O. person
correspondedWith Sener, J. B. (Hon.) person
correspondedWith Seymour, Adolphus A. person
correspondedWith Shaler, Marcus S. person
correspondedWith Shannon, J. D. person
correspondedWith Shannon, Thomas B. person
correspondedWith Sharper, William M. person
correspondedWith Shatterly, H. R. person
associatedWith Shaw, Oliver B. person
associatedWith Shea, Dennis person
correspondedWith Sheridan, A. A. person
correspondedWith Sherman, Charles F. person
correspondedWith Sherman, Mary L. person
correspondedWith Sherwood, Henry (Mrs.) person
associatedWith Sherwood, Henry N. person
associatedWith Shetterly, H. R. person
correspondedWith Shinault, Dixon person
correspondedWith Shropshire, Thomas person
correspondedWith Sillington, Benedict person
correspondedWith Sillington, Frederick person
correspondedWith Silverthorn, Perley person
associatedWith Simmons, M. V. person
correspondedWith Simmons, William A. person
associatedWith Simpson, Adam person
correspondedWith Simpson, Alpheus W. person
correspondedWith Sinclair, John, Jr. person
correspondedWith Sinfield, William person
correspondedWith Sistare, George B. person
correspondedWith Skidmore, George person
correspondedWith Skillan, James D. person
correspondedWith Small, Thomas R. person
correspondedWith Smart, Richard M. person
correspondedWith Smith, Abram S. person
correspondedWith Smith, Alexander person
correspondedWith Smith, Alvin person
correspondedWith Smith, Charles person
associatedWith Smith, Charles C., Jr. person
associatedWith Smith, D. D. person
correspondedWith Smith, E. H. person
correspondedWith Smith, F. B. person
correspondedWith Smith, George S. person
correspondedWith Smith, Hosea person
associatedWith Smith, Jared A. person
associatedWith Smith, John P. person
correspondedWith Smith, L. H. person
correspondedWith Smith, Rawson person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
associatedWith Smith, Walter person
correspondedWith Smith, William person
correspondedWith Smith, William H. person
associatedWith Snow, Charles E. person
associatedWith Snowden, Gurden person
correspondedWith Soper, John B. person
associatedWith Speights, James E. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Henry F. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Henry N. person
correspondedWith Sperry, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Spicer, William E. person
associatedWith Splain, David person
associatedWith Springer, I. F. person
associatedWith Squires, Gilbert N. person
associatedWith Stafford, G. W. person
correspondedWith Stamborough, Thomas A. person
correspondedWith Stanley, Henry person
correspondedWith Stehfest, Hiram person
associatedWith Steiner, Charles person
correspondedWith Sterling, William H. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Charles person
associatedWith Stevenson, John R. person
correspondedWith Stewart, William person
correspondedWith Stickney, George W. person
correspondedWith St. John, A. M. person
correspondedWith Stoddard, George W. person
correspondedWith Stone, Joseph person
correspondedWith Stone, S. A. person
correspondedWith Straight, Charles person
correspondedWith Strausburg, Alexander T. person
associatedWith Strong, J. H. person
correspondedWith Stubbs, Caroline person
correspondedWith Sturtevant, Mary G. person
correspondedWith Sturtevant, William P. person
associatedWith Succow, A. person
correspondedWith Succow, Mary G. person
correspondedWith Sutherland, Alexander person
correspondedWith Swain, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Swan, Henry person
associatedWith Swift, Thomas W. Jr. person
correspondedWith Tabberrah, William person
correspondedWith Taggart, James M. person
associatedWith Talbott, John F. person
associatedWith Terry, Katherine W. person
correspondedWith Terry, Timothy person
associatedWith Theilhuhl, Ferdinand person
correspondedWith Thomas, George W. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Charles person
correspondedWith Thompson, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Elizar person
correspondedWith Thompson, George person
correspondedWith Thompson, John M. person
associatedWith Thompson, Robert H. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Sidney B. person
associatedWith Thompson, Theodore H. person
associatedWith Thompson, Thomas J. person
associatedWith Thorne, N. person
associatedWith Thorne, Nathaniel person
associatedWith Thorn, Nathaniel person
associatedWith Thornton, Edward person
associatedWith Thornton, Edward, Sir person
correspondedWith Thornton, William person
correspondedWith Thurston, George A. person
correspondedWith Thurston, Leonard person
correspondedWith Tice, B. person
correspondedWith Tike, N. person
associatedWith Tilbergh, Lorenz W. person
associatedWith Tillett, S. B. person
correspondedWith Tillett, Willis person
correspondedWith Todd, J. R. person
correspondedWith Todd, Philip person
associatedWith Tolland, Henry person
correspondedWith Tomlinson, George person
associatedWith Touchton, W. H. person
correspondedWith Toy, George person
correspondedWith Tracy, Charles W. person
associatedWith Tracye, Julius person
associatedWith Tracy, Maria D. person
correspondedWith Trader, Samuel person
correspondedWith Traffard, Alfred H. person
correspondedWith Trehock, Robert H. person
associatedWith Trenchard, Stephen D. person
correspondedWith Trogdon, George person
associatedWith Trolan, Richard W. person
correspondedWith Trott, F. L. person
correspondedWith Tucker, F. person
associatedWith Tucker, Franklin person
correspondedWith Tudor, N. F. M. person
associatedWith Turley, William B. person
associatedWith Turner, George C. person
associatedWith Turner, Thomas person
correspondedWith Tuttle, H. D. person
correspondedWith Tuttle, J. B. person
associatedWith Tyndall, John person
associatedWith Ulffers, H. A. person
correspondedWith Underwood, S. person
associatedWith United States. District Court (California) corporateBody
associatedWith United States Sanitary Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Epps, M. M. person
correspondedWith Vassels, W. L. person
correspondedWith Vaughan, Samuel M. person
associatedWith Vepau, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Vessels, W. L. person
correspondedWith Villepique, Frederick W. person
correspondedWith Vipase, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Vseeland, M. J. person
correspondedWith Wait, William C. person
correspondedWith Wakefield, James person
correspondedWith Waldo, Charles T. person
correspondedWith Wales, W. W. person
associatedWith Walke, Henry person
associatedWith Walker, A. G. person
correspondedWith Walker, Amos person
associatedWith Walker, Edward H. person
correspondedWith Walker, E. H. person
correspondedWith Walker, J. G. person
correspondedWith Walker, John person
correspondedWith Walker, William R. person
correspondedWith Walsh, Hugh person
associatedWith Walton, John T. Jr. person
associatedWith Wanstleben, William A. person
associatedWith Ward, E. B. person
correspondedWith Ward, J. W. person
correspondedWith Ward, Kirk C. person
correspondedWith Warner, Edward B. person
correspondedWith Warren, Henry L. person
correspondedWith Warren, Julius person
correspondedWith Warren, Sarah person
correspondedWith Warrington, D. M. person
correspondedWith Washington, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Washington, William person
correspondedWith Wass, S. L. person
correspondedWith Waterfield, John S. person
correspondedWith Waterworth, Samuel person
associatedWith Watson, George person
correspondedWith Watson, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Wayson, John person
associatedWith Webber, Sumner D. person
correspondedWith Wessels, Louis person
correspondedWith Westbury, Thomas B. person
correspondedWith Whaley, J. person
correspondedWith Wheelan, P. person
associatedWith Wheeler, Hiram person
associatedWith Wheeler, J. M. person
correspondedWith Whitaker, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Whitehall, William J. person
correspondedWith White, Nathaniel Jr. person
correspondedWith White, Richard person
associatedWith White, W. C. person
associatedWith White, W. W. person
associatedWith Whitworth, H. G. person
associatedWith Whitworth, Horace C. person
correspondedWith Wiggins, John B. person
correspondedWith Wildman, Henry person
correspondedWith Wilkins, James D. person
associatedWith Wilkinson, David person
correspondedWith Willard, James R. person
correspondedWith Willcutt, Wallace person
correspondedWith Williams, Arad person
correspondedWith Williams, B. person
correspondedWith Williams, Braddock person
associatedWith Williams, George H. person
correspondedWith Williams, Henry L. person
correspondedWith Williams, J. person
correspondedWith Williams, James person
correspondedWith Williams, J. L. person
correspondedWith Williams, L. S. person
correspondedWith Williams, Nicholas J. person
associatedWith Williamson, R. S., Major person
correspondedWith Williamson, Sidney person
correspondedWith Williams, William R. person
correspondedWith Wilsey, Thomas person
correspondedWith Wilson, Elizabeth C. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Isaac N. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Joseph person
associatedWith Wilson, Noah person
correspondedWith Wilson, Rosella A. person
associatedWith Wilson, Thomas person
associatedWith Wilson, William person
correspondedWith Wilson, Willis C. person
correspondedWith Wilton, James L. person
correspondedWith Wing, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Wing, Joseph B. person
correspondedWith Winship, Howard person
correspondedWith Wise, William H. person
correspondedWith Witherspoon, J. M. person
correspondedWith Wolf, Abraham G. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, William G. person
associatedWith Woodburg, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Woodford, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Wood, H. E. person
associatedWith Wood, John person
correspondedWith Woodruff, I. P. person
correspondedWith Woods, William person
correspondedWith Woodward, Sophronia person
correspondedWith Wood, William person
correspondedWith Woolsey, M. H. person
correspondedWith Worden, E. F. person
correspondedWith Worthington, H. G. person
correspondedWith Worthington, Joseph person
correspondedWith Worthy, James person
associatedWith Wright, Thomas person
correspondedWith Yates, William C. person
correspondedWith Younghaus, M. (Miss) person
correspondedWith Young, Lewis C. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Steam engines
Exchanges Of Publications
Lectures, Popular
Light House Board
National Academy of Sciences
National Museum
Natural history
Recommendations For Positions
Scientific organizations
Scientific publications
Smithsonian Endowment
Smithsonian Exchange
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Library
Smithsonian Publications
Surveys And Explorations, General
Treasury Department





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SNAC ID: 61381644