Bliss, Robert Woods, 1875-1962

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Robert Woods Bliss (1875-1962, Harvard AB 1900) and his wife, Mildred Barnes Bliss (1875-1969) were prominent art collectors and the founders of Dumbarton Oaks, an estate which they developed and conveyed in 1940 to Harvard University as the Center for Byzantine Studies, a research center and museum.

Robert Woods Bliss served in the U.S. Foreign Service from 1903-1933. He was Minister to Sweden from 1923-1927 and Ambassador to Argentina from 1927-1933.

From the description of Papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss, ca. 1860-1969 (inclusive), 1900-1967 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 76975086

Robert Woods Bliss was a graduate of Harvard College, Class of 1900. He began work as the Secretary to the Governor of Puerto Rico and entered the U.S. Foreign Service in 1903 with a post in Venice. For the next thirty years he served the diplomatic corps in St. Petersburg, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Paris, Washington, D.C., and Stockholm. He retired in 1933, but returned to the State Department for occasional special service.

Robert Woods Bliss married his stepsister, Mildred Barnes, in 1908. They had no children. She was a well-educated and well-travelled heir to the Castoria patent medicine fortune. Mildred Bliss was an active participant and leader in social and cultural circles at every diplomatic post to which Robert Bliss was assigned. She was an avid art collector as well as patron of musicians and visual artists in Europe, South America and the United States. She organized the American Distributing Service to transfer medical supplies to French hospitals and funded several vehicles for the Ambulance Corps. She was honored with numerous decorations for her war relief efforts in France during World War I.

In addition to extensive philanthropic work, the Blisses were recognized as important art collectors. In 1920 they purchased an estate in Georgetown called "The Oaks." They renamed it "Dumbarton Oaks" and spent the next several decades involved with the development of both the exterior landscape and the art and book collections within.

In 1940 Mildred and Robert Woods Bliss conveyed Dumbarton Oaks to Harvard University as the Center for Byzantine Studies. The Blisses resided nearby and maintained an active interest in the formation and funding of its garden, library, art collection and musical program. Plans to build a gallery at Dumbarton Oaks to house Robert Bliss's collection of pre-Columbian art were underway when he died of lung cancer on April 19, 1962. The Robert Woods Bliss Collection of Pre-Columbian Art was opened to the public in 1963.

Mildred Bliss continued to travel and take part in Washington's cultural life and philanthropy life until her death on January 17, 1969.

Philemon Bliss (b. 1813), father of William Bliss Demas Barnes (1827-1888), father of Mildred Barnes, first husband of Anna Dorinda Blaksley William Henry Bliss (1844-1932), father of Robert Woods Bliss, second husband of Anna Dorinda Blaksley Anna Louisa Woods (b. 1850), Mother of Robert Woods Bliss Anna Dorinda Blaksley Barnes Bliss (1851-1935), mother of Mildred Barnes, second wife of Demos Barnes, second wife of William Henry Bliss (married 1893) Kora (or Cora) Fanny Barnes (1858-1911), stepsister of Mildred Barnes, daughter of Demos Barnes and his first wife, Mary Hyde (1832-1875) Annie Louise Bliss Warren (d. 1964), sister of Robert Woods Bliss, wife of Charles Warren Charles Warren (1868-1954), husband of Annie Louise Bliss
  • 1875 August 5: Robert Woods Bliss born in St. Louis
  • 1879 September 9: Mildred Barnes born in New York City
  • 1896 - 1900 : Robert Woods Bliss attends Harvard College
  • 1900 - 1903 : Robert Woods Bliss is Secretary to Governor of Puerto Rico (William Hunt)
  • 1903 - 1904 : Robert Woods Bliss joins Foreign Service, Consul at Venice
  • 1904 - 1909 : Robert Woods Bliss is Second Secretary of the Embassy, St. Petersburg
  • 1907 - 1909 : Robert Woods Bliss is Secretary of the Legation, Brussels
  • 1908 April 14: Robert Woods Bliss marries Mildred Barnes
  • 1909 - 1912 : Robert Woods Bliss is Secretary of the Legation, Buenos Aires
  • 1912 - 1916 : Robert Woods Bliss is Secretary of the Embassy, Paris
  • 1916 - 1920 : Robert Woods Bliss is Counselor of the Embassy, Paris
  • 1920: Blisses purchase "The Oaks;" rename it "Dumbarton Oaks"
  • 1920 - 1923 : Blisses reside at 1786 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C.
  • 1921 - 1923 : Robert Woods Bliss is Third Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, D.C.
  • 1921 - 1933 : Blisses maintain an apartment at 4 rue Henri-Moisson, Paris
  • 1923 - 1927 : Robert Woods Bliss is Minister to Sweden, Stockholm
  • 1927 - 1933 : Robert Woods Bliss is Ambassador to Argentina, Buenos Aires
  • 1933: Robert Woods Bliss retires from the Foreign Service
  • 1933 - 1940 : Blisses reside at Dumbarton Oaks
  • 1939 - 1945 : Robert Woods Bliss is a Member of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University
  • 1940 November 1: Dumbarton Oaks is conveyed to Harvard University
  • 1940 - 1942 : Blisses reside at Casa Dorinda, Santa Barbara, California (Mildred Barnes Bliss's mother's estate)
  • 1942 - 1969 : Blisses reside at 28th and Q Streets, NW, Washington, D.C.
  • 1942: Robert Woods Bliss is Consultant to Division of Cultural Relations in Department of State
  • 1944: Robert Woods Bliss is Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
  • 1945: Robert Woods Bliss retires from government service
  • 1951: Robert Woods Bliss receives honorary Art.D. degree from Harvard University
  • 1962 April 19: Robert Woods Bliss dies
  • 1969 January 17: Mildred Barnes Bliss dies

From the guide to the Papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss, ca. 1860-1969 (inclusive), (Harvard University Archives)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Delano, William Adams, 1874-1960. William Adams Delano papers, 1902-1960 (inclusive), 1939-1960 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Papers of John Coolidge and Agnes Mongan, 1909-2006 Harvard Art Museums. Archives
referencedIn Benson,Elizabeth P.,. Oral history interview with Elizabeth Benson, 1991 February 19. National Gallery of Art Library
referencedIn John Mason Brown papers, 1922-1967. Houghton Library
referencedIn Nettleton, George Henry, 1874-1959. George Henry Nettleton papers, 1819-1964 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. Bernard and Mary Berenson, Papers (1880-2002, bulk 1880-1959) : a finding aid. Houghton Library
referencedIn Velimirović, Miloš. Correspondence with Egon Wellesz [manuscript], 1954-1978. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Bliss, Robert Woods, 1875-1962. Papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss, ca. 1860-1969 (inclusive), 1900-1967 (bulk). Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn George Henry Nettleton papers, 1819-1959 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Tyler, Royall, 1884-1953. Papers of Royall Tyler, 1902-1967 (inclusive). Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Sachs, Paul J. (Paul Joseph), 1878-1965. Papers, 1903-2005. Harvard University Art Museum
creatorOf Olin Dows letters Archives of American Art
referencedIn Coolidge, John, 1913-1995. Papers of John Coolidge and Agnes Mongan, 1909-2006. Harvard University Art Museum
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Historical Films. 1914 - 1936. CABINET MEMBERS AND PROMINENT PERSONS OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Forbes, Edward Waldo, 1873-1969. Papers, 1867-2005. Harvard University Art Museum
referencedIn Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss, ca. 1860-1969 (inclusive) Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Berenson, Bernard and Mary. Papers, 1880-2002, 1880-2002 Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies
referencedIn Dumbarton Oaks. Administrative records of Dumbarton Oaks, 1940-1965 (inclusive). Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf Crosby, Sheldon Leavitt, 1879-1936. Papers, 1914-1939. Massachusetts Historical Society
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Aberconway, Lady (Christabel) person
correspondedWith Ackerman, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Agnes person
associatedWith Aguilar Quartet, Paco person
correspondedWith Aldis, Graham person
correspondedWith Aldis, Mary person
correspondedWith Aldrich, Chester person
associatedWith Alice Roosevelt's person
correspondedWith Alsop, Joseph W. person
correspondedWith Amboul, Mary person
correspondedWith Amboul, May person
associatedWith American Field Service corporateBody
correspondedWith Anastos, Milton person
correspondedWith Anderson, Mary person
correspondedWith Anglesey, M. person
correspondedWith Anna Blaksley Bliss person
correspondedWith Annenkoff, Vera person
correspondedWith Annie Louise Bliss Warren person
associatedWith Ansermet, E. person
correspondedWith Antoinette person
correspondedWith Archbold, Anne person
correspondedWith Arrhenius, Svante person
correspondedWith Arsene-Henry, Yolande person
correspondedWith Arthur Upham Pope person
correspondedWith Ashton, Leigh person
correspondedWith Atherton, Maude person
correspondedWith Atterbury, Grosvenor person
correspondedWith Atwood, J. W. person
correspondedWith Auslander, Joseph person
correspondedWith Ausstellung Chinesischer Kunst (Berlin) person
correspondedWith Austria, Felix of person
correspondedWith Bacon, Virginia (Mrs. Robert) person
correspondedWith Bakhmeteff, Boris person
correspondedWith Balfour, Arthur James person
correspondedWith Balfour, Sir John person
correspondedWith Balzan, Consuelo (Mrs. Jacques) person
correspondedWith Bapst, Germain person
correspondedWith Barlow, Ernesta person
associatedWith Barlow, Samuel person
correspondedWith Barnes, Cora person
correspondedWith Barrientos, Maria person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Mary person
correspondedWith Basilioles(?) person
correspondedWith Bassett, Amy Gillette Olney person
correspondedWith Beale, Marie person
correspondedWith Belleuse, Pierre Carrier person
correspondedWith Bellinger, Louisa person
correspondedWith Bell, Marian (Mrs. Gordon Knox) person
correspondedWith Bemis, Albert Farwell person
associatedWith Benson,Elizabeth P., person
correspondedWith Berckheim, Emily person
associatedWith Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959. person
correspondedWith Berenson, Bernard (and Nicky) person
associatedWith Berenson, Mary, 1864-1945 person
correspondedWith Berlin, Isiah person
correspondedWith Bernadotte, Marianne person
correspondedWith Berry, Walter person
correspondedWith Betsy person
correspondedWith Betty person
correspondedWith Biddle, Katherine person
correspondedWith Bingham, Hiram person
associatedWith Bispham, David person
correspondedWith Blanche person
associatedWith Bliss, Mildred Barnes, 1879-1969. person
correspondedWith Bliss, Tasker person
correspondedWith Boberg, Ferdinand person
correspondedWith Bonney, Mrs. John (Jack) person
correspondedWith Borovsky, Alexandre person
correspondedWith Bostrom, Wolmer person
correspondedWith Bosworth, William person
correspondedWith Bottinger, John person
correspondedWith Bougle, N. person
associatedWith Boulanger, Nadia. person
correspondedWith Boyle, Irene person
correspondedWith Bradley, Omar person
associatedWith Brainina, Balbina person
correspondedWith Brambilla, Julia person
correspondedWith Brent, Charles Henry person
correspondedWith Brent, Helen C. person
correspondedWith Brewster, Mabel person
correspondedWith Brimont, Renee person
correspondedWith Brinton, Nanon person
correspondedWith Brockdorff, Hildegarde person
correspondedWith Brown, John Mason, 1900-1969 person
correspondedWith Brown, John Nicholas person
correspondedWith Brummer Gallery corporateBody
correspondedWith Bryce, E. Marion person
correspondedWith Buckler, W. H. person
correspondedWith Buckmaster, Helen person
correspondedWith Bullard, Mrs. Arthur person
correspondedWith Burton, Rt. Rev. Spence person
correspondedWith Bush, Vannevar person
correspondedWith Bustabo, Guila person
correspondedWith Cable, Mimi person
correspondedWith Cacciatore, Vera person
correspondedWith Caetani, Prince Don Gelasio person
correspondedWith Camasatra person
correspondedWith Cambon, Jules person
correspondedWith Cameron, Elizabeth (Mrs. Donald) person
correspondedWith Cameron, Marie person
correspondedWith Campion, Mrs. Edward person
correspondedWith Cantacuzene, Julia person
correspondedWith Capshaw, Mary (Mrs. Coran) person
correspondedWith Cardozo, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Carles, Manuel person
correspondedWith Carlton de Wiart, Juliette person
correspondedWith Carrel, Alexis person
associatedWith Carrington, Fitz Roy, 1869-1954. person
correspondedWith Carter, John person
correspondedWith Carter, John Ridgley person
associatedWith Casadesus, Henri person
correspondedWith Casares, Adolfo Bioy person
correspondedWith Castil, Annah de Viel person
correspondedWith Cavan, Joan person
associatedWith Center for Byzantine Studies. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chadwick, Dorothy (Mrs. Gerry) person
correspondedWith Chambrun, Rohan Chabot person
correspondedWith Chanler, Margaret (Daisy) person
correspondedWith Chapman, Frank person
correspondedWith Chaptal, Marie Leonie person
correspondedWith Chase, Ethel person
correspondedWith Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart person
correspondedWith Chevrillon, Andre person
correspondedWith Chilton, Kitty person
correspondedWith Chlapouska, Helene Modjeska person
correspondedWith Choate, Joseph person
correspondedWith Clara person
correspondedWith Clark, Jane person
correspondedWith Clegg, Ernest person
correspondedWith Clemenceau, Georges person
correspondedWith Cochin, Denys person
correspondedWith Colasanti, Arduino person
correspondedWith Colebrook, Leonard person
correspondedWith Colomna, Elly person
correspondedWith Conant, Kenneth person
associatedWith Conference on the Limitation of Armament corporateBody
correspondedWith Congreve, Celia person
correspondedWith Conover, Anna person
associatedWith Conrad, Doda. person
correspondedWith Coogan, Josephine (Mrs. Jay) person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Archibald Cary person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Edith Lawrence person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Helen (Mrs. John) person
associatedWith Coolidge, John, 1913-1995. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Lawrence (death of) person
associatedWith Copland, Aaron person
correspondedWith Cora Barnes person
correspondedWith Corcoran, Rosamund (Mrs. George E.) person
correspondedWith Cornelia person
correspondedWith Cortissoz, Royal person
correspondedWith Coudert, Frederick person
correspondedWith Cox, Allyn person
correspondedWith Craigie, Pearl M. T. (John Oliver Hobbes) person
correspondedWith Crane, Josephine (Mrs. Murray) person
correspondedWith Cravath, Paul person
correspondedWith Craven, Bessie person
associatedWith Crosby, Sheldon Leavitt, 1879-1936. person
correspondedWith Cross, Charles Robert person
correspondedWith Crowder, General E. H. person
correspondedWith Curie, Marie person
correspondedWith Curle, Richard person
correspondedWith Curtis, James person
correspondedWith Curtis, Ralph Hiram person
correspondedWith Curzon-Howe, Rita person
correspondedWith Cushing, Harvey person
correspondedWith Cutting, Olivia (Mrs. Bayard) person
correspondedWith Dalton, Mrs. Charles person
correspondedWith Dave person
correspondedWith Davis, Pauline (Mrs. Dwight) person
correspondedWith de Bach, Henry person
correspondedWith de Balasy, Anthony person
correspondedWith de Beaumont, Comtesse Etienne person
correspondedWith de Bryas, Madeleine person
correspondedWith de Forest, Robert person
correspondedWith de Grippenberg, Peggy (Mme. George) person
associatedWith Delano, William Adams, 1874-1960. person
correspondedWith Delavaud, L. person
correspondedWith de Lecanda, Juan Jose person
correspondedWith de Ligne, La Princesse (Phillipine) person
correspondedWith de Moville, Mary person
correspondedWith Demoville, Mary person
correspondedWith de Navarro, Antonia person
correspondedWith Denison, John H. person
correspondedWith Derby, Eloise person
correspondedWith Derby, Ethel (Mrs. Richard) person
correspondedWith Derwent, Peter person
correspondedWith de Sayve, Aileen person
correspondedWith De Wald, Ernest person
correspondedWith Deyo, Ruth (Mrs. Charles Dalton) person
correspondedWith Dickerman, Watson person
correspondedWith Dillingham, Louise (Mrs. Walter) person
correspondedWith Dill, Nancy person
correspondedWith Dimock, Sue (Mrs. Henry) person
associatedWith d'Indy, Vincent person
correspondedWith Dodge, Geoffrey person
correspondedWith Dodge, Josephine (Mrs. Arthur) person
correspondedWith Downey, Glanville person
associatedWith Dows, Olin, 1904-1981. person
correspondedWith Dresel, Ellis Loring, 1865-1925 person
correspondedWith Duane, Arthur person
correspondedWith Duane, William North person
correspondedWith Dudley, Genevive (Mrs. Lyman) person
correspondedWith Dumaine, Jacques person
associatedWith Dumbarton Oaks. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dunn, Mary (Mrs. James) person
correspondedWith Du Pont, Henry person
correspondedWith Dushkin, Samuel person
associatedWith Dushkin, Samuel, 1891-1976. person
correspondedWith Dutreil, Natalie (Mrs. Claude) person
correspondedWith Eames, Emma (Mrs. Julian Story) person
correspondedWith Ebba person
correspondedWith Ede, H. S. (Jim) person
correspondedWith Eden, Anthony person
correspondedWith Edgerly-Korzbyski, Lady person
correspondedWith Edoardo person
correspondedWith Eduoard person
correspondedWith Einstein, Lewis person
correspondedWith Eisenhower, Dwight person
correspondedWith Ekstrand, Eric Einar person
correspondedWith Eliot person
correspondedWith Elisina person
correspondedWith Elizalde, German person
correspondedWith Elwes, Lady Winifred Cary person
correspondedWith Elwood, Frederick person
correspondedWith Ely, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Engel, Jane Bathori person
associatedWith Ernest Schelling person
correspondedWith Erroll person
correspondedWith Estelle person
correspondedWith Ezekiel, Moses person
correspondedWith Fairchild, Blair person
associatedWith Fairchild, Blair. person
correspondedWith Farrand, Beatrix person
correspondedWith Farrand, Beatrix (Mrs. Max) person
correspondedWith Fay, Bernard person
correspondedWith Fell, Mrs. Nelson person
correspondedWith Fels, Marthe person
correspondedWith Ferrari, Carlo person
associatedWith F. H. Brooke. person
correspondedWith Field, Henry person
correspondedWith Field, Isobel (Teuila) person
correspondedWith Figaro, Pedro person
correspondedWith Finley, John person
correspondedWith Fisher, Welthy Honsinger person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Ruth Emerson person
associatedWith Focillon, Henri, 1881-1943. person
correspondedWith Foorest person
associatedWith Forbes, Edward Waldo, 1873-1969. person
correspondedWith Ford, Maria Reynolds person
correspondedWith Frazer, Elizabeth van Rensalaer (Mrs. James) person
correspondedWith Frazier, Hugo person
correspondedWith Freeman, John person
correspondedWith French and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Freund, Doda Conrad person
correspondedWith Friant, E. person
correspondedWith Frumusan, Dr. I. person
correspondedWith Fullerton, Morton person
correspondedWith Galarza, Mme. person
correspondedWith Garrett, Alice person
correspondedWith Garrett, Ethel person
correspondedWith Gartrell, Mary person
correspondedWith Gay, Walter person
correspondedWith Geer, Gerard person
associatedWith General Pershing's person
correspondedWith Gertrud person
correspondedWith Getty, Alice person
correspondedWith Ghyka, Matila person
correspondedWith Gianotte, Marcella person
correspondedWith Gibson, Hugh person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Rudolph person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Wendell person
correspondedWith Gittings, John Stuart person
correspondedWith Gleason, Arthur person
correspondedWith Gleichen, Lady Helena person
correspondedWith Godfrey, Florence person
correspondedWith Goodwin, Maud person
correspondedWith Gordon, Winifred (Mrs. Will) person
correspondedWith Gotthold, Mrs. Frederick person
correspondedWith Gould, Josephine person
associatedWith Granados, Enrique person
correspondedWith Grant-Smith, U. person
correspondedWith Granville, Mimi person
correspondedWith Greely, Russell person
correspondedWith Greene, Ruth (Mrs. Elbridge Gerry) person
correspondedWith Greenough, Margaret (Mrs. Carroll) person
correspondedWith Greenway, Isabella person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Margaret person
correspondedWith Grellou, R. H. person
correspondedWith Greville, Maggie (Mrs. Ronald) person
correspondedWith Griswold, Ralph E. person
correspondedWith Guedalla, Nellie person
correspondedWith Guiffrey, Jean person
correspondedWith Gunther, Frank person
correspondedWith Gyldenstolpe, Greta person
correspondedWith Haight, Katherine person
correspondedWith Hale, Kathleen Burke (Mrs. Girard) person
correspondedWith Halifax, Edward (the Earl of Halifax) person
correspondedWith Halsey, W. F. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Edith person
correspondedWith Hamlin, John person
correspondedWith Hammond, John Hays person
correspondedWith Hanotaux, G. person
correspondedWith Harding, Florence (Mrs. Andrew) person
correspondedWith Harold J. person
correspondedWith Harriet person
correspondedWith Harriman, Daisy (Mrs. Borden) person
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Haseltine, Herbert person
correspondedWith Heaton, Clement person
correspondedWith Heinrich, Max person
correspondedWith Heitz-Boyer, Dr. person
correspondedWith Henrietta person
correspondedWith Henry-Haye, G. person
correspondedWith Herbert, May Amboul person
correspondedWith Herford, Oliver person
correspondedWith Herkomer, Herman person
correspondedWith Hermann person
correspondedWith Herrick, Parmeley person
correspondedWith Herter, Albert person
correspondedWith Hespa person
correspondedWith Hewitt, Lucy person
correspondedWith Hill, Coline person
correspondedWith Hinchinbrooke, Rosemary person
correspondedWith Hinness(?), Howard person
correspondedWith Hobbes, John Oliver person
correspondedWith Hoblitzelle, Clarence person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
correspondedWith Hofer, Philip person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Malvina person
correspondedWith Holt, Winifred person
correspondedWith Hooper, Alice Forbes Perkins person
correspondedWith Hoover, Herbert person
associatedWith Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Charlotte (Mrs. Archibald) person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Ellen person
correspondedWith Horner, Lady Frances person
correspondedWith House, Ed. M. person
correspondedWith Howard, Isabelle person
correspondedWith Howard, Jennie person
correspondedWith Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960 person
correspondedWith Howland, Charles P. person
correspondedWith Howland, Virginia Lazarus person
correspondedWith Hudson, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Hueyo, Ernesto person
correspondedWith Hughes, Charles Evans person
correspondedWith Hull, Cordell person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Mary Churchill person
correspondedWith Humphreys, Marie (death of) person
correspondedWith Hunter, Alymar person
correspondedWith Hunt, William H. person
associatedWith Hunt, William Henry. person
correspondedWith Huss, Henry Holden person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Robert person
correspondedWith Hutton, Laurence person
correspondedWith Hyde, James Hazen person
associatedWith Ignace Paderewski person
correspondedWith Imperiali, Genevieve person
correspondedWith Ingles, Nanette person
correspondedWith Jaccaci, August F. person
correspondedWith James, Henry person
associatedWith Jankay, Laszlo person
correspondedWith January, Josephine Poe (Mrs. Harry) person
correspondedWith Jennings, Mary person
correspondedWith Jewett, Rutger B. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Bella person
correspondedWith Johnson, Walter person
correspondedWith Johnstone, Lady Alan (Nettie) person
correspondedWith Jones, Alice person
correspondedWith Jones, Robert Edmond person
correspondedWith Julie person
correspondedWith Jusserand, Elise person
correspondedWith Juta, Jan person
correspondedWith Kast, Ludwig person
correspondedWith Keep, Florence person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Charles person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Frank person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Jean person
correspondedWith Kennerly, Edith person
correspondedWith Keyes, Edward L. person
associatedWith Kindler, Hans person
correspondedWith Kingsford, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Kirk, Alexander person
correspondedWith Kline, Eliza person
correspondedWith Korzybski, Alfred person
correspondedWith Laboulaye, Marie (Mme. Andre) person
correspondedWith Ladd, Anna Coleman person
correspondedWith Lake, Kirsopp person
correspondedWith Lambton, Ralph person
correspondedWith Lapiana, Georges person
correspondedWith Lapsley, Gaillard person
correspondedWith La Shaum, Ralph person
correspondedWith Lassiter, (General) William person
correspondedWith Lathrop, Helen (Mrs. Bryan) person
correspondedWith Lathrop, Mary person
correspondedWith Laughlin, Irwin person
correspondedWith Laura, Sister person
correspondedWith Laurence, Sheila person
correspondedWith Laurin, K. person
associatedWith League for Political Education corporateBody
correspondedWith Lee, Caroline King person
correspondedWith Leeds, Louise (Mrs. Warner) person
correspondedWith Lee, Ruth person
correspondedWith Leger, Alexis (Saint-John Perse) person
correspondedWith Lemarie, Suzanne person
correspondedWith Leslie, Seymour person
correspondedWith Leslie, Shane person
correspondedWith Letterman, Katherine person
correspondedWith Letulle, Maurice person
correspondedWith Levi, Doro person
correspondedWith Leyssac, Paul person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Lippincott, Camilla (Mrs. Hare) person
correspondedWith Lippmann, Walter person
correspondedWith Livingstone, Bessie person
correspondedWith Long, Breckinridge person
correspondedWith Loraine, Sir Perry person
correspondedWith Lorey, Eustace person
correspondedWith Lou Henry person
correspondedWith Louise, Queen person
correspondedWith Lowell, A. Lawrence person
correspondedWith Lucie person
correspondedWith Luck, Mrs. A. Cortland (Rothie) person
correspondedWith Lupre, Sally person
correspondedWith MacKay, Clarence person
correspondedWith MacKay, Nellie person
correspondedWith Mac Millan Company corporateBody
correspondedWith MacNeil, Marie person
correspondedWith Mac Veagh, Fanny person
correspondedWith Magee, Florence (Mrs. John) person
correspondedWith Magruder, Elinor person
correspondedWith Maklakoff, Marie person
correspondedWith Malcolm, Lady Jeanne person
correspondedWith Mallet, Victor person
correspondedWith Malye, Therese person
correspondedWith Mambles, Vizconde person
correspondedWith Mansfield, Howard person
correspondedWith Manship, Paul person
correspondedWith Manuela person
correspondedWith Marbury, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Marguerite person
correspondedWith Maritain, Jacques person
correspondedWith Marli, Anatole de la person
correspondedWith Marlowe Tabor(?), Julia person
correspondedWith Marshall, E. Newell person
correspondedWith Marshall, George C. person
correspondedWith Martin, Dr. J person
correspondedWith Martin-Franklin, Nina person
correspondedWith Masefield, John person
correspondedWith Mason, Emily person
correspondedWith Masters, Polly person
correspondedWith Mather, Winifred Holt person
correspondedWith Matthews, Frederick person
correspondedWith Maurois, Andre person
correspondedWith Mayer, Carlos person
correspondedWith May, Madeleine person
correspondedWith McClean, Edward person
correspondedWith Mc Cormick, Katherine (Mrs. Stanley) person
correspondedWith Mc Grew, John person
correspondedWith McKay, Alexandra Moore person
correspondedWith McKay, Virginia Osborn person
correspondedWith McKee, Lanier person
correspondedWith Means, Philip Ainsworth person
correspondedWith Mediaeval Academy of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Megane, Lelia person
correspondedWith Metman person
correspondedWith Metropolitan Museum of Art corporateBody
correspondedWith Meyer, Eugene person
correspondedWith Midleton, Madeleine person
correspondedWith Mildred Barnes Bliss person
correspondedWith Milhaud, D. person
correspondedWith Milles, Carl person
correspondedWith Modjeska, Mrs. Ralph person
correspondedWith Moffat, Lilla Cabot person
correspondedWith Moltke, Leon person
correspondedWith Monaco, Prince Pierre of person
correspondedWith Monod, Noel person
correspondedWith Moore, Alexandra person
correspondedWith Moore, Benjamin Burgess person
correspondedWith Moore, Faith person
correspondedWith Morand, Paul person
correspondedWith Morawetz, Marjorie (Mrs. Victor) person
correspondedWith Morey, Charles person
correspondedWith Morris, Alice person
correspondedWith Morrow, William person
correspondedWith Mortlock, Ethel person
correspondedWith Mott, T. Bentley person
correspondedWith Moukhanoff, Nelka person
correspondedWith Munn, George F. person
correspondedWith Murphy, Bessie person
correspondedWith Nabokoff, Constantine person
correspondedWith Nettleton, George person
associatedWith Nettleton, George Henry, 1874-1959. person
correspondedWith Newton, F. Maurice person
correspondedWith Niblack, Mary person
correspondedWith Nils person
correspondedWith Noailles person
correspondedWith Norton, Robert person
correspondedWith Norway, Olav of person
correspondedWith Noyes, Alfred person
correspondedWith Noyes, Frank, Newbold person
correspondedWith Oaks, Dumbarton person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Robert Lincoln person
correspondedWith Ocampo, Victoria person
correspondedWith Onslow, Earl of person
correspondedWith Origo, Iris person
correspondedWith Orloff, Nikolai person
correspondedWith Osborn, Henry Fairfield person
correspondedWith Osborn, Perry, Josephine, Marie person
correspondedWith Pabst, Gustave, Jr. person
correspondedWith Paderewski, Ignace person
correspondedWith Page, Thomas Nelson person
correspondedWith Parsons, Anna (Mrs. Barclay) person
correspondedWith Paul, J. G. D. person
correspondedWith Peabody, Endicott person
correspondedWith Pechkoff, Z. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Pershing, John person
correspondedWith Philander person
correspondedWith Phillips, Caroline person
correspondedWith Phillips, Duncan person
correspondedWith Pierrepont person
correspondedWith Pinchot, Gifford person
associatedWith Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946. person
correspondedWith Placci, Carlo person
correspondedWith Pochon, Alfred person
correspondedWith Poincare, Henriette person
correspondedWith Pons, Lily person
correspondedWith Pope, John person
correspondedWith Porter, Lucy Kingsley person
correspondedWith Porto-Riche, Georges person
correspondedWith Potocki, Georges person
correspondedWith Pott, Mary person
correspondedWith Poynter, Ambrose person
correspondedWith Pracomtal, Bonne person
correspondedWith Prendergast, Dorothy (Rothie) person
correspondedWith Price, Woods person
correspondedWith Princeton University (Institute for Advanced Study) corporateBody
correspondedWith Prior-Palmer, Diana person
associatedWith Quartet, Flonzaly person
correspondedWith Quentin, Inger person
correspondedWith Quincy person
correspondedWith Rabinius, O. person
correspondedWith Rand, Edward Kennard person
correspondedWith Randolph, Mary (Polly) person
correspondedWith Rateau, Armand person
correspondedWith Ravensdale person
correspondedWith Ray person
correspondedWith Recouly, Raymond person
correspondedWith Reid, Robert person
correspondedWith Reutersvard, Stina person
correspondedWith Reyes, Alfonso person
correspondedWith Richards, John Morgan person
correspondedWith Richards, Laura person
correspondedWith Riddle, Dewey person
correspondedWith Ridgely, Frank person
correspondedWith Ridges, Brryman person
correspondedWith Riou, Gaston person
correspondedWith Robbins, Irene person
correspondedWith Robert Gordon person
correspondedWith Roberti, Mary person
correspondedWith Roberts, Mrs. Osborne person
correspondedWith Robertson, Gladys person
correspondedWith Robert Woods Bliss person
correspondedWith Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt person
correspondedWith Roche, Jules person
correspondedWith Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. person
correspondedWith Rockefeller, Nelson person
correspondedWith Roederer, Julia person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Root, Elihu person
associatedWith Rosenauer, Michael person
correspondedWith Royal Horticultural Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Rummel, Walter person
correspondedWith Rutherford, Althea person
correspondedWith Sachs, Paul person
associatedWith Sachs, Paul J. (Paul Joseph), 1878-1965. person
correspondedWith Saint-Quentin, U. person
correspondedWith Salmony, Alfred person
correspondedWith Salter, Arthur person
correspondedWith Sanchez Elia, Nenette person
correspondedWith Sandwich, Countess of (Berta) person
correspondedWith Sanger, Virginia (Mrs. Ralph) person
associatedWith Satie, Erik person
correspondedWith Schelling, Ernest person
associatedWith Schelling, Julia person
associatedWith Schindler, Kurt person
correspondedWith Scidmore, Eliza person
correspondedWith Scott, Charles person
correspondedWith Scott, Lady Maxwell person
correspondedWith Scott, Marian person
correspondedWith Scudder, Janet person
correspondedWith Sedgewick, Francis M. person
correspondedWith Sedgwick, Ellery person
correspondedWith Segur, Pierre M. M. H. person
correspondedWith Sert, Jose Luis person
associatedWith Seydel, Irma person
correspondedWith Sgambati person
correspondedWith Siegfried, Andre person
correspondedWith Simonds, ? person
correspondedWith Simone person
correspondedWith Simson, Theodore Spicer person
associatedWith Siposs, Emery. person
correspondedWith Slater, Hope person
correspondedWith Smith, Carleton person
correspondedWith Smith, Charles Robinson person
correspondedWith Smith, Joseph Lindon person
correspondedWith Smith, Laura Hyde person
correspondedWith Smith, Melville person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Soderblom, Nathan person
correspondedWith Sparre, Louis person
correspondedWith Sparrow, John person
correspondedWith Stabler, Jordan Herbert person
correspondedWith Stahl, Elsa person
correspondedWith St. Andre person
correspondedWith Stanley, Anne (Lady Victor) person
correspondedWith Steed, Wickham person
correspondedWith Stein, Alexis person
correspondedWith Stein, Eugene person
correspondedWith Sterner, Albert person
correspondedWith Stewart, Vicky person
correspondedWith Stimson, Henry person
correspondedWith Stoicesco, Georges person
correspondedWith Stokes, Carol Anson Phelps person
associatedWith Stokowski, Leopold person
associatedWith Stokowski, Olga Samaroff person
correspondedWith Stone, Harlan person
correspondedWith Storer, Maria Longworth (Mrs. Bellamy) person
correspondedWith Story, Emma Eames person
correspondedWith Story, Julian person
correspondedWith Stowe, Lyman Beecher person
correspondedWith Straight, Willard person
correspondedWith Strawinsky, Igor person
associatedWith Strawinsky (Stravinsky), Igor person
correspondedWith Street, Julian person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Edith Lawrence Coolidge person
correspondedWith Sullivan, James person
correspondedWith Sutherland, Graham person
correspondedWith Suvich, Donna Mathilde person
correspondedWith Swift, Eliza person
correspondedWith Sylvia person
correspondedWith Szechenyi, Gladys person
correspondedWith Taft, William H. person
correspondedWith Tarbell, Ida person
correspondedWith Taufflieb, Julia person
correspondedWith Taylor, Anabel (Mrs. Myron) person
associatedWith Thacher, John S. person
correspondedWith Thayer, Julia person
correspondedWith Thom, Corcoran person
correspondedWith Thompson, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Thorpe, Frances person
correspondedWith Tiger, Marthe person
correspondedWith Tinayre, Yves person
correspondedWith Tobin, Richard person
correspondedWith Tone, Aileen person
correspondedWith Townley, Susan person
correspondedWith Townsend, Natalie person
correspondedWith Tremoille, Helene person
correspondedWith Trudeau, E. L. person
correspondedWith Truelle, Jacques person
correspondedWith Truman, Bess person
correspondedWith Truxton person
correspondedWith Tuck, Edward person
correspondedWith Twite, Delia person
correspondedWith Tyler, Eve (Mrs. Kenneth Thompson) person
correspondedWith Tyler, Royall person
associatedWith Tyler, Royall, 1884-1953. person
correspondedWith Tyler, William person
associatedWith Tyler, William Royall. person
correspondedWith Tytus, Mildred person
correspondedWith Uninsky, Alexandre person
associatedWith United States. Foreign Service. corporateBody
correspondedWith Vacaresco, Helene person
correspondedWith Vail, Anna Murray person
correspondedWith Van Slyke, Ruth (Mrs. Warren C.) person
associatedWith Velimirović, Miloš. person
correspondedWith Vernon person
correspondedWith Victoria and Albert Museum corporateBody
correspondedWith von Heidenstam person
correspondedWith Von Ufford, Gabriella person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, Duenna (Mrs. Herbert) person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, Nancy person
correspondedWith Waldo, Fullerton person
correspondedWith Waller, Grace person
correspondedWith Walpole Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Walter, Flora person
correspondedWith Warden, Helen (Mrs. Clarence) person
correspondedWith Ward, Jean person
correspondedWith Warner, Langdon person
correspondedWith Warren, Alice person
correspondedWith Warren, Charles person
associatedWith Warren, Charles, 1868-1954. person
correspondedWith Warren, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Warren, Mrs. Fiske (Gretchen) person
correspondedWith Washburn, Stanley person
correspondedWith Waterman, Thomas person
correspondedWith Watson, Rev. Samuel N. person
correspondedWith Watts, Diana person
correspondedWith Webster, Ailsie (Mrs. Clarence) person
correspondedWith Webster, Beveridge person
correspondedWith Weddell, Alexander person
correspondedWith Weiller, L. person
correspondedWith Welch, William person
correspondedWith Weldon, Mary Elwood (Mrs. William T.) person
correspondedWith Wendel, Francois person
correspondedWith Wendel, Maurice person
correspondedWith Weygand, General person
correspondedWith Wharton, Edith person
correspondedWith Whitehouse, Mary (Mrs. Sheldon) person
correspondedWith White, John Campbell person
correspondedWith White, Lawrence Grant person
correspondedWith White, William Henry person
correspondedWith Whiting, Arthur person
correspondedWith Whitney, Myron person
correspondedWith Whitredge, Arnold person
correspondedWith Whittemore, Thomas person
correspondedWith Wickersham, George person
associatedWith Widor, Charles-Marie person
correspondedWith William Church person
correspondedWith William H. Bliss person
correspondedWith Wilson, Edith B. (Mrs. Woodrow) person
correspondedWith Wilson, Orme person
correspondedWith Wood, Major General Leonard person
correspondedWith Woods, Helen person
correspondedWith Wrangel, Charlotte person
correspondedWith Wright, Butler person
correspondedWith Wright, Sir Almroth person
correspondedWith Yarnall, Adele person
correspondedWith Young, Hugh person
correspondedWith Youngman, Elsie Perkins person
correspondedWith Zecchi, Carlo person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Art patronage
War relief
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945


Birth 1875-08-05

Death 1962-04-19




Ark ID: w6p84np4

SNAC ID: 60676409