Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870

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Epithet: Irish composer and singer

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000698.0x0001b3

British composer.

From the description of Autograph letter signed : 154 Avenue des Champs Elysées, Paris, to Arthur Sullivan, 1869 Oct. 20. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270125509

Irish composer and singer.

From the description of Cantata / MWBal[fe.] [manuscript]. [between 1842 and 1845] (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270561589

Irish composer.

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : [Paris], to [William Duncan Davison], 1870 Feb. 23. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670893

From the description of Visiting card, dated : [n.p., n.d.], [n.d.]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270975130

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : St. Petersburg, 6 March 1860, to Mr. [Edward Tyrrell] Smith, 1860 Mar. 6. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670903

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : [London], 28 June 1862, to Miss Dixon, 1862 June 28. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670897

From the description of Clipped signature : n.p., [n.d.]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670910

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : [n.p., London?], to [Benjamin] Webster, 1852 Aug. 15. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670907

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : London, 29 November 1844, to [Franz Lachner], 1844 Nov. 29. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670901

From the description of The light of other days is faded : autograph manuscript, 13 June 1837. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270941715

Irish composer.

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris, 31 May 1868, to Charles W. Schofield in Rochdale, England, 1868 May 31. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270873142

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Violin 2 parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Voice parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Voice parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Autograph letter signed : 154 Avenue des Champs Elysées, Paris, to Arthur Sullivan, 1869 Oct. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Collection of music-related autographs, 1796-1874. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Edison Sheet Music Collection, 1830-1958, (bulk 1890-1940) Library of Congress. Music Division
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Die vier Haimonskinder : komische Oper in 3 Aufzügen nach dem franzosischen der Herrn Leuven u. Brunswick / von J. Ritter von Seyfried ; Music von Balfe. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square
referencedIn John Lawrence Toole autograph collection, 1750-1903 and undated. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn VOCAL COMPOSITIONS of Michael William Balfe, all of them, except the scena written for Jenny Lind, apparently unpublished. No. 1 is in full score; the others have only pianoforte accompaniment. They are:-(1) Scena (No. 10bis -La Reine), from " La Boh..., 19th century British Library
creatorOf Weiland, Francis. Melodies from the opera The Bohemian girl arranged for 2 guitars / by F[rancis] W[eiland]. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Le Hay, John, 1854-1926. Autograph letter signed, dated : [London] Dec. 1 1897, to Joseph Bennett, 1897 Dec. 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Bohemian girl costume designs, n.d. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Though fortune darkly o'er me frowns ; or My heart shall still hope on / m W. Balfe. Libraries Australia
referencedIn LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LXXXVIII (ff. 678). June-Sept. 1839. (1) 'The Organ of Order'. ff. 2-17. (2) 'Foreign Airs and Native Graces', by 'W. T. Moncrieff'. ff. 18-30. (3) 'The Loves of Lord Bateman and the Fair Sophia', by C. Selby. ff. 31-70... British Library
referencedIn Grisi, Giulia, 1811-1869,. Autograph letter signed from Giulia Grisi to Giovanni Tadolini [manuscript], [1838?]. Folger Shakespeare Library
creatorOf J. W. DAVISON PAPERS. Vol. i. Anderson-Broadwood. Principal correspondents include Michael William Balfe, Charles Ainslie Barry, Thomas Baynham, Sir Julius Benedict, Joseph Bennett, William Sterndale Bennett, Alexandre Philippe Billet, John Boosey, W... British Library
referencedIn The Henry Gilbert Papers, 1821-1980 (inclusive) Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. The light of other days is faded : autograph manuscript, 13 June 1837. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Theatre-Royal (Dublin, Ireland). Playbills, 1836-1843. University of Florida
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Cavatine a Falstaff / v. Balfe. Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : London, 29 November 1844, to [Franz Lachner], 1844 Nov. 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn 43377. MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper and vellum; ff. 129. Folio., 1000-1904 British Library
referencedIn LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCIV (ff. 940). Jan.-June 1841 (see also 42954, artt. 5, 13, 15, 29), except art. 31 (June 1840). (1) 'The White Milliner', by D. W. Jerrold. ff. 3-32 b. (2) 'The Widow Barnaby', [by T. H. Reynoldson?]. ff. 33-68 b. (3)... British Library
creatorOf ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. A Miscellaneous Music Book from Kensington Palace; 1832. A volume belonging to ‘L. Lehzen’ and presented by her to Queen Victoria on Dec. 24, 1832. 53 miscellaneous pieces for piano solo or for voice and piano, many anonymous...., 1832 British Library
creatorOf Michael William Balfe: 'Les quatre fils Aymon', 1844-1851 British Library
creatorOf Koch, Frederick R. (Frederick Robinson),. Music and literary manuscripts in the Frederick R. Koch collection, 1640-1983. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Double bass parts, 1851 British Library
referencedIn Dickinson Family. Dickinson family library. 1810-1943. Houghton Library
referencedIn 'THE SLEEPING QUEEN': Opera in two Acts, in score, by Michael William Balfe; 1865. Autograph. Paper; ff. 284. Folio., 1865 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Satanella : recit[ative] et aria. Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library
creatorOf Koch, Frederick R. (Frederick Robinson),. Music and literary manuscripts in the Frederick R. Koch collection, 1640-1983. Yale University Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Cello parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. The enchantress [collection] : a grand opera in three acts / written by Henri St. Georges and Alfred Bunn ; composed by M.W. Balfe. University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System
referencedIn Correspondence and other papers of Arthur Sullivan, W. S. (William Schwenck) Gilbert, and related persons, 1834-1979. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. [Letter] 1856 July 1 [to] Grunesian? / M.W. Balfe. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. The rose of Castille [collection] : opera in three acts / written by A. Harris and E. Falconer ; music by M. W. Balfe. University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System
creatorOf MICHAEL WILLIAM BALFE: music album containing piano pieces and sketches for unidentified works in pencil and black ink; 1861, n.d. Mostly autograph. The piano works include 'Nocturne' (ff. 17-20) and an arrangement of an air from Balfe's opera, 'The ..., 1861 British Library
referencedIn " FIDELIO ": Opera in full score by Ludwig van Beethoven. Printed, with the French and German words. Conductor's copy; with some recitatives to Italian words added to the score, in the hand of Michael William Balfe. Paper; ff. 348. xixth cent. Folio., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Moldenhauer Archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990 Library of Congress. Music Division
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : [Paris], to [William Duncan Davison], 1870 Feb. 23. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Adams & Cary. Trade catalogs of music, [1859?]-1927. University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB Library
referencedIn 34,710. MISCELLANE0US original letters, etc., 1643-1885, 1643-1885 British Library
creatorOf ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Balfe (Michael William). Cantata, ‘Now doth the spring’; 19th century. For solos and 5-part choir, with piano accompaniment, in score. Dedicated to the Princess Victoria.Paper. ff. 16.Victoria of England: Music manuscripts , d..., 19th century British Library
creatorOf Balfe, Bellini and Bianchi, fragments, 1797-1848 British Library
referencedIn Matthison, Arthur, 1826-1883. Autograph letter signed : [London, n.d., 1874?], to Mr. [Joseph] Bennett, [n.d., 1874?]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Die Zigeuner [microform] : Oper in 3 Acten / musick von Balfe. Boston Public Library, Central Library in Copley Square
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. When other lips [music] : for male voices / arranged by Alfred Hill. Libraries Australia
referencedIn General Collection manuscript music miscellany, [ca. 1600-ongoing] Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Hays, Will. S. (William Shakespeare), 1837-1907. Scrapbook of sheet music, 1859-1876. George Washington University
creatorOf Recommendations; 1815-46. All bearing the signatures of those making the recommendation, and most annotated with the dates on which the recommendations were read and with the result. Entered on printed forms from 1820 or 1821 onwards.ff. 218 + 169*. ..., 1815-1846 British Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Brass, timpani, percussion and harp parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. The Bohemian girl [collection] : an opera in three acts / by Michael William Balfe ; the libretto by Alfred Bunn. University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. The heart bow'd down [microform] / M.W. Balfe. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Michael William Balfe collection, [19--?-ongoing]. Museum of Performance & Design
creatorOf MSS Mus. 1532. Michael Hurd Papers: Letters acquired by Michael Hurd.1. ff. 1-59. Letters of composers, including a letter from Mendelssohn and related correspondence; 1842-1969, n.d.2. ff. 60-108. Letters to the conductor Kathleen Merritt; 1951-1..., 1842-1969 British Library
referencedIn AGREEMENTS between Alfred Bunn, of Drury Lane Theatre, and Michael William Balfe, for the sale of all rights in the words of "The Maid of Artois," to the composer; 16 May, 1836; for the payment of five guineas a night to the composer, during the perf... British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : [London], 28 June 1862, to Miss Dixon, 1862 June 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. I. 1. FOUR NUMBERS from the " Maid of Artois" (differing widely from the corresponding numbers in Add. 29,327). Partly autograph. f. 1. 2. Overture (differing from that in the published score), and Aria (No. 1 0), from " Falstaff " (cf. Add. 29,..., 1850-1868 British Library
creatorOf Henry, Sarah P.,. Sarah P. Henry collection of instrumental and vocal compositions, ca. 1900. Maine Historical Society Library
creatorOf Letter book; 1831-44. All in the hand of William Watts.ff. 197. Largest size 230 x 185mm.includes:ff. 1, 64 William Watts, Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Pierre François Laporte, actor and impresario: Letters to Pierre François Laporte from Willi..., 1831-1844 British Library
creatorOf Receipts (signed) mainly from performers, some entered on printed forms; 1815, 1830-80, n.d. Arranged in alphabetical order. Receipts for 1912-13 have been incorporated into the alphabetical series of ‘Original Letters’ in RPS MSS 333-368.ff. 405. Va..., 1815-1880 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. The bohemian girl : full score / music by M.W. Balfe. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn J. B. Cramer. Autograph letter signed by Henry Farnie, dated : [London], 5 November 1864, to Alfred Tennyson, 1864 Nov. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Michael William Balfe: Excerpts from operas British Library
creatorOf Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Incidental music for Coriolanus [manuscript], 1890s? Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Mapleson, James Henry, 1830-1901. Autograph letters signed (6), dated and undated : [London] and Glasgow [n.d.], and [n.p., London?], 1 November 1870, to [Joseph] Bennett, n.d. and 1870 Nov. 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Violin 2 parts, 1851 British Library
referencedIn Hanover royal music archive, 1651-1951, 1770-1870 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Halle, R. L. Paraphrase [on] Killarney [microform] / R.L. Halle. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn Bunn, Alfred, 1796?-1860. Autograph letter signed, dated : [London], 15 August 1846, to Mr. F. Seymour, 1846 Aug. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn A, B. " IL TALISMANO ": an opera by Michael William Balfe. Full i-core, with English and Italian words. Mostly autograph. Act I. is complete, including the overture, which is not given in the printed pianoforte score; Act 11. wants the opening of the..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn ENGLISH Operas, by Michael William Balfe; 1835-1863. Full score. Autograph. Forty volumes. Paper. Folio. Presented by Mrs. Balfe, the widow of the composer., 1835-1863 British Library
referencedIn Wesley Bequest, 18th century-19th century British Library: Music Collections
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon parts, 1851 British Library
referencedIn " LETTY " : an opera by M. W. Balfe, in full score. Autograph; but imperfect. The parts missing are the overture, a dance with chorus, and the recitative preceding the finale, in Act I.; the Dream-song and the recitative on p. 141 of the printed pian..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn 1. ',TWO WORDS," or " Silent not dumb," by John Addison, in full score. Autograph. Followed by the pianoforte part and some of the voice parts. f. 1. For the instrumental parts, see Add. 33,800, f 1. 2. The High Priest's part in the finale to Act 1. ..., 19th century British Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Vocal score and voice parts. , 1844-1851 British Library
referencedIn Letters to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1761-1904 (inclusive), 1820-1888 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn Balfe, Lina, 1808-1888. Autograph letters signed (6) : [London, and n.p.], 1876-1883 [and n.d.], to Mr. [Joseph] Bennett, 1876-1883, 1876 May 17, and n.d. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Violin 1 parts, 1851 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of musical composers and others; 1778-1861:-1. [Karl Philipp Emanuel] Bach to -; Hamburg, 3 Jan. 1778. Germ. f. 1. 2. [Joseph] Rouget de Lisle to [? Mare François] Guillois; 24 Mar. 1820. Fr. f. 2. 3. L[uigi] Cherubini to the Baron..., 1778-1861 British Library
creatorOf ‘The devil’s in it’, opera in two acts , with libretto by Alfred Bunn. Licence sent 15 July 1852 for performance at the Surrey 21 July 1852. Letter from the stage manager requesting licence is bound with MS. Text written in two different hands; o... British Library
creatorOf Betjemann, Gilbert H., 1840-1921. Property and scene plots prepared by G.H. Betjemann [manuscript], ca. 1875-ca. 1900. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Vol. II. 1. FRAGMENTS from the French version of " The Bohemian Girl," mostly in full score (cf. Add. 29,336). f. 1. 2. Portions of the Italian version of the same. Partly autograph. f. 36. 3. " Cracovienne," being No. 16a, from the 2nd Act of an ope..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Albi Rosenthal collection of letters between composers and music publishers, 1704-1966. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Die vier Haimonskinder [collection] : komische Oper in 3 Acten / nach dem französichen der Leuven u. Brunswick von J. Kupelwiser ; Musik von M.W. Balfe. University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System
creatorOf Her Majesty's Theatre (London, England). Contract : with Enrico Piatti, cellist, signed by Michael William Balfe for Benjamin Lumley, 1848 Feb. 15, "to the close of season." Harvard University, Harvard Theater Collection, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : [n.p., London?], to [Benjamin] Webster, 1852 Aug. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1809-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris, 31 May 1868, to Charles W. Schofield in Rochdale, England, 1868 May 31. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Clipped signature : n.p., [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : St. Petersburg, 6 March 1860, to Mr. [Edward Tyrrell] Smith, 1860 Mar. 6. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Memorial Library of Music collection Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Adam, Adolphe, 1803-1856. Rare libretto collection. Roll 1, 1-40, Adam - Blech [microform] / Lila Acheson Wallace Library, Juilliard School. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Violin 1 parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Muleteer's song / Balfe. Libraries Australia
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Viola parts, 1851 British Library
creatorOf MILLAR BEQUEST. Vols. XC, XCI. Autograph collection, 1689-1937 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Cantata / MWBal[fe.] [manuscript]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Frederick R. Koch collection, 1640-1983 Yale University Library
referencedIn ‘Original letters’: Smart – Stanislaus (ff. 278); 1820-1913, n.d.includes:ff. 1-2 William Watts, Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Charles Frederick Smart, double bass player, brother of George: Letters to [W. Watts] from Charles Frederick Smart: 18..., 1820-1913 British Library
referencedIn COLLECTIONS by Eliza Wesley relating to English and foreign composers, musicians, singers and others, consisting of engraved portraits, photographs, newspaper-cuttings, and other printed matter, with a few original letters, etc. The names are all giv..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn The Libretto Collection, 1850-1940 Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
referencedIn Kenney, Charles Lamb, 1821-1881. Autograph letter signed, dated : [London], 23 December 1873, to [Joseph] Bennett, 1873 Dec. 23. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Visiting card, dated : [n.p., n.d.], [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Instrumental Music (First Series), Vol. XI; 18th century, 19th century. In score, except where otherwise stated.ff. 202.1. ff. 1-4. Kent, Duchess of: 2 Marches; for piano. [See also R.M.21.e.4.(11.) for another copy of the fi..., 18th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf ‘Original letters’: Ashe – Beckwith (ff. 254); 1816-1913, 1952-53, n.d.includes:ff. 1-4 William Watts, Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Andrew Ashe, flautist and concert organiser: Honoria Ashe, singer: Letters concerning Honoria Ashe's first Londo..., 1816-1953 British Library
creatorOf R.M.21.e.29-31. ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Balfe (Michael William). The Rose of Castille; 19th century. Opera in 3 acts, with an overture; for full orchestra, in full score.Three volumes., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Grisi, Giulia, 1811-1869. Autograph letter signed, dated : [Paris, 22 February 1839], to Mr. [Manfredo?] Maggioni in London, 1839 Feb. 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn SKETCH-BOOKS of compositions by Michael William Balfe; 1838-1857. Four volumes. Paper. They are:-, 1838-1857 British Library
referencedIn 1. INSTRUMENTAL PARTS to "Two Words." f. 1. 2. First violin part of " Keolanthe." f. 127. 3. Instrumental parts of the incidental music to the " Merry Wives of Windsor," composed by Charles Edward Horn, in conjunction with Jonathan Blewitt, Thomas Si..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. 1. God save our Gracious King. William the fourth we sing " harmonized for four voices by an anonymous composer. f. 1. 2. Part of the words of, and the music of, a ballad in " The Siege of Rochelle," [by M. W. Balfe]; 1841. IT. 2, 10. 3. The ..., 1829-1841 British Library
referencedIn MUSICAL autograph album of Eliza Wesley, containing short pieces, inscriptions and signatures of numerous composers, musicians, singers and others, English and foreign, written between 1836 and 1895. At the beginning are a few miscellaneous autograph..., 1836-1895 British Library
creatorOf Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870. Poem by M.W. Balfe [manuscript], [1836]. Folger Shakespeare Library
creatorOf 'Les quatre fils Aymon'. Voice parts, 1851 British Library
referencedIn Frederick R. Koch collection, 1640-1983 Yale University Library
referencedIn Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris, to J[ulius] Benedict, 1843 June 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Tom Taylor Collection, c. 1950s - 1980s V & A Department of Theatre and Performance
referencedIn The Bell Telephone Hour collection of sound recordings [sound recording], 1940-1968 The New York Public Library. Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871. person
associatedWith Australian Broadcasting commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Balfe, Lina, 1808-1888. person
associatedWith Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. person
associatedWith Betjemann, Gilbert H., 1840-1921. person
associatedWith Brunswick, Léon. person
associatedWith Bulmer, Kenneth, 1921- person
associatedWith Bunn, Alfred, 1796?-1860. person
associatedWith Bunn, Alfred, 1796?-1860. person
associatedWith Cunnington, William P. person
associatedWith Davison, William Duncan, person
associatedWith Dickinson family, collector. family
associatedWith Dixon, Miss, person
associatedWith Falconer, Edmund, 1814-1879. person
associatedWith Gabrielson, Frank. person
associatedWith Garrick Club (London, England) corporateBody
associatedWith Gilbert, Henry F. B. (Henry Franklin Belknap), 1868-1928 person
associatedWith Grisi, Giulia, 1811-1869, person
associatedWith Grisi, Giulia, 1811-1869. person
associatedWith Halle, R. L. person
associatedWith Harris, A. (Augustus), 1825-1873. person
associatedWith Henry, Sarah P., person
associatedWith Her Majesty's Theatre (London, England) corporateBody
associatedWith Hill, Alfred, 1869-1960. person
associatedWith J. B. Cramer. person
associatedWith Keating, George T., b. 1892 person
associatedWith Kemble, Charles, 1775-1854 person
associatedWith Kenney, Charles Lamb, 1821-1881. person
associatedWith Koch, Frederick R. (Frederick Robinson), person
associatedWith Kupelwieser, Joseph. person
associatedWith Lachner, Franz, 1803-1890, person
associatedWith Le Hay, John, 1854-1926. person
associatedWith Leuven, Adolphe de, 1800-1884. person
correspondedWith Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 person
associatedWith Mapleson, James Henry, 1830-1901. person
associatedWith Mary Flagler Cary Music Collection (Pierpont Morgan Library) corporateBody
associatedWith Matthison, Arthur, 1826-1883. person
associatedWith Moldenhauer, Hans. person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Albi, 1914- person
associatedWith Saint-Georges, Henri, 1801?-1875. person
associatedWith Schofield, Charles W., person
associatedWith Schumer, Harry G. person
associatedWith Seyfried, J. Ritter von. person
associatedWith Smith, Edward Tyrrell, 1804-1877, person
associatedWith Sousa Archives for Band Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Sousa Preservation Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900, person
associatedWith Symphony Australia. corporateBody
associatedWith Taylor, Tom., 1817-1880 person
associatedWith Theatre-Royal (Dublin, Ireland) corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas A. Edison, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Toole, John Lawrence, 1830-1906 person
associatedWith Webster, Benjamin, 1797-1882, person
associatedWith Weiland, Francis. person
associatedWith Williams. person
associatedWith Zimmermann, Agnes, person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Mexico, Central America
Easingwold, North Riding of Yorkshire
Almondbury, Yorkshire
Band music, Arranged
Chamber orchestra music
Choruses (Men's voices, 4 parts)
Songs (Low voice) with band
Songs with piano


Birth 1808

Death 1870

Birth 1808-05-15

Death 1870-10-20

Birth 1809

Death 1870

Irish (Republic of Ireland)





Ark ID: w6q062k2

SNAC ID: 87703125