Rosenthal, Albi, 1914-2004

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Albi Rosenthal was born in Munich, Germany on 1914 October 5 and died in Oxford, United Kingdom on 2004 August 3. He was an English Antiquarian music dealer who founded A. Rosenthal Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom.

From the description of Albi Rosenthal collection of letters between composers and music publishers, 1704-1966. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612801584

Epithet: bookseller and collector

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001296.0x0000ba

English antiquarian music dealer of German birth.

From the description of Typewritten and autograph letters signed, dated : London, 11 May 1967 and 10 August 1981, to Jim [Fuld], 1967 May 11 and 1981 Aug 10. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270874517

Albi Rosenthal was born in Munich, Germany on 1914 October 5 and died in Oxford, United Kingdom on 2004 August 3. He was an English antiquarian music dealer who founded A. Rosenthal Ltd., Oxford.

From the guide to the Albi Rosenthal collection of letters between composers and music publishers, 1704-1966., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Albi Rosenthal (1914-2004), English antiquarian music dealer.

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), Italian composer.

From the description of Manuscripts in the Albi Rosenthal collection of Monteverdi and the birth of opera, 1579-1966. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 702197825

Albi Rosenthal (1914-2004), English antiquarian music dealer.

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), Italian composer.

From the description of Manuscripts in the Albi Rosenthal collection of Monteverdi and the birth of opera, 1579-1966. (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 464227638

Albi Rosenthal (1914-2004), English antiquarian music dealer.

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), Italian composer.

From the guide to the Manuscripts in the Albi Rosenthal collection of Monteverdi and the birth of opera, 1579-1966, 1612-1670, (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Parmenia Migel papers, 1945-1990. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Rosenthal, Albi, 1914-. Typewritten and autograph letters signed, dated : London, 11 May 1967 and 10 August 1981, to Jim [Fuld], 1967 May 11 and 1981 Aug 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS OF MUSICIANS AND OTHERS; 1806-1965, n.d.ff. 37. Overall size 283 x 247mm.1. ff. 1-5. Correspondence relating to a letter of 1790 from Clemens August von Schall to Amtsgerichtsrath Degen revealing that the author of the text of B..., 1806-1965 British Library
creatorOf MS Mus. 119. NORMAN DEL MAR COLLECTION. Vol. iv. Correspondence relating to Richard Strauss; 1958-87.ff. 101. Overall size 325 x 217mm.includes:ff. 1, 3, 17 Geoffrey Robinson, of Barrie & Rockliff, publishers: Letters to N. Del Mar: 1958-62: Typewrit..., 1958-1987 British Library
creatorOf Rosenthal, Albi, 1914-,. Albi Rosenthal collection of letters between composers and music publishers, 1704-1966. Harvard University, Harvard Theater Collection, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Præludium pro Organo / cum pedale obligato / di / Joh: Seb: Bach. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Albi Rosenthal collection of letters between composers and music publishers, 1704-1966. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Rosenthal, Albi, 1914-. Manuscripts in the Albi Rosenthal collection of Monteverdi and the birth of opera, 1579-1966. Yale University Library
creatorOf MS Mus. 854. Benjamin Frankel Manuscripts. Vol. iv. Symphonies nos 4, 5 and 6. Full scores on 28-stave paper.ff. 188. 413 x 310mm.1. f. 1-57. Symphony [no.4], op.44; 1966. Dated at the end ‘Finis. 18.2.66’.2. ff. 58-113. Symphony no.5, op.46; ..., 1966-1969 British Library
referencedIn Fonds Edward Gordon Craig Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des arts du spectacle
creatorOf MS Mus. 277. EDWARD ELGAR: ‘The Dream of Gerontius’; 1898-1900. August Jaeger’s copy of the printed vocal score (Novello, 1900), with proof pages, autograph sketch leaves and other material bound into the volume. Purchased from Otto Haas, 24 Feb. 199..., 1898-1900 British Library
creatorOf ROYAL MUSICAL ASSOCIATION PAPERS. Vol. l (ff. 228). Radcliffe – Rutland.includes:ff. 1-2v Philip Fitzhugh Radcliffe, writer on music and composer: Letters to Royal Musical Association: [1958?].f. 5 Bernarr Joseph George Rainbow, writer on music: ... British Library
referencedIn Meyerstein Bequest. Vol. XXI., 1772-1853 British Library
creatorOf Lutyens Collection. Vol. ccliii. Four Songs (words, Rochford, Anon., John Lyly, Quarles), for tenor and string quartet; 1937. Ink full score to English words, with German words added in another hand (ff. 1-12); -ink parts for Violins I and II wit..., 1937 British Library
creatorOf Manuscripts in the Albi Rosenthal collection of Monteverdi and the birth of opera, 1579-1966, 1612-1670 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn MEYERSTEIN BEQUEST. Vol. I (ff. 140). Letters and papers of musicians. Autograph unless otherwise stated. Contents:-(1) Letter (f. 2) from Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach to -, criticising an aria and suggesting amendments; Hamburg, 20 Nov. 1780. German...., 1760-1999 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abt, Franz, 1819-1885 person
associatedWith A. Büttner person
associatedWith Achillini, Claudio, 1574-1640. person
associatedWith Adolph Fürstner person
correspondedWith Adolph Fürstner (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Adolph Martin Schlesinger person
correspondedWith Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar, 1779-1867 person
associatedWith Alard, Jean Delphin, 1815-1888 person
associatedWith Alexander Broude Inc. person
associatedWith Aloys Fuchs person
correspondedWith Ambrosius Kühnel person
correspondedWith André person
associatedWith Andreini, Francesco. person
correspondedWith André, Johann Anton, 1775-1842 person
correspondedWith André, Johann August, 1817-1887 person
correspondedWith Anton Schindler person
correspondedWith Arnold, Samuel, 1740-1802 person
correspondedWith Asioli, Bonifazio, 1769-1832 person
associatedWith A. W. (Alexander Wilhelm) Gottschalg person
associatedWith Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. person
correspondedWith Baini, Giuseppe, 1775-1844 person
correspondedWith Balfe, M. W. (Michael William), 1808-1870 person
associatedWith Bank Stern & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Barnett, John, 1802-1890 person
correspondedWith Bartholf Senff person
correspondedWith Beliaev, M. P. (Mitrofan Petrovich), 1836-1904 person
associatedWith Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835, person
correspondedWith Benedict, Julius, Sir, 1804-1885 person
correspondedWith Bennett, William Sterndale, Sir, 1816-1875 person
correspondedWith Béranger, Pierre Jean de, 1780-1857 person
associatedWith Berg person
correspondedWith Bériot, Ch. de (Charles), 1802-1870 person
associatedWith Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869, person
correspondedWith Bernard Latte person
associatedWith Bianchini, Francesco, 1662-1729, person
associatedWith Birchall, Robert person
correspondedWith Blumenthal, Jacques. person
associatedWith Boccherini, Luigi, 1743-1805, person
correspondedWith Böhme, Johann August. person
correspondedWith Bote & Bock person
correspondedWith Bottesini, Giovanni, 1821-1889 person
associatedWith Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897 person
associatedWith Breitkopf & Härtel. corporateBody
correspondedWith Breitkopf & Härtel. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bruneau, Alfred, 1857-1934 person
associatedWith Brunswick person
correspondedWith Bülow, Hans von, 1830-1894 person
associatedWith Buonamente, Giovanni Battista, d. 1642. person
associatedWith Busoni, Ferruccio, 1866-1924 person
correspondedWith C. A. Challier person
correspondedWith Cambiasi, Isidoro person
associatedWith Capece, Alessandro. person
associatedWith Capece, Alessandro. person
correspondedWith Carl Friedrich Kistner person
associatedWith Carl Friedrich Peters person
correspondedWith Carl Haslinger person
associatedWith C. F. Peters corporateBody
correspondedWith C. G. Röder person
associatedWith Chabrier, Emmanuel, 1841-1894 person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1855-1927 person
associatedWith Charlotte Moscheles. person
correspondedWith Charpentier, Gustave, 1860-1956 person
associatedWith Cherubini, Luigi, 1760-1842 person
associatedWith Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849. person
correspondedWith Choudens (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Cianchettini, P. (Pio), 1779-1851 person
associatedWith Colonna, Giovanni Paolo, 1637-1695. person
associatedWith Craig, Edward Gordon (1872-1966) person
correspondedWith Cramer & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cramer, J. B. (Johann Baptist), 1771-1858 person
correspondedWith Czerny, Carl, 1791-1857 person
correspondedWith David, Félicien, 1810-1876 person
correspondedWith David, Ferdinand, 1810-1873 person
correspondedWith De Begnis, Giuseppe, 1793-1849 person
correspondedWith Désaugiers, Marc-Antonie, 1742-1793 person
correspondedWith Döhler, Eduard. person
correspondedWith Döhler, Théodore, 1814-1856 person
associatedWith Doni, Gio. Battista (Giovanni Battista), 1593 or 4-1647. person
correspondedWith Dora Duncker person
associatedWith Doris Raab. person
correspondedWith Dotzauer, Justus Bernhard Friedrich, 1808-1874 person
correspondedWith Dragonetti, Domenico, 1763-1846 person
associatedWith Drei Masken Verlag corporateBody
correspondedWith Dreyschock, Alexander, 1818-1869 person
correspondedWith Edward Buxton person
correspondedWith Egon Wellesz person
associatedWith Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934 person
correspondedWith Ernest Eulenburg person
correspondedWith Ernst Eulenberg person
correspondedWith Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, 1814-1865 person
correspondedWith Escudier, Léon person
correspondedWith Eugène-Théodore Troupenas person
correspondedWith Eulenburg, Kurt person
correspondedWith Fäger person
correspondedWith Farinelli, Giuseppe, 1769-1836 person
correspondedWith Ferdinando Bonamici person
correspondedWith Fétis, François-Joseph, 1784-1871 person
associatedWith Filippo Taglioni person
correspondedWith Fioravanti, Vincenzo, 1799-1877 person
correspondedWith Florimo, Francesco, 1800-1888 person
associatedWith Fontana. person
correspondedWith Francesco Lucca person
associatedWith Franz Anton Hoffmeister person
correspondedWith Franz Hauser person
associatedWith Franz Liszt person
associatedWith Franz Schubert person
associatedWith Friedrich August Simrock person
associatedWith Friedrich Hoffmeister. person
correspondedWith Friedrich Kistner person
associatedWith Fritz Simrock person
correspondedWith Fr. Kistner (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith Fuchs, Aloys, 1799-1853 person
associatedWith Fuld, James J., 1916- person
correspondedWith Gade, Niels W. (Niels Wilhelm), 1817-1890 person
correspondedWith Gänsbacher, Johann Baptist, 1778-1844 person
correspondedWith Garaudé, Alexis de, 1779-1852 person
correspondedWith Gaspari, Gaetano, 1808-1881 person
correspondedWith Gellier person
correspondedWith Generali, Pietro, 1773-1832 person
associatedWith Gerbert, Martin, 1720-1793, person
associatedWith Gerda Sjöstrand Busoni) person
correspondedWith German, Edward, Sir, 1862-1936 person
correspondedWith Gevaert, F. A. (François Auguste), 1828-1908 person
associatedWith Giovanni Pierluigi da Palesrina. person
correspondedWith Giovanni Ricordi person
associatedWith Giulio Ricordi person
correspondedWith Giuseppe Buonamici person
correspondedWith Godard, Benjamin, 1849-1895 person
correspondedWith Goldmark, Carl, 1830-1915 person
associatedWith Goretti, Antonio, ca. 1570-1649. person
correspondedWith Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 1829-1869 person
correspondedWith Gounod, Charles, 1818-1893 person
correspondedWith Grieg, Edvard, 1843-1907 person
associatedWith Guarini, Battista, 1538-1612. person
associatedWith Guglielmi, Pietro Carlo, 1772-1817, person
correspondedWith Guidi, Francesco. person
associatedWith Gustave-Alexandre Flaxland person
correspondedWith Gustav Hölzel person
associatedWith Gyrowetz, Adalbert, 1763-1850, person
correspondedWith Halévy, F., 1799-1862? person
correspondedWith Hans Georg Nägeli person
associatedWith Haslinger, Carl person
associatedWith Haslinger (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Haslinger, Tobias person
associatedWith Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809 person
associatedWith Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809, person
correspondedWith Heinrich Albert Probst person
correspondedWith Heinrich Schlesinger person
correspondedWith Heller, Stephen, 1813-1888 person
correspondedWith Henderson person
associatedWith Henry Littleton. person
associatedWith Henry Panofka person
correspondedWith Henselt, Adolf von, 1814-1889 person
associatedWith Herbeck, Johann, Ritter von, 1831-1877 person
correspondedWith Hermann Härtel person
correspondedWith Herz, Henri, 1803-1888 person
correspondedWith Hiller, Ferdinand, 1811-1885 person
associatedWith Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. person
correspondedWith Hinrichsen, Max, 1901- person
associatedWith Hoffmeister & Kühnel. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hoffmeister & Kühnel corporateBody
correspondedWith Holbrooke, Joseph, 1878-1958 person
correspondedWith Hölzel, Gustav. person
correspondedWith Humperdinck, Engelbert, 1854-1921 person
correspondedWith Ignaz Pleyel person
associatedWith Indy, Vincent d', 1851-1931. person
associatedWith Jacques-Léopold Heugel person
correspondedWith Jadin, Louis-Emmanuel, 1768-1853 person
associatedWith Janet & Cotelle person
associatedWith Jean-Jacques Rousseau. person
correspondedWith Jean Jérôme Imbault person
correspondedWith J. J. Ewer & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Joachim, Joseph, 1831-1907 person
correspondedWith Johannes Oertel person
associatedWith John Milton and Ruth Neils Ward Collection (Harvard Theatre Collection) corporateBody
correspondedWith John Thomson person
correspondedWith JoncieÌres, Victorin, 1839-1903 person
correspondedWith Joseph Joachim person
associatedWith Jules Friedlaender person
correspondedWith Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm Michael, 1785-1849 person
associatedWith Karl Kollmann person
associatedWith Kistner & Siegel & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Klindworth, Karl. person
associatedWith Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 1766-1831 person
correspondedWith Kullak, Theodor, 1818-1882 person
correspondedWith Labarre, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Lafont, Charles Philippe, 1781-1839 person
associatedWith Lanner, Joseph, 1801-1843 person
associatedWith Lazzarini, Gregorio, d. 1686. person
associatedWith Leduc (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith Leidesdorf, Maximilian Joseph, 1787-1840 person
correspondedWith Léon Escudier person
correspondedWith Lichtenthal, Peter, 1780-1853 person
associatedWith Lipnitzki person
correspondedWith Lo ? person
correspondedWith Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869 person
correspondedWith Louis Gallet person
associatedWith Lucca (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Lumbye, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1810-1874 person
correspondedWith Mackinley person
associatedWith Magasin de musique à l'usage des fêtes nationales et du Conservatoire (Paris, France). corporateBody
associatedWith Malipiero, Gian Francesco, 1882-1973. person
correspondedWith Marinelli, Gaetano, b. 1754 person
correspondedWith Marson person
correspondedWith Martin, Frank, 1890-1974 person
correspondedWith Maurice Schlesinger person
correspondedWith Mayr, Giovanni Simone, 1763-1845 person
associatedWith Mazarin, Jules, 1602-1661. person
associatedWith Medici, Giovan Carlo de', 1611-1663. person
associatedWith Medici, Leopoldo de', 1617-1675. person
associatedWith Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Albrecht, 1874-1936, person
correspondedWith Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847 person
associatedWith Mercadante, Saverio, 1795-1870 person
correspondedWith Meyer, Leopold von, 1816-1883 person
associatedWith Michael Umlauf person
correspondedWith Migel, Parmenia. person
associatedWith M. L. Mayer person
correspondedWith Montecassino (Monastery) corporateBody
associatedWith Monteverdi, Claudio, 1567-1643. person
correspondedWith Mori & Lavenue person
correspondedWith Moritz Bermann? person
correspondedWith Moscheles, Ignaz, 1794-1870 person
associatedWith Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. person
correspondedWith Nikisch, Arthur, 1855-1922 person
correspondedWith Novello, Ewer & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith N. Simrock (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith N. W. Singer person
correspondedWith Offenbach, Jacques, 1819-1880 person
correspondedWith Ollivier person
associatedWith Onslow, Georges, 1784-1853, person
correspondedWith Ouseley, Frederick Arthur, Sir, 1825-1889 person
correspondedWith Pacini, signor (Antonio Francesco Gaetano Saverio), 1778-1866 person
correspondedWith Paër, Ferdinand, 1771-1839 person
correspondedWith Panofka, Henrich, 1807-1887 person
correspondedWith Payne person
associatedWith Peri, Jacopo, 1561-1633. person
associatedWith Peters (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Pietro Mechetti person
correspondedWith Pixis, Johann Peter, 1788-1874 person
associatedWith Pleyel (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Pleyel, Ignaz, 1757-1831, person
associatedWith Probst, Heinrich person
associatedWith Prunières, Henry, 1886-1942. person
associatedWith Puccini, Giacomo, 1858-1924, person
associatedWith Quirin Haslinger (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith Radecke, Robert, 1830-1911 person
correspondedWith Raff, Joachim, 1822-1882 person
correspondedWith Ricci, Federico, 1809-1877 person
associatedWith Richard Wagner. person
associatedWith Ricordi (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith Ricordi, Giovanni person
correspondedWith Ricordi, Tito person
associatedWith Riedl, Joseph person
correspondedWith Ries & Erler corporateBody
correspondedWith Ries, Ferdinand, 1784-1838 person
correspondedWith Righini, Vincenzo, 1756-1812 person
associatedWith Rinuccini, Ottavio, 1562-1621. person
correspondedWith Ritter, Alexander, 1833-1896 person
correspondedWith Robert Addison person
correspondedWith Rode, P. (Pierre), 1774-1830 person
correspondedWith Romani, Felice, 1788-1865 person
correspondedWith Ropartz, Joseph Guy Marie, 1864-1955 person
correspondedWith Rosenhain, Jakob, 1813-1894 person
associatedWith Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868, person
correspondedWith Roussel, Albert, 1869-1937 person
correspondedWith Rubinstein, Anton, 1829-1894 person
associatedWith Rudolf Walther person
correspondedWith Sanelli, Gualtiero, 1816-1861 person
correspondedWith S.A. Steiner & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Schillings, Max von, 1868-1933 person
associatedWith Schlesinger (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Schlesinger (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Schlesinger, Heinrich person
associatedWith Schlesinger, Henry person
correspondedWith Schlesinger, Maurice person
associatedWith Schonenberger, Paris. corporateBody
correspondedWith Schulhoff, Julius, 1825-1898 person
associatedWith Schumann, Clara, 1819-1896 person
associatedWith Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856, person
correspondedWith Seligmann, Hippolyte Prosper. person
correspondedWith Sgambati, Giovanni, 1841-1914 person
correspondedWith Shield, William person
correspondedWith Simrock, Nicolaus, 1751-1832 person
correspondedWith Sinding, Christian, 1856-1941 person
correspondedWith Sivori, Camillo, 1815-1894 person
correspondedWith Soliva, Carlo Evasio, 1791-1853 person
correspondedWith Spontini, Gaspare, 1774-1851 person
associatedWith Steibelt, Daniel, 1765-1823, person
associatedWith Steiner, S. A. (Sigmund Anton), 1773-1838 person
correspondedWith Stern, Julius, 1820-1883 person
correspondedWith Stezle, Georges person
associatedWith Strauss, Johann, 1804-1849, person
associatedWith Strauss, Johann, 1825-1899 person
associatedWith Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949, person
associatedWith Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971, person
correspondedWith Thalberg, Sigismond, 1812-1871 person
correspondedWith Thomas D'Almaine person
associatedWith Thomas Frederick Beale person
correspondedWith Tito Ricordi person
associatedWith Titus de Jean Ricordi person
associatedWith Troestler. person
associatedWith Tupin person
correspondedWith Universal Edition corporateBody
associatedWith Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901, person
correspondedWith Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881 person
associatedWith Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883, person
correspondedWith Weber, Gottfried, 1779-1839 person
correspondedWith Weigl, Johann Baptist, 1783-1852 person
correspondedWith Weingartner, Felix, 1863-1942 person
correspondedWith Wellesz, Egon, 1885-1974 person
correspondedWith Wilhelmj, August, 1845-1908 person
associatedWith William Chappell person
associatedWith Ziehrer, Carl Michael, 1843-1922 person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Urbino (Italy)
Urbino (Italy)
Urbino (Italy)
Madrigals, Italian
Music publishers
Music publishing
Music publishing
Music publishing


Birth 1914-10-05

Death 2004-08-03









Ark ID: w61n8kcp

SNAC ID: 40716697