Betty Friedan

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Betty Friedan was born Bettye Goldstein on February 4, 1921, in Peoria, Illinois, the daughter of Harry and Miriam (Horwitz) Goldstein. She attended Peoria public schools and graduated summa cum laude from Smith College in 1942. She continued her studies as a University fellow in psychology at the University of California, Berkeley (1943). In June 1947 she married Carl Friedan, an advertising executive; they had three children (Daniel, Jonathan, and Emily) and were divorced in May 1969.

Friedan was a labor and freelance journalist in the 1940s. In the 1950s she wrote articles for a variety of popular and women's magazines. The design of a reunion questionnaire for her Smith College 15th class reunion (1957) gave her insights into the lives of her contemporaries, and provided data for her first and best-known book, The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963. Her analysis of women's role and status fueled the controversy over women's proper place in society and had a dramatic impact on women in the United States and abroad. Friedan quickly became the leading advocate for change in the status of women and was inundated with requests to lecture and to write. She appeared frequently as a keynote speaker at conferences, and on radio and television.

Friedan's second book, It Changed My Life (1976), was a collection of her essays on the women's movement. The Second Stage (1981) suggested a new direction for women's activism toward embracing family, motherhood, sexuality, etc., and advocated working with men to restructure institutions. The Fountain of Age (1993) was the product of over a decade of research related to aging, how it affects men and women differently, and American society's attitudes toward age. Beyond Gender: The New Politics of Work and Family (1997) was the result of several symposia Friedan led in an attempt to reimagine public policy responses to unresolved women's issues. Friedan published an autobiography, My Life So Far, in 2000.

In 1966, Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW), a civil rights organization for women. She served as its first president (1966-1970). She was an organizer of the Women's Strike for Equality (1970), a convenor of the National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC, 1971), an organizer and director of the First Women's Bank (New York), and vice-president of the National Association to Repeal Abortion Laws (NARAL, 1970-1973). In the late 1970s and 1980s Friedan was active in several Jewish organizations, primarily the American Jewish Congress. During the 1980s she was involved in local politics, both in New York City, and in Sag Harbor, New York, where she had a second home.

In addition to her active career as a lecturer, commentator, and author, Friedan taught classes at a variety of universities beginning in the 1970s. While her early classes focused on women's experiences and issues, by the 1990s she had broadened her focus and taught classes in management and leadership style at several business schools. She held research fellowships at Columbia University, Harvard University, the University of Southern California (USC), and the Smithsonian's Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. She directed a think tank on new dimensions in feminist thought at USC (1987-1993), and her course on "Women, Men and Media" developed into an ongoing national media monitoring project supported by grants from the Gannett Foundation, the Times Mirror Foundation, and others.

Friedan served on advisory boards and boards of directors of a large number of organizations, including NOW LDEF and the Girl Scouts. She received honorary degrees from numerous universities and colleges. Friedan died on February 4, 2006, her 85th birthday, in Washington, D.C.

From the guide to the Papers of Betty Friedan, 1933-1985, (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Friedan, Betty, 1921-2006. Papers, 1933-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
Role Title Holding Repository
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correspondedWith A. H. Maslow person
correspondedWith Alexander, Dolores person
correspondedWith Alexander, Shana person
correspondedWith Alix Kates Shulman. person
correspondedWith Al Lizanetz person
associatedWith American Assembly corporateBody
associatedWith American Express corporateBody
associatedWith American Federation of Television and Radio Artists corporateBody
associatedWith American Home Economics Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Institute for Public Service corporateBody
associatedWith American Nurses Association corporateBody
correspondedWith American Program Bureau corporateBody
associatedWith American Public Health Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Society of Composers, Authors, Publishers corporateBody
associatedWith American Society of Journalists and Authors, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith American Sociological Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Women in Radio and Television corporateBody
associatedWith Amitai Etzioni. person
correspondedWith Amy Goldstein Adams person
associatedWith Anna Roosevelt Halstead person
associatedWith Ann Draper person
associatedWith Anne Crump person
associatedWith Anne Grant West person
correspondedWith Ann Scott person
associatedWith Ann Scott's person
correspondedWith Arlie Hochschild person
correspondedWith Armed Forces Staff College corporateBody
correspondedWith Armistead, Betty person
associatedWith Arnold W. Green person
correspondedWith Arthur Herzog. person
associatedWith Aspen Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Aspen Seminar corporateBody
associatedWith Assembly on the Future of the Family corporateBody
associatedWith Association for Women in Science corporateBody
associatedWith Association of Feminist Consultants corporateBody
associatedWith Authors Guild corporateBody
associatedWith Authors' League of America, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Barbara Gittings person
correspondedWith Barbara Mikulski person
correspondedWith Barbara Seaman person
correspondedWith Barbara Walters person
associatedWith Barnard Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Bayh, Birch person
correspondedWith Beals, Burton person
associatedWith Berg, Richard person
correspondedWith Bernice Sandler person
associatedWith Berry, Betty person
correspondedWith Betty Armistead person
correspondedWith Betty Berry person
correspondedWith Betty Blaisdell (Berry) person
associatedWith Betty Ford person
correspondedWith Betty Furness person
correspondedWith Betty Jolkovsky person
associatedWith B. Goldstein person
correspondedWith Birch Bayh person
associatedWith Bird, Caroline person
associatedWith Blue Cross Blue Shield corporateBody
correspondedWith Blum, Jane person
correspondedWith Boston League of Women Voters corporateBody
correspondedWith Boyer, Betty person
associatedWith Brooke, Rupert person
correspondedWith Brooks, Gwendolyn person
correspondedWith Buckley, Priscilla person
correspondedWith Cairns, Virginia person
correspondedWith Calhoun College, Yale University corporateBody
correspondedWith Carey, Hugh person
correspondedWith Carey McWilliams person
associatedWith Carl Degler person
correspondedWith Carl Friedan person
correspondedWith Carolee Schneemann. person
correspondedWith Caroline Bird person
associatedWith Caroline Davis person
correspondedWith Caroline Ware person
correspondedWith Carpenter, Liz person
correspondedWith Carter, Jimmy person
associatedWith Catalyst corporateBody
correspondedWith Catharine East person
correspondedWith Ceballos, Jacqui person
correspondedWith Cecily Selby person
associatedWith Center for New Corporate Priorities corporateBody
associatedWith Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Center for the Living Force corporateBody
associatedWith Centro Intercultural de Documentacion corporateBody
associatedWith Charles B. Rangel person
associatedWith Charles Mandelstam person
associatedWith Charlotte Mayerson person
associatedWith Child Study Association of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Chisholm, Shirley person
associatedWith Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women corporateBody
correspondedWith Claiborne Pell person
correspondedWith Claire McCardell person
correspondedWith College of New Rochelle corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia University. corporateBody
associatedWith Commission on Critical Choices for Americans corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on Anticipatory Democracy corporateBody
associatedWith Community Sex Information and Education Service corporateBody
associatedWith Conference of Commissions on the Status of Women corporateBody
associatedWith Consumer Affairs Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Coretta Scott King person
associatedWith Cornell University corporateBody
correspondedWith Curtis Brown corporateBody
associatedWith Daisy Fields person
correspondedWith Dalton School corporateBody
correspondedWith Daniel Friedan person
correspondedWith David Manning White person
correspondedWith Davidoff, Ida person
correspondedWith Davis, Caroline person
correspondedWith Degler, Carl person
correspondedWith Dell Books corporateBody
correspondedWith Del Martin. person
associatedWith Dembitz, Nanette person
correspondedWith Democratic National Convention corporateBody
associatedWith Dohrn, Bernardine person
correspondedWith Dorit Padan-Eisenstark person
associatedWith Dorothy Jean South person
associatedWith Drew, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Eastern Sociological Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Eleanor Flexnor person
correspondedWith Elinor Guggenheimer person
associatedWith Elizabeth Cook person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Holtzman person
associatedWith Elizabeth Jaeger person
correspondedWith Elizabeth Janeway. person
correspondedWith Eliza Paschall. person
correspondedWith Emily Friedan person
correspondedWith Emma Guffey Miller person
associatedWith Emma Willard School corporateBody
correspondedWith Equal Employment Opportunity Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Ernesta Drinker Ballard person
correspondedWith Esalen Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Esther Peterson person
associatedWith Eugene McCarthy person
associatedWith Eve Duff person
associatedWith Everywoman's Village, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Faith Seidenberg. person
correspondedWith Fanny Osorio person
correspondedWith Faust, Jean person
correspondedWith Federated Press corporateBody
associatedWith Federation of Jewish Philanthropies corporateBody
correspondedWith Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations corporateBody
correspondedWith Fenwick, Millicent person
associatedWith First Women's Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Florynce Kennedy person
correspondedWith Ford, Betty person
associatedWith Ford Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Fordham University corporateBody
correspondedWith Frank Gehry person
associatedWith Friedan, Carl person
associatedWith Friedan, Emily person
associatedWith Fromm, Erich person
associatedWith Fuchs, Cynthia person
correspondedWith Furness, Betty person
correspondedWith Gael Greene person
correspondedWith Gandhi, Indira person
correspondedWith Gene Boyer. person
correspondedWith George Norton person
correspondedWith Gerda Lerner person
correspondedWith Girl Scouts of America corporateBody
associatedWith Girls' Service League corporateBody
associatedWith Glantz, Harold person
associatedWith Goldstein, Betty person
correspondedWith Goldstein, Harry person
correspondedWith Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for Economic and Social Studies corporateBody
associatedWith Grassland Hospital corporateBody
associatedWith Graymoor Ecumenical Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Green, Edith person
associatedWith Greene, Gael person
associatedWith Griffiths, Martha person
associatedWith Guggenheimer, Elinor person
correspondedWith Harold Israel? person
associatedWith Harry Goldstein person
correspondedWith Harry Kursh person
associatedWith Harvard Law School corporateBody
associatedWith Hayes, Helen person
associatedWith Helena Fabian person
correspondedWith Hernandez, Aileen person
correspondedWith Hernandez, Eileen person
correspondedWith Highlander Folk School corporateBody
associatedWith Highlander Research and Education Center corporateBody
associatedWith H. Israel person
correspondedWith Holtzman, Elizabeth person
associatedWith House of Lords corporateBody
associatedWith Human Rights for Women corporateBody
correspondedWith Humphrey, Hubert person
correspondedWith Huntington Hartford person
associatedWith Hurley, Joseph person
associatedWith Illinois Association for Maternal and Mental Health corporateBody
correspondedWith Illinois Equal Rights Alliance corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Indira Gandhi's person
correspondedWith Indritz, Phineas person
correspondedWith Inka O'Hanrahan person
correspondedWith Institute for College and University Administrators corporateBody
associatedWith Institute for Psychiatry and Foreign Affairs corporateBody
associatedWith Institute for the Future corporateBody
associatedWith Institute on Women's Wrongs corporateBody
correspondedWith Iowa State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Isaac Asimov person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Jane person
correspondedWith Jacqui Ceballos person
associatedWith Jeanne St. Fort person
correspondedWith Jessica Mitford. person
associatedWith Jewish Feminist Organization corporateBody
correspondedWith Jill Johnston. person
associatedWith Jill Kerr Conway person
correspondedWith Jimmy Carter person
associatedWith Jimmy Carter's person
correspondedWith Joan Daves person
correspondedWith Joan Mondale person
correspondedWith Jo-Ann Gardner person
correspondedWith John Dunlop person
correspondedWith John Mack Carter person
correspondedWith John W. Macy person
correspondedWith Jolkovsky, Julian person
associatedWith Jonas Salk person
correspondedWith Jonathan Friedan person
associatedWith J. René person
associatedWith Judge Carswell person
associatedWith Judge Harold Carswell's person
correspondedWith Kane, Katherine person
associatedWith Kate Millett person
associatedWith Kate Millett's person
correspondedWith Kathie Sarachild person
correspondedWith Kellner-Oshry corporateBody
correspondedWith Kennedy, Florynce person
associatedWith Kim Kobring person
correspondedWith Kitty Carlisle Hart person
associatedWith Knutson, Coya person
correspondedWith Lader, Lawrence person
associatedWith Landis, Carrow, Bernson and Tucker corporateBody
associatedWith Laupot, Richard person
correspondedWith Laura X person
associatedWith League of Women Voters corporateBody
correspondedWith Lerner, Gerda person
associatedWith Lillian Stone person
associatedWith Los Angeles State College corporateBody
associatedWith Lucia Fisher person
correspondedWith Lucy Komisar person
associatedWith Lucy Stone League corporateBody
correspondedWith Lutz, Alma person
associatedWith Lyndon B. Johnson person
associatedWith Lyndon Johnson's person
correspondedWith Lyon, Phyllis person
associatedWith Margaret Mead person
correspondedWith Marjorie Hartford person
associatedWith Marjorie Townsend person
correspondedWith Martha Griffiths person
correspondedWith Martin Amis person
associatedWith Martin Gross person
associatedWith Mary Ann Gayol person
associatedWith Mary Bunting person
correspondedWith Mary Daly person
correspondedWith Mary I. Bunting person
correspondedWith Mary Jean Tully person
associatedWith Matthews, Bernita person
correspondedWith May, Catherine person
correspondedWith McCarthy, Eugene person
associatedWith McDowell Colony corporateBody
correspondedWith McGovern, George person
associatedWith Mead, Margaret person
correspondedWith Michener, James person
correspondedWith Mike Douglas person
correspondedWith Millicent Fenwick person
correspondedWith Millicent McIntosh person
correspondedWith Miriam Goldstein Obendorf person
correspondedWith Mondale, Walter person
associatedWith Motley, Constance person
associatedWith Mount Holyoke College corporateBody
associatedWith Movimento Nacional de Mujeres corporateBody
associatedWith Nanette Dembitz person
associatedWith National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws corporateBody
associatedWith National Black Feminist Organization corporateBody
correspondedWith National Chicana Political Caucus. corporateBody
associatedWith National Committee on Household Employment corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference of Christians and Jews corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference on Public Service Employment corporateBody
associatedWith National Council of Negro Women corporateBody
associatedWith National Endowment for the Humanities corporateBody
associatedWith National Network of Vietnam Era Women corporateBody
associatedWith National Organization for an American Revolution corporateBody
associatedWith National Peace Action Coalition corporateBody
associatedWith National Student Coalition against Racism corporateBody
associatedWith National Welfare Rights Organization corporateBody
associatedWith National Women's Strike Coalition corporateBody
associatedWith Nawfel, Laura person
correspondedWith Nelson A. Rockefeller person
correspondedWith Nelson Rockefeller person
associatedWith Nelson Rockefeller's person
associatedWith New Democratic Coalition of New York corporateBody
associatedWith New Feminist Repertory and Experimental Ensemble corporateBody
correspondedWith New Feminist Talent corporateBody
correspondedWith New School of Social Research corporateBody
associatedWith Newspaper Guild corporateBody
correspondedWith New World Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith New York City Commission on Human Rights corporateBody
associatedWith New York Democratic State Committee corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Coalition for Family Planning corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Psychological Association corporateBody
associatedWith New York University corporateBody
associatedWith Nixon, Pat person
associatedWith Northwestern University corporateBody
associatedWith NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science Program to Reduce Individual and Organizational Racism corporateBody
correspondedWith Nyack High School corporateBody
correspondedWith Oasis: Midwest Center for Human Potential corporateBody
correspondedWith Office of Economic Opportunity corporateBody
associatedWith Ohio State University corporateBody
associatedWith Open Door International corporateBody
associatedWith Oregon Council for Women's Equality corporateBody
associatedWith Organization of Women for Legal Awareness corporateBody
associatedWith Palisades School corporateBody
correspondedWith Parents Without Partners corporateBody
associatedWith Parsons, Irene person
correspondedWith Patricia Hill Burnett. person
associatedWith Pembroke corporateBody
associatedWith Peoria High School corporateBody
correspondedWith Peterson, Esther person
correspondedWith Phil Donahue person
correspondedWith Phineas Indritz. person
correspondedWith Phyllis Chesler person
associatedWith Planned Parenthood corporateBody
associatedWith Planned Parenthood-World Population corporateBody
associatedWith Plante, Patricia person
associatedWith Population Reference Bureau corporateBody
associatedWith Portland State University corporateBody
associatedWith Presbyterian Church corporateBody
correspondedWith President's Commission on the Status of Women corporateBody
correspondedWith Princeton University corporateBody
correspondedWith Priscilla Buckley person
correspondedWith Puner, Helen person
correspondedWith Queen’s College, City University of New York corporateBody
associatedWith Rachel Roth) person
correspondedWith Radcliffe College. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ramsey S. Clark person
correspondedWith Random House corporateBody
associatedWith Reinach, Jacquelyn person
associatedWith Rockefeller, Barbara person
associatedWith Roxanne Dunbar person
correspondedWith Rubin, Jo person
correspondedWith Russo, William person
correspondedWith Rustin, Bayard person
correspondedWith Ruth Bader Ginsburg person
correspondedWith Sally Drell. person
associatedWith Samuel Jackson person
correspondedWith Sassower, Doris person
associatedWith Satir, Virginia person
correspondedWith Schlafly, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Schlesinger Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Schwartz, Hilda person
associatedWith Senate Judiciary Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Seven College Vocational Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Sey Chassler person
associatedWith Sharon Johnson person
correspondedWith Sheila Tobias person
associatedWith Shirley Chisholm person
associatedWith Sigmund Freud person
correspondedWith Simone de Beauvoir person
correspondedWith Smith College corporateBody
associatedWith Society for Human Equality corporateBody
associatedWith Society for the Study of Social Problems corporateBody
correspondedWith Society of Magazine Writers corporateBody
associatedWith South Orangetown Education Council corporateBody
associatedWith State University of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Stewart Rawlings Mott person
correspondedWith Stuart, Neal person
associatedWith Students for a Democratic Society, n.d.. corporateBody
associatedWith Sullivan, Leonore person
correspondedWith Summit Books corporateBody
correspondedWith Sylvia Hartman. person
correspondedWith Taubenfeld, Rita person
correspondedWith Temple University corporateBody
associatedWith The First Woman’s Bank & Trust Co. (NY) corporateBody
correspondedWith The Golden Door Health Spa corporateBody
associatedWith Think Tank on Adult Education corporateBody
correspondedWith Ti-Grace Atkinson. person
correspondedWith Tobias, Sheila person
associatedWith United Automobile Workers (UAW) Women's Department corporateBody
associatedWith United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations International Cooperative Community corporateBody
associatedWith United States Association for the Club of Rome corporateBody
associatedWith United States Civil Service Commission corporateBody
associatedWith United States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners corporateBody
associatedWith University of Alaska corporateBody
associatedWith University of California, Berkeley corporateBody
correspondedWith Valerie Solanas person
correspondedWith Victor Gollancz, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Viil, Mirdza person
associatedWith Virgina Satir person
correspondedWith Virginia Satir. person
associatedWith Wake Forest University corporateBody
associatedWith Washington, Benetta person
associatedWith Washington Journalism Center corporateBody
correspondedWith W. Colston and Leigh corporateBody
associatedWith Webster College corporateBody
associatedWith Wesleyan College corporateBody
associatedWith Wilkins, Roy person
correspondedWith William F. Buckley person
correspondedWith Wilma Scott Heide person
associatedWith Womansurge corporateBody
associatedWith Women Against War corporateBody
correspondedWith Women for McCarthy corporateBody
associatedWith Women Involved corporateBody
associatedWith Women's Advocacy Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Women's City Club of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Women's Forum corporateBody
associatedWith Women's Ink corporateBody
associatedWith Women's Media Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Women's National Abortion Action Coalition corporateBody
correspondedWith Women's Organization of Iran. corporateBody
associatedWith Women Strike for Peace corporateBody
associatedWith World Network of Women corporateBody
correspondedWith Writers and Artists for Peace in the Middle East corporateBody
correspondedWith W. W. Norton & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Yaddo corporateBody
associatedWith Young People's Socialist League corporateBody
associatedWith Young Women's Christian Association corporateBody
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SNAC ID: 69274311