creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Expansion of built-up area, 1642-1939 / constructed in 1939, American Geographical Society, for special exhibit held in 1939-1942.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Letter, 1915, July 20, New York City [to] Mr. Edwin Markham, Sir, Staten Island, New York / Isaiah Bruman, Director.
Wagner College, Horrmann Library |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. AGS-IGY projects in glaciology.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Bowman, Isaiah, 1878-1950. Isaiah Bowman papers, 1904-1951.
Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library |
referencedIn |
Field photographs, 1937.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
William O. Field Papers, 1890-1994
University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Polar Regions Collections & Archives |
referencedIn |
Lawrence, Donald B. (Donald Buermann), 1911-1996. Donald Buermann Lawrence papers, 1932-1996.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
creatorOf |
Williams, Joseph E. (Joseph Earl), b. 1897. Shaded relief map practices in Europe / by Joseph E. Williams.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Maps, [ca. 1783]-1983, [ca. 1930]-1980 (bulk)
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
creatorOf |
World in maps (1939-1942 : New York, N.Y.). Postal districts and Post Office stations [of New York City].
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Field, William O. (William Osgood), 1904-. William O. Field Papers, 1890-1994.
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library |
referencedIn |
Huntington, Ellsworth, 1876-1947. Ellsworth Huntington papers, 1779-1953 (inclusive), 1890-1947 (bulk).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
World in maps (1939-1942 : New York, N.Y.). [Population density in residential and business areas of New York City].
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. American Geographical Society Library Records, 1881-2009 1908-1978.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
American Geographical and Statistical Society. [Constitution, by-laws, etc. of the American Geographical and Statistical Society and the American Geographical Society of New York].
American Museum of Natural History |
referencedIn |
Museum of the American Indian/Heye Foundation records
National Museum of the American Indian (U.S.) Archive Center |
referencedIn |
Edward Luther Stevenson papers, 1859-1944
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
referencedIn |
Ellsworth Huntington papers, 1779-1952, 1890-1947
Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Part of Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
Finley, John H. (John Huston), 1863-1940. John H. Finley papers, 1892-1940, bulk (1913-1935).
New York Public Library System, NYPL |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Letter, 1915, July 15, New York City [to] Mr. Edwin Markham, Sir, Staten Island, New York / A.D. Russell.
Wagner College, Horrmann Library |
referencedIn |
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society miscellany, 1869-1880.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Mendenhall, Thomas C. (Thomas Corwin), 1841-1924. Papers, 1851-1951.
American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Mongolian pioneer belt / compiled by the American Geographical Society of New York, Oct. 1928.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. New boundaries in Europe as established by the Peace Conference / Amer. Geogr. Soc. of N.Y. for Comm. on Publ. Inform.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
World in maps (1939-1942 : New York, N.Y.). Location of branch offices, Western Union, postal telegraph, [New York City].
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Donald Buermann Lawrence papers, 1932-1996
University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc] |
creatorOf |
World in maps (1939-1942 : New York, N.Y.). New York Telephone Company central office districts and telephones served, Manhattan and part of Bronx.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
Smith, Erminnie Adele Platt, 1836-1886. [Peabody Museum director records, Frederic W. Putnam (1839-1915), 1870-1923].
Harvard University, Tozzer Library |
referencedIn |
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973. Papers, ca. 1907-1973.
American Philosophical Society Library |
referencedIn |
Stevenson, Edward Luther, 1858-1944. Edward Luther Stevenson papers, 1859-1944 (inclusive).
Yale University Library |
referencedIn |
Serge A. Korff Papers, 1928-1989
New York University. Archives |
creatorOf |
English, Thomas H. (Thomas Hopkins), 1895-. [Map of St. Louis, the American Bottom and Cahokia Indian mound / cartography by] Gr. N. ; [prepared for T.H. English].
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Korff, Serge Alexander, 1906-. Papers, 1928-1989.
Churchill County Museum |
referencedIn |
Oosting, Henry J. (Henry John), 1903-1968. Henry J. Oosting papers, 1937-1968.
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Lower Magdalena Valley : compiled for Barranquilla millionth sheet revision / by William Briesemeister ; American Geographical Society.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
RISM Vertical Files, Bulk, 1960-2000, Bulk, 1960-2000 1900-2004
New York University. Archives |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Pamphlet publications, 1857-1859.
Brown University, Brown University Library |
referencedIn |
Robert Cushman Murphy journals, 1907-1971, 1907-1971
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Printed letter from American Geographical Society of New York, signed by Alvan S. Southworth, secretary, to Augustin Daly [manuscript], 1874 February 2.
Folger Shakespeare Library |
referencedIn |
John H. Finley papers, 1892-1940, 1913-1935
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
referencedIn |
Archer Milton Huntington Papers, 1919-1957
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
referencedIn |
May, Jacques M. (Jacques Meyer), b. 1896. Jacques M. May papers, 1943-1960.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Frank Spooner Churchill papers, 1912, 1912
American Philosophical Society |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. New York port development plan : showing completed and projected port improvements and their relation to the Port of New York Authority's comprehensive plan and trunk line railroads / return to Amer. Geogr. Soc., Bdway at 156th St., N.Y.C.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
Wright, Charles S. (Charles Seymour), 1887-1975. Letter, 1948 Mar. 13, New York, to Prof. W.H. Hobbs, Ann Arbor.
University of Michigan |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Baffin Island and adjacent regions to show unexplored areas / prepared by the American Geographical Society of New York.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
Peary, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), 1856-1920. Letter : New York, NY, to Albert Operti, 1904 May 26.
Natural History Museum Los Angeles County Foundation, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County |
referencedIn |
Churchill, Frank Spooner, 1864-1946. Papers, 1912.
American Philosophical Society Library |
creatorOf |
Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917). Papers, 1907-1922.
American Museum of Natural History |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Baffin Island and adjacent regions to show unexplored areas / prepared by the American Geographical Society of New York.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Map of part of Katmai National Monument : reconstructed by photographs furnished by U.S. Geol. Survey, 1922].
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, UWM Libraries |
referencedIn |
George Sarton additional papers, 1901-1956
Houghton Library |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Correspondence to Daniel Garrison Brinton, 1894.
University of Pennsylvania Library |
creatorOf |
American Geographical Society of New York. Recommendation of the American Geographical Society of New York, 1873.
Library of Congress |