New Harmony (Ind.) Working Men's Institute.

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Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf New Harmony Manuscripts, 1812-1871 Working Men's Institute of New Harmony, Indiana
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Academy of Nat. Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith Academy of Natural Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia corporateBody
associatedWith Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia corporateBody
correspondedWith Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia corporateBody
correspondedWith A[chille] e[mery] person
correspondedWith Achille Emery Fretageot person
correspondedWith Achille Emory Fretageot person
correspondedWith A[chille] FRETAGEOT person
associatedWith Achille Fretageot's person
correspondedWith A[chilles] E. Fretageot person
correspondedWith A[chilles]E. Fretageot person
correspondedWith Achilles Emery Fretageot person
correspondedWith A[chilles] E[mory] person
correspondedWith A[chilles] E[mory] Fretageot person
correspondedWith A[chilles] FRETAGEOT person
correspondedWith Achilles F. [sic] Fretageot person
associatedWith Achille's mother person
correspondedWith Adam LEE person
correspondedWith Adous Frères person
associatedWith A. E. Bestor person
correspondedWith A. E. Fretageot person
correspondedWith Agassiz, Louis person
correspondedWith ALEAS, Manuel person
correspondedWith A. Lesueur person
correspondedWith A[lexander] Fretageot person
correspondedWith A[lexander] MACLURE person
associatedWith Alexander Maclure's person
correspondedWith A[lexander] M. Fretageot person
associatedWith Alexander's person
correspondedWith Alfred Dale Owen person
correspondedWith A[llen] WARD person
associatedWith Allen Ward's person
correspondedWith Alvin P. Hovey person
associatedWith American Antiquarian Society corporateBody
correspondedWith American Legation corporateBody
associatedWith American Philosophical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith A. M. Fretageot person
associatedWith Amos Clark's person
correspondedWith Amphlett, William person
correspondedWith Andrew [Alexander] Maclure person
correspondedWith A[ndrew] B. SPENCE person
associatedWith Andrew Jackson's person
associatedWith Anna Eliza Neef person
associatedWith Anna's person
associatedWith Ann Eliza Neef person
correspondedWith [A.] Twigg person
associatedWith Audubon and his wife person
correspondedWith Austin, George person
correspondedWith Badollet, john A. person
correspondedWith BAKER, John person
associatedWith Bakewell, Benjamin person
associatedWith Bakewell & Ensell corporateBody
associatedWith Bakewell firm corporateBody
associatedWith Bakewell, Lucy person
associatedWith Bakewell, Pears & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Bakewell, Pears glassworks corporateBody
correspondedWith Bakewell, W[illiam] W person
correspondedWith Bakewell, Wm W. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, J. D. [Mrs.] person
correspondedWith Baldwin, John person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Mrs. D. person
associatedWith Baltimore and Port Deposits Railroad corporateBody
correspondedWith BARASOIN, Pedro person
correspondedWith Barnett, Charles person
associatedWith Baroness d'Aubigny person
associatedWith Baronnes' person
correspondedWith Barthelemy, Isidore person
correspondedWith Battell, Charles person
correspondedWith BAZTERRICA, Manuel person
correspondedWith Beale, John person
correspondedWith Beal, John person
correspondedWith BEAN & BUTLER corporateBody
correspondedWith Beck, Richard person
correspondedWith Bell, C. person
correspondedWith Bell, Crawford person
correspondedWith Bell Raphael person
correspondedWith Bell, W & C person
associatedWith Benjamin's person
correspondedWith Bennett, James person
correspondedWith Bennett, James, York person
correspondedWith Bennett, Jeanette person
correspondedWith Bennett, Shelly person
correspondedWith Bennett, William person
correspondedWith Bennett, W[illia]m P. person
correspondedWith Bennett, W[illiam]P. person
correspondedWith Bennett, William Penn person
associatedWith Bentham, Jeremy person
associatedWith Bestor's person
correspondedWith Birckbeck, Morris person
correspondedWith BIRKBECK, Charles person
associatedWith Bolton, Mary person
correspondedWith BOWLING, John person
correspondedWith BOWRING, John person
correspondedWith Brantz, Lewis person
associatedWith Braunsberg, Baron person
correspondedWith B. R. JOUANIN person
associatedWith Broadnus, William person
correspondedWith Broadwell, Lewis W. person
correspondedWith Brom, Jas. person
associatedWith brother person
associatedWith Brown, Thomas person
associatedWith B. Say person
associatedWith Buren, Van person
correspondedWith Burke, W. G. person
correspondedWith Burnie, Will person
correspondedWith Burnie, William person
correspondedWith Burns, Alexander person
correspondedWith Burns, Alexander, Jr. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, Dr. M. person
correspondedWith Burroughs, Dr. M[armaduke] person
correspondedWith Burroughs, Marmaduke person
correspondedWith Burroughs, M. [Dr.] person
correspondedWith BURRUESO, Pablo person
correspondedWith Burton, John person
correspondedWith Butell, Charles person
correspondedWith Butler, Col. A. person
correspondedWith Butler Faunt Le Roy person
correspondedWith Buttell, C. J. person
correspondedWith B[utter] Faunt Le Roy person
associatedWith Calhoun person
correspondedWith Campbell, John person
correspondedWith Campbell, Matthew M. person
correspondedWith CANNADA, James person
correspondedWith Cannon, Mary person
correspondedWith Carey, Thomas person
correspondedWith Carny, Frederick person
correspondedWith Caroline Owen Mrs. David Dale Owen person
associatedWith Carpenter, Samuel person
correspondedWith Carroll, Mary person
associatedWith Carroll, Miss person
associatedWith Carrol, Miss person
correspondedWith Chadwick, James person
correspondedWith Chadwick, Mary person
associatedWith Chadwick, Wheeler person
correspondedWith Chandler, W. H. person
correspondedWith Chappelsmith, Margaret person
correspondedWith Charles Alexandre LESUEUR person
correspondedWith C[harles] A[lexendre] LESUEUR person
correspondedWith Charles Brunner person
correspondedWith Charles H. White person
correspondedWith CHASE, Martha person
correspondedWith Cheyne, William person
correspondedWith CLARK, Amos person
associatedWith Clark & Taylor corporateBody
associatedWith Clay person
correspondedWith C M person
associatedWith Colden, Cadwallader person
associatedWith college corporateBody
associatedWith Company's corporateBody
associatedWith Constitution frigate corporateBody
correspondedWith Cooper, John person
correspondedWith Couture, C. person
associatedWith Couture, Madame person
correspondedWith Couture, Mme person
correspondedWith Cowan, Sophia person
associatedWith Cox, James person
correspondedWith COX, John person
associatedWith C. Pelham person
correspondedWith Cullan James & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cullen, Burrough & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Cullen, Burroughs & Markoe corporateBody
correspondedWith Cullen, Burrows and Markoe corporateBody
correspondedWith Cullen Burrows & Marhoe corporateBody
associatedWith Cullen James corporateBody
correspondedWith Cullen James & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cullen, Peter person
associatedWith Dale, David person
associatedWith Dale, Robert person
correspondedWith Darusmont, Frances Wright person
associatedWith d'Arusmont, Guillaume Sylvan Casimir Phiquepal, 1779-1855 person
correspondedWith D'Aubigny, M. person
associatedWith D'Aubigny, M. I., Baroness person
correspondedWith D'Aubigny, M Ie [Baronne person
associatedWith [David] Dale person
correspondedWith David Dale Owen person
associatedWith David Dale Owen's person
associatedWith David Dale's person
correspondedWith D. Constable ?, N ? person
associatedWith D.D. Owen person
associatedWith D.D. Owen's person
correspondedWith Dennis person
associatedWith de Rodas, Rafael person
correspondedWith D. H. Prank person
associatedWith Dobsen, Judah person
correspondedWith Dobson, Judah person
correspondedWith Dowden, Sam l person
associatedWith Dr. Alex Munro person
associatedWith Dr. A. Morton person
correspondedWith Dransfield, Charles person
associatedWith DRANSFIELD, Samuel person
associatedWith Dr. Bowring person
associatedWith Dr. BURROUGHS person
associatedWith Dr. Bussoughs person
correspondedWith Dr. John McCartney person
correspondedWith Dr. J. W. Rawlings person
correspondedWith Dr. M. Burroughs person
associatedWith Dr. Morton person
associatedWith Dr. Morton's person
associatedWith Dr. Price person
correspondedWith Dr. Samuel Morton person
associatedWith Dr. T.W. Harris person
correspondedWith [Dr. William] PRICE person
associatedWith Duchêne, Monsieur person
associatedWith Duchêne's person
correspondedWith Duchêsne, Monsieur person
associatedWith Duchesne's person
associatedWith Duclose person
correspondedWith Duclos, Isidore person
correspondedWith Duclos, Jean person
associatedWith Duclos, Marie person
correspondedWith Duclos [Marie Desirie] I[sidore] person
correspondedWith Duclos, Mme [M.D.] Isidore person
correspondedWith Duclos, Pierre person
correspondedWith Duclos, P. L. person
associatedWith Duclos, Victor person
correspondedWith Ducoing [?], Theodore person
correspondedWith Duhamel person
correspondedWith Duprey, B. E. person
correspondedWith Ebert & Schneider corporateBody
correspondedWith Edward H. Burton person
correspondedWith E. FINDLEY & SON corporateBody
correspondedWith E. I. Rogers person
associatedWith Eliza, Anne person
correspondedWith Elizabeth WILLIG person
correspondedWith Eliza DE BACCQUE person
associatedWith Elliott, Josephine person
associatedWith Emily Carter Fauntleroy person
correspondedWith Erving, G[eorge] E. person
correspondedWith Erving G[eorge] W., person
associatedWith Erving, George William, 1769-1850 person
correspondedWith Erving, G_____ W_____ person
associatedWith Erving's person
associatedWith E. S. Barnard person
correspondedWith Espinosa, Pablo person
associatedWith Evans, Louisa person
correspondedWith EVANS, Oliver person
correspondedWith Eyries, Alex person
correspondedWith Eyriés, Alex person
correspondedWith F. A. ISHMAR person
correspondedWith F.A. ISMAR person
correspondedWith Farias, Fermin person
associatedWith father, their person
associatedWith Fauntleroy, Butler person
correspondedWith FAUNTLEROY, Joseph person
associatedWith Fauntleroy, Robert person
correspondedWith FAWCETT, Hannah person
correspondedWith FAWCETT, Mary person
correspondedWith Featherstonhaugh, G[eorge] W. person
correspondedWith Featherstonhaugh, G[eorge] William person
correspondedWith Ferral, John person
correspondedWith Férumad? person
associatedWith Findley, John person
correspondedWith Fisher, William Redwood person
correspondedWith Fitten, Harry person
associatedWith Fitton, Harry person
correspondedWith F. LAUNE person
associatedWith Flower, George person
correspondedWith Ford, Richard person
associatedWith Frances Wright's person
correspondedWith Fran[cis]co Xav[ie]r Lop[e]z de LERENA person
correspondedWith Fred[eric]k RAPP person
correspondedWith Fred K Rapp person
correspondedWith FRETAGEOT, Achille person
correspondedWith Fretageot, A[chille] E[mery] person
correspondedWith FRETAGEOT, Achilles person
associatedWith Fretageot, Achilles Emery person
correspondedWith Fretageot, A[chilles] E[mory] person
associatedWith FRETAGEOT, Alexander person
correspondedWith Fretageot, Ida person
correspondedWith Fretageot, Joseph person
associatedWith FRETAGEOT, Madam person
correspondedWith Fretageot, Madame person
correspondedWith Fretageot, [Madame Marie Duclos] person
associatedWith FRETAGEOT, Marie person
correspondedWith Fretageot, M[arie] D[uclos] person
associatedWith Fretageot, Marie Duclos, 1783-1833 person
correspondedWith Fretageot, Mdme person
associatedWith Fretageot, Mme person
correspondedWith Fretageot, Ollie person
associatedWith FRETATEGOT, Madame person
correspondedWith Fretateot, Achilles person
correspondedWith Fryer, F.A. person
correspondedWith Fursi LAISNÉ de Meulan person
correspondedWith Galeotti, Henry person
correspondedWith Galiotti, Henry person
correspondedWith Galvin, J person
associatedWith geological society of Pennsylvania corporateBody
correspondedWith George R. ROBERTSON person
correspondedWith George W. ERVING person
correspondedWith George W. S. White person
correspondedWith Gilpin, Thomas person
associatedWith Girard, Stephan person
correspondedWith G. L. LAPORTE person
correspondedWith G. M. Smith person
associatedWith Gov. Nobles person
associatedWith Graves, Sherry person
correspondedWith Greaves, Alex[ande]r person
correspondedWith Green, Ellen person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Miles person
correspondedWith Guilbert, ? person
correspondedWith Guiler[mo] S. PARROTT person
correspondedWith G[uillau]me PHIQUEPAL person
correspondedWith Guilleamo S. Parrott person
correspondedWith Guill[erm]o S. Parrott person
correspondedWith Gusoin, Thomas person
correspondedWith [G.W. ERVING] person
correspondedWith G. W. L. White person
correspondedWith G. W. Wagner person
correspondedWith Haines, Jane B. person
correspondedWith HAINES, Reuben person
associatedWith Haines, Reuben, 1790-1853 person
correspondedWith HAINES, Rueben person
associatedWith Hains, Reuben person
correspondedWith Hall, Francis person
correspondedWith Hall, Sam person
correspondedWith Hall, Sam R. person
correspondedWith Hall, Sam[ue]l person
correspondedWith Halstead, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Halsted, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Hargood Brothers family
correspondedWith Hargous, L. E. person
correspondedWith Harlan, Richard person
associatedWith Harmonie corporateBody
associatedWith Harmony Society corporateBody
associatedWith Harmony Society's corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Thaddeus William person
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith H.B. Dean person
correspondedWith H. B. TAYLOR person
associatedWith he person
associatedWith Helen Read’s person
correspondedWith Henderson, John person
correspondedWith Henry O'SHEA & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith her person
associatedWith Hickory, old person
correspondedWith Hildreth, S P person
correspondedWith Hill, Alexander person
correspondedWith Holcomb, Oliver person
correspondedWith HOLT, Charles person
correspondedWith Homer, Tamar person
correspondedWith Honbl Mr Poinset person
correspondedWith Hon. M. K. Southard person
correspondedWith Hon. M. R. Southard person
correspondedWith H. POST, Jr. person
correspondedWith H, Robt person
correspondedWith H. Slater person
correspondedWith Hughs, Jerh. person
correspondedWith Hugo, J. T. person
correspondedWith Hunter, Alexander person
correspondedWith Hunter, Helen person
correspondedWith Hunter, W. Percival person
associatedWith husband person
associatedWith I. C. C. Graham person
associatedWith Indiana Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Indiana Mutual Fire Insurance Company corporateBody
associatedWith Isaac’s person
correspondedWith Ismar, Frédéric Auguste person
associatedWith Jackson, General person
associatedWith Jackson, Genl person
associatedWith Jackson, President person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Dan[ie]l R. person
associatedWith James [Bennett] person
correspondedWith James OGILVIE & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith James Penn BENNETT person
correspondedWith James RONALDSON person
associatedWith James] Sampson person
correspondedWith Jane Dale Fauntleroy person
associatedWith Jane's person
associatedWith Jas. H. Arthur person
associatedWith J. Duclos person
correspondedWith [Jean] DUCLOS person
associatedWith Jesse D. Bright. person
correspondedWith Jewett, S. person
associatedWith J. FauntLeroy Company corporateBody
correspondedWith J. Joseph SCHMIDT person
correspondedWith J. LEGUIERIE person
associatedWith J. M. E. person
correspondedWith Joel R. POINSETT person
correspondedWith [Johann Heinrich] PERSALOZZI person
correspondedWith Johann Heinrich PESTALOZZI person
correspondedWith John A. Campbell person
correspondedWith John [Alexander] Maclure person
correspondedWith John C. Fory person
correspondedWith John C. Wheatcroft person
associatedWith [John] Griscom person
associatedWith John James Audubon person
correspondedWith John L.] BAKER person
correspondedWith John Lemox ? person
correspondedWith John L. White person
correspondedWith John Marsh person
correspondedWith John M. CAMPBELL person
correspondedWith John M. KEAGY person
associatedWith John Palmer Pears person
associatedWith Johnson, Sophia person
correspondedWith Jones, M. D. person
correspondedWith Jones, William D. person
correspondedWith Joseph BUTLER person
correspondedWith Jos[eph] Fauntleroy person
associatedWith Joseph Fauntleroy & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Joseph Fauntleroy & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Joseph Fauntleroy & Co.'s corporateBody
correspondedWith [Joseph] FRETAGEOT person
associatedWith Josephine M. Elliott person
correspondedWith Joseph Lane person
correspondedWith J. R. Poinsett person
correspondedWith Juan Antonio BOURT or BOUXT? person
correspondedWith Juan Sanchez CISUEROS person
correspondedWith Judah, Sam[ue]l person
correspondedWith Julian Dale Owen person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Caroline person
correspondedWith Kellogg, H. H. person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Martha person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Simon Wattles person
associatedWith Lafayette, General person
correspondedWith Lane, Joseph person
correspondedWith LAPORTE, Victoria person
associatedWith Laure de Malterre person
correspondedWith Law, John person
correspondedWith Ledward, Edward person
correspondedWith Leger, P ? person
associatedWith Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846 person
associatedWith Lesueur's person
correspondedWith Leuba, Peter Henry person
correspondedWith L. GRATZ person
correspondedWith L. G. TAYLOR person
associatedWith Lincoln’s person
correspondedWith Listore, Delia person
correspondedWith Littel, E person
correspondedWith Lord Henry Paulett person
associatedWith Louisa Neef Evans person
correspondedWith Louis FERAI ? person
associatedWith L. Peas person
associatedWith Lucy's person
correspondedWith Lucy S. Say person
associatedWith Lucy (the future Mrs. Thomas Say) person
correspondedWith Lucy W. person
associatedWith Lucy Way Sistare person
correspondedWith L. W. Taylor person
correspondedWith Lyon, A[mmon] person
associatedWith Lyon, Amon person
correspondedWith Lyon's person
correspondedWith Macartney, Dr. J[ohn] person
correspondedWith Macartney, James person
correspondedWith Macartney, John P. person
correspondedWith Macclure, Alexander person
correspondedWith Macclure, William person
associatedWith Maclaren, Charles person
correspondedWith Maclure, Alexander person
correspondedWith Maclure, Ann person
correspondedWith Maclure, Anna person
correspondedWith Maclure, Guillaume person
correspondedWith Maclure, Guillermo person
correspondedWith Maclure, Guilliermo person
correspondedWith Maclure, John person
correspondedWith Maclure, Margaret person
correspondedWith Maclure, Mr person
associatedWith Maclure's letter person
correspondedWith Maclure, Willaim person
correspondedWith Maclure, Willam person
associatedWith Maclure, William, 1763-1840 person
correspondedWith Maclure, Wm person
correspondedWith Macree, James person
correspondedWith Macree, Jane person
correspondedWith Madam D'AUBIGNY person
correspondedWith Madame D'Aubigni person
correspondedWith Madame d Aubigny person
correspondedWith Madame D'Aubigny person
associatedWith Madame de Malterre person
correspondedWith [Madame] DUCLOS person
associatedWith Madame F. person
associatedWith Madame Fretageot's person
correspondedWith Madame Guadalupe Sandoval de ESPINO person
correspondedWith Madame la Baronne D'Aubigny person
correspondedWith Madame la Bnne D'Aubigny person
correspondedWith Madame [Marie Duclos person
correspondedWith Madame [Marie Duclos] Fretageot person
correspondedWith Madame [Marie Duclos] Fretagoet person
correspondedWith Madame[Marie Duclos] Fretagoet person
correspondedWith Madame Marie Fretageot person
associatedWith Madame's person
correspondedWith Madam M[arie] D[uclos] person
associatedWith Mad. F. person
associatedWith Mad. Fretageot person
associatedWith Maglaure person
correspondedWith Malcure, Anna person
correspondedWith [Maltere] Laure [de] person
associatedWith Malterre, Laure person
correspondedWith Malterre Laure de person
correspondedWith Malterre, Madame Laure de person
associatedWith Malterre, Mme person
correspondedWith MARCLURE, William person
correspondedWith [Marie] De Fretageot person
correspondedWith Marie D. FRETAGEOT person
correspondedWith M[arie] D[uclos] person
correspondedWith Marie Duclos Fretageot person
correspondedWith M[arie] FRETAGEOT person
correspondedWith Markoe, T.? person
correspondedWith M[ary] CARROLL person
associatedWith Maximilian, Prince person
associatedWith Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied Neuwied person
correspondedWith M. Burroughs person
correspondedWith McCafferty, John person
correspondedWith McCARTNEY, James person
correspondedWith McCartney, John person
correspondedWith McCartney Ledward & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith McClure, William person
correspondedWith McFadin, J. person
correspondedWith McFadin, J. M. person
correspondedWith McNickle Merchants corporateBody
correspondedWith M. Couture person
correspondedWith M. D'AUBIGNY person
associatedWith M. de Malterre person
correspondedWith M.D. Fretageot person
associatedWith M. Duchêne person
associatedWith M. Duchesne person
associatedWith M. Duclos person
associatedWith M. Duschesne person
correspondedWith Mease, James person
associatedWith Mechanics Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Meholin, John person
correspondedWith M. Elizabeth Willig person
correspondedWith Messr. Nettleton person
correspondedWith Messrs. Cullen Burroughs & Markoe corporateBody
correspondedWith Messrs Cullen, Burroughs & Narkoe corporateBody
correspondedWith Messrs J. Fauntleroy & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Messrs McCartney , Ledward & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Messrs. McCartney, Leward & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith M. Fauntleroy person
associatedWith M. Fretageot person
associatedWith M. Fretageot's person
associatedWith M. Genenrat person
associatedWith M. Générat person
associatedWith Michaux' person
associatedWith Michaux's person
associatedWith Micheaux person
correspondedWith Michelana, Francisco person
correspondedWith Michelena, Francisco person
correspondedWith Michelenas, Francisco person
correspondedWith Michelens, Francisco person
correspondedWith Miss [Anna] Maclure person
associatedWith Miss Carroll's person
associatedWith Miss Fanny Wright's person
associatedWith M. Jean Duclos person
associatedWith M. Maclure person
associatedWith Mme d'Aubigni's person
associatedWith Mme d'Aubigny person
associatedWith Mme. d'Aubigny's person
associatedWith Mme Duclos' person
associatedWith Mme F. person
correspondedWith Mme. Fretageot person
associatedWith Mme. Fretageot's person
associatedWith Mme F.'s person
correspondedWith Mme La Baronne D'Aubigny person
correspondedWith M M POST person
correspondedWith Monell, Daniel person
correspondedWith Monsieur AVILLEAUD person
correspondedWith Monsieur C.? person
correspondedWith [Monsieur] DUCHÊNE person
correspondedWith [Monsieur] GAUTHIER person
correspondedWith [Monsieur] GÉNÉRAT person
correspondedWith Monsieur GUILLIER person
correspondedWith Monsieur GUILLIN ? person
correspondedWith Monsieur JUNOD person
associatedWith Monsieur Wm Gower person
correspondedWith MONTGOMERY, Frederic person
correspondedWith Montgomery, I. R. person
correspondedWith M[orris] Birkbeck person
correspondedWith Morris, Morgan person
correspondedWith Morton, Samuel person
correspondedWith Morton, Samuel George person
associatedWith Mr. [Alexander] Maclure person
associatedWith Mr. [Allen] Ward person
associatedWith Mr. A. Maclure person
associatedWith Mr. Amphlett person
associatedWith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Pears III person
associatedWith Mr. Arthur person
associatedWith Mr. Beal person
associatedWith Mr. Dobson person
associatedWith Mr. Dobson's person
associatedWith Mr. Duclos' person
associatedWith Mr. Ford person
associatedWith Mr. Fretageot person
associatedWith Mr. Greenwood person
associatedWith Mr. Halstead person
associatedWith Mr. Ian Charles C. Graham person
associatedWith Mr. Judah person
associatedWith Mr. Kellogg person
associatedWith Mr. Kellogg's person
associatedWith Mr. Lesueur person
associatedWith Mr. Leuba's person
associatedWith Mr. Leube person
associatedWith Mr. Louba person
associatedWith Mr. Maclure person
correspondedWith Mr. Maclure's person
associatedWith Mr. McCartney's person
associatedWith Mr. Neef person
associatedWith Mr. Owen person
associatedWith Mr. Pease person
associatedWith Mr. Pitcher person
correspondedWith Mr. Poinsett person
associatedWith Mr. P. Phiquepal person
correspondedWith Mr. Robertson person
associatedWith Mr. Sampson person
associatedWith Mr. Say person
associatedWith Mr. Say's person
associatedWith Mrs. Baldwin person
associatedWith Mrs. Fauntleroy's person
correspondedWith Mrs. Fretageot's person
associatedWith Mr. [sic] Say's person
correspondedWith Mrs. James Penn Bennet person
correspondedWith Mrs. Joseph SISTARE person
associatedWith Mrs. Nora Fretageot person
associatedWith Mrs. Pearl Clark person
associatedWith Mrs. Say person
associatedWith Mrs. Say's person
correspondedWith Mrs. Sistare's person
associatedWith Mrs. Wilbank person
associatedWith Mr. Tiebout person
associatedWith Mr. Tiebout's person
associatedWith Mr. Twigg person
associatedWith Mr. Ward person
correspondedWith Mr. Warren Ashley person
associatedWith Mr. White person
associatedWith Mr. Wilbank person
associatedWith Mr. Zédé person
associatedWith M. Sez person
correspondedWith Mumford, Thomas person
associatedWith Murphy, Edward person
correspondedWith M. Zédé person
associatedWith M. Zédé's person
associatedWith Neef, Caroline person
correspondedWith Neef, Francis Joseph Nichloas person
correspondedWith NEEF, Joseph person
associatedWith Neef, Joseph, 1770-1854 person
associatedWith Neef's person
correspondedWith NEEF, Victor person
associatedWith Nelson G. Nettleton person
correspondedWith Nelson, Turner person
correspondedWith Nettie [Jeanette] Bennett person
correspondedWith Nettleton, N. G. person
associatedWith New Harmony corporateBody
associatedWith New Harmony Community corporateBody
correspondedWith N.G. NETTLETON person
correspondedWith N. Singwirth person
associatedWith Obernesser person
correspondedWith ODERNESSER, Balthesur person
correspondedWith [Office of the Indiana Mutual Fire Insurance Co.] corporateBody
associatedWith Oliver Evans' person
correspondedWith O. Rich person
correspondedWith Owen Brothers family
associatedWith Owen family family
correspondedWith OWEN, Richard person
associatedWith Owen, Robert, 1771-1858 person
associatedWith Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877 person
correspondedWith OWEN, William person
associatedWith Owen, William, 1802-1842 person
associatedWith Palmer, Sarah person
correspondedWith Palmer, T. H. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Parke, W. person
correspondedWith Parrott, John person
associatedWith Patterson, James person
correspondedWith Peale, Titian R. person
associatedWith Pears, Sarah person
associatedWith Pears, Thomas person
correspondedWith Pease, Lewis person
associatedWith Peas, Lewis person
correspondedWith Pelham, W. C. person
correspondedWith Penrose, Mark person
associatedWith Penrose's person
associatedWith Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 1746-1827 person
associatedWith Pestalozzi's person
correspondedWith Petit, S. person
associatedWith Philadelphia Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science corporateBody
associatedWith Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences corporateBody
associatedWith Phildalphia Academy of Natural Science corporateBody
associatedWith Philip M. PRICE person
associatedWith Phiquepahl person
associatedWith Phiqupal [Darusmont] person
correspondedWith P[ier]re DAGUERRE person
correspondedWith Pierre [DUCLOS] person
correspondedWith P[ierre] L[azare] DUCLOS person
correspondedWith Pierre [Lazars] DUCLOS person
correspondedWith Pitcher, John person
associatedWith Pitcher, Judge person
associatedWith P. M. Brown person
associatedWith Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851 person
correspondedWith Poinsett, Mr person
correspondedWith Pooley, John person
correspondedWith Pooley, John C. person
associatedWith Pooley, Maria person
associatedWith Power, Tyrone person
associatedWith President [Jackson] person
associatedWith President Jackson's person
associatedWith Prince Maximilian's person
associatedWith Prof. Arthur E. Bestor, Jr. person
associatedWith Prof. Silliman person
correspondedWith Pruitt, Richard person
correspondedWith Rafael de RODAS person
correspondedWith Rafinesque, Czonstantine S. person
correspondedWith Raincock, George A. person
correspondedWith Randolph, William person
correspondedWith RAPP, Frederick person
associatedWith Rapp, Frederick, 1775-1834 person
correspondedWith Rapp, Fred[eri]k person
correspondedWith Rapp, George person
correspondedWith R? ?, Bellesme person
associatedWith R.D. person
associatedWith R.D.O. person
associatedWith R.D.O.'s person
associatedWith R.D. Owen person
associatedWith R.D.'s person
correspondedWith Reader, Angeline person
correspondedWith Reader, Maria person
associatedWith [Reuben] Haines person
correspondedWith R. Haines person
correspondedWith [Richard] RUSH person
correspondedWith RICHARDSON, James person
correspondedWith Richardson, J.B. person
correspondedWith Rich, James person
correspondedWith Rich, O person
associatedWith Rich, Obadiah person
associatedWith Rich, O. (Obadiah), 1777-1850 person
associatedWith R. L. Baker person
correspondedWith Robert DALE OWEN person
associatedWith Robert Dale Owen's person
associatedWith Robert Dale] Owen’s person
associatedWith Robert Henry Fauntleroy person
correspondedWith Robert H. FAUNTLEROY person
correspondedWith Robert, J. person
correspondedWith Rob[er]t N. SOMMERVILLE person
correspondedWith Rob[er]t Owen person
correspondedWith Robert Owen's person
correspondedWith Robert Robson person
correspondedWith Roberts, J. person
correspondedWith ROBERTSON, George person
correspondedWith Rotch, Eliza person
associatedWith R. Owen person
correspondedWith Ryan, John person
associatedWith Salmon, John person
correspondedWith Sam Hall person
correspondedWith Sampson, James person
correspondedWith Sampson, N? person
correspondedWith Samuel Arthur person
correspondedWith [Samuel] DRANSFIELD person
correspondedWith Samuel W. Carpenter person
associatedWith Santanna person
correspondedWith Sarah [SISTARE ?] person
correspondedWith SAY, Lucy person
associatedWith Say, Lucy Way Sistare, 1801-1886 person
associatedWith Say, Thomas, 1787-1834 person
associatedWith Scott, General person
associatedWith Scott's person
correspondedWith Scott, Stephenson person
correspondedWith S. DRANSFIELD person
correspondedWith Sexton, Samuel P. person
associatedWith S. Girard's person
correspondedWith S. H. Carpenter person
associatedWith she person
correspondedWith Shelley person
associatedWith Sherman, General person
correspondedWith Silliman, B. person
associatedWith Silliman's person
associatedWith Sir James MacKintosh person
correspondedWith Sistare, Delia A. person
correspondedWith Sistare, Frances person
correspondedWith Sister A? Bennett person
associatedWith sister, Your person
correspondedWith Smith, William person
correspondedWith Speakman, John person
associatedWith Speakman, Taylor & Co corporateBody
associatedWith Spence, Andrew person
correspondedWith Spence, Andrew B. person
correspondedWith Stephen Girard Bank corporateBody
correspondedWith Stephen Girard Banker Coy corporateBody
correspondedWith Stephen Girard's person
correspondedWith Stephen Girard's Bank corporateBody
correspondedWith Stephen Pearl Andrews person
correspondedWith Stewart, Alexander person
correspondedWith Stewart, Mary person
correspondedWith Stewart, W. E. person
correspondedWith STRACHAN, Guillaume person
correspondedWith STREET, John person
correspondedWith Stuart, Margaret person
correspondedWith S.W. Kellogg person
correspondedWith TAYLOR FAUNTLEROY & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Taylor, Fauntleroy Company corporateBody
associatedWith Taylor, William G. person
associatedWith Tecumseh person
correspondedWith Terrelinson, Henry A. person
associatedWith their sister's person
associatedWith Thomas C. person
associatedWith Thomas Clinton Pears person
correspondedWith T[homas] SAY person
associatedWith Thomas Say's person
associatedWith Thomas Woodhouse Bakewell person
correspondedWith Thomson, E. person
associatedWith To Miss Maclure person
correspondedWith To W[illia]m MACLURE person
associatedWith Twigg, General person
correspondedWith Union Bank of Scotland corporateBody
correspondedWith United States corporateBody
correspondedWith Vaux, George person
correspondedWith V. de WEGUEURS ? person
correspondedWith Vicente ROCAFUERTE person
correspondedWith V[ictor] C. Duclos person
correspondedWith Victor [Constantin] DUCLOS person
associatedWith Victor [Duclos] person
correspondedWith Victor GUILTANS ? person
associatedWith Victor Neff's person
correspondedWith Villéveque, Gaissie ? De person
correspondedWith Walker, James L. person
correspondedWith Ward, Allen person
correspondedWith Warder, Jeremiah person
correspondedWith WARREN, Josiah person
associatedWith Warren, Josiah, 1798-1874 person
associatedWith Wattles, Ann person
correspondedWith W. Augustus Twigg person
correspondedWith W & C Bell person
correspondedWith W. C. Maitland person
associatedWith W.C. Pelham's person
correspondedWith Webb, E. B. person
correspondedWith W.G. TAYLOR person
correspondedWith Wharton, Francis person
associatedWith Whitcomb, James person
associatedWith White, George person
correspondedWith White, George W. L. person
correspondedWith White, Issac person
correspondedWith Whiting, Clement person
associatedWith W. H. Walker person
associatedWith Wibank's person
correspondedWith Wilbank, John person
associatedWith Wilhelmina [Neef?] person
correspondedWith Wilkins, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Willams [sic] Maclure person
associatedWith Willams[sic] Maclure person
correspondedWith W[illia]. MACLURE person
associatedWith William [Bennett] person
associatedWith William [Broadnus] person
correspondedWith William E. Cunningham person
correspondedWith William G. TAYLOR person
correspondedWith [William] MACLURE person
associatedWith William Maclure's person
associatedWith William Maclure’s person
correspondedWith [William] MCCLURE person
correspondedWith William M. Evans person
correspondedWith William P. BENNETT person
correspondedWith [William] PHIQUEPAL person
correspondedWith William [sic] Gower & C?. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Joseph person
correspondedWith William SMITH, P. M. person
correspondedWith William S. PHIQUEPAL person
correspondedWith W[illia]m TAYLOR person
correspondedWith Willig, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Willig, George person
associatedWith Wilsey, John person
correspondedWith Winthrop, Thos. person
correspondedWith WISEMAN GOWER & Co corporateBody
associatedWith W. J. Sayer person
correspondedWith W. Maclure person
associatedWith Working Men's corporateBody
associatedWith Workingmen's Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Working Men' s Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Working Men’s Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Working Men's Institutes corporateBody
associatedWith Wright, Fanny person
correspondedWith WRIGHT, Frances person
associatedWith Wright, Frances, 1795-1852 person
associatedWith Wrightism, Fanny person
associatedWith Wright, Miss person
associatedWith W. R. Waterman person
correspondedWith W. TAYLOR person
correspondedWith Yale University corporateBody
correspondedWith Y. G. Jr.? person
associatedWith Zavala person
correspondedWith Zédé, [Lor E] person
correspondedWith Zédé, L or E. person
correspondedWith Zédé, Monsieur person
associatedWith Zulina person
Place Name Admin Code Country

Corporate Body

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6tp2v8v

SNAC ID: 50232486