Long, E. B. (Everette Beach), 1919-1981

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Historian, author.

From the description of Reminiscences of E.B. Long : oral history, 1965. (Columbia University In the City of New York). WorldCat record id: 122451428

Everette Beach Long, one of America's foremost experts on the Civil War, was born 24 October 1919, in Whitehall, Wisconsin to Cecil Everettee and Florence (Beach) Long . He attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio from 1937 to 1939 and Northwestern University from 1939 to 1941. In 1942, E. B. Long married Barbara Conzelman .

E. B. Long began his career working for the Chicago Bureau of the Associated Press for eight years and as an associate editor of American Peoples Encyclopedia . After this time, he decided to devote himself to historical research and teaching. I got interested in the Civil War as a hobby, he explained. Then it became an avocation, then a way of life. Long was the director of research for Doubleday 's multi-volume Centennial History of the Civil War, written by Bruce Catton from 1955 to 1965. He was a member of the advisory council of the National Civil War Centennial Commission . Long was a member of the Chicago Civil War Round Table and served as its president from 1955 to 1956. He was a member of the Friends of the Chicago Public Library and was its president in 1960.

E. B. Long 's list of honors and awards includes a D. Litt. from Lincoln College in 1961 and the Harry S. Truman award for Civil War scholarship in 1964. He received the Award of Merit from the Illinois Civil War Centennial Commission in 1963 and 1965, the Award of Commendation from the Oklahoma Civil War Centennial Commission in 1965, and the Centennial Medallion from the U. S. Civil War Centennial Commission in 1966.

The writings of E. B. Long include As Luck Would Have It co-written with Otto Eisenschiml and published by Bobbs in 1948, as well as The Civil War, A Picture Chronicle, Vol. 2, co-written with Ralph Newman and published by Grosset in 1956. He was the editor, with Ralph Newman, of The Civil War Digest which was published by Grosset in 1960, and a contributor to Lincoln for the Ages which was published in 1960 by Doubleday . E. B. Long was the editor and wrote the introduction to Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant and History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, and wrote the introduction to The Post Reader of Civil War Stories . Long wrote the abridgement and the introduction to Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War, by George F. R. Henderson, and the introduction to Four Years in Rebel Capitals, by Thomas Cooper De Leon . He was a member of the editorial advisory board of Civil War History, and of the bibliographical committee of Lincoln Lore . In 1971, Doubleday published The Civil War Day by Day, Long 's chronology of the American Civil War .

In his research for Centennial History of the Civil War, Long compiled over nine million words of notes. Much of this material was obtained from original manuscripts, diaries, and records, and was gathered during trips throughout the country. He visited over 125 libraries, universities, and archives and traveled over 60 thousand miles. In 1966, Doubleday presented his research notes to the Library of Congress . He owned more than five thousand books, most of them about the Civil War or American History .

E. B. Long died on 31 March 1981 in Chicago, Illinois, the day after the publication of his last work, The Saints and the Union: The Utah Territory in the Civil War .

From the guide to the Inventory of the Everette B. Long Papers Ragan MSS 00080., 1949-1981, (Cushing Memorial Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Westerners. Laramie Corral. Westerners. Laramie Corral records, 1953-1978. Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center.
creatorOf Catton, Bruce, 1899-1978. Bruce Catton papers, 1861-1865 and 1951-1961. The Citadel, Daniel Library
referencedIn Doubleday and Company, inc. Records of Doubleday and Company, inc., 1955-1965. Library of Congress
creatorOf Eisenschiml, Otto, 1880-1963. Papers, 1936-1963. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
creatorOf Long, E. B. (Everette Beach), 1919-1981. Reminiscences of E.B. Long : oral history, 1965. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971. Reminiscences of Allan Nevins : oral history, 1969. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf Inventory of the Everette B. Long Papers 1949-1981 Cushing Memorial Library,
creatorOf Long, E. B. (Everette Beach), 1919-1981. Grant and the war in the West / by E.B. Long. Southern Adventist University
creatorOf Lewis, Mort Reis. Papers of Mort Reis Lewis, 1953-1985. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adolph Deutsch person
associatedWith A. J. Bledsoe person
correspondedWith Alan C. Aimone person
associatedWith Allan Nevin person
associatedWith Allan Nevins person
correspondedWith Ambrose person
correspondedWith American Heritage corporateBody
associatedWith American History Survey corporateBody
associatedWith Amtrak corporateBody
associatedWith Antietam Campaign corporateBody
correspondedWith A. P. Tedesco person
associatedWith Arkansas Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Arkansas History Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Armin Rappaport person
associatedWith Army corporateBody
associatedWith Army, U. S. corporateBody
correspondedWith Arnold Gates person
correspondedWith Arthur C. Hansen person
correspondedWith Art Thorsen person
associatedWith Aurora Hunt person
correspondedWith A. W. Ford person
associatedWith Baker, Edward D. person
associatedWith Baltimore Convention corporateBody
associatedWith Bancroft Library corporateBody
associatedWith Barbara Long person
associatedWith Barrett person
correspondedWith Bart Voigt person
associatedWith Beatty person
associatedWith Bell Irwin Wiley person
associatedWith Bell, John person
correspondedWith Bell Wiley person
associatedWith Benjamin, Judah P. person
associatedWith Bennett Young person
associatedWith Benton, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Bernard Slepak person
correspondedWith Bert Sheldon person
correspondedWith Bill Hanchett person
associatedWith Billy the Kid person
associatedWith Blackford person
associatedWith Blair, Montgomery person
associatedWith B. Moran person
correspondedWith Brag, General Braxton person
associatedWith Bridger, Jim person
associatedWith Brigham Young University corporateBody
correspondedWith Broadcast Music, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brooks Davis person
associatedWith Brown, John person
associatedWith Bruce Catton person
associatedWith Buchanan person
associatedWith Buchanan's Administration corporateBody
associatedWith Bucktails and Squirrel Hunters of Ohio corporateBody
associatedWith Buell, Don Carlos person
associatedWith Buffalo Bill person
associatedWith Butler, General Benjamin person
associatedWith Cabell person
associatedWith California Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith California State Library corporateBody
associatedWith Carroll, Anna Ella person
associatedWith Carson, Kit person
associatedWith Catton, Bruce person
correspondedWith Catton, Bruce, 1899- person
associatedWith Catton, Bruce, 1899-1978. person
correspondedWith CBS corporateBody
correspondedWith Centennial Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Centennial Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Chancellorsville Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith Charles E. Calvert person
associatedWith Charles S. Peterson person
associatedWith Charleston Convention corporateBody
correspondedWith Chester Bradley person
correspondedWith Chicago Civil War Round Table corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Public Library corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Railroad Fair corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago Republican Convention corporateBody
associatedWith Chivington, J. M. person
associatedWith Churchill person
associatedWith Civil Histography Panel corporateBody
associatedWith Civil War Book Club corporateBody
associatedWith Civil War Centennial Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Civil War Round Table (Chicago, Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith Civil War Round Tables corporateBody
correspondedWith Civil War Times Illustrated corporateBody
correspondedWith Civil War TV Show corporateBody
associatedWith Claremont person
correspondedWith Clark Getts person
associatedWith Clausewitz, Carl person
associatedWith Clay, Cassius person
associatedWith Coastal Naval corporateBody
associatedWith Coast Guard corporateBody
correspondedWith Collins, Catharine Welver person
correspondedWith Columbia University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on Conduct of the War corporateBody
associatedWith Confederate States corporateBody
associatedWith Congress corporateBody
associatedWith Connor, Patrick person
associatedWith Continental Army corporateBody
associatedWith Cotton person
associatedWith Crane, Stephen person
associatedWith Crook, G. person
associatedWith C. S. S. Shenandoah - person
associatedWith Curtis, Samuel R. person
associatedWith Daines, Franklin person
correspondedWith Dave Crossan person
correspondedWith Dave Crossen person
correspondedWith Dave Edmunds person
associatedWith David Crossen person
associatedWith Davis, David person
associatedWith Davis, Jefferson person
associatedWith Davis, Sam person
associatedWith Dawson, John W. person
associatedWith de Chambrun person
associatedWith Denver Public Library corporateBody
associatedWith Deseret News corporateBody
associatedWith Dickens person
associatedWith Dietrich Lecture corporateBody
associatedWith Dodge, General M. person
correspondedWith Don Hamill person
correspondedWith Don Russel person
associatedWith Doubleday and Company, inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Doubleday, Major Abner person
associatedWith Douglas, Stephen person
associatedWith Dred Scott person
correspondedWith DuPont corporateBody
associatedWith E. B. Long person
associatedWith Edward C. Johnson person
correspondedWith Edwin C. Bearss person
associatedWith Eisenhower person
associatedWith Eisenschiml, Dr. Otto person
associatedWith Eisenschiml, Otto, 1880-1963. person
associatedWith Eliot person
associatedWith Ellsworth, Col. E. E. person
correspondedWith Elsie Kearns person
associatedWith Ericsson, John person
associatedWith Esther M. Douty person
associatedWith Ewell, R. S. person
associatedWith E. W. Whitcomb person
associatedWith Floyd person
correspondedWith F. Mark McKiernan person
associatedWith Forrest, N. B. person
associatedWith Frank E. Vandiver person
correspondedWith Franklin Tubbs person
correspondedWith Frank Rankin person
associatedWith Fredericksburg Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith Freeman, D. S. person
associatedWith Fremont person
associatedWith French navy corporateBody
associatedWith Fried, Frederick G. person
associatedWith Frietchie, Barbara person
associatedWith F. Stanley person
associatedWith Garibaldi person
associatedWith Gaston Litton person
associatedWith Geoffrey Rawson person
associatedWith George Templeton Strong person
associatedWith George U. Hubbard person
associatedWith Gerald Alexander Reed person
associatedWith German army corporateBody
associatedWith German navy corporateBody
associatedWith Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art corporateBody
associatedWith Glenna A. Rice person
correspondedWith Grady McWhiney person
correspondedWith Grand Army of the Republic corporateBody
correspondedWith Grant Association corporateBody
associatedWith Grant, Julia person
associatedWith Grant, Ulysses S. person
associatedWith Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. person
associatedWith Greeley, Horace person
associatedWith Guggenheim Fellowship Award corporateBody
associatedWith Hampton, Wade person
associatedWith Hancock, W. S. person
correspondedWith Harold Hyman person
associatedWith Harold Sinclair person
associatedWith Harry Hansen person
associatedWith Harvard Library corporateBody
associatedWith Hayes Memorial corporateBody
correspondedWith H. B. Pennell person
correspondedWith Henderson person
correspondedWith Henry Bass person
correspondedWith Henry Winter Davis person
associatedWith Herndon, William Henry person
associatedWith H. H. Bancroft person
associatedWith Hickock, Wild Bill person
associatedWith Hill, A. P. person
correspondedWith Holman Hamilton person
associatedWith Holmes, O. W. Jr. person
associatedWith Hood, J. B. person
associatedWith House of Representatives corporateBody
correspondedWith Huntington Library corporateBody
associatedWith Ian McLellan Hunter person
associatedWith Illiad corporateBody
correspondedWith Illinois Civil War Centennial Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois Civil War Centennial Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Illinois State Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Indian agency corporateBody
associatedWith Institute of Human Relations corporateBody
associatedWith Jack McCall person
associatedWith Jackson, Stonewall person
correspondedWith J. Ambler Johnston person
associatedWith James Harrison Wilson person
correspondedWith James I. Robertson person
correspondedWith James Nottage person
associatedWith James Paul Cobbett person
associatedWith Jay Luvacs person
associatedWith Jay Wagoner person
associatedWith J. Cecil Alter person
associatedWith Jean Holloway person
correspondedWith Jefferson Davis person
correspondedWith Jeff Hunt person
correspondedWith Jeri person
associatedWith John A. Rawlins person
associatedWith John Brown person
correspondedWith John Brumgardt person
associatedWith John Gibbon person
correspondedWith John Mies person
associatedWith John Niles person
correspondedWith John Niven person
associatedWith John R. Brumgardt person
correspondedWith John R. Peacock person
associatedWith John Simon person
associatedWith Johnson, Andrew person
associatedWith Johnston, Bushrod person
associatedWith Johnston, Joseph E. person
associatedWith John Wilkes Booth person
associatedWith John Y. Simon person
associatedWith Joseph B. Thobinn person
correspondedWith Joseph L. Eisendrath person
correspondedWith Josh person
correspondedWith J. Tyler person
associatedWith Juliet Gilman Sager person
associatedWith J. W. de Forest person
associatedWith Kansas person
associatedWith Kansas State Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Kearney, General Phil person
correspondedWith Kenneth Williams person
associatedWith Kentucky Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith Know Nothings corporateBody
associatedWith Kohler person
associatedWith Kristin F. Smith person
associatedWith Ku Klux Klan corporateBody
associatedWith Larry J. Halford person
associatedWith Larson person
associatedWith Lee, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Lee Seymour person
associatedWith LeRoy Anderson person
associatedWith LeRoy H. Fischer person
associatedWith Lewis, Lloyd person
associatedWith Lewis, Mort Reis. person
associatedWith Library of Congress corporateBody
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham person
associatedWith Lincoln Collectors corporateBody
associatedWith Lincoln College corporateBody
correspondedWith Lincoln Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Lincoln - Douglas Debates person
associatedWith Lincoln, Mary person
correspondedWith Lincoln Memorial University corporateBody
correspondedWith Lincoln National Life Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Lincoln, Robert person
associatedWith Lincoln's War Cabinet corporateBody
associatedWith Lloyd, John person
associatedWith L. McClellan person
correspondedWith Louisiana State University Press corporateBody
associatedWith Lou Reda person
correspondedWith Lowell Reedinbaugh person
associatedWith MacArthur person
associatedWith Marcy, Captain person
correspondedWith Margaret Billings person
associatedWith Margaret M. Fischer person
correspondedWith Marilyn Robb Trier person
correspondedWith Marilyn Trier person
correspondedWith Martin Ridge person
associatedWith Maryland Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith Maryland Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Mary Nevins person
associatedWith Massachusetts Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith McClellan, Gen. G. B. person
associatedWith McClernand, John A. person
associatedWith McDowell, Irvin person
associatedWith McPherson, General person
associatedWith Meade, General George A. person
associatedWith Michiel Adriaanszoon de Ruyter person
associatedWith Microfilm corporateBody
associatedWith Military corporateBody
correspondedWith Missouri Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Moon, Lottie person
correspondedWith Morgan, John Hurt person
associatedWith Morris Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Mort Lewis person
associatedWith Mort Reis Lewis person
associatedWith Mort R. Lewis person
associatedWith Mosby, Colonel John S. person
associatedWith Napolean I person
associatedWith National Archives corporateBody
associatedWith National Archives and Records Center corporateBody
associatedWith National Military Park corporateBody
associatedWith Navy corporateBody
associatedWith Nelson person
associatedWith Nevins, Allan person
correspondedWith Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971 person
associatedWith Newman, Ralph person
correspondedWith New York State Library corporateBody
associatedWith Nicolay, John person
associatedWith Nixon person
associatedWith North Carolina University corporateBody
associatedWith Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Ohio Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Ohio State Museum corporateBody
associatedWith Oliver Jenson person
associatedWith P. E. Connor person
correspondedWith Pendarvis corporateBody
correspondedWith Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Peter Padfield person
correspondedWith Peter Wright person
correspondedWith Pete Wang person
associatedWith Philip D. Jordan person
correspondedWith Philip D. Sang person
associatedWith Pickens person
associatedWith Pickett, General George E person
correspondedWith Pie Dufour person
associatedWith Piel, Gerard person
associatedWith Pleasanton, Alfred person
associatedWith Porter, General FitzJohn person
associatedWith Prentiss, Benjamin M person
associatedWith Preston Nibley person
associatedWith Princeton University Library corporateBody
associatedWith Ralph G. Newman person
correspondedWith Ralph Newman person
associatedWith Randall, James G person
correspondedWith Ray A. Billington person
associatedWith Ray C. Colton person
associatedWith Raymond, Henry person
associatedWith Red River Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith R. E. Lee person
associatedWith Remington corporateBody
correspondedWith R. Gerald McMurtry person
associatedWith Richard H. Orton person
associatedWith Richmond person
associatedWith Richmond Convention corporateBody
associatedWith River and Harbor Convention corporateBody
correspondedWith Robert Chandler person
associatedWith Robert F. Marx person
correspondedWith Robert Fowler person
associatedWith Robert Lee Kerby person
correspondedWith Robert L. Strickland person
associatedWith Robert S. Henry person
correspondedWith Robert Younger person
associatedWith Rosencrans, William S person
associatedWith ROTC corporateBody
correspondedWith Round Table corporateBody
associatedWith Rutlidge, Ann person
associatedWith Salmon P. Chase person
correspondedWith Sam Vaughan person
associatedWith Sam Ward person
associatedWith Schofield, General J. M. person
associatedWith Schurz, Carl person
associatedWith Scribner person
associatedWith Second Manassas Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith Senate corporateBody
associatedWith Seward House person
associatedWith Shelby Foote person
associatedWith Shelby, General Jo person
associatedWith Sheldon H. Kinney person
associatedWith Sheridan, General James person
associatedWith Sherman, General W. T. person
associatedWith Shields, General James person
associatedWith Sickles, General Daniel person
correspondedWith Simon, John Y. person
associatedWith Somers-Peterson person
associatedWith Southern Historical Association corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Illinois University corporateBody
correspondedWith Stanton, Edwin M. person
associatedWith Starr, Louis Morris, 1917-1980, person
correspondedWith State Department corporateBody
associatedWith State Historical Society of Colorado corporateBody
associatedWith State Historical Society of Wisconsin corporateBody
associatedWith Steamboat Bertrand corporateBody
associatedWith Stephens, Alexander person
associatedWith Stephens, Thad person
associatedWith Stuart, General J. E. B person
associatedWith Sumner, Charles person
associatedWith Sydney, Albert person
associatedWith Taney, Roger person
associatedWith Taylor, Lieutenant General Richard person
associatedWith Ted R. Worley person
associatedWith Tennessee State Library and Archives corporateBody
associatedWith Terry, Alfred H. person
associatedWith Texas State Archives corporateBody
correspondedWith T. Harry Williams person
associatedWith The Monon Railroad corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas, Ben person
associatedWith Thomas, George Henry person
associatedWith Thomas, Lorenzo person
correspondedWith Thomas M. Goodwan person
correspondedWith Tom Buckley person
associatedWith Tom Lansburg person
associatedWith Toron Hall Club corporateBody
associatedWith Townsend person
associatedWith Trans-Mississippi corporateBody
associatedWith T. S. Strong person
associatedWith Turchin, General John B. person
correspondedWith Twain, Mark person
correspondedWith Ulysses S. Grant Association corporateBody
associatedWith Union League corporateBody
associatedWith Union Pacific corporateBody
associatedWith United States Army Military Research Collection corporateBody
associatedWith United States Marine Corps Museum corporateBody
correspondedWith University of California corporateBody
associatedWith University of Oklahoma Library corporateBody
associatedWith University of Oregon corporateBody
associatedWith University of Virginia corporateBody
associatedWith University of Wyoming corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Wyoming Archives corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Lesh person
associatedWith Utah State Archives corporateBody
associatedWith Victor Hicken person
associatedWith Virginia Hall person
associatedWith Virginia Military Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Virginia State Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia State Library corporateBody
associatedWith Waddell F. Smith person
associatedWith Wallace, Lew person
associatedWith War Department corporateBody
associatedWith Warren, G. K. person
correspondedWith Warren Reeder person
associatedWith Wayne, Anthony person
associatedWith Wayne C. Temple person
associatedWith Weed, Thurlow person
associatedWith Welles, Gideon person
associatedWith Wells Fargo corporateBody
associatedWith Westerners. Laramie Corral. corporateBody
correspondedWith Western Historical Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Western Reserve Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith West Point Library corporateBody
associatedWith W. G. Ryckman person
associatedWith Whitman, Walt person
associatedWith Whitney, Orson F. person
associatedWith W. H. Russell person
associatedWith Wilderness Campaign corporateBody
associatedWith William A. Owens person
associatedWith William Best Hesseltine person
correspondedWith William E. Overall person
associatedWith William Henry Jackson person
associatedWith Wilson, James H. person
correspondedWith Winifred Freese person
associatedWith Wolper Productions, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Wyoming State Archives and Historical Department corporateBody
associatedWith Yale University Library corporateBody
associatedWith Young, Brigham person
Place Name Admin Code Country
West (U.S.)
United States
United States


Birth 1919

Death 1981-03-31


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6542srw

Ark ID: w6542srw

SNAC ID: 27224750