Tuskegee Institute
History notes:
not available for this record
Links to collections
Tuskegee University. Printed materials, 1902-1992.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Tuskegee Institute. [Pamphlets on the Tuskegee normal and industrial institute].
Yale University Library
Tuskegee Institute. Tuskegee Institute news clippings file, 1899-1966 (inclusive), [microform].
Yale University Library
Tuskegee Institute. [Tuskegee institute. : Pamphlet box.].
HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
Tuskegee Institute. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1936-1963.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Tuskegee Institute. [Letters] / Booker T. Washington.
Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
Bolton, Frances Payne Bingham, 1885-1977. Papers, 1939-1977.
Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
J. Walter Thompson Company. Domestic Advertisements Collection, 1875-2001 and undated, bulk 1920s-1990s
David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Richardson, Harry V. (Harry VanBuren), 1901-1990. Reminiscences of Harry V. Richardson : oral history, 1981.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
United Negro College Fund project : oral history, 1979-1981.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
Frank P. and Helen Chisholm family papers, 1846-1994
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
Booker T. Washington correspondence, 1889-1913
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
Austin W. Curtis Papers, 1896-1971
Bentley Historical Library
Robert C. Ogden Papers, 1843-1913, (bulk 1890-1913)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Jackson, Ida Louise, 1902-. Overcoming barriers in education.
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943. Papers, 1893-1980.
Iowa State University, Parks Library
Simpson family. Papers, 1847-1961.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Davis, Eugene. Eugene Davis papers, 1924-1926.
University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
Papers, 1866-1927
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
Phelps-Stokes Fund. Phelps-Stokes Fund records, 1893-1970.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
Longfellow, Alice M. (Alice Mary), 1850-1928. Alice Mary Longfellow papers, 1850-1965.
Longfellow House, Longfellow National Historic Site
Kaine, Alice J. Cutright. Papers, 1864-1947.
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
Alabama. Governor (1951-1954 : Persons). State institutions files, 1950-1954.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Aldrich, Winthrop W. (Winthrop William), b. 1885. Papers, 1918-ca. 1973 (inclusive).
Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
Arnold S. Kaufman papers, 1954-1971
Bentley Historical Library
Alabama. Governor (1923-1927 : Brandon). State institution files, 1923-1927.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
General Education Board. Archives, 1901-1964.
Rockefeller Archive Center
Fisher, Constance C. Constance C. and Isaac Fisher papers, 1919-1956, 1970.
Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
Park, Robert Ezra, 1864-1944. Papers, 1882-1979 (inclusive).
University of Chicago Library
Patterson, Frederick D. (Frederick Douglass), 1901-1988. Reminiscences of Frederick Douglass Patterson : oral history, 1980.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
Carpenter, Charles William, 1886-1971. Charles W. Carpenter papers, 1909-1970.
Bentley Historical Library
Patterson, Frederick D. (Frederick Douglass), 1901-1988. Reminiscences of Frederick Douglass Patterson : oral history, 1981.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
William and Annette Curtis collection of African Americana and church history materials, circa 1833-2000
L. Tom Perry Special Collections
Stokes, Caroline Phelps, 1854-1909. Papers of Caroline and Olivia Phelps Stokes, 1866-1927 (inclusive).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
John Julius Dargan papers, 1785-1965 (bulk, 1877-1940).
University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
Alabama. Governor (1943-1947 : Sparks). Public relation files, 1943-1947.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Alabama. Governor (1979-1983: James). Proclamations, 1979-1982.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Jones, Cornelius J. Oral history interview with Cornelius J. Jones, 1987.
Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
Frederick D. Paterson Papers, 1861-1988, (bulk 1965-1988)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Lyons, Minnie Lee. Scrapbooks, 1912-1946.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Baldwin, William O. (William Owen), 1895-1987. William O. Baldwin family papers, 1835-1993.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Alabama. Governor (1947-1951 : Folsom). State institutions files, 1943-1950.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Foster, Luther H. (Luther Hilton), 1913-. Reminiscences of Luther H. Foster : oral history, 1981.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
Curtis, Austin W., 1911-. Austin W. Curtis papers, 1896-1971.
Bentley Historical Library
Platte, Claude, 1919-. Oral history interview with Claude Platte, 2006 July 27.
University of North Texas Library, UNT
Alabama. Governor (1943-1947 : Sparks). Speeches, 1943-1946.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Park, Robert E. Magazine clippings : Agricultural extension among the Negroes.
Temple University, Blockson Afro-American History Collection
Wynn, Daniel Webster, 1919-. Papers. 1936-79.
Tulane University, Amistad Research Center
Letters sent to Walter Hines Page from various correspondents, English period, 1876-1937.
Houghton Library
Charles W. and Mary Lesley Ames family papers., 1803-1986 (Bulk 1880-1945).
Minnesota Historical Society
Cleveland Tuskegee Alumni Association. Records 1940-1970.
Western Reserve Historical Society, Research Library
Kelly, Hattie Simmons, 1896-1982. Reminiscences of Hattie Simmons Kelly : oral history, 1976.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
McKenzie, Fayette Avery, b. 1872. Fayette Avery McKenzie papers, 1915-1926.
John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library. Special Collections & Archives
J. Walter Thompson Company. Information Center Records, 1890s-1987
David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. Papers of Booker T. Washington: series 1-6, 1864-1960 (inclusive), [microform].
Yale University Library
Farnam family papers, 1721-2002 (inclusive), 1850-1937 (bulk).
Yale University Library
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. Papers of Booker T. Washington: series 1-4, 1864-1960 (inclusive), [microform].
Yale University Library
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. Letters, 1908-1911.
Buffalo History Museum, Research Library
Booker T. Washington Papers, 1853-1946, (bulk 1900-1915)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching. Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching records, 1930-1942.
Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library
Kaufman, Arnold S. (Arnold Saul), 1927-1971. Arnold S. Kaufman papers, 1954-1971.
Bentley Historical Library
McCloy, Charles Harold, 1886-1959. Papers of Charles H. McCloy, 1907-1959.
University of Iowa Libraries
Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943. ALS, 1937 March 27 : to Mrs. Max Adler, Beverly Hills, California.
Copley Press, J S Copley Library
Henry Adams autograph album, 1833-1939.
Houghton Library
University of Michigan. Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs (University of Michigan) records, 1947-[ongoing].
Bentley Historical Library
Cosby, Forest L., 1864-1933. Forest L. Cosby papers, 1930-1941.
Columbus State University, Simon Schwob Memorial Library
Dawson, William Levi, 1899-1990. William Levi Dawson papers, 1903-1990.
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
Davis, Benjamin O., 1880-1970. Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. collection, 1893-1974, bulk 1941-1945.
U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
Alabama Humanities Foundation. Records, 1974-[ongoing].
Alabama Department of Archives and History
John Chavis papers, 1965-1971
Bentley Historical Library
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967. Papers of Langston Hughes [manuscript], 1925-1982.
University of Virginia. Library
Booker T. Washington Letters, 1896-1912
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
Alabama. Governor (1955-1959 : Folsom). State institutions files, 1954-1959.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Learned Hand papers
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Alabama. Governor (1935-1939 : Graves). State institutions files, 1919-1939.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Barnett, Claude, 1889-1967. Claude A. Barnett papers, 1918-1967 (bulk 1928-1963).
Chicago History Museum
Alabama. Legislature. Macon County committee records, 1957-1963.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Horace Mann Bond Papers, 1830-1979, 1926-1972
Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries
Howard, Oscar C., ca. 1914-. Oscar C. Howard papers, 1945-1990.
Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. TLS, 1914 October 10 : Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, to the editor of the Herald.
Copley Press, J S Copley Library
Alabama. Governor (1939-1943 : Dixon). State institutions files, 1937-1942.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Moton Family Papers, 1850-1991, (bulk 1930-1940)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Arkansas History Commission. President Floyd Brown and his Tuskegee friends, 1916 [graphic].
Arkansas History Commission
Chavis, John, 1923-. John Chavis papers, 1965-1971.
Bentley Historical Library
Charles C. Dawson papers
Archives of American Art
Charles William Carpenter Papers, 1909-1970
Bentley Historical Library
Patterson, Frederick D. (Frederick Douglass), 1901-1988. Frederick D. Patterson papers, 1861-1988 (bulk 1965-1988).
Library of Congress
Phelps-Stokes Fund records, 1893-1970
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives Section
Curtis, William, 1936-,. William and Annette Curtis collection of African Americana and church history materials.
Harold B. Lee Library
University of Michigan. Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Vice-President for Academic Affairs (University of Michigan) records, 1947-[ongoing].
Bentley Historical Library
Carpenter, Charles William, 1886-1971. Charles W. Carpenter papers, 1909-1966.
Bentley Historical Library
Tyson, James Guy, 1899-1970. James Guy Tyson papers, 1907-1970.
Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
Clark, Henry T. (Henry Toole), 1917-2008. Henry T. Clark papers, 1920s-1996.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Papers of Paul J. Sachs, 1903-2005
Harvard Art Museums. Archives
Gerrit Smith Miller papers, 1878-1937.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
Kenney, John A. (John Andrew), 1874-1950. John A. Kenney writings, 1940-1949.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
Farnam family papers, 1721-2002 (inclusive), 1850-1937 (bulk).
Yale University Library
Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs (University of Michigan). Staff Files, 1947--[ongoing]
Bentley Historical Library
Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs (University of Michigan) Supplemental Files, 1953-[ongoing]
Bentley Historical Library
Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs (University of Michigan) central files, 1947-2010
Bentley Historical Library
Wolfe, Deborah Cannon Partridge, 1916-. Reminiscences of Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe : oral history, 1979.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932. Papers, 1905-1963 (inclusive), 1905-1933 (bulk).
University of Chicago Library
Alabama. Governor (1943-1947 : Sparks). State institutions files, 1942-1946.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Stokes, James Graham Phelps, 1872-1960. James Graham Phelps Stokes papers, 1779-1960, (bulk 1884-1960).
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
Booker T. Washington correspondence, 1889-1913.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory
Ames, Charles W. (Charles Wilberforce), 1855-1921. Charles W. and Mary Lesley Ames family papers, 1803-1986 (bulk 1880-1945).
Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
Park, Robert Ezra. Collection, 1882-1979
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
Miller, Gerrit Smith, 1845-1937. Gerrit Smith Miller papers, 1878-1937.
Cornell University Library
Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. Records, 1909-1972.
Auburn University.
Simms, Bob (Robert H. Simms), 1927. Bob Simms collection, 1907-2006.
University of Miami, Otto G. Richter Library
Flanagan, John, 1923-. Oral history interview with John Flanagan, 2006 July 27.
University of North Texas Library, UNT
Alice J. Cutright Kaine Papers, 1864-1947
David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Richardson family. Papers of the Richardson family, 1824-1999 (inclusive), 1900-1976 (bulk).
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
Papers, 1841-1956.
Ralph Brown Draughon Library
Member institutions, 1944-1985.
New York State Historical Documents Inventory
Fowler, Manet Harrison. Manet Harrison Fowler papers, 1913-1960.
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943. ALS, 1923 July 2 : to Dr. W.E.B. DuBois.
Copley Press, J S Copley Library
Edwards, William James, b. 1869. Papers. 1893-1984.
Tulane University, Amistad Research Center
Claude Barnett and the Associated Negro Press, 1976-1977
Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
Rosenwald, Julius. Papers, 1905-1963
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
Hill, Lucille V. Lucille V. Hill papers, 1942-1994.
Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System, Central Library
Belton, Zelda. Reminiscences of Zelda Belton : oral history, 1981.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
Related names in SNAC
Ellison, Ralph, 1914-1994
Adams, Henry, 1838-1918
Aldrich, Winthrop W. (Winthrop William), b. 1885.
Ames, Charles W. (Charles Wilberforce), 1855-1921.
Baldwin, William O. (William Owen), 1895-1987.
Barnett, Claude, 1889-1967.
Belton, Zelda.
Bolton, Frances Payne Bingham, 1885-1977.
Bond, Horace Mann, 1904-1972
Caroline, 1854-1909
Carpenter, Charles William, 1886-1971.
Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943.
Chavis, John.
Chavis, John, 1923-
Chisholm, Frank P., 1879-1977.
Clark, Henry T. (Henry Toole), 1917-2008.
Cosby, Forest L., 1864-1933.
Curtis, Annette Wegner
Curtis, Austin W., 1911-
Curtis, William
Curtis, William, 1936-,
Dargan, John Julius, 1848-1925.
Davis, Benjamin O., 1880-1970.
Davis, Eugene.
Dawson, Charles C., b. 1889.
Dawson, William Levi, 1899-1990.
Edwards, William James, b. 1869.
Fisher, Constance C.
Flanagan, John, 1923-
Foster, Luther H. 1913-.
Fowler, Manet Harrison.
Hand, Learned, 1872-1961
Hill, Lucille V.
Howard, Oscar C., ca. 1914-
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967.
Jackson, Ida Louise, 1902-
Jones, Cornelius J.
Kaine, Alice J. Cutright.
Kaufman, Arnold S. (Arnold Saul), 1927-1971.
Kelly, Hattie Simmons, 1896-1982.
Kenney, John A. (John Andrew), 1874-1950.
Kitchens, John W.,
Longfellow, Alice M. (Alice Mary), 1850-1928.
Lyons, Minnie Lee.
McCloy, Charles Harold, 1886-1959.
McKenzie, Fayette Avery, b. 1872.
Miller, Gerrit Smith, 1845-1937.
Ogden, Robert C. (Robert Curtis), 1836-1913
Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918
Park, Robert E.
Park, Robert Ezra, 1864-1944.
Patterson, Catherine Moten.
Patterson, Frederick D. (Frederick Douglass), 1901-1988.
Platte, Claude, 1919-
Richardson, Harry V. (Harry VanBuren), 1901-1990.
Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932.
Sachs, Paul J., 1878-1965
Sanders Family.
Stokes, Caroline Phelps, 1854-1909.
Stokes, James Graham Phelps, 1872-1960.
Tyson, James Guy, 1899-1970.
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915.
Wolfe, Deborah Cannon Partridge, 1916-
Wynn, Daniel Webster, 1919-
Farnam family
Farnam family.
Moton family
Richardson family.
Simms, Bob (Robert H. Simms), 1927.
Simpson family.
Alabama Cooperative Extension Service.
Alabama. Governor (1923-1927 : Brandon).
Alabama. Governor (1935-1939 : Graves).
Alabama. Governor (1939-1943 : Dixon).
Alabama. Governor (1943-1947 : Sparks).
Alabama. Governor (1947-1951 : Folsom).
Alabama. Governor (1951-1954 : Persons).
Alabama. Governor (1955-1959 : Folsom).
Alabama. Governor (1979-1983: James).
Alabama Humanities Foundation.
Alabama. Legislature.
Cleveland Tuskegee Alumni Association.
General Education Board.
J. Walter Thompson Company.
Ku-Klux Klan.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Phelps-Stokes Fund.
Tuskegee University.
United Negro College Fund.
University of Michigan. Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
Collection Locations
no collection locations known
This is only a preview comparison of Constellations. It will only exist until this window is closed.
- Added or updated
- Deleted or outdated
- African Americans
- African Americans
- Blacks
- Civil rights
- Discrimination
- Lynching
- Race relations
- Segregation
- African Americans
not available for this record
- United States (as recorded)
- Alabama (as recorded)